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Kalimat aktif yang mempunyai obyek dapat dipastikan. Caranya :

1. Obyek kalimat aktif menjadi subyek kalimat pasif.
2. Kata kerjanya diubah menjadi be + verb III
3. Subyek kalimat aktif menjadi obyek kalimat pasif dengan didahului kata by

Catatan : bentuk tense tetap.

Rumus : Be + past participle.

Be dalam bentuk :
Is, am, are : present
Was, were : past
Be : auxiliaries
Been : perfect
Being : continuous

1. Present Tense S + s / am / are + VIII + by Obj
- Jane opens the windows every morning.
The windows are opened every morning by Jane.

2. Past Tense S + was / were + VIII + by Obj

- The driver ran over the dog yesterday.
The dog was run over yesterday by the driver.

3. Present Continuos Tense S + is / am / are + being + VIII + by Obj

- The cat is chasing the mice now.
The mice are being chased now by the cat.

4. Past Continuos Tense S + was / were + being + VIII + by Obj

- When I arrived, the men were mending off the roof.
When I arrived, the roof was being mended by the men.

5. Present Perfect S + have/has been + VIII + by Obj

- The boy has sent all the letters.
All the letters have been sent by the boy.
6. Past Perfect Tense S + had + been + VIII + by Obj
- The girl had opened the parcels before the guests left.
The parcels had been opened by the girl before the guests left.

7. Auxiliaries; Future Tense S + Aux + be + VIII + by Obj

- Bob will invite all his friends to the party.
All his friends will be invited to the party by Bob.
- My father has to take the shoes to the shoe repairer.
The shoes have to be taken to the shoe repairer by my father.

1. The teacher teaches us English.

2. We speak English during the English classes.
3. We use Indonesian in other classes.
4. We need English for International communication.
5. People write many scientific books in English.
6. We will improve our knowledge through reading.
7. One will obtain lot of useful information from books.
8. I have learned English for a long time.
9. Some people here have mastered this foreign language fairly well.
10. I have made very slow progress in learning it.
11. Somebody has to teach him some manners.
12. People will admire you for your courage and determination.
13. The doctor gave him an injection and some pills.
14. No one can ever answer his question satisfactory.
15. You ought to keep these things out of children reach.
16. We make few mistakes in using Indonesian.
17. I often make mistakes in using English.
18. I often forget the rules of English.
19. The rules of English often confuse me.
20. We are practicing the passive voice at the moment.
21. Everyone knows this fact very well.
22. They opened the theatre only last month.
23. People will soon forget it.
24. You must write the answer in ink.
25. Someone has taken two of my books.

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