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Find the speed of two objects if, when they move uniformly [Ans. 2Ma / (g + a)]
towards .each other, they get 4.0 metre closer each sec and 8. A wooden block of mass 10 g is dropped from the top of a
when they move Uniformly in the same direction with the cliff 100 m high. Simultaneously, a bullet of mass 10 g is
original speeds; they get 4.0 m closer each 10 s. fired from the foot of the cliff vertically upwards with a
velocity of 100 m/s. (a) Where and after what time will they
[Ans. 2.2 m/s and 1.8 m/s] meet? (b) If the bullet after striking the block gets embedded
Snow is falling vertically at a constant speed of 8 m/s. (a) At in it how high will it rise above the cliff before it starts
. what angle from the v6ttical arid (b) with what speed dä the
snow flakes appear to be falling as viewed by the driver in a falling?
car travelling on a straight road with a speed of 21.6 km/hr? [Ans. (a) 4.9 m below the top and 1 s after dropping,
-1 0 (b) 82.4 - 4.9 = 77.5 m] •
[Ans. (a) tan (3! 4)=- 37 (b) 10 m/s]
9. In a detective story a body is found 5 m away from the base
Wind is blowing west to east along two parallel tracks at a of a building and beneath an open window 25 m above.
speed v. Two trains moving with the same speed in opposite Would you guess the death to be accidental or not? Explain
directions have the steam track of one double that of the
your answer. (g =10m/ s 2 )
other. What is the speed of each train?
[Ans. Accidental]
[Ans. 3v]
Two inclined planes are placed as shown in Fig. 4.61. A 10. A car waiting at a traffic light starts to move with a constant
particle is projected from- the foot of the plane of angle a acceleration of 2.0 m/ s 2 when the light turns green. Two
along its line with a velocity just sufficient to carry it to the second later, a truck moving in the same direction passes the
.top after which the particle slides down, the other inclined light at a constant speed of 25 m/s and soon passes the car.
plane. Find the total time it will take to reach the point C. Soon the car passes the truck:
How long after the car starts do the two overtakings
How far from the light does each take place?
[Ans. (a).2.19 sand 23 s; (b) 4.8 m and 520 m]
11. At a picnic spot on a hill, a boy falls over the cliff. Suddenly
Shaktiman arrives and dives off the edge 2.0s after the start
Fig. 4.61 of the boy's fall. If the cliff is 100 m high, what must
Shaktiman's initial velocity be if he is to catch the boy just
[Ans. t = 11(2 1+ ] before he reaches the ground?
g sin a sin13
[Ans. 27.3 m/s]
5. A lawyer seeks your advice in one of his cases. The question 12. A body is released from rest at t o = 0,x0 = 0 and moves
is whether a driver was exceeding a 45 km/hr speed limit
with constant acceleration. Its position is measured at the
before he made an emergency stop, brakes locked and
, equally spaced times t = At , t 2 = 2.At, t 3 =
3At and so
wheels sliding. The length of skid marks on the road was which
forth. Prove that displacements Axi =x x
5 m. The policeman, assurning:that maximum deceleration
occur in the successive time intervals At are in the ratio
of the car would not exceed /the acceleration of a freely
Axi : Ax2 : Ax3 • • • -1:3:5•••
falling body (10 m / s 2 ), arr6ted the driver for speeding.
What is your opinion? 13. A particle moves from rest in a straight line with alternate
acceleration and retardation of magnitudes f and f' during
[Ans. The policeman was wrong in arresting the driver as
equal intervals of time t. At the end of 2n such intervals
the speed of car was = 10 m/s = 36 km/hr (<45 km/hr) prove that the space it has described is
when brakes were applied]
nt 2 [(2n +1)f - (2n -1)fl
A balloon is ascending at the rate of 9.8 m/s and is 39.2 m
above the ground when a package is dropped. (a) How long 2
does the package take to reach the ground? (b) With what 14. A helicopter takes-off along the vertical with an
acceleration 3 m/sec 2 and zero initial velocity. In a certain
speed does it hit the ground? (g = 9.8 m / s 2 )
time t1 the pilot switches off the engine. At the point of
[Ans. (a) 4 s (b) 29.4 m/s] take-off the sound dies away in a time 30 second. If the
A hOt air balloon of mass M is descending vertically with velocity of sound in air is 320 m/sec, find the velocity of the
downward acceleration a. How much mass must be thrown helicopter at the moment when the engine is switched off.
out to give the balloon an upward acceleration a.
[Ans. V = 80 m/sec]
rate lal= 16. Af-f
aft;, where a is a positive constant. Calculate the rria I stone of mass m is t rown vertically upwards with
distance travelled before the particle is brought to rest. an initial speed v. If the air resistance at speed v
where k is mkv 2,,
1/2 is a constant, show that the stone returns to the
[Ans. S = 2 vo _ 2)-1 /2
3a starting point with a speed v ( kv

v1 +v2 =4
vl u2 =0.4 6. Taking downward direction +ve, u = -9.8 m/s,
where ul and u2 are the speeds of the moving objects. s= 39.2 m and a=g = +9.8 m/s 2 .

Speed of driver = 21 .6x 5- = 6.0 m/s (a) 39.2= -9.8t (9.8)t 2

18 2
tan 0=- 6 4.9/ 2 - 9.8t -39.2= 0
t 2 - 21- 8= 0
= (3) (t-4)(t+2)= 0
(b) u=u+gt = -9.8+9.8x 4 = 29.4m/s
Initially Mg -Th = ma
and when mass m is removed
Th- (M - m)g = (M - m)a. Solving these equations for
we get the desired result.
(a) h = 1- gt 2
-VD/G 2
Fig. 4.62
H-h=v,t--1 gt 2
If V is the velocity of each train, then for the train moving ' 2
H -h=v1 t-h
opposite to the wind steam track will be given by
= (V- v)t while for the other d2 log
= (V+ v)t .
Now as d2 = 2d, (given), (V + v)t = 2(V-
i.e., V = 3v H=1 00m
For a body sliding down an inclinedplane, a = g sin k v=100m/s
Using, x= ut +-1 at 2
2 Fig. 4.63
1= 0+- 1 , 2
(gsinl3p 2
2 -
11= Is
h v
1 2h 1 t =1 i
= -(g sin Nil ; t2 = -
sink 2 g sin h = 4.9 m
Similarly, t
mv i m v2 = 2m v
= 40.2 m

t=ti -Ft2 =.1-3- hmax = V-2 = 82.4 m

1111--L-+-j-j 2g
g sin a sin
Rise above clift = 82:4 - 4.9 = 77.5 m
As stopping distance s = (u 2 I 2a), A ,.t ..j (2h,g) = r ,
u=.12- as= ,i-
2)d-07-0= 10 m/s ) s, the horizontal velocity
of body would have been u = -x- = 51 = 13mIs
223 m/s
(about 20% of world class sprint speed of 10 m/s). As this The distance travelled in 1st 2t sec
r, 2
horizontal launch speed cannot be achieved by a standing
5" = Si +S2 = j— t ft 2
person himself without a push from behind or by throwing 2 2
him, So. the case is not accidental. Similarly, the distance travelled in next 21 sec
10. For car u=axt 212
1 S"= — [5f — 3 f ']
s=—xat 2 2
For truck d=vxt Hence, total space = — [(2n +1)f — (2n —1)f I
11. 14. Distance moved by helicopter. before its engine is stopped
4v 1 2 3 2
= - at = — t
2 2 '
100m Boy

Time taken by sound to reach ground = —32

Fig. 4.64
100= — gT So,
2 320
T = Jo sec +640t —19200= 0
1 xg(-12-5)2
100= v/2i+- 80
2 t 1 —- —S
. 3
12. So, speed of helicopter when engine is stopped,
v=at = 3x—= 80m/s
d -= cLIv
a = —v
'J.° dv adS
Fig. 4.65
1 2 2 vo
S =—
= —xgxti , xi =5m, 6'xi =5 3a
1 2 F=
t = 2, x2 =- xgxt2 , x = 20 m Ax2 = 15
2 F = —mg
13 =3, x3 =-1 XgX t32 x = 45m, Ax3 =25 —m[kv 2 + g]
vdv = _ucv2 gi
I 2
13. S — — x fx t ds
S2 = t(fi)-- f '1

.COSLY0Pit CHOKE: TocoRitecr, (a) 100 s (b) 4 s (c) (1/4) s (d) (1/1 00) s
17 A person travels along a straight road for the first half length 10. A body starting from rest covers a distance of 9 m in the fifth
with a constant speed v i and the second half length with a
second. The acceleration of the body is:
constant speed v 2 . The average speed V is: '
(a) 2 m/s 2 (b) 0.2 MA 2 (c) 1.8 m/s 2(d) 4 m/s 2
(a) (v1 +v2 )/2 (b) 2t) / (v1 +v2 ) 11. A car is moving along a straight road with a uniform
(c) (v1 v2 )1/2 (d) (v 2 /v1 )1/2 acceleration. It passes through two points P and Q separated
2. A motorist travels from A to B at a speed of 40 km/hr and by a distance with velocity 30 km/hr and 40 km/hr
returns at a speed of 60 km/hr. His average speed will be: respectively. The velocity of the car midway between P and
(a) 40 km/hr Q is:
(b) 48 km/hr
(c) 50 km/hr - (a) 33.3 km/hr (b) 20-fi km/hr
(d) 60 km/hr
3. A 150 m long train is moving to north at a speed of 10 m/s. A (c) 25-sh km/hr (d) 35 km/hr
parrot flying towards south with a speed of 5 m/s crosses the 12. A particle starts moving from the position of rest under a
train. The time taken by the parrot to cross the train would constant acc. It travels a distance x in the first 10 sec and
be: distance yin the next 10 sec, then:
(a) 30 s (b) 15 s (a) y = x (b) y = 2x (c) y = 3x (d) y = 4x
(c) 8 s (d) 10 s 13. Tripling the speed of a motor car multiplies the distance
4. The displacement s of a point moving in a straight line is needed for stopping it by:
given by: (a) 3 (b) 6
s= 8t 2 +31-5 (c) 9 (d) some other number
sbeing in cm and t ins. Theilnitial velocity of the particle is: 14. A,car travelling at a speed of 30 km/hr is brought to a halt in
(a) 3 cm/s (b) 16 ctn/s 8 m by applying brakes. If the same car is travelling at 60
(c) 19 cm/s (d) zero km/hr it can be brought to a halt with the same braking force
5. A travelling wave in a stretched string is described by the in:
equation, (a) 8 m (b) 16 m (c) 24 m (d) 32 m
15. A truck and a car moving with the same KE are brought to
y= A sin (Icc—(Lot)
The maximum particle velocity is: rest by the application of brakes which provide equal
(a) Aco (b)colk retarding force. Which of them will come to rest in a shorter
(c) dco / dk distance?
The truck
6. The velocity of a body del:rinds on time according to the
equation v = 20+ 0.1t 2 . The'body is undergoing: The car
(c) Both will travel same distance before coming to rest
(a) uniform acceleration
uniform retardation The distance of travel will depend on the horse power of
the vehicle
non-uniform acceleration 16. A body sliding on a smooth inclined plane requires 4 sec to
zero acceleration
reach the bottom starting from rest at the top. How much
7. A point moves with uniform acceleration and v 1 , v2 and V3
time does it take to cover one-fourth the distance starting
denote the average velocities in three successive intervals of from rest at the top?
time t 1 ,t 2 and t3 . Which of the following relations is (a) 1 s (b) 2 s (c) 4 s (d) 16 s
correct? 17. A body of mass m slides down an inclined plane making an
(a) v i —v2 : V 2 -V3 =11 -t2 : 2 +t3
1 angle of 45° with the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction
(b)vi —v2 : v2 —v3 = 11 +t : t2 +t3
between the body and the plane be 0.3, the acceleration of
(c)vi —v2 : V2 -V3 =11 -t2 the body is approximately equal to:
(d)v1 -v2 : 212 -V3 =t1t2 : t2 - t3 (a) 0.22 g (b) 0.30 g (c) 0.49 g (d) 0.70 g
8. If the relation between distance x and time 18. Check up the only correct statement in the following:
t is of the form;
t =&+I3x A body has a constant velocity and still it can have a
a and 13 being appropriate constants, then the retardation of _varying.speed
the particle is: A body has a constant speed but it can have a varying
(a) 2av 3 (b) 20V 3 velocity
(C) 2a0V 3 2V3
9. How long will it take to stop a car travelling at a speed of 20 A body having constant speed cannot have anY
m/sec, if the uniform acc. during braking is —5 m/s 2 ?
(d) A body in motion under a force acting upon it must At (h I 4)m from the ground
always have work done upon it At (h I 2) m from the ground
19- An electron of mass me, initially at rest, moves through a At (3h / 4)m from the ground
Depends upon the mass and volume of the ball
certain distance in a uniform electric field in time t 1. A
A body is released from a great height and falls freely
proton of mass mp , also initially at rest, takes time t 2 to
move through an equal distance in this uniform electric towards the earth. Exactly one sec later another body is
field. Neglecting the effect of gravity, the ratio t 2 Itis released. What is the distance between the two bodies 2 sec
nearly equal to: after the release of the second body?
(b) (mphne )1/2 (a) 4.9 m (b) 9.8 m (c) 24.5 m (d) 50 m
(a) 1
A body falls from rest freely under gravity with an
(n 4. 11/2 (d) 1836
"e'''` p acceleration of 9.8 m/s 2 . Neglecting air resistance, the
20. A particle moving in a straight line has velocity and distance travelled by the body during the third second of its
displacement equation as motion will be:
v= s, (a) 14.7 m (b) 24.5 m (c) 19.6 in (d) 29 1'-
where v is in m/s and s is in m. The initial velocity of the A stone is thrown upwards from the surface of the earth with
particle is: an initial speed of 5 m/s. The stone comes to rest at a height
(a) 4 m/s (b) 16 rn/s of : (g = 1000 dyne/g)
(c) 2 m/s (d) zero (a) 1.25 m (b) 12.5 m (c) 125 m (d) 2.45 m
21. Starting from rest a particle moves in a straight line with An object is projected upwards with a velocity of 4.9 m/s. It
acceleration will strike the ground in approximately:
a=(25_t2)1/2 m/s2 for 5s (a) 2 s (b) 1 s (c) 1.5 s (d) 0.5 s
A boy throws balls into air. He throws one, whenever the
a =311- ril/S 2 fort> 5s previous one is at its highest point. How high do the balls
8 rise if he throws one ball each sec?
The velocity of particle at t = 7s is: (a) 19.6 m (b) 9.8 m (c) 4.9 m (d) 2.45 m
(a) 11 m/s (b) 22 m/s A pebble is thrown vertically upwards from a bridge with an
(c) 33 m/s (d) 44 m/s initial velocity of 4.9 m/s. It strikes the water after 2s. The
22. The motion of a body falling from rest in a viscous medium height of the bridge is:
is described by (a) 19.6 m (b) 14.7 m (c) 9.8 m (d) 4.9 m
dv A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a speed of 10 m/s
- A - By, where A and B are constants.
dt from the top of a tower 200 m high and another is thrown
The velocity at time t is given by: vertically downwards with the same speed simultaneously.
2t )
(b) A(1- e-B The time difference between them in reaching the ground in
(a) -(1- e-Bt )
s (g = 10 m/s 2 ) is:
(c) ABe-t (d) AB 2 (l- t) (a) 12 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 1
23. If a light and a heavy body are released from same height: A wooden block is dropped from the top of a cliff 100 rn
heavier body hits the ground with greater velocity high and simultaneously a bullet of mass 10 g fired from
lighter body hits the ground with greater velocity the foot of the cliff upwards with a velocity of 100 m/s. The
both hits the ground with same velocity bullet and wooden block will meet each other after a time:
which one will hit the ground with greater velocity (a) 10 s (b) 0.5 s (c) 1 s (d) 7 s
depends on their shape / A stone is dropped into a lake from a tower 500 m .high. The
24. Two bodies of different masses 'ma and mb are dropped from sound of the splash will be heard by a man on the tower
two different heights, viz,a and b. The ratio of time taken by after:
(a) 21 s (b) 10 s (c) 11.5 s (d) 14s
the two to drop through these distances is:
(b) ma /mb : bl a A block slides down a smooth inclined plane when released
(a) a:b
2 2 from the top, while another falls freely from the same point:
(c) lc; : (d) a : b sliding block will reach the ground first with greater
25. Two bodies one held 30 cm directly above the other are speed
released simultaneously and fall freely under gravity. After freely falling block will reach the ground first with
2-sec their relative separation will be: greater ipeed
(a) 10 cm (b)..20 cm both the blocks will reach the ground at the same time
(c) 30 cm (d) zero but with different speeds
26. A ball is released from the top of height h metre. It takes T both the blocks will reach the ground with same speed
second to reach the ground. Where is the ball at the time T I 2 but the freely falling block first
_ ..... Fat tiLmui SilUe WWII a smooth inclined
45. The figure shows the displacement time graph of a body
plane is double the time it would take in falling down
through a height equal to the vertical height of the plane. subjected to the force of gravity alone. This graph indicates
The inclination of the plane with horizontal is:
(a) 300 (b) 450 (c) 60° (d) 90°
38. Between two stations a train first accelerates uniformly,
then moves with uniform speed and finally retards
uniformly. If the ratios of the time taken for acceleration,
uniform speed and retarded motions are 1 : : 1 and the
maximum speed of the train is 60 km/hr, the average speed
of the train over the whole journey is: t --
(a) 25 km/hr (b) 54 km/hr Fig. 4.67
(c) 40 km/hr (d) 50 km/hr at A, acceleration = 0
39. A body is projected vertically up from the ground. Taking at A, velocity = maximum
air resistance into account, if ti is the time taken in going up at A, displacement = 0
while t2 in coming down to starting point, then: the acceleration is constant at all the time
ti >12 46. The figure shows accelera- a
ti =12 tion vs time graph. If the (m/s2)
11 <12 body starts from rest the 2
I i can be greater or smaller depending upon the initial distance covered by it before
velocity of the body coming to rest is
40. The property of a body due to which it resists any change in (a) 30 m
its state of rest or of uniform translatory motion is called its: 0) 26 rn t(s)
(a) mass 1 2 3 4
(b) weight - 13 m
(c) inertia (d) moment of inertia 40 m
41. Velocity versus
time graph for a body projected vertically
upwards is: Fig. 4.68
(a) parabola (b) ellipse 47. Which of the following figures represents the motion of a
(c) hyperbola (d) straight line body moving in a straight line under constant acceleration?
42. If earth stands still what will be its effect on man's weight?
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(c) Remains the same (d) None of these
43. The displacement time graph for two particles (b) v
A and B
are straight lines inclined at angles of 30° and 60° with the
time axis. The ratio of the speeds V A : vB is:
(a) 1: 2 (b) 1:15 (c) h : 1 (d) 1: 3
44. The displacement of a particle A a function of time is
(d) v
shown in Fig. 4.66. The figure indicates that:

20 48. A particle is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity V. It

returns to the ground in time T. Which of the following
(0 10 graphs correctly represents the motion?

111 110.
10 20 30 40 50
t in sec T/2
Fig. 4.66 Time
the particle starts with a certain velocity but the motion is
retarded and finally the particle stops
the velocity of the particle is constant throughout
the acceleration of the particle is constant
the particle starts with a constant velocity, the motion is (d)
accelerated and fmally the particle moves with another
constant velocity
(a) 2 m (b) 3 m (c) 4 m (d) 5 m
49. Velocity versus time graph of a
-body is shown in Fig. 4.69. It 55. The velocity versus time graph of a linear motion is shown in
the figure. The distance from the origin after 8 sec is :
explains that:
at B force is zero
at B there is a force but
towards motion Fig. 4.69 ,0 2

at B there is a force that opposes the motion

All 8
1 2 3 41111111pr tin sec
forces are equal at A, B and C > -2
50. The velocity versus time curve of a moving point is shown in
Fig. 4.70. The retardation is: Fig. 4.74
(a) 18 m (b) 16 m
(c) 8 m (d) 6 m
t 40 56. A body is dropped from rest moves along a straight line with
20 a constant acceleration. The variation of speed (v) with
distance is given by :
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Fig. 4.70
(b) 2 cm/sec2 (a) v (b) v
(a) 1 cm/sec2
(c) 3 cm/sec2 (d) 4 cm/sec2
S $
51. The area of the shaded portion of
the graph represents:
the average acceleration
the maximum KE (c) v (d) v
the momentum Fig. 4.71
the displacement S S-

52. A rocket is fired upwards. Its velocity versus time graph is 57. An aeroplane is rising vertically with acceleration f. Two
shown in figure. The maximum height reached by the rocket
stones are dropped from it at an interval of time t. The
is: distance between them at time t' after the second stone is
t 1200 dropped will be:
1 g+f
(a) (b) t
600 2 t+2t'
140 1 ( gtf
(c) t 1- (d) —
0 20 40 60 80 100,120 2 2 t+e)
A swimmer crosses a flowing stream of breadthb to and fro
12 tin sec.— 132
in time T1 . The time taken to cover the same distance up and
Fig. 4.72
down the stream is T2 . If T3 is the time the swimmer would
take to swim a distance 2b in still water, then:
(a) 7.1 km (b) 79.2 km (c) 72 km (d) infinite
(a) Ti = T2 T3 (b) Ti2 = T2 T3
In the above problem the acceleration of the rocket during
burning interval is: ( C) T22 = • T3 (d)T3—T1 .T2
(a) (1200/12) m/s 2 (b) (12/1200) m/s 2 A street car moves rectilinearly from station A to the next
(c) (1200 x 12) m/s 2 (d) (1200/132) m/s 2 stop B with an acceleration varying according to tl,c law
The velocity versus time graph of a body moving in a f = a — bx, where a and b are positive constants and xis its
' straight line is as follows. The distance travelled by the body distance from station A. The distance AB is then equal to:
in 5 sec is: 2a a xa
(a) — (b) — (c) — (d) 2a — b
A particle starts from rest and moves with an acceleration a
which varies with time t according to the equation a= kt,
*C5 tin where k is a constant. The displacement s of the particle at
1 2 3 sec time t is :
1 2 1 2 1 2 (d) kt3
(a) — kt (b) — at (c) — at
Fig. 4.73 2 2 6
vvy (Allows up a oan yummy inside an elevator, with a
Two trains take 3 second to pass one another when going in
velocity of 10 m/s relative to the elevator. It takes 1 second
opposite directions but only 2.5 second if the speed of one is
for the ball to reach the hands of the boy. The acceleration of
increased by 50%. The time one would take to pass the other
the elevator, taking g=10 m/s 2, is:
when going in the same direction at the original speed is:
(a) zero (b) 10 in/s 2 (a) 10 sec (b) 12 sec (c) 15 sec (d) 18 sec
(c) 30 m/s 2 (d) 20 m/s 2 Two bodies move in a straight line towards each other at
initial velocities v1 and v2 and with constant acceleration
A body of mass m, moving along the positive x,direction is al
and a2 directed against the corresponding velocities at the
subjected to a resistive force F=Kv 2 (where K is a
initial instant. The maximum initial separation / between
constant and v the particIe velocity). If m = 10 kg, v = 10 m/s the bodies for which they will meet during the motion is:
at t = 0, and K=;-2 N (m/ s)-2 the velocity when t = 2s is: v
2 2
— 1 v — 2
10 10 3 (b) (v1 +v2 )2
(a) — m/s (b) 2 m/s (c) — — mis (d) — a l a2 2(a1 +a2 )
3 mis
3 10
It takes one minute for a person standing on an escalator to (c) v1 2
v (d) vi2 —V 2
reach the top from the ground. If the escalator is not moving, Va l a2 (al — a2 )
it takes him 3 minute to walk on the steps to reach the top. A body moves from rest with a constant acceleration. Which
How long will it take for the person to reach the top if he one of the following graphs represents the variation of its
walks up the escalator while it is moving? kinetic energy E k with the distance s travelled?
(a) 2 minute (b) 1.5 minute
(c) 0.75 minute JO) 1.25 minute
1 (a) Ek (b) Ek
For — of the distance between two stations a train is
uniformly accelerated and 1of the distance it is uniformly

retarded. It starts from rest at one station and comes to rest at Ek (d) Ek
the other. The ratio of the greatest velocity to the average
velocity will be : s s
1+ — —1) A particle moving with constant acceleration, travels 10 m
(a) ( mn in the first 5 second and another 10 m in the next 3 second.
The distance, it will travel in the next 2 second will be :
(c -
1+— (a) 8.33 m (b) 5.67 m (c) 9.37 m (d) 10 m
) (in n
A man starts chasing his dog 10 second after the latter runs
Two plane, smooth surfaces are parallel to each other and
along a straight track at a uniform acceleration of 0.5 m/ s 2 .
are initially a distance of 2 metre apart. The two surfaces
The track is 2 km long after which it bends away into the
approach each other with a vzlocity of 1 cm/sec. A particle field. What will be the minimum constant speed of the man
starts with a velocity of 4 cm/sec from one surface and so that he may catch the dog before the bend in the track?
collides normally and elastically on the other surface from (a) 1.50 lcm/hr (b) 40 m/s
the time the two surfaces start moving. The collisions (c) 90 km/hr (d) 20 m/s
continue back and forth till the surfaces touch each other. The speed of a body moving on a straight track varies
The total distance covered by the Particle is : acconling to v = 2t +13 for t 5s, v 3t + 8 for 5<t5_7
(a) 2 m (b) 1 m s and v = 4t +1 for t < 7 s. The distances are measured in
(c) 4 m (d) 3 m metre. The distance in metres moved by the particle at the
A tennis ball is released so that it falls vertically to the floor end of 10 second is:
and bounces again. Taking velocity upwards as positive, (a) 127 (b) 247
which of the following graphs best represents the variation (c) 186 (d) 313
of its velocity v with time t? The speed of a car was 50 km/hr for the first 900 s, then 40
km/hr for the next 50 km and then the car decelerated
uniformly at 10 km/hr 2 till it came to rest. The average
speed of the car was:
(a) 50 km/hr (b) 7.2 m/s
(c) 30-1cm/hr (d) 9.0 in/s
Rohl the top of a tower a stone is thrown up which reaches
the ground in time t1 . A second stone thrown down with the
same speed reaches the ground in a time t 2 . A third stone
released from rest from the same location reaches the
ground in a time t 3 . Then:

2 . If its position
1 1 81. The velocity of a particle is v = v o +gt + ft
,‘ 1 (b) t 32 = ti2 -q
0) -- = - + - (t = 1)is:
t3 t i t 2 is x = Oat t = o, then its displacement after unit time
[AIEEE 20071
t1 +t 2 (b) v + 2g + 3f
(c) t3 = (d) t3 = 1F-17-2- (a) v o +gl 2+ f
2 (c)v0 +g12+ f 3 (d) v o +g+ f
75. A parachutist steps from an aircraft, falls freely for two 0, starts moving along
82. A particle located at x = Oat time t =
second, and then opens his parachute. Which , of the the positive, x-direction with a velocity 'v' that varies as
following acceleration time (a -t)graphs best represents his v=mjc. The displacement of the particle varies with time
downward acceleration a during the first 5-second? [AIEEE 2006]
a a as:
(a) t"2 (b) t 3 (C) t 2 (d) t
(a) (b) 83. A ball of mass 0.2 kg is thrown vertically upwards by
applying a force by hand. If the hand moves 0.2 m while
applying the force and the ball goes upto 2 m height further,
a find the magnitude of the force. Consider g =10 m/s 2 .
[AIEEE 20061
(c) (d) (b) 22 N (c) 4 N (d) 16 N
(a) 20 N
84. A man throws balls with the same speed vertically upwards
one after the other at an interval of 2s. What should be the
With what speed should a body be thrown upwards so that speed of the throw so that more than two balls are in the sky
the distances traversed in the 5th second and 6th second are
at any time? (Given g = 9.8 m/ s 2 )
equal? Any speed less than 19.6 m/s
(a) 58.4 m/s (b) 49 m/s
Only with speed 19.6 m/s
(c) 98 m/s (d) 4-9-§ m/s
More than 19.6 m/s
A particle moving with a uniform acceleration along a
At least 9.8 m/s
straight line covers distances a and b in successive intervals
85. A car moves from X to Y with a uniform speed v u and
of p and q second. The acceleration of the particle is:
pq(p+q) 2(aq- bp) returns to Y with a uniform speed v d . The average speed for
(a) (b) [UPSEE 20071
139(P - 9) this round trip is:
2( bp- aq)
2(bq - aq) 2v ,,v vdv u (d) v +V d
bp- aq (a) " u (b) u V d (c)
(c) (d) Vd + u 2
pq (p + q) Vd+Vu
139(P - 9)
A particle's position as a function of time is described as 86. A point initially at rest moves along x-axis. Its acceleration
4. What is the average velocity of the varies with time as a = (6t + 5)m/ s 2 . If it starts from origin,
y (t)= 212 + 3t +
[CET (Kurukshetta) 20021 the distance covered in 2 s is:
particle from t = 0 to t = 3 sec? (c) 16m (d) 25 m
(b) 6 m/sec (a) 20 m (b) 18 m
(a) 3 m/sec
(c) 9 m/sec (d) 12 m/sec 87. A lift is moving with a uniform downward acceleration of
A coin is dropped in a lift. It takes time 11 to reach the floor 2 m/ s 2 . A ball is dropped from a height 2 m from the floor
of lift. Find the time taken after which ball will strike the
when lift is stationary. It takes time 12 when lift is moving
up with constant acceleration, then: floor? (Take g =10m1 s 2)
(d) 11 »12 1
(a) t i > 12 (b) 12 > t i (c) 11 = 12 (b) 2 sec (c) - sec (d) sec
(a) h sec 2 2
The v - t graph for a particle is shown. The distance travelled
[UPSEE 20051
in the first four seconds is: 88. A juggler maintains four balls in vertically upward motion.
„ 1
m/s He attempts next ball after - seconds. For the show to go
one, what should be the height for whicil .ne throws the
ball ? (g = 10m/ s 2 )
(a) 1.25 m (b) 5 m (c) 2.5 m (d) 1,0 m
t (sec) 89. A particle is projected vertically from the ground, takes
time t3 from point
2 4 - ti upto point A,12 from point A to B and
Fig. 4.75 to highest point and back to the ground. Find the height of
the middle point of A and B from the ground:
(b) 16 m (c) 20 m (d) 24m
(a) 12 m
d) — ti/ + + 2 (ti t2 + t2 t3 + t3 98.
, - -
2 The driver of a train moving at a speed v ' sees a goods
(b) [t ,12 t,2 train a distance 'd' ahead
of him on the same track and
ti t2 + t 3 + 23
4 2 2 moving in the same direction with a slower speed v 2
puts on brakes and gives his train a constant retardation 'a'.
g 2 2
— There will be no collision if:
] +t2 +11 t2 + ti t3 + t2 t3
(a) d< (v1+v2)2 d> (v1 -v 2 )2
d) none of the above (b)
A particle moving in a straight line covers half the distance 2a
(v -v 2 ) 2 (v -v2 )2
with speed 3 m/s. The other half of the distance is covered in (c) d>
(d) d <
two equal time intervals with speed of 4.5 m/s and 7.5 m/s a
99. a
respectively. Average speed of the particle during this The deceleration experienced by a moving motorboat, after
motion is : dv
its engine is cut-off is given by — = -kv 3 , where k is
(a) 4.0 m/s (b) 5.0 m/s
(c) 5.5 m/s (d) 4.8 m/s di'
A train moving with uniform speed passes a pole in 10 sec constant. If v 0
is the magnitude of velocity at cut-off, the
and a bridge of length 1200 m in 130 sec. Speed of the train magnitude of velocity at time t' after the cut-off is:
is: V i,
(b) v0 (c) v0e-kt (d) vo
(a) 90 km/hr (b) 72 km/hr (c) 36 km/hr (d) 54 km/hr
Engine of a train that is moving with uniform acceleration 2v o2 kt +1
passes a pole with speed u' 100.
while the last compartment A train is moving towards East with a speed 20 m/s. A
passes the pole with speed person is running on the roof of the train with a speed 3 m/s
The middle point of the train
passes the given pole with speed: against the motion of train. Velocity of the person as seen by
v an observer on ground will be:
(a) --- u + u2
(b) — (c)t -U-1 7 (d) (a) 23 m/s towards East
2 (b) 17 nils towards East
2 (c) 23 in/s towards West
101. (d) 17 m/s towards West
For a particle moving along a straight line, its velocity 'v' A packet is released from a balloon which is moving upward
and displacement 's' are related as v
2 = es, here c is a when the balloon is at a height 200 m above ground. The
constant. If the displacement of the particle at t
its velocity after 2 sec is : = 0 is zero, packet reaches the ground in 8 sec. Speed of the balloon
when the packet is released, is: (Take g =10m1 s
(a) c- so (b) cs o c _
(c) -s 1 2)
2 (d) cs-1 (a) 18 m/s (b) 15 m/s
2 (c) 12 m/s (d) 9 m/s
A car accelerates from rest at a constant rate a for some time 102.
A stone dropped from the top of a tower travels 5- th of the
after which it decelerates at a constant rate13 9
If the total time elapsed is t, to come to rest.
maximum velocity reached by height of tower during the last second of fall. Height of the
the car is : tower is: (Take g =10 ml S 2 )
(a) 040 (a +13) (b) ccP— t (c)---4 al3 a+0 (a) 52 m
i (d) --- t (b) 36 m
(a-f3) a, +13 (e) 45 m
c43 (d) 78 m
In Q. 94, time for which the car decelerates is: 103.
Engine of a car can produce a maximum acceleration
(a) ---a t (b) -I3-- t 2 m/s 2
a +13 (c)cc- t (d) 13_ t and its brakes can produce a maximum retardation
a +0 13 a 3 m/ s2
. Minimum time in which the car can travel a
In Q. 94, total distance travelled by the car is: distance 6 km is:
(a) - cc+13 t2 (b) la —13 t 2 (a) 120 sec (b) 100 sec (c) 82 sec
(d) 64 sec
(a2 +132) 2 (a2 +13 2 ) 2 104. Trains A and B
are moving towards each other on the same
(c) cci3 t2 t2 track with velccities 40 km/fir and 20 km/hr respectively. A
(d) sparrow which can fly at 30 km/hr flies off from train
(a-13) 2 A
(a+13) 2
when the trains are 30 km apart. The sparrow directly moves
A person is standing at a distance 's' towards the train 'B'
m from a bus. The bus and on reaching there flies back to A'
begins to move with constant acceleration 'a' mIS 2 and so on. Distance travelled by the sparrow till the two
from the person. To catch the bus, the person runs at a trains will hit, is:
constant speed 'v' m/s towards the bus. Minimum speed of (a) 60 km (b) 45 km (c) 30 km (d) 15 km
the person so that he can catch the bus is: 105.
A balloon is moving vertically up with a velocity 4 ni/s.
(a) -fiaTs (b) -.J as VVhep it is at a height h,
(c) (d) a body is gently released from it. If it
reaches ground in 4 Sec, the height of balloon, when the
body is released, is: (Take g = 9.8 m/s 2)

[CET (Karnataka) 2004]


(a) 62.4 m (b) 42.4 m (c) 78.4 m (d) 82.2 m for some time and finally retards at 4 m/ s 2 to come to rest.
A packet is dropped from a balloon that is moving upward
Average speed of the bus during the total journey is 15 m/s
when the balloon is at a height 60 m above ground. If the
and the total time is 20 sec. Time duration for which the car
speed of the balldon at the moment of release of packet is
moves with constant speed is:
5 m/ s, time taken by the packet to reach ground Will be : (a) 18 sec (b) 16 sec (c) 12 sec (d) 10 sec
(Take g = 10 m/s 2 )
Velocity-time graph for the motion of a particle along a
(a) 6 sec (b) 4 sec (c) 2 sec (d) 3.2 sec straight line is as shown in figure.
When a motorcycle moving with a uniform speed 11 m/s is v(m/s)
at a distance 24 m from a car, the car starts from rest and
moves with a uniform acceleration 2 m/ s 2 away from the
motorcycle. If the car begins motion at t = 0, time at which
the motorcycle will overtake the car is t =? t(s)
(a) 8 sec (b) 6 sec (c) 3 sec (d) 1.5 sec
In Q.107, after the car is overtaken by the motorcycle, it will
again overtake the motorcycle at what time, from t = 0?
(a) 8 sec (b) 6 sec (c) 3 sec (d) 1.5 sec
An object is thrown vertically upward with a speed u1 and it Fig. 4.76
travels 8 m in the last second of its upward motion. If the Average speed of the particle for the whole motion is:
object is thrown upward with a speed u 2 which is twice of (a) 9.6 m/s (b) 7.2 m/s (c) 8.3 m/s (d) 6.5 rn/s
1' 1 , the distance now travelled by the object during the last Average velocity of the particle for the whole motion in Q.
second of its upward journey will be: 116 is:
(a) 32 m (b) 16 m (c) 12m • .(d) 8 m (a) 3.3 m/s (b) 6.7 m/s (c) 2.7 m/s (d) 7.6 m/s
A stone dropped from the top of a tower is found to travel A particle is,moving such that its position vector varies with
(5/9) of the height of tower during last second of its fall. The -4
time of fall is : time as r = (1-at )t A, where a and A are constant
(a) 2 s (b) 3 s (c) 4 s (d) 5 s quantities. At t = 0, the particle is at a position p. At some
A long horizontal belt is moving from left to right with a later instant 't0 ', the particle is again at 0. Velocity of the
Uniform speed 2 m/s. There are two ink marks A and B on particle at the instant t o is:
the belt 60 m apart. An insect runs on the belt to and fro (a) 2 A (b) A (c) - A (d) -2 A
between A and B such that its speed relative to belt is
In Q. 118, total distance travelled by the particle from t = 0
constant and equals 4 m/s. When the insect is moving on the to t = t 0 is :
belt in the direction of motion of the belt, its speed as A
observed by a person standing on ground will be: (a) (b)
(a) 6 m/s (b) 2 m/s
(c) 1.5 m/s 2A'n 4A n
(d) 4 m/s (c) (d) -
In Q. Ill, if A lies to the left of B, then : a
time taken by insect to travel from A to B and time taken A body is thrown vertically upward at t = 0. It is at a height
by it to travel from B to A are:equal 80 mat two instants t i and /2 , then /1 12 is:
time taken by insect to travel from A to B is less than time (Takeg= 10 m/s2 )
taken by it to travel from B to A (a) 30 (b) 24 (c) 16 (d) 12
time taken by insect to travel from A to B is more ; Ian the
A body is thrown vertically upward at t = 0. It is at a height
time taken by it to travel from B to A 80 m at instants ti and 12. Also, it is at a height 60 m at
none of the above instants t; and t. Then:
113: In Q. 111, if A lies to the left of B, time taken by the insect to
(a) t i +12 = t; + (b) t i +12 >11 'f12
travel from B to A will be:
(c) 11 +t2 <1; +t (d) none of these
(a) 12 sec (b) 15 sec (c) 18 sec (d) 21 sec A body is thrown up in a lift with a velocity u relative to the
An object is dropped from the top of a tower. It travels .a lift and the time of flight is found to be t. The acceleration
,distance 'x' in the first second of its motion and -a distance
with which the lift is moving up is:
.`7x' in the last second. Height of the tower is: (b) 2 u - gt
(a) u gt
(Takeg= 10 m/s 2 ) 1,
(a) 60 m (b) 70 m (c) 80m (d) 90 m (c) u + gt 2u+ gt
A bus starts from rest and accelerates at a uniform rate 4
m/ s 2 for certain time. It then moves with a constant speed
"41.111172-3==ap's fall ur.."
at."regt inter
-717' (a) (A) (b) (B) and (C)
from a hole at the bottom of a vessel (c) All (d) None of these
placed at a high level. The ninth drop is 131. A constant power P is applied to a car starting from rest. If v
about to fall when the first drop just falls is the velocity of the car at time t, then: [UPSEE 2009]
on the floor after being in the air for 2
(a) v oc t (b) v
second. The distance between the 3rd
and the 5th drop at this instant is: 1
(c) v « (d)v
(Taking g = 10m/ s 2 ) Floor
40 25 Fig. 4.77
(a) — m (b) — m Displacement (x) of a particle is related to time (t )as
9 4 x= at +bt 2 -ct 3
(c) 5 m (d) --m where a, b and c are constants of the motion. The velocity of
16 the particle when its acceleration is zero is given by:
124. A particle moving along x-axis has acceleration' f' at time t,
b2 b2
given by (a) a — (b) a +
C 2c
f fo (1- ---
;) 2
(c) a+ — (d) a +
3c 4c
where fo and T are constants. The particle at t = 0 has zero
The acceleration a (in ms-2 ) of a body, starting from rest
velocity. In the time interval between t = 0 and the instant
varies with time t (in s) following the equation a = 3t + 4.
when f = 0, the particle's velocity (vx ) is : [UPSEE 20071
The velocity of the body at time t 2s will be:
(a) 1- f0 T 2 (b) foT 2 (C) - foT (d) AT [WB (JEE) 2009]
2 2 (a) 10 ms -1 (b) 18 ms -1
125. From the top of tower, a stone is thrown up. It reaches the
(c) 14 ms (d) 26 ms -1
ground in t 1 second. A second stone thrown down with the
The acceleration a of a particle starting from rest varies with
same speed reaches the ground in t2 second. A third stone
time according to relation a = at +11 The velocity of the
released from rest reaches the ground in t3 second. Then:
particle after a time t will be: [DCE 2009]
[WB (JEE) 20071
(11 + t 2 ) t at 2
(a) a (b) +Pt
(a) 13 = (b) t3 = jt1t2 2 2
„ 1 1 1 (at 2 +p)
(c) — = --- (d) = - ti2 (c) a12 + --l pt (d)
t 3 t1 t 2 2 2
126. A point initially at rest moves along x-axis. Its acceleration Two, stones are thrown from top of tower, one vertically
upward and other downward with same speed. Ratio of
varies with time as a = (6t +5)m / s2 . If it starts from origin,
velocity when they hit the ground is: [Orissa (JEE) 20091
the distance covered in 2 s is: [BCECE 20081 (a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 9
(a) 20 m (b) 18 m (c) 16,m (d) 25 m A body is thrown vertically up to reach its maximum height
127. A body moving with a uniform acceleration crosses a in t seconds. The total time from the time of projection to
distance of 65 m in the 5th second and 105 m in 9th second. reach a point at half of its maximum height while returning
How far will it go in 20 s? [UPSEE 20081 (in second) is: [EAMCET 2008]
(a, 2040 m (b) 240 m (c) 2400 m (d) 2004 m
128. Diwali rocket is ejecting 50 g of gases/sec at a velocity of (a) t (b) (1+ t (c) —
400 m/s. The accelerating force on the rocket will be:
A ball is falling freely from a height. When it reaches 10 m
[JCECE 20081
(a) 22 dyne (b) 20 N height from the ground, its velocity is V0 . It collides with the
(c) 20 dyne (d) 100 N
129. A ball is dropped from a bridge at a height of 176.4 mover a ground and loses 50% of its energy and rises back to height
river. After 2s a second ball is thrown straight downwards. of 10 m. Then, the velocity Vo is: [EAMC'ET 2010)
What should be the initial velocity of the second ball so that (a) 7 m/s (b) 10 m/s
both hit the water simultaneously? [UPSEE 20091 (c) 14 m/s (d) 16 m/s
(a) 2.45 m/s (b) 49 m/s (c) 14.5 _m/s (d) 24.5 nils If x, v and a denote the displacement, velocity and
130. Which ofthe following are true? [UPSEE 20091 acceleration of a particle executing simple harmonic motion
A body having constant spee'd can have varying velocity. af time period T, then which of the following does not
Position time graphs for two objects with zero relative change with time? [AIEEE 20091
velocity are parallel. (a) aT x (b) aT + 2nv
The numerical ratio of velocity, to speed of an object (c) aT I v (d) a 2 T2 4.47t2v2
can never be more than one.
139. Consider a rubber ball freely falling from a height h= 4.9 m
onto a horizontal elastic plate. Assume the duration of
collision is negligible and collision with the plate is totally
elastic. Then velocity as a function of time and height as a
function of time would be: [AIEhE 20091

143. A boy throws n balls per second at regular time intervals.
+v, When the first ball teaches the maximum height he throws
0 the second one vertically up. The maximum height reached
by each ball is:
(a) (b) g2
2(n —1)2 2n 2
0 (c) 2 (d)-

144. Two particles P and Q simultaneously start moving from

point A with velocities 15 m/s and 20 in/s respectively. The
two particles move with accelerations equal in magnitude
but opposite in. direction. When P overtakes Q at B then its
velocity is 30 m/s. The velocity of Q at point B will be:
From an elevated point P. a stone is projected vertically (a) 30 m/s (b) 5 rri/s
upwards. When the stone reaches a distance h below P, its (c) 10 m/s (d) 15 m/s
velocity is double of its velocity at a height h above P. The 145. A stone projected vertically up from the ground reaches a
greatest height attained by the stone from the point of height yin its path at ti seconds and after further t2 seconds
projection P is: [Kerala (PET) 2013] reaches the ground. The height y is equal to:
1 1
(a) — h
(b) — h (c) — h
7 5
(d) — h (a) — g (ti +12 ) (b) — g (ti +t 2 ) 2
5 3 5 7 2 2
2 1
(e) — h (c) — g t i t 2 (d)g t i t 2
3 2
The velocity-time graph vy (m/s) 146. A police van moving on a highway with a speed of 30 kmph
for the vertical 30 fire's a bullet at a thief's car speeding away in the same
component of the direction with a speed of 192 lcmph. If the muzzle speed of
20 the bullet is 150 m/s, with what speed does the bullet hit the
velocity of a body
thrown upwards from 10 thief s car? (Note: Obtain that speed which is relevant for
the ground and landing 0 Time (s) damaging the thief's car).
2 3 14 (a) 25 m/s (b) 50 m/s
on the roof of a building
—1 (c) 75 m/s (d) 105 m/s
is given in the figure. Fig. 4.78
The height of the 147. An elevator is going up. The variation in the velocity of the
building is: [Kerala (PET) 2013] elevator is as given in the graph. What is the height to which
(a) 50 m (b) 40 m (c) 20 m (d) 30 m the elevator takes the passengers:
(e) 10 m Velocity
142. A body is at rest at x = 0. At t = 0, it starts moving in the
positive x-direction with a constant acceleration. At the
same instant another body passes through x= 0 moving in 3.6
the positive x-direction with a constant speed. The position-
of the first body is given by xi (t )after time t'and that of the Time
10 12
second body by x2 (t)after the same time interval. Which of Fig. 4.79
the following graphs correctly describes (x1 — x2 ) as a
function of time' t' ? [AIEEE 2008] (a) 3.6 m (b) 28.8 m
(c) 36.0 m (d) 72.0 m
ocitf-Tlitt gimp of a- b6dy inOVing in a straight line
is shown in the figure. The displacement and distance
travelled by the body in 6 sec are respectively (in metres) :
5 10 15 20

5 6 (c)
5 10 15 20
t (sec)--•-
Fig. 4.80
152. Veloc'ty-time (v-t) graph for a mov ng object is shown in the
(a) 8, 16 (b) 16, 8 figure. Total displacement of the object during the time
(c) 16, 16 (d) 8, 8 interval when there is non-zero acceleration and retardation
149. The velocity-time is:
graph of a stone t 30 A
thrown vertically 20.
13 4.
upward with an initial
0 6
velocity of 30 ms -1 is
,3 to. Time (s)
shown in the figure. > 20.
The velocity in the 30 'c o , . . , t (sec)
10 20 30 40 50 60
upward direction is Fig. 4.81 Fig. 4.84
taken as positive and
that in the downward direction as negative. What is the (a) 60 n't (b) 50m
maximum height to which the stone rises? (c) 30 m (d) 40 m
(a) 30 m (b) 45 m An armored car 2 m long and 3m wide is moving at 10 ms -1
(c) 60 m (d) 90 m when a bullet hits it in a direction making an angle
150. The variation of velocity of particle moving along a straight
tan -I (-
3 With the length of the car as seen by a stationary
line is shown in the figure. The distance travelled by the 4
particle in 4 s is: •
observer. The bullet enters one edge of the car at the corner
and passes out at the diagonally opposite corner. Neglecting
any interaction between the car and the bullet and effect of
gravi6r, the time for the bullet to cross the car is:
(a) 0.20 s (b) 0.15 s
2 3 (c) 0.10,s (d) 0.50 s .-
t (sec) Two particles start simultaneously from the same_point and
Fig. 4.82 move along two straight lines. One with uniform velocity v
(a) 55 m (b) 30 m and other with a uniform acceleration a. If a is the angle
(c) 25 m (d) 60 m between the lines of motion of two particles then the least
151. Figure shows the displacement-time (x-t) graph of a body value of relative velocity will be at time given by:
moving in a straight line. Which one of the graphs shown in (a) - sin a (b) v- cos a
figure represents the velocity-time (v-t) graph of the motion a a
of the body. V v
(c) - tan a (d) - cot a
a a
A jet airplane travelling at the speed of 509 km/h ejects its
products of combustion at the speed of 1500 km/h relative to
the jet plane. What is the speed of the later with respect to an
observer on ground?
(a) -100 kmph (b) -1000 kmph -
(c) -10 lcmph (d) -11kmph
10 15 20 A body is projected upwards with a velocity u. It passes„,
Fig. 4.83
through a certain point above the ground after ti. The tim6:3.'
after which the body passes through the same point during .;
the return journey is:
a(m/s2) a(m/s2)
. (a) (LI - (b) 2 (-u-) - t i
(a) 10 (b) 10
u2 )
(c) 3(-u -t (d) 3 -
g 10 ‘.7(m/s) 10 v(M/s)
A small block slides without friction down an inclined a(m/s2) a(m/s2)
plane starting from rest. Let s, be the distance travelled
S (c) 10
fromt=n-ltot= n. Then n is: (d) 10
2n -1 10 v(m/s) I 10 v(m/s)
(b) 2n +1
2n 2n - 1 1,61. Two stones are thrown up simultaneously with initial speeds
2n -1 of u1 and u2 (u2 > u 1 ). They hit the ground after 6 s and 10 s
(c) (d) 2n respectively. Which graph in fig. correctly represents the
2n +1 2n +1
time variation of Ax = (x2 -x1 ),the relative position of the
The following graph shows the variation of velocity of a
rocket with time. Then the maximum height attained by the second stone with respect to the first upto t = 10 s? Assume
rocket is: that the stones do not rebound after hitting the ground.
v(ms-1) A
2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 4.85 (c)
(a) 1.1 km (b) 5 km
(c) 55 km (d) none of these 2 4 6 8 10
The velocity-time (u-t) graph of a particle moving in a
straight line is shown in figure. The acceleration of the The displacement-time graph of a moving particle with
particle at t= 9 is: constant acceleration is shown in the figure. The velocity-
time graph is given by:
V ms-1)


0 1 2
t(s) Fig. 4.88
2 4 6 8 10 12
Fig. 4.86
(a) zero (b) 5
(c) - 5 ms 2 (d) - 2 ms -2 (a) (b)
Velocity versus displacement graph of a particle moving in
a straight line is shown in figure. Corresponding
acceleration versus velocity graph will be:
v (m/s)
(c) (d)

In 1.0 s, a particle goes from point A to point B, moving in a
(m) semicircle of radius 1.0 m (Fig. 4.89). The magnitud_e of the
-average velocity is.: [IIT-JEE 19991
Fig. 4.87
r-v pal til•IG Jlal Lb 110111 1 GM. us acxieraionka) versus time v
is as shown in Fig. 4.91. The maximum speed of the partici(
will be: [IIT-JEE 2004]

Fig. 4.89 Time (sec)

(a) 3.14 ms-1 (b) 2.0ms -1 Fig. 4.91
(c) 1.0ms-1 (d) zero
164. A ball is dropped vertically from a height d above the (a) 110 ms-1 (b) 55 ms-1
ground. It hits the ground and bounces up vertically to a (c) 550 ms -1 (d) 660 ms -1
height d I 2 Neglecting subsequent motion and air 168. Depict the shown v -xgraph in a -xgraph:. [IIT-JEE 20051
resistance, its velocity u varies with the height h above the
ground as: [IIT-JEE 20001

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

165. A small block slides, without friction, down an inclined

plane starting from rest. Let Sn be the distance travelled .EI" A H
from I = (n -1) seconds to t (= n) seconds. Then Sn / Sn+1 Which of the following statements about distance are true?
is: • 20041 (a) It cannot be negative
2n -1 +1 (b)It cannot be zero
(a) (b) 2n
2n ;2n -1 It can never be lesser than magnitude of displacement
2n -1 2n It can never decrease with time
(c) (d)
2n +1 2n +1 If a body after travelling some distance comes back to its
starting point:
166. A particle starts from rest. Its acceleration (a )versus time (t)
(a) average velocity is zero (b) average speed is zero
is as shown in the figure. The maximum speed of the particle (c) distance travelled is zero (d) displacement is zero
will be: [IIT-JEE 2004] If the velocity of a body is constant:
'velocity = speed
a(m/s2) 'average velocity' = speed
10 velocity = average velocity
speed = average speed
If a particle travels a linear distance at speed v1 and comes
back along the same track at speed v 2 :
its average speed is arithmetic mean (v1 + v2 )/2
11 its average speed is geometric mean Vv i y 2
Fig. 4.90 its average speed is harmonic mean 2v1v 2 / (v1 + V 2 )
its velocity is zero
(a) 110 m/s (b) 55 m/s
(c) 550 m/s (d) 660 m/s
5. For a moving particle: 12. A carrom striker is given velocity on carrom based has
-4 always. Friction causes constant retardation. Striker hits
(a) I vav I> V av (b) vav
'v V av boundary of carrom and comes to rest at point from where it
started. Take initial velocity direction as positive, choose
(C) vav = Obut V av # 0 (d) vav # Obut v av = 0 correct graph describing motion : (v-velocity, s-displace-
6. Which of the following statements are true? ment, t-time)
A body can have constant speed but varying velocity
A body can have constant velocity but varying speed
A body can have acceleration without having velocity (a) (b)
A body can have velocity without having acceleration
7. If a body is accelerating:
it may speed up
it may speed down
(c) (d)
it may move with same velocity
it may move with same speed -t
-4 -)
8. If two bodies are in motion with velocities vi and v2 : V
4.1)22 13. For one-dimensional motion described by:
(a) IVrei i .livi2 (b) ly re, I= Ivi ±v2 I
x = t - sin t
(c) v rel = 0 (d) v rei > c (speed of light) (a) x (t)> 0 for all t > 0 (b) v (t)> 0 for all t > 0
9. The velocity of a particle is at any time related to the (c) a (t)> 0 for all t > 0 (d) v (t) lies between 0 and 2
distance travelled by the particle by the relation
a 14. A particle moves along a straight line so that its velocity
v (x)= ax + b, where a is positive and b is 5_ -. Which of the depends on time as v= 4t - t 2 . Then for first 5 s :
following statements will be true for this motion? average velocity is 25/3 ms-1
(given x =0 when I = 0) average speed is 10 ms -1
The displacement of the particle at time t is average velocity is 5/3 ms -1
b at acceleration is 4 ms -2 at t = 0
x = -(e -1) •
a 15. A particle moves with an initial velocity v o and retardation
The particle will experience a retardation if b < 0 a v, where v is the velocity at any time t.
The particle will be at rest at time t = 0
The motion of the particle is under constant acceleration The particle will cover a total distance v—
10. A train accelerating uniformly passes three successive 1
kilometre posts at times t =0,t = 75 and t = 125 (all in The particle will come to rest after time -
second). In respect of this motion, which of the following
statements are true? The particle will continue to move for a long time
V„ 1
The acceleration of the train is (1m/ s 2 The velocity of particle will become after time -
75 a
The speed at the last of the three posts is 22.67 m/s 16. A particle moves in a straight line with the velocity as shown
The initial velocity of the train is 10 m/s in figure. At t = 0,x = -16 m.
The train will travel the next one kilometre in 15 second
11. Two cities A and B are connected by a regular bus services
with buses flying in either:direction every T seconds. The
speed of each bus is uniform and equal to Vb. A cyclist t (s)
cycles from A to B with a uniform speed of Ve (11/1 > Eic, ). A
bus goes past the cyclist in Ti second in the direction. A to B
and every T2 second in the direction B to A. Then:
VT VTh Fig. 4.93
(a) Ti = (b) T2 — '
Vb +Vc Vb - Vc The maximum value of the position coordinate of the
VT V,T particle is 54 m.
(c) T = (d) T2 — " - The maximum Value af the position coordinate of the
b c Vb + Vc
particle is 36 m.
The particle is at the position of 36 mat t =18s.
The particle is at the position of 36 m at t = 30s.
If both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation (A) : A body X is dropped from the top of a tower. At the
of A.
same time, another body Y is thrown horizontally
If both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation
from the same position with a velocity u. Both bodies
of A.
will reach the ground at the same time.
If A is true but R is false.
(R) : Horizontal velocity has no effect on motion in the
If A is false but R is true.
vertical direction.
If both A and R are false.
(A) : Two bodies of unequal masses mi and m2 are
(A) : A body X is thrown vertically upwards with an initial
speed 45 m/s. Another body Y is also thrown dropped from the same height. If the resistance
vertically upwards with an initial speed 27 m/s. offered by air to the motion of both bodies is the
1 same, the bodies will reach the earth at the same time.
During the last — sec of motion of each body, speed
2 (R) : For equal air resistance, accelerations of fall of
masses m1 and m2 will be different.
of each reduces by the same value.
(A) A body is released from a height. As it is falling
(R) : Both bodies are moving with same acceleration.
(A) : A body is thrown vertically upwards with an initial vertically downwards, at some position, it explodes
speed 25 m/s from a position 1. It falls back to into fragments under purely internal forces. Centre
position 1 after sometime. During this time duration, of mass of the system of fragments will keep moving
total change of velocity of the body is zero. along the original vertical line and also accelerate
(R) : Average acceleration of the body during this time is downwards with an acceleration g.
zero. (R) : Whenever linear momentum of a system is
(A) : An object moving with a velocity of magnitude 10 conserved, its centre of mass always remains at rest.
(A) Two particles start from the rest simultaneously and
m/s is subjected to a uniform acceleration 2 mis 2 at
proceed with the same acceleration in the same
right angle to the initial motion. Its velocity after 5 s
has a magnitude nearly 14 m/s. direction. The relative velocity of these particles will
be zero throughout motion.
4 (R) At every moment the two particles will have the
(R) : The equation v = u+ at can be applied to obtain v
same velocity
if a▪ is constant.
(A) : A body is moving
along a straight line
Figure shows sequence of large
number of photograph of an object
moving vertically under gravity. A
such that its velocity v
motion picture of this photograph is run
varies with time as
shown in figure. 2 4 6 8 10 12 t (s)
(A) : In time reversal sequence the gravi-
Magnitude of dis-
Fig. 4.94 tational acceleration will appear to be
placement of the
body from t = 0 to t = 12s is the same as the distance upward. 0
(R) : A time reversal operation changes Fig. 4.95
travelled by it in the giVen time duration.
(R) : For a unidirectional motion of a body, every v to — V.
'displacement! = distance (A) : If two particles are neither approaching towards nor
(A) : A body is thrown with a velocity u inclined to the receding away from each other then their relative
horizontal at an angle e(0> 0, < 90°). At the highest velocity is zero.
point, the angle between instantaneous velocity and (R) : Relative velocity of 1 w.r.t. 2 is given by
acceleration is zero. -->
(R) : At the highest point velocity of the projectile is zero. V12 = v1 — v2
(A) : In an elastic collision between two bodies, the
relative speed of the bodies after collision is equal to
the _relative speed before collision.
(R) : In an elastic collision, the linear momentum of the
system is conserved. 2007)
11". .44 F•ler

I• A ball is allowed free to fall from height H' which rebounds

back to maximum height h' (H). Take upward as the ( C) i3 involves positive
direction and initial position on origin. a) a)
a acceleration
_ cp
Column - I 1 _ .. Column - II >
.x (Distance)
Displacement versus (p)
The motion depicted in
time graph is
this graph

(d) .„ , involves negative
_ acceleration
Distance from starting (q) aI
2 (7)
point versus time graph
is __.
The motion depicted in
Distance versus time (r) this graph
graph is

/ 3. A person of mass 65 kg gets into an elevator at the 30th floor

of a building. The elevator begins to move at t = 0. Apparent
weight of the person as a function of time is shown in figure.
Velocity versus dis- (s) Take g = I OM/s2 and match Columns-I and IL:
placement graph is
App. wt. (N)
800 -
650 -


2. Assuming one dimensional motion (along x -direction) in all 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 t (sec.)

the cases, match Columns-I an4 II. Fig. 4.96

'Colucan - I ' " Coliiiiiii -II -. ''' eoliinni- I , Column -II

. '
(a) The elevator is moving (p) t = Is
5 is uniform linear down at
1 (b) Magnitude of accelera- (q) t = 10 s
a_ I tion of the object is 2.3
--• Time m/s 2 at
The motion depicted in (c) Speed of the object is 2.3 (r) t = 12s
this graph m/s at
(d) Magnitude of accelera- (s) t = 1 is
ti § / is non-uniform linear tion of the object is 1.15
cct motion m/s2 at
---c ,- 1
fl. 0
- .Time - -
The motion depicted in s
this graph
moves. Column II describes some characteristics of these (e)" 1 tie object is attached (r) The kinetic energy of
motions. Match the situations in Column I with the to one end of.a massless the objects keeps on
characteristics in Column II. spring of a given spring decreasing.
[LIT-JEE 2007J constant. • •
umn The other .end of the
(a) The object moves on spring is attached to the
(P) The object executes a ceiling of an elevator.
the x-axis under a simple harmonic Initially everything is at
conservative force in motion. , rest. The elevator starts
such a way that its
speed and position going upwards with a
constant acceleration a.
satisfy u = ci — x2 , The motion of the
where c1 and c2 are object is observed from
positive constants. the elevator during the
(b) The object moves on (q) The object does not period it maintains this
acceleration. .
the x-axis in such a way change its direction.
that its velocity and its (d) The object is projected (s) The object can change
displacement from the from the earth's surface its direction only once.
origin satisfy 0= — kx , vertically upwards with
-where k is a positive a speed 21/alle / Re ,
constant. where M is the mass
of the earth and Re is
the radius of the earth.
Neglect forces from
objects other than • the

The displacement of a particle moving in straight line is

moves with • acceleration 1 m/ s 2 in. the west direction.
given as function of time as s= (t-3

3— —2 + 2t ,s is in m When person 'B' stops pulling, it moves with acceleration
24 m/ s 2 in the north direction. The magnitude . of
and s is in sec. The particle comes o momentary rest acceleration of the cart when only A and B pull the cart
n times.
Find the value of n. keeping their directions same as the old directions, is (25/n)
Adjacent graph is drawn for particle along straight line mis 2 , value of nis:
motion, where a-acceleration and v-velocity. The In the arrangement shown in F = 10t
displacement of particle from rest till it acquires velocity figure, mA = 1 kg and mB = 2 kg;.,.:
N5 ms-' is s. Find the value of 2s (in m). while all the pulleys and strings are
1 massless and frictionless. At t= 0,

a I (m-1s2) a force F =10t starts acting over
5 central pulley in vertically upward
direction. If the velocity of A is
xx 10 m/s when B loses contact
Fig. 4.98
with floor, find x.
-A lift is moving up with a constant retardation of.2 m/ s 2 .
When its upward velocity is 5 rn/s, a boy in the lift tosses a •
Fig. 4.97
coin, imparting it an upward velocity of 3 m/s,
himself. His fingers at the moment of toss are midway
Five persons A,B,C,D and E are pulling a cart of mass 100
between the floor and ceiling, whose total height is 2m;
- kg on a smooth surface and cart is moving with acceleration Displacement of coin when it hits the ground is x metre (in
3 m/ s 2 in east direction. When person ' A ' earth frame). Value of x is : (g=10M/S 2.)
stops pulling, it

.l' 1011111111111
1 .

5. As the particle passes position (5) :

A particle is moving along X-axis under a force such that its it is instantaneously at rest and will now move along
position-time graph is as shown in figure. positive X-direction
it is moving along positive X-direction with a speed that
. is decreasing with time
it is moving along negative X-direction with a maximum
it is moving along negative X-direction with a minimum
6. As the particle passes position (6) :
it is moving along positive X-direction with a speed that
is increasing with time
it is moving along positive X-direction with a speed that
is decreasing with time
Fig. 4.99 it is moving along negative X-direction with a speed that
Answer the following questions: is increasing with time
1. As the particle passes position (1) : it is moving along negative X-direction with a speed that
(a) it is moving along negative X-direction with a speed that is decreasing with time
is increasing with time
it is moving along positive X-direction with a speed that
is decreasing with time A person standing on the roof of a building throws a ball
it is moving along negative X,direction with a speed that vertically upward at an instant t =0. The ball leaves his hand
is decreasing with time with an upward speed 20 in/sand it is then in free fall. The
it is moving along positive X-direction with a speed that ball rises to a certain height and then moves down. On its
is increasing with time way down, the ball just misses to bit the roof of the building
2. As the particle passes position (2) : and keeps falling towards the earth. The ball hits earth at
it is moving along positive X-direction with a maximum t = 5 sec. Considering that (i) the vertically upward direction
speed is the positive Y-direction (ii) the position of ball at t = 0 is
it is moving along positive X-direction with a minimum the origin (iii) the ball does not rebound and comes to rest at
speed the same place where it hits earth and (iv) air resistance is
it is moving along negative X-direction and its speed is negligible. (Take g = 10m/ S 2 )
zero here
Answer the following questions:
it is moving along negative X-direction with a minimum
speed Maximum displacement of the ball from the _initial position
3. As the particle passes position (3) :
(a) it is moving along positive X-direction with a maximum (a) 45 m (b) — 45 m (c) 25 j m (d) — 25 j m
speed Average velocity of the ball from t = 0 to t = 5 sec is:
it is moving along negative X-direction with a speed that (a) 10 j m/s (b) — 5 3 mis
is increasing with time (c) — 8 j m/s (d) — 9 j lois
it is moving along positive X-direction with a speed that Position-time graph for the given motion of the ball is:
is decreasing with time
y(m) Y(m)
it is moving along negative X-direction with a speed that
is decreasing with time (a) 0 t(s) (b) 0 t(s)
4. As:the particle passes position (4) :
(a) it is instantaneously at rest and will now move along
negative X-direction y(m) Y(m)
(6) it is instantaneously at rest and will now move along
'positive X-direction (c) 0 t(s) (d) 0 t(s)
it is moving along positive X-direction with a maximum
it is moving along negative X.-direction with a maximum

v(m/s) P Q
0 •
(b) 0 t(s)

Fig. 4.100
v(m/s) v(m/s)
— x2 —x1 Ax
The average velocity V = =
t(s) t 2 —t1 At
(c) (d) t(s)
1. A particle moves half the time of its journey with
u. The rest
of the half time it moves with two velocities v i and 02 such
5. Acceleration of the ball will vary with time as that half the distance it covers with v i and the other half with
a(m/s2) 02 . The net average velocity is : (Assume straight line
'a(m/s2) motion)
u(vi +02 )+201 02 (b) 2u (vi + 0 2 )
(a) t(s) 2(01 + 02 )
(b) 0 2u+vi +02
u (vi +0, ) 0
(c) (d) 201 2
2v u+vi +02
a(m/s2) a(m/s2)
A particle moves according to the equation x = t 2 3t + 4.
The average velocity in the first 5 s is:
(c) 0 5 (a) 8 m/s
III/I t(S) (d) 0 Ill t(s) (b) 7.6 m/s
5 (c) 6.4 m/s (d) 5.8 m/s
The resistive force suffered by a motor boat is proportional
''tO 0 2
, where v is instantaneous velocity. The engine was
shut down when the velocity of the boat was v0 . Find the
ssage= average velocity at any time t.
Consider a particle moving along x-axis. Its distance from vg, v vv,
(a) (b)
origin 0 is described by the co-ordinate x which varies with 2 2(00 +0)
time. At a time t1 , the particle is at point P.
where its
co-ordinate is x1 and at time t 2 , the particle is at point 000 loge() 2o vo log P
Q, u
where its co-ordinate is x2 . The displacement during the (c) (d)
time interval from t1 to t2 is the vector from P to (vo —v) (V+
Q, the
x-component of this vector is (x2 —x1 ) and all other
components are zero.
It is convenient to represent the quantity x2 —x1 the change
in x by means of a notation A, thus & x
2 — x1 and
At = t 2 — t1.

9.(b) 10.(a) 11.(c) 12.(c)

5. (a) 6. (c) 7.(b) 8. (a)
1.(b) 2.(b) 3.(d) 4.(a)
21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (c)
17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (a)
13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (b) 36: (d)
32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (c)
28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (b) 31. (c)
25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (c) 47. (d) 48. (c)
43. (d) 44. (a) 45. (d) 46. (b)
39. (c) 40. (c) 41. (d) 42. (a)
37. (a) 38. (a) 58. (b) 59. (a) 60.
54. (d) 55. (d) 56. (c) 57. (b)
50. (b) 51. (b) 52. (b) 53. (a)
49. (c) 69. (c) 70. (a) 71. (c) 72. (b)
65. (c) 66. (c) 67. (c) 68. (b)
61. (b) 62. (b) 63. (c) 64. (b) 84. (c)
80. (b) 81. (0 82. (c) 83. (a)
76. (b) 77. (d) 78. (c) 79. (a)
73. (b) 74. (d) 75. (c) 95. (a) 96. (d)
91. (c) 92. (d) 93. (b) 94. (c)
87. (d) 88. (a) 89. (b) 90. (a)
85. (a) 86. (b) 106. (b) 107. (c) 108. (a)
102. (c) 103. (b) 104. (d) 105. (a)
98. (b) 99. (d) 100. (b) 101.(b)
97. (a) 117. (a) 118. (c) 119. (a) 120. (c)
113. (b) 114. (c) 115. (d) 116. (c)
109. (d) 110. (b) 111. (a) 112. (a)
129. (d) 130. (c) 131. (c) 132. (c)
125. (b) 126. (b) 127. (c) 128. (b)
121. (a) 122. (b) 123. (b) 124. (c)
141. (b) 142. (b) 143. (b) 144. (b)
137. (c) 138. (a) 139.(b) 140. (b)
133. (c) 134. (b) ,135. (b) 136. (b)
153. (a) 154. (b) 155. (b) 156. (b)
149. (b) 150. (a) 151. (d) 152. (b)
145. (c) 146. (d) 147. (c) 148. (a)
165. (c) 166. (b) 167. (b) 168. (a)
161. (a) 162. (a) 163.(b) 164. (a)
157. (c) 158. ' (c) 159. (c) 160. (a)


4. (c, d) 5. (b,t)
2. (a, d) . 3. (a, b, c, d)
1. (a, c, d)
9. (a, b) 10. (a, d)
7. (a, b, d) 8. (a, b, c)
6. (a, c, d)
14. (c, d) 15. (a, c, d)
12. (b, c) 13. (a, d)
11. (c, d)
16. (a, c, d)


9. (c) 10. (d) 11. (d) 12. (b)

5. (e) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (c)
1. (a) 2. (e) 3. (a) 4. (a)


q,r; q,r; 3.
1. a---)q;b-s;c-->r; d-4t 2. a-4 ci,r;

4. a --> p; b-)ci,r; p;


2. (9) 3. (1) 4. (1) 5. (3)

1. (2)


3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (d)

Passage-1 1. (d) 2. (a)

2..(b) , 3. (a) .4.(a) 5. (c)

.Passage-2 1..(d)

Paisage-3 1.(a) 2.(a) .3.(c)

--„ momminuommommen
1:. Let t i and 12 be time taken to cover first and second half dr = v =( 1
dt 2ar+13
Again differentiating w.r.t.
11 = 2 = x idx 2 d2
V 11 2v1 ' 0=a•2 +au - x d2x
\dt) dt-2
t2 = 2 x
dt 2
2 2v2 —
(x/ 2+x/ 2) 1
v av d 2 x = -2CW 2
x x1 1 = 2av
dt 2 (2aX + )
1 2v
2 2v1 2v2 9. v u + at
1 1
2v1 , 2V 2 0= 20- 5t
'N. -= 4s
V I +V2 1
10. a
2V I V2 s nth u + - (2n-1)
av 2
2v v
V v=. 9= 0+ (2-(2x 5-1)
' V1 + V 2 2
• a=2m/s2
2. I vrel I I Vtrain - V parrot I= 10- (-5) = 15 m/s-
(40)2 = (30)2 + 2as
x 150 ,
t-—=— =10s 350 = as
vrel 15 Now, vm2 = (30)2 +as Fig. 4.101
3. t 150
10+5 1
x=- X a X (10)2
ds d 2 2
4. v = — = — (8t + 3t - 5)= 16t +3
di di. 1
Initial velocity (time, t = 0) is given by 2
u = 3 cm/s y =-1 xax(30)x10=-xax(10)
2 2 x3= 3x
5. y = A sin (kx cot ) 2
y = 3x
v = — = -Acocos (kx-wt) 13. v 2 = 2as
The maximum particle velocity is (3v)2 = 2as2
lv max j= /1o)
s2 = 9s1
6. v = 20+ 0.1 t 2
14. v2 = 2 + zas
a = — = 0.2 t (30)2
di a=
Thus, acceleration depends upon time, or the body
undergoes non-uniform acceleration • Now, 0= (60)2 - 2as'
V1 -v2 = t +1 KE
1 2 x = — . Therefore, x will remain the same for truck and car.
-v3 12 +1
8. t = ax2 +13x s =-(gsinO)t 2= - x1 10xsin Ox 16
2 - 2
Differentiating w.r.t. 't' s= 80sin 0
dr dx s 1
1=a•za—+p— -= - x (g sin 0)x (t ')2
dt di 42
Motion under gravity is independent of mass of body.
1 2
2h =-1 xgx(71
26. T= —
g 2 2
1 2 AH =Hi -H2
27. = - xg(3)
Fig. 4.102
H2 =- xg(2)2
80sin 0 12 1
= x10xsin 0 x (t')
4 2 28. s = u+- g(2t -1)
(1')2 = 4 u 2 5x 5 1.25 m
29. h = = =
t' =2s 2g 2x10
18. Just like on circular motion where speed is constant but 2v„
velocity is variable. 30. T =
19. 'Acceleration in uniform electric field is given by
F qE 31. n=u-gt
a=—=—. 0= u-9.8x1 u = 9.8
Given that, 1
s= 9.8x 1- - x 9.8x (1)2
Xe =X p 2
1 2=-a 1 t22 s = 4.9 m
-a i
2 et 2 P 32. v = 0 for both the balls
t2 ae eE I me I in Hence, they will reach to ground at same time.
\ eE I in1, me 2
t1 \O p
33. s = ut + 1- at
20. v = 4J-T
v =16+16s
'V 2 -16=16s
v 2 -(4)2 = 2(8)s
Initial velocity = 4 m/s
dv = (A - Bv)
Fig. 4.103
f dv
= f dt
(A - Bv) 0 For first particle
1 2
1 -200=10x t, - - x 10x t
-- log (A - Bv) = t 2
B e 0
, -40= 2t1 -
--[log e (A -Bv)-log e Al= t Ito -40=0
ti2 -
log e ( A - Bv)_ Bt (+ve sign is considered)
A - 2 - _
(A - By)= Ae-Bt 2.+,5-4-
t =
1 2
By = A - Ae-Bt
o_e-Bt) For second particle
v=—(1--e 2
200=1012 +-1 10t
2 2
t2 — —z+ \/164 51. Area blow v—t curve provides displacement.
2 (considering only +ve sign)
••• At=t1 —t2 =2Y The maximum height reached by the particle is at 1=12 sec.
Hence ,the area from t = 0 to t = 12 will give
1 the maximun
34. For block h = — gt 2 - height.
( Ay)
For bullet 1 2 a=
100—h = 100t — — gt At
t = lsec 54. Distance= — x3x2 + —1
2 xlx 2 +(lx1)= 5m
35. Time of fall of stone, 11 = 2h = 2x 500
=10 s (In this problem displacement = 3 m)
g 10
Time taken by sound of splash to rise to tower Distance from origin means magnitude of the displacement.
x 500 a = — , for constant acceleration.
12 = — = — s ds
v 340
Total time = t i + t2 = 10+1.5 = 11.5s f du -= fa dv
Freely falling block will reach first but speed of both will v2 2as
remain same. Graph is parabolic.
h = _1 7 2sinO
(gti )sin 0 Let the velocity of aeroplane at the time when 1st and 2nd
sine 2 - stone were dropped was u and u 'then distance travelled will
h = —1 gq
2 Fig. 4.104 1
hi = u(t+ t')-- g(r+ t')2
= 2t2 2
38. vav — Total distance
h2 = u't —1 gt ' 2
Total time 2
Total distance = Area below v -t curve
Let v and u be speeds of swimmer and river respectively.
2b b b 2bv
60 km/hr T— ;T, = + 2b
2 ;T3 = —
v 2 —u v—u v+u v 2 _ 14 2
Ti2 = T2 • T3
1 8 1t 49. Ace.= (a— bx)
Fig. 4.105
v — = a— bx
In upward motion, resistance of air acts downward while in dx
downward motion it acts upwards, always opposite to v dv = f (a — bx)dx
This property is inertia. v2 bx 2
— = CIX —
This graph is parabola. 2 2
vA = tan 30° v2 = 2ax— bx 2
B tan 60° When v = 0,
ds 0 = 2ax— bx 2
— = 0, finally the particle comes at rest.
di 2a
Since s-t graph is parabolic hence acceleration is constant. b
Area below v-t curve will provide net displacement. 60. a = kt = — = kt
In option (d) v oc t, means acceleration is constant. di
_ dv = f kt dt
In option (c) velocity decreases at constant rate.
At B acceleration is —ve. Hence force opposes the motion. kt 2 cfr kt 2
v2 —V1 0— 60 2 dt 2
a= = —2 m/s 2
t2 —t 1 70-40
t2 69. E = 1- mv
dx = fk — dt 2
kt 3 (k0t 2 I 2 E = - mx2axs
x= = =- at 2
6 6 6 E ocs
2 v„ 1 2
Since, T= " 70. 10= ux 5+- xa (5)
a net 2
a no = 20 m/s 2 20=ux8+-xa(8)2
Hence, a E = 10 mis2 Fig. 4.106 1 2 1 2
71. 2.0 =- xax t where a = -m/s
• F = -kv 2 2 2
dv 2 For man 2.0 = v x t
m— = -kv
dt 1.5vdtt f57 vdt+bi° vdt=s
72. JO
v dv k t Total distance
f = -f 73. Av. speed =
10 v 0 Total time
1 v 2 „t v
v t +v 2 t 2 +
10 1 1
v 24 2
1 v
-1- - -j- = - (2) 2
v 10 5 1 a2
V = 2 m/s
1 2
When the person will move on moving escalator the time 7 4. -H = ut --gt I
will be less than one minute.
s 1 2
2 A s B
2a l x — = (vmax)
Fig. 4.107 1 2
s H = - gt 3
Also (v max )2 = 2a 2 X —n 2
S v Initially acceleration is constant after this acceleration
Av. velocity = where 11 - max suddenly decreases and becomes zero.
11 +12 al
Since the distance traversed in the 5th second and 6th
and t 2 =(v max ) second are equal it means body reaches at top point at t = 5
Initially velocity increases along -ve axis then it becomes v = 9.8x 5
+ ye after collision. v =49 rn/s
=/1 +12 At t= 0, = 4 m
1 1
vi + v2 )
At t = 3, y2 = 2(3)2 +3(3)+ 4 = 31m
11 +12 31- 4 27 = m/s
= Y2 — Y1 =
3 av 3-0 3
-(1), )+(v ) t 2 —t1
When lift is accelerating relative acceleration increases
t" = 1 hence time decreases.
(v1 )-v2
Area below v- t curve provides displacement
68; V rel =V1 4V 2
Hence, s = j v dt
= (al + a2 ), directed opposite to motion. o
a rel
Using, v 2 - u = 2as, we have x 1
(0)2 _ ( +v2 )2 =_2(a1 + a2 f dx = vt = (v o +gt + ft 2 )dt
0 0 0
(v1 +v2 )
2(a1 + a2 )
x 0 t—
+ gt2+ft3i 1 2
2 3 H = - XgX('-
0 2 2)
H = 1.25 m
x+0 +g+-f-)
2 3
Time for one ball to reach at max. height is1- + 1- = 1sec
v = alrx 4 4 2
dx V A = u - gt1
— ax1/2
B 11— 0 1 + t2 )
hA = uti --1 gt 2
h B = u(11 + t )--1 g (t +t ) 2
2 2 1 2
1 2
-hB =v B t 3 --
2 gt 3
x t2
• 13
Work done = Change in P.E.
Fs = mgh Ms
F = nigh 0.2x10x 2
0.2 hB

Time of flight of any ball for which it gains maximum height ti

is > 2 sec. hA

0 Ball 2
Ball 1 - - - 0- Fig. 4.109
Ball 3
Man's Hand Av. speed = Total distance
Fig. 4.108 Total time
Hence, for this speed >19.6 m/s. V = 3m/s s/2
2v, v, • •
Av. speed - A t1 t2 t2 B
V1 +V2 2 2
dv Fig. 4.110
— = (6t + 5)

jo 6t 2
'v du = —+5t Av. speed =
v=3t 2 +5t
= 3t 2 + 5t For 1st half
x=t 3 + 5t 2 s t,
For ind half t,
arei = 10- 2 = 8 m/s 2 = 4.5x + 7.5
2 2 2
H=-g't1 2
2 (i)
2= 1- x8xt 2 130= (ii)
1 where s is the length of train and v is the speed of train.
t= sec
du. = 3,
92. Let 1 be the length of the train. dt
1st Case : v 2 - u2 = 2a1 dv3 =
40 k.dt
IInd case : V' 2 -/42. = 2a (1/2)

2v ' 2 - 2u2 =2al _1[1 11,

Comparing eqns. (i) and (ii), 2 v2 v(2)
2v'2 -2u2 =v2 -u2
v- 0
1v2 +u2
v' =1 AI2v(ik t +1
93. v= Velocity of person as seen by observer = 20 - 3 = 17 m/s
1 2
ds nr -200= ux 8--.x10x(8)
jos s-u2 ds= dt 1 gT 2
0 2
2-1S = \IC x2 4 1
5 2

94. = tan =a

= tan 02 =13
t1 +t2 =t=
t2 It
Fig. 4.112
aI3 Fig. 4.111
a+ 103.
t Acceleration Retardation
= vm =
95. t
a a + 13 •
al3t 2 6km
96. s = 2- xv M x(t1 +t 2 )= 2(a+p) Fig. 4.113

12 1
97. = s+- at S x 2xt 2
2 -2
u±-11u2 -2as (2t, )2 2t 2
t= 6000-s, -
a - 3x2 3
So, the passenger will catch the bus if t is real, (6000- t )x 3 = 2t12
v 2 ?_ 2as
18000= 5t
v 12—
t 2 = 3600
-v2 should
98. The velocity of train relative to goods train v i
t = 60sec
become zero before the trains meet. 1 2
- V2=2u + s Now, S2 = u 2 t 2 -- at 2
r r• rr 2
0= - v2 )2 -2iis u2 = aiti
1 2
(vi - v2 )2 2400 = 1 20t2 - 2- x 30x t 2
2a t2 = 40sec
The trains will not collide if Hence, total time T=t 1 +t 2 =100sec
(v 1 - v 2 )2
d> s , i.e.,
Train A Train B 60m
40km/hr 20km/hr

30km 2m/s
Fig. 4.114 Fig. 4.115

30 Time taken by insect from A to B is equal to time taken by it

Time = 1
= — hour from B to A as speed of insect w.r.t. belt is constant.
40+20 2
Hence, distance travelled by sparrow t = — = 15sec
d =- x 30= 15 km 1
2 114. x=- xg(1)2 x=5m
105. s = ut + ± at 2 1
2 35 = — xg [2t —1] t = 4sec
h=-4x4+1x9.8x(4)2 =-16+ 78.4=62.4 m
2 Hence, Height of tower, H =-1 xl0xt2 = 80 m
1 2
106. —60= 5t -- x 10x t 2 115. A = 4 mls 2
107. Let motorcycle meets the car after time t. 11 =13
For motorcycle : x= lit+ 24

For car: x=-1 at 2

24+11t=- x2xt 2
t 2 -11t-24= 0
t = 3 sec
108. 2 Total distance s = 15 x 20
t —11t— 24 = 0
t = 3, 8 s= 300 m
109. The distance travelled in last second is always equal because 1
300= 2x- x 4 x ti2 + (4ti )t2 ...
it is equal to 2
s= —xg(t ) 15=
2 2t1 +t 2
110. The distance from the top h =h--5h 4h d = Total area under the curve
=— is travelled in
9 9 1
(t — 1)seconds, where ( is time of fall on the ground. (6t+ 8t)x10+-1 (2t + 4t)x 10
2 2
4h 1 =70 t+30 t
— =— g(t — 1)2
9 2 = 100 t
_4 gt 2) = _1 g(t _ 1)2 Total distance 100 t
92 2 av = — =43.3 m/s
Total time 12 t
j't 2 =t 2 +1-2t Displacement = Total area under the curve
5t 2 —18t+9=0 = -1 (6t+8t)x10--1 (2t+4t)x 10
2 2
(5t — 3)(t — 3). 0 = 70t — 30t = 40t
...Average velocity — Displacement = 40t
— = 3.3 m/s
in / belt = 4 m/s Time 12t
v belt/gyound = 2 m/s
in /grotmd = 6 m./s
f dv =
118. r = (1—at)t
= (1— 2oct)A v
120. t 1 12 --
At t = T, v = fo T — —1— foT
2 2T —
= 16 H=-1 gt 3
1 2 2
10 125. —H = ut 1 — — gt 1
2 2
vi 1 2
H =ut 2 +—gt 2
iv u=3t 2 +5
80m 2 2
I ul
j0x dx = (3t + 5)dt

Ground 1
65=u+—a(2x5 -1)
Fig. 4.117 2
121. t = t' +t 2' Sum of time remain same. 105= u+—a(2x 9-1)
122. = (g + a)
5= u(20)+ a(20)2
Since t=— 50
A rel 128. F = u— = 400x — = 20N
dt 1000
2u — gt)
a= ( t ) 129. F— i (dm)
v re- dt
1 2
H = — xl0x(2) 130. Slope is same means velocity is same hence relative velocity
is zero.
H = 20 m
2 1
Time interval between two drops = — = — sec.

Fig. 4.119

2 3
x= at+bt —ct
Fig. 4.118 2bt — 3ct 2
Let the distance travelled by 3rd drops is a = (2b — 6ct)
1 2 11
s3 =- xgx(1.5) If a = 0,1 = (-
2 3c )
Distance travelled by 5th drop a= 3t+4
1 2 du
s5 = — x g(1) — = 3t + 4
2 dt
As = s3 —s5 3t 2
= 4t
f = f0 — L 2
134. a=ott+P
f will be zero at t = T. dv
dv t) dt
v +tit
2 h = — gt (after collision)
135. 2
v2 = u 2 2gH
As h t 2 , hence graph will be parabolic with
u and Hare same hence ratio is same. h = 4.9 m at
t = O.
136. Let t be time to rise to reach maximum vertical height
h. 140. At height h above P:
V2 = u 2—2gh
(i) t
h = 1 gt 2 At depth h below P:
2 (i)
Time to travel distance h I (2y)2 = u 2 +2gh (ii)
2 from the topmost point is given
by Adding eqns. (i) and (ii)
,2 5v2 = 2u 2
gt h =gtr 2
2 2
Comparing eqns. (i) and (ii), U V2 2v
gt' 2 = —1 gt 2 Eqn. (ii) minus Eqn. (i) gives Fig. 4.120
3v 2 = 4gh 2 4
V = — gh
t' =ti/
... Required time = t + 4
- = 1 i" The maximum height attained by the stone is
1/2 V2 u 2 5v 2 / 2 5v 2 5 (4
L 5,
137. The velocity of the body on reaching the ground is 2g 2g .)
4g3 3
V = Vu 2 +2gh = V 2 +196 Height = Algebraic sum of area under u-t graph
Given that, = -1 x30x3--1 xl0x1
1 2 2
2 = 40m
As (t)= —1 at 2
mgh 2
and x2 (t)= ut
V2 = 4gh
xi —x2 =—I at 2 — vt
V2 (Parabola)
0 +196= 4x 9.8x10 2
vo2 = 392-196= 196 Clearly, graph (2) represents it correctly.
Time interval between two balls = Time of ascend
1/0 = 14 irds
1 u g 2
138. — = co2x T 03,2 T = constant hg h 2g
x x
vrei = at
Hence, this factor — I does not change with time. For P: 30= 15+ at
For Q: y= 20—at
139. Consider downward direction negative and upward 1
positive. h= y=- gti t 2
For downward motion, v =
For upward motion, v = +gt. 146. The relative velocity of bullet with respect to thief
vbt =(ub+u p )—ut
As the collisions are elaoiic, the magnitude of velocity will
Area of v-t graph;
remain the same. The direction will change after each
Area of v-t graph;
collision, starting with negative direction. Also, v oc t, hence
the graph will be straight line. u2
h = — ; From graph u = 30 m/s ; a = — 30
- 2a = 10 m/s 2
Also, h = 4.9-1 gt 2 (before collision)
2 150. Area of under v-t graph
0 to 5s : velocity is +ve and constant
5 to 15s : slope is zero
an - - a 2n -1
15 to 20s : velocity is -ve and constant 2
Area under trapezium gives displacement. 2n +1
a (n +1)— a
Hence, the correct option is (c).
Maximum height will be attained at 110s. Because after 110
s, velocity becomes negative and rocket will start coming
10 m/s
Area from 0 to 110s is 1- x 110 x1000 = 55,000 m = 551cm

vbcos 37° 2m 159. Acceleration between 8 to 10 s (or at t = 9s).

Fig. 4.121 V2 — V1 _ 5-15 = - 5 m/s 2
a -
t 2 — t 1 10-8
Relative velocity along x-axis is (vb cos 37°-10)
Distance travelled by bullet along x-axis is 162. At t = 0, slope of the x-t graph is zero; hence velocity is zero
(vb cos 37°-10) t = 2
...(i) at t = 0. As time increases, slope increases in negative
direction; hence, velocity increases in negative direction. At
Distance travelled by bullet along y-axis is
(ii) point 1, slope changes suddenly from negative to positive
(vb sin 37° ) t = 3 value : hence, velocity changes suddenly from negative to
Solving equations (i) and (ii), we get t = 0.20s
positive and then velocity starts decreasing and become zero
154. At any time velocity of first car is v and that of second car is at 2, option (a) represents all these clearly.
= v + at = 0+ at Displacement
2 163. lAverage velocityl =
u rel = 2 + (at) — 2uat cos a Time
d 2 v COS a, 2r 1
=—=-2x-=- 2ms
urei iS minimum if— (y r )= 0; t = a
155. Velocity of jet aeroplane = 5001
Velocity of fuel w.r.t. plane = - 15001
vf - vp = -1500j; vf
= 5001-1500j= - 10001
Speed of fuel w.r.t. ground is -1000km/hr.
So, n x5.- x 10 x(1)2 or n=1
2 Vf

156. Suppose v be the velocity attained by body after time t i . Fig. 4.122
Then v = u - gt 164. For downward journey : v 2 = u 2 + 2gh
Let the body reach the same point at time t 2 . Now velocity Therefore, the velocity will increase in downward
will be downwards with same magnitude v, then (negative) direction. The shape of graph will be parabolic.
-v u - gt2 :v2 u2 _ 2gh
For upward journey
Eqn. (i) - (ii)
Therefore, the velocity of the ball will decrease and will
2u=g(t 2 -t1 )
become zero at the highest point. Again, the grap'A will b(
2z) 2 , - ti
or t2 -t i =—=-ku-gti)= 2 11- parabolic.
g g g
Option (a) is correct.
157. Distance travelled in t th second is, ; S, 1 = -i (2n+1)
1 165. S =
st = u + at - - a
2 S -1
Given : u = 0 S, 1 2n +1
— 115 d'S accelerati
on remain
Positive (although it decreases). [In (ax + b)ro = at
.*. Max. velocity = Area under v - t graph (ax+ b)
In = at
= —1 x Ilx 10 = 55 ra's
2 b
x = — (e at —1)
167. Till I Is, acceleration is positive, so velocity will go on a
increasing up to lls and maximum velocity will happend at 10. 1
l+s=ux75+- ax(75)2
11 s. The area under the acceleration-time , 2,
graph gives
change in velocity. Since particle starts with u =
velocity is 0, change in 2+s= ux125+-1 ax(125)2
f — v i = vmax — 0= Area under a-t 11.
graph (vb vc )Ti v br
or vMaX =-1 x10x11= 55ms Bus moving in same direction.
168. The given graph can be represented by the equation, Ivb vc )7.2 v br
Bus moving in opposite direction.
v-+E-g-jx+v o Position 1st increases but velocity decreases and later
position decreases but velocity increases.
a =v (dv) x t —sin t
for t> 0
sin t < t
a= I(— v° +v 0—
° v (1—cos t)
Since, —1.5_ cos t < I
a =1v 2
0 ix _ vo
i2 1 Hence, 0< v < 2
x20 x0 5 5

which is equation of a straight line with positive slope and

Average velocity
f0 V dt f (4t — t 2 )dt
negative intercept.
1VIUH THAN ONE dt f dt
TO.404. 0 0
Distance> Displacement
and it cannot be negative. 12t 2 — t—3] 125
_ --
0 3 25 5
When the body comes to its original point displacement of 5 _
the body is always zero. 5 3x53
For average speed, let us put v 0, which gives
The magnitude of velocity is speed and if velocity is I = 4s t = 0 and
constant then it is equal to average speed.
2vi v2
= ---- and velocity is, zero.
v l v2
average speed =
Average velocity Average speed 5
f di
In circular motion the speed may be constant but velocity is
variable. 0

For an accelerating body speed may increase or decrease.

-4 -4
Vrel = V1 — V2
VI= v22 + 2 vi v2 cos Or — 0)
dx "
= ax+ b
x dx 5
fo (ax.f.
b)=0f dt
If position-time graph is parabolic then acceleration is
constant. If this parabola is opening upward, then this shows
+ve acceleration.
13 -1
— ms If linear momentum varies with respect to time, then motion
5 5
is non-uniform.
For acceleration : App. weight = (Mg - Ma)
a= (4t - t )= 4 - 2f If elevator moves downward with acceleration a.
dt dt
and App. weight = Mg + ma.
Att=0,a=4ms-2 If elevator moves upward with acceleration a.
du (or) da = - a dx ESTIO
15. v • — = -av
dx 2
t 3 3t
V0 1.
V 0 = (XX o =xo 3 2
a ds 2
t V=—=t -3t+2
du , v dv dt
(or ) j — = - a j d t
dt v 0 Since the particle comes to rest, therefore,
t 2 -3t+2= 0
u = vo e'l (or) v = 0 for t = ..•
(t -1)(t - 2) = 0
V0 1
v = — when t = -
t = 1 s and 2 s
e a Hence, the particle comes to rest twice.
16. Maximum value of position coordinate n =2
= initial coordinate + area under graph upto t •-* -4 •--> -4 -4 ..
(As upto t = 24s, FA + FB + Fc + F D + F E = 3)0 i
=24 s 3.
the displacement of 100 i ...(ii)
F B +Fc +F D +FE - • -
the particle will be positive)
74 -4 (iii)
FA +Fc +F D +F E = 2400 j

Eqn. (i) - Eqn. (ii) gives: FA

t(s) -) -4
Eqn. (iii) - Eqn. (ii) gives: F A -FB = 2400 I +100i

400 i - F B = 2400j +100 i

Fig. 4.123
FB = 300 i - 2400 1
Maximum value of position coordinate
lx 6 When only persons A and B pull the cart,
= -16+2x104---)x 2+ 6 (18-10)+ — x (24-18)1 -4
2 2 FA + F B = 700 i - 2400j
-4 -4
FA + FE =ioo3 2500
1. u 2 = 2gh 1FA +F R I
Acceleration, a =-
It means velocity vs displacement graph is parabolic.
Distance always increases hence distance vs time graph is =
- 25 m/s2
5. Initial velocity of coin = 2m/s
Acceleration = - 10 m/s 2
1 2
Now, h=ut+-at
Fig. 4.124

. - ---------

: 2m/s2 where t1 + 1 -= —2-

1 2
Fig. 4.125
Av. velocity = Total distance
Total time
isi + s2
dx slope ofx - t 2.
di curve is zero. Then particle will be at rest. x = 1 2 + 31 + 4
x1 = 4
If 4'! > 0 velocity is +ve
di x 2 = 44
x (X2 —X1
If —
d < 0 velocity is -ye
V av
di AT
3. Focv2
-H = ut - -gt 2 F 2
m— du
Position 1st increases then decreases. Velocity 1st decreases di
or niv = -lw 2
then increases. Acceleration remains constant. ds
Passage-3 — -cu 2
(1) Lest total time is T ds

T T/2 —
dv —cfs ds
s ux- vv 0
2 Si S2
Fig. 4.126


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