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Bio 358

Class 1
Resistance to evolution theory
Fear to give up views , dehumanize existence
Actually our uniqueness is treasured by our sense of purpose and it’s not lost
Natural selection is moral bc of insight that uses ethical sense .
Is not genetic superiority
Can be fast but can be strong too
Survival of the fittest
Is not the biggest or strongest , it depends on the selection for purposes

- Conflict of interest in malthusian world

- Darwin couldn’t answer human uniqueness among all animals
- Competing theories , expanded language , bigger brains (cause and effect)
- Cooking (not falsifiable )
- Running (doesn’t solve conflict of interest)
- Conflict of interest :
- Genetic info , personal experience and cultural info .
- David Attenborough :
- Japan spiders rice seedlings need to grow sakeoiama
- The speed that we evolved
- Phyllo trees chimps more related to gorillas phylogenetic analysis
- Reductionist answers : all the time but reducing problem so absurdly to understand
- Reductionist Pyramid
- Animal societies , animals . Organ systems . Organs . Tissues cells . Molecules . Atoms
subatomic particles
- Parsimony: simple explanations account for a lot
- And falsifiable useful and testable
- Si vence is inductive and we test
- Non human discovery are tiny and close genetic keen but humans have produced to
control of individual conflicts
- Social cohercion theory
- Social revolution : controls conflict of interest evolved to human beings vs chimp
- Threat of violence to find peace to insta human nobility
- Non human social cooperation is limited by individual conflicts of interest
- Humans evolved to control COF
- Social coercion : truth telling a use for speech , large brains are adaptations
- And can police authenticity of cof
- Can police property rights “trade”
- Social cooperation .
- Adaptive sophistication increases in fits and starts
- Revolution agricultural democratic state etc
- New coercive technologies more sophistication
- COF : management of this makes us healthier wiser and wealthier and revolutionize our
human capacity .
- Sartorial motion : stars motion
- Reductionist tests
- Phylogenetic analysis
- How do species change over time
- Define species : ancestral population + time genetic differences + geographical
- By synthesizing vitamin D with lighter skin is beneficial bc sunlight exposure is modest
therefore reduction of pigment occurs so synthesis of vitamin D is effective
- Increased pigmentation in mid equator allows sufficient vitamin d synthesis and
protected cancer .
- Diversion of species bs speciation
- Cheetah vs lion “sibling species “
- Chimps bs humans
- Phylogenetic analysis in humans
- Plants , fungi , animals , vertebrates , fish reptiles birds mammals , primates , humans
- Ancient common ancestor
- Apes divergence and human divergence but it’s wrong
- Speciation took place to contemporary chimps and humans 6 million year ago
-appalling non human behavior is rejected by humans compared to the lions behavior .
illustrate the individual cof . due to close genetic kinship lions must establish their
prevalence and therefore go forward with the killing of another males lion cubs. If non-kin
members of the same species have conflicts of interest they result in prosecution (lion
kills baby lions that aren’t his own) in animals this is done so that male lion can mate
with the female lioness and be a doting protector of them . the lion is discriminationg on
the close related kinship that they have favoring his offspring. Favoring his kin and
competing with non-kin.
Humans also discriminate from the basis of kinship by having nepotism laws. Yet we
differ in the non-kin relationship in the public domain we surepress non-kin behavior and
not commit infanticide but furthers our selfintrest and others intrest aswell. Pro social
behavior from one another to uplift humans as a whole rather than individually ?

- Non kin interest in animals such as lions favoring their own blood vs other public
domain but humans don’t commit infanticide a non kin cooperative behavior
- Kin
- Humans only animals can throw with precision
- Coercive threat reductionist pyramid
- Human brain expansion is an adaptation to massive expansion of cultural information
made possible by coercive suppression of deceit.
- Social, her soon helps us by telling the truth allowing us to massively expand a stream
of cultural information. Are language makes our cultural information creating speaking
pedagogical an economical animals making them unique.
- Unique sexual in childbearing behavior makes that’s contingent meters were mortality
rates are low by two by choosing monogamy.
- Those are psychology also defers as in we have an adaptive response to this coercive
but cooperative environment in which we live.
Social coercion theory guess that’s the first general theory of history we have ever had
each adaptive transition must be caused by a new means of coercion or

* Key terms
* Species : A group of sexual organisms whose members normally made with one
another to produce viable fertile offspring.
* The reductionist explanation: is an explanation of properties of event or objects at one
level of complexity as having risen above from a particular small subset of the properties
of event or object at a level of complexity below.
* Extinction event : evolutionary event in which all members of a species are lost or
* Speciation event : an evolutionary event resulting in splitting of a population of
organisms into two populations whose members can no longer successfully made with
one another
* Phylogenic tree: it’s a graphical method displaying and visualizing the evolutionary
relationships between animal species or a grouping species of organisms on the basis of
their common ancestry in older species
* Humans are among the species that descend from an earlier in central species that had
properties including giving birth to live young feeding newborns with breast milk and the
production of here for installation of protection of the skin.
* Primates are baboons chimps gorillas and humans
* Subgroup : Great apes or Chimps gorillas orangutans and humans.
* No North and South Korea oh common quarterly and genetically but there are
remarkable differences in their society 80 in their society due to the societies the
following by very recent history and social political organization does it in tails that social
organization apparently affects the vision see in which we are able to exploit our
resources of the planet also the common recent theory that history culture and language
of north and South Korea indicate that these features are less important than some other
feature in determining if fission C of exploitation of resources does agree of ecological
* Humans show complex social cooperation with non-flashcan humans. This is what
categorizes our uniqueness among other great .

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