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January 15 Facilitation Plan 

Agenda for Day 
Set up: Chart paper for Connect and Challenge; marker(s) to document thoughts; room arranged to accommodate for groups 
of 4 people. Participants will have workspace in their p​ acket​. The W
​ ays of Being​ should be a guide for how we will be in 
these groups. 
Content ​(What, who, how long, dialogue or  Process​ (how to navigate through the content) 

Introductions (5 minutes)  Ask participants to just share their name and role. The intention is to 
acknowledge who is in the room. 

Personal Jot time (5 minutes)  Participants just had a lot of content shared with them. This is not meant 
to be shared out with anyone - only some time to reflect. There is space 
in the packet for the jots. 

Connect and Challenge - Small group dialogue  1. Work in small groups of 4 to discuss the connections and 
(25 minutes)  challenges that they are making to the ideas around 
self-awareness and awareness/acceptance. 
2. Ask participants to d​ ocument on their own sheets 

Connect and Challenge - Whole Group Sharing  1. Have groups share out as they feel comfortable. It is not meant 
(10 minutes)  to be a report - only an opportunity to share ideas. 
2. Document ideas on c​ hart paper​. This is in the information we will 
utilize for our debrief following this day.  

Reflection and Next Steps (5 minutes)  1. Share that we will continue this dialogue, as well as to work on 
becoming an ally in this work. This will happen in the buildings, 
to be lead by the Social Justice cohort. 
2. Give everyone this question to reflect upon - now and beyond: 
How does this affect your personal and professional practice? 
We will start the break out groups following a 15 minute break after I share the process for the facilitation. It is scheduled 
to begin by 1:45, though we will begin as soon as possible to allow as much time as we can get. We will need to end by 
2:35 in groups so we may move back into the PAC ready to go at 2:50 for final connections and the launch of the Doing 4 
Others challenge. 
Please return the charts to the main office. Include your name on it so we can use this when we debrief. 

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