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Journal of Crop and Weed 7(2): 23-27 (2011)

Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth

and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
I Department of Agronomy, 'Department of Statistics, jDepartment of Soil Science
Central Agricultural University
Imphal - 795004, Manipur, India
Received: 26.01.2011, Revised: 17.07.2011, Accepted :29.07.2011

Afield experiment was conducted during 2005-06 and 2006-07 on clay loam soil to assess the effect of integrated nutrient management
practices ( N M ) on growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) The experiment consists of eleven treatments viz., TI-100%
recommended dose offertilizer (RDF) i.e. 120 :26.4 :50 N :P : K kg ha-', E- 100% RDF+Vermicompost @ It ha-', E-100%
RDF+Vermicompost @ It ha-' + Phosphate Solubilizing bacteria (PSB), TcIOO% RDF + PSB, TI-75% RDF + vermicompost @ It ha.', Tg-
75% RDF + vermicompost @ It ha.' + PSB, T7-50% RDF+Vermicompost @ It ha.', Tg50% RDF+Vermicompost @ It ha.' + PSB, T r
Vermicompost @ It ha" + PSB, T~~Vermicompost @ It ha.' and TI'-absolute controLThe results revealed that the application of 100%
recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) i.e. 120:26:4:50 N:P:K kg ha-'+ vermicompost @Itha-' + phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB)
and 75% RDF + vermicompost @Itha-'+ PSBproduced higher yield attributes and grain yield than the other treatments. The higher yield
led to higher NPK uptake by wheat. Further, the available NPK content of soil also increased in above N M treatment over control. The
highest benefit :cost ratio (2.73) was obtainedfiom the application of 75% RDF + vermicompost @1thd1+ PSB.
Key words: Economics, phosphate solubilizing bacteria, vermicompost, wheat

On account of continuing world energy crisis and inorganic fertilizer on growth, yield and nutrient
and spiraling price of chemical fertilizer, the use of uptake by wheat.
organic manure as a renewable source of plant MATERIALS AND METHODS
nutrients is assuming importance. In this endeavor
proper blend of organic and inorganic fertilizer is Field experiments were conducted during
important not only for increasing yield but also for winter 2005-06 and 2006-07 at the research farm of
sustaining soil health (Weber et al., 2007 and College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural
Pullicinoa et al., 2009). The vermicomposting is bio- University, Imphal. The soil was clay loam having
oxidation and stabilization of organic material organic carbon 0.49 % and 0.50 % with pH 5.2 and
involving the joint action of earthworm and 5.4, available N 248 kg ha-', 252 kg ha-', available
microorganisms. Although, microbes are responsible P20516.5 and 17.2 kg ha-' and available K20 226 kg
for the biological degradation of the organic matter, ha-' and 230 kg ha-' at the start of the experiment in 0
earthworms are the important drivers of the process, to 30 cm soil layer during 2005-06 and 2006-07
conditioning the substrate and altering biological respectively. The experiment consists of eleven
activity (Aira et al., 2002). Suthar (2008) reported that treatments viz., TI-100% recommended dose of
vermicompost may be potential sources of nutrients fertilizer (RDF) i.e. 120 : 26.4 : 50 N : P : K kg ha-',
for field crops if applied in suitable ratios with T2- 100% RDF + Vermicompost @ 1t ha-', T3-100%
synthetic feflilizers. The earlier workers have reported RDF+Vermicompost @ It ha-'+ Phosphate
a positive effect of vermicompost application on Solubilizing bacteria (PSB), T4-100% RDF + PSB,
growth and productivity of cereals and legumes T5-75%RDF + vermicompost @ It ha-', T6-75% RDF
(Suthar, 2006). Phosphate-solubilizing micro- + vermicompost @ It ha-'+ PSB, T7-50%
organisms (PSM) involve different character of RDF+Vermicompost @ It ha-', T8-50%
micro-organisms which turn insoluble organic RDF+Vermicompost @ It ha-'+ PSB, T9-
compound of phosphorus to soluble form (Raju and Vermicompost @ It ha-'+ PSB, Tlo-Vermicompost@
Reddy, 1999; Sundara et al., 2002). Gala1 et al. (2001) It ha-'and Tll-absolute control. The experiment was
reported that biofertilization technology minimizes laid out in randomized block design with three
production costs and at the same time avoid the replications. Vermicompost was applied 15 days
environmental hazards. before sowing as per treatment. Wheat cultivar HW
The demand of wheat in India by 2020 has 2004 was sown in rows 20 cm apart on 2ndNovember
been projected to be between 105 to 109 m tonnes as in 2005 and 5' November in 2006 and harvested on
against 72 m tonnes production of present day. Wheat 10" March in 2006 and 12' March in 2007
is an important cereal crop and requires a good supply respectively. Half of nitrogen and full dose of
of nutrients especially nitrogen for its growth (Mandal phosphorus and potash were applied at the time of
et al., 1992) and yield (Krylov and Pavlov, 1989). In sowing as per treatment combination. The remaining
view of this the present investigation was carried out nitrogen as per treatment was top dressed after first
to find out the best combination of organic manure irrigation. N, P, and K were applied through urea,

Email: nandini


Table 1: Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield attributing characters of wheat
Treatment Dry matter accumulation
Effective tillers rn-' Grains spikev1 Test weight (g)
at 90 DAS (g mm2) 2
2005-06 2006-07 Pooled 2005-06 2006-07 Pooled 2005-06 2006-07 Pooled 2005-06 2006-07 Pooled i

Note: TI-100%recommended dose offertilizer (RDF) i.e. 120 :26.4 :50 N :P :K kg ha-', T2- 100% RDF + Vermicompost @ It ha-', T3-100%RDF+Vermicompost
@ It ha-'+ Phosphate Solubilizing bacteria (PSB), T4-100%RDF + PSB, T5-75%RDF + vermicompost @ It ha-', T6-75%RDF + vermicompost @ It ha-'+
PSB, Tr50% RDF+Vermicompost @ It ha-', Tr50% RDF+Vennicompost @ It ha-'+ PSB, TpVermicompost @ It ha-'+ PSB, Tlo-Vermicompost@ It ha-'and
TI'-absolute control.
Table 2: Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and economics of wheat

Treatment Grain yield (t ha-') Biological yield (t ha-') Net return (tha-') B:C ratio
2005-06 2006-07 Pooled 2005-06 2006-07 Pooled 2005-06 2006-07 Pooled 2005-06 2006-07 pooled

LSD (0.05) 0.52 0.74 0.43 0.94 1.29 0.89 8281 11851 6875 0.42 0.55 0.33

Note: TI-100% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF)i.e. 120 : 26.4 : 50 N : P : K kg ha-', T2- 100% RDF + Vermicompost @ It ha-', T3-100%
RDF+ Vermicompost @ It ha-'+ Phosphate Solubilizing bacteria (PSB), T4-100% RDF + PSB, T5-75%RDF + vermicompost @ It ha-', T6-75% RDF +
vermicompost @ It ha-'+ PSB, T7-50%RDF+Vennicompost @ It ha-', T850% RDF+ Vermicompost @ It ha-'+ PSB, TpVermicompost @ It ha-'+ PSB,
Tlo-Vermicompost@ It ha-'and TI'-absolute control. *Cost of vermicompost = 4 6 kg-' ;Sellingprice of wheat = 416 kg-'
26 Effect of ... wheat

single super phosphate and muriate of potash biological yield (4.24 t ha-') were recorded from control.
respectively. The seeds were inoculated with The increase in grain and biological yield might be due
phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) i.e. to adequate quantities and balanced proportions of plant
Pseudomonas strata before sowing as per nutrients supplied to the crop as per need during the
treatments.The crop received three uniform irrigations growth period resulting in favourable increase in yield
(at crown root initiation, flowering and milking attributing characters which ultimately led towards an
stages). Organic carbon, pH, available N, P, K of soil increase in economic yield. Improved physico-chemical
and N, P, K content in plant were estimated by properties of the soil through the application of organic
standard methods. Nutrient uptake was estimated by manure might be the other possible reason for higher
multiplying the dry-matter accumulation at maturity productivity. Rao et al., (1996) also reported that the
combination of organic and inorganic N sources resulted
in grain and straw of wheat by their respective
in comparable rice yield to the application of inorganic
percentages. Total uptake was calculated by adding
nitrogen alone. Saad and Hamimad (1998) also reported
uptake of grain and straw. The yield parameters and that the greatest grain yield of wheat was found with
yields were recorded and analyzed as per Gomez and inoculation of bacteria. Afzal et al. (2005) also reported
Gomez (1984). The treatment comparisons were made that phosphate solubilizing micro-organism (PSM) in
using t-test at 5% level of significance. The combination with phosphorus fertilizer and organic
economics was calculated on the basis of prevailing manure significantly improved grain and biological yield
local market price of wheat grains and cost of inputs. of wheat.
Table 3: Effect of integrated nutrient management on
nutrient uptake of crop and soil nutrient
Effect on yield attributes status (Pooled data of two years)
Integrated use of fertilizers with vermicompost
Treatment Nutrient uptake Available nutrient of
and phosphate solubilizing bacteria increased the dry
matter accumulation, number of effective tillers, grains (kg ha-') soil (kg ha-')
spike-' and the test weight. The enhanced early N P K N P K
vegetative growth in terms of higher leaf area, dry matter TI 92.89 11.43 91.89 127.90 11.07 168.63
accumulation and vigorous root system resulted in more
spikes which consequently increased the number of spike TZ 120.44 15.91 121.43 143.56 12.22 160.11
bearing tillers significantly. Dry matter accumulation T3 124.42 16.39 128.54 147.01 12.33 171.72
produced by the application of 100% RDF along with T4 90.48 11.57 89.98 141.36 12.17 171.49
vermicompost @ It ha-' and phosphate solubilizing
T5 110.86 14.59 115.06 144.75 12.11 158.25
bacteria (683.47 g m-2) and 75% RDF along with
vermicompost @ It ha-' and phosphate solubilizing T6 124.43 17.34 131.09 163.12 14.32 175.41
bacteria (682.80 g m-2) were found to be the highest and T7 99.17 11.68104.23 122.73 11.17 143.86
the lowest from control (305.78 g m-2).It might be due to T8 103.98 12.91 104.06 127.87 11.24 146.69
stimulated vegetative growth of wheat on account of
adequate and prolonged supply of essential T9 80.67 9.61 87.64 110.85 8.31 113.99
nutrients.Similarly, the number of effective tillers, Tlo 77.21 8.24 82.47 106.85 8.15 110.49
grainlspike and test weight produced by the application TI] 38.41 3.90 29.94 87.62 7.62 100.34
100% RDF + vermicompost @ It ha-'+ PSBand75%
SEm(*) 4.49 0.48 7.16 0.32 0.15 0.65
RDF + vermicompost @ It ha-'+ PSB were found to be
significantly higher than the other treatments and the
lowest from the control. Afzal et al. (2005) also reported
that PSB along with organic manures or with other Economics
combinations significantly increased the number of Net return and benefit: cost ratio increased with
tillers m-2. These results are in line with the findings of supplementation of recommended dose of fertilizer with
Kumar et al. (1999) who reported significant increase in vermicompost and phosphate solubilizing bacteria.
number of plants per metre row by inoculation of Highest net return ('57227 ha-') and benefit cost ratio
Azotobacter chroococcum. (2.73) was obtained with the application of 75%
Effect on yield +vermicompost @It ha-'+ PSB than fertilizer alone. The
Addition of vermicompostwith or without PSB additional cost of organic manures and bio-fertilizer was
together with different fertilizer levels produced compensated by the additional yield of wheat. Suthar
significantly higher grain and biological yields than the (2006) reported that integrated application of NPK
application of fertilizers alone (Table 2). Maximum grain fertilizers along with vermicompost in field crops not
yield and biological yield were obtained with the only influences growth and production of plant but at the
application of 100% RDF+ vermicompost @ It ha-'+ same time also reduces the production budget.
PSB and 75% RDF+ vermicompost @ It ha-'+ PSB
(4.89 t ha-'). The lowest grain yield (1.69 t ha-') and
K. N. Devi et al. 27

Effect on nutrient uptake In: Plant Nutrition Food Security and

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vermicompost alone. Maximum NPK uptake by the crop Procedure for Agricultural Research. IS'Edn.,
was recorded from 75% RDF + vermicompost @ ltha" John Wiley and Sons pub., New York, pp. 28-
+ PSB and 100% RDF + vermicompost @ ltha-I+ PSB 91.
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