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DOCUMENT NO 296 May 2016

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy




St Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield.

Newport County Council

Planning Applications: 15/0767

Prepared for: Gwynne Davies

By: Mr A. O. Phillips.

Checked by: Dr N. Phillips

A.P.A.C. St Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield WB/MSF/15


This document comprises report for an Archaeological Watching Brief undertaken

during ground disturbance works necessary for the installation of a “Vortex”
sewage system.

Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust (GGAT) advised Newport County Council

(NCC) that as the proposed work at the site could likely impact on archaeological
resources, a condition requiring an archaeological watching brief should be

The work did not impact upon any archaeological resources but did confirm that
the area excavated, had already been extensively disturbed by earlier ground

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph: DSC09167. Property prior to ground disturbance.

A.P.A.C. St Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield WB/MSF/15


Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Figures: ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Plates: .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Site Location and Description ......................................................................................................... 4
Brief archaeological and historical background .............................................................................. 4
Aims and Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 5
Watching Brief ................................................................................................................................ 6
Watching Brief Results ................................................................................................................... 6
Interpretation ................................................................................................................................... 7
Staff ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Archive: ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Acknowledgements: ........................................................................................................................ 7
Bibliography and References: ......................................................................................................... 8


Fig 01 Site location map.

Fig 02 HER Search area
Fig 03 Map progressions: a, b, c, & d
Fig 04 Plans: Proposed a & trench locations b

A.P.A.C. St Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield WB/MSF/15


PL 01 Elevated view of trench area, surface water

PL 02 Drainage trench 1, at 500mm. [100], stoneware pipe [101]. [102], [103], [104], and [105],
standing water
PL 03 Drainage trench 1,2 and 3 fully excavated to 500mm [101], [104], and [105]
PL 04 General Area of trench placement for sewage system, before disturbance
PL 05 General, surface spoil [200] “vortex” sewage system in background
PL 06 Excavation of trench [200], [201], [202], [203] and [204]
PL 07 Excavation of trench at 1200mm [200], [201], [202], [203] and [204]
PL 08 Depth at 2000mm [200], [201], [202], [203], [204] and [205]
PL 09 North and east walls of trench at finish depth 3000mm [200], [201], [202], [203], [204], [205] and


Appendix I HER Event Records

Appendix II HER Core records
Appendix III Context sheet
Appendix IV Digital Photograph list
Appendix V Finds list

A.P.A.C. St Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield WB/MSF/15


This Watching Brief Report has been prepared by Mr Adam Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd, and details the results of a
watching brief undertaken at St Alban’s, 92 St Mellon’s Road, Marshfield CF3 2TX.

The property is situated at NGR: 325735 181764, fig 01, and therefore within the Newport Archaeologically
Sensitive Area of the Gwent levels; known to have produced evidence for medieval and post medieval settlement.

An initial planning proposal for: ‘two storey side and rear extensions, replacement of porch, creation of vehicular
access and parking area’ was approved without the need for archaeological intervention as the ground had been
extensively disturbed within the parameters of the proposed work, GGAT, A50811/CG.

The initial planning was then amended to include the installation of a ‘Vortex Sewage System’ which would involve
a greater extent of ground disturbance; therefore, Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust advised the council that
the work should now have an archaeological condition imposed.

The developer shall ensure that a suitably qualified archaeologist is present during the
undertaking of any ground disturbing works in the development area, so that an
archaeological watching brief can be conducted. The archaeological watching brief shall be
undertaken to the standards of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists. The Local Planning
Authority shall be informed, in writing, at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the
development of the name of the said archaeologist and no work shall begin until the Local
Planning Authority has confirmed, in writing, that the proposed archaeologist is suitable. A
copy of the watching brief report shall be submitted to the local Planning Authority within two
months of the fieldwork being completed by the archaeologist.


A Written Scheme of Investigation for the proposed archaeological work was duly submitted and approved in
writing before any work began, WSI: WB/MSF/15.

Site Location and Description

Marshfield is a small hamlet on the Gwent Levels, between Newport and Cardiff.

It can be reached from Junction 28 on the M4, taking the A48 towards Cardiff, turn left at Castleton and continue to
the cross-roads in Marshfield where a right turn along St Mellons Road leads to the site, fig 01.

Geology and Topography

The solid geology at the site is St Maughans Formation – Argillaceous rocks and (subequal/subordinate) sandstone,
interbedded. Sedimentary bedrock formed approximately 398 to 416 million years ago in the Devonian period.
Local environment previously dominated by rivers. (BGS). The site however has been largely disturbed by building
development in the area.

Brief archaeological and historical background

The site resides in the hamlet of Marshfield in the Vale of Glamorgan, and has geological features favourable to that
of early prehistoric and later settlements.

There is also known evidence of medieval settlements in the area; consider the nearby church of St Marys:

“Most notably St Mary’s church first noted in Parish Church, Early English
origins with various phases of C19 and C20 restoration. Said to have been
built in 1135 by the Countess Mabel, in memory of her father, Robert
Fitzhamon, Norman Lord of Glamorgan and Wentlooge.”
(British Listed Buildings)

A.P.A.C. St Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield WB/MSF/15

A 500m diameter search centred on the proposed site was commissioned from the Historic Environment Record
(HER) held by GGAT; appendices I-II.

The search map, fig 02, shows the concentration of both Core and Event records around the site as provided by the

The HER search, 5188, revealed 2 Core records relating to medieval activity in the area:

The first is based on unsupported place name interpretation, (Appendix I):

03104G: Llanarthan Chapel, dedicated to St Arthan, was assigned to the parish of Marshfield by
Thomas Wakeman, but apparently without any information as to its location (Wakeman
MSS; OS card ST 28 SE 8). Not in Brook 1988. Possible antiquarian construct based on
the placename given as Llwyn Arthen on the tithe map at about ST244824 to the west of
Marshfield village; this has been corrected to Llanarthan on the 1st edn OS 6" map.
Without more extensive placename study, it is impossible to determine whether this has
any validity, and whether Wakeman had any independent source material for the
existence of a chapel. Edith Evans, GGAT 73 Early-Medieval Ecclesiastical Sites
Project, 2003-04 (Yr1 and 2)

The other core record mentions the excavation of a medieval ridge and furrow at Blacktown farm:

10990g: Area of ridge and furrow earthworks recorded during evaluation (E004669) and
subsequent watching brief (E004668) at Blacktown Farm. Report Foundations
Archaeology 2003 Land at Blacktown Farm, Marshfield, Newport: Archaeological
Evaluation 1319 203/02 Report Clarke, S. & Bray, J. 2003 Blacktown Farm,
Marshfield, Newport 1481 203/09.

The HER search also provided a list of 5 Events within the 500m search (Appendix II), but of specific interest are
those already mentioned above in Core listing 10990g:

E004668: During August and September 2003, Monmouth Archaeology undertook a programme
of archaeological investigation at Blacktown Farm, Marshfield, Newport, during
groundworks for the construction of two detached houses on the site. The watching brief
followed on from an earlier evaluation on the site (E004669). The shallow nature of the
excavations for the proposed development meant that a full examination of the
historical uses of the site was not possible. Traces of ridge and furrow earthworks
detected during the previous work on the site were visible during the watching brief, but
were too ephemeral to record in detail. Notable in the north east corner of the site was
an area of exposed natural with right angled sides that was undisturbed by the ridge
and furrow. A significant assemblage of unstratified 13th-14th century and post
medieval pottery was also recovered during the fieldwork (Clarke & Bray 2003).

Additional information was sought, with limited success, from map progressions of the area; figs 3a, b, c, and d.

The first series Ordnance Survey map shows a property to be in existence at the location as early as 1833, fig 3a
with subsequent mapping continuing the listing without much change; in configuration.

The first edition 1875 Ordnance Survey Map, Monmouthshire XXXIII clearly labelled the property as St Alban’s
cottage, fig 3b.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the watching brief was to preserve by record, within the resources available, any archaeological deposits
uncovered during groundwork.

A.P.A.C. St Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield WB/MSF/15
The watching brief also ensured that: in the event of archaeological resources of significance, being discovered and
requiring treatment beyond the remit of the watching brief, that steps would be implemented to ensure that their
treatment would be undertaken within the standards recommended by the CIFA.

Watching Brief

The watching brief was undertaken on 11th January 2016, and 18th May 2016

The site had been cleared of all vegetation prior to excavation with the trenches marked out just before work began.
The weather on both days was a mixture of clear skies and brief showers however, not impacting upon the

The ground level to the west of the building was raised above that of the east, possibly a former raised garden area.

Initial recording

A record of the features and stratigraphy exposed during excavation was kept including written notes and

Measurements were taken regularly using a hand tape measure.

A limited number of finds were recovered from the surface and retained for post excavation processing.

Post Ex

Following the watching brief, the field notes and photographs were digitised to produce the context record of the
stratigraphy; Appendix III, and an annotated list of the photographs, Appendix IV.

The finds which were washed by hand, dried, identified, photographed and packed in sealed and ladled bags were
recorded in Appendix V.

The three appendices; III Context, IV Photographs and V finds were cross referenced ready for inclusion in the

Watching Brief Results

Presentation Notes:

All contexts are denoted [#] in the text, listed in Appendix III, cross referenced in Appendix IV, to the plates section.
Photographs used in the text are listed Pl # and a complete list of photographs can be found in appendix IV with
contact sheets.
Finds are listed {#}.

Work began at the site on the 11th January 2016, with the excavation of three, 500mm deep, drainage trenches for
the placement of maintenance pipes for the vortex system, fig 4, PL01.

Groundwork involved the removal of disturbed top soil [100]; which yielded a small assemblage of 18th/20th century
ceramics, before, exposing a layer of orange/pink sandy clay [104] which overlay a sandy red clay with angular
bedrock [105], PL02.

Trench 1 cut through a large diameter clay service pipe, [101] with barely discernible cut [102] and fill [103].

Finds assemblages {2} and {3} were retrieved from around the pipe disturbance and were roughly assigned to
context [104].

All three trenches reached the required depth without impacting on anything of significant archaeological
importance, PL03.

On the 18th May 2016, work resumed at the site as a 3m x 3m x 3m trench was machine excavated for the placement
of the vortex main system, PL04, fig 4.

A.P.A.C. St Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield WB/MSF/15
A small assemblage of 18th/20th century finds {4} was retrieved from the surface before excavation began.

Removal of the first few layers, cut through [200] a layer of soil, brick, and stone, consistent with building debris,
PL05, from which small find {5} was collected.

The stratigraphic sequence was as follows:

200 overlay a subsoil [201] which in turn overlay a thick layer of grey clay, [202].

Beneath the grey clay was a thin lens of yellow sand stone [203] PL06.

At a level of 1200mm, the excavation cut through a thick layer of orange sandy soil and stone [204] which later
fried to an orange pink, PL07.

At a depth of 2000m a layer of sandy red clay with angular bed rock was encountered [205], PL08, eventually
giving way to a natural deposit of red sandy clay [206], PL09.

Small find [6] was collected from [206] but the find spot was not secure due to some collapse.

At the full depth of 3000mm a layer was found at the bottom of the trench. PL09.

The trench reached the required depth without impacting on anything of archaeological importance.


The site provided a small amount of finds ranging from 18th/20th century ceramics, all of which were returned to the


The entire excavation was confined to a depth wherein no archaeological resources were disturbed.

The extent of deposit that was excavated would appear to be of recent redistributed land fill/levelling.


Dr. Neil Phillips, ACIFA.

Post ex
Mr A. O. Phillips.


The original archive for this project will remain with APAC Ltd and a copy deposited with Monmouthshire County

Copies of the report will be deposited with the client, GGAT HER, RCAHMW NMR & NCC Planning.


Thanks to the groundwork’s contractors for their assistance and efficient handling of the excavations.

A.P.A.C. St Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield WB/MSF/15

Bibliography and References:

APAC.Ltd WSI: WB/MSF/15.Written Scheme of Investigation for an Archaeological Watching

Brief. St Albans, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield. December 2015.

CIfA . Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the Regulation of
Contractual Arrangements in Field Archaeology 2014.

Standard and Guidance for the Archaeological Watching Brief 2014.

Standard and Guidance for the Collection, Documentation, Conservation and

Research of Archaeological materials 2014

English Heritage 1991 Management of Archaeological Projects

GGATHER Reference number: 5188

GGAT A50811/CG. Proposed two storey side and rear extensions, replacement of porch, creation of
vehicular access and parking area: St Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Road, Marshfield.

A50811/JB. Proposed two storey side and rear extensions, replacement of porch,
creation of vehicular access and parking area: St Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Road,
Marshfield. PL.App.No:15/0767

NA. (supplied by client) Ordnance Survey Block Plan centred on 328673 213179.

Drawings: Pre Planning Advice. MC2014/ENQ/00865. RB/AB 01.

1st December 2014.

Pre Planning Advice. MC2014/ENQ/00865. RB/AB 01.

11th February 2015.

Proposed block plan, drawing SH1/02

8th January 2016

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

British Geological Survey

British Listed Buildings
National library of Scotland
Vision of Britain
Google Earth

The copyright for this report shall be retained by A.P.A.C. Ltd.

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: 36 Hatherleigh Rd, Abergavenny Monmouthshire NP7 7RG.

Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 5041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil. BA (Hons).Cert Ed/FE. ACIFA.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
St Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield

A.P.A.C. WB/MSF/15
Fig 01: Location
St Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Fig 02: HER search area 5188 A.P.A.C. WB/MSF/15
St Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Fig 3a: First edition, ordinance survey map 1833. Vision of Britain Fig 3b: Monmouthshire XXXIII, surveyed 1875-1882,
published 1887, NLS

Fig 3c: Glamorgan XXXVIII.SW, Revised 1948, Published 1953 Fig 3d: Magic maps 2016
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MSF/16
St Albans, 92 St Mellons Rd Marshfield

Fig 04a, Proposed plans, Skerryvore designs, drawing No SH 1/02


Fig 04b: Anotated plan showing locations of trenches 1,2,3 and 4. A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MSF/16
St Alban;s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield


PL01: Elevated view of trench area, surface water


PL 03: Drainage trench 1,2 and 3 fully excavated to 500mm [100], PL 02: Drainage trench 1, at 500mm. [100], A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MSF/16
stoneware pipe [101], cut [102], fill [103], [104], and [105] stoneware pipe [101], cut [102], fill [103], [104],
and [105] standing water
St Alban;s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield

Plate 04: General Area of trench placement for sewage system, Plate 05: General, surface spoil [200] “vortex” sewage system
before disturbance in background


Plate 06: Excavation of trench [200], [201], [202], [203] Plate 07: Excavation of trench at
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MSF/16
and [204] 1200mm [200], [201], [202],
[203] and [204]
ST Alban’s, 92 St Mellons Rd, Marshfield

Plate 08: Depth at 2000mm [200], [201], [202], [203], [204] and [205]


Plate 09: North and east walls of trench at finish depth 3000ml [200], [201], A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MSF//16
[202], [203], [204], [205] and [206]
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I WB/MSF/15

HER Report 5188. Core Record

PRN Site Name Period Type NGR

10990g Ridge & Furrow at Blacktown Farm MEDIEVAL RIDGE AND FURROW ST2611481737
03104g ST ARTHAN'S CHAPEL Medieval Chapel ST2682
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/MSF/15

HER Report 5118. Event Record

PRN Site Name Type Contractor Year NGR

E001439 Marshfield Field visit GGAT 2004 ST2682
E002002 Blacktown farm, Marshfield Watching brief MA 2008 ST26118176
E004525 3 Catherine Drive, Marshfield Watching brief MA 2012 ST2620581717
E004668 Blacktown farm Marshfield Watching brief MA 2003 ST2612581713
E004669 Blacktown farm Marshfield Evaluation FA 2003 ST26118176


FA Foundations Archaeology
GGAT Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust
MA Monmouth Archaeology
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix III WB/MSH/16

Site: St Albans, 92 St Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate No:

Mellons road 325735 181704 WB/MSH/15
100 Deposit Disturbed top soil {1} DSC09166, DSC09167,
DSC09168, DSC09168,
DSC09169, DSC09170
DSC09171, DSC09172,
101 pipe pipe DSC09170, DSC09171,
102 cut Pipe cut DSC09170, DSC09171,
103 fill Fill around pipe DSC09170, DSC09171,
104 Deposit Red sandy clay, {2}, {3} DSC09170, DSC09171,
DSC09172, DSC09173.
105 Deposit Red sandy clay, with angular bed rock DSC09172, DSC09173.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix III WB/MSH/16

Site: St Albans, 92 St Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate No:

Mellons road 325735 181704 WB/MSH/15
200 Fill Surface spoil, and debris e.g.: brick, stone, {4} DSC09974, DSC09975,
pottery and terram DSC09976, DSC09977,
DSC09978, DSC09979,
DSC09980, DSC09981,
DSC09982, DSC09983,
201 Deposit Disturbed top soil DSC09974, DSC09975,
DSC09976, DSC09977,
DSC09978, DSC09979,
DSC09980, DSC09981,
DSC09982, DSC09983,
202 Deposit Light grey clay {5} DSC09974, DSC09975,
DSC09976, DSC09977,
DSC09978, DSC09979,
DSC09980, DSC09981,
DSC09982, DSC09983,
203 Deposit Yellow clay sand, lens DSC09975, DSC09977
DSC09978, DSC09979
DSC09980, DSC09981
DSC09982, DSC09983
204 Deposit Orange sand and stone, drying orange/pink DSC09174, DSC09970,
DSC09971, DSC09972
DSC09973, DSC09974
DSC09975, DSC09976
DSC09977, DSC09978
DSC09981, DSC09979,
DSC09980, DSC09982
DSC09983, DSC09984
205 Deposit Red sandy clay, with angular bed rock DSC09975, DSC09976
DSC09977, DSC09978
DSC09979, DSC09980
DSC09981, DSC09982
206 Deposit Wet red sandy clay {6} DSC09980, DSC09981
DSC09982, DSC09983
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix IV Digital photograph list WB/MSH/15

Photo no Date Camera L or P View Description Plate

DSC09166 11/01/16 DSC-F828 L N General, site before trench excavation
DSC09167 11/01/16 DSC-F828 L W Property, site disturbance
DSC09168 11/01/16 DSC-F828 L E Property line, site disturbance
DSC09169 11/01/16 DSC-F828 L W Elevated view of trench area, surface water 01
DSC09170 11/01/16 DSC-F828 P W Drainage trench 1, at 500mm. [100], stoneware pipe [101], cut [102], fill [103], [104], and [105] standing water 02
DSC09171 11/01/16 DSC-F828 L SW Drainage trench 1, at 500mm. [100], stoneware pipe [101], cut [102], fill [103], [104], and [105] standing water
DSC09172 11/01/16 DSC-F828 L S Drainage trench 2 bottom [101], [104], and [105]
DSC09173 11/01/16 DSC-F828 L W Drainage trench 1,2 and 3 fully excavated to 500mm [100], stoneware pipe [101], cut [102], fill [103], [104], and [105] 03
DSC09174 11/01/16 DSC-F828 L NE Surface spoil [200] to west of property
DSC09960 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L NW General, surface spoil [200] original location for sewage system
DSC09961 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L N General, surface spoil [200]
DSC09962 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L NE General, surface spoil [200] “vortex” sewage system in background 05
DSC09963 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L E General, surface spoil [200] new area of trench placement for sewage system
DSC09964 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L W Stream just beyond west boundary
DSC09965 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L V Small trench dug on western boundary where “vortex” system was to be originally placed, standing water
DSC09966 18/05/16 DSC-F828 P NE Depth of trench
DSC09967 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L E General Area of trench placement for sewage system, before disturbance
DSC09968 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L NE General Area of trench placement for sewage system, before disturbance 04
DSC09969 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L NE Marked up area for trench
DSC09970 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L E Excavation of trench [200], [201], [202], [203] and [204] 06
DSC09971 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L N Excavation of trench at 1200mm [200], [201], [202], [203] and [204] 07
DSC09972 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L W Excavation of trench at 1200mm [200], [201], [202], [203] and [204]
DSC09973 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L E Excavation of trench [200], [201], [202], and [204]
DSC09974 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L E Excavation of trench [200], [201], [202], and [204]
DSC09975 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L SW Excavation of trench [200], [201], [202], [203], [204], and [205]
DSC09976 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L SW Detailed [200], [201], [202], [203], [204] and [205]
DSC09977 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L NW Trench edges beginning to collapse [200], [201], [202], [203], [204] and [205]
DSC09978 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L N Depth at 2000mm [200], [201], [202], [203], [204] and [205] 08
DSC09979 18/05/16 DSC-F828 P N Depth at 2000mm [200], [201], [202], [203], [204] and [205]
DSC09980 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L E Depth at 3000mm [200], [201], [202], [203], [204], [205] and [206]
DSC09981 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L N North wall of trench [200], [201], [202], [203], [204], [205] and [206]
DSC09982 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L E Finished trench
DSC09983 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L NE North and east walls of trench at finish depth 3000mm [200], [201], [202], [203], [204], [205] and [206] 09
DSC09984 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L N Collapse in north wall [200], [201], [202], [203] and [204]
DSC09985 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L N Trench spoil
DSC09986 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L N General, 3000mm length of trench
DSC09987 18/05/16 DSC-F828 L E General, 3000mm width of trench
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix V Marshfield
Finds Index WB/MSF/15

Find no Area Context Description Period Date

1 Spoil 100 2 sherd Devonshire, 1 a rim 17th 18th 11/01/16
1 glazed earthenware rim
1 sherd partial earthenware handle
1 local slipware pot rim 18th 19th
1 sherd Staffordshire slipware
1 sherd Willow pattern china 19th
1 sherd blue and white china
Find no Area Context Description Period Date
2 104 1 sherd Somerset rim 18th 19th 11/01/16
1 sherd Staffordshire slipware
1 sherd blue and white china 19th
2 sherds (refit) Willow pattern china
1 purple and white china
1 sherd Mocha ware
1 white china saucer rim, decorated with a black line 20th
Find no Area Context Description Period Date
3 104 1 sherd earthenware rim 18th 19th 11/01/16
1 sherd glazed earthenware
1 sherd Willow pattern china 19th
1 sherd blue china plate rim 19th 20th
Find no Area Context Description Period Date
4 Trench 4 200 2 sherds Staffordshire slipware 18th 18/05/16
1 sherd yellow glazed earthenware handle
1 sherd glazed pancheon base. Burnt 18th 19th
1 sherd willow pattern china rim 19th
1 sherd blue and white decorated earthenware plate
1 sherd white china with black lined decoration
1 sherd inscribed earthenware pot 20th
1 sherd glazed earthenware pot
1 earthenware plant pot base. 20th 21st
Find no Area Context Description Period Date
5 Trench 4 202 1 small sherd glazed local earthenware 18th 19th 18/05/16
Find no Area Context Description Period Date
6 Trench 4 206 1 sherd glazed local earthenware 18th 19th 18/05/16

A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix III FINDS WB/MSF/15

000 1

Find no Area Context Description Period Date

1 Spoil 2 sherd Devonshire, 1 a rim 17th 18th 11/01/16
1 glazed earthenware rim
1 sherd partial earthenware handle
1 local slipware pot rim 18th 19th
1 sherd Staffordshire slipware
1 sherd Willow pattern china 19th
1 sherd blue and white china
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix III FINDS WB/MSF/15

105 2

Find no Area Context Description Period Date

2 105 1 sherd Somerset rim 18th 19th 11/01/16
1 sherd Staffordshire slipware
1 sherd blue and white china 19th
2 sherds (refit) Willow pattern china
1 purple and white china
1 sherd Mocha ware
1 white china saucer rim, decorated with a black line 20th
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix III FINDS WB/MSF/15

105 3

Find no Area Context Description Period Date

3 104 1 sherd earthenware rim 18th 19th 11/01/16
1 sherd glazed earthenware
1 sherd Willow pattern china 19th
1 sherd blue china plate rim 19th 20th
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix III FINDS WB/MSF/15

200 4

Find no Area Context Description Period Date

4 Trench 4 200 2 sherds Staffordshire slipware 18th 18/05/16
1 sherd yellow glazed earthenware handle
1 sherd glazed pancheon base. Burnt 18th 19th
1 sherd willow pattern china rim 19th
1 sherd blue and white decorated earthenware plate
1 sherd white china with black lined decoration
1 sherd inscribed earthenware pot 20th
1 sherd glazed earthenware pot
1 earthenware plant pot base. 20th 21st
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix III FINDS WB/MSF/15

202 5

Find no Area Context Description Period Date

5 Trench 4 202 1 small sherd glazed local earthenware 18th 19th 18/05/16
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix III FINDS WB/MSF/15

206 6

Find no Area Context Description Period Date

6 Trench 4 206 1 sherd glazed local earthenware 18th 19th 18/05/16

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