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ISO 1001:2001
College of Engineering CERT.,II!D



Midterm Examination
SY 2016-2017
Name:-....ltJL\~V ""£1\"kt c AN~.:::(\J Date:b ~~ K Score:
I. Multipl,_.ehoices : Write the letter of the correct answer before the nu be . NO ERASURES &
'3 1 ,.According to...JICA's Waste Amount and Composition Survey (Apri11997), during Dry Season plastic is most prominent
/ in ·'
/ci Restaurant c Institution e. Hospital
, ....b"" R1ver d. High income
c, 2 One of th~lobal characteristics of municipal sohd wastes IS low standard hving generates low paper but h1gh in
garba~ and content
.a RubbiSh /c Ash e Metal
. / b Alujllinum d Plashc
G ¥.Based OD-1fie recent stud1es made by the Nahonal Solid Waste Management Commis1on Secretanat. 1t IS estimated
that e da1ly capita waste production tn Metro Mamla 1s_ kg
a . O.SS ......c 06 e. 045
b. o;fs d. o 4
Build-91Serate-Transfer Law
DAO 29 /c RA 7718 e. RA 9003
RA 7924 d. PO 1160
The Nat1~olid Waste Management Commission is established under the -....,--
~ · DENR c. Nat1onal Ecology Center .....-6 None of the above
\;:::" y1'he followmg are dut1es of the DENR Secretary except
a Cha1r the Comm1ssion created pursuant to RA 9003.
b ~pare an annual National SWM Status report
e Prepare and diStribute IEC materials on SWM.
~ All of the obove
'!'"-. A ~~gJ:l(1"cf t~e a-bove
.!/ _:r" In Pal~ the Prov1ncial SWM Board shall be chaired by the=---.,.,=-
-a Palaw~Governor c. EMB-Palawan Reg1ona1 Director e DENR Region 7 Oirec\or
.,. b P!~a&nt of the Phlls. A"'Palawan Council for Susta~nable developmen\
.t? B Mtnrmy.pYdaily cover (thickness) for controlled dumps1te •
.1f 0 6 meter c. 16 inches e. 1 fl
b 4 tnci)P6 _a, 6 mches
9,..... The followloif'are not attributes of Hazardous waste except
t" a. '(gnttable c. Toxic /e All of the above
b Corro~ d React1ve ~None of the above
l) 10.)l.tost of th~a on the energy content of the organic components of MSW are based on the results o f - - - -
Y a Full-scale botler c. Sto1ch1ometry e Prox1mate analysis
ft Labota!9fy bomb calonmeter d Fusmg po1nt of ash
1Y."fhe collectiol).o<1f non-recyclable matenals and spec1al waste r.hall be the responibility of
a . r»e(,onal government c Barangay e. Transfer station
~ Ctty/M))fliCipality d MRF
12.yused JS>.Oescnbe the vanous activ1lles associated with the management of SW from the po~nt of generation to
ulllma~ate of w,aste.
~· Alte~ves c. System e. None of the above
../ b P,F6'9rams . .....-d"Functional elements
13 The fioe§ 10 RA 9003 shall be Increased by at least every __ years to compensate for mflation and to
· lain the deterrent function of such fines.
. 3%; 10 years c. 3%; 3 years e 5%; 3 years
b. 25%; 5 years ,......-a. 10%; 3 years
14 Site for sanitary landfill should accomodate the communtty's waste for a penod of or more. And the construction
of any establishment from open dumpsite or controlled or sanitary landfill is prohibited.
a. 5 years, 500 m c. 10 years; 100m e. 5 years; 100m
b. 10 years; 200 m ~5 years; 200 rn


M. Taguba Engr. Allan R. Alzona

Program Director Engr. Alexa Ray R. Fernando
.~ n a Ot~1m4
c - ~sfucN"" sv:s-:u
• • ~!R!II'.£0
College of Engtneermg
a ~ fi;(Stem p;c~ram or fa ~ lOA' ·esc-tree
0 f ral-:)Ufl ,,ery t.;"l'.em
...n .. ?I ~~nt t:" .reo! U&r.$porui' o::n uan:sft:r ~~ss ng uea·rMr:'
W':cc:tic!,, !!T· W aepVa' 'in ,'?f~O
(CJ:!I(IJ"••~:i'::Ofl. IJ 'fl..:•;_,;f
or posa a'~ ,.-n!O
_.AS li.RF c st."/. Fa ••,
b C 1 t.~ • COfl!01 d Slf
ae udoo thocefo '!) oflrans'ers• uen(:-;spe1PA0003)otcept
N'hOIC;pa tiJI\ttiMiis w rC'"..e ,, ~S'OfO aep.srate GGfl :eft, Of ":herw;se proce!s n accordaoca
o 1 •
m m atanrla1l11
y;"ho$C ptlnclpa fatY!tlCtl Is l!) rcee.te st(;(e t;¢rwer• c.r otherwfse process was•es w~ch t;;~e
&:1~~1{ boon tell rn:e!l for re..vYJ on~J ate not mende'.! 'or d apo1a
e tho a~ra~ QI'CJr.;sc$ o! o d~"fy licenaed GOOd wi'\C harv.i: ng opera:or Ntao es, atotes ttans'ers o·
otllliMJSO proceucs wasta. n IHI v.tMty 11\CidenUl to lhe conduct of e rrm.-se ~ -?O a"O:: d"Sposa

bUS en
d Bo: A ancs B
e AJ ollhe above
X t one ot 1t1e aixr;o
a &olld wn\e rnanasemen! pract;r..e (,1 separ~:ng at tile pomt of ong 11, aiff~r~: ma•ena s 'O'Jnd r. s:::ld
., ,_..&! r
~to pr~ rccrcung and re-~e of '"oureM and :o redu:e th~ vo!'Ane of was•e 'or cc ec:.on ano
a ~atlnn a• s.o.•ce c 1/a.ste d .ersl()fl e 'Nas:e reCJct!On
b ro:!~ , d Source separatiOn f P.eSOI.J•ce (,Onser.a•-on
• ltla: r to:> a:t ~ ~lhlch :e!!liee ()( e rr-:~ Ule amount of solid 11as:es !rom ,,as:e d sposal f&c ::::es
~- / ~~ O?O a\ sc~.orce ~·t/as!e d. •ers>On e 't/as!e realldlon
"t'\ _.r.- Sou:c.e redlr.tloo d ScurC6 separa• on r Aeaource re«Y•er,
Y ~ - s r$1er to wu•o; gene· a·~ !rom p an:JIIg or harvn\lllg of crops. tr.mtrull9 or prun ng o! plants and ~oas:!!S C)( n..n-
c!f rll;'~s from farms c• fk,\ds
/A' 'l'a•d wa!;1e c Green waste e Speoal was:e
' ~., B;.; '' wasle fi
It aha c&'r.r to en~ waste matenal rett•!Wed fcom 11\e waste stream illnd free from conl<lmonation that cans~ oe
' Ag(•<.vltural waste

COIY. erAd 11\\o sllltaDte bellef•oa use or lor olner pUI'poses. determoned by lhe ComtnJSSIOn
a R~~<:yde ma·.ena' c owortun•t'/ to recycle e Re-use
J.r _.,r' ~dat>l<> mator•DI d PO$\ consumer matonal
[., ~ :tr Doto 'tit ~otld
o Wawto dr.teraoon
N,.,.,,. '"'"
aorne or ~>·I of'"' component porta otlhe pOtnl o! ll&nera~
c. Sour(;(> aepara\Jon ...-Q SOQ109all0n
b Sog~uon at sourco d Source tOdU<:I10n f. None o f the abo·;e
A n An~cron14'f'thllt pum110s to people or group of poople thai are agaiMI landfllls or must locate •I a-H8f •rom \l>e'l
com n1~es
a Nlt.!B'fer I c. BANANA / ? e NIMBY
']) AGccrd•ng to Jl~s Vlaste Amount and Compostt1on Survey (Apttl 1997), dunng Dry Season paper IS most prommeM:

Ill---.,~ e Other shops Middle Income 5.
'illar~ r- / d lnst1tution
ne c' th obal (,harac:er,sbcs of mun>Clpal s· lid wastes IS high staneard liv•ng genera~es hogn oape; a."ld
an!»Jt lou in (,OntenL
Rtsbb s c Ashes & Residues e None oft!te abO• e

~ Ga ge d. Receptacles
25 SLF 1511 be 75 m from
t<'.no-.·m rc:ent dormant fault c. Active groundwater ...-(Holocene fa ..~
d A•rport I Pangaea fa-.: tline
Peronn al sueam or lake
26 Tho No• ona' Ecology Center •S
a Un NS'//M Comm1ss•on and 1s headed by DENR Sec
b hdcr the OHtce of the Pres1dent and 1s headed by a representatwe from Pnvate SI:Clor
Under the OOLE and is headed by EMB Director
Under the NSWM Como11ssion and 1s headed by EMB D1rector
o Under the Oltoco of OENR and 1s headed by OENR Sec
Thcl fcl ow•ng oro poNers and functions of National SWM CommiSSion except
a Ptoparo tne IJ1.11Jonal Solid Wnste Management Framework


M. T ol{)Uba Engr. All\111 R. Alzona

Progr.llll Olroctor Engr. Alexa Ray R. Fornando
Manila 4'• • •

ISO 8001:2008
College of Engineering CERTIFIED
b. Review and monitor the Implementation of local solid waste managemenl plans.
c. Develop a model provincial, city and municipal SWM plan that will establish prototypes of the content and format
that may use In meeting the requirements In NSWM Framework
d. Manage the National SWM Fund
e All of the above
...-(' None of lhe above
28 It IS often used as a measure of the biodegradability of the organic fraction of MSW and Determined by ignition at

sso·c /~"~
a Lignin content • c. Fixed carbon e. Suspended solids
b Hemicellulose r-. ,.A{Volattle Solids
29 Amount of energy absorbed by a malenal up to the fracture
a . Tangent modulus ....., ...:.<secant modulus e. Modulus of rigidify
b. 1Jiodutus of toughness d Modulus of resilience
30. The following are not false except
a Post closure maintenance fer conlrolled dump31te is 10 years
b According to the WACS conducted by ADB tn 2003 maJOrtty of Metro Manila's waste is Food and olher
c Waste resulling from mming acllv1ties. 1ncludmg contamtnated soil and debrts is not a Solid waste.
__.Y In operatmg samtary landfill, trealed leachate effluenl dtscharde shall be monitored for pH, BODs and total
e All of t bove
I. . e of lhe above
II ld~· 1caUon: Write your answer before the number.
~ ~-~·- As per He h Care Waste Managemenl Act, the appropriate color of was to bin for non./nfectlous wet waste is
~'lc. \..At>\,<:. A«.~C:t'~tt sha efer to the quahty of being re-usable, biodegradable or compostable, recyclable and not toxic or
-ardou to the env11onment.
SIX )..10~~ r ary landfill, Final soil cover shall bt> completed within from the last receipt of waste.
~~f\'\1'-\C.. t;..c:;w~'tl\11 n tmportant physical property that, to a large extent, governs the movement of liquids and gases In a landfill.
(i;).l<4~\£.. The for~~f odors results from the __ decomposlllon of the readily decomposable organic components
n,.,_\•-.(c) \":''tr' "< c;y-,.S.Y\ ~ftd'ln MSW. . .
~~ V""Defir~ed o~ that tempe~ature at which the ash r~>sultlng from th11 burn~:>(' of wMtl! will form I' S(Md (cl•r.kerl by
~\ ,.J~on a1 glomeratton.
f'vV\ l> ~'? · -I.Y ll r to total amount of moisture that can be retained In a waste sample subjec\ to \he downward pull of
wA?1'!C ~"""-'>"'-4'-~:).f'l.~lt enc
passes those activities in which materials are Identified as no longer being of value and are either
th n aw or gathered together for disposal.
C.O"-'\~OS.\ \ l o\.) he use lo describe the individual components that make up a solid waste stream and their relative
· tribul' , sually based on percent by weight
~~ cl \ 1x:o'l 1 Si g da the IRR of R.A 9003
~'"'-'> ~ 11 sh nclude sohd waste transfer stahon or sorttng stalton, drop-off center, a composbng facility, and a
~ \ \... '-n ycling facility
~ ~ 12 shall refer to ht!'liquid produced when waste undergo decompostlton and when water percolate through solid
\..>c ,...(., • waste • erg01ng decompostllon It .; a conlamtnated hqutd \hat conta1ns dissolved and suspended
\...\ ~~ efers to lem of clay layers and/or geosynlhettc membranes used to conlam leachale
~ t.Y' _ ., - 1000 BC) placed their wastes. covered penodtcally w/ layers of soli. mto la~ge pits, lhus
rallng the first prole-sanitary landfill.
L 0()(\.. ~ '->t-1.\0f
_ _ shall be responsible for the 1mplementa1ton and enforcement of RA 9003
a disposal site in which solid wasle is deJ:OStted in accordanco with the mtn•mum presa~Ded standards of s•te
(o~\..\6) operation to mtntmize possible adverse impacts on the enwonment
~ -~~j ~w·~ This Executiv i::ler establishes national and local beauhficabon commtttees to undertake beaUitficabon and
cleanhnes ampaigns.
i-~>r ~~¥0 ~
morand~oins local governmenls lo establish integraled ~olid waste management systems 11\at
de. rna !fement of waste generalion, handling and on-stle storage collectiOn transfer and traltSPOI't
process and recovery; and disposal
19. Env nmental Law vesting Aulhonty 10 Barangay Caplalns to Enforce Polluhon and En, rOfV'I1ent31 Cc·ntrol
..):: ws and for other Purposes (19n).
2<f Provldtn Pvnally for Improper Disposal of Garbag;. <~nd Other Fonns of UncleanLness a~ ftlf Ct.~·


aguba Engr. Allnn R. A lzona

Program Dlroct or Engr. Alox a R.Jy R Fem;Jnd.;.

ISO 8001 :2008

Collogo of Englnoorlng CBRTIFI!O

I 1UIJ)Uh•• ( IU/'>)
'""o t\\'J q , \) l ~- ':ru 1 L9 _ 1uchnlc••l OuhJollnot lot tho dltpoaul or municipal solid waste and operates on lhe
pl•nnlao ol ~tdnllml phnact oul ul till opun dumps In lhu counlry
\>'-v )\(, \d .!;/ \lh.l ' 'l'i •\' Ptotodlun lor lhu h.lunllflcnllon or Sanllary Landfill tllea In vrew of the 1mminenl
r!lrut:t oul ol Opon llumph
(. \ p 2:1 A• pcu I hmllh L:mu Wclflo Munuoomunt Acl, tho upproprlalo color or waale bin for radioactrve wasle is ~M-->06

G1vo th«.• \:OHnspondinq mounlng ol the II acronyms. (2 pi oach)

I NIMO'V _j o\' ''--'_..!\_'J.I_ _:.r.l_;(~\...!ll/_._,_JL-- - - - - - - - - - -
2 NIMTOO · ~-.1 1 '1 "\~ \..0..'1 ID' ' 1\( C>~ r.A--f \~
3. lULU l OC: A 't I •Jt·.) fxC l .[?."' ® ""-' l lrt_,'\""> Ll rX'
?( 'BANANA · \Y0' \..., A~ . N n-\,,.l{, '~-!t ·.n~ 'kf",,u(-;J
5. NOPE bl ~:n \ )1,; \ ' U l \\~ (<"'ky.\t\

6. NIMTOE • \...•pJ "..11--> '1-1\ I 'I;>~ \-A ~ t:."lf- C~C..;!;\..._,~vt)

Identify tho Plostrc Code shown below (2 pts each)

- - . - - - - REVIEWED 13Y·
r Engr. Allnn R. Alzona
Engr. M11111
__,____ _ Program Dlroctor
Engr. Alexa Ray R. Fernando
College of Engineering 0U.l.liT'f MIIHAOUifiiT
CIRTIP!I!) $'(~~

Gwe the Functional Elements of Solid Waste Management (1 pt each)


' -
4 ' ' 5

..,... 6


~"" r... ~ Essay
(5 pts):
Expla1n and draw the EPA's approach to Integrated Solid Waste Management
0t ~~ '-';!'"I \SVJ.5--' ~ ~ "\he: ~~ ~ov..~
, .. .../"'
~m.> ,~~..)\ ::5"-:. "'\~ "<"'~~ ~ ~~ .:,;:'()~
Wk~~ t-'........-/~.>'6'-'·'~>~.31 o...)l;; n V..$"'" 't)o ~c..~~c.~~50\)~ to
( ~""'11'\~-lT(~~\~ ~ So'-\';> v->~·~ ~ ~\5 _.... ~\S" c S\5) h·'l> ~
~~fl. ~~ 'i\J -re "9'0<"'~ 'i"Q 5.1n-6 w1,1~ ~'?1 ~
~~\,~vi 1-Y'J.J~ h>C.:~-~(,.~~ -J..·~\~5 • /\\.,)"' ')q;VI\1~
~ C,(~~ 'N}n~)('0 . W\ \.\. ~~ '\)C~)A<:"
~~~\~ 0"-> ~ ~-t'€"'~'-\<\'tC- v\ · <"o'-X'V """'""<>~ 'l-'VS t
/>r~- ~~\OJ\ ~~ -;:~ \';\'- ~\'>\"4.~ 0\- ~A~~'-
';\'~·1·-1/'\•;.~ v~ a- ? t 's ~ ~n..:>o " <I:<:.'C\) "'"'~tA\
"t.>~ t(\'(«:"t"O:t;1Y~ -> 1- Ct.,- . ( ,~) ( t ..? l•') 1 "\1\l·· \ 'I~·,, (·t-: '..''""'-':t\" lt-t.
-- -

Engr. Allnn R. Alzonn

engr. Aloxn RIIY R. ForruuldO
Proorurn Olructor

\'yc 1\ '\~.'
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I t '' \1 If\\' II ~
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