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Currently, in relation to violence and crime, would you say that the place where you live is very
safe or not at all safe?

Carly in releishon to vailans and craim, wo yu sey da de pleis wer yu livi is very seif or nat al

Safety is an issue that is very worrying in the area, and is observed in the growth of thefts and

Saify is a ishiu da is very worring in da erea. And is observeid in da grow of tefts and geings.

Actualmente, en relación con la violencia y el crimen, ¿diría usted que el lugar donde vive
es muy seguro o no es seguro en absoluto?
La seguridad es un tema muy preocupante en el área y se observa en el crecimiento de
robos y pandillas.

How do you rate your level of satisfaction with public transportation in the Olivos district?

Hay do yu reit yur level of satisfacshion wit public transporteichon in da olivos district.

The traffic is presented around the makeshift market that takes the avenue. Transportation is not
very efficient and safe.

Da trafic is present orraund da meikshift market da teik da aveniu. Transporteichon is no very

afichon and seif.

¿Cómo califica su nivel de satisfacción con el transporte público en el distrito de Olivos?

El tráfico se presenta alrededor del mercado improvisado que toma la avenida. El
transporte no es muy eficiente y seguro.

How do you generally rate your level of satisfaction with the treatment and respect among

Jay du yu jenerily reit yu level od satisfacchon wi da triment and respect amoung neigbors.

The lack of coexistence occurs in places such as the improvised market and bars, in which there
are conflicts between neighbors as well as lack of support.

De lack of coexistenss ocurris in pleis sach a di improvais market and bars. In wich der ar
confict bituin neigbors as wel as lack of suport.
¿Cómo califica generalmente su nivel de satisfacción con el tratamiento y el respeto entre
los vecinos?
La falta de convivencia se produce en lugares como el mercado improvisado y los bares,
en los que hay conflictos entre vecinos y falta de apoyo.

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