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Recursions in Excel for ModeRn Executives

Abstract: This is a Set of common topics with wide use in the office.
Specific work Instances like Data Analyst, Finance, Projects, DataBase, Web, coding
applications etc. are ignored to keep common audience & simplicity.
This is summaratively, a course in MS Excel.

Excel as a Spreadsheet application

The Excel Envoirnment: Ribbon Views, Tabs etc.
Basic Excel Objects and their Property : Fonts, Borders etc.
Common Excel Features.
SHORTCUTS: Basic Navigation anf Editing.

Excel Formulae
Commonly used Text Formulae
Logical Formulae, Find, Match, Index, Lookups &reference functions
Iterative Calculations and More Complex Formulae
Numerical, Statistical, Financial and Data Formulae.

Tables, Named Ranges & Conditional Formatting

Advantages of Dealing in Tables, Syntax issues
Conditional Formatting, custom formulae
Dynamic Range Names , Same name across sheets,Using the Name Manager
Creating A Drop Down List, Data Validation
Caveats, Work-arounds and More….

Pivot Tables
Introduction, Caveates, Layouts.
Custom Formatting Data (eg Text values), Functions, Reporting.
Introduction to Pivot Charts, and GetPivotData function

Advanced Recursions in Excel -Formula, Data Presentation etc.

Recursions in Array Formulae
Recursions in Advanced Formulae, Preecedents dependants etc.
Trouble Shooting


Charts: Best Practices

Workbook&Sheet Objects -- Protection, Sharing : Best Practices
Mail Merge.
Working around with Comments.
GAS vs Excel
Research Tools
Export Options etc.

© Scintilaa Education Center, Feb 22, 2017.

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