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What problems did I find in my target audience?

 The discomfort, shame or fear that the parents or accompanists feel of taking its children to the movies and to be rejected,
bothered by the noise that these generate.
 the seats in the cinema rooms are very big and uncomfortable for the children and in case these sit behind a tall person they will
not be able to appreciate the film.

What products and/or service will I provide to solve their unsatisfied needs? / SOLUTION

“A new themed cinema room format designed especially for children where they can live a unique entertainment experience in a renewed
and attractive environment that will merge the best of two entertainment worlds: cinema and children's play center, as it will also have a
playground as: slide, pool of balls, “gusanito” and so others, that can be used before or after the movie starts for an specific time. These
are safe for children since they are suitable for them. In addition, seats specially designed for the comfort of children will be incorporated.”

Who is my target customer?

 Primary target audience: aimed at parents belonging to NSE A and B who have children between 5 and 10 years old, living in the
city of Lima, especially in the districts of Surco, San Borja, La Molina, San Luis, San Isidro and Miraflores. They have a modern and
sophisticated lifestyle, are innovative in their consumption and tend to follow trends and seek to be able to fulfill themselves as
 Secondary target public: people outside of the family nucleus who take care of children such as uncles, godparents, close friends
of parents, among others who also seek to entertain children in a different way.

Where will it be located?

To be successful, children's themed cinema room must be launched by a well-positioned cinema chain in the market such as Cinemark in
its Jockey Plaza establishment, since it goes in accordance with the chosen target market, the plan is to expand and have a sustained long-
term growth.

Also, this chain was chosen because it has an established position in the Peruvian market, such as the cinema that provides quality service,
the best audiovisual quality with the presence of the latest digital technology, good infrastructure, a sense of comfort in each of its rooms
and a safe environment. This makes it a better competitor against Cineplanet, the current leader of the cinema market.

How different is the service from the competitor in the eye of my customers?

 It is an innovative and creative business idea that currently does not exist in the Peruvian market.
It does not follow the traditional environment that most of the cinemas have.
 The experience of living an unforgettable moment of the parent or accompanist with the child and that this one amuses himself
in a unique and exceptional way with excellent service at their disposal. It's the best entertainment alternative!


The business idea is novel and has not been captured by any cinema in the Peruvian market yet, leaving a segment unsatisfied that would
like much of this service. It will be also nice for the children because they can feel themselves and not feel restrained in an environment
designed especially for them, safe and recreational. Fun and adventure will be assured!


The entertainment industry is constantly growing. Our human nature will always allocate effort, time and expense to nurture this market.
Specifically, the Peruvian cinema market is also growing, maintaining an ascending attendance curve. So, we can say that there is an
opportunity to succeed in the Peruvian market with this new business idea.


It will start with a pilot in Cinemark of the Jockey Plaza and capture an unattended or unsatisfied segment, so the idea will be viable. Also,
it will be attractive for more people because of its level of novelty! The idea is that in the future this thematic cinema designed for children
will expand into other target districts where Cinemark is located and have a sustained long-term growth.

Anchored in a product, service or business that creates or adds value for its buyer or end user

It is a service that adds value because it will provide a unique fun experience for the children since it will merge the best of two
entertainment worlds: cinema and entertainment center. Also, the opportunity to share an unforgettable moment of the parent or
companion with the child in a sensational way.


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