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Pack Shot and Stills


Pack Shot and skills have a crew of photographers that work for the company


They take simple photographs of mostly objects alongside portraits of people to show the clothes
and fashion

Photographs used in

They use there photographs in catalogues, magazines, look books, portfolios and e-commerce sites,
as well as large-scale exhibitions and billboards.

Pack Shot and Stills photography

This photo shows the colours This photo shows a darker side to it
from the petal and the perfume which is what I like about it, as it is
bottles so nicely as to the I like this photo because of
advertising MACS dark blood red
background being plain and the colours of the
lipstick, so I see it like the colours
white. I love how they have put background laid behind the
resemble to the colour of the lipstick
petals surrounding the bottles beer bottle which are the
and show a sort of dark mistry look
because it brings out the natural same dark autumn colours
to it which is why I like it.
side to something hand made. with ice layered round the
bottle on the floor.

This photo is different to the last two as it shows more

summer colours which is how I believe the drink would
taste, (light and hoppy) which is why I like it, because
you can imagine how the drink would taste from the
judgement of the photograph. This photograph is cool as it shows
something completely different and they
have captured the movement of the fire
but made it almost look fake as it’s that
still and in focus.

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