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C-Arm Assisted Zygoma Fracture Repair:

A Critical Analysis of the First 20 Cases
Marcin Czerwinski, MD
Purpose: Currently used open reduction and internal fixation techniques of zygoma fracture repair are
not optimal. Surgical exposure of those sites needed to allow for accurate reduction and for rigid fixation
has a high possibility of negative consequences. The objective of the present study was to present a single-
incision, single-fixation site zygoma fracture repair technique using a single zygoma c-arm view to quanti-
tatively determine its accuracy, complication rate, and practical aspects in a clinical series.
Materials and Methods: In a prospective study, consecutive patients with isolated, unilateral, dis-
placed zygoma fractures not requiring orbital floor exploration treated using a c-arm–assisted repair tech-
nique at the author’s institution from 2009 to 2011 were included. Objective outcomes assessed included
accuracy of zygoma realignment (on postoperative computed tomogram), ocular globe projection symme-
try (using a Naugle exophthalmometer), complication rate, and operative duration. Statistical analysis was
performed using the Student t test.
Results: Twenty patients were included. Differences in zygoma projection, width, and height between
the uninjured and repaired sides of the face were clinically noteworthy (>3 mm) in the first patient only.
Average differences of these parameters for all 20 patients were clinically and statistically insignificant. Dif-
ferences in ocular globe projection between the uninjured and repaired sides of the face for each patient
were no greater than 2 mm. The average difference in globe projection for all 20 patients was also clinically
and statistically insignificant. No major complications occurred, and the average operative duration was
76 minutes.
Conclusions: The present study shows that the c-arm–assisted zygoma fracture repair technique is ac-
curate, has a low complication rate, can be performed quickly, and has a relatively low level of difficulty.
Ó 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
J Oral Maxillofac Surg -:1.e1-1.e8, 2015

Zygoma fracture repair has undergone a major evolu- zygomatic arch offer the most information regarding the
tion during the past century.1 At first, closed reduction accuracy of reduction.4-8 Second, exposures of the
techniques, in which the displaced bone was reposi- infraorbital rim, frontozygomatic process, and
tioned through a small incision in the upper buccal zygomatic arch are fraught with the most
sulcus, temporal fossa, or anterior cheek skin, predo- complications.9-13 Inferior eyelid incision and
minated. Inconsistent results led to increased expo- dissection has a risk of postoperative malposition
sure and the addition of different stabilization (14% if performed transcutaneously, 1.5% if performed
techniques using interfragmentary wires and percuta- trans-conjunctivally).9 Eyelid malposition can be func-
neous pins during the middle of the past century. In tionally disabling and is very challenging to correct,
the final 2 decades, plate and screw fixation increased requiring aggressive management.14,15 Addition of a
in popularity and became the principal method of lateral canthotomy and cantholysis to improve
stabilization.2,3 frontozygomatic and sphenozygomatic buttress
The evolution in the treatment of zygoma fractures exposure is difficult to repair anatomically, creating
has led to several important discoveries. First, the sphe- the potential for permanent lateral canthal
nozygomatic suture, zygomaticomaxillary buttress, and asymmetry.13 Coronal exposure leads to anesthesia

Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University, Baylor Scott & White Accepted November 10 2014
Health, Temple, TX. Ó 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Czerwinski: 0278-2391/14/01714-5
Baylor Scott & White Health, MS-01-E443, 2401 South 31st Street,
Temple, TX 76502; e-mail:
Received October 24 2014


posterior to the incision, possible temporal branch of arch contour, and angulation and their comparison
facial nerve injury, and possible unsightly temporal hol- with the contralateral uninjured side.30 The objective
lowing.10-12 Third, in most instances of zygoma fracture of the present study was to present a single-incision,
without a critical-sized orbital floor defect, routine single-fixation site zygoma fracture repair technique
orbital floor exploration is unnecessary, because using a single zygoma projection view and to quantita-
zygoma reduction does not typically increase the orbital tively determine its accuracy, complication rate, and
floor defect size past critical threshold.16 Fourth, fixa- practical aspects in a clinical series.
tion at the frontozygomatic and zygomaticomaxillary
buttresses leads to more stability.17-19 The number of
Materials and Methods
interfaces requiring fixation is still controversial. The
immediate strength necessary is likely not the same as This study was approved by the institutional review
in an uninjured individual, given the considerably board of Baylor Scott & White Health (Temple, TX). A
lower bite forces after injury.20 The amount of fixation strict patient management protocol was prospectively
needed also can vary with the extent of comminution designed and rigorously followed. All patients present-
and bone thickness at each fracture site. Although a ing to the Scott and White Memorial Hospital regional
3-point fixation was initially believed to be required, level 1 trauma center, beginning in October 2009, with
studies since have shown that a single point of fixation an isolated, unilateral, displaced zygoma fracture not
is likely sufficient in most zygoma fracture cases.21-24 requiring orbital floor exploration followed the proto-
Currently used open reduction and internal fixation col. All fracture energies were included. Isolated zygo-
(ORIF) techniques of zygoma fracture repair are not matic arch fractures were excluded.
optimal, because exposure of those sites allowing for Preoperative assessment included evaluation by an
accurate reduction and for rigid fixation has a high attending plastic surgeon and a full ophthalmologic
possibility of negative consequences. Furthermore, examination. Postoperatively, the patients were fol-
because exposure of the entire zygoma at once is not lowed by an attending plastic surgeon at 2 weeks
possible, the fracture interfaces serve only as an indica- and 3 months. Preoperative and 24-hour postoperative
tor of the position of the zygoma body and can be 2.0-mm cut axial maxillofacial CT scans with coronal
misleading, especially in instances of comminution reformatting were obtained.
with loss of usable bone at fracture sites. To circumvent Repair was performed by a single surgeon (M.C.)
these shortcomings, surgeons have attempted to in- using a modified c-arm–assisted zygoma fracture repair
crease the extent of visualization and decrease surgical technique in the following fashion. The patient was
exposure. The endoscope has been introduced to intubated using an oral RAE tube, the patient’s head
explore the orbital floor and zygomatic arch through was positioned on a horseshoe Mayfield headrest in a
small, inconspicuously located incisions.25-28 slightly extended position, and the patient’s neck,
Although useful, this technique has a steep learning chest, and abdomen were covered with a lead apron.
curve and adds operative time. Intraoperative After injection of 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000
computed tomographic (CT) scanners have been epinephrine solution, an upper buccal sulcus incision
used for verification of accurate realignment but add on the side of the fracture was performed and subper-
considerable radiation risk, operative time, and cost iosteal dissection of the zygomaticomaxillary buttress
and are not widely available.29 Furthermore, an intrao- was carried out. Then, the c-arm was positioned; its
perative CT scanner cannot be used throughout the long axis was in line with the midsagittal axis of the
acquisition of reduction; thus, mistakes identified patient’s body, and the plane of the c-arm was at a
necessitate repetition of the repair process. tangent to the zygoma body to project its image above
An ideal technique for zygoma fracture repair would the frontal bone. The x-ray source of the c-arm was
allow for visualization of the entire zygoma or its inter- located anterior to the patient’s abdomen and the
faces most important for accurate realignment through image intensifier was cranial to the patient’s head
inconspicuous incisions and minimal, but stable, fixa- (Fig 1A). An image was obtained using pulse acquisi-
tion through these same access points. The technique tion only at a decreased radiation dose (60 to 65
would be fast, inexpensive, and straightforward to learn kVp, 2 to 2.5 mA). It is important to set the decreased
and use. The c-arm has the potential to visualize dose in manual mode, because the automatic setting
osseous anatomy without any incisions and is straight- results in a higher dose, preventing proper image
forward to use, widely available, and inexpensive. acquisition. This view allows for visualization of
Although the c-arm produces radiation, typically it is zygoma body projection and width, zygomatic arch
considerably lower than the amount emitted by CT contour and angulation, and comparison with the
scanners. The author and his colleagues previously contralateral, uninjured side (Fig 1B, C). With the
reported on a c-arm imaging technique that allows for c-arm in position, a Kelley elevator was placed through
intraoperative visualization of zygoma body projection, the upper buccal sulcus incision, underneath the

FIGURE 1. A, Intraoperative setup showing positions of the patient, the c-arm and monitor, and the radiology (background) and scrub (fore-
ground) technicians. B, Pre-repair and C, Post-repair intraoperative c-arm images of a patient with a right zygoma fracture displaying initially
decreased projection and width of the zygoma body compared with the uninjured left side.
Marcin Czerwinski. C-Arm Assisted Zygoma Fracture Repair. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2015.

junction of the zygomatic arch and body. Using an an- width was defined as the linear projective distance
terolateral reduction vector, the zygoma was reduced from the skull base in the midsagittal axis to the maxil-
until a repeat c-arm image displayed an accurate posi- lary zygion on an axial CT image. Zygoma height was
tion. Subsequently, an L-shaped 0.7-mm titanium plate defined as the linear projective distance between the
was bent to shape, placed along the zygomaticomaxil- maxillary zygion and the frontozygomatic suture on a
lary buttress, and secured with 4 to 6 5-mm screws. coronal reformatted CT image. Differences between
Closure was performed using a 4-0 Polysorb running the uninjured and repaired sides were calculated and
horizontal mattress suture. represented the severity of zygoma position asymme-
A retrospective review of medical records of pa- try. Ocular globe projection was measured using a
tients who followed this protocol from October Naugle exophthalmometer, and differences between
2009 to October 2011 was approved by the local insti- sides were calculated (Fig 3). Complications assessed
tutional review board. Objective outcomes assessed included surgical site infection, incisional dehiscence,
included accuracy of zygoma realignment, ocular visible cutaneous scarring, eyelid malposition (scleral
globe projection symmetry, complication rate, and show, ectropion, or entropion), temporal hollowing,
operative duration. Accuracy of zygoma realignment diplopia, infraorbital nerve dysfunction, reoperation,
was determined from postoperative CT scans (Fig 2). and bailout of attempted-surgery rates. Operative dura-
Zygoma projection was defined as the linear projective tion was defined as the time from surgical incision to
distance from the posterior edge of the sella turcica to closure as noted in the operative log. Statistical anal-
the maxillary zygion on an axial CT image. Zygoma ysis was performed using 2-tailed Student t tests.

FIGURE 2. Accuracy of zygoma realignment was determined from postoperative computed tomograms. A, Zygoma projection was defined as
the linear projective distance from the posterior edge of the sella turcica to the maxillary zygion, and zygoma width was defined as the linear pro-
jective distance from the skull base in the midsagittal axis to the maxillary zygion on an axial computed tomogram. B, Zygoma height was defined
as the linear projective distance between the maxillary zygion and the frontozygomatic suture on a coronal reformatted computed tomogram.
Marcin Czerwinski. C-Arm Assisted Zygoma Fracture Repair. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2015.

Results for each patient are presented in Figure 4. Average

difference in 3 dimensions was clinically noteworthy
Twenty patients (15 male and 5 female) with unilat- (>3 mm) in only the first patient. Average differences
eral, isolated, displaced zygoma fractures without a for all 20 patients in zygoma projection, width, and
significant orbital floor defect, excluding isolated height between the uninjured and repaired sides of
arch fractures, were evaluated during this period. All the face are presented in Figure 5 and were no greater
patients underwent c-arm–assisted repair. Average than 2 mm. All were clinically and statistically minor.
patient age was 41 years. The most common mecha- Differences in ocular globe projection between the
nisms of injury included motor vehicle collisions uninjured and repaired sides of the face for each
(n = 8), falls (n = 6), and assaults (n = 5). patient are presented in Figure 6 and were no greater
Differences in zygoma projection, width, and height than 2 mm. The average difference for all 20 patients is
between the uninjured and repaired sides of the face presented in Figure 7 and was less than 1 mm. This
also was clinically and statistically minor.
There were 2 intraoral partial incisional dehis-
cences, which healed by secondary intention. There
were no instances of surgical site infection, visible
cutaneous scarring, eyelid malposition, temporal
hollowing, diplopia, permanent infraorbital nerve
anesthesia, or reoperation. In all cases, the c-arm–
assisted technique was completed.
Operative duration for each case is presented in
Figure 8. The average time for all cases was 76 minutes.
Linear regression showed a gradual decrease in opera-
tive duration with surgical experience, with the
average of the last 3 cases being 39 minutes.

FIGURE 3. Ocular globe projection was measured using a Naugle
exophthalmometer. Critical analysis of results has led to a major improve-
Marcin Czerwinski. C-Arm Assisted Zygoma Fracture Repair. J Oral ment in the outcomes of zygoma fracture repairs
Maxillofac Surg 2015. during the past century.1-3 Selective exposure,

FIGURE 4. Differences in zygoma position between the treated and uninjured sides of the face for each patient. Differences in cheek projection
(light blue line), cheek width (dark blue line), and cheek height (orange line) and average asymmetry in 3 dimensions (red line) are displayed.
Clinically noteworthy asymmetry was present in only the first patient.
Marcin Czerwinski. C-Arm Assisted Zygoma Fracture Repair. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2015.

assessment of reduction at the largest fracture The present study showed that this technique is high-
interfaces, and limited fixation using low-profile hard- ly accurate. Asymmetry in the position of the zygoma
ware have become the mainstay in the treatment of between the uninjured and repaired sides of the face
these injuries. However, this approach is not ideal, was less than 2 mm in all but the first patient. Average
because exposure of those sites allowing for accurate differences in zygoma projection, width, and height
reduction or those needed for strong fixation also between the uninjured and repaired sides of the face
carry the most undesirable sequelae of open access, were less than 2 mm. These differences are considered
including eyelid malposition, visible scaring, risks of clinically minor and are similar to those results previ-
facial nerve injury, and temporal hollowing.9-15 For ously reported with traditional ORIF.31 The individual
this reason, many surgeons have explored alternative ocular globe projection differences between the unin-
methods for the visualization of buttresses most jured and repaired sides of the face were no greater
accurate in guiding reduction. The c-arm–assisted than 2 mm in all patients. The average ocular globe
technique allows for visualization of nearly the entire projection difference was less than 1 mm. These differ-
zygoma without an incision and comparison with the ences also are considered indiscernible to the average
contralateral uninjured side.30 Theoretically, because observer at a conversational distance and are similar
exposure for accurate reduction is not required, fixa- to results previously reported with traditional ORIF.31
tion can be performed at an interface that is strong There were only 2 complications in this study and
and can be approached without major disadvantages. no patients required reoperation. Each incisional

FIGURE 5. Average differences in zygoma projection, width, and height between the treated and uninjured sides of the face in all patients. All
differences were clinically and statistically minor.
Marcin Czerwinski. C-Arm Assisted Zygoma Fracture Repair. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2015.

FIGURE 6. Differences in ocular globe projection between the treated and uninjured sides of the face for each patient.
Marcin Czerwinski. C-Arm Assisted Zygoma Fracture Repair. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2015.

dehiscence healed uneventfully without a change in arm settings, position of the c-arm relative to the
standard management. There were no instances of patient, and understanding the components of the
postoperative eyelid malposition compared with a 25% obtained image are specific to this technique and rela-
incidence previously reported with ORIF.31 Postopera- tively easy to learn. The upper buccal sulcus incision,
tive eyelid malposition might become functionally intraoral reduction, and zygomaticomaxillary buttress
disabling, leading to lagophthalmos and corneal irrita- fixation are similar to traditional ORIF. Because only a
tion, and is very difficult to correct surgically.14,15 The single incision and single-plate fixation are performed,
origin of post-incision eyelid malposition is unclear, the technique can be performed expeditiously once a
but it is judged to be the result of middle lamellar adhe- thorough understanding of its specifics is achieved.
sion to surrounding structures.14 Its occurrence is un- With some experience and assistance, exposure,
predictable and can follow a technically successful reduction, and fixation can be performed with the
eyelid approach; thus, its complete avoidance can be c-arm in position. The average operative duration for
achieved only by not transgressing any portion of the the last 3 cases in this series was 39 minutes. In no
eyelid. By design, there were no instances of visible cuta- case did the technique have to be aborted or
neous surgical scarring, which is considerably less than converted to another surgical approach. Given that
the 10% previously reported with traditional ORIF.31 the c-arm is widely available in most hospital centers,
The c-arm–assisted zygoma fracture repair tech- surgeons can perform this technique without addi-
nique has a gradual learning curve. The required c- tional expenses.

FIGURE 7. Average difference in ocular globe projection between the treated and uninjured sides of the face for all patients. This difference
was clinically and statistically minor.
Marcin Czerwinski. C-Arm Assisted Zygoma Fracture Repair. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2015.

FIGURE 8. Operative duration decreased with time, as noted by the linear regression line. The average time for the last 3 cases in the series
was 39 minutes.
Marcin Czerwinski. C-Arm Assisted Zygoma Fracture Repair. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2015.

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