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Escuela de Ciencias, Agrícolas, Pecuarias y de Medio Ambiente

Ingeniería Ambiental
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Mayo 2018
1. Pantallazos.
1. Interpretation of the climogram (summary table)

Name: Leopoldo Ardila Losada

Climogram variables

Temperature (°C) Precipitation (mm)

Medium temperature Total precipitation
(°C) 9,85 (mm) 1157
Thermal amplitude
(°C) 7


The Climogram is used to determine the type of climate that is in a certain

area and in the case of the climogram that is presented, the red bars
indicate the precipitations and the blue line with the circles indicates the
temperature of each month. In order to understand the analysis to be
carried out, you must find the average temperature, which is calculated by
adding the temperature of each month and then dividing it by the number
of months in which each temperature was taken, in the case of the
climogram that is presented, It was 12 months since the temperature was
taken throughout the year. Then there is the thermal amplitude that is to
subtract the maximum temperature that was in September with the
minimum temperature that was in January, June and December. The next
variable is the total precipitation which is to add up all the precipitations
occurred in each month during the 12 months.

It is important to know in which hemisphere the climogram was made and

for this it must be observed in which months the temperatures were
higher, and in this case they were from August to October, and the
temperature line throughout the year was in the form of two hills that were
increasing from January and low in June and then rose again in each
month, until falling again in December and this indicates that the climate is
in the Northern Hemisphere. Now we must analyze to what climatic zone
that climate belongs, taking into account that the average temperature is
9.85 ° C, it could be located in a cold zone and at the same time there are
no temperatures in the other months that are near or below the 0 ° C.

Finally, it must be analyzed what climate it is, when observing the

precipitations it can be determined that they are a little high, the climate
can be semi-humid and in the thermal amplitude of the curve it remains


 Se logra interpretar el tipo de clima que puede estar ocurriendo cualquier lugar, teniendo en cuenta las variables de
precipitaciones y temperaturas las cuales están muy relacionadas para la caracterización de los fenómenos
meteorológicos, pero a su vez de nada valdría obtener los resultados de estas variables si no organizan en un
climograma, ya que por este método se puede observar las diferencias entre los resultados y sacar conclusiones
de los que sucede en cuanto al clima.
Luis Eduardo Neva
Luis Eduardo Neva.

Hot and humid, with abundant rainfall all year round (tropical rainforest). It occurs in the
areas of equatorial calm, between 10º S and 10º N. The temperature every month will be
above 20 and 27º C. The annual thermal amplitude is lower than 5º C. The relative humidity
is very high. The precipitation exceeds 2000 mm per year, with a maximum at the equinoxes
HEMISPHERE Equatorial and a minimum at the solstices


T ° Maximum 53.9 °C The highest T ° we have it in the month of January

T° Minimum 49.4 °C The lowest T ° we have it in the month of December

T° Average 52.3 °C annual We have an average annual temperature of 52.3 degrees Celsius


Thermal amplitude 4.5°C Low swing We have a thermal amplitude (difference of T °) of 4.5 ° C.


weather Warm It is a warm climatic zone due to its higher temperatures a los 25°C.


High rainfall 300 mm The highest rainfall occurs in the month of April

Low Precipitation 58 mm The lowest rainfall occurs in the month of August

Total rainfall 2241 mm year There is an abundant annual total of rainfall with a greater increase in the months of March
and April. And summer weather in the months of July, August and September.

Relationship of temperatures June, July, August, September, shows us that in this year according to the Gaussen index that tells us that when the
with rainfall. October and November. temperature line is above the rainfall bar, it is considered a dry month. In this case they
would be the months of June, July, August, September, October and November.
Luis Eduardo Neva
Los climogramas son unas de las herramientas graficas mas importantes que tenemos para darnos a conocer el
comportamiento de las temperaturas y precipitaciones de una zona determinada en periodos de un año. Gracia a estos
climogramas podemos hacer un seguimiento a los comportamientos climáticos y basarnos en estos para aplicarlos en
diversos procesos tales como la agricultura, la ganadería, la construcción entre otros favoreciéndolos al momento de en
el caso de la agricultura las fechas propicias para sembrar y cultivar.

Señora Tutora cordial saludo.

Señora tutora le escribo con incertidumbre hacerca del trabajo de la unidad iii. termodinámica química y
equilibrio químico en el cual no hubo coordinación con mi compañero y debido a mis aportes en los
últimos días, el subio el trabajo solo y también lo subi yo con el desarrollo de la actividad.
Con el mayor respeto le pido a sumerce de ser posible tener en cuenta mi trabajo.
No se si por haberlo subido después de mi compañero tenga algún inconveniente.

Me despido de usted señora

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