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Why Use:

…… The Inversina Mixer…….

A High Quality Mixer

Pulsating, Rhythmical, Lemniscate Motion

The method of mixing is a crucial step in the production of
medicines, foods or cosmetics. Use of harsh blades during the
mixing process can overheat and damage the ingredients; use
of a simple tumbler technique may not completely mix
particles of different consistencies. Additionally, in both
traditional homeopathy and anthroposophical preparations of
dilutions (potencies) the process of the mixing has always
been regarded as determining, in part, the quality of the
finished product. Classically, the succusion method, an up-
down motion, has been applied in homeopathic circles. The
anthroposophical pharmacists have preferred a figure eight,
lemniscate-like, motion or a vortex circling. It is expected that
the various ingredients will impart their respective qualities to one another, or to the neutral
medium in which they are dissolved, during the mixing process. A very highly repetitive
dilution and mixing process will change the physical and spiritual behavior of the substances in
question. (This principle is gaining acceptance nowadays due to the realization of the vastly
different qualities a material will have when found in a gross versus nano-particle size.) The
idea behind the replacement of the succusion mixing method with a more fluid one considers
that in the mixing process the substances in question (and the medium in which they are
embedded) should be opened, as much as possible, to the cosmic energies and life forces; not
“stomped” into the ground by forceful mechanical motions. While a more organic motion is
generally doable by hand with very small quantities, it becomes a problem when larger scale
preparations have to be handled.

How can a mechanical motion become more representative of the life forces surrounding
Rudolf Steiner was the first to point out, as a result of his spiritual scientific investigations,
that the etheric life forces can be understood as behaving in an “inverted and inside out” manner
in relationship to the physical world (the German word he uses is “Umstuelpung”). As an
example, he frequently talks about a glove that is turned inside out. The physical forces of the
normal glove point inwards. In the etheric life world, the forces of growth would be,
comparatively speaking, behaving as an inverted glove where everything radiates outward.
The engineer Paul Schatz struggled with such questions in the 1930’s. Knowing that the most
representative body of the physical world is the cube, he worked first on the question of how
one could invert the cube. From there he proceeded to the general consideration of inversion of
platonic bodies. His central thematic question was: By what manipulation is it possible to invert
bodies inside out, to discover the motion phenomena of inversion and from there adapt these
motions for technological applications?

The Inversina Mixer

The Inversina Mixers (made in Switzerland) were born out of these concerns. The motion of
the Inversina Mixer is similar to a lemniscate; but in addition to that motion in the mixing
vessel a rotation and tumbling also occurs. A pulsating rhythmical movement is the final result.
This generates, as many studies have shown, a superior mixing quality and also an enlivening
of the substances themselves whether they are dry or liquid.
Especially in the production of plant and mineral remedies and supplements, where the use of
chemicals is either eliminated or kept at a minimum, the varying consistencies of the
components make mixing difficult. Mixing boswellia, for example, with other powders can be
challenging due to the stickiness of the resin. Probiotic bacteria mixes may pick up moisture too
soon, resulting in clumping or poor mixing with the added prebiotics. In mixes of different
densities, or components with varying particle sizes, the smaller or heavier particles sink and
segregation zones are generated. These problems and others occur frequently in barrel mixers,
mixers with mechanical stirring devices, and/or shaker mixers. Additionally, the optimal time
of harvesting the mixture has to be experimentally defined and if not clear, additional mixing
times and tests are required.
These problems are avoided with the Inversina Mixer. The pulsating inversion movement
fluidizes the material to be mixed and gently forces it into a constant motion. Due to friction,
the material attaches to the vessel wall and is lifted with the wall when it rotates. At the highest
point, gravity pulls the material down where it is displaced by the rhythmically pulsating vessel
wall. Without any sharp reversal of movement the mixing material undergoes alternating
compression and decompression. Due to these very special motions, even material with highly
differing physical properties do not segregate. The quality of emulsified fluid mixes increases.
This higher mixing quality is obtained in a shorter time, due to the higher efficiency, and thus
fewer temperature fluctuations, and less shearing occurs, protecting the sensitive materials.
For the anthroposophical worker, these facts are of paramount importance since the device
can be run at a reliable, constant speed that “opens” the ingredients to the cosmic forces at the
time of the mixing. Knowing the importance of the morning and evening forces, the Inversina is
used predominately at those times in order to give our products a higher quality. The quiet
beauty and fluidity of the mixer in action adds a peaceful feeling to the production room which
has been experienced by all of the co-workers.

The Inversina Mixer uses inversion kinematics for mixing solids and liquids. This astonishing
three-dimensional motion combines a lemniscate (figure-eight) motion with rotation and
inversion and sets the substances into a rhythmic and pulsating motion. The mixing occurs in a
predictable and efficient, yet gentle, fashion. The substances are maximally exposed to the
etheric life forces operating in the three dimensional space that surrounds us.

For information about the products we make using the Inversina Mixer, contact:
True Botanica 418 Genesee Street, Suite 500, Delafield, WI 53018
Telephone: 800.315.8783

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