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The Teachings of Mezcalito


Rajaddesh Shanday
For the travelers of the infinite

A neotoltec warrior is something that goes beyond all paradigms and breaks them up.
You live in Matrix. I abandoned it some time ago, and I live not in your vision or perception of
the world, but in the perception of infinite energy. For me everything is energy, for you all that
exist are objects, you are living with apathy in a bored world; you were domesticated to live
your life imprisoned in a perceptual jail. But the world´s agreements and hegemony can be
broken. Is not necessary for you to be a prisoner of matrix all your life, you can get out, but not
through books and theories, but through practice.
In this book a child is my guide, along with a teacher called Mezcalito, they were my guides to
help me take down the absurd vision of the world of objects.
I let Raham and teacher Mezcalito talk, I´m just another awaken one, in a level and state of
consciousness still assimilating and progressing in the infinite scale of the infinite God inside
me, and trying to elevate to superior levels of my Being. Because I am everything and you are
everything, I know that, maybe you know it or maybe not. But you soon will realize that you
too are everything, I´m sure of that, because if you don´t realize that you are everything, your
destiny will simply be the cosmic recycler, or like the Gnostics called that force, the demiurge,
the Toltec called it the Eagle, but that cosmic sweeper is a final mystery for the seers of
energy. To truly be you must do, and do a lot, sweat and work beyond your limits, demand
yourself to go beyond the possibilities that you have been domesticated to believe, because
your potential as an infinite being of energy is beyond imagination.
I want to tell you that at the same time I was awakening, more wisdom came up in the way,
especially on a topic that hasn´t been openly treated by books, the topic of the inorganic
beings. I am of the idea that is it time for that knowledge that has been hiding in America for
thousands of years, to come out in a definitive way. From my view, the demiurge is a type of
an inorganic being out of many types, and it feeds from millions of beings, luminous beings
trapped in matter, this can be proved in energy terms with the capacity to see it. Everything
eats in the universe of matter and energy, the Earth and the beings that inhabit below her eat
the ill energy, the “celestial” inorganic superior beings eat more refined energy, they enjoy the
energy emanated from humans, the demiurge also eats the consciousness and the experiences
created in the tridimensional human world so it can continue to exist over us.
But the matrix stops you to think, when you actually can prove by yourself all this that I´m
saying. All that surrounds you is designed to keep you blind from your true situation, you sleep
a metaphysical dream, in a supposed reality were you think you “live your life” full of negative
emotions and contradictions, or maybe full of an imaginary paradise were death doesn´t exist.
But death is the only certain thing in your life and even so you and everyone else keep evading
it, you live in the utopia of reincarnation or paradise or perhaps another idea, any idea about
death is given by matrix to your system, absolutely any idea because death is an energetic fact
that can be “seen “ . The energetic “view” is superior to any philosophical idea in the world,
because the intellect of a sleeping man is pure illusion, and seeing the energy is thousands of
times superior, because the “seeing” proves something real and energetic beyond the mind,
and it can be proved inside yourself by your own existence, and ideas are just a collection of
words from the first attention world, of the very antique matrix, just that, so they don´t have
any value when it comes to perception of energy, because proving is different than just

This book was written from the energetic level of the universe, whatever you think about what
is written here is unimportant, what is important for you is to awaken and to realize what is
About Mezcalito there is not a lot to say. He doesn´t get along with some persons, and it is a
taboo for many in the world of sacred plants. Mezcalito is not an ally, but a “protector”, a
teacher of the good way, it teaches you like a mother teaches her child to walk. Slowly, with
the very fact of being aside the divine cactus where Mezcalito lives, one goes into higher states
of consciousness, due to its energy, but for that one needs to “see” the world not with the
head in a lineal way, but from simplicity.

I know that the global “spiritual” synarchy, the servants of the demiurge, will despise the
conscious work exposed in this book, but that doesn´t matter at all. Energetic facts speak for

Rajaddesh Shanday
September 2015

Chapter l

Mezcalito and the matrix

“When adventure knocks, let it in”
Raham Vaggadesh

Gurdjieff, in the book Fragments of an unknown teaching, instructs mister Ouspensky, who
never reached the crystallization of his own being, but still recovered some valuable words
from this great teacher; he used to say:
“All the people that you see, know and can get to know, all of them are machines, true
machines that work only moved by external influences. Machines them born, machines them
I met teacher Mezcalito in autumn 2010, in the center of Mexico and by signs of the Spirit, I
became a student. And I woke up in a level, but that level was a process of waking up, it means
that awakening can be an internal process, what matters is to be fully awaken, total
consciousness .
He shared for five years with me teachings about consciousness and about a topic that was a
secret in Mexico for centuries, the inorganic beings. I have shared with Him in the desert; I
have communed with him, spent many nights with him. For that, what I tell in this book is a bit
of the greatness and knowledge of this sacred teacher, which is one of the voices that defends
Mother Earth and the awareness of being, and that being a plant from Earth and having no
mouth, this Teacher speaks, but to listen and understand the Teacher´s voice, one must
understand that it is the voice of the Teacher of the path of the Heart, and in the world, the
real seekers of Consciousness have no access to this sacred Teacher. So, I wish to express in a
clear way and in the simplest form what He shared with me, a bit of what this Teacher taught
me. But I also want to make clear that this plant is not a joke, it shouldn’t be taken without a
sign of the Spirit and without the guide of a true expert.
My case was very particular, for my guide was the Spirit of the plant itself. What I found out
was something monumental to me. I lived asleep for 30 years in this life and many more
before, because past lives exists, as a tramp for the Divine Spirit that lives in every human
being. Since I was born in this body, I was domesticated to live in a perceptual prison, leaded
by the demiurge and his servants, another type of inorganic beings; I have used the “demiurgic
myth” to describe my own comprehension of what was happening to me. I read a book about
the perceptual prison, but had no experience about how frightening it can be to realize about
the inorganic beings and how they maintain this system.
Like Gurdjieff used to say:
“We part from the basic fact that man does not know himself, that man is not being, that is, he
is not what he can be”

Books like the ones of Carlos Castaneda didn´t contain information about what was going on,
they were just like a door to the magical world we have lost, due to the dark interest of some
that handle the world, and have the control of all the media, they are servants of a type of
inorganic beings called “reptilians”, they are in charge of the global politics, they are behind
every politician leader in the world, in a terrible corruption against the common human being,
they are in charge of all the religions in the world and their systems of domestication, they
keep the mass oppressed and asleep, and they are the cause of the oppression in this planet,
their true concerning is to eliminate human race in its intelligence and to simply keep them as
obedient animals, so they (the reptilians) can keep this planet with humans as a kind of
obedient slaves, just as we are today but in a more insane a degenerated way.
All because human being is something big, I dare to tell you that the human is All, inhabits the
flesh, in some way, relatively, is powerful, I say relatively because being asleep the human
being is only potentially powerful, but awaken his power is beyond imagination.

Gurdjieff said sometime:

“Man is a machine, all his facts, his acts, words, thoughts, feelings, convictions and habits, all
are the result of external influences, of impressions that come from outside. By himself, out of
himself, a man cannot produce a single thought, a single action. All that he says, does and
thinks, it happens. All that happens.”

The first time I met Teacher Mezcalito, it was decisive. I went out one night and found Him
alone in the desert, under the Spirit signs, and I had the opportunity to be guided by a man
who had some time walking with Mezcalito, and in his way he shared, but I felt like his
knowledge didn´t satisfy me, besides my first guide was a “diablero” and I didn´t like that path,
I didn´t even know that name, so I took distance from that guide immediately, after that I met
a boy called Raham Vagaddesh, who once ate two pieces of Mezcalito and stayed connected to
the Consciousness and other superior levels of Being, because Mezcalito choosed him as a
connector boy; Raham explained me everything about Mezcalito in very few words, in other
words he “awoke” with Mezcalito´s help and actualized himself in his awareness level, which
he said it was beyond the seven levels that the esoteric books talked so much about.
I didn´t realize that since the first time I ate Mezcalito I entered to the warrior path, and that
there were other warriors, but each one in his own level of battle within himself.

I remember an occasion that Gurdjieff was telling Ouspensky:

“To establish this fact, to comprehend it, to be convinced of its full true, is to break free from
the thousands of illusions created about man, about his capacity to create and organize his life

We can start this chat saying that man is a machine full of hate against himself produced by
domestication, and hate for others, no one wants to see that one is a machine, and the lies
one maintains to be a machine full of a multi- legion of egos.
When I entered the path, when I woke up for the first time, I knew nothing about the egos.
And it is was this book is about, because I cannot tell you about the fight of others against their
egos, but about my own experience and fight to kill the egos that were possessing me. And
how the Teacher Mezcalito revealed to me that there are egos in the physical body, in the
astral and mental, because Mezcalito talked about superior bodies beyond the energy double.
Raham Vagaddesh, my ten year old friend, the child that sees the energy connected by the
Spirit, could see the seven levels of the energetic field; he turned to be my guide and told me
that he had opened his third eye. The “seeing” of a child is the hardest one to achieve by a
warrior, and very few children get saved from the implant of the matrix system.
I have to make clear that my point of view is different from the general nagualism, which I
consider anti-evolving, dark, and in other words, black.

If you are a person seeking for Consciousness, nagualism is not the way. There are more
luminous ways. But before opening this subject, let´s set the basic that man is an energy fabric
of three levels. There is a video of Doctor Manuel Zurita in youtube named the fabric of three
He explains this in a simple and funny way.

There you have David Icke to explain you the matrix, I have no time to extend myself about it.
When I ate peyote for the first time I realized that I lived 30 years in the matrix and that I was
going to die in it if it wasn´t for Mezcalito who woke me up. But that awakening is basic to
understand, if you haven´t awaken in yourself is going to be hard for you and me to
understand. Since the moment I woke up I understood that the matrix has this humanity
slaved. The awakening has many levels; consciousness has evolution grades of many superior

To be able to do, first one must be. And to be a warrior takes a lot of doing, not much talking,
but “doing” for really “being”.

Let me explain it another way. The matrix is the perceptual system that you “see”, this
imposed dream that is designed by the inorganic beings, which are in upper superior planes
and don´t let humans “see” those planes, but they want us in this prison, like Salvador
Freixedo said, in this human farm.

When I woke up from matrix, it was in a very beautiful way, my first guide accompanied me
one night, the first one, to take the sacred medicine and I woke up…after 8 days I decided to
repeat the experience, but this time with a friend who knew nothing about peyote, and I also
woke up along with my friend at least for a moment, and I went were I “saw” the
manifestation of a reptilian, I didn´t even know that intelligent inorganic life existed in this
planet, and that it handles humanity, and that the reptilian was the creator of matrix, and that
I was going outside its territory.
I had to work a lot as an apprentice and still working, the task of writing about this vast
knowledge was assigned to me, is hard to put it into words, but somehow words must be used
to alert others, that human perception has been absorbed by inorganic beings, that exist in
variety in this universe, and the human is a boy or a girl that doesn´t know where is he or she
standing up, and war is in this Mother Earth, that this entities, the reptilians, the annunakis,
have come here and are here, but if common persons doesn´t perceive their presence is
because this beings have eaten their superior capes in their energy field, it has been eaten, this
inorganic beings are intelligent, they handle everything from their inferior astral level, in which
they have been for thousands or millions of years. In past times this beings walked between
people in a visible form, the Sumerian gods that the Hebrews adopted as “angels”, and they
organized them in the tree of life with different status, their god was the Yave from the bible,
like gods from India, of the Aztecs and of all the cultures, they were this beings that showed to
people, but they became invisible to human eye because they ate human perception, they
decided that it was better for them if we didn´t see what they were doing to us humans in
ancient times, how they ate the energy of the blood from the sacrifices they demanded, they
taught humans to build pyramids and temples where they were worshiped as “gods”. But if
you increase your perception, you “see” them.

These talks are about what I have “seen”. I have left behind the concern of what people say.
I´m not interested. A boy has showed me that he is able to talk with “blue” beings, this blues
or blue brothers as Raham and I used to call them were a type of inorganic beings, they
traveled to this planet from a place in the universe through “energy portals”, they didn´t need
the typical ships or ovnis that people talked about, those inorganic beings that drive ships are
from an inferior level, those blue beings were some kind of gods and are the leaders that keep
this human farm just as it is. They are of the most dangerous beings in charge of the human
farm, yet they tend to “appear” in perception as a type of “evolved” brothers in “benefit” for
those who “awaken”. But all of them, all these beings have not found God, they are trapped in
subtle worlds of matter, but they haven´t seen the Infinite God, only the man and woman
embodied have the opportunity to have that door opened by themselves to the Infinite God
and manifest it, no one else in the Creation.
Raham made contact with them in a very particular occasion, or they established a kind of
telepathic connection with Raham. They are in the top of everyone, and they don’t want a
single human to realize that he is a god. They don’t want a single one to realize, they are the
mysterious angles from the bible, before the Sumerian gods.

But when you break the matrix inside of you, for the matrix is the mind, the ego, when you
stop that mind you can see that all the humans go around like robots, machines. Let´s talk
about the ego in its relation with matrix:

The egos are in charge of this matrix, this matrix is a mental design, humans are controlled by
programs of mental control, in charge of the egos and their bosses who Toltec shamans called
black wizards, this is already documented, the wrongly named “illuminatis”, they control
people through symbols, ideas, religion, politics, through the use of the demiurge forces. The
demiurge is the Hebrew Jehova , Moloch, the Mexican Huiztilopochtli, the Greek Zeus, the
Egyptian Ra, Enlil for the Sumerians, one and a thousand names it receives, the shamans called
it the Eagle. But all the power-energy that the “gods” took from their “servants”, like the
initiated priests, the Egyptian “illuminatis” who created astral temples and used them to teach
their “disciples”, and many “initiated” ended up trapped in those dreams, and that technique
was very well known by the ancient Egyptian, in the Egyptian mythology you see that Egyptian
“gods” look like humans, but they paint them blue or black or some others red. In America
there also were “blue” gods, also reptilians, and in the oral telling of shamanism these stories
are detailed.

When you write about no terrestrial beings, most people picture they have a weird aspect, and
that is nothing but a perceptual pattern. They can assume our human form and go around
with us depredating energy, an esoteric saying says that everything eats, even “god”. And he
feeds on inferior energy, this “god” is the Gnostic demiurge. It is similar to when you eat a
potato, a green leaf or a cow, the same analogy applied for them; the inorganic beings
“depredate” our energy.
These talks are about what happened to me in other levels of reality. From the beginning I was
taught about the egos and how these parasites feed on my energy, I didn´t accept it because I
didn´t want to see myself as a slave carrying egos inside my energetic field, that I was polluted
by many egos. The thing for me was that I had to kill them without feeding them, to stop
feeding them; this is the first task of a warrior, to dominate, and transcend it. Simply kill it
without compassion, because the ego is not oneself, but a cheap copy.

When I started my path, my anterior guide told me that the ego could be domesticated, and
stay there as a slave, but Raham who could see the energy told me that that was false, that the
mission was to kill the ego, because the ego could reach you and bring you back to ego world. I
owe Raham his teachings, jokes, his way of explaining the world to me into kid´s words, with a
tremendous laughter; he was the one who made the emphasis in combating the egos. For me
it is tremendous that a child dares you to get higher than your level of consciousness. Raham
has been a good guide, I am thankful for his teachings. I feel it is good that a child talks to the
world about the Spirit warriors, it has been one of the most beautiful experiences in my life,
that universal life exist, and above all to see it with my own astral eyes, physical and spiritual
eyes. They are mysteries so big that in ancient times they called them “angels”, but they are no
angels, just inorganic beings that have controlled us for centuries. Just inorganic beings in the
celestial spheres level, the human is in this situation for these “god´s” fault, because man in his
ignorance even worships rocks. He worships photos, supposed “holy men”, gurus and other
talking parrots of the new age market.

Also to realize that the reptilian race is the one who controls everything since centuries ago, is
something that you realize “seeing” it, comprehending it, assimilating it, it is hard, but that´s
the way of this path. At the same time, that made me learn that the warrior path is very hard
and o put it into words even harder, because if there is another you there is no problem, but
when a “normal” person listen to you, they end up misunderstanding everything, just as they
misunderstood Don Juan Matus, and as humans have always done in the machine world. This
chats are a premeditated effort to help the evolution forces in this battle for Mother Earth, to
help the messengers from sacred plants, the animal guides, other tribes that are in favor of
Consciousness, the ecology, the stopping of violence among animals, in favor of this planet,
I´m talking about a collective effort that is being made from America, for the world to listen,
that we too live in this planet, and to tell those oppressors of the mass that it is enough of the
killing of Mother Earth, the moment will come when all of us will have to unite, no matter who
are we, for the life in this planet to be preserved for the future human generations. For the
awaken consciousness to unite in a battle against the massive ignorance , and this, whatever it
is and it has been for centuries, a silent war that has born in heavens and is on Earth, an
imposed war against humans, they have turned the human into a robot, but in the human
thing, no matter you act like robot, we still being humans, this is the first thing I tell you here,
we would have to be more aware of this planet and have the heart to understand that only
those who have hearts can go search for the Sacred Teacher Mezcalito, the Spirit itself, the
light from the Divine who teaches you to “see”, the Master. THE TEACHER, WHICI IS IN

One starts thinking that one know what the world is. But no one realizes that monumental
efforts are required to reach the memory of Oneself. Is not about going out in the street trying
to make other people aware, but you, yourself is to become total and expanded

Talking with Him in person (perceptually talking) is something that transcends words, breaks
schemes, perceptual molds, is something that transcends faith, because you “see” the faith of
a blind believer in a “sacred” book, in a god that he doesn´t “see”, and in contrast you “see”
Mezcalito, without any book or priest needed, and you “see” Him as a guardian of Mother
Earth who wants to talk to the world, to man, and it has been my task to be his way through
for the moment, in what He taught me, to love the Earth, to protect it, to take care of it even
against my own human brothers, to tell them they are predating the desert. This talks are a
little of what I have lived with this Teacher, just a little, and the adventures I had with that
special seer boy Raham Vagaddesh. But one should not stick to anything, because nothing is
forever, not your friends, sons, lover, everything is just a temporary stop, but even so we stick
to the bitterness of mental prisons, like marriage, jealously, anger, lies, pride and vanity. We
live all our adult life lying to ourselves.

“People in this beautiful belong to different dimensions of Being, no matter they look all the
same. In the beginning, for a machine-man to be possible to start evolving, it’s necessary for
him to banish the lie inside him.”

We live craving for love without knowing it; love is freedom, freedom from everything and
everyone, even when we live in an interconnected universe. And to break free from the matrix
is to break free from the mental system that has been imposed to you for centuries, but that
doesn´t mean that the matrix is this planet, but a description that has been inserted inside you,
and you see reality through it, and that intervention is the ego, what has been implanted
inside of you, a program, let me explain it in another way, is like when you are a kid and get a
vaccine, just before the vaccine you didn´t have the antibody in your body. The mind was
imposed to you exactly in the same way when you were a kid, that´s why you don´t remember
anything about you or your past lives. Who? The egos, through your parents, people around,
society, the media, schools that are work like ego hatcheries as if they copied soldiers,
everything that surrounds you, all the persons are polluted by the egos, so the teaching of the
desert says that the apprentice must first go through an ego depuration and kick them out his
energetic and physical body, to take the control of his “tonal” and “nagual”.

This cleaning of egos develops with a conscious work oven oneself, through the purification of
your astral, and the generation of fine energy in you three dan tian.
When you become aware that meditation can happen in every moment, that you have to be
aware all the time, when you even are conscious of every movement of your body, that is
meditation, to be aware in oneself, and to be aware of the one who is aware, the self
observation, but this doesn´t mean either that you should evade sitting meditation, meditation
makes you more conscious of what you are as a being, it makes you clean your link with Spirit,
it cleanses the ignorance dust in the mirror. Is like it was a lake, your mind is like the lake, but
the winds of desire don´t let the lake be calmed, but if you go deeper, to the depths of the
lake, the water is calmed, when you are aware of thinking, you realize you are not thoughts,
even so a thought can pass again through the empty space, but you don´t ignore it or pay it
any attention, you stay in calm empty space, where no conceptualization of the world exist,
and if there is nothing from the world, there is no need to talk about the matrix, you have
entered the energy world, where objects doesn´t exist, in this level the world is left behind,
even the scientific model, and that energy model where there is no more world, has been
studied and seen for the seers of energy during centuries, because is not only about reaching
mental vacuum, that is just the beginning where the energetic teaching starts, you have to
stop your world inside of you, but this world that you see will continue because it is a collective
attempt created for everyone, and it can be stopped, but first you must stop your mind inside
of you, because what you call your mind is not your mind, your true mind is a no-mind, but you
don´t remember it until you realize the empty space, that thought are objects that have form,
weight, color and measure. But one thing is to handle thinking and its power, and another
thing is to be handled by it. Humanity doesn´t know the power of thinking; but the black
wizards know the use of thinking and they handle it against people and humanity, that´s why
you should start observing your thoughts, because humanity doesn´t know, and it is necessary
for them to know, because people don´t know that when they allow a negative thought to
posses them, a negative emotion like anger, avarice, laziness, pride, vanity, luxury, dark luxury,
because there is a positive luxury, the natural sexual force, the tantric letting go, the unity of
two energies in physical bodies, but that is different from dark luxury that foments the roman
church with pederasty, homosexuality in religious monasteries, bestiality and all that
disgusting stuff are mental states where egos have taken power of the physical body of the
person and they feed up on the energy generated in those relations, like the anger that infects
soldiers to drive them and handle them in world wars, civil wars, the murdering around oil
control. We have the exploiter ego of trafficking with people, they egos that exist in the human
plane, but they have power over mater, money, because they are the families that govern the
world, maybe 70 or 80 families that handle all the money of the world, that are the owners of
all global banks. They are the so called illuminatis, part of the global synarchy that keep the
human as sheep, and they cheat everyone pretending they are “benefactors” when they are
only human butchers. This is why people don´t comprehend why humanity is filled with
negative emotions or egos, when you fight with someone you are feeding the ego, that´s why
is necessary to know oneself and to “clean the past”, I´ll talk about this cleaning of the past
exactly how it was taught to me, I think it is a crucial topic, I know is a threshed topic in
Mexico, the cleaning of the past, but it hasn´t been seriously exposed as an antique technique,
from a shamanic and psychologist perspective, this technique is to heal the emotive and
mental are of the apprentice or any person who practices it. Few books have been written in
this topic, Victor Sanchez wrote a book years ago about Toltec recapitulation, but it was more
like a simple copy of what Carlos Castaneda had written before, Taisha Abelar talks a bit more
about this technique in her book The sorcerer’s crossing.

When I met the vision of Mezcalito, it was different to what was exposed by Carlos Castaneda,
it changed a lot, but this, the way Mezcalito taught me to “see” Him and comprehend Him was
different from the traditions, the past.

“Shamanism today is obsolete, it doesn´t remind you the essentiality or you Being, I tell you
from my heart. To forget your Being towards any ideal or new age philosophy is to live as a
machine. Now, more than ever the world needs conscious human beings to create virtuous

Carlos Castaneda, in his book The art of dreaming, says that perhaps the only refugee for the
sorcerer is the inorganic world, but that is not freedom, there is another option for
freedom…this topics, I don´t know if they would be understood even by seekers of the warrior
path, I don’t know but I´ll try to talk about it in a simple way, to describe it.

Raham Vagaddesh told me in several occasions that the computers, the cell phones, and other
electronic toys absorbed the energy, that he “saw” how the computers absorbed the energy
and it went through etheric tunnels of energy to tunnels from the inorganic world, he
explained me a lot of things about the energetic universe, he talked with me for power signs,
his vision is different, and he did it because he wants that other children that are like him, that
are seers of the energy but still children, speak to the world in defense of Mother Earth, he
wants them to smarten up, to work united. The intent has made possible this book, and the
insistence of some few friends that I met on the path, and that are working too in their own

…And…to tell that the times I went to the desert and stayed alone, I realizes how the Mexican
are going through crass unconsciousness about the desperate situation of Wirikuta, and how
we are predating the planet in a tremendous horrible way, because this planet is human, it
shouldn´t belong to the reptilian domain, we shouldn´t live in this planet so harmed and
polluted as we have created it…

The Neotoltec path, which is the one I walk, a forgotten path that is coming back once more, is
different from others because many belong only to one path, the blue one, the red one, the
white, the orange, etc. This paths must understand that cycles must turn into spirals to
continue growing and evolving, we must leave personal importance behind, despise it, that is
the real work of the warrior, that is always the emphasis of the Teacher of the desert, that you
must despite your personal importance, that true humility, not the fake one, the humility you
feel seeing a Teacher great like Mezcalito, which is a mystery even for the most powerful
knowledge man, Mezcalito, and when you see the powers that guide men coming to light, and
that even when it is a mystery so big like the plant where is Mezcalito and that he is going
through its biggest predation and defamation in history, and the persecution from the
government against the ones who coexist with this plant, imprisonment and moral condemn,
because they can´t take that you are a human that coexist with the plant, in nature, they mark
you as something that you are not, why don´t they better spot the ones who pollute the seas?
We are in a terrible ignorance in this planet, the egos are hard, they hurt with their words,
they distort everything in the media, that´s why wise men prefer to choose live between
animals, because they understand better than people, because people is cold hearted, there is
where the pride and vanity ego sits, the personal importance costumed, so I talk to you clearly,
one must work over the pride, the teaching of the deserts says to work over your pride, to kill
it without compassion, so the force of the heart can break free, the feeling of life, with that
you´ll be leaving your machine habits and you´ll start to “see” the matrix, and you won´t need
any book to “see” the matrix, the day you wake up in your heart and feel true love flowing in
side you, which is love in form of a connection with everything that surrounds you, you will
realize that very few persons feel it, this kind of awaken love, aware, because it is a love that
has been discovered through conscious sacrifices, through the killing of the multi- egos,
through great and hard voluntary effort, not the novels love, of society which is only
mechanical sex and nothing more, and you will “see” the hard reality that matrix is, and one
must be prepared for that and even more.

Sometime Gurdjieff told Ouspensky:

“It is necessary to make sacrifices. If no sacrifice is made, nothing is received. And it is

necessary to sacrifice something that for the moment is very precious, sacrifice it for a long
time and sacrifice a lot. But there is no need to sacrifice for ever. When the crystallization has
been reached all deprivations, resignations and sacrifices are unnecessary, then the man can
do what whatever he wants, there are no more laws for him, because he is the law himself.”
I remember the day of my awakening, in September 2015, it was beautiful, they taught me
about the work against the seven egos, and a part of that work was to reconnect with nature
walking in the mountains. When you go to nature, what you want the most is to coexist with
silence, get filled with silence, with that natural harmony. We must go in full awareness,
haunting the prana, because even if we live in the city, one as an apprentice must get out of
the city every time you can, at least once a week, so you can be charged with prana in the
matrix or the city that is a little matrix, systems created by machines, created by them for the
social imprisonment and for the most horrible pollution in the world, so much cars, noise,
leaves people polluted by a bunch of egos. Full of negative emotions, one must work to get rid
of those emotions inside oneself, that´s what I learned as an introduction to the path of the
desert, that you were part of the mass, but you still a human being, one with heart, Mezcalito
taught me that one must see with the heart better than with the head, that when I was a child
they tried to make me reasonable with the head, the whole educative system is created to
force you to move your center from your heart to your head, and there you live all your life, in
a false center in the head, the reason, that´s why is hard to comprehend the teachings of the
desert, because you are in the head, you need to be connected from the heart, other way it
will be impossible to understand, because these teachings are from a Teacher of the path of
the heart. But is not about saying everyone “love each other, if the other takes your cape, give
him your sandals”, no, the vision here is if they want to hit you, just don´t be there, we don´t
have to follow old doctrines that were manipulated by the religious, we don´t have to follow
the model of “let yourself be crucified by the mass”, you rather need strength and courage to
eradicate this massive ignorance in this Mother Earth. So being clear, the work of a warrior is
to clean his or her heart, if you ask a child he understands quickly, maybe if you ask him what
is love? A child has no words…Raham says that love is to treat someone with patience.
Or perhaps a child won´t say anything, watch a baby, the natural love towards his mother, not
as his food, but “see” how is a child that grows up without a mother and how is different than
when the mother is there, when you are a child you define yourself for your whole life, that it
way is important to recapitulate childhood, to see your fragmentations as an adult, because a
child is very vulnerable in his energy, because he is in a pure state or energy, in adults the
energy field is harden up for so many egos, and they hurt children, they divide them in their
mind, that is they fragment their being, the fighting in front of them, there they created the
fragments, the multiple egos of the child, the stick to them as seeds when they “see” their
parents fighting, maybe he will never say it, but there it is the problem he will carry his whole
life, and he will carry it unconsciously. The psychologists divide the mind in conscious,
subconscious and unconscious, but there is no such division, you should be completely
conscious , but humanity is fragmented inside, it is the saddest thing to live fragmented, but to
become an individual means to become an unity, to become conscious, and for that you need
to learn from an individualized person, who is one, the man of knowledge is the one who is in
unity with himself, who has overcome the fragmentary self, the multiples egos inside himself.
Because someone who is a unity, who is one, has achieved crystallization, and if we don’t
understand that working over negative emotions is vital in the warriors path and that you have
to extend into the being, not in rituals or deities or gurus, but in the meditation within your
own being, if you are simply in nature you realize you are spontaneously meditating, if you
observe breathing, getting your mental attention down to your Hara chakra, you will be
meditating, and if from your Hara chakra you become conscious of your Anahata and you Ajna
chakra…Hara chakra, Anahata y Ajna, but start from the Hara, some minutes starting from the
lower dan tien and you become aware of your three centers, observing your breathing, going
deeper into these three centers of consciousness and stay in the Hara for a while, then for
another while perhaps months stay only in the Anahata chakra, and when you have
experimented the Hara for at least a year, then Anahata, then experiment to focus on your
Ajna chakra, or try for three months be conscious of your Hara chakra daily, three months that
you are only the Hara, the three months in the Anahata and three months in the Ajna, and
finally three months in the three centers at the same time.

“Recapitulate means the starting point to first, observe the egos and start the long process of
crystallization of your real Being”
In recapitulation, I was saying that when you recapitulate you should be conscious that
probably you dropped energy not only from your Hara and Anahata chakra, when you had
sexual relationships, you also dropped energy from the first center, Muladhara, there is where
you got involved energetically, and not only that in a relationship with emotions your middle
centers or your Anahata gets involved, in a relationship you feed from your partner´s chakras
specially the emotive one and vice versa, your partner nurtures from you. In frivolous sex not
only corporal fluids are exchanged, but also emotions is form of energy, when the sex has an
energetic emanation of love towards the other, the partner feeds from the Anahata chakra
and vice versa, if there is sexual alchemy work or tantra, if there is not such work there are
only unconscious energetic relationships, like the ones most couples and people in the world
When there is a sexual and emotive separation, in the aura of the couple, of both of them gets
formed a whole in the emotional area and other areas, becomes like stains in the energetic
field, there is emotional pain, because pain is an ego, an inorganic being, a conscious parasite
that feeds on emotional pain…
In this talk I want you to comprehend that the ego has no compassion for you or anyone, so
you have to face the emotional problems you have and get back your energy to get back you
feeling center, your Anahata chakra, and so you can realize that love is not for one person but
for you, an energy you were giving, you also get the control of your superior dan tien that is in
the third eye.
When you sit to recapitulate, I suggest you use a white candle. Recapitulate visualizing all the
negative emotions as you inspire them through your Hara or Anahata chakra, or Ajna
depending on the emotion of the moment, and throw the negative emotions into the candle
to be burned.
But before, in the moment of lighting up the candle, create an intent, a command. Sitting in
straight posture, in half lotus, complete lotus, seisha, or if you find it hard, sitting in the edge of
a chair with your back straight, the chin a little down. When lighting up the candle, visualize in
your third eye a tube of light going to the candle, light it up and visualize how the tube of light
goes to the sun, when lighting up:
“Through the light of this candle is my intention to create a tube of light to the sun, for the
negative energy to be recycled for evolution in the universe”
Remember that you premeditated intent is an act of conscious will that will go crystallizing
with your practice.
When remembering the scene in your recapitulation, exhale the negative emotion into the
candle and feel-see how the emotion, the ill energy goes through the light tube up to the sun
and is recycled.
Remember that negative emotions stick in the area of the Hara chakra, others like arrogance,
vanity and pride in the heart area, fear in the kidneys, anger in the liver, from there you have
to throw the ill energy, from each energetic center where you feel they got stick.
This exercise must be done for several months, at least three months for an hour daily.
I remember a chat I had about a year ago with the Teacher of the desert, when I asked about
the “gods” an elemental worshiping done by indigenous traditions and other people, and why
the teaching that he gave me was different, I didn’t understand, and He said:
-That is not the true vision of Mezcalito- said the Teacher- what indigenous traditions do is
pure idolatry to inorganic beings, and they even use the sacred medicine for that. Mezcalito
teaches you two things, one, the Deer is his tonal, there is everyone stuck with the Deer, no
one goes further, the second thing is, Mezcalito takes you to your Being, because Mezcalito
always says, don’t look at me, I´m just the messenger, go higher, to your Divine Being, or
Nagual that is the same. But it happens that no one listens and everyone is looking for the
Deer and no one really listens to what the Blue Deer teaches, the saving and using of sexual
energy, and the three dan tien. For example the lower dan tien, let´s call it Will, the middle dan
tien is the Feeling, and in the third eye the superior center generator of energy, the seat of the
Spirit, is the Beinf or the Consciousness.
You need Will, Feeling and Being (consciousness) to awake to superior levels of Consciousness.
The Being takes you to the superior consciousness, just follow the internal Being that is within
you, and don’t be playing in anything else. Because today everyone eats the medicine being
carnivore and it should not be like that anymore, meat prevents and delays the conscious
evolution to the Being, it takes a lot more effort like that, and these are not the times of the
haunters that needed to haunt for eating, we must move to other forms of evolution, because
it is unnecessary to kill the way we do, if you are looking for the path of the warrior learn to
live in harmony with nature. Alcohol, sodas, tobacco, meat, takes you lower, to the negative
emotions. The food from vegetables, fruits and dairy not to go on an extreme, is more useful
for this path, but remember that we live in the matter world, in case you were starving, you
would have to “haunt” your food, is not about being an strict vegetarian, is for convenience, to
get lighter faster and get to your Spirit, the meat elementals stop us from advancing to a
clearer mental consciousness.
Invocations to inorganic beings (angels, elementals, etc.) are “traps” that the demiurge set to
keep the Divine Spirits that we are captured on MATTER. Trapped by the demiurge against our
Will. But even so we can turn the physical and astral bodies into allies, because you as an Spirit
in the physical body and having the astral soul as an bundle of your mental or spiritual body, is
only that you realize that you are Spirit and you can use you inferior bodies for the evolution
towards your freedom.
Remember my words, beloved walker, do not seek for other thing, your freedom, your
freedom is the reason came to this planet, freedom of your Being, total freedom, don’t
divert to anything else, and always seek total freedom.
It is good not to be an extremist; the body asks what is necessary according to its energy level,
what I can share with you from my points of view, you can prove it to yourself saving fine
energy, look the thing is:
Ancient sorcerers use to have much more perceptual reception than modern man. They
explored like children the astral planes. They got to fascinated for the subtle astral planes and
for seeking and dominating the creatures from those planes, like the Egyptian who became
experts in even creating “divine forms” or containers for their “gods” or extra-terrestrial
intelligent life, these molds were their contact with these entities, but the Egyptian as many
supposed “sorcerers” created these forms from mental substance, in India, China, in the Tibet,
they created strange death cults, that´s why there are so many mommies buried in all the
world including America, in Mexico the cult to sacred plants, especially in the center of Mexico
was twisted by the Tezcatlipoca mages, the Quetzalcoatl priests only served the serpent god,
the reptilian, and they took the plant for going into the inorganic worlds, that is not the path,
the path I teach you is going to your luminous consciousness.
There was a time when this world was under the reptilian influence as you have no idea, the
reptilian are inorganic being custodians of the demiurge, or we could call it the cosmic egos
Boss. It was something horrible, and still, but let´s say the fight still going on and will carry on
for a long while. In ancient times the inorganic or what they today call the “extra-terrestrial”
taught the seer mages to build pyramids, they were being from other constellations, worlds
with their own forms of life, some of those beings are neither negative nor positive to
humanity, they are no interested in coexisting with humans or in humans knowing about their
existence, they live in the planet but they don’t interfere, they come for their food and that’s
it, because the universe is as your planet, intelligent life, beings make war to other beings of
the universe, they invade planets just as countries in this planet fight, and many choose to
better get out their planet that have been invaded by other forces, the case of the Earth is the
same, is an organic oasis for many organic or inorganic forms of life, forces in favor of human
evolution and negative forces for man and the planet itself. This is a replica of what goes on in
the skies.
But all the antique mages got trapped with the inorganic beings; they didn’t reach freedom,
because the universe created by the demiurge and the inorganic beings is a prison and a maze,
the only way out is to realize that we are Divine Spirits, which have nothing to do with the
demiurge and NOTHING to accept from inorganic beings, accept the body and soul as our
tools, the physic is a machine with enormous means, the soul is another body, mortal but
more lasting and with a higher perceptual capacity than the physical body in a
multidimensional level. The ancient mages, let´s say they first went to those worlds with their
astral body that has the Divine Spirit chained, then the inorganic taught them to move the
totality of their physical mass with their energetic body, by teaching them movements of the
assemblage point, and when there were many mages that united their efforts to visit those
worlds, they captured entire towns in other dimensions of the energetic universe where those
inorganic beings live, remember that we are in a feminine universe. The ancient mages, the old
Toltecs were very talented in managing perception thanks to what they learned for centuries
from their teachers, the inorganic beings, and from magical plants, because in ancient times
sacred plants were not “prohibited”, that came with the invasion of America from the
“illuminati”. About them (the first mages) we know almost nothing, but I can assure you that
the ancient mages did not escape the demiurge.

“The fact is, Rajadeesh that most of human beings don’t want to have any kind of knowledge
to get over their egos, any kind of knowledge of any type, remember that man can purchase
knowledge only from those who really has it, and you have to understand this as clearer as
possible, from the very beginning of the teaching. Who wants to learn the sacred, must learn
from someone who knows the sacred.”

But before going to those topics, let´s talk first about the luminous field. The problem with
modern man is that in order to perceive the truths of the seers of energy, is needed to save
energy, but no one wants to save they want everything easy, word that doesn’t exist in the
path of the warrior. Only a warrior can “see” what is the accumulation and circulation of light
within oneself, by “seeing” you realize by yourself that there are more differences from a man
to another than differences between man and monkey. But they differ in energy.

Energy in human being is electric and magnetic in seven levels.

Remember that when I say magnetic or electric I don’t refer to physical electricity but to astral
light. Knowledge about magnetism and electricity makes a warrior able to realize what you call
power acts. The East denies the world, a warrior don’t deny but covers everything. You cant
despise you body, is the three levels energy factory, subtle and powerful energies flow through
it, the sexual energy is the most powerful, is the creative energy, if outside it creates life, you
don´t imagine what is capable to create inside yourself.

For example your genitals or Yesod Assiatico, the right and left are electric-neutral, but the
frontal part is electric-active and the interior is magnetic. Your feet, the right is magnetic and
the left one electric. In woman´s genitals the front part is magnetic; the behind, right and left
part is neutral and the interior electric.

Your eyes, the right one electric, the left one magnetic, the retina and the background are

Your chest, the frontal part is electromagnetic, your back is electric, and that is to say that your
assemblage point moves with electric voltage for will.

You can prove these few analogies by “seeing” energy, there is a lot more but is no use to
mention all. For example, when you start accumulating sexual energy, semen in the male or
vaginal fluids in woman, you have the basic energy, but no one knows that you should upload
it trough the central channel. Most people simple drop their creative energy, don’t alchemize
it, they don’t let it up through their interior channel, because that means Work, and laziness is
a vice or negative emotion settled down in common human being. Is an ego that has been
eating the humans for centuries, and lives upon them. Just as the inertia is vice that sets down
on the feet, laziness does it in the sex, that´s why most humanity is the result or boring sex
sessions. Man is so asleep that he calls “making love” to simple sex, such a euphemism.

Your physical body is the most perfect Athanor, in which it can be realized the true alchemy
process, the real vital stone.

What is matrix?

Mezcalito continued talking:

“Matrix is the system that controls you through machines. Matrix is everything you see, except
yourself. You exist, the matrix is illusion, is devastation, and is control in hands of dark and
non-human interest. Warriors used to call those non-human interests inorganic beings, today
they call them egos…

The more energy you save the less you will forget things, and slowly you will stay in a higher
state of consciousness, is not from the night to the morning, if this was easy anyone would
pass to superior levels of the Spirit by only wishing it, here is not like that, you need your
physical body, your flask, that´s the key, but remember that all human beings are energetic
variations, even from the sex, they were born product of the energy which they were
conceived with, and everyone has different levels of energy, you need a lot of sexual energy,
long walks, magical passes, so is a whole discipline, learn to flow in the discipline without
discipline, live without routines.

I want to share something that may seem simple, but could help lot with your recapitulation.
You see, one always start in recapitulation with the sex, because there is where you have to
pick up you energy, the sexual area is emptied by the egos, in fact the ego of laziness seats
there is the sex. In woman the inorganic being hides in her energetic sexual center, it nearly
takes energy from the woman, if you observe women who have more gracious physical bodies,
is like their sexual area is more magnetic, they attract, a woman who has a nice body will never
be missing a man to give her energy for free, but that is outside, inside is the inorganic being
that creates energetic waves to attract its victim, that kind of inorganic being feeds directly
from the male sexual energy, it empties the energetic centers of the man,it takes the fine
energy you have accumulated. So the first thing to be recommended to the warrior is to save
and rechannel sexual energy.

So, the first thing I want you to try in yourself is when you go recapitulating to put a candle
about a meter in front of you.

“From the light of this candle in Malkuth, is my will to create a tube of divine Spiritual Light, to
the sun for the negative energy recapitulated to be recycled in the sun for evolution in the

Once you did that little invocation (which can vary when you have more practice), start
recapitulating, commonly the recapitulation goes on moving the head from one shoulder to
another, but when you recapitulate sexual encounters is good to inhale the energy you
dropped in your sexual sessions starting with the head looking front, and exhaling moving it
from shoulder to shoulder, sending al the energy that is not yours to the candle fire, this will
break with any energetic compromise that people use to do unconsciously with their mates in
turn. In the case of women, they have to visualize how they expulse out of their vagina the
male sexual energy, or the luminous lazes that the men they had sex with left in them, this
part is important. Remember that both men and women are unconscious of sexual force.
Sexual energy is the only energy we posses to multiply it and expand it, and make us
participate in “seeing”, without sexual energy there is no way to “see”, so one has to recover
the sexual energy from where you dropped it, an well, the rest is personal.

When you visualize the energy coming out of you, the sick energy, send it to the candle fire
and visualize how this goes through the tube of light that you intended with the use of verb,
goes to the sun and gets “recycled”, you don’t need to imagine how it is recycled and all that,
just visualize that it goes through the tube of light to the sun, the rest your premeditated
intent has done it already. In the candle fire, burn all the egos that got stick to you, all the
negative emotions, get empty, sometimes you´ll feel that the energy came out from another
center, it can be the chest, attract the energy again to the center that you feel empty,
especially in emotional relationships the chest center gets emptied by the egos without
compassion. Like that when a girl with open legs or a boy told you that they loved you and
would never leave you, and you happily gave them your sexual energy, well it was only an ego
there fooling you and it took your sexual and emotional energy, and how it usually happens to
people you stay like the dog with two breads, without sexual energy and without emotional
energy, and by the way they also feed of your superior or cerebral center energy.

“Sex is the greatest blessing for man, it is a virtue, not a sin like your stupid capturers had
made you believe. Conscious sex is what makes you free, unconscious sex takes you to
suffering and apathy.”
Chapter 2

I arrived home at evening and Raham came to visit me. I knew Raham since some time ago, I
was sure he could “see”, that wasn’t any advantage for me, on the contrary, sometimes his
“seeing” left me astonished and I couldn’t relay in his explanations all the time, I wanted to
“see” for myself up to the level that Raham could “see”.

Raham sat down while I was examining my notebook and what Mezcalito told me about

-Mezcalito says- I told Raham- that I live in a machine world

-That´s true- he said exited- that Teacher knows, he teaches me too even in dreams

I talked to Raham a little about the energy bodies and he only affirmed.

-You are going right, is only missing the activation, how to reach your astral first, then it comes
your Spiritual body, your Divine Being… when you go out to reality and take down the matrix in
you, you´ll “see” that we are standing in a hell, but no one listens, for what you tell me the
matrix in you is breaking up. We are trapped in a virtual reality, technically you don’t exist as a
body, everything is energy, you have an energy body, and there are infinite energy fields, but
perceiving the world as objects is for the ego, or the ego mind.

Raham told me exited a “seeing” event, he used to tell me some funny stories every once in a
while that himself realized about energy and other energetic manifestations.

-You know what happened? - He said exited and laughing


I was at school playing with my sword of light, that I told you to create with your power, so I
carried it aside and a younger boy told me: oh what a nice sword of light you are carrying

I laughed out loud

-See? - I told him laughing- you thought you were the only one that could “see”? So you see
you are not crazy or anything, and there are other children that can “see” like you

-Yes- said the child exited- he even scared me a little because he could “see” my sword of light
and I laughed

And we both laughed about the boy that “saw” his sword of light

-I have something for you to take note- said Raham

-Ready- I said taking pen and paper

-The question, what is the door? …the answer, is the way out

I laughed a little, Raham laughed with me quietly

-Do you always “see”? - I asked Raham

-Yes- the child said with no importance

-And why you don’t tell me the things you see?

-Because if I tell you, what´s the point then? You have to realize by yourself

The child left and I stayed doing some reading.

…About four weeks went on that I didn’t see Mezcalito, he had taught me the exercise of
recapitulating with the candle fire, even that I didn’t do the exercise of recapitulation, I liked to
recapitulate, but only once in awhile, in contrast the Teacher of the desert had no compassion
and he asked to do it daily. Finally, after four weeks I bought a candle and start recapitulating
in expanded consciousness. Ten minutes later felt a tremendous impulse to continue the
exercise with the candle, I wasn’t imaging it, I felt light, as if a I had dropped a lot of weight, I
stayed for hours doing the exercise, then carried on in the night until early morning.

I turned in to a devotee of the little candle

-You see, the candle represent the presence of Spirit in Malkuth- said the Voice of the Being

-Is it really necessary the candle? - I asked the Voice

-In the beginning, yes, after a while you´ll be able to create the tube of light to the sun with
your pure intent, is the symbol of the Spirit, it exists in Malkuth, you are affecting the levels of
the tree of life, what you do down here gets done above and it stays registered as a conscious
act, of course you could do it with your pure personal power, but well I see that the sun is
there every day for free, so use its power instead of using your personal power for free- said
the Voice of the Being

The voice of the Being inside me drove me to a memory of the desert when Mezcalito was
guiding me in the teachings of the consciousness managing, and the Teacher of peyote told

-…is natural, when you accumulate fine energy, you tend to scale consciousness levels where
there is no time for sadness, that is ego too, energetic parasites can´t take discipline, and
besides you recover the energy that the ego stole and kill it of starving. All that cures your
energetic field and cover your holes, the holes don’t appear only for having children, that
doesn´t have so much energetic cost as other things do, for example some negative emotions,
not to say all of them, make holes in the luminous field, but everything is reparable in energy

- How do I cover the holes in my energy field from the children I had? – I asked

-When you enter higher consciousness, in those states that you “see” pure energy, you have to
do magical passes and bring the energy to where your hole is, you are male, a boy takes more
energy from you, when the newborn is of the opposite sex almost doesn´t take energy from
you but from the mother, so when they are male they take more from the father, but
everything is reparable in energetic terms, people spend more in negative emotions than even
in children, stupid and endlessly repetitive emotions…I t tell you, always machines, nothing to

I returned opening my eyes to the candle fire.

A few weeks (months) passed and I went with Teacher Mezcalito again, arriving to the desert, I
told Mezcalito how the exercise with the candle made me feel so good, even commented that
I was starting to feel my emotional energy getting cured in my fourth chakra, Mezcalito
seemed pleased, he told me not to abandon the exercise. We decided to go for a walk in the
mountains, it was early.

While I walked with Mezcalito I remembered a talk with Raham:

Raham and I were in a little cave in the mountains, it was raining hard, the child was silent. I
was doing some magical passes and chi kung.

-When you do your passes- said the child- it can be “seen” how the energy comes to you, you
attract it with your premeditated intent, that´s to say the energy come with pure thinking and
it lights up your energy field. The blue brothers that drive the ships do magical passes too.

-And why you never tell me that?

-Because you don’t ask- laughed the boy and I laughed with him

-And if I want to ask you to teach me?

-Then- Raham laughed a little- don´t ask and it will be given…remember, don’t desire, that is
the key.

Mezcalito and I walked for about six hours, I was in the expanded consciousness by that
moment. Because Teacher Mezcalito had given me ten peyotes to eat, he started telling that it
was necessary to comprehend in evolved superior levels of consciousness, and that the talks
with Him would be in the higher consciousness, my work was to stay in the higher
consciousness through my conscious work in the path of the warrior, that Mezcalito said,
would last all life, and there were very few people that persisted with Him and his teachings,
most only seek for him for amusement of to “see” something, never to learn the art of sacred
medicine. No one wanted to work, most wanted everything for free.

All the way we were silent. Until we sat in a place where the was a font of water, my mid had
stopped hours ago, Mezcalito looked at me and only laughed a little

-Close your eyes- He ordered, and I stayed sitting in sidhasana with the eyes closed… -You have
to start first than anything to know how to relax, this is every day, you must go relaxing every
part of your body, starting with the feet up to the head, from your face to your toes, then all
your muscles inside, until you even relax your bones too. Remember every movement
generates energy, when there is no movement inside or outside, when there is no desire to
experiment, to wake up or seeing, no movement of any type, then energy is found in its higher
level. When there is no movement there is a tremendous concentration of energy. You don’t
need to do anything to elevate your energy level and change your consciousness, only learn to
relax inside. Energy in a natural way flows from below to above, but for conditions you usually
throw it outside, that is to say down, when you accumulate enough sexual energy, it starts to
go up, also what you call blockages are only like energetic tensions, relaxing the zone, the
energy flows up for itself, there you have to intent without intending, do without doing.
Become relaxed and without tensions, that´s all.

I was relaxing with the instructions Mezcalito gave me, part by part in my body, I felt so much
energy flowing in me, even that I tried not to “see” with the eyes closed, I stayed without
paying attention to what I “saw” inside, that was multicolored, everything moved inside and
outside of me, the mountains made spirals of energy, human faces with indigenous marks,
trees were full of life and color, a long while went on and I felt how I went out first to a level
where everything was like blue, then I saw myself triple, and then I entered a world beyond
syntaxes, purely mental, there was no thinking, I felt that everything was an infinite blue and
silver lake, I could “see” a thought passing, and then everything stopped. Mezcalito´s voice
sounded in my ears, but in fact inside of me, because there wasn´t a “me” listening. Only

-I want to show you something- said Mezcalito while I was in the Higher Consciousness

Mezcalito then took me out of the Empty and took me to the machine world…the matrix

I was contemplating a scene in which I was a part every day but I was outside of it, I was
watching thousands and thousands of computers made of yellowish energy, and millions of
human beings, with human forms same yellow but with a honey color, sitting in front of
computers of empty (pantallas)… All the persons or human forms were energetically drained
by the machines.

The energy was taken through cables of energy from each machine and everything was like a
mental world that was designed by non human beings…inorganic beings…or egos that had
designed machines in a collective bubble of perception that maintained the humans trapped.

-Them- said Mezcalito showing the (suigeneris) scenario –The egos steal your “time”, the fine
energy, you see now we are not in the physic but you are watching everything from the
mental, remember how is that you are here, in the mental?

-A little- I said

-You passed the etheric and astral quickly…is like if you have come out of a dream within a
dream…see how they “drop” their time in something that doesn´t exist- said Mezcalito

I contemplated with horror all that, how in endless (filas), hypnotized by unreal machines
made from some energy or plasma that seemed to create the virtual reality of computers,
strange dark shadows passed like guards to their slaves who were asleep.

-In this level- said Mezcalito- those shadows are the agents from the inorganic beings that take
care of the system. When you write to a machine you only feed the system, the slaver, today
the youth spends thousands of hours each day in nothing, just being stick to a machine, that is
all their life, and believe me, that is something to be alarmed, because the planet is going to
hell while the human machines do nothing but waste their time watching some simple
computers with nothing inside, pure programming, pure massive hypnosis.

The human doesn’t know about the caliph that carries as negative emotions, to “see” it is
necessary to first clean all the astral from the negative caliphs like doubt, vanity, arrogance,
luxury, anger. These and all negative emotions are like parasites in the human. Meditate on
this, the human has a personality that is like a (cenegal), a dirtiness, that is what he calls his
marvelous “I” , and he also has an individuality or being, the “I” is the ugliest thing in you, the
negative, the grotesque, the being is your divine part, everyone adore to be in the (cenegal)
and forget the lake of their being. The human is a machine because he loves for ignorance to
revolve in the dirt like a pig, in the dirt of negative emotions.

-Machines are bad?

-They hypnotized all these people you “see”, where do you think all this organic energy that
they steal every day goes? See for yourself…

I watched beyond everything and reached the end of the energetic tubes that stole the energy
from the machines…I saw a type of robotic face, but conscious of itself, I told Mezcalito was I
saw, it was like a reached something, I couldn’t put it into words, it was so real and at the same
time so crazy, no human technology, stealing energy, and the planet like a human farm, I
finally “saw” it…it was no lie, it was a reality.

-This is matrix- said Mezcalito- the Babylon…they insert the mind in you, the “personality”…the
mind is a design created by the inorganic beings, it is material and they insert it when people is
about 2 years old to everyone in this planet, the mind is a creation let´s say, hybrid-
technological…to keep every human in this planet asleep, what surrounds us are pure
elemental forces created by the demiurge, satanic (huestes) let´s call them.


-Did you observe the humans in the machines?


-How did you see them? - He asked

-They had physical mold, but they all were yellow light, like pure energy bodies

-It is yellow because it is the ambarine energy that the machines take, is the nucleos inside the
physical body that yellow light…the battery itself of the 7 bodies…they don’t even leave space
for man to have PHYSICAL life, only artificial life, living for the machines. In your world-
continued Mezcalito without compassion- people never shuts up because they are slaves of
the machines, what you call “your” world, where you shit, eat, fuck, sleep, walk, work, etc… is
only a perceptual prison, energy, fields of energy manipulated by the parasite mind that (aloja)
as an unique program in you Being, your physical body is invaded by a parasite mind, the
reptilian mind, the egos in other words, but behind the egos there are the reptilians, they
invented the ego themselves. Observe that when a human is the machines, his fine energy
center doesn’t work, it doesn’t generate true feelings or will and he doesn’t either have the
control of his superior center, his is chained like a slave to the machines.


-Oh, simple, for those non human beings you are eternal food, because the Divine Spirit in you
is trapped thinking it is matter, that is the lie, you are pure Spirit, and through realizing this,
the perceptual world you look at is a prison, is the system, the parasite mind inside you that
feeds from your mental energy.

The egos feed through the thinking… the names of the religions, Allah, Jehova, Jesus, Mahoma,
Krishna, etc. they feed upon people, you are a luminous being in a sphere with 7 capes of
energy, what need there is to adore another luminous being that is not even longer here? They
are all traps from the ego…when your 7 capes get filled of energy you become an infinite and
endless god…

-And God?

-Is font force Origin of everything, there is no “God” up there, is Satan pretending to be God,
the Brahman playing to be good and bad, good with the religious and bad with those who idol
him as the “devil”, is just a complot from the inorganic beings and the demiurge…you know it
from years ago, the Eagle, the demiurge is the Eagle.

-Then our consciousness is only food?

-Yes- answered Mezcalito- a delicious organic food that serves to the Eagle or demiurge,
nothing more…all that they imposed you about reincarnations, past lives and all that is a
perceptual story designed by the system, a horrible trap… but you can escape, but that is not a
gift and everyone knows that do they prefer to surrender and die as machines giving
themselves to the cosmic recycler… if you observe well the tonal world, computers are a very
efficient way for the machines to manipulate everyone´s perception and create the matrix that
you see, and they even decor it, when that world doesn’t even exist… well what you perceive
as computers and all that… pure dream, nice dreams and nothing more… is rare the human
that realizes the matrix and does conscious efforts to get out the global program imposed by
the egos who handle the power lines in governments.


-We live in infinite fields of energy, humans are luminous beings, their light is very wanted out
there… of course… about all this I´m telling you there will be energetic facts, you know, we
don’t like philosophical garbage, esoteric and all that rubbish… the seers are very, very
practical beings, but let´s go step by step because if I took out all the programs of the matrix
inside of you, in one movement, you may not take it well, is slowly, taking off programs is not
that hard, the difficult thing is something else… not everyone comes to me, and I don’t accept
everyone, only a few, there are some requirements, you have spend many years looking for
me, and have come for your own merits, you truly want to learn, you have passed the five
years of proving, nearly, it was tough, but you did it, and still you are persisting, thanks to your
accumulated and a little refined energy, we can have this chat, on the contrary you would be
like most people that eat my physical part, trapped in rituals, in old and obsolete traditions.

I stayed silent, everything was an exquisite vibration of colors, comprehension, everything was
so simple. The effects of the peyote were intense, but I was only with my vision inside, I didn’t
care at all for the wonders and visions that the Divine Luminous showed me, I knew it was a
form of a testing, many stayed for all life seeing “outside”, they got exited with the vision that
the Teacher of peyote gave them, most people didn’t pass from that level, I had discovered
that I had to meditate inside, go beyond astral visions and colors, go beyond the luminous veils
in my third eye, it wasn’t easy, because the Divine Luminous was a very exigent teacher. But
still with time and meditation I became a little more (ecuanime) to not stay as an idiot
watching the visions that the Teonanacatl gave, and still it was not bad to always get marveled
of the fascination, endless and always luminous which the Divine Luminous always presents
with, is something beyond words to open with the divine meat of the desert, and at the same
time is something impossible to understand how the sacred medicine is not valued for the
government and the people that doesn’t know how to appreciate something so sacred and full
of wisdom like the sacred peyote is.

Who is this teacher from the desert who is a strange to the world but not for his messengers?
Is the herb of the wonders, wonder and ecstasy compared with the Jesus of al Christianity, and
it transcends simple books written by human hands and called sacred, because Him, the
Teacher of peyote is the sacred itself, communing with another sacred, making human realize
he forms part of it.

While I meditated I could feel the flow of energy through all my body, in each cell, I could see
myself as a package of energy, all by body was only an energetic mold surrounded by some
luminous cocoon, in o other words I was contemplating myself in another aspect of my own
consciousness. And could feel a burning and see as energetic emanations in my heart, a
burning so intense that made me enter in love ecstasy, just that, love for Mother Earth.

Opened my eyes, the mountains were not mountains, but a description that came and went
every once in a while, the rocks, the trees, everything was alive. Like the zen poet once wrote,
on the beginning of learning, the mountains are mountains and the rivers are only rivers.

How was it possible that the vision of the world that the ego dictated us was so superficial and
vane compared with the vision of the sacred? …this was only possible due to something not
natural in man today; the mechanic life the egos imposed had made him unnatural.

No one understand it, hundreds of millions prayed in the Mecca, in Jerusalem, in so called
sacred temples… and the Desert, the most pure and sacred and alive, while the temples are
only rocks and paintings created by human hand, the desert, the sacred Teonanacatl, created
by the Absolute itself to return to the man seeking for the path of the heart, in a man of
knowledge, the sacred bread, not touched by human hand, extinguishing for humans fault and
their insatiable depredation towards mother nature. And the supposed illuminated, where
were they to say something in defense of the sacred? … they prefer to kiss a Coran, adore a
Gita, hold to a Bible, when those books have no compare to a sacred plant like Peyote… which
land is as sacred as the one Jesus died in, which lesson is the Absolute itself. The Everything
Conscious, but modern world prefers to explode Earth searching for simple stones, than to
search the sacred in themselves. That is the real situation, except no one wants to see it.

That was the lament that tears my heart and there was only one question, why was man so
blind to the Spirit gifts?

I stood up and walked a little far where Mezcalito couldn’t see me. Started singing alone,
between tears and loneliness, between the pain and ecstasy of being myself and realize I was
real. Then everything started becoming divinely luminous. He arrived, the one who is called
the Luminous Deer.

My heart, I felt it full of an indescribable love, lacking of human addictions, better said I was
one with everything and everything was one with me. I was the everything in the manifested,
made flesh, pure divinity living in an earthly body.

-What are you? - I asked the Divine Luminous

- I am an Organic Consciousness, Master of the consciousness, luminous. I was created to help

wake up those who are my chosen one in the human farm. I teach the secrets of the
assemblage point. Naturally, as you may have spotted, I am not from this planet, my energetic
model proceeds from Divine Intelligence, I come from beyond the sun and this galaxy, I exist as
Organic Consciousness integrated in the Hypercamp. You and I are interacting in the energetic
mental hypercamp, you are just for the moment in the mental, you need more dreaming
attention, more meditation for you to stabilize for will in this level, or say to give uniformity
and energetic coherence to our dialogue.

…the Divine Luminous then guided me to “see” him in the physical, told me to close my eyes
but not completely, I saw him everywhere, in every part I looked at, even with closed eyes I
could “see” Him.

The Being latitudes in infinite waves of Consciousness-Love. To call it Love, Consciousness,

Happiness, Blessedness, they were only words, but in the moment I had no other description,
it was a total snatch of the Being.

The Divine Luminous the manifested in front of my eyes. I was in seisha, when I “saw” Him in
front of me, I closed my eyes and only cried.

-Open your eyes- He said – Look at me, I am real.

-Is no easy to find you- I said sobbing

-No- He said- is not easy, you´ll see, many look for me without working, other misuse the plant
in strange rituals, some others use the plant for sordid proposes, but I stay away from all that,
the plant is just a medium, but I´m not chained to it… look.

And then the Divine Luminous banished and became everything again, I was in front of some
slopes full of trees, the leafs became intense golden, in every leaf He was, in the Earth, in the
-I am everything- He said- I am speaking inside and outside of you. But you most focus more in
seeing me inside and from the inside concentrate the vision in your third eye to see OUTSIDE.
First look inside, and when you find yourself as a Real Being inside, when you accept yourself
as a luminous being, then look outside. Learn to see with you inner vision.

After a while of being in complete silence, seeing the Divine Luminous having fun in
everything, with Blue Deer figures everywhere, he returned to assume a luminous form in
front of me, he was pure light that emanated Consciousness and luminosity.

-Beliefs about man are wrong- He told me in a tangle of energetic perceptions where I listened
his words inside of me, his voice was impossible to confound. –You have to believe that the
world is more than what they made you think since you were a child, but you have some locks
that don’t allow you to evaporate in the everything in this moment, and loose human form and
become Divine Spirit. If you believe you can, you do it, if you don’t believe you can, you don’t
do it, beliefs about what you can or cannot do are programs of the parasite mind. Once you
expulse the parasite mind of your being with internal silence, you can “see” the world as it is, I
call world to everything that surrounds you, absolutely everything, Existence itself. The world
as they have made you believe is like energy membranes, the walls, houses, cars, they exist
only in the collective intent called the dream of the world. The Collective Tonal. The demiurge
(or matrix force) creates and dictated in the Spirits trapped in the human body, a way to “see”
what surrounds you, a way to see the demiurge´s “reality”, they are cosmic agreements
created by the demiurge creator, the laws of karma, cause and effect, polarities, is all created
by the demiurge, is his kingdom, his universe, but there is an unknowable God… but still, your
energy being, Being of Light knows the true sense of its own existence. And it doesn’t belong
to the demiurge´s kingdom. For example the tree of life in cabala, there is no such thing as a
tree, is just an archetypical glyph, but the cabalists get tangled because of the Tzadikim, a type
of inorganic beings that the cabalists call teachers, but you are the tree of life. That
archetypical sphere contains the potential of the Absolute Everything and Absolute Nothing,
but I Am as a Divine Being always exists, it is in the middle of the everything and absolute
nothing. It is right in the middle of existence and non existence. Is eternal and will be always
the I Am as a divine being beyond all cosmic Semites. Because I Am divine Being, the one who
transcends absolute all and nothing.

Organic beings feed on subtle forms of energy, for example a plant feeds on the sun but
doesn’t “eats” it, the sun gives its divine energy, the Earth the minerals. All that you see
outside is inside you in terms of existence in the material universe, there are more subtle
forms of matter and existence of more subtle worlds of matter that has many levels until it
reaches the divine matter. You need to receive let´s say atoms of divine matter in your
luminous field, and that your physical body stays protected by this divine matter to go beyond
Kether and find out what exists beyond Everything, and consciously survive that impact.

Imagine this plant that you have eaten, it only grows in a certain part of the planet, and of
many planets, thousands. And it exists only in magnetic places, of cosmic power or portals.
This cosmic portals irradiate en energy or prana, with cosmic light rays, full of pure light that
reach the Earth in particles of pure light, this gets condensed in the plant, so as the rays of the
sun, the Earth and its minerals, the atoms of the wind, the drops of water, this process
gestates for years, it takes to the plant from 5 to 10 years, from 15 to 30, many people don’t
value nothing of this, because they are energetically blind to see this process so unified of the
Everything. They only cut the plant and fill it with ritualism. That is not what I am as Organic
and Luminous Being. A power that guides men would never ask for cult or adoration, only to
the One inside you, you must adore, because the One is in you. Is You. And you as a Being also
have a sacred responsibility, to take care of Mother Earth. What use is eating the sacred if you
act like you don’t know and don’t fight for the Earth and what lives in it, if you don’t extend
the Gaia consciousness to others you? This Earth belongs to the men and women that habits
her, but from centuries ago already, the Arconts invaded this planet and altered the perceptual
system of the human back then.

The voice of the Teacher of peyote kept silent, meanwhile the light became so intense that I
closed my eyes.

-Open your eyes- He said and I did so.

There He was in front of me, about a meter, Him, the Divine Luminous in human form, all his
skin was greenish, his face figured me like green Tara from Buddhism, not that he looked like
her but his form was not masculine nor feminine, it was a fusion of both, but his face had a
beauty beyond this more feminine than masculine world, his face was green too, his eyes a
little elongated, I stayed astonished watching that divine and radiant beauty in front of me.

-Now you see me physically, now you have proven I exist? – asked the Spirit of Mezcalito

I just nodded with my head

-The ego don’t want you to realize- said that beautiful divinity, but without opening his mouth,
it all seemed like a telepathic dialogue- is the one who dictates you the fictitious reality of the
world. To overcome the ego become more conscious of yourself as a light being, because
being light you light up your astral, and then your mental and that way you comprehend
everything when you enter the sacred consciousness.

-But many who enter the divine being cannot explain this to the seekers?- I asked with my

-Because not all enter the divine being, but very few, also not all of them can explain it in
words, energy is needed and let´s say a certain quality to explain in words- He answered- the
words written in your world seem real, but at the end they are only agreements that are never
the real thing, they only point, elucidate, seem to be the real, but they never are, and must not
be, the real can never be substituted by letters, the Truth is you is the Divine Spirit.

For thousands of years the man has been conditioned as a machine and to forget his essential

Observe the word God, it does something to you, it changes something in you the word God?
Is just a word, the presence of you Divine Being in you, is the real God in everyone, we are all
One living in the One, but as individualized consciousness, evolving each one according to their
own plan of evolution, you are part of everything. What people call “God” in religions, id what
the ancient called “gods” , there is a big difference, in you there is the true unknowable God,
as a divine spark, your Spirit, and that Spirit as we have said gets involved in an astral body, like
when the genesis says that God knitted “clothes” for Adan- Eva, that´s to say the Divine Spirit
is dressed by the biblical Satan-Yahvhe or the “Elohim”, Satan agents, who trapped the Divine
Spirit, the spark and forced it to live in the matter. There are many gods, the supposed names
of that which is called “God”.

There is a “god” that feeds on prayer, worshiping, adoration. The Divine Being in you needs no
ceremonies or priests. The true God is in yourself, you live in the kingdom of perceptual matrix,
to get out you need to escape matter inside, to superior levels of being, and become conscious
of your Divine Being. God is only a word in the Tonal island, it doesn’t mean a lot when you
realize it.

Learn to see reality as a bubble of energy. Get more consciousness of your luminous egg.

…I closed my eyes and the Divine Luminous transported me out of this world, beyond the
chains of the matter. Then he took me to an image of myself, in my physical body.

-You are locked by the childhood you lived, believing you are only physical body, if you dissolve
the nudes that lock your energy that got trapped in the body-soul as emotions, you´ll free the
memory of yourself as Divine Spirit beyond body and soul. - He said inside of me and my heart
started feeling a kind of pain, while I remembered more, the Divine Luminous made me
remember myself in childhood…you were about three years old when your mother left you, a
hurt was created on you, as a child didn’t comprehend why, every child needs his mother, is
something natural.

I opened my eyes, everything was moving, the Teacher had became pure light again, He was in
everything, I fell to the ground and my chest exploded in an incredible pain, my heart hurt.

-Get free from the pain, you have been feeding it for many years. The child in you feels lonely.

I cried out loud, the Divine Blue passes in front of my being a movie of my own childhood,
forgotten memories came out, I was crying inside of pain.

-Your mother left- said the voice of the Teacher- she left you only with your father and your
two sisters, that made you grow up different, you were always searching for love, but it was a
reflection of the mother you didn’t have as a child, your not letting go and your suffering
comes from that, you have to get free from that, recapitulate, get out the pain that stuck to
you when you were a child, is not you, the pain is not you, it feeds from you, it has done it
since you were a child.

I was only crying, laying down with the heart burning in the Earth, I hugged the Earth, the Earth
healed me, the Earth loved me, I could feel the pure warmth of the Earth, as a pillow of

-You have to talk to yourself as a child now that you are an adult and make comprehend that
child in you how has your life been good too, so you can heal those wounds, you have to be
without emotional wounds inside, without any kind of scars, do not feed the pain inside the

Then I saw myself, I saw myself as an adult and as a child and I talked to myself as a child. It
was the strangest thing I could ever imagine, my being in adult body talking with my being in
child body. That child didn’t comprehend many things, but my being as adult had the answers.

-I come from the future- I said to myself as a child- I am you, you still a child, life is going to be
kind of hard with you, but you have to feel that even when you physical mother is not here, we
are all children of the Divine Mother, do not feel lonely about this.

But it was so hard, the child only asked me:

-Where is my mom? - Myself child asked me

-She left- I told him- you´ll see her soon, sometimes for once in a while, years will pass and
you´ll grow up a little lonely, but in won´t be in vane, the Earth will help you comprehend
everything, Mother Earth never leaves us alone, do not feel alone, Mother Earth, who is the
mother of all takes care of you, the trees are your brothers, the clouds your sisters, the sea,
the stars, everything is connected and loves you, they know you.

-But I want my mom- complained the child crying and it made me explode in crying inside.

-I know- I told him- but sometimes life is like a surprises box, you think you have nothing and
somebody gives you a surprise box, there is everything you looked for.

Me as a child looked at me and we hugged.

-Don’t feel alone- I told him- enjoy your childhood, laugh, there are orphan kids that didn’t
have mother or father, they live in the street without any kind of love, you have good luck,
believe me further on you´ll understand everything and you´ll see that even when your mother
was not with you, Mother Earth took care of you.

My own childhood dissolved, then painful memories of my childhood started opening, me as a

child was myself living the world as a child, the beatings from my father towards my mother,
the screaming, and the fighting.

-You have to recapitulate all that- said the voice of the Teacher inside me- clean yourself of
everything, as a child all those scenes of violence and pain got inserted on you, the egos that
used your parents to feed upon them, the anger, the violence, the lack of love got mixed in
you, they are latent as seeds and they always seek for growing roots in the children, that´s why
you don´t remember well your childhood, you have to remember, you have to recapitulate

-It hurts- I said crying

-Recapitulate- the Teacher ordered- right now you can recapitulate a lot of your childhood, you
are in the no-time, get back your total being. Become conscious.
I started recapitulating all that Teacher Mezcalito showed me, my childhood wasn´t exactly
nice, what I remembered were fragments of pain, beating, shouting, and humiliations.

-You are not all that- explained the Teacher- they are psychological aggregations. They stick to
you as a child, those are the egos, and you have to get them out of you.

I was trying to expulse everything with my breathing, even lighted up a candle that I was
carrying in my bag, and send all the pain to the sun that was setting. My chest burned and got
released, my entire being was liberation in the middle of tears, I never thought I had such a
painful childhood, how much ignorance the parents accumulate towards their children.

-Is not your parent’s fault- said the Teacher- their parents didn’t love them either, your father
grew up without a father, your mother without father and mother, give thanks to Divinity that
she took care of you until she could, things are like they are, you have to carry on.

The words of the Divine Luminous made the pain less hurting, they freed me, but the pain
didn’t left.

-Letting go of pain hurts- He said- if it was easy anyone would be a warrior, but no one wants
to face their pain in solitude, everyone runs from facing the emotional pain they carry inside
since childhood.

I stayed a long time absorbed in that recapitulation, pain was leaving slowly, and I felt empty,
but it was a weird emptiness, as if a weight had been taken off me, I continued crying, or
better said my eyes continued producing tears while I was recapitulating. I don’t know how
many hours it took me to recapitulate that part of my childhood, and the end I felt lighter, but
my heart was still burning.

-Is natural- said the Divine reading me- that you feel you heart like that, with hurt, to get free
from pain is difficult, you feel pain for the attachment you accumulated for so many years,
attachment to pain, it wasn’t created by you, it wasn’t you, so don’t lament, now fill yourself of
light. Light up inside.

I was sitting in sidhasana, it was already dark but I wasn’t cold.

-Fell you own inner light, open your heart- Mezcalito guided me- just open your inner light,
don’t be afraid of it, recognize yourself as what you are, a luminous being.

I started seeing inside of me a light in fractals of energy, it was golden. I opened my eyes, the
trees and my surroundings were pure lines of light, of many colors and variations, I felt
restored, not hurting, but on the contrary, happy, but in a profound peace, I didn’t want
anything, and didn’t think of anything.

The night came and I lighted up a fire, my total being was beyond words. I was silent for a long
while seeing for hours the unending teachings of the Divine.

Mezcalito then talked to me when night had fallen in the desert, only the (grillos) and the
sound of the fire accompanied us:
-Let´s go for a walk- He said and we walked a little far from the fire, while I walked I loosed
sense of time, I remember we started walking right in to the south of the fire, and suddenly we
were farer from it and to the west, hundreds of meters.

-How did we move?- I asked Mezcalito

-Don’t you remember?- He said

-But right now we were almost in the fire and now we are hundreds of meter away from it.
How did we move?

Mezcalito smiled and suspired

-You don’t realize, right Rahaddesh?- He asked me

-Realize what, that I am an idiot?- I asked

Mezcalito exploded in a tremendous laugh.

-No, not that, well apart from that- He said still laughing- you are so funny with your questions

I laughed without wanting it

-This is so bloody hard- I complained- I thought the Path was softer, if hard Mezcalito, is not
like they tell you.

-No- said Mezcalito- is not like they tell, are you backing up now?

-No, but I would prefer it to be given in pieces, well in words.

Mezcalito laughed again

-Well you have no remedy…don’t you understand?

-How did we move so many meters from the fire in less than a second?

Mezcalito silently stared at me

-Well, that is other thing, it is for warriors, you´ll see everything is so simple and at the same
time is only getting over the egos, Mezcalito is something sacred, very sacred, and it has many
secrets that are not revealed to anyone. You have passes the first cycle, five years, if you want
to learn more it will be very different, like ten years of testing.

-Forgive me- I told the Teacher of peyote and I fell on my knees to the ground, He was in
everything in that moment- I have done many mistakes in the path, I am simply an idiot.

-Get on your feet- He said- you are a warrior, I´m not here to complain to you, but to teach

-I want to learn, but usually I make so many mistakes, I fall so easy in the mirroring that the
world offers me as illusions.
-Is part of the path to be tested- said Mezcalito materialized in front of me again- but you are
strong, come, let´s walk you and me.

We walked, the night was full moon. I saw some shadows, three, some meters away from us,
they were whispering something:

-Who are those persons?- I asked

-They are not people- said the Teacher- they are only egos

The Teacher of peyote extended his hand towards the shadows and opened his mouth and I
could say that He ate them or dissolved them, He made a strange sound with his mouth, like
inhaling with his mouth that grew bigger, very bigger, I only contemplated without thoughts,
the shadows simply dissolved.

-Look at me- said the Teacher and I did

He opened his mouth like inhaling something from me, I felt He was pulling something

-I am eating your fears- He said- let them go

He opened his mouth again and his eyes became like (desorbitados), in an intense blue, the
face in Him was only like a projection, I noticed it for the so beautiful and greenish face. I felt
He pulled out of me primitive fears, without reason towards what Mezcalito was. I felt truly

-I want to talk with you- said the Teacher after He finished “eating” my own fears and egos

-But I don’t understand a lot of this- I complained

-You´ll learn- He said- that´s why you are here for. See the moon, you want me to take it

-Can it be done something like that?

The Teacher or peyote did as if He attracted the moon to Himself, and I “saw” how the moon
was now closer to us, He only smiled.

-The world is not as the egos had made you believe, is a lot more, watch, what do you think of
this sight, with close moon and all?

I stayed astonished, He only smiled and sat on the Earth, I did the same and sat in front of Him,
He had a beauty beyond this world, I just couldn’t stop looking at Him, His beauty was so great,
looked more feminine than masculine.

Then the Teacher putted his hand on me and opened my third eye and everything got on its
place s if I hadn’t eaten the ten mezcalitos.

I felt normal, strong, the vision got amplified, I could see everything in energy terms, not that
the world didn’t exist, but now it also was in the fields of energy.
-What I want to teach you is about your own Consciousness. Your Being Consciousness has
many secrets, it is very unknown even by yourself.

-But why I don’t understand? Why if everything is so simple I still don’t understand?

-What don’t you understand?


Mezcalito looked up to the sky and suspired, then looked at me and smiled:

-How weird are you- He said with a little laugh- but well, we can start saying that everything is
energy, consciousness, the egos don’t let you see reality, but as you saw… I am not afraid of
the egos.

-The egos exist?

-Of course- He said- if they didn’t this humanity would be another thing, they are enemies of
humanity, of the human, that´s what you are preparing for, you have to fight.

-With who?

-Well you have to fight for Mother Earth, you have to take care of it

-From who?

-From yourselves, you are killing her- the Teacher said- the situation is not funny, is critical, I
know it will sound weirs, yourselves have to take care of the Earth against yourselves because
you are the ones who are killing it. Mother Earth doesn’t want sacrifices like the ones they do
in indigenous ethnics, she doesn’t want blood, doesn’t want rituals, all that is past, is no use at
all, Mother Earth demands consciousness, no (sahumerios con copal), she wants her children
to understand that they are all brothers in this Earth, to stop killing each other, but no one
listens, but it is time to fight for Mother Earth, you have to prepare as a warrior, you have to
fight for Mother Earth. A neotoltec warrior, if we are going for this, is pragmatic, he is not
alone, if he must fight for what he loves, he will fight to death and without doubts or
vacillation, that´s why he is a warrior, he doesn’t vacillate in the time of battle, doesn’t doubt,
he makes allies with other warriors, a warrior unites his own efforts with other warrior´s efforts
to fight for freedom, and there is only one way to help this Earth and that is to work in
consciousness with Her.

-But I am only an insignificant thing- I said

-Don’t say that- He said- even better, don’t say anything you only speak stupid things.

-Now you “see” better?- He asked me

-Yes- I said

- In this level there is not an I, you are everyone and everyone is you, absolutely all the
illuminated are you, you don’t exist as a finite me, but as a luminous being with individuality,
but take off the work me because is a creation of the ego to, the sense of me.
I remained empty of thought

-All the humans are me, including the illuminated?

-Yes- He said laughing- you thought that an illuminated consciousness would identify with a
name? All of them are you, and still you are you, so don’t you never follow anyone, only follow
yourself, be yourself.

-I like Rumi- I said- is he me?

-Yes and no- He said- Rumi is beautiful, but don’t stay with Rumi or it will feed on your
thoughts, don’t let anyone feed on your thinking no matter if is Rumi or Shiva, what do you
want Rumi for when you are yourself?

-I don’t know

-Exactly, you don’t know, but you don’t need anyone, not Buda, not Jesus, not anyone, you just
have to realize you are too a luminous being and stop following others, what can you follow in
others if they are another you? What difference can you search in another luminous egg if you
are a luminous egg yourself? Don’t ever follow anyone; you have to follow only yourself, not
any god, any book or teacher, just yourself. You are the path and the goal. No one else.

There are no messiahs, salvations or avatars, chosen ones or prophets, all that is pure ego.
There are warriors, but a warrior doesn’t care about personal importance, doesn’t tell you to
worship any god, and doesn’t point you any path to get saved, that would be stupid… become
conscious and you´ll see. The first step of a warrior is to acquire consciousness and raise
beyond any philosophical ideology, mystic or religious, a warrior “sees” the energy as it flows
in the universe, doesn’t need doctrines or so called sacred books.

He stood up and told me to follow Him, we walked to the fire again and sat down in silence.

-I want you to take a message- He said

-Me?- I asked astonished- no Teacher, no one is going to believe me, I am the worst of all
round here.

He only smiled, the fire (crepitaba) silently.

-The message is- He said- it is time to fight for Mother Earth.

-But no one wants to fight for Mother Earth- I said

-How do you know?- He said in a reclaiming way- there is prepared people, the fact that you
don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there, it is a fight, don’t you know why they call them
warriors to those who seek me? I am the Master of the warriors of seeing, I teach the “seeing”,
but I also have other secrets that are not for everyone, I choose myself who to reveal my
secrets with, because most of the people who search for me, does it always searching for the
occult satisfaction of their ego, silently, so I don’t present to them or tell them anything, they
only think they learn but know nothing. The time to fight is here.
-And I am everyone?

-Yes- He said- You are You and also in the human you are the others and the others are you,
but you are not the ego, that is an illness in you, you are a luminous being, the ego is not
luminous, is the cheater, cheats everyone, but is not you, it never was, naturally now you
comprehend all of this because you have entered in the Consciousness of Unity, you are
unified with everything, but still being you, as you “see” you don’t lose your individuality or
any of the stupid thing they have said for centuries in so called sacred books.

-I am here perfectly – I said happy

-Yes- He said- but tomorrow you´ll return to your normal state of consciousness and forget all
of this, some years will pass before you remember this chat between you and me, you will
have to grow strong, tests will come, first than anything, remember that the ego covers itself
in more subtle ways as you advance to tempt you.

-Then the temptations exist?

-But of course- He said- why do you think many don’t reach freedom even when they searched
for many years? Because they fell in temptations and don’t realize it. Temptation of power is
irresistible for many, the temptation of women for others, but all temptations have a common
nucleus, they are pure illusion, if you have no desires inside of you there is no temptation that
can reach you.

-Women are temptations?

-Not the woman- He said- what is behind her yes, regularly let´s say the “others” “see” that
you are going to wake up and quickly in the planes inside they say: send him a woman to stop
him, or if she is a woman send her a man, also women warriors, not a lot but they exist. Inside
in the internal planes they say: send them power, show then the use of magical powers, don’t
let him awake, because if one awakes there is danger, not one must escape from the matrix
spider wick.

-That really happens?

-You´ll be able to verify by yourself further on, but that and many things that you don’t even
imagine exist in the internal planes, black mages manage everything smartly, they don’t let the
sleeping humanity awaken from inside, out here is just a replica of the inside, the war is inside,
is where you are needed, inside, there is the real fight, but if you wake up….you don’t know
what is coming, I give my word. You need to wake up, obviously to assimilate is not easy, once
you assimilate this that I´m personally telling you, and let yourself flow, everything will be
easier, you don’t need to search for warriors, you don’t need to go search for some teacher,
don’t need get people, everything is already prepared, you only need to prepare more, you are
at the point, but you are lacking the necessary energy to give the jump.

-Jump where?

-To superior levels of yourself, wake up in superior levels than the mental… for example, this
that you are living, not many reaches this levels of learning.

The Teacher knitted with the head:

-Not even with peyote they reach here- He said serious- This is the living teaching, the oral,
transmitted by the powers that guide humans towards evolution of consciousness and light. I
tell you, the Absolute All didn’t create you to eat you, but neither to have you for free in
existence either you advance or stay; but you have to work in order to not be drown to the
cosmic recycler, here the rubbish is recycled, but Consciousness is not a gift, is something that
has to be earned, the unconsciousness returns to the Origin, what use is the unconsciousness
in the All Conscious?

We remained quiet, He stood up…

-Look I want to share something with you- He said

The Teacher did as if He pulled the energy from all the cosmos with his hands, while he moved
them at his sides. Then he elevated the energy with the hands and attracted it again towards
Him. It was a beautiful magical pass.

-Now you do it- He ordered

I did the magical pass I had seen, it wasn’t complex, I did it and when I stored the energy in the
third eye everything became explosions of light, I have to other word to describe that but
cosmic exploding inside myself. I saw entire galaxies, the cosmos being born, the formation of
stars and suns. All in my third eye, I could the Universe in its totality, the stars were interlaced
and in the center of each exploded as infinite gigantic atoms of light and life, as if they formed
atoms of pure energy interlacing to whole cosmos in pure light.

-You attention- the Teacher said- you must learn to dominate it with art, the attention of Being
is the true pure gold to the enriching of the Being Consciousness. What really counts for
neotoltec warrior, is to reach the totality of oneself and crystallize their real Being, compared
to this, any other thing of the world is so insignificant, what counts is to crystallize.

I contemplated how the sky was falling, the stars were no longer still, all that description of the
world that they tried so hard to make me accept since my tender infancy, was simply
dissolving like a dust taken without force by the Oceanic Consciousness of the Divine.

I remained silent, turned to see the Teacher to the eyes, they were pure light, his greenish face
didn’t change, neither his exquisitely beautiful eyes, like feminine, it was something real but
out of this world.

-You are missing it- He said- and I cried and laughed at the same time- Seriously you are
missing it, you are missing it, all for not accepting that the easy is not the way and for not
directing properly your way. You have to work with more intent, surrender yourself in this
sacred path, is not a game my friend, without doubts, no one is going discipline you or to come
and demand you to get up and meditate, to recapitulate, to walk the mountains, all that you
have to do it by yourself, and everyone that seeks me knows that, you must have purity in your
heart in your path to the sacred.
We stared at each other

-You are the Spirit- I said

-Yes- He said- I am…do you know what Spirit Teachers are?


He suspired, closed the eyes and after a while he opened them and spoke:

-…the Spirit Teachers are not dead, but silent. In their heart they are drunk with the Beloved´s

If they speak humanity would not appreciate their words, for craziness is hidden in the so
called modernity, for modern man modernity is destruction of the Earth. And for that the word
of a Spirit Teacher, would make them feel as weird stuff or craziness of those few loosen who
are called knowledge men.

But what are we then, if the Voice of the Master doesn’t emerge from silence to speak?

No one lights up a lamp to hide it under the table…

Is not that the Spirit Teachers are gone. Simply the soul of man seems like an eternal dying
winter jasmine, and it is weird, because the Garden is eternal spring, and Gardener loves all his
flowers the same.

What need there is for the wise to speak to deaf ears and dead hearts that only seem
interested in metal lacks and stones without value?

Seek what is truly valuable… the Spirit is the goal, do not stop. There is no other goal, your own
heart is your path, don’t follow anyone else.

Learn to follow yourself…

Wake up from the dream of the world, eternal you, eternal peregrine…

Is only Maya, don’t get confused; live here in the world without being part of it.

Do not fear to wish your freedom that is you gift from the Universal Bless. Fight as a warrior,
love as the Sky, and be silent at the time…

The Voice of the Spirit Teachers never shuts up, is for so much modernity that you don’t find

But the Voice continues, like the Beloved´s wine that never end and its Flavor with no compare
is eternal, for all expert tester in proving this wine that is the best to prove.

What is Love…?

Eternal question…of the thirsty and never satisfied hearts…

Love…is the Beloved´s Holy Wine for her devotees in the Baraka of eternal chant.
Is the Divine living in the lover´s heart, silently.

You would have to feel it, not ask it…

Hidden in an abjection veil lives today the man.

How pity he pretends to live as a machine without feeling his heart´s rhythm.

The Heart´s voice is prevented for so much mechanics.

Even is the Voice of the Master spoke to the mass, it would be in vane, for the people is mass
and loves to be slaves that lick their chains and fear freedom.

I remember Zarathustra, the one who liked to dance…

And Freedom…for man is a strange and nothing more…

So you, strange peregrine, listen to the Spirit´s voice and fight for your freedom…

Because your days are counted by the Hand that wrote Everything.

Do not seek for vane richness from this world, but for the Talent that in you Being the Absolute
gave you.

Make you talent you own support so you maintain the purpose of your existence.

What is the purpose?

Why are we here?

We are going from the Origin to the Absolute Conscious.

Total, infinite, with no compare… to the universal life.

Now say no more, work and you´ll be given…

Total freedom is the only goal for the warrior to seek.

He stopped talking, I closed my eyes and saw the total cosmos, and then I felt that He simply
evaporated in the air and left me alone.

I lay down beside the fire and stayed alone contemplating the fire, the Teacher had shown me
many thing in a while, in just a night. The fire formed magical figures, but I didn’t pay them
much attention even though they spoke to me and moved amused the elemental figures. I
closed my eyes and Mezcalito was still there, very luminous, but I didn’t want to ask anything

Sometimes I stood up to talk with brother fire, recapitulating my life with him, it was like if the
stars, the fire, the earth, the desert were really listening to me. Sometimes I closed my eyes
and saw the Blue Deer running in that desert, joyful, his body was pure dots of sky blue light,
orange, red, green, had many radiant and beautiful colors forming figures of sky blue shines.
As if the colors had own life in exquisite tones that doesn’t exist in the first attention. There
was the other reality in this same reality.

The rest of the early morning I simply observed inside of me that vast teaching of the desert
until sunrise when I contemplated the sun rays, while my mental state was such that I couldn’t
think even if I wanted to, I simply witnessed everything without saying or doing nothing. All
day until sunset I slept in that place, almost at night I returned to my house in the city.

How lost is the machine-man today in not conserving the natural sites of power to help the
human get conscious. How much ignorance of man, in his sad blindness for the mirrors of the

Chapter 3

Days after my encounter with the Blue Deer, I made a trip to the Mexican mountain range, this
time I didn’t chewed hikiuri, but took a mezcalito powder that an indigenous friend who went
to the desert once in a while and had permission to transport peyote gave me, he was from an
ethnic group of central Mexico.

I walked for a long while in the mountains. Arrived to a paradisiacal place near some canyons
where a river of crystalline water passed, the effect of the powder was extremely powerful, I
rested in the ground for a while, Mezcalito´s voice got to me almost immediately, each time
with less hikuri the effects were more powerful, the work over my sexual energy, I could prove
how one “sees” more when one gathers much more sexual energy, energy of months and

-Stand up in your head for half an hour- said Mezcalito- when you are done rest another half
an hour in the dead pose. In Sirshasana maintain your attention focused on your third eye

I did as He asked; when I stood on my head Mezcalito continued instructing me:

-With your hair and head absorb the energy of the Earth and concentrate in your third eye
inside. Take down your sexual energy relaxing your body; you have to learn to relax in this
posture so your energy can flow without locks. While you are like that, visualize how your
seminal energy transforms going down to your head in atoms of light that enter through your
sacral and get exactly to your third eye inside. Visualize inhaling how your energy flows down
through your column as a ray of light and reaches your third eye; learn to feel the flow of
energy. When you exhale remain concentrated in the third eye.

I stood like that until the half hour had passed, I felt only a few minutes gone by. I rested on
the floor and Mezcalito told me to only concentrate in the third eye doing the posture of the
dead. I could “see” from my frown all around me but in pure energy, molds, structures, all was
energy in itself.
-Some days ago you got out to your mental body, you asked, how is it possible? Subtle bodies
are only steps of the Total Consciousness, you shouldn’t entertain in the steps, what counts is
to reach your energetic double. - said the voice o the Teacher

I felt that I went out of physical level again, I “saw” three transactions, but when I remembered
myself, I was again in the mental level without knowing how.

I “saw” again scenes of machines and men interlaced, or people slaves of machines, Mezcalito
started speaking again on the topic we had left:

-The amber energy is your nucleus energy, the energetic parasites feed from that energy, this
should not seem frightening to you, things just are like this. Nothing gets people complaining if
they do nothing to get out their pitiful situation. The machine-man creates machines and traps
himself in them, the warrior is no prisoner of mechanic, he can use a machine, but is never a
slave of them. The curse of common man is that he doesn’t know his assemblage point, in fact,
ignores completely what the assemblage point is.

-Is it real what I see in my mental stratus or just a symbolic vision?

-Is something that transcends what you would call real in your physical world- He said- what
happens is that “seeing” is not easy for many, is so direct that it gives shaking chills. Is very
real, very, very real, I´m afraid, my friend that true reality is not as you “see” it in the physical,
from the mental plane reality has a different order and you include the energetic vision of the
subtle physical planes, the etheric and the astral. The people you “see” exist in this moment,
everyday there are millions of them squeezed and emptied of their mental energy, because
mental energy is the creator energy. The All is mind, that is to say Spirit, all those silly
machines that passionate youth so much today, are only mental prisons created by the egos.

-Mother of God- I exclaimed

-I´m afraid- answered Mezcalito- that also the Mother of God is a program, let´s day
“reptilian”, it is designed to absorb energy from people.

-And what do all these people looking like that to the machines mean?

-Don’t you see?- asked Mezcalito laughing- they are slaves of the machines, right now! Millions
of slaves for free, without pay, that have loosened all contact with the real, all disconnected
from Mother Earth, they have been polluted. You got out for your own efforts from that
dream, but you are lucky, look in change to all those millions trapped in the machines.
Machines they are, machines they will die, the dust to the dust will return.

I saw the scenario in that mental plane, I had no words to describe that horror, millions of
human beings crouched looking at a monitor without life, with nothing inside, all hypnotized
believing it was “reality”.

Millions of people machines, and their amber energy went through the “fantasy” computers
that didn’t exist to a cosmic whole.

-Where does all this organic energy goes to?- I asked

-You already know it- said Mezcalito with a smile- five years ago one of those thieves of energy
came to you, you remember?

-Yes- I answered without wanting to remember that event

-Well, the “reptilians”, who are the “excrement” model of the creation, let´s day they have
humanity in a whole, that type of inorganic beings, live behind that cosmic whole, astral. There
goes all the energy, the gather it for free to keep living in expense of the humans. Let´s say that
humans are food, and seem like beef cows for the inorganic beings. The human has been dam
of these beings for centuries; I assure that if you tell all of this to the human won, no one will
listen. Maybe a few, but that is because they are a little awaken, perhaps for luck, accident or
conscious efforts, but they haven’t reached this level of “seeing” that you have, you are lucky,
you are seeing the energetic predation in all its splendor, let´s day, informatics model… and
what you have ahead… - suspired Mezcalito

-And why are you showing this to me?

-So you take it to the tonal level and assimilate it

-You want me to write it, isn’t it?

Mezcalito only smiled:

-Well-He suspired- I know you are going to tell me that if you write something you will be
judged as crazy, but share, obviously don’t expect anything from the mass, forget about the
mass, you see that they are machines, they are asleep, but you don’t lose anything by trying it.

-Is difficult to write- I complained

-Just let yourself flow- He said- you don’t need more, only flow…forget about the “I”, forget
the idea of “I write”, learn to write in the consciousness on unity, when the spirit fills you, let
the spirit flow in you, become a conduct of the spirit.

I continued contemplating those millions of human forms in energy, children, young ones,
adults, they were so many trapped in the Matrix.

-The system- said Mezcalito- is so well designed that it has guardians that watch every try of
those who are awake to take down the system, but even so this slavery has to reach an end
and is going to fall.

-There are awaken ones?

-Yes there are- He answered- let´s say that they know how to enter even the matrix level and
don’t get noticed, for they enter knowing that matrix is no reality, so they get out of it for will,
but they do it in secret, because a human can be awakened, but rapidly he sleeps again, they
fall again in the machine dreams, conscious efforts are needed from those who want to

-This is horrible- I said

-Yes, but thing are that way round here. Matrix uses old programs, let´s call them, god, devil,
religion, politics, war, sport, culture, society, and son on…society. Absolutely everything is
matrix programs to prevent the human cows to get out the farm. For example, have to noticed
how pleasant is the reincarnation program for millions of human beings, sorry, human robots?
They only give them a belief and ready, they adjust it to their mental level and that´s it, they
only believe and conform, never go further, they are afraid of questioning the “oriental”
spiritual authority and their old philosophical system, a real spiritual mess. If you cut from the
mental energy bases that meme or virus program, many would not find another thing to
believe in, but with time they would find another “belief” to hold on to. Another belief given
by matrix.

All what the human being thinks to “know” is mere belief, all the nucleus of his being is
contaminated by beliefs, old thoughts, psychological parasites, but they do not belong to your

-Reincarnation doesn’t exist? - I asked Mezcalito

-Pure old madness- said Mezcalito laughing- is a program designed by some crazy god out
there to keep the human farm, but you don’t need to have your hopes
in that program, is just a life you can get out of the samsara they
imposed to you, the spirit is eternal and uncreated, how can it be
created and reincarnate? Only that the “material gods” have trapped
it, since the Being energy is eternal, them who feel owners of the
human farm please in creating cosmic “programs” for their cows to be
in the farm without protesting. Is so comfortable to think that you are
going to die and reincarnate in other physical body being a potato bag.
Not even joking a sane person would believe such madness, but see
the reincarnation belief sustained by millions of human beings, pure
fear feeding that belief, in the profound it is fear, fear to question the
system that the supposed “spiritual leaders” imposed to them, only
egos dressed as “gurus”, all the teaches of the so called White
Brotherhood, the gurus, the mesias, avataras, the boddhisatvas,
karmapas and endless cheaters, are nothing but a part of the circle
they used to call Shamballa, the ascended teachers and others, are
part of a corrupt spiritual group at service of the matrix. They call
themselves the spiritual circle, they are as lost as their “opposites”,
the left hand path ones, both groups have been stupidly fighting for
years, serving inorganic beings, don’t forget that each “god” has at its
service his inorganic beings, reincarnation is a matrix trap for the
divine spirits. Inorganic beings also poses a body, only that is not
organic, that is all for you to not get confused

-But as you say in the planet there are more than a thousand millions that have that idea of

-Simple machines- said Mezcalito lightly- they are only machines, they think they choose
something new, but the matrix only gives them very old programs.
Why the matrix never gives a program let´s say of Conscious Evolution,
why always mere beliefs? There are energetic facts, but the matrix
blocks them, there is an undeniable energetic fact, that you are going
to die is a fact, and your death is going to depend a lot on if you have
cultivated Being consciousness or not, believe me, at the time of
deaths, even beliefs get away for themselves, but it is too late, there is
no energy or time or your energy fabric. Why do you think matrix
doesn’t give programs about being conscious?

-Because its food finishes- I said

-It could be…but…a total revelation is something difficult, many want to die in the matrix
dreams, they are not disposed for nothing in the world to be
disconnected, if you disconnect them from the program and keep
them alert for some days and you explain them that it is not real,
believe me, they go insert themselves again, they don’t want to fight
for their freedom, they want to be slaves and that´s it. In the path of
the warrior there are some things that are very rude and real, but
difficult to pass. This is one of them, no one wants to fight and work for
their freedom. This could seem strange, but is the true, all common
men loves to be a slave, only the warrior reveals

-But the matrix is not real, is a prison- I said upset

-I know- laughed Mezcalito- don’t bother or waste your time in explanations or trying to
explain this to the sleeping ones, others before you have tried, have
tried to get out people, but humans, most of them don’t want to wake
up, that´s why the teaching is for a small minority. It always has been
like that. If you want you can try it, go, tell them that some energetic
parasites got them dreaming with machines and that they steal their
mental energy and then you tell me what they say to you

You see, even when yourself are you spirit, and you are inside a material body and your Being
is inside the astral receptacle, you can use it in your favor, the system´s
order is for you to be food, flesh for the energetic parasites, generating
energy for them to simply eat it, but if you use the material body to
evolve towards your Being, is something that is not part of the cosmic
program you were supposed to follow, in other words you take the
food from the parasite´s mouth. The spirit is the antimatter uncreated
spark, coming from the unknowable God and his kingdom, it is
contained inside a bubble of energy, we can say, of created matter.
You don’t belong to this illusive matter world, you are much more than
you imagine, now tell me, what would happen if you explained this to
common people?

-No thank you, with luck I get send to a psychiatrist

-Well, what I care about you is that you can keep lucid in the mental, obviously you are going
to work a lot to recover this parts of yourself, you astral and etheric are
missing for everything to get assemblage, but for the moment I want
you to see the possibility that with discipline you can reach levels even
superior than this one, and they are in yourself, but passing the mental
plane, there is no point in speaking of nothing, this humanity doesn’t
have the minimum of awaken beings to see beyond the mental plane.
You see, in the mental plane, the egos gather energy to get the mass as
zombies, and live of the luminous organic beings, or the human beings.

-What for?

-Well they got allied with the inorganic beings, they serve the system, they are, let´s say,
energetic vampires that serve inorganic beings, also the inorganic
being have their fights on the gods level, is a war here, you must pass
aside the inorganic beings, not get involved with them

-And why would someone choose something so stupid? - I asked

-Because when someone awakes immediately there are, let´s say, consciousness haunters, and
they tell them about the sky and the stars, and take them to a more
luxurious prison, of celestial paradises, and keep them there for almost
an eternity… you see when you want to come out to your astral, there
is something that immediately goes over your astral, it doesn’t let you
out, there are superior levels of consciousness where also habits the so
called “gods”, they have the prison for the human farm all well settled


-Yes- said Mezcalito smiling- when you go out to the astral, the immediately want to kill your
astral body, or to trap it to take it to heavenly places so you never want
to be free. For you to be free of influences, you must learn to create an
infinite tube of light where you remain in empty, until you reach total
freedom you have to create that tube of light with your intent from
your physical body, so you don’t get any perceptual interferences of
any type of inorganic beings. You have to learn to walk, and walk the
paths that have never been walked… and that you don’t allow to be
walked by anyone else… you have to learn to walk empty paths
intended in the multidimensionality where you forbidden with your
intent the entrance to any inorganic being… you just have you get out
of it before been food of so many inorganic bullies up there…that
empty dimension you create from here, from your physical body… and
from there to the ORIGIN, THE TOTAL FREEDOM… with no one in your
way, totally outside the gods labyrinth…including the demiurge…totally
outside of the before created. This intent must be practiced day and
night, all the time with inflexible intent, and from there “see” the mud
of the gods to avoid them, is not even necessary to fight against the
religions-mud-labyrinths… simply to avoid completely, don’t let anyone
come in that you own intended dimension….inside
multidimensionality…. The fight for the warriors is to get free of their
egos…of beliefs…of the learned…of the mechanic reactions…the fight is
down here…entering up there, no fights, only your Empty Tunnel.
You´ll see, when you realize that there is a true God.

-Then God isn’t the more devouring ego? - I asked

-Of course- said Mezcalito- the most devouring and heavy, but that is because there is a false
“god”, who created all religions, who asks for adoration, for cult, who
plays to have little angels, who “invented” reincarnation… let´s say he
sat up the tramp of reincarnation because it is a distraction for you to
not realize… the demiurge, for he is behind all this. But there is an
unknowable and true God. Be always aware of your own
consciousness, sometimes you can create consciousness out of so
simple acts, like when you are eating, always bless the aliment, say: “I
thank you Infinite God for this aliments”, and so you add something
more, remember the infinite God in all the foods, when awake, when
you go to sleep, remember the infinite God.

-You mixed my thoughts, reincarnation exists or it doesn’t?

-There exist the planes- said Mezcalito- as I tell you; reincarnation is a trap, a distraction…like
the beings let´s say, not from this planet, or extraterrestrials.

-They exist?

-They always have, even much before the humans were in this planet, they were already here.
Many centuries ago the first mages contacted with beings from outer
space, from other capes of the onion, they taught them many things,
let´s say “their” knowledge, but that knowledge is not the true
knowledge, that´s why many know thing about the outer space and
ships, but don’t light up their inner light.

You must not follow those being from stars, they are also distractions, let´s say traps that
doesn’t allow you to advance towards yourself, there is no other task
but reaching your own light and to realize there is a Creator and is
inside of you, you are part of everything because everything is one, you
are being and not being at the same time, that is your advantage over
the Brahman, he is only matter existence, you are beyond matter.
Ancient Gnostics denominated the demiurge Yavé-Satán, or
Yaldabaoth, or more modern, the matrix, is a spark name if you see it
from a perspective of no personal importance, though it may cause
impact in others.

I laughed a little
-How? – I asked- is the same?

-Yes, for some the matrix dresses up as Satan, the lord of darkness, that way he takes the
energy of the ignorant that render him worship under that face, to
others he demands adoration an devotion cult, with prayers and
chants, with his typical “prophet” and “sacred book”, with others he is
Yavé, with other Allah, to some others he appears as Brahman. To
some others he becomes a multitude of “gods”. The demiurge is also
creator of other “semi gods” that are his servants. Krishna is an
example, Krishna is a good example of how the demiurge dressed in
other times, Krishna is the Melek Taus of the Yezidis. Let´s say a
“minor” demiurge… look how many idol Krishna as the supreme god,
false, out there, there is no Krishna that is going to dance to you with
his flute, all the court of angels, archangels and the celestial chorus
orders, devas, gurus, they are all matrix doings, its creations. Look how
many followers Jesus has, another god, the most good and merciful of
all, but still being a “god”, an inorganic being.

Is always the same, is the ego- eater of energy, the one the Hindis call Brahman, the one who
at the end sat and designed this matrix trap, so all this knowledge the
ancient learned from those beings of the stars, is not the true
knowledge, the true knowledge is in you and when you discover it is
Wisdom, and there you find the path to the True God. The path to
yourself is full of distractions to prevent you to realize yourself as a
Being. When you realize yourself as a Light Being, you break the
matrix, then nothing bothers you, because you are “seeing” from
inside to outside. Everything outside is matrix, it is designed to don’t
let you realize that you are a Light Being, the first step is to remember
that you are from Light, not from duality “dark-light”, that is a trap,
you are an energy being made or pure luminous Consciousness or
Being. You are spirit, divine spark, for that I insist, don’t seek for other
thing, but your freedom.

You´ll see the real plan of Brahman, or Yavé-Satan, is frightening to the divine spirits, he
created the clay bodies and animated them with a blow of soul,
obviously at the beginning they didn’t evolve until reaching Him and
integrating them as part of himself, the One, what would the demiurge
want you to evolve for? But for him that you transform in him, in
matter, for the Divine Spirit has been attracted with cheats and
imprisoned in what you call body. As long as your Divine Spirit is in the
prison-jail, everything goes well for the demiurge and his evolution or
“divine plan” , all this process of “evolution” that the matrix has
planned, has to do with what you call the reincarnation that is also
idea of matrix, through an endless process of deaths and reincarnation
the spirit in you gets cheated to accept the plan of the demiurge by
telling after death what you have don “right and wrong” , and based in
that the “soul” is punished, even after death, the suffering continues
and the soul is forced to believe a punish and reward system, as the
parents do to the children. From there derives the “sacred” books, that
are the manuals of matrix and its spiritual synarchy, or so called gurus,
for you to “be good” and be a good sheep to the eyes of the system,
which they had made you believe is your “god”. Through the constant
sufferings of the “reincarnation” prison that is the system created by
the demiurge to bow down you divine spirit´s will through sufferings
and penalties in the earthly and the astral, there is a point where men
surrenders, well most of them, but when you surrender you “must”
renounce to your DIVINE SPIRIT, to your Spiritual Being, to show your
“creator” you are obedient to him. All the system of becoming
“perfect” as the Father in the “heavens” is a trap, when will you be
perfect in matter? When you are divine spirit, your matter part is only,
let´s say temporal, the saddest thing of all is that when man fuses (or in
the Toltec myth is eaten by the Eagle) with the demiurge or “god”, or
has gotten lost in “god”, or has reached the “divine”” unification”, the
peak experience of the cabalists, or the “samadhi” of the yoga, the
fusion with “god”, that divine spirit has conclude there, it will be tided
by the demiurge to the soul of another physical body that encounters
in an inferior evolution level, to continue with “evolution”, and this will
last a whole Mahavantara, the spirits will be set in freedom when that
Mahavantara ends, in thousands of millions of years, perhaps some of
the spirits escape, but they do it in silence, without flaunt or trying to
get others to rebel, for the matrix is the owner of this kingdom and to
combat it here within its rules would be very hard, it has everything in
its favor. The only solution is to reach the spirit freedom, its freeing,
that is the most important task for a human being that wants to get
free, a moderately awake man or woman. Because the matrix needs to
keep the humans asleep, the matrix and its severs doesn’t like the
books that try to “awake” people, for that this knowledge has been
persecuted much more before Spanish conquering. For the matrix
need the humans to don’t awake, no have the asleep “living” a
mediocre life that doesn’t lead to anything, to the point that the divine
spirit tired of so many “reincarnations” inside the demiurge kingdom
finally renounces to his Divine Spirit, to fight for the freedom of the
spirit, to be firm in his spiritual being, eternal being, and when he
finally surrenders he “dissolves for ever more” in his “creator”, but the
matrix is not your “creator”, it wants you to lose every bit of
“individual” consciousness of existence.

Think of this, inorganic beings can materialize as people, had done for centuries, nowadays the
ovnis are a group or inorganic beings, some few that know say that
some of these beings are good, but believe me in this predatory
universe they are not good in your favor, for them you are their food
that´s all, there are beings that manage the consciousness and are
inorganic beings, manipulate the reality you look at all days in a way
that you have no idea, even, you must be careful if one day you
encounter a being that comes down in an alien ship or something, the
ones that come down in ships are not as powerful as the ones that
don’t use ships anymore, the ones that drive themselves through
portals of energy without needing ships, those are the most dangerous
of all, for they are the god that humans have so much worshiped,
inorganic beings capable of materializing even in tonal reality, for them
that is nothing, remember this always, learn to be a silent observer.
Maintain always your eyes wide open, you´ll see in the path of the
warrior there are many traps, you must learn to be a little “rude” at
some point of the battle, a warrior doesn’t goes with halftone, the
universe is predator. The inorganic beings exist, hunters of
consciousness, and that my friend, is no game

I stayed thinking a while, until after meditating something happened in me and I fully
understood the words of Mezcalito about “dissolving in god”, it was
the most horrible spiritual conspiracy I have ever heard. It was
something out of words, Mezcalito seemed to read my thought

-Yes it is horrendous- He said- but it is more horrendous to die without this knowledge you
have got, remember that those who are against the matrix and its
plans, are often called the left hand path followers, but you are not
neither follower of the left, or the right, who are the servers of matrix.
All who rebels to the matrix and its malefic plans against humanity and
their spirits chained in flesh, are declared enemies of matrix, because
they oppose to a system that is more that physical, is cosmic, and
besides you are inside matrix, so everything is against you and the best
is to create your tube of light and leave silent, but still in part your
labor is to alert others you about the situation, but to learn the art of
being unnoticed at every moment will have to be a part of your life
since today, this that I´m telling you, very few in the world know this,
and it needs to be passed to more persons, so you prove what I´m
telling you about the matrix. But the matrix is not more than you, it has
no power over you always that you Intend it. I tell you that is a
labyrinth, where you get eat, if you don’t fall with one, fall with the
other… and there are hundreds of gods, between old and new ones,
for that my suggestion is to try the dimension of empty where you can
be alone without inorganic interferences.

-But how is it possible to perceive in distinct levels the reality right now? – I asked

-Because reality is first perceived by your Spirit or mental body, you eyes on the physical body
doesn’t perceive all that surrounds you, so you have to perceive with
the help of the astral eyes, only that way you will be able to “see”
reality. The Astral is only what is called the Soul, the Spirit the mental
body, and you live encapsulated only to the vision of physical plane
because you don’t remember your astral and mental bodies.

The matter of the universe is septuplet, it has seven levels of matter. God is matter. In each
level superior to the Tritocosmos, the matter is finer, and in this seven
levels or cosmos there is also life, all is here and now,if you don’t
perceive it is because of the programs they imposed you since you
were born in this levels or matter. The fixation of the assemblage point
is what doesn’t allows you to remember who you were and what did
you came to this matter level for.

-Oh- I exclaimed as enlightened

-Well, I want you to stop asking… close your eyes and start seeing yourself in the Akasha, the
pure space, when you inhale I want you to attract for every pore or
your skin the Akasha light, pure light. Akasha is the uterus of all
manifested forms of life, the origin itself. You can extract from Akasha
all the mental substance necessary for your evolution. Go guiding with
the power of you Being the light through all your energy channels, first
for all your body, from inside, in each pore, guide the light like spirals
of energy in all your bone marrow. Then take all the white light to your
physical eyes inside, and to your third eye, leave it there. Open your
inner vision through the white light, this exercise will help to open your
astral vision so you can access the vision of thing without any external
medium, you only have to be patient and remember the key is also
purifying your emotional area.

I did the exercise, for a while Mezcalito was guiding me in taking the Akasha light to the eyes,
when I opened my eyes everything was clearer, I could ever swear I
perceived the astral colors, I had entered deeper the superior

-The egos- said the Teacher- nest in the physical body also as negative emotions, they suck
your energy, have you “seen” Taoist medicine?

-A little- I said wanting to occult my ignorance on the subject

-Well, each organ emanates a positive emotion when the energy flow or Chi, is in equilibrium,
the negative emotion in change unbalance all the energy field. The ego
or negative emotion of anger, you see how many feed daily the anger?
It seats in the liver, worries in the spleen, fear in the kidneys, have you
noticed inorganic loves fear above all? Is because fear seats on the
kidneys, the fabric of the divine sexual energy…hate, arrogance, vanity,
seat in the energetic center of the heart, in the lungs depression, the
ego of sadness, this egos or negative emotions are delaying most
humanity, but they can be fought by very simple and depurative
practices, emotionally, what I want you to understand is that each time
you recapitulate in the fire light, when you “observe” yourself having a
negative emotion, observe from where it was “stolen” by the ego-
parasite. Which is your primary negative emotion, which emotion you
feel has taken more energy from you, Rahaddesh?

-Being honest and sincere, anger, I get angry out of nothing

-Anger? – asked Mezcalito- strange

- Is lust a negative emotion? – I asked

-That ego seats on the sexual center, there is a natural lust, spontaneous, that is a natural
energy, but a lust, let´s say twisted, that is already ego and it feed on
half the world…but well, anger? The neutralizing emotion of anger is
compassion, your anger is nothing but compassion disguised, by
compassion I don’t mean to be compassionate and good to all and let
yourself be beaten in universal compassion, no, for me compassion is
that you have a lot of passion, too much energy, too much passion for
the Being. That is for me the word compassion. The worries, you get
over them with patience, pride, is very hard to take, the pride doesn’t
give in, but humility, to take off personal importance kills the ego of
pride, laughter annihilates it. For sadness, well, the lungs doesn’t
breath prana in the city, I´ve told you it is necessary to walk in the
mountain at least once a week, outside the cities so you can catch
prana, without prana the people are sad, to fear the neutralizing
emotion is audacity, bravery, to realize that fear is nothing, is
something implanted by the parasite mind just as the other negative
emotions. When you recapitulate attract towards you the energy and
let the negative emotion go to the candle light from the organ you feel
is it stuck in. The fear also tends to stick in the stomach. When the go
has eaten the sexual energy, man tends to feel only like an emptiness
in his spine, just in the last part of the sacral, as if the sacral was
hollow, with no chi, that´s to say the egos eat the feet and the legs and
all the trunk of the energy body, because is with sexual energy that
one creates the finest bodies, or reach them. But even when you
conserve your sexual energy, you must not allow the egos to eat your
refined energy and your energy of the organs, of course, is a hard
battle, but the more meditation, more clarity and consciousness.

I stood up and focused my view in various trees where I observed their energy cocoon, started
to do the six healing Taoist sounds to release negative energy.
Mezcalito only observed me, when I finished I felt fully restored, even
stretched a little and did yoga

-Do the hugging tree posture- ordered Mezcalito softly- and do the following: feel how from
your feet roots emerge, as if you were a tree, connect to the Earth, the
low Dan Tian has three lines of energy as tentacles, you must project
them down, one for each leg and the middle tentacle, down through
the perineum, for that line of energy that comes right in the middle of
the body up through the crown can anchor two and a half meters
down in the ground, this is where your double comes out through
when you have enough energy. So, at the time you ground feel the yin
energy of the earth coming up the frontal part of your legs, and do 81
breathing getting up the testicles, softly contracting inside, with the
rectus, you have to pull the at the same time, do it paused and slowly,
when you inhale pull the energy of the Earth even with the testicles,
feel the yin filling your testicles. Send the energy from the testicles to
the spine and get it up to the crown, from there to your third eye and
make it descend to your belly button.

Mezcalito stood quiet for some minutes, I felt that my body was cold, fresh, I felt the energy
flow from my toes, and in my sacral felt a kind of electricity that
elevated through the middle of the spine, I could swear that I felt little
electricity charges emanating from my sacral to up above, they were
being more intense each time. When I finished taking the energy to the
belly button Mezcalito talked again

-Now inhale the energy around you, remember that in a superior level, everything has
emanated from the origin that is in your Hara chakra, let´s take off the
head the word Eagle, old word that is no use, after all, behind the Eagle
there is the Origin, where we have emanated from, the un manifested.
The Nothing. But out of that Nothing you can extract all the necessary
energy. The unlimited Light. All manifestation are creations of Akasha,
and everything has its energy double side, the prana that circulates has
emanated from Akasha, prana is Akasha in the end… I want you to use
the fingers and the toes, using the breathing with the testicles you did
and do as if breathing the air with your fingers and toes, also include to
breath with the belly button and the third eye, when you inhale don’t
do it only through the nose, use your hands, your fingers, your belly,
and inhale the prana at the moment you pull up your testicles
visualizing it as spirals of energy involving or your bone structure, hold
the breath as long as you feel possible without forcing, and when
exhaling visualize the spirals converting into hoops of energy around
your bones, you must surround all you bone marrow in this hoops of
energy and charge it with a lot of prana that you extract from all
around you, remember that wind outside the city has many negative
ions, pure, there aren’t negative ions in the city, too much
contamination, but here in nature it is different. Visualize as if the
hoops of energy get inflated as wheels of pure Chi…when you end and
feel you are at the top and the hoops as fully inflated of chi around
your bones, do an inhalation and compress the hoops into your bones
at the same time holding the air inside of you. Contract the perineum
and press all the muscles tensing all your body and visualizing how the
energy enters to the bone marrow, through all the marrow, put your
tongue in your palate, just don’t tight your teeth, and don’t do
gestures with your face, keep your face relaxed but contract all the
other parts of your body. When you can no longer hold the breath,
exhale through the nose and visualize how the energy penetrates even
more into your bone marrow, breathing softly without altering, don’t
open your eyes, keep the image and sensation of the Chi in your
bones, do this exercise nine times in a row.

Mezcalito went guiding me step by step in the exercise. He left me rest in between each
compression of energy in the bone marrow, since the first compression
I felt I wanted to fell down, everything was moving, but Mezcalito
asked me to maintain my Chi-kung posture

I did the eight cycles left, when I finished I opened my eyes, felt that everything was moving,
noticed that trees and mountains only danced softly, I have entered an
expanded consciousness state. Felt all my body like in a cape of energy
that surrounded me, I saw it sky blue, I moved my hands and saw that
they left wakes like a movie, I could see three wakes at the same time,
it was like if everything was slowed down but I had normal
coordination and mobility.

-When you are in superior consciousness- spoke Mezcalito, and he did a short magical pass-
you can restore the luminous wholes that left you having children

-How? – I asked interested

-You do the passes in this state and put the energy that gets generated in the luminous whole
and it gets fixed that way

Mezcalito showed me some magical passes to energize my lower dan tian. I imitated him to
memorize the passes, normally I didn’t need him to explain every
detail, just by seeing the passes I could rapidly memorize them.
Mezcalito seemed to notice and only used his breathing to mark the
passes but didn’t talk. When we finished the passes I felt kind of a belt
of energy around my waist.

-Everything is reparable in energy terms- said Mezcalito- as long as you have physical body,
you still generation energy and can continue gathering fine energy to
evolve, this passes we saw will help you to repair your luminous
wholes, you have fixed the area damaged when you had children, you
have done some work over that, with this passes the energy patch will
stick faster to your luminous field and not only look like an added spot.

Then He stayed quiet as doubting and changed the subject of the conversation:
-Never let yourself get caught by initiated temples or crystalline wisdom castles or any of that
stupidity, because they are all traps… while you fascinate in there, they
feed of your energy…always run from that like plague when you open
to the “seeing”… and don’t get caught by “ascended masters”, “mayor
brothers”, “spiritual guides”, “angels” or “gods”… all and each one of
those gods have build a multidimensional labyrinth so when we enter,
we fascinate and want to come back, and come back, and come back.
If you get to the Empty, there where there is no low or three or seven,
but absolute One, the physical body instantaneously disappears.

The One is unethical with the manifested, that´s the origin before manifesting is the opposite
to the manifested, before nothing, before everything

The Origin, before any manifestation, the Origin, before God

For energy is matter and matter is only a low quality of energy. Materiality is creation, god
itself has a quality of matter, fine, fine, but materiality… corresponds to
the manifest, to the trinity: positive, negative and neutralizing… above
that there is the Origin where the law is one, without opposites or
neutrals, without any manifestation

-But if I´m a piece of Everything in a luminous egg – I asked Mezcalito- isn’t it better to return
to the Origin and melt?

-To the recycler? Now I´m telling you about the end of all, you are only starting, and the
beginning is that you can create you astral body, but I am telling you
about the end of everything. What are you returning to the Origin for?
That is a complete stupidity

When you go out in the astral, the hunters rapidly get you down, the kill your astral…is like the
typical fish that jumps and the bear is waiting for it already with its
mouth open, our advantage is that you are not a fish with the inorganic

-And the Eagle that the toltecs mentioned where is left? – I asked

-The Empty is behind the Eagle. Empty is total freedom…gods eat from the more pure and
refined consciousness. So I tell you that you are a neo-toltec. All your
predecessors didn’t reach Freedom because didn’t comprehend what
you are. For them total freedom was to ingress the third attention.
That means that the body disappears and it’s the end of the
individualized conscious of being, and that is not the way to end your
infinite journey of consciousness.

-So then the karma doesn’t exist?

-There is karma for who believes in karma- said Mezcalito smiling mysteriously- beliefs tide,
because of that the egos have effort so hard in giving us beliefs like
karma and reincarnation, to keep us trapped in something so absurd as
that in a multi dimension created by inorganic beings… at the end
there is Empty…you´ll see, this is fight, we would have to protect from
other gods and maybe then help other humans ascend to the
Consciousness of Being so they feel all this for own experience, so is
like a war… but you have to get together as brothers and will have to
ally with conscious human beings to fight against those inorganic
beings, in reality we are the gods, but the inorganic makes us think that
they are powerful, that is the illusion the project over us, but is not
real…the real is that what you really are…no one wants to work to
discover it, human mechanic is horrendous nowadays, no one wants to
wake up and fight for Mother Earth and for Humanity.

I suspired, Mezcalito had transported me to many things, had put together pieces of the puzzle
of myself, everything on its place, it was like having a revelation, time
started to froze

-Maybe is destiny of a few all of this, Mezcalito – I said as everything stopped in my own
mental time

-Maybe- said Mezcalito, and we remained silent.

Chapter 4

-First it must be understood that you don’t follow let´s say a traditional path. The true teaching
is that we don’t exist only in the micro and macro cosmos, but in seven
cosmos. This cosmos are related with reaching our superior bodies. As
you know the whole cosmos is ruled by the Law, a law is that
everything here eats, even God eats. But we don’t live in the micro
cosmos, we are not that, micro is from microbes, particles, atoms,
energy of other level inferior to the human. Technically, the humans
belong to the Tritocosmos or third cosmos. In ascendant sense the
seventh cosmos is the Micro cosmos, the sixth would be our
Tritocosmos, then above this the Mesocosmos, the fourth the
Deutorocosmos, the third is the called Macro cosmos, follows the
Ayocosmos and finally the Protocosmos, the One cosmos origin of all.
To elevate the consciousness means to perceive beyond the
Tritocosmos, everything are multi dimensions inside multi dimensions,
this is very big. The true task is to reach the seventh body, if you don’t
reach it before dying; you simply become part of the inorganic beings.
And if you act fool, you´ll simply bee food of the cosmic recycler.

-That is really brutal- I said- humanity should be more conscious about this

-Bah- said Mezcalito lightly- forget about the mass I´ve told you, they won´t listen, no one
wants to really work on themselves, because the work demands
dedication for many years, for your entire life, and many don’t take
even the first ten years of work, the big majority leaves and unites
again the unconscious mass, returns to be a part of the demiurge. The
man today, should have in count the ecological damage he is causing
to the planet, it would sometimes look like a lost battle, humanity
seem to want to annihilate itself, but is no them, they are only
machines, the egos want to exterminate the human being because
they don’t want them to discover that deep within themselves, they
are the Sacred, each one a Light Being. But to not recognize oneself as
a light being and accept it, only makes them preys of the ego world, for
that reality is all distortion and they don’t perceive nothing about how
the world is in energy terms, they deny to see reality because the
human-machine holds on to the sickness of the ego for ignorance, for
not wanting to recognize oneself as what one is, a God walking this

The Being is the goal of each one, the Being is salvation, you should connect daily with your
Being, if you forget the awareness of Being, you are an easy prey of the
ego, the ego fears the Being, the light. If you eat sacred medicine, do it
in name of the Infinite Being, Infinite God, chant to the Being, not to
the gods, that´s wrong, the gods are inorganic beings, they don’t give
you consciousness of your Being, they take you to multi dimensions
adorned with castles and napes. Love is, live that as a warrior, the
warrior is a fighter, the cause we are fighting for is to get conscious of
the Being, and there is a cosmic and violent opposition to prevent you
to recognize yourself as valuable as the Being, a light being without
time or space, the egos don’t want you to realize that you already are a
light being, because if you do, you´ll know you are light and you have
so much potential in you that if you awake as a light being, you´ll help
with your own awakening others to also awake, if y wake up as a light
being, I see in you the potential of truly helping this cause, to this
apparent madness of being light warriors, not for imitation or being
impostors, that is the ego an impostor stupidly imitating the light being
you are. Mezcalito will only take you to the being, is an awakener.
Mezcalito is a sacred mystery that no man of Knowledge could define,
and his teaching is correct, but the situation is so critical and the
unfortunate situation of the human Spirit being at the lowest point in
human history, makes even the more Sacred come and talk to you, to
take you to the light being you are, if we are to survive this war it will
be with the help of the powers that guide men and women of
knowledge in America, only union between evolved brothers can save
this humanity of total falling, of an extinction, because humanity has
chosen in the mass level to collectively suicide. When there will be
another tomorrow and another planet like this one you are standing
in? this planet is unique in the cosmos, but no one understands it, is
the home of all, because our origin, what we are, comes from this
Earth, is our Mother, we don’t come from any other side, our
Consciousness borrowed from the Origin, but we can take that and
make it ours, make ours the Consciousness of being All, and live in the
individuality of Being. We must live in the manifestation with the
Consciousness of Being.

Look the semi- immortal Chinese, many Hindi “avataras” that return once in a time to renew
their followers “faith”, to keep sucking energy, those are all traps, we
must create a conscious humanity, an army of conscious human willing
to fight against the inorganic beings, that is what a true linage should
be, a human family fighting for humanity and helping others less
evolved to evolve, not to serve “gods” and “teachers” but precisely
watching ourselves from them, from the inorganic beings that disguise
as supposed teachers of superior levels like the Tzadikim of the
cabalam, they are inorganic too.

-Mother- I said astonished- this is hard

-Yes- said Mezcalito- but this is nothing, wait for you to discover more of yourself and get out
to other cosmos, you´ll see how everything is, but that will be further
on and by your own conscious efforts, the seventh body is called the
“will” body, precisely because it was achieved with will, with hard and
conscious work.

Chapter 5

Man doesn’t have a permanent and unchanging “I”… Gurdjieff

Life seem madness, I see myself as a simple mortal, abjection or happiness have gone, I daily
contemplate endless machines, and every time I walk through the
streets of the city, I go watching and observe that no one really cares
to get out the machine ways, it would be impossible to talk to the
youth, they are daily stick to laptops and cell phones, the adults are
busy in their works, the old ones prepare to die in a robotic and apathy
way, thinking that heaven or reincarnation awaits them.

So I have learned to work under pressure, because Mezcalito himself once told me:

“Come one, quickly dedicate to the spiritual practice, in seeing the energy, effort in putting your
body, talk and mind in the practice, because you can´t be sure who will
be faster, if you or death”

While I contemplate the lake, a pair of herons passed near where I was contemplating
everything doing nothing. The herons pose near the edge and start
fighting, I had never seen two herons fight before, they remind me of
when I was only a village young boy who lived in a small ranch and had
roosters. The herons fight only for some moments, actually they only
jump a little between the water and the earth and fly about a meter
and a half tall and kick with their legs, one of them decides not to
continue the fight and goes flying at the time it chants, the other heron
stays placid observing from a rock.

I suddenly realize I can “see” the lines of the world, in energy, the hills in front of the small lake
are full of trees, I observe the change of states of consciousness, I
stand up, I feel that the ghanga runs through all my channels of energy
inside my body, my third eye pulses, I close the eyes and can see the
world in energy, feel how I can direct the Chi by will, open my eyes and
start doing the exercises that Mezcalito taught me. Mezcalito insisted
that the silent knowledge was free and we can get to it with discipline
and conscious work.

The magical passes that Mezcalito taught me included breathing in multiples of three.
Mezcalito insisted me that when taking down the energy in the sex, to
direct it through the micro-cosmic orbit but including the celestial
Taoist circuit, the result of that I was feeling it now in solitude. My
energy increased and I could feel myself inside the luminous egg. Then
Mezcalito´s voice came to me:

-When you do a bio-energetic pass- said the Voice- procure to remember you three power
centers: Will, Feel, and Being. Out of the three, Will is the first to be
consciously worked and profoundly, there is the mine of all your
energy being, all your power is there, but also in Feeling and Being.
When the three are working is when you can create consciousness of
your possibility of creating your astral body. When doing your magical
passes, create around you a luminous egg, to prevent intrusions and
secure your physical body, and increase your luminous energy, with
your light tube.

The voice continued directing and then got quiet. I entered inner silence, it was like if thoughts
started to slow down and I observed there were fewer coming each
time, but I continued moving in my physical body, I felt that there was
no breathing, but only intent to guide the Chi with pure Intention
without the disturb of mind. For a while I did magical passes and then
the Voice spoke again:

-Your astral body connects by elevating your accumulated energy to the crown, inside your
luminosity egg. Remember that doing magical passes is to intent to
reach the seventh cape of your luminous field, and to return the
dispersed energy to redistribute it, but you also have the capacity to
extend in your seven bodies, intent always your luminous egg as is it, in
seven capes of energy, not a simple egg of light, but as if you saw a
light egg around you and seven capes in form of the light egg of
different colors, those are you seven receptacles, they are already
yours, but you have to light them up with pure conscious energy. Pick
not only the energy you feel, but the one you “see” in Superior
Consciousness. In superior octaves of consciousness, the energy is
more subtle and fine, you have to create your astral body out of
superior matter and luminous consciousness.

I stayed in emptiness doing the tree hold but inside, my third eye opened a little

-Seers of energy knew too the secret of the third eye, is common to all the adepts that
consciously work for spiritual evolution, the seer warriors opened their
third eye for will, then your feeling, your impersonal love, your love for
Mother Earth, for the Cosmos, a feeling that expands from your middle
center, without your feeling the superior “vision” is denied, and also
the spiritual vision, you have to open your spiritual heart, feel the
universal life of the Being. Man is disconnected from silent knowledge
for living in the apathy of the endless noise of the cities; he has lost the
wonder of lighting his heart with the simplicity of Tao. All is the Tao…
you spiritual heart is to be earned. Out of there comes the word
spiritual warrior, someone who fights to defend the Spirit. Spirit
warriors have always kept the silence as their teacher. In silence
everything is found. But silence is the chant of life, which is listened in
the heart of silence, because in the heart of words there is silence.
Listen in silence to the chant of Life. One occasion Elijah Mansoor was

-Who are you?

And Elijah answered: I am You.

The Earth is defended with consciousness, the Earth speaks, is man who doesn’t listen.

The Voice kept silent, and as I entered deeper in myself, I could “see” from my third eye
everything in energy, I went beyond the lines of the world, they
became colors, until reached a blue mixed with white, a kind of
vacuum. Opened my eyes and even though everything was moving I
did some more magical passes and then sat in silence contemplating
everything from energy. Time went on and I stood up, had to return to
the city, I was a little used, though it wasn´t so easy to overcome the
noise and the nasty smell of entering the city.

Contemplating the lake, there is nothing to seek, as I recapitulate a little. Remember a chat
that I had some days ago with Mezcalito, one of many, how on Earth
am I going to understand so much that he tells me in very few days,
and more than understand, apply in energetic conscious facts?

A feeling starts to fire my heart, is so intense that I close my eyes, my being fires when I think
of a single Word.
-Being- I say lowly- what was the cause for you to retire to the mountains to be in solitude?

And the voice of the master answers me then

-Christ-Being retired in solitude to be in the Divine Presence of the self, to pray to the
Universal Divine inside in meditation and contemplation, because he
was the Universal Father in person, but humanity didn’t know, and
even when two thousand years have passed they still don’t
understand, the Being was not following gospels or books written by
erudite, the true Word of God gives the eternal Life, “Drink of my
blood, eat of my flesh and you will be part of the eternal life, the true

He went in solitude to taste the few moments he had alone in Divine Love in his own heart and
tune with the All inside himself.

That was the real water of life that He emanated for his disciples, not like today that many
speak empty words in temples and churches in the name of Christ just
to secretly extend the hand on the parishioner who lives ignorant that
he too is a Christ-Being. Solitude of the Being is pure divinity.

The ecstasy of the Love for the Divine that is within you, is the key for the liberation of your
spirit, if you comprehend this, you´ll become yourself a disciple of your
own being. A disciple of the being is in the level of the Being, a man of
the quality of having his Being awake, doesn’t die, his glory body
cannot die, that threatens many perceptual systems imposed to
humanity, the possibility that human being can be a true immortal in
the quality of Being.

When you are truly prepared to listen in the silence of your being, the voice of your own heart,
you being will come to you, but first you have to go to him for your
own will, the Being come to you if you go to him, because you have
your free will, you can prove it, you can prove the being, taste it, drink
it, question it, but that is between you and the being, in the intimacy of
the meditation of the being you are in your own heart, you have to
listen the Voice of consciousness within. Give Love to your
consciousness. Love can do anything, Love is the key that will open the
doors to the high spiritual realms of you own Being. Don’t be afraid of
opening you heart to the being, ask and you´ll be given, knock and
you´ll get opened, search and you´ll find. But search, fired in the Love
of the inner god that is inside of you.

To say being is to say Luminous Being, some people understand in a way other in another one,
many times we get lost in words, we can say in one way or another
what we are as conscious beings.
The voice of the teacher got quiet. I opened my eyes and felt my heart explosive with love to
my own Internal being. It was like a subtle illumination, I understood
that adoring a being outside is ego. Feeding egos

Nature was silence, the hills and the trees breathed prana of colors and tones like orange,
blue, emerald green. Emanated gigantic hex meanders of energy. How
it was possible to be so asleep pray of the dream of the world and
don’t appreciate the pure moment to flow in the energy? What
prevents man to “see” the reality that we are matter and counterpart
energy, that everything is energy? Absolutely everything is energy and
the wonderful essence of human being of being a bubble of energy
gets lost in the nonsense of the egoist massacre of our essence as light

Mezcalito´s words reminded me of Gurdjieff

“There is no true individuality in man. Man doesn’t have an I, a singular I. Man is a multitude of
little “mes”.

…I contemplated the lake and the water that was softly taken by the wind making waves of
energy, as if the universe of micro cosmos revealed to my eyes, I
realized then that I possessed two visions of the same world, in a way
with my open eyes I saw energy and matter in movement, I closed my
eyes and saw the energy in pure state without the conglomeration that
we call world but the nucleus or material essence, pure energy. I was in
two different worlds at the same time, time world, matter world,
energy world, I could see them both for will, my heart fired with
intensity, I came down of the rock I was standing in and rested in the
Earth and hugged it, I felt the warmth of Mother Earth, my heart
became as if tree roots were coming out of it and I felt the connection
between my heart and what was the Earth, the energy and the
connection with everything that lived in her, the stones, the rivers, the
animals, the clouds. A crow passes squawking. I have no thoughts so I
can remember what I am without thoughts, for remembering me,
because I am “seeing”, the world that my parents left me is not the
only one possible, the energy exists, the possibility of the nagual exists,
the other world is in this same world, in a different vibration, but many
years I was dead in the illusion of Maya. It was never real, there wasn’t
me but a mask without life.

It is the moment, there is no other, am I going, staying, what do I do in the moment, if I do

wouldn’t it be true? If a piece of my being becomes desiring I get lost,
if only a little part of me holds a thought I fall in the forgetfulness of
the no-mind and no longer remember me, but here I am, being, they
never were “my” thoughts for I wasn’t, words to the wind.
I stood up a did some magical passes again, stretched in the stroke posture for a long while
and finally I went to sit, I felt my body extremely light and a took my
bike to return to the typical city noise. There was no mind, I was only
observing everything from inside, when I started arriving the firsts
streets of the city everything started to change, from nature to the city
is like a full change of movie, like coming down from heaven to hell.
Not for me, but for my brothers that never realize that if they went out
to the mountains more often their life would be another.

…I arrive home, and getting off my mountain bike, I feel that I am in an energy egg, its already
late, Raham is playing with his friends, he comes to meet me:

-You are back from recharging? – He asks

-Do you “see” me? – I ask

-Don´t you “see” how green are you? – He answers laughing

I look my arms then and notice that my skin is greenish

-What color do you “see” in my Hara chakra? – I ask him

-Intense yellow – says the boy easily

-My chest?


-And my third eye?

-Like orange-red- he says- you did charge energy huh, you can take some days in the matrix.

And he goes to play with his friends.

I enter my house, no one is there, I take a bath with fresh water that I have stored and I go
stretch with a little yoga, I still feel the flowing of the ghanga. I stay
until 4 in the morning meditating, burning my past in the candle fire. I
stretch a little in asanas, I stay in the early morning completely in
asanas. But nothing more than that, there is no prana in the city, but it
is useful to stretch anyway. There is a beautiful saying that once my
yoga instructor told me. If there is no prana there is no posture,
without posture there is no yoga, without yoga there is no work, and
without work there is nothing.

But yoga isn’t everything; it has been contaminated by centuries of theories and ideals.
Remember the path of the sly man. Adapt the environment of this
sleeping world, work in silence as a warrior conscious of every step he
is giving.
Think as a hunter, don’t feel you are anyone´s salvation. Forget about the mass, the spirit
works silently. Mechanic love is not real, conscious love is something
worth fighting for.

Chapter VII

Raham Vaggadesh

Raham arrived happily from school, he looks at me:

-You know I wrote something in your wall- he says while I read a book in my bed- is for you to
remember it, it says, don’t follow others, follow yourself

-Nice phrase- I say and look at him- how was school today?

-Ohh- the child exclaims excited- if you saw what I learned today, now I know how the egos
steal energy from everyone, today I saw the reptilian chiefs in my
school, it was the most horrible thing that ever happened to me

-Who did you see? – I asked laughing

- Well the reptilians- he said – the state governor and his followers came and see… you don’t
imagine, they disguise as people but I could see, how while the
governor with his little laugh and everyone applauding him, all the kids
were drained of their energy, from the governor and the others who
were with him, a black shadow like tentacles came out of their
stomach and chest, and like a mosquito it stuck to the children’s aura
and took out from the heart chakra, which is like an energy bubble,
they drained it all and sucked it… they ate the energy, they take out
like a tube and drain the bubble energy in the luminous egg, I saw it.

-And what did you do? – I ask interested

-Nothing, stayed silent and seeing, they cannot eat me

-And no one else realized this? No one else saw what these reptilians were doing?

-No way- said the child- everyone exited with the reptilians, hypnotized and they sucking their
energy, all machines applauding the reptilians. How sad that people is
asleep, if they saw what the reptilians do, they would stop voting them
and believing that they help us, they make us sing to a piece of clothe,
a national hymn, that is pure ego, that is pure matrix, people is very
idiot believing all this, they wash their brains

-They are the devil in person right? – I asked laughing

-The devil doesn’t exist, it is them, the egos, but some become so bad that they get horns of
the black energy they accumulate, the devil was a reptilian invent…
look for example when people fight they feed the ego with their words
and make it stronger, for example when my mom gets angry, or
anyone, a black energy enters through the heart chakra and the
chakras get filled with smoke, and that black smoke stays inside, it is
the ego that is getting on them, well one of many

-And how does that parasite get expelled out of the body?

-Laughing- answered Raham and we both laughed

The child left and let me thoughtful. Sometimes I realized that Raham was a seer child, he saw
the energy, but I saw that the world he perceived was different from
my perceptual world, he obviously had a larger energetic vision, and
though he said that with time and discipline I would perceive as him, I
didn’t believe it, what I did know was that he was to advantaged for his
time, I rarely asked something, but rather waited for him to speak, he
didn’t like to talk about energy with strangers, and neither that I asked
about it in front of his child friends. I knew he saw the energy, he could
perceive the 7 capes of the luminous egg and all the colors without
mistake. In an occasion I saw his running down the ladders of his house
and saw three of his energy capes, like three superposed bodies in

-What are those capes that look like you? – I asked him

-How many do you see? – he asked back

-Three – I said

-Oh they are my three bodies, physical, astral and mental

-Are you conscious of them all the time?

-Yes – he said simply- even of more bodies, but I cant tell you about it until you perceive more

-You manage three bodies? – I asked amazed- I am only trying to be conscious of the astral

-Three? – asked Raham laughing- no, not three, I manage the seventh and even more, but I tell
you is by levels, you have to get up more levels so I can explain you

-Do we create the I? – I asked the child

-Yes – said the child- since the first time we said I, there the I was created

-And what exists before the I?

-Peace… and after the I, pure wars and government killing and all that…

Raham and I stayed in silence… then he talked:

-You know I see the thoughts… let me explain you a little, negative thoughts and words are like
splitting sugar all over the kitchen and leaving it there, quickly the ants
and cockroaches come to eat the mess. Positive thinking is like having
a clean kitchen… so is the luminous egg, negative and dirty thoughts,
you attract to you aura like astral cockroaches to eat their food, which
is your energy. The egos eat the energy through a little tube, as I have
explained, they stick to you aura like cockroaches, positive thinking
keeps them away like repellent.

Raham went playing through the room and came back playing

-Look you can skate in your house- he said laughing

I saw him skating like two or three times and then he slides and falls to the floor, I laughed and
he laughed with me, tears were coming out of my eyes

-So Buddha and so innocent- I told him laughing- also the Buddha slides…

Raham kept laughing in the floor for a while, then got up and went

I kept reading for a while, the day got cloudy and I went out to feel the fresh air of the grey
clouds, I realized I could see a kind of energy threats interlaced
between them, like interlaced waves of energy, similar to the DNA
drawing but horizontal, there were many waves of energy, in various
colors and tones. Raham was playing near with some kids, I called him

-What are those energy waves? – I asked him

-The prana of the clouds- said Raham

-Do you always see it?

-Yes- he said as if nothing- I also see the water elementals that make it rain, they move
between the clouds, there are more things, but that net you see goes
up to the sky and comes down to the earth like in horizontal energy
threats, interlaced and emanating luminous energy out of those bands

-Exactly, I am seeing like that

-Oh- said the child- you are progressing you see? Don’t ask and you will be given, you are going

And the child went off to play with his friends until night, I went to see him sleeping at his bed.
Raham woke up feeling my presence and told me:

-Look something for your book, for you to write it. Infinite reality is covered by the matrix so
you don’t discover it.

Saying this he went back to sleep immediately, I wrote down his words in a little notebook
Today I remembered a formula that the Desert taught me to get rid of negative energy using
the Earth:

-You can do this exercise in a forest, in a mountain or in a remote place, dig a hole in the earth
and get inside, lay down and introduce your fingers in the earth and

Oh Mother Earth, you who have formed my body, I thank you in the name if Infinite God, it is
my will to ask you something: take all the impurities in me in the
physical and energetic, and send them down to be recycled, and give
me in its place the purer materials you have, so in this way I can work
in this world. In name of the Infinite God, so it is.

Then you visualize the negative energy going out your fingers into the Earth and how it get
recycled by her, and the Earth fills up with earthy energy all your
physical body and your luminous field. This way you discharge negative
energy and charge of luminous energy from Earth.

Chapter VIII

Raham and I decided to get out the city and go biking, it took almost an hour to get out and we
headed to a place in a town where there was a place for mountain

While we arrived in the bikes at the shadow of some cypress, Raham stayed playing with some
metals cars he carried. I dedicated to practice some magical passes,
which Mezcalito insisted that I had to practice every time I went out to
nature. While I practiced the passes Raham turned to see me while
laughing, he turned his back on me about seven meters away and I saw
de had a violet aura around him, like made of pure crystals, I stopped
from my magical passes and talked to him, we had been silent since we
arrived in the bikes:

-What does the crystal aura means? – I ask Raham

-That is something you will have to discover for yourself- he said laughing and the aura
instantly disappeared- what use is you me telling you everything if you
don’t find anything searching for yourself?

Raham laughed and me with him, he went to play and I kept doing some magical passes

-Can you see my luminous egg? – I asked

-Yes – said the boy

-How many holes do you see in my luminous egg?

-Two- he said touching his own body- one in the left side of your ribs and the other one in your
left leg

-You know why I have the one in the left side?

-Yes, is because you had a son, if it had been a daughter she doesn’t take your luminosity but
her mom’s, boy by being the same sex as their fathers take more, for
example the girl takes more from her mother and almost nothing from
the father and the hole gets fixed in in the father, but remains in the
mother, a boy takes more from the father and less from the mother,
and the hole remains in the father

-A friend of mine told me that in superior consciousness, take energy from the sun with the
magical passes and pass my hands in my holes to patch them from

-That is correct- said Raham

-Could you help me to patch my energy hole?

-Mmmmm I don’t know- he said smiling

-Come on I know you can- I said- I need to be whole by now, I been trying for four years to
repair my hole and sometimes the energy patch falls down

Raham stood some meter away and pointed with his fingers forming a triangle towards me,
immediately I felt as if he were touching me with his hands, he lasted a
few minutes in that position without moving, then came to me and
with his right hand, it was like if his fingers had golden light, he placed
his fingers in my energetic hole and lasted another few minutes
passing his hand trough my ribs

Then he placed his palm in my left leg

-Here is the other hole- he said and started doing the same proceeding with his hand- Ready,
you are patched, the patch of your stomach is not going to fall any
more and you leg is like brand new.

-Thank you- I said- you are a good healer, you could make a lot of money out of these

Raham laughed a little

-No, people have to effort to repair their own holes, they have to recapitulate and do magical
passes, to enter the superior consciousness, they want everything easy
like potato bags, and it is not that way.

Raham went of to play with his cars, I felt in the place where the child touched me as if a kind
of energy waves were emanating and expanding in circles, especially in
my abdominal area, the sensation lasted all the time we were in that
place, while I did dome breathing to energize my physical body,
everything became like slower, more silent, Raham looks at me:

-Can you get out of your physical body and go to the Origin? – I asked him

-Yes- Raham said with no importance- the Origin is like a sphere of pure energy, very big, you
can get in and out of it

-What is me? – I asked him

-The word me is a trap of an inorganic being, better use the word Being

-Why must we work to crystallize our Being?

-Because they stole it from us…. Is like the dog pound truck, they take your dog and they you
have to pay for him

I laughed until tears came out, Raham laughed with me

-Tell me about the Being- I asked Raham

-Well it is you, your Being

-Then I am not a me?

-No- said the child- you are the Being

- What difference is there between the Being and Me? – I asked Raham

-One is the ego and the other, the white one is the Being, the ego is dark- answered the boy

-How can we repair the energetic holes that produces having children?

-Well how I just did it- said the boy simply

-Then you need the support of someone who is a nagual?

-Well yes- said the boy- but if you see the energy, as you friend says, taking rays from the sun
and repairing it yourself from inside, it takes more time but is effective
if you know how to see

The boy stopped talking and we picked up our things to go back to the city, I kept feeling the
area where my energetic hole had been, I really felt the energy like
emanating from that area. I observed Raham, I had understood that
not even with power plant I could reach the seeing that a child had, the
distance was so big, the seeing of a child was supremely elevated, is
some occasion I asked a person in the path if it was difficult to reach a
child’s seeing and he answered that it was not only hard, but super
hard, for it required big sacrifices. That thought came to me and I
asked Raham the same:

- Is it hard to see the energy like a child?

Raham stops playing with his cars

-Yes- he says nodding with his head- very hard for the adults to see the energy for they
have many locks and are very contaminated, but it is easier with a child, for example if
I sit with a child, we quickly tune up and can align to see the energy, and we can with
yoga and breathing exercises connect with telepathy, in just a day huh? But with an
adult…. Noooo, it would take months or years, sometimes adults are more egos
because they think they already know everything and what do they know? They don’t
even know about the universe and the energy, they are only talking and talking, but
they don’t see the energy, I see it, and not only energy, also superior levels, but people
doesn’t see, they are hypnotized, so better not to talk about this… come one is time to
go, or do you have another question?

-No- I said- all doubts resolved for today

Raham took his bike

-Now we are going down hill, is more fun

-Yes- I said while he took advantage in his bike heading to the road- we all like going

-Well yes it is easier, downhill anyone can go but no one wants to go uphill, because it
takes effort, and the ego doesn’t like going uphill- answered the boy while having fun
going downhill as I followed.

Chapter VIII

Raham was playing in my house with his cars

-Who are you? – I asked him

-God- he said staring at me with tenderness in his eyes- I am you… you are me… I am Coyote
(my dog), you are Jay (my other dog), I am the sun, you are the moon, I
am everything made flesh and you too, understand?

I smiled a little and he carried on playing with his cars. We kept silent for a long while. I went
to meditate a little while Raham was playing. How to express in words
what Raham made me feel giving me those answers that very few
times I listened to or even read in a book of an awaken teacher?

I remember once I was in the mountains, away from the city, so full of noise, people seem sick
of noise for their lifetime, very few like the warm hug of silence, is not
that there is solitude, but the silence itself in solitude is the chant of
life, birds sing with melodies that accompany silence, they are part of
the silence, the mountains, the rivers, the clouds, the trees and their
beings, they all form part of a beautiful melody that is heard in silence.

That occasion Mezcalito came to me and went on with his lessons:

-You are not workers without pay- said the Teacher´s voice to my burning and wishing heart of
his Divine Love, the Blessed- You are the gardeners of a new Earth,
what you call the kingdom of God is within you. The inner silence is the
voice of the Divine Being in you, the spirit. The Great Infinite Spirit.
Infinite God is not lacking of love for his divine sparks, for He Is, the
Spirit of Spirits.

Infinite God all mercy, unknowable for the matter and soul is always compassion.

Always invoke the presence of the Divine Spirit within you, the spiritual spark so you
synchronize with Him.

Silence is fundamental in your prayer. Meditation in part of your daily life, or should be, merge
in the all- knowing ocean of the Divine Spirit.

All knowledge is within you, so the wisdom of all ages.

To remember yourself is to live.

In order to live in the superior consciousness, you must effort without rush, day by day, month
by month, year by year, calmly, without rush but without pause.

Your spirit is the pure lake in which your soul must merge, to find the truth that your heart

Your soul is an instrument if you leave it in hands of the infinite God and so is your body. You
have been created by God to manifest the Great Concert, created in an
eternal sense, for all the spirits are the Divine Spirit, and your body-
soul are only means for you to realize it. Even when body and soul are
mortal, remember that your spirit is immortal and eternal.

Matter can become divine if your spirits becomes conscious in it.

The spirit is superior to the body and soul because it was never created. Immortal and Divine
Fire, not created in the material universe, but coming from the
unknowable God´s kingdom.

The Infinite God is not the ego, even when the ego proclaims itself God.

As a warrior, you must not feel anxiety or sadness for living in the material world. Instead, in
the middle of the material world learn to synchronize with your
spiritual heart.

If you work calmly and silently, you body and soul will be your allies and will synergize with
your conscious effort of liberty, but remember, the body has its natural
needs, learn to live in the spirit harmony even being in your corporal

The soul or astral body must be trained to serve as a support in your own spiritual awakening
and consciousness of your Divine Spirit, and not only awaken the soul´s
faculties, but to go for the true power, that is to actualize your spirit
and its infinite power.

Raham keeps playing with his cars, his gaze gets me out of my memories, looks at me with

-When you say I am God, and you realize you are- says the boy- then you comprehend

We are all the Everything, everything is the Everything.

Chapter IX

Streets are all the same in the small city in which I am stuck for the moment. Just a gigantic
wave of organic robots, that go around in the streets, it´s like walking
between living dead people, they only last falling into the grave to be
officially dead.

Everything is a conscious hit of power, to realize that most people in this planet only vegetate,
they don’t sleep, they vegetate…

Only the thousands of millions of ambulant corpses will have a vegetal death. Like Gurdjieff
use to tell Ouspensky:

“For the machine man who is always tied to external events, things are continuously changing,
he can have no future at all and that´s it. Dust to dust.”

For example in the art of observing ourselves, if you go along with observers without
compassion for themselves, you will learn to be more observant with
yourself, is like everything else, if you read stupid books, your
intellectual center receives stupid energetic impressions, and that
translates in your stupid form of thinking, if you nurture of reading of
the real “awaken”, truly awaken ones, that don’t follow anyone, no
religion or selected group, who are impeccably luminous, if you read
their books the you intellect nurtures from that impression and then
you have a different focus of reality from the common people, because
if you read and apply, you will want results and the energetic facts
exist, the point here is, how far I want to go with myself?
We loose sight of the other world that is within, we scape in a model purely mental, trivial and
irresolute, but none of our mental tricks can help us to affront what we
could call “collective reality” or human farm.

Let´s put for example normal everyday life

At night, for many years you have gone to sleep in the saddest unconsciousness, for you,
sleeping is getting into bed and rest, spend the night in total
unconsciousness and getting up in the morning. That´s all you life, you
sleep between 8 to 10 hours without knowing anything about yourself.
No one takes in count that when you go to sleep a door opens, your
dreams are a door to the infinite and you don’t realize it, not even
when you awake you realize that also your awakening is a returning
from other worlds, and you enter this level denominated “matrix” in
expanded consciousness. Why? Because the moment you wake up you
get up and turn the everyday robot. Just observe it, the global systems
of manipulation has marked us to believe in week days, hours, time.
When you wake up where is the time and the hours? In you mind only,
and in the conditioned mind of everyone.

Since a child the society without mercy or any sign of compassion inserted in you the rhythm
of time, it was in your childhood that they eradicated your free sense
of being and turned you into just a slave of the temporal. But no one
remembers. Observe the cars in the morning, the traffic, the people,
kids going to school without knowing why they are systematically
forced to the theatric parody that governments call “education”.
Education or collective jails? It is necessary in this planet to know how
to read, write, because if not you will be an analphabet and the system
has implanted centuries ago its vision of how a normal life should be,
of course always putting at the top of the pyramid the governors,
priests and politics, and down in the base the multitude, the people
that never matters except for exploding them and eating their energy.

Observe the young and the kids, they resist going to school, as a child you resist more, but
adults let you no option but assisting to the scholar robot ground, as a
young one is the same, on the contrary you won´t find a bad rewarded

The morning is only starting, and millions of kids and young ones can not even have a spark of
their expanded consciousness and they are already off to school, in the
middle of claxons, angry yells from the people who are late to work,
the human traffic in the streets, the noise that never ends and turn
everyone neurotic, louds, explosive in their emotions, focusing their
energy in anger, in that they spend the energy they recharged at night
in the physical bodies, in time, they feed the sense of time that the
egos imposed to humanity centuries ago. You obey a routine calendar,
working days, resting days, and it seem impossible to you that time
really doesn´t exist because the collective says it does, but they don’t
remember that at night time doesn´t exist, at night, while you sleep,
where is the time?

….While is early morning and you are just returning to your physical body from the astral, you
are in a natural state of expanded consciousness, but you don’t know
how to use it because you robotic imposed mind immediately orders
to get up and remember what day it is, what time and your bored
everyday routines, if its Sunday perhaps you´ll get up later, if its you
last school day you even have a different emotion about it, you
program your labors, your words, even your clothes, there are people
who program what clothes will they use depending the week day, have
you seen the ridicule of using a formal suit? What kind of stupidity is
that? The girly fashionistas says that is because the man looks good,
that is gives him port and elegance.

Everything is a liar Babel, can the clothes give you port and elegance? That is a lie, what gives
you elegance is your accumulation of energy, your meditation, to get
empty and stay in the no-mind moment by moment, all that society
and its robots tell you, about cars, marks, time, festive days, in fact all
the collective “tonal” is a grotesque lie and nothing more, and dream
in which you die without realizing that it was just a dream, you spread
your consciousness in a simply robot dream.

Just observe the kids going to the primary schools, the mother “finally” gets rid of them for
some hours so they can realize something they call everyday labors,
their dads at work for hours to maintain them. From 8:00 in the
morning to 2:30pm is in Mexico the school hours. As works without
pay, as soldiers they go dominating the child´s rebel soul, the realizing.
A system of notes through exams is stablished to look at the “smarter”
kids, obviously most of them are from the bunch of “lazy” that don’t
want to study, because the child realizes the useless shit that the
educative system teaches. What use there is in remembering the
stupid story of the presidents that have abused the country and seeing
their photos in history books? They only killed trees for the stupid
presidents to appear in a color photo. For years the kid gets the belief
system that he has to be “smart” in his class, what for? For the mom
and dad to look at him with good eyes, if the kid gets a 10 the mom
congratulates him, if he gets a 0, dad yells and mom pushiness, they
tell him he has to be “intelligent”, but at that time the kid doesn’t
comprehend that adults call being intelligent being in the head all time,
because kids have their center of their being, their energy in the heart.
They don’t teach you love in school, they teach you competition, that’s
all, they show you how your life will be since primary school,
competition, show, showing off, you will notice how the teacher
applauded the girl who had tens, while the one who where “behind”
(perhaps you in that case) were told to call their parents, because they
were “worried” for your development, because you didn’t listen to the
teacher, for being distracted, obviously children are going to be
distracted from what adults teach, its bored to be seated in a chair for
hours and years, I´m sure every child questions why that torture of
going to school, what did they did wrong? Nothing, just being born in a
world of apathy and without heart… in childhood they moved your
Being center from the heart to the head. No one loved you as a child
for what you were but for how you obeyed mom and dad, it seems
that parents want robots, not sons and daughters, they don’t even
prepare for being parents, they have kids in the most stupid
unconsciousness, only because society dictated that a couple most
have children, what for? So they be their copies, their robots and
slaves workers of the system all their lives.

So, millions of kids are “trained” to follow a piece of clothe called flag, to sing it and greet it as
if the flag was alive, greet a piece of clothe? That´s the way
domestication and under-humanity begins, forcing the child to focus
his love in a flag that is nothing but shit, and the children´s heart is
forgotten, punished, because the “teachers” are only system robots,
they don’t teach with the heart, but with the head, , many teachers
today, specially the young one know that the educative system is
wrong but they cant do nothing because they get fired, the high
directives who steal millions and are in charge of the national
educative program don’t care about education at all, only robots,
becoming efficient robot dictators, they really don’t care about
education, only about the money they steal from the worker teachers
with politician consent.

So, each day since you were born you gave been forgetting that natural state of expanded
consciousness in which you wake up every morning, even at night you
enter the expanded consciousness, but you are so tired because of
your heavy robot day that you don’t observe it, since you were a child
you have forgotten, you have even forgotten when you were a child
and your state of consciousness different from the adults one that you
had, as a child you were heart, but they repressed you heart and
implanted in you seeing the world with the head.

The city, the traffic, the never ending noise in the cities, make you forget in the morning that
delicate state, that holy fragrance of sunrise, make you forget you non-
thinking consciousness, where you are with no need of thoughts, but
as soon as you wake up everyone goes on to do their everyday
activities, like robots, for all their lives, this picture that I present to you
is not a horror movie, no, is the common life that most humanity lives
in, more than 90% of the human being live like that, like robots.
Is true, you live in a world where you have to earn your maintenance, what to do? There is
only one thing you could do, try to stay conscious in anything you do in
your everyday life.

One occasion I was walking with the Teacher of the Desert, and he starts talking about the
being, but through a chant. But his chant wasn’t like anything I had
heard anywhere, I had assisted a lot of meetings, some indigenous,
other mixed, but nowhere I found the chant of love of the inner being.
Not that someone said directly the word being, for me it was the most
strange thing when the Divine Luminous started talking about the
being since the beginning, but he sang to me, it was not a teaching like
in a school, or like a guru talking to Chellah, no, it was different, it was
a singing that emerged from Mother Earth herself, from her intelligent
organic consciousness unity, but it was a form of a loving love of fusion
of the indigenous and the Christ-being, a total vision of love for the
Earth. I remember some parts of the first chant that the Teacher sang
to me, but no way it can be expressed by letters, or singed, perhaps in
a little poetry but it would take out the sacred. Nowhere in the world
there is a plant so marvelously sacred, consider it the most powerful in
the world, Teacher Mezcalito, what he thought me in perceptual words
and feelings, in an intense, explosive and gigantic chant of Love for the
Being, the sacred communion that had never died not even with the
armed conqueror.

-The chant to Divinity that is within you, in love- said the Teacher after singing- is the only true
chant, I don’t teach in god cults, or ideologies, my word is pure life, and
my communion is sacred. They call me the teacher, but I am no
teacher, perhaps a simple messenger, the teacher is Infinite God, don’t
get confused my friend, I am nothing but the most insignificant of all
the sons and daughters of Mother Earth.

They call me the teacher of the heart way, my heart in pure singing of the lips of love… love
don’t ask for sacrifices, don’t ask for offerings, don’t ask for prayers,
the lover knows when his loved loves him, in silence. There is no need
for words, talking about love is profaning the sacred in the triviality of

Where is the path of the heart? What to do, how to find it, how to know that is the path that
hopingly the lover seeks the Loved?

Listen then…dance of life is danced without touching, but in the ecstasy of the lovers that drink
completely from the Beloved´s wine.

The moment to the moment, is the key for you awakening. Living accordingly to the warrior´s
impeccability, more than energy, is transforming each part of you in
love. A cosmic wave of love, an energy pack called love…
Have you ever loved someone Rahaddesh?

Love. Strange word that takes over my being. Live a symphony far away that is heard at
sunrise. Love is God.

….When the Teacher of the Desert, the Divine Blue asked me that, I felt as if I was a koat… if I
thought I could no longer be real in the answer…

-In which sense?- I asked the Teacher

-In crazy loving, have you ever gone crazy in love?

-Uh- I suspired- various times

I laughed and the Teacher laughed with me, he shook his head

-I mean if you ever had the sensation of being capable of anything for pleasing you loved one?

I didn’t say anything…just suspired…I didn’t know what the Teacher meant when he talked
about love.

-Do you love the Earth?- he asked

-She is my witness- I confessed- my only witness.

Love to the Earth make you comprehend the triviality and the euphemism in which humans
walk this planet…sex is not love, Rahaddesh…

I love my kids- I cried- perhaps is the only thing I love in this world, out of there I don’t care for
people, let them go to hell, I love this planet, but humans are
unconscious beasts teacher, I do love them but better in silence,
people always respond with hate to love… you that are the Divine, they
want to exterminate you from this planet, they have persecuted you
for centuries already, the supposed governments, religions, society and
cult people have forbidden you…

-Don’t talk like that for the Great Everything, for you are everyone and everyone are other
you… see, you are not alone, if the spiritual congress or the illuminati
that comes to be the same want to exterminate the sacred, the won´t
be able to do it, they have fought for centuries to erase me from
people´s memories, they have caught innocents for a simple plant,
when they kill millions of innocents each day with bombs and missiles,
and they receive honor titles for that. Don’t fear my friend, I am the
Sacred, we shall fight for freedom.

-But I understand that, only humanity doesn’t comprehend.

-Leave humanity alone for a moment- answered the Teacher- the answer I wanted to know is,
have you felt the Agape within?
I said nothing. Only my heart burning of intensity. He kept silent and me too, then, he made a
gesture indicating me to get closer to Him.

-Look- he said showing me my own reflection in his eyes- observe my eyes, remember
yourself, remember your childhood, there are many things that you
don’t let get to the surface, and remember one thing, don’t judge.

I stared at Mezcalito´s eyes, we ere close to each other, then I closed my eyes and started
having many memories of my childhood, then I saw myself as an adult
and I asked me a question, why did my father had to be so violent with
my mother, why thing had to be like that?

As I saw myself, it was like having to movies inside, all the images of violence in the family, and
at the same time their copies in my own being and how they had
influenced me. Then everything became the memory of my childhood,
I started “seeing” all my traumas and energy blockages, then I had
another vision, I saw my father as a child, his childhood had been
worse than mine, he had been polluted by the violence of with own
stepfather and had transmitted that to me too.

-The ego of anger- whispered Mezcalito- feeds on you since you were a child; you have to
exterminate it without compassion. Turn all the repressed anger into a different feeling; you
have to unlock that anger that is feeding on you since you were a kid.

It was like many images from my childhood showing inside, more and more family violence,
fights and yelling with my father, tears, it was like if everything had been a dream, I preferred
not to remember my past.

-You remember to break free from the blockages- said the Teacher- not for having self
compassion, remember you are not the anger, there is a fight within you, get the ego of anger
out of you, is not you, when you were a child you loved a lot, that love was beaten, but the
seed still there, love can be reborn in you, the child´s laughter, you want to help other and you
cannot even unblock yourself? You cannot help other unless you break free from you own self
destructive emotions, you cannot love if there are self destructive emotions in you, like
jealously, anger, the insult, judgment, hate, apathy, luxury, saddens, vanity, arrogance, etc.

-I don’t want to help anyone- I said crying- I only want to learn

-You are learning- said the Teacher- but there is a lot of suffering and pain the world, you
cannot learn without giving anything in change, you have to heal, unblock yourself.

I started crying profoundly, so many memories coming up, all of violence and more violence,

-Get that energy out of you- ordered Mezcalito- send it to the sun to be recycled.

I lasted some time recapitulating, Mezcalito guided me with so much love, comprehension,
after a while he spoke:
-Now forgive you father, he didn’t know either what the egos did to him, is the human
disgrace, not realizing the contamination they suffer through the egos.

It was like if Mezcalito had trespassed everything in me, now other memories about my father
started to come, in some way positive, good advises, but I was not a child, I was a teenager, I
saw myself in the little town where I spent my teen years, in a way I was very different than
from father, various times my father told me that I looked more like my mother than like him,
but I didn’t know my mother, it was like a very deep hurt.

-It affected you a lot not growing up with you mother- said the Teacher showing me all my life
since my earliest childhood- it affected you that she left, you have ran behind you mother
since you were a child and she wasn’t there, but you are not alone. You have to stop carrying
all that emotional pain, transmute it, on the contrary you will walk your whole life carrying the
pain in you, you cannot stat unconscious, become conscious.

I only recapitulated and tears and more tears were coming out of my eyes, I ended up feeling
different, opened my eyes and there was no mind, I could not think or reason, I was empty,
every from my feelings I was empty, I felt like if something very stick to me had been taken off,
I felt emotionally free. The Teacher became everything around; his eyes looked at me from the
Earth in the desert.

-Stay away from judgment- said his Voice everywhere around- so you don’t be like the
common, learn the fine side of the warrior, life is so beautiful, a luck you are here living these

-Why did you choose me?- I asked

I had been wondering for years, why me? What for? What´s the point?

-Many are called, but few chosen- said the Peyote Teacher

-But what did you choose me for? I sometimes feel I am not adequate for this, it is too much
for me, you push me beyond my limits.

-But you always go beyond your limits- answered the Voice of the desert

I kept silence for a while, I felt empty, and my heart was burning intensely.

-I am shit in my emotions- I told Mezcalito- I have many emotive blockages

-Everyone should make the work over their negative emotions it is primary to start with it…-
answered the Teacher and assumed his Divine human greenish form-
you have to learn to heal yourself first in all of your levels, physical,
etheric, astral-emotional and mental, to clean that requires a huge
work from you because you have never stopped to think one thing,
why did the egos took so much matter in contaminating you? Because
if you awake, you can´t imagine what you could move inside, is about
the inside, the fight is inside when you are becoming conscious, for a
law, more people will become conscious, is only that you awake, purity
is my way, no one reaches me by rituals, dances, offerings of any type,
neither prayer, purity is the path that why very few dare to come to
this paths.

…There are many ways to heal, the people not always have physical illness, there are emotive
diseases which are worse than the physical ones, you can learn to
detect energetic blockages and to unlock that energy so the energy can
flow through the physical body of the person, I can teach you to “see”
the energy field, to detect the egos inside, but all that requires
dedication, patience and discipline, and that you learn to share with
other what you learn, what use there is for knowledge if it can´t be
shared? What is the use of the knowledge of the Earth if you cannot
even use it to help others you to heal?

-But I don’t know how to treat with people

- A warrior must learn to be warm and loving, he knows how to serve without the other
noticing that is being served, he doesn’t presume what he does, just
pass without being noticed every moment, reads the energy as it flows
in the universe, the more you help the more your heart opens and you
help Mother Earth, that’s why I tell you to become conscious of
yourself, chants also have the quality of healing the soul and spirit,
there are chants that heal, there are very few who heal through the
sacred chanting and all that I will share with you.

-Aren´t there infinite ways?- I complained- I want to be alone, meditate in the mountains, stay
here with you in the desert, I don’t want treats with people I don’t like
the matrix

- But… is not about people, is about you- said the Teacher- understand that people are others
you and you are helping yourself, there is no one else to be helping,
don’t separate

-But I don’t know how to heal

-There you go again… I am here to teach you, to show you the way, only follow the Spirit signs,
you are seeing and you don’t see, hearing but not listening, your heart
still closed, you come wanting to learn the wisdom but you refuse to
serve, what do you think this is, a supermarket? You cannot pretend to
serve yourself without serving… about your question, why you? Do you
know this boy called Raham?

-Yes- I said amazed- he lives next to my house

-He will be able to give that answer and many more, be patient, he is a child, but he is a
connector of the sacred, your labor is to help him and give him
orientation in other aspects, not in the sacred one, but about the
everyday world, to help his parents so they don’t contaminate him,
help them in their vision of energy, there are very few children in the
world that get saved from being depredated in their energy and vision,
Raham is one of them, you labor will be to guide him, take care of him,
show him the world, there are persons who are being born and will not
pass the same stuff that you did, they are different they come for
something different than the common people, since children you can
notice they are not like other children, they are conscious being that
have come for something special to this planet, something that seems
impossible for most human race to understand for they don’t realize
that Gaia is a conscious and intelligent being, we must prepare to
defend the desert because they are destroying it…. that is the reality,
they are exterminating the sacred and no one seems to care, not event
he ones who eat the sacred, they just use the medicine, pray, sing, and
say a lot of good intentions but nothing more. There are not concrete
actions of anything, they are all in fight with each other and call
themselves sons of Mother Earth, they all hate each other and don’t
see that is the ego that puts trouble between them, you cannot help
the Earth being in fight with your brothers, cult to the gods must die…

The inside of me exploded something that was a feeling of love within something bigger, like
love had found Love… that was… that was Love, intensities of energy
that flow the universe conscious of itself… then Light came and He
came…the Being, I closed my eyes for no seeing him, not hearing, for
not knowing nothing about him, it was not possible, but he was there.

I stayed seated, had my eyes closed and even so the blue light shone in front of me and that
man. There was not longer Mezcalito, my friend, my teacher, my guide,
my lover, the sweet voice and his blue eyes, now it was Him, the one
called the Christ, his aura was vibrant, his blue eyes revealed life
energy, consciousness, everything there, all my most secret doubts,
evaporated in an instant, everything was gone, all was taken off and I
got filled of a love for the Christ like nothing I had felt for anyone
before. I felt forgiveness within me as a unique energy, and with
forgiveness liberation of impersonal love for everything. Even with my
eyes closed I saw him. But then Mezcalito within me spoke:

-Go beyond the Christ, is only a step don’t get stuck seeing. Is only the man mold, remember
the neotoltec warrior has no gods to venerate, go beyond…

And the marvelous vision of Love went away; it was like if I went through the radiant blue
energy of the Christ and many more colors, and then I entered a
dimension of total emptiness, I was alone.

-Solitude is a stranger- said Mezcalito- the true Christ is within your heart, not in a vision or a
character, the Christ I have told you is your Being. Focus all you love in
awakening the sleeping Being within your heart, not writings, words,
visions, vision help you to see with the spirit eyes, the being is not
outside of you, don’t feed images, don’t feed visions, don’t give your
love to any god, prophet, illuminated, teacher, never give your love to
any being even when they look spiritual when they are outside of you,
follow yourself, don’t follow others even if they are the Christ, for you
are here and now, the past is gone. Be careful of the gods, they are the
inorganic beings with most fine energy, but even when Christ is the
“most good” of the inorganic beings, he also “eats”

-Holy God- I said scared- then why you let them come close to me?

Mezcalito laughed, his laughter was pure crystalline

-You are a whole devotee of the Christ, what can I do? You have to leave all you gods behind,
even Jesus, the Virgin, that wasn’t even a virgin, even me, I am not a
god, I am a protector, I am protecting you from millenary ideas
maintained by humans and feed by them, Christ didn’t die, but that
doesn’t mean a lot, there were many other before him, they called
them death defiant. So it seems that the inorganic beings that scape
death, and that survive in the multi-dimension outside the time-space,
as a part of the Matrix (the Divine Creation), got connected to our
energy through our false personality (egos). And by getting rid of all
the influence learned in matrix, getting rid of the egos and minimize
negative emotions, we can conserve our personal power that is what
allow us to perceive, know and comprehend “what must be done” to
reach freedom…

The kingdom of the gods is the most dangerous of all, for they also have power, we must pass
them aside, get empty of everything and always maintain in an empty
dimension, in an empty space, only you, don’t allow anyone to
interfere in your perception, no supposed light being, even it being an
alien or what do I know, get empty and maintain your frequency radio
as a tube of light that goes to the infinite, that way you will keep
always stable your levels of energy and no one will “eat” you. Don’t be
a tool of any “god” or “luminous being”, only learn to follow you own
inner voice, the voice of you spirit. That’s it. This is my lesson for you, it
may seem simple, but what you have just done, one day you will
realize that this energetic move you´ve done and this teaching that I
have just shared with you, you will see it in another dimension of your
being, remember, sometimes with time you will understand many
more thing with more wisdom, but it is the experience that gets you
inside and take you to search for the answers in a superior intuitive
level. So the basic energy structure of the infinite god is within you and
in everything else at the same time manifested in the Tritocosmos or
third dimension where you have your physical body which is the fabric
of fine energy, remembers the inorganic beings have no physical body
so they can’t produce fine energy.
-I am Inifinite God?

-Of course- said the Teacher laughing- who did you think, Jesus? I tell you that in the level you
awake you become like a god in the same level, the level of the gods is
a fight level, that’s why you need to realize…you are God, don’t go
searching for God outside of you, for the only thing you will find is the
gods, a very dangerous specie of inorganic beings, very dangerous. The
most dangerous of all.

Jesus, Krishna, Shiva, Brahman, many gods there are, you are a potential god, but never
venerate any god, for you are your own god, your own freedom. A true
teacher doesn’t want you to follow him, but follow yourself, not that
you venerate and adore him. The Spirit has manifested for eras in
many teachers of the Spirit, but none of them has asked for veneration
or churches and sacred books to follow them as if they were a law.
Teachers of the Spirit have no doctrines of philosophies, the Spirit is in
you. Not outside, don’t venerate anyone outside for the infinite God
has always been inside of you. The All doesn’t ask for worshiping, but
for you to live your own experience, in the fragrance of the
individuality of your own being.

-Love must be in you at every moment, but the Agape is within you, the origin of love is in your
own spirit, your consciousness as infinite God is what you need to
awake, but it takes time to prepare the physical body for the impact of
the superior energies in the body.

That was all, I stayed in the empty dimension and a huge, cosmic tube of light started
surrounding me, the sunset was coming and the tube of light from the
sun extended to me, I stayed only watching the sun, and the energetic
tube that extended to me and it was so big like if nothing else existed,
only the Sun, the tube of light and me, nothing else existed. I closed my
eyes, Mezcalito vanished lightly like golden sparks and I felt like the
tube attracted me to the sun with a tremendous velocity.

Chapter X

I went to visit Raham at his place, when he saw me he laughed a little. Few days have passed
since I had finished this writing. I read a bit to Raham and he seemed
satisfied, made a few funny comments about the book and got exited
hearing his words in a book, he said that slowly people would start to
know that the seers were no extinct, and that many stellar portals
were opening in the world.

-So you ready for a walk?- he asked

I answered I was.
-Let´s go for a walk then- he said- take some food, you know sometimes I get hungry up on the

Raham and I walked for a while outside the city, he told me that he felt he would soon leave
the city and go to the mountains, he invited me to go with him, and I
told him I would check for the possibility of doing it. We took a car. I
was silently eating Mezcalito, for Raham told me that I needed it in
order to awake faster, even so there would come a day when I would
simply not need it, but because of my childhood energetic blockages, it
was good to eat some. He recommended me seven Mezcalitos when I
accompanied him, we went to the desert and cut them, Raham had a
little house in the desert that some medicine people from central
Mexico had given to him.

The car left us close to some mountains like one hour away from the city. We got off and
started walking. I didn’t really want to eat a lot of Mezcalito, but there
was no way of scape Raham, so I only ate silently. When we reached
the beginning of the mountain I had only ate three Mezcalitos and I
vomited a bit, but it wasn’t the Mezcalito. Raham stopped to watch.

-Ah- he said- look, the black crystals that the reptilian had inserted in you five years ago have
gone out, Mezcalito threw them away, now you channel is clean. Keep

I had told Raham that few days ago in a meditation I “saw” some dark crystals which were
blocking my third eye, at least a part of it, I told him that five years ago
I had a fight with a reptilian (that part is written in a digital book called
the Mezcalito witches five years ago), and I felt those dark crystals
were remaining of that battle. After vomiting I felt light and went on
eating calmly the four left Mezcalitos. Raham turned to see me.

-You´ve eaten them already?- he asked laughing

-Is what I came for, my friend

Raham laughed:

-But take you time, calmly, you ate them so fast

-There are not many chances with you- I said and Raham smiled as we kept walking- you know,
I would like to know something that not even Mezcalito wanted to
answer, he told me to ask you… why has Mezcalito chosen me, when I
am so stupid?

-Do not say you are stupid for you create it- said Raham smiling- He has chosen you because he
saw that you had a good future with him, that’s why he is trying to
teach you, he believes in you more than you believe in yourself.
I felt a punch in the heart and made no more questions the rest of the way. We arrived to a
forest where we used to go, there I had some magical encounters, five
years ago the scariest experience and realizing that a reptilian was
attacking me, leaving me half blind in my channel, or better said, trying
to stop me from seeing clearly, trying to block me, but today I felt
totally restored. We kept silence all the way; Raham sat silently in a
fallen tree and took out his cars for playing, I practiced some Nei Kung.

I felt a pressure in my stomach because of the Mezcalitos. I told Raham to move my

assemblage point, we came closer and hit slowly, the left aside the
orange he was eating and with both hands pushed my kidneys like
opening a portal of energy

-Ready- said Raham- now you will “see”

He sat and the stood, put his hands on my third eye and with two fingers each to one side
“opened” my vision

-You see better now?- asked the boy

I saw very clear, I closed my eyes, I was missing a little but it was natural, I told him it was fine

I got lost in the Nei Kung and Raham went for a walk, I opened my eyes and everything was like
bright blue, I saw Raham just coming out from the trees, like twenty
meters away, I took my stuff and went to follow him but now he was
more far, he seemed to move like in quantic jumps, to describe it some
way. But I didn’t know, just seemed to me like if he transported from
one place to another without time.

-Come, let´s play in the river- said Raham

He sat by a small river that was in the place and I turned behind me, I felt something, then I
SAW…there was an energetic portal, but it was like transparent, I
didn’t see it very well, but it was there, I could see it, even though my
reason at that moment was fighting.

-What there is here?- I asked Raham

-A blue one, but is one od the good ones, when they are bad you can “see” it in their second
cape because their second cape is dark… don’t worry the egos cannot
come here anymore.


-In the energy fields- said Raham- you have gone out of the matrix, we are in the energy fields,
here the blue ones take care of us, don’t let the reptilians come close,
you´ll se the reptilians…mmm… we can talk, you ask

I suspired
-Here, five years ago I got attacked by a reptilian, why?

- He wanted to steal your energy, but he couldn´t, he did nothing to you- said Raham- it was a
hard task but here you are huh?

I wanted to cry…but I hold it.

-Well- I said- it was my fault too for fooling around

-No- said Raham immediately- it wasn´t your fault, take that off, be yourself, don’t blame
yourself, you don’t know how things are, but I am here to explain you

-What do the blue one want with me?

-To take care of you- said Raham

-From who?

-From the reptilians, because they can enter the energy fields and steal energy from you, that’s
why they take care of you, the reptilians are advanced in dark energy,
they take it from all the people that generate it with negative
emotions, and there is a dark force which maintains the reptilians.

I stood up and went walking in circles, I “saw” the portal above me, but it was like disguised
between the sky and the vegetation

I arrived with Raham again he seemed to read me

-Don’t be so suspicious- he said laughing- the blue ones are Mezcalito´s brothers

I laughed out loud, I fell to the ground, I wanted to cry but I laughed

-We should have started there from the beginning, so easy it was to tell me that

-But look- said Raham- the blue ones… the end is the beginning, the beginning is the end

-But all this that you tell me, that I “see”, I am a present witness, this is not for giving, only for
writing a book, so much and so simple

-Yes- said Raham amused- it is that way, people will have to use the piece of papers… or better
said their money, gather your money, not for free, but in the end you
will know is your decision, frankly I don’t care. Also learn to “see”
more, there is marvelous lesson behind all this, but for the moment I
cannot tell you.

I laughed out loud, Raham made fun of money in such a beautiful way…his child´s voice…

-Well yes- said Raham- it is not money, only old pieces of metal, they give them so much worth
don’t you think?

I laughed again, Raham kept playing with his cars in the dirt, then I tried to ask something else
-I want to know about the Origin- I finally said and I went with Raham and drew a small circle
in the dirt and another one, one meter away and got them together…

-The Origin- I said- they say we come from the Origin and return to the Origin, that it is all…

Raham stared at the two little circles and took the branch

-No- said Raham- who says that?... well, it is like that, but here from the little circle (he said
and drew the same circle I made) you can get out (and drew a line
outside the circle), here you get out of the Origin, you can get out,
there is a door

Everything stopped to me, I stared at Raham closely, unbelievable… only for my eyes, if I saw it
I wouldn´t believe it, but there it was…

-Holy mother- I exclaimed- you scape the Eagle

-Exactly- said Raham- well you are not so stupid, you do scape the Eagle, the blue ones come
from there, a little door besides the Origin

-And what there is beyond it?

-Oh, so much to see, unending worlds, of consciousness, of Light, super evolved life that you
can´t even imagine

Yes… I fell on my knees to the ground, Raham went to play… I wanted to cry but I couldn’t, it
was REAL… TOTAL FREEDOM WAS REAL, but who in this world would
believe it, which would do anything for freedom? What a sadness I felt
for humanity, so much sadness… Raham turned to see me to takle me
out of my sadness and told me:

-German (a medicine common friend that Raham met on a meeting), the other time he came
you remember? He even told me he wanted a power name

Raham and I laughed

-Ha- said Raham- so quickly, like that without doing anything? You have to WORK

We laughed out loud

-Just before I saw you transport between the trees one side to another like you were no
matter…how you do that?- I asked

Raham laughed as a child

-No- he said innocently- is that there are like…doors

He came closer to me, one meter away from a tree

-See there is a door here, you see it?

Yes it was there, it was like an energy door, and Raham made e movement in it and got out by
another “door”… Unbelievable, I had never seen something like that
before. It was a very refined movement of power and perception. I
laughed, it was enormous, tremendous.

-Of course- I said laughing- you enter and come out by little doors

-Of course, what did you think?- asked Raham laughing

-But you also fly- I affirmed

-Oh that is another thing- he said- first the doors, you want to go too fast, first what´s first.

-And why am I so contaminated?- I asked

-No- said Raham- you are not contaminated, if so I could not tell you all this, you are only

-Come on unblock me- I begged

-No- said Raham laughing- you have to make the fight on your own, with yoga, meditation and
magical passes.

I laughed and he laughed with me, then we kept silent.

-Hey then, that about being meditating hours in silence and be in there in silence years and
years, is not like good, right?

Raham had gone to play with his cars; he turned and shook his head negatively.

-No. Anyway the world will never shut up.

We laughed out loud again, we were in the expanded consciousness and I saw Raham a little
different, his face was beautiful, full of light, his eyes were something
unmistakably luminous

-The blue ones are then brothers of Mezcalito?

-Yes, he created them, and also the reptilians, but they gave gone bad by THEMSELVES, they
don’t want the Mercy. Nothing to do, fools they miss it, life so
beautiful and everything that there is and them over there is their
nasty hole, they miss it because they turned like that by themselves.

We laughed out loud again.

-The blue ones protect us all, then?- I asked thinking they were like guard angels

-No- said Raham- only the AWAKEN ones, not the sleeping, they are no use, that’s why they
don’t take care of them, machines have taken them is it no use.

I felt a wave, for the first time in my life, I felt an immense sadness for humanity, the way
Raham said things to me, so calmly, without the minor sign of sadness for so many asleep
people, I felt something different, but things were like that in the path… how much solitude I
felt in that moment.

-Ready- said suddenly Raham- end of the lesson, you want to know anything else?

I suspired, said nothing and went for a little walk, breathing, I made some magical passes, it
was undeniable that there was something there, I could not define it through words, but I
closed my eyes and “saw” energy, then spoke to Mezcalito:

Raham says that the blue ones are part of the Everything

-Yes- said the Teacher inside of me- but hey are not my brothers, don’t listen to him I am son
of Mother Earth and the Divine. I am an organic consciousness also evolving, is a trap that the
inorganic beings have set for you and Raham, the have “seen” that the boy needs nothing for
“seeing”, he will be dangerous, they want to buy him, those blue being are… what the ancient
toltecs called “allies” in the dreaming, perhaps they want the child to teach him things so he
talks about them to people, that would be something frightening by itself, you have to get over
them in their own ground


-Make Raham use his “seeing” in the awaken dreaming, what happens is that he is connected
to the superior frequency and everything is confusing there, remember that all humans are like
children, not only Raham, everyone, he is awaken but still don’t assimilate many things
because of his child´s body, but he will assimilate quickly… tell him to evoke them and ask to
see them in energy with loud voice.

I went back with Raham, I felt a tremendous confidence in myself

-Talk to your blue friends- I said and we sat down

-Done- said the child with closed eyes

-Point at them with your right little finger and say I want to see energy, I want to see light

Raham did so, doubt for some moments and he said low:

-I want to see energy

He had his eyes closed, few moments passed and he laughed alone and told me with his eyes

-Oh so curious, various blue ones just became nothing, there are only four left

-They are inside- I told him- you are in a level of awaken dreaming, point at them, say I want to
see energy inside

-I do it but they don’t go away

-They cannot win, is a trap of the inorganic beings, point at them, they are projections of them
-Done- said Raham laughing and opened his eyes- I pointed at him and said I want to see light,
and a tube of light took them to the recycler, they are gone, wow, it was a trap they were
setting on me

I laughed and he laughed with me

-They were inorganic being the ones that were behind- said the boy

-Is that you have a tremendous skill- I said stopping the laughter- and “seeing” is so much,
there are few children in the world that can see energy as you do

-Is because the government sleeps them

-Yes but listen to me, you have your double, you “see”, “dream”, you can manage telepathy,
and you are an embodied boy, food for inorganics, very good one, tell me something, did these
blue ones taught you something about the assemblage point?

-Yes- said the boy- and they knew very advanced thing about technology and energy

-They are…how to explain you, is like explaining to myself but with child´s mentality…look, you
see more than me in energy, but you are a child, and very innocent in certain things, as an
adult you will understand in a different way this that happened today, but, that thing that was
following you wanted to take you and use you, and through you those “gods” cloud feed of
more persons, they know how to manage perception, they are very old, millions of yeas older
compared with us and yes there are ships, ovnis, and beings from other planets, but remember
that everyone here eats energy, it is the most valuable gold, and some inorganic beings from
very high levels can even offer you gifts or some knowledge of the ”dreaming”, but in change
of your energy and the energy of other people. For that, my advise is to always get into the
“seeing” , intend around you an empty space, like a tube of light to the infinite where you are
alone and there are no inorganic interferences.

-I even saw a ship coming down, I could talk to them- said the child innocently- they fight
against the reptilians

-No- I said- they fight between them, yes, but we are the organic grass, the humans, as you
told me, they take care of the awaken ones, is because there are very few awaken ones and
they want them for them, because an awaken person generates an extremely fine energy, is a
very rare energy to find in this planet, is the most exquisite taste for these beings

-Oh- said the boy surprised- they are very bad then, the inorganics

I laughed

-You have no idea- I said- Thanks infinite God that we are a team, you have many tremendous
skills, Raham, in energy you can do many movements that would take a whole life of conscious
effort for others, use that skill to help some few that you find working along the way.

-Look you are a child, I´m going to tell you how the antique nagualism is not what many think it
to be, it was a thing full of aberrations, so Mezcalito told me. Antique witches had predilection
for becoming animals, they knew how to move their double and become animal, that is anti-
evolving, so it is dark, black, when we are missing the “vision” to reveal the energy that is
behind the gods, we foolish, and that’s it…

That’s why Buddah had no gods, but since we are fool we always want to believe that there is
a god that protects us and reward us for giving him all, or some blue brothers, or solar or
purple what do I know

…but shame…all the Nagualism is anti-evolution, that is DARK, why would you want to turn
into a coyote or an eagle or a crow? Why an animal? What animals are we?

What did I learn?...well it is pure animal shit… and how did that help my evolution?... it just
didn’t …a pure waste of time and useless spent of energy…but that’s right: one feels very cool,
only inflating the ego, the personal importance, vanity, arrogance and pride, isn’t that the
most dark thing that can happen to us?

What use would it be for you evolution to transform into an animal, or to see blue beings or
ships coming down? That’s how these beings cheated the antique witches, all of them, and
they took some and never got them back, obviously one has to make efforts to “see” them
materialized in the physical, Raham, they go slowly, until one gathers enough energy and they
materialize in the physical to get more followers and so you “see” that they are there, but is
another trap, the inorganic taught them all that stupidity of becoming animals and rituals to
the old toltecs, that is not the way, and in the “dreaming”, when those beings show up, better
move away like if they were plague

But the ancient didn’t know these, Raham, they got exited becoming eagles and knowing what
does a flying eagle feels… but what´s the use in that? Or in perceiving with an insect´s eyes?

-No way- said Raham- All that foolishness they did?

-They do, their heritors- I said smiling- pure amusement, pure aberration that of spending
refined energy in becoming animals

Raham laughed

-I don’t turn into an animal, we have superior bodies, like these one but made from refined
energy- said the child

-Yes I know, but anyway now that you are a child I prevent you, you have talent, as a child you
have your double, take care of it and evolve it to superior levels of yourself, don’t let any vision
impression you even from the most extravagant and beautiful blue ones, even getting down a
whole bunch of ships

-Yes- said the child happily- it is better to ignore them

-What would you do to kill an inorganic being, how to do it?- I asked him

-Easy, I would intent my sword of light and cut their head off and they do like smoke to the
sun… I almost don’t use it, but I do have it.
-Another way is to intent your Divine Light, and transport to the empty dimension within
yourself so you avoid them, but if there is no other option, to cut heads without compassion in
the astral, another method is to stick the sword in the hara or energy center and break them
all the way up

-Also throwing a ray of light from your hand and cutting them by half from the head to the
feet- said the child exited

-See?- I said- this that you know, very few in the world knows, I didn’t know how to affront
these beings until not long ago, you already have knowledge, never forget this, and if you see
again a blue one or something like that coming down the sky…

-Sword of light with no compassion

-Yes that’s right- I said and we laughed

We walked silently at noon, Raham was happy still a bit thoughtful. We arrived to the town to
take the transport, while Raham was eating a pop I noticed he had a
bracelet with a marihuana leaf drawn in it and I told him that it was not
nice for a boy to wear something like that

-But the plant isn’t bad- he laughed- we should grow many plants, the bad thing is the ones
who smoke it.

I laughed again, how laughter for a day

-Yes- said Raham- if the plant had feet it would run away, from all the smokers the plant would
run, and I assure that if it could spoke it would tell them all that they
have done to it, poor plant, is not its fault, we should even grow a lot,
but I tell you people in this planet don’t know how to use anything, I
swear to you that if marihuana had feet, it would run away from all the

And we continued laughing…

During some previous walks, I remember I had received “contact” with those mysterious blue
brothers who were “evolved” humans in higher energy bodies, Raham
even gave some yoga postures and other special “exercises” to
develop the “seeing” and prepare for this encounter where the blue
brothers would physically manifest, in a beginning I completely
believed that they were really evolved cosmic beings coming to help
us, but I noticed their “interference” when Raham and I took walks,
they didn’t let him “see” beyond themselves or receive “messages”, I
did research about them, they were the “gods” that the Hindu saw, as
blue, and in other cultures they were “gods”, but they all were
disguises, I also investigated that in antique times they dictated the
indigenous how to build the pyramids, and they “evolved” the
primitive humans of this planet, so they say.
Raham could speak to them, I could only see them in the etheric and astral level, but they
promised to help me develop consciousness in change of passing their
message, they knew a lot about energy and consciousness, everything
happened in a day without planning, Raham was “seeing” and these
being started their “interference in the seeing” of Raham, during some
days I listened about ships, ovnis, blue beings, solar, lunar, reptilians,
and everything concurred with some thing I previously knew, but the
“blue brothers” presumed themselves to be porters of shamanic Toltec
knowledge, and when I finally prepared a little more Raham and I went
for a walk, and his promise of presenting me the mysterious “blues”
didn’t fail, but because of his childhood he didn’t know much about it
and was very innocent, even so I considered it a valuable experience
for my way and to realize how far can the inorganic go in their traps, as
far as I know, there is no other book like this one in the world which
talks so openly about them, and point them as the predators of the
organic consciousness of the human, and the “traitors” of the human
race which got allied with those beings, other mages from other times
that continue existing in different levels of reality. I dare to affirm that
all the gods of all cultures, absolutely all of them, including the
Hebrew, are inorganic beings, even the supposed cabalistic angels and
archangels, which were only gods taken form the Sumerian cult and
used by the Hebrews and monopolized as archangels.

There is in the universe a clear scale, even segmented of the levels of the inorganic beings, this
book was written as part of a intent of alerting others practitioners of
the refined energy to be careful with the visions one has, and to not
put attention in to supposed “ascended beings”, teachers, light beings
or any mystification that the inorganic beings use so much.

Always maintain your empty space, even when you contemplate different beings and
dimensions. Create each moment your tube of light and never allow
any inorganic intrusion.

Chapter Xl

The luminous egg

Few days passed after the “incident” with the inorganic beings and after that, Raham was
more relaxed, he needed some time to assimilate that his supposed
“blue brothers” had cheated on him, even so that didn’t mean a lot
because he continued seeing the energy as something natural, except
that the “visions” of ships and cosmic beings completely stopped.

-When I visualize my luminous egg, and then my double comes out, like another physical body
but made of pure energy, what body is t?- I asked Raham
-Is the fifth body- said Raham


-Yes- he said simply- is the astral body

-And what to do to reach it more entirely?

-Meditating- answered Raham

-Any secret technique?

-Trust yourself- laughed the kid- only that, trust in yourself.

Chapter Xll

The matrix

Raham and I were taking a hot chocolate in the kitchen of my house; it was very early in the

-Look- he said pointing at a paper box with a code bar with numbers in it- just like you see this
numbers, it’s the wat the matrix surround us like a lot of code bars, in
the forest it is different.

Raham picked up the box and showed me the other side of it which was only purple without
numbers or anything

-Just like -Just like you see this color, you can see the energy fields, pure energy, without
“numbers”, in the city everything looks uglier, more tenebrous, like
pure “green” codes, when there is a fail in the matrix they change to
red, they turn yellow when you suck energy out of the matrix- laughed
the boy

-Suck the energy out of the Matrix?

-Yes, she eats us, I eat her, and then you break it, the matrix, and those codes go to the sun to
be recycled…

-How did you get out of the matrix? How can I get out? - I asked

-You have to kick your third eye´s door. And that’s it, you get out to see the reality, how
horrible it is these time, it will get you sad to see the true Reality that is
behind the matrix- said the boy- I did that one day. I kicked the door
and got out of the matrix. Let me explain to you, the potato bags
(sleeping people) go to the cosmic recycler, they become potato mash
and that’s it they go to the sun and get recycles, end of their life and
consciousness. Those who dominate their astral body last a little
longer, those who dominate the mental last a lot longer, but also die at
the end. Those are the bodies in which the death defiant lives. But
passing the seventh body, you got it.

Raham kept silent for a while

-Oh- he said- when you touch the energy fields, they seem something like gelatin.

-They vibrate?- I asked


-How do you kick your third eye´s door?- I asked

-With energy, is like breaking a window- said the boy

-What do you see in the reality?

-Well when you or other people are in the computers, in the phone or the tv, I see how people
is drained through their eyes of their luminous energy and it goes to
the matrix, the machines steal it from you.

-Where does that energy that the machines steal goes?

-They gather it like the riches their money, the reptilian, you know the riches are afraid of
letting go even a piece of paper

I laughed

-There are reptilian ships- said the boy- they are black, sometimes yellow thanks to all the
energy they steal, they steal organic energy, because they have ten
thousands more than us in technology knowledge. But when you Wake
up their technology is nothing and you are above them, that’s why is
urgent that the people awaken their astral and mental levels, so they
can prove what I tell you. The ships of the blue ones, inside are like a
purple little way and they have a technology and controls that register
everything, but at the beginning they say is to “protect” you, that’s
what they told me, outside some ships are like triangles, there are
other types of blue one that don’t use ships, they transport through
energy portals. Other ships are like octagons, other like circles,
pentagons, there is all kind of stuff. Them, the blue ones and other,
communicate through telepathy, so they take care when some one
awakens, and when you awake you realize they tell some things, but
they don’t tell you everything, only superficially and they keep many
things, they cover between themselves because they don’t take care of
us, they keep us inside the farm. I tell you again because you see they
even tried to caught me, they pretended to be good and revealed you
thing to make you trust them, but once they got you, they reveal as
they are and they already have you.
Look… the sleeping ones, the people “see” a wall, cars, houses, and there is nothing like that,
only energy fields, but in the cities the energy fields are altered
because of the code bars that I tell you, those greenish, is because the
city is like the extermination field, like a fat pigs farm, ready for the
meal, just like that, but since the potato bags don’t “see”, they become
smash, and get recycled by the sun and that’s the end.

I remained thoughtful, Raham concluded:

-Yes my friend- he said smiling- we are in a predator universe

Chapter Vlll

Empty in the desert

August 2015

Today morning Raham, his mother and I arrived to the desert where Mezcalito lived, Raham
had promised he would teach me about Teacher Mezcalito at the
desert, I prepared for months for this encounter.

Raham and his mother, along with his little sister searched for a place under a tree called
Mezquite for camping. There was some water in the place where the
goats liked to drink, for the land was of a farmer called Juan, I had met
him since the first time I arrived to the desert, we only spoke in rare
occasions. I walked a bit inside the desert and ate only one mezcalito.
It was middle sized, I felt his power immediately, only at the second
piece my body was shaking, I could hardly support my legs because of
the vibration that passed through my body. When I finished eating the
peyote, I when to sit to be alone, immediately everything became
luminous. Mezcalito immediately arrived, there wasn’t any time
interval, he was simply already there.

-One entire peyote is too much for you- he said- you have smoked too much ganja, now you
don’t need that much peyote, perhaps a piece would be enough due to
the time you have worked…it is time for you to stop playing with your

I felt terrible, went back where Raham was

-Wow- said the child looking at me- there is peyote here, I can smell it, see even with only the
air I am connected, don’t even need to eat it

He made a profound breathing and his eyes lighted up in an intense blue

-Only with the prana of the place I am completely connected, I don’t need to eat peyote
anymore- said the child- and why are you not connected yet? By now you should be like me,
able to connect with the pure prana from here
I laughed

-You wanted to learn, right?- said the child- well the lesson is that you have to connect with
the pure prana from here, you have smoked too much and that’s why you cant connect you
are all blocked up again you didn’t listen to me, and there you go, I would like to teach you
some higher things now without Mezcalito, but whenever you want.

Raham kept playing in the dirt with his cars, it was already noon, I walked to a group of rocks
near a hill and sat down to meditate, I ate other three peyotes.

I felt energized, I recapitulated for a while, did some healing sounds for my lungs, and while I
did them Mezcalito came to me

-You didn’t know that the smoke blocked you up from moving your assemblage point- He said-
it is natural and a part of you own learning to be like that, but you have worked, and I will give
you something that will help you in the way, I will give you new lungs.

I felt how a blue light penetrated my lungs in an ecstatic way, and I “saw” inside how a dark
mass came out of my lungs through my breath. Immediately I felt an incredible recovering, I
inhaled and my assemblage point started to break free from its usual place… I repeated it
some times, only by inhaling my assemblage point moved and my perception immediately
changed. I breathed and my torso opened with a strange crunch, it was like if only by breathing
I could move my assemblage point by will.

I went back with Raham, he looked at me and smiled

-Why didn’t you tell me that smoking blocked the assemblage point and that it can be moved
by will?

-Well- said the child laughing- because it is like in the school, the teacher´s got the answers,
but what´s the point in the exams then? If I tell you something that you haven’t experimented
it won´t be much use, but if you experiment and live it, it’s different, now you know. Don’t
worry from now on everything will be different, you will no longer need Mezcalito, it was only
for waking you up…

The next day I drank for glasses of hikuri with chocolate. It was the same, the visions were all
gone, I only perceived the pure energy, I understood what Raham said about Mezcalito not
being necessary anymore for me.

Raham was playing with the goats in the place where Don Juan had them. I arrived with him, I
was so sane, so lucid, didn’t even feel anything, only the energy through all my body, but out
of there I was so calmed like I hadn’t eat peyote.

-Why didn’t you tell me that Mezcalito was myself?- I asked Raham

-Didn’t I tell you that it is like school exams? If I tell you and you haven’t discover it, it would
not be of any use for you, now you have discovered it, there are other higher teachings.
Raham got out from the place of the goats and stood in the middle of the desert, it was a very
hot day.

-I want water- said Raham to the sky- Come here clouds, you are needed, I want it to rain…
water…I want water…

Raham turned to see me and smiled

-The clouds say that they will come in a while, they are far away

-But there are no clouds near- I said- the day is very clear

-Oh, I tell you they say they are coming- concluded the boy and went to play with the goat
again running with them all over the place

I recapitulated almost all day, at noon it started raining with a like cloud, then it got cloudy and
came a beautiful rain, not so hard, but soft and lasting. Raham was playing under the water.

-See?- said the child amused- I told you it would rain

-How do you do it?- I asked- You use power of thought?

-No thought, that is ego, this is power, is only the power- he said and kept playing with the

The rain passed after a while, again the sun was setting, I didn’t have a lot to say about the
desert, it was harder each time to say something, I only wanted to be there with myself. I kept
feeling that only by breathing my assemblage point moved by itself, it was something so
magical and beautiful, so incredible, it cleared away so many doubts and suppositions I carried
for years, specially the existence of the assemblage point, I was living it, my assemblage point
was moving, I felt it like if in my right shoulder in the corner something broke up and with a
crunch my perception changed and I saw the energy, I made some bio-energetic pass and my
perception expanded.

At night Raham, his mother and sister slept in the camping tend, I stayed hanging between two
trees, all night I dreamed with Mezcalito, he gave me so many teaching it would be impossible
to write them on a book.

Three days passed and we went back to the city. Raham said goodbye to the desert and the
clouds, he called them again and it started raining some minutes later, all the way back to the
city the rain followed us slowly but around us it was heavily raining.

Final part

Today I woke up early at night and felt terrible because I couldn´t “dream” like Raham told me
to. But I even so I felt so happy for the magical and full of power experiences lived in the
I stood up and went for a glass of water and in the end just went to bed again only trying to be
conscious. I saw the thoughts coming and realized that the words were not “my” words, either
the thoughts or anything; I fell asleep in a weird emptiness where I was nothing.

At morning I saw Raham

-Where do words come from?

-From the ego- said the boy

-Then all the words are ego?

-Yes- he said calmly- it is minds, we give strength to the mind by using the words. Everyone
strengthens the ego and don’t even notice.

-Then all of this doesn’t exist, not the house, the sky, the buildings, nothing?- I asked laughing

-That’s it- said Raham- the world is the mind, wow you´ve finally realized

-But how did everything start?

-Well when you were born- said Raham- and when you said your first words and you parents
said “oh, look, the baby has said his first words”… in that instant the ego gets into you

-We live in the go world then? How horrible is this- I said- Where is my energy body?

-In the seventh level- said Raham- energetic body, pure energy body, pure light body.

-Why I don’t have it?- I asked

Raham only looked at me and said nothing

-I know- I said without wanting it- the egos ate it, right?

Raham only affirmed with his head, slowly, like wanting me to assimilate the punch inside of
me… I wanted to cry, I wanted to say a thousand things, but I was empty, I only smiled

-Never mind- I said- I´m going to create a lot of refined energy and recover my energy body at
any cost

-We do exist in the physical body, the physical exists, what doesn’t exist is what you see all
around you, that is matrix, everything is Matrix. For example, yesterday you were reading to
me the books of David Icke, sons of the matrix, and he said that there are “good” reptilians,
that is the most foolish thing I have ever heard, poor man, and poor people who believes in
what he says, but stupidity, he knows nothing, he has become cosmic shit.

I laughed, Raham continued:

-The egos eat you energy bodies without compassion, so the computers, the cell phones, the
TV, that’s why no one realizes they don’t have their energy body, but no one believes you, you
ask them, where is you energy body? and you´ll see no one has it, it is horrible
Raham and I exploded in laughter; he took me out of the stupid sadness for not having my
energy body that I was carrying. I already knew it, month ago I had realized that the inorganic
beings left me without my energy legs, they had almost ate me all, and though I was
recovering, it was painful to be like that in recovering of my energy body, all for being ignorant
and not following the path of the warrior in a straight way. Hard reality.

I went for a book to my studio, of Carlos Castaneda, the Active side of the Infinite, I read to
Raham the part of the Dust shadows, Raham listened to me until the moment in which Carlos
sees the “flyers” like shadows for the first time in the trees

-How curious- said the boy- he sees the egos

I continued reading, he listened patiently and laughed a lot he Carlos got scared for seeing the

-Oh- said Raham- that ego that he saw was fatty; he could have punched him like a balloon
instead of screaming out loud

We laughed, I finished reading the chapter and Raham was smiling, he seemed amused

-How curious that writer- he said- and how funny, he made me laugh, and above all how good
he wrote about the egos.

-You did notice that Carlos mentioned that the egos came from the profound cosmos?

Raham was playing with my dog Coyote outside the room, in that moment my three year old
daughter came in

-Yes- they both said at the same time

-The flyer is the reptilian?

-Yes- said the boy and the girl again at the same time

I laughed again, shook my head

-Holy God what´s going to happen to me with you two?- I asked- You told me we give strength
to the ego?

-Yes- said Raham- normally speaking, no one is aware of the egos because they are always
talking, no one wants to meditate, even when meditation is free. Many want to go for the
warrior´s path, but that path is for vey few, no one wants to meditate first. That’s not the way
to walk.

Raham went to play and I stayed taking some notes, something changed within me, when I
asked Raham something, I could see the words coming but it wasn’t me who asked, I was a
spectator of the same words, nothing else, also of the thoughts. The world had no longer
importance for ever inside of me.

Pure Light

Raham and I had he opportunity to go for a walk in a mountain where he had achieved contact
with some “ships”… months have passes since then, but since our encounter with the
supposed “blue brothers from the stars”, Raham assured to me few days later that those
contacts and visions were another trap of the matrix and nothing more.

When we arrived a clean space, just in the same place where we had been in dialogue, where I
even “saw” a ship made of pure plasma of energy, Raham and I took sit, we were in the
expanded consciousness.

-what do you see now when you close your eyes?- I asked him because he saw everything
with his eyes closed focusing on the third eye

-Nothing- said Raham calmed

-And the blue ones that talked to you here in this mountain, where are they, not around?

-No- said the boy- pure illusions, it was a trap of the ego, that’s it, they don’t exist anymore

-What do you see then?

-Well pure infinite energy- he said

My being, finally felt happiness, it was the first time I met someone who told me he could see
the pure energy.

-What else do you “see” apart from the pure energy?


-No elementals or gnomes?

-No- said the boy- all that are traps of beings trapped in the matter, angels and all that… pure
inorganic beings, but I only see energy

-And deeper, getting inside the energy what´s there?

-Well more energy- said Raham- but like stronger, one almost reaches the nothing

-Where does the energy come from?

-From everything- answered Raham

-From the Origin?

-That doesn’t exist, there is only the Infinite God, the Empty, the Origin doesn’t exist
everything comes from Infinite God, is like an energy that comes from everywhere at the same

I smiled, Raham went to play with his cars, I rested in the ground looking at the sky. I don’t
know how to transmit in words hearing from a child the words of the Infinite God. He was
“seeing” it, not me, because I had suffered a contamination, and I was recovered by now but
still had some energy blockages that I was working on, but “seeing” Raham´s eyes while he
told me everything came from Infinite God, was something that connected many things within
me. Infinite God existed, inside me, and Infinite God was the support of all realities, he
nourished us.

The Infinite God I had been told once in the path, we have Him inside, but I didn’t prove it until
now, the existence of God as my own being, and we were his voice.

The manifested is the Creation, but in the essence of any creation there will always be first, the
infinitude of God infinitely multidimensional… it was already there, always have been, always
will be, without time or space…

I think that for not making mental confusion, the first thing to get rid of are all the ideas,
conceptions and experiences of TIME SPACE, because if we don’t, it is impossible to
understand the infinite, or we leave all our knowledge about time and space, or we won´t
understand a thing about the “spiritual” dimensions of that multi-dimension, of that superior
octave which we call the spiritual world, our knowledge about time and space is a terrible
weight… because it is only valid in this third dimension… but it doesn’t exist in the superior
octaves, we will get confused if we don’t get rid of it for our perceptions during our
experiences in the other levels… that’s why one must clean the intellect, that is take all the
weight off… and that’s also why the instruction of “stopping the thoughts” results very useful,
though that is a total instruction, is very useful for the beginning…then one must clean the
ideas, taking the weight off them and comprehending that here in the 3 dimensions there are
specific laws for this density, but that there are not operative in the subtle worlds… said like
that its easy to understand it, but the main thing is to live it.

But its difficult to comprehend the Infinite God is inside us, we all are Infinite God manifested

If we take the cabala for example, it says that we are an emanation of Kether, that our
existence is for enriching the spirit with the life experiences and the return to Kether. In other
words, our human experiences were the enrichment of Kether. Similar to the vision that we
are food for the Eagle in the teachings of Don Juan. The Origin of everything is like an infinite
ocean of light and energy, a font where the consciousness has emanated. When the
consciousness separate from the physical when it dies, it gets back to that Font. But the Font is
so big, so vast, so enormous, that the moment it goes inside, consciousness is absorbed and
evaporated in an instant. That is to say, it evaporates in the Origin. And consciousness stops
existing forever more. That is an energetic true that can be proved by anyone who can see the
energy, we all can see the energy but we have been domesticated for not doing it, that’s it.

But being at the same time Infinite God inside of us in the third dimension, give us the
opportunity for reaching total freedom.

Raham came back

-Then all is energy, there is no world?

-It exists for the matrix- answered the boy- you exist that is real, what is not real is the way you

I didn’t say anything else. I simply realized that I was an Infinite God. I didn’t need any of the
thousands of “gods” for knowing it. All gods have their farms. All of the without exception
serve the demiurge, the One. They are not individualities but part of the demiurgic One.
Without freedom, but serving the One for all eternity in the Mahanvantara. In change, I awoke
and realized that as Infinite God I could evolve infinitely and “conserve” my individual
consciousness, keep my consciousness without going back to the Origin, to the unity, but living
in the All, as everything individualized and conscious. But that achievement would never be a
gift, freedom is not a gift, but a reward for your effort in achieving something very few think to
exist. Total Consciousness, total freedom.

Gurdjieff´s diaphragm. About the cosmic scale of feeding, from the book Fragments of a
hidden teaching.

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