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Solid Waste Management
FINAL EXAM 2-g. {>
Name:-A;d~/ ~ Date: -.3/"V?r/;C Rating
I. ·Muftjple Choices. Write the letter.of.the correct -answer before .the number. r I -~=====-...--
c;t • ~acJ:l LGU plan st:lall inolude an implementation schedule wt:lioJ:l st:l0ws that within years after the effeetivity
of RA 9003 which shows a waste diversion of at least % of all solid waste from waste dis I facilities
~hr~~gh r~-u~~. r~cycling, ~n9 ~~mp9~ting activitie~ and oth~r r~~~~r~~ r~c~:>very ~ctiviti~~·
a, ~. 2~ Q, ~~. ~ ~' ~. fi

b. 5, 10 d. 5, 3 f. None of the above
c. frJ The average American generates approximately pound(s) of solid waste daily.
U a. four c. one e. six
b. two a. eight f. half
d.~ An environmental problem with landfills is
a. Groundwater pollution c. incomplete decomposition e. all of the above
/ b. Settling d. methane production •
c ~ An acronym that indicates people's desire to locate landfills away from their communities is what?
~ / ~ , b. NIMTOO d. EGADOH
C/. y A modem landfill is required to •
a. Have a leachate collection system •
b. be surrounded by groundwater monitoring wel!s
c. be sited on a location well above the water table. •
d. Have a waterproof clay or plastic liner at the bottom
.e. AU .of .the aQoy e
C.~ Which of the following statements about WTE facilities is false?
~. They often ccimpete with recycling programs for M&N
b. They substantially reduce the weight and volume of MSW
They produce large quantities of ash that must be disposed in SLF
-lhey emit no air pollution because of air pollution control devices.
They can be used to generate electricity
.f. ~one o.f .the.a boy~
Open burning of wastes in dumps was a common practice in the United States until
· a. The 1960s · c. the 1940s e. present day
b. The 1920s d. the 1990s
d. ~ The single most important item to recycle is what?
a newspapers c. junk mail e. plastic milk jugs
. Glass jars d. aluminum cans
JVuhich.of the .following is not a problem .with landfills?
a. increasing runoff into lakes and streams
b. incomplete decomposition
c. metl:lar.~e .producti<:>R
d. leachate generation and groundwater contamination
e. settling
f. all of the above
g. none of the above
e.... fO. Which of the following is not a drawback of waste com bustion?
V a. High costs c. competition w/ recycling activities e. None of the above
b. Increased air emissions d. requ irement of large land areas to construct incinerators
cQ {J. A typical tipping fee, for disposal of MSW at a landfill. would be about
. $1 Olton c. $1 000/ton · e. $500/ton
" b. $100/ton d. $ 1/ton
. C .~.; . In the besyof all possible worlds, the best strategy for m~naging MSW is to . .
a/ Burn it ~- source reduction e. landfJI! tt •
t:i. Recycle it d. dump in river
. ~ .~NR, through the . shall provide secretariat support to the National SWM Commission
a. National Ecology Center c . EMB e. LGU

b. PIA d. Private Sectors

Final Exam in SWM Page 1

Solid Waste Management
b (!J Shall refer to activities which reduce or eliminate the amount of solid wastes from waste disposal facilities .
.a. Waste diversion c. .Sour.ce s_epar.ation
b_ Segregation d. Ecological SWM
t?( . ()5. As per DAO 10, Area required for Sanitary Landfill Category 2 is
a. More than 20 hectares c. 1.5 to 3 hectares
b. 8.5 to 20 hectares d. 5 to 7.5 hectares
p.'(e. Kyoto Protocol : Climate Change; : Control of Transboundary and Disposal ofHazardous Waste
. Basel Convention c. Stockholm Convention e. None of the above
b. Montreal Protocol d. RA ·9003
e.... 1 The two main waste by-products of landfill are Methane and
. VOC c. H2S e. Leachate
.b. .HY.dJQ.GqJb.on d . .CH.-
.b. . It shall include solid waste transfer station ar sorting station, drop-aft center, a campasting facility, and a recycling •
a. Buy-back center c. Recovery center e. Junkshop
,. 6~ Materials recovery facility d. Opportunity to recycle
c, ftrhe National Solid Waste 'Management Commission is established under the _ _
a. Office of the President c. EMB e. SWM Board Commission
oft 2 . MSW recycling in the US has _ over the period 1980 to 2001
. Stayed the same · c. decreased significantly e. decreased
.b.) .l.ocr.ease.d.s!iQnUy .d .$J~otf.iQa!JVY
he tenn "S.oJid Waste" as. us.ed in the RA 9.003 s.hall include
a. waste identified or listed as hazardous waste of a solid, liquid, contained gaseous or semisolid form which
may cause or contribute to an increase in mortality or in serious situations, incapacitate or cause
irreversible bodily damage or acute/chronic effect on the health of persons and other organisms;
b. infectious waste from hospitals such as equipment, instruments, utensils, and fomites of a disposable
nature from patients who are suspected to have or have been diagnosed as having communicable
diseases and must-therefore be isolated ·as required by public hea_lth agencies, ·labor:atory:wastes_such a~
pathological specimens (i.e., all tissues, specimens of blood elements, excreta, and secretions obtained
from patients or laboratory animals), and disposable fomites that may harbor or transmit pathogenic
;;1od .~vrgi_~l .oP.EWil.ting .specime.ns .ao.d dispos.a,PJ.e fom.i.te.s .attendant,
q.r.g~n.t!?m!?, _
and similar materials. from outpatient areas. and e.mergency ro.oms;
c. waste resulting from mining activities, including contaminated soil and debris.
~ All of the above
e. None of the above
lo . . A final disposal facility applied to LGUs with net residual waste generated of 15 tpd but to 75 tpd
a. Category 1 c. Category 3 e. None of the above
..,_... CategE>ry 2 d . .categE>ry 4
. . . .VIinimum daily cover (thickness) for controlled dumpsite
a. 6inches · c. 8inches e. None of the above
0.6 meters
·- ··· .d. 1 meter -- ·
""''"hat is the best known remediation program in the US?
a. Superfund -c. Superremediate e. Super recovery
. Superbass d. Super-CERCLA f. Superdredge
b. 25. was enacted in 1980 in USA to address the problem of remediating abandoned hazardous waste sites by
establishing legal liability as well as a trust fund for cleanup activities
. Superbass c. HSWA e. SARA
0 •

. It refers to special wastes that include worn-out, broken, and other discarded items such as radios, stereos, and
TV sets.

. Consumer Electronics c. Yard wastes
b. Bulky wastes d. Agricultural wastes
c . . What is the number code for polystyrene? •

a. 4 c. 6 e. 8
b. 5 d. 7
h · ~ Wastes with hi~h lignin contents, such as newsprint, are significantly == biodegradable than the other organic
wastes found in MSW: - · - · -
!f!&UW!W' -=
Final Exam in SWM Page 2

SaUd .Was.te Management
a. Less c. Not e. None of the above
. .MQr:e .d. s.tmilar:ly
C?f. 29.
e'lignin content of a waste can be used to estimate the biodegradable fraction using the relationship:
BF 0.38-0.28LC = c. BF 1.83-0.28LC = e. None of the above
. BF 0.083-0.28LC = d. BF 0.83-0.028LC =
is the chemical decomposition of a condensed substance by heating. It does not involve ·oxygen or any other
reagents but can take place in their presence. · - ·
a(' Pyrolysis c. Incineration e. None of the above
./ / b. ·Gasification d. Thermal amplification
o1 .~The older and simpler kind of incinerator
a. Moving grate c. Fluidized bed
.b. .f~Qtary .kiln .d..Fixe.d .Qf.qte •
c ~- Term interc~angeably to describe Area_-Metho.d for Sanitary landfill
V · Progresstve slope c. L1ft-Bench Method e. B and C
b. Ramp method d. And B f. All of the above
~ • vv. Method wherein solid wastes are spread and compacted in an excavation. It is usually good in areas where there
Is relati ely little waste, low groundwater and the soil is over 6 feet deep.
. Trench Method c. Ramp Method "e. Slag
b. Area Method d. -Lift-Bench -Method
~"The major function of the is to prevent moisture from entering the finished landfill,
a. Daily Cover c. Final cover e. Active System
.b. .l.ote.IJXl~d.iat~ .C.9Y~r .Q. .P~~~iy~ .~Y.$.t~m
c;1 ~. Compo.sting praces.s. in which organic. was.te is mixed together in one large mo.und and layers of loo.sety heap.
U bulking agents.
·& a. Aerated static pile
b. Windrow composting
c. In vessel composting
d. Yermicomposting
e · 3 . Geomembrane materials include PVC, HOPE, Chlorinated PE and EPDM. EPDM means_ _
e. All of the above

a. Ethylene polybutelene dinolite monomer
b. ·Ethylene-pelyohloFinated 9ensifted ·I',T10nomer
c. ...?'Ethylene polychlorinated densified membrane
{/ Ethylene propylene diene monomer
None of the above
h. 31/ efined . as ·that
temperature at which the ash resulting from the burning of waste will form a solid (cl!nker) by
fusion and agglomeration - - · · ·
a. Combustion c. Pyrophoric e. All of the above
. / b. Fusing point o! ash - d. ·Ultimate Analysis

a. Carbonization c. Gasification
/ 6· .Chamification _d. Aliphatic
o, ;39. jifigineering considerations.not involved in the implementation of MRFs
v / a. Definition and function of the MRF,,selection of the materials to be separated (now in the future)
b. Identification of the material specifications that must be met now and in the future
c. Development of separation process flow diagrams, determination of process loading rates
o. Layout ·and design of the physical facilities, s-election of the equipment and facilities t hat will be used.
e. Environmental controls, aesthetic considerations
All of the above
, g. None of the above
cr. 4~ One of the global characteristics of municipal solid wastes is high standard living generates high paper and plastic
/ content but low in content. ·
a. Garbage c.. As.hes. and re.sidue.s
b. Rubbish d. None of the above
e.,.-. tft\ The typical fusing temperature range for the formation of clinker from solid waste
\) g.; 1100 - 1220°F c.100-120 °F · e.900-1100oC
.) /b. 2000-2200 oc d. 1100- 1200 oc -
Cy. 42. he Private Sector of Solid Waste Mgt Commission shall hold a term of office for _ _ _ years.
a. 3 c. 1 e. -5
li 4
. d. 2
f) , 43. e following are powers and functions of National SWM Commission except
Final Exam in SWM Page 3

Solid Waste Management
a. Prepare the National Solid Waste Management Framework.
b. ReJ.£iew .and .monitor .the .implementation .of.local solid .waste .management plans.
c. Develop a model provincial, city and municipal SWM plan that will establish of the content and
format that may use in meeting the requirements in NSWM Framework
d. Manage the SWM Fund

e. A an9.-87 only •

f. lrOf the above

g. None of the above
, ·Signing of·the ·IRR of RA 9003
a. December 21 , 2001 c. February 16, 2001 e. December 21 , 2000
/t) b. January 26, 2000 d. January 26, 2001
c. __ . .In Pa.l9wa.n, th.e ProY.iocial .SWM B.oar.d .st:laU .b.e .c.bair.e.d .by the _ _ __
a. Palawan Governor. •
b. EMB-Palawan Director
c. Palawan Council for Sustainable Dev't. Chairman
d. DENR Region 7 Director
> e. None of the above _
cf.\46. __ shall be responsible for the implementation and enforcement of RA 9003
U a. Lq.u c. Pr-ivate Seotor
/ National Ecology Centerd. EMB
per Health Care Waste Management Act, the appropriate colorof waste bin tor non-infectious wet waste is
.a. .aiC!c;l< c. X~l!o.w witt:t .b.lacl<l~~md
·...,..-/ll Green d. Yellow
tl· 48':'" Site for sanitary landfill should accomodate the community's waste for a period of _ _ or more.
a. 5 years ; c. 10 years
~:-13 years d. -'15 years
b ~f refers to~ system of clay layers and/or geosynthetic membranes used to contain leachate
y Ga's Control recovery system c. Cover ·
,;:~/b. ,liners .d. .~ooe .of the .abo.v.e
d, ~-r~nitary landfill should ha\!e a minimum distance of from perennial stream, lake or river. Final soil CO\!er shall
r be completed within from the last receipt of waste and post closure care of .
a. 50 m ; 6 months ; 10 years
b. 50 m ; 1 year; 10 years
c. 7§ m ; 6 months ; 15 years
r/ d:...... 50 m ; 6 months ; 15 years
- -
_/ e. 75 m ; -1 year ; -10 years
~-,)'1 . Transfer station includes
a. a facility whose principal function is to receive, store, separate, convert, or otherwise process in
accordance with national minimum standards,
b. a facility, whose principal function is to receive, store, convert, or otherwise process wastes which have
already been separated for re-use and are not intended for disposal
c. the operations premises of a duly licensed solid waste handling operator who receives, stores, transfers,
or otherwise processes wastes as an activity incidental to the conduct of a refuse collection and disposal
eusiness . .
dry all of the above
,/ e-: none of the above
ol yd. It is used when the height of the landfill exceeds 15 to 20 meters. They are used to maintain the slope of the
lan~ll. for the placement of surface water drainage channels, and for the location of landfill gas collection piping.
/ .i. Slag c. Lift e. Geomembrane
. /' b. Perforated pipe d. Bench f. Geonet
# ,53. Y~own Landfill converted into federal post office is an example of Post closure category _
' · / a. 1 c. 5 e. 3
// · b. 2 d. 4 f. Cannot be categorized
or .~'54. Segregation & collection of Solid Waste at the_ level specifically biodegradable, composta-ble & reusable wastes •

" a. Barangay c. Community

/ b. National d. City or Municipality
· b .v&s. Minimum and maximum value of available excess oxygen for incinerator.
a. 5%, 10% c. 5%, 15%

Final Exam in SWM Page 4


Solid Waste Management
. 6%, 12% d. 2%, 20%
. s.per.RA.9003, the.minimuro separation .liner.system and .under.IY.iog gr.ound.water .i~ _ _ _.
a. 2 meters c. 1.5.0 meters
b. 3 meters d. 2.5 meters
ol . Most common types of shredding devices used to reduce the size of MSW •
a. Cutters, cage fisintegrators
b. Hammer mill, flail min or shredder
c. Drum pulverizers, wet puplers
d. All ~the above
e. np ne of the above
-h eJ· It is re :efred to as the thermal destruction of waste by means of direct exposure to fire.
. . . Q~n .burning .c. .e. .o.f tbe .ab.ov.e

b. Incineration d. Gasification
o( • . In circulating bed, recovery of solids from the gas phase of a fluidized bed combustion reactor is followed by:
a. njection in the sand bed c. Water treatment e. None of the above
. Introduction of catalyst d. Removal of particulate matter
re plastics with very open, strong grid-like structure with large apertures. They are used to provide
reinforcem nt
a. textiles c. Geonets e. soil ~iner
. . . " . Geogrids d. GCb "'
Ct, 6 . t occurs when an organism absorbs a toxic substance at a rate greater than that at which the substance is lost. It
.O.C.C.V.~S Witl}l!J .~n .org~Qi~m.
Bjoac.c.umulation c. Bio:dilution e. Bio.technalogy
b. Biomagnification d. Bioconcentration
b . . It means any identifiable source of pollution with specific point of discharge into a particular water body
a. Pollutant c. Non-point source e. Ambient source
b. Pointsource d. Contaminant
d , ~- Which ,of the following does not resemble one of the three arrows of recycling logo?
1 _ · : ·Souroe ·separ-ation -c. ·Pfooessing e. ·None of -the above
b. Disposal d. C-onsumer purchase
c. . It refers to the activity that is intended that relatively small quantities of hazardous inorganic liquid wastes (and Qrg~nics) .be .;; .by .l.arg.e .Q.uan.ti.ti.e.s .o.f .s.o .t hat .attenuation .of the .c.o.n.ta.mjnants by tb.e wa.s.te
and the surrounding s.ail can occ.u r
a. Co!metabolism c. Waste absorption program e. Co-disposal
. Superfund "· d. Regeneration
or Sanitary landfill, Final soil cover shall be completed within __ from the last receipt of waste and post
closure care of .
a. 6 months ; 15 years c. 1 year ; 15 years
b. 6 months ; 10 .years d. 1 .year ; 10 .years
o/. s(}Which of the following statement~ does not describe. a problem associated with medern l~ndfills?
a. Chemicals leaking out of the wa~ored there may pollute wells or groundwater supplies.
_b. Materi~ls b~(i~9 iiJ .!~o.9.fil!s _g_~~9r:np9se in .th~~-e Y.~~~$..
Jo c.. Exptas.ive gas.e.s. can be. produced by landfills and may build up in the bas.ements of nearby b.uildings.
" . All of the above
""'hich of the following produces the most solid waste?
a. Plastic packaging c. agricultural e. All of the above
b. manufacturing d. Nuclear power plants
c.. S. What percentage of the energy needed to make aluminum cans from ore is needed to make recycled aluminum

90% e. 10% e. 20% . .

.v 5% d. 50%
th? fgllowing ~grr~p~ly d.C?.s.cri.l;>?s .the pi~p.os~J of waste by cpmppsting?
0\. _ .. . Whifh 9f _
a. Com posting could reduce the amount of waste that restaurants, food-processing plants, and animal
feedlots send to landfills. ·
b. Compost made from glass and plastics can be recycled and used as building materials.

c. Yard wastes, such as grass clippings, are not suitable for composting because they contain low
levels of nutrients.
d. Composting is a good way for individuals to reduce the amount of garbage they send to landfills, but

Final Exam in 3WM Page S

Solid Waste M.anagemen.t
large-scale composting is impractical
_e. .AU of the above
e . 7 . Under the Superfund Act
a. Most of the dangerous toxic dump sites in the US have been cleaned up
b. Companies that can not afford to clean up their hazardous waste can have the government par for the
clean up .
c. All laws such as CERCLA, SARA, RCRA and HSWA are integrated and must impose fine to improper
disposal of MSW
.d. The EPA.rn~y sue .cor:npani~s that_dl(mP .haz;ardOY$ waste Ulega_{ly.
e. All of the above
f. None of the above


, /J
. '£,....

. ·. . ·...

::,: .

• 2.
l 3.
0 4.
6. --

'To my Class: /fs been a pleasure havmg to teacf7 you in Solid Vv'aste Managemef1Ft;tr-.+1- - -
hope this course has been worth your while and that you can now look beyond the
arduousnf)_~s of h_ ?§ _a lpt of r_eqpirement~. I am lppking
aying to pa~.s _the coursf) _(f!_a t h_
forward that you will execute all the things that you learned not only in your profession
but in the pursuit of our advocacy on Sustainable Development. •

Congratulations to all graduates/

~tv- Xu Jlr1 1/
. ."
Final Exam in SWM
~ 7~------~P-a-ge--6------

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