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will improve the burden of taxation in ways Two years later, she returned to Africa as equity has existed for over 4 yearS as
that will improve the performance of our an official delegate to the Ghana independ-
a result.
economy, but the budget outlook tells us ence ceremonies, and later in 1957 she made
an official report on United Nation refugee A few weeks ago I was heartened to
that unless we exert a much more effective
discipline over the volume of Federal spend- camps in the Middle East. learn that the Defense Department was
ing we cannot undertake these needed meas- There is not a single important official of supporting a pay increase measure
ures of tax relief without courting larger and any of the new African nations who does not amounting to as much as 14 percent in
larger deficits. All the evidence points to the consider Mrs. BOLTON a close friend and ad- some categories and also correcting the
need for a searching scrutiny of expenditure viser. Her Washington home is virtually a inequities I mentioned previously.
priorities. headquarters for them when they are in the Rather than introduce my version of
capital. a pay bill I have decided to defer such
Far beyond her contributions in the field of
foreign affairs, however, have been Mrs.
action until the administration's measure
Great Lady From Ohio: Mrs. Bolton BOLTON'S activities in health and nursing. comes before the Personnel Subcommit-
The first Army school of nursing in World tee of the Armed Services Committee.
EXTENSION OF REMARKS War I was largely the result of the pressure As a member of the subcommittee, I
OF she personally applied on her friend from recognize that legislation as introduced
Cleveland, Secretary of War Newton D. by the administration is merely the raw
HON. WILLIAM E. MINSHALL Baker. During World War II, her Bolton bill
created the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps, an or-
material from which a truly effective and
OF OHIO meaningful pay bill can be molded by
gainzation that graduated 125,000 nurses
IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the Nation's war effort. Western Re- our subcommittee and subsequently by
serve University's School of Nursing, named the Congress.
Thursday, January 10, 1963
for her, eloquently bespeaks her efforts. It is the responsibility of the Congress
Mr. MINSHALL. Mr. Speaker, there A friend recently was feeling pretty proud to act with dispatch on a substantial and
are 67 new Members in this Congress. that he had been chosen to receive an hon- constructive pay bill for active duty and
They have not had the privilege many orary doctorate degree from a university. retired personnel of our military service
of us enjoy of having worked and coun- Mrs. BOLTON acted as if she could not have
and I am looking forward to helping to
been more thrilled if she had received one
seled with a charming and remarkable herself. If she had, it would have been No. expedite this much-needed legislation,
colleague, Congresswoman FRANCES P. 15 for her.
BOLTON. I am indebted to her tenfold France awarded her membership in the
for the benefit of her wisdom and for French Legion of Honor officer class for her
the courtesies she has consistently ex- work during and after World War II. Current Communist Goals
tended to me and my office ever since I Her other awards include "Churchwoman
came to Washington as a freshman in of the Year," and the American Social Hy-
giene Association's award for distinguished EXTENSION OF REMARKS
1955. I can think of no better way to OF
service to humanity.
introduce her than through an excellent Mrs. BOLTON is vice regent for Ohio of the
article written recently by Alvin Silver- Mount Vernon Ladies Association, possibly HON. A. S. HERLONG, JR.
man, chief of the Washington bureau of the most exclusive organization in the Na- OF FLORIDA
the Cleveland Plain Dealer. There is, tion. For more than a century, it has been IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
of course, one of the 67 new Members in charge of the George Washington National
Shrine. Only recently, Mrs. BOLTON bought Thursday, January 10, 1963
who needs no introduction to Mrs.
a large tract of land across the Potomac
BOLTON-and that is her son, Congress- Mr. HERLONG. Mr. Speaker, Mrs.
River from Mount Vernon so that the view
man OLIVER BOLTON, whom we are de- would remain unchanged. Patricia Nordman of De Land, Fla., is an
lighted to welcome back to Capitol Hill. There is probably not a church or a hos- ardent and articulate opponent of com-
The article follows: pital in northern Ohio that has not been munism, and until recently published the
GREAT LADY FROM OHIO: MRS. BOLTON saved in a major crisis by Mrs. BOLTON'S De Land Courier, which she dedicated to
(By Alvin Silverman) financial help or other assistance. the purpose of alerting the public to the
WASHINGTON.-The passing last week of All this, of course, does not make her a dangers of communism in America.
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and the resulting great wojnan. At Mrs. Nordman's request, I include
effusion of tributes to her character and Her greatness comes also from her character in the RECORD, under unanimous con-
achievements brought to mind the lament- and personality and-well, you get the gen- sent, the following "Current Communist
able fact that not until death occurs is very eral idea by now.
Goals," which she identifies as an ex-
much laudatory ever said about any indi-
cerpt from "The Naked Communist," by
Judged by any except the most illiberal of Cleon Skousen:
critics, Mrs. Roosevelt was a great woman. Pay Increase for the Military [From "The Naked Communist," by Cleon
There are not many great women around. Skousen]
Their total only slightly exceeds the number CURRENT COMMUNIST GOALS
1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the
There is, however, a great woman who is oF
only alternative to atomic war.
a Clevelander. Since she is very much alive
and very much disinclined to toot her own HON. BOB WILSON 2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in pref-
erence to engaging in atomic war.
horn, this might be an appropriate time to OF CALIFORNIA
3. Develop the illusion that total dis-
discuss her.
IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES armament by the United States would be a
Her name is FRANCES P. BOLTON.
Congresswoman from Ohio's 22d District demonstration of moral strength.
Thursday, January 10, 1963
since 1940, Mrs. BOLTON comes from a dis- 4. Permit free trade between all nations
Mr. BOB WILSON. Mr. Speaker, for regardless of Communist affiliation and re-
tinguished family long associated with pub-
lic service. Both of her grandfathers served many months I have been extremely con- gardless of whether or not items could be
in the Ohio General Assembly and one of cerned at the delay of the Kennedy ad- used for war.
them, Henry B. Payne, became a U.S. Rep- ministration in pushing for a pay in- 5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia
resentative and then a Senator. and Soviet satellites.
crease for the military, despite the fact 6. Provide American aid to all nations re-
Mrs. BOLTON and her son, OLIvER, just elect-
that other governmental employees have gardless of Communist domination.
ed to the House for another term after sit-
ting on the sidelines for several years while benefited from pay raises on two occa- 7. Grant recognition of Red China. Ad-
recovering his health, comprise the only sions since the last general military pay mission of Red China to the U.N.
mother-son team ever to serve together in increase in 1958. 8. Set up East and West Germany as sepa-
the Congress. Last fall I pledged to introduce, if nec- rate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise
Mrs. BOLTON is regarded as an authority essary, and support legislation calling in 1955 to settle the German question by
on legislation dealing with U.S. foreign pol- for a substantial pay increase. Included free elections under supervision of the U.N.
icy, particularly Africa and France. 9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic
In 1955 she made a 20,000-mile study
was to be a section correcting the in-
tests because the United States has agreed
tour of Africa. Her visit to 24 countries equities in the pay scales for those re- to suspend tests as long as negotiations are
south and east of the Sahara Desert was the tired personnel who left the service prior in progress.
first extensive mission to Africa by a Mem- to July 1958. These retired persons were 10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual
ber of Congress. discriminated against and a great in- representation in the U.N.
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders sion radiates the sentimental regret that the
mankind. If its charter is rewritten, de- which no one but psychiatrists can under- Jew remains unchanged in his determined
mand that it be set up 'as a one-world gov- stand or treat. status as a Jew, as a separate, identifiable
ernment with its own Independent armed 39. Dominate the psychiatric profession creature, loyal to Judaism In defiance of cen-
forces. (Some Communist leaders believe and use mental health laws as a means of turies of pressure for assimilation.
the world can be taken over as easily by the gaining coercive control over those who op- Toynbee, the English historian, reflects
U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two pose Communist goals. the pronounced assimilationist viewpoint.
centers compete with each other as they are 40. Discredit the family as an institution. He projects the argument that the resist-
now doing in the Congo.) Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. ance of the Jew to assimilation is responsi-
12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Com- 41. Emphasize the need to raise children ble in a large measure for the anti-Semitic
munist Party. away from the negative influence of parents. posture of the world.
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and re- In a recent discourse by Toynbee, he
14. Continue giving Russia access to the tarding of children to suppressive influence acknowledges generous recognition of the
U.S. Patent Office. of parents. Jew for fundamental contributions to world
15. Capture one or both of the political 42. Create the impression that violence society. He even ventures the regret that
parties in the United States. and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the strong traits of the Jew, the character
16. Use technical decisions of the courts the American tradition; that students and responsible for the miracle of survival and
to weaken basic American institutions by special-interest groups should rise up and so much of the world culture, that this strain
claiming their activities violate civil rights. use united force to solve economic, political is not available to enrich the other segments
17. Get control of the schools. Use them or social problems. of human society. The underlying tone of
as transmission belts for socialism and cur- 43. Overthrow all colonial governments the Toynbee creed is the covert annoyance
rent Communist propaganda. Soften the before native populations are ready for self- of the historian, that in spite of centuries of
curriculum. Get control of teachers' asso- government. history, in defiance of the sword and the
ciations. Put the party line in textbooks. 44. Internationalize the Panama Canal. pen, this remains the heritage of the Jew, a
18. Gain control of all student newspapers. 45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the relatively small identifiable group, immune
19. Use student riots to foment public United States cannot prevent the World to absorption. On the other hand, is the
protests against programs or organizations Court from seizing jurisdiction over nations frustrating regret of the historian, that so-
which are under Communist attack. and Individuals alike. ciety as a whole is denied the special strain
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of of character values that persist in the Jew
book-review assignments, editorial writing, and would be made available to the rest of
policymaking positions. society by intermarriage and full assimila-
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, tion.
TV, and motion pictures. American Jewry Meets the Challenge Sometimes one wonders what prompts the
22. Continue discrediting American cul- persistence of the Toynbee followers to argue
ture by degrading all forms of artistic ex- EXTENSION OF REMARKS for the assimilation of the Jew. What is it
pression. An American Communist cell was
that pushes the endeavors of this historian
told to "eliminate all good sculpture from and his disciples so vigorously to bury cen-
parks and buildings, substitute shapeless,
awkward and meaningless forms."
HON. EUGENE J. KEOGH turies of sacred traditions, to subvert loyal-
ties to faith, to destroy the spiritual potential
23. Control art critics and directors of art OF NEW YORX that has given so much to so many? There
museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is persuasive authority for the premise that
repulsive, meaningless art." all anti-Semitism is a psychoneurosis. To
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity
Thursday, January10, 1963 the psychologist, "anti-Semitism," so-called,
by calling them "censorship" and a violation Mr. KEOGH. Mr. Speaker, under to conceal specific Jew hatred (Judenhass),
of free speech and free press. leave to extend my remarks in the REc- is not explainable as a rational drive. One
25. Break down cultural standards of mo- ORD, I include the following address by is tempted to ask-s the pressure for the as-
rality by promoting pornography and ob- slmilation of the Jew but an unrestrained
scenity in books, magazines, motion pictures,
Mr. Louis H. Solomon on September 28, sprout from the same sprig? Is it a symptom
radio, and TV. 1961, at a dinner meeting of the New of the same complex?
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and York University Jewish Culture Founda- THE "INTELLEcTUALs"
promiscuity, as "normal, natural, healthy." tion, marking the beginning of the cam- Contemporaneously with the Toynbee dis-
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace re- paign to erect a Center for Jewish Cul- course, an article appeared in a recent issue
vealed religion with "social" religion. Dis- ture at New York University. of the magazine Commentary, under the
credit the Bible and emphasize the need Mr. Solomon, a trustee of the New York title "Intellectuals" which poses the prob-
for intellectual maturity which does not need
a "religious crutch."
University Jewish Culture Foundation, is lem, but with a wide difference in motivea-
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of re- a distinguished attorney. He is a grad- tion. This article purports to review the
ligious expression n the schools on the uate of New York University and a noted attitude on assimilation of the Jew on the
ground that it violates the principle of leader in many civic activities. He is college campus. It emphasizes a seeming
indifference to heritage and tradition among
"separation of church and state." well known among business and com- budding intellectuals.
29. Discredit the America Constitution by munity leaders as the head of the Green- The intellectuals, so called, are not by any
calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of wich Village Chamber of Commerce.
step with modern needs, a hindrance to co- means the sages of our day. Nor do they
operation between nations on a worldwide
His tribute to American Jewish leader- reflect the mature community judgment.
basis. ship follows: These are students, budding scholars per-
30. Discredit the American Founding AMERICAN JEWRY MEETS THE CHALLENGE haps, living in an environment of challenge,
Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats (Address presented by Louis H. Solomon on of abstraction and speculation. This is not
who had no concern for the "common man." . September 28, 1961) the climate conducive to respect for tradi-
31. Belittle all forms of American culture tion or heritage. To them heritage and
There~has been a great deal of provocative tradition are related to the dead past. His-
and discourage the teaching of American discussion of late on the subject of the role
history on the ground that it was only a tory is important more for its dates than
of Judaism and the Jew in Judeo-Christian for its monuments. They present a pose of
minor part of the "big picture." Give more
emphasis to Russian history since the Com-
world society. Too much of the discussion is pride in sophistication, a sense of revolt
munists took over.
a veiled attack upon the devotion of the Jew against the authority of yesterday. This is
32. Support any socialist movement to give
to the heritage and traditions that define his a passing phase in the pursuit of wisdom.
centralized control over any part of the cul- status as an identifiable, ethnic personality Sober assessment of spiritual values will
ture-education, social agencies, welfare
in a Christian-dominated world and his re- come with maturity. They will learn that
programs, mental health clinics, etc. sistance to pressure for assimilation. man does not live by bread alone. Then
33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which The discussions acknowledge, sometimes shall they claim their kinship to the people
interfere with the operation of the Com- with evident reluctance, frequently with ex- of the Bible and the treasured heritage of
munist apparatus. travagant generosity, the importance of the Torah.
34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un- Judaism in world culture, as the source of The infamous Nauman group of pre-Hitler
American Activities. the Judeo-Christian religions, and the es- Germany is the prototype for a small seg-
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the sence of Judeo-Christian ethical philoso- ment of American Jewish life emphasizing
FBI. phy. Yes, theX say, the Jew has given to a pose of sophistication, ready to trade
86. Infiltrate and gain control of more mankind the Judeo-Christian religions. heritage and tradition. They do not want
unions. He has given Jesus to Christianity. He has to be counted out of the fold, yet they can-
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big busi- provided the concept of justice and the sense not endure minority status, and they spurn
ness. of social responsibility which make up the affiliation with the "common herd." Devoid
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest meaning of Judeo-Christian ethical philos- of intellectual insight, of moral vigor, of
from the police to social agencies. Treat all ophy. But the whole mood of the discus- loyalty to tradition, and the capacity to

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