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Nondestructive Testing: Radiography, Ultrasonics, Liquid Penetrant, Magnetic Particle, Eddy Current Copyright © 1995 ASM International®

Louis Cartz, p 1-13 All rights reserved.

Chapter I

Quality Control and NDT

NDT in Industry covers most of the methods presently used. The

established test methods include radiography, ul-
trasonics inspection, magnetic particle inspec-
Flaws and cracks can play havoc with the
tion, liquid penetrant inspection. thermography,
performance of structures, so that the detection
electrical and magnetic methods, and visual-op-
of defects in solids is an essential part of quality
control of engineering systems for their safe and tical testing. In the case of radiography, x-ray and
successful use in practical situations. This is y-ray are well established, but neutron, proton,
known variously as nondestructive testing and Compton scattering are also used and there
(NDT), nondestructive evaluation (NDE), non- have been recent important advances in tomogra-
destructive characterization, or nondestructive phy. Many of the NDT methods are highly so-
inspection. Quality control, quality technology, phisticated, yet there are many techniques that
and noncontact measurements are related sub- are relatively simple. One such method is visual
jects that include or use NDT techniques. How- examination, with a hand lens. The simple meth-
ever, applications of NDT go much deeper and ods are stressed because it is important not to
are much broader in scope than the detection of overlook the obvious in examining an engineer-
gross defects. They concern all aspects of the ing component.
characterization of solids, their microstructure, Applications of NDT in industry concern
texture, morphology, chemical constituents, metals, nonmetals, very small to very large ob-
physical and chemical properties, as well as their jects, and stationary as well as moving compo-
methods of preparation. There is concern for the nents. In medicine, NDT includes mammogra-
most minute detail that may affect the future
phy, nuclear magnetic resonance scans, general
performance of the object in service, so that all
x-radiography, and microangiography. Noncon-
properties need to be under control and all factors
understood that may lead to breakdown. Nor is it tact measurements using sensors are important in
appropriate to rely on general statements because a wide range of subjects from geology, forensic
each study and each example needs to be treated studies, aerial temperatures, and weather sur-
individually, proceeding by the use of all known veys, to thickness measurements and art authen-
properties and information about the component. tication. The examinations are concerned with
The abbreviation NDT will be used in this text detecting cracks, tears, imperfect welds and
for "nondestructive testing." junctions, inclusions, tomography, and surface
A description of the early evolution of NDT contamination effects without altering the piece
is given by Mullins (Ref 1,2) and his review still in any way.
Nondestructive Testing

The operator of the tests is another important crack. (The radiograph was not good enough to
factor, and operator fatigue, as well as training, permit reproduction in this text.)
represents both an essential ingredient and a se- Table 1.1 is a simplified breakdown of the
vere problem affecting all aspects of NDT. Be- complexity and relative requirements of the five
cause NDT is all-encompassing, it is most useful most frequently used NDT techniques. Table 1.2
to have a library of as many examples or case gives a comparison of common nondestructive
studies as possible, all concerned with practical evaluation methods as judged by the Office of
situations. Nondestructive Evaluation, NIST, USA (Ref 4).
A survey has been carried out by the Institute
of Metallurgists (Ref 3) of the many different
NDT techniques used in engineering industry NDT in Everyday life
and found that liquid penetrant and magnetic
particle testing accounts for about one-half of all NDT is well-known as a part of industrial
the NDT testing, ultrasonics and x-ray methods procedures, but it is also of importance in exami-
about another third, eddy current testing ac- nations of a more general interest in everyday life.
counted for about 10%, and all other methods Art objects such as paintings, sculptures, furniture,
accounted for only about 2%. It is not necessarily pottery,and ceramics need to be authenticated, and
the most sophisticated method that is most suit- the tests of necessity must not damage or destroy
able; this is illustrated in Fig. 1.1 where a surface the object.
crack in a forging is identified using liquid pene- In Table 1.3, references are listed of examina-
trant inspection, yet x-radiography carried out tions of oil paintings, wooden statues, ancient
most carefully using multiple film techniques, coins, archeological pottery, and ceramic frag-
surface crack next to film, adjustment of expo- ments. The techniques used include x-radiogra-
sure and film type could barely observe the phy, neutron activation analysis, and thermolu-

Fig.I.! The valve bridge forging, seen at the comerofthe table in Fig. 2.6(a), has been examined by several pro-
cedures for surface cracks. Liquid penetrant with visible dye reveals the crack very readily. Comparable results are
obtained by magnetic particle inspection. However, the same surface crack was barely visible using the most careful
x-radiographic procedures.

Quality Control and NDT

minescence. Other studies listed in Table 1.3 are polarized light enables examinations of large ob-
of cultural interest. The Statue of Liberty as well jects to be carried out avoiding the interference
as the crack in the Liberty Bell have been exam- of scattered and reflected light as well as for
ined by y-radiography; see Fig. 1.2 and 1.3. The stress analysis. The three-dimensional shape of
bullets used in the assassination of President large objects can be portrayed using a shadow-
Kennedy have been characterized using neutron moire technique.
activation analysis, and other forensic studies Ultrasound waves can be used to detect sub-
also make use of this technique (Ref 14). Radi- marines, schools of fish, and as navigational aids
ography has been used to examine objects as (Ref 39). Baggage control at airports as well as
diverse as colocynth scales, explosive devices, metal detectors utilize eddy current examination.
and locks (Ref 20). Radiographic analysis of Infrared techniques are used in detecting heat
losses from buildings, the performance of steam
paintings is illustrated in Fig. 1.4 and 1.5 (Ref
traps, hot spots in electrical equipment, friction
12). In Fig. 1.4, the radiograph reveals only the
in mechanical systems, defects in metals, stresses
image of the lady; inorganic pigments, which
in metals, as well as aerial photography. Gamma-
absorb x-rays, were used in the portrait, and radiography has been used to examine lead-
organic pigments for the rest of the painting, coated coffins from the seventeenth century; see
probably at a later date. In Fig. 1.5, the radio- Fig. 1.6. An x-radiograph is shown in Fig. 1.7 of
graph of the Farmyard Animals shows a totally a Teddy Bear when the filling was found to con-
different subject, so this is a painting on an older tain metal scraps. A y-radiograph, using Iridium-
painting. The contrast depends on the x-ray ener- 192, of the Freedom Statue of the U.S. Capitol
gies used, as illustrated in (b) and (c). X-ray Building has revealed the presence and the con-
laminography has been used to examine the dition of the iron skeleton of this bronze structure
working of clocks and imperfections in printed (Ref 26).
circuit boards. Neutron activation analysis has Thus, NDT applies in almost all aspects of
been used in geological studies in situ to deter- everyday life.
mine the chemical composition at depths within
the earth's crust by lowering a radioactive source
spectrometer system down a drill hole of diame- History of NOT
ter only 4 in. The internal structure of the earth is
itself analyzed using the effects of seismic waves The historical development of NDT is out-
generated by earthquakes (Ref 38). The use of lined for each technique at the beginning of each

Table 1.1 The relative uses and merits of various NDT methods
Test method
Ultrasonics X-ray Eddy current Magnetic particle Liquid penetrant

Capital cost Medium to high High Low to medium Medium Low

Consumable cost Very low High Low Medium Medium
Time of results Immediate Delayed Immediate Short delay Short delay
Effect of geometry Important Important Important Not too important Not too important
Access problems Important Important Important Important Important
Type of defect Internal Most External External Surface breaking
Relative sensitivity High Medium High Low Low
Formal record Expensive Standard Expensive Unusual Unusual
Operator skill High High Medium Low Low
Operator training Important Important Important Important
Training needs High High Medium Low Low
Portability of High Low High to medium High to medium High
Dependent on Very Quite Very Magnetic only Little
Ability to automate Good Fair Good Fair Fair
Capabilities Thickness gauging; Thickness gauging Thickness gauging; Defects only Defects only
some composition grade sorting

Source: Ref 3

Nondestructive Testing


~ 00
Fig.1.2 During the renovation of the Statue of Liberty seen in (a), x-radiographs were taken using an Ir-192 radio-
active source of activity 100 Curie. A workman is seen locating the source in (b), and the locations examined are
indicated in (c). Radiographs were taken at key points of tie-rods , rivets , bolts, and welds to determine the effect of
oxidation, inclu sions , and holes in the structure. Extensive details of the procedures used are given in Ref21 . Care-
ful visual examination was also carried out. Many of the rivets had failed due to the effects of corrosion. Reprinted
with permission ofThe American Society for Nondestructive Testing

Quality Control and NDT

chapter. In almost all cases, the bulk of the tech- ety and the International Institute of Welding are
niques have been developed in this century listed, because NDT is such an important factor
with very little utilization in earlier years. Ta- in the examination of welds.
ble 1.4 contains some references covering the Appendix 1.2 lists national societies that are
history of NDT. members of the International Committee for Non-
destructive Testing (ICNDT), which is based in
Columbus, OH, USA.
International Organizations of There are many organizations concerned
Quality Control and NOT with standards, and indeed all countries of the
world are full members or correspondent mem-
bers of the International Organization for Stand-
There are many organizations concerned ardization (see Appendix 1.1). A recent review of
with NDT and quality control and some of these standards for NDT is given in Ref 59. An up-to-
are listed in Appendix 1.1. The International Or- date listing of International Committee for Non-
ganization for Standardization (ISO) is listed destructive Testing and related organizations is
first in the table since most countries of the world given in Materials Evaluation (Ref 60) on a
are members of the NDT committee of ISO. yearly basis.
Appendix 1.1 gives the names and addresses of
organizations closely related to NDT, including
standardization, quality control, and the testing Standards for NOT
of materials. Other organizations deal with ra-
diation protection and radiological procedures; An important source of practice codes, stand-
see Ref 55 to 58. The American Welding Soci- ards, and recommendations for NDT is given in

Table 1.2 Comparison of some NDT methods

Characteristics Example
Method detected Advantages Limitations of use

Ultrasonics Changes in acoustic Can penetrate thick Normally requires Adhesive assemblies for
impedance caused by materials; excellent for coupling to material bond integrity;
cracks. nonbonds, crack detection; can be either by contact to laminations; hydrogen
inclusions. or interfaces automated surface or immersion in cracking
a fluid such as water.
Surface needs to be
Radiography Changes in density from Can be used to inspect Radiation safety requires Pipeline welds for
voids, inclusions. wide range of materials precautions; expensive; penetration. inclusions.
material variations; and thicknesses; detection of cracks can voids; internal defects
placement of internal versatile; film provides be difficult unless in castings
parts record of inspection perpendicular to x-ray
Visual-optical Surface characteristics Often convenient; can be Can be applied only to Paper, wood. or metal for
such as finish. automated surfaces. through surface finish and
scratches. cracks. or surface openings. or 10 uniformity
color; strain in transparent material
transparent materials;
Eddy current Changes in electrical Readily automated; Limited to electrically Heat exchanger tubes for
conductivity caused by moderate cost conducting materials; wall thinning and cracks
material variations. limited penetration
cracks. voids. or depth
Liquid penetrant Surface openings due to Inexpensive, easy to use. Flaw must be open to Turbine blades for
cracks. porosity. seams. readily portable. surface. Not useful on surface cracks or
or folds sensitive to small porous materials or porosity; grinding
surface flaws rough surfaces cracks
Magnetic particles Leakage magnetic flux Inexpensive or moderate Limited to ferromagnetic Railroad wheels for
caused by surface or cost. sensitive both to material; surface cracks; large castings
near-surface cracks. surface and near- preparation and post-
voids. inclusions, surface flaws inspection
material or geometry demagnetization may
changes be required

Source: Ref 4

Nondestructive Testing

the Annual Book ofthe American Society ofTest- uid penetrants, magnetic particle, radiography,
ing and Materials, ASTM (Ref61). The Volume thermography, and ultrasonic. For example,
03.03 Nondestructive Testing is revised annually, there are standard guides on radiographic testing
covering many NDT procedures including (see Table 2.17). Reference radiographs, essen-
acoustic emission, eddy current, leak testing, liq- tial to NDT, are available for a wide range of
alloys; these are listed in Table 2.17(a). Detailed
reviews are given in documents:

Table 1.3 NDT studies of general interest ASTM E 94 "Radiographic Testing"

Technique Subject examined (Fig.) Ref ASTM E 242 "Radiographic Images"
ASTM E 748 ''Thermal Neutron Radiogra-
X-radiography Examination of oil paintings 5,6,7,
and wooden statues 8,9 phy"
Teddy bear (Fig. 1.7) 10 ASTM E 1000 "Radioscopy"
Analysis of paintings (Fig. II, 12 ASTM E 1030 "Radiographic Examination
1.4, 1.5)
Colocynth scales with
of Castings"
denticles and microtubes
Activation analysis Assassination of President 14 Detailed reviews of ultrasonic testing (see Appen-
Kennedy; forensic studies dix 3.1) are given in:
of silver and antimony
contents of bullets
Activation analysis, Authenticity, age, provenance 15,16, ASTM E 164 "Ultrasonic Examination of
ion beam analysis of oil paintings considering 17
the purity of the white lead
Weldments" (p 34-54)
paints ASTM E 494 "Ultrasonic Velocity in Mate-
Neutron activation Authenticity of ancient coins. 6,9, 18 rials" (p 177-188)
analysis Gold contaminant in silver.
Silver contaminant in copper
Neutron activation Gas- and oil-bearing 19 Reference photographs ofliquid penetrant in-
using small source geological strata spection are presented in ASTM E 433, and an
X-ray and neutron Locks, explosive devices. 20
radiography Cooling tubes in turbine
extensive review of the process is given in
compared blades ASTM E 165. A complete description of mag-
y-radiography Statue of Liberty (Fig. 1.2) 21 netic particle inspection (see Table 5.14) is given
Crack in Liberty Bell (Fig. 22 in ASTM E 709 "Standard Guide for Magnetic
Ancient Egyptian mummies 23, 24 Particle Inspection" (p 277-308). ASTM stand-
Lead-coated coffins of 17th 25 ards for eddy current testing are listed in Table
century (Fig. 1.6) 6.3. The many applications are listed in some
Freedom statue (U.S. Capitol 26
Building) detail.
X-ray fluorescence; Thickness of metal coatings, 27,28 The evaluation ofNDT procedures and agen-
x -ray absorption glaze on papers, ink on cies is discussed in ASTM E 543 "Evaluating
paper, inorganic coated
paper Agencies Performing NDT." Definitions and ter-
X-ray laminography Clock 29 minology of NDT are covered by ASTM E 1316
Underwater sound Submarine detection, fish 30 "Standard Terminology for NDT Examination,"
detection, navigation, echo
depth sounding, object in prepared by ASTM subcommittee E07.92 (lat-
muddy water est revision 1992). All of these documents are
Infrared techniques Heat losses in buildings, 31,32 in fact very useful reviews of NDT methods
steam traps. Hot spots in
electrical equipment. and reference data.
Friction in mechanical
systems. Aerial
photography, defects in
metals, stress in solids Table 1.4 Reference list concerning the history of
ThermoluminescenceDating in archeology, pottery, 6,33,34 nondestructive testing
and ceramics
Polarized light Suppress reflected light 35 Method Ref
interference in inspection of
general objects X-rays, x-radiography, and x-ray diffraction 40-47
Recycling of plastics 36 Nuclear magnetic resonance 48
Shadow moire Three-dimensional shapes of 37 Liquid penetrant 49
general objects such as a Ultrasonic 50
spoon, stones, tires, human Magnetic particle 51,52
body General 2,53,54

Quality Control and NOT

Training NOT Personnel Certifi cation of NDT personnel is generally

carried out following the recommendation of
ASNT document Recommended Practi ce Num-
The skill of the NDT inspector is crucial to
the efficiency ofthe examination, so that training ber SNT-TC-1A (Ref 68). Three levels of
is important. A series of very useful publications achievement of NDT inspectors are recom-
is available from the American Society for Non- mended .
destructive Testing (ASNT), and the ASNT regu-
lations, recommendations, and proceedings are Level J: Ability to perform specific calibra-
followed by industry worldwide. In particular, tions, specific tests, and specific evalu ations
the ASNT Classroom Training Handb ooks (Ref according to written instructions
62) are very helpful and details are given in the Level JJ: Ability to set up and calibrate
following ASNT referen ces: equipment, interpret, and evaluate results in
accord ance with codes, standards, and
"Liquid Penetrant NDT" (Ref 63) specifications, and also to report results
"Magnetic Particle Testing" (Ref 64) Level JJJ: Competent to establish tech-
"Ultrasonic Testing" (Ref 65) niques, interpret codes, and design ate the
"Eddy Current Testing" (Ref 66) test methods and techniques to be used, hav-
"Radiographic Testing" (Ref 67) ing a practical background in the technology
and be familiar with other commonly used
Man y of the figures presented in this text are method s of NDT (Ref 68)
reproduced with permi ssion from these ASNT
Handbooks. The overall ASNT scheme for NDT inspector train-
ing is presented in Fig. 1.8. There are several intro-
ductory texts on NDT (Ref 82).

A Wealth of NOT Methods

Several of the basic methods of NDT are

described exten sively in Chapters 2 to 6, cover-
ing radiography, ultrasonics, liquid penetration,
magnetic particle, and eddy current inspection . It
must be stressed that it has not been possible to
cover all of the most frequently used techniques
in this text.
Alongside the basic NDT methods, there ex-
ist a wealth of other methods, and these cover a
very diverse range of techniques of examining
solids without any adverse effects or damage
to the obje cts invol ved. Many of these methods
are briefly listed with appropriate references in
Table 1.5.

Selecting an NOT Process

Fig. 1.3 The Liberty Bell was moved into new ac- The various NDT tasks are best studied by a
commodations in 1976, anda radiographwastakenbe- particular testing procedure. A list ing is pre-
fore the move to determine whether the bell could sented in Table 1.6 giving the NDT process
withstand the stresses involved (Ref 2 1). Courtesy of selected for a range of metallurgical problem s
Eastman Kodak Co. (Ref 65).

Nondestructive Testing

Indications: False, Nonrelevant, Indication : Observation of a discontinuity

that requires interpretation, for example,
cracks, inclusions, gas pockets
Indications obtained during NDT testing Interpretation: Determination whether an
need to be interpreted and evaluated. Any indica- indication is relevant, nonrelevant, or false.
tion that is found is called a discontinuity. Dis- Evaluation: Assessment of a relevant indica-
continuities are not necessarily defects, but tion to determine whether specifications of
need to be identified and evaluated to decide the serviceability of the part are met
whether the part is at or below specification; Defect, flaw: One or several discontinuities
see ASTM standard terminology in Ref 61, p that do not meet specifications
595-628 . The relationship between these terms is illustrated
in Fig. 1.9.
False: Indication not due to the testing pro-
cedure. It may be due to improper process-
ing, incorrect procedure, also known as a
"ghost," an artifact, "spurious," or "electri-
cal interference"
Nonrelevant: An indication which has no
relation to a discontinuity that is considered
a defect in the part being tested; a defect
within acceptable tolerance levels
Relevant: Indication of a defect that may
have an effect on the serviceability of the
Discontinuity: An interruption, intentional
or unintentional in the configuration of the


Table 1.5 The Wealth of NDT methods

Technique Ref

Acousticemission 7.69-71
Dynamicand vibrational 72
Exo-electron emission 74
Fiber-optic sensing 75
Holography in NOT 76-79
Lasertechniques 80
Microwavetechniques 81
Nuclearmagneticresonance 48. 71, 83-85
Positron annihilation 86
Pressureand leak testing 69.81
Surfaceroughnessand 87
Thermographythermal 32.88-92
methods (b)
Thermoelastic effect 93
Thermoluminescence 33 Fig.l.4 Woman in Chair byJ.G. Brown (Ref 12,p9).
Visual and microscopy 37.94-100 The radiograph (b) reveals the portrait of the lady that
Xonicselectronradiography 101 was painted using inorganic pigments which have a
relatively high x-ray absorption. It appears that the left
Note: There are at least 50 other accepted methodsof NOT
that could be listed here. and many are described in Ref 60. side of the painting was completed at another time us-
Many recent developmentsin NOT methods are discussedin ing organic pigments of very low x-ray absorption.
Ref8\. Courtesy of Eastman Kodak Co.

Quality Control and NDT

Table 1.6 Selection of NDT process-visual examination is always useful

Defect Method Comments

Bursts (wrought metals) Ultrasonic testing Internal bursts produce a sharp reflection; able to
differentiate types of bursts
Magnetic particle testing Surface and near-surface bursts only of ferromagnetic
Cold shuts (casts) Liquid penetrant inspection Surfaces of most metals; smooth regular line; casts
X-radiography Distinct dark line
Fillet cracks (bolts) (wrought Ultrasonic testing Extensively used; sharp reflection
Liquid penetrant inspection All metals; sharp clear indications; necessary to remove
all penetrant subsequent to testing
Grinding cracks Liquid penetrant inspection All metals; irregular pattern fine cracks; may require
long penetrant dwell times
Magnetic particle inspection Ferromagnetic metals only
Convolution cracks nonferrous X-radiography Extensively used
Heat-affected zone cracking Magnetic particle inspection Ferromagnetic metals only; demagnetization may be
(HAZ) difficult; must avoid electric arc from prods
Liquid penetrant inspection Nonferrous welds; depends on surface processing
Heat-treat cracks (near areas of Magnetic particle inspection Ferromagnetic materials; straight, forked, or curved
stress) indications
Liquid penetrant inspection Nonferrous metals
Surface shrink cracks Liquid penetrant inspection Nonferrous metals; avoid regions such as press fittings
Magnetic particle inspection Ferromagnetic materials
Eddy current Nonferrous welded piping
Thread cracks (wrought metals) Liquid penetrant inspection Use fluorescent penetrant
Magnetic particle inspection Ferromagnetic metals; nonrelevant indications from
Tubing cracks (nonferrous) Eddy current Recommended if tube diameter is less than I in. and wall
thickness is less than 0.15 in.
Ultrasonic testing Suitable for tubing; couplants may affect certain alloys
Hydrogen flake (ferrous) Ultrasonic testing Extensively used
Magnetic particle inspection Used on finished part; appearance of short
discontinuities (hairline cracks)
Hydrogen embrittlement (ferrous) Magnetic particle inspection Indications appear as randomly oriented cracks
Inclusions (welds) X-radiography Used extensively; sharp well-defined round or other
shaped spots; relatively large inclusions
Eddy current Thin wall welded tubing
Inclusions (wrought metals) Ultrasonic testing Used extensively; large inclusions act as good reflectors;
smaller give rise to background "noise"
Eddy current Thin wall, small diameter rods; difficult for
ferromagnetic metals
Magnetic particle inspection On machined surfaces, indicators are straight
intermittent or continuous line
Lack of penetration (welds) X-radiography Extensively used
Ultrasonic testing Used but some geometries difficult
Eddy current Nonferrous welded tubing
Magnetic particle inspection; If rear of weld is visible
liquid penetrant inspection
Laminations (wrought metals) Ultrasonic testing Extensively used; sharp signals with loss of rear wall
Magnetic particle inspection; Indication straight, broken lines
liquid penetrant inspection
Laps and seams (rolled metals) Liquid penetrant inspection; All metals; fluorescent LPI; indications curved,
magnetic particle inspection continuous or broken lines
Laps and seams (wrought metals) Magnetic particle inspection Straight, spiral, or curved indications
(ferrous); liquid penetrant
Ultrasonic testing Extensively used; good signals
Eddy current Tubing and piping
Microshrinkage (magnesium X-radiography Extensively used; elongated feathery streaks
Liquid penetrant inspection Extensively used on finished surfaces where machining
opens micropores

Nondestructive Testing

Table1.6 (continued)

Defect Method Comments

Gas porosity(welds) X-radiography Extensively used;roundandelongatedspotson

Ultrasonic testing Very sensitive,but dependson grain size
Eddycurrent Thin wall tubing
Unfusedporosity(aluminum) Ultrasonic testing Extensively used
Liquidpenetrantinspection Machinedarticle;straightlineindications
Stress-corrosion cracking Liquidpenetrantinspection Extensively used
Hot tears (ferrouscoatings) X-radiography Extensively used
Magneticparticletesting Surfaceonly
Intergranular corrosion Liquidpenetrantinspection Extensively used
X-radiography Advanced stagesof intergranularcorrosion

Source: Ref65

Appendix 1.1: Interna-

tional Organizations of
Standardization, Quality
Control, and N D1
1 rue de Varembe, case postale 56, CH-1211
Geneve 20, Switzerland
Committee on Nondestructive Testing
7910 WoodmontAvenue,Suite 1016,Wash-
ington, D.C., USA
Dr. F. D. Sowby, Clifton Avenue, Sutton
54 Princess Gate, Exhibition Road, London
P.O. Box 2613, CH-3001, Berne, SWIT-
(b) (e)
Fig. 1.5 Farmyard Animals by R.A. Blakelock (Ref DIATION PROTECTION
12,p. 10). Theradiographs (b)and (c)show a man ina P.O. Box 4867, Washington, D.C. 20008,
turban, so that the painting is on an older painting. (b) USA
Kodak X-OMAT TLFilm, 30kV, 1200mA-s. (c)Same 7. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING
film, 70kY, 200mA-s. Thehigher contrast uses alower AND MATERIALS (ASTM)
voltage, longer exposure. Courtesy of Eastman Kodak 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103,


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