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Gimnasio Fray Martín de Porres

Subject: ENGLISH’S EVALUATION Period: Fourth Grade: _Third_ Date: October of 2017
Teacher’ Johanny Criollo Acosta_ ..Student’

1. Listen and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

o The narrator is in the ocean. ___________

o Beautiful Mexican sunflowers grows in the ocean. ___________

o Fingered staghorn grows in the ocean. ___________

o Algae is always green. ___________

o Some medicines contain seaweed. ___________

2. Find and circle eight types of transportation.

Means of transportation

 ___________________________

 ___________________________

 ___________________________

 ___________________________

 ___________________________

 ___________________________

 ___________________________

 ___________________________

 Write sentences using the correct form of the adjectives in parentheses (comparatives).
Use two methods of transportation from the wordsearch.
o (Fast) ________________________________________________________________.

o (Comfortable) _________________________________________________________.

o (Big)_________________________________________________________________.

o (Exciting)_____________________________________________________________.

o (slow)________________________________________________________________.

o (Economical)__________________________________________________________.
3. Label the parts of the plant.

4. Use demonstrative adjectives; This, that, these and those. (Color)

___________ cars are red.

___________ is beautiful.

_______________ moose is big.

________________ Bike is new.

______________ bear is brown.

_______________ bears are fat.

______________ are from Mexico.

______________ are big.

5. Speaking

_____ Grammar and vocabulary


_____ Interaction

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