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Learning Objectives:

The students should be able to:

Identify the different baking tools and equipment and their
Familiarize with the functions of baking tools and

From the start, the dough mixture was poured on a heated

stones to bake it. Nowadays, there are many kinds of
baking tools and equipment out in the market that can be
used and utilized in the kitchen. Using these tools and
equipment appropriately can lead each and everyone to
be successful in baking. Thus, proper handling and used
must be observed in the use of different baking tools and
1. Measuring cups – they are used to measure
dry and liquid ingredients. It consist of two
types namely
Measuring spoons – consist of a set of
spoons with different sizes for measuring
small quantities of liquid or dry ingredients.

a. Liquid measuring cup (graduated

glass) - are sold individually and
made from clear glass or plastic, with
measures indicated on the outside of
the cup.

b. Dry measuring cup - allows you to fill

the cup to the top and then "level off" or
remove any extra with a straight edge
knife or metal spatula. Available in nested
sets of 4 to 8 cups. Made of metal or
plastic, these cups do not have a pouring
 Cake Turntable - makes cake
decorating easier in every step of
the process, from leveling and
torting the cake layers and icing
the layered cake to combing the
sides of your cake and creating
detailed borders along the base
and top edge sand icing work
along the sides
Decorating / Pastry tips
are pointed metal or
plastic tube connected
to the opening of the
pastry bag and is used
to form desired designs.
Pastry bag / Piping
a funnel shaped
container for icing or
whipped cream
Rolling pin
is used to flatten or roll
the dough.
Pastry wheel / Pie

round blade knife used to cut

dough when making pastries
Rubber scrapper

is used to remove bits of food

on sides of the bowl.
Palette knife
is an extra long knife with an
extremely flexible steel blade. It
allows you to cleanly turn over drop
scones or biscuits, spread cream,
icing and cake fillings and to
smooth toppings for baked dishes.
Also known as spatula.
Cake stand with tier
a round platform on a pedestal
for displaying a cake with
different levels.
Cake pillar
provides an essential
structural support for tiered
Sauce pan
a small deep cooking
pan with a handle.
Chopping board, color

– A different chopping board is needed for

each type of food that is used. This cuts
down the chance of contaminating one
food with the bad bacteria of another.

a. GREEN - Working with and preparing

vegetables and fruits should be done
using a green board.
b. WHITE - use these boards for dairy
is used to measure
ingredients for accurate
is used to grate cheese,
chocolate, and other fresh
Wooden Spoon
– is also called mixing
spoon which comes in
various sizes suitable
for different types of
is used in beating eggs or
whipping cream
Mixing bowl
comes in graduated sizes
and has sloping sides; used
for mixing ingredients
Wire whisks
is used to beat or whip
egg whites or cream.
Muffin pan
has formed cups for baking
muffins and cup cakes
Loaf pan
is used to bake loaf
Round pan
in a wide variety of sizes,
including professional layer
cake pans in heights from 1
to 4 inches.
Sheet pan
a flat, rectangular metal pan
used in an oven. It is often
used for baking bread rolls,
pastries and flat products
such as cookies, sheet cakes,
swiss rolls and pizza
Flour sifter/
used to separate and break
up clumps in dry ingredients
such as flour, as well as to
aerate and combine them.
Double boiler
a saucepan with a
detachable upper
compartment heated by
boiling water in the lower
Pastry brush

is used for greasing pans or

surface of pastries and pastries.
is used to in timing baked
products, the rising of yeast and
to check the doneness of cakes.
Electric Hand mixer
For creaming , beating egg
whites, mixing cake batters and
Pastry or biscuit
For shaping dough and
Pastry Blender
This tool with a wooden handle
and rounded steel blades is
used to cut in shortening( solid
fat) into flour to obtain flaky
texture of pies and pastries.
Cooling rack
For cooling cakes until ready
for icings and frosting.
Wooden spoons
For mixing batters. They
come in different weights
sizes and shape.
1. Ovens
are the workhorses of the
bakeshop and are essential for
producing the bakery products.
Ovens are enclosed spaces in
which food is heated, usually by
hot air.
A. Deck Ovens
are so called because the items to
be baked either on sheet pans or in
the case of some bread
freestanding are placed directly on
the bottom, or deck of oven. This is
also called STACK OVEN because
several may be stacked on top of
one another. Breads are baked
directly on the floor of the oven and
not in pans. Deck oven for baking
bread are equipped with steam
B. Rack oven
is a large oven into which
entire racks full of sheet pans
can be wheeled for baking.
C. Mechanical oven
The food is in motion while it bakes in this
type of oven. The most common types are a
revolving oven, in which his mechanism is like
that of a Ferris wheel. The mechanical action
eliminates the problem of hot spots or
uneven baking because the mechanism
rotates throughout the oven. Because of its
size it is especially used in high volume
operations. It can also be equipped with
steam ejector. The heat source is located in
the bottom, underneath the deck, or floor of
the oven.
D. Convection oven

contains fans that

circulate the air and
distribute the heat
rapidly throughout.
E. Wood fired oven
also known as PUGON is
oven that uses wood for
cooking foods.
A mixer with attachment is
equipment which uses a
gear-driven mechanism to
rotate a set of beaters in a
bowl containing the food to
be prepared. It automates
the repetitive tasks of
stirring, whisking or beating.
When the beaters are
replaced by a dough hook, a
mixer may also be used to
Upright freezer
-used to freezer that is tall
rather than wide; use lower
the temperature and thus
slow down spoilage
Mechanical dough
mechanical operated
machine used to cut regular
and uniform size of dough.
Cut of dough wary on the
type of dough cutter.
Thanks for listening!
1. It is used to remove bits of food on sides of the bowl. Rubber scraper
2. equipment which uses a gear-driven mechanism to rotate a set of beaters in a bowl
containing the food to be prepared. MIXER
3. For creaming , beating egg whites, mixing cake batters and icings. Hand mixer.
4. is used for greasing pans or surface of pastries and pastries. Pastry brush

5. For mixing batters. They come in different weights sizes and shape. Wooden spoon
6. is an extra long knife with an extremely flexible steel blade. – PALETTE KNIFE
7. For shaping dough and pastries. PASTRY CUTTER
8. For cooling cakes until ready for icings and frosting. COOLING RACK
9. is used to grate cheese, chocolate, and other fresh fruits. GRATER
10. used to separate and break up lumps in dry ingredients .STRAINER
11. round blade knife used to cut dough when making pastries or pies. PASTRY WHEEL
12. has formed cups for baking muffins and cup cakes. MUFFIN PAN
13. are pointed metal or plastic tube connected to the opening of the pastry bag and
is used to form desired designs. .PASTRY TIP
14. is used to measure ingredients for accurate measurements. SCALE
15. This tool with a wooden handle and rounded steel blades is used to cut in shortening( solid
fat) into flour to obtain flaky texture of pies and pastries. PASTRY BLENDER
16. is used to bake loaf bread. LOAF PAN
17. is used to beat or whip egg whites or cream. WHIRE WHISK
18. comes in graduated sizes and has sloping sides; used for mixing ingredients
19. is used to flatten or roll the dough. ROLLING PIN
20. a round platform on a pedestal for displaying a cake with different levels.

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