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Community Church
SOS Chillin’

Summer 2018

SOS Summer of Service

SOS runs June 28th-July 1st @ Bethel College. Once again
FCC will be represented by both youth and adult volunteers
helping to “gospel” the community through acts of service.

Pan-America Mission Trip

Beginning on July 5th, Pastor Randy and Robert will begin
the trek to Central America. Meeting up with other men
along the route on the USA-side, all will cross into Mexico
the 7th. For the next 5 days they will travel through
various countries down the Pan-American Hwy until
crossing into Costa Rica. After joining up with some of the
wives, including Tammy, the entire tribe will travel down to
the capital, San Jose, where they will participate in various
volunteer opportunities, including at the Abraham Project.
The vehicles driven down will then be sold off and the
proceeds used for ministry in Haiti.

Sundays Worship 9:30am

Sunday Groups 10:45am Young Marrieds, Adults, Children
Wednesdays 6:30pm Youth / Kids / Women / Adults (except July)
Vacation Bible School
Mark the dates July 29th-Aug 2nd 6:00-8:30pm. Invest in your
children, grandchildren, and friends’ kids by prioritizing attending
this yearly extravaganza geared entirely to our children. Through
great Bible stories, games, crafts, and music they learn lifelong
lessons that will lead them to greater devotion to God. More
important than any sport or other summer outing, helping your kids
put down spiritual roots will produce fruit into eternity. Model your
values for the entire family by the leading the way.

There are other great activities going on this summer for adults,
youth, and children. Check the online calendar, the weekly bulletin,
or simply phone the office for more details. Let’s make this summer
one of FCC’s best! -Pastor Randy

Communing with God and Friends

55540 Apple Rd @ McKinley

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