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Essay for entering Luther College

Works include finale paper for Composition ii Summer 09Professor Bonnie Wenthold,
Social System Developmental Psychology, Dr. Janet Simons
Val Heike






Val K Heike 12/7/2021 17:38:47 a12/p12 NICC

“Gay, Bi-Sexual, Lesbian and Transgender, “Harassment a Deviant Behavior””. 2

Professor Bonnie Wenthold,


This paper will delve into how morals motivate our bias. History shows that there are many

forms of deviant behavior in the form of bias. The root too many social problems is bias, it can

amount to wars, incite fears individuals to riot it the only objection to the other that they were

bias of the other. This occurs every time the nation as a whole is at risk. Humans project what

they learned to be, morals are an aspect of what they project upon others. Subjects discussed

PFLAG and other Heroes, Victims of Hate and Policy, Hate breeds bias, and Conclusion. The

object of this paper it to teach and hopefully then we as a Nation can change.

This paper will try to show defeats and victories as well as views toward the LGBT


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“Gay, Bi-Sexual, Lesbian and Transgender, “Harassment a Deviant Behavior””. 3

Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

PFLAG and other Heroes

Fear of aggression remains a horrible veracity for millions of GLBT Americans - even in

places that many consider "tolerant" or "progressive." Every act of violence is tragic and

harmful in its penalty, but not all crime based on hate. A bias motivated crime affects not only

the victim and his or her family but a complete community or class of people and their families.

The current federal hate crimes law, enacted nearly 40 years ago, covers only bias-attacks

based on race, ethnicity, national origin and religion. In the case of a hate crime based on

sexual orientation and gender distinctiveness, our government's hands tied; it doesn't have the

authority to go after perpetrators of anti-GLBT violent crime. It's time to update the law to

protect everyone. (For the Victims FOR VICTIMS, THEIR FAMILIES AND OUR COMMUNITY


President of Human Rights Association (Shepard, Solmonese , 2009)

**This week the President Obama, in referring to Equal Rights for all American he

actually said our Gay and Lesbian brothers and sisters. The Mathew Sheppard Hate Crimes

Act became law, finally we “are protected”, as all American’s have a Right to be. **

(Obama, July 2009)

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“Gay, Bi-Sexual, Lesbian and Transgender, “Harassment a Deviant Behavior””. 4

Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

Jean and George Huffy are parents of a large family in Waterville, Iowa. Two of

their children their oldest two are Gay and Lesbian; the time it took them to understand

spans in Georges case longer then in Jeans. She has road in Pride parades in our Nation’s

Capital. Whenever I feel life is too hard she corrects me, I see this retired fourth grade

teacher as a second mom. She in the face of hatred stood up, much like a hero in the above

piece; Jean started the PFLAG group in Waukon. (Parents, Families of Gays and Lesbians.)

She is villigance in gaining rights kept from other Gays and Lesbians within Iowa and the

Nation. When her children were outed due to what the good neighbors thought, they were

which would be deviant. When Jean still in public showed her love of her children, friends

of a lifetime “Stopped coming to see them stopped waving at them in the yard!” Why,

because they still loved their children, coming out as or identifying as Gay wasn’t going to

change that for them. She still bore them and still loved them with her whole heart.

“National Out Day”, (Soulforce, 2003) America Jo Phippen and Val Heike attended

this event in Lynchburg, VA. The streets filled on either side with Straight rednecks; little

children were proudly perpetuating signs with their hate upon them. “Down with Sodemy, and

other sexist slurs. The parade with LGBT’s, marched with their brilliant rainbow colors flying

high signifying our celebration marred by these people. There was a fellow dressed as Christ

marching on the sidewalk dripping red paint for the supposed pain he felt because we lived.

With the arrival of our group at the area marked off in Jerry Farewells back yard a Christian so

filled with hate that our very existence was like salt in a wound.

As the proceedings were all about our victories and many young people with the love and

support of their families announced in many cases how they knew Christ loved them. Mothers

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Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

and even grandmother stood and said how much they loved and hoped the best for their children,

a bible thumper reading from a book open and holding the other high in the air so all could see

called the LGBT community in witness, spawn from Satin. (Heike, 2003)

Victims of Hate and Policy

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“Gay, Bi-Sexual, Lesbian and Transgender, “Harassment a Deviant Behavior””. 6

Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

This spring, a young man in California, we will call him “Aaron”, only 15, brought a

Valentine to school and asked a boy in his class to be his Valentine, the boy (Joey) the next

day brought a gun to school. His reasoning was that others might think he had done

something to encourage this boy’s behavior. Therefore, he removed his dad’s gun from his

book bag and at point-blank shot this sweet, good- natured boy in the head. Aaron died

before a breathe could escape his lips, the boy-killer is facing a life-sentence. Aaron and

Joey both died that unfortunate day with a valentine and a gun, simply because he choice to

tell a narrow-minded boy in his class that he had a crush on him. The next day (we will call

the other boy Seth) Seth brought his dad’s gun to school fearful that other children might

think he liked Aaron. Seth shot Aaron in the head, that faithful day both boys lost their

lives, simply because hate so strongly imprinted upon us as a culture and as individuals. ,

Andy Hume reported on this instance of a hate crime in February of 2009, GayUSA on Free

Speech TV. (North, 2009)

President Clinton, imprinted “our” history with these words, thoughts remembered

within the Gay community for his immortal words “Don’t ask, Don’t tell! . An asinine

premise “That became the military standards utilized by the U.S. Military, “Don’t ask, and

don’t tell!” Funny when the country became overly distressed over dead American’s, in Iraq,

then it appeared like magic the norm disallowing Gay’s in the military changed somewhat.

Known Gays and lesbians seem to become invisible.

We lack “Pride”, Equality is entitled to all America’s Citizens It was fought and paid

for in blood. It isn’t dependent upon a God that some profess as all seeing all knowing. Our

Nations Flag flies high and proud for us all, it isn’t determent upon other citizen’s fears, and

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“Gay, Bi-Sexual, Lesbian and Transgender, “Harassment a Deviant Behavior””. 7

Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

bias. We aren’t freaks or deformed in any shape, nor are who we are dependent upon a note

from a psychologist given the right to be who we are. Yet we as a culture appear to be

depended for those who prefer to see us unequal and undeserving of equal rights under a


Colonel Margarita Camelmyer lost her fight to remain in the National Guard when

she came out identifying as a woman who identifies with other women. She served with

valor in the Vietnam Theater, as a Lead Army officer, and a M*A*S*H Nurse commanding

other nurses. . It was her duty to honor that compromised her, during an interview for an up-

grade the coronal was asked if she were Gay, the Margarita said she identified as Gay due to

she enjoyed being with women. She had always been honest and didn’t figure a lie would

cut mustard with the upgrade committee. The inquiry board in turn asked if she had ever had

sex with a woman, she said “No”. At which no one could understand why she said what she

had, and she had been clueless how her words were about to change her world!

Most of the major countries around the globe allow Gays and Lesbians to serve in

Uniform as equal parts of their prospective services. Pity they are more progressive than


LGBT: serve in the military in several countries here are just a few:

1. Switzerland: Gays and lesbians are allowed to serve and there is no

ban. Their ability to serve is only questioned if their sexual orientation somehow interferes

with their service. (University of California, UK)

2. Czech Republic: Homosexuality isn’t a liability for enlistment. (University of California, UK)

All citizens are required to serve, regardless of sexual orientation. Act No.l 218/1999 Coll.

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“Gay, Bi-Sexual, Lesbian and Transgender, “Harassment a Deviant Behavior””. 8

Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

(Military Act) stipulates military service "for all citizens of the Czech Republic, regardless of

sexual orientation." In an email from PhD. J. Vereov of the Public Relations Department of the

Ministry of Defense, he writes, "In general these issues fall in the competence of psychological

personnel appointed at individual units. (University of California, UK)

3. Estonia: There are no and have never been bans on sexual minorities in the Estonian military.

(University of California, UK) The Public Relations Department writes, "according to the

Estonian legislation all sexual minorities have the same rights and duties compared with the

others. In respect to the army it means that all males have the duty to serve in the army and all

females have the right to do so." (University of California, UK)

4. Ireland: According to Denise Croke of Outhouse (Croke, Kelly, 1998), a support service

for glbtq people in Ireland, there is no ban on LGBTs in the Irish military. Cathal Kelly,

International Secretary of the National Lesbian and Gay Foundation, which implements recent equality

legislation in Ireland, says that the Employment Equality Act of 1998 applies to the Irish military. This

act is available online at and is item #21 on the list.

Germany: Germany no longer has a ban on gays and lesbians from serving, (University of California,

UK) (Kuiat, 2001) nor does it allow any form of discrimination against gays and lesbians in the military.

In January of 2001, the General Inspector of the Federal Army, Harald Kujat, published a kind of code of

conduct titled "Dealing with sexuality" that "established (within the army) an equal treatment for gay

lesbian members of the army. This has to be considered as a binding antidiscrimination measure" (from

Klaus Jetz (Kuiat, 2001) of the Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany). (University of California, UK)

August 5th, 2009, Today in Wisconsin, Gays and Lesbians (samesex couples: the

court is allowing registering to wed. Times change slowly and at times they the times

themselves are linked with hatred and resentment. It is that hatred and resentment that I’m

hoping with papers of this erk and the dedication of individuals like George and Jean Huffy

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“Gay, Bi-Sexual, Lesbian and Transgender, “Harassment a Deviant Behavior””. 9

Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

we will one day All American Families have Equal Rights to live and love their families

anyway away from fear and hatred This occurs every time the nation as a whole is at risk.

Humans project what they learned to be, morals are an aspect of what they project upon

others. This paper will try to show defeats and victories as well as views toward the LGBT


GLAD DOMA - Gays Lesbian Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA, 1995) The Federal

The federal DOMA law has two substantive parts, Sections 2 and 3. Section 2 authorizes states

to establish policies with respect to marriages of same-sex couples. Section 3 deals with federal

discrimination and is the only portion of DOMA challenged in GLAD’s lawsuit.

This is codified at 29 United States Code sections 1738C. The statute provides:

“No State, territory, or possession of the United States, or Indian tribe, shall be required to give

effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other State, territory, possession or tribe

respecting a relationship between persons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws

of such other State, territory, possession, or tribe, or a right or claim arising from such relationship.”

1(1738C, 2009)

Due to the direction this paper is aiming Section 3 was selected to teach how important “Equality is to those

within our LGBT community”!

Section 3 of DOMA (DOMA, 1995) applies to the federal government only. It overrides a state’s

resolve that a same-sex couples (DOMA, 1995) is married and says that they are not married for

purposes of all federal laws and programs, even though the federal government (Congress, 2009) has

always deferred to state determinations of marital status. (Congress, 2009) Under this law, “the word

‘marriage’ means only the (Congress, 2009)officially authorized union of a man and a woman as

husband and wife, and the word ‘spouse’ refers only to a person (Congress, 2009) of the opposite sex
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Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

who is a husband or a wife.”2 (1738C, 2009)This law requires all national departments (Congress,

2009)and agencies to disrespect the valid state-licensed marriages of same-sex couples (Congress,

2009) but not other married couples. As a result, only married same-sex couples are denied all rights,

protections and responsibilities associated with marriage at the federal level. (DOMA, 1995)

As to the entire DOMA law, (DOMA, 1995) the House Judiciary Committee issued the authoritative

(1738C, 2009) Report from the Congress about it. Over a spirited dissent, the majority of the

Committee (Congress, 2009) recommended passage for the following reasons:

(1) H.R. 3396 [the bill number] ADVANCES THE GOVERNMENT’S INTEREST IN








GOVERNMENT RESOURCES.” (Congress, 2009) (1738C, 2009)

History is (individuals, 2009) made every now and again for the first time in history,

Transgendered individuals have a law protecting them from Hate Crimes--Massachusetts’

Joint Committee on the Judiciary heard “An Act Relative to Gender-Based Discrimination and

Hate Crimes” (H. 1728/S. 1687) on Tuesday, July 14. (individuals, 2009)This bill would give all

Massachusetts citizens (individuals, 2009) equal protection under state law regardless of gender

identity or expression. In doing so it will send a clear message that all citizens of the
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Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

(individuals, 2009) Commonwealth should be able to work, go to school, and live without fear.

(individuals, 2009)

Hate breeds bias

American Family Association: (AFA) founded in 1977 by Donald E.

Wildmon, was pasturing First United Methodist Church in Southaven,

Mississippi, at the time. (Association, 2009) For 32 years, Wildmon has

been on the frontlines of America’s culture war.  The original name of the

ministry was National Federation for Decency changed to American Family

Association (AFA) in 1988. (Association, 2009)

(Association, 2009) Today, AFA is one of the largest and most effective

pro-family organizations in the country with over two million online

supporters and approximately 180,000 paid subscribers to the AFA Journal,

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Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

the ministry's monthly magazine. In addition, AFA owns and operates nearly

200 radio stations (Association, 2009) across the country under the

American Family Radio (AFR) banner.

Other divisions of AFA include, an online news provider

that is syndicated around the world. AFA maintains activist web sites such as

OneMillionMoms’com and OneMillionDad’scom that rally Christian activists to

contact companies asking them to drop their advertising from objectionable

TV shows. AFA web sites average over 40 million hits and five million visitors

each month. (Association, 2009)

The American Family Association stands for traditional family values and

exists to motivate and equip citizens to reform our culture to reflect Biblical

truth on which it was founded. We believe that God (Association, 2009) has

communicated absolute truth to man through nature and the Bible, and that

all men everywhere and at all times are subject to His authority. Therefore,

a culture based on Biblical truth best serves the well-being of our country as

evidenced by the vision of our ancestors as set forth in the Declaration of

Independence. (Association, 2009)

AFA is also on the cutting edge of media technology. In mid-2009, AFA

became one of the first Christian ministries to employ Internet television by

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Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

launching two channels, the AFA Channel and Home School Channel

(Association, 2009), in conjunction with Sky Angel IPTV (Association,

2009), a global Christian-based Internet television service.  Both channels

broadcast wholesome and/or educational programming with a decidedly

Biblical worldview. Several months earlier, AFA launched AFRTalk

(Association, 2009) – daily 24-hour radio and television programming

comprised of one-to-two hour segments – hosted by professional

broadcasters whose mission is to inform and engage viewers on issues

important to Christians and families (Association, 2009).  In addition, AFA

also communicates through several web sites, keeps supporters informed

through timely action alerts, and broadcasts music and inspirational

programming. (Association, 2009)

It is AFA’s goal to be a champion of Christian activism (Association,

2009).  If you are alarmed by the increasing ungodliness and depravity

assaulting our nation, tired of cursing the darkness, and ready to light a

bonfire, please joins us.  Do it for your children and grandchildren.

(Association, 2009)

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“Gay, Bi-Sexual, Lesbian and Transgender, “Harassment a Deviant Behavior””. 14

Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

In conclusion: In my research I came across more hate then I had thought existed, After

locating the information about the American Family Association at school I was compelled to

search further which illuminated the numbers of the statistics and refined my findings of Who,

What, Where and Why! I believe and will fervently believe that with time and the ability for

others to see the LGBT Community not as enemies wanting what they the heterosexuals of the

community hold dear; but what our given rights at birth maybe is one day we can all live in

peace. Equality is for all the masses not the select few. Humans project what they learned to be,

morals are an aspect of what they project upon others. I hope I have tried to show some

victories, what fear and hate do and how it can motivate people to kill as well. Upon trying to

share, some victories and the work still needed so that All Americans can enjoy as a few

victories. (Heike V. L., 2009)

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“Gay, Bi-Sexual, Lesbian and Transgender, “Harassment a Deviant Behavior””. 15

Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

Project for Developmental Psychology

Social System
Developmental Psychology
Dr. Janet Simons
Val k Heike

The shear fact that my Social System is placed upon an envelope that one of my classmates

handed out, that it was for the wrong campus, and yet instead of Willy nilly tossing it I preceded

to utilize it shows that I am frugal.

Growing up the middle child of what they considered middle class, we were taught that if there

weren’t funds we went without.

The fact that no color was used shows that I am dedicated to my goals and like the Amish horses

have in a sense placed blinders on my eyes so nothing unhinges or interlopes into my path to

cause havoc.

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“Gay, Bi-Sexual, Lesbian and Transgender, “Harassment a Deviant Behavior””. 16

Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

The simpler days have passed along with cowboy hat and black boots I loved and wore to

extremes when I was three. Though I still try to see the good in others, I find it nearly impossible

to trust. Pain is tight around this heart and it strips my heart of blank uncompromising trust.

By eight years old, I knew I strutted to a different drummer as it were and spent the next thirty-

two years pulling the rest of myself out of the closet.

Love the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Mom’s family settled in Pennsylvanian 6 miles out of

Gettysburg and then in 1628 trickled into that valley where my feet prints fell over three hundred

years later and where will again. Virginia is my goal to teach at Mary Baldwin College an all

woman’s college in Staunton, VA while working on my Dr. in Psychology at the UVA. Virginia is

where I long to be its as the Cherokee call it home of my heart. Where hanging my hat will mean

I have finally come home. Virginia is my carrot or would be if I were a randy racehorse.

Virginia is a sweet lover and the only acceptation I feel toward that state is the lack of equality

toward my LGBT family but work is being done on that through Equality Virginia.

I also love the Black Hills of South Dakota where after years of working there and residing in

the park my work history was in jeopardy simply because if I had come out and stayed there I

would have received short hours and eventually been made to regret staying. It is great to think

that America is open minded and equal in all respect though it is a false thought if you are a gay


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“Gay, Bi-Sexual, Lesbian and Transgender, “Harassment a Deviant Behavior””. 17

Professor Bonnie Wenthold,

Spirit dented from before birth by a mean spirited father. Leon Norbert Heike, second husband to battle weary

Marian from a first husband keen on physically beating her. With marriage to Lee and the adoption of her 8-year-

old daughter, I (Val) became his eldest and his middle daughter. I often wonder if that delighted him, most of all

when he pelted verbal abuse my way. Saw nothing wrong in his unsought of humiliation and verbal as well as

physical abuse placed on his eldest and middle daughter “me”!

Barely two and Dad circled my young neck with his hands and threatened my mom to end my life. At 14 I took a

loaded rifle being pointed and threatened that would have accelerated our demise. Still our mother stayed.

However, pain and travel I come, as I am the best for it. I know emphany, strife, bigotry, fear, inequality and small

success. Still today, I find no confidence in chatting one on one with a man. I write! The only one that gets me up is

me whether it is an obstacle or other. Still after 51 years that angry hate filled cold hearted bastard of my youth

still empowers himself where my mother is concerned because she never thought she would be free of him so never

tried and we, I suffered for it. Love female teachers because I can soar in their classes and feel no intiminadation. It

will always be present in my psyche these words “Why try you can’t accomplish it you will only fail!” This summer

well I just the other day got a letter from the Dean’s office at NICC, I’m on it! Yeah! I did it, ME!

So in conclusion : I’m not Nothing, I’m a work in process!

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