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I'm writing this letter because I wish to be removed

from the church registries or as many would say "

be excommunicated". I can't think of a better
honour than that.

I've had quite a challenging relationship with the

Roman Catholic Church. Since I was a child my
mother tried to put me through catechism. I didn't
have a very good experience. From the start I have
been rather inquisitive, thing that was not very well
tolerated by priests nor the " catequistas".

I would question the prayers I was taught ( one

such instances was about Hail Mary, when they say
she is the mother of " G-d"- How could a simple
Jewish woman, be the mother of G-d? ) Of course
once I was taught about the concept of trinity, I
also rejected it.
I also dissected other Christian prayers and
occasionally would make observations and
questions neither the priest nor the " catequistas"
would appreciate. This prompted them to put us on
long playground/outside sessions. It would prompt
me to dread " catequese" and do all in my power
not to go.

I did most of my studying alone up until the first

communion, but I'd occasionally go to " catequese".
These were two major issues with my
"indoctrinators", they wouldn't take my questions,
and they'd reject any criticism I may have had, and I
was specially feisty about things I was passionate
about, like easter (That we call Páscoa, likely
derived from the Hebrew Pesach).
I was never much fond of " Jesus" and the whole
adoration of Jesus and the "virgin" Mary, which
made praying specially hard for me because we
were encouraged not to directly pray to directly to
G-d, but to pray through intermediaries, usually
saints, dead people, something that became
specially problematic after I learned the Ten
Commandments because not only did I always see
that as stupid and pointless, now it had acquired
the dimesnion of breaking fundamental
commandments. I felt dirty and no matter how
much I brought it up I was always dismissed by the
catequista and the priest-my mom wouldn't have it

I grew more and more weary of the church and

their indoctrination, nonetheless I had to stay even
after becoming agnostic/atheist on behalf of my
mother because she'd accuse me of being
possessed whenever I rejected the church. Still, as I
was saying a few lines before, one of the major
incompatibilities I had with the Catholic/Christian
doctrine was the whole nonsense surrounding the
appropriation of Pesach and how they corrupted
the Jewish holiday (now I learned that they went
much farther and corrupted almost every single
Jewish holiday and made their own version) with
their nonsense (which I realized after my " return"
to Judaism is far deeper than I had realized as a
child, or even as a teen as I was exploring religions).

I have to Explain, ever since I was young my two

favourite books from the bible were ( in this order)
The Scroll of Esther and the Exodus, they were
always very dear to me, I never quite understood
why, but they felt like the most special and
meaningful accounts in the bible, that is the main
reason why I would argue ( or rather try to debate)
with my " catequista" because she'd tell us the
reasons for celebrating Easter/Páscoa/ Pesach were
all due to " Jesus"' sacrifice on the behalf of
mankind. That never sat well with me.
As we all know Easter/ Páscoa/Pesach or in Modern
English Jewish terms Passover was about how the
Jewish People was guided by G-d, out of Egypt. The
reason why we celebrate it is because how
important it is and how it reaffirmed our alliance
with G-d. I was always disappointed how not once
Christians mention the Exodus around Passover ( or
Easter for them).
One of the most important events in the Bible is
completely ignored ( as are all other Jewish
Holidays), not only that all the symbolism of Seder,
all passover customs are corrupted and associated
with Jesus.

The reason why Christians prepare lamb for this

holiday is because they call Jesus the Sacrificial lamb
of G-d. They even stole all the significance from
Passover. Of course I knew that we ate lamb
because, in reality, it had nothing to do with Jesus,
but with the fact that in order to save His people, G-
d sent various instructions/guidelines on how they'd
try to escape from Egypt. In one such, and most
significant acts was the ritual slaughter of
Rams/Lamb and the anointing of the houses where
Jews dwelt as a mark signaling G-d's chosen loyal
people so that G-d would spare their first-borns in
all the houses marked with blood.
Of Course Christians couldn't let this without
paganizing it and corrupting it, associating it with
Jesus. There's much more that can be said about
the christian doctrine that I questioned until the
moment I definitely defected christianity. Other
reasons were my mom's overt religiosity, priests
trying to touch me inappropriately, etc...

Still my mom tried to keep me a christian by buying

me christian cartoons and saints.
Through all this my main problem was the cognitive
dissonance I saw people who were christians had in
regards to the Bible. To me either the Bible was
fake or the new testament could never be Divinely
inspired as it contradicted so much of the old
testament. I could never accept its authenticity as
the continuation of the Old Testament, specially the
Pauline Letters ( and Christians won't shut up about
them... they build their ENTIRE doctrine around
Paul of Tarsus). Thereon I lost complete faith in

As I grew my mother always tried to bring me back

to church, mostly failing at it, even when I conceded
I was never truly there. I was always a truth seeker
so I studied a lot of religions. Sadly Christianity is so
deceitful that in their Moral subject in school they
talked quite extensively about other religions but
made sure to only mention Judaism in passing,
brushing over it and giving a misleading Idea of it,
so , of course, at the time I couldn't connect the
dots and figure out that I was Jewish all along.Still
can't forget how we went on a field trip to Lisbon.
They took us to a Mosque, a Hindu temple, showed
us a lot of their practices, but they failed to bring us
to the Synagogue in Lisbon where we would be able
to learn from a Rabbi what Judaism really is, looking
back now... that must have been intentional so that
those of us who may have Jewish ancestry couldn't
trace back our origins or people who may see
through christian propaganda and may want to find
the truth couldn't find it.

Around that time I red the Bible, Torah, Qu'ran and

other religious books. Still couldn't believe in
Christianity and the wrong notions of Judaism
taught by Christians kept me from connecting and
rekindling my relationship with G-d and my
ancestors. They educated us to believe Judaism was
just a bitter opposition to Christianity. As much as I
knew it was a lie, it took me years to realize I was
Jewish. There seems to be an attempt at keeping
Judaism dormant/concealed from us ( by Christian
There's clearly still some inbuilt antisemitism where
regardless of accuracy the perspective of Jews in
Christian Moral subject in School is still very much
anti-Judaism. Jews are seen as a barbaric people
who caused an " innocent" man to die, even though
the Romans are benevolently mentioned. These
subtle and yet powerful indoctrinating antisemitic
Ideas plan an anti-Jewish sentiment in the general
population, a sense of either hate or apathy. Many
express very misleading Ideas about Jews planted
from an early age by the Church and its propaganda
tools, both in Schools and " Catequese" .

Despite this propaganda I am blessed by the fact

that I was born in one of the most beautiful and
unique cities in the world, Tomar, Portugal.
Occasionally our history teachers would take us to
visit the vast and rich variety of monuments we
have in our city. Often they'd overlook the
Synagogue, but I still got to visit it five times in
School trips. It's hard to explain the feeling I'd get
everytime we'd visit the Synagogue. Sadly our
Synagogue is just a relic, we don't have a Rabbi or
anyone to carry on the Jewish legacy, so, without a
Rabbi actively combating christian Influence over
crypto Jewish families, Judaism and Crypto-Judaism
is dying out in my country, specially since the
Fatima Hoax that cemented the Catholic influence
over Portugal, specially in my Region.
I am very well aware that this was a large
introduction but I wanted to lay out all the reasons
for wanting to be permanently disassociated with
the church. I want to cut every and all ties I have
with the Catholic Church, knowing what I know
about me, my past and my ancestors it became
even more crucial form to do do so, I couldn't live
with my conscience after all the damage caused by
the Church to Thousands of Jews across the world,
and their nefarious antisemitic Doctrine.
Furthermore I want nothing with a cult that
viciously creates new idols to extract money from
their naive followers.

Christianity goes against all the teachings from the

Torah, it's an institution that was used to
Perpetuate the Roman Empire's power and an
attempt at attract both Jews and Pagans under a
unique religion to control them.

I can't be associated with a religion that twists the

scriptures in a self-serving ways to prove their "
Messiah"... I can't compactuate with the distortion
of Jewish principles and prophecies.

Moreover given the suffering of all Jews from the

inception of Christianity where Christians would
persecute Jews and use them as Escape goats,
accuse them of dreadful things ... wherever they
went Jews were rounded up and persecuted by

The antisemitism in the Christian bible is

overbearing... no self-Respecting human would
accept that... much less if that human may have
Jewish ancestors like a great majority of people in
this area.

I can't condone that after years and years of

Inquisition, stripping out Jews of every Human right
and forced expulsion from their homes, their
countries , even from Israel... I'd never want to have
anything to do with Christian movements, much
less the Catholic Church.
It is very insulting to me, that after what the
Inquisition did in my City ( Tomar) ransacking
everything and everyone, arresting half the
population for the sin of Being Jews.... and stealing
their property... expelling some... force-Converting
others... that no matter what I do ... Just because I
was baptized... I'm considered a Christian/ Catholic
for the rest of my life. I don't care about the
Catholic Church and want every single of my ties to
it severed. Just because they dumped a little bit of
water in my head... completely corrupting the
concept of a Mikvah... doesn't mean I'm a catholic...
I demand a written Paper saying " I hereby ...
Catholic responsible of whatever declare that Ana
Catarina Boavista Rodrigues is no longer a member
of the Catholic Church and is excommunicated" .

In the name of all my ancestors of diverse

ethnicities that were forced to convert to
Christianity I am taking a stand and removing our
bloodline through me from this perilous institution
that to this day perpetuates dangerous notions
about Judaism and Jews that through the power of
European culture is propagated even amongst
Pagans, Atheists, Agnostics and Protestants. We
need to take a stand against the parasitic institution
that is the Church of Rome. I renounce to All its
saints, Dead worshipping cult and I renounce to
Jesus the fake prophet of doom.

The Catholic church/ Christianity has oppressed

Jews for over 2000 years, it's one of the most toxic
currents of thought in the entire world. Not only
that it is a complete aberration and mosaic of
appropriated pagan rites, beliefs polluting Judaism
and Insulting G-d.

It is time to get out of this nasty institution and I

urge all descendents of Crypto-Jews to do the same.
I know it is hard, many of you were forced and
raised in Catholicism... but here's the good news...
You can learn the truth... you can learn it.... by
reading the Torah, even the Old Testament of the
Christian bible will tell you what you need to know.
If you need more help go to Jews for Judaism... they
help a great deal fighting Christian Propaganda...
We need to take a stand against those that
oppressed our ancestors and deprived us of our
relationship with G-d and forced us into unwilling
paganism and Idol worshipping. Many of us felt
from a young age the repulsion for christianity. It's
in our blood, our ancestry... we need to do
something We need to show the church that they
no longer have Power over the Bnei Anusim. And
stay away from Messianic Jews, they are spreading
the same lies.

I urge every Bnei Anusim ( wether having already

converted to Judaism or not) to take a stand and
ask the Catholic Church to remove your names from
their dreadful registry of who is a catholic. Your
ancestors were forced to become Christians against
their will... the best thing you can do is regain
control over your bloodline, even if this is merely
symbolic, it will show the Catholic Church that they
can't keep Hashem's children in the Darkness

To the Pope I say... I am sick of all your church's

lies... I am sick of your antisemitic Pro-Palestinian
propaganda... I cannot be associated with an
institution that is spreading and favouring terrorists
who everyday kill Jewish fathers, mothers, rabbis
and children for the "sin "of being Jewish... by
voicing a pro-Palestinian stance and Anti-Israel
stance pope Francis Shows that centuries of
Antisemitism have not died out within the Catholic
church. They still perpetuate the blood libel and
don't recognize the right of the Jewish People to


NEVER BE.... much less under the current papacy
that supports abortion and all things that Go against
G-d... never has a pope been so Anti-G-d as this
one. And his Pro-Terrorist stance is inadmissible.
Someone who thwarts Israel's right to exist and
defend itself against terrorists doesn't have the
right to determine what happens to my soul. My
soul wants to Join the Jewish people, and before I
can do that, I want to cleanse my soul of every
impure associations to the murderous Catholic
Church. To this day the church is causing damage to
thousands of Jews worldwide.

The simple existence of the New Testament is a

threat to Israel and the Jewish people for its
antisemitic content. Then you have centuries of
oppression by Christians, Romans, and their
Frankenstein Hybrid The Roman Catholic Church.

This last century was one of the most Tragic

centuries for Judaism. Thousands of Crypto-Jews
were forced to finally break completely their ties to
Judaism as various dictatorships forced them to
learn Christianity in Schools... they could no longer
escape the Church, because the church invaded
Schools...So in two Generations TWO
GENERATIONS... most crypto Jews in Portugal lost
their ties with their ancestors and Judaism... some,
like my grandmother still kept some Jewish habits,
small... but enough that someone who starts
keeping Kosher and becoming an observant Jew can
recognize...or a Jew can recognize...

For all this I want my name and all my ties to the

Catholic Church revoked. I don't want to support
this terrorist organization anymore. Nor do I want
any ties or connections to it. I demand that the
Pope, or any of his laquees removes me from the
Catholic Church Permanently.
I never was made to be a Catholic... and I can't
support the most Antisemitic institution in History.
Specially considering this new Pope is actively
supporting Anti-Israel, Antisemitic Propaganda and
wishes death on Jews.

He doesn't speak on the behalf of Jews murdered

brutally by infiltrating arab terrorists and
perpetuates lies that give Nazis, leftist Anti-semites
and Arabs excuses to hate on Jews and Murder
them. Like his predecessors before he is doing his
Job of Denying Jews the Right to exist... denying
Israel the right to exist.

In Honour of my ancestors and all Jews that died or

were tortured as a direct consequence of
Christianity and its spoof offs, as well as the imbued
antisemitic mentality spread by the Roman Empire
and Catholic Church I demand that my name be
removed and Excommunicated by the Catholic
church. If you want I can say heretic things... BUT I

I deny the legitimacy of the Catholic Church

I deny the Pope's representation on Earth of G-d
I deny that Jesus could be the Messiah
I reject the Virginity of Mary
Mary was an adulterer
Jesus was born out of wedlock and could never be
the Messiah
All Catholics are Idol worshippers and break the
most fundamental commandments. Catholicism is
If this is not enought to get my name taken off the
official rolls of Catholics I'm ready to go to the next
sunday mess , take the Eucharistic Waffer and Step
on it in front of everyone in the Church.

No Longer your Pawn Ana Catarina Boavista

Proud Future Jew

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