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Land tenure system in Central Equatoria State

1) Do you know what a land tenure system is? Yes/No



2) What does land tenure system mean to you?


3) Do you know the type of land tenure in your community? Yes/No

If yes, list down the types?


4) Do you own a piece of land?


5) Which natural resources are found in the land in your Community or area?

………………..6) who has control of these resources?


7) Of what benefit is the natural resource to the member of your Community?


8) Age and education of traditional leaders are likely to positively influence land tenure systems
in rural areas. Yes/No

9) How can someone acquire land in your community or area?

a) Buying

b) Inherited

c) Gift/ Donation

d) Others………………………………

10) Has any piece of land been given to the investors in your community? Yes/ No

a) Yes/ No

b) I don’t know

c) Don’t know

If yes, how did the investor get the land for investment?

a) Bought

b) Gift/ Donation

c) I don’t know

d) Others……………………

11) Which of the following is the best for your Community; do you think it is a best?

a) Free Hold

b) Lease Hold

c) Customary
12) To what use do you put the piece of your land?


13) Which document show that one own piece of land?


14) How is land been used in your Community?


15) Are you confirmable with way land is used in your Community or area? Yes/ No

16) Where do you go when you have a problem with your land?

a) Chiefs

b) Police

c) City Council

d) State government

e) Others…………………………………………………………………………….

17) Have you ever had conflict over land? Yes/ No

If yes, How did you resolute the conflict


18) Has anyone been killed in your Community because of land? Yes/ No

If yes, explain

19) Which institution do you find most helpful in your Community?


20) Of what benefit is your land?


21) Has any land in your Community been given out by decree?

a) Yes/No

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