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Kenia Castillo
Mr. Rodriguez
Period 5

“ Once I thought to write a history of the immigrants in America. Then I

discovered that the immigrants were American history. “​ - Oscar Handlin

Over the past view years immigration has increased for various reasons in the United

States. The United States has demonstrated hope for immigrants who are fleeing their country.

These immigrants migrate to the United States for the “American Dream” and for the hope of a

better future. Immigration is a controversial topic due to policies, economy, and culture in the

U.S.. The political climate change on immigration is very unbalanced. Therefore, immigration

controversial due to the unbalance.

People pro-immigration believe that illegal immigration has had a great impact on the

economy by the tax revenue, increasement in labor workforce, and different cultures that

immigrants bring with them. People believe that the immigrants who come to the U.S. have the

motivation to accomplish their American dream, bring good values, and are willing to do the

jobs of those Americans who are not interested. Immigrants bring different cultures to the U.S.

that allows us to understand different traditions, custom, and beliefs of other countries. Their

motivation to strive for better has had an impact on our society. Although, some people will

disagree will those who are pro-immigration.

However, those who are anti-immigrants believe that immigration has had a negative

impact on the United States. According to these people, immigrants are criminals, take jobs away

from Americans, and has increased the crime rate in the U.S.. Immigrants are burdens to those
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tax-paying Americans because immigrants live off their taxes. Also, it has been said that

immigrants are draining public funds and it has only worsen throughout the years. Overall, these

people believe immigration is having an negative effect.

In my research project I will find various reasons regarding immigration increasement by

reading different articles. These article will provide information that may establish immigrants

migrating to the U.S. for more than just the American dream. I predict that the American dream

does motivate immigrants to migrate to the U.S. however, I believe it not just the American

Dream that has increased the immigration population. United States policies regarding

immigration may have influenced immigrants by giving hope. However, articles will provide the

right evidence.
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Historical Context

“​Our attitude towards immigration reflects our faith in the American ideal. We have always

believed it possible for men and women who start at the bottom to rise as far as the talent and

energy allow. Neither race nor place of birth should affect their chances.” - Robert F.


The United States has been a nation of immigrants from the earliest times. Throughout

different centuries, the United States immigration rate has increased. The immigration rate has

increased for various reasons such as other countries facing violence, natural disasters, or other

conditions that convinces the residents of those countries that it is no longer safer nor there is

hope there. Immigration has occurred for various reasons, including, against a person’s will.

History has demonstrated that immigration has contributed to the American History.

The Spanish and French Settled into what is now called the United States in the 1500s.

The first American settlers came to America to seek freedom in order to practice their faith. A

colony was established in Massachusetts by 100 pilgrims who fled religious persecution in 1620.

During 1630 and 1640, 20,000 puritans migrated to Massachusetts Colony because these people

were seeking religious freedom. Over time white Europeans were seeking voyage to America

because of the economic opportunity.

Immigrants migrated to America against their own will during the colonial period.

According to records, 20 Africans were forced to settle into Jamestown, Virginia because they

became slaves. Over time the number of slaves increased to 70,000 by 1790, however, the

importation of slaves was outlawed in the United States by 1808. Slaves continued to exist until
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the civil war occurred. The civil war ended slavery but according to their records, 50,000 to

650,000 African were brought to America between 17th and 19th century.

In the mid-19th century, another immigration wave occurred in America during 1815 to

1865. The immigrants who fled their land were from North and Western Europe. Including

Ireland which had a were impact on America because half of the immigrants were from Ireland

itself. An estimation of 4.5 million irish migrated to the U.S as well. Throughout time,

immigration waves had occurred from the earliest times.

Immigration has continued to occur till this day due to various reasons out of a person’s

hand. Throughout history time, immigration occurred because of slavery, seeking religious

freedom economic opportunity, and etc. History has demonstrated that immigration is an

essential for our economy. However, immigration is influenced by many factors that has caused

it to increase.
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“We are a nation of immigrants. We are the children and grandchildren and

great-grandchildren of the ones who wanted a better life, the driven ones, the ones

who woke up at night hearing that voice telling them that life in that place called

America could be better.” - Mitt Romne​y

In my research I obtained knowledge on why immigration has increased over the past

view years. Immigration has lead to an economic change, a change in the labor workforce, and

has changed the population in the United States. Immigration has had a negative and positive

effect on America. America is a nation of immigrants which is essential for our economy, jobs,

and etc. Throughout my research, I obtained knowledge on why our immigration is a very

unbalanced issue.

The first article I read provided information regarding the earliest times of immigration.

In the article “ U.S. Immigration before 1965 “ , the history channel explains the major waves

of immigration throughout history. Throughout history, immigration occurred due to slavery,

freedom of religion, and to seek an opportunity of a job. According to the article, the first settlers

came to America “.. in search of freedom to practice their faith.” America demonstrates freedom

for those who live in a country with limitations. Although some people migrated to America free

willing, others had no choice. The history channel provides numbers “.. ​500,000 to 650,000
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Africans were brought to America and sold into slavery between the 17th and 19th centuries.”

this states that immigration is not a choice for others.

In order to obtain more

information regarding

immigration, I asked different

individuals in different grade

levels survey questions. The first

question asked was, Do you

know what immigration is? The

reason I asked this is because

immigration is issue brought up around on a daily. Everyone answered yes to this questions,

therefore, it helps me understand that immigration is a popular subject.

In the article “ Frequently requested statistics on immigrants and immigration in the

United States “ , Jie Zong, Jeanne Batalova, and Jeffrey Hallock explain how the number of

immigrants has changed over time and how immigrants became U.S. citizen. These authors

illustrate this by providing statics from the U.S. census explains how Mexicans are about

twenty-six percent of the largest foreign country compared to others and how in 2016 1.49

million immigrants moved to the U.S.. Their purpose is to help readers understand how

immigration has increased over the past few years and in order to understand that they provide

statics. They established an informal relationship with their audience increasement of

immigration. According to the article immigrants who are residents in the United States is “...

43.7 million immigrants resided in the United States in 2016, accounting for 13.5 percent of the
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total U.S. population of 323.1 million, according to American Community Survey (ACS) data.

Between 2015 and 2016, the foreign-born population increased by about 449,000, or 1 percent, a

rate slower than the 2.1 percent growth experienced between 2014 and 2015. “

Immigration has had a extraordinary impact on the economy therefore, it should continue.

The U.S. economic growth has increased due to immigration. In the article “ Immigrants are

essential for the U.S. economic growth - and we need more “, David Edelstein and Steve Clarson

state how the U.S. workforce and labor participation has increased due to immigrants but it is

beneficial for the economic growth. They illustrate this my providing statistics from B.I.S.. Their

purpose is to help readers understand why immigrants are essential for the economy in order to

increase economic growth. In the article it states “ Foreign-born persons are more likely than

Native born persons to be participant in the U.S. workforce..”. Therefore, immigrants are more

likely to taken the opportunity to get a job.

Immigrants are the key to economic growth. In the article “ Why immigrants are key to

economic growth”, contributor Stuart Anderson states 3 reasons why immigrants are the key to

the economy. Anderson illustrates his belief by stating the reasons which are labor force growth,

entrepreneurship, and human capital. His purpose is to help readers understand that immigrants

play a enormous role in the economy in order to increase the economic growth by foreign

companies. Anderson establish an informal relationship with his audience of business and labor

for those who are interested. Immigrants have founded many companies, according to the article

“ ​National Foundation for American Policy study of just 87 startup companies valued at $1

billion or more found 44 (more than half) had at least one immigrant founder. “
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Throughout the years, the United States provided temporary protection status for certain

countries. In the article “ U.S. embassy cables warmed against expelling 300,00 immigrants.

Trump officials did it anyway. ”, Nick Miroff, Seung Min Kim, and Joshua Partlow explain how

Trump’s administration end TPS 570,000 Hondurans, 195,000 Salvadorans, and 46,000 Haitians.

They illustrate this by explaining how many people are affected by this and what congress is

doing to try to help these people. Their purpose is to help readers understand that congress and

other leaders are doing everything possible to get the TPS community in order for them to stay

here. They established an informal relationship with their readers to let them know who is at risk

with TPS. People under TPS received it because of a natural disaster, civil war, and etc, these

people had no choice but to migrate to the U.S.. According to the article TPS is affecting “...

57,000 Hondurans...145,000 Salvadorans and 46,00 Haitians.. “.

The second survey question

asked, “ Do you think people

immigrate because they want

the “ American Dream?”. The

reasons i asked this question

was because I believe people

migrated in hopes to just accomplish their American Dream. Throughout the research, I learned

that people migrated for various reasons. I believed immigrants migrated to seek their American

dream without knowing there is more to immigration.

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A hurricane strikes a country, it creates an unsafe environment because houses have been

destroyed, the electricity is no longer available, and the last choice available requires a person to

migrate to another country. In the article “ DHS Decisions on the Hondurans fits disturbing

pattern on immigration“, Contributor Stuart Anderson explains how the temporary protection

status for Hondurans has been put to an end because Trump’s administration. Anderson explains

how TPS started in 1999 for Hondurans who were devastated by the hurricane because they were

no longer able to live in bad conditions. Anderson’s purpose is to help the readers understand

why Hondurans were offered the opportunity to receive TSP in order to have a safe place to live.

Anderson establishes an informal relationship with the audience to help them understand what

TPS is and how many families will be separated. Once Hondurans received TPS, they gained the

opportunity to work in the United States, according to the Washington post “ More than 50,000

Honduran who have been allowed to live and work in the United States since 1999 will have 20

months to leave the country..”

Border Security appears to be an issue because some people believe that the United States

protection at the border. In the article “ Border Security slips as illegal immigration rise

significantly over the past few years”, Stephen Dinan states that the rough conditions in Central

America has increased the number of children fleeing their country alone. Dinan illustrates the

amount of unaccompanied minors who have arrived to the United States. Her purpose is to help

readers understand significant rate that has increased and in order to understand, Deinan explains

the harsh condition these minors fleed. She establishes an informal relationship with the

audience to help them understand the circumstances of the lack of border security. In the article,

it states “.. t​he United States, reached a record high of 77,674. Unaccompanied minors — those
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children traveling without their parents — also rose to nearly 60,000, though that was still shy of

the record set in 2014..”.

One Person believes change can happen in a instant, however, it takes times. In the article

“ ICE ERO immigration arrests climb nearly 40% “ , official website of the Department of

Homeland Security shows statics regarding how immigration increased 40%. The Department of

Homeland Security demonstrates statics regarding the first 100 days of President Trump and how

immigration escalated to 37,695. The Homeland Security purpose is to provide statics to inform

the on deportation and immigration rate during President Trump’s administration in order, to

understand their policies. The department of Homeland Security establish an informal

relationship to understand that immigration will still increase under Trump’s administration.

According to the statics provided by DHS “... increased by more than 50 percent, from 8,831 last

year to 12,766 arrest this year during the same period of time.”.

People choice to the blame the government of the United States on why immigration has

increased. In the article “ To curb illegal immigration, find the root cause “, Barabara Orze

explains that eVerify is the root problem of immigration. Orze illustrates the root of immigration

by stating that e Verify is not forced upon workers especially immigrant workers. Orze’s

purpose is to explain that immigrants come to America illegally and take the jobs of those

Americans, in order to stop this, e Verify has to be implied. Orze establishes an informal

relationship with her audience who are interested in the root problem of immigration. Orze

suggest “ ​Before we spend money to build any more walls, perhaps we could try two strategies to

reduce undocumented workers. Mandate e Verify for all employers, and then prosecute and fine

employers who are noncompliant.”.

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A nation can create hope and open their arms to immigrants. In the article “ Obama

reinstates ‘catch-and-release’ policy for immigrant”, Stephen Dinan states how President

Obama’s program demonstrates hopes by allowing immigrants to stay until court date and

determine if their statues, if there is no criminal recorder. Dinan illustrates how President Obama

policies has increased the immigration rate and it is out of homeland security hands. Dinan’s

purpose is to help readers understand homeland security's point of view in order to enforce

different policies. Dinan establishes an informal relationship with the audience who are

interested in these policies. President Obama gave hope to immigrants by stating “.. has pushed

for congress to grant citizenship rights to most illegal immigrants…”

The third question asked I asked in the

survey, “ Have you or a family member

ever been affected by an immigration

issue? ” This question received more

Yes than No. The informational I was

trying to obtain from the question, how

an immigration issues can impact families. Immigration seems to surround everyone around us.

Hope represents a positive outcome, whether it started off good or bad. In the article “

Illegal immigration surges 230 percent in April on the southwest border”, Stephen Dinan

explains how immigrants are caught and released without consequences. Dinan explains how

immigrants are crossing illegally because the policy catch and release, are letting immigrants free
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until taken to court. Dinan’s purpose is to help readers understand that immigrant families and

children are willing to come alone in order to get a hearing regarding their immigration status.

Dinan establishes an informal relationship with their audience to help readers understand why

the numbers have increased. In the article it is stated “ ​Illegal immigration along U.S.-Mexico

border surged 230 percent in April compared to last year, according to new numbers released

Thursday that experts said expose major loopholes in American immigration law.”.

An immigration reform bring controversy on both democrats and republicans. In the

article “ What is Immigration reform”, Suzanne Gamboa explains what can immigration reform

is and how the immigration laws have changed over the past few years. Gamboa illustrate how

Presidents, Congress and etc, have used their powers to pass laws regarding immigration or

change the laws. Gamboa’s purpose is to explain what immigration is and in doer to understand

that, a person needs to obtain knowledge about immigration history. Gamboa establishes an

informal relationship with his audience to help readers understand the meaning on an

immigration reform. Throughout President Obama’s, he “...used his executive power to authorize


The political climate change on immigration is very unbalanced for which it brings out

the good and bad in people. In the article, “ The immigration debate is way off the rails”, Aviva

Chomsky states how immigration is debatable. Chomsky illustrates how the political climate on

immigration is a mess between democrats, republicans and trump’s administration. Chomsky

purpose is to help the readers understand where Trump’s administration stands regarding

immigration and in order to know what will happen next on an immigration issue. Chomsky

establishes an informal relationship with his audience to help the reader understand the
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unbalanced administration we have. Our elected officials are focused on their agenda, according

to chomsky “ Republicans and Democrats insist that they want to preserve it and blame each

other for it impending demise.”.

A person leaves behind their family, home courty and etc, in hopes to accomplish many

things in another country, however, This hope can easily be destroyed by unfair laws

implemented. In the article “ Attorney general vows to break up immigrant families crossing

border illegally ”, Mike Levine explains how the Attorney General Jeff session warned the

families on the other side of the border, that they will be separated. Levine illustrates that if a

family member tries to migrate to the U.S. with a child, the parent and child will be separated

and face serious consequences. Levine’s purpose is to help the readers understand that Trump’s

new immigration policies are serious in order to protect America. Levine establishes an informal

relationship will his audience to help the readers understand that conquence are implemented

now. Session made a statement “ We are not going to let this country be invaded. We will not be

stampeded. We will not capitulate to Lawlessness. “.

Cities around the country are being affected by Trump’s new policies, this is bringing

fear. In the article “ In the liberal Md. suburb, a heated debate over legal aid for undocumented

immigrants “, Jennifer Barrios states how some cities in Maryland are being affected. Barrios

illustrates how the democratic council in Montgomery proposed a grant about $374,000 to help

detained immigrants who are facing deportation, the proposal would apply to those county

residents who are at the federal property level. Barrios purpose is to help the readers understand

what democratic leaders are doing to help immigrants in order to help them from being deported.

Barrios establishes an informal relationship with the audience to help the readers understand
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what is being done. According to the article, “ The proposal would apply to county residents at

or below 200 percent of the poverty federal level.”. This provides hopes for immigrants.

The expert I interviewed was María Elena Durazo, ​President of immigration, Civil rights,

and Diversity, of local 99. Maria Elena Durazo explains that immigration has increased because

there around many countries throughout the world that are being pushed into war, violence, and

poverty. Immigrations occurs when a parent does not want their children to live in a world with

no hope, therefore, they migrate. The United States demonstrates hope and better conditions

than over countries. Immigrants have the opportunity to achieve their dream but it will a lot of

work. Maria Elena Durazo believes that migrating can be a life or death situation.

My research project taught me that immigration occurs for many various reasons.

Immigration is essential because it has created a change in America by increasing the economic

growth, diversity, and etc. Immigration will continue to occur because there are many factors out

of a person’s hand. The United States is the home of the free and the brave. Also, immigration

appears to leave their doors for immigrants in some situations.

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“ Our nation is built upon a history of immigration, dating back to our first pioneers, the

Pilgrims. For more than three centuries, we have welcomed generations of immigrants to our

melting pot of hyphenated America: British-Americans; Italian-Americans; Irish-Americans;

Jewish-Americans; Mexican-Americans; Chinese-Americans; Indian-Americans.” Ami Ber

Throughout the research, I understood both sides of the controversy regarding

immmigration. Immigration has increased over the past few years because of the changes that

occur. In some situations it is not choice to migrate but it has to be done. However, in other

situations, people migrate in hopes of a bigger picture. The U.S. history demonstrates that

everyone is an immigrant to America.

At the beginning of the research, my prediction happened to be that people migrate for

the American Dreams. Throughout, the first 3 research cards I gained information stating

immigration occurs due to the surrounding of a person’s environment. My prediction was a

reason immigration increased, however, it appear to not be the only one. Natural disaster that

occurred in foreign countries has increased the immigration rate. America itself plays a big role

in the immigration rate.

My research project helped me understand how the programs that United States

influenced immigrants. My understanding regarding immigration expanded because I learned

various reasons that affected immigrants to migrate. I choose to do my research paper on

immigrants because it is an that has affected my family and others.

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