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T h e C o m m i t t e e on Fire Prevention Code, in k e e p in g with

the m a n d a t e o f the NFPA Board o f Directors, presents for
official a d o p t i o n a new code entitled FIRE P R E V E N T I O N
TION, NFPA No. 1. This Code is i n t e n d e d for use with the
codes and standards o f the N F P A in the p r o m u l g a t i o n o f a
local fire p r e v e n tio n code.
This report has been submitted to letter ballot of the Committee which
consists of 15 voting members of whom 10 have voted affirmatively, 1
negatively, and 4 did not return ballots.
Messrs. Campbell, Corbett, Keane and Moses did not return ballots
in spite of follow-up action. Mr. Warsocki voted negatively for the
following reason:
"Sections 3-1.1.2, 3-1.1.3, 3-1.1.7, and 3-1.1.11 might be a
workable arrangement for those premises under protection of a
volunteer district but would not be in the best interests of those
paid departments that are made up of members that are rep-
resented by the IAFF. Too much authority for inspection, suppres-
sion, and investigation is vested in those who have proficiency in
areas other than fire protection."

Chapter I Administration and Enforcement

I-1 Title, Purpose and Intent.

I-!.1 Title. T h e title o f this C o d e FIRE PRE-

T I O N A S S O C I A T I O N (NFPA No. 1). T h e short title o f this
Code shall be the N F P A FIRE P R E V E N T I O N CODE.
I-I.2 Purpose and Intent. T h e p u r p o s e o f this Code is
to p r o v i d e for the p r e v e n t i o n o f fire and explosion t h r o u g h the
regulation o f conditions which could cause fire or explosion
and p a n i c resulting t h e r e f r o m .
It is the intent o f this Code to identify and use specific
standards a n d codes p u b l i s h e d by the National Fire Protection
Association a n d to set those r e q u i r e m e n t s necessary for the
administration o f this Code.

I-2 Application, Validity, Retroactivity, Limitations,

Damage or Injury Liability and Adopted References.
I-2.1 A pplication. T h e provisions o f this C o d e shall
apply to all buildings, structures, m a rin e vessels, premises, a n d
conditions within this jurisdiction. T h e provisions o f this Code
shall apply equally to existing as well as new conditions except
that existing conditions not in strict compliance with this Code
may be p e r m i t t e d to c o n tin u e unless in the opinion o f the Fire
Marshal they constitute a distinct fire h a z a rd to life or the
p r o p e r t y o f others based on available data.
T h e provisions o f this Code do not apply to one- or two-
family dwellings in the n o rm a l use or m a in te n a n c e th e re o f,
except that this Code shall apply w h e n e v e r the activity or use o f
such dwelling creates a distinct fire h a z a r d to life or the
p r o p e r t y o f others based on available data.
I-2.2 E x i s t i n g Law C o n t i n u e d . T h e provisions o f this
Code, as far as they are substantially the same as existing
provisions o f law relating to the same subject matter, shall be
c o n s t r u e d as restatements a n d continuations t h e r e o f a n d not as
new enactments.
1-6 NFPA F I R E P R E V E N T I O N C O D E

The adoption of this Code or the repeal o f any other existing

provision o f law including regulations or orders shall not be
construed to alter any time limit which may have been imposed
by any existing law, regulation or order of the Fire Marshal
relating to compliance with such limits.
i-2.3 Severability. If any provision of this Code is for
any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court o f
competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect the validity o f the
remaining provisions of this Code.
!-2.4 Other Laws, Limitations and Permits.
I-2.4.1 This Code is intended to be used in conjunction
with existing laws and nothing in this Code shall be construed
as rendering other applicable laws invalid. Where no law exists
or where existing law is silent in any area where this Code sets
forth specific provisions, the provisions o f this Code shall
apply. In any situation where a conflict exists between a provi-
sion o f this Code and any existing law, the existing law shall
prevail until such time as the conflict is resolved by action of
the governing body of this jurisdiction. (See Annex E-1-2.4.1.)
1-2.4.2 No permits set forth in this Code shall be
required if the purpose of such permit is the same as any
existing permit, license, certificate or approval issued by this
jurisdiction or other governmental unit which has preempted
this jurisdiction. (See Annex E-I-2.4.2.)
I-2.5 Codes and Standards Adopted.
I-2.5.1 Technical details regarding processes, methods,
specifications, equipment testing and maintenance, design
standards, performance, installation, of other pertinent criteria
as contained in those standards and codes published by the
National Fire Protection Association, and listed ill Annex A of
this Code, shall be considered a part of this Code.
I-2.5.2 Applicable provisions o f Standards, Laws,
Manuals, Guides and Recommended Good Practices as listed in
Annex B may be accepted by the Fire Marshal as appropriate
for meeting the intent of this Code when specific provisions do
not exist within this Code or other nationally recognized codes,
standards or laws.
A D M I N I S T R A T I O N AND E N FO R C E M E N T 1-7

!-2.5.3 Copies of the adopted codes and standards

shall be filed at a public office or offices as required by law and
shall be available for public reference. (See Section 1 of.Annex D.)
1-2.6 Supplementary Requirements. The governing
authority of this jurisdiction, through due process o f law, may
supplement or clarify this Code as may be necessary. Such
supplements may include, but are not limited to, fee schedules,
code penalties, and enforcement provisions. These supplemen-
tary requirements shall have the force, authority, a n d e f f e c t as
if they were part o f this Code, and shall be consistent with the
spirit and intent of this Code.
i-3 Authority. (See Annex E-l-3.)

I-3.1 Administration and Enforcement. This Code

shall be administered and enforced by the fire official desig-
nated by the governing authority o f this jurisdiction as having
this responsibility. For purposes of this Code, this fire official is
called the Fire Marshal. He shall meet. those qualifications as
may be set forth by the jurisdiction as being necessary to
effectively administer this Code. (See Annex E-I-3.1.)
I-3.2 Enforcement Assistance. Police and other law en-
forcement agencies having authority in this jurisdiction shall
render necessary assistance in the enforcement of this Code
when requested to do so by the Fire Marshal.
1-3.3 Alternatives. (See Annex E-1-3.3.)
i-3.3.1 Whenever this Code requires a particular sys-
tem, condition, arrangement, material, equipment or any other
particular provision, the Fire Marshal may accept alternatives
provided that such alternatives shall afford a substantially equiv-
alent level of safety.
!-3.3.2 Application for Alternatives. Each applica-
tion for an alternative shall be filed with the Fire Marshal and
shall be accompanied by such evidence, letters, statements,
results of tests or other supporting information as may be
required to justify the request. The Fire Marshal shall keep a
record o f his actions on such applications and a signed copy of
his decision shall be provided for the applicant.

I-3.4 Right of Entry.

I-3,4.1 T o the full extent p e r m i t t e d by law, any fire
official e n g a g e d in fire p r e v e n t i o n a n d i n s p e c t i o n , w o r k is
authorized at all reasonable times to e n t e r and e x a m i n e any
building, marine vessel, vehicle or premises for the p u r p o s e o f
making fire safety inspections. B e f o r e e n t e r i n g a private build-
ing or dwelling, the fire official shall obtain the consent o f the
o c c u p a n t t h e r e o f or obtain a c o u r t w a r r a n t a u th o r iz in g his
e n tr y f o r the p u r p o s e o f inspection e x c e p t in those instances
where an e m e r g e n c y exists. As used in this section
E M E R G E N C Y means circumstances which the fire official
knows, or has reason to believe, exist and which reasonably
may constitute i m m e d i a t e d a n g e r to life and p r o p e r t y .

I-3.4.2 Persons a u th o r iz e d to e n t e r a n d inspect build-

ings, marine vessels, vehicles, and premises as herein set forth
shall be identified by p r o p e r credentials issued by this jurisdic-
I-3.4.3 It shall be unlawful for any p e rso n to i n t e r f e r e
with a fire official carrying o u t any duties or functions pre-
scribed by this Code.
! - 3 . 4 . 4 It shall be unlawful f o r any u n a u t h o r i z e d per-
son to use an official badge, u n i f o r m , or o t h e r credentials so as
to i m p e r s o n a t e a fire official for the p u r p o s e o f gaining access
to any building, m a rin e vessel, vehicle, or premises in this
ju risd ic tio n .
I-3.4.5 Implied Consent. Any application for, or ac-
ceptance of, any p e r m i t r e q u e s t e d or issued p u r s u a n t to this
Code, constitutes a g r e e m e n t and consent by the person making
the application or accepting the p e r m i t to allow the Fire
Marshal to e n t e r the premises to c o n d u c t such inspections as
r e q u i r e d by this Code.
!-3.5 Authority to Investigate Fires and Explosions. T h e
Fire Marshal shall have the a u t h o r i t y to investigate the cause,
origin, and circumstances o f any fire or explosion involving a
loss o f life, injuries to persons, o r destruction or d a m a g e to
p r o p e r t y . W h e n , in the opinion o f the Fire Marshal, reasonable
cause exists that the fire or explosion may have been o f incen-
diary origin, the Fire Marshal shall have the authority to take

custody of all physical evidence relating to the cause of tile fire

or explosion and to continue the investigation to conclusion.
Proprietary information which may relate to trade secrets or
processes shall not be nlade part of the public record except as
may be directed by a court of law.

I-4 Enforcement Provisions.

I-4.1 Responsibility for Code Enforcement.

I-4.1.1 Administration and Enforcement. T h e Fire
Marshal shall be responsible for the administration and en-
forcement of this Code to insure compliance therewith.
1-4.1.2 Issuance of Code-Related Documents. T h e
Fire Marshal shall be responsible for the issuance of permits,
certificates, notices, approvals, and other orders pertaining to
fire control and fire hazards as provided for in this Code.
1-4.1.3 Assistants to Fire Marshal. Qualifications of
the personnel assigned to assist the Fire Marshal in carrying
out the inspection and enforcement procedures required by
this Code shall be established on the basis of merit by reason of
education, experience, technical competence or examination.
1-4.1.4 Members of the Fire Department may be re-
quired to carry out inspection functions to accomplish the
duties imposed by this Code.
1-4.2 Hazard Abatement Procedures.
1-4.2.1 Summary Abatement. The Fire Marshal shall
have the authority to summarily abate any condition which is in
violation of any provision of this Code and which presents
immediate danger to life.
1-4.2.2 Written Notice. Except as provided in Section
1-4.2.1 of this Code, whenever the Fire Marshal shall find any
violation of this Code, he shall report and discuss such viola-
tions with the owner, operator, occupant or other responsible
person to determine a schedule and procedure for corrective
action. He shall also issue written notices to confirm such
findings and discussions as may be necessary to secure com-
pliance with this Code. Every notice shall set forth a time limit
for compliance. Such time limit shall be correlated to the
degree of hazard created by the violation.

1-4.2.3 Existing Condition Correction Notice. The

Fire Marshal shall issue a written notice whenever he finds that
a certain provision of this Code shall be applied to existing
conditions under the authority of Section 1-2.1 o f this Code.
1-4.3 Serving of Notices. Any order or notice issued
pursuant to this Code shall be served upon the owner,
operator, occupant or other person responsible for the condi-
tion or violation, either by personal service, or by delivering the
same to, and leaving it with, some person o f responsibility upon
the premises. For unattended or abandoned locations, a copy
of such order or notice shall be posted on the premises in a
conspicuous place at or near the entrance to such premises and
the o rd e r or notice shall be mailed by registered or certified
mail, with return receipt requested, to the last known address
of the owner, occupant or both.
1-4.4 Revocation, Suspension or Denial of Permits, Ap-
provals or Certificates.
1-4.4.1 General. The Fire Marshal shall have the
power to revoke, suspend or deny the granting of any permit,
approval, or certificate required by this Code for non-
compliance with the provisions of such a permit, approval,
certificate, or failure to meet the provisions of this Code for the
issuance of such permit, certificate or approval.
1-4.5 Records Required. The Fire Marshal shall keep a
record of all fire prevention inspections, including the date of
such inspections and a summary of any violations found to
exist, the date of the services of notices, and a m e m o r a n d u m of
the final disposition of all violations.
All records required to be kept by this section shall be
maintained until their usefulness has been served, or as other-
wise may be required.

1-5 Board of Appeals. (See Annex E-l-5 and Section 17 of

Annex D. )
1-5.1 Appointment. A Board of Appeals is hereby
created and established consisting of members who, by educa-
tion and experience, are qualified to pass upon the application
of this Code as it affects the interests of the general public.
Board members shall not be officers, agents, or employees of
this jurisdiction. All members and alternate members shall be

appointed and serve in accordance with the terms and condi-

tions of the authority having jurisdiction. The Board shall
establish rules and regulations for conducting its business and
shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the Fire
Marshal, with a copy to the appellant.
No more than one of said members or their alternates shall
be engaged in the same business, profession or line of en-
deavor. No member of the Board of Appeals shall sit in
j u d g e m e n t on any case in which he, personally, is directly
1-5.2 Purpose. The Board of Appeals shall provide for
reasonable interpretation of the provisions of this Code and
rule on appeals from decisions of the Fire Marshal.
1-5.3 Duties. The Board of Appeals shall meet
whenever directed by the appointing authority for the purpose
of interpreting the provisions of this Code and to consider and
rule on any properly filed appeal from a decision of the Fire
Marshal, giving at least five days notice of hearing, but in no
case shall it fail to meet on an appeal within 30 days of the
filing of notice of appeal. All of the meetings of the Board shall
be open to the public.
I-6 Violations.
i-6.1 General. Any person who fails to comply with the
provisions of this Code or who fails to carry out an order made
pursuant of this Code or violates any condition attached to a
permit, approval, or certificate, shall be subject to the penalties
established by this jurisdiction. (See Annex E-I-6.1.)

1-7 Permits. (See Annex E-I-7.

I-7.1 General.
I-7.1.1 A permit shall be )redicated upon compliance
with the requirements of this Code and shall constitute written
authority issued by the Fire Marshal to maintain, store, use, or
handle materials or to conduct processes which produce condi-
tions hazardous to life or property or to install equipment used
in connection with such activities. Any permit issued u n d e r this
Code shall not take the place of any other license or permit
required by other codes or laws o f this jurisdiction. (See Section

!-7.1.2 A permit issued under this Code shall continue

until revoked or for the period o f time designated therein at
the time o f the issuance o f the permit. The permit shall be
issued to one person only and for the location or purpose
described in the permit. The permit shall not be transferable
and any change, such as change of location, occupancy, opera-
tions, ownership, or use, which affects any o f the conditions of
the permit, shall require a new permit. (See Annex E-1-7.1.2.)
I-7.1.3 T h e Fire Marshal may grant an extension of
the permit time period upon presentation by the permittee o f a
satisfactory reason for failure to start or complete the work or
activity authorized by the permit within the required time
period of the permit.
I-7.2 Permit Required. In accordance with the detailed
requirements o f this jurisdiction, "a permit shall be obtained to
conduct the following operations, or to store, handle or use
those hazardous materials which are considered to present an
extra or unusual fire hazard to life or property. (See Annex
Bonfires and Outdoor Rubbish Fires
Combustible Dust Producing Operations
Compressed and Liquefied Gases
Explosive Materials
Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Flammable Finishing
Pyroxylin Plastics (Cellulose Nitrate)
Welding, Cutting and Other Hot Work
I-7.2.3 Temporary Permit. When a temporary
hazardous situation is anticipated for conditions not otherwise
regulated by this Code, the Fire Marshal is authorized, based
on applicable data, to issue a temporary special permit for the
duration o f the hazard.
I-7.2.4 Consolidated Permit. Only one permit shall
be required for each location o f a firm which may be required
to obtain more than one permit u n d e r permit requirements.
Such consolidated permit shall list all hazardous materials or
operations covered by the permit. Revocation o f any portion or
portions o f such consolidated permit for specific hazardous
materials or operations shall not invalidate any remaining por-
tion of the permit. (See Annex E-1-7.2.4.)

!-7.3 Processing and Use of Permits.

!-7.3.1 Application for Permit. Applications for
permits shall be made to the Fire Marshal on forms provided
by the jurisdiction and shall include the applicant's answers in
full to inquiries set forth on such forms. Applications for
permits shall be accompanied by such data as may be required
by the Fire Marshal and fees as may be required by the
jurisdiction. (See Annex E-1-7.3.1.)
i-7.3.2 Review and Issuance. The Fire Marshal shall
review all applications submitted, determine compliance with
applicable provisions of the Code and issue permits as re-
quired. If an application for a permit is rejected by the Fire
Marshal,,he shall advise the applicant of the reasons for such
rejection. Permits for activities requiring evidence of financial
responsibility by the jurisdiction shall .not be issued unless
proof o f required financial responsibility is furnished.
!-7.3.3 Display of Permits. A copy of the permit
shall be posted at each place of operation or carried by the
permit holder as specified by the Fire Marshal.
!-7.3.4 Authority to Require Exposure or Stop
Work. Whenever any installation is covered or concealed
without having first been inspected, the Fire Marshal may
require by written notice that such work shall be exposed for
inspection. Any cost of such exposing and recovering shall be
borne by the permittee.
When any construction or installation work is being per-
formed in violation of the plans and specifications as approved
by the Fire Marshal, a written notice shall be issued to the
responsible party to stop work on that portion of the work
which is in violation. T h e notice shall state the nature of the
violation, and no work shall be continued on that portion until
the violation has been corrected.
I-7.3.5 Compliance Required. Any activity autho-
rized by any permit issued under this Code shall be conducted
by the permittee, his agents, or employees in compliance with
all requirements of this Code applicable thereto, and in accor-
dance with the approved plans and specifications. No permit
issued under this Code shall be interpreted to justify a violation
of any provision o f this Code or any other applicable law or
regulation. Any addition or alteration of activities conducted

under a permit issued under this Code, or any addition or

alteration o f approved plans or specifications, shall be ap-
proved in advance by the Fire Marshal, as evidenced by the
issuance of a new or amended permit.
!-7.3.6 P e r m i t C o n t e n t s . Permits shall be issued by
the Fire Marshal and shall bear his name and signature or that
o f his designated representative. In addition, the permit shall
(a) Operation or activities for which the permit is is-

(b) Address or location where the operation or activity

is to be conducted.

(c) Name and address o f the permittee.

(d), Permit number and. date of issuance.

(e) Period of vfilidity o f the permit. (See Annex


I-8 Approvals.

I-8.1 General. T h e Fire Marshal shall examine the

submitted plan.s for evidence o f compliance with this Code.
The Fire Marshal may require tests or other investigations to
be conducted by an agency satisfactory to the jurisdiction when
an appliance, device, equipment or system intended for instal-
lation does not specifically meet the requirements of this Code.
Such tests or investigations shall be based upon nationally
accepted test standards or principles. (See Annex E-I-8.1.)
I-8.2 Records. A record o f approvals and exceptions
granted shall be maintained in the Office o f the Fire Marshal
and shall be available to all persons for public inspection
during business hours.

I-9 Certificates O f Fitness. When Certificates of" Fitness

are required by this jurisdiction for performance of activities
related to fire safety, the Fire Marshal shall be responsible for
their issuance. (See Annex E-l-9.)

Chapter 2 Definitions
2-1 Definitions. Words defined in this Code are intended
only for use with Sections of this Code. Definitions set forth in
any document referenced by this Code shall be the acceptable
definition for use of that document only. Words not specifically
defined in this Code, or other referenced documents, shall be
interpreted as being the ordinary usage of the word as set forth
in Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Lan-
guage, Unabridged, as published by the G & C Merriam Com-
pany of Springfield, Massachusetts in 1966.
Alternative---means a system, condition, arrangement, ma-
terial or equipment submitted to the Fire Marshal as a substi-
tute for a code requirement.
Approved*--means acceptable to the authority having juris-
diction. In determining the acceptability of installations or
procedures, equipment or materials, the authority having
jurisdiction may base acceptance on compliance with NFPA or
other appropriate standards. In the absence of such standards,
said authority may require evidence of proper installation,
procedure or use. The authority having jurisdiction may also
refer to the listings or labeling practices of nationally recog-
nized testing laboratories, inspection agencies, or other organi-
zations concerned with product evaluations which are in a
position to determine compliance with appropriate standards
for the current production of listed items, and the satisfactory
performance of such equipment or materials in actual usage.
*The National Fire Protection Associationdoes not test, approve, inspect, or
certify any installations, procedures, equipment or materials nor does it ap-
prove or evaluate testing laboratories.
Automatic Fire Extinguishing System--means any system
which is designed and installed to detect a fire and subse-
quently discharges an extinguishing agent without human acti-
vation or direction.
Barrel--means 42 U. S. Gallons
Basement--means a story with more than 50 percent of its
cubic volume below grade.
Board of Appeals--means a group of persons appointed by
the governing body of the jurisdiction adopting this Code for
the purpose o f hearing and adjudicating differences of opinion
between the Fire Marshal and the citizenry in the interpreta-
tion, application and enforcement of this Code.

Certificate means a written document issued by authority

of the Fire Marshal to any person for the purpose o f granting
permission to such person to conduct or engage in any opera-
tion or act for which certification is required.
Combustible Fiber--means any material in a fibrous or
shredded form which will readily ignite when heat sources are
Combustible R efuse--m eans all combustible or flammable
loose rubbish, litter, or waste materials generated by an occu-
pancy which are refused, rejected, or considered worthless and
are disposed of by incineration on the premises where, gener-
ated or periodically transported from the premises.
Combustible Waste means combustible or flammable loose
waste materials which are generated by an establishment or
process, and, being salvageable, are retained for scrap for
reprocessing on the premises where generated or transported
to a plant for processing, including, but not limited to, all
combustible fibers, hay, straw, hair, feathers, down, wood shav-
ings, turnings, all types of paper products, soiled cloth trim-
mings and cuttings, rubber trimmings and buffings, metal
fines, and any mixture of the above items, or any other sal-
vageable combustible or flammable waste material.
Dwelling--means a single unit providing complete and in-
dependent living facilities for one or more persons including
permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and
Existing Condition--means any situation, circumstance, or
physical make-up of any structure, premise, or process which
was on-going or in effect prior to the adoption of this Code.
Explosive Materials--means explosives, blasting agents,
water jels (slurries) and detonators. [See Code for Explosive Ma-
terials, NFPA No. 495 (See Annex A) for classification of explo~Tves.]
Fire Door--means a tested, listed, or approved door a n d
door assembly constructed and installed for the purpose of
preventing the spread o f fire through openings in walls, parti-
tions, or other horizontal or vertical construction. [See Standard
for Fire Doors and Windows, NFPA No. 80 (See Annex A )fo r
classification and types of fire doors.]
Fire Hazard---means any situation, process, material or con-
dition which on the basis of applicable data, may cause a fire or
explosion or provide a ready fuel supply to augment the
spread or intensity of the fire or explosion and which poses a
threat to life or the property of others.

Fire H y d r a n t - - - m e a n s a valved outlet on a water supply

system with o n e or m o r e t h r e a d e d outlets and used to supply
hose a n d fire d e p a r t m e n t p u m p e r s with water.
Fire L a n e m e a n s the road, path, o r o t h e r passageway de-
veloped to allow the passage o f fire a p p a r a t u s t h r o u g h con-
gested areas (both built-up and wildland).
Fire M a r s h a l - - m e a n s the individual designated as the ad-
ministrative h e a d o f the agency, b u r e a u or division responsible
for the administration and e n f o r c e m e n t o f this Code. T h e Fire
D e p a r t m e n t C h i e f Administrative Officer shall assume these
responsibilities in those jurisdictions where a separate agency,
b u r e a u or division is not established. O t h e r titles used to
designate this individual are: Fire P r e v e n tio n Official, C h i e f
Fire P r e v e n tio n Officer, C h i e f o f the B u r e a u o f Fire P r e v e n tio n
or Fire P r e v e n tio n Chief. For purposes o f e n f o r c e m e n t o f this
Code, this t e r m shall also apply to any person designated as a
representative o f the Fire Marshal.
Fire O f f i c i a l - - m e a n s any a u th o r iz e d person serving as a
designated em ployee, representative, or agent o f the Fire De-
Fire P r o t e c t i o n S y s t e m - - m e a n s any fire alarm device or
system, or fire extinguishing device or system, or their combi-
nation, which is designed and installed for detecting, control-
ling, or extinguishing a fire, or otherwise alerting occupants or
the fire d e p a r t m e n t , or both, that a fire has occurred.
Fire R e t a r d a n t s - - m e a n liquids, solids or gases which tend to
inhibit combustion when applied on, mixed in, or c o m b i n e d
with combustible materials.
Firew orks D i s p l a y - - m e a n s the use o f fireworks in a m a n n e r
to p ro v id e a u d io a n d visual e n t e r t a i n m e n t to a g r o u p o f peo-
F l a m e s p r e a d R a t i n g - - m e a n s the com parative p e r f o r m a n c e
o f fire travel over the surface o f a material when tested in
accordance with the provisions o f Method of Test of SuoCace
Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, NFPA No. 255 (see
Annex B). G r o u p i n g o f ratings is listed in Life Safety Code, NFPA
No. 101 (see Annex A).
G a l l o n - - m e a n s o n e U. S. S t a n d a r d Gallon.
G r a d e - - m e a n s the r e f e r e n c e plane r e p r e s e n t i n g the average
elevation o f finished g r o u n d level adjoining the building at all
e x t e r i o r walls.

Ground Kettle---means a container which may or may not be

mounted on wheels and is used for heating tar, asphalt or
similar substances.
Jurisdiction--means any governmental unit or political divi-
sion or subdivision, including, but not limited to, township, city,
village, county, borough, state, commonwealth, province,
freehold, district, or territory, over which the governmental
unit exercises power and authority.
Loose House---means a separate detached building in which
unbaled combustible fibers are stored.
Notice---means a written statement which gives an order,
information or warning.
Patch Kettle---means any pot or container with a capacity of
less than six gallons, used for pre-heating tar, asphalt, pitch, or
similar substances for the repair of roofs, streets, floors, pipes,
or similar objects.
Permitmmeans an official document issued by the authority
having jurisdiction for the purpose of authorizing performance
of a specified activity.
Private Building--means a building, or that portion of a
building, which is normally not frequented by, 'or open to, the
Private Dwelling--means the same as dwelling.
Process--means the manufacturing, handling, blending,
conversion, purification, recovery, separation, synthesis or use,
or any combination, o f any commodity or material regulated by
this Code.
Roofing Kettle---means any container in excess of 15 gailo4as
capacity used for pre-heating tar, asphalt, pitch or similar
substances for waterproofing.
Smoking--means lighting, igniting, holding, or possessing
any lighted cigar, cigarette or pipe; or, carrying, throwing, or
depositing any lighted or smoldering cigar, cigarette or pipe.
Smoking A rea--m eans a designated area where smoking is
permitted within premises where smoking is generally prohib-
Standpipe---means a pipe and attendant hose valves and
hose (if provided) used for conveying water to various parts of
a building f o r f i r e fighting purposes.
Story--means that portion o f a building included between
the upper surface of a floor and the upper surface of the floor
or roof next above.

S t r e e t - - m e a n s a public t h o r o u g h f a r e (street, a v e n u e or
b o u l e v a r d ) which has been dedicated for vehicular use by the
public a n d can be used for access by Fire D e p a r t m e n t vehicles.
Summarily Abate---nleans to inimediately j u d g e a condition
to be a life h a z a r d a n d to o r d e r i m m e d i a t e correction o f such
Supervised Automatic Fire Extinguishing S y s t e m - - m e a n s
ally a u t o m a t i c fire e x t i n g u i s h i n g system which is constantly
m o n i t o r e d so as to d e t e r m i n e o p e r a t i n g conditions at all times.
S y s t e m - - m e a n s several items o f e q u i p m e n t assem bled,
g r o u p e d o r otherw ise i n t e r c o n n e c t e d fo r the a c c o m p l i s h m e n t
o f a p u r p o s e or function.
Water C a p a c i t y - - m e a n s the v o lu m e tric m e a s u r e o f the
a m o u n t o f water a c o n t a i n e r can hold.
Written N o t i c e - - - m e a n s a notification in writing d e liv e re d in
p e r s o n to the individual or parties i n t e n d e d , or delivered at, or
sent by, certified o r r e g i s t e r e d mail to the last residential or
business a d d r e s s o f legal record.
1-20 NFPA F I R E P R E V E N T I O N C O D E

Chapter 3 General Fire Safety Regulations

3-1 General Precautions.

3-I.I Ordinary Conduct Requirements.

3-1.1.1 Spread of Fire. No person shall knowingly
permit any fire to spread so as to endanger the life or property
of another or use or operate any device which may be a source
of ignition unless proper removal of flammable material sur-
rounding the operation is accomplished or such other reason-
able precautions are taken to ensure against the starting and
spreading of unfriendly fires.
3-1.1.2 Notifying the Fire Department. Whenever an
unfriend!y fire occurs in any building or on any premises of
any kind, the owner, manager, occupant, or any person in
control o f such building o1" premises, upon discovery of an
unfriendly fire,.or evidence of there having been an unfriendly
fire, even though it has apparently been extinguished, im-
mediately shall cause notice o f the existence o f such fire,
circumstances o f same, and the location thereof to be given to
the Fire Department. This requirement shall not be construed
to forbid the owner, manager, or other person in control of the
aforementioned building or premises from using all diligence
necessary to extinguish such fire prior to the arrival of the Fire
No person shall m~ake, issue, post, or maintain any regulation
or order, written or verbal, that would require any person to
take any unnecessary delaying action prior to reporting a fire
to the Fire Department. (See Annex E-3-1.1.2.)
Exception: This section shall not apply to firms zohich have established
on-premises fire fighting organizations and have coordinated and
arranged approved p~vcedures with the Fire Department. (See Annex

3-i.i.3 Reporting Hazardous Condition. Any per-

son, upon discovering evidence of spontaneous heating or
other abnormal heating of any merchandise, commodity,
cargo, shipment, or other material of any kind in any building,
marine vessel, appliance, apparatus, tank, or open stack or pile,
702 G E N E R A L FIRE SAFETY R E G U L A T I O N S 1-21

or any person u p o n discovering or being a p p rise d of" any

u n c o n tr o lle d h a z a r d o u s gas leak or hazardous material or
combustible or flammable liquid spill, shall immediately nitrify
the Fire D e p a r t m e n t . (See Annex E-3-1.1.2.)
Exception: This section shall not apply to firms which have established
on-premises fire fighting organizations and have coordinated and
arranged approved procedures zoith the Fire Department. (See Annex
3-1.1.4 M a i n t a i n i n g a Fire Hazard. No p e rso n shall
knowingly maintain a fire hazard.
3-1.1.5 Carelessness with Fire. No person shall de-
liberately, or t h r o u g h carelessness or negligence, set fire to or
cause the b u r n i n g o f any b e d d in g , f u r n itu r e , rug, curtain,
drape, or o t h e r combustible material, in such m a n n e r as to
e n d a n g e r the safety o f any person or p r o p e r t y .
3-1.1.6 Posting of Fire Safety Regulations. Hotels,
motels, and similar occupancies designed for, i n t e n d e d for, or
used by transients shall have an a p p r o v e d copy o f fire safety
regulations for transients conspicuously p o s t e d - i n the lobby
a n d each occupancy unit and at such o t h e r locations as may be
r e q u i r e d by the Fire Marshal. (See Annex C.)
3- !. 1.7 Notification of Fire Department of Inoperative
Fire Safety Equipment. Persons owning, controlling, or
otherwise having c h a r g e o f any fixed fire extinguishing or fire
warning system or s t a n d p i p e system shall notify the Fire De-
p a r t m e n t at any time such s'y3tem or systems are inoperable or
taken o u t o f service. T h e Fire D e p a r t m e n t shall also be notified
when service is restored. (See Annex E-3-1.1.7.)
Exception: This section shall not apply to firms which have established
on-premises fire fighting organizations and have coordinated and
arranged approved procedures with the Fire Department. (See Annex
3-1.1.8 Disposal of Hot and Glowing Materials. H o t
ashes, cinders, or s m o l d e r i n g coals shall be placed in n o n c o m -
bustible receptacles. Such receptacles, unless resting on a non-
combustible floor or on the g r o u n d outside the building, shall
be placed on noncombustible stands, and in every case shall be
kept at least two feet laterally away f r o m any combustible
material, structure, or any e x t e r i o r window opening.
1-22 NFPA FIRE P R E V E N T I O N C O D E 703

3-I.I.9 Barricading Vacant Buildings. Every p e rso n

owning or having c h a r g e or control o f any vacant building shall
r e m o v e all combustible waste a n d refuse t h e r e f r o m and lock,
barricade, or otherwise secure all windows, doors, and o t h e r
openings in the building to prohibit entry by u n a u t h o r i z e d
Exception: This section is not intended to apply to the tempora O,
vacation of a building for tenant change or remodeling purposes.

3-1.1.10 Required Access for Fire Apparatus. All

premises which the Fire D e p a r t m e n t may be called u p o n to
protect in case o f fire and which are not readily accessible f r o m
public roads shall be p r o v i d e d with suitable gates, access roads,
and fire lanes so that all buildings on the premises are accessi-
ble to fire apparatus.
Fire lanes shall be p r o v i d e d for all buildings which are set
back m o r e than 150 feet f r o m a public r o a d or exceed 30 feet
in height and are set back over 50 feet f r o m a public road.
Fire lanes shall be at least 20 feet in width with the road edge
closest to the building at least 10 feet f r o m the building. Any
d e a d - e n d road m o r e than 300 feet long shall be p r o v i d e d with
a t u r n - a r o u n d at the closed e n d at least 90 feet in diameter.
A written d o c u m e n t , agreeable to the Fire Marshal and for
the benefit o f the .jurisdiction, shall be r e q u i r e d for e m e r g e n c y
access over all fire lanes.
T h e designation and m a i n t e n a n c e o f fire lanes on private
p r o p e r t y shall be accomplished as specified by the Fire
It shall be unlawful f o r any person to park m o t o r vehicles on,
or otherwise obstruct, any fire lane.
Exception: When any combination of private fire protection facilities,
inchtding, but not limited to, fire resistive roofs, fire separation walls,
space separation and automatic fire &tinguishing systems, are provided
and approved by the Fire Marshal as an acceptable alternate, section
3-1.1.10 shall not apply.

3-1.1.1 I Smoking. W h e r e conditions exist which

make smoking a fire h a z a r d on a n y premises, "No Smoking"
signs shall be posted as directed by the Fire Marshal. " N o
Smoking" signs shall be o f a color, size, lettering, and location
as a p p r o v e d by the Fire Marshal. No p e rso n shall r e m o v e such
704 G E N E R A L F I R E S A F E T Y REGU, L A T I O N S 1-23

"No Smoking" signs or light, or ignite, or otherwise set fire to

or. smoke any cigar, cigarette, pipe, tobacco, or other form of
smoldering substance, n o r hold, possess, throw, or deposit any
lighted or smoldering substance in any place where occasion or
action would constitute a fire or life hazard.
Nothing in the foregoing provision shall be construed as
prohibiting smoking in areas, offices, or other rooms which
have been designated by the Fire Marshal as safe smoking areas
a n d have been a p p ro v e d for such purpose.
Exception: This section shall not apply to organizations having an
established on-premises fire prevention program setting forth regula-
tions requiring periodic fire prevention inspections and enforcing
in-plant fire prevention rules. Such programs shall be coordinated with
and approved by the Fire Marshal.

3-1.1.12 Hazardous Gas in Balloons. No person shall

use any flammable, oxidizing, toxic, corrosive, or reactive gas to
inflate balloons. Air, and the inert gases which are lighter than
air, are not prohibited for this purpose.
3-1.1.13 Fire Doors. Fire doors shall be kept closed at
all times.
Exception: This gection shall not apply to doors held open with
automatic releasing hold-open devices installed and maintained in
accordance with the requirements of Standard on Fire Doors and
Windows, NFPA No. 80. (See Annex A.)

3-1.1.14 Interference with Fire Protection Equip-

ment. No person shall r e n d e r inoperative any portable or
fixed fire extinguishing system or device or any fire warning
system other than d u r i n g emergencies, maintenance, drills or
prescribed testing.
3-1.2 Precautions Inside Buildings.

3-1.2.1 Sweeping C o m p o u n d s . Only a p p ro v e d water

solutions or detergents, floor sweeping c o m p o u n d s a n d grease
absorbents shall be used for cleaning floors. T h e use o f sawdust
or similar combustible materials to soak up combustible or
flammable liquids spilled or d r o p p e d fro m machinery or pro-
cesses on any floor is prohibited.

3-1.2.2 Lighting and Heat Producing Equip-

ment. P r o p e r protection against heat tra n sfe r or sufficient
clearance shall be maintained between lighting and heat pro-
ducing e q u i p m e n t and combustibles so that c o n t i n u o u s opera-
tion at full capacity will not increase the t e m p e r a t u r e o f the
s u r r o u n d i n g combustibles to their flash point or ignition tem-

3-1.2.3 Portable Heaters. Portable heaters shall be

designed and located so that they c a n n o t be easily o v e r t u r n e d .
T h e Fire Marshal may prohibit use o f portable heaters in
occupancies or situations in which such use or o p e r a t i o n would
present an u n d u e d a n g e r to life or the p r o p e r t y o f others.
Exception: This section shall not apply, to portabh, heaters used in
accordance with applicable provisions of NFPA codes and standards
listed in Annex A of this Code.

3-1.3 Precautions Outside Buildings.

3-1.3.1 Operations of Internal Combustion
Engines. I n t e r n a l combustion engines, either stationary or
mobile, when o p e r a t i n g in or near grain, hay, grass or brush
c o v e re d areas or w h e r e combustible fibers or o t h e r h a z a r d o u s
materials are stored, shall be e q u i p p e d with an effective device
for arresting the issuance o f b u r n i n g carbon and sparks. Suit-
able fire fighting e q u i p m e n t shall be available to the o p e r a t o r .

Exception: This section shall not apply to engines meeting applicable

provisions of NFPA codes and standards as li,~ted in Annex A of this
Code and engines used to power lawn care equipment.
3-2 F u m ig a tio n . T h e Fire D e p a r t m e n t shall be notified o f
fumigation operations in accordance with the provisions o f
Standard For Fumigation, NFPA No. 57. (See Annex A.)

3-3 Combustible Waste and Refuse.

3-3.1 No p e rso n o w n in g or having control o f any p r o p -

erty shall allow any waste material to accum ulate in any area or
in any m a n n e r so as to create a hazard to life or the p r o p e r t y o f

3-3.2 Disposal of Combustible Waste. Combustible

waste or refuse shall be p r o p e r l y stored or disposed of at the
e n d o f each working day, b e fo re vacating a building o r p r e m -
ises, and w h e n e v e r necessary to p r e v e n t unsafe conditions.
3-3.3 Waste Disposal Sites.
3-3.3.1 Fire Extinguishing Capabilities. Fire extin-
guishing capabilities a p p r o v e d by the Fire Marshal shall be
p r o v i d e d at waste disposal sites including, but not limited to,
fire extinguishers, water supply and hose, and earth moving
e q u ip m e n t.
3-3.3.2 Dumping of Burning Load Prohibited. Burn-
ing debris shall not be d u m p e d at a waste disposal site except at
a r e m o t e location on the site where fire e x t i n g u i s h m e n t can be
accomplished b e f o r e compacting, covering or o t h e r disposal
activity is carried out.
3-3.4 Transportation of Combustible Waste and
Refuse. Vehicles or conveyances used to t r a n s p o r t combusti-
ble waste or refuse over public t h o r o u g h f a r e s shall have all
cargo space covered a n d maintained sufficiently tight to e n s u r e
against ignition f r o m external fire sources and scattering burn-
ing and combustible debris which may c o m e in contact with
ignition sources. T r a n s p o r t i n g b u r n i n g waste or refuse is pro-
3-3.5 Waste H a n d l i n g Plants. All structures h o u sin g
operations which are involved primarily in the handling, stor-
age, or baling o f combustible waste materials shall be e q u i p p e d
with an automatic fire extinguishing system installed in accor-
dance with applicable provisions o f NFPA codes and standards
as listed in A n n e x A o f this Code.

3-4 Factors Affecting Egress.

3-4.1 General Requirements. (See Annex E-3-4.1.)

3-4.1.1 Means of Egress. Means o f egress shall be
p r o v i d e d and maintained in a c c o r d a n c e with the applicable
.provisions o f this C o d e and NFPA codes and standards as listed
in A n n e x A o f this Code.

3-4.1.2 Storage on Roofs and Fire Escape

Balconies. No person shall place or maintain upon any roof
or fire escape balcony any materials or objects which may
interfere with egress or Fire Department operations.
3-4.1.3 Attachments to Fire Escapes and Fire Protec-
tion Equipment. No person shall attach or fasten any rope,
wire, cable, or similar device, except approved standard
equipment therefore, to any part of any fire escape, standpipe,
auxiliary fire fighting equipment, appliance, or other ap-
3-4.1.4 Responsibility to Prevent Overcrowding.
T h e authorized occupant load o f any premises shall not be
exceeded. The manager or person in charge of the premises
shall be held responsible for preventing an overcrowding con-
dition therein.
3-4.1.5 Obstruction of Aisles and Passageways. No
person shall block, impede, or obstruct any aisle, passageway,
hallway, lobby, foyer, or stairway leading to or from any
entrance or exit required by law which will prevent, delay,
hinder, or interfere with the free use of such passageway by
any person. Exiting systems in those areas requiring special
security or security devices which affect the exiting system shall
be subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal.
3-4.1.6 Failure to Vacate. No person shall fail to
leave any premises which are overcrowded when told to d o s o
by the management o f the premises or any authorized en-
forcement officer.
3-4.2 Treatment of Interior Finishes and Furnish-
3-4,2.1 Fire Retardants. The provisions of Sections
3-4.2.2 and 3-4.2.3 o f this Code shall be applicable to all
chemical formulations, paints, coatings, or other finishes which
are sold, offered for sale, or advertised, and which purport to
reduce the surface flamespread rating or to reduce or eliminate
combustible characteristics of furnishings and structures.
3-4.2.2 Approval and Tests. No person shall sell, or
offer for sale, any chemical formulation, paint, coating, or
other finish which purports to reduce flamespread rating or to

reduce or eliminate combustible characteristics of furnishings

or structures that has not been granted an approval as required
by Section I-8 of this Code.
3-4.2.3 Applicators of Fire Retardant Coatings.
Every applicator of fire retardant coatings shall certify to the
Fire Marshal that applications of such coatings comply with the
manufacturer's specifications.
3-4.3 Combustible Decorations.
3-4.3.1 General Use of Combustible Decorations. No
person shall install, maintain, or use vegetation, bunting, cotton
batting, plastic cloth, textile, excelsior, paper or other combus-
tible material for the purpose of decoration in any building,
premises, vehicle or marine vessel to which the public is admit-
ted or invited unless such decorative materials have been made
flame resistant with an approved flame retardant material or
process. Textiles or paper adhered to walls or ceilings (not free
hanging) are considered interior finishes and shall be subject to
the flame spread limitations for interior finishes.
Exception: This section shall not apply to materials used in a display
or other material which is limited in quantity and approved by the Fire
Marshal for such use.

3-4.3.2 Fire Tests. Tests for determining flam-

mability of combustible decorations shall be conducted in ac-
cordance with applicable tests for the type of combustible
decoration involved. (See Annex E-3-4.3.2.')

3-5 Fire Protection Required.

"3-5.1 Portable Fire Extinguishers. The provision, in-

stallation, and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers shall
be as required by this Code and the applicable provisions of the
Standard for the Installation of Portable Fire Extinguishers, NFPA
No. 10 (see Annex A) and other applicable provisions of the
NFPA standards and codes as listed in Annex A of this Code.
3-5.2 Automatic Fire Extinguishing System Re-
quired. Automatic fire extinguishing systems shall be re-
quired as set forth in the applicable NFPA codes and standards
as listed in Annex A of this Code or as may otherwise_be
required by this jurisdiction. (See Annex E-3-5.2.)

In industrial or manufacturing facilities where comparable

or better safety to life or the property of others can be achieved
by approved alternate methods including space isolation, such
approved alternate methods shall be deemed as meeting the
intent of this section.
Exception: This section shall not apply to buildings housing occupan-
cies or processes in which the addition of an automatic fire extinguish-
ing system would increase rather than decrease the hazard to life or the
property of others.
3-5.3 Standpipes Required. All buildings more than
three stories in height or over 50 feet in height above grade
and containing intermediate stories ,o1" balconies shall be
equipped with a standpipe system in accordance with the
provisions of Standard for the Installation of Standpipes and Hose
Systems, NFPA No. 14 (see Annex A). Location of the hose valves
on each floor is subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal. In
buildings completely protected by an automatic sprinkler sys-
tem, the required standpipe system can be installed as part of a
combined system in accordance with the provisions of Standard
for the Installation of Standpipes and Hose Systems, NFPA No. 14
(see Annex A).
Exception: This section shall not apply to industrial process structures
where life or the property of others is not imperiled byfi~'e or explosion.

3-5.4 Maintenance of Equipment. All systems, equip-

ment, tanks, piping, devices, appliances, controls, or storage
facilities, over which this Code contains regulatory provisions,
or are required by any other law, shall be maintained in
operative condition at all times to provide the service for which
Exception: This section shall not apply to devices, appliances, ap-
paratus or equipment originally installed and maintained according to
Code requirements existing at the time of installation and speciaUy
designed devices, appliances, apparatus or equipment which have
undergone the alternative or approval process set forth in this Code in
Sections 1-3.3 and 1-8 respectively.

3-5.5 Water Supply and Fire Hydrants. The Fire

Marshal may require that all premises where buildings or
710 J

portions o f buildings, o t h e r than one- a n d two-family dwel-

lings, are constructed and located in such a m a n n e r that access
to public fire h y d r a n t s is minimal or o f a distance such that the
Fire Marshal Can d e m o n s t r a t e that fire fighting operations
would be im paired, be p r o v i d e d with a water supply system
installed in accordance with the provisions o f Standard for
Outside Protection, NFPA No. 24 (see Annex A) (see Annex E-3-5.5).
Exception: This section shall not be applied retroactively to existing
premises unless such premises are being expanded or constructed upon,
or it is determined by the Fire Marshal that such p~'emises present a
distinct hazard to life.

3-6 F l a m m a b l e And Combustible Liquids. (See Annex


3-6. I Scope.
3-6.I.I Applicability. This section shall apply to all
flammable and combustible liquids as defined and classified in
Standard on Basic Classification of l"lammable and Combustible Li-
quids, NFPA No. 321 (see Annex A).
3-6.1.2 P e r m i t . Permits, as listed in Section 1-7 o f this
Code, shall be obtained f r o m the Fire Marshal.
3-6.2 General Requirements.
3-6.2.1 Electrical Installation Classification. W h e r e
flammable or combustible liquids are h a n d l e d , stored, or used,
the Fire Marshal shall be responsible for designating t h e areas
r e q u i r i n g h a z a r d o u s location electrical clagsification and shall
classify the area in a c c o r d a n c e with the classification system set
forth in the National Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70. W h e n
Hazardous Locations Classification, NFPA No. 70C, or o t h e r ap-
plicable NFPA standards and codes listed in A n n e x A . o f this
Code g o v e r n i n g the handling, storage and use o f h a z a r d o u s
materials, specify the areas r e q u i r i n g electrical classification,
the provisions o f those standards a n d codes shall apply.
3-6.2.2 Open Containers Prohibited. T h e transport-
ing o f flammable liquids in o p e n containers is prohibited unless
otherwise p e r m i t t e d by an applicable NFPA code or sta n d a rd
as listed in A n n e x A o f this Code.

3-6.2.3 Empty Containers. Empty containers which

previously contained Class I flammable liquids shall be kept
tightly covered or properly vented when not in use or until
rendered vapor free.

3-6.3 Roofing Kettles.

3-6.3.1 Applicability. This section shall apply to

portable equipment, either with or without wheels, used for
heating tar, pitch, asphalt, or other similar substances for
application on roofs, streets, floors, pipes, or other objects.

3-6.3.2 Construction. The materials and methods o f

construction o f roofing kettles shall be acceptable to the Fire
Marshal. The following are minimum requirements:
(a) This section shall apply to all roofing kettles or tar
pots in excess of one gallon capacity.
(b) No roofing kettle shall have a capacity in excess of
five barrels:
(c) Roofing kettles of two-barrel capacity or less shall be
constructed of steel sheet having a thickness o f not less than
0.105 inch (No. 12 Manufacturers' Standard Gauge) and kettles
of more than two-barrel capacity shall be constructed o f steel
sheet having a thickness of not less than 0.135 inch (No. 10
Manufacturers' Standard Gauge).
All supports, corners, the top and bottom of t h e fire box
shall be bound with angle iron or other reinibrcements ap-
proved by the Fire Marshal. All doors shall be hinged, closely
fitted, and adequately latched. Fire boxes shall be o f sufficient
height from the ground or provided with a system of shields or
insulation to prevent heat damage to the street surface.
(d) A lid which can be gravity, operated shall be pro-
vided on all roofing kettles. The tops and covers of all kettles
shall be constructed of steel sheet having a thickness of riot less
than 0.075 inch (No. 14 Manufacturers' Standard Gauge), close
fitting and attached to the kettle with hinges in a manner so as
to allow for gravity closing of the lid.
(e) The chassis shall be substantially constructed and
capable of carrying the load imposed upon it whether standing
still or being transported.
(f) Fuel containers, burners, and related appurtenances
of roofing kettles in which liquefied petroleum gas is used for

heating shall comply with all the r e q u i r e m e n t s o f Standard for

the ,Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petrole,~m Gases, NFPA No.
58 (see Annex A).
(g) Fuel containers which o p e r a t e u n d e r air pressure
shall not exceed 20 gallons in capacity a,ld shall be subject to
a p p ro v a l o f the Fire Marshal.
(h) All fuel containers shall be maintained at least ten
feet f r o m the b u r n e r flame or at least two feet t h e r e f r o m when
p r o p e r l y insulated f r o m heat or flame.
3-6.3.3 Roofing Kettles in Transit.
3- O p e n Flame. O p e n flame in a roofing ket-
tle while in transit is prohibited.
3- L a t c h i n g Devices. Kettle doors or lids
shall be closed and secured while ill transit.
3-6.3.4 R o o fin g Kettles on T r u c k s . Kettles not
e q u i p p e d with wheels shall not be fired or used when m o u n t e d
on a truck, except if the truck body is o f all metal construction
and the kettle is securely attached to the bed o f the truck.
Firing o f small patch kettles while located in the bed o f a
truck is prohibited. T a n k trucks a n d trailers used for transpor-
tation o f asphalt or similar substances shall be constructed and
o p e r a t e d i n accordance with the Recomme~ted Regulatory Stan-
dard for Tank Vehicles for Flammable and Combustible Liquids,
NFPA No. 385 (see Annex A).
3-6.3~5 L o c a t i n g Kettles on Roofs. Fired roofing ket-
tles shall not be o p e r a t e d on roofs o f buildings.
3-6.3.6 P i p i n g f r o m G r o u n d to Roof. All piping in-
stalled for conveying hot liquids u n d e r p re ssu re f r o m the
g r o u n d to the r o o f o f a building shall be installed in a work-
manlike m a n n e r and shall not be lighter than s t a n d a r d weight
pipe (Schedule 40).
3-6.3.7 Fire E x t i n g u i s h e r R e q u i r e d . T h e r e shall be
at least o n e 20 BC portable fire extinguisher within 30 feet
horizontal travel distance o f every roofing k.ettle at all times
while the same is in operation.
3-6.3.8 C e rta in Fuels P r o h i b i t e d . No person shall use
solid fuel or Class I flammable liquids as fuel for a roofing

3-6.3.9 Street Protection. All improved streets shall

be protected from burning by use of sand or other noncombus-
tible materials under roofing kettles. Streets shall be cleaned of
all excess tar and other debris upon completion of work.
3-7 Compressed and Liquefied Gases. Compressed and
liquefied gases shall be stored, handled, ~ransported and used
in accordance with applicable provisions of NFPA codes and
standards. Storage and handling of compressed and liquefied
gases not covered by NFPA codes and standards shall comply
with applicable provisions of: Standards of the American Na-
tional Standards Institute (ANSI); Code of Federal Regulations,
Title 49, Parts 173 through 190 (transportation); Unfired ~res-
sure Vessels, Section VII1, of the American Society Of Mechanical
Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (container fabrication);
or the container fabrication specifications of the American Pe-
troleum Institute.

3-8 Solid Combustible Materials. (See Annex E-3-8.)

3-8.1 General. This section shall establish the require-
ments for those operations and occupancies which present an
undue hazard to life or the property of others and which are
presently not covered in other NFPA standards and codes as
listed in Annex A of this Code.
3-8.2 Combustible Fibers. This section shall not apply
to operations or occupancies otherwise regulated by other
applicable NFPA codes and standards as listed in Annex A of
this Code. (See Annex E-3-8.2.)
3-8.2.1 Storage of Combustible Fibers
3-8.2.I.I Loose Storage of Combustible Fibers
3- Loose combustible fibers (not in suit-
able bales or packages), whether housed or in the open, shall
not be stored within 100 feet of" any building, except as
hereinafter specified.
3- Quantities of loose combustible fibers
up to 100 cubic feet shall not be kept in any building unless
stored in a metal or metal-lined bin equipped with a self-closing
Exception: This section shall not apply to buildings completely pro-
tected by an approved automatic fire extinguishing system.

3- Quantities exceeding 100 cubic feet of

loose combustible fibers, but not exceeding 500 cubic feet, may
be stored in rooms or compartments in which the floors, walls,
and ceilings have a fire resistance rating of not less than one
hour. Each opening into such rooms or compartments from
other parts of the building shall be equipped with an approved
self-closing fire door.
Exception: This section shall not apply to buildings completely pro-
tected by an approved automatic fire extinguishing system.

3- Vault Construction. Quantities ex-

ceeding 500 cubic feet of loose combustible fibers may be
stored in approved vaults, constructed as follows:
(a) Storage vaults shall be located outside of build-
ings or, if located inside, shall be provided With approved
safety vents to the outside.
(b) Walls, floors, and ceilings shall be constructed
of approved noncombustible material having a fi-e resistance
rating of not less than one hour. Roofs of outside vaults shall
be of noncombustible material, but may be so constructed as to
readily give way in case of an internal explosion.
(c) Openings, if any, between vault and main build-
ing shall be protected on each side o f the wall by an approved
fire door. Wall openings in outside vaults exposing other build-
ings (not sufficiently detached to be considered cutoff) shall be
protected by approved fire doors.
(d) Vaults located within buildings and exceeding
1,000 cubic feet storage capacity shall be protected by an
approved automatic fire extinguishing system.
Exception: This section shall not apply to buildings completely pro-
tected by an approved automatic fire extinguishing system.

3-8.2. I.I.5 Not more than 2,500 cubic feet of loose

fibers may be stored in a detached "loose house" suitably
located, with openings properly protected against entrance of
sparks. The "loose house" shall be used for no other purpose.
3- Baled Storage.
3- No single block or pile shall contain
more than 25,000 cubic feet of combustible fibers exclusive of
aisles or clearances. Blocks or piles o f baled fiber shall be

separated f r o m adjacent storage by aisles not less t h a n five feet

wide; or by flash fire barriers consisting o f continuous sheets o f
noncombustible material e x t e n d i n g f r o m the floor to a height
o f at least two feet b e y o n d the top o f the piles.
3- Sisal and o t h e r fibers in bales b o u n d
with combustible tie ropes or j u t e a n d o t h e r fibers which are
liable to swell when wet, shall be stored in a m a n n e r so as to
allow f o r expansion in any direction without e n d a n g e r i n g
building, walls, ceilings, or columns. Not less than th r e e feet
clearance shall be left between walls and sides o f piles, except
that in storage c o m p a r t m e n t s not m o r e than 30 feet in width,
one foot clearance at side walls will be sufficient, p r o v i d e d a
center aisle not less than five feet wide is maintained.
3-8.2. i.2.3 Not less than eighteen inches clearance
shall be maintained between sprinkler system pipes a n d tops o f
3- Baled H a y on Farms. Unlimited
quantities o f hay, straw, and o t h e r agricultural p r o d u c t s may be
stored in or n e a r f a r m buildings located outside o f closely built

3- M i x e d Storage. Combustible fibers shall

not be stored in r o o m s or buildings with h a z a r d o u s gases,
flammable liquids, d a n g e r o u s chemicals, or o t h e r similar mate-
3-8.2.2 Sources of Ignition.
3- T r u c k s or automobiles, o t h e r than ap-
p r o v e d industrial tractors a n d mechanical h a n d l i n g e q u i p m e n t ,
shall not e n te r any fiber storage r o o m or building, but may be
used at loading platforms.
3- Electrical wiring and e q u i p m e n t in any
combustible fibers storage r o o m or building shall be installed in
accordance with the r e q u i r e m e n t s o f the National Electrical
Code, NFPA No. 70, for Class III hazardous locations. T h e Fire
Marshal shall be responsible for designating the areas r e q u i r i n g
hazardous location electrical classifications a n d shall classify the
area in accordance with the classification system set forth in the
National Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70 (see Annex A).
7-16 1-35

3- No smoking or o p e n flame shall be permit-

ted in any area w h e r e combustible fibers are h a n d l e d or stored,
n o r within 50 feet o f any "uncovered pile o f such fibers. " N o
Smoking" signs shall be posted.
3-8.2.3 Portable Extinguishers Required. Portable
fire extinguishers shall be installed as r e q u i r e d for extra hazard
occupancy protection.
3-8.3 Dusts.
3-8.3.1 This section shall be applicable only to those
operations or occiJpancies involving combustible dusts which
are not otherwise regulated by an applicable NFPA code o r
sta n d a rd as listed in A n n e x A o f this Code. (See Annex E-3-8.3.)
3-8.3.2 General Requirements.
3- T h e accumulation o f any dust in quantities
sufficient to create a fire or explosion h a z a r d on electric
motors, walls, ledges, or o t h e r interior, surfaces, or on the r o o f
o f any building on which dust may settle, is prohibited. Metallic
dust shall be stored in tightly c o v e re d metal containers in a
cool, d r y place.

3- Every plant, factory, workshop, or o t h e r

premises in which dust is p r o d u c e d as a p r o d u c t or as a result
o f o p e r a tio n s in the p r o d u c t i o n o f o t h e r products, in such
quantities as to create a possible fire or explosion hazard, shall
be e q u i p p e d and maintained with an a p p r o v e d p n e u m a t i c or
mechanical dust collection system designed, maintained, and
o p e r a t e d to pick u p dusts at point o f generation to p r e v e n t
hazardous accumulations o f dust in and on such premises.

Exception." This section shall not apply to storage bi~s equipped with
explosion vents of sufficient area-to relieve any explosion to the outside

3- All dust-producing or dust-agitating

machinery, such as g r i n d i n g mills and separators, and all
elevators, elevator legs, spouts, h o p p e r s , and o t h e r conveyors
shall be p r o v i d e d with casings or enclosures maintained as
nearly dust-tight as possible.

3- Approved magnetic or pneumatic

separators shall be installed ahead of all shellers, crackers,
crushers, grinding machines, pulverizers, and similar machines
in which the entrance of foreign materials may cause sparks to
be generated.
3- All machinery and metal parts o f the crush-
ing, drying, pulverizing, and conveying systems shall be electri-
cally grounded.
3- Explosion Prevention and Suppression.
Dust explosion hazards shall be minimized by use of appro-
priate control measures as set forth in the applicable NFPA
codes and standards as listed in Annex A of this Code. Standard
on Explosion Prevention Systems, NFPA No. 69 (see Annex A), and
Guide for Explosion Venting, NFPA No. 68 (see Annex B), may be
used to meet the requirements of this section with due regard
to the precautionary measures contained in these publications.
3-8.3.3 Sources of Ignition.
3- Smoking and Open Flames. Smoking and
the carrying o f matches, the use of heating, or other devices
employing an open flame, or the use of any spark-producing
equipment is prohibited in areas containing dust-producing or
dust-agitating operations, unless necessary in the conduct of
such operations or otherwise permitted by an applicable NFPA
code or standard.
3- Electrical Power and Lighting. Artificial
lighting in areas containing dust-producing or dust-agitating
operations shall be by electricity. All electrical wiring and
equipment in such areas shall be installed in accordance with
the provisions of the National Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70, for
Class II hazardous locatious. The Fire Marshal shall be respon-
sible for designating the areas requiring hazardous location
electrical classification and shall classify the area in accordance
with the classification system set forth in the National Electrical
Code, NFPA No. 70. (See Annex A.)
3-8.3.4 Portable Extinguishers Required. Portable
fire extinguishers shall be installed as required for extra hazard
occupancy protection.

3-9 Hazardous Materials.


3-9.1 G e n e ra l. This section shall apply to h a z a r d o u s

materials not covered by applicable N F P A codes and standards
as listed in A n n e x A o f this Code. (See Annex E-3-9.1.)
3-9.2 Matches.
3-9.2.1 Type Permitted. Matches p e r m i t t e d u n d e r
this Code shall be capable o f withstanding a t e m p e r a t u r e o f
200 ° F for eight consecutive h o u r s without ignition in a stan-
d a r d laboratory test.
3-9.2.2 P a c k a g i n g a n d Labeling. Matches shall be
labeled and packed in c o n f o r m a n c e with U. S. D e p a r t m e n t o f
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n specifications.
3-9.2.3 Storage Requirements.
3- Vertical O p e n i n g s . Matches in excess o f
50 p o u n d s, including the containers, shall not be stored within
ten feet o f any o p e n elevator shaft, elevator shaft opening,
o p e n stairway, or o t h e r vertical o p e n in g .

3- Sources of Ignition. Matches shall not be

stored within ten feet o f any boiler, furnace, stove, open flame,
or similar source o f ignition.

3- Storage of Wholesale Outlets. For storage

at wholesale establishments and o t h e r locations where contain-
ers o f matches are stored in piles e x c e e d i n g 100 cubic feet,
such containers shall be a r r a n g e d so as not to exceed ten feet in
height n o r 1,500 cubic feet in v o l u m e with aisles at least eight
feet wide.

3- Match Storage with Other Com-

modities. W h e n case lots o f matches are stored in t h e same
r o o m with o t h e r materials or commodities, they shall be sepa-
rated t h e r e f r o m by a clear space o f not less than eight feet.

3-9.3 Storage of Hazardous Materials. H a z a r d o u s ma-

terials which, when mixed, react violently or evolve toxic vapors
or gases or which, in combination, b e c o m e h a z a r d o u s by reason
o f toxicity, oxidizing power, flammability or o t h e r properties
shall be separated f r o m each o t h e r in storage by distance,
partitions or o t h e r a p p r o v e d m a n n e r so as to p r e c l u d e acciden-
tal contact between them.

3-9.4 W a r n i n g Signs. T h e Fire Marshal may require

warning signs w h e r e v e r h a z a r d o u s materials are stored or
processed or handled. Such warning signs shall be conspicu-
ously lettered on a sharply contrasting b a c k g r o u n d in a size,
f o r m and color acceptable to the Fire Marshal.
Exception: This section shaU not apply to hazardous materials
placarded in accordance with the Department of Transportation regu-
lations or applicable provisions of other NFPA codes and standards
listed in Annex A of this (;ode,

3-10 Industrial Equipment and Processes.

3-10.1 G e n e ra l. This section shall apply to those opera-

tions normally fo.und in industrial plants which are not covered
u n d e r applicable NFPA codes a n d standards as listed in A n n e x
A o f this Code and where it is d e t e r m i n e d such operations
present an extra h a z a rd to life or the 'p r o p e r t y o f others.

3-10.2 V a p o r Degreasing. W h e r e v a p o r d e g r e a s in g sys-

tems are used, the following shall apply:
(a) T h e steam supply line to the coils which heat the
liquid shall be e q u i p p e d with an automatic s h u t - o f f valve with
manual vent that will o p e r a t e when liquid tric h io re th y le n e
reaches 200 ° F or liquid p e r c h l o r e t h y l e n e reaches 265 ° F.
(b) T h e t e m p e r a t u r e in the v a p o r area shall be controlled
to assure that equilibrium between vaporization and condensa-
tion u n d e r atm ospheric pressure will be established at a point
at least 18 inches below the loading a n d u n l o a d i n g o p e n i n g in
the degreaser.
(c) An automatic t e m p e r a t u r e control that will shut o f f
the heat source to the liquid at 180 ° F for trichlorethylene or
240 ° F for p e r c h l o r e t h y l e n e shall be established at the point
just above the v a p o r level. F o r o t h e r solvents, the r e c o m m e n d a -
tions o f the manufactu.rers shall be followed. A separate limit
switch set for a m a x i m u m o f 10 ° F above the r e c o m m e n d e d
high t e m p e r a t u r e setting o f the t h e r m o s t a t shall be p r o v i d e d to
shut o f f the heat source in the event that the t h e r m o s t a t fails.
(d) A low liquid level control shall be installed so as to
shut o f f the heat source when the liquid falls below a certain
level which is p r e d e t e r m i n e d by design to be safe.

3-10.3 Spray Cleaning. The use of heated combustible

liquids for spray cleaning shall be automatically controlled so
that the temperature of the liquid will not be raised to its flash
point. Where automatic conveyor belt systems passing through
a cabinet are Used, the cabinet shall be equipped with a vapor
recovery system and an automatic fire extinguishing system.

Annex A

The following codes and standards, published by the Na-

tional Fire Protection Association, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Bos-
ton, Massachusetts 02210 as part of the National Fire Codes, are
recommended for adoption in their entirety as supplements
and additions to the Code text of the Fire Prevention Code of the
National Fire Protection Association. The text of these adopted
codes and standards shall be fully enforceable as provisions of
the Fire Prevention (:ode of the National Fire Protection Associa-
tion as if the same were incorporated and set forth at'length
therein. The adopting Ordinance shall specify the particular
year of edition o f the National Fire Codes which is adopted. The
dates or editions of the following codes and standards shall be
as published in the adopted issue of the National Fire Codes
unless otherwise specified.

NFPA No. General Fire Protection

70 National Electrical C o d e - ~ - - - @ ~-

70A /~NS'~I" Standard E l e c t r i c a l C o d e for 7/0 •

L ~ O n e - a n d Two-Family Dwellings .~[U(~k~'7~
70C Hazardous Locations Classification - ~ " ' -
78 Lightning Protection Code
701 Standard Methods of Fire Tests for
Flame-Resistant Textiles and Fihns
702 Standard for Classification of the
Flammability o f Wearing Apparel

O c c u p a n c y Protection

32 Standard for Drycleaning Plants

76A Standard for Essential Electrical Sys-
tems for Health Care Facilities
87 Standard for the Construction and
Protection of Piers and Wharves
ANNEX A 1-41

NFPA No. Occupancy Protection

101 Code for Safety to Life from Fire in

Buildings and Structures
102 Standard for Tents, Grandstands and
Air-Supported Structures Used for
Places of Assembly

Flammable and Combustible Liquids

30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids

31 Standard for the Installation of Oil
Burning Equipment
321 Standard on Basic Classification o f
Flammable and Combustible
327 Standard Procedures for Cleaning and
Safeguarding Small Tanks and Con-
385 Recommended Regulatory Standard
for Tank Vehicles for Flammable
and Combustible Liquids
•386 Standard for Portable Shipping Tanks
395 Standard for Storage of Flammable
and Combustible Liquids on Farms
and Isolated Construction Projects

Compressed and Liquefied Gases

50 Standard for Bulk Oxygen Systems at

Consumer Sites
50A Standard tor Gaseous Hydrogen Sys-
tems at Consumer Sites
50B Standard for Liquefied Hydrogen
Systems at Consumer Sites
51A Standard for Acetylene Cylinder
Charging Plants
NFPA No. Compressed and Liquefied Gases

56A Standard for the Use of Inhalation

Anesthetics (Flammable and Non-
56B Standard for Inhalation Therapy
56F Standard for Nonflammable Medical
Gas Systems
58 Standard for the Storage and Han-
dling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases
59 Standard for the Storage and Han-
dling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases
at Utility Gas Plants
59A Standard for the Production, Storage
and Handling of Liquefied Natural
Gas (LNG)
Hazardous MatecJals and Processes
33 Standard for Spray Finishing Using
Flammable and Combustible Mate-
34 Standard for Dip Tanks Containing
Flammable or Combustible Liquids
35 Standard for the Manufacture of Or-
ganic Coatings
36 Standard for Solvent Extraction Plants
40 Standard for the Storage and Han-
dling of Cellulose Nitrate Motion
Picture Film
41L Code for Model Rocketry
42 Standard for the Storage, Handling
and Use of Pyroxylin Plastic in Fac-
43 Standard for the Storage and Sales of
Pyroxylin Plastic in Warehouses and
Wholesale, Jobbing and Retail
ANNEX A 1-43

N F P A N o. H a z a r d o u s Materials a n d P r o c e s s e s

43A Code for t h e Storage of Liquids and

Solid Oxidizing Materials
44A Code for the Manufacture, Storage
and Transportation of Fireworks
48 Standard for the Storage, Handling
and Processing of Magnesium
51 Standard for the Installation and Op-
eration of Oxygen Fuel Gas Systems
for Welding and Cutting
51B Standard for Fire Prevention in Use
of Cutting and Welding Processes
56C Safety Standard for Hospital Labora-
57 Standard for Fumigation
61A Standard for the Prevention of Dust
Explosions in Starch Factories
61B Standard for the Prevention of Fire
and Dust Explosions in Grain Eleva-
tors and Bulk Grain Handling
61C Standard for the Prevention of Dust
Explosions in Flour and Feed Mills
61D Standard for the Milling of Agricul-
tural Commodities for Human Con-
62 Standard for the Prevention of Dust
Explosions in the Production, Pack-
aging and Handling of Pulverized
Sugar and Cocoa
65 Standard for the Processing and
Finishing of Aluminum
481 Standard for the Production, Proces-
sing, Handling and Storage of
1-44 NFPA F I R E P R E V E N T I O N C O D E

NFPA No. Hazardous Materials and Processes

490 Code for the Storage of Ammonium

495 Code for the Manufacturing, Trans-
portation, Storage and Use of Ex-
plosive Materials
651 Standard for the Prevention of Dust
Explosions in the Manufacture of
Aluminum Powder
652 Standard for Explosion and Fire Pro-
tection in Plants Producing or Han-
dling Magnesium Powder
653 Standard for the Prevention of Dust
Explosions in Coal Preparation
654 Standard for the Prevention of Dust
Explosions in the Plastics Industry
655 Standard for the Prevention of Sulfur
Fires and Explosions
656 Standard for the Prevention of Dust
Ignitions in Spice Grinding Plants
657 Standard for the Prevention of Dust
Explosions in Confectionery Manu-
facturing Plants
664 Standard for the Prevention of Dust
Explosions in Woodworking and
Wood Flour Manufacturing Plants
88A Standard for Parking Structures
88B Standard for Repair Garages
302 Fire Protection Standard for Motor
Craft (Pleasure and Commercial)
303 Fire Protection Standard for Marinas
and Boatyards
ANNEX A 1-45

NFPA No. Transportation

306 Standard for the Control of Gas

Hazards on Vessels to be Repaired
312 Standard for Fire Protection of Ves-
sels During Construction, Repair,
and Lay-Up
407 Standard for Aircraft Fuel Servicing
Including Aircraft and Fueling
Hose, Aircraft Fuel Servicing Tank
Vehicles, and Airport Fixed Fueling
408 Standard on Aircraft Hand Fire Ex-
409 Standard on Aircraft Hangars
415 Standard on Aircraft Fueling Ramp
416 Standard on Construction and Protec-
tion of Airport Terminal Buildings
417 Standard on Construction and Protec-
tion of Aircraft Loading Walkways
418 Standard on Roof-Top Heliport Con-
struction and Protection
498 Standard for Explosive Motor Vehicle
501A Standard for Mobile Home Parks
501B Standard for Mobile Homes
501C Standard for Recreational Vehicles
(Travel Trailers, Camping Trailers,
Truck Campers, Motor Homes) In-
stallation of Plumbing, Heating and
Electrical Systems
501D Standard for Electrical Recreational
Vehicle Parks
1-46 NFPA FIRE P R E V E N T I O N C O D E 727

NFPA No. Transportation

505 Standard for Type Designations,
Areas of Use, Maintenance and Op-
eration of Powered Industrial
513 Standard for Motor Freight Terminals

Fire Extinguishing Systems

11 Standard for Foam Extinguishing

I1A Standard for High Expansion Foam
Systems (Expansion Ratios from
100:1 to 1000:1)
liB Standard on Synthetic Foam and
Combined Agent Systems
12 Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extin-
guishing Systems
12A Standard on Halongenated Fire Extin-
guishing Agent Systems--Halon
12B Standard on Halongenated Fire Extin-
guishing Agent Systems--Halon
13 Standard for the Installation of
Sprinkler Systems
14 Standard for the Installation of Stand-
pipes and Hose Systems
15 Standard for Water Spray Fixed Sys-
tems for Fire Protection
16 Standard for the Installation of Foam-
Water Sprinkler Systems and Foam-
Water Spray Systems
17 Standard for Dry Chemical Extin-
guishing Systems
18 Standard on Wetting Agents
728 ANNEX A 1-47
NFPA No. Fire Extinguishing Systems

20 Standard for the Installation of Cen-

trifugal Fire Pumps
21 Standard for the Operation and Main-
tenance of National Standard
Steam Fire Pumps
22 Standard for Water Tanks for Private
Fire Protection
24 Standard for Outside Protection
26 Standard. for the Supervision of
Valves Controlling Water Supplies
for Fire Protection
194 Standard for Screw Threads and Gas-
kets for Fire Hose Couplings
196 Standard for Fire Hose
198 Standard for Care of Fire Hose (In-
cluding Couplings and Nozzles)

Portable Fire Extinguishers

10 Standard for the Installation, Main-
tenance and Use o f Portable Fire
Fire Warning Systems
71 Standard for the Installation, Main-
tenance and Use of Central Station
Protective Signaling Systems for
Guard, Fire Alarm, and Supervisory
72C Standard for the Installation, Main-
tenance and Use of Remote Station
Protective Signaling Systems
72E Standard on Automatic Fire Detectors
73 Standard for the Installation, Main-
tenance and Use o f Municipal Fire
Alarm Systems
NFPA No. Storage

81 Standard for Fur Storage, Fumigation

and Cleaning
231 Standard for Indoor General Storage
231B Standard for Storage of Cellular Rub-
ber and Plastics Materials
231C Standard for Rack Storage of Mate-
232 Standard for the Protection of-

Building Construction and Facilities

37 Standard for the Installation and Use
o f Stationary Combustion Engines
and Gas Turbines
54 National Fuel Gas Code
56D Standard for Hyperbaric Facilities
56E Standard for Hypobaric Facilities
60 Standard for the Installation and Op-
eration of Pulverized Fuel Systems
66 Standard for Pneumatic Conveying
Systems for Handling Feed, Flour,
Grain and Other Agricultural Dusts
69 Standard oil Explosion Prevention
75 Standard for the Protection of Elec-
tronic Computer/Data Processing
79 Electrical Standard for Metalworking
Machine Tools
80 Standard for Fire Doors and .Windows
82 Standard on Rubbish Handling and
730 ANNEX A 1-49

NFPA No. Building Construction and Facilities

85 Standard f'or Prevention of Furnace

Explosions in Fuel Oil and Natural
Gas-Fired Watertube Boiler-Fur-
naces with One Burner
85B Standard for Prevention of Furnace
Explosions in Natural Gas-Fired
Multiple Burner Boiler-Furnaces
85D Standard for Prevention of Furnace
Explosions in Fuel Oil-Fired Multi-
ple Burner Boiler-Furnaces
85E Standard for Prevention of Furnace
Explosions in Pulverized Coal-Fired
Multiple Burner Boiler-Furnaces
86A Standard for Ovens and Furnaces, De-
sign, Location and Equipment
86B • Standard for Industrial Furnaces, De-
sign, Location and Equipment
86C Standard for Industrial Furnaces
Using a Special Processing Atmo-
90A Standard for the Installation of Air-
Conditioning and Ventilating Sys-
90B Standard for the Installation of Resi-
dence Type Warm Air Heating and
Air-Conditioning Systems
91 Standard for the Installation of
Blower and Exhaust Systems for
Dust, Stock, Vapor Removal or Con-
96 Standard for the Installation of Equip-
ment for the Removal of Smoke
and Grease-Laden Vapors from
Commercial Cooking Equipment
1-50 NFPA F I R E P R E V E N T I O N C O D E
NFPA No. Building Construction and Facilities

211 Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces

and Vents
214 Standard on Water Cooling Towers
220 Standard Types of Building Construc-
241 Standard for Safeguarding Building
Construction and Demolition Oper-
251 Standard Methods of Fire Tests of
Building Construction and Materials
252 Standard Methods of Fire Tests of
Door Assemblies
257 Standard for Fire Tests of Window
493 Standard for Intrinsically Safe Process
Control Equipment for Use in Class
I Hazardous Locations
496 Standard for Purged and Pressurized
Enclosures for Electrical Equipment
in Hazardous Locations
703 Standard for Treatments of Building
ANNEX B 1-51

Annex B

This Annex is not a required part of this NFPA (,ode and is included for information
purposes only.
The following Standards, Recommendations, Recommended
Practices, Manuals, Guides and Model Laws are included here
for reference and guidance in the application o f the Fire
Prevention Code of the National Fire Protection Association when a
particular'problem is not otherwise covered by a Code, Stan-
dard, or Law Provision. The Fire Marshal may accept the
provisions, o f these Standards, Recommendations, Recom-
mended Practices, Manuals, Guides and Model Laws as ap-
propriate criteria for meeting the intent of the Fire Prevention
Code of the National Fire Protection Association in those cases.
The dates or editions of the following publications shall be as
published in the adopted issue of the National Fire Codes nnless
otherwise specified.

NFPA No. Title

3M Manual on Hospital Emergency Pre-
7 Recommendations for Management
Control o f Fire Emergencies
6 Recommendations for Organization of
Industrial Fire Loss Prevention
10L Model Enabling Act for the Sale or
Leasing and Servicing o f Portable
Fire Extinguishers
13A Recommended Practic'e for the Care
and Maintenance of-Sprinkler Sys-
25 Recommended Practice for Water
Supply Systems for Rural Fire Pro-
27 Recommendations for Organization,
Training and Equipment of Private
Fire Brigades
46 Recommended Safe Practices for Out-
door Storage o f Forest Products
1-52 NFPA F I R E P R E V E N T I O N C O D E
N F P A No. Title

46A Recommended Practices for O utdoor

Storage o f Wood Chips
46B Recommended Safe Practices for Otrt-
door Storage o f Logs
47 Recommended Safe Practices for Re-
tail and Wholesale Lumber Storage
49 Hazardous Chemical Data
53M " Fire Hazards in Oxygen-Enriched At-
56HM Manual for the Home Use of Inhala-
tion Therapy
63 Fundamental Principles for the Pre-
vention of Dust Explosions in
Industrial Plants
68 Guide for Explosion Venting
72A Standard on Installation, Maintenance
and Use of Local Protective Signal-
ing Systems for Watchmen, Fire
Alarm and Supervisory Service
72B Standard for the Installation, Mainte-
nance and Use of Auxiliary Protec-
tive Signaling Systems for Fire
Alarm Service
72D Standard for the Installation, Mainte-
nance and Use of Proprietary Pro-
tective Signaling Systems for Watch-
men, Fire Alarm and Supervisory
74 Standard for the Installation, Mainte-
nance and Use of Household Fire
Warning Equipment
76CM Manual for the Safe Use of High-Fre-
quency Electrical Equipment in
734 ANNEX B 1-5
N F P A N o. Title

77 Recommended Practice on Static Elec-

80A Recommended Practice for Protection
of Buildings from Exterior Fire Ex-
89M Manual on Clearance for Heat Pro-
ducing Appliances
92M Manual on Waterproofing and Drain-
ing of Floors
182M Manual on the Hazards of Vaporizing
Liquid Extinguishing Agents
203M Manual on Roof Coverings
204 Guide for Smoke and Heat Venting
206M Guide on Building Areas and Heights
224 Recommended Good Practice for
Homes and Camps in Forest Areas
231A Recommended Safe Practices for Out-
door General Storage
232AM Manual for Fire Protection for Ar-
chive and Record Centers
255 Methods Qf Test of Surface Burning
Characteristics of Burning Materials
256 Methods of Fire Tests of Roof Cover-
291 Recommendations for Uniform Mark-
ing of Fire Hydrants
295 Recommendations for Wildlife Con-
trol and Environmental Improve-
307 Recommendations for the Operation
of Marine Terminals
325A Flash Point Index of Trade Name
N F P A No. Title

325M Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable

Liquids, Gases, Volatile Solids
328 Standard on the Control of Flam-
mable and Combustible Liquids and
Gases in Manholes and Sewers
329 Recommended Practice on Under-
ground Leakage of Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
393 Recommended Good Practice for the
Construction, Maintenance and Use
of Gasoline Blow Torches and
Plumbers' Furnaces
410A Recommendations on ,Safeguarding
Aircraft Electrical System Mainte-
nance Operation
410B Recommendations on Safeguarding
Aircraft Breathing Oxygen System
Maintenance Operations
410C Recommendations on Safeguarding
Aircraft Fuel System Maintenance
410D Recommendations for Safeguarding
Aircraft Cleaning, Painting and
Paint Removal
410E Recommended Safe Practices for Air-
craft Welding Operations in Hang-
410F 'Recommendations on Safeguarding
Aircraft Cabin Cleaning and Refur-
bishing Operations
419 Recommended Practice for Master
Planning Airport Water Supply Sys-
tems for Fire Protection
421 Recommended Practice on Aircraft
Interior Fire Protection Systems
736 ANNEX B 1.55
NFPA No. Title

482M Guide for Fire and Explosion Preven-

tion in Plants Producing and Han-
dling Zirconium
491M Manual of Hazardous Chemical Reac-
492 Recommended Separation Distances
of Ammonium Nitrate and Blasting
Agents from Explosives or Blasting
494L Model State Fireworks Law
512 Recommended Good Practices for
Truck Fire Protection
601 Recommendations for Guard Service
in Fire Loss Prevention
601A Standard for Guard Operations in
Fire Loss Prevention
602 Recommended Good Practice for
Community Dumps
604 Recommended Practice for Salvaging
704M Recommended System for the
Identification o f the Fire Hazards of
801 Recommended Fire Protection Prac-
tice for Facilities Handling Radio-
active Material
802 Recommended Fire Protection Prac-
tice for Nuclear Reactors
901 Uniform Coding for Fire Protection
910 Recommended Practice for Protection
of Library Collections from Fire
911 Recommended Practice for the Pro-
tection o f Museum Collections from

Annex C

This A n n e x is a suggested text for the "Fire Safety Regula-

tions" r e q u i r e d by Section 3-1.1.6 o f this Code. Since these
regulations are i n t e n d e d for transients who will likely be un-
familiar with local p r o c e d u r e for fire alarm r e p o r t i n g and the
main concern is life safety, the following p r o c e d u r e is sug-
gested. Fire d e p a r t m e n t p e r s o n n e l must e d u c a t e owners, man-
agers and employees o f transient facilities o f the i m p o r t a n c e o f
notifying the Fire D e p a r t l n e n t immediately u p o n discovery o f a


It shall be illegal fi)r any person to throw or place, or cause to

be thrown or placed, any lighted match, cigar, cigarette,
matches, or o t h e r flaming o r glowing substance or thing on any
surface or article where it may cause or start a fire.
A n y p e r s o n who deliberately, or t h r o u g h negligence, sets fire
to or causes the b u r n i n g o f any bedding, f u r n itu r e , rug, cur-
tain, drape, or o t h e r combustible material in such a m a n n e r to
e n d a n g e r the safety o f a n y ' p e r s o n or p r o p e r t y shall be d e e m e d
to be in violation o f O r d i n a n c e (Fire Code Adopting Ordinance
Number) o f the (Name of Juri.~diction).
T h e person discovering any fire, regardless o f m a g n itu d e ,
1. I m m e d ia te ly notify the p e rso n in c h a rg e o f the premises
and all occupants and guests in the i m m e d i a t e vicinity o f
the fire.

2. Notify the Fire D e p a r t m e n t (Fire Department Telephone

. Evacuate the area by use o f the stairs or o t h e r access to
the outside. Do not use the elevators. Do not take time to
gather personal belongings. If the fire prohibits evacua-
tion, keep the d o o r to y o u r room closed; a t t e m p t to seal
cracks which are letting in smoke; o p e n an e x t e r i o r
window if possible (top and bottom); a n d stay close to the
ANNEX D 1-57

Annex D

This Annex is a suggested adopting ordinance for use with

the Fire Prevention Code of the National Fire Protection Association,
NFPA No. 1, and the adopted codes and standards as published
in the National Fire Codes.
Section 1. An ordinance to provide the (Name of Jurisdic-
tion) with rules and regulations to improve public safety by
promoting the control of fire hazards; regulating the installa-
tion, use, and maintenance of equipment; regulating the use o f
structures, premises, and open areas; providing for the abate-
ment of fire hazaFds; establishing the responsibilities and pro-
cedures for code enforcement; and setting forth the standards
for compliance and achievement of these objectives.
This Code shall be known as (]urisdiction's Name for this Code).
This code adopts the Fire Prevention Code of the National Fire
Protection Association, NFPA No. 1 and its incorporated stan-
dards and codes as published in the National Fire Codes of the
National Fire Protection Association and listed in Annex A of
the NFPA Fire Prevention Code and being particularly the
(Adopted Year of Issue) edition thereof, save and except those
portions such as are hereinafter deleted, modified, or amended
by Section 18 o f this ordinance. The same are hereby adopted
and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein. Not less
than (Number) copies of the adopted issue of the Fire Prevention
Code of the National Fire Protection Association, NFPA No. 1, and
the adopted standards and codes of the National Fire Codes shall
be filed in the office of (Public Place of Filing) and the provisions
thereof shall be controlling within the limits of (Name of Jurisdic-
S e c t i o n 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to violate this
ordinance, to permit or maintain such a violation, to refuse to
obey any provision thereof, or to fail or refuse to comply with
any such provision or regulation except as variation may be
allowed by the action of (Title of Enforcing Official) in writing.
Proof of such unlawful act or failure shall be deemed prima
facie evidence that such act is that of the owner or other person
in control of the premises. Prosecution or lack thereof of either
the owner, occupant, or the person in charge shall not be
deemed to relieve any of the others.

Section 3. The Fire Chief of the (Name) Fire Department

shall be responsible for the enforcement of the (Name of Code).
The Fire Chief o f the (Name) Fire Department may detail such
members of the fire department as inspectors as shall from
time to time be necessary. To assist in the performance of the
responsibilities and duties placed upon the Fire Chief of the
(Name) Fire Department, a Bureau of Fire Prevention in the
Fire Department of (Name of Jurisdiction) is hereby created.
This Bureau shall operate under the supervision of the Fire
Chief of the (Name) Fire Department. The Fire Chief of the
Fire Department shall designate a fire official of the (Name)
Fire Department as Fire Marshal. The Fire Marshal shall be the
administrator of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. The Fire
Marshal shall be responsible for the direct administration and
enforcement o f the (Name of Code) as may be set forth by the
Fire Chief o f the (Name) Fire Department. The Fire Marshal
shall be appointed on the basis of examination or other method
for determining his qualifications. The Fire Chie.f of the (Name)
Fire Department may also designate such number of Technical
Inspectors as shall from time to time be authorized by the
(Name of the Appointing Authority of theJurisdiction). Such Techni-
cal Inspectors shall be selected through an examination to
determine their fitness for the position.

Section 4. It shall be the duty of the officers of the Bureau

of Fire Prevention to enforce all laws and ordinances of (Name
of Jurisdiction), covering the following:
1. The prevention of fires;

2. The storage and use of explosives and flammables;

3. The installation and maintenance of automatic and other

fire alarm systems, and fire extinguishing equipment;

4. The maintenance and regulation of fire escapes;

. The means and adequacy of exit in case of fire, from

factories, schools, hotels, lodging houses, asylums, hospi-
tals, churches, halls, theaters, amphitheaters, and all
other places in which numbers of persons work, live, or
congregate, from time to time, for any purpose;
740 ANNrX D 1-59

6. The investigation of the cause, origin, and circumstances

of fires;

7. The maintenance of fire cause and loss records.

They shall have such other powers and perform such other
duties as are set forth in other sections of this ordinance, and as
may be conferred and imposed from time to time by law. The
Fire Chief of the (Name) Fire Department may delegate any of
his powers or duties under this ordinance to the Fire Marshal.

Section 5. It shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal of the

(Name) Fire Department to investigate and' to recommend to
the (Name of Jurisdiction) such additional ordinances, or
amendments to existing ordinances, as he may deem necessary
for safeguarding life and property against fire.
Section 6. "['he Fire Chief of the (Name) Fire Department
shall prepare instructions for the Fire Marshal and his assis-
tants, and forms for their use in the reports required by this
Section 7. T h e Bureau of Fire Prevention shall investigate
the cfiuse, origin, and circumstances of every fire occurring in
the (Name of Jurisdiction) by which property has been destroyed
or damaged and, so far as possible, shall determine whether
the fire is the result of carelessness or design. Such investiga-
tions shall begin immediately upon the occurrence of such a
fire. The Fire Marshal shall take charge immediately of the
physical evidence, shall notify the proper authorities desig-
nated by law to pursue the investigation of such matters, and
shall further cooperate with the authorities in the collection of
evidence and in the prosecution of the case. Every fire shall be
reported in writing to the Bureau of Fire Prevention within
(Number) days after the occurrence of the same by the Fire
Department officer in whose jurisdiction such a fire has oc-
curred. Such report, shall be in such form as shall be prescribed
by the Fire Marshal of the (Name) Fire Department, and shall
contain a statement of all facts relating to the cause, origin, and
circumstances of such fire, the extent of the damage thereof,
and the insurance upon such property, and such other infor-
mation as may be required, including the injury, d e a t h , or
rescue of persons.

Section 8. Before permits may be issued as required by this

Code, the Fire Marshal or his assistants shall inspect and
. approve the receptacles, processes, vehicles, buildings, or stor-
age places to be used for any such purposes.
Section 9. The Fire Marshal shall inspect or cause to be
inspected all premises on a periodic basis, and shall make such
orders as may be necessary for the enforcement o f the laws and
ordinances governing the same and for safeguarding o f life
and property from fire.
Section 10. Whenever any inspector, as defined above,
shall find in any building, or upon any premises or other
places, combustible or explosive matter or dangerous accumu- ._
}ations of rubbish or unnecessary accumulation of waste paper,
boxes, shavings, or any highly flammable materials especially
liable to fire, and which is so situated as to endanger property;-
or shall find obstructions to or on fire escapes, stairs, passage-
ways, doors, or windows, liable to interfere with the operations
o f the Fire Department or egress of occupants in case o f fire,
he shall order the same to be removed or remedied, and such
order shall forthwith be complied with by the owner or occu-
pant of such premises or buildings, subject to the appeals
procedure provided for in the (Name of Code).
Any owner or occupant failing to comply with such order
within a reasonable period after the service of the said order
shall be liable to penalties as hereinafter provided.
The service of any such order may be made upon the
occupant of the premises to whom it is directed, either by
delivering a copy of same to such occupant personally or by
delivering the same to and leaving it with any person in charge
of the premises, or in case no such person is found upon the
premises, by affixing a copy thereof in a conspicuous place on
the door to the entrance of said premises. Whenever it may be
necessary to serve such an order upon the owner o f premises,
such order may be served either by delivering to and leaving
with the said person a copy of the said order, or, if such owner
is absent from the jurisdiction Of the officer making the order,
by mailing such copy by certified mail to the owner's last known
post office address.
Section 11. T h e Fire Marshal shall compile and keep a
record o f all fires and of all the facts concerning the same,
742 D 1-61

including injuries, deaths, rescue o f persons and statistics as to

the extent o f such fires a n d the d a m a g e caused thereby, and
w h e t h e r such losses were c o v e re d by insurance, and if so, in
what a m o u n t . Such re c o rd shall be m a d e daily f r o m the re p o rts
m a d e by the T echnical Inspectors u n d e r the provisions o f this
ordinance. All such records shall be public.
Section 12. T h e Fire Marshal shall make an annual r e p o r t
o f the activities o f the B u r e a u o f Fire Prevention and shall
transmit this r e p o r t to the C h i e f Executive Officer o f the (Name
of Juri.~diction) t h r o u g h the Fire C h i e f o f the (Name) Fire De-
p a r t m e n t . T h e r e p o r t shall contain all proceedings u n d e r the
(Name of Code) with such statistics as the Fire C h i e f may wish to
include therein.
Section 13. T h e Fire C h i e f o f the (Name) Fire D e p a r t m e n t
or the Fire Marshal shall also r e c o m m e n d any a m e n d m e n t s to
the (Name of Code) or o r d i n a n c e which, in his j u d g m e n t , shall be
Section 14. T h e provisions o f the (Name of Code) shall apply
equally to both public and private p r o p e r t y , and it shall apply
to a l l s t r u c t u r e s a n d their occupancies, except as otherwise
Section 15. This act shall be d e e m e d in exercise o f the
police powers o f (Name of Ju~sdiction) for the preservation and
protection o f the public health, peace, safety, and welfare, a n d
all the provisions o f the (Name of Code) shall be liberally con-
stru e d f o r that p u r p o s e .
S e c t i o n 16. Any p e r s o n who shall violate any o f the provi-
sions o f the Code h e r e b y a d o p te d ; or shall fail to comply
therewith; or shall violate or fail to comply with any o r d e r
made t h e r e u n d e r ; or shall build in violation o f any details,
statements, specifications, or plans submitted or a p p r o v e d
t h e r e u n d e r ; or shall o p e r a t e not in accordance with the provi-
sions o f any certificate, permit, or approval issued t h e r e u n d e r ,
and f r o m which no appeal has been taken; or who shall fail to
comply with such an o r d e r as a f f i r m e d or modified by the Fire
Marshal or by a c o u r t o f c o m p e t e n t jurisdiction within the time
fixed herein shall severally for each and every violation and
noncom pliance, respectively, be guilty o f a m i s d e m e a n o r
punishable by a fine o f not less than (Dollar Amount) n o r m o r e
1-62 NFPA F I R E P R E V E N T I O N C O D E

than (Dollar Amount) o r by i m p r i s o n m e n t f o r not less than

(Number) days or by both such fines a n d i m p r i s o n m e n t . T h e
imposition o f a penalty f o r any violation shall not excuse the
violation n o r shall the violation be p e r m i t t e d to continue. All
such persons shall be r e q u i r e d to correct or r e m e d y such
violations or defects within a reasonable time, and when not
otherwise specified, the application o f the above penalty shall
not be held to p r e v e n t the e n f o r c e d removal o f prohibited

Section 17. A b o a r d o f Appeals is h e r e b y established con-

sisting o f (Number) m e m b e r s a n d (Number) alternate m e m b e r s
who shall be a p p o i n t e d by the (Name of Appointing Official) by
reason o f education, e x p e r ie n c e , and knowledge, and are
d e e m e d to be c o m p e t e n t to sit in j u d g m e n t on matters c o n c e rn -
ing the (Name of Code) a n d its e n f o r c e m e n t . T h e m e m b e r s shall
serve f o r a t e r m o f (Number) years, e x c e p t for the initial
appointees which shall serve as follows: (Number) for a t e r m o f
one year; (Number) for a t e r m o f two years; a n d (Number) for a
term o f three years.

Section 18. T h e Fire Prevention Code of the National Fire

Protection Association, NFPA No. 1, is a m e n d e d a n d c h a n g e d in
the following respects:
( T h e following material would list the particular sections o f
the Fire Prevention Code of the National Fire Protection Asxociation,
NFPA No. 1, or the codes a n d standards o f the National Fire
Codes, listed in A n n e x A o f the N F P A Fire Prevention Code,
which are d e e m e d to be not applicable or desirable to the
jurisdiction a d o p t i n g this Code.)

Section 19. T h e following A n n e x e s o f the Fire Prevention

Code of the National Fire Protection Association, NFPA No. 1, are
h e r e b y i n c l u d e d as a p a r t o f (Jurisdiction's Name for this Code)
save a n d except those portions which are deleted, modified or
a m e n d e d by Section 18 o f this ordinance. T h e same are
h e r e b y a d o p t e d a n d i n c o r p o r a t e d as fully as if set out at length
( T h e following material would list those A n n e x e s which are
to be i n c o r p o r a t e d in this o r d i n a n c e so as to b e c o m e an official
part o f this jurisdiction's Fire P r e v e n tio n Code.)
744 ANNEX D 1-63

Section 20. The following fees shall be established for the

permits, certificates, approvals, and other functions performed
under this Code and shall be payable to the (Name of Jurisdic-
tion). Such fees shall accompany each application for such
permit, approval, certificate, or other fee-related Code provi-
(Insertion of Fee Schedule) (See Annex E, Section 20.)
Section 21. All formal ordinances or parts thereof
conflicting or inconsistent with the provisions o f this ordinance
or of the Code hereby a d o p t e d are hereby repealed.
Section 22. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
from and after its approval as required by law.

Annex E

T h e following explanatory notes to various sections o f this

Code are not considered to be an integral part o f the Code but
are included here to assist the user o f this Code in the interpre-
tation o f the intent o f the Code section in question.
E-1-2.4.1 It is realized that many jurisdictions may have
other laws which may conflict in part with this Code and the
adopted codes and standards. T h e jurisdiction should attempt
to adjudicate these differences in the adoption ordinance o f
this Code. Many times differences will arise as the result o f
technological changes or newer code or standard editions being
published. Nothing in this Code is intended to limit architec-
tural or engineering design or initiative. T h e intent o f this
section is to set forth a p r o c e d u r e for settling conflicts with
other laws without attempting to e n u m e r a te all the conflicts
that may be anticipated in local law.
E-I-2.4.2 It is recognized that oftentimes state or federal
governments will require certain licensing in some areas•and
that this p r o c e d u r e will often p r e e m p t local prerogative. T h e
intent o f the permit requirements established by this Code is
not to duplicate any permit, licensing, or approval if the basic
purpose for which the state or federal government issued the
permit, license or approval was for fire or life safety. Local
jurisdictions may wish to require additional measures over that
required by the other governmental unit and nothing in this
section should be construed as destroying or altering this right.
(See Annex E-l-7.)
E-I-2.6 T h e standards and codes o f the National Fire Pro-
tection Association intended for complete adoption and en-
forcement u n d e r this Code are listed in Annex A to simplify
the code updating process. Dates (editions) o f the respective
codes and standards have also been omitted in the Code text in
order to facilitate updating o f the Code. T h e adoption o f a
particular year o f issue o f the National Fire Codes will automati-
cally establish the date o f the adopted standard or code unless
specifically changed by fu rth e r ordinance. It is r e c o m m e n d e d
746 ANNEX E 1-65

that the a d o p t e d edition dates o f the National Fire Codes be

u p d a t e d not m o r e often than once every t h r e e years unless
radical changes are made in codes a n d standards on a m o r e
f r e q u e n t basis as a result o f technological changes, new infor-
mation about fire hazards or m e t h o d s for controlling fire
hazards. Individual j u r i s d i c t i o n s must d e t e r m i n e their own
n e e d for change. T h e alternate p r o c e d u r e is i n t e n d e d to allow
f o r the use o f a newer s t a n d a r d provision d u r i n g those in-
between times.
E-I-3 Generally Fire D e p a r t m e n t s a n d fire officials are
g r a n t e d certain rights a n d a u t h o r i t y u n d e r o t h e r laws o f a
jurisdiction, particularly a charter. If the Fire D e p a r t m e n t a n d
responsible fire officials have not been g r a n t e d fire supression
activity authorization, the jurisdiction a d o p t i n g this Code may
also wish to make all, or a portion of, A n n e x F o f this C o d e a
part o f the fire p r e v e n t i o n code o f this jurisdiction.
E-I-3.1 It is r e c o m m e n d e d that Fire D e p a r t m e n t s not hav-
ing a B u r e a u o f Fire Prevention establish such an agency for
carrying o u t the duties o f this Code. This agency should have
the responsibility f o r accomplishing fire inspections a n d fire
investigation functions. A necessary part o f fire inspection
duties would be the review o f all construction a n d r e m o d e l i n g
plans. This latter function should be accomplished in concert
with the Building D e p a r t m e n t o f the jurisdiction. Particular
attention should be paid to those items relative to: exits; con-
struction f o r the restriction o f fire travel; h a z a r d o u s material
storage, use, h a n d l i n g or m a n u f a c t u r e ; h a z a r d o u s processes; all
fire protection e q u i p m e n t ; a n d such o t h e r matters that may be
o f interest or c o n c e r n to the Fire D e p a r t m e n t . (See Section 3 of
Annex D.)
E-1-3.3 Alternatives are to serve as a means for utilizing
new methods, technologies, a n d design initiative which provide
an equivalent or better level o f fire safety when c o m p a r e d with
the effects o f the existing code requirem ents.
E-I-5 T h e jurisdiction must clearly spell out a n d publicize
the p r o c e d u r e for seeking relief f r o m a decision o f the Fire
Marshal or relief f r o m a particular code provision. A suggested
p r o c e d u r e is set f o r th in A n n e x G for guidelines to the jurisdic-
tion desiring to include a fo rm a l appeals p r o c e d u r e as p a r t o f
their fire p r e v e n t i o n code. (See Section 17 of Annex D.)
E-I-6.1 Oftentimes-local police or penal codes will establish
the violation class and punishment for various fire prevention
code or fire-related offenses. For those jurisdictions using this
Code and not having other specific provisions concerning viola-
tions o f code requirements, Annex H is included for the
jurisdiction's guidance. (See Section 16 of Annex D.)
E-l.7 Fire prevention inspections do not, and, from the
practical standpoint, t~annot, occur at a sufficient frequency to
provide an opportunity to maintain constant rein on situations
known to generate extra-hazardous conditions. T h e Permit
System provides the local authority with a mechanism for
control before the fact instead o f during or after the fact.
Permits are not intended to be used as a revenue source for the
• jurisdiction. T h e purpose o f the permit is to establish that level
of use when the Fire Department has reason to become in-
volved in ensuring that code provisions have been complied
with. Permits are not intended to limit quantities other than
establishing that point of Fire DePartment involvement. Re-
strictions on quantities and other provisions for the storage,
handling and use o f hazardous materials are set forth in other
rovisions o f this Code and the NFPA codes and standards
~i sted in Annex A of this Code.
Each jurisdiction must determ ine its need for control o f this
type and how it wishes to administer this control. Annex I is a
guideline for the development o f a local permit system. T h e
jurisdiction must publicize its chosen permit system, if any, in
accordance with the local law on public notices and hearings.
E-1-7.1.2 Permits are generally issued on an annual basis to
ensure that code provisions and permit conditions are being
followed consistently. Personnel workload limitations may pro-
hibit an annual renewal and may be the deciding factor in
establishing permit time limits. Different time limits may be
imposed upon different categories o f permits but this is gener-
ally not administratively desirable.
E-1-7.2 In the development o f the suggested permit re-
quirements o f the NFPA Fire Prevention Code (see Annex I), it was
determined that this Code should attempt to regulate the
hazard and not the occupancy except for the relationship that
the occupancy places upon the degree o f the hazard. T h e
categories listed in Section 1-7.2 o f this Code are d e e m e d to be
necessary areas in which code compliance is critical because of
748 , ~ x E ,, 1-67

the extra hazard p r e s e n t e d to life or the p r o p e r t y o f others.

• Details on quantities or the level o f Fire D e p a r t m e n t involve-
m e n t were felt to be a local p r e r o g a t i v e a n d t h e r e f o r e the
suggested details are in c lu d e d in A n n e x I o f this Code a n d not
m a d e an integral p a r t o f this C o d e e x c e p t as the local jurisdic-
tion wishes to do so.
E-1-7.2.4 O f te n tim e s an industrial firm will be involved in
m o r e than o n e o p e r a t i o n or use m o r e than o n e h a z a r d o u s
material in the c o n d u c t o f its business. T h e p e r m i t system
can b e c o m e an administrative h e a d a c h e to both the industrial
firm and the Fire Marshal if permits are to be h a n d l e d on an
individual basis. T h e consolidated p e r m i t for a p r o r a t e d fee is
the best-known m e t h o d for providing control o f these opera-
tions or materials without creating an administrative p ro b le m
or nuisance. Inspections for Code compliance on a periodic
basis could easily suffice as the r e q u i r e d inspection for permits.
T h e consolidated p e r m i t should include all likely materials or
o p e r a tio n s that could be e x p e c t e d d u r i n g the p e r m i t p e rio d
and the Fire Marshal should be notified o f any changes so
p e r m i t records can be modified.
Eol-7.3.1 Fees f o r p e r m i t inspection and issuance should be
based on the time involved and monies e x p e n d e d to process
the permit.
E-l-8.1 T h e intent o f this section is not to set up the Fire
D e p a r t m e n t as an a p p ro v a l agency but is included to give the
Fire D e p a r t m e n t some j u d g m e n t a l authority in those cases
where specific code provisions do not exist. It is realized that no
code can be written which will be all-inclusive.
E-I-9 T h i s section is i n t e n d e d to give the Fire D e p a r t m e n t
some control o v e r individuals p e r f o r m i n g installation or
m a i n t e n a n c e work on fire control, fire warning or fire extin-
guishing e q u i p m e n t or c o n d u c t i n g h a z a r d o u s activities. T h e
certificate o f fitness is i n t e n d e d to assure the public that work-
m e n hired for a specific p u r p o s e are capable o f p e r f o r m i n g in
a c o m p e t e n t m a n n e r generally in accordance with acc~:pted
codes o f good practice. A n n e x J is a suggested guideline for the
d e v e l o p m e n t o f a local certificate o f fitness policy.
E-3-1.1.2 It is recognized that large industrial concerns in
some jurisdictions a d o p t i n g this C o d e may have better fire
fighting capabilities o f their own than what may be p r o v i d e d by
1-68 NFPA FIRE P R E V E N T I O N C O D E 749
the jurisdiction. This exc.eption is not i n t e n d e d to limit this
p r o p r i e t a r y capability n o r should it be abused so as to weaken
the powers o f this C o d e below an effective level.
E- This section is not i n t e n d e d to apply to periodic
shutdowns for m a in te n a n c e p u rp o se s when such sh u td o w n is
for a p e rio d o f eight h o u r s or less.
E-3-4.1 T h e Fire C h i e f may detail fire d e p a r t m e n t person-
nel for stand-by duties to those places o f assembly or o t h e r
locations where it is d e e m e d necessary for fire safety reasons or
where th e r e is a likelihood o f C.o d e violations being prevalent
which may create h a z a r d o u s situations. Generally this right
would be exercised where large crowds are e x p e c t e d in places
o f assembly or d u r i n g the visit o f dignitaries.
E-3-4.3.2 Acceptable fire tests are those described in the
a p p r o p r i a t e N F P A code or sta n d a rd a n d include, but are not
limited to, Methods of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of
Burning Materials, NFPA No. 255; Methods of Fire Tests of Roof
Coverings, NFPA No. 256; Standard for Fire Tests of Window
Assemblies, NFPA No. 2~57; Standard for Treatments of Building
Materials, NFPA No. 703; Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Build-
ing Construction and Materials, NFPA No. 251; and p r o c e d u r e s
utilized by recognized testing laboratories.
E-3-5.2 This section is included as an aid to Fire Depart-
ments in accomplishing their fire fig h tin g o p e r a tio n s and not
for life safety reasons. It is assumed that the Life Safety Code,
NFPA No. I01, will p r o v i d e for those controls in a building
which are necessary to e n s u r e life safety, both o c c u p a n t and
fire fighter.
E-3-5.3 T h o u g h often included in building codes, this sec-
tion is included in this C o d e for those jurisdictions a d o p t i n g
this C o d e which do not have a local building code a n d to
accomplish the basic reasoning o f E-3-5.2 above.
E-3-5.5 T h e r e may be areas in rural o r u n d e v e l o p e d areas
a d o p t i n g this Code which do not have public water supply
systems. In those cases, the Fire Marshal shall make decisions
relative to application o f this Code section on the basis o f
hazards p r e s e n t e d to life or the p r o p e r t y o f others.
E-3-6 T h i s section only deals with o n e o p e r a t i o n relative to
flammable or combustible liquid use since o t h e r NFPA stan-
750 ANNEX E 1-69

dards a n d codes are assumed to have covered all other aspects

o f flammable and combustible liquid use, handling, storage or
E-3-8 This section is not i n t e n d e d to be all-inclusive since
other NFPA codes and standards deal effectively with most
aspects o f the fire hazards associated with solid combustible
E-3-8.2 This section is included until a specific NFPA stan-
dard can be developed to deal with the hazards of combustible
E-3-8o3 This section sets forth general requirements for
dust-producing operations and shall be considered subservient
to those NFPA standards and codes inyolving specific dust
E-3-9 This section is very general and relies u p o n extensive,,
use o f NFPA codes a n d standards covering the specific hazard-
ous material.
E-Section 20 (Annex D) T h e local jurisdiction, has. the re-
sponsibility for d e t e r m i n i n g if fees are to be charged for
permits, certificates o f fitness, and other written authorization
in which the fire d e p a r t m e n t is to become involved. When fees
are d e t e r m i n e d by the jurisdiction to be necessary, they should
not be used as just a n o t h e r source o f revenue but should be
correlated to the cost o f fire d e p a r t m e n t involvement in that
activity. A fee will more clearly define the responsibility o f the
fire d e p a r t m e n t to ensure code compliance for a particular
activity. T h e establishment o f a fee schedule requires careful
consideration of all implications including legal requirements
for public hearings before adoption o f the fee schedule by the
1-70 NFPA FIRE P R E V E N T I O N C O D E 751

Annex F

This Annex is a suggested section for adoption by a jurisdic-

tion requiring legislation setting forth Fire D e p a r t m e n t author-
ity relative to fire fighting operations.


F-I-I T h e fire official conducting operations in connection

with the extinguishm ent and control o f any fire, explosion or
other emergency shall have full power and authority to direct
all operations o f fire extinguishm ent or control and to take the
necessary precautions to save life, protect p r o p e r t y a n d prevent
f u r t h e r injury or damage. In the pursuit o f such operation,
including the investigation o f the cause o f such emergency, the
fire official may control or prohibit the approach to the scene
of such emergency by any vehicle, vessel or thing and all
F-l-2 No person shall obstruct the operations o f the Fire
D epartm ent in connection with extinguishing any fire, or ac-
tions relative to other emergencies, or disobey any lawful
c o m m a n d o f the fire official in charge o f the emergency, or any
part thereof, or any lawful o r d e r o f a police officer assisting the
Fire Department.
F-i-3 T h e fire official in charge o f an e m e rg e n c y scene
shall have the authority to establish fire line barriers to control
access in the vicinity o f such e m e rg e n c y and to place, or cause
to be placed, ropes, guards, barricades or other obstructions
across any street or alley to delineate such fire line barrier. No
person, except as authorized by the fire official in charge o f the
emergency, may cross such fire line barriers.
7~2 ANNEX V 1-71

F-I-4 T h e Fire Marshal is a u t h o r i z e d to issue passes enti-

tling the holders t h e r e o f to cross fire line barriers. Such passes
shall not authorize trespass at the scene o f an e m e r g e n c y .
Credentials 'which clearly establish the a u t h o r i t y a n d identity o f
the h o l d e r t h e r e o f to e n t e r the premises, w h e t h e r or not issued
by the Fire Marshal, may be h o n o r e d by the fire official in
c h a rg e o f the e m e r g e n c y scene if c o n c u r r e d with by the p e rso n
in c h a rg e o f the premises, involved in the e m e r g e n c y .
F-I-5 No p e rso n e x c e p t a p e rso n a u t h o r i z e d by the fire
official in c h a rg e o f an e m e r g e n c y scene or a public officer
acting within the scope o f public, d u t y shall remove, unlock,
destroy or t a m p e r with or otherwise molest in any m a n n e r any
locked gate, d o o r or barricade, chain, enclosure, sign, tag or
seal which has been la,wfully installed by the Fire D e p a r t m e n t
o r by its o r d e r or u n d e r its control.

Annex G

This Annex is a suggested section for adoption by a jurisdic-

tion desiring to establish an appeals procedure. (See Section 17
of Annex D. )

G-I-I Where any person seeks relief from a decision of a

fire official enforcing provisions of this Codejncluding permits,
certificates, waivers, .alternate materials, alternate methods, ap-
provals, or variances or matters o f Code interpretations, he
may request reconsideration of the fire official's decision by
appealing in writing to the Fire Marshal within 15 days of the
receipt o f the decision stating the reasons why he seeks relief
and what decision he feels should be forthcoming. The Fire
Marshal shall, within 10 days after receiving a copy of the
appeal in writing, hold a hearing and decide the question after
hearing testimony from all concerned persons. T h e Fire
Marshal shall render his written decision within five days after
the hearing is completed.
G-I-2 After such a hearing by the Fire Marshal, any person
seeking relief from a decision o f the Fire Marshal regarding
provisions of this Code may appeal to the Board of Appeals
within 15 days after receipt of written notice of the Fire
Marshal's decision. Such appeal shall be in writing and directed
to the Fire Marshal. Copies o f the appeal shall be promptly
transmitted to the Board o f Appeals by the Fire Marshal. Upon
giving not less than five business days' notic e to the persons
interested, a hearing shall be held. The Board may, after such
hearing, by a majority vote, affirm, annul, or modify the action
of the Fire Marshal. The decision o f the Board shall be in
writing, and a copy shall be mailed to the appellant within
seven business days after the conclusion of the hearing and any
decisions made shall be final.
G-I-3 A filing fee shall accompany each notice of appeal to
the Board of Appeals in the amount o f $
754 ANNEX H 1-73

Annex H

This Annex is a suggested section for adoption by a jurisdic-

tion relative to code violations.

H - I - I Failure to comply with the time limits o f an abate-

ment notice or other corrective notice issued by the Fire
Marshal shall result in each day that such violation continues
being regarded as a new and separate offense.
H-I-2 Any person who sells, offers for sale, installs, oper-
ates, maintains or uses any appliance, device, equipment, or
system which requires a permit, approval, or certificate under
the provisions o f this Code, shall obtain said permit, approval
or certificate before conducting any operation covered by said
permit, approval or certificate.
H-I-3 No person shall deliberately or maliciously turn in an
alarm of fire when in fact that person knows that no fire exists.
No person shall activate any installed fire warning system or
any fixed fire extinguishing system for purposes other than
emergency, maintenance, drills or prescribed testing.

NOTE: (See A n n e x D - Sections 2 a n d 16.)


Annex I

This Annex is a suggested section for adoption by a jurisdic-

tion relative to the establishment of a permit system.

I-I The following are the details o f the permit require-

ments of this jurisdiction.
I-1-1 A permit is required for all fires conducted outside of
a building. Permits will not be issued unless the burning opera-
tion complies with air pollution authority rules.
Exception No. 1: Fires kindled for the instruction of personnel in the
methods of fighting fires.
Exception No. 2: Small fires kindled in or upon the ground or in a
barbecue pit, exterior fireplace, cook-out device or other similar out-of-
doors eating or cooking device, when required for entertainment or
I-1-2 Permit required for the operation of any plant or the
conduct of any operation which produces explosive potential
dust as a product, or byproduct, during the operation of such
plant or the conduct of such operation.
I-1-3 Permit required:
(a) For the storage, handling, or use of containers of more
th an:
(1) 2,000 gallons individual water capacity or an aggre-
gate water capacity of 4,000 gallons of flammable
compressed gases, or the gaseous equivalent in cubic
feet at 70° F. and 14.7 psia,

(2) 10,000 gallons individual water capacity or an

aggregate water capacity o f 20,000 gallons of
nonflammable compressed gases, or the gaseous
equivalent in cubic feet at 70 ° F and 14.7 psia.
(b) For each temporary installation o f flammable com-
pressed gases in a place of assembly.
756 ANNEX I 1"75

(c) T o store, use o r h a n d l e c o n ta in e rs o f f l a m m a b l e

liquefied gases o f 2,000 gallons individual water capac-
ity o r an a g g r e g a t e water capacity o f 4,000 gallons or
the gaseous equivalent in cubic feet at 70 ° F. a n d 14.7
(d) T o store, use or h a n d l e liquefied medical gases ex-
c e e d i n g 2,000 gallons water capacity in any o n e con-
ta in e r o r an a g g r e g a t e water capacity o f 4,000 gallons
o r the g a se o u s equivalent in cubic feet at 70 ° F. a n d
14.7 p sia.

I - 1 - 4 Permits to m a n u f a c t u r e , possess, sell, o r otherwise use

explosive materials shall be o b t a i n e d in a c c o r d a n c e with the
r e q u i r e m e n t s set forth in Manufacture, Transportation, Storage
and Use of Explosive Materials, NFPA No. 495. (See Annex A.)
I-1-5 P e r m i t r e q u i r e d for:
(a) Storage, h a n d lin g , o r use o f Class I f l a m m a b l e liquids
in excess o f 15 gallons inside o f a n y building or in
excess o f 60 gallons outside o f any building.
Exception No. 1 : Flammable or combustible liquids in the fuel tank of a
motor vehicle, aircraft, portable or stationary engine, boat, or portable
heating plant.
Exception No. 2: Paints, oils, varnishes, or similar flammable mixtures,
when such liquids are stored for maintenance, painting, or similar
purposes for a period of not more than 30 days.
Exception No. 3: Any one- or two-family dwelling provided applicable
provisions of NFPA codes and standards as listed in Annex A of this
Code have been. complied with.
(b) Storage, h a n d l i n g or use o f Clas~ I I or I I I f l a m m a b l e
or c o m b u stib le liquids in excess o f 25 gallons in a
building o r 60 gallons outside o f a building.
Exception: Fuel oil used in connection with oil burning equipment.
(c) T h e initial installation o f an oil b u r n e r a n d a t t e n d a n t
fuel t a n k installed in a c c o r d a n c e with applicable N F P A
codes a n d s t a n d a r d s as listed in A n n e x A o f this Code.
(d) T h e .re p la c e m e n t o f an existing oil b u r n e r or fuel oil
ta n k c o n n e c t e d to the oil b u r n e r .

I-1-6 Permit required for spraying, flow-coating, or dipping

operations utilizing flammable or combustible liquids.
I-1-7 Permits for the supervised display of fireworks con-
ducted in accordance with the provisions of Model State
Fireworks Law, NFP,4 No. 494L (see Annex B) shall be required.
Application for such permits shall be made in writing at least
thirty days in advance of the date o f the display.
I-1-8 Permits shall be obtained before launching any model
I-!-9 Permit is required for the storage, or handling of
more than 25 pounds o f Pyroxylin Plastics:or for the manufac-
ture o f articles o f Pyroxylin Plastics which include the use of
Pyroxylin Plastics in the manufacturing or assembling of other
I-l-10 Permit is required for each company, corporation,
co-partnership, or owner-operator performing welding, cutting
or other hot work operations. A permit shall be required for
each welding, cutting, or hot work job address or location.
Companies, corporations, co-partnerships, or owner-operators
required to have a permit shall maintain a record of all loca-
tions of cutting, welding, or other hot work operations that are
performed and shall have such record available for inspection
by the Fire Marshal.
Exception No. 1: Emergency zoork necessary to save a life and not
allowing for time to secure the proper permit.
Exception No. 2: Any company, corporation, partnership, or owner-
operator performing production, welding, cutting or hot work in areas
approved by the Fire Marshal f o r that purpose:
Exception No. 3: Any company, corporation, partnership, or owner-
operator having a welding, cutting or hot work permit system in
compliance with Standard for Fire Prevention in Use of Cutting and
Welding Processes, NFPA No. 51-B, and having demonstrated this
fact to the Fire Marshal.
Exception No. 4: Occupants of one- and twofamily residences perform-
ing cutting, welding or hot work on their own premises for purposes
other than commercial gain.
ANNEX J 1-77

Annex J
This Annex is a suggested section for adoption by a jurisdic-
tion relative to setting forth the requirements for certificates of
J-I The following are the details of the requirements for
certificates of fitness in this jurisdiction.
J-2-1 Certificates of Fitness Required. A certificate of
fitness is required by the responsible person conducting any of
the following activities when such activities are conducted on a
for-hire basis:
(a) The use of any explosive material.
Exception No. 1 : Those personnel involved in manufacturing processes
utilizing explosive materials, or
Exception No. 2: Those individuals using power-driven riveting
machines employing small arms ammunition.
(b) Any blasting or demolition operation.
(c) Any firework display.
(d) The servicing or recharging of any portable fire
(e) The servicing or recharging of any fixed fire extin-
guishing system.
(f) The installation and servicing of any fire alarm or
fire communication system.
(g) T h e installation or'servicing of any gas or oil burning
heating system, including the components thereof.
(h) Any chimney sweep operation.
(i) Cleaning of ducts used for the removal of grease-
laden vapors.
Exception No. 1: Any person having obtained a license or other
certificate as may be required b3, state or local law covering any of the
above activities. Such exemption shall be for that activity only.
Exception No~ 2: Any employee of a firm who is trained in the proper
procedures for conducting the applicable activity.
J-2-2 Application. All applications for a certificate of fitness
shall be filed with the Fire Marshal on forms provided by the
Fire Marshal.
1-78 NFPA F IR E P R E V E N T I O N CODE 759
j-2-3 Proof of Qualifications. Every person applying for a
certificate of fitness shall furnish satisfactory proof to the Fire
Marshal that he is familiar with the materials, formulas, tools,
techniques, standards, laws, ordinances, recognized good prac-
tices, safety precautions, and manufacturer's recommendations
pertaining to the particular system, materials, devices or opera-
tions he will be involved with and for which the certificate of
fitness is issued. He shall further prove that he is physically
.com petent to perform any and all actions necessary or inciden-
• tal to the operation for which the certificate o f fitness is issued.
J-2-4 Investigation and Examination. The Fire Marshal
shall investigate every application for a certificate of fitness.
The investigation shall include an examination of the applicant
as to his experience and training in. the field of the certificate o f
fitness for which he has applied. The examination may include
a practical test. When the Fire Marshal determines that the
applicant for the certificate of fitness conforms to all of the
requirements of this Code, he shall issue the certificate of
J-2-5 Refusal of Certificate of Fitness. When the Fire
Marshal determines that an applicant is not fit to receive the
~certificate of fitness because of his inability to comply with the
provisions of this Code, he shall refuse to issue the certificate of
fitness. If the refusal is based upon the applicant's inability to
pass a written examination which is given to determine compe-
tency, the applicant may not apply again for the certificate of
fitness within a ten-day period following the examination.
J-2-6 Provisions Governing Certificates of Fitness.
J-2-6.1 Transferability. Certificates of fitness shall not be
J-2-6.2 Expiration of Certificate of Fitness. Certificates
of fitness shall be issued for the period of time shown on the
face of the certificate of fitness "as determined by the Fire
Marshal, but such period of time shall not exceed three years.
J-2-6.3 Renewal of Certificate of Fitness. Applications
for renewal of a certificate of fitness shall be filed in the same
manner as an application for an original certificate. Each such
application shall be accompanied by applicable fees. The grant-
ing of a renewal of a certificate of fitness shall be accomplished
in the same manner as for an original certificate of fitness.
760 ANNEX j 1-79

J-2-6.4 Restricted Certificates of Fitness. T h e Fire

Marshal is authorized, upon application therefore, to issue
certificates of fitness that are restricted to one or more ac-
tivities, systems, items, or devices, or to a particular premises.
J-2-6.5 Change of Address. Each person holding a
certificate of fitness shall notify the Fire Marshal in writing of
any change in his business, residential or other notification
address within ten days after such change. Failure on the part
of a person to give such notification shall constitute grounds
for revocation of said certificate of fitness.
J-2-6.6 Contents of Certificate of Fitness. A certificate of
fitness issued by the Fire Marshal shall be in the form of an
identification card. Said card shall contain the following infor-
mation to be valid:
(a) The purpose for which the certificate of fitness has
been issued.
(b) The date the certificate of fitness is issued and the
date of expiration.
(c) Other information as may be necessary to properly
identify the person to whom the certificate of fitness
is issued.
(d) The signature of the person to whom the certificate
of fitness is issued.
(e) The name and signature of the Fire Marshal who is-
su.ed the certificate of fitness, or the Fire Marshal's
name and countersignature of his designated repre-
(f) Printed thereon in bold type the following: " T H I S
J-2-6.7 Requirement to Display Certificate of Fit-
ness. Any person to whom a certificate o f fitness has been
granted in conformance with this Code shall upon request
produce and show proper identification and his certificate of
fitness to anyone for whom he seeks to render his services or to
the Fire Marshal.

Annex K
This Annex is a suggested guideline for m inim um require-
ments of on-premises fire fighting organizations in allowing
exceptions to the Fire Prevention Code of the National Fire Protec-
tion Association.
T he basic guidelines are found in Recomme~utations For Or-
ganization of Industrial Fire Loss Prevention, NFPA No. 6, and
Recommendations for Management Control of Fire Emergencies,
NFPA No. 7. To qualify for the exemption the firm must have:
(a) A written emergency procedural plan coordinated
with the procedures of the local fire department;

(b) P e r s o n n e l a s s i g n e d to carry out the duties of the

emergency plan (either full time or assigned addi-
tional duties);

(c) Equipment to conduct fire suppression activities (water

supply system, hose, capability to provide water under
pressure at any possible fire location, necessary special
extinguishing agents, forcible entry tools, etc.);

(d) Verifiable training of assigned fire fighting personnel

in basic fire fighting techniques and additional fire
fighting techniques g e r m a n e t o the particular industry
(e) Verifiable fire prevention inspection and enforcement
program (covering fire equipment maintenance, regu-
lation of smoking, housekeeping practices, proper
handling, storage and use of hazardous materials,
abatement procedures, etc.).

NOTE: Only requirement (e) is necessary for the exception to •

Section 3-1.1.12.
INDEX 1-81


N i t r a t e . . . N F P A Nos. 490, 492
A b a t e m e n t P r o c e d u r e s . . . . . . . . 1-4.2 A m m u n i t i o n . . N F P A Nos. 495, 498
A c a d e m i e s . . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 101 Anesthetics,
Access Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4.1 I n h a l a t i o n . . . . . N F P A No. 56A
A c c e s s for F i r e A p a r t m e n t s . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101
Departments ........... 3- l. 1.10 Appeals, Board of . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Acetylene Cylinder Charging A p p e a l s , to t h e B o a r d o f . A n n e x G
P l a n t s . . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 51A Appeals Procedure ....... Annex G
A c e t y l e n e Gas A p p l i a n c e s , Gas . . . . . NFPA No. 54
H o l d e r s . . . . . . . NFPA No. 51A Application of Code .......... 1-2.1
Acetylene Generators A p p r o v a l s . . . . . . . 1-4.1.2, 1-4.4, 1-8
N F P A No. 51A A r e a s o f B u i l d i n g s N F P A No. 206M
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f C o d e . . . . . . Ch. 1 Armories ........... NFPA No. IOI
Administration and Ashes, Disposal of . . . . . . . . . . 3-1.1.8
E n f o r c e m e n t . . . . 1-3.1, 1-4.1.1 A s s e m b l i e s . . . N F P A Nos. 101, 102
Extent of Code ............. 1-2.1 A s s i s t a n t s to F i r e M a r s h a l . .1-4.1.3
Scope o f C o d e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 A u d i t o r i u m s . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101
Adopted Code and Authority ...................... 1-3
Standards ................ 1-2.5 A u t h o r i t y to C o m b a t
Air-Conditioning Fires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annex F
S y s t e m s .NFPA Nos. 90A, 90B A u t h o r i t y to I n v e s t i g a t e
Air-Supported Fires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3.5
S t r u c t u r e s . . . . . . N F P A No. 102 Automatic Fire
Aircraft Electrical D e t e c t o r s . . . . . . N F P A No.. 72E
S y s t e m s . . . . . . N F P A No. 410A Automatic Fire E x t i n g u i s h i n g
Aircraft Fire S y s t e m (see specific
E x t i n g u i s h e r s . .NFPA No. 408 type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5.2
Aircraft Fuel Automatic Sprinkler
S e r v i c i n g . . . . . . . N F P A No. 407 S y s t e m s . . . 3 - 5 . 2 , NFPA No. 13
Aircraft Fuel Auxiliary Protective
S y s t e m s . . . . . . . NFPA No. 4 1 0 C Signaling Systems
Aircraft Fueling Ramp NFPA No. 72B
D r a i n a g e . . . . . . . N F P A No. 415
A i r c r a f t H a n g a r s . . . N F P A No. 409
A i r c r a f t I n t e r i o r s . . . N F P A No. 421 mBm
Aircraft Loading
W a l k w a y s . . . . . . NFPA No. 417 B a l l o o n s , H a z a r d o u s Gas
Aircraft Oxygen in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1.1.12
S y s t e m s . . . . . . . NFPA No. 410B Barns .............. NFPA No. 101
Airport Terminal B arricading of Vacant
B u i l d i n g s . . . . . . N F P A No. 416 Buildings ............... 3-1.1.9
Airport Water B l a s t i n g A g e n t s . . . N F P A Nos. 492,
S u p p l i e s . . . . . . . N F P A No. 419 495, 498
A l t e r n a t i v e s to C o d e Blazer Matches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9.2
Provisions .................. 1-3.3 Blow T o r c h e s ,
A l u m i n u m . . . . . N F P A Nos. 65, 651 G a s o l i n e . . . . . . . N F P A No. 393

B l o w e r S y s t e m s . . . . . N F P A No. 91 Cleaning of
B o a r d o f A p p e a l s . . . A n n e x D, 1-5, D u c t s . . . . . . . NFPA Nos. 91, 96
Annex G C l u b R o o m s . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 101
Boat Y a r d s . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 303 Coal P r e p a r a t i o n
B onfires . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1.1.1, 3-1.1.5 Plants .......... NFPA No. 653
B o w l i n g A l l e y s . . . . . N F P A No. 101 Cocoa, P u l v e r i z e d . . . N F P A No. 62
Building Areas and Code Administration and
H e i g h t s . . . . . . NFPA No. 206M E n f o r c e m e n t Ch. 1, 1-3, 1-4.1.1
Building Code Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2.1
C o n s t r u c t i o n . . . N F P A No. 241 C o d e E n f o r c e m e n t . . . . . 1-3, 1-4.1.1
Building Construction, Code Extent .................. 1-2.1
F i r e T e s t s . . . . . . . NFPA No. 251 C o d e Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Building Construction Code Validity ................ 1-2.3
O p e r a t i o n s . . . . . N F P A No. 241 C o l d S t o r a g e . . . . . . . N F P A No. 101
Building Construction Colleges ............ N F P A No. 101
Types .......... N F P A No. 220 C o m b a t t i n g Fire, A u t h o r i t y
Building Demolition to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annex F
O p e r a t i o n s . . . . . N F P A No. 241 C o m b u s t i b l e D e c o r a t i o n s . . . . . . 3-4.3
Building, Fire Combustible Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8.2
E x p o s u r e . . . . . . N F P A No. 80A Combustible
Building Materials, L i q u i d s . . . . . 3-6, NFPA No. 30
F i r e T e s t s . . . . . . N F P A No. 251 Combustible Liquids
Bulk Grain H a n d l i n g C l a s s i f i e d . . . . . . N F P A No. 321
F a c i l i t i e s . . . . . . . N F P A No. 61B Combustible Waste and
Bulk Oil Refuse ..................... 3-3
S t o r a g e . . . . NFPA Nos. 30, 101 Combustible Engines,
Bulk Oxygen S t a t i o n a r y . . . . . . . NFPA No. 37
S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 50 Commercial Cooking
B u r n i n g , O p e n . . . . . 3-1.1.1, 3-1.1.5 E q u i p m e n t . . . . . . N F P A No. 96
C o m m u n i t y D u m p s N F P A No. 602
C o m p r e s s e d Gases
(see specific type) . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Confectionery Manufacturing
Plants .......... N F P A No. 657
Calcium C o n f e r e n c e R o o m s .NFPA No. 101
C a r b i d e . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 51A C o n s o l i d a t e d P e r m i t . . . . . . . . 1-7.2.4
Campers .......... NFPA No. 501C Construction,
Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing B u i l d i n g . . . . . I . N F P A No. 241
S y s t e m s . . . 3 - 5 . 2 , N F P A No. 12 Construction Projects,
C a r e l e s s n e s s W i t h F i r e . . . . . . 3-1.1.5 Flammable and Combustible
C e l l u l a r R u b b e r . . . N F P A No. 231B Liquids on
Cellulose Nitrate N F P A Nos. 30, 395
-NFPA Nos. 40, 42, 43 Continuation of E x i s t i n g
Central Station Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2.2
Signaling Systems Continuation of
N F P A No. 71 Violations ........... Annex H
Centrifugal Fire C o n v e y in g Systems,
Pumps .......... N F P A No. 20 P n e u m a t i c . . . . . . . N F P A No. 66
Certificates of Cooking Equipment,
Fitness ........... 1-9, A n n e x J C o m m e r c i a l . . . . . N F P A No. 96
Chimneys .......... N F P A No. 211 C o u r t h o u s e s . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 101
Churches ........... N F P A No. 101 C o u r t r o o m s . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101
764 INDEX 1-83

C r e d e n t i a l s . . . . . . . . . 1-3.4.2, 1-3.4.4
Cutting and
W e i d i n g . . . N F P A Nos. 51, 51B E l e c t r i c a l C l a s s i f i c a t i o n . . . : .3-6.2. I,
3-, 3-,
N F P A No. 70C
E l e c t r i c a l C o d e . . . . . . NFPA No. 70
E l e c t r i c a l Code, "
D a n c e H a l l s . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101 D w e l l i n g . . . . . . . NFPA No. 70A
Data P r o c e s s i n g Electrical E q u ip m e n t in
S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 75 Purged and Pressurized
Decorations .................. 3-4.3 E n c l o s u r e s . . . . . N F P A No. 496
D e c o r a t i o n s , to be
E l e c t r i c a l S y s t e m s for H o s p i t a l s
Flameproofed ............ 3-4.3
N F P A Nos. 76A, 76CM
Decorations Use ............ 3-4.3.1
Definitions ............ : . . . . . Ch. 2 Electronic Computer
S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 75
Degreasing Metals . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10.2
Demolition, Building E n f o r c e m e n t , A s s i s t a n c e . . . . . . i-3.2
N F P A No. 241 E n f o r c e m e n t o f C o d e 1-3.1, 1-4.1.1
Denial of Permits, Approvals E n f o r c e m e n t P r o v i s i o n s . . . . . . . . 1-4
or Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4.4 Entry, Right of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3.4
D e p a r t m e n t S t o r e s . . N F P A No. 101 E x h a u s t S y s t e m s . . . . . N F P A No. 91
Depots . . . . . . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 101 E x h i b i t i o n H a l l s . . . . N F P A No. 101
Dip Tanks . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 34 E x i s t i n g C o n d i t i o n s .... 1-2.1, 1-4.2.3
D i s p o s a l o f H o t or G l o w i n g E x i s t i n g Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2.2
Materials ............... 3-1.1.8 E x i t s . . . . . . . . 3-4.1, NFPA No. 101
Door Assemblies, Explosion Prevention
Fire . . . . . . . . . . : . N F P A No. 252 S y s t e m s 3-, N F P A No. 69
Door, F i r e . . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 252
E x p l o s i o n V e n t i n g . . . N F P A No. 68
D o r m i t o r i e s . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 101
D r a i n i n g F l o o r s . . . N F P A No. 92M
M a t e r i a l s N F P A Nos. 492, 495
D r u g Stores . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 101
E xplosives Motor Vehicle
Dry Chemical E x t i n g u i s h i n g
T e r m i n a l . . . . . . . NFPA No. 498
S y s t e m s . . . 3 - 5 . 2 , N F P A No. 17
D r y C l e a n i n g . . N F P A Nos. 32, 101 Exterior Fire
D u c t C l e a n i n g N F P A Nos. 32, 101 E x p o s u r e . . . . . . NFPA No. 80A
D u c t C l e a n i n g . .NFPA Nos. 91, 96 E x t i n g u i s h i n g S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . 3-5.2
D u m p s , C o m m u n i t y N F P A No. 602 Automatic
Dusts . . . . . . . . . . ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8.3 S p r i n k l e r s . . . . . N F P A No. 13
Coal . . . . . . . 3-8.3, NFPA No. 653 C a r b o n D ioxide . . . . N F P A No. 12
Cocoa . . . . . . . . 3-8.3, NFP.A No. 62 Dry C h e m i c a l . . . . . . N F P A No. 17
Confectionery False A l a r m s . . . 3 - I. 1.14, A n n e x H
3-8.3, NFPA No. 657 Foam . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 11
Flour . . . . . . 3-8.3, NFPA No. 61C Foam W a t e r . . . . . . . NFPA No. 16
G r a i n 3-8.3, NFPA Nos. 61B, 61D H a l o n 1211 . . . . . . N F P A No. 12B
I n d u s t r i a l . . . 3 - 8 . 3 , N F P A No. 63 H a l o n 1301 . . . . . . NFPA No. 12A
Metal (see Metal Dusts) High Expansion
Plastics . . . . . 3-8.3, NFPA No. 654 Foam . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 11A
Spice . . . . . . 3-8.3, N F P A No. 656 Spray . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 15
Starch . . . . . 3-8.3, N F P A No. 61A S p r i n k l e r s . . . . . 3-5.2, N F P A No. 13
S u g a r . . . . . . . 3-8.3, N F P A No. 62 S t a n d p i p e s a n d Hose
W o o d . . . . . . 3-8.3, N F P A No. 664 Systems 3-5.3, N F P A No. 14
D w e l l i n g s I-2.1, N F P A Nos. 30, 101 Synthetic F o a m . . . N F P A No. l i B
T a m p e r i n g with Fire Line Barrier, P a sse s
3-1.1.14, A n n e x H a n d Credentials . . . . . . A n n e x F
Water Spray . . . . . . . NFPA No. 15 Fire Line Barrier,
T a m p e r i n g with . . . . . . A n n e x F
Fire P u m p s ,
Centrifugal . . . . . . N F P b No. 20
Fire P u m p s ,
Steam . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 21
Factories . . . . . . . . . . ]NFPA No. 101
False A l a r m s ...3-1.1.14, A n n e x H Fire R e p o r t
F a rm s, F l a m m a b l e a n d C o m b u s t i b l e C o d i n g NFPA Nos. 9 0 1 , 9 0 1 A M
Liquids o n . . . . . NFPA No. 395 Fire R e t a r d a n t T r e a t m e n t o f
Feed M i l l s . . . 3 - 8 . 3 , NFPA No. 61C B u ild in g Materials
Fibers, C o m b u s t i b l e . . . . . . . . . . 3-8.2 NFPA No. 703
Films, Cellulose Fire R e t a r d a n t T r e a t m e n t o f
Nitrate . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 40 D e c o ra tio n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4.2
Films, Fire T e sts . . . N F P A No. 701 Fire Safety Regulations,
Finishes, F l a m m a b l e P o stin g o f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- I. 1.6
NFPA Nos. 33, 34 Fire T e sts
Fire A l a r m . . . . NFPA Nos. 71, 72A Building Construction a n d
72B, 72C, 72D, 72E, 73, 74 Materials . . . . . NFPA No. 251
Detectors . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 72E Combustible
H o u s e h o l d . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 74 Decorations . . . . . . 3-4.2, 3-4.3
Municipal . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 73 Door A s s e m b l i e s . . N F P A No. 2 5 2
Fire, C a r e l e s s n e s s with . . . . . 3-1.1.1, Films . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 701
3-1.1.5 Roof C o v e r i n g s . . . N F . P A No. 256
Fire D o o r s 3-1.1.13, NFPA Nos. 80, Surface B u r n i n g Char-
252 acteristics . . . . . NFPA No. 255
Fire Drills . . . . . . . . . NFPA" No. 101 Textiles . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 701
Fire E m e rg e n c ie s, M a n a g e m e n t Window Assemblies
Control o f . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 7 NFPA No. 257
Fire E q u i p m e n t , Attach- Fire W i n d o w s . . . . . . . NFPA No. 80
ments to ............... 3-4.1.3 "Firefighting, A u t h o r i t y
Fire E q u i p m e n t , M a in te n a n c e for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annex F
of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5.4 Fireplaces . . . . . . . ' . . . N F P A No. 211
Fire Escapes, A t t a c h m e n t s to 3-4.1.3 F i r e w o r k s . . . N F P A Nos. 44A, 494L
Fire E x t i n g u i s h e r s , Fixed Fire E x t i n g u i s h i n g
P o r t a b l e . . . N F P A Nos. 10, 10L S y ste m s (see specific
Fire E x t i n g u i s h i n g Systems, type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5.2
A u to m a tic (see also Flammable
specific type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5.2 F i n i s h i n g . . . N F P A Nos. 33, 34
Fire E x t i n g u i s h m e n t , Flammable
A u t h o r i t y to . . . . . . . . . . A n n e x F L iq u id s . . . . . 3-6, NFPA No. 30
Fire D e p a r t m e n t Access . . . . 3-1.1,10 Classified . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 321
Fire Detectors . . . . . . NFPA No. 72E Cleaning Small T a n k s a n d
Fire H a z a rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- i. 1 . 4 Containers . . . . NFPA No. 327
Fire H o s e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- I. 1.14, Containers . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 30
NFPA Nos. 14, 194, 196, 198 Empty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6.2.3
Fire Investigation, A u t h o r i t y Gas Freeing . . . . NFPA No. 327
to P e r f o r m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-3.5 Portable . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 30
Fire Line B a rrie r . . . . . . . . . A n n e x F Prohibited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6.2.2
766 INDEX 1-85

Electrical Classification o f raGE

A reas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6.2.1
F l a m m a b l e L iquids S t o r a g e G a r a g e s . . . . . NFPA Nos. 88A, 88B
R o o m . . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 30 Gas A p p l i a n c e s . . . . . . . N F P A No. 54
Handling and Gas E n g i n e s ,
Use . . . . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 30 S t a t i o n a r y . . . . . . . N F P A No. 37
L a b e l i n g . . . . . N F P A Nos. 30, 321 Gas H a z a r d s o n
Portable V e s s e l s . . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 306
C o n t a i n e r s . . . . . NFPA No. 30 Gas H e a t i n g
R efinery . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 30 E q u i p m e n t . . . . . . N F P A No. 54
Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 30 Gas P i p i n g .' . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 54
Tanks ............. NFPA No. 30 Gaseous Hydrogen
A b a n d o n m e n t . . . N F P A No. 30 S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 50A
A b o v e g r o u n d . . . . N F P A No. 30 G a s o l i n e Blow
Gas F r e e i n g . . . . NFPA No. 327 T o r c h e s . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 393
Underground NFPA Nos. 30, 31 Government
L e a k a g e . . . . . . N F P A No. 329 B u i l d i n g s . . . . . . NFPA No. 101
T a n k Cars . . . . . . . N F P A No. 385 Grain Elevators
T r a n s f e r o f . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 30 3-8.3, N F P A Nos. 101, 61B
Flammable Liquid, Tank G r a n d s t a n d s . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 102
Car ............ N F P A No. 385 Guard Operations
Flammable Liquid NFPA Nos. 601, 601A
V e h i c l e s . . . . . . . N F P A No. 385 G y m n a s i u m s . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101
Floors, D r a i n i n g a n d
W a t e r P r o o f i n g N F P A No. 92M
F l o u r M i l l s . .3-8.3, N F P A No. 61C
Foam Extinguishing Systems
3-5.2, N F P A No. 11, I1A, l I B DHm
Foam-Water Extinguishing
S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 16 H a l o n 1 2 1 1 . . 3 - 5 . 2 , N F P A No. 12B
Forest Products H a l o n 1 3 0 1 . . 3 - 5 . 2 , NFPA No. 12A
N F P A Nos. 46, 46A, 46B, 47 Halongenated Extinguishing
Freight Terminals Systems
NFPA Nos. 101, 513 3-5.2, N F P A Nos. 12A, 12B
F u e l Gas System , Hangars, Aircraft
O x y g e n . . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 51 NFPA Nos. 101, 409
Fulminates ................ 1-7.2.11 Hazard Abatement
F u m i g a t i o n . . . . . 3-2, NFPA No. 57 Procedures ............... 1-4.2
Fumigation, H a z a r d o u s C h e m i c a l s N F P A No. 49
F u r . . . . . . . . . 3-2, NFPA No. 81 A m m o n i u m Nitrate
F u m i g a t i o n , N o t i f i c a t i o n o f . . . . . 3-2 N F P A Nos. 490, 492
Fur Cleaning and Explosives . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 495
Storage . . . . . . . . . . N F P A No. 81 F u l m i n a t e s . . . . . . . NFPA No. 495
F u r n a c e s . . . . NFPA Nos. 86A, 86B, N itr o c e llu lo s e . . . . . N F P A No. 495
86C N i t r o g l y c e r i n . . . . . NFPA No. 495
Fuel Oil . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 85D N i t r o m e t h a n e . . . . . . NFPA No. 30
I n d u s t r i a l . . . . . . . NFPA Nos. 86A, P r o h i b i t e d . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 495
86B, 86C Radioactive Materials
N a t u r a l Gas . . . . . . NFPA No. 85B N F P A Nos. 801, 802
P u l v e r i z e d C o a l . . . N F P A No. 85E Hazardous Conditions,
W a t e r T u b e . . . . . . . N F P A No. 85 Correction of . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4.2
H a z a r d o u s C o n d itio n s, H o u s e h o l d Fire A l a r m
Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 1.1.3 S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 74
H a z a r d o u s G a s in B a l l o o n s 3 - 1 . 1 . 1 2 H y d r a n t s . . . . . . 3-5.5, NFPA No. 291
H a z a r d o u s Materials H y d r o g e n Systems,
3-9, NFPA No. 49 G a s e o u s . . . . . . . NFPA No. 50A
H a z a r d o u s Materials, Identification H y d r o g e n Systems,
of . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 704M Liquefied . . . . . . NFPA No. 50B
Heaters, Portable . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1.2.3 Hyperbaric
H e a t i n g E q u i p m e n t (see specific Facilities . . . . . . . NFPA No. 56D
types) . . . . . . . . . . 3-1.2.2, 3-1.2.3 H y p o b a r i c Facilities NFPA No. 56E
H e a t i n g Systems,
R e sid e n c e . . . . . . NFPA No. 90B
Distances f r o m
Combustibles .NFPA No. 89M
Fuel Oil
Fired . . . N F P A Nos. 85, 85D
Furnaces . . . . NFPA Nos. 85, 85B, Implied Consent ............ 1-3.4.5
85D, 85E, 86A, 86B Incifierators . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 82
Gas Fired . . . N F P A Nos. 85, 85B Identification o f H a z a r d o u s
Portable Heaters . . . . . . . . . . 3-1.2.3 Materials . . . . . NFPA No. 704M
Smoke Pipes . . . N F P A Nos. 89M, I n d o o r Storage . . . . . NFPA No. 231
204, 211 I n d u s t r i a l E q u i p m e n t . . . . . . . . . 3-10
Vent Connections NFPA Nos. 89M, I n d u s t r i a l Fire
204, 211 Brigades . . . . . NFPA Nos. 6, 27
Height of Industrial Furnaces
B u ild in g s . . . . NFPA No. 206M NFPA Nos. 86B, 86C
Heliport ........... NFPA No. 418 Industrial Ovens
High Expansion Foam Extinguish. NFPA Nos. 86A, 86B
ing Systems . . . . NFPA No. 11A Industrial Permit . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7.24
H o m e s for the I n d u s t r i a l Plants, Dust
Aged . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101 E x p l o s i o n s in . . . N F P A No. 63
H o s e C o u p l i n g s . . . . NFPA No. 194 I n d u s t r i a l T r u c k s . . . N F P A No. 505
H o se , Fire . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 196 I n h a l a t i o n A nesthetics
H o se , Gaskets . . . . . . NFPA No. 194 NFPA No. 56A
H o s e T h r e a d s . . . . . . NFPA No. 194 Inhalation Therapy
Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101 NFPA Nos. 56B, 56HM
Anesthetics . . . . . . . NFPA No. 56A Inoperative Equipment,
Electrical Systems Reporting .............. 3-1.1.7
NFPA Nos. 76A, 76CM I n s p e c t i o n A u t h o r i t y . . . . . 1-3, 1-3.4
Em ergency P l a n s . . N F P A No. 3M Inspection Records . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4.5
Fire Drills . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101 I n s t i t u t i o n s . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101
Hyperbaric Facilities I n t e n t o f Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1.2
NFPA No. 56D I n t e r f e r e n c e with Fire
Hypobaric Facilities Department . . . . . . . . . . . Annex F
NFPA No. 56E I n t e r f e r e n c e with Fire D e p a r t m e n t ,
N onflam m able Medical Gas Penalty for A n n e x F, A n n e x H
Systems . . . . . . NFPA No. 56F I n t e r f e r e n c e with Fire
H o sp ita l Laboratories Inspector ............... 1-3.4.3
NFPA No. 56C I n t e r n a l C o m b u s t i o n E n g i n e s 3-1.3.1
Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101 I n t r i n s i c a l l y Safe P ro c e ss Control
H o t Work, C u ttin g o r E q u i p m e n t . . . . . NFPA No. 493
W e l d i n g . . . N F P A Nos. 51, 51B I n v e s t i g a t i o n o f Fires . . . . . . . . . 1-3.5
768 INDEX 1"87

--J-- . M a n a g e m e n t C o n tro l o f Fire

E m e r g e n c i e s . . . . . . NFPA No. 7
Jails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101 M anholes, F l a m m a b l e o r C o m b u s t i -
ble Liquids i n . . N F P A No. 328
Marinas . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 303
Marine T e r m i n a l s
NFPA Nos. 101, 307
Matches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Kettles, T a r Pot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6.3 Matches Blazer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
K i n d e r g a r t e n Schools
Medical Gas, N o n f l a m m a b l e
NFPA No. 101
(see specific
K itc h e n H o o d a n d
• type) . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 56F
Vents . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 96 Mental I n s t i t u t i o n s
NFPA No. 101
Metal D e g r e a s i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10.2
--Lm Metal Dusts, A l u m i n u m
3-8.3, NFPA Nos, 65, 651
Laboratories . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101 Metal Dusts, M a g n e s i u m
Laboratories, H o s p i t a l 3-8.3, NFPA Nos. 48, 652
NFPA No. 56C Metal Dusts, T i t a n i u m
Laws, O t h e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2.4 3-8.3, NFPA No. 481
Libraries . . . . . NFPA Nos. 101, 910 M e ta lw o rk in g M a c h in e T o o ls
Life Safety Code . . . N F P A No. 101 NFPA No. 79
L ig h tin g . . . . . 3-1.2.2, NFPA No. 78 Milling o f A g r i c u l t u r a l C o m m o d i t i e s
L iq u id O x i d i z i n g 3-8.3, NFPA No. 61D
Material . . . . . . . NFPA No. 43A Mills, Feed a n d F l o u r
Liquefied Gases 3-8.3, NFPA No. 61C
(see specific type) . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 Model Rocketry . . . . NFPA No. 41L
Liquefied H y d r o g e n Mobile H o m e s . . . . NFPA No. 501B
Systems . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 50B Mobile H o m e Parks
Liquefied N a tu ra l NFPA No. 501A
Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 59A Motels . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101
Liquefied P e t r o l e u m Motor Craft . . . . . . . . NFPA NO. 302
Gases . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 58 Motor F re ig h t
Liquefied P e t r o l e u m Gases at T e r m i n a l s . . . . . . NFPA No. 513
Utility Plants . . . . NFPA No. 59 Motor H o m e s . . . . . NFPA No. 501C
Local Protective Signaling M unicipal Fire A l a r m s
Systems . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 72A Systems . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 73
L o d g i n g H o u s e s . . . . NFPA No. 101 M u s e u m s . . . . . NFPA Nos. 101, 911
L u m b e r Yards . . . . . . . NFPA No. 47

mMm --N--

Machine Tools, Metal- National Fire Codes

w o r k i n g . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 79 I-1.3, 1-2.5, A n n e x A, B, D
Magazine, E x p l o s i v e s Natural Gas,
NFPA No. 495 Liquefied . . . . . . NFPA No. 59A
M a g n e s i u m . . . . NFPA Nos. 48, 652 N i t r o c e l l u l o s e . . N F P A Nos. 40, 495
Maintenance of N itro g ly c e rin , Liquid
Equipment ............... 3-5.4 NFPA Nos. 495, 498

N o n f l a m m a b l e Gases NFPA No. 56F P e t r o l e u m Gas,

Notices, Retroactive Liquefied . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 58
C o rre c tio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4.2.3 piers ................ NFPA No. 87
Notices, Serving o f . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4.3 Piping, Gas . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 54
Notices, Written . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4.2.2 Plant E m e r g e n c y
N o t i f y i n g the Fire D e p a r t m e n t O r g a n i z a t i o n s NFPA Nos. 6, 27
3-1.1.2, 3-1.1.3, 3-1.1.7, 3-2 Plastics . . . . . NFPA Nos. 654, 231B
N u r s e r i e s . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101 Plastics, P y r o x y l i n
N u r s i n g H o m e s . . . . NFPA No. 101 NFPA Nos. 40, 42, 43
P l u m b e r s , F u r n a c e s NFPA No. 393
Pneumatic Conveying
DOra Systems . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 60
Police P o w e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3.1
O b s t r u c t i o n to Exiting . . . . . . . . 3-4.1 Portable Fire E x t i n g u i s h e r s
O b s t r u c t i o n s o n Roofs . . . . . . 3-4.1.2 NFPA N o s . ' 1 0 , 10L
Offices . . . . . . . -. . . . . . NFPA No. 101 Portable H e a t e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1.2.3
Oil B u r n i n g Portable S h i p p i n g
E q u i p m e n t . . . . "..NFPA No. 31 T a n k s . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 386
Ordinary Conduct Powered Industrial
Requirements ............ 3-1.1 T r u c k s . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 505
O r g a n i c Coatings, M a n u f a c t u r e P r e s s u r i z e d E n c l o s u r e s , Electrical
of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 35 E q u i p m e n t in . .NFPA No. 496
O r p h a n a g e s . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101 Private Fire
O t h e r Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2.4, 1-2.5 B r i g a d e s . . . . . NFPA Nos. 6, 27
O u t d o o r Fires . . . . . . 3-1.1.1, 3-1. ! .5 P ro c e ss Control
O u t d o o r S t o r a g e . . N F P A No, 231A E q u i p m e n t . . . . . NFPA No. 493
O u t d o o r Storage, Forest P r o d u c t s P r o p r i e t a r y Protective Signaling
NFPA Nos. 46, 46A, 46B Systems . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 72D
O u t s i d e P r o t e c t i o n . . . N F P A No. 24 P y r o x y l i n Plastics
O v e n s . . N F P A Nos. 86A, 86B, 86C NFPA Nos. 40, 42, 43
Overcrowding .............. 3-4.1.4 Pulverized Fuel
O x i d i z i n g Materials NFPA No. 43A Systems . . . N F P A Nos. 60, 85E
Oxygen-Enriched P u r g e d Locations, Electrical
A t m o s p h e r e s : . N F P A No. 53M E q u i p m e n t in . .NFPA No. 496
O x y g e n Fuel Gas P u r p o s e o f Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1.2
Systems . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 51
O x y g e n Systems,
Bulk . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 50
Rack Storage . . . . . NFPA No. 231C
Paint S p r a y i n g . . . . . . NFPA No. 33 Records . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA N o . 232
Parking Records, C u ttin g a n d
G a r a g e s . . . N F P A No. 88A, 101 W e ld in g . . . . . . . N F P A No. 51B
Passes a n d Credentials, Fire Line R e c o r d o f A p p r o v a l s . . . . . . . . . 1-8.2
Barrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annex F R e c o rd s, Protection
Penal I n s t i t u t i o n s . .NFPA No. 101 o f . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No, 232AM
Penalties . . . . . . . . . . 1-6.1, A n n e x D, Records Required,
Annex H I n s p e c t i o n . . . . . . . . ". . . . . . . . 1-4.5
Permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4.1.2, 1-4.4, Recreational
1-7, A n n e x 1 Vehicles . . . . . . NFPA No. 501C
770 INDEX 1-89

Recreational Vehicle Smoking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1.1.11

Parks . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 501D Solid O x i d i z i n g
Refineries . . . . . NFPA Nos. 30, 101 Material . . . . . . . NFPA No. 43A
Refuse, C o m b u s t i b l e . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Solvent E x tra c tio n
R e m o t e Station" Signaling Plants . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 36
Systems . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 72C Special P e r m i t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7.2.3
R e p a i r Garages . . . . NFPA No. 88B Spice G r i n d i n g
R e s p o n s i b i l i t y for Plants ...3-8.3, NFPA No. 656
E n f o r c e m e n t . . . A n n e x D, 1-4.1 S p ra y F i n i s h i n g . . . . . NFPA No. 33
R e s t a u r a n t s . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101 S p re a d of Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1.1.1
Retroactive C o r r e c t i o n S p r i n k l e r Systems
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4.2.3 3-5.2, NFPA Nos. 13, 13A
Retroactive P r o v i s i o n s . . . . . . . . 1-2.1 Stables . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101
Revocation of Permits, A p p r o v a l s or S t a n d p i p e s . . . . 3-5.3, NFPA No. 1 4
Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4.4 Starch Factories , D u st E x p l o s i o n s
R ig h t o f E n try . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3.4 in . . . . . . . 3-8.3, NFPA No. 61A
Rocketry, Model . . . N F P A No. 41L Static Electricity . . . . . NFPA No. 77
Roof Coverings Stationary C o m b u s t i o n
NFPA Nos. 256, 203M E n g in e s . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 37
R o o f O b s t r u c t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . 3-4.1.2 Stationary Gas
Roofing Kettles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6.3 Engines . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 37
R o o m i n g H o u s e s . . . N F P A No. 101 Steam Fire P u m p s . . . N F P A No. 21
R u b b e r , C e l l u l a r . . N F P A No. 231B Storage . . . . . NFPA Nos. 231, 231A,
R u b b i s h Fires . . . . . . 3-1.1.1, 3-1.1.5 231B, 231C
Rubbish Storage, I n d o o r . . . . . NFPA No. 231
H a n d l i n g . . . 3 - 3 , NFPA No. 82 Storage, O u t d o o r . . N F P A No. 231A
R u r a l Water Storage, Rack . . . . . NFPA No. 231C
S u p p l i e s . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 25 S u p p l e m e n t a r y R e q u i r e m e n t s .1-2.6
Sugar, Pulverized
3-8.3, NFPA No. 62
--S-- Sulfur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 655
S u m m a r y A b a t e m e n t . . . . . . . . 1-4.2.1
Salvaging O p e r a t i o n s NFPA No. 604 S u p e r m a r k e t s . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101
Sawmills . . . . . NFPA Nos. 101, 664 Surface B u r n i n g Characteristics,
Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101 Tests of . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 255
Security G u a r d S u s p e n s i o n of Permits, A p p r o v a l s
O p e r a t i o n . . . . NFPA No. 601A or Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . 1"-4.4
Sewers, F l a m m a b l e & C o m b u s t i b l e S w e e p i n g C o m p o u n d s . . . . . . . 3-1.2.1
Liquids in . . . . . . NFPA No. 328 Synthetic F o a m E x t i n g u i s h i n g
Severability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2.3 Systems . . . . . . . . NFPA No. l i B
Service Stations NFPA No. 30, 101
Servicing o f Notices . . . . . . . . . . 1-4.3 --TD
S h ip R e p a i r . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 312
S h o p p i n g C e n te rs . .NFPA No. 101 Tampering
Signaling S y ste m s with extinguishing systems 3-1.1.14
Auxiliary Protective NFPA No. 72B with Fire Line B a r r i e r s . . A n n e x F
Central Station . . . . NFPA No. 71 with Portable Fire
Local Protective . .NFPA No. 72B Extinguishers . . . . . . . . 3-1.1.14
Proprietary Protective with Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1.1.14
NFPA No. 72D with W a r n i n g Systems . . . . 3-1.1.14
Remote S t a t i o n . . . N F P A No. 72C with Water T a n k s . . . . . . . . 3-1.1.14
T a n k Cars, for F l a m m a b l e Venting, E x p l o s i o n . .NFPA No. 68
Liquids . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 385 Vents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 211
T a n k Vehicles, for F l a m m a b l e Vessels, R e p a i r . . . . . NFPA No. 312
and Combustible Violations 1-6, A n n e x D, A n n e x H
Liquids . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 385
T a n k s, F l a m m a b l e a n d C o m b u s t i b l e
Liquids . . . . . . NFPA No.. 30, 31 m W I
T a r Pots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6.3
T e m p o r a r y P e r m i t . . . . . . . . . . I-7.2.3 W a r e h o u s e s . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101
Tents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 102 W a r m - A i r H e a t i n g S y ste m for
T e r m i n a l s , Motor R e sid e n c e s . . . . . NFPA No. 90B
Freight . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 513 W a r n i n g Signs, P o stin g o f . . 3 - 1 . 1 . 6
Textiles, Fire Waste, C o m b u s t i b l e . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Tests . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 701 Waste, Disposal Sites . . . . . . . . . 3-3.3
Theaters . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101 Waste H a n d l i n g Plants . . . . . . . 3-3.5
Titanium ........... NFPA No. 481 Waste, T r a n s p o r t a t i o n
Title o f Code . . . . . . 1-1.1, A n n e x D of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3.4
T o w n Halls . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101 W ater-Cooling
Transfer of Flammable T o w e r s . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 214
Liquids . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 30 W a te r-p ro o fin g
T ra v e l T ra ile rs . . . N F P A No. 501C Floors . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 92M
Treatment of Building Water S p ra y E x t i n g u i s h i n g
Materials . . . . . . . NFPA No. 703 Systems . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 15
T r u c k Fires . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 512 Water S u p p l i e s
Truck Terminals 3-5.5, NFPA Nos. 24, 25, 26
NFPA Nos. 101, 513 Water T a n k s . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 22
Trucks, Powered W e a r i n g A p p a re l, Classification o f
I n d u s t r i a l . . . . . . NFPA No. 505 F l a m m a b i l i t y . . . N F P A No. 702
Welding and
Cutting . . . N F P A Nos. 51, 51B
--U~ Wetting A g e n ts . . . . . . NFPA No. 18
Wharves . . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 87
U n iv e rsitie s . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 101 W i n d o w A sse m b lie s, Fire
Tests o f . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 257
W o o d Chips, O u t d o o r
Storage . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 46A
Wood Flour
Vacant Buildings, B a r r i c a d i n g Plants ...3-8.3, NFPA No. 664
of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- I. 1.9 Woodworking
Vacant Lots . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 1 . 1 . 4 , 3 - 3 . 1 Plants . . . . . . . . . . . NFPA No. 664
Vacate, Failure to . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4.1.6 W ritten Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4.2.2
Validity o f Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2.3
V a p o r i z i n g Liquids,
E x t i n g u i s h i n g Agents, X-Y-Z
H a z a rd s o f . . . N F P A No. 182M
Ventilating S y ste m s NFPA No. 90A Zirconium ........ NFPA No. 482M

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