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My city in future

Baia Sprie is a small town situated at the foot of Gutâi mountains, with houses
scattered along the banks of Săsar river. In the past, a large part of the population had
as occupation the mining, but now, due to the closure of the mines, it has shifted to
other occupations.
By the web of roads we can distinguish many historical attractions, like the
Catholic Cathedral, who is old of 150 years and was built by Austrian craftsmen, the
Town Hall, built in 1739 in baroque style, the former school 'Zarda', which requires
immediate renovation, and the Calvary Chapel, built on Dealul Minei in 1848. Close
to the town , the Blue Lake is unique in the terms of composition of the water, and the
Bodi Lake, which is considered a big attraction.
In the future, I see Baia Sprie like this: the old park around the Catholic
Cathedral will become a proper one, with much larger sizes than those of the present
one. Zarda will be refurbished as a cultural complex, comprising lecture halls, a
theatre, museum rooms (which will be exhibit vestiges of the city's history), a dining
place, a cafe and a sports terrain very well integrated in the former garden. Of course,
all the arrangements will be made respecting the original architecture of the building.
In the places where it's possible and on the deeper streets, there will be created
sidewalks and, on the main street, in addition to the sidewalks, a bike road. Through
an environmental action, the Săsar river will be purified by harmful substances
contained actually, and will be populated with fish.
But the most interesting changes will be in plan of travel. For example, till the
Blue Lake a path accesible only by foot or by bicycle will be arranged. This road will
be framed with flowers and shrubs specific to the area, so those crossing the route can
freely admire the beauties of the landscape. The whole area around the Blue Lake will
be transformed into a nature reserve, and there will be established a department that
will have as job the environmental protection. The closed mine galleries, with the help
of maintenance, may become real touristic attractions for the passionate ones. Another
example of change in plan of travel would be the creation of a youth camp near Lake
Bodi and the transformation of this area into a venue for those who love nature and
sports. The road to the Mogoşa summit is an excellent mountain bike trail, the access
being facilitated by the present chairlift. For the winter, the alpine skiing track will be
extended and, together with the lake turned into a skating rink, they will make a
formidable place to practice winter sports. Thus, Bodi Lake will become both a center
of winter sports, and a starting point of trekking expeditions.
The Gutâi Mountains Natural Reserve will be extended by including nearby
areas to further reduce the destructive effects of human intervention on the
environment. And there will be a mountain police station to preserve cleanliness in the
area. To reduce noise and pollution in the city, a road that will bypass all the town
will be built, to significantly reduce the number of cars circulating in the living space.
In my opinion, Baia Sprie's future is closely linked to exploitation of tourism
potential, which in turn is in close accordance with environmental protection. Thus, a
mining town with traditions as Baia Sprie could be a modern city by the development
of ecological tourism, but this depends of each of us's attitude towards the
environment. Only by environmental protection we can preserve the natural beauties
of this city!

Kovacs Istvan, clasa a VIII-a A, Scoala Generala Nr. 1

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