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Purdue Student Senate Minutes

Session X
August 25, 2010

This official meeting of the Purdue Student Government’s Senate was called to order at 7:01 pm
on August 25, 2010, in Krannert G20 by Vice President Jamie Steiner.

Present: Cabinet: Brad Krites, Jamie Steiner, Rohan Johnson, James Norris, Alex Robinson,
Laura Capps, Chloe Morrical, Andrew Gauthier, Audrie Koester, Lara Budmats Senators: Emily
Dieckman, Laura Donaldson, Dani Byers, Stephen Babcock, David Andrews, Samantha
DeKemper, Katherine Horton, Melissa Perram, Melissa Dunn, Nick DeBoer, Matt Swiontek,
Zachary Briggs, Allison Mankus, Samantha Carney, Seth Kester, Zach Morgan, Ziang Chen,
Ashley Comparet, Jason Jointer, Jessica Rombach, Elliot Stewart
Others: Carol Ben-Davies Proxies: None Court: Frank Freeman, Eddie VanBogaert,
Francisca Hoffman Board of Directors: None Guests: The Exponent

I. Approval of Minutes: The minutes were approved as submitted.

II. Cabinet and Advisors Reports:

-President Brad Krites – Brad liked that there were 6 pieces of legislation for the evening. He
also mentioned that he has a meeting with President Cordova on Friday, September 3rd – please
send him any thoughts/questions. Also, we are currently 1 Senator short of quorum for the
retreat this weekend. Please send Rohan Johnson an e-mail if you can attend.
-Vice President Jamie Steiner mentioned that Executive Directors will no longer give reports at
Senate meetings for timing and efficiency purposes. We will also have Cabinet minutes sent to
-Advisor Carol Ben Davies-Carol encouraged all PSG members to attend the retreat.

III. Informal Discussion: It is a part of the Senate bylaws that there be a historian or legislative
director for the Senate. Currently, the Cabinet Secretary has been taking minutes, but for the
sake of efficiency and checks & balances, it would be in the best interest for Senate to search
for a historian. Since Purdue Student Government is hosting callouts on September 7 & 9, a
historian will be kept in mind for recruiting.

IV. Old Business:

a. Bill 10-1: “An amendment to the Purdue Student Government Constitution for the
Purpose of Restructuring the Student Senate to Reflect 2010-2011 University
Colleges.” Senator DeBoer moved to amend the bill to remove Samantha
DeKemper and add Seth Kester as a Sponsor. The amendment passed by
unanimous consent.

A vote was taken, the bill passes its first reading with a 20-0 vote.

V. New Business:
a. Bill 10-2: “An Amendment to the Purdue Student Government Constitution for
the Purpose of Restructuring the Cabinet” Brad Krites gave some background
information informing that 2 years ago, the Executive Director of
Communications was over-worked and therefore it was approved to separate into
the Executive Director of Public Relations and the Executive Director of
Marketing. This year, it is the desire of the Cabinet to combine the roles again and
create the Executive Director of Communcations. This was the first reading, there
was no vote.
b. Bill 10-3: “Confirmation of Executive Officers” Senator Donaldson moved to
vote on the Confirmation of Executive Officers. This was seconded by Senator
DeBoer. The bill passed with a 20-0 vote.
c. Bill 10-5: “A Bill to Confirm Eddie VanBogaert as a Purdue Student Supreme
Court Justice” Senator DeBoer moved to cote on the Confirmation to add Eddie
VanBogaert as a Purdue Student Supreme Court Justice. Senator Briggs seconded
the motion. The bill passed with a 20-0 vote.
d. Bill 10-6: “A Bill to Confirm Francisca Hoffman as a Purdue Student Supreme
Court Justice” Senator DeBoer moved to cote on the Confirmation to add
Francisca Hoffman as a Purdue Student Supreme Court Justice. Senator
DeKemper seconded the motion. The bill passed with a 20-0 vote.
e. Eddie VanBogaert & Francisca Hoffman were sworn in by Chief Justice Frank
f. Cabinet members were sworn in by Chief Justice Frank Freeman.
g. Bill 10-4: “2010-2011 Purdue Student Government Budget” Senator Andrews
asked for clarification in distribution of funds after the Grand Alternative Concert
funds were eliminated. President Brad Krites explained major changes such as
increase in programming, took out Grand Alternative concert (there are no use-it-
or-lose-it funds), stipends = $0, funds for a diversity summit, medical amnesty
speaker, funds for PLF, CORE, and Senate, and additional funding for platform
items such as electronic Event Planning Forms and Travel Planning Forms.
Senator Donaldson motioned to pass the 2010-2011 Budget. Senator DeBoer
seconded the motion. The first vote passed with a 13-7 vote.
h. Resolution 10-1: “Preserving the Tommy Johnston Neighborhood Park” Senator
Donaldson moved to have Governmental Relations Committee perform research
and report back to the Senate; a vote was taken, and the motion failed.

Senator Rombach moved to call to question Resolution 10-1, which passed by

unanimous consent.

The resolution passed with a 17-3 vote.

i. Resolution 10-2: “A Resolution of Welcome and Appreciation for Dr. Melissa E.
Exum” Senator DeBoer moved to vote on the Resolution of Welcome and
Appreciation for Dr. Melissa E. Exum. Senator Kester seconded the motion. The
resolution passed with a 20-0 vote.

VI. Announcements: Announcements were listed on the agenda.

VII. Adjournment: Senator Briggs moved to adjourn. Adjournment was decided upon by all
Senators. The meeting adjourned at 7:57 pm.

Minutes submitted by: Secretary Lara Budmats

Approved by:

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