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Prepared by Aperalta 2018

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct option from the chart.

1. Don´t lift so heavy things or your ___________ will get worse.

2. The dentist sent me to take Molarex for my _________.
3. I didn’t put on sunscreen that’s why I am ________. My skin is terribly red!
4. Jennifer had a very high _______ yesterday. The doctor gave her
something to reduce the temperature.
5. My friend Goldy suffers from __________. Her respiratory problems get
worse when the weather is cold.
6. If you have a/n _____________, it’s a good idea to put on a heating pad on
your ear.
7. Fernando got a __________ leg when he was playing soccer.
8. My great-grandfather died of a _______________. His heart was very weak.
9. Sorry I can’t speak aloud. I have a terrible _____________. I can’t even
10. I have an allergy to pollen. I start to __________ every time I go into the

Collocations with GET

meaning example

get together
get on well (with)
get to know
get married
get in touch with
get a place at
get a job
get an offer (as)
get divorced
get engaged
get married
get better
get ill
get old
get rich
get paid
get in touch with

Prepared by Aperalta 2018

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