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1-3 how to frame the problem

4 what obstacles are in the way of solving the problem
5-7 identifying solutions and choosing the most plausible, most cost efficient choice
8 weaknesses

1. Redefine your problem (in 3 sentences) This def of your problem needs to be addressed
to a person who doesnt understand your problem. Explain to your reader and WHY IT IS
A PROBLEM. Convince the reader that it is a problem.


- The adoration of white skin in China is a problem because it causes China’s
homogeneous society to split based off of skin color. It causes colorism, the
discrimination of people in regards to skin color, as people of whiter skin are seen as
‘better’ and darker skin seen as ‘worse.’ It is a problem because it is causing people with
darker skin to have a harder time finding jobs and marriage partners, as they are seen
with a lower socioeconomic status than others.

2. Define the consequences of your problem. Who is hurt and affected by the problem.
How are they affected by the problem. Need data.

- The consequences of the problem are the negative effects it has on darker skinned
people in China. The darker skinned people are discriminated against, in regards to jobs
and marriage. These can be seen in a survey done with a large proportion of males and
females choosing lighter skinned women in advertisements as more appealing.
- The problem’s effects can also be seen in the self esteem of women, as women always
strive to be lighter, afraid of the sun. This is shown through the market of skin whitening
products that have been sold in China, with more than a 10 billion going into profits, as
well as other skin care/skin maintenance products that have high profits being sold
around China.

3. Root causes

- The root causes of white skin adoration in China are mainly linked the the agrarian
society that China once was, dating back centuries before. As China was mainly an
agricultural society, those with darker skin were categorized as laborers, and those with
lighter skin were categorized as elegant and upper class. From this distinction on, white
skin was a reference to the high socioeconomic status that was held by those people,
whereas dark skin was a reference to the dirty and poor, or the low socioeconomic
status of those people.
- Other causes of this problem were the Western influences, as Western culture, which
depicted darker skinned people as ‘savage’ and ‘backwards,’ were brought into China
after the opening of the Chinese market.
- The last cause was the intrigue the Chinese had with the Western civilizations that tried
to pull down their country, as they were seen as conquerors all around China.

4. Identify all of the obstacles currently preventing the problem from being solved

- The beauty industry (skin care products make a lot of money in China)
- Cultural problem (none of them believe it to be a problem)

5. All possible solutions to the problem

- ILO Convention No. 111

- Not feasible (cannot be properly implemented/reinforced)
- Not cost efficient (if they were to enforce the convention, it would cost the
government a lot of money)
- Covers all in China
- Addresses a consequence of the cause, the discrimination of others for their skin
- Not as great as others because it isn’t possible to properly implement this
- (1)Dove’s “Campaign for Real Beauty” with women of varying sizes and skin colors
- Cost (just another one of Dove’s campaigns)
- Covers only urban China (billboard ads)
- Addresses a consequence of the problem (the self esteem of women) also
addresses an obstacle (part of the beauty industry)
- Not a good solution because it was not taken well by Chinese women
- Not feasible because it wouldn’t change the minds of Chinese women
- (2)Dove’s “Campaign for Real Beauty” with Chinese women
- Not feasible (chinese women believe they can achieve if they try hard enough)
- Cost (just another one of Dove’s campaigns)
- Covers urban China (billboard ads)
- Addresses a consequence and an obstacle
- Not a good solution because was not taken well by Chinese women
- (3)Dove’s “Campaign for Real Beauty” with collaboration with “Ugly Wudi”
- Feasible (frames the ideas of Doves campaign within the storyline of a show
based off of real beauty
- Cost (more cost efficient than regular TV ads and also has more people
- Covers China with TVs
- Addresses a consequence of the problem and an obstacle
- Better solution than the rest

6. Cull the list, ones that do not address a root cause, or that dont overcome an obstacle
you outlined

- Cannot use ILO

- Cannot use (1) Dove
- Cannot use (2) Dove

- (3) Dove has Elysia Pan

- Look for more experts

7. Choose one solution that is the most feasible, and has to provide the greatest benefit
with the least cost

- (3) Dove

8. Weaknesses (what dangers does your solution bring. How will you solve this.) (what are
the weaknesses of your problem) (is your problem a temporary solution or a permanent

- Weaknesses of my solution:
- Only covers China with access to TV (can address this by expanding the
advertisements to different forms, since they saved money with all the
advertisement done on the show)
- Temporary solution

9. Multimodal Evidence (what will your paper look like without multimodal elements, what
types of multimodal elements will strengthen your paper)


Problems have multiple causes and solutions
Some solutions wont work
- Creating a new law: would it get passed?
- Fundraisers: feasible? Long term solution?
- Educational and awareness campaigns: will people really change their behavior?
- Programs and support groups: will people participate?
Go deeper within your problem (could find better, more specific solutions for your problems)
Some problems are impossible to solve- can still diagnose next steps and/or mitigate harmful

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