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Learning Record Form For Research ONLY Name: Nattapoom Dumronglaohapun 1002

The purpose of this form is to document your learning as you are researching.

What you should see is that learning is a process. Your goal should be to update this form on a daily basis as you work and find out additional information:

 Include the information you have learned, with the main ideas summarized in your own words. If you can’t summarize it in your own words, you haven’t learned it.
 Include the dates so that you can monitor your learning process.
 As you learn more, you should always have more questions. We should see continuous questions and answers as you seek to deepen your knowledge.

Knowledge Section: This section will be where you record what you know. At the end it should give us a picture of the starting point.

 Things you know and things you learned: This section will be the first section you will fill out. Here you will list, summarized in your own words, every important
idea that you know so far. Choose a specific color for all the things that you know. This should be summarized in your own words.

Question Sections: Questions ‘drive’ learning. Asking effective questions is the key to real learning. You should keep a careful record of all questions that come to your
mind. If the teacher comes to ask what you are doing, you should be able to show them the question that is driving your learning.

 Things you know that you don’t know: These should be questions that come from you. Having focused questions is an important part of doing efficient research.
If the teacher comes to ask you what you are doing, you should be able to show them the question you are focused on. As you learn new information, add it to the
‘things you know section’ in a different color.

Learning Section: This section will be where you record as what you learn. At the end it should give us a picture of the learning that took place during this project.

 Things you learned: This section will be filed out throughout the project. Here you will list, summarized in your own words, every important idea that you have
learned so far. As you learn more, you should add to this list. . Choose a different color for all the things that you learn. This should be summarized in your own
Knowledge Section: Things you know Question Section: Things you know that you don’t know
30 April, 2018 30 April, 2018
Animal farming causes many environmental degradation and destruction as it How deforestation relates to animal farming?
required large amount of land, water, and food to raise these animals. As the What are the greenhouse gases produced from animal farming?
human population increased, the demand in meat consumption has also increased. - Are there any greenhouse gases other than CO2, Nitrous oxide, and
This, therefore, means more animal farming is needed. Hence, this would lead to Methane that are produced from animal farming?
deforestation for more land.
A further point to consider is pollution in terms of greenhouse gases emission. 1 May, 2018
Since 51% of world greenhouse gases emission is from animal farming, there are What are some facts about animal farming?
many processes in animal farming relating to releasing of greenhouse gases. For
example, methane releasing from digestive system of cows, fossil fuels used during 2 May, 2018
processes, etc. What are the effects of deforestation for grazing cows?
- Relationship to Species Extinction
Other things that I know - Habitat destruction
1. Deforestation is a cause of habitat loss
2. Deforestation can contribute to global warming and species extinction. 3 May, 2018
3. Cows release Methane Is true that greenhouse gases emission from animal farming take up 51% of world
4. Methane has higher GWP than CO2 greenhouse gases?
5. Releasing of Greenhouse gases lead to Global Warming causing Climate
Change, 4 May, 2018
- If 51% is fake. How many percentage of global greenhouse emission caused
from animal farming?

5 May, 2018
What are some facts about greenhouse gases emission?

7 May, 2018
What are the processes of meat production that release fossil fuel?
- What are the amount of greenhouse gases released from farming?

8 May, 2018
Recheck the amount of greenhouse gases released from animal farming
- Comparing with other sources

9 May, 2018
Recheck the percent of greenhouse gases released from animal farming
- Comparing with other sources
10 May, 2018
What are the effects, in general, caused by greenhouse gases?

11 May, 2018
What are the effects, in specific, caused by greenhouse gases that is released
from animal farming?

15 May, 2018
How animal agriculture contributes to Global Warming?

18 May, 2018
What are the effects of Climate Change?

20 May, 2018
Facts about land and animal agriculture

22 May, 2018
Facts about Deforestation and Animal Farming

23 May, 2018
What are the effects of deforestation for animal agriculture?

24 May, 2018
Recapture the information about Deforestation and Animal Farming

25 May, 2018
What are the solutions for Greenhouse Gas Emission Problems?

28 May, 2018
What are the solutions for Deforestation Problems?
Things you learned.
30 April, 2018
How deforestation relates to animal farming?
Admittedly, there are numerous studies have shown that agriculture has played a major role as the biggest cause of deforestation. According to the Wageningen
University and Research Centre, around 80% of world deforestation has the agriculture as the leading cause.
As animals have to eat, there are large amount of crops or grasses needed to feed them. Farmers have cleared forests and turned them to place for growing crops or
grazing livestock. Hence, the more animal farming, the more land required for food feeding animals, which will eventually means the more deforestation would happen
as the land in the city is limited.
What are the greenhouse gases produced from animal farming?
- Are there any greenhouse gases other than CO2, Nitrous oxide, and Methane that are produced from animal farming?
There are 3 main greenhouse gases produced from animal farming, and there is no supporting evidence for other greenhouse gases emission from agriculture.

1 May, 2018
What are some facts about animal farming?
1. Producing one calorie of animal protein needs ten times of fossil fuel as much as producing one calorie of plant protein. (The American Journal of Clinical
2. 30% of the Earth’s landmass is covered with animal farming. (Livestock’s Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options, a 2006 report published by the United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization)
3. Using Toyota Prius instead of regular car can prevent 1 tonne of the CO2 the emission, while consuming vegan diet instead of omnivorous diet can prevent 1.5
tonnes of the CO2 emission, which is 50% more CO2 saved. (“It’s better to green your diet than your car”, The New Scientist, December 17, 2005.)

2 May, 2018
What are the effects of deforestation?
- Relationship to Species Extinction
- Habitat destruction
1. Habitat loss  Population Decline  Extinction
2. Unbalance amount of O2 and CO2  Global Warming
3. Disturb rainfall pattern

3 May, 2018
Is true that greenhouse gases emission from animal farming take up 51% of world greenhouse gases?
According to Elsevier (2011), the statement that 51% of world greenhouse gases is from animal agriculture is not reliable because Worldwatch Institution is a non-peer
reviewed report which had bias and used a flawed method to estimate the greenhouse gases emission from animal farming. Moreover, it didn’t show the scientific
details and evidences.
According to Karin (2016), the 51% of world greenhouse gases is from animal agriculture that Worldwatch Institution has claimed is not accurate as they forget the
fact that grass can also absorb the CO2. Despite the fact that trees are cutting down to grow grasses and crops to feed animals, it is undeniable that those grasses and
crops are also plants which means they can also do a photosynthesis, take the CO2 from the atmosphere, and bring CO2 back to the soil.
4 May, 2018
If 51% is fake. How many percentage of global greenhouse emission caused from animal farming?
According to World Resource Institution (WRI, 2018), Stephen Russell has claimed that in 2011, animal farming had emitted 6 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases
which is around 13% of world greenhouse gases emission.
According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), the animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of total greenhouse gases emission.
According to European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), animal agriculture has emitted 14.5% of all greenhouse gases.

5 May, 2018
4. From 1960 to 2014, the CO2 emission/person had risen from 3.099 metric tons to 4.97 metric tons.
5. In 2009, emissions from industrial countries dropped causing global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use down from a high of 8.5 billion tons of carbon in 2008 to
8.4 billion tons.
6. In 2009, the CO2 emission/person had dropped from 4.756 metric tons/year in 2008 and 4.656 metric tons/year in 2009.

7 May, 2018
What are the processes of meat production that release fossil fuel? (With Details)
The processes in meat production that emits greenhouse gases are growing animal feed, running farm, packaging and transporting, using land for farming, manure
managing, and digesting grasses of monogastric animals.
CO2  41 + 90 + (30 to 50) + (2.4*10^3) + 100 + 28 million tonnes  (2,689 to 2,709)  Around 2.7 billion tonnes/year
1. Growing animal feed  Fertilizers  41 million tonnes of CO2/year
2. Running farm  Farm machinery operation  90 million tonnes of CO2/year
3. Packaging and transporting  Serveral tens million tonnes of CO2/year
4. Using land for farming
Deforestation  Loss in CO2 sink  2.4 billion tonnes of CO2/year
Dissertifications  Loss in CO2 sink  100 million tonnes of CO2/year
Feed crop cultivation  Loss in CO2 sink  28 million tonnes of CO2/year

Methane  90 million tonnes/year

1. Digesting grasses of monogastric  Enteric fermentation
2. Manure managing  Decomposing manure

Nitrous oxide  2-4 million tonnes/year

1. Growing feed crop  Using of synthetic fertilization  Run off fertilizers
2. Livestock Manure

2,700 + 90 + (2 to 4) = 2,792 to 2,794

Thus, the total amount is around 2.8 billion tonnes/year
***Additional Information for Question from 3 May, 2018 and 4 May, 2018
It is undeniable that variation of percentage of greenhouse gases emitted from animal agriculture, 13% - 51%, might not mean that each organization has made up the
number on its own; rather, this variation might come from the different way that they analyzed the data and estimated the number.

8 May, 2018
Recheck the amount of greenhouse gases released from animal farming
- Comparing with other sources
According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2006), there had been 7.1 gigatonnes of CO2 equiv released from animal farming per year.
In 2006, the equivalent of 5,120 to 6,116 million tonnes of carbon dioxideare emitted by agriculture (Denman et al., 2007; EPA, 2006a).
***Compared to my information (2.8 billion of CO2, 90 million of Methane, 2-4 million of NO2)
1. Methane has 25 times more GWP, so 1 methane would be equivalent to 25 CO2  90 million methane = 2.25 billion CO2
2. NO2 has 298 times more GWP, so 1 NO2 would be equivalent to 298 CO2  2 million NO2 = 596 million CO2 & 4 million NO2 = 1.19 million CO2
Therefore, 2.8 + 2.3 + 1.2 = 6.3 CO2 equiv per year
Since there would be some missing information or difference in number of data, 6.3 would, therefore, be close enough and acceptable.
***GWP = Global Warming Potential

9 May, 2018
Recheck the amount of greenhouse gases released from animal farming
- Comparing with other sources
According to Environmental indicators Te taiao Aotearoa of New Zealand’s Environmental Report Series, the global amount of greenhouse gases produced is around
44,000 megatonnes of CO2 equiv emitted in 2011.
44,000 megatonnes = 44 billion tonnes
44 billion tonnes = 100%
Thus, 6.3 billion tonnes = 6.3*100/44 = 14.3%
***Compared with 13%, 14.5%, and 18% of other sources, 14.3% is, therefore, acceptable.

10 May, 2018
What are the effects, in general, caused by greenhouse gases?
Greenhouse gases are the gases that have slightly charged to reflect radiation. This, therefore, means that the heat is trapped within the earth as the sun radiation
that reached the earth surface would be reflected back into the space. Instead of going out all, greenhouse gases have trapped them with in the earth causing the
temperature in the earth become suitable for lives. However, increasing of extra greenhouse gases has caused more greenhouse effect which leads to Global warming.
As the global warming began, it had made the impacts on the earth.
1. Ocean Acidification  Ocean becomes more acidic  The ability to produce skeleton of coral reef is affected
2. Melting Glaciers  Rise in sea level  The habitat of some species are afflected.
3. Disruption to Habitat  Climate Change, Ocean Acidification & Melting Glaciers  Degrade in Habitat & species are pushed out by newcomers
4. Frequence Natural Disasters  More heatwave & violent rainfall  More storms
5. Climate Change  Increase Temp  Low Rainfall & Melting Glaciers
11 May, 2018
What are the effects, in specific, caused by greenhouse gases that is released from animal farming?
According to Schwartz (2017), there are approximately 400 different gases released from animal farming. For example, ammonia, endotoxins, and hydrogen sulfide as
well as particulate matter. However, the greenhouse gases emitted from the animal farming are mainly CO2, CH4, and NO2.
1. Asphyxiation: Methane and Nitrous Oxide displace the oxygen needed for breathing  Suffocation
2. Acid Rain: Nitrous Oxide combined with water  Nitric Acid
3. Eutrophication: Nitric Acid rain dropped on land or water  Eutrophic Condition
4. Global Warming: CO2, CH4, and N2O trap heat (Especially the CH4 and N2O which have very high GWP)  Others consequences as mentioned on 10 May, 2018

15 May, 2018
How animal agriculture contributes to climate change?
In animal farming, there are many processes that produced CO2 to the atmosphere including growing livestock feed, using fossil fuel to run the farms, packaging and
transporting products, and changing land to farmland. These activities contributed to a large amount of greenhouse gases, plus with the forests that are cleared to be a
place for animal farming as a cow needs around 10 acres of grassland for them to feed. This lead to deforestation which therefore means the decrease of carbon storing
in trees and soil. Also, methane is produced in enteric fermentation as well as in decomposition of animal wastes and manure, and nitrous oxide is released from
synthetic fertilization and livestock manure.
Both emission of greenhouse gases and decreased in CO2 reservoir cause the rise in greenhouse gases, which lead to excessive greenhouse effect causing the Global
Warming. The global warming has also led to other consequences which one of them is climate change.
In short:
Processes in Animal Farming  Increase in Greenhouse Gas Emission & Decrease in Carbon Reservoir  Excessive Greenhouse Effect  Global Warming
 Climate Change
***Climate change is a long term change in the earth’s average temperature in a particular region. Climate change has also included the changes in temperature,
precipitation, or even wind pattern.

18 May, 2018
What are the effects of Climate Change?
1. Rise in the average earth temperature
-About 5 Celsius of average temperature has increased in the last 100 years (World Wildlife Fund [WWF], n.d.).
2. Increase of Natural Disasters’s Frequemcy
-The warmer air, the more water can be hold (World Wildlife Fund [WWF], n.d.)
 Extreme Pattern of Precipitation
 Extreme drought and flooding will be more common (World Wildlife Fund [WWF], n.d.)
-The lower different temperature between polar and equator, the more number of storms (Tselioudis as cited in NASA, n.d.).
3. Increase of Dead zone:
-The warmer water, the less oxygen can be held (William & Mary, 2018) Lack of oxygen
-The warmer water can increase the metabolism of marine organisms (William & Mary, 2018)  Need more oxygen
-The more rainfall, the more runoff of nitrogen into the water (Berwyn, 2017)  Algae Bloom  Toxic & Less oxygen in water
4. Rise in Sea level
-The warmer air  Melting Glaciers  Sea level rise
5. Extinction of Species
-Rise in temperature of 1.5 Celsius will increase extinction risk in 20-30% of species, while the 3 Celsius increase will cause most ecosystem become struggle.
(The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as cited in WWF, n.d.)
-By 2050, 50% of species will be extinct
-According to Mark (2015), almost 8% of species will be extinct from climate change
- Many scientists believed that climate change is one of the main factors causing the extinction of Golden Toad (Windeler, 2005)
-Climate Change has affected species in both direct way and indirect way
1. Effect on Habitats: Ex. Rise in Temperature = Ice free  Having no platform to live
2. Effect on Behaviors: Ex. Change in Climate  Changing in Breeding Behaviors and Reproductive Success
3. Effect on Physical: Ex. Increase in Temperature  Imbalance number of male and female
4. Effect on Competitors: Ex. Change in Habitat  Allow species from other place to come in  More competition
This, therefore, means that the species have to adapt themselves for the changes in order to live. The species that cannot adapt will result in Extinction.

20 May, 2018
Facts about land and animal agriculture
1. Land required to feed a person for a year (Eishel, 2014)
1. Vegan  1/6 acre
2. Vegetarian  1/2 acre
3. Meat Eater  3 acres
2. 1.5 acres = 37,000 pound of plant based-food, while 1.5 acres = 375 pound of beef (Schwab, 2012)

22 May, 2018
Facts about Deforestation and Animal Farming
1. According to Rawles (2018), 18.7 million acres of forest are lost every year.
2. 136 million acres of rainforest has been cleared for animal agriculture (Butler, 2017).
3. Livestock covers 45% of all land (Phillip, 2011)
4. One year without paper could save 8.5 trees, while one year without beef could save 3432 trees. (Rainforest Foundation US, n.d.)
5. According to FAO, around 50% of the world’s tropical forests have been cut.
6. 15% of all Greenhouse Gas Emissions come from Deforestation (Rawles, 2018)
7. Deforestation releases billions of tonnes of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and causes the extinction of tens of thousands of species
annually (Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO], n.d.).
8. Loss of forests contributes as much as 30 percent of global greenhouse-gas emissions each year
23 May, 2018
What are the effects of deforestation for animal agriculture?
Recall the information from 2 May, 2018
What are the effects of deforestation?
- Relationship to Species Extinction
- Habitat destruction
1. Habitat loss  Population Decline  Extinction
2. Unbalance amount of O2 and CO2  Global Warming
3. Disturb rainfall pattern

According to FAO, the effects of deforestation for animal agricultures are…

1. Carbon Dioxide Emission: Decrease in Carbon sinks & CO2 emission during the process  Billions of tonnes of CO2 are emitted (25% of all human induced CO2)
2. Loss of Biodiversity: Farming inhospitable many species of bird and invertebrate & Habitat loss  Extinction
3. Soil Degradation: No leaves and branches to provide nutrients & No protection from sun and rain & No root to prevent erosion + Overgrazing  Quickly
Nutrient loss and Erosion of soils
4. Water Pollution: No water purification plants  Unable to retain water  Washed into river and streams  Water Polluted

In addition, CO2 emission can lead to Global warming and, therefore, climate change. Also, extinction of species can affect the whole ecosystem, which will have
impacts on human as well as mankind’s food, water, and air have all relied on the nature, ecosystems. (Compassion in World Farming, 2018)

***According to FAO
Trees absorb carbon from the atmosphere and convert it to woody tissue
Tropical forests is a habitat for more than 13 million distinct species (2/3 of all world’s animals and plants)
Native grass provide less nutrients and protections

It was estimated that services from ecosystem could be worth up to $33 trillion per year (Costanza et al., 1997).
Around 70% of all forest area was acknowledged to provide social services (MEA, 2005a).

24 May, 2018
Recapture the information about Deforestation and Animal Farming
Deforestation usually begin as the roads have been cut through the forest. At the same time, these roads allow the logging and mining become possible. After the
forest are cut, farmers have moved in to grow crops; however, the soils contain less nutrient, so the amount of crops has dropped down by the second year. Thus, the
farmers leave the land and allow grass to grow. Then, the ranchers move in since animal farming in the grassland need not much investment. 5-10 years passed, the
abundance land turned into wasteland due to nutrient loss and overgrazing.
In short,
Roads  Logging and Mining  Crop Farming  Amount of Crop Drop  Grassland  Livestock
***Importance of Forest
1. Store CO2
2. Regulate the World’s Climate
3. Habitat of Species

More Deforestation and Animal Agriculture Facts

1. According to FAO, the forest had decreased by 94,000 km^2 each year during 1990s.
2. According to FAO, the deforestation leads to immense damages on environment due to billions tonnes of CO2 emission and extinction of thousands species each
3. Grazing land has increased by 2-3 times since 1800, and now it took place around 35 million km2 (FAO, 2006)
4. Almost 35 million km2, 26% of the world’s land, is grazing land, and 3 million km2, around 21% of arable world land, is used to feed livestock. (FAO, n.d.)
5. Around 30% of all crop land is used to grow animal feed (Compassion in World Farming, 2018)
6. During 1980 and 2000, 25 times as large as UK size was used for new farmland, while more than 10% of this used to be tropical forests (Compassion in World
Farming, 2018)
7. It was reported that 3% of forest area had been lost between 1990 and 2005 (FAO, 2009)
8. Deforestation causes around 10% of global greenhouse gas emission (Rainforest Alliance, 2017)
9. Loss of forests causes 30% of all greenhouse gas emission per year (Johnson, 2009)

More Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture Facts

1. Climate change may affect the growth and production of plants due to spread of pests and diseases as well as heat and soil erosion ( Convention on Biological
Diversity, 2007)
2. Feed production and processing (Land use change is included) contributes to 45% of all greenhouse gas produced from animal agriculture, while enteric
fermentation and manure managing is responsible for 39% and 10% respectively. The rest is from processing and transportation of products (FAO, 2018)

25 May, 2018
What are the solutions for Greenhouse Gas Emission Problems?
There are 4 ways to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emitted from animal farming. (Schmidt, 2016)
1. Production Efficiency: Produce more output per unit input  Less time to run the processes  Less greenhouse
2. Energy Efficiency: Use the energy for the highest efficient
-As it was shown by a study that 85% of greenhouse gas from farming come from the electricity used (David, 2014)
-So, having an efficient electricity system would help in reducing amount of greenhouse gases
3. Manure Management: Proper storage, treatment, and application of manure  Decrease in extra ammonia, nitrous oxide, methane, and hydrogen sulfide.
4. Carbon capture: Cover crops, trees, and perennial vegetation  Increase Organic Matter content & Decrease CO2 emitted
28 May, 2018
What are the solutions for Deforestation Problems?
According to Union of Concerned Scientists (2012), there are 3 ways of solutions for deforestation.
1. Smart Food Choice: Eat less meat  Change to pork, chicken, or vegetable
2. Increase Productivity: Use rotational grazing, improve pasture, and develop silvopastoral
3. Eliminate subsidies the meat production expansion: Enforce law to alter agriculture out from forests and natural land.

Individual Work Log
Date: April 30, 2018
Goal: To be able to choose the topics that will be used in the final project and research the basic information about
the topics.

Reflect Paragraph (5-7 sentences):

For today, I spent most of the time to discuss with my group about the topics that we will use in the final project.
After we discussed, we agreed on six topics including deforestation, overuse of growth hormone, greenhouse gases
released, water use, overfishing, and overuse of pesticides. Then, each member chose the topics that he’s interested
to do. For me, I chose deforestation and greenhouse gases issues, and I started to research on the topics. At the end
of the class, I had learned that more animal farming would cause more deforestation as the animal farming required a
lot of land to not only raise the animals, but also grow the crops to feed animals. Also, I learned that there are only
three main greenhouse gases produced from livestock which are carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane. I have
accomplished my goal for basic information, so the next step would be finding some facts about animal farming.

Individual Work Log
Date: May 3, 2018
Goal: To be able to prove the statement that greenhouse gases from animal agriculture is 51% of world greenhouse
gases emission.

Reflect Paragraph (5-7 sentences):

Today, I have learned that not all of the information come from website ended with .org is reliable because there
were also reports called non-peer reviewed report. As I tried to find whether 51% of world greenhouse gases emission
is actually come from animal farming, I found that this might not be reliable since it has only emphasized on the
negative sides and ignored positive sides leading to flawed method to calculate. Also, there was no significant
scientific evidences or details of the method used to support this number. Although today did not go like what I
planned because we decided to change some topics and also have to finish the proposal, I am eventually still able to
complete my today’s goal. At this point, I have researched background information of both topics, then the next step
would be doing research on one topic, which I decided to start with greenhouse gases emission from farming first.

Individual Work Log
Date: May 4, 2018
Goal: To be able to find the actual greenhouse gases released from animal agriculture percentage of all greenhouse
gases emission.

Reflect Paragraph (5-7 sentences):

For this day, I have learned that the percentage of greenhouse gases emitted from animal farming has been
vary from 13-18%. However, there were many sources that mentioned about 51% from WorldWatch Institution. All in
all, it seems to turn out that 18% is the most popular percentage of greenhouse gases produced from animal
agriculture. Despite the fact that 51% of all greenhouse gases are from animal farming is not true, it can be seen that
51% is the second most well-known percentage of greenhouse gases released from animal farming. For these
information I could say that I had accomplished the goal of today. My next step would be finding the processes that
release greenhouse gases as well as amount of greenhouse gases that emits from animal farming through each

Individual Work Log
Date: May 7, 2018
Goal: To be able to know the processes releasing greenhouse gases and amount of greenhouse gases emitted from
animal farming.

Reflect Paragraph (5-7 sentences):

This day, I have learned that animal farming has estimately 2.8 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases that are emitted
annually and globally. It is shown that 2.7 billion tonnes have come from CO2, while methane and nitrous oxide
combined together is only 92 to 94 billion tonnes. Almost of processes in farming released the greenhouse gases,
whether they are growing animal feed, running farm, packaging and transporting, using land for farming, manure
managing, or digesting grasses of monogastric animals. For today, my goal was reached without doubt. Now, I have
known how much the greenhouse gases are produced from farming, so the next step is to recheck the information,
whether it’s accordant with the number that I come up with or not. If there is no problems, I could continue to find
the effects caused by these amount of greenhouse gases.

Individual Work Log
Date: May 10, 2018
Goal: To be able to understand the general effects of greenhouse gases.

Reflect Paragraph (5-7 sentences):

Today, I have learned the impacts of greenhouse gases emission. The greenhouse gases can do a process called
greenhouse effect which will keep the temperature of the earth to be warm. However, mankind has continuously
releases the greenhouse gases to the atmosphere causing the earth temperature to rise. As the temperature is
increase the Global Warming is begun. Nevertheless, global warming has also led to other issues, whether it is ocean
acidification, melting glaciers, disrupting habitats, frequence natural disasters, or climate change. For today, I have
reached my goal. The next thing that I’m going to do is finding the effects of greenhouse gases emission, in specific, on
the animal farming greenhouse gases.

Individual Work Log
Date: May 11, 2018
Goal: To be able to know and understand the effects of greenhouse gases caused by animal agriculture.

Reflect Paragraph (5-7 sentences):

Today, I have learned about the effects that caused by the greenhouse gases from animal farming. As I research, a
main issue that every source mainly mentions is global warming. However, I also found out other effects rather than
global warming and climate changes, which are asphyxiation, acid rain, and eutrophication. Also, I have realized that
nitrous oxide has contributed to many effects. Thus, my goal has been accomplished for this day. This would help me
being close in finishing this topic. The next step is focusing on the climate change resulting from animal agriculture
which is the main topic and complete this topic so that I could begin with the another topic.

Individual Work Log
Date: May 15, 2018
Goal: To be able to understand how animal farming lead to climate change.

Reflect Paragraph (5-7 sentences):

This day, I have learnt about the chain effects of animal agriculture. Beginning with processes causing the rise in
greenhouse gases and decline in CO2 reservoir, which lead to too much greenhouse effect. This is, therefore, followed
by the global warming and eventually climate change is taking place. For today, almost of my time was spent with the
meat production lecture; however, I could reach my goal. Completing this goal allows me to move on to the
consequences of climate change. The next step would be about effects of climate change, and if there is no problem, I
would move to my next topic on deforestation.

Individual Work Log
Date: May 18, 2018
Goal: To be able to understand the effects of climate change

Reflect Paragraph (5-7 sentences):

Today, I have learnt that climate change has many impacts on the environment. It is not only the rising the world
average temperature, but also the increase in the natural disaster frequency, dead zones, sea level, and extinction of
species. Also, I have realized that warmer water would make the marine animal to have more metabolism. For today, I
have completed my goal. This completion allows me to move on my next topic which is about deforestation. So, my
next step will be find facts about deforestation and animal farming before moving onto the deeper information about
the effects of deforestation.

Individual Work Log
Date: May 22, 2018
Goal: To be able to perceive the facts relating to the deforestation and animal farming.

Reflect Paragraph (5-7 sentences):

Today, most of the time was spent with the quiz review. However, I have learnt many facts about the deforestation
and animal farming. For example, 136 million acres of rainforest has been cut for animal agriculture. Also, the fact
that livestock covers almost half of all land. Thus, I have achieved my goal for today. This completion gives me a
knowledge that I would never think about before so that I could combine these facts with my information from next
steps. My next step would be finding more information of effects of deforestation for animal agricultures.

Individual Work Log
Date: May 25, 2018
Goal: To be able to understand the solutions for issues of greenhouse gas emission from animal agriculture.

Reflect Paragraph (5-7 sentences):

For today, I have learned about the ways to lower the greenhouse gas produced from the animal agriculture part.
As I researched, it turned out to have 4 major ways including productivity improvement, energy efficiency,
improvement of manure managing, and carbon capturing. Also, I have learned that improving productivity is one of
the ways to solve the problem, even though I never thought about this. So, I have reached my goal for today. This
would help me really done with my greenhouse gas emission topic. The next would, therefore, be the solutions for
deforestation issues.

Individual Work Log
Date: May 28, 2018
Goal: To be able to understand the solution of deforestation from animal farming as well as start working on the final

Reflect Paragraph (5-7 sentences):

Today, I have learned about the solutions for the problems of deforestation from the animal farming. 3 ways that
we could help is to choose the smart choice of food, increase the productivity, and take away the laws that support
the expansion of animal farming. Surprisingly, increasing productivity is one the way to solve the problem again. Also,
I have already started working on our final product. For this day, I have completed my goal already. Finishing goal of
today also means I have completed the information of 2 topics that I chose already. The next step would be
continuing to do the final product.

Individual Work Log
Date: May 30, 2018
Goal: To be able to finish the final product.

Reflect Paragraph (5-7 sentences):

Today, I have spent all of the time in the class to work on my final product. At the end of the class, I would say that
our group have complete designing, making a book, making a reference. In short, our product is acceptable to say
finish. Thus, I could say that my goal for today is kind of completed. However, I think we could do it better, so we
would add some decoration to our final product as the next step.


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