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Our inspiration for operating this project is the
will to prove the theory of torque and lever arm.
In order to illustrate this concept, we decided to
do a seesaw because we believe that seesaw will
be able to obviously demonstrate how lever arm
works and how the distance and mass effect on
the outcome of the seesaw. In addition, this will
examine how the distribution of weight and
distance matter.

A simple machine is the simplest form to do work in
the fastest way. It reduces the amount of energy,
power, and time. Also, it increases the magnitude
(direction) or the distance of a force but not both at
the same time. There are six basic one; the lever, the
wheel and axle, the inclined plane, the wedge, the
pulley, and the screw. A lever is a long tool that
combined with a fulcrum to lift an object up. Also, a
location of the fulcrum is a factor that affects how
much energy we need to use to lift one object. The
wheel and axle help to move the object by using
centripetal force. The inclined plane is also known as
a ramp. It allows an object to go from one higher end
to one lower end by using the same amount of work,
but less amount of force. The wedge is used to
separate things apart. The pulley reduces the amount
of work to lift a huge amount of weight and to lower
them down. The screw is one type of inclined plane,
but also move in a circle.
Discussion of
Physics’ concept
Lever arm is the perpendicular distance from the axis
of rotation to the line of action of the force. There are
three classes of lever arm principles based on the
position of the axis/fulcrum of rotation, force, and
resistance. In the first-class lever principle, the fulcrum
is between the force moving the object offering
resistance and the resistance. In the second-class lever
principle, the fulcrum is at one end; the force is
applied at the other end to displace the object offering
resistance being in the middle. In the third-class lever
principle, the fulcrum is at one end; the force is
applied at the middle to displace the object offering
resistance at the other end. The measure of a force's
tendency to produce a rotation about an axis is called
torque. That is if a force is used to begin to spin
something, or to attempt to spin something, a torque
is generated. A torque would also be generated if a
force was used to stop something from spinning. The
magnitude of torque of a rigid body depends on three
quantities: the force applied, the lever arm vector
connecting the origin to the point of force application,
and the angle between the force and lever arm vectors.
In symbols:  Torque = Effective length of lever arm ×
Force × Sine of an angle formed between the force
vector and lever arm. As the angulation between the
lever arm and applied force deviates away from 90°,
the effectiveness of torque obtained decreases.
Maximum torque is produced when the force is
perpendicular to the long axis of the lever arm.
Therefore, the length of lever arm will directly
influence the outcome of effective torque. 
Problem: If we put a sack bag with 150 grams far
from the pivot point 25 centimetres on the left side
of the seesaw, how much mass should we put on the
right side and how far should we put from its pivot
Answer: First, we should find the torque of the left
side by using torque formula, Torque  = Lever arm x
Force, so we get 25 centimetres multiply with 150
grams then we will get 3,750 dyne centimetres as a
torque of the left side. Next, we can find the mass
and the distance we should put the sack bag that we
get the result same as the left side. For example, if
we use 100 grams then we should put it far from its
pivot point 37.5 cm so when will multiply we will get
the same amount of torque on both sides.

To be able to understand the concept of torque 
To gain experience working with torque
To practice doing an experiment
To prove that the distance and the mass affects
the result of the seesaw
1. Cut a plastic pipe into 4 short pieces
2. Connect 2 of the pieces with 90 degrees joint
3. Do the same with the remaining 2 pieces
4. Cut a plastic pipe into 1 long piece which measured 1 meter
5. Drill a hole in the middle the 2 joints and in the middle of the 
    1-meter pipe
6. Connect 2 pieces with 90-degree joints to the 1-meter pipe
with nuts and bolts through the holes that were drilled
7. Draw a scale on the pipe
8. Create a box for moving (2 boxes)
9. Put them at each end of the pipe
10. Make 6 sugar bags (50 grams)
11. Test the see-saw
Data of the results
Analysis of data
From the result, we can see that if we increase the
mass from 100g to 150g on the left of the seesaw, we
have to increase the distance from the pivot point
from 20 cm to 33 cm. In contrast, if we increase the
distance from the pivot point of the left side, from 10
cm to 15 cm, then we need to increase the distance
from the right side too, it’s directly proportional.
However, if we increase the mass on both sides of
the seesaw equally then we don’t have to change any

So for the conclusion of this project, we have
learned and experiment about torque, we
understand the formula of torque(Torque = Force ×
Distance) which leads the concept of torque
which is more mass; less distance, and more
distance; less mass.
A point that we drilled is not in the centre which
affects both of the lever arms to have different
masses which effects an unbalanced seesaw and
inaccurate result. So next time, we will use a
measuring tape instead of a ruler to measure the
length of the pipe, and we will make a bigger
seesaw next time to illustrate the concept of
torque clearly.

Work Log

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