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rom990-PF Ss or Section 4947(a)(1) Trust Treated as Pr norte Souce Return of Private Foundation ate Foundation > Donot enter social security numbers on this form as it may be made public. > Information about Form 990-PF and its instructions fs at [efile GRAPHIC print DO NOT PROCESS [As Filed Data — | DLN: 93491316018195] ne No 1545-0052 2014 Open to Public een For calendar year 2014, or tax year beginning 01-01-2014 sand ending 12-31-2014 or TF eprover aNNCaON Hae Telephone nanber (ase marocons) (25 950-2600 IFexerptionappieation pening, check here & FH Check all that apply F_tnitial return [_Initial return of a former public charity D4. Foregn organaatons, check here te poe cee Sco setecsate eet 2G Hcheck type of organization Section 501 (€)(3) exempt private foundation oa ee section 4947(2)(1) nonexempt chantable trust_[ Other taxable pnvate foundation, TFeir market value ofall assets at end | 3Accounting method I Cash [Accrual | F 1 te foundaton ma 6o-month eminaton Deets a Henbemrestrt ert ane Incomes 90,900,708 th tea tS aE Baa CR DORRT Aanyveie ol mavenue and expenses | cpacvowernd | cyreimvesmen | ccrmiueedre | “arcanane™ Mec eds Sit) rae eae rout | orc at ce i aur & | 7 Toptaraain net income (rom Part1V, ine 2) TRA $ [15 Pension plans, employee benefits . © | 16a Legal fees (attach schedule). cal saa] Tonner professional fees (attach schedule) & [28 taxes (attach schedule) (see nstructions) S EE Ree ie es 785] 32 se | 21 Travel, conferences, and meetings . E24 texatopurting and edminit ative expenses 5 Add lines 13 through23.. . . . apagaa: 2.71009 imax ans sane 28 Totalacpenes and labore AGG tnas 26 and ‘Ete of revenue over expenses and dbursements aso fet nvestnet ico i neptve, enter -0-) a For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions, Cat No 1289% Form 990-PF (2014) Form 990-PF (2014) Page 2 DENTE sotance sheets Siti nee ental wear anus ony See vats ) “eee Boa Vase) Fae Ha Va Accounts recevable Lest allovance for dou acounts® 4 Pledges receivable Less allowance or doubit accounts 6 Recevvabes due from oficers, directors, tustes, and other disquatiied persons (attach schedule) (see instructions) 7 Other notes and loans receeble attach schedule) Less allovance or doubt accounts > te B| 9 presen expenses and deeredeneres sos sss a |10a_Investments—U S and state government obligations (attach schedule) 3,158,569 9,150,968 Investments—corporte stock fttach schedule). = ve eee + ama Fees Beast 12. Investinante—fand, buldinge and equipmant baste Less accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) 12 _tnwestments—tmertgege lone 13 _avestments—ther (attach schedule} aaa Bana Bana 14 Land, budings, and equpment basis son Less. accumlated depreciation atach schedule) 2084 aoubss 9s am 15. otherassets(desenbe® > io Baa on 16 Total ansets (tobe completed by al erases the ee Se mie | 20 Loans rom otcers, directors, trustees, and other disqualiied persons Bax merasges and othernoespayebi atach shes) 22 Other liabilities (describe P > 73.315] 23_Totalitlitns (ad ines 17 trough 22) 7 0.0 2H Foundations that fllow SFAS 137, check ewe PT 3] antcomplte tines 2 through 2 and tines 30 and 3. Blas unrestneted 2. Glas Tempormnyresincted vs eed Sa ine | Foundation that donot follow SFAS 137, check here FF | and complete ines 27 trough 3. [27 ceptal stock, tt pnepa or curent finds ee | 2m Paitin or capa! surplus, erlang, bldg, and equipment tnd 220 Retained earings, accumulated ncome, endowment, or ether funds ae aaa B]s0 Total net assets o fund balances (see instructions) sso sae 31 Total abities and mat ansts/fund balances (see structions) asa sear EEE Analysis of changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances 1 Total net assets a fund balances at begining af year—Part Il columa (a) ine 30 (must agree wth and-ot-yeer gure reporeedonpnoryears atime vee eee ew te dB 105,503,895 Scenics 0 ls 74,659,035 3 oOtherincreases not included nine 2 (itemize) 3 s Decreases not included in tine 2 (itemize) D> Ss 5 2,582,069 6 __Totalnetassetsorfund balances at end of year (ine 4 mus Ine S)-ParTi column ine 30_[ 6 33,262,811 Form 990-PF (2014) Form 990-PF (2014) Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income Page 3 (a) List and descnbe the kind{s) of property sold (e 9 , realestate, Coy Row araured|(c) Date acquired| (4) Date sold story brek warenause, orcammon stock, 200 sha MLC CO) popurchase [mo dey. ve) | (me day. ¥") da ___1 Pubhely Traded Secures a woso7-v1 | 7018-07-08 b 1 Publicly Traded Secunties P 3032-07-08_| 2014-07-08 1 FNMA Poot a 3033-07-08 | 2014-07-25 Capel Gain Owidende ican as TH Depreciation aiowes | (a) Cost arother basis (Gon or foesy (erellowable) lus expense of sale (epuss minus 6) = EEREEEIG) 24,636,095] 115917 ® 43,960,305] 35,233,999 5,774,992 ‘ © 13827 ‘Complete only for assets shaving gain in column (R) and owned by the foundation on 12/33/69 (Gains (Col (h) gain minus @) Adustea basis (ho Excess of ol (i) col (k), but not less than -0-)or OVE Pl ees cuted as of 12/31/69, over col O),tany Losses (Irom col (h)) . 5,774,992 © n340 o ; : Taain also enter in Par, hne 7 2 Capital gain net income of (net capital loss) Wlloss),enter-0-imParci, ime? | | a 3. Net shortterm capital gain or (loss) as defined n sections 1222(5) and (8) 1f gain also enter in Part ine 8, column (c) (see instructions) If (loss), enter -0 inPartt,iine8 eee teas a. ; ee (EEE cu wn Under Section 4940(e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income. (For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income } 1 section 4940(d)(2) applies, leave this part blank \Wias the foundation liable forthe section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year inthe base period? Ves," the foundation does not qualify under section 4940(e) Da nat complete this part 1LEnter the eppropriete amount in each column for each year, see instructions before making any entries T ves F No tase pod Yes Calear © ©, Drintaton ao scrapes gerecalente,, | saute quattag dsirtatons | Wet vai of nominees assets eo a) 2013 oss ToL gos 0.09365 2012 13,150,743 96,693,259 013601 zor 3,026,594 60,653,679) 0.04390 2008 2 Tetaloflinet,column(@ 7 LP 027955 3 Average aistrbution ratic forthe 5-year base period—divide the total online 2 by 5, or by the number of years the foundation has been in existence ifiess than 5 years zea 009318 4 Enter the net value of nonchantable-use assets for 2014 from PartX,line 5... = . [a 101 963,342 S Multiply ines byIINE3. ee ee ee ee ee LS 9,501,352 6 Enter 1% of net investment income (1% of Part Iie 278. 2 ee es LO 85,703 7 Addines Sand. 2 2 ee eee ee 3,587,055 8 Enterqualifying distributions fomPartXiLjinea. 2 2 ee ee LO 14,736,237 If tine 81s equal to or greater then line 7, check the box n Pert VI, line 1b, and complete that part using a Awe taxrate See the Part Viimstructions Form 990-PF (2014) Form 990-PF (2014) Page Excise Tax Based on Investment Income (Section 4940(a), 4940(b), 4940(e), or 4948—see page 18 of the instructions) Ia Exempt operating foundations described in section #940 0N2), check here B Pand enter N/A" nine 2 Date of ruling or determination letter (attach copy of latter if necesary-see instructions) bb Domestic foundations that meet te section 4940(e) requirements n Part V, check 1 95,703 here Be fFand enter of Pari lne 278 € Allother domestic foundations anter 2% ofline 27b Exempt fram organizations enter 4% of Partisine 12, cal ©) 2 Tak uideransbon 511 (mest sestn 454798) tan nel oudatons ely other 4S see tx omen secon 48470) tune ante andor ont othr 5 Tax based on investment income, Subtract hne 4frombine 3 Itzeroorless,enter-0-. . 2. 6 35,703 6 Cresits/Payments {2014 estimated tox payments and 2013 overpayment creited ro 201 | 6a es,044 Exempt foreign organzations tox wthheld at source oy € Taxpaid wth application for extension oftime to fle (Fom 8868). ee 75,509 sieve eramuia ts cesnas cy einai ee la 7 Total credits and payments Adélines 68 through 6 z 109,844 8 Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax Check here fy sfForm 2220 1s attached @ [8 295 9 Taxdoe. Ifthe total ofimes $ and te morethan ine 7,enteramount owed. ss. ® @ 10° Overpayment. fine 71s more than the total oflines $ and 8, enterthe amount overpaid, [30 Tae 11__Enterthe amount ofline 10 ta be cried to 2018 estimated tox 2016 Refunded > [an Statements Regarding Activities fn During the ax year, did the foundation attempt to infuence ony national sate, orTocal epilation ord Yes [No vt partcpate or intervene many political campaign? ee b idit send more than $100 dunng the year (her directly or ndrecty) for police! purposes (ese Instructions eter ae 1 the answer is "es" ob, attach deta descpton ofthe activites and copes of any matrals published or distributed by the foundation in conection withthe atts € Did the foundation fle Form 142O-POLFortMEYERP. we ee ee |__| 4 Enterthe amount (fany) oftax on polical expenditures (section 4985) imposed during the year G) on the foundation § (2) on foundation managers § Enter th ranbursemant (any) pd bythe foundation dering the year for polical expenditure tax mnposad an foundation managers Be $ 2 Hes the foundation engaged in any acts Hat have nt previously been reported to the IRS? 2 No 11 es, ettachodetoieddescntin ef the acts. 3. Has the foundation made any changes, not previously reported tothe IRS, inte governing instrument, articles of incorporation, or byana, or other simar instruments? 1f "Yes, "attach conformed cny ofthe changes 3 No 4a oid he foundation have unrelated business gross come of $1,000 or more during the yea? ene bb 1F*¥e5; hos ified a tax return on Form 990 fortis year? ve eve ve ee tv ee + [ap Ne 5 Was there a hquidatio, terminator, dissolution or substantial contraction dunmg the year? swe ss. No 1 "Ye," tach the statement requ by General Instruction T. 6 Are the requrements of section 508(e) (relating to sectons 4941 through 4545) satsed erther by language m the governing nstument or {By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions, that confict wi the state lweremain m the governnginstrument? ve we ee ee ee LO No 7. Did he foundation have atleast $5,000 m assets at any time dunng te yea? ZF "Yes,"complete Part, (©, be bb ftheonawersa "Yeo" fone 7, has the foundation furnished a copy ofForm 990-PF tothe Aviomey General (r designate) of exch state as required by General instruction G? If“, "attach explanation a» | ves 9 ste foundation claming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 49420X3) or 4942()(5)frcalenda year 2014 orth taxable year beginning n 2024 (se instructons for Par XIV)? 1 7¥e5," compet Part 0 2 No 10. id any persons become substantial contnbutors dunng the tex year? 1f "Yes," attcho schedule isting ther names and aderesses. Detect retort ete tee teen tte ess [49] | ne Form 990-PF (2014) Form 990-PF (2014) Page 5 ‘Statements Regarding Activities (continued) 41 Atany time dunng the year, did the foundation, directly or indirectly, own @ controlled entity wahin the meaning of section 512(b\13)? If*¥es," attach schedule (see instructions)... sv ee ee ee ee at No 32. Did the foundation make a distribution to a donor advises fund aver which the foundation ora ciequalifieg person had advisory privileges? If"Yes," attach statement (eee instructions) ee ee ee ee ee Lah No 13 Did the foundation comply withthe public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption application? [43 | Yes Website addrese N/A 14 The books are in care of Robert Ear Telephone no (817) 850-3600 Located at 17010 Inersate 20 Caco Tk z1p-+4 76437 15 Section 4947(a)(t) nonexempt chantable trusts filing Form 990-PF inlieu of Form 4041—Checkhere- ee ‘and enter the amount of ox-enempt interest received or acerued during the year... . sh | a5 16 At ny tne dung calendar year 2014, dhe foundation have an nterestin oa signature or atherauthoty over [es | We a bank securtes or other nancial account na foreign cour? is [ [ne aetcunts (E888) THeVee™ ener the am af te Treg Coury Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required ile Form 47201 any item's checked inthe "Yes" colurm, ules an exception apes: cs 18 Dunng te yer did the foundation (ether erty or necty) (a) engage the sale or exchange, or lesing ot property wt isqaies person? ves FF no (2) sorrowmoney rom lend money to, or thermse extend ere to (or acept trom) 2 dnqualited perso? vee no (3) Famsn goods, services ofits tor accent them om) a isualite person? vee F no (4) Pay compensotin to, oreo remburse the expenses of» eiquslife person? ves F no {G) Transfer any income or essts toa disueliied person (ormake any of eter avaiable forthe bent or use ofa sesualfed persone wt enw yw ws ee eee Pes Fite (6 Agree to pay money or propery toa government offral (Exception. Check *No* the foundation agreed to meke a grant to orto employ the afte fr peg tier ermiaton of government serie, terminating thn 30 87s ese see Yes Fe any answers "Yes" toTa(1) (6), cd amyof the act foto ually under the exceptions described n Regulations Organizations relying on @ current notice regarding disaster assistance check heres». ss eo ET € Did the foundation engage ina pror year m any ofthe acts described in 1a, other than excepted acts, that were not corrected before the frst day ofthe tax year beginning in20147, . . 2. 2 2 2 ee es | te No 2 Toxes on failure to distnbute income (section 4862) (does not app for years the foundation was a private operating foundation defined in section 4942()(3) 0° 494205) At the and oftax year 2014, did the foundation have any undistributed income (lines 6d ‘and 6e, Part XI11) for tax year(s) beginning before 20147... ev ev ee ee ees Yes NO Ie*Yes, list the years 20__, 20__, 20, bb Are there any years listed in 2a for which the foundation is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) (relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year’s undistnbuted income? (If applying section 4942(a)(2) So tall years listed, answer "No" and attach statement-see instructions) 2s we ee ee 2» No € Ifthe provisions of section 4942(a)(2) are being applied to amy of the years listed in 2a, lst the years here coe ues ogee gt ‘3a Did the foundation hold more than @ 2% direct or indirect interest in any business enterprise at anytime during the years ve ee P08 NO bb 1F*¥es," aid ithave excess business holdings in 2014 as a result of (4) any purchase by the foundation or disqualified persons after May 26, 1969, (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved by the Commissioner under section 4943(c)(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest, or (3) the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year frst phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Farm 4720, to determine Ut the foundation had excess business holdings in 2014). » a ‘4aDid the foundation invest dung the year any amount in a manner that would eopardize its chantable purposes? No b_ Did the foundation make any investment na pror year (out aRer December 31, 1969) that could jeopardize its chantable purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2014? | 4b No Form 990-PF (2014) Form 990-PF (2014) Page 6 [PNAS statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required (continued) ‘Se During the year did the foundation pay or incur any amount to (2) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation (section 4945(e))? T ves F No (2) Influence the outcome of any specific pubic election (see section 4955), orto carry on, directly or indirectly, any voterregistration dnve?. 2. vv ve ee ee we es Pes NO (3) Provide 8 grant to an individual for trevel, study, of other similar purposes? T ves F No (4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable, etc , organization described in section 4945(d)(4)(A)? (See mstructions). . se ee ee ee Ves NO (5) Provide for any purpose other then religious, chantable,selentie, literary, or ‘educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children oranimals?. . . . . . « (Yes F No b Ifany answer's "Yes" to Sa(1}-(5), did any of the transactions fil to qualify under the exceptions descnbed in Regulations section 53 4945 or ma current notice regarding disaster assistance (see instructions)?» . . «+ | Sb No Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here... ss 2 2 € Ifthe answers "Yes" to question 5a(4), does the foundation claim exemption from the tox because it maintained expenditure responsibilty forthe grant”... ss wwe es Yes NO 1F "Yes," attach the statement required by Regulations section 53.4945-5(d) {62 Did the foundation, curing the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on « personal benefit contract? ves F Ne 1b Did the foundation, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benehit contract? « oo No If Yes" to 6b, file Form 8870 7a At any time dunng the tax year, was the foundation a party tea prohibited tax shelter transaction? 7 Yes No bb_Ityes, did the foundation receive any oroceeds or have any net income attnbutable to the transaction?” » Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Pai and Contractors Employees, I List all officers directors, trustees, Foundation managers and their Compensation (see instructions) (by Mite, and average | (e)Compensason | () Contributions © | ¢— expense account (a) Nome ond address nours perweek | (iF not paid, enter | employee benefit plans | (@) Expense account, devoted position es) and deferred compensation Fame we Frustee a] 37010 1H 20 jroo Soto Wik ITrustee o| 27010 1H 20, fice isco, TX 76437 Sonate France lexec Director o| 37010 1H 20 jso00 Cisco, TX 76437 ‘2 Compensation of five highest-paid employees (other than those included on line 1—see inatractions), If none, enter "NONE: (sana and ates otaach ampoyan | PTH andeverne | | COsnavoabaneht| (a) Exsenen acco paid more than $50,000 7 et plans and deferred ‘other allowances none Test number fiber anployees pol oar S50 A00Ga ner ig ace aren Form 990-PF (2014) Form 990-PF (2014) Page 7, Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors (continued) '3_ Five highest-paid independent contractors for professional services (see instructions). 1f none, enter "NONE". (@) Name and adaress of each person paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service ‘Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services. EEEEGN summary of Direct Charitable Activities (© compensation ‘mananons and ther befinnes sored, conferences cena, reser papers poguce, ete ‘The Thirteen Foundation has direct chantable activity through a wholly owned disregarded entiy set up as 8 Missour Limited Liability Company withthe following name Reach for Yahweh Internationall D # 80~ 0768042 The expanses are recorded on Page 1 of Farm 990-PF column (d) Expenses 2 3 [MIE Summary of Program-Related Investments (soe metuchon mount 1 Allether programrelated investments See mstractions 3 ‘Total Ada ines i through Form 990-PF (2014) Form 990-PF (2014) Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part. Foreign foundations, see instructions. Page 8 7 Farmarket va of sts nt oad ad for ue) Uecirn ering ot aman we avenge meal tr mara oie of secu : Be f caageer eave ae craze Se eee ce seer a teeat(eddinen tend) 3 fossa « reductonclomedior blockage oretherfeior read on es 1 nd aie ae dena or ee eee tation | as d S eee ie eee eebembrenions oases 4 Cashdeemmd held tr chertabe acts Enter 1/2 ofan 3 (orgrenter mount ee eee |, per eee ee te RTE 7 acearcee eee ene son67 Tistibutable Amount (oe Tatruclors) (Secon TSUIST ad YS) pavale operating foundaTans and cavum foveuh avganaus check hte > and do ot compkte tie art) a Sosa bo Teton nvtsonerticnmt be 20:4 om PaRVE a es es | an 5204 Income ayor2014 (Tvs dee notmelde the ex tom Paw Vt e+ [a o) (amiauctnie ea coamen loncome 0 a noises {ec oe Ey eerie 8 ie 7 _Chtntablesmount os acusteg Subtect ine 6 om ine 5 terns anon Part ttbine ts =. [7 oer Qualitying Distributions (see mtrucvons) Aros pd (vchdig tomate speees] 0 STOnpIAY COUT, PUD ee |e rere see te 2° meas psd ceqre ees ured (ohare) vey ctr out chat, 2 Amounts save especie ehartabie projet satya oer en i clarematamaeresei 9 4 qnttygetblne, Asie to though 3 ntarare anon Pre, tna yond Port tae [Ca Eas 5 Feudsvons tha uly ude secu 940(e rine reduce te atone nvesten ee 52703 + cn narmcesmermine 6 0 ibe TST [Note:The amount online 6 wll be used in Part V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating whether the foundation qualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years Form 990-PF (2014) Form 990-PF (2014) Undistributed Income (see structions) Page 9 @ corpus ) {years priorto 2013 ©), 2013 @. 2004 Distrbutable amount for 2024 from Pare XI, line 7 Undistnbuted income, fany, a8 of the end of 2014 Enter amount for 2013 only. . = + + Total for prior years 20__, 20__, 20. Excess distributions carryover, any, to 2014 Fromsnneiesaeeeaeaia Feom2010. . ss ss sa ramsoti Tas eq Fom2013, . 1 1. ss 452.285 Total of lines 3a throughe. . vv se Qualifying aistnbutions for 2014 from Part XII, ines § 1173527, ‘Applied to 2013, but not more than line 23 [Applied to undistributed income of prior years (Election required—see instructions). = + + « Treated a8 distnbutions out of corpus (Election required-seemstructions). wes = = Applied to 2014 distributable amount... = Remaining amount distributed out of corpus Excess distributions carryaver applied to 2014 (fan amount pears in column (4), the {Same amount must be show in calurin(3).) Enter the net total of each column as indicated below: Corpus Add lines 31,4¢, and 4e Subtract ine 5 Prior years’ undistnbuted income Subtract line 46 fom line 20 Enter the amount of prior years’ undistnbutes tncome for which a notice of deficiency has. been issued, oron which the section 494 2(a) taxhas been previously assessed... ss ‘Subtract line 6¢ from line 6b Taxable amount Undistnbuted income for 2013 Subtract line 43 from line 22, Taxable amount—see instructions » see oe Undistnbuted income for 2034 Subtract tines 44-and 5 from line 1 Thvs amount must bedistnbuted in 20157 vv ve ee sa Amounts treated as distributions out of corpus to satisfy requirements imposed by Section 170(b)(1)(F) of 494 2(@)(3) (Election may be required see instructions). . + +--+ Excess distributions carryover from 2009 nat applied online 5 or line 7 {see structions)... Excess distributions carryover to 2015. ‘Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 69 Analysis of line 9 Excess from 2010. 99.5 Excess from 2013. 1 Tava aq Excess from 2012. 1 | 3355 04 Excess from 2013.» 7352285 Excess from 2014. 1.) 53.77 Form 990-PF (2014) Form 990-PF (2014) Page 10 Private Operating Foundations (see instruchons and Part VIA, queston 9) foundation andthe rulings etectve for 2014 enter the date ofthe rua. ‘Check box to indicate whether the organization 1s a pnvate operating foundation descnbed in section _4942)(3) or [_49420N5) . 2a Enter the lesser of the adusted net Tax year Por 3 years ‘neame from Part [or the minimum (e) Total en 2014 wits 2082 won a tnvestment retum from Part X for each year listed. b 85% of ine 23 - . : € Qualifying distabutons fom Part x11, ling 4 for each year listed - 4) Amounts included inline 2¢ not used directly for active conduct of exempt © Qualitying dietnbutions made directly foractive conduct of exempt actwities Subtract line 26 from line 2 3 Complete 3a,b, orc forthe ‘ltermative test relied upon 8 “Assets” alternative test—enter (2) Value of ail assets 2) Value of assets qualifying under section 494203 KEM) b “Endowment” alternative test— enter 2/3 ‘of minimum investment return shown in Part x, line 6 for each year listed. © “Support” alternative test—enter (2) Total support other than gross snvestment income (interest, dividends, rents, payments fon secunties loans (section 512(@)(5), or royalties) (2) Support trom general public and 5 or more exempt ‘organizations as provided in Section 4942)(3)(8Ki}- (2) Largest amount of support from an exempt organization (4) Gross investment income ‘Supplementary Information (Complete this part only if the organization had $5,000 or more in assets at any time during the year—see instructions.) 1 Taformation Regarding Foundation Managers: ‘9 List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% ofthe total contributions received by the foundation Before the close of ny tax year (but only ifthey nave contnbuted more than $5,000) (See section $07 (3)(2) ) See Additionel Data Table B List any managers ofthe foundation who own 10% ormore ofthe stock ofa corporation ran equally large portion of he ‘ovmership of @ partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has 2 10% or greater interest 2 Taformation Regarding Contribution, Grant, Gift, Loan, Scholarship, ete, Programs ‘Check here PIF ifthe foundation only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept Unsolicited requests for funds Ifthe foundation makes gits, grants, ete (see instructions) to individuale or organisations under ‘other conditions, complete items 24,5, , and d ‘9 The name, address, and telephone number or email address ofthe person to whom applications should be addressed 'b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and matenals they should mnclude © Any submission deadlines Any restrictions or limitations on awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable feds, kinds of institutions or other factors Form 990-PF (2014) Form 990-PF (2014) Supplementary Information (continued) 3 Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment Page 42, eae Tfrecipient san mdi | ounaation showany rlatonsmp to | FoUNatIOn | purpose of grant or — Name and address (home orbusiness) | gy" ycroesrconenacrer | recipient copa = fac danng the yoor See sch of Donees addressesstatus © None lsoxcexsy — vancus 11,353,471 Vanous, TX 76637 etal eee eee >a Tiassa © Approved for Faure payment See Sch ofDonees addresses status |uone s0x%ex3) — vanous 17,273,918 Yanous.1X 76437 > ia7agi Total. Form 990-PF (2014) Form 990-PF (2014) Page 12 ‘Analysis of Income-Producing Activities Enter gross amunts unless othermse micated|_Unrlatew business income | tied by ston Sz HO 5 © a sited or exempt ) ” yy (a | tinction ncome 1 Program service revenue ausmess | grunt | exclusion code | Amount oy . 4 ‘ 9 Fees and contracts fom government agencies 2 Membership dues and assessments. 3 Interest on savings and tamperary cosh 4 Dividends and interest from securities... 16 Tas8 si '5 Net rental income or (loss) fom real estate 2a Debt-financed property. bb Not debt-fnanced propery. 6 Net rental income or (loss) fom personal property 7 Other investment income. {8 Gain or (oss) from sales of assets other than WENO se ve tt ee et ee 18 2260.01 9 Net income oF (loss) from special events 10 Gross proft or (loss) from sales of inventory. A Other revenue @ ipeome fom Kis i srs bb tise ncome @ sty 1050 1 H 4 42 Subtotal Aad columns (B),(@), and (@)- = 359.39) 13 Total. addline 12, columns (b), (4), and(ele + «> eae es $35,308 (See worksheet in line 13 instructions to venfy calculations Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes. Explain below how each activity for which income is reported n column (e) of Part XVI-A contributed mportantiy t the accomplishment af the foundation's exempt purposes (other then by providing funds for such purposes) (See instructions Line Ne. Form 990-PF (2018) Form 990-PF (2014) Page 43, Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exempt Organizations 1 Did the organization directly or indirectly engage n any of the following with any other organization described im section 501(c) ofthe Code (other than section $01 (c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to politics! Yes | No organizations? 1 Transfers from the reporting foundation to @ nonchantable exempt organization of (ay cash. saa No (2) omer assets. (2) No bb other transactions (2) Sales of assets to a noncharitable exampt organization. - [soc] No (2) Purchases of assets from a nonchantable exempt organization. {x02 No (3) Rental offciities, equipment, or other assets. a3) No (4) Reimbursement arrangements. a No (5) Loans or loan guarantees. 5) No (6) Performance of services or membership or fundrarsing soliitations 6) No Sharing of facilites, equipment, mauling lists, other assets, or paid employees. ae No 4 Ifthe answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule Column (b) should alvays show the fair market value ofthe goods, other assets, of services given by the reporting foundation If the foundation received less than fair market value In any transaction or sharing arrangement, show im column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received (2) urene | (Amount woed | (e) Name of wnctartable exempt oeanzanon | (a) Oescrpon of warstes, wansactons ad shanagarangaments 2a Is the foundation directly or indirectly affliated wih, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations desenbed in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501 (c)(3)) orin section 5277, Pres Fro bb If-Yes;" complete the folowing schedule {e) tame of ganzaton (6) Type of ompenaten (ep Descopton of rtarah Under penatuies of penury, 1 declare tat Ihave examined tha returm, cluding accompanying schedules and statements and to the best of my knowledge and bei, vs true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preprer (other than taxpeyet) = based on al ___ | information af nich preparer has any krowedge Sign ETS TT Her) . ors. Sianature of ofceror trustee pete Date creck Woah PanerType preparers name | Prepares signature Victor Munson employed eI pou2isse7 Paid Firm's name Firms EEN Preparer] Victork uncon CPA Mee rexoadanere only ae 6060 N Central Expmy Suite S60. alas, Tx 75208 Prone tp (aia) 237-2920 Form 990-PF (2014) Form 990PF Part XV Line 1a - List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation before the close of any tax year (but only if they have contributed more than $5,000). Farns © Wilks Down Wilks [efile GRAPHIC print DO NOT PROCESS [As Filed Data — | DLN: 93491316018195] TY 2014 Accounting Fees Schedule Name: The Thirteen Foundation EIN: 27-6977311 Software ID: 14000265 Software Version: 2014v5.0 Category ‘Amount Net Investment Adjusted Net | Disbursements for Income Income Charitable Purposes ‘counting and tox 11,500 0 ° ° planing Jefile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS _J As Filed 3491316018195 Note: To capture the full content of this document, please select landscape mode (11” x 8.5") when printing. TY 2014 Amortization Schedule Name: The Thirteen Foundation EIN: 27-6977311 Software ID: 14000265 Software Version: 2014v5.0 ‘Description of Amortized Expenses Date acquired, ] Amount | Deduction or ] Amortization Method | current Your | Net investmant | Adjusted net | Total Amount of Completed, or | Amortized | Prior Yours Amortization | "" Income Trcome, | “Amortization ‘expended ‘oganaaton cok Boor oF ean rr 150000 “07 Ta [As Filed Data — J TY 2014 Cash Distribution Explanation Statement Name: The Thirteen Foundation EIN: 27-6977311 14000265 2014v5.0 The amount “set aside" in 2013 under the "cash distnbution test” was $ 3,100,000. The amount distributed in 2014 to meet the distribution requirements under Reg. Sec. 53.4942(a)-3(b)(7)(1) was $ 2,510,000The balance of the $ 590,000 will be distributed with the allowed 60 month penod lefile GRAPHIC int - DO NOT PROCESS. As Filed Note: To capture the full content of this document, please select landscape mode (11” x 8.5") when printing. TY 2014 Depreciation Schedule Name: The Thirteen Foundation EIN: 27-6977311 3491316018195 Software ID: 14000265 Software Version: 2014v5.0 Description of Date] costorother | Por Years | computation Method Rate / ‘current years | Netinvestment ] Adjusted wet | Cost of coods Property pequires ‘eae Depreciation te (Wo years) ‘Depreciation Income Income ‘Sold not Expense Included [efile GRAPHIC print — DO NOT PROCESS TAs Filed Data- J DIN: 93491316018195] TY 2014 Land, Etc. Schedule Name: The Thirteen Foundation EIN: 27-6977311 Software ID: 14000265 Software Version: 2014v5.0 Category / Item Cost / Other | Accumulated ] Book Value | End of Year Fair Basis Depreciation Market Value Machinery and Equipment 6,030 2,081 3,949 3,949 [efile GRAPHIC print DO NOT PROCESS [As Filed Data — | DLN: 93491316018195] TY 2014 Legal Fees Schedule Name: The Thirteen Foundation EIN: 27-6977311 Software ID: 14000265 Software Version: 2014v5.0 Category ‘Amount, Net Investment | Adjusted Net | Disbursements for Income Income Charitable Purposes Legal fees 3.462 ° ° ° [efile GRAPHIC print — DO NOT PROCESS TAs Filed Data- J DIN: 93491316018195] TY 2014 Other Assets Schedule Name: The Thirteen Foundation EIN: 27-6977311 Software ID: 14000265 Software Version: 2014v5.0 Description ‘Beginning of Year- | End of vear-Book | End of Year Fair Book Valve Value Market Val Rounding 1 [efile GRAPHIC print DO NOT PROCESS [As Filed Data — | DLN: 93491316018195] TY 2014 Other Decreases Schedule Name: The Thirteen Foundation EIN: 27-6977311 Software ID: 14000265 Software Version: 2014v5.0 Description ‘Amount Disbursements for chantalble purposes 382,766 Net Unrealized Loss on Investments 2,199,303 [efile GRAPHIC print DO NOT PROCESS [As Filed Data — | TY 2014 Other Expenses Schedule 27-6977311 14000265 2014v5.0 The Thirteen Foundation Description Revenue and Expenses Net Investment ‘Adjusted Net Income Disbursements for Per Books. Income Charitable Purposes Brokerage and bank fees 105,499 128,940 128,940, 12 Contracted services 1382 Depreciation - various, 40,100 Donations ~ net 65,009, Dues & subsenptions 2,120 2,120 2420 Foreign tax W/H- dividends 6520 35,343 3543 Insurance other 7.510 Insurance -employee 35.445 License and fees 85 Miscellaneous 744 Miscellaneous Ine /Exp “4535 Office expense 4,079 Postage, delivery & supplies 738 Pyime pror ye, Grant Part XII line 300) 2,510,000, Seminars & training 35,646 Supplies 9,920 4360 4960 4,508, Travel 45.225 Unites 3835 Veicle expense 11.698 [efile GRAPHIC print — DO NOT PROCESS TAs Filed Data- J DIN: 93491316018195] TY 2014 Other Income Schedule Name: The Thirteen Foundation EIN: 27-6977311 Software ID: 14000265 Software Version: 2014v5.0 Description Revenue And Net Investment | Adjusted Net Income Expenses Per Books Income Income fom Kas 372,909 10,759 10,759 Mise income @ BNY 1099 1 22,655 22,655 (Other invest Partnerships 27,707 27.707 27,707 [efile GRAPHIC print DO NOT PROCESS [As Filed Data — | DLN: 93491316018195] TY 2014 Taxes Schedule Name: The Thirteen Foundation EIN: 27-6977311 Software ID: 14000265 Software Version: 2014v5.0 Category ‘Amount. Net Investment | Adjusted Net | Disbursements for Income Income Charitable Purposes Federal income tox 59,315 Payroll taxes 9.16 Property 2827 [ete GRAPHIC print- DONOT PROCESS [As Filed Data DUN: 9340751601610] Schedule B Schedule of Contributors [ue Na ASA OON7 Semen > nach oF 390-£2, oF 990-9. Sem ey > intrmaton abut Scheaue 8 Form 990,980 22, or 80 PF) andisinstuctons isa} — 2014 porecerien ronregov terns Have ofthe rperiation Tployar Went ction wanbar The Thirteen Foundation 27-6977311, ‘Organization type (check one) Filers of: Section: Form 90 or 990-62 S01(0}(_) (enter nurber) organzation +4947(a)(1) nonexeret chantable trust not treated a a prwvate foundation r r T 527 poitcal orgenzaton Form 900-5 F s01(639) exempt pve foundation T 494721) nonexempt chartable ust treated asa prvatefeurdaton r 501(o\(3) taxable private foundation ‘Check f your organzaton i covered by the General Rule or 2 Special Rule. Note. Only a section 501(¢}(7), (8), oF (10) organzatin can check boxes for both the General Rue and a Special Rule See instructons General Rule F For an organzation fing Form 930, 990-£Z, or 990-FF that received, during the year, contnbutions totaling $5,000 or more (In money or ther property) from any one contributor Complete Parts andi See instructions for determning 2 contributors total contributions ‘Special Rules For an organzation described n secton 504(0)(3) fang Form 990 or 990-EZ that met the 338% support test of the reguiations Under sections £09(2}(1) and 170(b)(1}(A)(w), that checked Schedule A (Focm390 or 980-2), Part ine 13, 16a, or 165, and that recerved from any one contrbuor, during the year, total contreutons of the greater of (1) $5,000 or (2) 2% of the amount on (1) Form 990, Part Vil ine 4h, or (1) Form990-£2, Ine 1 Complete Parts land For an organzation described n secton 507(}(7), (8), oF (10) fing Form 990 or 9904€2 that received ftom any one contributor, ‘during the year, total contnbutons of more than $1,000 exclusively for relgous, chartable, scien, iteray, or educatonal purposes, of for the prevention of cruety to chidiren or anmmals ‘Complete Pats {land I For an organzation described n secton 504(¢)7), (8), oF (10) fing Form 990 or 990-£7 that recewed from any one contributor, ‘during the year, controutions exclusively for religous, chartable, etc, purposes, but no such contributions totaled more than $7,000 if ths box is checked, enter here the total coninbutios that were recewved dunng the year for an exclusively relgous, chartable, tc purpose Do not complete any of the parts unless the General Rule apples to ths organzation because f received nonexclusively Telgous, chartable, etc, contributions totang $5,000 oF rere dunng the year ms Caution. An organzation thats not covered by the General Rule andior the Special Rules does not fle Schedule B (Form 990, {990-E7, or 960-FF), but f must answer "No™ on Part W, ne 2, of ts Form $80, or check the box on ine Hof ts Form 920-£2 or on ts Form 30°F, Part | ne 2, to certify that does not meet the filng requrements of Schedule B (Form980, 990-£2, oF 990-FF) for Form 960, $90.62, of 990PF We Sara “Schedule B (Form 990, SUEZ, oF 850F) (2018) Schedule 8 (Form 960, 990-£7, or 990.FF) (2014) ‘Name of organization The Thirteen Foundation Page 2 Employer Wentification number 276977332 Contbufors a ania Wann ope P aan TN (a) No. (b) Name, address, and ZIP +4 ¢) Total contributions @ ‘Type of contribution Farris Wilks Trace, TRVEAST Person 7 Payroll = Noncash (Complete Pat fo nancash conto) a) C) Name, address, and ZIP +4 Cc) Total contributions @ ‘Type of contribution Tinea, THTEAST 437030 Interstate 20 ses Person 7 Payroll Noncash — [~ (Complete Part foe nensaeh @) we) Name, address, and ZIP +4 ) Total contributions @ ‘Type of contribution Person Payroll 7 Noncash (Complete Pat foe noneaeh cormbutore ) @) ) Name, address, and ZIP +4 ¢) Total contributions @ ‘Type of contribution Person [~ Payroll = Noncash (Complete Pat fo nencash contnbutore ) @) C) Name, address, and ZIP +4 (¢) Total contributions @ ‘Type of contribution Person [7 Payroll = Noncash — [- (Complete Pat lf neneash @) ) Name, address, and ZIP +4 Total contributions @ ‘Type of contribution Porson Payroll 7 Noncash (Complete Pat foe nonsash contbutone ) reer reer Schedule B (Form 980, 980-£2, or 900.FF) (2014) Name of organization The Thirteen Foundation Page 3 Employer Wentification number Panag ness Property cm esta Uncapped aoa (a) No. (c) (b) (d) i Description of noncash property given ere Date received (a) No (e) (b) (d) fon Description of noncash property given FUY (or estimate) Date received te) Fi (or estima ‘a Description of noncash property given MV (or estimate) Date received a oe fe) “s) Description of noncash property given FMV (or estimate) (see mstructions) Date received (2) No. (0) a (a) ia Description of noncash property given Lill lbcdetioare | Date received Part (ase structions) (a) Ne. ( ) S) ma Description of noncash property given FUY (or estimate) Date received errr ere Schedule B (Form 980, 980-£2, or 900.FF) (2014) Name of organization The Thirteen Foundation Page 4 ‘Employer Mentification number Exclusively religious, charitable, etc, contributions to organizations described in section 501(6)7). (8), oF (10) that total more than $1,000 for the year from any one contributor. Complete courns (a) through (e) and the following ine entry For organzations completng Part Il enter the total of exclusively reigious, char the year (Enter ths formation once See mstructons ) Use dupicate copes of Parti additonal space is needed table, etc, contrsutons of $1,000 oF less for 3 Ta) Ro. rom (b) Purpose of git (6) Use of gitt {(@) Description of how gift is held Part (e) Transfer of gift Transferee’s name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee Ta) Ro, rom (b) Purpose of git (6) Use of gitt {(@) Description of how gift is held Part (e) Transfer of gift Transferee’s name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee Ta) Ro. ‘rom (b) Purpose of git (6) Use of gitt {(@) Description of how gift is held Part (e) Transfer of gift Transferee’s name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee Ta) Ro. ‘rom (b) Purpose of git (6) Use of gitt {(@) Description of how gift is held Part (e) Transfer of gift Transferee’s name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee a ee

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