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World Poverty and

Human Rights
Für Ling Cosmopolitan Responsibilities
and Reforms

Thomas w. Pogge

Copyright 'S' Thomas W. Pogge 2002
The right of Thomas W. Pogge to be identified as author of this work has
been asserted in accordance with the Copyright. Designs and Patents Act
First published in 2002 by Polity Press in association ~'ith Blackwell Contents
Publishers Ltd. a Blackwell Publishing company.

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Polity Press
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Blackwell Publishers Ltd
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PlIblished in rhe USA hy General Introduction I
B1ackwell Publishers Inc.
I Some cautions about our moral judgments 2
350 Main Street
MaIden. MA 02148. USA 11 Four easy reasons to ignore world poverty 6
111 Defending our acquiescence in world poverty 11
All rights reserved. Except for the quotation 01' short pas~'lgc;;~ ".e
Does our new global economic order really not harm
purposes of criticism and review. no part of this publication may be 15
the poor?
reprodllced. stored in a retrieval system. 01' transmitted. in any form 01' by
any means. electronic. mechanical. photocopying. recording 01' otherwise. V Responsibilities and reforms 20
without the prior permission of the publisher.
I Human Flourishing and Universal Justice 27
Except in the United States of America. this book is sold subject to the
condition that it shall not. by way of trade 01' otherwise. be lent. re-sold. 1.0 Introd uction 27
hired out. 01' otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in 1.1 Social justice 31
any form of binding 01' cover other than that in which it is pllblished and 1.2 Paternalism 34
without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the 1.3 Justice in first approximation 37
subsequent purchaser. 1.4 Essential refinements 39
ISBN 0-7456-2994-6 1.5 Human rights 44
ISBN 0-7456-2995-4 (pbk) 1.6 Specification of human rights and responsibilities
for their realization 48
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library and
1.7 Conclusion 50
has been applied for from the Library of Congress.

2 How Should Human Rights be Conceived? 52

2.0 Introduction 52
Typeset in 10.5 on 12 pt Times New Roman 2.1 From natural law to rights 54
by Graphicraft Limited. Hong Kong 2.2 From natural rights to human rights 56
Printed in Great Britain by Tl International. Padstow. Cornwall 2.3 Official disrespect 59
This book is printed on acid-free paper. 2.4 The libertarian critique of social and economic rights 64
VI Contents Contents VII

2.5 The critique 01' social and economic rights as 5.2 Lofty nationalism: thc justice-for-compatriots priority 129
"manifesto righ ts" 67 5.3 Explanatory nationalism: the deep significancc
2.6 Disputes about kinds of human rights 69 01' national borders 139
5.4 Conclusion 144
3 Loopholes in Moralities 71
6 Achie\'ing Democracy 146
3.0 Introduction 71
3.1 Types 01' incentives 73 6.0 Introduction 146
3.2 Loopholes 75 6.1 The structure 01' the problem faced by fledgling
3.3 Social arrangements 76 democracies 148
3.4 Case I: the converted apartment building 77 6.2 Reducing the expected rewards 01' coups d'ctat 152
3.5 Case 2: the homelands policy of white South Africa 80 6.3 Undermining the borrowing privilege 01'
3.6 An objection 82 authoritarian predators 153
3.7 Strengthening 83 6.4 Undermining the resource privilege of authoritarian
3.8 Fictional histories 85 predators 162
3.9 Puzzles of equivalence 87 6.5 Conclusion 167
3.10 Conclusion 89
7 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 168
4 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 91
7.0 Introduction 168
4.0 Introduction 91 7.1 Institutional cosmopolitanism based on human rights 169
4.1 Moral universalism 92 7.2 The idea 01' state sovereignty 177
4.2 Our moral assessments of national and global 7.3 Some main reasons tor a vertical dispersal 01'
economic orders 94 sovereignty 181
4.3 Some factual background about the global 7.4 The shaping and reshaping 01' political units 190
economic order 96 7.5 Conclusion 195
4.4 Conceptions of national and global economic justice
contrasted 100 8 Eradicating Systemic Poverty: Brief for aGIobai
4.5 Moral universalism and David Miller's contextualism 102 Resources Dividend 196
4.6 Contextualist moral universalism and John Rawls's
104 8.0 Introduction 196
moral conception
4.7 Rationalizing divergent moral assessments through 8.1 Radical inequality and our responsibility 197
108 8.2 Three grounds of injustice 199
a double standard
8.3 A moderate proposal 204
4.8 Rationalizing divergent moral assessments without
110 8.4 The moral argument for the proposed reform 208
a double standard
8.5 Is the reform proposal realistic? 210
4.9 The causal role of global institutions in the
112 8.6 Conclusion 214
persistcnce of severe povcrty
4.10 Conclusion 116
Notes 216
5 The Bounds of Nationalism 118 Bibliography 256
5.0 Introduction 118 267
5.1 Common nationalism: priority for the interests
01' compatriots 120
General Introduction

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health
and well-being of hirnself and of his family. inc1uding food. c1othing.
housing and medieal eare.
Everyone is entitled to a soeial and international order in whieh the
rights and freedoms set forth in this Dec1aration ean be fully realized.
UDHR. Artic1es 25 and 281

The eight essays collected in this volume were written between 1990
and 2001. They develop different aspects of a normative position on
global justice. The General Introduction states this position in a uni-
fied and non-technical way. With this overview. chapters can be read
selectively and in any order. Chapters 1-3 are the most philosophicaL
discussing universal justice. human rights. and moral theorizing. Chap-
ters 3-5 show that the common moral acceptance of the existing
global order is incoherent with firmly entrenched moral convictions
about interpersonal morality and domestic justice. Chapters 68 pro-
pose modest and feasible. but significant. global institutional reforms

This general introduction has been improvcd by vcry helpful comments from Robert
Amdur. Christian Barry. CharIes Beitz. Daniclle Cclermajcr. Mona EI-Ghobashy.
Andy Kupcr. Andy Nathan. and Ling Tong. I also want to thank Daniela Mitrovich
tor her substantial hclp in harmonizing thc eight chaptcrs and in constructing the
2 Introduction Introduction 3

that would better align our international order with our moral values. some: real incomes declined in all other income segments. "The bottom
These last three chapters otTer the most accessible entry to the book. 5 percent 01' the world grew poorer. as their real incomes decreased
between 1988 and 1993 by 1/4 while the richest quintile grew richer. It
gained 12 percent in real terms. that is it grew more than twice as
I Some cautions about our moral judgments much as mean world income (5.7 percent):'4
This juxtaposition 01' great progress in our moral norms and conduct
During the last 220 years. moral norms protecting the weak and the with a rather catastrophic moral situation on the ground raises two
vulnerable have become increasin!!lv restrictive and increasilHrlv effect- questions:
ive. Forms 01' conduct and SOCi:liorganization that were ~,;ccepted
and practiced in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and for How can severe poverty 01' half 01' humankind continue despite
millennia before domestic violcnce. slavery. autocracy. colonialism. enormous economic and technological progress and despite the
genocide - are now proscribed. outlawed. and displayed as paradi!!ms enlightened moral norms and values 01' our heavily dominant
01' injustice. On the face 01' it. at least. there has been tremend~ous Western civilization?
moral progress. '")Why do we citizens 01' the affluent Western states not find it morally
Yet. how weil are the weak and vulnerable faring today? Some troubling. at least. that a world heavily domina ted by us and OUf
2.800 million or 46 percent 01' humankind live below the World Bank's values gives such very deficient and inferior starting positions and
S2/day poverty line - precisely: in households whose income per per- opportunities to so many people?'
son per day has less purchasing power than S2.15 had in the US in
1993. On average. the people living below this line fall 44.4 percent Answers to the second question help answer the first. Extensive.
bclow it. Over 1.200 million 01' them live on less than halL below the severe poverty can continue. because we do not find its eradication
World Bank's better-known SI/day poverty line. People so incredibly morally compelling.6 And we cannot find its eradication morally com-
poor are extremely vulnerable to even minor changes in natural and pelling until we find its persistence and the relentless rise in global
social conditions as weil as to many forms 01' exploitation and abuse. inequality troubling enough to warrant serious moral reflection. To
Each year. some 18 million 01' them die prematurely from poverty- be sure. many among us know only the bare outlines 01' the problem.
related causes. This is one-third 01' all human deaths - 50.000 every But this is mostly because those who do know more 01' the relevant
day. including 34.000 children under age five." data - economists and other academics. journalists. politicians - find
Such severe and extensive poverty persists while there is !!reat and them not morally disturbing enough to highlight. publicize. and dis-
rising affluence elsewhere. The average income 01' the citize~ns 01' the cuss. They do not see global poverty and inequality as morally import-
affluent countries is about 50 times greater in purchasing power and ant issues for uso To understand why this is so. one must examine
about 200 times greater in terms 01' market exchange rates than that their conscious and semi-conscious reasons for seeing things the way
01' the global poor. The latter 2.800 million people together have about they do: the justifications they give themselves and others. or would
1.2 percent 01' aggregate global income. while the 903 million people give if pressed. Beginning with section II. next. much 01' this book is
01' the "high-income economies" together have 79.7 percent. Shifting such an examination.
merely I percent 01' aggregate global income - $312 billion annuallyl -- To answer our two questions fully. one must also explore other causal
from the first group to the second would eradicate severe poverty factors that influence how our social world and moral values develop
worldwide. in interaction with each other. A rather too neat account 01' such
In reality. however. the shift in global income goes the other way. other causal factors is Marx's historical materialism. claiming that
Inequality continues to mount decade after decade as the affluent get dominant conceptions 01' justice are shaped by the dominant group's
richer and the poor remain at or below the subsistence minimu';n. shared interests. which in turn are shaped by its specific role in con-
Over arecent. closely studied five-year period. real growth in global trolling the means 01' economic production (capital. technologies. labor
average per capila income was a respectable 5.7 percent. The top power. land. and natural resources). Thus. historical materialists refuse
quintile (fifth) 01' the world's population got all 01' the gain - and then to see the history 01' the last 220 years as a success 01' moral effort and
4 Introduction Introduction 5

enlightenment: colonialism. slavery. and the subjection 01' women. By showing how these widely shared judgments are promoted by the
together with the moralities condoning them. disappeared because causal factors sketched in the last two paragraphs. I have not refuted
they obstructed newly accessible. more effective ways 01' combining these judgments in any way. But those influences do suggest that these
the factors 01' production through market institutions. Our shifting judgments require further thought, that we should not allow incipient
morality merely trails the shifting interests 01' those who own capital. doubts about them to be overwhelmed by the manifest unconcern 01'
technologies. land. and natural resources. Any protection and relief nearly all our politicians. academics. and mass media.
moral norms afford the weak and the pOOl'is merely incidental.- Let me turn to another set 01' causal factors. wh ich bear only on the
Historical materialism is surely too thin a theory to explain all first question 01' how so much misery can persist despite great progress
changes in moral norms and values. 01' even just the major historical in moral norms. unprecedented technological advances. and solid
shifts. But it is undeniable that one's interests and situation influence global economic growth. Moral norms. designed to protect the liveli-
what one finds morally salient (worthy 01' moral attention) and what hood and dignity 01' the vulnerable. place burdens on the strong. 11'
notio~s 01' justice. a~d e~hics one finds appealing and compelling. such norms are compelling enough. the strong make an effort to com-
Conslder whether It IS unJust to deny basic health care to citizens on ply. But they also. consciously 01' unconsciously. try to get around the
account 01' their inability to pay. A pOOl'person is rather more likely norms by arranging their social world so as to minimize their burdens
than ~ ri~h one to fin? this question important and more likely also 01' compliance. Insofar as agents succeed in such norm avoidance.
consclentlOusly to beheve the affirmative. Such discrepancies may be they can comply and still enjoy the advantages 01' their dominance.
greater when groups live in mutual isolation and lack vivid awareness Such success. however. generally reduces not merely the costs and
01' each other's circumstances. experiences. and perspectives on the opportunity costs 01' moral norms 1'01' the strong. but also the protection
world. We live in extreme isolation from severe poverty. We do not these norms afford the weak.
k~ow people scarred by the experience 01' losing a child to hunger, This phenomenon is familiar from more formal. legal rules such as
dlarrhea. 01' measles. do not know anyone earning less than $10 1'01' those constituting the tax code. Clever accountants 1'01' wealthy indi-
a 72~hour week. 01' hard, monotonous labor. 11' we had such people viduals and corporations are endlessly searching 1'01' loopholes and
as fnends 01' nelghbors. many more 01' us would believe that world other methods 01' tax avoidance which keep their clients in compli-
poverty demands serious moral reflection and many more 01' us would ance with the law and yet thwart legislative efforts at fine-tuning the
hold that we should all help to eradicate this problem. distribution 01' tax burdens. Moral norms elicit similar strategic re-
One's interests and situation also affect the concrete judgments one sponses: corporations. concerned about harsh working conditions in
derives from one's moral values. Unconsciously, at least. people tend a foreign plant. seil it and then buy its products from its new local
to interpret their moral values in their own favor and tend to select, owner. The developing world has been similarly transformed from
represent. and connect the facts so as to facilitate the desired concrete colonies into independent states. Many people there are still des per-
judgments. This rationalizing tendency is stronger in people surrounded ately pOOl' and oppressed, and we still get the natural resources we
by others whose relevant interests coincide. Here each person's desire need. But we now pay native rulers and "elites" 1'01' such imports and
to see the pursuit 01' these interests as morally defensible is reinforced therefore are - 01' at least feel - morally disconnected from the misery
by her peers' expressed moral judgments and like conducL Regular 01' the locals.
direc~ contact with ou.tsiders could show the members 01' such a group So a suspicion. e1aborated in chapter 3. is that the celebrated his-
that ItS values - apphed perhaps in light 01' a bettel' 01' fuller under- torie transformation 01' our moral norms has mostly produced cosmetie
standing ~t: the relevant facts- support different moral judgments.
But few cltlzens 01' the affluent count ries have such outside contacts
rearrangements. lmagine some visionary European statesman. in 1830
say. posing the question 01' how the advaneed states 01' Europe and
",:hich might interfere with their embrace 01' two going moral preju- North Ameriea ean preserve and, if possible. expand their eeonomie
dlces: that the persistence 01' severe poverty abroad does not require and political dominanee over the rest 01' the world even while bringing
our moral attention, and that there is nothing seriously wrong with themselves into eomplianee with the eore norms 01' Enlightenment
our conducL policies, and the global economic institutions we forge morality. Find the best solution to this task you ean think 01' and then
in regard to world poverty. eompare it to the world today. Could the West have done any better?
6 Introduction Introduction 7

The actual transformation was not. of course. the result of such a not seem morally salient to them. I I' something 01' this magnitude does
deliberate plan or grand conspiracy. It would probably have been far not strike people as worth serious inquiry and reflection. one would
less successful for us if it had been pursued according to a plan. It expect them to have at least a superficial reason. What superfic.ial
came about through the uncoordinated activities of many inftuential reasons do they have for not deeming vast global poverty and 10-
players - each seeking its own advantage. learning from its errors. cquality important. and how weil do these reasons stand up to critical
processing new data. and strategically adjusting itself to compelling reflection'?
moral norms by seeking to find and to exploit moral loopholes and One easy assumption is that preventing poverty deaths is counter-
other methods 01' morality avoidance. An invisible hand. rather less productive because it will lead to.overpopul.ation and hence to m~re
benign than the one acclaimed by Adam Smith. ensures that the world. poverty deaths in the futUfe.~ Thls assuT?ptton does not squa~e wlth
driven by these self-seeking efforts. equilibrates toward a mode of the facts. In the last few decades. the rise 10 the human populatIOn has
organization that gives the strong as much as possible while still been overwhelmed by enormous efficiency gains in food produc-
allowing them to be in compliance with their moral norms. Such a tion. reflected in a 32 percent drop in real prices of basic foodstuffs
process gravitates toward the worst of all possible worlds to which the over the 1985-2000 period (n. 144). More importantly. there is now
strong can morally reconcile themselves. abundant evidence that birth rates tend to fall dramatically wherever
The affluent Western states are no longer practicing slavery. colonial- poverty is alleviated and women gain better economic opportunities.
ism. or genocide. But they still enjoy crushing economic. political. and more control within their households. and better access to reproduct-
military dominance over the rest 01' the world. And a large proportion ive information and technologies. Accelerated progress against pov-
01' human kind still can barely obtain enough to survive. The extent erty and the subordination of women may actually be the best strategy
and severity of the deprivations they sufter. contrasted with OUf vastly against overpopulation and toward an early leveling-o~f 01' the ~uman
higher standard of living. suggest caution against thoughtless approval population around 10 billion.<! In any case. the avallable eVldence
01' our conduct. policies. and global institutions. Moreover. how we does not support the conclusion that efforts to reduce severe poverty
assess oUfseives depends on objective features: on the structure of must multiply human suffering and deaths over time.
the human world and on OUf role within it. as well as on subjective A second easy assumption is that world poverty is so gigantic a
features: on how we direct our moral attention. on our conceptions of problem that it simply cannot be eradicated in a .few yc~rs: at lea~t
justice and ethics. and on how we apply these conceptions to the not at a cost that would be bearable for the flch soclctles. Thls
human world and to OUf role within ie Reflection on the causal influ- assumption is widespread. Richard Rorty. for instance. doubts that
ences that affect these five features suggests more caution against a we are able to help the global poor by appealing to the claim that
hasty embrace of the two common prejudices. Given what is at stake. "a politically feasible project 01' egalitarian redistribution of wealth.
we cannot embrace them without examining their plausibility. Such an requires there to be enough money around to i~sUfe that. after t~e
examination involves reflection on OUf conscious and semiconscious redistribution. the rich will still be able to recogntze themselves - WIll
reasons for these judgments. still think their lives worth living:'J() What Rorty presumes seems
obvious: ending the poverty 01' 2.800 million human beings would
sap our arts and culture and OUf capacity to achievc s~c~al justice at
11 Four easy reasons to ignore world poverty home. It would greatly damage our lives and communttles and thus
is clearly politically unfeasible. .
What reasons do people in the developed West have for being uncon- Yet this presumption ignores the enormous cxtent of global mequal-
cerned with the persistence 01' severe poverty abroad'? The inquiry into ity. The aggregate shortfall of all these people from th~ S2 PPP a day
this question faces a difficulty: those who judge an issue not worthy of poverty line amounts to some $300 .billio~ annually or Just .1.2 ~ercent
moral attention cannot have an elaborate defense for this judgment 01' the aggregate annual gross natIOnal IOcomes of the hlgh-lOcome
because such a defense presupposes the very attention they fail to economies. On any credible account 01' Rorty's recognitional capa-
summon. And yet. there must be something in their moral out look cities. and ours. he and the rest 01' us could still recognize ourselves
that explains why the basic data about poverty. which are known. do quite easily after accepting reforms that entail a 1.2 percent reduction
8 Introduction Introduction 9

in our incomes for the sake of eradicating severe poverty worldwide. world poverty and ways of attacking it. rather than less. Where corrup-
Indeed. in a sense of the word Rorty would not allow. we might tion is an obstacle. we can try to reduce it, circumvent it. or focus our
recognize ourselves for the very first time. efforts elsewhere. If foreign donations of food depress demand. prices.
Morcover. the second easy assumption. even if it were true. cannot and hence incentives for production in the target country. we can
justify neglect of poverty. World poverty appears as one overwhelming instead enhance the income of the poor. Where direct transfers to
- Herculean or rather Sisyphean - task to which we. as individuals. poor households create dependency. we can. targeting children espe-
cannot meaningfully contribute. One makes a disaster-relief contribu- cially. fund vaccination programs. basic schooling. school lunches.
tion after an earthquake and finds that. two years later. the damaged safe water and sewage systems. housing. power plants and networks.
city has been largely rebuilt. with our help. One makes a contribution banks and microlending. and road. rai!. and communication links.
to poverty relief and finds that. two years later. the number of people Such projects augment poor people's capacity to fend for themselves
living and dying in extreme poverty is still unimaginably large. The and their access to markets while also stimulating local production.
former contribution seems meaningful because we think of the task as Such projects. publicly funded. played an important role in the eradi-
limited to one disaster - rather than including the effects of all natural cation of poverty in the (now) developed world. And in the develop-
disasters. say. The latter contribution appears pointless. But such ing world. too. such projects have been successfully realized by UN
appearances arise from our conventional sorting categories. Seeing agencies. NGOs. and individual donor states.
the global poor as one vast homogeneous mass, we overlook that With regard to any such project. to be sure. there may always
saving ten children from a painful death by hunger does make areal be some expert ready to speculate whether it may not have so me
difference. all the difference for these children. and that this difference unobvious bad effects elsewhere or later that neutralize the apparent
is quite significant even when many other children remain hungry. good - and ready to argue perhaps that. appearances notwithstanding.
A third easy ass um pt ion is that. as the history of failed attempts at public spending domestically (e.g. in FrankIin D. Roosevelt's New
development assistance illustrates, world poverty cannot be eradicated Deal) or internationally (e.g. in the Marshall Plan) did not contribute
by "throwing money at the problem." Now it may be true that official to the eradication of poverty in today's affluent countries. Such argu-
development assistance (ODA) has done little for development. But ments deserve a hearing, and one should try to learn from them how
this is not evidence for the prized conclusion because most such aid is to identify. and to preempt and correct. unintended adverse effects.
not aimed at promoting development. Rather, our politicians allocate But they cannot possibly justify the quick and convenient conclusion
it to benefit those who are able and willing to reciprocate: export that all possible such poverty eradication projects would be wholly
firms in the donor countries and political-economic elites of strategic- ineffective in each and every poor country.
ally important developing states. This dia gnosis is supported by a Moreover. our financial contribution to overcoming world poverty
detailed study of the aid allocations made by the various "donor" need not take the form of spending and transfers. We could agree to
countries.11 It is also supported by the fact that ODA was sharply restructure the global order to make it more hospitable to democratic
reduced after the end of the Cold War (n. 143). when our need for government. economic justice, and growth in the developing countries
political support from developing states dcclined (whereas the needs and we could drive less hard a bargain against these countries in
of thc global poor and our capacity to help did not). The diagnosis is negotiations about international trade, investment, and taxation.
further supported by the fact that only 19 percent of all ODA goes to Making such concessions, we would, for the sake of reducing world
thc 43 least developed countries and only 8.3 percent is targetcd poverty, bear opportunity costs by not using our superior bargaining
toward meeting basic needs.12 The unimpressive results of ODA fail power to insist on terms more favorable to ourselves. Such options.
to show. then. that money cannot be used effectively for poverty discussed throughout chapters 4-7. further undermine the easy as-
reduction. In fact, the appropriately targeted portion of ODA has sumption that the Western states simply cannot influence the global
done a lot of good. income distribution so as to reduce world poverty.
To be sure. good intentions do not always lead to success. Even the A fourth easy assumption is that world poverty is disappearing
most dedicated anti-poverty organizations sometimes waste money anyway. The popularity of this assumption in the developed world
and effort. But. if anything. this is a reason to think harder about has less to do with actual trcnds than with people being eager to
10 Introduction Introduction 11

believe and with organizations such as the World Bank taking good The four easy assumptions I have briefly discussed provide super-
care to define and measure poverty so as to show improvement.l:l ficial reasons that incline many in the affluent countries to disregard
At the last World Food Summit in Rome. organized by the UN world poverty. None of these reasons can survive even a little reflec-
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in November 1996. the tion. They survive by discouraging such reflection. The survival of
186 participating governments agreed to "pledge our political will and such flimsy reasons confirms the cautions of section I: we cannot take
our common and national commitment to achieving food security for for gran ted that our unreflective moral judgments regarding world
all and to an on-going effort to eradicate hunger in all countries. with poverty are well-founded or reliable.
an immediate view to reducing the number of undernourished people
to half their present level no later than 20 15."I~ Such strong words.
denying the second and third easy assumptions. encourage the belief 111 Defending our acquiescence in world poverty
that a major effort is underway to annihilate world poverty.
But the pledge cannot justify setting this problem aside: Our gov- If the reasons for ignoring world poverty as not meriting moral atten-
ernments' plan envisages that. even in 2015. there will still be 420 tion are bad reasons. then the sheer magnitude of the problem requires
million undernourished human beings and. assuming rough propor- that we give it careful thought. Doing so. we examine the second
tionality. 9 million annual poverty deaths. Are these levels we can prejudice: that there is nothing seriously wrong with our conduct.
condone? With a linear decline. implying a 474.000 annual reduction policies. and the global economic institutions we forge in regard to
in the number of poverty deaths. the plan envisages 250 million deaths world poverty. A skillful defense of this judgment will invoke the
from poverty-related causes over the 19-year plan period. Is so huge common belief that people may give priority to their compatriots.
a death toll acceptable because these deaths would be occurring at a especially in the context 01' a system of competing states: it is permiss-
declining rate'? ible for us and our representatives vigorously to pursue our interests
There is \ittle assurance. moreover. that the plan is actually being within an adversaria I system in wh ich others and their representatives
carried out. The US immediately disowned responsibility. publish- can vigorously pursue their interests.
ing an "lnterpretive Statement" to the effect that "the attainment of Variants of such views are discussed especially in chapters 3-5. I
any 'right to adequate food' or 'fundamental right to be free from argue that the existence 01' an adversaria I system can help justify the
hunger' is a goal or aspiration to be rea\ized progressively that does vigorous pursuit of individual or group interests only if there is min-
not give rise to any international obligations. "15 There is also some imal fairness of the institutional framework within which individuals
effort to fudge the target. Rather than aim to halve the Ilumbers of or groups compete and give priority to their near and dear over out-
poor and undernourished. one can halve their percentage of the world's siders. When agents competitively pursue their interests within a frame-
rising population'6 or ofthe faster-rising population ofthe developing work of rules. these rules themselves and their adjudication typically
countries. As the last formulation defines the most modest target. become objects of their competition and may then be deformed by
it will probably win out. Since the aggregate population of the de- stronger parties to the point where the framework becomes manifestly
veloping world is projected to grow from 4.860 million in 1996 to unfair. Such cases are familiar from domestic contexts: powerful cor-
an estimated 6.217 million in 2015. we would then aim to reduce porations lobby for rules that stifle emergent competitors. incumbent
the numbers of poor and undernourished by merely 36 (rather than political parties revise the electoral laws to perpetuate their reign.
50) percent. Five years into the plan. even this reduced target seems wealthy litigants vastly outspend their opponents on jury specialists.
unrealistic as the reported decline in the number of undernourished expert witnesses. and complex motions. Although they emerge from
people - from 840 to 826 million I? - is tiny. The plan is far behind the competitive pursuit of group interests within an adversarial sys-
schedule and the death toll from poverty over the 19 years may weil tem. some such outcomes. and efforts to achieve and to perpetuate
exceed 300 million. In fact. present trends suggest there will be more them. are nonetheless morally condemned.
poverty and malnutrition in 2015 than in 1996.IR SO we can certainly Implicit in our moral thinking and practice there isothen. an import-
not rest assured that this problem merits no attention because it is ant distinction - albeit not precisely formulated or weil justified -
disappearing. between matters legitimately subject to change through competing
12 Introduction Introduction 13
group interests. on the one hand, and certain basic fealures of the Challenging the moral claim. one might argue that the distinc-
institutional order requisite to preserve the fairness of the competi- tion between causing poverty and failing to reduce it has little or no
tion. on the olher. I extend and apply lhis fundamental distinclion to moral importance. Allowing hunger to kill people whom one could
the global institulional order, arguing that an)' coercive institutional easily save. even mere foreigners. is morallyon a par with killing
order must meet certain minimal conditions. which chapters 1-2 them or at any rate little better.19 At least this is true for economic
formulate in terms of human rights. I also argue that the existing institutions: What matters for the moral assessment of an economic
global institutional order falls short of meeting these conditions. order under which many are starving is whether there is a feas-
on account of excessive inequalities in bargaining power and of the ible institutional alternative under which such starvation would not
immense poverty and economic inequality it avoidably produces. occur. It does not matter. or does not matter much. in what kind of
The priority-for-compatriots idea is similarly limited in scope. We causal relation the relevant economic order stands to the starvation
may weil have less reason to benefit foreigners than to confer equivalent in question.
benefits on OUfcompatriots. But we have as much reason not to harm This challenge can draw support from consequentialist ideas and
foreigners as we have not lO inflict equivalent harms on compatriots. veil-of-ignorance reasoning cl la Rawls. But I reject such heavily
The priority for compatriots can thus help justify OUfconducl. policies. recipient-oriented approaches and agree, on this point, with libertar-
and the global economic institutions we forge only insofar as we are not ians and defenders of the second prejudice: I agree that the distinction
through them harming the global poor. A skillful defense ofthe second between causing poverty and merely failing to reduce it is morally
prejudice will claim that we are indeed not harming the poor abroad. significant?' And I grant at least for argument's sake that. notwith-
Such a defense will concede that we could prevent much desperate standing the enormous complexity of modern economic interaction,
poverty through more foreign aid or other redistributive mechanisms. such a distinction can be applied, at least roughly, to the global order.
But it takes such preventability to indicate not that we cause poverty. My argument conceives, then, both human rights and justice as
but that we fail to contribute as much as we might to poverty eradica- involving solely negative duties: specific minimal constraints - more
tion. This distinction is thought to have great moral significance: minimal in the case of human rights - on what harms persons may
as individuals, we could do more to protect foreigners from life- inflict upon others.
threatening poverty than we are doing in fact. But failing to save lives My response to the skillful defense challenges its factual claim about,
is not morallyon a par with killing. To be sure, it is morally better to in particular, the global institutional order for which our govern-
do more. But if we do less or even nothing. we are not therefore the ments. hence we. bear primary responsibility. Ichallenge the claim
cause of, or responsible for, any poverty deaths we might have pre- that the existing global order is not causing poverty, not harming the
vented. The same holds for the conduct of our governments. And an poor. This dispute is about the explanation of the persistence of severe
analogous point is thought to apply also to the global economic order: poverty: why is global economic inequality increasing so rapidly that,
We affluent Western states could redesign this order to be more pro- despite an impressive rise in human affluence overall, hundreds of
moting of poverty eradication (perhaps by including some redistributive millions still barely survive from one day to the next?
tax scheme like the Tobin Tax). It would be good of us lO do so. But There is much work, by economists, historians, and others. on the
a global order that fails to include an effective such redistributive causes of poverty. Nearly all of it examines how poverty has evolved
mechanism is not therefore causally or morally responsible for any in various countries and regions and tries to determine which of the
poverty it might have prevented. internationally diverse local factors explain relative successes and
This defense combines two claims. Its faclual claim asserts that we failures. Such work is of great significance for learning why poverty
are not harming the global poor by causing severe poverty. but merely persists in some environments and not in others. It also lends credib-
failing to benefit them by not eradicating as much severe poverty as ility to the factual claim of the skillful defense: if one can identify
we might. Its moral claim asserts that. while it is seriously wrong to factors that are active in developing countries where poverty persists
harm the global poor by causing severe poverty. it is not seriously and absent in ones where poverty is disappearing, then, it seems, one
wrong to fail to benefit them by not eradicating as much severe has shown that poverty is caused by these factors - and not by
poverty as we might. elements of the global institutional order.
14 Introduction
Introduction 15
However welcome and influential. this line of thought is fallacious. rendered more interesting. useful. and intellectually satisfying by the
That research into poverty turns up national or local factors is due availability of solid evidence.
not to the world but to how these inquiries are focused: on the dif- Lively disputes about national and local factors (inadvertently?)
ferential evolution of poverty in various developing countries and
withdraw attention from foreign and global influences on the evolu-
regions. Comparative investigations can pinpoint special factors that tion of poverty. The heavy concentration of development economics
contribute to the outbreak and destructiveness of fires. Oxygen. if on national development encourages the view. widespread in the
equally present in all investigated scenarios. will not be pinpointed in
developed countries. that world poverty today can be fully explained
such investigations. Still. it would be a gross mistake to inter that
in terms of national and local factors. This view, which I discuss
oxygen is not a causal contributor to fires. It would be an analogous under the label explanGtory nationalislIl.'2 is further reinforced by
gross mistake to conclude. from the fact that comparative poverty our reluctance to see ourselves as causally connected to severe pov-
research uncovers national and local factors. that the existing global
crty and by the general cognitive tenden~y to ?verlook the cau.sal
economic order is not a causal contributor to poverty.
significance of stable background factors m a dIverse and changmg
False interences of this kind overlook how causes often act to-
gether: spark. powder. and oxygen together caused the explosion - no If true. explanatory nationalism would deteat my challenge. would
two of them would have sufficed. Similarly. poverty can be caused by vindicate the factual claim that the existing global order is not causing
a combination of global and local factors: by a country's low foreign
poverty. not harming the poor: A moment's refl~ction reveals. how-
exchange reserves in conjunction with global currency markets that ever. that explanatory natlOnahsm cannot be stnctly true. that there
allow speculators to short-sell its currency. Drawing this conclusion are significant international interdependencies and cross-border exter-
also overlooks that causes themselves have causes. A short-circuit was nalities some of which clearly aggravate the situation of the global
caused by a defective wire which in turn had been corroded by humidity.
pOOr.21Let me bypass such international extern~lities, however: ~nd
Similarly. poverty may be caused by cuts in domestic social spending return to the skillful defense and its factual clatm that the eXlstmg
wh ich in turn are necessitated by increasing global interest rates that global order is not harming the poor. If this claim falls. then so does
raise the country's debt servicc obligations.
explanatory nationalism.
There are good methodological reasons tor the research bias
toward national and local causes: there being only this one world to
observe, it is hard to obtain solid evidence about how the overall IV Does our new global economic order really
incidence of poverty would have evolved differently if this or that
not harm the poor?
global factor had been different. By contrast. solid evidence about the
effects of national and local factors can be gleaned from many de-
There is much discussion about whether the new global economic
veloping countries that differ in their natural environment. history. order. instituted with the World Trade Organization (WTO). benefits.
culture. political and economic system. and government policies. To or at least does not harm. the poor. There is also confusion about the
be sure. such evidence does not produce agreement: libertarian cco- meaning of this claim and of its notions of harm and benefit. A proper
nomists - holding up Japan. Hong Kong. Taiwan. Singapore. and evaluation of the claim requires that its different interpretations be
South Korea as their success stories - argue that the best way to disentangled.
expel human misery is economic growth, and the best way to achieve Harm and bcnefit are comparative notions suggesting that our new
economic growth is to foster tree enterprise with a minimum in taxes. global economic order makes the poor. respectively. worse or bet~er
regulations. and red tape. More left-Ieaning development economists off. But worse or better off than what? One might invoke so me earher
dispute that those success stories really exemplify laissl!r:/llire social time as a baseline. In this vein it is often suggested that the global
institutions and policies. Some of them. like Amartya Sen. draw ordcr must be benefiting the poor because poverty is declining. But
attention to Kerala. a poor state in India whose socialist policies led this argument is invalid. That the winds are benefiting you in your
to cxceptional advances in health. education. and life expectancy.21 journey is not shown by your getting closer to your destination -- your
Though such disputes are not easily settled. they are nonetheless progress may be slowed badly by strong headwinds. Similarly. our
16 Introduction Introduction 17

global order may be exacerbating poverty even while. thanks to other analogous reasoning one could argue that the headwind you are
causal factors. world poverty is in decline. facing today must be benefiting you because it is not as strong as
This thought reveals that one needs here not diachronie compar- yesterday's headwind.
isons. but subjunctive ones. Whether the winds are harming or bene- The narrower question thus raises a new. distinct issue. It focuses
titing you turns on how much better or worse your journey wou/d be not on the effects of the new global economic order on world poverty.
progressing if you were not encountering these winds. In this simple but on the effects of the change to this new order. For some back-
example. one may find it unproblematic to define the subjunctive base- ground. let me quote from The Economist. a magazine that. laboring
line as zero wind and easy to determine what things would then be to outdo all other news media in its defense of the WTO and in its
like. But what subjunctive baseline is to be associated with the claim vilification of pro testers against it as enemies of the poor. can cer-
that the new global order benefits the poor? Here one might hold tainly not be accused of anti-WTO bias:
present national borders. populations. and technologies constant and
then imagine minimal mutual interaction among states or some global Rich count ries cut their tariffs by less in the Uruguay Round than poor
ones did. Since then. they have found new ways to dose their mar-
institutional order different from ours. Or one might imagine altern-
kets. notably by imposing anti-dumping duties on imports they deern
ative histories that led to only minimal interaction among organized
"unfairly cheap". Rich count ries are particularly protectionist in many
national societies or else preserved astate of nature worldwide. Each of the sectors where developing countries are best able to compete.
of these four (and other) possibilities might be specified in different such as agriculture, textiles. and dothing. As a result. according to a
ways. yielding many quite distinct candidate baseline scenarios. How new study by Thomas Hertel, of Purdue University. and Will Martin.
can one. in a nonarbitrary way. select the one to which the status quo of the World Bank. rich countries' average tariffs on manufacturing
should be compared? And how can one determine what the state of imports from poor countries are four times higher than those on imports
world poverty would be in this most appropriate baseline scenario? from other rich countries. This imposes a big burden on poor coun-
One may think that it is unnecessary to reflect deeply upon such tries. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
complex hypotheticals because our present world is clearly superior to (UNCTAD) estimates that they could export $700 billion more a
all of them. This may be true for most citizens of the affluent coun- year by 2005 if rich countries did more to open their markets. Poor
count ries are also hobbled by a lack of know-how. Many had little
tries. But the relevant comparison concerns poverty. Causing a third
understanding of what they signed up to in the Uruguay Round. That
of all human deaths. world poverty now is so severe and so extensive
ignorance is now costing them dear. Michael Finger of the World
that one cannot even say with confidence that poverty would be worse Bank and Philip Schuler of the University of Maryland estimate that
in agIobaI Lockean state of nature in which all human beings have implementing commitments to improve trade procedures and estab-
access to a proportional share of the world's natural resources.24 Iish technical and intellectual-property standards can cost more than a
There may be no convincing way of clarifying the factual claim and year's development budget for the poorest countries. Moreover. in those
evaluating it on empirical grounds. This impasse may suggest a nar- areas where poor countries could benefit from world trade rules. they
rower inquiry: is our new global economic order worse or better for are often unable to do so .... Of the WTO's 134 members, 29 do not
the poor than a continuation of its predecessor would have been? This even have missions at its headquarters in Geneva. Many more can
narrower question is easier to make precise. And it is wh at people barely afford to bring cases to the WTO.25
often have in mind when they discuss whether our new global eco-
nomic order is harming or benefiting the poor. So let me examine this This report makes clear that some of the agreements reached in the
narrower question. Uruguay Round are very costly for the developing countries and their
Suppose poverty and poverty deaths are actually less now than people. These agreements exacerbate poverty and bring about addi-
they would now be if the WTO Treaty had not been concluded. It is tional deaths from poverty-related causes.
~empting to infer that the new regime is then benefiting the poor. since Defenders of the WTO can retort that. while the poor do not ben-
lt treats them better than the old one would have done. But this efit from the adoption of each and every new rule and provision. they
reasoning fails by unjustifiably taking continuation of the old (pre- do benefit from the adoption of the WTO Treaty taken as a whole.
WTO) regime as a neutral baseline. as not harming the poor. By But. even if this is true of "the poor" conceived as a pool, it is clearly
18 Introduction Introduction 19

false of "the poor" conceived as individuals. Many 01' those who have making the WTO Treaty less burdensome on the developing coun-
died from poverty-related causes after the WTO Treaty came into tries. They did not do this because they sought to maximize our gains
force would have survived if this treaty had not been concluded. from the agreement. But our material gains cannot justify the harm
WTO defenders can reply that these deaths. however regrettable. either.
must not be held against the WTO Treaty. Had it not been con- The point is obvious in small-scale contexts. Suppose you can do
c1uded. then there would have been even more poverty. and even something that would gain you SIO.OOO while foreseeably saving three
more poverty deaths. if the old regime had continued. It follows that and killing two innocent persons. It would be c1early impermissible to
the harms caused by the switch to the new regime (e.g. people dying do this if instead you could do something else that would gain you
of poverty who would have survived had the old regime endured) are 55.000 while foreseeably saving three and killing no innocent persons.
justifiable because they are outweighed by the benefits of this switch The case 01' introducing {his WTO Treaty rat her than a less burden-
(people surviving who would have died had the old regime endured). some alternative is analogous. That we do not even see how our
Suppose there is indeed less poverty under the new regime than lZovernments' choice 01' the first option can be morally problematic
there would have been had the old one continued. The reply then ;hows that we implicitly think 01' the global poor as a pooL as one
makes sense when advanced in behalf of a Third World government homogeneous mass like coffee cream in the office fridge: one may
that faced a stark choice between a smaller number of poverty deaths take some out provided that. over time. one takes out no more than
after accepting the new regime and a larger number 01' poverty deaths one puts in. So we are content when some creative accounting by
after declining to join. But this reply cannot plausibly be advanced in well-paid economists helps us believe that there would have been
behalf of our governments. They did not face such a stark choice even more poverty and poverty deaths under a continuation of the
between continuing the old regime and pressing for {his WTO Treaty. old regime than there are now. Good. we are not taking out more
They could have agreed that tariffs on manufacturing imports faced poor people than we save.
by poor countries should be no higher than those faced by rich coun- But think 01' the global poor as individual children. women. and
tries. rather than four times as high. They could have agreed to open men. for whom a few dollars more or less can make the difference
their markets to agriculturaL textile. and footwear imports from the between life and death. and the pleasant belief becomes irrelevant. It
poor countries. They could have agreed to reduce their farm subsidies is undeniable that our governments. by pressing this WTO Treaty on
which. in 2000. amounted to $245 billion.26 Our governments' suc- the rest 01' the world. have foreseeably taken out millions 01' poor
cessful insistence on the protectionist exemptions had a huge impact persons who would have survived without the treaty. Most 01' these
on employment. incomes. economic growth. and tax revenues in the deaths would have been avoided. had our governments not. for the
developing world where many live on the brink of starvation. The sake 01' minor material gains for uso insisted on the protectionist
magnitude 01' this impact is suggested by the 5700 billion annual loss exemptions and other onerous commitments by the developing coun-
in export revenues. This figure is 12.5 times annual ODA from all tries. There is no justification 01' our governments' choice to cause
donor countries combined. or I1 percent 01' the aggregate annual those deaths for the sake 01' these gains.
gross national incomes of all developing countries. Many critics of the WTO regime are. and many more are dismissed
With hundreds 01' millions undernourished and barely surviving. aso opponents 01' open markets. free trade. or globalization. It is worth
the dramatic changes brought by the WTO Treaty had a significant stressing then that my critique involves no such opposition. My com-
impact on who would live and who would die. Millions who would plaint against the WTO regime is not that it opens markets too much.
have lived had the old regime continued have in fact died from but that it opens our markets {oo liffll! and thereby gains for us the
poverty-related causes. These people were killed. and others harmed benefits 01' free trade while withholding them from the global poor. I
in other ways. by the change-over to the new regime. Perhaps even see the appalling trajectory 01' world poverty and global inequality
more millions who would have died from poverty-related causes had since the end 01' the Cold War as a shocking indictment 01' one par-
the old regime continued have in fact survived. But our governments ticular. especially brutal path 01' economic globalization which our
cannot use this benefit to justify the harm they caused. because they governments have chosen to impose. But this is no reason to oppose
could have avoided most 01' this harm. without losing the benefit. by any and all possible designs 01' an integrated global market economy
20 Introduction Introduction 21

under unified rules of universal scope. Indeed, chapters 6-8 outline domina ted by the affluent states. After the terrorist attacks of Sep-
not an alternative of greater mutual isolation, but a different path of tember I I. 200 I. the President of the World Bank publicized his estim-
globalization, involving political as weil as economic integration. which ate "that tens of thousands more children will die worldwide and
would fulfill human rights worldwide and afford persons everywhere some 10 million people are likely to be living below the poverty line of
an opportunity to share the benefits of global economic growth. $1 a day ... because the attacks will delay the rich countries' recovery
There is a simple two-part explanation for why our new global into 2002." Where do we find similar estimates about our tariffs. anti-
economic order is so harsh on the POOf. The details of this order are dumping duties. agricultural subsidies, and enforcement of property
fixed in international negotiations in wh ich our governments enjoy rights in seeds and drugs? Or at least a reasoned denial that we are
a crushing advantage in bargaining power and expertise. And our causing grievous harms or that these harms are unjustifiable?
representatives in international negotiations do not consider the inter- When some 800.000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were slaughtered
ests of the global poor as part of their mandate. They are exclusively in R wanda in early 1994, the world took notice. The massacres were
devoted to shaping each such agreement in the best interest of the widely discussed in academia and the media. with many discussants
people and corporations of their own country. To get a vivid sense of expressing dismay at the decisions by Western governments to avoid
the zeal with which our politicians and negotiators pursue this task. both the word "genocide" and a peacekeeping operation.29 They be-
you need only recall to what incredible length the US government has lieve that we should have stopped the massacres, even if this would
gone to shift some of its share of the UN general budget onto other have meant risking the lives of our soldiers and spending a few hun-
countries.27 This hard-fought victory saves the US $35 million annu- dred million dollars or more. We all feit a bit responsible. but bear-
ally, 12 cents per US citizen each year - or 58 cents when one adds the ably so. The deaths, after all. were brought about by c1early identifiable
similarly reduced US share of the cost of UN peacekeeping opera- villains. and we were c1early not among them and also did not benefit
tions.2~ This is one example, chosen only because it is so weil known. from the killings in any way. Deaths caused by global economic
There are plenty of cases illustrating similar zeal by the representat- arrangements designed and imposed by our governments are a differ-
ives of other affluent states. Our new global economic order is so ent matter: these governments are elected by us, responsive to our
harsh on the global poor, then. because it is shaped in negotiations interests and preferences, acting in our name and in ways that benefit
where our representatives ruthlessly exploit their vastly superior uso This buck stops with uso
bargaining power and expertise, as weil as any weakness, ignorance. One lesson from the comparison with the R wandan genocide is
or corruptibility they may find in their counterpart negotiators, to that we might feel more comfortable about the topic ofworld poverty
shape each agreement for our greatest benefit. In such negotiations, if we could connect it to some foreign villains. There are indeed such
the affluent states will make reciprocal concessions to one another. villains, and I apologize for denying them the early and prominent
but rarely to the weak. The cumulative result of many such negotia- stage appearance they have come to expect in Western treatments of
tions and agreements is a grossly unfair global economic order under world poverty. Let me try to make up.
which the lion's share of the benefits of global economic growth flows As sketched thus far. my position on world poverty can be charged
to the most affluent states. with leaving out the most important factor: the incompetence. corrup-
tion, and tyranny entrenched in the governments. social institutions.
and cultures of many developing countries. This factor - much stressed
V Responsibilities and reforms by Rawls (n. 238) and other explanatory nationalists - may seem to
undercut much of my argument: if the vital interests of the global
In many cases, our negotiators must know that the better they poor are neglected in international negotiations. it is because their
succeed. the more people will die of poverty. Our foreign and trade own governments do not vigorously represent these interests. And
ministers and our presidents and prime ministers know this and even if our governments had nonetheless agreed to reduce protection-
so do many journalists and academics as weil as the experts at the ist barriers against exports from the developing countries. this would
World Bank, which bills itself as the official champion of the global have done far more toward enriching their corrupt elites than toward
poor even while its management and decision-making are heavily improving conditions for the POOf. The main responsibility for the
22 Introduction Introduction 23

persistence of world poverty lies. then. with the leaders and e1ites of the rulers a source of revenues and by providing incentives to try to seize
developing countries rather than with our governments and ourselves. political power by force.
This objection is right about the responsibilities of Third World The second insight follows directly. The two international privi-
rulers and elites. Many governments of the developing countries are leges benefit us and Third World elites and autocrats at the expense of
autocratic. corrupt. brutal. and unresponsive to the interests of the the poor populations of resource-rich developing count ries. This shows
poor majority. They are greatly at fault for not representing the inter- how thinking about global justice must not be confined to interna-
ests ?f the poor in international negotiations and for consenting to tional relations. When we ask whether we are treating developing
~reatles ~hat benefit themselves and foreigners at the expense of their count ries unfairly when we buy their resources at going world market
~mpovenshed populations. But can we plausibly tell the poor that. prices. we will answer in the negative. In doing so. we are liable to
Ins?far as the global economic order is unfair to them. they only have overlook the far more important question whether we are treating the
theJr own leaders to blame for this? They can surely point out in poor populations of developing countries unfairly when we purchase
response that they did not authorize the clique that rules them in their natural resources from their oppressors. The question is not
anything resembling free and fair elections and that their interests what are we doing to the developing countries? The crucial question
can be sold out by this clique only because Il't' treat it as entitled to is what are we and the rulers and elites of the developing countries
conse.nt in behalf of the people it manages to subjugate. logelher doing to their impoverished populations?
ThJS response can be extended to show that we share responsibility The third insight is that we must stop thinking about world poverty
not only for the damage authoritarian rulers can do to the interests of in terms of helping the poor. The poor do need help. of course. But
"their" people in international negotiations. but also for authoritarian- they need help only because of the terrible injustices they are being
ism and corruption being so widespread in the developing world. In subjected to. We should not, then. think of our individual donations
this vein it is often mentioned that our governments have instigated and of possible institutionalized poverty eradication initiatives - like
the violent installation of many oppressive rulers in the developing the Tobin Tax. or the Global Resources Dividend proposed in chap-
world, are selling juntas and autocrats the weapons they need to stay ter 8 - as helping the poor, but as protecting them from the effects of
in power.-~oand have fostered a culture of corruption by permitting global mIes whose injustice benefits us and is our responsibility. And
OUf firms to bribe foreign officials and by blessing such bribes with we should not only think about such remedial measures. but also
tax deductibility (n. 243). Still more significant, in my view. are the about how the injustice of the global order might be diminished
resource and borrowing privileges that our global order confers upon through institutional reforms that would end the need for such reme-
those who manage to bring a country under their contro!. Such mlers dial meaSUfes. Chapter 7 discusses some such reforms. and chapter 6
are internationally recognized as entitled to seil natural resources contains a detailed proposal concerning the reform of the two inter-
and to. borro~ money. i? the name of the country and its people. national privileges in particular.
These mternatlOnal pnvJleges facilitate oppressive rule and greatly Some critics of OUf complacency about world poverty argue that
encourage coup attempts and civil wars in the developing countries. the existing global distribution of income and wealth is fundamentally
The extensive treatment. in chapters 4 and 6. of the two interna- unjust. Others criticize our individual consumption choices as sustain-
tional privileges is meant to illustrate three insights. First. the ing exploitation and dispossession. I see what they point to as mere
national social factors we most like to blame for the persistence of symptoms of a deeper injustice: the imposition. by our governments
severe poverty - bad governments and corruption in the developing in our name. of a coercive global order that perpetuates severe pov-
countnes - are not wholly native ingredients of a lesser culture. but erty for many who cannot resist this imposition. In behalf of the
sustained by core features of our present global order. A reliable global poor. my criticism is not that they are worse off than they
market supply of natural resources is important to the affluent con- might be, but that we and our governments participate in depriving
sumer societies. and we therefore benefit from a rule that allows them of the objects of their most basic rights. This critique is Lockean
buyers to acquire legally valid ownership rights in such resources from in spirit: "Men being ... by Nature. all free. equal and independent,
anyone ~ho happens to ~ontrol them. But this rule fosters bad gov- no one can be put out of his Estate. and subjected to the Political
ernment In the resource-nch developing countries by giving repressive Power of another, without his own Consent."ol This principle forbids
24 Introduction Introduction 25
the developed countnes substantial contribution to subjecting the ·udg;ments. But they find it inconceivable that we all. the civilized
global poor, without their consent. to their local rulers and to the J eople 01' the developed West. could be so fundamentally wrong ..
rules 01' the world economy and to reducing the global poor, without p Why do they find this inconceivable, totally ou~ 01' th~ questI?n?
their consent, below a proportional share 01' natural resources or its There are surely enough poverty deaths for a !ull-sl~ed cnme ~gaInst
equivalent. This principle also challenges the benefits we derive from humanity: as many every seven months as penshed In the NaZI death
their subjection and deprivation. in particular through the cheap camps. So how can they be so absolutely certain. that they h.ave no
appropriation 01' global natural resources (cf. nn. 264-5). responsibility for these deaths and n~ need tor further dlalogue
Mine is not, then, a leftist critique. The political right. too. con- and reflection? Some trust the collectlve wIsdom 01' our culture. They
demns poverty caused by an unjust coercive institutional order - for trust that others among us must have thought long and hard about
instance, the severe poverty and dependence engendered by feudal world poverty and must have concluded that our conduct and polici~s
regimes or by the collectivized agriculture imposed by Stalin in 1928. are basically alright. They trust that any good reasons to doubt thls
They agree that such poverty is unjust and that those causing it are conclusion would be seriously and prominently debated ~y politi-
responsible for it and also have a responsibility to eradicate it. Their cians. academics. and journalists. Sections land 11 have glven pre-
moral and political outlook is thus quite consistent with my claim liminary reasons tor thinking that such trust may be misplaced.
that we have a duty to help eradicate severe poverty in the developing Others feel that there is no need to think long and hard about our
countries. 11' they deny this claim, it is because they - along with most shared moral world view because there are no objective moral truths
Westerners anywhere on the political spectrum - assurne too easily it might misrepresent. Our moral judgments are the data that any
that we, and the global order we impose, do not substantially contrib- moral conception must explain and reaffirm, the "fixed points" that
ute to severe poverty abroad. count as more certain than any complex philosophical arguments to
Seeing how much depends on this assumption, it is disheartening the contrary. This convenient thought can be used to shut oneself off
to find how easily people in the West accept it - carried along by from arguments aiming to show that there isoother things being equaI.
powerful personal motives and massive propaganda that ought to !ittle moral difference between failing to rescue people and killing
make them more vigilant rather than less. To be sure, it is rarely them. But my arguments do not challenge the morality prevalent in
denied that many in the developing world are born into desperate the West. On the contrary. I invoke a central element 01' this morality:
poverty that leads to their early death or else to permanently dimin- that it is wrong severely to harm innocent people for minor gains.
ished physical and mental functioning and sparse opportunities for What Ichallenge is a common factual claim: that we are not harming
escaping poverty. Nor is there much doubt that unjust social rules the poor, that the developed countries and the global economic order
coercively imposed upon the poor through no fault 01' their own sub- they sustain are not substantial contributors to life-threatening poverty
stantially contribute to their poverty. But people do not see. and do suffered by billions in the developing world. However attached one
not want to see, that we and the governments acting in our name may be to one's moral convictions. one can hardly appeal to them .in
are substantially involved in supporting such unjust rules and their support 01' one's beliefs about world poverty and the causes 01' Its
coercive imposition. persistence.
So what are we responsible for? Am I seriously accusing those who Is there any chance that we or our governments will decide to end
represent us in WTO negotiations and at the International Monetary world poverty? One might hope that one 01' the more powerful coun-
Fund (IM F), and also governments and corporations that sustain tries will produce amoralleader who will make us realize our respons-
corrupt and oppressive elites in the developing countries with aid, ibilities and represent them forcefully along with our interests. But it
loans, arms sales, and resource purchases, 01' being hunger's willing seems less unlikely that the impetus for reform will come from us
executioners? Would I describe us all as accomplices in a monumental citizens. This scenario presupposes that some 01' us recognize the harms
crime against humanity? Questions like these are often posed as a we are involved in producing or the benefits we derive from these
reduetio ad absurdum - not to continue the dialogue, but to break it harms, find the case for ending poverty morally compelling, and act
off. Such interlocutors recognize that individuals and small groups, on this moral judgment. As things are, this moral stance is rarely
sociopaths and pedophiles, can be horribly mistaken in their moral considered, very rarely attained, and hard to maintain.
26 Introduction

When Hume's reflections confronted him with the baselessness

01' all human reasoning and belief. he found it most fortunate
"nature herseIl''' ensures that he would not long linger in such dark
skepticism: "I dine. 1 playagame 01' back-gammon. 1 converse. and
am merry with my friends: and when after three or four hours' amuse-
ment. I wou'd return to these speculations. they appear so cold. so
Human Flourishing and
strain 'd, and ridiculous. that I cannot find it in my heart to enter into
them any farther. "3c
Universal Justice
When Parfifs reftections led him to a reductionist view 01' personal
identity. he found it l/11fortunate that one cannot long maintain this
view 01' the world. wh ich removes the glass wall between oneself and
others and makes one care less about one's own death. Focusing
on his arguments. one can only briefly stun one's natural concern
for one's own future by reconceiving oneself in accordance with the
red uctionist view."
Our world is arranged to keep us far away from massive and severe
poverty and surrounds us with affluent. civilized people for whom the
poor abroad are a remote good cause alongside the spotted owl. In
such a world. the thought that we are involved in a monumental
crime against these people. that we must fight to stop their dying and 1.0 Introduction
suffering. will appear so cold. so strained. and ridiculous. that we
cannot find it in our heart to reftect on it any farther. That we are The question 01' human flourishing elicits an extraordinary variety
naturally myopic and conformist enough to be easily reconciled to 01' responses.34 which suggests that there are not merely differences
the hunger abroad may be fortunate for us. who can "recognize our- 01' opinion at work. but also different understandings 01' the question
selves:' can lead worthwhile and fulfilling lives without much thought itself. So it may help to introduce some c1arity into the question before
about the origins 01' our affluence. But it is quite unfortunate for the starting work on one answer to it.
global poor. whose best hope may be our moral reflection. That human persons are flourishing means that their lives are good.
or worthwhile. in the broadest sense. Thus. the concept 01' human
flourishing. as I understand ie marks the most comprehensive. "all-
in" assessment 01' the quality 01' human lives. This concept is broader
than many other concepts that mark more specific such assessments -
including those 01' pleasure. wellbeing. welfare. affluence. and virtue
as weil as those denoting various excellences and accomplishments.
Understanding the conceptual relations in this way. one need not
deny the substantive claim that the most comprehensive assessment 01'

Many thanks to Marko Ahtisaari. Christian Barry. Ellen Frankel Paul. Peter Koller.
Angelika Krebs. Jonathan Neufeld. Brian Orend. and the members of the Columbia
University Seminar for Social und Political Thought for many very helpful critical
comments and suggestions. This essay first appeared in Soda! PIii!osophr (/I/(! Polier
16. 1 (Winter 1999): 333-61. It is reproduced with minor revisions by permission of
Cambridge University Press.
28 Human Flourishing and Universal Justice Human Flourishing and Universal Justice 29
human lives is exhausted by one of the more specific assessments. that The two more specific not ions are themselves complex. Thus.
pleasure. say. is all there is to human f1ourishing. For this claim. that personal value i.s related. to a pe.rson·s ~.\peri~nces: to t?eir being.
human f10urishing is nothing more than pleasure (or virtue. or afflu- for instance. enJoyable. mtense. mterestmg. flch. and dIVerse. But
ence. or any of the others). does not entail that the cOllcept of human personal value would also seem to be related to a person's success in
f10urishing is no broader than the concept of pleasure. This latter the world. These two ideas easily come apart: persons may not know
conclusion would follow only if the contrary claim. that human about some 01' their successes and failures: and. even when they do.
ftourishing is more than just pleasure. were self-contradictory. which. their inner lives may be dulled by successes and much enriched by
on my understanding of the concepts. it clearly is not. failures.
Let me try to give some more structure to the concept of f1ourishing. The not ion of ethical value also suggests two main ideas. It is asso-
A straightforward distinction. which goes back at least to Plato. is ciated with the idea of good c/zaracter. of a person having admirable
that between components 01'f1ourishing. good for their own sake. and aims and ambitions. virtuous maxims and dispositions. noble feelings
means to f1ourishing. good for the sake of their effects.'~ Something and emotions. But it is also associated with ethical ac/ziel'ement. with
(e.g. happiness. wisdom) is a component 01' f10urishing if and only the ethical significance 01' the person's conduct.'s These two ideas. as
if it is constitutive of f1ourishing. part of what f10urishing does or weil. come apart easily: how one's character manifests itself in the
can consist in. Something (e.g. affluence. education) is a means to world is significantly affected by one's social starting position and
f10urishing if and only if it tends to enhance the components 01' talents as weil as by circumstances and luck. And worthy achieve-
f10urishing on balance. These two categories of what one might broadly ments may weil result from base motives.
call contributors to f10urishing are not mutually exclusive: A compon- Distinguishing these four dimensions - experience. success. char-
ent 01' f10urishing mayaIso be a means to other components.'" It is acter, and achievement - may give some structure to the concept 01'
evident that the first of these categories has a certain priority: we human f1ourishing. Within this structure, one can then ask further
cannot determine whether something is a means to f10urishing until whether these dimensions are jointly exhaustive. how and how much
we have a sense 01'what f10urishing consists in. each 01' them contributes to human f1ourishing, and what more spe-
What. then. constitutes human f1ourishing. a comprehensively good cific components of f10urishing should be distinguished within each of
or worthwhile life for human persons? Even this narrower question them: different ways in which experiences may be good and undertak-
still elicits an overwhelming diversity 01' responses. One obvious rea- ings successfuL different character traits and kinds 01' achievement.
son for this is that we have diverse substantive conceptions. which The complexities indicated by these questions are one major reason
differ in what they single out as components of human f10urishing for the diversity 01'views about what constitutes human f1ourishing.
and in how they weight and relate these components. As a first step Another important reason is the multiplicity of perspectives on hu-
toward c1arifying these differences. one might distinguish between man f1ourishing, which make this notion appear to us in various ways.
personal value. a life being good for the person living it. and et/ziml It makes a difference whether one poses the question of f10urishing
value. a life being worthy or ethically good in the broadest sense. .l1·om lrirhin. in regard to one's own life. or Fom wir/wut. in reference
There are surely features 01' human lives (e.g. friendship. knowledge. to the lives of others. And it matters also whether the question is
art. or love) that contribute to both its personal and its ethical value. posed pro.\pec·til'e~l'. with practical intent and in search of normative
But - though the ancients resisted this insight - it is manifest that the guidance for how to use one's power to shape one's own life and the
two measures weight even these features differently and also diverge lives of others. or retrospeClil'e~l', in the spirit of mere evaluation.
strongly in regard to other features. Pains from chronic gout. for The relevance of these distinctions can be appreciated by noting
instance. detract from the personal but not from the ethical value of a that the choice of perspective has a substantial bearing on (at least our
life-17 - while. conversely. menial and solitary labors for good causes perception of) the relative importance 01' the dimensions of human
tend to contribute to its ethical but not to its personal value. Given f10urishing distinguished above. It seems appealing, for example, to
such divergences. substantive conceptions 01'human f10urishing differ give more weight to ethical (relative to personal) value when one
in how they relate the overall quality 01'a human life to its personal reflects prospectively on one's own life than when one reflects pro-
and ethical value. spectively on the Iife of one's child. We are more likely to approve of
30 Human Flourishing and Universal Justice Human Flourishing and Universal Justice 31
someone who sees a large part of her child's future flourishing in this accept his measurc of his flourishing as weil as his way of arrivi~g at
child's happiness than of someone who sees an equally large part of this measure - without demanding that he must have come to It on
her own future f10urishing in her own happiness.~9 Similarly. it seems some path I approve as sufficiently reflective. This notion of a~to-
appealing to give more weight to experience and character (relative to nomy is connected not to self-Iegislation. to the gil'ing of directlves
success and achievement) when we think about another's life prospect- 10 oneselL but. more simply and more literally. to !wl'ing onc's own
ively (with practical intent) than when we assess it retrospectively. We directives: a purpose 01' one's own.
may conclude in the end that these are perspectival distortions that
should be explained away en route to a unified conception of human
flourishing. But in order to reach any such adequate conception. we 1.1 Social justice
must first notice that human flourishing appears differently to us de-
pending on the perspective we take. The idea of human flourishing is central not only to our personal and
The perspective in wh ich we encounter the question of human ethical reflections about our own lives and the lives 01' those around
f10urishing also makes an important difference in another way. When uso but also to OUf political discourse about our social institutions
one thinks prospectively (with practical intent) about the life of and policies. Here it iso in particular. our idea 01'justice. th~t affor?s
another person. a certain deference seems to be called for. It is widely yet another perspective on the. qu~st!?? of hu~an f1o.unshl11g.In Its
agreed. nowadays. that the autonomy of adult persons ought to be ordinary meaning. the word "Justlce IS assoclated wlth the morally
respected and that the measure of a person's f10urishing - the speci- appropriate and. in particular. equitabl~ ~reatment of persons and,
fication of its various dimensions. their relative weights. and their groups. Its currently most prominent use IS111the moral assessment 01
integration into one measure of the comprehensively good life - is ~ocial institutions. understood not as organized collective agents such
then. to some extent. to be posited by this person herself. This is not as the US government or the World Bank. but rather as a social
just the trivial thought that. if one wants to make another person system's practices or "rules of the game." which go.vern interactions
happy. one must give her what she enjoys and not what one would among individual and collective agents as weil as thelr access to mate-
enjoy oneself. For this thought still assumes an underlying common rial resources. Such social institutions define and regulate property.
currency - happiness or joy - in terms of which the personal value 01' thc division 01'labor. sexual and kinship relations. as weil as political
(lny life can be assessed. To respect the autonomy 01'another means. and economic competition. for example. and also govern how collect-
however. to accept her measure of human flourishing. 11'she cares ive projects are adopted and executed, how conflicts are settled. and
about knowledge rather than happiness. for example. then one should how social institutions themselves are created. revised, interpreted.
give her a good book for her birthday. This is likely to make her and enforced. The totality of the more fundamental and pervasive
happy - both because the book will enhance her knowledge and also institut ions 01'a social system has been called its institutional order or
because one has chosen one's gift with care. Nevertheless. if one truly basic structure (Rawls).~11Prominent within our political discourse is.
respects her autonomy. then one will give her the book not for the then. the goal of formulating and justifying a criterion of justice.
sake of her expected joy but for the sake of enriching her knowledge. which assesses the degree to which the institutions of a social system
One is respecting another's autonomy insofar as one takes her are treating the persons and groups they affect in a morally appropri-
flourishing to consist in whatever she takes it to consist in. ate and. in particular. even-handed way.~1 Such a criterion of justice
This is certainly not tantamount to the introduction 01'autonomous presupposes a measure of human flourishing. and one specially
living as a universal currency on a par with how the c1assical utilitar- designed for the task of evaluating how social institutions treat the
ians conceived of happiness. To respect another as autonomous does persons they affect. This task differs significantly from other tasks for
not mean seeing him as someone whom one should try to goad which a measure of human flourishing is likewise needed. and its solu-
toward free and deep reflections about his own life. It does not even tion may therefore require a distinct conception of human flourishing.
mean accepting him as someone who has managed. through free and When we think of how social institut ions treat persons. we gen-
deep reflections. to develop his own measure of the value of his life. erally have in mind the persons living under those institutions. the
To the contrary: I respect someone's autonomy only insofar as I persons to whom these institutions apply. But this focus on present
32 Human Flourishing and Universal Justice Human Flourishing and Universal Justice 33

participants may be too narrow in two respects. First. social institu- involve discrepancies in regard to several institutions: even if each of
tions may have a significant impact on present non-participants. The our social institutions is perfectly just so long as all the others are held
political and economic institutions of the USo for example - through constant. it may still be possible to render them more just by redesign-
their impact on foreign investment. trade flows. world market prices. ing several of them together.~~
interest rates. and the distribution of military power - greatly affect Assessing the social institutions of each country together as one
the 1ivesof many persons who are neither citizens nor residents of this scheme iso in the modern world. only a partial solution to this chal-
country. We should allow. then. that the justice of an institutional lenge. For both the formation and the effects of such national basic
order may in part depend on its treatment of outsiders. Second. social str~ctures are heavily influenced by foreign and supranational social
institutions mayaIso affect the flourishing of past and future persons institut ions. This is especially evident in the case of politically and
- through their impact on pollution. resource depletion. and the economically weaker countries. where the feasibility and effectiveness
development of religions. ways of life. and the arts. for example. of national institutions (meant to secure. perhaps. the rule of law. or
Here it may be objected that social institutions cannot possibly access to adequate nutrition for all) depend on the structure of the
affect the flourishing of past persons in any way. Already Aristotle international order and also on that of the national institutions of
showed. however. that this thought is at least disputable.~2 To dispute more powerful states. We need. then. a holistic understanding of
it. one might argue as folIows. It is relevant to a person's flourishing how the living conditions of persons are shaped through the interplay
whether her confidence in her successes and ethical achievements is of various institutional regimes. which influence one another and
mistaken. This is so when her confidence concerns the present (the intermingle in their effects.
love she ascribes to her husband or the knowledge she ascribes to These interdependencies are of great significance - and are none-
herself are not real) and also when it concerns the future (she wrongly theless frequently overlooked by moral philosophers. social scientists.
believes that her invention will lead to great future benefits). But it politicians. and the educated public. We tend to assess a country's
seems arbitrary to hold that the - to her. in any case. unknown - true domestic institutional order. and also the policies of its rulers. by
impact of her life is relevant to her flourishing only up to the time of reference to how they treat its citizens. thereby overlooking their
her death. A person's flourishing may therefore depend in part on the often quite considerable effects upon foreigners. Similarly. we tend to
long-term success and ethical achievement of her life. It may thus be overlook the effects ofthe global institutional order. which may greatly
in a person's interest that her last will be followed. that her creative affect national basic structures and their effects on individuals.
productions remain available. or that her projects be continued by These institutional interconnections - an important aspect of
others. And social institutions can then arguably be unjust by avoid- so-ca lied globalization - render obsolete the idea that countries can
ably causing the non-realization of such interests.~:1 peacefully agree to disagree about justice. each committing itself to
In thinking about the justice of social institutions. we should not. a conception of justice appropriate to its history. culture. popula-
then is so often done - ignore. or exclude in advance. the interests tion size and density. natural environment. geopolitical context. and
of past and future persons or those of present non-participants. Re- stage of development. In the contemporary world. human lives are
cognizing these interests does not preclude us from acknowledging profoundly affected by non-domestic sodal institutions - by global
the special status of present participants. who generally are more sig- rules of governance. trade. and diplomacy. for instance. About such
nificantly affected by social institutions and also. by continuing and global institutions. at least. we cannot agree to disagree. as they
supporting them. tend to bear a greater moral responsibility for their can at any time be structured in only one way. If it is to be possible
shape. to justify them to persons in all parts of the world and also to reach
It makes no sense to try to assess the justice of social institutions agreement on how they should be adjusted and reformed in light
one by one. Doing so. we would detect various supposed injustices of new experience or changed circumstances. then we must aspire
that turn out to be illusory when examined in a broader context. to a single. lI11h'ersal criterion of justice wh ich all persons and peoples
Compulsory male military service. for instance. is not unjust so long can accept as the basis für moral judgments about the global order
as men are not disadvantaged overall in comparison to women. Doing and about other social institutions with substantial international
so. we would also be likely to overlook comparisons and reforms that causal effects.
34 Human Flourishing and Universal Justice Human Flourishing and Universal Justice 35

Both moral and pragmatic reasons demand that we should try to aspirations 01' the persons affected by them. Such a measure can
formulate this universal criterion 01'justice so that it can gain uni- indeed be constructed tor simple cases where persons have divergent
versal acceptance. This desideratum suggests that respect 01'autonomy preference rankings over outcomes.~o
should be extended beyond persons to include societies and cul- But the conceptions persons have 01' their own f10urishing are not
tures as weIl. While a shared criterion ofjustice will 01'course impose simple preference orderings over states 01' the world. They involve
important constraints. it should also be compatible with a significant deeper issues. which block any straightforward conversion 01' prefer-
diversity 01'national institutional schemes and ways 01'life. Here. again. ences and facts into a numerical value on a one-dimensional f10urishing
the wider. more literal sense 01'"autonomy": hal'ing one's own way 01' scale. One such deep issue concerns the question whether what mat-
life. is appropriate rather than the narrower one: choosing one's own ters is the fulfillment or the satisfaction 01' aspirations and desires.~o
way 01' life. What matters is that a society's institutional order and where fil{fil/me11l is the actual realization 01' a person's desire in the
way 01'life be endorsed by those to whom they apply - they need not world. while satisf({ction is her belief that her desire is so realized.~s
be endorsed in a way others find sufficiently reflective. The shared Here one might respond that a nonpaternalistic strategy should go
criterion 01'justice we seek should not. then. hold that cultures have with each person's own desires regarding fulfillment versus satisfac-
an autonomy worthy 01' respect only insofar as they sustain supra- tion - that iso we should go by where she herseil' would place the
cultural reflection. discourse. and choke in matters 01' human outcomes fitlfillcd bllf Ilot satisficd (she is loved but believes that she is
f1ourishing.~' In fact. it must not make this demand. if it is to be not) and saTisfied bUlllotfitifilled (she believes falsely that she is loved)
widely acceptable worldwide and thus immune to the complaint that between fulfil/ed ({mI saTi.yficd (she correctly believes that she is loved)
it manifests an attempt to impose Western Enlightenment values upon and ncilher fu{fil/cd nor salisficd (she correctly believes that she is not
other cultures. loved). But this amendment runs into awesome complications. Is there.
for each desire 01' every person. a fact 01' the matter regarding the
relative weight this person would attach to the fulfillment versus the
satisfaction 01' that desire'? How can such relative weights be ascer-
1.2 Paternalism
tained in an objective way? And how feasible is a social-justice calcu-
lus whose operation requires that such fulfillment-versus-satisfaction
Respect 01' autonomy was first mentioned above in the context 01' weights be ascertained for every desire 01'every person'?
relating to an adult whose ideas about f10urishing differ from our Another deep issue concerns how we should deal with a person's
own. Rather than promote his good as we see it. we should often desires about desires - for instance, with her desires concerning her
promote his good as he defines it for himself (while sometimes per- own desires. A person may desire active enjoyment over passive con-
haps also engaging him in a disCllssion 01'this subject). It is tempting templation, yet regret this desire - and then again wish she did not
to advocate a like deference in the domain 01'justice. defining each have this regret. Such tensions across levels are commonplace when
person's f10urishing as whatever this person takes it to be. Such a persons seek to define a good life for themselves. And it is not c1ear
nonpaternalistic strategy fails. however. in this domain. and that for how, when there are such tensions. the degree to which a particular
at least two separate reasons. institutional order meets a person's values and aspirations is to be
First. since there is not one set 01'social institutions that best meets measured. Should we go with her first-order desires}q with the first-
the values and aspirations 01' all persons affected. and since persons order desires she would prefer to have. with the first-order desires the
always differ in how they define f10urishing for themselves. we must. person she desires to be would prefer to have. or what'?
in deciding between two institutional alternatives. comparc the rel- A second reason against the nonpaternalistic strategy is that social
ative gains and losses in f10urishing 01' different persons or groups. institutions shape not merely the environment and the options 01'
Such comparisons evidently presuppose a common measure. II'we are the persons living under them - but also their values and aspira-
not to go beyond how the relevant persons themselves define a good tions. wh ich cannot then provide an impartial standpoint from which
life for themselves. then this common measure can only be the degree alternative institutional schemes could be compared. We can have
to wh ich particular social institut ions meet the disparate values and 110determinate idca 01' how human persons define a good life tor
36 Human Flourishing and Universal Justice Human Flourishing and Universal Justice 37

themselves apart from information about the social conditions under 3 The requirements of the universal criterion should not be under-
which they grew up. In response to this difficulty. one might propose stood as exhaustive. They should. for instance. leave the various
that social institutions ought to meet the values and aspirations of societies free to impose their own more demanding criteria 01'jus-
existing persons and/or the va lues and aspirations that persons raised tice upon their own national institutions and even to judge foreign
under those same institutions would develop.50 But these proposals by or global institutions by the lights 01'such more ambitious criteria. 51
themselves cannot deliver an adequate criterion of justice. Otherwise 4 The supplementary considerations introduced by such more ambi-
a highly oppressive institutional order would be rendered just by the tious criteria of justice must not. however. undermine the universal-
fact that the oppressed are raised so as to accept their abysmal status. ity 01' the modest criterion and therefore must not be allowed to
and a dictatorship by the fact that those living under it are brain- outweigh the latter in situations of conftict or competition (e.g.
washed into adoring the leader. over scarce resources). The requirements 01' the universal criterion
The failure of the nonpaternalistic strategy to deli ver a determin- should therefore be understood as preeminent within any more
ate criterion ofjustice should not be surprising. It reflects our predica- ambitious national criterion.
ment. We will unavoidably bequeath a social world to those who
come after us - a social world into which they will be born without Taking all lour desiderata together. the envisioned universal crite-
choice and one that will ineluctably shape their values and their sense rion should be able to function as a ('ore in a dual sense - as the core
01' justice in terms of which they will then assess the social world in which a plurality 01'more specific conceptions of human f10urishing
we left them with. Facing up to this daunting responsibility requires and 01' more ambitious criteria of justice can overlap (thinness and
that we develop. within our conception of the justice 01'social institu- modesty): and as the core of each of these criteria. containing all and
tions. a substantive conception of human f1ourishing. only its most important elements (preeminence without exhaustive-
Shaping social institutions with such a conception in mind inevitably ness).52The task is, then. to formulate a criterion 01'basic justice that
involves a dose 01' paternalism. which can. however, be made more is morally plausible and internationally widely acceptable as the uni-
palatable by honoring the following tour desiderata: versal core of all criteria of justice.

The sought universal criterion of justice ought to work with a thin

conception of human f1ourishing, which might be tormulated largely 1.3 Justice in first approximation
in terms of unspecific means to. rather than components of. human
f1ourishing. Though disagreements about what human f10urishing On the basis of the reflections introduced thus far. our task has taken
consists in may prove intractable. it may weil be possible to bypass on the following form: we are seeking a widely acceptable core crite-
them by agreeing that nutrition, clothing. shelter. certain basic rion 01'basic justice that assesses social institut ions by how they treat
freedoms. as weil as social interaction. education, and participa- persons. Such a criterion presupposes interpersonal comparability.5:l
tion are important means to it, which just social institutions must but it should also respect the autonomy 01' the various persons and
secure for all. Such a thin conception would express some respect cultures. This suggests formulating the sought criterion in terms 01'
of the autonomy of diverse cultures. favoring social institutions certain basic goods. broadly and abstractly conceived - in particular.
acceptable to persons from different (religious, sociaI. ethnic, etc.) in terms of the extent to which the persons affected by an institutional
backgrounds representing a wide range of diverse more specific order have the goods they need to develop and realize a conception
conceptions of human f1ourishing. of a personally and ethically worthwhile life. In the last few decades
2 The sought universal criterion ought to be modest. Rather than many theorists have indeed developed criteria 01'justice along these
define justice as the highest attainable point on an open-ended lines. Those following this general approach must answer three ques-
scale, it should define justice as asolid threshold compatible with tions in order to specify an operational criterion 01'justice.
an international diversity 01' institutional schemes that are merely
required to treat the persons affected by them in a minimally decent Question I How should these basic goods be defined? Here one might
and equitable way. work with something like Rawls's social primary goods or Dworkin's
38 Human Flourishing and Universal Justice
Human Flourishing and Universal Justice 39
resources adding perhaps freedom from pain as a further component,
as Scanlon suggests.'~ An important alternative to this answer is Sen's shortfalls - in nutrition, freedom of movement and liberty of con-
account of capabilities. 55 Insofar as the quest is for a modest criterion science. say -- be weighted vis-a-vis one another so that it can be
of basic justice. one that marks only asolid threshold. the demand for ascertained how far any affected person or group falls below the mini-
basic goods should be severely limited. in four respects: (a) Only mum standard of living required by our core criterion of basic justice?
really essential goods. ones that are truly needed for developing or Here one might ascribe a standard of living. I. to all affected persons
realizing a conception of a worthwhile life. should be placed on the who reach the threshold in regard to all basic goods and then ascribe
list of basic goods. (b) The demand tor the basic goods listed should lower numbers 0 ~ x < I to all those who fall below the threshold
be limited both quantitatively and qualitatively to what I call a lI1inill1- with regard to one or more basic goodS.56 My use of the new expres-
(//~r adt'ljuatt' share. Food and freedom of association are necessary sion "standard of living" is not merely meant to tlag that we are
for a worthwhile life. but we need these only in limited amounts and dealing here with a thin core not ion of human tlourishing which. to
can get by entirely without delicacies and without meetings at certain be appropriate to the global plane and in contrast to the thicker
times or places. (c) Persons truly need ({CCt'SS 10 the basic goods. rather notions that particular countries or groups might employ. is severely
than these goods themselves. It is no intolerable tlaw in a social order limited in the four ways (a)-(d) described above. It is especially also
that some persons living under it choose to fast for long periods. to meant to flag the further point that the construction of a standard
participate in boxing matches. to live as hermits cut off from human of living. and of a criterion of justice more generally. is also a prag-
interaction. or even to obtain help in committing suicide _ provided matic task. The constructed standard should be a good proxy for
they could gain the basic goods they are renouncing without thereby the appropriately thin core notion of human flourishing. of course.
incurring a serious lack in other basic goods. (d) Basic goods should but it should also. when used within a public criterion of justice.
also be limited p,.ob(/bilislica/~r. Social institutions cannot be so promote human tlourishing so conceived through its compelling
designed that everyone affected by them has absolutely secure access unity. c1arity, simplicity. and easy applicability. It is such pragmatic
to all goods that he needs. US society. for example. cannot be so reasons that justify constructing the international standard of living
structured that your physical integrity is guaranteed 100 percent. as a numerical measure with a threshold. And one can theretore sup-
It cannot be completely ruled out that some punks or even police port this standard even if one does not believe that human tlourishing
officers will attack you without provocation. Even when this can, or itself is either discontinuous (so that gains and losses above some
even does. happen. we should nonetheless say that you have here threshold are much less significant than gains and losses below it)
or quantifiable.
secure access to the basic good of physical integrity so long as the
probability of such an attack does not exceed certain limits. What
soun?s p~rado~ical is nevertheless plausible: it is possible that your Queslion 3 How should the measurements of the standard of living
physlcal mtegnty but not that of your African-American colleague of the various affected persons (or groups) be integrated into ont'
is sufficiently weil protected in the US even though only you do in overall measure for the justice of social institutions? Here one might
fact suffer an assault during your lifetime. work with the arithmetic or geometric mean. tor example. or else
When social institutions work so that each person affected by them choose sum-ranking. maximin, or some indicator of inequality as an
has secure access - understood always as reasonably rather than abso- interpersonal aggregation function.57 One might also want to give
lutely secure access - to minimally adequate shares of all basic goods differential weights to persons depending on whether they are insiders
then they are, according to my proposed core criterion of basic jus- or outsiders. and living in the past. present. or future.
~ice. full~ ju~t. ~ut a criterion of justice should also facilitate compar-
Isons ofmstItutlOnal schemes that are not fully just. We therefore need
answers to two further questions that have to do with aggregation. 1.4 Essential refinements

QUt'slion 2 How should the chosen basic goods be integrated into Betore thinking further about these questions, we must take account
OI1t' measure of a person's standard of living? How should relevant of another complication which has been neglected in recent writings
about justice. It is relevant for assessing the justice of social institutions
40 Human Flourishing and Universal Justice Human Flourishing and Universal Justice 41

holt' such institutions affect the flourishing 01' individuals. Let me If we want to avoid embracing this proposal as an easy and obvious
introduce the point through a quick examplc. Imagine a hypothetical step toward a more just society. then we need to make moral distinc-
scenario in which every year some 10.000 US residcnts (27 per day) tions. Wc must not assess social institutions from the perspective
are killed by the police. US residents would then. on average. face 01' rational prospective participants. as modern hypothetical-contract
an approximately 0.25 percent probability 01' dying through police theories have been doing starting with Rawls. For such prospective
violence.5~ 11' this were really the case. we would surely want to dispute participants would prudently favor the imagined execution scheme
that the physical integrity 01' US residents is here secure. We would over the status quo. so long as it really does entail an overall reduc-
want to say that the social institutions 01' the US are unjust in this tion in citizens' risk of premature death. This is so. because they are
regard and ought to be reformed toward reducing the number 01' conceived as ranking feasible institutional arrangements solely in
police killings. This might be done through better police training. for terms 01' the quality 01' life they could expect under each and thus as
instance. or through more effcctive and more severe punishments of not caring hOlI' one institutional order produces a higher expected
unjustified police violence. quality 01' Iife than another.
Persons are actually killed in motor vehicle accidents in the US The dubious implications 01' consequentialist and hypothetical-
at a rate that is over four times higher than the imaginary rate in contract theories are due to the fact that they assess social institutions
the preceding story: over 43.000 in 1995. 1996. and 1997. or about solei.\' on the basis of the quality of life they afford to their prospective
119 per day. At this rate. the average US resident has a better than
<<) participants. To avoid such implications. we must distinguish differ-
I percent chance 01' dying in a motor vehicle accident.°\l In this case. ent ways in which social institutions affect the lives of individuals and
too. institutional reforms might bring relief. One might allow only then incorporate this distinction into our criteria of justice. including
cars with a built-in maximum speed 01' 50 miles per ho ur. for example. the universal core criterion sketched in section 111. This core criterion
Or one might greatly increase punishments for drunk driving. must not define basic-good shortfalls simply as institutionally avoid-
, which
plays a role in some 38 percent 01' the fatalities in question.o able shortfalls from secure access to minimally adequate shares 01'
The juxtaposition 01' these two cases makes evident that we assign basic goods. but must also take into account how social institutions
very different moral weights to different institutional influences on relate to such shortfalls.6:1
our risk of premature death. We view a significant and avoidable risk Let me iIIustrate this thought by tentatively distinguishing six basic
01' premature death through police violence as a much greater injury ways in which social institutions may relate to human flourishing.
to the justice 01' a society than an otherwise equal. or evcn a consider- Because of our specific focus here. I formulate this sixfold distinction
ably greater risk of premature death through trafik accidents - and in terms 01' institutionally avoidable basic-good shortfalls - without
we do this even on the assumption that all other things (such as assuming. however. that the universal core criterion we seek ought to
citizens' acceptance 01' these risks. possibility and social cost 01' reducing be sensitive to shortfalls 01' all six kinds (c1asses 5 and 6. in particular.
them) are equal in the two cases. may weil fall outside the core). For illustration. I use six different
If we did not think in this way. if we assigned equal moral weight to scenarios in which. owing to the arrangement 01' social institutions.
such different kinds 01' institutionally reducible risks 01' prcmature a certain group of innocent persons is avoidably deprived of some
death. then we would have strong reason to support the death penalty vital nutrients V - the vitamins contained in fresh fruit, say, which
for the most dangerous drunk drivers. An institutional "reform" that are essential to good health. The six scenarios are arranged in order
causes some 100 of thc worst offenders to be executcd in the US each 01' their injustice. according to my preliminary intuitive judgment. In
year - roughly doubling thc current number 01' executions- would scenario I. the shortfall is (~fficia/~r mandated. paradigmatically by the
presumably have a very considerablc deterrent effecL thus resulting in law: legal restrictions bar certain persons from buying foodstuffs con-
a significant reduction in the incidence 01' drunk driving. If it could taining V. In scenario 2. the shortfall results from legal/.\' authori=ed
reducc the total number 01' alcohol-rclated traffic fatalities by merely conduct of private subjects: seilers 01' foodstuffs containing V lawfully
5 percent (ca. 860 deaths annually). then some 760 fewer persons refuse to seil to certain persons. In scenario 3, social institutions
would die prematurely each year and all US residents would face a foreseeabi.\' ami maidabi.\' engender (but do not specifically require or
lower risk 01' premature death.o2 authorize) the shortfall through the conduct they stimulate: certain
42 Human Flourishing and Universal Justice Human Flourishing and Universal Justice 43

persons. suffering severe poverty within an ill-conceived economic a criterion of justice must take account of the particular relation
order. cannot afford to buy foodstuffs containing V. In scenario 4. between social institutions and human flourishing. In the special case
the shortfall arises from private conduct that is lega11yprohibited bllf 01' a core criterion of basic justice. this relation may affect whether
bareIr deterred: seilers of foodstuffs containing V illegally refuse to some institutionally avoidable basic-good shortfall counts as a basic-
seil to certain persons. but enforcement is lax and penalties are mild. lrood deficit (a core injusticel>l»at all and. if so. how morally signific-
In scenario 5. the shortfall arises from social institutions aroidablr ;nt this deficit is (how great a core injustice it indicates).I>"
learing unmitigated the efl'ects 0/ a natural de/ect: certain persons are We have now seen. at least in outline. that a morally plausible
unable to metabolize V owing to a treatable genetic defect. but they criterion of justice must consider institutionally avoidable basic-good
avoidably lack access to the treatment that would correct their handi- shortfalls not merely in regard to their magnitude and frequency.
cap. In scenario 6. finally. the shortfall arises from social institutions but also in regard to how social institutions are related to them. The
aroidably learing unmitigated the e.fl'ects()(a se(t~caused defat: certain identification of this new weighting dimension suggests the question
persons are unable to metabolize V owing to a treatable self-caused whether there might be additional weighting dimensions that the usual
disease - brought on. perhaps. by their maintaining a long-term smok- theories of justice have overlooked. I believe there are two such. which
ing habit in full knowledge of the medical dangers associated there- I can only mention here. One further weighting dimension concerns
with - and avoidably lack access to the treatment that would correct the social costs that would arise from the institutional avoidance of a
their ailment. morally significant basic-good shortfall. Whether and how urgently
This differentiation of six ways in which social institutions may be justice demands reforms toward reducing the traffic-related risk of
related to human flourishing is preliminary in that it fails to isolate premature death may depend on the cost of such reforms. In order to
the morally significant factors that account for the descending moral save the lives of 2.000 pedestrians annually, would we merely have to
significance of the shortfalls in question. Since trying to do this here lower the speed limit within residential areas from 30 to 25 miles per
would lead us too far afield. let me just venture the hypothesis that hour or would we have to invest billions into construction of tunnels
what matters is not merely the causal role of social institutions. how and overpasses? To avoid 20,000 cases of child abuse annually. would
they figure in a complete causal explanation of the shortfall in ques- we merely need to modify the training of schoolteachers or would we
tion. but also (what one might call) the implicit allitude of social have to spy on millions of private hornes with video equipment? Such
institutions to the shortfall in question.1>4Thus a high incidence of questions are surely relevant to deciding whether given basic-good
domestic violence (a shortfall in women's secure access to physical shortfalls are unjust at all and. if so. how much they detract from the
integrity) may show a society's legal order to be unjust if it could be overall justice of the relevant social institutions.
substantially reduced through more vigorous enforcement of. and more A third and final plausible weighting dimension concerns the distri-
severe punishments under. existing laws. But the same abuse of the bution of basic-good shortfalls. Many of the usual theories of justice
same women would indicate an even greater injustice if it were not are. of course, distribution sensitive through their aggregation function
illegal at all - if spouses were legally free to beat each other or. worse. (using maximin. the geometric mean. or some measure of inequality
if men were legally authorized to beat the women in their households. in this role). But these theories also tend to accept what economists
My preliminary classification is surely still too simple. In some cases call the anonymity condition. On the face of it, this condition looks
one will have to take account of other. perhaps underlying causes: harmless enough: it requires merely that permutations of persons over
and one mayaiso need to recognize interdependencies among causal social positions should make no difference to judgments of justice.
influences and fluid transitions between the classes.1>5It is to be hoped Thus. the injustice of certain basic-good deficits is exactly the same
that the formulation of a universal core criterion of basic justice. regardless of who is suffering these shortfalls. This requirement seems
which is to be internationally acceptable. can bypass most of these to express the very essence of justice. Surely. one wants to say. our
complications by focusing narrowly on the morally most important moral assessment of an institutionally avoidable hardship ought not
institutionally avoidable basic-good shortfalls. In any ca se. I bypass to be affected by whether this hardship is suffered by me or by you.
these complications here. merely emphasizing once more the decisive by someone like us or unlike uso by someone we like, dislike. 01' don't
point missed by the usual theories of justice: to be morally plausible. even know - every person matters cqually. But the anonymity condition
44 Human Flourishing and Universal Justice Human Flourishing and Universal Justice 45
becomes problematic in reference to certain groups. It may indeed not social institutions and secondarily as claims against those who uphold
matter whether a particular hardship is sutTered by a man or a woman, such institut ions. Such an instilUfional understanding contrasts with
by a white or a black, by aMormon or a lew - but what if women an interactional one, which presents human rights as placing the
or blacks or lews are greatly overrepresented among those suffering treatment 01' human beings under certain constraints that do not pre-
the hardship'? Is this still to be considered morally irrelevant. as the suppose the existence 01' social institutions.
anonymity condition requires,?6RIt would seem that a morally plausible The institutional understanding I have in mind diverges from a
criterion would have to take account 01' some such correlations. familiar one that conceives a human right to X as a kind of meta-right:
Whether such a correlation is unjust and. if so, how unjust it is, may a moral right to an effective legal right to X. So understood, human
weil depend on how large a role social factors play in its genesis and rights require their own juridification. Each society's government and
on how salient the disadvantaged group iso For illustration. consider citizens ought to ensure that all human rights are incorporated into its
severe and avoidable poverty suffered by a certain fraction 01' a popu- fundamental legal texts and are. within its jurisdiction. observed and
lation. The injustice indicated by this poverty would not be much enforced through an effective judicial system.72
affected by the fact that some non-salient group (e.g. those with This familiar institutional understanding leads to demands that
blood-type B) is, owing to statistically inferior genetic endowments. are, in my view. both too strong and too weak. They are too strong.
overrepresented among the very poor. The injustice might be seen because a society may be so situated and organized that its members
as greater. if women (a salient group) were overrepresented owing enjoy secure access to X. even without a legal right thereto. Having
to statistically inferior genetic endowments. And it would be seen corresponding legal rights in addition is good. to be sure, but not so
as greater still. if women were overrepresented among the very poor important that this additional demand would need to be incorporated
owing to sexist cultural practices under which they do most 01' the into the concept of a human right. Üne's human right to adequate
housework and have fewer educational opportunities.69 nutrition, say, should count as fulfilled when one has secure access to
In this section I have. at least in broad outlines. displayed the adequate nutrition, even when such access is not legally guaranteed.
general structure of a morally plausible criterion 01' justice - and, A human right requires its own juridification only when it is empir-
in particular. the various parameters in regard to which alternative ically true - as it may be for some civil and political rights - that
specifkations 01' such a criterion would differ from one another. This secure access to its object presupposes the inclusion of a corres-
structure is unfortunately rather complicated. The criteria of justice ponding legal right in the law or constitution.
currently on offer tend to be simpler. Rawls's perspective of the ori- The demands entailed by this familiar institution al understanding
ginal position ignores the first and third new dimensions entirely and are also too weak, because legal and even constitutional rights. how-
the second for the most part. because the parties are conceived as ever conscientiously enforced, often do not suffice to ensure secure
interested solely in the quality of life 01' prospective citizens, irrespect- access. Here I am not merely thinking of showcase constitutions that
ive 01' the institutional mechanisms that may condition such quality list many important rights but are widely ignored in governmental
01' life. As I could here show only generally and in outline. these practice. It is likely that the proponents 01' the familiar institutional
simpler theories of justice imply various demands that are either understanding would not rest content with such "rights" either. I am
morally dubious or unable to cope with the actual complexities 01' mainly thinking 01' cases where, though legal rights are effectively
contemporary social enforced, poor and uneducated persons are nonetheless incapable 01'
insisting on their rights, because they do not know what their legal
rights are or lack the knowledge or minimal economic independence
1.5 Human rights necessary to pursue the enforcement 01' their rights through the proper
legal channels. Even if there exists in India a legal path that would
A complex and internationally acceptable core criterion of basic jus- allow domestic servants to defend themselves against abuse by their
tice might best be formulated, I believe, in the language of human employers, their human right to freedom from inhuman and degrad-
rights. at least if we are prepared to understand it in a special way. ing treatment (UDH R, Article 5) nonetheless remains unfulfilled for
We should conceive human rights primarily as claims on coercive most of them.

46 Human Flourishing and Universal Justice Human Flourishing and Universal Justice 47
In contrast to the ways in which human rights are currently under- start-up loans. And non-legal practices- such as a culture 01' solidar-
stood. I thus propose to explain this concept as folIows: the postulate ity among friends. relatives. neighbors. compatriots - mayaIso play
01' a human right to X is tantamount to the demand that. insofar as an important role.
reasonably possible. any coercive social institutions be so designed Second. it is at least theoretically possible to include certain legal
that all human beings affected by them have secure access to X.f:\ rights in the object 01' a human right. An example would be a human
A human right is a moral claim 011 any coercive social institutions right to constitutionally protected freedom 01' religion. I worry. how-
imposed upon oneself and therefore a moral claim agai11s1 anyone ever. that the inclusion 01' such demands would render the resulting
involved in their imposition. conception 01' human rights too demanding for its intended role as ~
With this explication. one can clear away from the start the suspi- core criterion 01' basic justice. A society whose citizens know that their
cion. common among communitarians and in communal cultures (e.g. enjoyment 01' religious liberty is secure - perhaps because religious
in Southeast Asia). that human rights promote individualism or even tolerance is an unquestioned way 01' life in that society - does not
egoism. and lead persons to view themselves as Westerners .- as atom- deserve the charge that it fails to realize human rights merely because
i;ed. autonomous. secular. and self-interested individuals ready to there is no legal statute that explicitly guarantees freedom of religion.
insist on their rights no matter what the cost may be to others or the The concept 01' human rights is especially weil suited to take
society at large. 7~ This critique has some plausibility when human account of the necessary differentiations according to how social
rights are understood as demanding their own juridification. But it institutions relate to basic-good shortfalls. Such ditTerentiations are
h~s much less force when. as I propose. we avoid any conceptual already being made in regard to some constitutional rights. The Ger-
connection 01' human rights with legal rights. We are then open to the man constitution. for instance. postulates: "Everyone shall have the
idea that, in different economic and cultural contexts. secure access to right to life and to inviolability 01' his person. "75 According to the
the objects 01' human rights may be established in diverse ways. developed judicial understanding of this right. it is not the case that
Those hostile to a legal-rights culture can. and often do. share this every avoidable death constitutes a violation 01' this right to life -
norm: that any coercive institutional order must. insofar as reason- let alone an exactly equally serious violation. Death during a violent
ably possible, afford all those whose freedom it restricts secure access police interrogation would certainly count as a serious violation 01'
to certain basic goods. Even if we feeI strongly that, in OUf own the basic right in question. Death due to unofficial violence condoned
culture. human rights ought to be realized through matching indi- by state officials would count as a less serious violation. And a death
viduallegal rights, we should allow that human rights can be realized that could have been prevented by expensive medical treatment that
in other ways. that secure access to their objects is what really matters. the patient was unable and the state unwilling to pay for would not
This agreement can then be juridified in il1lernalio/1a/law, committing count as a violation of the right to life at all. The concept 01' human
states and cultures to designing all national and international social rights I am proposing involves similar differentiations -- though with
institutions so as to afford all those whom they constrain secure the difference that human rights are not addressed to a government
access to the objects 01' their human rights. There is no good reason and its agents. but to the institutional structure of a society (or other
to insist that such secure access must be maintained in the same way comprehensive social system). Human rights are not supposed to regu-
everywhere on earth. late what government officials must do or refrain from doing. but are
Two things must be said to soften this point. First. it is clear that to govern how all 01' us together ought to design the basic rules of
legal rights can be. and often are, an effective means for realizing our common life. This suggests the probabilistic ex-ante perspective
human rights. Such legal rights need not. however. have the same sketched above: a valid complaint against our social institutions can
content as the human right they help realize. Depending on the con- be presentcd by all those whose physical integrity is not sufficiently
text. the best way 01' realizing a human right to minimally adequate secure. not by all those who happen to sutTer an assault. This is why it
nutrition may not be legal rights to food when needed. but rather makes more sense. on my institutional understanding. to speak 01' non-
some other legal mechanisms that keep land ownership widely dis- fulfillment or underfulfillment rather than violation of human rights.
persed. ban usury or speculative hoarding 01' basic staples. or provide A human right to life and physical integrity is fulfilled for specific
childcare. education. retraining subsidies, unemployment benefits. or persons if and only if their security against certain threats does not
48 Human Flourishing and Universal Justice Human Flourishing and Universal Justice 49
fall below certain thresholds. These thresholds will vary for different freedom to take part in structuring and directing any comprehensive
human rights and for different sources of threats to one human right; social systems to which one belongs. This includes the freedom pub-
and they will also be related to the social cost of reducing the various licly to express ethical criticisms of political institut ions and decisions.
threats and to the distribution of these threats over various salient freedom 01' assembly. and freedom to participate on equal terms in
segments of the population. These differentiations have to be incor- the competition for political offices and in the struggle over political
porated into the specification of human rights. decisions.
Other. more elementary basic goods are important for both the
ethical and the personal value of human life. Among these are physi-
1.6 Specification of human rights and responsibilities cal integrity. subsistence supplies (of food and drink. clothing. shelter.
for their realization and basic health care). freedom of movement and action. as weil as
basic education. and economic participation. All of these basic goods
The proposed path toward the formulation 01' an internationally should be recognized as the objects of human rights - but only up to
acceptable core criterion of basic justice is now open to view. We start certain quantitative. qualitative. and probabilistic limits: what human
from the personal and ethical value of human life - not to ascertain beings truly need is secure access to a minimally adequate share of all
wherein this value lies. but to determine the social context and means of these goods.
that persons normally need. according to some broad range of plau- It is weil known that many human beings today lack secure access
sible conceptions of what human flourishing consists in. to lead a to minimally adequate shares of these goods. that the realization of
minimally worthwhile life. This goal expresses respect of human human rights has been only very partially achieved. This poses the
autonomy. especially insofar as the criterion we seek is to be based on question of how responsibility for the underfulfillment of human rights
very weak assumptions about the components of ethical value. The can be ascribed to particular social institutions. and thereby also to
main assumption here is merely existential: it is a historically and particular persons involved in designing and upholding these institu-
geographically universal fact that almost all human persons feel a tions. This question involves special difficulties in this era of global
deep need for an ethical world view by reference to which they can interdependence when social institutions influence one another and
judge whether their own life. and also the lives of others they may their effects intermingle. It is convenient for us citizens of wealthy
care about. is good - not merely for themselves. personally. but also countries. and therefore common. to ignore such interdependencies -
in a larger sense. ethically. to explain the severe underfulfillment of human rights in so many
Beyond this. one can perhaps make one furt her general statement: countries by reference to local factors domestic to the country in wh ich
in today's highly interdependent and closely interconnected world there it occurs. This explanatory nationalism. further discussed in later chap-
exists in every culture an insuppressible plurality of ethical world views ters.76 diverts attention from the question of how we ourselves might
and of opinions about the objectivity and universality of such world be involved. causally and morally. in this sad phenomenon.
views as weil as about the relative importance of ethical as against If we did pay attention to this question. we would better und er-
personal quality of life. Even a modest criterion of basic justice should stand how global institutional factors play an important role in the
therefore demand that social institutions be designed so that the per- reproduction of human misery and how plausible reforms of such
sons affected by them can develop. deepen. and realize an ethical factors could greatly advance the realization of human rights.77 Such
world view of their own. The essential presuppositions for this capa- an understanding would lead us to take the underfulfillment 01' hu-
city can be presented under two headings. First. liberty of conscience. man rights abroad more seriously - provided we accept that persons
the freedom to develop and to live in accordance with one's own involved in upholding coercive social institut ions have a shared moral
ethical world view so long as this is possible without excessive costs responsibility to ensure that these institutions satisfy at least the uni-
for others. This freedom must include various other liberties. such versal core criterion of basic justice by fulfilling. insofar as reasonably
as freedom of access to informational media (such as books and possible. the human rights of the persons whose conduct they regulate.
broadcasts) and the freedom to associate with persons holding simi- If a particular underfulfillment of human rights - hunger in BraziL
lar or different ethical views. And second. political participation: the say - comes about through the interplay of global and national factors
50 Human Flourishing and Universal Justice Human Flourishing and Universal Justice 51
and could be remedied through global as weil as through national would everywhere be understood as secondary to the universal
institutional reforms. then the responsibility for this underfulfillment human needs recognized by the globally shared conception of human
lies with both institutional schemes and therefore also with both groups rights. The preeminent requirement on all coercive institutional schemes
01' persons: with all those involved in upholding the global or the is that they afford each human being secure access to minimally
Brazilian basic structure. adequate shares of basic freedoms and participation. of food. drink.
Those who have such a responsibility should either discontinue c1othing. shelter. education. and health care. Achieving the formula-
their involvement - often not a realistic option - or else compensate tion. global acceptance. and realization of this requirement is the
for it by working for the reform of institutions or for the protection of preeminent moral task of our age.
their victims. The word "compensate" is meant to indicate that how
much one should be willing to contribute toward reforming unjust
institutions and toward mitigating the harms they cause depends
on how much one is contributing to. and benefiting from. their
maintenance. Obviously. these matters deserve a far more elaborate
treatment than I can give them here.7R

1.7 Conclusion

This essay is about what measure 01', or proxy for. human f10urishing
is needed for purposes 01' assessing the justice 01' social institutions
and what role this measure should play within such assessments. We
have seen that measures of human f10urishing differ in specificity. An
internationally acceptable core criterion of basic justice requires a
measure 01' low specificity. In this role a conception 01'human rights
is far more suitable than all the theoretical constructs currently dis-
cussed by academics - or so I have argued. Such a conception iso on
the one hand. substantial enough to support a severe and constructive
critique of the status quo. And it also respects. on the other hand, the
autonomy of the diverse cultures of this world - provided we are
prepared to accept the institutional understanding I have sketched. A
conception of human rights demands then that all social institutions
be designed so that all human beings. insofar as reasonably possible.
have secure access to the objects of their human rights.
Acceptance of such a universal core criterion of basic justice does
not preclude particular societies from subjecting their national institu-
tions to a stronger criterion 01'justice that involves a more specific
measure 01' human f1ourishing. Such anational measure might. for
instance. ascribe to citizens additional basic needs. such as: to have
certain legal (constitutional) rights. not to be too severely disadvant-
aged through social inequalities. to be adequately compensated for
genetic handicaps and bad luck. or to rcceive a subsidy for the dis-
charge of important religious duties."'1 But such additional basic needs
How Should Human Rights be Conceived? 53
Human rights ofboth kinds can coexist in harmony. Whoever cares

2 about moral human rights will grant that laws can greatly facilitate
their realization. And human-rights lawyers can acknowledge that the
legal rights and obligations they draft and interpret are meant to give
How Should Human Rights effect to preexisting moral rights. In fact. this acknowledgment seems
implicit in the common phrase "internationally recognized human
be Conceived? rights." It is c1early expressed in the Preamble of the UD H R. which
presents this Declararion as stating moral human rights that exist
independently of itself. This acknowledgment bears stressing because
the distinction between moral and legal human rights is rarely drawn
c1early. Many are therefore inclined to believe that our human rights
are whatever governments agree them to be. This is true of legal
human rights. But it is false. as these governments have themselves
acknowledged. of moral human rights. Governments may have views
on what moral human rights there are - their (not legally binding)
endorsement of the UDHR expresses such a view - but even all of
them together cannot legislate such rights out of existence.
My ai~ here is to explicate the moral notion 01' human rights. I
define thls task narrowly. I do not address the ontological status
2.0 Introduction of human rights - the sense in which they may be said to exist and
the way in which their existence (in this sense) might be known
Supranational. nationaL and subnational systems 01' law contain vari- and justified. Nor do I discuss the work 01' selection. specification.
ous human rights. The content 01' these rights and 01' any correspond- and justification that goes into formulating a full list or conception
ing legal obligations and burdens depends on the legislative, judicial. of human rights. Instead, I focus on an issue that is best examined
and executive bodies that maintain and interpret the laws in question. before the others. How should human rights be conceived? What does
In the aftermath 01' World War H, it has come to be widely acknow- the assertion of a human right assert. especially in regard to correlat-
ledged that there are also moral human rights. whose validity is inde- ive responsibilities?
pendent 01' any and all governmental bodies. In their case, in fact. the Beginning with this issue makes sense. An explication of what
dependence is thought to run the other way: only if they respect moral human rights are does not presuppose more than a rough idea about
human rights do any governmental bodies have legitimacy, that is, what goods are widely recognized as worthy of inclusion. But such
the capacity to create moral obligations to comply with, and the moral an explication is presupposed in the selection and justification 01' par-
authority to enforce. their laws and orders. ticular human rights - even though it cannot by itself settle what
human rights there are or even whether there are any human rights at
all. The fact that some formulated right has all the conceptual fea-
tures of a human right does not entail that it exists (can be justified as
This essay first appeared in lahrhuchji'ir RechT lind EThik 3 (1995): 103-20. Work on it such) any more than the fact that King Arthur as described has all the
was supported by a 1993 -4 Laurance S. Rockel'eller Fellowship at the Princeton conceptual features of a human being entails that there was such
University Center for Human Values. I am greatly indebted to my colleagues there. aperson. Settling what human rights there are requires not merely
and very specially to Amy Gutmann. for a most productive discussion of an earlier conceptual explication. but also substantive moral arguments pro and
version. I also wish to thank my fellow participants at the Law and Ethics Conlerence
for their valuable comments. and Eric Goldstein for extensive and very helpful written
con. Such arguments must be informed by an understanding of what
criticisms. The last third of the essay has been significantly revised. human rights are.
54 How Should Human Rights be Conceived? How Should Human Rights be Conceived? 55

2.1 Frorn natural law to rights and philosophies. They need not be (and perhaps no moral demands
could be) accessible in this way to all human persons. irrespective
The moral notion 01'human rights has evolved from earlier notions 01' 01' when and where they live(d) and irrespective 01' their particular
naturallawand natural rights. We can begin to understand and analyze culture. religion. moral tradition. and philosophy (or lack thereof).
it by examining the continuities and discontinuities in this evolution. But they would not be broadly sharable if they were not detached. or
I do this by focusing on the shifting constraints imposed. ideas sug- at least detachable. from any particular epoch. culture. religion. moral
gested. and possibilities opened and c10sed by the three concepts rather tradition. and philosophy.iI~ or if understanding and appreciating them
than on the particular conceptions 01' them that have actually been required mental faculties that a significant proportion 01' human-
worked out.8U kind does not have and cannot develop. The sharability 01' a moral
All three concepts have in common that they were used to express a demand iso then. a function 01' how widely it can be shared across
special c1ass 01'moral cancans. namely ones that are among the most persons and cultures and 01'how accessible it is to each 01' them. The
Il'eighty 01'all as weil as unrestricted and broadly sharable. These four notions 01' being unrestricted and being broadly sharable are related
common features 01' the three concepts constrain not the content 01' in that we tend to feeI more confident about conceiving 01' a moral
the select concerns. but their potential status and role. Regarding the demand as unrestricted when this demand is not parochial to some
first feature. it should be said that the natural-Iaw and natural-rights particular epoch. culture. religion. moral tradition. or philosophy.
idioms were also used to express the agent's liberty to pursue his own Let us turn from the continuities in the conceptual evolution - from
self-preservation and self-interest - as in Hobbes's famous claim that natural law to natural rights to human rights - to its discontinuities.
"every man has a Right to every thing: even to one another's body. "81 which reveal what shift in the content 01' unrestricted and broadly
Since the concept 01'human rights. which is at issue here. has not been sharable moral demands is associated with the shift in terminology.
used in this vein. I leave such uses aside and focus on uses that present Expressing moral demands in the natural-rights rather than the natural-
naturallaw. or the natural rights 01'others. as making moral demands law idiom involves a significant narrowing 01' content possibilities
on human conduct. practices. and institutions. by introducing the idea that the relevant moral demands are based on
Conceiving the naturallaw. natural rights. or human rights as making moral concern for certain subjects: rightholders. By violating a natu-
weighty moral demands suggests that these demands ought to play an ral right. one wrongs the subject whose right it iso These subjects 01'
important role in our thinking and discourse about. and ought to be natural rights are viewed as sources 01' moral claims and thereby re-
reflected and respected in. our social institutions and conduct. They cognized as having a certain moral standing and value. The natural-
should normally trump or outweigh other moral and nonmoral con- law idiom contains no such idea: it need not involve demands on
cerns and considerations. one's conduct toward other subjects at all and. even if it does. need
In conceiving 01' moral demands as unrestricted. we believe that not involve the idea that by violating such demands one has wronged
wh ether persons ought to respect them does not depend on their these subjects - one may rather have wronged God. for example. or
particular epoch. culture. religion. moral tradition. or philosophy.82 have disturbed the harmonious order 01' the cosmos. In ruling out
Unrestricted moral demands need not assign obligations to everyone. these formerly prominent alternative ideas. the shift from natural-Iaw
The moral demand that rulers are to govern in the interest 01' the to natural-rights language constitutes a secularization wh ich facil-
governed. for example. may be unrestricted even while it assigns oblig- itates the presentation 01' a select set 01' moral demands as broadly
ations only to those in power. But. not being spatially or tempo rally sharable in a world that has become much larger and more hetero-
confined. unrestricted moral demands are still. at least potentially. geneous. This secularization centers on a specific view about the point
relevant to persons 01' all times and piaces and therefore should be 01' the moral demands (duties) singled out as natural. The point 01'
understood and appreciated by all. respecting them is the protection 01' others: one's concern to honor
This suggests the fourth feature. In conceiving 01'moral demands as one's moral duties is motivated by a deeper and prior moral concern
broadly sharable. one thinks 01'them as capable 01'being understood for the interests 01'others. 8~
and appreciated by persons from different epochs and cultures as weil This specification 01' the point 01' moral demands entails a nar-
as by adherents 01' a variety 01' different religions. moral traditions. rowing 01' content possibilities. The natural-Iaw idiom lends itself to
How Should Human Rights be Conceived? 57
56 How Should Human Rights be Conceived?
In the same vein, the shift also indicates a reorientation of the sort
expressing any moral demands that might apply to human pe~sons:
for which Rawls has coined the phrase "political not metaphysical. "89
but not all of these demands can be expressed equally weil m the
The adjective "human" - unlike "natural" - does not suggest an onto-
language of natural rights. Three historic~lIy. promi~ent catego~i~s of
logical status independent of any and all human efforts. decisions.
moral demands are endangered by the shlft m termmology: reltglous
(re)cognition. It does not rule out such a status either. Rather. it avoids
duties. duties toward oneself. and moral demands upon our conduct
these metaphysical and metaethical issues by implying nothing about
toward animals. Ascribing rights to God seems awkward. because we
them one way or the other. The potential appeal 01' the select moral
do not think of him as having vital interests that are vulnerable to
demands is thereby furt her broadened in that these demands are made
human encroachment. Speaking of rights against oneself or of animal
accessible also to those who reject all variants 01' moral realism - who
rights is problematic because of the connection between having rights
believe. for instance. that the special moral status of all human beings
and being entitled to claim and to defend one's rights as weil as t~
rests on nothing more than our own protound moral commitme~t
protest and sometimes to punish the infringement of ~hese rights.8~
and determination that human beings ought to have this status.
We do not engage in such claiming. defending. protestmg. and pun-
Third. and most obvious. the shift strongly confirms that it is all
ishing activities against ourselves: and animals seem unable to engage
and only human beings who give rise to the relevant moral demands:
in them at all. In accepting this connection one need not endorse
all and only human persons have human rights and the special
the stronger position. taken by Hart. that having a right presupposes
moral status associated therewith. The expression also suggests that
the simultaneous ability to claim it.8o One may instead. following
human beings are equal in this regard. This view can be analyzed
Gewirth. find nothing odd in saying that a man who is now dead
into two components. First. all human beings have exactly the same
or in an irreversible ~coma has his rights violated when his will is
human rights. Second. the moral significance of human rights and
overturned or when his body is kept alive against his express prior
human-rights violations does not vary with whose human rights are
instructions. Here we can remember the man making claims before,
at stake: as far as human rights are concerned. all huma; beings
and can imagine how he would have protested had he known about
matter equally.YIIThough the second component is only weakly sug-
what is being done now. Similarly, one can say that maiming or
gested by the expression. it iso I believe. a fixed part of our current
ki11ing an infant constitutes a violation of her rights. because we can
once again imagine how she will protest the harms done to her. or concept of human rights.
87 The fourth way in which the shift from natural to human rights
would have done so in the future had she survived. This contrasts
has been significant is not suggested by the change in terminology,
with the case of nonhuman animals, which have no past or potential
but seems to have contingently accompanied this change. One can
future ability to make claims: here the language of rights can seem
approach the point through Article 17.2 ofthe UDHR: "No one shall
out of place.88 be arbitrarily deprived 01' his property:' 11'a car is stolen. its owner
has certainly been deprived 01' her property. and arbitrarily so. Still.
we are unlikely to call this a violation 01' Article 17.2 or a human-
2.2 From natural rights to human rights
rights violation. Why? Because it is only a car? I do not think so: the
car may be its owner's most important asset: and the theft of food
The language of human rights partakes in the specification we. have
would not be considered a human-rights violation either. even if it
found to be involved in the shift from natural law to natural nghts.
Beyond that. it would seem to have a fourfold significance. First. it were her entire reserve for the winter. An arbitrary confiscation of her
car by the government. on the other hand, does strike us as a human-
manifestly detaches the idea of moral rights from its historical ante-
rights violation, even if she has several other cars left. This suggests
cedents in the medieval Christian tradition, thereby underscoring the
that human-rights violations. to count as such. must be in some sense
secularization implicit in the first shift from the language of laws
(commandments. duties) to that of rights. This serves the continued o~fici~1. an? that hu~an rights thus protect persons only against
VIolatIOns trom certam sources. Human rights can be violated by
maintenance of broad sharability and makes fully explicit the con-
governments. certainly, and by government agencies and officials. by
nection between a special class of moral demands and the status of
the general staff of an army at war. and probably also by the leaders
certain beings, rightholders, as subjects of moral value.


58 How Should Human Rights be Conceived? How Should Human Rights be Conceived? 59
01'a guerrilla movement or 01'a large corporation ....but not by a petty this spirit. I am not presupposing that the human rights ] discuss exist
criminal or by a violent husband. We can capture this idea by con- or ought to be recognized. I am merely asking what the assertion of a
ceiving it to be implicit in the concept 01' human rights that human- particular human right should reasonably be taken to mean.
rights postulates are addressed. in the first instance at least. to those
who occupy positions 01'authority within a society (or other compar-
able social system). 2.3 Official disrespect
We see here that the language 01' human rights involves a further
narrowing 01'content possibilities - not on the side 01' the agent this In our world. official agents are paradigmatically exemplified by
time. but on the side 01'the recipient. Through the language 01'natural goverments and their agents and agencies. A paradigmatic instance 01'
rights. one can demand protection 01' persons against any threats official disrespect 01'human rights isothen. their violation by a govern-
to their well-being and agency: through the language 01' human ment. Governments may do so by issuing or maintaining unjust laws
rights. one demands protection only against certain "official" threats. or orders that authorize or require human-rights violations or they
This narrowing is not. however. as severe as it may seem at first. may do so "under color 01' law:' that iso by perversely construing
As we shall see. the language 01' human rights involves a demand existing legislation as licensing human-rights violating policies.
for protection not only against official violations but. more broadly. These paradigm cases 01' official disrespect bring out most c1early
against official disrespect. and it addresses this demand not only to why. as is widely feit. there is something especially hideous. outra-
officials. those whose violations 01' a relevant right would count as geous. and intolerable about official disrespect. why official moral
human-rights violations. but also to those in whose name such officials wrongs are worse than otherwise similar "private" moral wrongs. quite
are acting. apart from the fact that they orten harm more severely. and harm and
Before discussing these matters further in section 2.3. let me sum up frighten more people. than private wrongs. Official moral wrongs
my explication 01' the concept 01' human rights thus far. A commit- masquerade under the name 01'law and justice and they are generally
ment to human rights involves one in recognizing that human persons committed quite openly for all to see: laid down in statutes and regu-
with a past or potential future ability to engage in moral conversation lations. called for by orders and verdicts. and adorned with official
and practice have certain basic needs. and that these needs give rise to seals. stamps. and signatures. Such wrongs do not merely deprive
weighty moral demands.91 The object 01' each 01' these basic human their victims 01'the objects 01'their rights but attack those very rights
needs is the object 01'a human right.92 Recognizing these basic needs themselves; they do not merely subvert what is right. but the very idea
as giving rise to human rights involves a commitment to oppose official 01' right and justice. This conjecture explains. I think. why so many
disrespect 01' these needs on the part 01'one's own society (and other people feeI more personally affronted by human-rights violations than
comparable social systems in which one is a participant).9:l by equivalent ordinary crimes. and also fee1 personally responsible in
Let me now try to c1arify further the modern concept 01' human regard to them - why they see human rights as everyone's concern
rights by explicating the notion 01'official disrespect embedded in it. and feel implicated in. and experience shame on account of. what
This explication is normative to some extent. Those who speak (out- their government and its officials do in their name.
side legal contexts) 01'human rights orten do not have a c1ear sense 01' With these thoughts in mind. let us consider other candidate in-
what they take human rights to be. I want to be c1earer here. And my stances of official disrespecL One obvious way of expanding beyond
account should then be tested not against what people actually say the paradigm is by broadening the definition 01'"government" so as to
about human rights. but against what they would or should affirm include not merely the highest officials in its three branches. but also
upon reflection. Though my account is normative to this extent. its the lower echelons 01' authority. inc1uding all the various functional
objective is still to reconstruct the meaning 01' a widely used expres- and regional subunits 01'the three branches down to the smallest and
sion. I am asking what we mean. or ought to mean. when we speak 01' lowest agencies and officials. Here it emerges that moral wrongs com-
a human right to X. I am not here asking the more significantly mitted by an official fit the better under the label 01' "human-rights
normative question as to which candidate human rights. if any. we violation" the more c10sely they are related to his job and the more
should recognize. My examples from the UDH R should be taken in tolerated or encouraged they are throughout officialdom. A murder
60 How Should Human Rights be Conceived? How Should Human Rights be Conceived? 61

committed by a maiIman. even if on duty. would hardly count as a the world. We can hardly celebrate such societies tor their respect 01'
human-rights violation. but torture administered by a policeman to a human rights.
suspect ;ould count. unless. perhaps. it is a truly isolated incident A more plausible explication 01' "official disrespect" would have us
01' conduct that is strongly discouraged within the police force and focus on the extent to which the government. inc1uding its various
severelv punished when discovered. agencies and officials. is actually interfering with protected conduct.
Mor~ interesting cases are the following. A government may. tor Sut this proposal leaves out officially tolerated private violence as
the time being. refrain from ordering or authorizing human-rights exemplified by "outraged citizens" in former and present commun-
violations. and effectively prevent violations on the part 01' its various ist societies. death squads in various authoritarian societies 01' Latin
agencies and officials. but reserve for itself the legal power to order or America. militias in Indonesia. and "war veterans" in Zimbabwe. We
authorize such violations at any time at its sole discrction. Conversely. should not settle for an understanding 01' official disrespect that pro-
a government may legally bind itself never to violate human rights vides an incentive to governments to let their opponents be killed by
and yet do nothing or vcry little to ensure that its various agencies private government supporters rather than by the police. To make the
and officers abide by this official prohibition. The government may proposal plausible. we must then go beyond the idea 01' "the govern-
also - while legallv committing itself not to viola te human rights and ment actually interfering:' 11' protected conduct is suppressed with
effectively enf;rci~g this com~itment against its agencies and officials impunity by persons organized or encouraged by the government.
- fail to make such violations illegal for some or all of the persons then these interferences must be inc1uded under the notion 01' official
and associations under its jurisdiction. Or it may pass or maintain the disrespecL
appropriate legislation but then do little or nothing to enforce it. In This modification may not go far enough. Death squads may en-
view of this plurality of ca ses. how shall we explicate the idea of gage in their bloody activities even without open or tacit government
official disrespect 01' human rights? encouragement. Rich landowners may organize bands of thugs. for
To make these issues more concrcte. let us tocus on Artic1e 19 example. who prevent -- through disruption. intimidation. and vio-
of the UDHR: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and lence - the expression 01' any political views that champion the inter-
expression: this right inc1udes freedom to hold opinions without inter- ests 01' poor peasants or migrant workers. Yeterans 01' the revolution
ference and to seek. receive and impart information and ideas through may organize in similar ways to suppress anti-communist opinions.
any media and regardless 01' frontiers. " We may suppose that we know The government need not organize or encourage such activities - it
precisely what the right here postulated is a right to: what sorts 01' merely stands idly by: fails to enact laws that proscribe such conduct
conduct it protects in what particular contexts and circumstances. Let or. if such laws are on the books. fails to enforce them effectively. (In
us also suppose that we know precisely what does and does not con- such a scenario. government officials may even regret the activities
stitute interference with such protected conduct and hence a violation and feel embarrassed by them. They nevertheless do not act because
of the postulated right on the part of individual and collective agents. they fear that strong measures to protect the rights 01' an unpopular
How do we get from this knowledge to a measure for official disre- group - foreign residents with southern facial features in Germany.
spect: to a way of assessing a society's human-rights record in regard for instance - would diminish their own popularity.) We should con-
to Artic1e 19? The answer to this question. as wc have seen. cannot be sider such ca ses. as well. to exemplify official disrespect: some persons
that we must simply count violations (weighted for severity. perhaps). suffer restrictions 01' their freedom 01' expression and there is no offi-
as this would gloss over the importcmt issue 01' the more or less official cial response. or at most a token response. to the deprivations.
character 01' these violations. Even this account is still not quite broad enough. A nearly com-
Making the law alone the dccisivc yardstick for a society's human- plete absence 01' interferences with protected conduct in some society
rights rccord is implausible. Societies may be officially committed to may be due to the fact that people know only too well what sorts 01'
Article 19. may cven incorporate an appropriate right to freedom 01' opinions cannot be public1y expressed without serious risk 01' violent
expression into their constitutions. and their officials may nonetheless interference or punitive measures against oneself or one's family. They
violate this legal right frequently and with impunity - a possibility know what could happen to them if they speak up. and they also
sadly illustrated by all too many showcase constitutions around know that their "protected" conduct would not be effectively protected
62 How Should Human Rights be Conceived? How Should Human Rights be Conceived? 63
in fact. Formerly defiant. they are now intimidated and demoralized. While the government may. then. be the primary guardian 01' human
This change goes along with a dramatic decline in the frequency rights and the prime measurc 01' official disrespect. the people are
01' actual interferences - yet surely we cannot say that the society's their ultimate \!uardian on whom their realization crucially depends.
human-rights record has dramatically improved. This scenario. too. Enduring resp~ct 01' human rights iso then. sustained not just by the
exemplifies official disrespect 01' the human right. even if this right is country"s constitution. its legal and political system. and the attitudes
(in the unrealistic limiting case) never violated. It thereby presents in 01' its politicians. judges. and police. It is sustained more deeply by the
a most c1ear-cut way the need to detach the not ion 01' official disre- attitudcs 01' its people. as shaped also by the education system and the
spect from that 01' violations. Wh at is relevant to a society's record in economic distribution.
regard to. 01' to its degree 01' official disrespect 01'. a given human right Such socioeconomic factors are important to thc realization 01'
iso then. (a) a proper subset 01' the occurring violations 01' this right. human rights also in another way. Consider Article 5 01' the UDH R:
namely the "official"' 01' "human-rights" violations, and (b) various "No one shall be subjected to torture 01' to cruel. inhuman 01' degrad-
facts about the government"s and also the people's attitude (commil- ing treatment 01' punishment.·· In many countries. domestic servants.
menl and disposition) toward the right and all its occurring viola- some indentured 01' virtual slaves. do not enjoy the object 01' this
tions. Unofficial violations 01' a right that is on the list 01' human human right. In some 01' these societies. inhuman 01' dcgrading treat-
rights do not constitute human-rights violations: but official indiffer- ment 01' domestic servants by their employers is perfectly legal. In
ence toward such private violations does constitute official disrespect.~4 others. certain legal prohibitions are in place but ineffective: most of
11' official disrcspect 01' this last kind is to be avoided. a society must the servants. often illiterate. are ignorant 01' their legal rights. convic-
ensure that persons are. and fee\. secure in regard to the objects 01' tions tor mistreatment are difficult if not impossible to obtain. pun-
their human rights. In considering what this entails. we tend to look. ishments are negligible. Moreover. servants are also often torced to
once again. to thc government first and foremost: to how the co'!cern end ure illegal co~nduct on account 01' economic necessity: they do not
tor these objects is incorporated into the law and constitution.~' and dare file c~mplaints against their employers for fear of being fired.
to the extent to which the governmcnt is disposed to suppress and This fear is both justified and substantial. They often have only min-
punish (official and private) violations and makes this disposition imal financial reserves and no other place to spend the night. there
known through word and deed. may be a general oversupply of servants. and they may have reason to
But it makes sense to think more broadly here. What is needed to believe that their prcsent employer would refuse to issue them the
make the object 01' a right truly secure is a vigilant citizenry that is favorable reference they need to find new employment.
deeply committed to this right and disposed to work 1'01' its political When servants live in such conditions. their human right to be free
realization. (This docs not mean that every last citizen must have this from crue\. inhuman. 01' degrading treatment is not fulfilled. This f1aw
commitment and disposition - a minority may suffice. so long as it is can perhaps be corrected through severe penal laws with aggressive
c1early preponderant among citizens actively engaged in the political entorcement. But it mayaiso be tackled. probably more effectively.
life 01' their society.) More reliable than a commitment by the govern- through other measures expanding literacy. knowledge of existing leg-
ment. which may undergo a radical change in personnel from one day islation. shelters 1'01' dismissed servants. educational and employment
to the next. is a commitment by the citizenry. This latter commitment opportunities and uncmployment benefits for the poor. and efforts to
tends to foster the former - especially in democratic societies which build a culture 01' civic solidarity and equal citizenship.
tend to produce the strongest incentives tor government officials to be Thc arguments 01' the last tour paragraphs may be accused 01' abusing
responsive to thc pcople. And it also tends to preclude ca ses where the pla usible. mostly civil rights 01' the UD H R to support their oppo-
impotence. not indifference. makes a government stand idly by when sites: social and economic pseudo-rights. (Yet another social demo-
organized groups 01' its citizens viola te the rights 01' others. Such cases. crat dressed in liberal"s clothing!) It is true that my view undercuts the
too. exemplify official disrespect when the people. who bear the ultim- sharp distinction between different kinds 01' rights to some extent. To
ate responsibility for what happens on their society's territory. do see whether this makes sense. let us proceed. with the libertarian reser-
not care enough about the objccts 01' human rights to enable. encour- vations about social and economic human rights in mind. to a more
age. and (if need be) replace 01' reorganize their government so as to straightforward explication 01' my institutional understanding of human
safeguard secure acccss to these objects 1'01' all. rights.~('
64 How Should Human Rights be Conceived? How Should Human Rights be Conceived? 65

2.4 The libertarian critique of sodal and economic rights How fully human rights ('(//1 be realized in some institutional order
is measured by how fully these human rights generally are. or (in
The concept of rights suggests an interactional understanding. matching the case of a hypothetical institutional order) generally would be.
each right with certain directly corresponding duties.'!7 This under- realized in it.
standing sustains a familiar dispute about what duties human rights 2 Any institutional order should be designed so that human rights
entail. On one side are libertarians who require these to be exclusively are realized in it as fully as reasonably possible.
negative duties (to refrain from violating the right in question). Such 3 A human right is reali:ed in some institutional order insofar aso and
a minimalist account disqualifies the "human rights" to social security. fully if and only if. this human right is fulfilled for all those whose
work. rest and leisure. an adequate standard of living. education. or conduct this order constrains.
culture postulated in Articles 22-7 of the UDHR on the ground that 4 A human right is fitl/illed for some person insofar as she enjoys
they essentially entail positive duties. On the other side are maximalist secure access to its object.
accounts according to which all human rights entail both negative
duties (to avoid depriving) and positive duties (to protect and to help). On the interactional understanding of human rights. governments
For the minimalist. human rights require only self-restraint. For the and individuals have a responsibility not to viola te human rights.
maximalist. they require efforts to fulfill everyone's human rights any- On my institutional understanding. by contrast. their responsibility
where on earth: "A human right. then. will be a right whose benefi- is to work for an institutional order and public culture that ensure
ciaries are all humans and whose obligors are all humans in a position that all members 01' society have secure access to the objects of
to effect the right."<)8 their human rights. Thus linking rights fulfillment with insecurity
The institutional understanding 01' human rights I pro pose allows rather than violation can make a difference in cases of two kinds.
us to transcend the terms 01' this debate. By postulating a human right A person may fully enjoy X even while her access to X is insecure
to X. one is asserting that any society or other social system. insofar (as when persons relevantly like her. say blacks or vocal govern-
as this is reasonably possible. ought to be so (re)organized that all its ment opponents. are beaten or threatened). Conversely. a person
members have secure access to X. with "security" always understood may be temporarily deprived of X. through a crime by a rogue
as especially sensitive to persons' risk 01' being denied X or deprived government official perhaps. in a society that is very effective in
01' X officially: by the government or its agents or officials.9<l Avoid- preventing crimes of the relevant type. Opposite to the interactional
able insecurity 01' access. beyond certain plausibly attainable thresh- understanding. my institutional one regards only the first case as a
olds. constitutes official disrespect and stains the society's human-rights human-rights problem.
record. Human rights are. then. moral claims on the organization 01' In proposing this institutionalunderstanding. I reject its interactional
one's society. However. since citizens are collectively responsible for alternatives: I deny. for instance. that postulating that persons have a
their society's organization and its resulting human-rights record. human ril!ht to X is tantamount to asserting that some or all indi-
human rights ultimately make demands upon (especially the more vidual and collective human agents have a moral duty - in addition to
influential) citizens. Persons share responsibility for official disrespect any legal duties they may have in their society - not to deny X to
01' human rights within any coercive institutional order they are in- others or to deprive them of X. In rejecting this alternative account. I
volved in upholding. am not denying that the postulate of a human right to X suggests or
This institutional understanding can draw support from Article 28 even implies this assertion. It is hard to see how one can. on the one
01' the UDH R: "Everyone is entitled to a social and international hand. be committed to the claim that societies. for the sake 01' the
order in wh ich the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration persons living in them. ought to be organized so that these persons
can be fully realized." As the reference to "the rights and freedoms set need not endure inhuman or degrading treatment and yet. on the
forth in this Declaration" indicates. this article does not add a further other hand. not consider it morally wrong for persons to treat others
right to the list. but makes a statement about the concept 01' a human in inhuman or degrading ways. A commitment to human rights goes
right. about what human rights mean or require. This statement might along with interactional moral commitments: but this is no reason to
be unpacked in four steps: identify the former with the latter.
How Should Human Rights be Conceived? How Should Human Rights be Conceived? 67
On my understanding, too, human rights (conceptually) entail moral certain ways - not that we protecL rescue, feed, clothe, and house
duties - but these are not corresponding duties in any simple way: them. My institutional understanding can accept this constraint with-
The human right not to be subjected to cruel 01' degrading treatment out disqualifying social and economic human rights. Given the min-
gives me a duty to help ensure that those living in my society need not imalist constrainL such human rights give you claims not against all
endure such treatment. Depending on contexL this duty may, as we other human beings, but specifically against those who impose a coer-
have seen. generate obligations to advocate and support programs to cive institutional order upon you. Such a coercive order must not avoid-
improve literacy and unemployment benefits when such programs are ably restrict the freedom 01' some so as to render their access to basic
necessary to secure the object 01' this human right 1'01' a dass 01' my necessities insecure - especially through official denial 01' deprivation.
compatriots (domestic servants). 11' it does, then all human agents have a negative duty, correlative to

By reconceiving human rights in this way, the familiar dispute is the postulated social and economic human rights, not to cooperate in
transformed. Responsibility 1'01' a person's human rights falls on all upholding it unless they compensate 1'01' their cooperation by protect-
and only those who participate with this person in the same social sys- ing its victims 01' by working tür its reform. Those violating tlli;; duty
tem. It is their responsibility, collectively. to structure this system so share responsibility 1'01' the harms (insecure access to basic necessities)
that '111 its participants have secure access to the objects 01' their human produced by the unjust institutional order in question.I02
rights. In our world, national societies are the paradigmatic example A human right to basic necessities, as postulated, 1'01' instance. in
01' relevant social systems, and the responsibility 1'01' the fulfillment 01' Artide 25 01' the UDH R, becomes more plausible when construed
your human rights falls then upon your government and your fellow along these lines. On my institutional understanding, it involves no
citizens.'oo The institutionalunderstanding thus occupies an appealing duty on everyone to help supply such necessities to those who would
middle ground: it goes beyond (minimalist interactional) libertarian- otherwise be without them. It rather involves a duty on citizens to
ism, which disconnects us from any deprivations we do not directly ensure that any coercive social order they collectively impose upon
bring abouL without falling into a (maximalist interactional) utilitar- each 01' themselves is one under which, insofar as reasonably possible.
ianism 01' rights, which holds each 01' us responsible 1'01' all deprivations each has secure access to these necessities. Surprisingly perhaps, this
whateveL regardless 01' the nature 01' our causal relation to them.'O\ duty was weil expressed by CharIes Darwin more than a century ago:
But this is not all. The most remarkable feature 01' this institutional "11' the misery 01' our pOOl'be caused not by laws 01' nature, but by our

understanding is that it can go weil beyond minimalist libertarian- own institutions. great is our sin."'O:l
ism without denying its central tenet: that human rights entail only
negative duties. The normative force 01' others' human rights tür me is
that I must not help uphold and impose upon them coercive social 2.5 The critique of social and economic
institutions under which they do not have secure access to the objects rights as "manifesto rights"
01' their human rights. I would be violating this duty iL through my
participation, I helped sustain 'I social order in which such access Social and economic rights are often dismissed on the ground thaL
is not secure, in which blacks are enslaved, women disenfranchised, unlike the favored civil and political rights. they are in many actual
01' servants mistreated, 1'01' example. Even if I owned no slaves 01' social contexts fated to be mere "manifesto rights:' There is no clear
employed no servants myseiL I would still share responsibility: by canonical explication 01' this polemical term. The basic charge is that
contributing my labor to the society's economy, my taxes to its govern- such rights are somehow unrealistic 01' unclear about the duties they
ments, and so forth. I might honor my negative duty, perhaps, through entail.
becoming a hermit 01' an emigrant. but I could honor it more plaus- Sometimes the obduracy, even brutality, 01' those in power makes it
ibly by working with others toward shielding the victims 01' injustice unrealistic to expect the rights 01' their subjects to be fulfilled. But we
from the harms I help produce 01', if this is possible, toward establish- do not want to say, I trusL that these rights are therefore manifesto
ing secure access through institutional reform. rights. Doing so would belittle moral rights in just those cases where
Libertarians insist on a minimalist constraint on what duties human it is most urgent to assert them. The Nazis, at the peak 01' their power
rights can impose: human rights require that we not harm others in (1938-42), were not violating mere manifesto rights.
68 How Should Human Rights be Conceived? How Should Human Rights be Conceived? 69

Perhaps the meaning of the expression iso then. best c1arified as its citizens. This does not show that Article 3 postulates a manifesto
folIows. A legal or postulated moral right is a manifesto right if and right. The human right there postulated does not entitle one to pro-
only if tection that would have to be withheld from others who need it just as
much. So rights of both kinds are here on a par.
(I) it is not now the case that all supposed rightholders have It may seem at first that the two kinds of rights fare quite difter-
secure access to the object of this right: and ently with regard to (2a). The civil rights postulated in the UDH R
(2a) it is left unspecified who is supposed to do what in order make dear and specific demands on governments. while the right
to bring it about that all supposed rightholders have secure postulated in Article 25 seems merely to assert that it would be a good
access to the object of the right: or thing if any society were so organized that all had enough to eat. But
(2b) the agents upon whom specific demands are made cannot rea- this contrast is deceptive if the realization of even the c1early civil
sonably meet these demands to the extent necessary to bring it human right not to be subjected to crueL inhuman. or degrading treat-
about that all supposed rightholders have secure access to the ment (Article 5) requires that such treatment by private agents. too.
object of the right.
l(l~ must be effectively discouraged and presupposes certain commitments
and dispositions on the part of the citizenry. Understanding human
Since the assertion of social and economic rights matters especially in rights in this way does not turn them into manifesto rights: each
contexts where these rights are not fulfilied. let us assume that (I) is member of society. according to his or her means. is to help create
satisfied. Rebutting the manifesto charge thus requires denying both and sustain a social and political order under which all have secure
(2a) and (2b). access to the objects of their civil rights. This demand. so abstractly
Let us begin with (2b). A society cannot secure lor all of its members put. is unspecific but. within any particular social context. quite specific.
a happy love life or a trip to the moon. Rights to such benefits would In a society where domestic servants must often suffer inhuman and
ther~f~r~ be mere. manifesto rights. This defect can be avoided by degrading treatment from their employers. citizens have a human-
relatIVlzmg the obJects of the relevant rights to a society's means. A rights-based obligation to help institute appropriate legal protections
society can work on removing restrictions and overcoming taboos as weil as perhaps a literacy program or unemployment benefits.
and prejudic~~ that make it harder for some of its members to enjoy a My understanding of the economic rights of Article 25 is dosely
happy love hte. The - now relativized - right not to be hampered in parallel. Each member of society. according to his or her means. is
one.s quest for a happy love life by nonessential restrictions or by to help bring about and sustain a social and economic order within
aVOIdable taboos and prejudices isothen. not a manifesto right (wh ich which all have secure access to basic necessities. This unspecific de-
does not mean. of course. that it deserves inclusion on the list of mand may have quite specific implications in a given social context.
human rights). such as a society whose poorest members lack secure access to min-
It can be demanded even of a very poor society that it reduce insecur- imally adequate nutrition. Rights of both kinds are. then. on a par in
ity of access to basic necessities as far as reasonably possible toward a this respect. And if situational specificity is wh at matters. then rights
pl~usible sec~rity threshold. By understanding Article 25 as requiring of both kinds also escape c1ause (2a) and therefore cannot be dis-
thls and nothmg more - as not requiring that all must have enough to missed as mere manifesto rights.
eat when enough food can simply not be produced - we rescue it from
the charge that the right it postulates satisfies (2b) and hence is a mere
mani.fest? right. A~d this understanding accords with common usage: 2.6 Disputes about kinds of human rights
a soclety s human-nghts record is not stained merely because it isounder
prevailing conditions. unable to secure minimally adequate nutrition This chapter develops a specific institutional understanding of what
for all. The human right does not. then. entitle one to food that would human rights are. It does not directly address the question of what
have to be withheld from others who also need it to survive. Some human rights there are. In sections 2.4 and 2.5 I have tried to show.
may starve to death without any official disrespect of Article 25. however. that my institutional understanding of human rights narrows
An analogous point holds true of civil rights: a poor society may the gap between those who. in line with some Western governments.
not have the resources effectively to protect the bodily integrity of all emphasize civil and political rights and those who. in line with various
70 How should Human Rights be Conceived?

socialist and developing states. emphasize social. economic. and cul-

tural rights.
This institutional understanding narrows the philosophical gap
because it does not sustain the thought that civil and political human
rights require onlv restraint. while social and economic human rights
also demand positive efforts and costs. Rather. it emphasizes negat-
Loopholes in Moralities
ive duties ac ross the board. Human agents are not to collaborate in
upholding a coercive institutional order that avoidably restricts the
freedom of so me so as to render their access to basic necessities inse-
cure without compensating for their collaboration by protecting its
victims or by working for its reform.
This institutional understanding also undercuts any systematic cor-
relation between categories of human rights and ways of fulfilling
them. The latter may vary in time and place. Thus. in order to realize
the classical civil right to freedom from inhuman and degrading treat-
ment. a particular society may need to establish certain social and
economic safeguards. And in order to realize a human right to ade-
q uate nutrition. perhaps all that is needed is an effective criminal statute
against speculative hoarding of foodstuffs. In this way. the concrete
demands different categories of human rights make on an institu- 3.0 Introduction
tional order may in fact turn out to be similar. and. if so. my institu-
tional understanding would narrow also the practical-political gap One can think of a morality as an abstract stand point outside the
between the two sides. Those who endorse only civil and political world from which what occurs within it - actions. persons. institu-
human rights will work for institutional reforms that reduce poverty tions. states of affairs - is evaluated. One can also think of a morality
and illiteracy where doing so is an effective strategy for reducing as itself in the world. as a more or less unified set of moral beliefs.
insecurity of access to the objects of civil and political human rights. attitudes. and conduct dispositions characteristic of particular per-
And those who endorse only social and economic human rights will sons or groups. In this second sense. moralities have real effects: and
work for institutional reforms that grant the poor genuine political these may themselves be made a subject of evaluation. Such a per-
participation and ways of defending their legal rights in the courts spective upon conduct-guiding structures of values and norms - or
where doing so enhances the capacity of the poor to fend for them- codes - is familiar to economists and legislators. who take social
selves and thus reduces insecurity of access to the objects of social and effects into account in designing or evaluating a tax code. for ex-
economic human rights. ample. My aim is to extend this perspective to both key domains of
All this is not to say that it makes no difference wh ich rights we morality: to ethics. concerned with the moral evaluation of conduct
single out as human rights. But if my institutional understanding in- and character. with the life one should lead and the person one should
deed reduces the philosophical and the practical-political importance strive to be. and tojustice. concerned with the moral evaluation of social
of the actual controversies about this question. then this is another
reason in its favor. Even if we continue to disagree about which goods
should be included in a conception of human rights. we can then -
provided we really care about the realization of human rights rather
This chaptcr was first publishcd in thc Journalur PliiloS(lphy 89. 2 (February 1992):
79 98. It has greatly bcncfitcd from criticisms and suggestions by many persons.
than about ideological propaganda victories - work together on the including Bruce Ackcrman. Rogers Albrilton. Christian Barry. Rüdigcr Biltner. Alcx
same institutional reforms instead of arguing over how much praise Gcorge. Robcrt Guay. Amy Gutmann. CharIes Larmore. David Luban. Sidney
or blame is deserved by this state or that. Morgenbesser. Warren Quinn. and Ling Tong. Note 115 is ncwly added.
72 Loopholes in Moralities Loopholes in Moralities 73
institutions which regulate and structure human interactions. My some instances is regrettable in some respect does not automatically
general question is then: what role. if any. should an evaluation 01' the render this code counterproductive tout court. The conduct in ques-
effects 01' moral codes play in oUf substantive moral reftection'?'u; tion may be. by the Iights 01' the same code. valuable in other instances
Clearly. we should take account 01' such effects only if their connec- or in other respects and thus not be regrettable on the whole. Alternat-
tion to the relevant code is reasonably firm. It is not rational to worry ively. the overall point. rationale. purposes. or objectives 01' the code
about any fortuitous effects a morality (in the second sense) may have may demand that it give the relevant incentive. or that it have certain
had in the past. if they tell us nothing about what effects it is likely to features 01' wh ich this incentive is an unavoidable byproduct. despite
have in the future. Taking account of the differential effects 01' alter- the fact that the incentive is also regrettable. even on the whole. The
native moralities makes sense only insofar as we can estimate these problems I want to examine are raised only when a code is counter-
effects in advance. My question concerns. then. effects 01' moral con- productive all things cOl1sidered.that isowhen its overall point. ration-
ceptions that are predictable at least in a rough. probabilistic way. ale. purposes. or objectives would be better fulfilled if this code were
This may be reminiscent 01' Nietzsche's question: what is the value replaced by a somewhat different code. I therefore assume in my more
01' our morality'? Yet I am not judging a morality by some novel. alien abstract discussions. or seek to show in my more concrete examples.
measure 01' value. but by its own standards: have we organized our that there really are no redeeming virtues that would allow one to say
moral commitments in a way that reftects. and helps effectively achieve. that the moral code under discussion - though it gives regrettable
what by their own lights matters'? My goal is to uncover new kinds of incentives - is not counterproductive all things considered.
considerations that. if relevant to our moral reftection and discourse. Second. the effects 01' a code that is prevalent in some society de-
may help break the stalemate of confticting appeals to moral intuitions pend to some extent on the life context of this society. including its
and thereby make moral dialogue more fruitful. moral convergence culture. technology. and natural environment. Likewise. the effects of
more likely. and our moral values more effective. a code held by an individual are shaped by the life context of that
This chapter is limited to one dass 01' predictable effects 01' moral particular person. lUX It may. then. sometimes be possible to reduce or
codes. namely to cases where a code is counterproductil'e by giving eliminate the regrettable effects 01' a moral code through deliberate
incentil'es toward conduct that is regreuable by the code's own lights.106 modifications of the life context in which it is held. There are other
In saying that a moral code can be counterproductive. I am assuming cases. however. where such strategies are either unavailable or them-
that it is understood as having some point. rationale. purposes. or selves very costly in moral terms.
objectives. This is the typical ca se in the modern world. But it is also Thus my claim specifically targets ca ses where a morality is coun-
possible. of course. to think of a moral code as the moral truth or terproductive all things considered in virtue 01' giving regrettable
God's law. We can then think of it as not being in the business 01' incentives that are not reasonably avoidable. In such cases we have
producing anything. and hence as incapable 01' being counterproduct- reason to revise our morality. But - and this is the third cautionary
ive. On this understanding, we would not have second thoughts about note - such a reason may not be decisive. I do not claim. by any
our morality even if our holding it predictably led to the extinction 01' means. that the effects of moralities are all that counts in moral reftec-
the human species or the disappearance 01' this morality itself. tion. Only that they are important. and decisive in some cases.
That a code gives someone an incelltil'e to act in a certain way
means only that it gives her a reason to act in this way. Such a reason
for conduct need not affect conduct itself: a code can encourage con- 3.1 Types of incentives
duct without triggering or inftuencing conduct.I07 I count b~th the
incentives a code gives and any conduct these may elicit as effects of It may seem that an incentive given by a code can be problematic only
this code. My general question has thus become more specific. Can insofar as it actually elicits regrettable conduct. This view may indeed
the fact that a morality gives incentives toward regrettable conduct be plausible as regards ('onerete incelltil'es. that isoreasons for conduct
constitute at least some reason to revise this morality'? that a code gives to fully specific agents who actually do or will exist
I believe so. But let me attach three cautionary notes to this claim. (or to statistical aggregates 01' such agents - such as the French tax-
First. the fact that a code gives an incentive toward conduct that in payer). But one can speak of incentives in another sense as weIl. !deal
74 Loopholes in Moralities Loopholes in Moralities 75
illcclltil'cs are encouragements or discouragements that a code. as given by the code may merely reinforce how adherents are inclined to
it were. "wants" or "intends" to give (which does not mean that they act independently of the code.
must have been thought of. let alone intended. by some creator(s) of As a code may provide ideal incentives that do not manifest them-
it). Less metaphorically: ideal incentives are reasons for conduct that selves as concrete incentives. it mayaIso give concrete incentives that
a code would provide to persons in the given life context. if they were do not correspond to any ideal incentives it provides. Thus a tax law
idcal adhcrclIts. that isoagents who are fully rational. who fully under- may incline certain persons to keep their fortune abroad. where it can
stand the code and interpret it correctly. who are fully committed more easily be hidden from the tax authorities. And our ethic may
to comply with any requirements 01' the code. and whose circum- incline certain persons to pretend to be needy. in order fraudulently to
stances and remaining interests fall within the normal range. Insofar exploit the ethical command to help the needy. In these ca ses. a code
as a code provides ideal incentives. we can say that it gaidcs persons gives persons reasons to transgress a requirement of this code. which
toward certain conduct - or misguides them. if this conduct is regret- would not be reasons for them if they were ideal adherents of it.
ta ble on the whole. This distinction between ideal and concrete incentives splits our
Ideal incentives are of two kinds. With complial1cc iI1CClIth'cs. more specific question into twO.IIU One is the ideal question: may we
ideal adherents are motivated solely by their commitment to do have reason to revise our morality if. in the given life context. it
what the code requires or suggests. Incentives deriving from the provides ideal incentives that are regrettable by its own lights? The
code's requirements are always decisive for an ideal adherent (assum- other is the concrete qllestion: may we have reason to revise our
ing the code is consistent). while incentives deriving from its sug- morality if. in the given life context. it produces concrete incentives
gestions need not be. With reward incentives. ideal adherents are that are regrettable by its own Iights? This essay focuses exclusively
motivated by other. code-independent interests 01' theirs insofar as
these can be pursued without violating requirements 01' the code.
on the former question. 'I'
Here a code encourages conduct by affecting the official pay-offs:
eligibility for benefits or liability to burdens. Reward incentives need 3.2 Loopholes
not be decisive.
Two examples. A tax code requiring that one pay taxes on interest Even if they affect no one's conduct. regrettable ideal incentives can
income not deriving from municipal bonds provides a compliance be problematic. by revealing a structural f1aw in the code providing
incentive to pay taxes on such income. and areward incentive to them. Suppose some tax code provides a compliance or reward incent-
invest in municipal bonds. A morality that requires single young adults ive that would induce some taxpayers. if they were ideal adherents. to
to volunteer for a stint in the military provides a compliance incentive act in ways that directly undermine a central purpose of this code.
to enlist and areward incentive to get married early.lO'i The code may then be criticized for containing a loophole and thus
By providing ideal incentives. a code guides (or misguides) agents. being in a sense incoherent. And this critique can be sustained even if
Like a traffk sign. it can do so without affecting their conduct. It corresponding concrete incentives do not exist or are not noticed. so
is possible that agents differ from ideal adherents. so that the code's that the loophole does not actllally elicit any regrettable conduct at all.
ideal incentives do not manifest themselves as concrete incentives to A loophole exists only if the connection between the code and the
them. Neither the compliance incentives. nor the reward incentives in regrettability 01' the conduct it encourages is tight in two respects.
our two examples would manifest themselves as concrete incentives to First. the relevant incentive mllst be an ideal one. so that the code
persons who do not know the relevant parts of the codes or do not can be said to guide agents toward the regrettable conduct. Second.
care whether they are in compliance or not. If ideal adherents 01' the the conduct it encourages must be regrettable in itsc(!' rather than in
code or persons sufficiently similar to them actually exist. ideal incent- virtue 01' any further effects it may bring about. however predictably.
ives manifest themselves in concrete incentives. Even then. they So. through loopholes agents are guided toward conduct that is in
may fail to affect conduct. Concrete reward incentives and concrete itself regrettable on the whole.
compliance incentives deriving from the code's suggestions may be Conduct is regrettable in itself if and only if it goes against what the
outweighed by other reasons for action; and any concrete incentives code requires. or essentially aims at outcomes that are. by the code's
76 Loopholes in Moralities Loopholes in Moralities 77
own lights. regrettable on the whole. By definition 01' "ideal adherent." because harms that are straightforwardly morally precluded can be
a consistent code does not provide ideal incentives toward conduct indirectly brought about after all. Let us consider two examples in
that is in the first way regrettable in itself - it does not. that iso guide some detail.
agents toward conduct that it also forbids. The topic 01' loopholes
thus boils down to cases where a code guides agents toward conduct
that essentially aims at outcomes that are regrettable on the whole. I 3.4 (ase 1: the converted apartment building
call such ideal incentives in!Il!rl!nt!y regreflab!e.
Your father owns a large apartment complex. Renting the apartments
as they are is profitable. but market conditions are such that it will
3.3 Sodal arrangements soon become preferable to convert them into luxury accommodations
while doubling the rents. Your father knows. however, that most 01'
To iIlustrate the problem. let me here concentrate on moralloopholes the apartments are occupied by elderly tenants who have lived there
involving soda! arrangements. by which I mean relationships. associa- tor decades. Few, if any. ofthem could afford to stay. The others
tions. or social systems. such as marriages. lawyer-c1ient relationships, would have a hard time finding new hornes. More importantly. they
families. firms. churches. and states. Social arrangements tie their mem- would be scattered all over town and thus would lose the companion-
bers together through normative expectations that are based upon ship they have found with one another - the greatest source 01' pleas-
special ties. including moral ties. which define special rights ~nd oblig~- ure in their final years. Your father understands that it would be
tions. powers and responsibilities. Such special moral tles vary 111 wrong 01' hirn to force the tenants out. But he also resents the idea 01'
formality - ranging from the justiciable and enforced explicit provisions giving up the extra income. lt occurs to hirn that many landlords like
01' a legal code to the vague understandings that give rise to moral hirnself employ lawyers to manage their real estate in the owners' best
expectations and disappointments among friends or compatriots. interest. So your father hires a lawyer as weil and instructs her to
Consider the ethical view that as a member 01' a social arrangement manage his real estate in a professional way. As was to be expected,
one may sometimes - when acting in behalf 01' other members or 01' the lawyer eventually initiates the conversion 01' the complex. Rents
the entire group - deliberately harm outsiders in some specific way. double and the old tenants are scattered all over town.
even though one may not do so when one is acting on one's own. The assumptions I am making about the prevalent ethical code. E.
Such views are, I believe, widely held. In the business world, those are indicated in the top row 01' the table:
who implement a corporate policy that is harmful to consumers,
employees, or the general public often stress their status as managers
and their obligations toward the firm 's owners, whose financial inter-
ests they were hired to promote. How is this supposed to be ethically Option AI Option A2 Option B
relevant? Such a manager is not trying to pass the buck by suggest-
(aggregate) moral status: permitted forbidden permitted
ing that the owners. too. must bear some 01' the responsibi.lity .tor
aggregate non moral gain: zero very high high
the offensive policy and that he therefore bears less. What he Imphes.
rather. is this: thanks to the differentiation 01' roles between owners
and manager. the policy in question can be implemented without
wrongdoing - though this would not be the case, if he were managing E torbids your father to initiate the conversion on his own (A2). As
his own firm so as to promote his own financial interests.112 for the remaining two options. E does not require (though it may
Ethical views 01' this sort guide their adherents to form or join suggest) abandonment 01' the conversion (A I) in preference to the
social arrangements in order to effect. through the special ties these lawyer's initiation 01' the conversion in the owner's behalf (B). A land-
involve. a unilateral reduction 01' responsibility toward those left out lord is not required to be personally involved in the management 01'
01' these arrangements. Such guidance is inherently regrettable - not. his property. He may surely entrust his real estate to a lawyer. And
01' course. because additional social arrangements may be formed. but such a lawyer is not required to refrain from the conversion. She has
78 Loopholes in Moralities Loopholes in Moralities 79

a professional responsibility to her client. and therefore may. 01' even subject themselves to new. countervailing obligations to its members
should. administer property entrusted to her in the client's best inter- that may outweigh. trump. 01' cancel their minimal obligations to
est. It is simply not her role to ponder whether her client is not rich everyone else. Forming 01' joining a social arrangement should not
enough as it iso and should not therefore forgo some gain in order to have that sort 01' moral efficacy. should not introduce that sort 01'
prese~ve the tenants' community and form o~flife."-~ ~ moral change. It should not be among the legitimate benefits 01' form-
An ethic incorporating these beliefs provides an ideal incentive to ing 01' joining a social arrangement that one thereby weakens the
hire the lawyer.ll~ This incentive is inherently rcgrettable. provided minimal moral protections that those who are now outsiders enjoy
the responsibility 01' the "solitary"' land lord is conceived aso to some against oneself.
extent at least. a responsibility tOlrard his t('/1ollts: and the wrong he Even this narrow demand is defeasible because an incentive - even
would commit by converting the building (A2) as a wrong done to though it depends on the opportunity unilaterally to sidestep aggre-
thl'lI1. I assume here that one main rationale 1'01' E's forbidding such gate responsibility 1'01' given harms - can be desirable in another respect
single-handed conversions is to protect the tenants' community against and so not regrettable on the whole. About Case I. 1'01' example.
deliberate destruction 1'01' the sake 01' greater landlord profits. E itself someone might object that I have underdescribed E's rationale. There
suggests this rationale if. 1'01' example. its evaluation 01' the single- is a point after all to the incentive E provides. namely the eminent
handed conversion varies with the extent to which it would foreseeably moral importance 01' the hiring 01' lawyers. It matters more. morally.
harm the tenants. Insofar as this rationale is present. the incentive in that landlords should hire lawyers than that they and their lawyers
Case I indicates a loophole: E guides the landlord toward the profit- should not knowingly destroy their tenants' community 1'01' extra profit.
able conversion by enabling him to render it free 01' wrongdoing. Yet. This objection marks a weak spot in my entire approach. because.
according to E's rationale. as implicitly suggested in E. this conver- qllite generally. the claim to have found a loophole can always be
sion is regrettable on the wh oie: the tenants' suffering is not out- countered by claiming that the relevant ideal incentive is not in fact
weighed by the landlord's gain. E's own rationale thus gives a reason regrettable 0/1 the Irhol('.
1'01' closing the loophole - 1'01' blocking the opportunity unilaterally to Still. I am not too worried about this weak spot. because what
reduce aggregate responsibility. counts is not making a counterclaim but making it plausible. To see
This does not mean. 01' course. that an acceptable ethic must re- whether it is plausible. we must examine whether the code overall
quire a lawyer to give no more weight to her client's interests than to really reflects the suggested rationale 1'01' the questionable incentive. 11'
those 01' other persons. It is not objectionable that persons may form it is part 01' E's rationale that additional hiring 01' lawyers is morally
01' join social arrangements whose members agree to owe one another important. then this value should be surfacing throughout the code.
much more than persons owe one another in general as a matter 01' 11' there are no other indications 01' such a value in the code. then

common decency. So I have no quarrel with the idea that persons. the conjecture proposed by the objector is im plausible.
by becoming members 01' a social arrangement, may i/1cr('os(' what Insofar as E is merely a creature 01' my own imagination. there is no
they owe the other members and may thus come to owe them more point in condllcting such an examination 1'01' Case I. But insofar as E
than they owe all outsiders. What I find problematic is the idea that is meant to be a realistic code that may actually be held in our society.
persons. by so increasing what they owe certain others, may redllc(' we can dismiss the counterclaim. For no one (except a few lawyers?)
what they minimally owe everyone else. 11 , seriously believes it to be morally important that there be more hiring
I write "minimally." because an ethic may 01' course allow persons 01' lawyers.

to reduce what they owe others: it may. 1'01' instance. allow one to get I conclude that. if E prohibits self-initiated conversions at least partly
a divorce through which one reduces what one owes to the person one on account 01' the damage they would do, 1'01' the sake 01' greater
had married. So my point concerns only those basics that persons landlord profits. to the tenants' form 01' life. then any ideal incentive
owe all others in the absence 01' any special ties and relations. How- E provides toward such hiring 01' lawyers indicates a loophole. Such
ever an ethic may fix these minimal general demands, it should not an incentive manifests a kind 01' incoherence: the point 01' forbidding
enable persons unilaterally to reduce 01' dilute them. Specifically. it a given deliberately imposed correlation 01' harms and benefits in one
should not allow them. by forming 01' joining a social arrangement. to context is defeated. 1'01' no good reason. when this prohibition can be
80 Loopholes in Moralities Loopholes in Moralities 81

avoided by switching to another context in which the same deliber- residing in certain areas. and so on. However. J then approves of
ate imposition of the same correlation of harms and benefits is the "reformed" pattern in which all the features and relations relevant
permitted.IIO To avoid this incoherence. E must not allow aggregate to condemning the old pattern as grossly unjust continue unaltered.
responsibility for the conversion. or aggregate wrongdoing involved the only change being that the blacks are now nationals of sovereign
in initiating the conversion. to be so significantly redllced by the hiring states. And what is worse: J even encourages such "reform" by offer-
of a lawyer. w ing that attractive opportunity to redllce injustice without forgoing
its benefits. Of course. J isn't strictly inconsistent. But it doesn't
make sense to let the same inequalities continue in the context of
3.5 Case 2: the homelands poliey of white South Afriea a slightly changed pattern that can so easily be reached from the
old pattern through a (by the lights 01' J) merely cosmetic reform.
The year is 2100. Like their ancestors. South Africa's whites are quite which leaves intact all advantages. disadvantages. and correlations
affluent thanks to an abllndance of black workers available at subsist- between them.
ence wages. who now. however. are nationals 01' sovereign states. This For all I have said. an acceptable conception 01' justice may allow
change was instituted by an earlier generation of South African whites. persons to form astate. to draw borders around it. and to exclude
who intended that their progeny sholild not only. like themselves. be other persons from it. It mayaiso allow that compatriots attempt -
economically advantaged but sholild also be free from any special solely amongst themselves- to meet a standard of fair cooperation
responsibility for the fate 01' blacks in the region. The former white that is much more ambitious than whatever minimal constraints
leaders (in the 1980s) keenly appreciated that the prevailing concep- (of "basic justice") it may impose on cooperation in general. So. an
tion of justice. J, allows even its minimal constraints on economic acceptable conception of justice may allow the creation of states to
relations to be lIndermined through the interposition 01' national bor- lead to a higher standard and to discrepant standards. What it should
ders. And so they made sure the blacks of the twenty-first century not allow is that persons, by making others into foreigners. can dilute
would be foreigners. or evade even its minimal standard. which would otherwise govern
The incentive operative here is again amoral incentive. in that the relations between them.
creation of the homelands is motivated by a feature of J: by the I write "minimal," because I am not here worried about a concep-
weight J gives. in its assessment of economic relations. to the existence tion of justice that allows a grollp to evade a higher standard. for
of states and 01' ties among compatriots. It corresponds to an ideal instance by seceding from astate that is more egalitarian than this
(compliance) incentive, because the reform instituted by the former conception minimally requires. My point concerns only whatever min-
white leaders really relieves the injustice (in terms of J) in the relations imal standard a conception of justice applies to an}" pattern of inter-
between whites and blacks in southern Africa. and thus would matter action - even in the absence of communal bonds. fellow feeling. a
even to persons who are genuinely committed to J and aware of all common history. shared projects, and so forth. However such a con-
relevant facts. Finally. insofar as J condemns the earlier pattern (pre- ception may fix this standard of basic jllstice, it should not allow
vailing in the 1970s) on account of the disadvantaged position of groups unilaterally to circumvent or dillite it. Specifically. it should
blacks, the incentive it provides is also inherently regrettable: through not allow such a group, by forming a social arrangement within the
the encouraged "reform." those disadvantages get preserved. even larger pattern of interaction. to bring a new moral standard into play
entrenched. rather than eradicated. that may outweigh. trump. or cancel the minimal protections justice
A conception of justice providing this incentive would. I think. requires for those left out of this arrangement."X The introduction of
be incoherent in asense. J strongly disapproves of the pattern that states should not have that sort of moral efficacy. sholild not produce
existed in the old South Africa (01' the 1970s) as violating basic jllstice. that sort of moral change. A conception of justice sholild not guide
Blacks are, by law or convention. barred from the more lucrative persons toward. and reward them for. deliberately creating borders
positions in their economy; they compete for the remaining positions in order to "just-ify" a given correlation of harms and benefits. that
at a great disadvantage due to grossly inferior schooling. discri- is, in order to make it compatible with the requirements of basic
minatory hiring and promotion practices. legal prohibitions against justice without materially changing it.
82 Loopholes in Moralities Loopholes in Moralities 83

Here it iso once again. possible to make a counterclaim. It is regret- level. evicting the tenants who cannot pay. and protiting from the
table that the old white leaders. by instituting the homelands. are able conversion. An analogous point applies in Case 2.
morally to avoid a genuinely reformed regime under which blacks Implausible is also. second. the idea of saddling the creators with
would have attained legal. political. and economic equality. But this is open-ended posthumous responsibility. After all. the harms they are
not regrettable 0/1 fhe 11110 le. because 1's rationale also includes the held responsible for (unlike future catastrophes caused by sloppy
view that the multiplication of states has great moral value which here hazardous-waste disposal) do not arise from their conduct directly.
outweighs the \'alue of nonexploitation. We can leave this counter- Rather these harms are. in Case I. consciously brought about bv the
claim aside as implausible. No such rationale is reflected in the con- lawyer who. in turn. serves at the pleasure of the current owner:' and.
ceptions of justice that are seriously held in our society. in Case 2. arise in the context of a pattern that is deliberately perpetu-
This concludes the illustration of my anti-loophole constraint: a ated by later whites.
code of ethics 01' justice must not without good reason encourage Third. and most importantly. it is unclear how it can be so wrong
changes through which its own minimal standard of common decency for your father to create the agent-client team. given that. as the
01' basic justice can be deliberately undermined through the creation objection contends. this team does nothing wrong. And similarly tor
of social arrangements and the special moral ties these involve. the old white leaders who initiate a pattern of interaction that. by
hypothesis. is not unjust. Here it even seems that. if anything. we
should have to congratulate these leaders tor having replaced the
3.6 An objection former unjust pattern by the "reformed" one - exactly as we would
have congratulated them for creating a new. just pattern that does not
There is a way of defending the belief in the moral efficacy of creating disadvantage blacks.
social arrangements. E and J do not genera te the offending incentive. For these three reasons. we should disqualify arevision of E that
one might claim. so long as they forbid forming 01' joining social meets the anti-Ioophole constraint by allocating responsibility tor the
arrangements in such cases.11Y In this way one can preserve the judg- suiTering of the tenants to the creator of the landlord-Iawyer team
ments that the lawyer-initiated conversion of the apartment complex while assigning no responsibility to this team itself. The team's aggre-
is not wrong. and that economic relations in southern Africa are not gate wrongdoing in initiating the conversion must not be less - though
unjust once the homelands have been introduced. It was wrong to it may of course be greater- than the solitary landlord's wrongdoi~g
create the relevant social arrangements with the motives in question. in initiating the same conversion single-handedly.'20 Similarly, we
but their creation nevertheless has the intended moral effect. E and J should disqualify arevision of J that meets my anti-Ioophole constraint
could then hold the creators of the social arrangements - those who by allocating responsibility for the suffering of blacks to those who
hire lawyers 01' institute national borders in cases like land 2 - fully internationalized the pattern while finding no fault with the "reformed"
responsible tor the harms inflicted upon outsiders. pattern itself. nor with those who maintain it in existence.
I consider this defense implausible on three counts. First. the pro- The general point is that. when matters of common decency 01' basic
posed moral codes would provide no reasons to derail harms that are justice are at stake, a morality must not be sensitive to changes that
yet in the future. Thus. suppose your father dies before the conversion are consciously instituted in order to secure a more favorable ~evalua-
is initiated and you inherit the complex with the lawyer al ready in tion, but are. by the lights of this morality itsclf. merely cosmetic.
charge of it. Since what is wrong is only the hiring of the lawyer -
spilt milk - and not her continued efforts in your behalf. neither you
Bor she have any moral reason to oppose the conversion - even though 3.7 Strengthening
it will bring about serious harms in which you both are essentially
involved. You and the lawyer are not just bystanders who are merely Let me proceed by sketching - again tor the topic of social arrange-
failing to prevent harms done by another: at least one of YOU. and no ments - a way 01' strengthening this initial thesis. Suppose, in a varia-
one else. is intending to increase the rental income. deciding that and tion of Case I, that we find new evidence about your late father's
how the conversion should take place. increasing the rent to its new motivations. Though he might have hired the lawyer in order to enable
84 Loopholes in Moralities Loopholes in Moralities 85
you to reap the gains from the conversion without wrongdoing. he any historical f~lctS about its naming? Inherently regrettable ideal
actually did this because he thought you would not cope weil with the incentivcs may thus indicate the need for a broader revision of the
requisite paperwork. Would this finding make it permissible. or more relevant code - one that eradicates the code's sensitivity to the cosmetic
permissible. for you and the lawyer to convert the complex? Or sup- d(f.(erel1ce. rather than only the opportunity to exploit this sensitivity
pose. in a similar variation of Case 2. that we are ignorant 01'why the through cosmetic c!langes.
old white leaders (of the 1980s) instituted the homelands. Does such Hence my hypothesis: a loophole in a morality supports the conclu-
ignorance make it impossible to evaluate the justice 01' the economic sion that this morality is sensitive to a merely cosmetic difference. In
relations that prevail in southern Africa more than a century later? light of Case I. we should thus question quite generally why the min-
This would be quite strange. For the creators of the relevant social imal moral concern tenants are owed should vary with whether their
arrangements are not directly involved in the production of the harms building is managed by a lawyer in the owner's behalf 01'by the owner
that are currently infticted upon tenants and blacks. Their motives himself. And Ca se 2 should lead us to question quite generally why
thus seem irrelevant to the question 01'what moral protections these national borders should make a difference to what standards an eco-
victims should enjoy against the landlord-Iawyer team or against the nomic order must meet as a matter 01' basic justice.
present whites who are upholding the multinational economic regime We can test this hypothesis by examining two argumentative strat-
in southern Africa 01'2100. egies that should work if this hypothesis is correct. In sections 3.8 and
This consideration shows that it is implausible to close the loop- 3.9. I try to make plausible that these two strategies do indeed have
holes by the narrowest revision 01' E and J. which would cancel the some appeal. and thereby. I hope. reinforce my hypothesis.
moral efficacy of creating (01' joining) a social arrangement if and
on/y ifthis creation was actually motivated by the offending incentive.
But if information about why a social arrangement was originally 3.8 Fictional histories
created or joined is irrelevant. then the loopholes we have analyzed
show more than one might have thought at first. They indicate not Arguments of the first strategy consist 01'two steps which correspond.
merely that the moralities in question are overly sensitive to certain respectively. to my initial thesis and the strengthening move. Imagine
change.I' that are. and are meant to be. merely cosmetic; but. more someone who believes there is nothing wrong with a lawyer's convert-
generally, that these moralities are overly sensitive to certain merely ing her client's apartment complex in his behalf. even though it would
cosmetic dijferenccs. The loopholes indicate that E and J overstate not be wrong for the land lord to initiate this conversion on his own. The
merely the moral efficacy 01'creating social arrangements. but. more first step in challenging this belief consists in constructing a fictional
generally. the moral significance 01'such arrangements themselves. history 01'the existing landlord-Iawyer relationship which differs from
To clarify this point. let me go through the strengthening move the actual history by taking the creation of this relationship to have
once more in a tax-code context. Suppose a tax code contains the been motivated by the desire to exploit precisely the moral differential
provision that firms whose name begins with a "P" shall be exempt that our interlocutor is postulating. This fictional history may recount.
from a certain tax. Assuming that firms can choose to name 01' for examplc. how the landlord's father had once hired the lawyer in
rename themselves as they please. and assuming also that no serious order to make possible a conversion without wrongdoing. Through
purpose is served by bringing the capital-P to social prominence. this use of arguments from sections 3.5 and 3.7. we then try to get our
exemption constitutes a straightforward loophole: it provides an interlocutor to concede that an acceptable morality must not encour-
inherently regrettable ideal reward incentive. This incentive can be age that fictional conduct. nor allow it to succeed. That is to say: in
eradicated by excluding from the scope of the exemption any firms the fictional history the hiring 01' the lawyer fails to enable a conver-
that deliberately name 01' rename themselves in order to rcduce their sion without wrongdoing.
tax liability. But. on reftection. this revision seems implausibly narrow: To transform this conclusion about a fictional case into a conclusion
Why should the tax treatment 01' Pacific Ice-cream (affecting its cur- about the actual case. we must draw upon the strengthcning move.
rent owners) hinge on the motives 01'those who. perhaps quite some The second step consists. then. in chalJenging the moral relevance 01'
time ago, chose this name for the firm? Why should it hinge on the difference between the actual and the fictional history. Why should
86 Loopholes in Moralities Loopholes in Moralities 87
the fact that our landlord hired the lawyer from quite harmless within any state, would count as violating basic justice are also unjust
motives (perhaps because he wanted to live in another town) entail ac ross national borders.
that he is morally entitled to reap the extra profits at the tenants'
expense which he would not be morally entitled to reap in the fictional
scenario? And why should this same fact entail that the tenants are 3.9 Puzzles of equivalence
not morally entitled to the preservation of their community whereas
they would be otherwise? Failing a convincing reply to these ques- I have suggested that we should avoid inherently regrettable ideal
tions, we are bound to conclude that the conversion with its actual incentives toward creating or joining social arrangements by denying
historv is wronl! if the conversion with the fictional his tory is so. 80th altogether the moral significance of social arrangements in matters of
steps together ~show that the existence of the lawyer in the actual common decency and basic justice. A further test of this proposal is
conversion episode cannot have the moral significance that our inter- provided by an argumentative strategy that can challenge an approv-
locutor had ascribed to it. ing moral judgment directly - without any reference to actual or
Here is a parallel expansion of our international justice example. fictional incentives. If someone condones a course of conduct or pat-
Many are initially inclined to approve of a regime in wh ich each tern of interaction involving social arrangements, we may challenge
state's citizens are free to elect whatever leaders they prefer and these this judgment by constructing a parallel scenario that differs from the
elected leaders are expected to safeguard and promote the interests of first only in that it lacks the relevant social arrangement(s). Such a
the citizenry and the state, even at quite some cost to foreigners. challenge may show that the judgment in question implicitly relies
People tend not to be disturbed by existing extreme international upon the moral significance of a difference that. on reflection, turns
inequalities in bargaining power that engender. and are reinforced by, out to be merely cosmetic. Through this strategy one can challenge
radieal inequalities in rights and powers, in income and weaIth, and the alleged moral significance of differences even in cases where it
in access to education and heaIth care. Yet they do find such inequal- would not give rise to inherently regrettable incentives, that is, where
ities unjust when they occur within a single state. it would not be practicable to exploit this significance.
To challenge such a conception of justice, we first construct a Our landlord case can be recast so that it centers on the moral
fictional history of the present world order which differs from our differential itself. rather than the incentives this differential may
actual history in that in it the creation of national borders was moti\'- generate, by telling a story about two landlords, in similar circum-
ated by adesire to exploit precisely the moral differential that our stances. whose apartment complexes get converted at great cost to
interlocutors are postulating. About this fictional history we draw the existing tenants. One of the landlords employs a lawyer, who initiates
same conclusion as we drew about the South Africa case: national the conversion in the owner's behalf. while the other landlord is
borders so created lack the alleged moral significance. Economic acting on her own. Why should the first conversion - no matter
interaction on the basis of extreme inequality is as unjust after their how the lawyer was originally hired - be any less wrong than the
creation as before. second?
The second step of the challenge consists in the question of how Let me give two sam pie challenges in this vein to moral judgments
the moral evaluation of the present economic relations between the that it would be virtually impossible to attack in the fictional history
so-ca lied First and Third Worlds can depend on the motives of those mode. Imagine someone who believes that it is ethically permissible, if
who once transformed colonies into sovereign states. How can the not obligatory, for a lawyer defending a rapist, whose guilt is not in
way in which the actual history of our global economic arrangements doubt, to use any and every legal means likely to reduce his client's
differs from their fictional history make a moral difference to the sentence. Thus it is perfectly alright for him to try to divert the atten-
claims that today's rich and poor have upon global economic institu- tion of the jury and the general public with various fabrieations about
tions? Why should economic relations on the basis of radieal inequal- the victim 's sexual past and preferences which, even if true, would not
ity be any more acceptable in our world now than they would be in have the slightest legal relevance. This judgment can be challenged by
the hypothetical southern Africa of 21OO?Failing convincing replies constructing a parallel scenario without attorneys. in wh ich accuser
to these questions, we must conclude that terms of cooperation that. and defendant present their ca ses in person. In this scenario, a man,
88 Loopholes in Moralities Loopholes in Moralities 89
after raping his victim. is now trying to divert the attention of the jury 3.10 Conclusion
and the general public with various fabrications about the victim's
sexual past and preferences which. even if true. would not have the Even if everything I have said thus far were convincing - a rather bill
slightest legal relevance. The challenge is: if it is unethical so to slan- "if" - it would compel no substantive moral conclusions. There iso a:
der the victim for the sake of a lighter sentence in one's own behalf. we have seen. vulnerability to counterclaims. Adefender 01' the moral
then why should it not be unethical to do so in behalf of another'? judgments I have challenged mav be able to show that a chanlle or
What is it about the existence of attorney-client teams that sup- difference I have diagnosed as "~erely cosmetic" is morally rel;vant
posedly overcomes the ordinary moral claims of rape victims against after all. She may be able to show. for instance. that her moral-
groundless slander lor the sake of a lighter sentence'? ity attributes intrinsic moral value to the creation 01' certain social
The second example concerns an aspect of international relations. arrangements. so that it is morally important after all that lawyers
Suppose someone believes that it is permissible for the elected Pres- be hired. states be multiplied. and so forth.
ident of the American people. acting in the best interests 01' his con- Even if the defender can be lorced to concede that the change or
stituency. to bring about the deaths of many unarmed civilians in difference in question really is merely cosmetic. the revision of her
order to reduce dangers and losses to American soldiers. He may. morality might still go either way. My challenge may open her eyes to
for example. order the aerial bombardment of population centers so wrongs and injustices suffered by those excluded from the more pow-
as to demoralize the government and armed forces 01' the enemy and erful social arrangements that tie together the rich and mighty. But
thus to increase the chances lor their surrender. This moral judgment then it might. instead. also lead her to change her morality in ways
can be challenged by constructing a parallel scenario without social that would make their suffering acceptable even in the absence 01' any
arrangements - such as the following. Operating on their own in social arrangements whatever. Thus she might cease to find wrong
enemy territory. individual American soldiers cause the deaths 01' many even the landlord's direct destruction 01' his tenants' community for
unarmed civilians in order to reduce their own dangers and losses. the sake 01' extra profits. She might now condone apartheid even
For example. they indiscriminately throw hand grenades into civilian within a single state. She might come to endorse weaker ethical con-
hornes so as to protect themselves against the possibility of enemy straints even upon the investment 01' one's own money. She might
snipers hiding inside. now tolerate the deliberate killing 01' civilians in war even when this is
When comparing these two scenarios. we must assurne. of course. done by individual soldiers acting on their own. And she might con-
that other things are. as far as possible. the same. In particular. both vert to a libertarian conception 01' economic justice that permits radi-
cases are such that the following facts obtain. and are known to cal inequalities even among compatriots. I hope. 01' course. that no one
obtain by the relevant decision-makers. The US involvement in the will be attracted to such revisions. But I cannot rule them out. The
war is justifiable. Victory or defeat. with any cosmic consequences examples show. then. that the incoherences we have diagnosed through
either of these might entail. are not at stake. Interspersed among the the analysis ofloopholes can be repaired through quite diverse revisions.
civilians. there is a small proportion of enemy soldiers. the same in This problem highlights that I have been arguing for a structural
both cases. who get killed as weIl. Both scenarios produce the same constraint upon moral conceptions: I am trying to upset received
predictable and rather high ratio of their civilians killed to our moral convictions not by confronting them with a new set 01' substant-
soldiers saved: there is the same unilaterally imposed correlation of ive moral intuitions. but by trying to show how we sometimes struc-
benefits for us and harms deliberately inflicted upon noncombatants. ture and organize our moral convictions in a way that tends to obstruct
The challenge iso then. to explain why the destruction of civilian and undermine their practical significance.
targets as ordered by the President in behalf of his constituents should The character 01' such structural defects in a morality is likely to
be ethically permissible while a similar destruction of civilian targets bear some relation to the position 01' those holding it. For people in
by individual soldiers is not. Why should whether Hiroshima civilians the developed West. for example. it is comfortable to believe that -
may be sacrificed for the sake 01' American soldiers hinge on whether thanks to intervening borders - the moral demands on our relations
or not the Americans make this decision individually or through an with people in Latin America. say. are much weaker than even the
authorized representative'? minimal moral demands on relations with one's compatriots. If this is
90 Loopholes in Moralities

right. the prescnt chapter mayaIso make a contribution to the explana-

tion of complacency:
how can we live so easily wi~h the ~norm~us
we enjoy in our political and economlc relations wlth
Third World populations'? ..,
My main objective. howevcr. was to sketch a way 111 whlch ~e mlght
advance our ordinary and academic moral discourse. Even whiie there Moral Universalism and
is a !!ood deal of substantive disagrecment. it may still be possible to
establish some structural constraints that any acceptable (conception Global Economic Justice
of) morality must satisfy. Agreement on such constraints would tend
to narrow the existing spectrum of moral debate. It would thereby
make a contribution toward moral convergence. which cannot but
enhance the practical significance of moral values.

4.0 Introduction

Socioeconomic rights. such as that "to a standard of living adequate

for the health and well-being of oneself and one's family. including
food. clothing. housing. and medical care" (UDH R. Article 25). are
currently. and by far. the most frequently unfulfilled human rights.
Their widespread llnderfulfillment also plays a major role in explain-
ing global deficits in civil and political human rights demanding demo-
cracy. due process. and the rufe of law. Extremely poor people - often
physically and mentally stunted owing to malnutrition in infancy.
illiterate owing to lack of schooling. and much preoccllpied with their
family's survival - can cause littlc harm or benefit to the politicians

This chaptcr originally appeared in Po/irin. PIIi/o.lOphy. am/ Ecol/olllics I. I (2002):

29 58. and is reproduced with permission by Sage Publications Ltd. It elaborates
ideas first formulated in a lecture presented in German at the Catholic University 01'
Eichstätt in February 2000 and published in Kal'I Graf Ballestrem. ed .. Inrcl'llariOlw/c
Gel'ecllrigkl'ir (Opladen: Leske und Budrich. 200 I). I am very grateflll to Dana
Tulodziccki for her initial translation into English. to Paula Casa!. Keith Horton.
David Miller. Ling Tong. and Andre\\ Williams 101' extensive and very helpflll \\Titten
comments. and to the Program on Global Security and Slistainability 01' the lohn D.
and Catherine T. MacArthur FOllndation for a generous grant which has supported
this \\ork.
92 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 93
and bureaucrats who rule them. Such officials therefore pay much less I cannot fully explicate these three conditions here. but some brief
attention to the interests 01' the poor than to the interests 01' agents comments are essential.
more capablc 01' reciprocation. including foreign governments. com- Condition A allows a universalistic moral conception to be com-
panies. and tourists.
patible with moral rules that hold for some people and not for others.
It is not surprising. perhaps. that those who live in protected afflu- But such differences must be generated pursuant to fundamental
ence manage to reconcile themselves. morally. to such severe poverty principles that hold for all. Generated special moral benefits and
and oppression. Still. it is interesting to examine how. and how burdens can arise in many ways: from contracts or promises. through
convincingly. they do so. In this regard. earlier generations 01' Euro- election or appointment to an office. from country-specific legislation.
pean civilization had two noteworthy advantages over ours. First. the from conventions prevalent in a certain culture or region. from com-
advanced industrial societies were then much less affluent in absolute mitting or suffering a crime. from being especially rich or needy. from
and relative terms.121 Fifty years ago. the eradication 01' severe poverty producing offspring. from practicing a certain occupation. from having
worldwide would have required a major shift in the global income an ill parent. from encountering a drowning child. and so on. Only
distribution. imposing substantial opportunity costs upon the advanced timdamen/al moral principles. including those pursuant to which special
industrialized societies. Today. the required shift would be small and 'moral benefits and burdens are generated. must be the same for all
the opportunity cost for thc developed countries barely noticeable.122 persons. This condition raises the difficult question ofwho is to count as
Second. earlier generations 01' European civilization werc not commit- a person in the relevant sense: what about the severely mentally disabled.
ted to moral universalism. Their rejection 01' this idea was forcefully infants. higher animals. artificial or extraterrestrial intelligences'?
cxpressed. for instance. when the Anglo-Saxon powers blocked Japan's Condition B raises various problems about how a universalistic
proposal to include language endorsing racial equality in the Cov- moral conception can respond to pragmatic pressures toward allow-
enant 01' the League 01' Nations.'2; Today. by contrast. the equal moral ing the assignment of lesser fundamental moral benefits and burdens
status 01' all human beings is widely accepted in the developed West. to children and to the mentally disabled and perhaps greater funda-
These two historical changes make our acquiescence in severe poverty mental moral burdens to the specially gifted. It is possible that the
abroad harder to justify than it would have been in the past. Still. we development of a plausible universalistic moral conception requires
are quite tolerant 01' the persistence of extensive and severe poverty that this condition be relaxed somewhat to allow certain departures
abroad even though it would not cost us much to reduce it dramatic- from equality. Still. equality remains the default - the burden ofproof
ally. How weil does this tolerance really fit with our commitment to weighs on those favoring specific departures. This suffices to disqualify
moral universalism'?
traditional assignments of unequal fundamental moral benefits and
burdens to persons of different sex. skin color. or ancestry.
Moral universalism is clearly incompatible with fundamental prin-
4.1 Moral universalism cipies containing proper names or rigid descriptions of persons or
groups. But fundamental principles may legitimately involve other
A moral conception. such as a conception of social justice. can be said discriminations. as when they enjoin us to respect our parents or to
to be universalistic if and only if
give support to the needy. This distinction between acceptable and
unacceptable discriminations cannot be drawn on the basis of formal.
(A) it subjects all persons to the same system of fundamental moral grammatical criteria. because it is possible to design gimmicky general
descriptions that favor particular persons or groups arbitrarily. Thus.
(8) these principles assign thc same fundamental moral benefits principles meant to discriminate against the Dutch need not refer
(e.g. claims. liberties. powers. and immunities) and burdens to them by name. but can refer instead to persons born at especially
(e.g. dutics and liabilities) to all; and low elevations or something of this kind - and similarly in other
(C) these fundamental moral benefits and burdens are formulated cases. Ifmoral universalism is not to be robbed ofall content. we must
in general terms so as not to privilege or disadvantage certain understand condition C as including the demand that a moral con-
persons or groups arbitrarily.
ception must justify the discriminations enshrined in its fundamental
94 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 95

principles. An injunction to show special concern for the well-being of The prevailing opinion is that the correct answers to these questions
the needy can be given a plausible rationale - for instance by refer- are very different. that moral claims and burdens are far less substantial
ence to the fact that they need help more than others do 01' that such in the first case than in the second. But this discrepancy in moral
aid yields larger marginal benefits to its recipients. An injunction to assessment, much like preferential concern für the well-being of lawyers.
be especially concerned with the well-being of lawyers. by contrast. looks arbitrary. Why should our moral dllties. constraining what eco-
lacks such a rationale. Why should lawyers. of all people. enjoy special nomic order we may impose upon one another. be so diflerent in the
care'? Why not also public prosecutors. brokers. dentists'? two ca ses'? Let us considcr whether this discrepancy stands in need of
From this reflection we can see that moral universalism cannot be justification. as moral universalism affirms. and whether such a jllsti-
defined formally. (This is why it makes sense to explicate it through fication is available.
an exemplary application: to the topic of economic justice.) All three In discussions of national economic justice it is commonly men-
conditions raise substantive questions. Who is to count as aperson'? tioned that national populations. like f~lmilies. may lInderstand them-
Can persons difler from one another so mllch that somewhat diflerent selves as solidaristic 01' fraternal communities bound together by special
fundamental principles may hold for them'? And when is a distinction ties of fellow feeling. Such ties generate special moral claims and
made by a fundamental principle arbitrary'? These are difficult ques- burdens. and our responsibilities toward fellow citizens and family
tions that have more than one plausible answer. And even if we could members may then greatly exceed. and weaken. our responsibilities
agree on how to answer them. we still would not have achieved moral toward outsidcrs.12~ Conceding all this does not, however. invalidate
agreement. From the fact that the rule of helping the needy. for in- the universalist challenge. but merely givcs it a different form. involving
stance. cannot be disqualified as arbitrary. not hing follows about more specific versions of our two questions:
whether this rule is morally valid and. if so. what moral weight it has.
Universalism is thus not a moral position with a clearly defined con- I' What moral constraints are there on thc kinds 01' lliobal economic
tent. but merely an approach -- a general schema that can be filled in order persons may impose on others even when th;y havc no bond
to yield a variety 01' substantive moral positions. Universalism can at of solidarity with them and a strong bond of solidarity with a
best provide necessary. not sufficient. conditions for the acceptability smalleI' group such as their own nation'?
of a moral conception. These conditions amount to a call for sys- 2' Wh at moral constraints are there on the kinds of national economic
tematic coherence in morality: the moral assessment of persons and order persons may impose on others even when they have no bond
their conducL of social rules and states of affairs. must be based on 01' solidarity with them and a strong bond of solidarity with a
fundamental principles that hold for all persons equally: and any smalleI' group such as their own family'?
discriminations buiIt into such fundamental principles must be given
a plausible rationale. The latter question is not concerned with the more ambitious criteria
to which specific socicties might choose to subject their national eco-
nomic order. but with the weaker criterion ofjustice to which we would
4.2 Our moral assessments of national subject an)' national economic order. regardless of how the society in
and global economic orders question understands itself. This wcaker criterion is stillmuch stronger
than the criterion we apply to the global economic order. There iso
Consider two important questions about economic jllstice: then. a discrepancy between the minimal criteria 01' economic justice
we apply on the global and national levels. Moral universalism demands
What fundamental moral claims do persons have on the global that this discrepancy be given a plausible rationale.
economic order and what fundamental responsibilitics do these Let us first examine. however. whether such a discrepancy is really
claims entail for those who impose it'? widely presumed. as I claim. My impression is that most people in the
2 Wh at fundamental moral claims do persons have on their national rich countries think 01' our global economic order as basically just
cconomic order and what fundamental responsibilities do these aIthough this order docs not meet two important minimal requirements
claims entail für those who impose it'? we place on any national economic order.
96 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 97
The first minimal requirement is that. at least within the limits
4.3.7 The extent oF world poverty
01' what justice allows, social rules should be liable to peaceful change
by any large majority 01' those on whom they are imposed. The global The World Bank estimates that 1,214 out 01' 5.820 million human
economic order. though it does stabilize a largely violence-free coor- beings were in 1998 living below the international poverty line, which
dination 01' actors. nonetheless relies on latent violence in two ways. it currently defines in terms 01' S32.74 PPP 1993 per month or S1.08
On the one hand, its stability - like that 01' any other realistically PPP 1993 per day.'~) "PPP" stands for "purchasing power parity." So
conceivable economic order - depends on the presence 01' substantial the income per person per year 01' people at the international poverty
police forces that prevent and deter rule violations. On the other line has as much purchasing power as S393 had in the US in 1993.
hand. the design 01' the global economic order - in contrast to that 01' According to the US consumer price index. 5393 had as much pur-
a democratically governed state - is determined by a tiny minority 01' chasing power in 1993 as 5483 has in 2001 (
its participants whose oligarchic control 01' the rules ultimately also The World Bank's $ IIday poverty line corresponds, then, roughly to
rests on a huge preponderance 01' military power. The crucial asym- an income of $483 per person per year.l~h Those living below this
metry concerns the latter point: we deern it unjust when anational poverty line fall. on average. 30 percent below it.I~7 So they live on
economic order is coercively imposed by a powerful minority and roughly $338 PPP 2001 per person per year on average. Now the
demand that any large majority 01' its participants should be able to $PPP incomes the World Bank ascribes to people in poor countries
change its rules without the use 01' force. But few in the wealthy are on average at least four times higher than their actual incomes
countries place the same moral requirement on the global economic at market exchange rates.I~8 Since virtually all the global poor live in
order - most would dismiss it as ridiculous or absurd. such poor count ries, we can then estimate that their annual per capita
The second minimal requirement is that avoidable life-threatening income 01' $338 PPP 2001 corresponds to at most 585 at market
poverty must be avoided. Insofar as is reasonably possible, an economic exchange rates. On average. the global poor can buy about as much
order must be shaped to produce an economic distribution such that per person per year as can be bought with $338 in a typical rich
its participants can meet their most basic standard needs. In regard to country or with $85 in a typical poor one.
the global economic order. most citizens of the rich countries would These are the poorest of the poor. The World Bank provides da ta
reject this requirement as weil. We know that billions abroad are also for a less scanty poverty line that is twice as high: $786 PPP 1993
exposed to life-threatening poverty. We think that we should per- (5965 PPP or rOllghly $241 in the year 2001) per person per year. It
haps help these people with sporadic donations, just as we should counts 2,801 million people as living below this higher poverty line,'~~
occasionally support the worse-off in our own country. But few of falling 44.4 percent below it on average."o This much larger group of
us believe that this extensive and severe poverty, even if avoidable. people- nearly half 01' humankind - can, then, on average bllY as
shows our global economic order to be unjust. much per person per year as can be bought with 5537 in a typical rich
country or with 5134 in a typical poor one.
The consequences of such extreme poverty are foreseeable and
4.3 Some factual background about
extensively documented: 14 percent of the world's population (826
the global economic order million) are undernourished. 16 percent (968 million) lack access to
safe drinking water. 40 percent (2.400 million) lack access to b.asic
The moral assessment 01' an economic order must be responsive sanitation. and 854 million adults are illiterate.':l' 01' all human belllgs
to information about three factors: the extent 01' absolute poverty. 15 percent (more than 880 million) lack access to health services."~ 17
how severe and widespread it is; the extent of inequality, wh ich percent (approximately 1.000 million) have no adequate shelter. and
is a rough measure of the avoidability 01' poverty and 01' the oppor- 33 percent (2.000 million) no electricity."< "Two out 01' five children in
tunity cost to the privileged of its avoidance: and the trend 01' the the developing world are stunted. one in three is underweight and one
first two factors, that is, how poverty and inequality tend to develop in ten is wasted."I.<~One-quarter 01' all 5- to 14-year-olds work outside
over time. Let me summarize the state 01' our world in regard to these their family for wages, orten under harsh conditions. in mining, textile
three factors. and carpet production. prostitution, factories. and agriculture.")
98 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 99
These statistics are depressing enough. Yet. they can plausiblv be stereos. and so on. The "high-income economies" (comprising 32
accused o~ making things look better than they are. By focusing on countries plus Hong Kong). with 14.9 percent of world population
human bemgs alire al an.!'giren lillle. all these statistics give less weight and 79.7 perccnt of aggregate global income. have annual per capira
to persons whose lives are short. Thus. if the poorest third of hum~n- income of 527.510.1.1, For the world as a whoIe. annual per capila
kind live. on average. half as long as the rest (which is approximately income is 55.150.I.N With annual per capila income of about $85.
true). then they account for fully half of all human Jives. To give the the collective income of the bottom quintile is about $103 billion
same weight to each human life irrespective of its duration.~ all the annually. or one-third of I percent of aggregate global income. This
above statistics would have to be similarly adjusted for differences in contrast gives us a sense of how cheaply severe poverty could be
life expectancy. No such adjustment is needed for statistics about avoided: one-cightieth of our share is tri pIe theirsl40 - wh ich should
births and deaths. as they already give equal weiQ:htto everv human give pause to those who conclude from the very large number of ex-
life. One-third of all human deaths are due to po~erty-related causes. tremely poor people that eradicating world poverty would dramatic-
such as starvation. diarrhea. pncumonia. tubcrculosis. malaria. measles. ally impoverish the developed countries.
and pcrinatal conditions. all of which could be prevcnted or cured Global inequality is even greater in regard to property and wcalth.
cheaply through food. safe drinking water. vaccinations. rehydration Affluent people typically have more wealth than annual income. while
packs. or medicines.I.~6 If the developed Western countries had their the poor normally own significantly less than one annual income. The
proportional shares of these deaths. severe povertv would kill some enormous fortunes of the super-rich in developed societies were given
3.500 Britons and 16.500 Americans per week. Each year. 15 times as special emphasis in recent HUlllan Derelopllle11l Rcporls: "The world's
many US citizcns would die of poverty-related causes as were lost in 200 richest people more than doubled their net worth in the four
the entire Vietnam War. years to 1998. to more than $1 trillion. The assets of the top three
The extent of human suffering and prcmature deaths due to billionaires are more than the combined GNP of all least developed
poverty-related causes is not weil known in the Wcst. As the media countries and their 600 million people. "141
presented retrosp.ectives on thc twentieth century. they gave am pIe
space to so me of ItS human-madc horrors: 11 million murdered in the
German holoc~l~st. 3(~million starved to death in Mao's Great Leap 4.3.3 Trends in world poverty and inequality
Forward. 11 mIlhon wlped out by Stalin. 2 million killed by the Khmer
Rou~e. 800.000 h~cked to death in Rwanda. The media also give The last 50 years give thc impression of rapid progress. punctuated by
conslderable attentIOn to natural disasters. When there arc earthquakes. a long series of human-rights declarations and treaties. new initia-
storms. and floods. we have them on the evening news. with footalle tives. summits. as weil as detailed research into the q uantification.
of desperate parents grieving for their dead children. Not mention;d causes. and effects of poverty. Such things are not unimportant. But
in the rctrospectives and not shown on the evcning news are the ordin- they disguise the fact that real progress for the poor themselves is less
ary deaths from starvation and preventable diseases - some 250 mil- impressivc. Yes. life expectancy has risen markedly in many count ries
lion people. mostly children. in the 14 years since the end of the Cold and infant mortality has fallen substantially owing to better disease
War. The names of these people. if listed in the style of the Victnam contro\. But the number of people in poverty has not declined since
War Memorial. would cover a wall 350 miles 10ng.I.~C 198714~ despite the fact that this period has seen exceptional techno-
logical and economic progress as weil as a dramatic decline in defense
expenditures.14.~ Since 1996. when 186 governments made the very
4.3.2 The extent of global inequality modest commitment to halve the number of undernourished people
within 19 years. this number has barely changed - despite a 22 per-
~evere povcrty is nothing new. What is new is the extent of global cent drop in the real wholesale prices of basic foodstuffs.144 These
lI1equahty. Real wealth is no longer limited to a small elite. Hundreds trends are all the more disturbing as the ranks of the poor and under-
of millions e~joy a high standard of living with plenty of spare time. nourished are continuously thinncd by some 50.000 premature deaths
travel. educatlOn. cars. domestic appliances. mobile phones. computers. daily from poverty-related causes.
100 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 101

While poverty and malnutrition are stagnant. global inequality. Subbrazilians wanted to reform their national economic order so as
and hence the avoidability of poverty. is escalating dramatically: "The to reduce life-threatening poverty. they could bring about such reforms.
income gap between the fifth of the world's people living in the richest I can thus circumvent the objection by weakening my claim. Instead
countries and the fifth in the poorest was 74 to I in 1997. up from 60 01' c1aiming that we would condemn as unjust any national economic
to I in 1990 and 30 to I in 1960. [Earlier] the income gap between the order that does not meet bOlh minimal requirements. I claim instead
top and bottom countries increased from 3 to I in 1820 to 7 to I in that we would condemn as unjust any national economic order that
1870 to 11 to I in 1913. "1~5 There is a long-established trend toward does not meet at least one 01' them.
ever greater international income inequality -_.a trend that has certainly Let us imagine. then. a fictive Sub-Subbrazil: a society whose eco-
not decelerated since the end of the colonial era 40 years ago.I~6 nomic order avoidably produces life-threatening poverty for a sizable
So much by way of da ta about the world economv which is deemed minority and is also not subject to peaceful change from below. even
tolerably just here in the developed countries. . by a large majority.'~~ Such an economic order would be condemned
as unjust by most people in the developed countries. (What is to count
as an unjust national economic order. if not this'?) And we arrive then
4.4 Conceptions of national and global at this reformulated challenge: if we condemn as unjust the imposi-
economic justice contrasted tion 01' the national economic order 01' Sub-SubbraziL how can we
condone the imposition. by governments acting in our name. 01' the
Let us compare this case to that of anational society in which the existing global economic order'? The latter order iso after alL like the
various economic parameters we have considered resemble those of former in the extent of poverty and inequality it produces and also in
the world at (arge. No national society displays anything like the that even a large majority of those on whom it is imposed- the
current degree of global income inequality. but because Brazil has one poorest four-fifths 01' humankind. for instance - cannot reform it by
of the highest quintile income inequality ratios (24.4).1~7 and because peaceful means. How can the flagrant discrepancy between our minimal
its PPP gross national income per capita is c10se to that 01' the world criteria 01' national and global economic justice be justified'?
at large.'~R we might call our fictional country Subbrazil. The point As here explicated. moral universalism demands such a justifica-
of the contrast is to pose this challenge: if we consider Subbrazil's tion. In the face 01' this demand. we have three options. First. we can
economic order unjust. how can we find the global economic order evade the demand by surrendering the discrepancy: by strengthening
morally acceptable'? the minimal criterion we apply to the global economic order and/or
One may object here that the economic order of Subbrazil is not by weakening the minimal criterion we apply to any national economic
really unjust. It appears unjust to us because we imagine that most 01' order (perhaps even reversing our opinion that Sub-Subbrazil's eco-
its citizens. like most citizens of European countries. conceive 01' their nomic order is unjust). Second. we can try to meet the demand by
society as being. at least in some weak sense. a solidaristic com- defending a discrepancy 01' minimal criteria - by justifying the view
munity. Subbrazil's failure to meet even weak solidaristic standards that our global economic order may not be unjust even if it fails to
constitutes no injustice. however. because most Subbrazilians do not meet the minimal criterion of justice we apply to any national eco-
want their national economic order to meet such a standard. If they nomic order. Third. we can insist on a discrepancy of minimal criteria
desired otherwise. a majority 01' Subbrazilians could reform their while rejecting the universalist demand to justify this discrepancy.
economic order through the ballot box. Responses 01' the first two kinds accept the universalist challenge
This objection could be contested by asserting that we do not and are willing to engage in the debate about minimal criteria of
accept as just anational economic order that avoidably produces national and global economic justice. The third response declines to
life-threatening poverty for a sizable minority merely because this join this debate with the tripartite claim that national economic re-
economic order is approved by the majority. But even if we accept gimes are subject to some minimal criterion of justice. that the global
the objection despite this worry. the challenge is not yet dissolved. The economic order is not subject to this criterion. and that no justifica-
objection assumes that the Subbrazilian economy meets at least the tion can or need be given for this discrepancy. Section 4.5 focuses on
first minimal requirement. It assumes that. if some large majority of this third. most antagonistic response.
102 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice
Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 103
4.5 Moral universalism and David Miller' s contextualism
toward morality which sets back efforts toward achieving moral pro-
The third response can point to existing moral intuitions 01' convic- gress on concrete and urgent practical problems.
tions. Our discrepant criteria of national and global economic justice I respect and share these concerns. But it is not clear that anti-
are fixed points that any philosophieal account 01'our morality must universalism can do anv better. Those who walk out of specific moral
reaffirm. An account that does not vindicate our deepest convictions discussions with an en';phatic declaration that CI and Ce simply are
must be rejected for this reason alone. We are deeply convinced that different contexts to which different principles PI and Pe are appropri-
we do not share responsibility for starvation abroad. This conviction. ate will fail to convince. and quite possibly seem offensive to. those
which we are more sure 01'than we could ever be of the merits of any who believe otherwise - even if they also argue in general terms that
complex philosophieal argument. refutes any moral conception that morality is too heterogeneous to yield to the universalist demand for
condudes otherwise. To be sure. our discrepant standards of economic justifications. (Think of those who. in accord with the convictions 01'
justice may seem incoherent. But the moral data (om intuitions 01' their time. emphatically declared that moral principles appropriate to
deepest convictions) are what they are. and coherence. in any case. is one social class simply are inappropriate to another.) By declining to
in the eye 01'the beholder. give any specific reasons for delimiting the various contexts. and for
In this simple version. the third response is hard to swallow. The assigning the various moral principles to them. in the way they do.
view that moral reflection exhal1sts itself in compiling our favorite such people will moreover lüster a cynical attitude toward moral
convictions. that what we firmly enough believe to be right is right. theorizing as the bare assertion of favorite convictions. invariably
trivializes the ambition of leading a moralIife. But perhaps the third distorted by the asserter's interests. social position. and prejudices.
response can be made more palatable by presenting it as incillding a Miller is sensitive to these countervailing concerns when - setting his
justification lür its rejection 01' the universalist demand for justifica- contextualism apart from conventionalism -- he writes: "Contextllalism
tion. David Miller may appeal' to develop such a more sophisticated ... recognizes that we are likely to find different principles 01'jllstice
position. arguing lür the anti-universalist claim that we should allow being lIsed at different times and in different places. but it argues that
diverse moral principles to hold in different contexts without demand- this variation itself has an underlying logic that we can both grasp
ing any justification lür such diversity.15(J r try to show that this and use as a critical tool when assessing the prevailing conceptions of
appearance is misleading. that Miller's contextllalism overlaps with justice at any partieulaI' moment. "1)5 This remark shows. I believe.
moral universalism. and that moral conceptions within this overlap that Miller rejects the third response by recognizing that morality is
seem more promising than moral conceptions exemplifying more sllbject to an underlying transcontextual logic which may. on the one
extreme variants of either lIniversalism 01' contextualism. Let me add hand. provide a rationale for applying different moral principles
that I am here setting aside Miller's interesting and important work in different contexts (e.g. under different natural. historical. cllltural.
on national and international justice.151 attending solely to his more technological. economic. 01' demographic conditions) and mayalso.
general account 01'contextualism. on the other hand. serve as a basis lür criticizing prevailing moral
Miller may appeal' to embrace the general statement of the conceptions. Once we can. by appeal to such an underlying logic.
anti-universalist response when he associates the contextualism he lürmulate justifying reasons for 01'against the application of different
favors- "a species 01' intuitionism in Rawls's sense"15e _ with bald. moral standards to persons from different social classes. and for 01'
conversation-stopping pronouncements of the form "equality is against the differential assessment of national and global economic
simply the appropriate principle to use in circumstances C. "15>He also r~gimes. we have moved beyond doglllatic contextualism and the
argues against the demand for justification: attempts to construct a unsupported endorsements 01' rejections it takes to be appropriate
lInified account 01'all of morality cannot achieve "a reasonably dose responses to moral disagreement.
fit between the theory and our pre-theoretical considered judge- Insofar as contextualism endorses a justificatory discourse about
ments. "15~Such attempts. he believes. lead to the proliferation of neat the delimitation 01' contexts and the variation 01' principles ac ross
but implausible moral theories whose disagreements raise questions them - and other work by Miller (see n. 151) contains plenty of
we cannot convincingly resolve and there/üre lüster a skeptical attitude argument in this vein - it overlaps with moral universalism. As explic-
ated here. universalism does not require that. if moral principles PI'
104 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 105

P~. P1 are to apply in contexts CI' C~. C1. respectively. then there must that does not optimize the lowest socioeconomic position. then indi-
be one supreme "transcendent" principle or set of principles of which viduals must also be required. in their personal conduct. to erase any
PI' P~. P1 are contextual applications (as "drive no faster than 30 miles socioeconomic inequality that does not optimize the lowest socioeco-
per ho ur" is a contextual application of "move no faster than is both nomic position.I<7
safe and legal"). To be sure. moral universalism permifs such highly Rawls's contextualism can be defended against this critique. Rawls
unified anti-contextualist moral conceptions. as exemplified by utili- has important reasons for limiting the range of his principles of
tarianism. But it also permits the crifim/ contextualist alternative justice to the basic structure. These reasons - invoking infel' a!ia the
suggested in the last-quoted sentence from Miller: a moral conception fact of pluralism as weil as the need to avoid overdemandingness
holding that fundamental principles PI' P> P, apply in contexts CI' and to achieve stability (compliance) - show that basic social institu-
C~. C,. respectively. and offering a justification for delimiting the tions should be treated as aseparate context to which distinct moral
various contexts. and tor assigning the various moral principles to principles apply.l5~ These reasons iIIustrate how limiting the range of
them. in these ways. moral principles can be justified without the invocation of any deeper.
I find this contextualist moral universalism far more plausible than transcontextual principles from which context-specific principles are
its anti-contextualist (monistic) alternative. Regarding our general view then derived. The case at hand thus shows how it is possible to justify
of moral theorizing. Miller and I may converge then upon an inter- moral principles as range-limited or context-specific even while also
mediate view - critical contextualism - defined by the rejection of maintaining that they are fundamental. Insofar as the justification
monistic universalism on the one hand and dogmatic contextualism for the Rawlsian range limit satisfies the three conditions of moral
on the other. We both envision different fundamental moral principles universalism. his account of the justice of basic social institutions is
applying in different contexts. and we both seek justifications for the an instance not merely of critical contextualism. but also. and more
delimitation of contexts and the formulation of fundamental prin- specifically. of contextualist moral universalism.
cipIes appropriate to them. We difter in regard to what delimitations. Whereas this Rawlsian separation of contexts instantiates con-
context-specific principles. and justifications we find acceptable. textualist moral universalism. another separation of contexts. central
Because the proposed intermediate view of moral theorizing is to his latest work. instantiates its violation. Rawls insists there on
unfamiliar. I develop it somewhat further through a discussion of applying quite different fundamental principles to national and
Rawls's work. which provides both an illustration and a violation of international institutional schemes. but fails to give an adequate
the contextualist moral universalism I favor. justification for the separation of contexts. This failure occurs on three
distinct levels.
First. Rawls strongly rejects the difference principle as a require-
4.6 Contextualist moral universalism and ment of global justice on the ground that it is unacceptable for one
John Rawls' s moral conception people to bear certain costs of decisions made by another - decisions
affecting industrialization or the birth rate. for example.I~~ But he
Rawls wants to confine his theory of justice to a specific context: fails to explain why this ground should not analogously disqualify the
to the basic structure of a self-contained society existing under the difference principle for national societies as weil. Why is it not like-
circumstances of justice. His theory commits hirn to certain moral wise unacceptable for one province. township. or family to bear such
demands on the political conduct of citizens - they must support and costs of decisions made by another?160 And if. despite such sharing
promote a just basic structure. But Rawls wants to leave open what of costs. the difference principle is the most reasonable one for us
moral principles may apply to their personal conduct. He has been to advocate in regard to the domestic economic order. then why is
attacked for this aloofness by monistic universalists. such as Gerald it not also the most reasonable one for us to advocate in regard to
Cohen and Liam Murphy.156 According to them. any fundamental the global economic order? Rawls provides no answer.
moral principle that applies to social institutions must also apply to Rawls also fails to explain how his rejection of the difference prin-
personal conduct. Thus. if the difference principle requires that a ciple for the global order accords with his argument in A Theory 01'
society's economic order should erase any socioeconomic inequality Jusfice. which he continues to endorse. There Rawls discusses how a
106 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 107

human population of indeterminate size and explicitly conceived as ofstates.) This is a strange suggestion because. in our world. nonliberal
"self-contained" and "a c10sed system"161should institutionally organize societies and their populations tend to be poor and quite willing to
itself. His inquiry leads to the difference principle as a requirement cooperate in reforms that would bring the global economic order
of economic justice. He takes this principle to be acceptable - indeed closer to meeting a liberal standard of economic justice. The much
ideal - for the USo even though this society diverges from the task more afftuent liberal societies are the ones blocking such reforms. and
description by not being a self-contained c10sed system. So why it is not c1ear how their obstruction can be j ustified by the concern to
should the difference principle be unacceptable for the world at accommodate decent societies. Granted. these reforms are not required
large. which fits the task description precisely'? There iso again. no by decency. decent societies thus could oppose them. and liberal soci-
answer in Rawls. eties might then have reason to accommodate such opposition. But
It might be objected that this unjustified discrepancy is not import- when there exists no decent society actually opposing the reforms.
ant. Perhaps Rawls should concede that agiobai economic order then the concern to accommodate decent societies cannot be a reason
designed to satisfy the difference principle is not. as such. unaccept- for liberal societies to block them contrary to the minimal criterion.
able. But the goal of such an order is nonetheless morally inappropri- and hence to every more specific criterion. of liberal economic justice.
ate to our world. because many people oppose the difference principle Suppose that the foregoing argument fails or that there are
and not unreasonably so. some decent societies opposed to economic reform. If so. the chal-
Against this objection. one needs to point out that such opposition lenge of moral universalism arises one last time on a yet lower level:
exists at horne as weil as abroad. Increasingly sensitive to this fact. Rawls should either disqualify as less-than-decent any global economic
Rawls contil1llt~s to pro pose the difference principle. wh ich he had order that does not meet whatever requirements any national eco-
associated with the ideal of fraternity.16: as the most reasonable one nomic order must meet to count as decent or else justify his refusal to
for the domestic economic order of modern liberal societies induding. do so.
first and foremost. the USo But he allows that other societies may But again. it seems that Rawls wants to insist on an unjustified
reasonably subject their national economic regimes to other criteria. double standard. He writes that adecent society's "system of law
And he is even willing to concede that his difference principle is not must follow a common good idea of justice that takes into account
uniquely reasonable even for the US: his fellow citizens would not what it sees as the fundamental interests of everyone in society." 164
be unreasonable if they gave their political support to some other Rawls is quite vague on what constraints he takes this condition to
liberal criterion of economic justice.161 At least according to Rawls's place on the national economic order of adecent society. But he does
later work. then. a society that deliberately fails to satisfy the difter- not require the global economic order to meet even these weaker
ence principle may nonetheless not be unjust. Rather. to count as just constraints of decency. All he asks is that no peoples should have to
(or not-unjust). anational society need merely endorse and (approx- live "under unfavorable conditions that prevent their having a just
imately) satisfy SOI1/(! not-unreasonable liberal standard of economic or decent political and social regime:·165 And even this demand does
justice. not constrain global economic institutions. but only the conduct of
Now if this. rather than the difference principle. is Rawls's minimal other peoples. We may impose agiobaI economic order that generates
criterion of national economic justice. it defines a second level on strong centrifugal tendencies and ever increasing international inequal-
which the challenge from moral universalism arises: Rawls should ity. provided we "assist" the societies impoverished by this order just
either hold that a global order. too. can count as just only if it satisfies enough to keep them above some basic threshold.166
this minimal criterion of economic justice or else justify his failure to Despite considerable vagueness in his treatment of economic insti-
do so. tutions. it seems dear. then. that Rawls endorses double standards
Rawls does neither: but he suggests that one reason against apply- on three different levels: in regard to national economic regimes. the
ing liberal standards globally is the need to accommodate certain - difference principle is part of Rawls's highest aspiration for justice:
"decent" - non-liberal societies. (Decent societies are ones to which. in regard to the global economic order. however. Rawls disavows
Rawls believes. liberal societies should offer reciprocal recognition as this aspiration and even rejects the difference principle as unaccept-
full and equal members in good standing within a well-ordered system able. Rawls suggests a weaker minimal criterion of liberal economic
108 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 109
justice on the national level: but he holds that the global order can 01' the global order tend to highlight the reasons against. But to justify
fully accord with liberal conceptions 01' justice without satisfying this the desired asymmetry. one must discuss the relevant reasons 01' both
criterion. And Rawls suggests an even weaker criterion 01' economic kinds in respect to both contexts. In particular. one must show that
decency on the national level: but he holds that the global order can some reasons for a strong criterion have more weight in the balance
be not merely decent. but even just. without satisfying this criterion. 01' reasons concerning national than they have in the balance 01' rea-
Insofar as he offers no plausible rationales for these three double sons concerning global economic justice - and/or. conversely. that
standards. Rawls runs afoul 01' moral universalism. He fails to meet some reasons for a weak criterion have less weight in the balance 01'
the burden 01' showing that his applying different moral principles reasons concerning national than they have in the balance 01' reasons
to national and global institutional schemes does not amount to concerning global economic justice.
arbitrary discrimination in favor 01' affluent societies and against the Arguments for a weak criterion 01' economic justice typically appeal
global poor. to cultural diversity or to the autonomy of. or special ties within.
sm aller groups. Such arguments are often used to justify acquiescence
in agIobaI economic order that engenders great poverty and inequal-
4.7 Rationalizing divergent moral assessments ity. But all three factors exist within nations as weil. And they can
through a double standard then be useful in the defense 01' a double standard only if one can
show them to be significantly less relevant domestically. As we have
Most citizens of the developed countries reconcile themselves to mas- seen. showing this is not so easy.167
sive and avoidable poverty abroad by not holding such poverty against In a sense this is a modest result. Many different double standards
the global economic order as they would hold similar poverty within could be formulated with regard to our topic. and various rationales
anational society against its domestic economic order. The common might be offered for each such formulation. No one can anticipate
and obvious way 01' rationalizing such a divergence is through a and refute all conceivable such accounts. But this very impossibility
double standard: by subjecting the global economic order to weaker 01' showing conclusively that no sufficiently large discrepancy 01'
moral demands than any national economic order. Such double standards can be justified provides a subsidiary reason for what I
standards are widely employed in ordinary and academic discourse. have presented as an essential element 01' moral universalism: the
They are often dogmatically taken for gran ted. perhaps with a gen- assignment 01' the burden 01' proof to those who fm'or a double
eral appeal to "our moral convictions" or a general argument for standard. They can bear this burden. as they need only make good on
dogmatic contextualism. This is the "third response" to moraluniver- an existential quantitier by formulating one version 01' the desired
salism. discussed in section 4.5. double standard and then giving a plausible rationale for it. And
Rawls seems willing to defend a double standard in regard to na- yet. the 11I0ral reason remains primary: we owe the global poor an
tional and global economic justice and thus exemplifies the second account 01' why we take ourselves to be entitled to impose on them
response to the universalist challenge. But the defenses he actually agiobai economic order in violation 01' the minimal moral con-
provides are incomplete. because he does not face up to the compar- straints we ourselves place on the imposition 01' any national eco-
ative nature 01' the task. It is not enough. for instance. to provide nomic order.
arguments against agIobaI application of the difference principle. 11' the burden 01' proof indeed weighs on those favoring a double
One must also show that these arguments create the desired asymme- standard. then the result 01' my discussion is not so modest after all.
try. that they have more weight than analogous arguments against a We. the affluent countries and their citizens. continue to impose a
national application of the difference principle. Rawls does not even global economic order under which millions avoidably die each year
begin to do this. from poverty-related causes. We would regard it as a grave injustice if
His failure is typical of academic and popular rationalizations 01' such an economic order were imposed within anational society. We
double standards of economic justice. There are reasons for. and rea- must regard our imposition of the present global order as a grave
sons against. a strong criterion 01' economic justice. Discussions 01' the injustice unless we have a plausible rationale for a suitable double
national economic order tend to highlight the reasons for. discussions standard. We do not have such a plausible rationale.
110 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice
Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 111
4.8 Rationalizing divergent moral assessments inequality data. But these discrepant assessments do not reftect a double
without a double standard standard concerning the significance 01' extreme poverty and inequality
in the moral assessment 01' global and national regimes. Rather. they
There is another wav 01' rationalizing the f'ailure 01' the afftuent to
reftect a single standard uniformly applied to both kinds 01' regime.
hold massive and av~idable poverty abroad against the global eco-
yet a standard that is sensitive not merely to the incidence 01' avoid-
nomic order as they would hold similar poverty within anational
able poverty but also to the regime's causal role in its occurrence.
society against its domestic economic order. The next tour paragraphs
The reconciling force 01' this empirical rationalization depends on
give a summary statement 01' this rationalization. which invokes the
complex economic causalities. on the correct explanation 01' persisting
idea 01' institutional responsibility.
severe poverty worldwide and 01' the expansion 01' global inequality.
We tend to recoil from an institutional order described as one that
We must convince ourselves that the global economic order is not a
is imposed upon people 01' whom many avoidably are very poor. ~ut
significant causal contributor to these phenomena. Many citizens 01'
let us not be fooled by mere rhetoric. An economic order under whlch
the affluent countries are convinced 01' this. and convinced even that
there is a lot 01' avoidable love sickness is not. for this reason. morally
the global economic order could not be modified into a significant
flawed. This example drives home that the moral quality 01' an institu-
causal contributor to the eradication 01' extreme poverty and inequal-
tiOllal order under which avoidable starvation occurs depends on
ity. These people believe that. for such progress to occur. the poor
whether and how that order is causally rclated to this starvation. It
count ries themselves must get their house in order. must give them-
depends. that iso on the extent to which starvation could be avoided
selves governments and political institutions that are more responsive
through institutional modification. And it also depends on the man-
to the needs 01' their populations. With respect to this task. outsiders
ner in which the institutional order in question engenders more star-
can help only to a very limited extent. This is so because it would
vation than its best feasible alternative would. Does it. for example.
be morally unacceptable to impose what we think 01' as reasonable
require serfs to do unremunerated work for aristocrats or does it
leaders or social institutions upon such countries and also because
merely fail to tax the more productive participants enough to under-
any resolute interference in the internal aft'airs ofpoor countries could
write an adequate welfare system'?
easily turn out to be counterproductive as corrupt rulers manage fur-
This insight is relevant to our topic. We have been discussing the
ther to entrench their rule by denouncing our supposed imperialism
moral assessment 01' two kinds 01' economic order (national and global)
or neocolonialism. Sad as it iso our hands are tied. We can try to
that. in the real world. differ greatly in their causal impact. The global
alleviate world poverty through development assistance. given ad hoc
economic order plays a marginal role in the perpetuation 01' extensive
by affluent societies and individuals or built into the global order as
and severe poverty worldwide. This poverty is substantially caused
in the Tobin Tax proposal. But such attempts will not succeed weil
not by global. systemic factors. but - in the countries where it occurs
because we cannot prevent the corrupt elites from siphoning off much
- by their flawed national economic regimes and by their corrupt and
01' our aid into their own pockets. Perhaps 1.21 percent 01' our incomes
incompetent elites. both 01' wh ich impede national economic growth
would indeed suffice to raise all the incomes 01' all human beings to
and a fairer distribution 01' the national product. Such domestic defects
the World Bank's higher poverty line (see n. 122). But. as things
are the main reason why these countries become ever poorer in relative
stand. there is unfortunately no way 01' getting such a donation to the
and often even in absolute terms and why the burdens 01' this impov-
world's poorest people in a concentrated way.
erishment fall upon their poorest citizens most heavily.16~ Excessive
Responding to this empirical rationalization. I do not deny the
poverty and inequality within countries. by contrast. are to a consid-
analysis sketched in the preceding paragraph. The eradication 01' pov-
erable extent traceable to systemic factors and are then. causally and
erty in the poor countries indeed depends strongly on their governments
morally. the responsibility 01' the politically and economically inftuential
and social institutions: on how their economies are structured and on
elites who uphold the relevant national economic regimes.
whether there exists genuine democratic competition for political office
We do indeed judge our global economic order. under which a
which gives politicians an incentive to be responsive to the interests 01'
great deal 01' poverty and inequality persists. less harshly than we
the poor majority. But this analysis is nevertheless ultimately unsatis-
would anational economic order associated with similar poverty and
factory. because it portrays the corrupt social institutions and corrupt
112 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 113

elites prevalent in the poor countries as an exogenous fact: as a fact upon it the privileges freely to borrow in the country's name (inter-
that explains. but does not itself stand in need 01' explanation. "Some national borrowing privilege) and freely to dispose 01' the country's
poor countries manage to give themselves reasonable political institu- natural resources (international resource privilege).
tions. but many others fail or do not even try. This is just the way The resource privilege we confer upon a group in power is much
things are." An explanation that runs out at this point does not explain more than our acquiescence in its effective control over the natural
very much. An adequate explanation 01' persistent global poverty must resources 01' the country in question. This privilege includes the power172
not merely adduce the prevalence 01' flawed social institutions and 01' to effect legally valid transfers 01' ownership rights in such resources.
corrupt. oppressive. incompetent elites in the poor countries but must Thus a corporation that has purchased resources from the Saudis
also provide an explanation for this prevalence. or Suharto. or from Mobuto or Abacha. has thereby become entitled
Social scientists do indeed provide deeper explanations responsive to be -- and actually is - recognized anywhere in the world as the
to this need. These are. for the most part. "nationalist" explanations legitimate owner 01' these resources. This is a remarkable feature 01'
which trace flaws in a country's political and economic institutions our global institutional order. A group that overpowers the guards
and the corruption and incompetence 01' its ruling elite back to this and takes control 01' a warehouse may be able to give some 01' the
country's history. culture. or natural environment. WJ Because there merchandise to others. accepting money in exchange. But the fence
are substantial differences in how countries. and the incidence 01' pov- who pays them becomes merely the possessor. not the owner. 01' the
erty within them. develop over time. it is c1ear that such nationalist loot. Contrast this with a group that overpowers an elected govern-
explanations must playa role in explaining national trajectories and ment and takes control 01' a country. Such a group. too. can give
international differentials. From this it does not follow. however. that away some 01' the country's natural resources. accepting money in
the global economic order does not also playa substantial causal role exchange. In this case, however. the purchaser acquires not merely
by shaping how the culture 01' each poor country evolves and by possession. but all the rights and liberties 01' ownership, which are
influencing how a poor country's history. culture. and natural envir- supposed to be - and actually are - protected and enforced by all
onment affect the development 01' its domestic institutional order. other states' courts and police forces. The international resource privi-
ruling elite. economic growth. and income distribution. In these ways lege. then, is the legal power to confer globally valid ownership rights
global institutional factors might contribute substantially to the per- in the country's resources.
sistence 01' severe poverty in particular countries and in the world at Indifferent to how governmental power is acquired, the interna-
large. Section 4.9 shows that this is indeed the case. contrary to the tional resource privilege provides powcrful incentives toward coup
central claim 01' the empirical rationalization. attempts and civil wars in the resource-rich countries. Consider
Nigeria. for instance. where oil exports 01' $6-10 billion annually
constitute roughly a quarter 01' GDP. Whoever takes power there. by
4.9 The causal role of global institutions in whatever means, can count on this revenue stream to enrich hirnself
the persistence of severe poverty and to cement his rule. This is quite a temptation for military officers.
and during 28 01' the past 32 years Nigeria has indeed been mIed by
My case can be made by example, and I focus on two highly signific- military strongmen who took power and mIed by force. Able to buy
ant aspects 01' the existing global order.I?O Any group controlling a means 01' repression abroad and support from other officers at horne.
preponderance 01' the means 01' coercion within a country is interna- such rulers wcre not dependent on popular support and thus made
tionally recognized as the legitimate government 01' this country's few productive investments toward stimulating poverty eradication or
territory and people - regardless 01' how this group came to power. 01' even economic growth. In
how it exercises power. and 01' the extent to which it may be supported After the sudden death 01' Sani Abacha. Nigeria is now ruled by a
or opposed by the population it rules.171 That such a group exercising civilian ex-general. Olusegun Obasanjo. who - a prominent member 01'
effective power receives international recognition means not merely the Advisory Council 01' Transparency International (TI: see n. 243)-
that we engage it in negotiations. It means also that we accept this raised great expectations for reform. These expectations have been
group's right to act for the people it rules and. in particular. confer disappointed: Nigeria continues to be listed near the bottom 01' Trs
114 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 115
own international corruption chart.17~ This failure has evoked sur- and can do so more cheaply than they could do if they alone. rather
prise. But it makes sense against the background of the international than the entire country. were obliged to repay. In this way. the inter-
resource privilege: Nigeria's military of~cers know ~ell that th~y c~n national borrowing privilege helps such rulers to maintain themselves
capture the oil revenues by overthrowmg ObasanJo. ~o surVlve 111 in power even against near-universal popular opposition. Second.
power. he must therefore keep them content enough wlth the status indifferent to how governmental power is acquired. the international
quo so that the potential gains from ~ CO~IP~tt~mpt d? not seem borrowing privilege strengthens incentives toward coup attempts and
worth the risk of failure. Corruption 10 Nlgena IS not Just a local civil war: whoever succeeds in bringing a preponderance 01' the means
phenomenon rooted in tribaI culture and but encouraged 01' coercion under his control gets the borrowing privilege as an addi-
and sustained by the international resource pnvl1ege. .. tional reward. Third. when the yoke of dictatorship can be thrown
Nigeria is just one instance of a broader p.attern als? exempllfied off. the international borrowing privilege saddles the country with the
by the Congo/Zaire. Kenya. Angola. Mo~amblque ..BraZlI. :,enezucla. often huge debts 01' the former oppressors. It thereby saps the capa-
the Philippines. Burma/Mya~mar. the Oll states.ol the Mld~le 1~5ast. city of its f1edgling democratic government to implement structural
and many smaller resource-nch but poverty-stncken countlIes. In reforms and other political programs. thus rendering it less successful
fact. there is a significant negative correlation. known as the. Dutch and less stable than it would otherwise be.l78 (It is small consolation
Disease. between the size of countries' resource sectors and thelr rates that putschists are sometimes weakened bv being held liable for the
of economic growth. This correlation has a "nationalist"' explana- debts of their elected predecessors.) • ~
tion: national ~esource abundance causes bad government and f1awed I have shown how two aspects of the global economic order.
institutions by encouraging coups and civiI w_arsand ~y faci.litati?g imposed by the wealthy societies and cherished also by authoritarian
authoritarian entrenchment and corruption.1 ,6 But thls natIonalist rulers and corrupt elites in the poorer countries. contribute substan-
explanation crucially depends on a global. background fact~r. the tially to the persistence of severe poverty. The two privileges crucially
international resource privilege. without whlch a poor country s gen- affect what sorts of persons jostle for political power and then shape
erous resource endowment would not handicap its progress toward national policy in the poor countries. what incentives these persons
democratic government. economic growth. and the eradication of l~lCe.what options they have. and what impact these options would
~ • 177
poverty - certamly not to the same ext~nt.. ., . have on the lives of their compatriots. These global lactors thereby
Similar points can be made about the mternatlOnal borrowmg p~IVI- strongly affect the overall incidence 01' oppression and poverty and
lege. according to which any group holdin.g governme~tal po.wer 10 a also. through their greater impact on resource-rich countries. interna-
national territory- no matter how it acqUlred or exerclses thls power tional differentials in oppression and poverty.
__is entitled to borrow funds in the name of the whole society. thereby This result is not altered by the fact that reforms of the two privi-
imposing internationally valid legal obligations upon the co~ntry at leges are not easy to devise and might weil. by raising the prices of
large. Any successor government that refu~es to hon~r d~bts mcurred natural resources. prove quite costly for the affluent consumer socie-
by an ever so corrupt. brutal. undemocratIc. unco?stltutlOnal. repres- ties and for other states dependent on resource imports. I am arguing
sive. unpopular predecessor will be sever~l~ pUnI~hed. by th~ banks that the citizens and governments of the wealthy societies. by impos-
and governments of other countries: at mlnIm~m It wl~1lose ys o~n ing the present global economic order. significantly contribute to the
borrowing privilege by being excluded from the mternatlOnal tinanclal persistence of severe poverty and thus share institutional moral re-
markets. Such refusals are therefore quite rare. as governments. even sponslbility lor it. I am not yet discussing what we should do about
when newly elected after a dramatic break with the past. are compelled persistent global poverty in light of our moral responsibility lor it.179
to pay the debts of their ever so awful predecesso~s. . It is easier to disconnect oneself from extensive and severe poverty
The international borrowing privilege has three Important negat.lve suffered by wholly innocent people abroad when there are others who
effects on the corruption and poverty problems in the poor countnes. clearly are to blame for it. My argument in this section was therefore
First. it puts a country's full credit at the disposal ~f e~en. the most focused specifically on how the national causal factors we most like to
loathsome rulers who took power in a coup and mamtam It through highlight - tyranny. corruption. coups d·etat. civil wars - are encour-
violence and repression. Such rulers can then borrow more money aged and sustained by central aspects of the present global economic
116 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 117
order. The argument shows that. those national causal factors not- Asian tigers model). others for increased governmental investment in
withstanding. we share causal and moral responsibility. This insight education. medical care. and infrastructure (the Kerala model). This
should not lessen the moral responsibility we assign to dicta tors. war- debat.e is certainly important. But it would also be quite important to
lords. corrupt officials. and cruel employers in the poor countries any exa~me. what glohal economic institutions hamper or promote the
more than our initial insight into their moral responsibility should eradlcatlOn of poverty worldwide. Modest such inquiries are familiar:
lessen the moral responsibility we assign to ourselves. economists and politicians debate alternative structures and missions
The focus of my argument should also not obscure the other ways for the IMF and the World Bank and the international impact of the
in which the present global economic order contributes to the persist- 1995 Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
ence of poverty. By greatly increasing international interdependence. agreement reached within the WTO. But with respect to larger issues.
this order exacerbates the vulnerability of the weaker national eco- SUC?as the international resource and borrowing privileges and the
nomies to exogenous shocks through decisions and policies made pohtlcal mechanis~s through which the rules of the world economy
- without input from or concern for the poorer societies - in the are. created and revised. the status quo is largely taken for granted as
US or EU (e.g. interest rates set by the US and EU central banks. a gl\'e? ?ackground much like the basic natural features of our planet.
speculation-induced moves on commodity and currency markets). As It IS. the moral debate is largely focused on the extent to which
Moreover. the components of this global economic order emerge affluent societies and persons have obligations to help others worse
through highly complex intergovernmental negotiations in which the off than themselves. Some deny all such obligations. others claim
governments and negotiators of the developed countries enjoy a crush- ~h~m to be qu.ite demanding. Both sides easily take for gran ted that
ing advantage in bargaining power and expertise. Agreements result- It IS as potential helpers that we are morally related to the starving
ing from such negotiations therefore reflect the interests of these rich abroad.
This is true. of course. But the debate ignores that we are
countries' governments. corporations. and populations - regardless also and more significantly related to them as s~pporters of. and
of whether the relevant representatives of the developing countries beneficiaries from. agiobai institutional order that substantially con-
are corrupt or are selflessly devoted to poverty eradication. And agree- tributes to their destitution.
ments that are l!ood for the rich countries may not be good for the If. the ~mpirical rationalization fails. if national and global eco-
global poor. as is amply demonstrated in the report on the Uruguay nomlc regimes are comparable in their workings and impact. then we
Round discussed in section IV of the General Introduction. are after all employing a double standard when we count avoid-
able extremes of poverty and inequality against national economic
regimes only. And we do then face moral universalism's challenge
4.10 Conclusion to our easy acceptance of extensive. severe poverty abroad. Witho~t
a plausible rationale. our discrepant assessments constitute covert
Section 4.9 has shown what is obvious to people in the poor. mar- arbitrary discrimination in favor of the wealthy societies and against
ginal countries: that the rules structuring the world economy have the global poor. ~
a profound impact on the global economic distribution just as the
economic order of anational society has a profound impact on its
domestic economic distribution. The empirical rationalization is not
empirically sustainable.
Spreading awareness of its unsustainability could turn out to be of
great practical importance in reshaping both the explanatory and the
moral debates about world poverty. As it iso the explanatory debate is
largely focused on nationalist explanations: on the question of what
national economic institutions and policies in poor countries hamper
or promote the eradication of domestic poverty. Some argue for free
markets with a minimum in taxes and governmental regulations (the
The Bounds of Nationalism 119
should sho~ apreeminent concern for preserving and enlarging their
5 own collectlve advantage. Most citizens of the affluent countries _
h?wever condescendingly they may regard the revisionist nationalisms
of the Serbs. Kurds. Palestinians. Tamils. Irish. and Quebecois _ are
The Bounds of Nationalism nationalists in this sense. and extreme ones at that.
The prevalence of such conservative nationalism can be explained _
psychologically. for instance. or historically. I treat ie however. as a
normative position. critically examining the beliefthat a state's citizens
a~d politicians have such powerful prerogatives and special obligations
wlth respect to the wealth and f10urishing of their country and co-
nationals. This examination may help moderate conservative nation-
alism by showing that it has been taken to unjustifiable extremes.
Even a slight moderation of this sort could achieve a greater reduc-
tion in human misery and premature deaths than could be achieved
by the harmonious dissolution of all revisionist nationalist struggles.
We can distinguish straightaway between particularistic and univer-
salistic variants of nationalism. The former hold that nationalist com-
mitments are valuable only when they are commitments to some
specific nation (or to one of a specific set of nations). On account of
5.0 Introduction the chauvinist. often racist. distinctions such views invoke. they are not
worth serious moral discussion. I concentrate. then. on universalistic
Nationalism is generally associated with sentiments. ideologies. and
variants of nationalism. which assert that all nations can be valuable
social movements that involve strong commitments to a nation. con-
communities and can. by realizing this potential. generate the same
ceived as a potentially self-sustaining community of persons bound
obligations and prerogatives for their members. when they are simi-
together by a shared history and culture. Recent empirical and nor-
1~r1yplaced .in t~e relevant respects. What more particular preroga-
mative discussions have been concentrated on revisionist instances of
tl:es and oblIgatIOns emerge may depend to some extent on the unique
nationalism. that iso on sentiments. ideologies. and social movements
hIstory. culture. and/or traditional habitat of this or that nation. But
that aim to gain power. political autonomy. or territory for a particu-
we can leave such complications aside by concentrating on two sub-
lar nation. I take a somewhat broader view of nationalism. focusing
stantive claims - loosely associated with popular talk of "patriotism"
on persons who have an ordinary patriotic commitment to their own
and "priority for compatriots" - which are at the heart of universalistic
country. Quite content with the status quo. these persons view it as nationalism:
legitimate and even admirable that they and their political leaders
CO/lll11011nationaliSI11 Citizens and governments may. and perhaps
should. show more concern for the survival and f10urishing of their
Many thanks to Dagfinn Follesdal for thc kind invitation to join him at the Centre own state. culture. and compatriots than for the survival and
for Advanccd Study in Oslo. whcre this chapter was wrilten in the fall 01' 1996. to the
ftourishing of foreign states. cultures. and persons.
MIT and NYU Philosophy Departmenls. where it receivcd friendly yet severe road
tests. and to Marko Ahtisaari. Christian Barr). Hilar) Bok. Slcfan Gosepath. Brian Lo.fiy nationaliSI11 Citizens and governments may. and perhaps should.
Orend. Guido Pincione. and Ling Tong for further valuablc comments and criticisms. s~ow more concern for the justice of their own state and for injus-
Reprinled v,ith pcrmission from thc Cal/adial/ lOl/l'I/al or PIJilosoplJr. supplementar) tl~e (and other w~ongs) suffered by its members than for the justice
voillme 22. pllblished by thc Univcrsity 01'Calgary Press. 1997. There are somc minor of any other soclal systems and for injustice (and other wrongs)
suffered by foreigners.
120 The Bounds of Nationalism The Bounds of Nationalism 121
In discussing these claims. I do not attend to the desirability 01'there should this be so? To be sure. the woman. as a citizen and employee.
being states at all. but treat their existence. in roughly their pres~nt owes loyalty to the state. But she also owes loyalty to her own family.
form. as a given. I do. however. address the character of states. whlch Why. then. should she not balance these two loyalties and help her
is affected ~by the scope and strength of its members' obligations son in cases where this benefits hirn at no great cost to the state? And
vis-a-vis compatriots and of their prerogatives vis-a-vis foreigners. why should we not make a comparative assessment of these benefits
Some such nationalist priorities are evidently permissible. even desir- and costs and then approve of such partiality and nepotism whenever
able: so I accept the two claims to be true as stated. Analogous claims the beneficiary's gains are sufficiently large relative to the costs?
would hold with respect to groups 01' many other kinds. sU,ch as It is tempting to answer that we understand the role 01' astate
families. religious communities. finns. clubs. and associations.I~' It is official as providing what Raz has called strong and exclusionary
also evident that the asserted nationalist priorities cannot plausibly be reasons. that iso strong first-order reasons (in one's official capacity)
affirmed as absolute. It cannot be appropriate. for instance. in each to act conscientiously in the best interest of the state combined with
and every context to put a compatriot's interes1. however minor. ahead second-order reasons to set aside other first-order reasons that would
01' foreigners' interests. however vital. This raises the que~tion 01'.the otherwise be relevant to one's conduct decisions.IS2 This is surely a
Ireight of the asserted nationalist priorities. Regarding thls questJOn. true observation. But it is of no help in our inquiry. because it merely
many have argued that nationalist priorities have less weight than re-describes the phenomenon under examination. The question remains:
family priorities because nations and states. being more abstract and why should we understand the role of astate official as providing
contingent than families. do not have as much constitutive Sig~lifi- exclusionary reasons?
cance in human lives. Bypassing this issue. I focus on the scope 01 the Üne clue toward an answer may be provided by the popular metaphor
nationalist priorities. arguing that there are firm limits to their applica- of a "level playing field.·' Participants in a team sport passionately
tion and hence contexts in which they cannot plausibly be invoked at want their own team to win, and the best of them work very hard lor
all. I believe these limits are quite general. constraining the priority this. However. players also want games to be fair. to be structured so
agents may give to any group or collective enterprise. These limits that the better team will tend to win. This requires a level playing
constrain even family priorities and thus constrain the asserted na- field. broadly conceived as including fair rules impartially adminis-
tionalist priorities analogously even if nations and states have as much tered. These may not be entirely separate desires. Players do not merely
constitutive significance in human lives as families do. want to beat the other team - they want to Irin hy playing Ire/!. Since
they care nothing about other forms of "winning." they are not jubil-
ant to learn that agame has been fixed for them in advance. To the
5.1 Common nationalism: priority for
contrary, they are disappointed. because fixing the game destroys their
the interests of compatriots chance of winning properly.
To be sure. with lots of money at stake in the major leagues. this
Are there any limits on the scope of the priority that citizens and portrait of the noble team player is under press ure in two ways. There
governments may give to their nation and people or. more generally. are the pressures of outright non-compliance: A few players, hoping
on the scope of the priority that agents may give to their near and tor farne and advertising revenue. are prepared to do almost anything
dear? Reflection on a piece 01' ordinary moral thinking may suggest - on and off the field - to improve their team's score. They would not
the beginnings 01' an affirmative answer. It is within the family that hesitate. for instance. before a match to infect their opponents with
concentration of concern is most c1early desirable and appropriate. diarrhea or the common cold, if only they could get away with i1. And
and friends of anationalist concentration of concern often invoke the then there are the more subtle and more consequential pressures of
family as an analogue or metaphor. But acceptable concern for even compliance redefined: many players, as weil as their trainers and fans.
very c10se relatives is in fact thought to be quite strictly circumscribed ?ow .take a strategic attitude toward the rules of the game. They think
in public life. It iso lor instance. not merely illegal. but also deemed It alngh1. for example. falsely to claim a rule violation (so as to induce
highly immoral for astate official to favor her son's firm in the applic- the referee to penalize their opponents). to conceal or falsely to deny
ation of regulations or in the awarding of government contracts. Why a rule violation (so as to protect their own team from being penalized).
122 The Bounds of Nationalism
The Bounds of Nationalism 123
and even to commit a violation intentionally (so as to save a dangerous
situation or even to cause or to aggravate an opponent • s mJlIIY).
. • • IX.~ Clearly. the ideal 01' a level playing field in public life is under even
They view these stratagerns as part 01' the game .. understanding. the greater press ure than its athletic analogue. While it is quite conceiv-
rule that prohibits and provides a penalty for domg ~ asom~anmg. able that a player may have no desire at all to see her team "win"
really. that players are given the option t? do X wh.lle nskmg the even while she passionately wants it to win properly. it is much
penalty.I~.j With such options open to both. sld:s. complt.ance redefined harder to conceive 01' our fictional sons (and their parents) taking no
is compatible with the idea 01' a level playmg neId. albett a lower ~ne. interest in their financial success as such. An extra buck. unlike an
While my portrait 01' the noble team player may not. then. b: typlcal extra "win.·· always iso pro tamo. a good thing.
01' much that lwes on in sports today. it nevertheless has. I belteve. the There are more contingent cultural pressures as weil. In the US at
kind 01' reality that matters here. It really is our widely h:ld idea~ b.y least. many find it acceptable for companies and individuals to use
reference to wh ich we still judge our athletes. And drawmg on tt IS campaign contributions to inftuence legislators -. tor example. to affect
therefore appropriate to elucidate the political use 01' the "level playing their stance on pending legislation or to induce them to intercede with
field" metaphor. executive officials. BlIt if the rules may be tailored in this way through
The metaphor suggests that an analogous ideal is operating in public. money. then why not through an old friendship or. indeed. kinship'? It
life. In our example. the state official plays a role analogous to that ot is also widely considered acceptable tor legislators from underprivi-
a referee. She. as weil as her son. should ideally be animated by the leged minorities vigorously to promote the collective interests 01' "their
thought that. if she were to bend the rules in his favor. the game people." And if prioritizing the interests 01' Hispanics is alright for
would be spoiled. rendering his "success" meaningless or even shame- Hispanic legislators. then why should it not be alright tor Hispanic
ful. This ideal has wide application. because we all frequently play the citizens to do the same? And if trying to affect the rules in favor of
role 01' referee when we act as citizens. voters. jurors. and the like. one's ethnic group is alright tor Hispanics. then why not tor whites as
Consider how the ideal has considerable force even in rather unoffi- weil? It is not only a general de-moralization of the culture that gnaws
cial contexts. By supporting political candidates or even merely through away at the level playing field ideal. but also the Anglo-American
public utterances. many citizens take a stan~ on whet.her and how persuasion that an adversarial clash 01' confticting partialities is con-
affirmative action should be continued. The Ideal requlres that they ducive to substantive fairness. This sentiment makes it possible tor
should not base their stance on how affirmative action would affect partiality - paradigmatically illustrated by prosecutors and defense
their own children in particular. And citizens would indeed be widely attorneys doing their utmost to win their cases - to appear as a sacred
condemned. by supporters and opponents of affirmative action .alike. mission and duty that is required for the sake of the very impartiality
if they were known to reason along these lines: "We love our c~lldren that it also persistently assaults through compliance redefined. BlIt
and. if they were girls or black. we would. 01' course. support affirmat- even here definite limits are recognized: lawyers who try to sllcceed by
ive action very strongly. Our children are. however. whl~e boys. w~~m bribing the judge or by stealing their opponents' evidence are rOllndly
affirmative action hurts twice over: by reducing thelr competttlve condemned for their excessive dedication.
advantage and by increasing the cost 01' government. W~ therefore To be sure. it is hard in public life. certainly much harder than in
strongly support its demolition." The common con?emnatlOn 01' such sports. for ordinary moral thinking to draw the line between accept-
reasoning manifests. I believe. a widespread commttment to the ana- able conduct that seeks success in the game and dubious conduct that
logue of the noble team player ideal. It is widely thought t~at th~ sons seeks to slant the playing field -. and hard. also. to distinguish accept-
in both 01' my examples should desire and strive to do Irelf 111 a/atr and able conduct that seeks to make the playing field more level in favor
open cOll1petition tritll otllers. And their parents sh?uld realt~e tha~. of one's group from dubious conduct that seeks to slant the playing
even if through partiality they could slant the soclal order m th.elr field in favor of one's group in ways that also happen to make it more
children's favor. they would spoil the "game" and thereby depnve level. It is also hard to maintain allegiance to the apparently hope-
their children 01' any chance for true success.18) lessly unrealistic ideal that officials and citizens in public life shollid
But wait. 00 people really dismiss a good education and income as bracket all their particular interests. In light of these facts. it is not
meaningless so long as some cannot compete for them on lalr. terms.')
(' surprising that persons differ in how they understand the ideal of a
level playing field which rules out certain kinds 01' partiality altogether.
124 The Bounds of Nationalism The Bounds of Nationalism 125

There is still greater international variation. as even the national cul- order (e.g. the tax code) and yet expect those same officials to have
tures 01' developed Western states differ widely in how much explicit their own nation's finances uppermost in their minds when deliberating
and tacit public tolerance they display for various forms 01' corrup- about the global economic order?
tion and nepotism. It is surprising. however. that within and increas- To illustrate what accepting this minimal constraint would mean
ingly also beyond these countries there is widespread support for the in practice. let me present what I see as a paradigm violation 01' the
general idea that fairness requires of persons. and especially 01' offi- outer bounds 01' permissible partiality. It was the basic principle 01'
cials. that in certain public contexts they set aside any loyalty to their Part XI ofthe 1982 UN CO/1l"e/1tio/1 Oll the Lmr of'the Sm that natural
near and dear. including even their verv closest family members.'~~ resources on the ocean floors beneath international waters "are the
Though there is conside;able diversitv of opinion on lu)\\' acceptable common heritage ofmankind'" (Article 136). to be used "for the benefit
partiality is limited in scope. there is "firm and widespread agreement 01' mankind as a whole ... taking into particular consideration the
tlwt it is so limited when the basic justice 01' the larger playing field is interests and needs 01' developing States [through an] equitable shar-
at stake. ing 01' financial and economic benefits" (Article 140). wh ich was to
It may be possible to deepen this agreement by stating outer bounds. have been effected by sharing of seabed mining technologies and profits
or minimum conditions that any institutional order must meet for it (Annex III. Articles 5 and 13) llnder the auspices of the International
to be considered minimally fair. The widely acclaimed UDH R sets Seabed Authority. or ISBA (Annexes III and IV). Three successive
forth certain human rights as fulfilling this function. Its Article 28 US administrations have tried quite hard to secure the great benefits
reads: "Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in of the treaty in "protecting and promoting the wide range 01' U.S.
which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be ocean interests"'~~ without the sharing scheme. Shortly before the
fully realized'" In the case 01' national regimes (""social order'"). the COlll"ention was to come into force (on November 28. 1996). the Clinton
logical addressees of this entitlement are the officials and citizens 01' Administration succeeded in having the sharing provisions replaced
the society in question. They face outer bounds on what they may do by a superseding Agreement.IIN This Agreeme/1t endorses the US view
or tolerate by way 01' efforts to slant the playing field in favor 01' that the common-heritage principle means that the oceans and their
special interests. Their society must be strllctured so as to afford all resources '"are open to use by all in accordance with commonly ac-
members secure access to the objects of their human rights.'X? In most cepted rules. "190Accordingly. it frees mining companies from having
societies. more is expected from citizens and especially from officials. to share seabed mining technologiesl91 and greatly reduces the sharing
My point is surely not that all partiality not endangering human rights of profits.192 The Agreeme/1t further accommodates US demands by
is alright and should be tolerated - only the converse: partiality by "1) guaranteeing a U.S. seat in the Council [the executive organ 01' the
officials and citizens is certainly /1ot alright when it seeks to shape a ISBA]: 2) allowing ourselves and a few other industrialized nations
society's ground rules or their administration so as to endanger the acting in concert to block decisions in the Council."193
secure access by some to the objects of their human rights. In managing to renegotiate the UN CO/1l"eJlfio/1 0/1 the Lall' oj' the
This minimal constraint on the scope 01' acceptable partiality. which. Sea - by pressing the Reagan era threat of founding a competing
I have argued. would find wide international acceptance even in refer- seabed resources scheme with a few like-minded countriesl9-1 - the
ence to close family ties. should also limit the scope 01' nationalist Clinton Administration won a great victory for the US and any other
partiality. wh ich differs from family partiality by being rooted more countries that will have the capital and technologies for profitable
in collective self-interest and less in meaningful personal ties. 01' course. seabed mining.195 The reaction in these wealthy countries was quiet
this limit on the scope 01' common nationalism is not widely accepted relief: their governments raised no objections and their media largely
today. But its rejection smacks 01' inconsistency. How can we despise ignored the event. The rulers of the poorer countries went along as
those who seek to slant the national playing field in favor 01' them- weil to avoid being excluded. It is the global poor. in any case. who
selves and their relatives and yet applaud those who seek to slant the will bear the real loss from this further slanting 01' the playing field.
international playing field in favor 01' themselves and their compat- They are the ones who can least afford to be shut out from this
riots? How can we ask our officials to put their own family's finances common heritage of humankind. For the sake of wh at for us are
out 01' their minds when deliberating about the domestic economic distant and trivial advantages.'% Clinton has taken us a great step
126 The Bounds of Nationalism The Bounds of Nationalism 127

away from an "international order in which the rights and freedoms playing field in their favor in this way. But we. as their chosen repres-
set forth in this [UDH R] can be fully realized."1~7 His decision. and entatives. may and even must do just that. We must be single-mindedly
our acquiescence in it. stand as a paradigm violation of the outer devoted to advancing the interests of our constituents." This sort of
bounds of permissible partiality.I~' reasoning would hardly find support. And those who reject it while
Did Clinton merely do what he had to do as the elected guardian of accepting Clinton's defense must then implicitly rely on the moral
the US national interest'? Üne might think that nationalist priority significance of the distinction between nationalist and other forms
should be limited for individuals. but not for governments whose of partiality. But why this distinction should be morally significant
very point it is to safeguard the interests of their nation. Though not remains a mystery.
unpopular. this view fa res no bettel' than the analogous view about Why this distinction is thol/glll 10 bl! morally significant is less
lawyers whose very point it iso within an adversarial system. to safe- mysterious. Those who have the opportunity to reflect upon morality
guard the interests of their clients. A democratically constituted publicly. in the media 01' in academic discourse. are. by and large.
government can indeed plausibly be conceived as the agent of its privileged persons in the more affluent countries. In these countries.
people. But allowing such agents to give unlimited priority to the the domestic pOOl'have at least some capacity to articulate their claims
interests of their c1ients runs into a fatal tri lemma. For such c1ients and some power to make their voices heard. The parliamentary
delegation I have imagined would provoke considerable protest and
• either: must then be permitted to give the same unlimited priority social umest. The global pOOl'. who labor all day for a few dollars a
to their own interests even when acting in their own behalf (without month. are unable to cause us the slightest inconvenience and unable
an agent). even to alert us to their plight. Thanks to our military superiority.
• 01': must then be prohibited from appointing an agent (here: gov- they fall outside what Rawls has called the circumstances 01' justice.
ernment) to represent their collective interest. following Hume: "Were there a species of creatures intermingled
• for otherwise: they would be able to circumvent moral constraints with men. wh ich ... were possessed 01' such inferior strength. both of
that the interests of others impose on their conduct merely by acting body and mind. that they were incapable of all resistance. and could
through an agent rather than directly. never ... make us feel the effects of their resentment: ... the restraints
of justice and property ... would never have place in so unequal a
All three of these possibilities are implausible. There are firm con- confederacy. "~(JI
straints on what persons and groups within a larger social system may Üne might think that the prevailing tolerance for common nation-
do by way of tailoring its rules. 01' corrupting the application of these alism can be justified by reference to the idea that no one should ask
rules. in their own favor. They may appoint agents to safeguard their us to subordinate our pursuit of our national interest to a concern
interests. but these agents are bound by the same constraints. Clinton for a minimally just international order so long as other countries are
could not permissibly do for his constituents what they could not not practicing similar self-restraint. This thought invokes a "sucker
permissibly have done for themselves.I~~ And if it is not the ca se. exemption ": an agent is not morally required to comply with rules
therefore. that democratically constituted governments. who are truly when doing so would lead to his being victimized ("made a sucker")
the agents of their people. may give unlimited priority to the interests by non-compliers. The morally relevant difference between national-
of their steHe and its citizens. then. surely. undemocratic governments ist partiality and. say. family partiality lies. then. in the currently
must not do so either. prevailing levels of non-compliance and compliance redefined. We
A more informal way of confirming this result involves comparing must honor tight limits on the scope of family partiality insofar as
Clinton's hypothesized defense with that of the parliamentary delega- most of our compatriots practice similar self-restraint: but we may
tion of a middle-class party which says that it is mercly doing what it violate even the outer bounds on the scope of nationalist partiality
has to do in the best interest of its constituents when it proposes that because this is what other states are doing as weIl. If the facts of our
children from families paying no income taxes be barred from public situation were reversed. we would be free to violate even the outer
benefits.~(J(Jsuch as school lunches 01' government-guaranteed student bounds on the scope of family partiality while having to honor tight
loans: "\t would be wrong for our constituents themselves to slant the limits on the scope of our common nationalism.
128 The Bounds of Nationalism The Bounds of Nationalism 129
Does such an appeal to a sucker exemption furnish a plausible and cooperate in its eradication. more benign and reasonable senti-
defense? It is true. 01' course. that international relations have histor- ments and political institutions would develop in the poorer countries.
ically been brutal. The main players - the governments 01' militarily In the last five paragraphs. I have tried to respond to two ways of
and/or economically powerful societies and lately also the larger mul- defending the refusal to impose the same outer bOllnds on the scope
tinational corporations - negotiate and re-negotiate the rules of the of nationalist partiality which we unhesitatingly impose upon the scope
game among themselves with each pressing vigorou.sly for its own of other kinds 01' partiality. Perhaps these responses were too brief to
advantage. using war and the threat of war when thls see~s oppor- be convincing. Or perhaps there are better defenses of the asymmetry
tune and showing no concern for the interests or even survlval of the than the two I have tried to rebut. None of this should detract from
weakest "players~" The brutality of the international scene may inde~d the challenge to common nationalism I have laid down in this section.
support the principle that societies and th~ir governments ma~ 111 In conducting our foreign policy. and especially in shaping the global
pursuit 01' their national interest seek to achleve or uph.old an unJust order regulating international politics and the world economy. we
global order (one under which. avoidably. the human nghts of many have taken partiality to extremes that we would find in tolerable in
cannot be fulfilled). if other societies and their governments would any other context. Despite its grievous effects upon the global poor.
otherwise slant the global playing field against them. Invoking this this exceptional tolerance for nationalist partiality is widely approved.
principle. a rich society may decline to introduce u~ilateral refor~~ to But how can this exception be justified?
protect the world's poorest populations (e.g. anational requmng
that its mining firms share with the global poor some 01 the value of
the seabed resources they harvest) on the ground that doing so would 5.2 Lofty nationalism: the justice-for-compatriots priority
put it at a competitive disadvantage against its peers. But if each such
society so defended itself by pointing to the others. the reas.onable I have suggested that the affluent in the developed count ries may be
response wOllld surely be to ask themall to work out a multI1ater~1 practicing a morally untenable nationalism by coercively upholding a
reform that affects all of them equally and thus does not alter thelr badly slanted global order in which the human rights of millions 01'
competitive positions vis-a-vis one another. Each ShOllld pro pose some foreigners are unfulfilled. In response to this line 01' argument. it is
suitable reforms and ShOllld also conditionally promise to support often asserted that we should forgo grand theorizing abollt global
their implementation if the others will do so as we~1.~II~ Such initiatives jllstice until we have achieved justice at horne. This response invokes
would not only promote a more level global plaYll1g field. but would the second nationalist priority claim. Though rarely articulated. let
also build mutual trust and cooperation. ensuring that the sucker alone explicitly defended. this claim seems to express a prejudice that
exemption would. in time. cease to apply. is widely held. as can be gauged from the fact that participants in
Another appeal to the sucker exemption would claim that we ma~ academic and popular discourse on justice overwhelmingly focus on
uphold the extreme inequalities of the present .world order because. If assessing the ground rules of their own society. while the moral assess-
the rich societies instituted a more level plaYll1g field. then many of ment of our global order is largely ignored.~()'
the presently poor societies. who are inclined unjustly ~o slant the Such lofty nationalism may weil be important in explaining why
playing field in their favor and against us. w~uld over t~me bec?me the widespread common nationalism. which section 5.1 has criticized
powerful enough to do so. This appeal also stnkes. me as Implauslbl.e. as excessive. is so rarely challenged. Our moralists implicitly ass urne
There are indeed many authoritarian and aggressIve governments 111 that. even if extensive and severe misery were produced by a heavily
the less developed countries. But this fact is in large mea~ur~ d~e to slanted global order that we help shape and uphold. such misery
our highly unjust world order. and thus cannot serve as ItS J~stlfica- would manifest a wrong suffered by foreigners and hence would be
tion. Relative poverty breeds corruptibility and corruption. whlc~ t~nd of less urgency for us than wrongs suffered by compatriots. If this
to degrade or destroy democratic instit~tions in the p~orer socletles. diagnosis is correct. then the project of section 5.1- showing how
Absolute poverty and ignorance make It easy to mal1lp~late people common nationalism is limited in scope - cannot be fully effective
into nationalist resentment. There is every reason to beheve that. as withollt the project of the present section: showing the limits of lofty
the rich countries begin to show genuine concern for world poverty nationalism.
The Bounds of Nationalism
The Bounds of Nationalism 131
seem wr?ng to. give such priority to my own child. The priority tor
As in the discussion of common nationalism. I Icave aside the issue
compatnots fads even more c1early in analogous ca ses. when. tor
of weight and thus do not ask how much greater wrongs sutTered by
instance. I have made conflicting commitments to a compatriot and
foreigners must be than wrongs suffered by compatriots in order for
to a foreigner. Here it seems clear that. if the toreümer stands to lose
their eradication. at equal cost. to be equally urgent for uso Instead. I
more from my breach of commitment. I should br~ak my promise to
focus on the issue of scope and argue that there are contexts in which
th~ compatriot. 01' consider a runaway troJley case (popular among
the priority asserted by lofty nationalism does not hold at all.
phllosophers) w?er~ you mu~t choose between crashing the trolley
The examination of lofty nationalism. too. may begin from reflec-
1I1toa group of toreigners 01' 1I1tOa somewhat smalleI' group of com-
tion on a piece of ordinary moral thinking. It is widely believed that
patriots. Again it would seem that one should minimize the harm one
negative duties have greater weight than their positive counterparts. if
will cause others. irrespective of their nationality. And acting in this
these even exist. Thus killing a person for the sake of some gain is
way is not viewed as disloyal to one's country and does not theretore
widely thought to be morally worse than failing. for the sake of a like
detract from national fellow feeling and shared solidarity.
gain. to rescue him. And one is deemed negatively obligated not to
Consider also comparative moral judgments. Is it morally worse
commit small thefts and yet not positively obligated to prevent such
to beat up a compatriot than a foreigner?CO-lIs it morally worse to
even when doing so is safe and easy. The distinction between negative
~efr~ud a pOOl' family in one's own country than an equally pOOl'
and positive duties is complicated and has been drawn in various
tamlly abroad? The much celebrated priority for compatriots does
ways. I try to draw it. within the domain of interpersonal responsibili-
not seem to have force in these cases.
ties. so as to vindicate its moral significance. that iso the popular idea
. The same point can be made about the conduct of governments. It
that. given equal stakes for all involved. negative duties have greater
IS no bettel'. morally. for a government to jail without charge. 01' to
weight. I propose. then. to callnegalire any duty to ensure that others
expropriate. a foreign visitor than one 01' its citizens. In fact. there are
are not unduly harmed (01' wronged) through one's own conduct and
~ari?us harms which it is worse for a government to impose upon
to call posilire the remainder: any duty to benefit persons 01' to shield
them fro-m··-·ö·therharms. This negative/positive distinction is doubly toreigners than upon compatriots. Goodin lists seven ca ses of this
sort, which are recognized in international law. In discussing these
moralized. because its application requires us to decide whether A's
cas~s. Go~din invokes a distinction between negative and positive
conduct /wrms P (relative to some morality-stipulated baseline) and.
dutles. stat1l1g that '"special relationships have this curious tendency to
if so. harms P lIndllly.
strengthen positive duties while weakening negative ones. '"c05 I do not
The importance in ordinary moral thinking of this distinction sug-
share the diagnosis 01' an inverse priority. which this sentence suggests
gests that our initial formulation of lofty nationalism requires some
1'01' negative duties. In my view. negative duties are not. and are not
refinement. When wrongs (including injustice) are produced by one-
thought to be. weakened by special relationships as such. Rather.
seiL then showing concern for such wrongs means trying to reduce
some 01' them can be partly waived through conseil I under conditions
one's undue harming of others (and perhaps also to mitigate undue
~ffair reciprocily. Relevant harms. such as expropriation 01' conscrip-
harms one can no longer prevent). When wrongs are produced by
tlon, must be allocated pursuant to a procedure that is consented to
third parties. then showing concern for such wrongs mcans trying to
by those subject to it and this allocation must be fair so that (at least)
benefit others by stopping these wrongs (01' perhaps also by mitigating
participation in the scheme is not irrational e.Y anle. cOo The citizens
their effects).
01' a society may then democratically authorize their government to
Once we rethink lofty nationalism to take account of this distinc-
expropriate 01' conscript under specified conditions. Yet. through such
tion. we find that the permissibility of giving priority to the near and
~n authorization the~ may render only lhemse!l'es. not foreigncrs.
deal' is quite dubious in the case of negative duties. This is so even
hable to be harmed 111these ways. This is how a government may
with family ties. Few would mind that. if I come upon a group of
co me to practice a kind of anti-nationalist priority that works against
children who have been hit by a speeding driver. I attend to my own
compatnots. The moral situation is thus not quitc thc one Goodin's
child first and foremost. even if I could do more toward reducing the
sentence suggests: it is not the case that special relationships imply
harm another child will have suffered. But this judgment changes if
weakened negative duties. as can be illustrated by a specialrelationship
we alter the case so that I am the reckless driver. In this case. it would
132 The Bounds of Nationalism The Bounds of Nationalism 133
that fails to satisfy the two provisos. The implication goes only the than to stop such injustices and wrongs committed against loreigners
other way: weakened negative duties imply a special relationship - for by third parties: and. more generally. it is morally m~re importa~lt to
example. the special relationship 01'reciprocity and joint consent wh ich attend to the needs 01'our compatriots than to give like assistance to
obtains when the two provisos are satisfied. The contra-positive 01' foreigners. In the other case. however. when the undue harms toreigners
this second conditional is: absence 01' a special relationship implies suffer are our own doing. foreigners and compatriots are on a par.
that negative duties fully apply. This crucial point. which Goodin Injustices and other wrongs we commit against toreigners have the same
rightly stresses. can explain why no society may render innocent for- w~ight as like injustices and other wrongs we commit against compa-
eigners liable to conscription or expropriation and why no governme?t trIots (and we have more moral reason to stop either 01'these than like
may conscript or expropriate them: foreigners do not stand to gam injustices and other wrongs done to OUfcompatriots by third parties).211~
from such a scheme (reciprocity). Nor have they consented to it- we In this way. the moral claims toreigners have on us constrain OUfpursuit
would have astrange notion indeed 01' moral duties if we held that 01'justice at home. Honoring these constraints is morally required and
those bound by them can weaken or eliminate these duties unilaterally. thus shows no disloyalty to our country and. so understood. does not
This discussion shows that the thesis 01'lofty nationalism is plausible undermine shared feelings 01'allegiance and community.
only in regard to concern for third-party wrongdoing. It is certainly Many think about the wrongs. including injustice. that foreigners
permissible. and perhaps also morally desirable. for such concern to suffer in our world in terms 01'positive duty and thus put them at the
be strongest for the near and dear and to fade outward through a very bottom 01'their list. They think: "The extreme deprivation 01'so
series 01'concentric circles. But the strength 01'an agent's moral reason many children abroad surely manifests an injustice to some extent.
not to harm another unduly does not vary with the potential victim's and one I could help alleviate. But injustice and other wrongs are rite
relational c10seness to the agent. and. in particular. does not vary in my own country and community as weil. and I should give priority
with the potential victim's status as a compatriot or foreigner. Com- to combating these. even if those abroad are considerably greater. "2119
bining these findings with our starting point - the deeply entrenched This may be quite the right way to think when foreigners are sut'fering
view that any moral duty not to wrong another person. or not to home-grown wrongs and even when they are severely disadvantaged
harm hirn unduly. is much weightier than any corresponding duty to in their dealings with us through no fault 01' ours. But it may not be
protect hirn against like wrongs from other sources - we can conclude the right attitude when they are being harmed through a badly slanted
that. holding fixed what is at stake for all parties. ordinary moral global order in whose continuous shaping and coercive imposition we
thinking is committed to a hierarchy 01'moral reasons which has the are materially involved. Such harms may engage not merely our vague
following form: positive duty to help those badly off and worse off than ourselves. but
also our sharper and much weightier negatire duty not to harm others
(I) Negative duties not to wrong (unduly harm) others: unduly. either single-handedly or in collaboration with others. And
(2a) Positive duties to protect one's next 01' kin from wrongdoing. this duty is no weaker toward toreigners than it is toward compatriots.
Whether or not we accept such a negative duty in regard to the
(2n) Positive duties to protect one's compatriots from wrongdoing. justice 01' our global order makes a momentous moral difterence. 11'
we do not. we may place any injustice sut'fered by the global poor at
(2z) Positive duties to protect unrelated foreigners from wrongdoing.2'J7 the bottom 01' our list (2z). 11'we do. we place some 01' it at the very
top (I). The amount 01'harm that might be effected by such an upgrade
Acceptable lofty nationalism. as weil. is then c1early limited in scope. is large. as hundreds 01'millions are aftected by. and some 18 million
The task it is stressing - to protect oUf compatriots from injustice and die each year through. poverty and oppression.
other wrongdoing - can distance us from undue harms foreigners Given the importance 01' the issue. it is strange that it is so easily
sufter only insofar as these harms are not our own doing. In this case. taken for granted on all sides - even by those who have most torce-
our morality does indeed allow a priority for compatriots and. more fully presented global poverty as a moral task2111 -. that such povertY is
generally. a priority for the near and dear. It is morally more important tor usoFirst World citizens. a matter 01'positive duty. My main concern
to stop injustices and other wrongs committed against oUf compatriots here. once again. is to challenge those who hold this consensus belief
134 The Bounds of Nationalism The Bounds of Nationalism 135

to reflect upon it. But I also try. in what folIows. to show how prob- The foregoing can show at most that our moral duty to comply
lematic this belief iso with just institutions is believed. like negative duties. to have more
One author who supports this consensus view is John Rawls - weight than the standard positive duties.216 and that this belief is
amazingly with regard to not only international but also domestic necessary for the possibility of a just social order based on moral
justice. Agreeing that "it seems plausible to hold that. when the dis- motives. But is the belief plausible? How can we show a person who
tinction is c1ear. negative duties have more weight than positive does not wish to consent to the just order we are maintaining that her
ones:'211 he explicitly classifies our natural duty of justice as pos;t- noncompliance would unduly harm others'?
;1'e.212This implies that the natural duty of justice (along with the Kant's justification of perfect duties and of the imposition 01' coer-
"positive" natural duties to mutual aid and to mutual respect) has less cive legal institutions suggests a plausible line of argument?' His
weight than our "negative" natural duties (not to injure and not to basic idea is that persons are entitled to equal freedom and should
harm the innocent). Rawls defines the natural duty of justice as hav- therefore constrain their freedom so that the freedom of each is con-
ing two aspects. He writes that it "requires us to support and to sistent with the equal freedom 01' all. Acting beyond this limit. one
comply with just institutions that exist and apply to us [and] to fur- invades the rightful freedom of others. thus viol,ning a negative duty:
ther just arrangements not yet established. "21' a person unduly harms others when the success of his conduct implies
As an alternative to Rawls's two-aspect position. let us examine the that like conduct by others is constrained.
views that Since a consistent and equal distribution of freedom can be achieved
in various ways. we need shared institutions to avoid invading one
(a) in some cases at least. just institut ions that apply to oneself gen- another's freedom. And we have a l1egat;re duty to comply with such
erate weighty l1egat;re duties of compliance: existing institutions. whenever noncompliance can succeed only if like
(b) in some cases at least. significant and continuing participants in noncompliance by others is constrained. Obtaining more resources
an unjust institutional order have weighty negative duties to pro- than one is entitled to under an existing just property scheme. or free-
mote its reform and/or to protect its victims (while any corres- riding on an existing institution like promising. harms others unduly.
ponding duties of non-participants would indeed be positive). because one's success depends on others not being allowed. or not
allowing themselves. a like liberty.2lX If this Kantian strategy can be
Since (b) is what matters most. I defend (a) only in outline. merely to made to work. then central cases 01' noncompliance with just institu-
show that Rawls's position is problematic across the board. Suppose tions can plausibly be classified as violations of a negative duty. This
we are born into a world in which a just institutional order is already would defeat the view that the first part of Rawls's natural duty of
in place. And suppose we owe one another a merely positive moral justice can unequivocally be classified as positive.21~
duty to comply with this regime: non-compliance as such does not It is easier to defend (b). When undue harms are mandated or
count as harming others unduly. though it is good to comply as it is authorized by a society's social institutions (e.g. its laws) and when
good to help others. When positive duties to comply and to help state officials inflict these harms or protect and aid those who do.
conflict. it would. thcn. seem to be at least permissible (perhaps desir- then citizens who uphold these institutions through their political con-
able or even mandatory) to choose the course of conduct that. all sent and economic support contribute to the harms. The horrendous
things considered. is better for others - for instance, to cheat on one's harms inflicted by the Nazis. for instance. were not possible without
taxes in order to help someone in need whenever the gain to the the economic contributions 01' many citizens through the tax system.
recipient(s) outweighs the loss. if any. to one's fellow citizens.214This nor without the legitimacy that Nazi laws and officials derived from
is surely not the prevailing view. More importantly. this view also the consent many citizens expressed by participating in legal and
undermines a major desideratum within Rawls's theory: just institu- political institutions. by attending rallies. by enlisting in the armed
tions cannot be stable. that iso cannot maintain themselves on the forces. etc.220 By lending such support. these citizens. too. viola ted
basis 01' the moral motives 01' their participants. if these participants their l1egaril'e duty not to harm others unduly.221
see their duty to support and to comply with the institutions of their It does not follow that one must stop contributing to the economy
society as on a par with beneficence or charity.215 01' an unjust society - though it may come to that in extreme cases.
136 The Bounds of Nationalism The Bounds of Nationalism 137
One can often continue to contribute and yet avoid collaborating in economic orders. by appealing instead to a more robust noninstitutional
the undue harming of others by taking compensating action: by making baseline.
as much of an effort. aimed at protecting the victims of injustice or at The latter idea points in the direction of a Lockean account of
institutional reform. as would suffice to eradicate the harms. if others economic justice. I indeed present the following argument as a recon-
followed suit. 222
struction of Locke's account - though what matters. of course. is the
The reflection on the Nazi case suffices to establish the existential soundness 01' the argument. not that of my reading. Locke assumed
claim in (b). But does it carry over to the case of unjust econolllic that. in a pre-institutional state of nature. persons have equal moral
institutions that are global in scope? Only if it does. can the vast evil claims on all natural resources. He specified this equal claim as the
of global poverty engage our negalil'e duty not to harm others unduly. freedom to take possession of any unowned land. water. minerals.
and thus command a place at the top. rather than the bottom. of our fruits. animals. etc .. subject to the so-ca lied Lockean proviso that
priority list. each person's unilateral appropriations in astate of nature must leave
Here is a straightforward way of arguing that the conclusion carries "enough. and as good" for others.22:' Locke thought of this constraint
over: "Insofar as our global poor are worse off than the poorest under not as a positive duty of kindness or beneficence. but as an enforce-
some alternative feasible global economic order would be. the existing able negative duty strictly owed to others. And this makes sense. as
global economic order is unjust. By imposing this order upon them. those who take more harm others by cutting into their fair shares. We
~e are therefore harming them unduly.'· This easy argument invites can put this point in terms 01' the Kantian idea I invoked before to
controversy on two points. First. it invokes a conception of justice support a negative duty of compliance with just institutions: taking
that is highly controversial. especially when applied to the world at while leaving enough and as good for others is compatible with their
large. Presupposing that an economic order is just only if no alternative freedom to do the same and thus does not harm them unduly. But
would engender less severe poverty. the easy argument assumes the taking more than this can succeed only if others' freedom to do so as
full burden of defending a globalized version of Rawls's difference weil is constrained. Quite apart from whether Locke or Kant would
principle.221 Second. since any social order requires a certain degree of have appreciated it. this affinity is welcome. because it shows that.
coercion (imposition) in its creation and maintenance. the easy argu- insofar as our duty of justice is a negative one. its two aspects __
ment also assumes that we have a negative duty not to help create and compliance with. and promotion of. just institutions - can be grounded
not to collaborate (without making compensating efforts) in the main- in one fundamental moral principle.
tenance of any social order that is less than perfectly just. But this There is a compelling reason against making the Lockean proviso
assumption is disputable as even imperfect social institutions may sacrosanct. For it may be possible for human beings to create and
render all their participants better off than anyone would be in their uphold social institutions that b011l permit disproportional unilateral
absence.224 How can one be lIarllling others unduly by imposing upon appropriation and render all participants economically better off than
them imperfect economic institutions that mise all participants' stand- people would be in astate ofnature. To accommodate this possibility.
ard of living? (Compare: how can one be unduly harming an uncon- Locke argues that human beings may create and enforce economic
scious accident victim merely by doing less than one could do by way institutions that permit disproportionate unilateral appropriation _
of improving her situation?) provided everyone raliona/~l' consents to (i.e. gains from) their intro-
The controversial assumptions of the easy argument are not duction. One might call this constraint on institutions the second-order
beyond defense. But we should first examine whether they are really Lockean proviso. because it governs not changes in the property status
necessary. The attacks on the two assumptions suggest two ideas toward of resources (acquisitions and transfers). but changes in the rules that
a more widely acceptable argument. We should not overgeneralize govern changes in the property status of resources.226
by dissolving our question - whether the extensive and severe global Locke holds that creation ofthe institution ofmoney. which he claims
poverty we face today engages our negative duty not to harm others happened "out of the bounds 01' society and without compact. "227
unduly into the much broader question whether any avoidable degree suspends the Lockean proviso in a way that satisfies the second-order
of global poverty does so. And we should try to avoid the controver- proviso. He writes that "the Invention 01' Money. and the tacit Agree-
sial appeal to relalil'e harms. involving comparisons across alternative ment 01' Men to put a value on it. introduced (by Consent) larger
138 The Bounds of Nationalism The Bounds of Nationalism 139
Possessions. and a Right to them. "ccl'And he goes to some length to observe the property rights that others assert over all the wealth 01'
show that this invention. though it suspends the enough-and-as-good this world. On Locke's account. they are c1early being harmed - and
constraint. does make everyone economically bett er off than anyone unduly so: their extreme poverty is foreseeable. avoidable. and cannot
would be in astate of nature - that "a King 01' a large fruitful terri- be j.ustified by anything they have done (they certainly did not squander
tory [in the Americas] feeds. lodges. and is c1ad worse than a day thelr share. but were excluded from birth. if not from conception).
Laborer in England:·c29 And even those who find Locke's assumptions about the state of
Locke's reference to a king in astate of nature suggests that he nature too optimistic cannot with any confidence tell these poor people
wants to define his baseline by reference to the best lives that can be that they are better off than people would be in a pre-institutional
lived in astate 01' nature. Blit it might be said that a Lockean account state of nature and that we are therefore not harming them by imposing
really supports a less restrictive baseline. because it could be rational ?n the~ this global economic order and the extreme and increasing
to consent to social institutions that make everyone merely better off mternatlOnal economic inequality it engenders.
than persons in such astate of nature would be on (/\·erage.c.\(1Yet 11' all this were said in reference to national economic regimes. it
Locke is c1early right to reqllire that social institutions must lift each would provoke little opposition in the rich societies. Most of us reject
participant. even the lowly day laborer. above the baseline. Merely as unjust the economic institutions of BraziL for instance.c31 and agree
keeping the average above this baseline is not enough: a social order that the wealthy elite of that country. by imposing these institutions
cannot be justified to its present participants by appeal to the actual with the ,~;oidable poverty they produce.23~ is unduly harming many
or hypothetical consent of their ancestors.c3! And if we tell slaves or 01' them. _. But very few 01' us who accept these conclusions about
English day laborers or the present global poor that Ihey could have Brazil are willing to draw parallel conclusions about our global eco-
rationally agreed ex anle (in ignorance of their social position at birth) nomic order. which is much more inegalitarian even than Brazil's.c36
to institlltions under which some may be worse off than persons in a The discussion of lofty nationalism. too, concludes then with a prob-
state 01' nature. they can plausibly reply that this hypothetical consent lematic asymmetry 01' judgments. We accept a weighty negative duty
could not possibly have been Iheirs. since they never had a real chance not to impose a nalional economic system that avoidably engenders
to occupy the better positions.c.1c extreme poverty. Yet, wefai! to accept a like negative duty with respect
Locke's reasoning thus leads to the demand that any social order to the global economic system that we impose. shape. and dominate.
must not merely increase economic aggregates or the average stand- This failure is surely convenient. If we accepted such a negative duty.
ard of living. but must also distribute this gain so as to afford every- global poverty would fall outside the scope of lofty nationalism and
one access to an economic position that is superior to what persons. its eradication would move to the top 01' our moral priority list. But
at least on average, would have in a Lockean state of nature. We are co.nvenience alone does not explain why we find it so very easy to
harming others unduly if we impose upon them a social order under thmk 01' global poverty in terms 01' positive duty.
which they do not have access to such a minimal economic position.
In this way. Locke's reasoning can support so me 01' the human rights
I have proposed. in section 5.1. as minimum conditions on any insti- 5.3 Explanatory nationalism: the deep
tutional order. significance of national borders
To be sure. it is rather unclear how an appropriate state 01' nature
should be imagined and what human lives within it would then be This ease can be explained. I believe. by our "nationalist" way 01'
like. Locke assumes that most conveniences and all modern technolo- looking at the world as a plurality 01' interacting national systems
gies would be lacking in such astate. which could thus sustain only a and. more specifically. at the world economy as a plurality 01' national
much smaller human population. But he also assumes that these people economies that interact through trade, loans, and foreign investment.
would have access to sufficient food. clean water. c1othing. and shelter. This view permeates the way economists and the financial media tend
Despite huge economic progress in aggregate, a substantial fraction to analyze global poverty. They present it as a set 01' national phe-
01' human kind are today deprived of such access. even while they are nomena explainable mainly by bad domestic policies and institutions
also being forced to comply with existing economic institutions. to that stifte. or fail to stimulate. national economic growth and engender
140 The Bounds of Nationalism The Bounds of Nationalism 141
national economic injustice. It is difficult to design policies and insti- Global factors significantly affect national policies and institut ions.
tutions that promote both growth and economic justice (and the especially in the poorer and weaker countries. It is quite possible that.
experts differ on how this should best be done). but some count ries in a different global environment. national factors that tend to gen-
have succeeded rather weIl. and so could the others. if only they had erate poverty. or tend to undermine the fulfillment 01' human rights
better economic institutions and pursued better economic policies. If more generally. would occur much less frequently or not at a11.2:1g
the governments of presently poor countries had done better in these Such questions are not especially subtle. and economists are well
regards. there would now be much less poverty in the world: and. if aware of them in other contexts. They recognize the explanatory
such governments were to do better from now on. severe poverty importance 01' global institutional factors. for example. when they try
would gradually disappear. to assess the effects of alternative global trading regimes (Bretton
This dominant view is quite true on the wh oIe. But it is also totally Woods. WTO. etc.) on trade flows and global economic growth. Why
one-sided. For it holds fixed. and thereby entirely ignores. the economic are there no systematic attempts to analyze the effects 01' alternative
and geopolitical context in which the national economies and govern- global institut ions on the incidence of poverty'? I will not speculate.
ments of the poorer countries are placed. The modern state. after all. But it is possible. at least. that the popularity of explanatory national-
is itself an institution. The land surface of our planet is divided into a ism is related to how it distorts our ordinary moral analysis of world
number of c1early demarcated and nonoverlapping national territories. poverty.
Human beings are matched up with these territories. so that (at least Explanatory nationalism sends a message that has become deeply
for the most part) each person belongs to exactly one territory. Any entrenched in common sense. It makes us look at poverty and oppres-
person or group effectively controlling a preponderant share of the sion as problems whose root causes and possible solutions are domes-
means of coercion within such a territory is recognized as the legitimate tic to the foreign countries in which they occur. To be sure. we deplore
government of both the territory and the persons belonging to it. It the misery abroad and recognize a positive moral duty to help out with
is entitled to rule "its" people through laws. orders. and officials. to aid and advice. When poverty is due to natural causes. we demand
adjudicate conflicts among them. and also to exercise ultimate control that "there should be certain provisions for mutual assistance between
over all resources within the territory ("eminent domain "). It is also peoples in times 01' famine and drought and. were it feasible. as it
entitled to represent these persons against the rest of the world: to should be. provisions for ensuring that in all reasonably developed
bind them vis-a-vis outsiders through treaties and contracts. to regulate liberal societies people's basic needs are met."2:19Insofar as "the great
their relations with outsiders. to declare war in their name. to repres- social evils in poorer societies are likely to be oppressive government
ent them through diplomats and emissaries. and to control outsiders' and corrupt elites. "240we may be able to help by exerting some pressure
access to the country's territory. In this second role. a government is on the rulers - perhaps through loans. trade. or diplomacy. But. since
considered continuous with its predecessors and successors: bound we see no causa I link between global factors and the incidence of
by the undertakings of the former. and capable of binding the latter oppression. corruption. and poverty. we do not even ask whether
through its own undertakings. those who shape global institutions and. more generally. the global
This global context is of crucial importance for explaining the context in which the poorer countries are placed have a negative moral
incidence of unfulfilled human rights and the persistence and severity responsibility for world poverty.
of world poverty. Explanations by reference solely to national factors Some quick reflections may show the importance 01' such causal
and international differences leave important questions open. They links. A large portion of the huge quantities of natural resources we
leave open why national factors (institutions. officials. policies. culture. consume is imported. much 01' it from repressive. undemocratic coun-
c1imate. natural environment. level of technical and economic devel- tries. We deplore this lack 01' democracy and wonder what we might
opment) have these effects rather than others. It is quite possible that. do to help. But. as good explanatory nationalists. we see no connec-
in the context of a different global order. the same national factors. tion between the international transaction and the domestic tyranny.
or the same international differences. would have quite a different The former involves uso but is a fair exchange at market prices; the
impact on human living conditions.2~7 Such explanations also leave latter is unjust. but we. not being party to it. bear no responsibility for
open why national factors are the way they are in the first place. its injustice. Once we structure our world view in this way. it becomes
142 The Bounds of Nationalism
The Bounds of Nationalism 143
very hard to ask the right quest ions. What entitles a small g~o.balelite
- the citizens of the rich countries and the holders of pohtlcal and countries more responsive to domestic interests. By greatly reducing
economic power in the resource-rich developing ~ountries - t? enforce a now customary "perk" of official positions. it would also alter the
agIobaI property scheme under which we may claIm the world s natural pool of office-seekers toward more public-spirited candidates.2~~
re~ources for ourselves and can distribute these among ourselves on That these global factors really have an important influence is indic-
mutually agreeable terms'? How. for instance ..can ~ur ever s~ free and ated by the fact that resource-rich developing countries tend to have
fair agreements with tyrants give us property nghts 111crude Oll. thereby slower economic growth. The factors we examined can explain this.
dispo~sessing the local population and the res~ of humanki?d'? How The fact that the de/acfo ruler of a resource-rich developing country
can there be a moral difference between paYll1g the SaudI clan or can seil these resources. or use them as loan collateral. provides strong
General Sani Abacha - the Nigerian strongman who kept the win~~r incentives to gain power in such a country. by whatever means. And.
of the annulled 1993 election in jail and has executed numerous pohtl- since the officials of such countries have resources to seil and money
cal opponents - and stealing the oil outright'? In facL paying ~ba~ha to spend. it is also more lucrative to corrupt them than their resource-
inflicted a second undue harm upon the poverty-stncken Nigenan poor peers. For these reasons. ample resources can become an obstacle
population: not only is the oil taken a,:",ayfor Ol~rconsumption (an.d to growth. because they foster coups. oppression. and corruption (as
much environmental damage done) wuhout thelr consenL but t~elr Nigeria illustrates). That they have this e1'fect iso however. due to the
global 1'actors I have mentioned.2~~
tyrant is also propped up with funds he can spend on a~~~ and so~dlers
to cement his rule (cf. n. 173). What is more. we are ottenng a pnze to Explanatory nationalism traces present human misery to bad
every would-be autocrat or junta anywhere. Whoever can ?ain effect- national policies and institutions in the poor countries. I have given
ive power by whatever means will have the legal power t? mcur deb.ts one response: these national policies and institutions are indeed often
in the country's name and to con1'er internationally vah~ owners~lp quite bad: but the fact that they are can be traced to global policies
rights in the country's resources. And having. done all th~s. we la~lsh and institutions. lt is worth showing briefly how global factors would
condescending pity on impoverished populatIOns far thelr notonous be 01'great explanatory importance even if the national policies and
"failure to govern themselves democratically"! .. institutions of poor countries were optimal.
As ordinary citizens of the rich countries. we are deeply Imphcated Many governments of poor countries face an acute shortage 01'
in these harms. We authorize our firms to acquire natural resources investment capital for providing education. safe drinking water. sewers.
from tyrants and we protect their property rights in resources so electricity, road. rail. and communication links, etc .. which could boost
acquired. We purchase what our firms produce out of such resources economic development. To raise revenues, such governments may weil
and thereby encourage them to act as authorized. In these ways we decide. as some economists are urging them to do, to provide tax
recognize the authority of tyrants to seil the natural resources of the incentives for foreign investment in the construction of sweatshops or
countries they rule. We also authorize and encourage other firms of sex tourism resorts. To be sure. work in a Central American lI1aljui/a
ours to seil to the tyrants what they need to stay in power - from or an Asian brothel is badly paid and quite unpleasant. But. as things
aircraft and arms to surveillance and torture eq uipment. ,~IWe might stand. many poor persons and their families depend on such work for
instead work out an international treaty declaring that rulers who their livelihood. Encouraging such investment may then truly be part
hold power contrary to their country's constitution and without demo- of the best development strategy for many of the poorer count ries.
cratic legitimation cannot seil their country's resources abroad n~r But this is so only because and insofar as these countries and regions
borrow in its name. Such a treaty would not merely end our comph- lack other sources of investment capital and the power to mandate
city. It would also dramatically reduce the rewards and he~ce, t,he minimum working conditions on their own soil. Many of them cannot
frequency of coups d'etat and dictatorshi~ in t~e poor countnes.-~- generate domestic investment capital because they struggle under a
Once we think about present human mlsery 111global terms, other mountain of foreign debt accumulated by previous dictators and milit-
reforms come readily to mind - for example, a treaty by which states ary rulers and must service these debts on pain of being shut out 01'the
would commit themselves to outlaw bribes paid by their firms to international financial markets. And. given their dependence on foreign
foreign officials. Such areform would evidently render officials in poor investment capital. they cannot mandate minimally decent working
conditions. because foreign firms can easily shift their investments
The Bounds of Nationalism The Bounds of Nationalism 145

elsewhere. Global institutional reforms could solve these problems Some will wonder how we can possibly be collaborating in the
through international law or treaties: by creating a source of invest- starvatio~ of millions: if we have never chosen to do any such thing
ment capital to foster economic development in the poorest regions.~~~ and our hves feel perlectly fine. morally. from the inside. Many Nazi
and by creating global minimum standards for working conditions. sympathizers wondered likewise. They. too. had never chosen to sup-
I conclude that explanatory nationalism and the moral world view port war and genocide. but had merely continued to do their jobs. to
based on it do not fit the real world. Global factors are all-important follow. orders.,rerhaps to attend raBies. Yet. by acting in these ways.
for explaining present human misery. in four main ways. Such factors they dld contnbute to the massacres. Given what they knew about the
crucially affect what sorts of persons shape national policy in the ongoing war and genocide and their own causal roles. they ought to
poor countries. what incentives these persons face. what options they have thought. and chosen. and then acted differently.~~7Or so we now
have. and what impact the implementation of any of their options tend to believe. And if this is how we think about most Germans in
would have on domestic poverty and human-rights fulfillment. Cur- the early I940s. then this is how we must surely think about ourselves.
rent policies of the rich countries and the global order they impose seeing that we enjoy so much more freedom to intorm ourselves and
greatly contribute to poverty and unfulfilled human rights in the to act politically.
poor count ries and thereby inflict severe undue harms on many. The point of this parallel is not to raise issues of blame or guilt.
These harms could be dramatically reduced through even relatively which I am leaving aside throughout. nor to liken our conduct to that
minor international reforms. of Nazi s~mpathizers. The common point is thoughtlessness. Poverty
so ext~nslve and severe as to cause 18 million deaths a year requires a
retlectlve moral response from each and every one of us. It requires
5.4 Conclusion that we morally situate ourselves in respect to it and choose how to
act or fail to act in the face of it. That the academic justice industry
I have argued that - acceptable common and lofty nationalism not- has. by and large. ignored this phenomenon is a stunning failure~~s-
withstanding - much of the massive poverty and oppression in the which I have tried to explain by reference to the deeply ingrained
poorer countries engages our negative duty to avoid harming others lofty nationalism of these moralists as reinforced in turn by the ex-
unduly. Standard defenses that challenge the adverb "unduly" have planatory nationalism propagated by their more hard-nosed econom-
little chance of success: the global poor have done nothing to deserve ist colleagues.
their position - in fact. most of them are children. Politicians and the If we do stop to think and if we do conclude that we have been
more affluent citizens of the rich countries know at least in broad involved in the undue harming of the global poor. some misguided
outlines what living conditions are imposed upon the global poor. communitarians and patriots will say that it is magnificent and valu-
and we also know. or at least should know and can easily find out. able to love and to benefit one's own country and compatriots even if
how our national laws and policies affect these conditions either doing so means death to myriad outsiders. But we do not face this
directly or through global institutions. We can then try to initiate ~ind of choice. Our countries can tlourish quite weil without depriv-
appropriate changes in national policies or global institutions - for mg the. globa~ poor. And. our national solidarity and fellow feeling
example. by publicizing their nature and effects and by developing can thnve lavlshly even wlthout our readiness to deprive them - just
feasible paths of reform. We can also take compensating action through as your loving bond with your children can thrive fully even without
volunteer work or contributions to effective relief organizations your willingness to kill to get themall the latest toys. We can honor
(such as the World Food Program. UNICEF. Oxfam. Medecins sans our negative duties and still build the most splendid republic that
Frontieres. or Amnesty International) that help protect the victims of lofty nationalists. communitarians. and patriots might ever desire.
current policies and institutions.~~6 By continuing to support the cur- Whether we can build such a republic while the dying continues is at
rent global order and the national policies that shape and sustain it least doubtful.
without taking compensating action toward institutional reform or
shielding its victims. we share a negative responsibility for the undue
harms they foreseeably produce.
Achieving Democracy 147

generally. be safe from extreme economic need and from arbitrary

6 physical violence and psychological duress. any 01' which might make
them excessively dependent on others. Voters must be free to assemble
and discuss. and free also to inform themselves. wh ich presupposes
Achieving Democracy freedom 01' the press and 01' the other mass media. Political power
must be exercised pursuant to standing. public rules so that the conse-
quences 01' electOl'al results on political decisions can be assessed and
at least roughly predicted by voters. Last but not least. democracy
requires certain dispositions and conduct on the part 01' citizens: a
readiness to accept majority decisions and a commitment to exercise
their responsibilities as voters by informing themselves about candid-
ates and political issues and by going to the polls.2~~
Democratic government might take many institutional forms that
are consistent with these core requirements. Some 01' these are instan-
tiated in present or historical democratic states. These actual political
systems fall short 01' being fully democratic in some respects - demo-
cracy is a scalar predicate. as political systems can be more or less
democratic in multiple dimensions. A rough and vague distinction
can nonetheless be drawn between broadly democratic states and the
6.0 Introduction rest. which I blandly label ··authoritarian."
Many countries have become democratic. or more democratic. in
Democracy means that political power is authorized and controlled recent years. Most 01' these new dcmocracies seem weak and fragile.
by the people over whom it is exercised. and this in such a way as and the trend may not last. Still. the phenomenon has been remark-
to give these persons roughly equal political inftuence. Democracy able enough to spawn a burgeoning literature - composed mostly in
involves voting - on political issues or on candidates for political the rich and well-established democracies - offering political analysis
offices - in accordance with the general idea 01' one-person-one-vote. and advice to newly democratic states.2~OMy essay fits this "transition-
But genuine democracy involves a lot more besides. Votes must fea- to-democracy" genre. but its analysis pays far more attention than is
ture alternatives that give voters a genuine choice. People must have a commonly done to the global context within which national demo-
way 01' intluencing the agenda (political issues and options) or the list cratic regimes succeed or fail. and the advice I offer fledgling demo-
01' candidates. Voters must be shieldcd from press ure and retaliation cracies consequently has a strong foreign-policy component. In the
by government officials and private citizens alikc: they must. more former respect. my chapter is continuous with another body 01' work
which argues that the global order maintained by the rich democra-
cies and their foreign policics is a significant contributor to the lack 01'
democracy elsewhere.2 I am sympathetic to such work in that I share

This chapter first appeared in E!hic.l & /1/!crJ/iIliol/l/! Af/ilir.1 15. I (2001): 3-23. It its goal 01' global institutional reform toward achieving a more demo-
originatcd as a Iccture given in honor 01' my friend Otfried HötTe on the occasion of cratic global order. 2~2Still. this chapter is not focused on the critiq ue
his honorary doctorate. in August 2000. from the Pontifieia Universidade Cat61ica in or reform 01' the rich democracies or 01' the global order they impose.
Parto Allegre. Brazil. For important comlllents. wh ich I have tried to accollllllodatc
Rather. its focus is on what the political leaders 01' a fledgling demo-
in this written version. I thank IllY respondelll Wilson Mendonc;a as weil as Ah'aro de
Vita. Sania Filipe. Otfried Höffc. Thomas Kesselring. and Alessandro Pinzani. I also cracy can and should do - other than repeating justified yet ineffective
gratefully acknowlcdge support through a grant from the Research and Writing Ini- demands upon the rich democracies. For dramatic effect. I use "we"
tiative of the Progralll on Global Security and Sustainability of the lohn D. and and "us" in reference to such politicalleaders 01' a fledgling democracy:
Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. but I am in fact a German citizen living in Manhattan. 11' this chapter
148 Achieving Democracy Achieving Democracy 149

is worth reading nonetheless. it is because ofhow its analysis and advice Latin America and also recently in Nigeria. In such situations. any ,
difler from the mainstream. attempt to expose and punish abuses that officers committed during
the period of military rule is fraught with the danger of provoking
elements of the military to rebel and even to seize power once again.
6.1 The structure of the problem faced Yet. on the other hand. we may face possible resistance also from the
by f1edgling democracies victims of the predecessor regime. They may be strongly opposed
to leaving prior abuses unpunished. and their opposition. too. may
Let us imagine ourselves in a typical transition-to-democracy scenario. endanger the new democratic order.
We are associated with a ftedgling democratic government newly A second. somewhat less obvious set of future-oriented considera-
installed or restored after aperiod of undemocratic and repressive tions concerns the incentive effects produced by our decisions under-
rule. We must work to establish the essentials of democratic govern- stood as inaugurating or continuing a standing practice. For example.
menL 01' course. including civil and political rights and the rule by making no attempt to expose and punish the former authoritarian
of law; but we must also come to terms with the enemies of demo- rulers. we may send a signal to potential predators that any future
cracy and in particular with the former authoritarian rulers and their undemocratic acquisition and exercise of governmental power will
supporters. The transition-to-democracy literature focuses on these run no serious risk of punishment. This signal may encourage. or
two tasks and. often. on more specific questions about how a ftedgling insufficiently discourage. coup attempts and may thereby undermine
democracy ought to cope with the legacy 01' an authoritarian past. the stability of oUf and of future democratic governments. Yet. on the
To what extent should we recognize as valid economic transactions other hand. by displaying a disposition severely to punish former such
and administrative policies executed pursuant to the laws 01' the rulers who have ceded power without an all-out fight. we may encour-
authoritarian predecessor regime? To what extent should we expose age future authoritarian rulers desperately to ding to power by any
and punish the crimes of former rulers and their supporters'? And means. including extreme ruthlessness and violence.~5~ This second
what measures should we take to compensate surviving victims of set of considerations is broader and more principled than the first.
the preceding regime. to recognize their suffering and to restore their Attending to the effects our conduct has through the dispositions
dignity,?~5' it displays. these considerations expand our perspective beyond the
These questions are about coping with the past. and backward- present democratic period to all other democratic periods into the
looking considerations bear on them - for instance. considerations indefinite future.
concerning compensatory and retributive justice. And yet. intelligent The third set 01' future-oriented considerations expands the per-
answers to these questions must also take the future into account. Of spective once again - in spatial rather than temporal dimensions.
the many future-oriented considerations that may come into play. let When predators assess the risks and rewards of their undemocratic
us concentrate on the most weighty: those that concern the impact of acquisition or exercise of governmental power or weigh the costs and
our conduct (that of the new democratic government) on the pros- benefits of stepping down. they are mindful not only of the (possibly
pects for democracy. These specific considerations may be grouped quite sparse) evidence about how previous authoritarian rulers in their
under three distinct headings. own country have fared. They are likely also to take account of the
The first and most obvious set of such considerations concerns the fate 01'authoritarian rulers in other. similarly situated countries. The
immediate resistance or support genera ted by particular policies we way we deal with our former repressive rulers thus also sends a signal
might pursue. Prominent here are dangers that may emanate from abroad and will therefore. by inftuencing the calculations of actual
remnants of the authoritarian predecessor regime. These dangers and potential authoritarian rulers there. a1'fect the prospects for demo-
may be negligible when this prior regime is thoroughly destroyed and cracy in other countries. An example of this recently played out in
discredited. as in the cases of Nazi Germany. South Africa. and some South Korea. which has been criticized for treating its former milit-
of the communist regimes in eastern Europe. But these dangers have ary rulers too harshly. The critics protest that such severe treatment
been quite serious in other cases. as when military juntas have turned will make it harder to get other authoritarian rulers - those in Burma
over power to civilians and returned to their barracks. notably in and Cambodia. for example - to step down.
150 Achieving Democracy Achieving Democracy 151

Now one may think that a f1edgling democratic government should and suppose they predict that our optimal response to this eventuality
focus exclusively on entrenching democracy at horne and thus should would then be to let them go unpunished. Our known disposition 01'
pay no attention to how its decisions affect the prospects for demo- "Iocal" democratic optimization would then I.'l1couragl.' such generals
cracy elsewhere. But there are two reasons for paying attention to the to take power undemocratically. or would at least fail to discourage
third set 01' future-oriented considcrations. First. giving no weight to them from doing so. (The same disposition mayaIso encourage them
how our decisions affect the prospects for democracy elsewhere is to use their power. while they have it. to change the situation so as to
myopic in that the prospects for democracy in our country are likely make it less opportune for us to punish them later.) A disposition on
to be affected by whether other count ries are democratic or not. Thus. our part f1exibly to do what is best for democracy in our country may
the more 01' Latin America is governed democratically. the more stable weil. then. not be best for democracy in our country - just as vour
any one 01' its democracies is likely to be. Second. exclusive concen- disposition always f1exibly to do what is best for your children's s~fety
tration on the aim 01' entrenching democracy at horne is Iikely to be may not be best for your children's safety.
collectively self-defeating. Each f1edgling democratic government is Juxtaposing these two topics (rational response to potential kid-
likely to be less successful with regard to this aim than it would be if nappings and to potential coups d'etat) does not merely help c1arify
all 01' these democratic governments also gave some weight to the the relevant threefold distinction. It also highlights the importance 01'
entrenchment 01' democracy elsewhere.c55 the second and third sets 01' considerations. That getting your children
The distinction 01' these three sets 01' considerations bearing on to stop screaming by giving them a piece 01' candy will tend to cause
the prospects for democracy may become clearer by showing how it them to scream more often in order to receive more candy - this
exemplifies a general point about strategic rationality. which can also thought is alm ost too obvious for words. That meeting the demands
be illustrated in more familiar small-scale contexts. How should you 01' kidnappers and hijackers will tend to increase the incidence 01'
behave when you are blackmailed for ransom by a kidnapper? The kidnappings and hijackings - this thought. too. is rarely missed. But the
first set 01' considerations suggests that you should deal with the thought that reconciliation with. and amnesty tor. former authoritarian
kidnapper so as to maximize the prospects for the safe return 01' your rulers will tend to encourage the undemocratic acquisition and repres-
child. The second set 01' considerations suggests that you should also sive exercise 01' political power - this thought is often missed in more
think about the signal that your conduct in this case (illustrating how journalistic contributions to the transition-to-democracy literature.
you are disposed to act) sends to persons who may be ready to black- While it is c1ear that we should pay attention to the second and
mail you similarly in the future. Your willingness to meet extravagant third sets 01' considerations. it is much less c1ear how these considera-
demands for the safe return 01' your child could make your children tions should affect our policies. The only straightforward ca se is that
favorite kidnap targets. The third set 01' considerations suggests. in where the former authoritarian rulers have dung to power with violence
addition. that your conduct in this ca se mayaIso affect the kidnap and ruthlessness as long as they could and were thoroughly defeated.
risk to which children other than your own are exposed. Your willing- In cases 01' this sort, all considerations point toward severe punishment.
ness to meet extravagant demands may attract more people to a career The authoritarian rulers were. despite their best efforts. defeated. and
in the kidnapping business. thus pose no serious threat to the present democratic order (first set
A general way of stating how the future-oriented considerations in 01' considerations). They displayed behavior that should be severely
the second and third sets are broader than those in the first is this: discouraged for the future. And they displayed no behavior - such as
actors who optimize locally. at each decision point. may not succeed stepping down gracefully - that we have reason to encourage. ]n such
in optimizing globally. over time. This is so because such actors influ- cases. we should. then. aim at a quite severe punishment - while also
ence how the world goes not merely through their conduct (which. we spreading the word, perhaps, that this punishment would have been less
assurne. is optimal). but also through their disposition to optimize severe if they had agreed to relinquish power without all the bloodshed.
which. if known. may weil encourage harmful or unhelpful conduct Apart from this straightforward case. there are no easy answers. It
by others. Suppose some generals know that. if they seize and hold all depends on how one estimates the various incentive effects and
power by force and then lose it again sometime later. they will be probabilities - and on whether and how one discounts the future and
dealt with in whatever way optimizes the prospects for democracy. discounts transnational externalities. The resulting uncertainty is good
152 Achieving Democracy Achieving Democracy 153
news for many politicians who can defend whatevcr response they Modeled on my Microsoft example. the simplest way of transfer-
like as being driven by a sincere and sophisticated concern tor the ring this deterrence idea to the case of countries is to create some
prospects of democracy. It is good news also for the pundits in international analogue to the police. which a fledgling democratic
academia and the media. who can go on rehearsing the old arguments government could preauthorize to intervene in the event that it is
without risk of ever being refuted. But it is bad news tor the prospects overthrown by a predator. Unsurprisingly. leading American political
of democracy: the more uncertain it is what a commitment to demo- scientists have volunteered the US for this noble role. They have
cracy demands. the less agreement there will be among those who. proposed treaties through which small countries - notably those in
sincerely or not. profess such a commitment. the Caribbean - would preauthorize military interventions against
themselves in the event that a future government significantly viol-
ates democratic principles (Tom Farer) or human rights (Stanley
6.2 Reducing the expected rewards of coups d' etat Hoffmann).~56 The point of such treaty preallthorizations would be to
facilitate outside interventions in defense of democracy and thereby
My attempt to break new ground takes the just-developed framework to deter coup attempts. thus making less frequent the occasions that
of future-oriented considerations beyond issues of coping with the trigger the preauthorization. Preauthorizing a military intervention
past. Our fledgling democratic government has some power to shape against one's own country isothen. akin to the business world's poison
the incentives that in turn will influence conduct on which the future pills and golden parachutes in this respect. Their point is that pred-
survival and stability of democratic institutions depend. So my gen- ators should be less likely to strike as the expected payotT associated
eral question is: beyond coping weil with the past. what else can a with victory is reduced.
fledgling democratic government do to entrench democracy and. in The proposal by Farer and Hoffmann is not likely to be widely
particular, to discourage the undemocratic acquisition and exercise adopted. The main reason is that many democrats in the developing
of power for the future? countries. and in Latin America especially. are sllspicious of US tor-
My response focuses not so mllch on measures that make a coup eign policy and US military interventions. which historically have
d'etat more difficult as on measures that render even a sllccessful coup often supported the enemies of democracy rather than its friends. lt
less lucrative. In some respects such meaSllres are analogous to those is unlikely. then. that fledgling democratic governments wOllld find
employed by business corporations to discourage hostile takeover bids. the US a sufficiently reliable guarantor of their democratic institu-
But there is an important disanalogy between the two cases. Those tions or would be able to convince their peoples of the wisdom of
who seek to take over a corporation can ordinarily do this only in preauthorizing military interventions by the USo Still. preauthorized
accordance with its existing charter and bylaws. which they can change military interventions by the UN or under the allspices of regional
only ajier a successful takeover. Those who seek to take over a country. bodies like the Organization of American States may be a different
by contrast, can do so by force and, if successful. can then undo many matter. especially if the preauthorizing government itself had signific-
of the measures we may have put in place to discourage their takeover. ant influence on specifying the conditions under wh ich the authority
This disanalogy may seem to show that there is no intercsting par- to intervene would become effective and on composing the agency
allel at all. But I don 't think that this is so. The reason why those who that would decide whether these conditions are met.
want to take over a corporation must abide by its present rules is that
these rules are backed by the coercive apparatus of a more comprehen-
sive sodal system. If gangsters succeed in seizing control of Microsoft 6.3 Undermining the borrowing privilege
headquarters. Bill Gates can simply call the police and have them of authoritarian predators
evicted. In fact. the police are known to be preauthorized and disposed
to do this, which in turn discourages gangsters from making any such There are other, better ways of affecting the dispositions of foreign
attempt in the first place. Measures to deter takeovers must. then. states in ways that would, without violence, reduce the rewards 01'.
involve some mechanism that survives a successful takeover and con- and would thereby tend to discourage. an undemocratic takeover.
tinues to reduce the payoff that the predators reap from their success. One such measure is a constitutional amendment requiring that debts
154 Achieving Democracy Achieving Democracy 155

incurred by future unconstitutional governments - by r.ulers w~o ~ill democracies may therefore find it prudent to refrain. It could not be
acquire or exercise power in violation 01'our democratlc constltutlOn taken for granted. at least. that they would intercede on behalf 01'
._must not be serviced at public expense. The idea behind this amend- their banks. By creating uncertainty about the outcome in Phase Three.
ment is to bring it about that successful predators will be able to our constitutional amendment would thus increase the risks associ-
borrow less. and this at higher interest rates. 11'it can achieve this ated with lending to authoritarian predators in Phase Two. In light 01'
purpose. the amendment would stabilize our fledgling democratic order these greater risks. banks in Phase Two would make less money avail-
by reducing the payoff associated with a successful coup d'et~t and able to our unconstitutional successors. and this on less favorable
thereby weakening the incentives for attempting such a coup 111the terms. This foreseeable fact 01'reduced access to credit. in turn. would
first place. . weaken the incentives 01' potential authoritarian predators in Phase
Now it is true that predators can. after a successful coup. slmply One to attempt a coup in the first place. The proposed constitutional
declare the amendment suspended - 01' the whole constitution. 1'01' amendment thus stabilizes our democratic order by reducing the
that matter. However. should they eventually lose power. their suc- expected rewards 01'overthrowing it.
cessor government can nonetheless refuse repayment 01'their debts on The key idea 01' the proposed constitutional amendment is that it
thc gro~unds that the coup was illegal. that the constitution was never should reduce the ability of any future authoritarian governments.
rightfully suspended. and that creditors had fair notice that th~ people but not that 01' democratic governments. to borrow abroad. Three
01'our countrv. were not assuming~ responsibility 1'01'any debts 1I1curred important problems must be solved in order to achieve these intended
by their authoritarian rulers. asymmetric effects.
Could our constitutional amendment enable such a successor
government to fend off demands by foreign creditors that it service 6.3.1 The criterial problem
the debts incurred by its unconstitutional predecessor? To be sure.
governments 01'the rich democracies- with the help of international While the loss of constitutionally democratic government is quite
financial institutions they control - have often supported their banks obvious in some cases (e.g. when there is a military coup). other cases
by bringing severe press ure to bear on fledgling democratic gover~- are more doubtful and thus subject to controversies. real or contrived.
ments to repay the debts 01' their authoritarian predecessors. But If Such more difficult cases may. for instance. involve allegations that
the constitutional amendment were in place. governments of the rich some government has engaged in massive electoral fra ud. has unrea-
democracies would find it far more embarrassing to give such support sonably postponed elections. has placed excessive limits on opposition
to their banks. which would therefore no longer be able to count on activities. 01' has greatly exceeded its constitutional powers in other
such help from their governments. ways. Such allegations can be presented to the domestic judiciary. of
Imagine the following scenario. Phase One: the Brazilian people. course. for internal resolution. But the opponents of the government
through their elected representatives. ask foreign banks not to lend mayalIege that this domestic judiciary has lost its integrity and inde-
money to future unconstitutional rulers of themse1ves and also pendence. that deciding judges have been corrupted. intimidated. dis-
constitutionally bind any future government of theirs not to repay missed. or killed by the government or its supporters. The prospect of
such debts. Phase Two: a military junta takes power in Brazil by such hard cases. in which it is doubtful 01' controversial whether a
force. suspends the constitution. and receives large loans from Citiban~. particular government does or does not count as legitimate under our
Phase Three: Brazirs constitution is restored. and the new democratlc constitutional amendment. disturbs its intended asymmetric effects.
government refuses to service the debts to Citibank. Citibank com- Banks will be reluctant to lend to Oll.\' government of a country that
plains to the US government. Would the USo under such circum- adopts the proposed amendment because they will worry that repay-
stances. exert pressure on the new Brazilian government to assume ment may be - reasonably or unreasonably - refused in the future on
responsibility for the junta's debt. for example by threatening other- the ground that the government receiving the loan was not legitimate
wise to shut Brazil out 01'the international financial system'? under the terms of the amendment.
Serious public-relations problems. both at home and abroad. To avoid such ambiguities and doubts. a fledgling democracy should
could arise from exerting such pressure. and governments 01'the rich officially. preferably within the text ofthe amendment itself. empower
156 Achieving Democracy 157
Achieving Democracy

some external agency to settle such controversies quickly and author- influenced by inappropriate political motives and pressu~~s. 01' course.
itatively in the manner 01' a court. This agency should not be another participating governments may find it necessary to modlly the general
government. or group 01' governments. as such judgments by govern- criterion later on. and so should agree from the start ~n ~ proced.ure
ments would often be. and even more often be suspected or accused for revising it. However. they should also agree to a slgmficant tIme
01' being. influenced by self-serving political concerns or by political lal:! between the adoption 01' arevision and its entering into force.
pressures and incentives.c~7 More suitable would be an international U~der no circumstances should arevision be applied retroactively to
panel. composed 01' reputable. independent jurists living abroad who a case that was pending at the time of its adoption.
understand our constitution and political system weil enough to judge There is much to be said about how the general criterion for a
whether some particular group's acquisition and exercise 01' political broadly democratic constitution should be formulated. I c~n here
power is or is not constitutionallv lelZitimate. only add two points to this chapter's openin.g par~graphs. FIrst. the
11' several fledgling democracie~ pa~s variants 01' the proposed con- word "constitution" must be understood as mcludmg more than the
stitutional amendment. they can initiate the creation 01' a standing canonical constitutional text. which may be beautifully democratic
Democracy panel under the auspices 01' the UNo This Panel should and yet widely ignored in practice. The general criterion therefore
have at its disposal sufficient personnel to monitor elections and other must be sensitive to whether the written constitution really governs
pertinent developments in the participating countries in order to be the conduct 01' all branches 01' government and how particular consti-
able to decide quickly whether any 01' them is governed in violation tutional provisions are actually interpreted and applied. The general
01' the constitutional rules it had democratically imposed upon itself. criterion should guide the Democracy Panel to focus on what basic
The prospect 01' quick and authoritative decisions 01' this kind would rules are actually operative in the society under examination. Second.
strengthen the amendment's deterrent effect on potential authoritarian one may ask whether a country's constitution should count as broadly
predators and their potentiallenders. c~sYet. the panel's existence would democratic if essential parts 01' it are protected from democratic amend-
also safeguard the ability 01' democratic governments to borrow abroad. ment. Here I am inc1ined to think that the answer should depend on
as each participating country assumes full responsibility for debts how restrictive the relevant constitutional provisions are. 11' they merely
incurred by any 01' its governments in power that has not been declared entrench a broad commitment to democracy (as is the case with the
unconstitutional by the Democracy Panel. "untouchable" Articles land 20 01' the German Grundgeset::). then
As its name suggests. the Democracy Panel should monitor only these provisions should not disqualify a constitution from being
countries with broadly democratic constitutions. It should not. for counted as "broadly democratic."
instance. support the entrenchment 01' authoritarianism by agreeing It is possible for a broadly democratic constitution to be _. through
to monitor a constitutional amendment that forbids governments to a sequence 01' constitutionally legitimate alterations - subverted into
repay the loans 01' future governments that rule in violation 01' an an authoritarian one. 11' this happens. the Democracy Panel should
existing undemocratic constitution. The Democracy Panel requires. resign its authority at the point when the constitution in question
then. not merely diverse specijic criteria for the constitutionallegitimacy ceases to be broadly democratic. It should not allow itself to be lured
01' governments 01' the various countries it agrees to monitor. but into the service 01' a (however popular) constitutional authoritarian-
must also have one general criterion for deciding whether a country ism. It is also possible. 01' course. that a constitutionally democratic
that iso or requests to be. monitored (still) has a hroadll' del110cratic country that had adopted aversion 01' the proposed amendment later
constitution. This single general criterion can be form~lated by the would repeal it democratically. In this case. the Democracy Panel
governments setting up the Democracy Panel. Its application. how- should accept that its authorization to judge the constitutional cre-
ever. should be left entirely to the jurists on the panel. By assigning dentials 01' the country's governments has been withdrawn and should
to themselves the task 01' judging one another's democratic creden- cease its monitoring 01' the country in question. Finally. the Demo-
tials. the governments 01' participating countries would expose them- cracy Panel should also be instructed to allow for the possibility that
selves to severe political pressures (as when a superpower is eager to a government. although it came to power in violation o~ ~ con~titu-
have a "friendly" client government officially recognized as "broadly tion that includes the proposed amendment. may later legltlmate Itself
democratic"). as weil as to suspicions and accusations 01' having been through a new broadly democratic constitution. 11' this new constitution
158 Achieving Democracy Achieving Democracy 159

has wide popular support. the Democracy Panel should accept it as to do so. The existence 01' the Democracy Fund does not aIter the fact
having superseded the old constitution. that authoritarian rulers - no matter how illegal and illegitimate their
A Democracy Panel 01' the kind I have sketched would not be acquisition and exercise 01' political power may be domestically - are
expensive to run. At the limit. even a single small and poor country obligated under international law to service their country's public
could afford to put such a panel together by finding some distin- debts abroad and should be subject to sanctions if they fail to do so.
guished international lawyers willing to serve- though it is to be The sole point 01' the Democracy Fund is to neutralize precisely the
hoped. 01' course. that additional and unconditional financial sup- risk that the constitutional amendment under discussion might other-
port would be offered by the UNo by some more affluent democratic wise add to the ordinary risks 01' lending money to countries with
states. and by some governmental and nongovernmental international fledgling democratic governments.
organizations. 11' constituted and instructed in accordance with the To be fully credible. the Democracy Fund must have the ability to
ideas sketched above. the Democracy Panel would significantly rein- mobilize sufficient funds to service the debts incurred by fledgling
force the intended asymmetrical effects 01' the proposed constitutional democratic governments in the event 01' their unconstitutional over-
amendment. throw. To achieve such full credibility. it is desirable that the Demo-
cracy Fund be backed jointly by many democratic societies. including
rich and stable ones that have not adopted and see no need to adopt
6.3.2 The tit-for-tat problem the proposed constitutional amendment. It is true that the enduringly
stable democracies will then contribute to a facility from which they
In countries where democracy is fragile. there is a possibility that will probably never profit directly. This financial contribution by these
authoritarianism will reemerge despite passage 01' the proposed con- mostly weahhy democracies would. however. be weil justified in view
stitutional amendment. 11' this were to happen. the new authoritarian 01' the resulting global gain for democratization. which would be asso-
government might weil find it prudent to refuse to service the debts ciated with a reduction in wars. civil wars. and human-rights problems
incurred by its democratic predecessors. Unable to borrow in the and hence with a reduced need for the absorption 01' refugees and
name 01' the whoIe country anyway. it has little to lose by such a other humanitarian initiatives.
refusal and also has a special need to preserve the more limited funds Moreover. the financial contributions required to sustain the Demo-
at its disposal. cracy Fund might weil be quite small. This is so because the more
Anticipating that possible authoritarian successors 01' ours may weil financial backing democratic states give to this fund. the Iess it may
refuse to service the debts we incur. foreign banks will be more reluc- actually have to spend. 11' the Democracy Fund is fully credible. then
tant to lend to us as weil. By adopting the proposed constitutional fledgling democracies can. by passing the amendment. discourage
amendment. our fledgling democratic government is thus liable to potential predators without weakening their own position (access to
undermine its own ability to borrow abroad along with the ability 01' credit). A fully credible Democracy Fund may thus greatly reduce the
its potential authoritarian successors. The amendment may therefore number of successful coups d'etat that might lead to claims against it.
render our fledgling democratic government less stable than it would And there is another reason why the Democracy Fund may in the end
be if we continued the going practice under which a country"s demo- prove quite cheap to run: the fund should be entitled to reclaim. oncc
cratic and authoritarian governments assume responsibility for each democracy returns. any money it expends on servicing the debts 01'
other's debts. In the end. (/1/ Brazilian governments. authoritarian or a temporarily authoritarian country. This is important because the
democratic. could be hurt by the amendment - contrary. once again. existence 01' the Democracy Fund should not create a moral hazard
to its intended asymmetric effects. by giving democratic governments an incentive to orchestrate coups
This difficulty could be neutralized through an International Demo- against themselves in order to ease their country's debt burden at the
cratic Loan Guarantee Fund ("Democracy Fund" for short). which expense 01' other democratic states.
temporarily services the debts 01' count ries with broadly democratic The Democracy Fund can thus safeguard the desired asymmetric
constitutions. as recognized by the Democracy Panel. in the event and incentive structure. The ability 01' any authoritarian government to
011(1' in the event that unconstitutional rulers 01' such countries refuse borrow is diminished by the prospcct that it will be displaced by a
160 Achieving Democracy
Achieving Democracy 161
democratic successor forbidden to repay its debts: but the ability 01'
The foreseeable refusal of various rich democracies to support our
any democratic government to borrow is not diminished by the risk
amendment and the Democracy Fund does not show the idea to be
that it will be displaced by an authoritarian successor.
impractical. The capital facility needed for the Democracy Fund can
When afftuent democracies back the Democracy Fund. they do
be financed through contributions by democratic developing coun-
good by strcngthening the credibility 01' this fund and hence the
tries. by the more progressive developed democracies. by international
creditworthiness 01' f1edgling democratic governments. They do good
organizations. and by contributions from banks and multinational cor-
also by signaling their democratic loyalties to banks that might lend
porations. Moreover. risks could be greatly reduced through reinsur-
to authoritarian predators. thereby discouraging such loans and thus
ance and through securitization (whereby private investors assume
reinforcing the intended effect 01' our constitutional amendment. some of the risk in exchange for a fixed premium).
Afftuent d~mocracies could do even better in this latter respect - quite
Obviously. the entire plan. Democracy Panel and Democracy Fund
apart from whether or not they back the Democracy Fund - by pub- included. has a better chance 01' succeeding if it is pursued jointly by
licly promising not to bring press ure to bear in behalf of any of their
several democratic developing countries. 11' such cooperation turns
banks that will choose to lend to our future authoritarian rulers. out to be infeasible. it makes sense nonetheless for a single such country
While pursuing the constitutional amendment. our f1edgling demo- to pass the amendment. provided its present democratic government
cratic government should then also approach the governments 01' the can cope with the expected reduction in its ability to borrow.25Y This
rich democracies with the request that they publicly promise to respect unilateral step makes sense because it would build moral momentum.
our democratically promulgated amendment and publicly warn their It would highlight that. in the existing global economic order. poor
banks that they will not consider our country liable for debts incurred populations are held responsible for debts incurred by their thoroughly
by its future unconstitutional rulers.
illelZitimate rulers and are thus often forced. after having suffered an
ext~nded ordeal 01' brutal oppression. to pay - with interest - for the
weapons that were used against them. It would highlight that this
6.3.3 rhe establishment problem international practice contributes to the frequcncy of undemocratic
government in the developing countries and that people in these coun-
It is not likely that the governments of the most powerful states would tries are seeking to change that practice. A single developing country
readily agree to back the Democracy Fund. to respect our constitu- could get the ball rolling. might induce other developing countries to
tional amendment. and to warn their banks. It is more likely. in fact.
follow its exam pie. might get a Democracy Panel organized. and might
that some 01' these governments would even bring pressure to bear on finally build sufficient support for the Democracy Fund.260
us not to proceed with the amendment. In doing so. they may urge
that it is important for the stability ofthe international financial system
that lenders be able to rely on governments to repay the debts of their 6.3.4 Synthesis
predecessors. irrespective of what they believe. or pretend to believe.
about these predecessors' legitimacy.
Let me briefly relate this discussion back to the three sets 01' future-
On the level 01' argument. we can respond to such pressure by oriented considerations distinguished in section 6.1. It is natural for a
pointing out that our constitutional amendment will have no negative f1edgling democratic government to be primarily concerned with its
effects on the stability of the international financial system and on our
own survival. stability. and influence. Reasoning in terms of this first
own ability to borrow so long as the rich democracies help sustain the set 01' considerations alone. we may weil find that we have no compcl-
full credibility of the Democracy Fund. Even if this response fails to ling reason to spend scarce political capital on an attempt to under-
win their backing for the Democracy Fund. it highlights the nice mine the international borrowing privilege. Getting the constitutional
point that it is only on l1ccounf 01' fheir re.filsl1l that our amendment
amendment passed is likely to require considerable political effort
engenders instability. This point reduces the pressure rich democracies that might instead be expended on other goals. And even if such an
can bring to bear against our plan without risking losses in the arena effort were to succeed. the benefit 01' our amendment (discouraging
01' world public opinion.
potential authoritarian predators by reducing their expected access
162 Achieving Democracy Achieving Democracy 163

to foreign loans they could use for their own enrichment and the tend to deter. undemocratic takeovers. This is a constitutional amend-
entrenchment 01' their rule) may be balanced by its drawback (redu- ment in wh ich our country declares that only its constitutionally demo-
cing our own access to credit - the "tit-for-tat problem"). cratic governments may effect legally valid transfers 01' ownership
The case in favor 01' the amendment initiative becomes much rights in public property and forbids any ofits governments to recognize
stronger. however. once we bring in the second and third sets 01' con- ownership rights in property acquired from a preceding government
siderations. thus broadening our concern beyond the prospects 01' that lacked such constitutional Icgitimacy. Now. 01' course. once they
this f1edgling democratic government to the prospects 01' democratic have seized power. authoritarian rulers can hand over public property
institutions in the long run and in the developing world at large. to anyone they like. But recipients 01' such property are. through the
Governments 01' the developing count ries have. 1'01' the most part. amendment. put on notice that their ownership rights will be contested
been corrupt. authoritarian. and often brutal. In the wealthv coun- once democracy returns. This will tend to reduce the revenue author-
tries. this problem is seen as the responsibility 01' the peopl~ in the itarian rulers can raise through sales ofpublic property. thus making it
developing world. often attributed to their 1':lCkingthe courage to harder for them to enrich themselves and to entrench their rule. And
resist oppression or the cultural sophistication to distinguish between this in turn reduces the attractions 01' a coup attempt. thus tending to
the might 01' their rulers and their right to rule. In truth. however. the enhance the stability 01' our f1edgling democratic regime.
dereloped count ries are the chief upholders 01' the might-is-right prin- In attempting to explain and support this proposal. let me first
ciple. It is they who insist that the mere fact that someone holds point out that the sale 01' public property really is an important causal
effective power over us-- regardless 01' how he ca me to power. 01' how contributor to the incidence 01' undemocratic government. It has been
he exercises power. and 01' the extent to which he is opposed by the weil known among economists for quite some time that there is a
people he rules - gives him the right to incur legally binding interna- significant negatil'e correlation between a developing country's resource
tional obligations in our behalf. Their imposition 01' this principle endowment and its rate 01' economic growth. Offhand, this is surprising.
creates a strong and continuous headwind against democracy in the One would think that being well endowed with natural resources is
developing countries. By focusing attention on this principle and its good tor a country's economic growth prospects. putting at its disposal a
pernicious effects, and by seeking the support 01' other countries and stream 01' export revenues that can be used for productivity-enhancing
their citizens toward its repeal. we have a good chance to achieve a investments. It turns out. however. that the availability 01' such a
great and lasting advance for democracy in the developing world. revenue stream also has the effect 01' attracting predators. so that
Expending the political capital 01' a f1edgling democratic government resource-rich countries are more likely to be victimized by coup
on this project may not be the individually optimal strategy for each, attempts. civil wars. and authoritarian governments. which tend to
but it is very likely to be the collectivcly optimal strategy for all. reduce economic growth. The fact that the ele/(Jcto rulers 01' resource-
especially if full weight is also given to the concern to secure democracy rich developing countries can sell these resources. or use them as loan
for future generations. To make enduring progress toward democracy. collateral. provides strong incentives to seek power in such a country.
the democrats in the developing world must look beyond our diverse by whatever means. And. since the officials 01' such countries have
spatially and temporally limited stability problems and unite in the resources to seil and money to spend. it is also more lucrative to cor-
attack on the root causes 01' our vulnerability to oppressive govern- rupt them than their resource-poor peers. For these reasons. ample
ment. To facilitate such unity. we should set an example here and resources become an obstacle to growth. because they foster coups,
now by working to pass the proposed constitutional amendment. civil wars. oppression. and corruption.
The empirical connection I have just asserted has been docu-
mented in detail by two Yale economists, Ricky Lam and Leonard
6.4 Undermining the resource privilege Wantchekon. The empirical part 01' their paper specifically supports
of authoritarian predators the hypothesis that the causal connection between resource wealth
and poor economic growth - the so-called Dutch Disease261 - is medi-
There is another peaceful way 01' affecting the dispositions 01' other ated through reduced chances for democracy. The authors' cross-
states in ways that would reduce the rewards oL and would thereby country regression analysis shows that "a one percentage increase in
164 Achieving Democracy Achieving Democracy 165
the size 01' the natural resource sector [relative to GOP] generates a conclude that Shell can then no longer acquire ownership rights in
decrease by half a percentage point in the probability 01' survival 01' crude oil through contracts with. and payments to. this new military
democratic regimes In order to improve economic performance. ruler? And would these governments and courts allow a subsequent
one has to limit elite discretion over the process 01' rent distribu- democratic government 01' Nigeria to sue Shell 1'01' the value 01' any
tion. "chc The purpose 01' the second proposed amendment is precisely Nigerian erude oil Shell "bought" from the military strongman?
to "restrict elite discretion over the process 01' rent distribution" - at I confess that the answer to these questions is No. The second
least insof,u as such elites lack democratic legitimation. proposed amendment would not work this sort 01' miracle. And yet. it
Could this further proposal possibly work? The second proposed should be passed nonetheless. It should be passed. first and foremost.
amendment might weil have a salutary effect by reducing the price an because it c1arifies the moral situation. We live within agIobai economie
authoritarian government could fetch for immovable domestic public order that is structured in accordance with the interests 01' the affluent
property. such as government-owned land 01' buildings. In these cases high-consumption eountries and coercively imposed by them. An
there is areal danger that a successor government. recognizing its important feature 01' this order - highlighted by the second proposed
constitutional obligation. will deprive buyers 01' their possessions on amendment - is the international resource privilege: the privilege
the grounds that they had been acquired through what they should 01' any person 01' group exercising effective power within a country
have known were invalid transactions. But how could the amendment to confer internationally valid legal ownership rights in its natural
succeed with regard to the much more important case 01' movable resources. This general privilege is 01' great benefit to authoritarian
goods such as natural resources. which can easily be exported?Ch.l Is rulers and a strong incentive to any predators aspiring to this role.
there any chance that the second proposed amendment would induce More important tor its persistence. however. is the fact that this privi-
foreign governments and legal systems not to recognize ownership lege is also very much in the interest 01' the rich consumer societies. lt
rights conferred by any future authoritarian government? guarantees them a reliable and steady supply 01' resources. because
At first blush. this does not seem likely. The rich democracies may they can acquire internationally valid legal ownership rights in such
not like a plan that diminishes the opportunities of their banks to resources from anyone who happens to exercise effective power in a
make profitable loans to authoritarian governments 01' developing foreign country - without regard to how this ruler acquired 01' exer-
countries; but this change is 1'01' them no more than a minor irritant. cises power. without regard to how he can be expected to spend the
The prospect of not being able to acquire ownership rights in natural sale revenues. and without regard to how strongly his subjeets may be
resources controlled by such authoritarian governments iso by con- opposed to him 01' to his sales. And this privilege also greatly reduces
trast. catastrophic. The economies 01' the rich democracies are heavily the price 01' such resources - because no supplier is excluded (e.g. 1'01'
dependent on importing such resources and would be severely hurt if lack 01' democratic legitimation) and also because authoritarian rulers.
they could import only from democratically governed countries. lust produced and entrenched by the international resource and borrowing
imagine what would happen if the affluent count ries had to meet their privileges. te nd to maximize sales in the short term in order to serve
crude oil import needs through purchases solely from democratically their own personal interests. whereas demoeratic supplier governments
governed countries! The price 01' crude oil would be more volatile and serving the needs 01' a country's present and future people would be
much higher?)~ sharply reducing prosperity and economic growth in more inclined to budget its resources 1'01' maximum long-term benefit.chh
the developed world. ch) The second proposed constitutional amendment would focus
To make the problem more vivid. let me once again embed it in a attention on these issues and could thus help change the attitudes 01'
concrete example. Suppose the current democratic government of citizens in the more affluent countries toward the plight 01' the poorer
Nigeria passes the second proposed constitutional amendment. A few populations. The now prevalent attitude 01' condescending pity 1'01'
years later. the country suffers yet another military coup - Nigeria peoples somehow unable to get their act together. allowing them-
has been ruled by unelected military officers for 28 01' the last 34 years selves to be ruled by autocrats who ruin their economies. may give
- and the Oemocracy Panel determines that the new military ruler has way to a realization 01' how the rich democracies have a causal and
no legitimate authority under Nigeria's own constitution. Would the moral responsibility 1'01' the great difficuhy 01' establishing and main-
governments and courts 01' the USo Great Britain. and the Netherlands taining stable democratic regimes in the poorer countries. As more
Achieving Democracy Achieving Democracy 167
persons in the affluent societies reeognize their involvement and 6.5 Conclusion
responsibility. they may ehange their behavior as eonsumers. r~du-
eing their use 01' produets that ineorporate resourees purehased trom The currently popular topie 01' democratic transition covers some very
authoritarian governments. Sueh shifts will not have mueh 01' an eeo- vexed issues that are extremely difficult to resolve in a general way.
nomic effect - ~natural resourees are. for the most part. quite fungible. But it also covers some less complicated issues with respect to which
But they will have a politieal effect. making it increasi.ngly diffie.ult ~or considerable real progress could be made. Those \\'ho really care about
the governments 01' the rich democracies to collude wlth authontanan democracy and economic progress in the developing countries might
ru\e;s by enforcing ownership rights acquired from them and thereby do weil to foeus. tor now. on these less complicated issues and. in
recognizing these rulers' legal power to confer internationally valid partieular. on formulating measures that would reduce the economic
ownership rights in their country's property. payoffs from. and thus incentives toward. authoritarian rule. It is
The previous paragraph suggests why I have not c~osen a narro~er clear. I believe. that measures 01' the kind I have deseribed eould be
title for this chapter. sueh as "Achieving Democracy m the Developmg devised. though doing so in full detail would surely require careful
World:' There is a serious democracy deficit also in the affluent coun- attention to more complexities than I could cope with here. The greatest
tries. whose eitizens have not approved. and for the most part do not obstacles we face are not intelleetual but politieal. as authoritarian
even understand. very important foreign policies and international rulers and the developed consumer societies have a very powerful
praetices that are eonducted and upheld in their name. To be sure. common interest in blocking reforms that would enhance the pros-
many 01' these citizens may find it eonvenient to be igno~ant and aloof peets for democracy in the developing countries.
in this way and may endorse in a general way that thelr government
should conduct whatever foreign policy is best tor them. But demoeraey
requires more than such general endorsement. Democrae~ involves
the fulfillment not only 01' important rights. but also 01' Important
responsibilities 01' eitizens. To the extent that eitizens abandon their
responsibility to eontrol the power that is exercised in their name.
their country is less than fully democratic. Most citizens 01' the afflu-
ent states are abandoning this responsibility insofar as they choose
to understand very little about how the vast quantities 01' imported
resources they consume are acquired and about the impaet that the
terms 01' sueh acquisitions have in the count ries where these resources
Achallenge to the international resource privilege would make these
issues harder to avoid and thus would produce a gain for democracy
in the affluent eountries. And people in the developing world would
surely suffer less harm if people in the developed countries paid m?re
attention to their political responsibilities regarding foreign affam.
Even if the latter will be too selfish to agree to modify the interna-
tional resource privilege. they will at least better understand how they
are causally eonneeted to poverty and oppression in the developing
world. They will better understand that they and their countries face
here not merely opportunities for oeeasional eharitable contributions.
but severe harms to whieh their economic praetiees and policies are
substantially contributing and which they therefore have a weighty
duty to mitigate.
Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 169

institutional order. borders could be redrawn more easily to accord

7 with the aspirations 01' peoples and communities.

Cosmopolitanism and 7.1 Institutional cosmopolitanism based on human rights

Sovereignty Three elements are shared by all cosmopolitan positions. First. if/di-
I'idualism: the ultima te units 01'concern are human beings. or persons~o7
- rather than. say. family lines. tribes. ethnic. cultural. or religious
communities. nations. or states. The latter may be units 01'concern
only indirect1y. in virtue 01'their individual members or citizens. Second.
unil'ersality: the status 01' ultimate unit 01' concern attaches to evay
living human being equalll' (cf. n. 90) - not merely to some subset.
such as men. aristocrats. Aryans. whites. or M uslims. ~6~ Third. gener-
ality: this special status has global force. Persons are ultimate units 01'
concernjor el'elyone - not only for their compatriots. fellow religionists.
or suchlike.
Let me separate three cosmopolitan approaches by introducing two
distinctions. The first is that between legal and moral cosmopolitanism.
7.0 Introduction Legal cosmopolitanism is committed to a concrete political ideal 01'a
global order under which all persons have equivalent legal rights and
The human future suddenly seems open. This is an inspiration: we duties - are fellow citizens 01'a universal republic.~o9 Moral cosmopo-
can step back and think more freely. Instead 01'containment or detente. litanism holds that all persons stand in certain moral relations to one
political scientists are discussing grand pictures: the end 01'history. or another. We are required to respect one another's status as ultima te
the inevitable proliferation and mutual pacifism 01' capitalist demo- units 01' moral concern - a requirement that imposes limits on our
cracies. And politicians are speaking 01'a new world order. My inspira- conduct and. in particular. on our efforts to construct institutional
tion is a little more concrete. After developing a rough. cosmopolitan schemes. This view is more abstract. and in this sense weaker than.
specification 01' our task to promote moral progress. [ ofter an idea legal cosmopolitanism. It may support the latter for certain empirical
for gradual global institutional reform. Dispersing political authority circumstances. but it may. for different circumstances. support less
over nested territorial units would decrease the intensity 01'the struggle uniform arrangements such as a system 01'autonomous states or even
for power and wealth within and among states. thereby reducing the a multitude 01'self-contained communities. Here I present a variant 01'
incidence 01' war. poverty. and oppression. In such a multilayered moral cosmopolitanism before examining below whether this position
supports reforms that would bring our global order c10ser to the ideal
01' legal cosmopolitanism.
This chapter has benefiteu from incisive comments anu suggestions by Anureas The central idea 01' moral cosmopolitanism is that every human
F011esdal. Bonnie Kent. Ling Tong. and my fellow participants at the Ethi<.:on East/ being has agIobai stature as an ultimate unit 01'moral concern. Such
West Dialogue Conference on the Restructuring 01' Political and Economic Systems moral concern can be f1eshed out in countless ways. One may focus
<Berlin. January 1991). It first appeareu in Ethin 103. I <October 1992): 48-75. C 1992
on subjective goods and ills (human happiness. desire fulfillment. pref-
The University 01' Chicago. All rights reserveu. I have revised so me passages with
the bencfit of more recent literature anu of the evolving Yale doctoral dissertation. erence satisfaction. or pain avoidance) or on more objective ones (such
"Sovereignty and Global .Iustice." by Eric Cavallero. But 1 have made no elTort to as human-need fulfillment. capabilities. opportunities. or resources).
change the tone of the charter. which reflects the spirit 01' 1990. the year of its original Also. one might relativize these measures. for instance by defining the
composition. key ill as being lI'orse oft' than anyone need be. as being dominateu bl'
170 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 171

orhers, 01' as falling beiOlI' rhe lIIean -- which is equivalent to replacing need some additional moral conception to formulate moral constraints
straightforward aggregation (sum-ranking 01' averaging) by a maximin on conduct in a disorganized state of nature.
01' egalitarian standard. In order to get to my topic quickly. I do not Second. the cosmopolitanism 01' the institutional approach is
discuss these matters. but simply opt for a variant of moral cosmopo- contingent as weIl. in that the glohal moral force of human rights is
litanism that is formulated in terms of hUlllan righrs with straightfor- activated only through the emergence of agiobai institutional order,
ward aggregation.27tl In doing so. I capture what most other variants which triggers obligations to promote any feasible reforms 01' this
likewise consider essential. And my further reftections can, in any order that would enhance the fulfillment of human rights. So long as
case. easily be generalized to other variants of moral cosmopolitanism. there is a plurality of self-contained cultures, the responsibility tor
My second distinction lies ll'irhin the domain of the moral. It con- unfulfilled human rights does not extend beyond their boundaries.
cerns the nature of the moral constraints to be imposed. An insrifll- (On the interactional approach suggested by Luban. by contrast. human
rional conception postulates certain fundamental principles of social rights would impose duties on persons anywhere to give possible aid
jusrice. These apply to institutional schemes and are thus second- and protection in specified cases of need.) It is only because all human
order principles: standards for assessing the ground rules and prac- beings are now participants in a single, global institutional order _
tices that regulate human interactions. An inreracrional conception. involving such institutions as the territorial state. a system of interna-
by contrast. postulates certain fundamental principles of erhics. These tional law and diplomacy. as weil as agIobai economic system of
principles, like institutional ground rules. are first-order in that they property rights and markets for capital. goods, and services - that all
apply directly to the conduct of persons and groups. unfulfilled human rights have come to be, at least potentially, every-
Interactional cosmopolitanism assigns direct responsibility for the one's responsibility.271
fulfillment of human rights to other individual and collective agents, These two limitations do not violate generality. Each person has a
whereas institutional cosmopolitanism assigns such responsibility to duty toward el'ery other not to cooperate in imposing an unjust insti-
institutional schemes. On the latter view, the responsibility of persons tutional order upon her, even while this duty triggers human-rights-
is, then. indirect - a shared responsibility for the justice 01' any practices based obligations only to fellow participants in the same institutional
one helps to impose. One ought not to cooperate in the im position scheme. This is analogous to how the duty to keep one's promises is
of a coercive institutional order that avoidably leaves human rights general even while it triggers obligations only toward persons to whom
unfulfilled without making reasonable efforts to aid its victims and to one has actually made a promise.
promote institutional reform.271 We see here how the institutional approach makes available an
Institutional and interactional conceptions are compatible and thus appealing intermediate position between two interactional extremes.
may be combined in a mutually complementary way.m Here I focus. It goes beyond simple libertarianism. according to which we may
however, on a variant of institutional cosmopolitanism while leaving ignore harms that we do not directly bring about, without falling into
open the question of its supplementation by a variant of interactional a utilitarianism of rights. which commands us to take account of all
cosmopolitanism. I hope to show that making the institutional view relevant harms whatsoever, regardless of our causal relation to them
primary leads to a more plausible and more pertinent overall moral- (cf. n. 101).
ity. To do this. let me begin by exploring how the two approaches Consider. for example, a human right not to be enslaved. On an
yield different understandings of human rights and their fulfillment. interactional view, this right would constrain persons, who must not
On the interactional view human rights im pose constraints on con- enslave one another. On an institutional view. the right would constrain
duct, while on the institutional view they im pose constraints, in the legal and economic institutions: ownership rights in persons must not
first instance, upon shared practices. The latter approach has two be recognized 01' enforced. This leads to an important difference re-
straightforward limitations. First, its applicability is contingent, in garding the moral role of those who are neither slaves nor slaveholders.
that human rights are activated only through the emergence of social On the interactional view, such third parties have no responsibility
institutions. Where such institutions are lacking, human rights are toward existing slaves, unless the human right in question involved,
merely latent. incapable of being either fulfilled 01' unfulfilled. Thus. if besides the negative duty not to enslave, also a positive duty to pro-
we accept a purely institutional conception of human rights, then we tect 01' rescue others from enslavement. Such positive duties have been
172 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 173
notoriously controversial. On the institutional view. by contrast. those democratic countries bear then a collective responsibility for their
involved in upholding an institutional order that authorizes and governments' role in designing and imposing this global order and
enforces slavery - even those who own no slaves themselves - count as for their governments' failure to reform it toward greater human-
cooperating in the enslavement. in violation of a l1egatil'e duty. unless rights fulfillment.
they make reasonable efforts toward protecting slaves or promoting There are two main strategies for attempting to limit the practical
institutional reform. The institutional view thus broadens the circle of importance of this shared responsibility. A more philosophical strat-
those who share responsibility for certain deprivations and abuses egy seeks to show that any institutional order should be held respons-
beyond what a simple libertarianism would justify. and it does so ible only for deprivations it eSllJblis!Jes. that iso mandates or at least
without having to affirm positive duties. authorizes. A human-rights standard should then c1assify such an order
To be sure. promoting institutional reform is doing something (pos- as acceptable so long as no severe deprivations are established by it.
itive). But the obligation to do so may nonetheless be negative for irrespective of any severe deprivations this order merely - however
those who would otherwise. through their involvement in upholding predictably and however avoidably - engenders. And we should there-
the relevant institutional order. be harming its victims. This is analog- fore not count against the current global order the fact that it tends
ous to how the libertarians' favorite negative duty may entail positive to engender a high incidence of war. torture. and starvation. because
obligations: one must do what one has promised or contracted to do not hing in the existing written or unwritten international ground rules
pursuant to one's negative duty not to promise/contract without per- calls for such deprivations; they actually forbid both torture and the
forming. In both cases. the negative duty gives rise to positive obliga- waging of aggressive war. The prominence of these evils therefore
tions only through prior voluntary conduct: one's promise. or one's indicates no ftaw in our global order and. afortiori. no violation of
involvement in upholding a coercive institutional order. negative duties on our part (though we may be responsible if our own
The move from an interactional to an institutional approach thus government engages in torture or an unjust war).
blocks one way in which today's rich and mighty in the world's affluent This position is implausible. It would be irrational to assess social
regions like to see themselves as morally disconnected from the fate of institutions without regard to the effects they predictably engender -
the poor in the developing countries. It overcomes the claim that one irrational. for instance, to design a penal code or a tax code without
need only refrain from violating human rights directly. that one cannot regard to the effects it will actually produce through, for example. the
reasonably be required to become a soldier in the global struggle compliance and reward incentives it provides. Longer jail terms may
against human-rights violators and a comforter of their victims world- lower crime rates thus reducing aggregate jail time. and lower tax
wide. This claim is not refuted but shown to be irrelevant. We are rates may expand the tax base thus increasing tax revenues - or they
asked to be concerned about avoidably unfulfilled human rights not may have the opposite effect. A legislature would not be doing its job
simply insofar as they exist at all. but only insof,u as they are produced if it made such decisions without regard to their engendered conse-
by coercive social institutions in whose imposition we are involved. quences. It would be similarly irresponsible to think about the design
Our negative duty not to cooperate in the imposition of unjust coercive and reform of global institutions without regard to their engendered
institutions triggers obligations to protect their victims and to promote conseq uences.
feasible reforms that would enhance their fulfillment of human rights. It does not follow that a plausible standard for assessing social
One may think that a shared responsibility for the justice of any institutions must treat established and engendered consequences on a
social institutions one is involved in imposing cannot plausibly extend par. A human right to physical security. für instance, though it should
beyond our national institutional order. in which we participate as be sensitive to the risks an institutional order may impose on (some
citizens. and which we can most immediately affect. But such a lim- 00 its participants through the high crime rate it engenders, should
itation is untenable. The existing global institutional order is neither certainly be 1II0re sensitive to the risks it produces through officially
natural nor God-given. but shaped and upheld by the more powerful authorized or even mandated assaults. (We should not. to give a simple
governments and by other actors they control (such as the EU. NATO. illustration. authorize a "reform" of police procedures that would cause
UNo WTO. OECD. World Bank. and IMF). At least the more privi- an extra 90 assaults by police against suspects. even if its contribution
leged and inftuential citizens of the more powerful and approximately to deterrence would also reduce by 100 the number of similarly severe
174 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 175
assaults by criminals against citizens.) These differentiations can This challenge appeals to true premises but draws an invalid
and should be incorporated into any plausible conception of human inference. Our global institutional order can obviously not figure in
rights. which should avoid. then. the kind of purely recipient-oriented the explanation of loml variations in the underfulfillment of human
view of deprivations that is embodied in consequentialist and con- rights. but only in the macroexplanation of its glohal incidence. This
tractualist (veil-of-ignorance) theorizing. With these differentiations paralleIs how Japanese culture may figure in the explanation of the
in place. we can count engendered deprivations (such as poverty in a Japanese suicide rate or how the laxity of US handgun legislation
market system or insecurity due to crimes) as relevant to the fulfillment may figure in the explanation of the North American homicide
of human rights without committing to a purely recipient-oriented rate. without thereby explaining particular suicides/homicides or
assessment of social institutions that would assign to engendered dep- even intercity differentials in rates. In these parallel ca ses the need
rivations the same weight as it assigns to equally severe established tor a macroexplanation is obvious from the fact that there are other
depriva tions. ~74 societies whose suicide/homicide rates are significantly lower. In the
The sensitivity of the institutional approach to engendered depriva- case of global institutions. the need for a macroexplanation of the
tions suggests a further contrast to the interactional approach. con- overall incidence 01' unfulfilled human rights is less obvious because
cerning the way each understands what it means for a human right to - apart from some rather inconclusive historieal comparisons-- the
be unfulfilled. It cannot plausibly be required of an institutional order. contrast to observable alternative global institutional schemes is
for example. that it reduce the incidence 01' criminal assaults to zero. lacking. Still. it is highly likely that there are feasible (i.e. practicable
This would be impossible: and approximating such an ideal as closely and accessible) alternative global regimes that would tend to engender
as possible would require a police state. The institutional approach lower rates of deprivation. This is clear. for example. in regard to
thus should count a person's human right to physical security as economic institutions. where our experience with various national and
fulfil1ed if the integrity of her body is reasonably secure. This entails
regional schemes suggests that free markets must be regulated or
that. even in the presence of a shared institutional order. some of complemented in certain ways if extreme poverty. entailing effective
what count as human rights violations on the interactional view (e.g. exclusion from political participation as weil as from educational and
certain assaults) do not count as unfulfilled human rights on the insti- medical opportunities. is to be avoided. This supports a generaliza-
tutional view (because the victims enjoy a high level of physical security tion to the global plane. to the conjecture that the current global
which made the assault they actually sutTer highly unlikely). Conversely. economic order must figure prominently in the explanation of the fact
some of what count as unfulfilled human rights on the institutional that our world is one of vast and increasing international inequalities
view (e.g. inadequate protection associated with a considerable risk in income and wealth, with consequent huge differentials in national
of assault) may not register on the interactional view (because some rates of infant mortality. life expectancy. disease, and malnutrition.
insufficiently protected persons are not actually assaulted). Such a macroexplanation does not explain why one poor country is
A second. more empirical strategy for attempting to limit the prac- developing rapidly while another is not. It explains why so few are
tical importance of our shared responsibility tor global institutions while so many are not.
seeks to downplay the extent to wh ich our global institutional order is Let me close the more abstract part of the discussion with a sketch
causal1y responsible for current deprivations: of how this institutional view might understand social and economic
human rights and how it might thus relate to the notion of distributive
Unfulfilled human rights and their distribution have local explanations.
justice. A man sympathetic to the moral claims of the poor. Michael
In some cOllntries tortllre is rampant. while it is virtllally non-existent Walzer. has written: ""the idea of distributive justice presupposes a
in others. Some regions are embroiled in frequent wars. while others bounded world. a community. within wh ich distributions take place.
are not. In some cOllntries democratic institutions thrivc. while others a group of people committed to dividing. exchanging. and sharing.
bring forth a sllccession 01' autocrats. And again. some poor countries first of al1 among themselves. ""~7i This is precise1y the picture 01' dis-
have developed rapidly. while others are getting poorcr year by year. tributive justice that Robert Nozick has so vigorously attacked.
Therefore our global institutional order has verv little to do with the To the not ion of dividing he objects that ""there is no central distribu-
deplorable stat; 01' human-rights fulfillment on ~arth.'''· tion. no person or group entitlcd to control all the resources. jointly
Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 177
176 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty
This institutional cosmopolitanism does not. as such. entail crisp
deciding how they are to be doled OUt.'·~7~ And as for the rest. he would
practical conclusions. One reason for this is that I have not - apart
allow persons to do all the exchanging and sharing they Iike. but would
from allusions to the UD H R - given a full list of well-defined human
strongly reject any enforced sharing effected by some redistribution
rights together with relative weights or priority rules. Another reason
is that this institutional cosmopolitanism bears upon the burning issues
The institutional approach involves a conception of distributive
of the day only in an indirect way. media ted by empirical regularities
justice that differs sharply from the one Walzer supports and Nozick
and correlations about how existing institutional schemes. compared
attacks. Here the issue of distributive justice is not how to distribute a
to feasible modifications thereof. tend to affect the incidence of unful-
given pool of resources or how to improve upon a given distribution
filled human rights (as roughly indicated by rates of infant mortality.
but. rather. how to choose or design the economic ground rules that
child abuse. crime. war. malnutrition. poverty. personal dependence.
regulate property. cooperation. and exchange and thereby condition
and exclusion from education or health care).
production and distribution. (On the particular view I defend. for
The intervention of such empirical matters. and the openness of the
example. we should aim for an economic order under which each
notion of human rights. do not mean that no conclusions can be
participant would be able to meet her basic social and economic needs.)
drawn about the burning issues - only that what we can conclude is
A conception of distributive justice understood in this way. as providing
less precise and less definite than one might have hoped.
a standard for the moral assessment of alternative feasible schemes of
economic institutions. is prior to both production and distribution
occurring under such schemes and therefore involves neither the idea 7.2 The idea of state sovereignty
of an already existing pool of stuff to be doled out nor the idea of
already owned resources to be re-distributed. Before discussing how we should think about sovereignty in the light
The institutional conception of distributive justice also does not of the proposed institutional cosmopolitanism. let me define this term.
presuppose the existence of a community of persons committed first in a somewhat unusual way. as a two-place relation: A is sovereign
of all to share with one another. Rather. it has a far more minimal over B if and only if
rationale: we face a choice of economic ground rules that is partly
open - not determined by causal necessity. nor preempted by some (I) A is a governmental body or officer ("agency"). and
God-given or natural or neutral order that we must choose irrespect- (2) Bare persons. and
ive of its effects. This choice has a tremendous impact on human lives. (3) A has unsupervised~ROand irrevocable authority over B
an impact from which persons cannot be insulated and cannot insu- (a) to lay down rules constraining B's conduct. or
late themselves. Our present global economic order produces a stable (b) to judge B's compliance with rules. or
pattern of widespread malnutrition and starvation among the poor. (c) to enforce rules against B through preemption, prevention.
with some 18 million persons dying each year from poverty-related or punishments. or
causes. and there are likely to be feasible alternative regimes that (d) to act in B's behalf toward other agencies (ones that do or
would not produce similarly severe deprivations. If this is so. the do not have authority over B) or persons (ones whom A is
victims of such avoidable deprivations are not merely poor and starv- sovereign over. or not).
ing. but impoverished and starved through an institutional order
coercively imposed upon them. There is an injustice in this economic A has absolute sOI'ereignt,l' over B if and only if
order. which it would be wrong tor its more affluent participants to
perpetuate. And that is so quite independently of whether we and the ( I) A is sovereign over B. and
starving are united by a communal bond or committed to sharing (2) no other agency has any authority over A or over B which is
resources with one another - just as murdering a person is wrong not both supervised and revocable by A.
irrespective of such considerations. This is what the assertion of social
Any A having (absolute) sovereignty over some B can then be said to
and economic human rights amounts to within the proposed institu-
be an (absolute) sovereign (the one-place predicate).~~l
tional cosmopolitanism.~7'!
178 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 179
Central to contemporary political thought and reality is the idea 01' is limited or divided - whether horizontally (i.e. by territory or by
the autonomous territorial state as the preeminent mode 01' political governmental function) or vertically (as in my proposal) - a juridical
organization. In the vertical dimension. sovereignty is very heavily ~ondition has not been achieved because there is no recognized way
concentrated at a single level - it is states and only states that merit in which conflicts over the precise location 01' the limit or division
separate colors on a political map 01'our world. For nearly every can be authoritatively resolved. A genuine state 01' peace requires
human being. and für almost every piece 01' territory. there is exactly then an agency 01'last resort - ultimate. supreme. and unconstrained.
one government with preeminent authority over. and primary respons- Such an agency may still be limited by codified or uncodified obliga-
ibility for. this person or territory. And each person is thought to tions. But these can obligate merely in foro inremo (in conscience)
owe primary political allegiance and loyalty to this government with because to authorize subjects. or some second agency. to determine
preeminent authority over him or her. Such governments check and whether the first agency is overstepping its bounds would enable
dominate the decision-making 01' political subunits. as weil as sup- conflicts about this question for which there would be no reliable
ranational decisions which tend to be made thrOUl!h intergovern- legal path 01'authoritative resolution.~~:'
mental bargaining.~~~ ~ ~
This argument. which - strictly construed - would require an abso-
From the stand point 01' a cosmopolitan morality - which centers lute world sovereign, has been overtaken by the historical facts 01'the
on the fundamental needs and interests 01' individual human beings. last 200 years or so. which show conclusively that what cannot work
and 01' all human beings - this concentration 01' sovereignty at one in theory works quite weil in practice. Law-governed coexistence is
level is no longer defensible. What I am proposing instead is not possible without a supreme and unconstrained agency. There is, it is
the idea 01' a centralized world state. wh ich is really a variant 01' true. the possibility 01'ulrimare conflicts: 01'disputes in regard to which
the preeminent-state idea. Rather. the proposal is that governmental even the legally correct method 01'resolution is contested. To see this,
authority - or sovereignty - be widely dispersed in the vertical dimen- one need only imagine how a constitutional democracy's three branches
sion. What we need is horli centralization and decentralization - a 01'government might engage in an all-out power struggle, each going
kind 01' second-order decentralization away from the now dominant to the very brink 01' what. on its understanding. it is constitutionally
level 01' the state. Thus. persons should be citizens 01'. and govern authorized to do. From a theoretical point 01' view. this possibility
themselves through, a number 01'political units 01'various sizes. with- shows that we are not insured against. and thus live in permanent
out any one political unit being dominant and thus occupying the danger 01'. constitutional crises. But this no longer undermines our
traditional role 01'state. And their political allegiance and 10yalties~Rl confidence in a genuine division 01'powers: we have learned that such
should be widely dispersed over these units: neighborhood. town. crises need not be frequent or irresolvable. From a practical point 01'
county. province, state, region, and world at large. People should be view. we know that constitutional democracies can endure and can
politically at home in all 01' them. without converging upon any one ensure a robust juridical condition.
01' them as the lodestar 01'their political identity. ~X4
This same point applies in the vertical dimension as weil. Just as it
Before defending and developing this proposal by reference to thc is nonsense to suppose that. in a juridical condition. sovereignty musr
institutional cosmopolitanism set forth above. let me address two types rest with one 01'the branches 01'government. it is similarly nonsensical
01' objection to any vertical division 01'sovereignty.
to think that in a multilayered order sovereignty 11111Sr be concentrated
Objections 01'type I dispute that sovereignty can be divided at all. on one level exclusively. As the history 01'federalist regimes clearly
The traditional form 01' this objection rests on the belief that a jurid- shows. a vertical division 01'sovereignty can work quite weil in practice.
iml condirion (as distinct from a lawless state 01' nature) presupposes even while it leaves some conflicts over the constitutional allocation
an absolute sovereign. This dogma 01'absolute sovereignty arises (e.g. 01'powers without a reliable legal path 01'authoritative resolution.
in Hobbes and Kant) roughly as füllows. A juridical condition, by Objections 01' type 2 oppose. more specifically. any I'errical disper-
definition, involves a recognized decision mechanism tha t uniq uely sal 01'sovereignty. There are certain vertically indivisible governmental
resolves any dispute. This mechanism requires some agency because a functions that constitute the core 01' sovereignty. Any political unit
mere written or unwritten code (constitution. holy scripture) cannot exercising these core functions must be dominant - free to determine
settle disputes about its own interpretation. But so long as this agency the extent to which its subunits may engage in their own local political
180 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 181

decision-making. even while its own political process is immune to could be torn down. 01' course."284 Walzer's point is, then. that the
regulation and review by larger political units 01' which it forms a insistence on openness (to avoid a thousand petty fortresses) is asking
part. 11' there is to be any vertical distribution 01' sovereignty at all. it 100 much 01' neighborhoods. unless the state has control over immi-
must therefore be lopsided in favor 01' those governments in the vertical gration: "The distinctiveness 01' cultures and groups depends upon
order. which have authority over the core functions. The political c1osure.... 11' this distinctiveness is a value ... then closure must be
units coordinate to these dominant governments. and only they. deserve permitted somewhere. "24\1
the title 01' "country" or "state" (excepting the use 01' this word within But is the conventional model really supported by the rationale
the US). Walzer provides? To be sure. Walzer is right to claim that the value 01'
To be assessable. such a claim stands in need 01' two clarifications. protecting cohesive neighborhood cultures is better served by national
which are rarely supplied. First. when one thinks about it more ca re- immigration control than by no control at all. 291But it would be
fully. it turns out to be surprisingly difficult to come up with examples served even better if the state could admit only immigrants who are
01' indivisible governmental functions. Eminent domain. economic planning to move into a neighborhood that is willing to accept them.
policy. foreign policy.judicial review: the control 01' natural resources. Moreover. since a neighborhood culture can be as effectively destroyed
security forces. education. health care. and income support: the regu- by the influx 01' compatriots as by that 01' immigrants. neighborhoods
lation and taxation 01' resource extraction and pollution. 01' work and would do even better. if they had some authority to select from among
consumption. can all be handled at various levels and indeed are so prospective domestic newcomers or to limit their number. Finally.
handled in existing federal regimes and confederations. So what are neighborhoods may often want to bring in new members from abroad
the governmental functions that supposedly are vertically indivisible? - persons to whom they have special ethnic. religious. or cultural ties
And. second. is their indivisibility supposed to be derived from a con- .- and they would therefore benefit from a role in the national immi-
ceptual insight. from empirical exigencies. or from moral desiderata? gration control process that would allow them to facilitate the admis-
And which ones? sion 01' such persons. Th us there are at least three reasons for believing
Since I cannot here discuss all possible type 2 objections. let me that Walzer's rationale - cohesive neighborhood cultures ought to be
concentrate on one paradigm case. Walzer claims that the authority protected without becoming petty fortresses - is actually hetter served
to fix membership. to admit and exclude. is at least part 01' an indi- by a division 01' the authority to admit and exclude than by the con-
visible core 01' sovereignty: "At some level 01' political organization ventional concentration 01' this authority at the level 01' the state.
something like the sovereign state must take shape and claim the
authority to make its own admissions policy. to control and some-
times to restrain the flow 01' immigrants."286 Walzer's "must" does not 7.3 Some main reasons for a vertical
reflect a conceptual or empirical necessity. for in those senses the dispersal of sovereignty
authority in question quite obviously can be divided - for example. by
allowing political units on all levels to veto immigration. It is on moral Having dealt with some preliminary obstacles. let me now sketch four
grounds that Walzer rejects such an authority for provinces. towns. main reasons that favor, over the status quo. a world in which sover-
and neighborhoods: it would "create a thousand petty fortresses.',287 eignty is widely distributed vertically.
But if subunits are to be precluded from controlling the influx 01' new
members. then immigration must be controlled at the state level: "Only
if the state makes a selection among would-be members and guaran- 7.3.1 Peace and security
tees the loyalty. security. and welfare 01' the individuals it selects, can
local communities take shape as 'indifferent' associations. determined In the existing global order. intcrstate rivalries are settled ultimately
only by personal preference and market capacity. "288The asserted con- through military competition. including the threat and use 01' military
nection is again a moral one. It is certainly factually possible for local force. Moreover, within their own territories. national governments
communities to exist as indifferent associations even while no control are free to do virtually anything they like. Such governments therefore
is exercised over migration at all: as Walzer says. "the fortresses too have very powerful incentives and very broad opportunities to develop
182 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 183

their military might. This is bound to lead to the further proliferation assure the poor of their fair share of the value 01' natural resources
of nuclear. biologicaL chemicaL and conventional weapons of mass extracted and would also encourage conservation. Reforms for the
destruction. And in a world in which dozens of competing govern- sake 01' economic justice would again involve some centralization --
ments control such weapons. the outbreak of devastating wars is only though without requiring anything like agIobaI welfare bureaucracy.~~'
a matter of time. It is unlikely that national control over weapons of Global economic justice is an end in its own right. which requires.
mass destruction can be abolished within the existing world order -- and theretore supports. some reallocation of political authority. But it
through a disarmament program that depends upon the voluntary is also quite important as a means toward the first two objectives.
acceptance and compliance of each and every national government. War and oppression result from the contest for power within and
for example. The continuation of this order would thus probably lead among political units. which tends to be the more intense the higher
to more and more national governments gaining the capacity to trigger the stakes. In fights to govern states. or to expand their borders or
a major catastrophe. and possibly to attempts by some preemptively spheres 01' influence. far too much is now at stake by way of control
to disarm others. Nonproliferation and gradual abolition of weapons over people and resources. We can best lower the stakes by dispersing
of mass destruction presuppose a substantial centralization of authority political authority among several levels al/(! by institutionally securing
and power at the global level - in violation of the prevalent idea of economic justice at the global leveL
state sovereignty. Such centralization can best be accomplished in the This important point suggests why my first three considerations -
context of a multilayered global order. that iso in the course of a though each supports some centralization - do not on balance support
process of second-order decentralization. If such global institutional a centralized world state. While such a world state could lead to sig-
reform process also reduced repression and economic injustice. its nificant progress in terms of peace and economic justice. it also poses
disarmament component might weil win broad support from peoples significant risks of oppression. Here the kind 01' multilayered order I
and governments - provided it increases the security of all on fair propose has the great advantages of aftording plenty 01' checks and
terms that are effectively adjudicated and enforced. The attempt balances and of assuring that. even when some political units turn
to advance disarmament in this way would in any case be far less tyrannical and oppressive. there will always be other. a!f(!a(zr .Iid!y
dangerous than continuing the status quo. orgalli~('d political units - above. below. or on the same level - which
can render aid and protection to the oppressed. publicize the abuses.
and. if necessary. fight the oppressors. The prospect of such organized
7.3.2 Reducing oppression resistance would have a deterrent effect as governments would under-
stand that repression is more likely to reduce than enhance their power.
In the current global order. national governments are effectively free
There are two further important reasons against a centralized world
to control "their"" populations in whatever way they see fit. Many make
state. Cultural and social diversity are likely to be far better protected
extensive use of this freedom by torturing and murdering their domes-
when the interests of cultural communities at all levels are represented
tic opponents. censoring information. suppressing and subverting demo-
(externally) and supported (internally) by coordinate political units.
cratic procedures. prohibiting emigration. and so forth. These massive
And the order I propose could be reached gradua!(r from where we
violations of human rights could be reduced through a vertical dispersal
are now (through what I have ca lied second-order decentralization).
of sovereignty over various layers of political units that would check
while a centralized world state - involving. as it does. the annihilation
and balance one another as weil as publicize one another's abuses.
of existing states - would seem reachable only through revolution
01' in the wake 01' some global catastrophe.
7.3.3 Global economic iustice
The magnitude and extent of current economic deprivations~~~ call tor 7.3.4 Ecology/democracy
reforms of the prevailing global economic order. One plausible reform
would involve agiobai levy on the use of natural resources to support Modern processes of production and consumption are liable to gen-
the economic development in the poorest areas. Such a levy would erate significant negative externalities that. to a large and increasing
184 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 185
extent. transcend national borders. In a world 01'competing autono- sure. some other decision procedure - such as a group 01'experts - may
mous states. the internalization 01'such externalities is generally quite be more reliable for this or that kind 01'decision. and such procedures
imperfect because 01'familiar isolation. assurance. and coordination (judges. parliaments. cabinets. central banks. etc.) should then be put
problems. Treaties among a large number 01'very differently situated in place. This should be done. however. by the affected people delegat-
actors require difficult and time-consuming bargaining and negotia- ing. or abstaining from. such decisions. It is ultimately up to them.
tions. which often lead to only very slight progress. if any. And even an~dnot to self-appointed experts. to recognize the greater reliability
when treaties are achieved. doubts about the full compliance 01'other 01'.and to institutionalize. alternative decision-making procedures.
parties tend to erode each party's own commitment to make good- Given a human right to equal opportunity for political participation
faith efforts toward compliance. so conceived. the proper vertical distribution 01'sovereignty is deter-
One may object that this fourth reason goes beyond my institu- mined by considerations 01' three kinds. The first favor decentraliza-
tional cosmopolitanism. because there is no recognized human right tion. the second centralization. while the third may correct the resulting
to a clean and healthy environment. Why should people not be free balance in either direction.
to live in a degraded natural environment if they so choose? In First. decision-making should be decentralized as far as possible.
response: perhaps they should be. but for now they will not have had This is desirable in part for minimizing the decision-making burdens
a choice. The degradation 01' our natural environment inescapably upon individuals. But there are more important reasons as weil. Insofar
affects us all. And yet. most people are effectively excluded from any as decisions are morally c1osed. outsiders are more likely to lack the
say about this issue which. in the current state-centric model. is regu- knowledge and sensitivities to make responsible judgments - and the
lated by national governments unilaterally or through intergovern- only practicable and morally acceptable way 01'delimiting those who
mental bargaining heavily influenced by huge differentials in economic are capable 01'such judgments is by rough geographical criteria. Inso-
and military might. far as decisions are morally open. the goal must be to optimize persons'
This response suggests replacing Ec%gy with a deeper and more equal opportunity to influence the social conditions that shape their
general fourth reason labeled Del1locraey: persons have a right to an life. This opportunity should not be diluted for the sake 01'enhancing
institutional order under which those significantly and legitimateli9~ persons' opportunities to influence decisions 01' merely local signific-
affected by a political decision have a roughly equal opportunity to ance elsewhere. Perhaps political units should be free to trade such
influence the making 01' this decision~9) - directly or through elected opportunities by mutual consent for the sake 01' creating common
delegates or representatives.~9I> Such a human right to equal oppor- decision-making mechanisms. (Here one must bear in mind that such
tunity for political participation also supports greater local autonomy exchanges are likely to reflect the differential bargaining power 01'the
in matters 01'purely local concern than exists in most current states or parties and may thus aggravate existing inequalities.) Such discretion-
would exist in a world state. however democratic.~97 In fact. it supports ary centralization may be rational. for example. in cases 01' conflict
just the kind 01'multilayered institutional order I have proposed. between local and global rationality (tragedy-of-the-commons cases:
Before developing this idea furt her. let me consider an objection. fishing. grazing. pollution) and also in regard to desired projects that
One might say. against a human right to equal opportunity for polit- require many contributors because they involve coordination prob-
ical participation. that what matters about political decisions is that lems or economies 01' scale. for example. or because they are simply
they be correct, not that they be made democratically by those con- too expensive (construction and maintenance 01' transportation and
cerned. But this objection applies only to political choices that are communication systems. research and technology. space programs.
morally c10sed and thus can be decided correctly or incorrectly. I and so forth).
believe that we should reject a view on which almost all political Considerations 01' the second kind favor centralization insofar as
choices are viewed as morally c10sed (with the correct decision deter- this is necessary to avoid excluding persons from the making 01'deci-
mined. perhaps. through utility differentials). but 1 have no space here sions that significantly and legitimately affect them. The practical
adequately to defend this belief. Moreover. even when political choices unavoidability 01'such decisions follows directly from Kant's insight
are morally c1osed, the primary and ultimate responsibility for their that human beings cannot avoid affecting one another: through direct
being made correctly should lie with the persons concerned. To be contact and through their impact upon the natural world in which
186 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 187

they coexist. The relevant decisions concern two - possibly three - any region to any other and enable even minor shocks - the devaluation
types 01' issues.~'!RFirst. inhabiting the same natural environment and 01' the Thai currency. a change in British interest rates. or a commodity
being significantly affected by what others do to it. our human ri?ht futures trading frenzy in Chicago - literally to make the difference
to equal opportunity for political participation extends to regulatmg between life and death for large numbers 01' people half a world away.
the use 01' this environment. In the present global order. most people in Africa. for instance. where many countries are heavily dependent
have no political influence over how the common environment is on foreign loans and on exports 01' minerals and cash crops. This is
treated. on resource extraction. tor example. or pollution. ~9'! Second. not to say that such interdependence is bad as such (it can hardly be
since the lives 01' human beings are very significantly shaped by pre- scaled back in any case): but it does require democratic centralization
vailing social institutions -- those defining property rights and mar- 01' political decision-making: As persons become ever more heavily
kets. for instance. and those structuring child rearing and the exercise affected by the structure 01' the global economic order. they have an
01' political authority - our human right to equal opportunity for ever stronger moral claim to an equal opportunity tor political par-
political participation extends to the choice and design 01' such institu- ticipation in shaping this order. This claim is not fulfilled when its
tions. The existing international order engenders dangerous arms races. design is determined by free bargaining among states. For such nego-
oppressive governments. as weil as extreme poverty and inequality tiations do not satisfy the equal-opportunity principle so long as many
which greatly affect all human beings: yet most people have no polit- people are excluded from effective political participation within their
ical influence on the structure 01' these institutional rules. A right to state. and many states are much too weak significantly to affect the
participate in deciding issues 01' the third type is more controversial. outcome 01' such negotiations (e.g. in the context 01' the WTO).'oO
There are contexts. one might say. in which we act as a species and Taken by themselves. considerations 01' the first two kinds vield
thus should decide together how to act. Examples might be planned the result that any political decision should rest with the democ'ratic
modifications 01' the human gene pool. conduct toward other biolog- process 01' a political unit that (i) is as small as possible but still
ical species (extinction. genetic engineering. cruelty). treatment 01' the (ii) includes as equals all persons significantly and legitimately affected
cultural heritage 01' humankind (ancient skeletons and artifacts. great by this decision. In the real world. these two desiderata must be bal-
works 01' art and architecture. places 01' exceptional natural beauty). anced against each other because there cannot always be an estab-
and ventures into outer space. In all these cases it would seem wrong lished political unit that includes all and only those significantly
for one person. group. or state to take irreversible steps unilaterally. affected. A matter affecting the populations 01' two provinces. for
The significance 01' considerations 01' the second kind depends heav- example. might be referred to the national parliament or be left to
ily upon empirical matters. though it does so in a rather straightfor- bargaining between the two provincial governments. The former solu-
ward and accessible way. These considerations in favor 01' centralization tion serves (ii) at the expense 01' (i). involving many persons who are
have clearly become much more significant over the past few centu- not legitimately affected. The latter solution serves (i) at the expense
ries. This is so partly because 01' rising population density. but much 01' (ii). giving the persons legitimately affected not an equal oppor-
more importantly because 01' heightened global interdependence. Such tunity to influence the matter. but one that depends on the relative
interdependence is to some extent due to vastly more powerful tech- bargaining power 01' the two provincial governments.
nologies. which bring it about that what a population does within its Considerations 01' the first two kinds would suffice on the ideal-
own ~national territory - stockpiling weapons 01' mass destruction. theory assumption that any decisions made satisfy all moral constraints
cutting down vegetation essential for the reproduction 01' oxygen. with regard to both procedure (the equal-opportunity requirement)
emitting pollutants that are destroying the ozone layer and cause global and output (human rights). But this assumption is never strictly true.
warming -- now often imposes very significant harms and risks upon And so consideration 01' a third kind co me into play: what would
outsiders. These externalities bring into play the political human rights emerge as the proper vertical distribution 01' sovereignty from a bal-
01' these outsiders. thereby morally undermining the conventional ancing 01' the first two considerations alone should be modified - in
insistence on an absolute right to national self-determination. Such either direction - if such modification significantly increases the demo-
technologies have also facilit;ted today"s truly global capital and com- cratic nature and reliability 01' the decision-making. Let me briefly
modities markets which quickly communicate crashes and crises from outline how considerations 01' this third kind might make a difference.
188 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 189

On the one hand, one must ask whether it would be a gain 01' various sorts. But it must be shown that this is so: and thus it is
for human-rights fulfillment on balance to transfer decision-making harder to make the case for instituting a regulation and/or review
authority "upward" to larger units - 01". perhaps more plausibly. to authority when its purported beneficiaries are opposed to it.
make the political process of smaller units subject to regulation and/ Second. commonalities 01' language. religion. ethnicity. or history
or review by the political process 01' the next more inclusive one. Such are irrelevant. Such commonalities do not give people a claim to
authority would allow the larger politicalunit. solelyon human-rights be part 01' one another's political lives. nor does the lack 01' such
grounds. to req uire revisions in the structure 01' the political process commonalities argue against restraints. Their presence or absence
of the subunit and/or to invalidate its political decisions. and perhaps may still. however. have empirical significance. Thus suppose that the
also to enforce such revisions and invalidations. Even when such a members 01' some political subunit share religious or ethnic character-
regulation and review authority really does protect human rights. istics that in the larger unit are in the minority (e.g. a Muslim prov-
it has some costs in terms of the political human rights 01' the ince within a predominantly Hindu country). Historical experience
members of the subunit. But then. of course. the larger unit's regula- with such cases may weil suggest that a regulation and review author-
tion and review process may itself be unreliable and thus may pro- ity by the larger unit would probably be frequently abused or that a
duce unfulfilled human rights either by overturning unobjectionable review authority by the subunit would tend to enhance human-rights
structures or decisions (at even greater cost to the political human fulfillment overall. The relevance 01' such information brings out that
rights of members 01' the subunit) or by forcing the subunit to the required balancing does not depend on value judgments alone.
adopt structures and decisions that directly lead to unfulfilled human It also depends on empirically grounded expectations about how
rights. alternative arrangements would actually work in one or another
On the other hand. there is also the less familiar inverse question: concrete context.
whether the third consideration might support a move in the direction Considerations 01' the third kind are also relevant to determining
01' decentralization. Thus one must ask to what extent the political where decisions about the proper allocation 01' decision-making should
process 01' a larger unit is undemocratic or unreliable. and whether it be made. For example. there may be disputes between an agency 01' a
might be a gain for human-rights fulfillment on balance to transfer larger political unit and an agency 01' one 01' its subunits over which
decision-making authority "downward" to its subunits - or to invest 01' them should be in charge 01' some specific set 01' decisions. And
the political process 01' such subunits with review authority. Such an the question is then which agency 01' which political unit ought to
authority might. for instance, allow provincial governments, solelyon be in charge of settIing such disputes. Here. again, a particular locus
human-rights grounds. to block the application 01' national laws in 01' decision-making must be justified by showing that it is likely
their province. This authority is justified if and only if its benefits to be more reliable in terms 01' human-rights fulfillment than its
(\aws that were passed in an undemocratic manner or would have led alternatives.
to unfulfilled human rights are not applied) outweigh its costs (unob- Nothing definite can be said about the ideal number 01' levels or the
jectionable laws are blocked in violation 01' the political rights 01' exact distribution 01' legislative. executive, and judicial functions over
members 01' the larger unit). them. These matters might vary in space and time. depending on
How such matters should be weighed is a highly complex question, the prevailing empirical facts relevant to the second and third consid-
wh ich I cannot here address with any precision. Let me make two erations (externalities. interdependence: unreliability problems) and
points nonetheless. First. a good deal 01' weight should be given to the on persons' preferences as shaped by the historicaI. linguistic. religious,
actual views 01' those whose human rights are unfulfilled and invoked or other cultural ties among them. Democracy may take many forms,
in justification 01' a vertical shift in authority. 11' most blacks in some as the human right to equal opportunity for political participation
state 01' the US would rather suft'er discrimination than see their state leaves room for a wide variety. hence regional diversity, 01' decision-
government constrained by the l'ederal government. then the presump- making procedures .. direct or representative, with or without political
tion against such an authority should be much weightier than if the parties, and so on. This right does require. however. that the choice
opposition came only from whites. This is not to deny that victims 01' and implementation 01' any such procedure within a political unit be
injustice may be brainwashed or may suffer from false consciousness accepted by the majority 01' its citizens.
190 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty
Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 191
7.4 The shaping and reshaping of political units
are unhappy with their current membership status. There is a sig-
nificant backlog. so to speak. that might pose a serious short-term
One great advantage 01' the proposed muItilayered order is that it can
problem. But once this backlog had been worked down. attempts at
be reached gradually from where we are now. This requires moderate
redrawing political borders would become much less frequent as most
centralizing and decentralizing moves involving the strengthening 01'
people would then be content with their political affiliations and most
political units above and below the level 01' the state. In some ca ses.
borders would be supported by stable majorities.
such units will have to be created. and so we need some idea about
Moreover. with the advocated vertical dispersal 01' sovereignty.
how the geographical shape 01' new politicalunits is to be determined.
confticts over borders would lose much 01' their intensity. In our
Or. seeing that there is considerable dissatisfaction about even the
world. many such conflicts are motivated by morally inappropriate
geographical shape 01' existing political units. we should ask more
considerations - especially the following two. There is competition
broadly: what principles ought to govern the geographical delimita-
tion 01' political units on any lever? over valuable or strategically important territories and groups because
control over them importantly affects the distribution 01' international
Guided again by the human right to equal opportunity for polit-
bargaining power (economic and military potential) for the indefinite
ical participation. I suggest these two procedural principles as a first
approximation: future. And there are attempts by the more affluent (white South
Africans. Siovenes. northern Italians) to separate themselves from
The inhabitants 01' any contiguous territory may decide. through people poorer than themselves in order to circumvent widely recog-
nized duties 01' distributive justice among compatriots.'o~ Under the
some majoritarian or supermajoritarian procedure. to join an existing
political unit whose territory is contiguous with theirs and whose proposed multilayered order - in which the political authority cur-
population is willing - as assessed through some majoritarian or rently exercised by national governments is both constrained and
supermajoritarian procedure - to accept them as members.·101 This dispersed over several layers. and in which economic justice is insti-
liberty is subject to two conditions: the territory ofthe newly enlarged tutionalized at the global level and thus inescapable- territorial
political unit must have a reasonable shape: and any newly contracted disputes on any level would be only slightly more intense than
political unit must either remain viable in a contiguous territory 01' disputes about provincial or county lines are now. It is quite possible
reasonable shape or be willingly incorporated. pursuant to this same that my two principles are not suitable for defining a right to seces-
liberty. into another political unit or other political units.'02 sion in our present world of excessively sovereign states ..'05 But their
plausibility will increase as the proposed second-order decentraliza-
2 The inhabitants 01' any contiguous territory 01' reasonable shape. if tion progresses ..<06
sufficiently numerous. may decide. through some majoritarian or
supermajoritarian procedure. to constitute a new political unit. This Finally. the incidence of applications can be reduced through
two plausible amendments. First. the burden 01' proof. in appealing to
liberty is constrained in three ways. First. there may be subgroups
either 01' the two principles. should rest with the advocates 01' change.
whose members are free. pursuant to principle I. to reject member-
ship in the unit to be formed in favor 01' membership in another who must map out an appropriate territory. mobilize the support
political unit. Second. there may be subgroups whose members are 01' its population. and so forth. This burden would tend to discourage
frivolous claims. Second. it may be best to prescribe some super-
free. pursuant to principle 2. to reject membership in the unit to be
formed in favor 01' forming their own political unit.·<o, And third. majoritarian procedure (requiring. say. that proponents must out-
any newly contracted political unit must either remain viable in a number opponents plus nonvoters in two referenda one year apart).
Some such provision would help prevent areas changing back and
contiguous territory 01' reasonable shape or be willingly incorpor-
ated. pursuant to the first c1ause 01' principle I. into another political forth repeatedly (with outside supporters moving in. perhaps. in order
to tip the scales).
unit or other political units.
Let me brietly illustrate how the two principles would work in the
It will be said that acceptance 01' such principles would trigger an case 01' nested political units. Suppose the Kashmiris agree that they
avalanche 01' applications. It is surely true that many existing groups want to belong together as one province but are divided on whether
this should be a province 01' India or 01' Pakistan. The majority West
192 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 193
Kashmiris favor affiliation with Pakistan, the East Kashmiris favor fiction-reading public," and "the group 01' all the people whose sur-
affiliation with lndia. There are tour plausible outcomes: a united names begin with a 'g' and end with an .e.....l1I Yet these cases - apart
Kashmiri province 01' Pakistan (P), a uni ted Kashmiri province of from being extremely unlikely to arise - are ruled out by the contigu-
India (I), aseparate state 01' Kashmir (K), and a divided Kashmir ity requirement. which a "voluntarist" can and, I think, should accept
belonging partly to Pakistan and partly to India (D). Since the East in light of the key function of government: to support common rules
Kashmiris can, by principle 2, unilaterally insist on D over P. they among persons who cannot avoid influencing one another through
enjoy some protection against the West Kashmiri majority. They can direct interaction and through their impact upon a shared environ-
use this protection tor bargaining, which may result in outcome K ment. A more plausible example would then be that 01' the inhabitants
(if this is the second preference on both sides) or even in outcome I of a culturally and linguistically Italian border village who prefer an
(if that is the second preference 01' the West Kashmiris while the East eX hypothesi less valuable membership in France over a more valuable
Kashmiris prefer D over P).'07 membership in Italy. Here I ask: do they not. France willing. have
The conventional alternatives to voluntaristic principles for settling a right to err'? Or should they be forced to remain. or to become.
the borders 01' political units reserve a special role either for historical Italians against their will'?
states and their citizens (compatriots) or for nations and their mem- This example brings out the underlying philosophical value conflict.
bers (fellow nationals). The former version is inherently conservative. Institutional moral cosmopolitanism is committed to the freedom 01'
the latter potentially revisionist (by including, e.g. the Arab. Kurdish, individual persons and therefore envisions a pluralist global order.
and Armenian nations and by excluding multinational states like the Such an institutional order is compatible with political units whose
Soviet Union or the Sudan). The two key claims 01' such a position membership is homogeneous with respect to some partly unchosen
are: (a) only (encompassing) groups of compatriots/fellow nationals features (nationality, ethnicity. native language, history, religion, etc.),
have a right to self-government in one political unit: (b) the gov- and it would certainly engender such units. But it would do so only
ernment 01' such a unit may extend its rule even to areas inhabited insofar as persons cllOose to share their political life with others who
by unwilling subgroups of compatriots/fellow nationals. who are to are like themselves in such respects. It would not entitle persons to
have at best a right 01' individual emigration.'o~ Those who hold such partake in one another's politicallife merely because they share certain
a conventional position are liable to reject the cosmopolitan view as unchosen features.
excessively individualist. contractualist, or voluntaristic. Examples One strategy for justifying the conventional alternative involves
01' this sentiment are easy to find: "the more important human rejecting the individualist premise that only human beings are ultimate
groupings need to be based on shared history. and on criteria of units 01' moral concern.:II2 One could then say that, once the moral
nonvoluntaristic (or at least not wholly contractarian) membership claims of states/nations are taken into account alongside those 01'
to have the value that they have:"09 Insofar as this is an empirical persons. one may weil find that. all things considered, justice requires
claim - about the preconditions 01' authentic solidarity and mutual institutional arrangements that are inferior, in human-rights terms, to
trust. perhaps - I need not disagree with it.·110 If indeed a politicalunit feasible alternatives - institutional arrangements, for example, under
is far more valuable for its members when they share a common which the interest 01' Italy in its border village would prevail over the
descent and upbringing (Ianguage. religion, history, culture), then villagers' interest in deciding about their own citizenship.
people will recognize this fact and will themselves seek to form This justificatory strategy faces two main problems. It is unclear
political units along these lines. It is quite possible that the groups how states/nations can have interests or moral claims that are not
seeking to change their political status under the two principles reducible to interests and moral claims 01' their members (which can
would for the most part be groups characterized by such unchosen be accommodated within a conception 01' human rights). This idea
commonalities. smacks 01' bad metaphysics.:lIl and also is dangerously subject to
But would I not allow any other group to change its political political and ideological manipulations, as exemplified by Charles de
status, even if this means exchanging a more valuable for a less Gaulle, who was fond of adducing the interests 01' /0 nation against
valuable membership'? Margalit and Raz ridicule this idea through those of his French compatriots. Moreover. it is unclear why this idea
their examples of "the Tottenham Football Club supporters." "the should work here. but not in the case of other kinds 01' sub- and
194 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 195

supranational political units. nor in that 01' religious. cultural. and 7.5 Conclusion
athletic entities. Why need we not also take into account the moral
claims 01' Catholicism. art. or soccer? From our angle. the world seems in good shape. We live in clean and
These problems suggest the other justificatory strategy. which accepts healthy surroundings. economically and physically secure under an
the individualist premise but then formulates the political rights 01' alliance 01' governments that have "won the Cold War." We have every
persons with essential reference to the state/nation whose members reason to be content with the global order we have shaped. But resting
they are. This strategy has been defended. most prominently. by content with it is doubly myopic. It ignores that we are only 15 per-
Michael Walzer. albeit in a treatise that focuses on international ethics cent 01' humankind: much larger numbers must live. despite hard
(interactions) rather than international justice (social institutions). work. on incomes with 1/50 the purchasing power 01' ours and hence
Walzer approvingly quotes Westlake: "The duties and rights 01' states in constant confrontation with infant mortality. child labor. hunger.
are not hing more than the duties and rights 01' the men ""'ho compose squalor. and disease. Fully one-third 01' all human beings still die
them:' adding "the rights ... [to] territorial integrity and political from poverty-related causes. In view 01' such massive deprivations and
sovereignty ... belong to states. but they derive ultimately from the unprecedented inequalities. we cannot decently avoid reflection on
rights 01' individuals. and from them they take their force .... States f!lobal institutional reform.
are neither organic wholes nor mystical unions.'·114 - Resting content with the status quo also ignores the future. More
The key question iso 01' course. how such a derivation is supposed and more. the transnational imposition 01' externalities and risks is
to work. There are two possibilities. The direct route would be to becoming a two-way street. as no state or group 01' states. however
postulate either a human right to be jointly governed with one's rich and weil armed. can effectively insulate itself from external influ-
compatriots/fellow nationals.'15 or a human right to participate in ences - from military and terrorist attacks. illegal immigrants. epidemics
the exercise 01' sovereignty over one's compatriots/fellow nationals. and the drug trade. pollution and c1imate change. price fluctuations
The former 01' these rights is implausibly demanding upon others (the as weil as scientific. technologicaI. and cultural innovations.
Bavarians can insist on being part 01' Germany. even if all the other Bringing these potentially highly disruptive risks and externalities
Germans were to want nothing to do with them) and would still fail under effective control requires agIobaI institutional reform with
to establish claim (b). unless it were also unwaivable - a duty. really. significant reductions in national sovereignty. To be morally accept-
The latter right is implausibly demanding upon those obligated to able and politically feasible. such reform must be capable 01' function-
continue to abide by the common will merely because they have once. ing without heavy and continuing enforcement and hence must bring
however violently. been incorporated into astate or merely because to poorer societies not merely a reduction in their formal sovereignty.
they have once shared solidarity and sacrifices. but also economic sufficiency and democratic governance. This chap-
The indirect. instrumental route would involve the empirical claim ter was meant to show how the main elements 01' such agiobaI insti-
that human rights (on a noneccentric definition) are more likely to be tutional reform might be conceived and how they might be given an
fulfilled. or are fulfilled to a greater extent. if there iso for each person. intercuIturally sharable justification in terms 01' a cosmopolitan human-
one political unit that decisively shapes her life and is dominated by rights standard.
her compatriots/fellow nationals. This route remains open on my
cosmopolitan conception (via the third consideration). though the
relevant empirical claim would not seem to be sustainable on the
historieal record.
11' this empirical claim indeed fails. then the institutional moral
cosmopolitanism here proposed would favor a global order in which
sovereignty is widely distributed vertically while the geographieal shape
01' political units is determined. in accordance with principles land 2.
by the autonomous decisions 01' the person concerned.
AGIobai Resources Dividend 197

preferred stock, this stake confers no right to participate in decisions

8 about whether or how natural resources are to be used and so does not
interfere with national control over resources. or eminent domain.
But it does entitle its holders to a share of the economic value of the
Eradicating Systemic Poverty: resource in question. if indeed the decision is to use it. This idea could
be extended to limited resources that are not destroyed through use
Brief for aGIobai but merely eroded. worn down. or occupied. such as air and water
used for discharging pollutants or land used tor farming. ranching. or
Resources Dividend buildings.
Proceeds from the GRD are to be used toward ensuring that all
human beings can meet their own basic needs with dignity. The goal
is not merely to improve the nutrition. medical care. and sanitary
conditions of the poor. but also to make it possible that they can
themselves effectively defend and realize their basic interests. This
capacity presupposes that they are freed from bondage and other
relations of personal dependence. that they are able to read and write
and to learn a profession. that they can participate as equals in politics
and in the labor marke!, and that their status is protected by appro-
priate legal rights which they can und erstand and effectively entorce
8.0 Introduction through an open and fair legal system.
The GRD proposal is meant to show that there are feasible alterna-
In three previous essays I have sketched and defended the proposal tive ways of organizing our global economic order, that the choice
of aGIobai Resources Dividend or GRD.116 This proposal envisions among these alternatives makes a substantial difference to how much
that states and their governments shall not have full libertarian prop- severe poverty there is worldwide. and that there are weighty moral
erty rights with respect to the natural resources in their territory, but reasons to make this choice so as to minimize such poverty. With the
can be required to share a small part of the value of any resources benefit of some critical responses317 and spirited defenses.m I include
they decide to use or seil. This payment they must make is called a here a more concise statement of the proposal and its justification.
dividend because it is based on the idea that the global poor own an
inalienable stake in all limited natural resources. As in the ca se of
8.1 Radical inequality and our responsibility

One great challenge to any morally sensitive person today is the extent
This chaptcr first appcared in thc Journal 4 HUII/IlII DI!l'e1oplI/elll 2. I (2001): 59-77. and severity of global poverty. m There are two ways of conceiving such
This journars wcbsite is Earlier work on the Global Resourees
poverty as a moral challenge to us: we may be failing to fulfill our
Dividend was supportcd by a 1993- 4 Lauranee S. Roekcfeller fcllowship at the
Prineeton University Center for Human Values. I would also like to thank those positive duty to help persons in acute distress; and we may be failing
who have eommcnted on Iceture versions presented at the 1994 Global Stewardship to fulfill our more stringent llegatil'l! duty not to uphold injustice. not
Conferenec at the University 01' Maryland. at a 1994 eonlcrenee in memory 01' Prolcssor to contribute to or profit from the unjust impoverishment of others.
Tscha Hung in Beijing. at a 1995 eolloquium on intcrnational justiee in Graz. and These two views differ in important ways. The positive formulation
at a 1996 eolloquium at the Zürich Ethik Zentrum in partieular. Rudolf Haller.
is easier to substantiate. It need be shown only that they are very
Ted Hondcrieh. Peter Koller. Anton Leist. Alexander Somek. Paul Streeten. and Susan
Wolf. The lInal vcrsion has bcncfited from additional eomments by Marko Ahtisaari. badly off. that we are very much better off. and that we could relieve
Christian Barry. David Croeker. Sidney Morgcnbesser. Brian Orend. Peter Ungcr. some of their suffering without becoming badly off ourselves. But this
and Steffen Wesehc. Their good objeetions have led to substantial c1arifieations. ease comes at a price. Some who accept the positive formulation
198 AGIobai Resources Dividend AGIobai Resources Dividend 199

think 01' the moral reasons it provides as weak and discretionary approaches to this question. invoking three different grounds 01' injus-
and thus do not feel obligated to promote worthy causes. especially tice: the e.flecfs (l shared sodal illSfifufiom'. fhe ulleolllpellsafed exc!u-
costly ones. Many feel entitled. at least. to support good causes of SiOIlji-Oll/ fhe use (?lllafUral resources. and fhe elreefs ()la ('Oll/lIIon al/(l
their choice - their church or alma mater. cancer research or the riolellf hisfOlY. These approaches exemplify distinct and competing
environment - rather than putting themselves out for total strangers political philosophies. We need nevertheless not decide among thcm
half a world away. with whom they share no bond 01' community or here if. as I argue. the tollowing two theses are true. First. all fhra
culture. It is 01' some importance. therefore. to investigate whether approaches c1ass(f.i· fhe exisfing radieal illequalitr as unjusf and ifS
existing global poverty involves our violating a lIegati\'(! duty. This is coereire lIIaimellallce as a dolafion 0/ lIegm ire dUf,r. Second. all fhree
important for us. ifwe want to lead a morallife and important also tor approaehes um agree on fhe sallle /easihle rel(mll 0/ fhe sfatus quo as a
the poor. because it makes a great difference to them whether we affluent 1/I(~jOl'sfep fOlrard jusficc, 11' these two theses can be supported. then
do or do not see global poverty as an injustice we help maintain. it may be possible to gather adherents 01' the dominant strands of
Some believe that the mere fact 01' radical illequalifY shows a viola- Western normative political thought into a coalition focused on eradic-
tion 01' negative duty. Radical inequality may be defined by reference ating world poverty through the introduction 01' aGIobai Resources
to five conditions:'20 Dividend or GRD.

I The worse-off are very badly off in absolute terms.

2 They are also very badly off in relative terms - very much worse 8.2 Three grounds of injustice
off than many others.
3 The inequality is impcrvious: it is difficult or impossible for 8.2.7 The effects of shared sodal institutions
the worse-off substantially to improve their lot: and most of the
better-off never experience life at the bottom for even a few months The first approach'11 puts forward three additional conditions:
and have no vivid idea of what it is like to live in that way.
4 The inequality is pervasive: it concerns not merely some aspects 6 There is a shared institutional order that is shaped by the better-
01' life. such as the c1imate or access to natural beauty or high off and imposed on the worse-off.
culture. but most aspects or all. 7 This institutional order is implicated in the reproduction 01' radi-
5 The inequality is avoidable: the better-off can improve the cal inequality in that there is a feasible institutional alternative
circumstances of the worse-off without becoming badly off under which such severe and extensive poverty would not persist.
themselves. 8 The radical inequality cannot be traced to extra-social factors
(such as genetic handicaps or natural disasters) which. as such,
World poverty c1early exemplifies radical inequality as defined. But affect different human beings differentially.
I doubt that these five conditions suftice to invoke more than a merely
positive duty. And I suspect most citizens of the developed West Present radical global inequality meets condition 6 in that the global
would also find them insufficient. They might appeal to the following poor live within a worldwide states system based on internationally
parallel. Suppose we discovered people on Venus who are very badly recognized territorial domains. interconnected through agiobaI net-
off. and suppose we could help them at little cost to ourselves. If we work of market trade and diplomacy. The presence and relevance
did nothing, we would surely violate a positive duty of beneficence. 01' shared institutions is shown by how dramatically we affect the
But we would not be violating a negative duty of justice, because we circumstances of the global poor through investments. loans. trade.
would not be confrihufing to the perpetuation 01' their misery. bribes. military aid. sex tourism. culture exports. and much else. Their
This point could be further disputed. But let me here accept very survival often crucially depends on our consumption choices.
the Venus argument and examine what /urfher conditions must be which may determine the price 01' their foodstuffs and their oppor-
satisfied for radical inequality to manifest an injustice that involves tunities to find work. In sharp contrast to the Venus case. we are
violation of a negative duty by the better-off. I see three plausible causally deeply involved in their misery. This does not mcan that we
200 AGIobai Resources Dividend AGIobai Resources Dividend 201

should hold ourselves responsible for the remoter effects 01' our eco- rights in its natural resources?'"-I Yes. the world is diverse. and poverty
nomic decisions. These effects reverberate around the world and is declining in some countries and worsening in others. But the larger
interact with the effects 01' countless other such decisions and thus pattern 01' increasing global inequality is quite stable. reaching far
cannot be traced. let alone predicted. Nor need we draw the dubious back into the colonial era ..~"' The affluent countries have been using
and utopian conclusion that global interdependence must be undone their power to shape the rules 01' the world economy according to
by isolating states or groups 01' states from one another. But we must their own interests and thereby have deprived the poorest populations
be concerned with how the rules structuring international interactions 01' a fair share 01' global economic growth - quite avoidably so. as the
foreseeably affect the incidence 01' extreme poverty. The developed GRD proposal shows.
countries. thanks to their vastly superior military and economic Global poverty meets condition 8 insofar as the global poor. if only
strength. control these rules and therefore share responsibility for they had been born into different social circumstances. would be just
their foreseeable effects. as able and likely to lead healthy. happy. and productive lives as the
Condition 7 involves tracing the poverty 01' individuals in an rest 01' us. The root cause 01' their suffering is their abysmal social
explanatory way to the structure 01' social institutions. This exercise is starting position which does not give them much 01' a chance to become
familiar in regard to national institutions. whose explanatory import- anything but poor. vulnerable. and dependent - unable to give their
ance has been powerfully illustrated by domestic regime changes in children a better start than they had themselves.
China. eastern Europe. and elsewhere. In regard to the global economic It is because the three additional conditions are met that existing
order. the exercise is unfamiliar and shunned even by economists. global poverty has. according to the first approach. the special moral
This is due in part. no doubt. to powerful resistance against seeing urgency we associate with negative duties. so that we should take it
oneself as connected to the unimaginable deprivations suffered by the much more seriously than otherwise similar suffering on Venus. The
global poor. This resistance biases us against data. arguments. and reason is that the citizens and governments 01' the affluent countries -
researchers liable to upset our preferred world view and thus biases whether intentionally or not - are imposing agiobaI institutional
the competition for professional success against anyone exploring the order that foreseeably and avoidably reproduces severe and wide-
wider causal context 01' world poverty. This bias is reinforced by our spread poverty. The worse-off are not merely poor and often starving.
cognitive tendency to overlook the causal significance 01' stable back- but are being impoverished and starved under our shared institutional
ground factors (e.g. the role 01' atmospheric oxygen in the outbreak arrangements. which inescapably shape their lives.
01' a fire). as our attention is naturally drawn to geographically or The first approach can be presented in a consequentialist guise. as
temporally variable factors. Looking at the incidence 01' poverty world- in Bentham. or in a contractualist guise. as in Rawls or Habermas. In
wide. we are struck by dramatic local changes and international vari- both cases. the central thought is that social institutions are to be
ations. which point to local explanatory factors. The heavy focus on assessed in a forward-Iooking way. by reference to their effects. In the
such local factors then encourages the illusion that they completely present international order. billions are born into social starting posi-
explain global poverty.~"" tions that give them extremely low prospects for a fulfilling life. Their
This illusion conceals how profoundly local factors and their effects misery could be justified only if there were no institution al alternative
are influenced by the existing global order. Yes. a culture 01' corrup- under which such massive misery would be avoided. 11'. as the GRD
tion pervades the political system and the economy 01' many developing proposal shows. there is such an alternative. then we must ascribe this
countries. But is this culture unrelated to the fact that most affluent misery to the existing global order and therefore ultimately to ourselves.
countries have. until quite recently. allowed their firms to bribe for-
eign officials and even made such bribes tax-deductible (see n. 243)?
Yes. developing countries have shown themselves prone to oppressive 8.2.2 Uncompensated exclusion From
government and to horrific wars and civil wars. But is the frequency the use oF natural resources
01' such brutality unrelated to the international arms trade.~"' and
unrelated to international rules that entitle anyone holding effective The second approach adds (in place 01' conditions 6-8) only one con-
power in such a country to borrow in its name and to seil ownership dition to the five 01' radieal inequality:
202 AGIobai Resources Dividend AGIobai Resources Dividend 203
9 The better-off enjoy significant advantages in the use of a single survival and certainly cannot secure anything like a proportionate
natural resource base from whose benefits the worse-off are share 01' the world's natural resources. The global poor get to share
largely. and without compensation. excluded. the burdens resulting from the degradation 01' our natural environment
while having to watch helplessly as the affluent distribute the planet's
Currently. appropriation 01' wealth from our planet is highly uneven. abundant natural wealth amongst themselves. With average annual
Affluent people use vastly more 01' the world's resources. and they do per capita income ot:~bout 585. corresponding to the. purchasing po~er
so unilaterally. without giving any compensation to the global poor 01' $338 in the US:"'o the poorest fifth 01' humankmd are today Just
for their disproportionate consllmption. Yes. the affluent often pay about as badly off. economically. as human beings could be while still
for the resources they use. such as imported crude oil. But these pay- alive. It isothen. not true. what according to Locke and Nozick would
ments go to other affluent people. such as the Saudi family or the need to be true. that all are better off under the existing appropriation
Nigerian kleptocracy. with very little. if anything. trickling down to and pollution rules than anyone would be with the Lockean Proviso.
the global poor. So the question remains: what entitles a global elite According to the second approach. the citizens and governments 01'
to use up the world's natural resources on mutually agreeable terms the affluent states are therefore violating a negative duty 01' justice
while leaving the global poor empty-handed'? when they. in collaboration with the ruling elites 01' the poor coun-
Defenders of capitalist institut ions have developed conceptions of tries. coercively exclude the poor from a proportional resource share.
justice that support rights to unilateral appropriation 01' dispropor-
tionate shares of resources while accepting that all inhabitants of the
earth ultimately have equal claims to its resources. These conceptions 8.2.3 The effects of a common and violent history
are based on the thought that such rights are justified if all are better
off with them than anyone would be if appropriation were limited to The third approach adds one condition to the five of radical inequality:
proportional shares.
This pattern of justification is exemplified with particular c1arity in 10 The social starting positions 01' the worse-off and the better-off
lohn Locke.:l26 Locke is assuming that. in astate 01' nature without have emerged from a single historical process that was pervaded
money. persons are subject to the moral constraint that their unilat- by massive. grievous wrongs.
eral appropriations must always leave "enough. and as good" for others.
that iso must be confined to a proportional share.~27 This so-ca lied The present circumstances 01' the global poor are significantly shaped
Lockean Proviso may. however. be lifted with universal consent.·~2X by a dramatic period 01' conquest and colonization, with severe
Locke subjects such a lifting to a second-order proviso. which requires oppression, enslavement. even genocide. through which the native
that the rules 01' human coexistence may be changed only if all can institutions and cultures 01' four continents were destroyed or severely
rational~r consent to the alteration. that iso only if everyone will be traumatized. This is not to say (or to deny) that affluent descendants
better off under the new rules than anyone would be under the old. 01' those who took part in these crimes bear some special restitutive
And he claims that the lifting 01' the enough-and-as-good constraint responsibility toward impoverished descendants 01' those who were
through the general acceptance 01' money does satisfy this second- victims 01' these crimes. The thought is rather that we must not
order proviso. A day laborer in England feeds. lodges. and is c1ad uphold extreme inequality in social starting positions when the alloca-
better than a king of a large fruitful territory in the Americas.:l2~ tion of these positions depends upon historical processes in which
It is hard to believe that Locke's claim was true in his time. In any moral principles and legal rules were massively violated. A morally
case. it is surely false on the global plane today. Billions are born into deeply tarnished history should not be allowed to result in radh'al
a world where all accessible resources are already owned by others. It inequality.
is true that they can rent out their labor and then buy natural resources This third approach is independent 01' the others. For suppose we
on the same terms as the affluent can. But their edllcational and reject the other two approaches and affirm that radical inequality is
employment opportunities are almost always so restricted that. no morally acceptable when it comes about pursuant to rules 01' the game
matter how hard they work. they can barely earn enough for their that are morally at least somewhat plausible and observed at least for
204 AGIobai Resources Dividend AGIobai Resources Dividend 205
the most part. The existing radical inequality is then still condemned of humankind. to be shared equally. My proposal is far more modest
by the third approach on the ground that the rules were in fact massively by leaving each government in control of the natural resources in its
violated through countless horrible crimes whose momentous effects territory. Modesty is important if the proposed institutional alternative
cannot be surgically neutralized decades and centuries later. "I is to gain the support necessary to implement it and is to be able to
Some friends of the present distribution claim that standards of sustain itself in the world as we know it. I hope that the GRD satisfies
living. in Africa and Europe for instance. would be approximately the these two desiderata by staying c10se to the global order now in place
same if Africa had never been colonized. Even if this claim were both and by being evidently responsive to each of the three approaches.
c1ear and true. it would still be ineffective. because my argument applies In light of the vast extent 01' global poverty today. one may think
to persons. not continents. 11'world history had transpired without that a massive GRD would be necessary to solve the problem. But I
colonization and enslavement. then there would perhaps now still be doubt this is so. Present radical inequality is the cumulative result 01'
affluent people in Europe and poor ones in Africa. much as in the decades and centuries in wh ich the more affluent societies and groups
Venus scenario. But these would be persons and populations quite have used their advantages in capital and knowledge to expand these
different from those now actually living there. So we cannot tell starv- advantages ever further. This inequality demonstrates the power 01'
ing Africans that flley would be starving and Ire would be affluent long-term compounding more than powerful centrifugal tendencies of
even if the crimes 01' colonialism had never occurred. Without these our global market system. It iso then. quite possible that. if radical
crimes there would not be the actually existing radical inequality which inequality has once been eradicated. quite a small GRD may. in the
consists in fhese persons being affluent and fllose being extremely poor. context 01' a fair and open global market system. be sufficient con-
So the third approach. too. leads to the conclusion that the exist- tinuously to balance those ordinary centrifugal tendencies of markets
ing radical inequality is unjust. that coercively upholding it violates enough to forestall its reemergence. The great magnitude 01'the prob-
a negative duty. and that we have urgent moral reason to eradicate lem does suggest. however. that initially more may be needed so that
world poverty. it does not take too long before severe poverty is erased and an ac-
ceptable distributional profile is reached. To get a concrete sense 01'
the magnitudes involved. let us consider an initial. maximal figure 01'
8.3 A moderate proposal I percent of aggregate global income. currently about $312 billion
annually."2 This corresponds to the income shortfall that separates
The reform proposal now to be sketched is meant to support my the 2.801 million human beings living below the World Bank's S2/day
second thesis: that the status quo can be reformed in a way that all (strictly: $2.15 PPP 1993) poverty line from this line.m Such an amount.
three approaches would recognize as a major step toward justice. But if weil targeted and effectively spent. would make a phenomenal dif-
it is also needed to c10se gaps in my argument for the first thesis. The ference to the poor even within a few years. On the other hand. the
proposal should show that the existing radical inequality can be traced amount is rather small for the rest 01' us: close to the annual defense
to the structure of our global economic order (condition 7). And it budget 01'just the US alone. two-thirds of the annual "peace dividend"
should also show that condition 5 is met; for. according to all three (see n. 143). and about half the market value 01' the current annual
approaches. the status quo is unjust only if we can improve the cir- crude oil production ..134
cumstances of the global poor without thereby becoming badly off Let us stay with the case 01'crude oil for a moment and examine the
ourselves. likely effects of a $2 per barrel GRD on crude oil extraction. This
I am formulating my reform proposal in line with the second dividend would be owed by the countries in which oil is extracted.
approach. because the other two would support almost any reform though most of this cost would be passed along. through higher world
that would improve the circumstances of the global poor. The second market prices. to the end-users of petroleum products. At S2 per
approach narrows the field by suggesting a more specific idea: those barrel. over 18 percent 01' the high initial revenue target could be
who make more extensive use 01' our planet's resources should com- raised from crude oil alone - and comfortably so: at the expense 01'
pensa te those who. involuntarily. use very little. This idea does not raising the price 01'petroleum products by about a nickel per gallon.
require that we conceive 01'global resources as the common property It is thus clearly possible - without major changes to our global
206 AGIobai Resources Dividend AGIobai Resources Dividend 207
economic order - to eradicate world hunger within a few years by them there rather than in those many other places where these funds
raising a sufficient revenue stream from a limited number 01' resources can make areal dilTerence in reducing poverty and disadvantage.
and pollutants. These should be selected carefully. with an eye to Even if the incentives provided by the GRD disbursement rules do
all collateral effects. This suggests the following desiderata. The not always prevail. they shift the political balance 01' lorces in the
GRD should. first. be easy to understand and to apply. It should. for right direction. A good government brings enhanced prosperity through
instance. be based on resources and pollutants whose extraction or GRD support and thereby generates more popular support which in
discharge is easy to monitor or estimate. in order to ensure that every turn tends to make it safer from coup attempts. A bad government
society is paying its fair share and to assure everyone that this is so. finds the poor harder to oppress when they receive GRD funds through
Such transparency also helps fulfill a second desideratum 01' keeping other channels and when all strata 01' the population have an interest
overall collection costs low. The GRD should. third. have only a in realizing GRD-accelerated economic improvement under a dif-
small impact on the price 01' goods consumed to satisfy basic needs. ferent government more committed to poverty eradication. With the
And it should. fourth. be focused on resource uses whose discourage- GRD in place. reforms will be pursued more vigorously and in more
ment is especially important for conservation and environmental countries. and will succeed more often and sooner. than would other-
protection. In this last respect. the GRD reform can produce great wise be the case. Combined with suitable disbursement rules. the GRD
ecological benefits that are hard to secure in a less concerted way can stimulate a peaceful international competition in effective poverty
because 01' familiar collective-action problems: each society has little eradication.
incentive to restrain its consumption and pollution. because the This rough and revisable sketch has shown. I hope. that the GRD
opportunity cost 01' such restraint falls on it alone while the costs 01' proposal deserves serious examination as an alternative to conven-
depletion and pollution are spread worldwide and into the future. tional development assistance. While the latter has an aura 01' hand-
The scheme for disbursing GRD funds is to be designed so as to outs and dependence. the GRD avoids any appearance 01' arrogant
make these funds maximally effective toward ensuring that all human generosity. It merely incorporates into our global institlltional order
beings can meet their own basic needs with dignity. Such design must the moral claim 01' the poor to partake in the benefits from the use 01'
draw upon the expertise 01' economists and international lawyers. planetary resources. It implements a moral right - and one that can
Let me nonetheless make some provisional suggestions to give more be justified in multiple ways: namely also forward-Iooking. by refer-
concreteness to the proposed reform. Disbursement should be made ence to its effects. and backward-Iooking. by reference to the evolution
pursuant to c1ear and straightforward general rules whose administra- 01' the present economic distribution.
tion is cheap and transparent. Transparency is important to exclude Moreover. the GRD would also be vastly more efficient. The dis-
political favoritism and the appearance thereof. It is important also bursement 01' conventional development assistance is governed by
for giving the government 01' any developing country c1ear and strong political considerations:1'5 only 19 percent 01' the $56 billion in official
incentives toward eradicating domestic poverty. To optimize such development assistance (year 1999) goes to the 43 least developed
incentive effects. the disbursement rules should reward progress: by countries.'·lh And only 8.3 percent is spent on meeting basic needs _.
allocating more funds to this country and/or by assigning more 01' its mllch less than the 20 percent the high-income countries promised in
allocation directly to its government. the "20: 20 compact" made within the OECD ..m All high-income
This incentive may not always prevail. In some poor countries. the count ries together thus spend about S4.65 billion annually on meeting
rulers care more about keeping their subjects destitute. uneducated. basic needs abroad - 0.02 percent 01' their combined GNPs. about
docile. dependent. and hence exploitable. In such cases. it may still be $5.15 annually from each citizen 01' the developed world and $3.83
possible to find other ways 01' improving the circumstances and oppor- annually for each person in the poorest quintile. The GRD. by con-
tunities 01' the domestic poor: by making cash payments directly to trast. would initially raise 67 times as much exclusively toward meet-
them or to their organizations or by funding development programs ing the basic needs 01' the global poor.
administered through UN agencies or effective non-governmental Since the GRD would cost more and return less in direct political
organizations. When. in extreme cases. GRD funds cannot be used benefits. many 01' the wealthier and more powerful states might
effectively in a particular country. then there is no reason to spend be tempted to refuse compliance. Wouldn't the GRD scheme then
208 AGIobai Resources Dividend AGIobai Resources Dividend 209

require agIobaI enforcement agency. something like a world govern- (I) 11'a society or comparable social system. connected and regu-
ment? In response. I agree that the GRD would have to be backed lated by a shared institutional order (condition 6). displays
by sanctions. But sanctions could be decentralized. Once the agency radical inequality (conditions 1-5). then this institutional order
facilitating the f10w 01'GRD payments reports that a country has not is prima/ade unjust and requires justification. Here the burden
met its obligations under the scheme. all other countries are required 01' proof is on those who wish to defend this order and its
to impose duties on imports from. and perhaps also similar levies on coercive imposition as compatible with justice.
exports to. this country to raise funds equivalent to its GRD obliga- (2) Such a justification 01'an institutional order under which radical
tions plus the cost 01'these enforcement measures. Such decentralized inequality persists would need to show either
sanctions stand a very good chance 01'discouraging small-scale defec- (2a) that condition 10 is not met. perhaps because the existing
tions. Our world is now. and is likely to remain. highly interdependent radical inequality came about fairly: through a historical
economically. Most countries export and import between 10 and 50 process that transpired in accordance with morally plaus-
percent 01' their gross domestic product. No country would profit ible rules that were generally observed; or
from shutting down foreign trade for the sake 01' avoiding its GRD (2b) that condition 9 is not met. because the worse-off can
obligation. And each would have reasons to fulfill its GRD obligation adequately benefit from the use 01' the common natural
voluntarily: to retain control over how the funds are raised. to avoid resource base through access to a proportional share or
paying extra for enforcement measures. and to avoid the adverse through some at least equivalent substitute; or
publicity associated with non-compliance. (2c) that condition 8 is not met. because the existing radical
To be sure. such a scheme 01' decentralized sanctions could work inequality can be traced to extra-social factors (such as
only so long as both the US and the EU continue to comply and genetic handicaps or natural disasters) which. as such.
continue to participate in the sanction mechanism. I assume that affect different persons differentially; or
both will do this. provided they can be brought to commit themselves (2d) that condition 7 is not met. because any proposed alterna-
to the GRD scheme in the first place. This prerequisite. which is tive to the existing institutional order either
decisive for the success 01' the proposal. is addressed in section 8.5. • is impracticable. that iso cannot be stably maintained in
ft should be c1ear. however. that a refusal by the US or the EU to the long run; or
participate in the eradication 01' world poverty would not affect the cannot be instituted in a morally acceptable way even
implications 01' the present section 8.3. The feasibility 01' the GRD with good will by all concerned; or
suffices to show that extensive and severe poverty is avoidable at • would not substantially improve the circumstances 01'
moderate cost (condition 5). that the existing global order plays an the worse-off; or
important role in its persistence (condition 7) and that we can take • would have other morally serious disadvantages that offset
what all three approaches would recognize as a major step toward any improvement in the circumstances 01'the worse-off.
justice (second thesis). (3) Humankind is connected and regulated by a shared global
institutional order under which radical inequality persists.
(4) This global institutional order therefore requires justification
8.4 The moral argument for the proposed reform <from (1) and (3».
(5) This global institutional order can be given no justification
By showing that conditions 1-10 are met. I hope to have demon- 01' forms (2a). (2b). or (2c). A justification 01' form (2d) fails
strated that present global poverty manifests a grievous injustice that as weIl. because areform involving introduction 01' a GRD
can and should be abolished through institutional reform - involving provides an alternative that is practicable. can (with some good
the GRD scheme. perhaps, or some superior alternative. To make will by all concerned) be instituted in a morally acceptable way.
this train 01' thought as transparent and criticizable as possible. I would substantially improve the circumstances 01' the worse-
restate it now as an argument in six steps. The first two steps involve off. and would not have disadvantages 01' comparable moral
new formulations. so I comment on them briefly at the end. significance.
210 AGIobai Resources Dividend AGIobai Resources Dividend 211

(6) The existing global order cannot be justified <from (4). (2). and problem 01' generating this good will. especially on the part 01' the rich
(5» and hence is unjust <from (1». and mighty. Without the support 01' the US and the EU. massive
global poverty and starvation will certainly not be eradicated in our
In presenting this argument. I have not attempted to satisfy the strictest lifetimes. How realistic is the hope 01' mobilizing such support'? I have
demands 01' logical form. which would have required various qualifi- twO answers to this question.
cations and repetitions. I have merely tried to clarify the structure 01' First. even if this ho pe is not realistic. it is still important to insist
the argument so as to make clear how it can be attacked. that present global poverty manifests a grievous injustice according to
üne might attack the first step. But this moral premise is quite weak. Western normative political thought. We are not merely distant wit-
applying only if the existing inequality occurs within a shared institu- nesses 01' a problem unrelated to ourselves. with a weak. positive duty
tional order (condition 6) al/(l is radical. that isoinvolves trulv extreme to help. Rather we are. both causally and morally. intimately involved
poverty and extreme differentials in standards 01' living (conditions 1- in the fate 01' the poor by imposing upon them agIobaI institutional
5). Moreover. the first premise does not flatly exclude any institutional order that regularly produces severe poverty and/or by effectively
order under which radical inequality persists. but merely demands that it excluding them from a fair share 01' the value 01' exploited natural
be justified. Since social institutions are created and upheld. perpetuated resources and/or by upholding a radical inequality that evolved through
or reformed by human beings. this demand cannot plausibly be refused. a historical process pervaded by horrendous crimes. We can realist-
Üne might attack the second step. But this moral premise. too. is ically end our involvement in their severe poverty not by extricating
weak. in that it demands 01' the defender 01' the status quo only one 01' ourselves from this involvement. but only by ending such poverty
the four possible showings. (2a)-(2d). leaving hirn free to try each 01' through economic reform. 11' feasible reforms are blocked by others.
the conceptions 01' economic justice outlined in section 8.2 even though then we may in the end be unable to do more than mitigate some 01'
he can hardly endorse all 01' them at once. Still. it remains open to the harms we also help produce. But even then a difference would
argue that an institutional order reproducing radical inequality can be remain. because our effort would fulfill not a duty to help the needy.
justified in a way that differs from the four. (2a)-(2d). I have described. but a duty to protect victims 01' any injustice to which we contribute.
Üne might try to show that the existing global order does not meet The latter duty isoother things being equal. much more stringent than
one 01' the ten conditions. Depending on which condition is targeted. the former. especially when we can fulfill it out 01' the beneflts we
one would thereby deny the third premise or give a justifkation 01' derive from this injustice.
forms (2a) or (2b). or (2c). or show that my reform proposal runs into My second answer is that the hope may not be so unrealistic after
one 01' the four problems listed under (2d). all. My provisional optimism is based on two considerations. The first
The conclusion 01' the argument is reached only if all ten conditions is that moral convictions can have real effects even in international
are met. Existing global poverty then manifests a core injustice: a politics - as even some political realists admit. albeit with regret.
phenomenon that the dominant strands 01' Western normative political Sometimes these are the moral convictions 01' politicians. But more
thought jointly - albeit tor diverse reasons -- c1assify as unjust and can commonly politics is influenced by the moral convictions 01' citizens.
jointly seek to eradicate. Insofar as advantaged and influential particip- Üne dramatic example 01' this is the abolitionist movement which.
ants in the present international order grant the argument. we acknow- in the nineteenth century. pressured the British government into sup-
ledge our shared responsibility for its injustice. We are violating a pressing the slave trade."R A similar moral mobilization may be pos-
negative duty 01' justice insofar as we contribute to (and fail to mitig- sible also for the sake 01' eradicating world poverty - provided the
ate) the harms it reproduces and insofar as we resist suitable reforms. citizens 01' the more powerful states can be convinced 01' a moral
conclusion that really can be soundly supported and a path can be
shown that makes only modest demands on each 01' uso
8.5 Is the reform proposal realistic? The GRD proposal is morally compelling. It can be broadly
anchored in the dominant strands 01' Western normative political
Even if the GRD proposal is practicable. and even if it could be thought outlined in section 8.2. And it also has the morally signific-
implemented with the good will 01' all concerned. there remains the ant advantage 01' shifting consumption in ways that restrain global
212 AGIobai Resources Dividend AGIobai Resources Dividend 213

pollution and resource depletion for the benefit of future generations itself from external influences: from military and terrorist attacks.
in particular. Because it can be backed by these four important and illegal immigrants. epidemics and the drug trade. pollution and climate
mutually independent moral rationales. the GRD proposal is weil change. price f1uctuations and scientific-technological and cultural
positioned to benefit from the fact that moral reasons can have effects innovations. It iso then. increasingly in our interest. too. that stable
in the world. If some help can be secured from economists. political democratic institutions should emerge in the developing countries _
scientists. and lawyers. then moral acceptance ofthe GRD may gradu- institutions under which governmental power is effectively constrained
ally emerge and become widespread in the developed West. through procedural rules and basic rights. So long as large segments
Eradicating world poverty through a scheme like the GRD also of these peoples lack elementary education and have no assurance
involves more realistic demands than a solution through private that they will be able to meet even their most basic needs. such demo-
initiatives and conventional development aid. Continual mitigation of cratic institutions are much less likely than explosive mixtures of reli-
poverty leads to fatigue. aversion. even contempt. It requires the more gious and ideological fanaticism. violent opposition movements. death
affluent citizens and governments to rally to the cause again and again squads. and corrupt and politicized militaries. To expose ourselves to
while knowing full weil that most others similarly situated contribute the occasional explosions of these mixtures would be increasingly dan-
not hing or very little. that their own contributions are legally optionaL gerous and also more costly in the long run than the proposed GRD.
and that. no matter how much they give. they could tor just a little This prudential consideration has a moral side as weIl. A future
more always save yet further children from sickness or starvation. that is pervaded by radieal inequality and hence is unstable would
The inefficiency of conventional development aid is also sustained endanger not only the security of ourselves and our progeny. but also
by the competitive situation among the governments of the donor the long-term survival of our society. values. and culture. Not only
countries. who feel morally entitled to decline to do more by pointing that: such a future would. quite generally. endanger the security of all
to their even less generous competitors. This explanation supports the other human beings and their descendants as weil as the survival of
optimistic assumption that the affluent societies would be prepared. their societies. values. and cultures. And so the interest in peace - in
in joint reciprocity. to commit themselves to more than what they a future world in which different societies. values. and cultures can
tend to do each on its own. Analogous considerations apply to envir- coexist and interact peacefully - is obviously also. and importantly.
onmental protection and conservation. with respect to wh ich the a moral interest.
GRD also contributes to a collective solution. When many parties Realizing our prudential and moral interest in a peaceful and eco-
decide separately in this matter. then the best solution for all is not logically sound future will - and here I go beyond my earlier modesty
achieved. because each gets alm ost the full benefit of its pollution and - require supranational institutions and organizations that limit the
wastefulness while the resulting harms are shared by all ("tragedy of s?vereignty rights of states more severely than is the current prac-
the commons"). An additional point is that national development- tlce. The most powerful states could try to impose such limitations
aid and environmental-protection measures must be politieally fought upon all the rest while exempting themselves. It is doubtful. however.
for or defended year after year. while acceptance of the GRD scheme that today's great powers will summon the political will to make
would require only one - albeit rather more far-reaching - politieal this attempt before it is too late. And it is doubtful also whether
decision. they could succeed. For such an attempt would provoke the bitter
The other optimistic consideration has to do with prudence. The resistance of many other states. wh ich would simultaneously try very
times when we could afford to ignore what goes on in the developing hard. through military buildup. to gain access to the club of great
countries are over for good. Their economic growth will have a great powers. For such a projecl. the "elites" in many developing countries
impact on our environment and their military and technologieal gains could probably mobilize their populations quite easily. as the recent
are accompanied by serious dangers. among which those associated examples of India and Pakistan illustrate.
with nuclear. biological. and chemical weapons and technologies are . It might. then. make more sense for all to work toward suprana-
only the most obvious. The transnational im position of externalities tIOnal institutions and organizations that limit the sovereignty rights
and risks will ever more become a two-way street as no state or group of all states equally. But this solution can work only if at least a
of states. however rich and mighty. will be able effectively to insulate large majority of the states participating in these institutions and
214 AGIobai Resources Dividend AGIobai Resources Dividend 215
organizations are stable democracies. which presupposes. in turn. that factors and that no feasible reform 01' the present global order cOlild
their citizens are assured that they can meet their basic needs and can thlls affect either that poverty or these local factors. No less incredible
attain adecent level 01' education and social position. is the view that ours is the best 01' all possible global orders. that any
The current geopolitical development drifts toward a world in which modilkation 01' it could only aggravate poverty. So we should work
militarily and technologically highly advanced states and groups. grow- 10gether across disciplines (0 conceive a comprehensive solution to
ing in nllmber. pose an ever greater danger for an ever larger subset 01' the problem 01' world poverty. and ac ross borders for the political
hllmankind. Deftecting this development in a more reasonable direc- implementation 01' this solution.
tion realistically requires considerable support from those other 85
percent 01' humankind who want to reduce our economic advantage
and achieve our high standard 01' living. Through the introduction 01'
the GRD or some similar reform we can gain such support by showing
concretely that our relations to the rest 01' the world are not solely
devoted to cementing our economic hegemony and that the global
poor will be able peacefully to achieve a considerable improvement in
their circumstances. In this way and only in this way can we refute the
conviction. understandably widespread in the poor countries. that we
will not give a damn about their misery until they have the economic
and military power to do us serious harm. And only in this way can
we undermine the popular support that aggressive political movements
01' all kinds can derive from this conviction.

8.6 Conclusion

We are familiar. through charity appeals. with the assertion that it lies
in our hands to save the lives 01' many or. by doing not hing. to let
these people die. We are less familiar with the assertion examined here
01' a weightier responsibility: that most 01' us do not merely let people
starve but also participate in starving them. It is not surprising that
our initial reaction to this more unpleasant assertion is indignation.
even hostility - that. rather than think it through or discuss it. we
want to forget it or put it aside as plainly absurd.
I have tried to respond constructively to the assertion and to show
its plausibility. I don't pretend to have proved it conclllsively. but my
argument should at least raise grave doubts about our commonsense
prejlldices. which we must in any case treat with suspicion on account
01' how strongly our self-interest is engaged in this matter. The great
moral importance 01' reaching the correct judgment on this issue also
cOllnsels against lightly dismissing the assertion here defended. The
essential data abollt the lives and deaths 01' the global poor are. after
all. indisputable. In view 01' very considerable global interdependence.
it is extremely unlikely that their poverty is due exclllsively to local
Notes to pp. 3-10 217

percentage 01'total income (y-axis) had by the bottom 1 percent. bottom

2 percent. etc .. 01' the population (x-axis). The graph rises toward the
right at an ever steeper rate. One connects the beginning and end points
(0 and 100 percent) 01'the graph with a straight line. The Gini coefficient
is .the area between this straight line and the graph divided by the whole
Notes tnangular area under the straight line. It is often. as in the quote here.
stated as a percentage.
5 In this general introduction. I am using "we:'· "our" to refer to
adult citizens 01'the USo EU. Canada. Australia. New Zealand - at least
those who share the economic security and basic Western values 01'
these countries. By focusing on our responsibilities with regard to world
poverty. I am I1?t suggesting that the responsibilities 01'the Japanese are
Importantly dIfferent, and certainly not that the "elites" in the develop-
mg world have no such responsibilities.
6 This is also reflected in patterns 01' charitable giving which, in the USo
totals about .$200 billion Only 1.3 percent 01'this amount goes
to orgalllzatlons concerned wlth mternational affairs. a fraction 01' that
to organizations working toward the fulfillment 01' basic needs abroad.
Cf. Giring USA 2001 1'01'details.
7 See esp. Marx. "The German Ideology:' pp. 172-3. 192-3. Cf. Cohen.
Karl Marx's Theory of Hisfor,r.
General Introduction 8 This thought goes back at least to Malthus, An Essay on fhe Principle of
poplIlm.lOn, and .came t? renewed prominence in the 1970s through
The Unirersal Declarafion 01 HWl/il/1 Righfs was approved and proclaimed
Har~m s ~uch-clted. "LlVlng o~ a Lifeboat." Cf. also Hardin: Liring
bv the General Assembly ofthe UN on December 10,1948. as resolution
lI'ahm LlIl1lfS and "Llfeboat Ethlcs: The Case against Helping the Poor."
217 A (l1l). All abbreviations and acronyms. such as UDHR and UNo
9 Cf. e.g. Sen, "Population: Delusion and Reality."
are explicated in the index. 10 Rorty, "Who are We'?:' pp. 14-15.
2 Throughout this book, the 5-sign refers to the US currency. The data
11 e.g. Alesina and Dollar. "Who Gives Foreign Aid to Whom and Why'?"
used in this paragraph and the next are more fully presented and refer-
enced in 4.3. International poverty lines are stated in $PPP (purchasing
12 UNDP. Report 2001, p. 190. and UNDP. Report 2000, p. 79.
13 Cf. text around n. 16, and Reddy and Pogge, "How NOf to Count the
power parity). inflating the incomes 01' the pOOl' to reflect the greater
purchasing power 01' money in the developing world. In typical poor
14 Rome Declarafion on World Food SeclIrifJ.
countries. the commonly used $I/day and S2/day poverty lines corres-
15 Ibid., Annex 11 to the Final Reporf of fhe Wor/d Food SIII1IJI7if. The US
pond to about '5lh and '5"h per person per day at market exchange rates.
also argued that the F AO was greatly exaggerating the contribution
The 1.214 million people Iiving below the lower 01'these lines on average
needed from the developed count ries: "As part 01' the Us. ACfion Plall
live 30'10, below it: on about 23 cents per person per day. ?n Food SeclIrify. USAID commissioned aseparate study 01' the pro-
3 Throughout this book. the word "billion" is used in the American sense
Jected. cost ~f meetmg the World Food Summit target and a strategy for
as signifying 1,000 million. Accordingly. "trillion" stands 1'01'1.000 bil-
reachlllg tl1lS goal. The study. completed in mid 1998. focused on a
lion 01' I million million. potential framework for O,?A investments and estimated that the target
4 Milanovic, "True World Income Distribution:' p. 88. cf. p. 73. The figure
could be reached wlth additIOnal global ODA 01' $2.6 billion annually.
01' 1/4 is approximate. The loss in real income 1'01'the bottom 5 percent of
as compared to the F AO's estimate 01'56 billion annually" (U S. Action
humankind was actually 23 percent over the period (ibid .. p. 74 n. 19).
Plall, Appendix A). The US government thus is on record arguing that.
Incomc inequality among persons worldwidc rose "from a Gini of 62.5
contrary to the third idea, money ('([n be used effectively to help reduce
in 1988 to 66.0 in 1993. This represents an increase 01'0.6 Gini points per
po\erty. It Ju~t. does not see this as an obligation 01' priority: the $2.6
year. This is a very fast increase. faste I' than the increase experienc~d by
bIllIon m addItIonal official development assistance it suggests amounts
the US and UK in the decade 01' the 1980s" (ibid .. p. 88). This GlIl1 15
to less than $3 annually from each citizen 01'the developed count ries.
calculated by constructing a cumulative income graph that shows the
218 Notes to pp. 10-20 Notes to pp. 20-8 219
16 The UN iHillenlliwlI Decfaration included this reinterpretation by resolving p. 233). While pressing mightily 1'01' the reduction. the US government
··to halve. by the year 2015. the proportion ofthe world's people whose was also debating what to do with the annual budget surpluses in excess
income is less than one dollar a day and the proportion 01' people who 01' 5100 billion expected 1'01' the foreseeable future.
suffer from hunger.·· FAO celebrates this inclusion and pretends not to 28 Cf.
notice the shift ( 29 Cf. the authoritative investigations Rlranda: T!le Prerenwble Genocide.
17 UNDP. Repon /lJ97. p. 5. and UNDP. Repon 2001. p. 22. Leaving produced by the International Panel 01' Eminent Personalities commis-
China aside. the number 01' the undernourished has been rising. sioned by the Organization 01' African Unity. and Rcpon ol t!le 1/1(1e-
18 Lipton. "The 2015 PoYCrty Targets:' calculates that. if the trends 01' pendelll InlJuirr into t!le Actioll.~ o( t!le United Nations during t!le 1994
1990-98 persist. poverty as defined by the 51 PPP a day poverty line will Genoeide in Rlranda. See also Gourevitch. IVe IVis!l to Inl(lI"111You.
decline from 24.5 percent 01' the developing countries' population in 30 Arms sold to the developing countries facilitate repression. fuel civil
1996 to 23.2 percent in 2015 - reflecting a decline in China from 17':/"to wars. and divert funds from meeting basic needs. In 2000. the rich coun-
4.7"/" and an increase in the remainder 01' the developing world from tries spent about 54.650 million on development assistance 1'01' meeting
n',;;, to 28.7"/;,. 11' these projections come true. the number 01' human basic needs abroad (text around n. 337) while also selling the developing
beings subsisting below the World Bank"s lower poverty line will actu- count ries an estimated 525.438 million in conventional weapons. This
ally increase by over 21 percent: to 1.442.4 million in 2015. from 1.190.6 represents 69 percent 01' the entire international trade in conventional
million in 1996 (World Bank. Rcpon 200012()()1. p. 23). weapons. valued at 536.862 million. The main seilers 01' arms are the USo
19 This critique is exemplified in Singer. "Famine. Affluence and Morality.·· with over 50 percent ofsales. then Russia. France. Gennany. and the UK.
and Unger. Liring Hig!l a/1(1 [etting Die. with another 37 percent. See Congressional Research Service. COllrelllional
20 Cf. ~ 1.4. Merely failing to reduce severe poverty could still be a signifi- Arms Trans/crs to Deri!loping Nations.
cant moral f1aw in social institutions.
21 The leIbst political coalition responsible 1'01' these policies was nonethe-
31 Locke. "An Essay Concerning the True OriginaL" *
95. See * 5.2 101' a
more detailed invocation 01' Locke.
less soundly defeated in the last assembly elections. May 10. 200 I. gain-
ing only 40 seats out 01' 140.
32 Hume. A Treatise on HUlllan Nature. p. 269 (book I. part IV. * VII).
33 Parfit. Reasons mul Persons. p. 282.
22 In ** 4.8 and 5.3. esp.
23 The global pOOl'suffer. 1'01' instance. from the pollution produced in the
developed countries over many decades - while they are. unlike us. ex- Chapter 1 Human Flourishing and Universal Justice
cluded from the benefits. They suffer the effects 01' global warming caused
by our emissions 01' greenhouse gases. They suffer the effects 01' the drug 34 One can get a sense 01' this variety by recalling the more influential
trade fueled by the huge demand 1'01' drugs in the US and EU and the contributions to our topic just within analytic philosophy 01' the past 20
effects 01' the war on drugs prosecuted by the US and EU governments. years. Among these are the responses articulated in the following books:
They are hurt by the depletion 01' natural resources which are SCal'cer Annas. T!le Morality (~lHappiness: Elster. Sour Grapes; Frankfurt. T!le
and dearer than they would be if the affluent count ries were prepared to flllpor/ance o( Wlwt We Care Ahout; Galston. Justice (//ul t!le Human Good;
moderate their consumption. They suffer from the AIDS epidemic. whose Gibbard. Wise C!loices. Apt Fei!lings; Griffin. We/l-Being; Maclntyre.
spread is assisted by affluent sex tourists. and from disease strains that Afier Virtue; Nagel. Monal Quest ions; Nozick. T!le Exalllined Li/e:
have become resistant to ordinary drugs because 01' treatment practices Nussbaum. T!le Fragility or Goodness; Parfit. Reasons a/1(1Persons; Raz.
in the developed countries - medical problems aggravated by patent The Morality o( Frl!edom; Rorty. Contingeney. frony. and Solidarity;
rules that make effective drugs unaffordable to most patients in pOOl' Scanlon. Wlwt We Olre to Eaeh Other; Slote. Goods and VirIlies and
countries. Frolll Morality t(l Virtue; Taylor. Sourees 0/ t!le Selj; Tugendhat.
24 Cf. 5.2. Vorlesungen iiber Et!lik; Williams. Moral Luek. Ethies a/1(1 the Lilllits 01
25 T!l1! Eeonolllist. September 25. 1999. p. 89. The three cited studies - Philosophy. S!lallle mul Necessity. and Making Sense 01 Humanity; and
Hertel and Martin. UNCTAD. Finger and Schuler - are Iisted in the Wollheim. The Thread o( Li(e.
bibliography. 35 See Plato. T!le Rcpublie. 357a-358d.
26 Wolf. "Broken Promises to the Poor." 36 In fact. Plato's argument seeks to show that beingjust is good in both ways
n After years 01' heavy pressure and 10-digit arrears. the US finally (Christ- (Repuhlic. 357c-358a) - is a component in its own right (Republie. Books
mas 2000) won a reduction from 25 to 22 percent - even while its share 2-7. esp. 444d-e) and a means to other components. such as well-being.
01' aggregate global income is 31 percent (World Bank. Repon 2002. pleasure. esteem (Repuhlie. Books 8-10. esp. 587e-588a. 612d-614b).
220 Notes to pp. 28-34 Notes to pp. 35-8 221
37 Kant is offering this example in his Crifique (!( Pracfical Rmsoll. See 46 Here a person's most favored outcome is assigned the value I and her least
Kant. Kallfs gesalllmelfe Schr{/iell. vol. 5. p. 60. favored outcome is assigned the value O. The value of any other outcome
38 Achievement. in turn. might be understood in different time frames: Q is then that n (0 ::; n ::; I) which makes the following true: the person is
more narrowly. in tenns of the ethical quality of a person's deeds. and/or indifferent between Q with certainty. on the one hand. and a lottery pur-
more broadly. in terms of the ethical significance of her life's historical suant to which her most favored outcome occurs with probability n and
illlpact on the world. her least favored outcome with probability (I - n). on the other hand.
39 We see an extreme instance of this phenomenon in act-utilitarian doctrine 47 This issue of fulfillment I'ersus satisfaction confronts any account of
according to which the personal value of a human life is measured by human f10urishing and thus is quite independent of my focus on such
the quantity of happiness it contains while its ethical value is measured accounts within the context of developing a globally sharable criterion
by its impact on general happiness. When a utilitarian reflects on the of justice tor the moral assessment of institutional schemes.
value of a human life from within. its ethical value will predominate: 48 Thus. your aspiration to be loved isjil{/iffed insofar as you truly are loved.
What matters is that one's life should have the greatest possible positive and saris/ied insofar as you live in the happy consciousness of being
impact on general happiness. To what extent one should seek one's loved. Obviously. an aspiration may be fulfilled without being satisfied
own happiness is an empirical-instrumental question. One should seek and also satisfied without being fulfilled: you may be loved while believ-
one's own happiness whenever this is the best way of promoting general ing that you are not; or you may believe falsely that you are loved. The
happiness - and otherwise one ought to promote general happiness. fulfillment of an aspiration may be a matter of degree insofar as its
even at the expense of one's own. When a utilitarian reflects on the value realization in the world may be more or less complete. The satisfaction
of a human life from without. its personal value will predominate: what of such an aspiration may then be a matter of degree twice over. tor it
matters is that others be as happy as possible. To what extent one should also depends on the degrees of confidence with which a person ascribes
also want them to be promoters ofhappiness is an empirical-instrumental particular degrees of fulfillment to the aspiration in question.
question. One should promote the ethical value of human lives whenever 49 A person's first-order desires are those desires that are not about her
this is the best way of promoting the personal value of human lives - own desires. Many of our desires fall into this category. But many do
and otherwise one ought to promote personal value. even at the expense not. as when I desire to shed. to strengthen or to weaken. to indulge or
of ethical value. to frust rate. to attend to or to neglect one of my present desires. for
40 "Social order." "institutional scheme," and "regime" are also used. example. or when I desire to acquire a new one.
41 The moral assessment of social institutions may thus involve more than 50 The latter demand is that social institutions should engender fitting pairs
a criterion of justice. as one mayaiso want to consider. for example, of va lues and options - should work so that persans have the options
how institut ions affect other species of animals or how weil they accord they value and value the options they have.
with God's will. My definition piaces such issues outside the discourse 51 There must be tight limits. however. on how a society may sanction
about justice. which can therefore contribute only one essential compon- another when it judges the institutions of the latter to accord with the
ent of the moral assessment of social institut ions. universal criterion but not with the former's own more ambitious crite-
42 See Aristotle. Nicolllacheall Erhics. lI OOaI0-31 (book L ch. 10). rion of justice. Agreement on a universal criterion would lose much 01'
43 For further discussion of this topic. see Meyer. "More Than They Have its point. if fulfillment 01' this criterion did not shield national regimes
a Right To." against coercive retorm efforts from outside.
44 This point is analogous to one that arises when we seek to optimize 52 I do not here mean to rule out the possibility that some societies or
some process of production. Even if it is true that each part of the other groups may think of the universal criterion as exhausting what
process is designed in the best possible way given the way the other parts justice requires. This criterion - though it should not be understood as
are designed. it may still be possible greatly to improve the entire pro- exhaustive - should not be understood as nonexhaustive either. Both of
cess: by redesigning all parts together or. more importantly. by altering these understandings would needlessly undermine its widespread accept-
its very structure <including its division into parts). ance and hence the plausibility of its claim to universality.
45 The goal of free intercultural agreement on a universal criterion of *
53 See 1.2. second paragraph.
justice does. however. involve the hope that most cultures can sustain 54 Paradigmatic for this answer is Rawls's broad list. which includes vari-
reflection and discussion about matters ofjusfice that transcend the con- ous basic liberties as weil as income and wealth. powers and prerogatives
fines of their own traditions and are sensitive to the outlooks prevalent of office. and social bases of self-respect. See Rawls. A Theory o(Jusfice.
in other cultures. ** 1.3 and 1.5 indicate how cultures might fulfill this *
esp. 15. and "Social Unity and Primary Goods." Cf. Dworkin. "What
hope even without fulfilling the demand I reject in the text. is Equality? Part 11," and Scanlon. "Preference and Urgency."

222 Notes to pp. 38-41 Notes to pp. 42-5 223
55 Capabilities are defined in terms 01' what a person can do 01' be. In 64 This implicit attitude 01'social institut ions is independent 01'the attitudes
contrast to the Rawlsian answer. this way 01' conceiving basic goods 01' intentions 01' the persons shaping and upholding these institut ions.
makes their measurement sensitive to differences in persons' specific needs Only the former makes a difference to how just the institutions are - thc
and endowments. Thus Sen has us focus. tor example. not on a person's latter make a diflerence only to how blameworthy persons are 1'01'their
income as such. but on her income relative to her specific nutritional and role in imposing them.
other needs. See Sen. COll1l11odities am! Capabilities. and also Nussbaum 65 The case 01'smoking may exemplify a fluid transition between scenarios 2
and Sen. eds .. The Quality (li Li/i!. esp. Cohen's helpful essay "Equality and 6 insot~lr as private agents (cigarette companies) arc legally permitted
01'What'!" to try to render persons addicted to nicotine.
56 One might need to retllink this tonnulation if it can plausibly be main- 66 A core injustice is one identified by the co re criterion. and thus an injus-
tained that even persons falling below the threshold in regard to one 01' tice recognized as such by all the more demanding conceptions ofjustice
more basic goods should be assigned standard 01'living I so long as thev overlapping in this core criterion. Iexplore this notion from a somewhat
sufficiently exceed the threshold with regard to other basic goods. . different angle in ch. 8.
57 The arithmetic mean is the sum 01' the measurements 1'01'the various 67 To illustrate: whether it is unjust for social institutions not to entitle
affected persons divided by the number 01' persons. N. The geometrie indigent persons to treatment 1'01'a certain lung disease - and. if so. hov.
mean is the Nth root ofthe product ofthose measurements. Sum-ranking unjust this is - may weil depend on whether this disease is contracted
simply uses the sum 01' all measurements. Maximin takes the lowest through legally authorized pollution by others 01' self-caused through
measurements to be representative. Inequality is specified in various smoking in full awareness 01' its risks.
different ways. One straightforward measure is the quintile inequality 68 To be sure. the anonymity condition permits a criterion 01'justice to
ratio. the share 01' the top fifth divided by that 01'the bottom fifth 01'the be sensitive to whether two different kinds 01' hardship are correlated
relevant population. Another common measure 01'inequality is the Gini (e.g. to count it as a greater injustice if the groups 01' those excluded
coefficient (cf. n. 4). from higher education and 01'those exduded from political participation
58 Each resident would face an annual risk 01' 0.0035 percent (= 10.000/ overlap than if they are disjoint). But being black. female. 01' Jewish are
285.000.000) on average. Compounded over an average lifespan 01' not. as such. hardships. Sex. color. and religion are precisely the kinds 01'
77 years. the overall risk 1'01'each resident would be 0.27 percent. factors that the anonymity condition was meant to screen out.
59 According to the National Safety Council. traffic fatalities numbered 69 The injustice would be even greater. if women were legally required
43.501 in 1998 and were down roughly I percent from that in 1999 and to do most 01' the housework. 01' legally barred from many educational
2000 ( ). opportunities - but this is a matter 01'the first missed weighting dimen-
60 The risk each year is about 0.015 percent (= 43.000/285.000.000). but sion (scenarios I rersus 3) extensively discussed at the beginning 01' this
compounds to about 1.16 percent over a lifetime. ~ 1.4.
61 National Safety Council ( add- 70 Something similar can be said 01'the much vaguer approach advocated by
ing that "about 3 in every 10 Americans will be involved in an alcohol- Habermas through his Principle U. See esp. Habermas. !v1oralbclrusstsein.
related traffic accident at some time in their lives.·· pp. 75-6. and Erläuterungen. pp. 130-76.
62 This argument is presented more fully in V.C 01' Pogge. "Three Prob- 71 For more detail. see Pogge. "Three Problems" and "Gleiche Freiheit für
lems." As I mention there. a full calculation would have to subtract.
from the number 01' traffic deaths avoided (860 annually. in the text). Tl. Thus. 1'01'example. Habermas: "The concept 01' human rights is not 01'
not only those who will die prematurely by execution (100). but also any moralorigin. but ... by ,/(/Wre juridical.·· Human rights "belong. through
increase in the number 01' persons killed by drunk drivers desperately their structure. to a scheme 01'positive and coercive law which supports
trying to evade capture. And the reform could have furt her positive and justiciable individual right claims. Hence it belongs to the meaning 01'
negative effects on the number 01' premature deaths as weil. ~ V.A and human rights that they demand for themselves the status 01' constitu-
V. B 01' the same essay discuss how similar reasoning may support other tional rights'" Habermas. "Kants Idee des ewigen Friedens'" The quotes
morally dubious reforms in the cri1l1inal-law d01l1ain. such as increased are from p. 310 and p. 312. italics are in the original. the translation is
use 01'strict-liability statutes. rougher 1l1ethods in the apprehension and mine. Though Alexy explicitly refers to human rights as moral rights. he
treatment 01'suspects. and tower standards 01'evidence. holds an otherwise similar position which equates the institutionaliza-
63 This point is more fully elaborated. with special attention to the institu- tion 01' human rights with their transformation into positive law. See
tional allocation 01' 1l1edical care. in Pogge. "Relational Conceptions 01' Alexy. "Die Institutionalisierung der Menschenrechte im demokratischen
Justiee'" Verfassungsstaat. ..
224 Notes to pp. 46-55 Notes to pp. 55-62 225
73 This proposal is elaborated in more detail in ch. 2 and in Pogge. "Human would not amount to very much in the present world: a moral demand
Rights and Human Responsibilities:' could count as sharable in all five dimensions without being really broadly
74 Such criticism has been voiced. for instance. by Singapore's patriarch accessible.
Lee Kuan Yew and in Mary Ann Glendon. Rights Talk. 84 Mackie uses the phrase "what gives point to" to single out this most
75 Grundgesetz. Article 2.2. in Press and Information Office 01' the Federal important sense 01' priority. See his "Can There Be 'I Right-Based Moral
Government. The Basic Lmr. p. 14. Theory?:' Postscript. This moral or foundational priority must be dis-
76 See esp. ~~4.8. 4.9. 5.3. 6.2. tinguished from conceptual or definitional priority. which may run the
77 See chs 6-8 and Pogge. "Human Rights and Human Responsibilities:' other way. As Mackie suggests. the concept 01' 'I duty may weil be c1e,uer
78 Cf. n. 246. than that 01' 'I right and it may then make sense to define rights in terms
79 Such measures would still function in the context 01' assessing social 01' duties. Raz proposes such 'I definition: "'x has a right' if and only if
institutions and would thus presumably be probabilistic (n ante) and x can have rights. and other things being equa!. an aspect 01' x's well-
focused on publicly ascertainable aecess to a quantitatively and qualitat- being (his interest) is a sufficient reason for holding some other person(s)
ively ade(jume share 01' certain goods. In these regards they would differ to be under a duty:' See Raz. "On the Nature 01' Rights:' p. 194.
from measures 01' human flourishing that we employ in small-scale 85 This connection is explicated and defended in Feinberg. "The Nature
contexts. where we may be concerned to enrich the life 01' a friend, for and Value 01' Rights:'
example. or our own. 86 For this position. together with its corollary that babies have no rights.
see Hart. "Are There Any Natural RightsT
87 These and related points are made and defended more elaborately in
Chapter 2 How Should Human Rights be Conceived? Gewirth. "The Basis and Content 01' Human Rights:'
88 For a more extensive discussion 01' the limitations 01' the rights idiom.
80 For more on the historical details. see esp. Tuck. Natural Rights Theorie.I·, see Pogge. "O'Neill on Rights and Duties:'
and Tuck. "The 'Modern' Theory 01' Natural Law." 89 Rawls. "Justice as Fairness: Political not Metaphysical."
81 Hobbes. Lel'iathan. p. 190. As Tuck stresses in his later piece. such uses 90 This second component is compatible with the view that the weight agents
were exceedingly common in the period from Grotius to Kant. ought to give to the human rights 01' others va ries with their relation to
82 One might make this condition somewhat stronger: a moral demand is them - that agents have stronger moral reasons to secure human rights in
unrestricted only if how wrong given violations 01' it are does not depend their own country. for example. than abroad - so long as this is not seen
on the violators' particular epoch. culture. religion. moral tradition. or as due to a difference in the moral significance 01' these rights. imperson-
philosophy. Equal violations 01' it are equally wrong. irrespective of ally considered. (I can consistently believe that the flourishing 01' '111chil-
whether the viola tors are well-educated citizens 01' a developed 20th- dren is equally important and that I should show greater concern for the
century society. say. or members 01' a far more primitive 13th-century soci- flourishing 01' my own children than for that 01' other children.)
ety. One must then add that. though equally wrong. they are not equally 91 The switch in idiom from "interests" to "needs" is meant merely to flag
blameworthy: the perpetration 01' a massacre by typical German soldiers the idea that only the most important interests 01' human beings should
under Nazi rule is surely more blameworthy. more c1early beyond excuse. be seen as giving rise to human rights. The switch is not supposed to
than that 01' an otherwise similar massacre by typical Mongoi soldiers prejudge any substantive questions about how human rights should be
under Genghis Khan. I will not discuss these malters further here. specified. Basic needs. just like interests. could still be conceived in a
83 How expansively these five terms should be understood depends on the person-relative way (so that what a person's basic needs are depends in
size and heterogeneity 01' the world we know. Today. a fairly expansive part on some 01' her personal characteristics such as gender or handi-
understanding is requisite. The time from the Renaissance to the French caps) or even in subjective terms (so that what a person's basic needs are
and American Revolutions can count as an epoch. but not the Thirty depends in part on some 01' her goals. desires. or preferences).
Years' War: Europe can count as a culture. but not Belgium: Christianity, 92 I intend the word "object" here in a broad sense so as not to prejudge
and also atheism. can count as religions. but not Anglicanism: moral any substantive issues. The object 01' a right is whatever the right is a
traditions might be utilitarianism. social contract theory. perfectionism right to. Such objects might be freedoms-from. freedoms-to. as weil as
and deontological ethics. but not the particular moral conceptions physical security or an adequate food supply.
01' Kant or Sidgwick; philosophies. finally. might include rationalism. 93 I shall drop the parenthetic addition from now on: but see n. 100.
empiricism. idealism. moral realism. intuitionism. but not particular 94 Arguably. this point was recognized by the Inter-American Court 01'
variants 01' them. Without such an expansive understanding. sharability Human Rights when it held Honduras responsible for crimes 01'
226 Notes to pp. 62-4 Notes to pp. 66-72 227

"disappearing" persons. without finding that government officials were for the same reason. the former signifies a greater injustice in the relevant
involved - imputing these crimes to the government on the ground that social order. a worse human-rights record on the part 01' the society in
it had failed to exercise due diligence to prevent and to respond to them question. A fuller recantation 01' my earlier hypothetical-contract thinking
(Velasl/ue:: July 29. 1988: series C. number 4). is in Pogge. "Three Problems" and "Gleiche Freiheit für alle?"' Cf. ~ 1.4
95 In the case 01' some human rights. (re)organizing a socicty so that all and the second paragraph 01' 2.3.* .
have secure access to its object will require that there be a legal right 100 Still. the institutionalunderstanding leaves room for the possibility that.
identical in content. It is hard to imagine a society under modern condi- even in peacetime. we share responsibility for human-rights fulfillment
tions whose members are secure in their property or have secure access abroad. (Such responsibility is a given for the interactional maximalist
to freedom 01' expression even while no legal right thcreto exists. In and impossible for the interactional minimalist.) We have such respons-
other cases. an individual legal right 01' matching content may not be ibility if we are influential and privileged participants in a transnational
necessary. We can envision. for example. a society in which all have scheme 01' social institut ions under which some persons are regularly.
secure access to minimally adequate nutrition even without a legal right predictably. and avoidably denied secure access to the objects 01' their
thereto. While a corresponding legal right may be necessary in some human rights. I believe that this empirical condition is satisfied and that
cases and unnecessary in others. any such legal right may be ineffective we thus have a human-rights-based duty to work for reforms 01' our
and is therefore insufficient lor maintaining secure access to the object global institutional order that would reduce or eliminate the incidence 01'
01' the human right to which it corresponds. (I assume that there is wars and 01' severe poverty. both 01' which tend to produce human-rights
no human right whose sole object is that there be some legal right on violations and insecure access on a massive scale. Cf. Pogge. "Human
the books.) Rightsand Human Responsibilities" and "An Egalitarian Law ofPeoples."
96 This chapter is silent on cultural rights. See Pogge. "Group Rights and 101 The expression "utilitarianism 01' rights" was coined. with critical intent.
Ethnicity:' lor some thoughts on this issue. in Nozick Anarchy. S/(IIC. and Utopia. p. 28. Such a view, suggested by
97 This is the general picture presented in Hohfeld. FUlIdalllenwl Legal the sentence quoted from Luban (n. 98) relates the goal 01' maximizing
Concepliolls. This picture is used to explicate the notion 01' human rights rights fulfillment directly to agents. It takes a consequentialist approach
in Wellman. "A New Conception 01' Human Rights:' See also Wellman. in cthies and thus admits 01' the usual alternative specifications: A utili-
A Theory o( Rigllls. tarianism 01' rights might be 01' the ideal or real as weil as 01' the act. rule.
98 Luban. "Just War and Human Rights:' p. 209. A comprehensive or motive variety. There are also other variants 01' consequentialism.
maximalist account is devcloped in Shue. Basic Righls - or so I had such as Bentham's utilitarianism which is meant to apply to social insti-
thought. In a new afterword Shue cautions. however. that his position is tutions (such as a society's penal system). So there could be a utilitarian-
less than fully maximal ist. He holds that we are required to aid any ism 01' rights 01' the institutional sort. One way in which such a position
persons whose rights have been violated - but not those whose rights are would differ from what I advocate here is darified by n. 99.
unfulfilled due to. say. natural causes (ibid .. p. 159). He does not explain 102 The degree 01' a person 's responsibility for injustice must plausibly depend
why he believes this distinction among positive duties to be morally on the means at her disposal and perhaps also on how advantaged she is
significant. within the social order in question. The degree 01' a person's blame-
99 By counting official denials and deprivations more heavily than other- worthiness will depend on furt her factors as weil. such as her education.
wise equivalent private ones. I am abandoning a position I had once experience, and circumstances.
defended (in Rcali:ing Rmr!s) - the position that social institutions should 103 Quoted by Gould, "The Moral State 01' Tahiti." p. 19.
be assessed from a broadly consequentialist prospective-participant 104 Compare O'Nei11. Faees (I/Hunger. p. 101. The topic ofmanifesto rights is
perspective (such as Rawls's original position). Prospective participants further discussed in Pogge, "O'Neill on Rights and Duties:' pp. 239-47.
do not care whether the objects 01' their human rights are endangered by
the government or by private agents. Hence they would. other things
equal. allow the two kinds 01' risk an equal impact upon the moral Chopter 3 Loopholes in Morolities
assessment 01' social institutions. I now hold that the injustice 01' a society
is significantly greater if. other things equal. insecure access to the objects 105 The not ion 01' a code is dosely linked to the idea 01' codification. and it
01' human rights is due to the risk 01' being denied X or deprived 01' X may therefore seem surprising that I speak 01' moral codes. After all. it is
officially. i.e. due to the risk 01' human-rights violations. Even though a one distinctive feature 01' the moralities we are familiar with in the modern
significant risk 01' being executed for my exprcssed political beliefs is no world that. unlikc the law. they are not codified, nor officially adjudi-
worse for me than an otherwise equal risk 01' being killed by an assassin cated and enforced. We live. one might say. in a world without moral
Notes to pp. 78-80 229
228 Notes to pp. 72-8
afford. of reducing one's own wrongdoing (one's share of responsibility
codes. But then my talk of moral codes is a response to a theoretical
need rat her than to an empirical reality. We cannot engage in any mean- for so me transaction) by partly shifting it off to another.
ingful analysis 01' the effects of moralities unless we can fix upon some 114 More precisely. such an ethic - as sketched for example in Fried. "The
Lawyer as Friend" - gives landlords an ideal compliance incentive to
rat her determinate specimen to which this analysis can be. somewhat
prefer B over A2 and an ideal reward incentive to prefer B over AI.
rigorously. applied. Talk of moral codes reflects, then. an idealization. I
will ask you to consider hypothetical cases in which determinate moral 115 I am presenting here a moderate version 01' what Samuel ScheffleI' calls
the "distributive objection" to associative duties 01' special responsibilities
codes are counterproductive. We may conclude upon reflection that
adherents of such a code have reason to revise it. And this conclusion (Scheffler. BOl/ndaries (II/d Allegiances. pp. 56-64 and 83-95). In the more
may have implications 1'01' ourselves. if our moral beliefs - though amor- radical version Scheffle I' discusses. the objection poses a comprehensive
challenge to special relationships insofar as these enable persons (Alice
phous and diverse - are sufficiently similar in content and effects to the
and Beth) to change the moral situation such that they ought to give
hypothetical moral code of the example.
priority to one another over outsiders (Carla). In my moderate version.
106 [will skip the phrase "by the code's own Iights" \vherever possible. But
the objection poses a partial challenge to special relationships: only
it must be kept in mi nd that we are throughout dealing with counter-
productivity, that iso with cases where moralities undermine their Own insofar as these enable Alice and Beth to change the moral situation so
as to reduce what each minimally owes Carla. ScheffleI' claims in effect
effectiveness 01'. as it were. regret their own effects.
that my moderate version collapses into the radical one. that loverlook
107 E.g. a tax deduction 1'01' charitable gifts provides an incentive to many
that "part of what it is to have [special] responsibilities to one's associ-
taxpayers. But for some 01' these. the incentive may not tip the scales -
they are more inclined than they would otherwise be. but still not inclined ates is to be required. within limits. to give their interests priority over
the interests of non-associates, in cases where the two conflict" (ibid ..
enough. to give. And others may not know about the tax deduction 01'
p. 87). I do not think I am overlooking this point. I can easily accept it
may not realize how they can take advantage of it. Codes may then give
incentives that do not affect conduct at all. As I will show. some such because I do not believe that what persons minimally owe to another
person is to give his 01' her interests equal consideration with everyone
incentives are problematic nonetheless.
108 These two paradigm cases do not exhaust the realm of possibilities. A else·s. Even lrithol/t any specialrelationship. it is permissible for Alice to
give priority to Beth's interests over Carla's in many ways. e.g. by help-
moral code may be socially prevalent in a small social system, may be
ing Beth rather than Carla even when Carla's need is somewhat greater.
held by a minority within a society (with the majority perhaps committed
to some other code), may be held by an individual who is highly influential With the specialrelationship, this permission may turn into an obliga-
tion. My moderate objection allows this and thus does not challenge
in a society (the President of the US). and so forth. [n all these cases, the
special relationships as such. It only constrains their moral effects. Ir. in
effects of the code are shaped by the life context in which it is operative.
109 I am here assuming that ideal adherents. having normal interests. care the absence of a specialrelationship with Beth. Alice must not do certain
things to Carla (e.g. take one of Carla 's kidneys without consent to save
more about enhancing their own income than the government's and
would also rat her avoid enlistment. In the second example, serving in Beth's life), then Alice has the same negative duty also in the presence of
a specialrelationship with Beth. Ir. in the absence of a special relation-
the military is morally required and legally voluntary.
110 See 3.0. fifth paragraph.
111 Some prcliminary thoughts on the latter quest ion are presented in Pogge,
ship with Beth, Alice must do certain things for Carla (e.g. give priority
to saving Carla's eye over saving Beth's finger), then Alice has the same
positive duty also in the presence of a specialrelationship with Beth. By
"The Effects of Prevalent Moral Conceptions.'·
112 Similarly, in the academic world. university presidents and trustees have imposing these constraints, my view differs from what is commonly
believed about the moral effects 01' special relationships (see ibid ..
sometimes defended their decision to invest part of their institution's
pp. 52-3). But by imposing onlr these constraints, my view still allows
endowment in morally questionable ways by appealing to their fiduciary
special relationships to have significant moral effects. This view thus is
obligations toward the university and its members. They imply that an
distinct from the more radical distributive objection ScheffleI' discusses -
investment (e.g. in South African goldmines under apartheid 01' in
a genuine intermediate possibility. I am grateful to ScheffleI' tor stimu-
ccrtain arms export firms) can be ethically acceptable when it is made
in behalf of the university even though it would not be ethical if it lating me to add this note of c1aritlcation here.
116 The phrase "for no good reason" alludes to the possibility 01' plausible
wcre made with personal funds.
counterclaims. If additional hiring 01' lawyers were morally important.
113 It is important that the lawyer. too. is in compliance with what E
and if the incentive of Case I were an effective way of promoting this
requires (that the aggregate moral status of Option B is "permitted"). I
important value. then there might be a good reason for the incentive.
am not interested here in the opportunity. which some ethical codes may
230 Notes to pp. 80-95 Notes to pp. 97-8 231

117 You may feel that it was prelly c1ear. even before my argument. that 125 See, which is periodically
a plausible ethic should not condone your father's conduct. But we updated. The poverty line is explained in World Bank. Reporr 20001
will soon see (§~ 3.6 and 3.7) that the problem 01' loopholes requires 2001. pp. 17 and 23.
a far deeper revision 01' E. Moreover. I have specifically chosen E for 126 I say "roughly" because the two equivalences cannot. strictly speaking.
the purpose 01' giving a plausible illustration 01' a constraint that I be combined by transitivity. The reason is that they are based on differ-
believe should be imposed upon anr moral conception. As will emerge. ent goods-baskets. Üne goods-basket was used to determine what amount
this constraint poses a radical challenge to other moral views that are 01' a foreign currency had, in 1993, the same purchasing power as S393
commonly held. then had in the USo Another goods-basket (defining the US consumer
118 Ünce national borders have been drawn in southern Africa. it will. with price index) was used to determine what amount ofSs have. in 200\, the
time. come to seem obvious that the white state may be organized demo- same purchasing power as S393 had in the US in 1993.
cratically so that its government will have strong incentives vigorously 127 Chen and Ravallion, "How Did the World's Poorest Fare in the 1990s?:'
to promote the interests 01' its citizens against the (however disadvant_ tables 2 and 4, dividing the poverty gap index by the headcount index.
aged) people 01' neighboring states. who. after all. have their own (how- 128 Thus the World Bank equates India's per capira gross national income
ever ineffective) governments to take care 01' their interests. 01' $460 to 52,390 PPP. China's 5840 to S3.940 PPP, Nigeria's $260 to
119 Even if E and J are understood in this way. they could still be attacked 5790 PPP. Pakistan's S470 to S\,960 PPP. Bangladesh's 5380 to S\,650
for giving regrettable concrere incentives. But the complaint that they PPP, Ethiopia's 5100 to 5660 PPP. Vietnam's $390 to S2.030 PPP, and
contain loopholes is now blocked. for ideal adherents 01' E and J would so on (World Bank, ReporT 2002. pp. 232-3). These count ries are Iisted
not implement either your father's idea or the homelands reform. if here by the number 01' poor people they contain.
doing so were forbidden. 129 Chen and Ravallion, "How Did the World's Poorest Fare in the 1990s?:'
120 Though I have discussed how responsibility should be distributed table 3. The figure given is 2,801.03 million for 1998.
between the team and its creator. I am not considering in this chapter \30 Ibid .. tables 3 and 4, again dividing the poverty gap index by the head-
how responsibility should be distributed within that team. count index.
131 These four figures are from UNDP. ReporT 2001. pp. 22 and 9.
132 UNDP. ReporT 1999, p. 22.
Chapter 4 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice 133 Both figures are from UNDP. Reporr 1998, p. 49.
134 F Aü, The Swre 0/ F()(){t lnsecllrir)' in rhe Wortd 1999. p. 11.
121 Seetextatn.145. 135 World Bank. ReP0rT 199912000, p. 62. According to the International
122 See nn. 125-30 and accompanying text. The global poverty gap is about Labor ürganization "some 250 million children between the ages 01'
$44 billion annually for the World Bank's official international poverty 5 and 14 are working in developing countries - 120 million full time,
line and $300 billion annually for its doubled poverty line. These figures 130 million part time" (
correspond to 0.14 and 0.96 percent. respectively. 01' aggregate global stats/4stt.htm).
income ($31.171 billion annually) and to 0.18 and 1.21 percent. respect- 136 In 2000. there were 55.694 million human deaths. The main causes highly
ively, 01' the combined gross national incomes 01' the high-income eco- correlated with poverty were (with death tolls in thousands): diarrhea
nomies ($24.829 billion annually). See World Bank, ReporT 2002, p. 233. (2.124) and malnutrition (445), perinatal (2.439) and maternal condi-
reporting data for the year 2000. tions (495). childhood diseases (\,385 - mainly measles). tuberculosis
123 April 11, 1919. The proposal received a majority in the relevant com- (1.660), malaria (\,080). meningitis (156). hepatitis (128). tropical diseases
millee (11 01' the 17 members present), but Woodrow Wilson, as chair. (124), respiratory infections (3.941 - mainly pneumonia), HIV/AIDS
ruled that this particular amendment needed unanimous support to pass. (2.943) and sexually transmilled diseases (217) (WHÜ. The Wor/d Healrh
See Naoko Shimazu, Japan. Race al/(l Equalir)', p. 30. Reporr 2001, annex table 2). Cf. also FAü. The Srare 0/ Food lnsecllriry
124 This appeal to special ties and "priority for compatriots" is furt her in rhe Wortd 1999. UNICEF. The STare 0/ rhe Wor/d's Children 2002.
discussed in chs 3 and 5. The appeal is usually made in behalf 01' socie- and USDA. Us. ACTion Plan on Food Secllriry, p. 111: "Worldwide 34.000
ties that could easily build just and thriving national communities even children under age five die daily from hunger and preventable diseases,"
in a more egalitarian global economic order. The difference would be 137 The Vietnam War Memorial in Washington. designed by Maya Ying
that the remaining majority 01' humankind might then enjoy the same Lin. is a black granite wall. 439112 feet long. on which the names 01'
luxury. 58,226 fallen US soldiers are engraved.
232 Notes to pp. 99-100 Notes to pp. 100-5 233
138 World Bank. Report 2002. p. 233. rather than country averages. One would then. in the top quintile.
139 Ibid .. reflecting aggregate global income (sum 01' all gross national replace the poorest citizens 01' rich count ries with rjcher persons in poorer
incomes) 01' S31.171 billion annually and a world population 01' 6.054 countries and analogously. in the bottom quintile. replace the wealthiest
million (year 2000). Each quintile thus contains 1.211 million human citizens 01' poor count ries with poorer citizens in less-poor count ries.
beings. So calculated. the global quintile income inequality ratio rose from 78
140 Cf. also the figures provided in n. 122. Curiously. the World Bank does in 1988 to 113 in 1993. indicating an average annual growth gap 01'
not publish da ta about the per capita or the collective income 01' the global 7.7 percent (personal communication from Branko Milanovic. World
poor. about their share 01' aggregate global income. or about the amount Bank). This trend has continued. Today. the top quintile 01' human
01' extra income needed tor all 01' them to reach the relevant poverty line. beings have around 90 percent 01' global income and the bottom quintile
141 UNDP. Reporl /999. p. 3. "The additional cost 01' achieving and main- about one-third 01' I percent (see text following n. 139). which puts the
taining universal access to basic education for all. basic health care for all. global quintile income inequality ratio at about 270.
reproductive health care for all women. adequate food for all and safe 146 The figures just cited indicate an average annual growth gap 01'
water and sanitation for all is ... less than 4(1., 01' the combined wealth 01' 1.66 percent for the colonial era (1820-1960). 2.34 percent tor the period
the 225 richest people in the world" (UNDP. Report 1998. p. 30). 1960-90. and 3.04 percent for the period 1990-97.
142 The number 01' people below the doubled international poverty line 147 UNDP. Report 200/. p. 183. Outside Latin America. most national
(cf. n. 129) has increased by 9.9 percent - or 20.7 percent if the special quintile income inequality ratios are between 4 and 10. e.g. Austria 3.2:
case 01' China is excluded (World Bank. Rep0rl 2000/200/. p. 23). Global Japan 3.4: Germany 4.7: Bangladesh 4.9: Spain 5.4: France 5.6: India
population growth during the same period (1987-98) was about 18 5.7: Switzerland 5.8: United Kingdom 6.5: Australia 7.0: China 8.0: USA
percent ( 9.0: Malaysia 12.4: Nigeria 12.8: South Africa 22.6 (ibid .. pp. 182-4).
143 Thanks to the end 01' the Cold War. the high-income economies were 148 $7.320 versus $7,350 (World Bank. Report 2002. pp. 232-3).
able to reduce their military expenditures from 4.1 percent 01' their com- 149 North Korea comes to mind. China around 1960. and the Soviet Union
bined GDPs in 1985 to 2.2 percent in 1998 (UNDP. Report /998. p. 197: around 1930. But none 01' these cases displays the extreme income
UNDP. Reporl 2000. p. 217). Their annual "peace dividend" currently inequality 01' Sub-Subbrazil.
amounts to over $450 billion (1.9 percent 01' their combined GDPs 01' 150 In this general statement. anti-universalism is entirely consistent with
currently S23.982 billion - UNDP. Reporl 200/. p. 181). In the same the thesis that the two minimal requirements (conjunctively or disjunct-
period. the same countries chose to reduce their combined net official ively) apply to the present global economic order. I address such
development assistance from 0.34 percent 01' their combined GNPs to anti-universalism. then. not because it threatens this thesis. but because
0.24 percent (ibid .. p. 190. giving details for each affluent country). Cf. it threatens the way I support this thesis here.
text at nn. 336-7. Preliminary figures for the year 2000 indicate that the 151 See esp. Miller. "Justice and Global Inequality:' "National Seil'-
rich countries have further reduced their ODA to 0.22 percent 01' their Determination and Global Justice:' and his forthcoming "The Ethics 01'
combined GNPs ( Assistance: Morality. Affluence and the Distant Needy." which he has
144 The 1996 RO/1/e Declaralio/1 0/1 'VorM Food SecurilY described "more kindly allowed me to read.
than 800 million people" as undernourished. This number has officially 152 Miller. 'Two Ways to Think about Justice:' p. 20.
developed as folIows: "nearly 800 million" (UNDP. Reporl /995. p. 16. and 153 Ibid .. p. 16.
UNDP. Report /996. p. 20). "some 840 million" (UNDP. Re{Jort /997. 154 Ibid .. p. 6.
p. 5). "841 million" (UNDP. Re{Jorl /998. p. 49). "about 840 million" 155 Ibid .. pp. 12-13.
(UNDP. Report /999. p. 22). "about 790 million" (UNDP. Report 2000. 156 The word "monism" is introduced in Murphy. "Institutions and the
p. 8). "826 million" (UNDP. Reporl 200/. p. 22). The World Bank's Demands 01' Justice.'· According to his usage. monism denies that there
Food Price Index fell from 124 in 1985 to 108 in 1996 to 84.5 in 2000 is a plurality 01' different contexts. or domains 01' value. each with its
(statistics from "Global Commodity Markets" published by the World own fundamental moral principle(s). The fundamental principles 01'
Bank's Development Prospects Group). monistic moral conceptions thus are not contextually limited in range.
145 UNDP. Reporl /999. p. 3. These ratios are based on market exchange Such a conception could nonetheless feature a plurality 01' fundamental
rates. not purchasing power parities. This is appropriate when one is moral principles and thus need not be monistic in the more usual sense.
focusing, as I am throughout. not on income inequality as such. but on 157 Ibid .. p. 280: Cohen. "Where the Action Is:' pp. 22-3.
the avoidability 01' poverty. The global quintile income inequality ratio 158 For an elaboration 01' these reasons. see Pogge. "On the Site 01' Distribut-
is much greater. if one compares individuals (or household averages) ive Justice.'· In accordance with his method 01' avoidance. Rawls would
234 Notes to pp. 105-10
Notes to pp. 112-13 235
probably prefer to make the weaker claim: to have shown that the moral
principles appropriate to the basic structure may not be appropriate to or. if this is not feasible. borrow from other members of the Society
other contexts or. generally. that different moral principles may be of Peoples" (ibid .. p. 114). With the right culture and policies. even
appropriate to different "domains of value." See the cautious formula_ resource-poor count ries Iike Japan can do very weIl. With the wrong
tions he employs in his discussion of a "model case of an overlapping culture and policies. resource-rich count ries like Argentina may do very
consensus" in Rawls. Po!itica! Libera!ism. pp. 169-71. poorly (ibid .. p. 108). Every people is master of its own fate - except
only perhaps the Arctic Eskimos (ibid .. p. 108 n. 34).
159 Rawls. TIJe [mI' 0/ Peop!es. pp. 116-18. This argument exemplifies the
strategy ofjustifying inequality by appeal to group autonomy. 169 The spirit of many nationalist explanations reverting to history and
160 See Pogge. Rea!dng Rmrls. pp. 252-3. cf. "An Egalitarian Law of culture is captured in Walzer's remark that "it is not the sign for some
Peoples:' pp. 211-13. collective derangement or radical incapacity for a political community
161 Rawls. A TIJeory (Illustice. pp. 401. 7. to produce an authoritarian regime. Indeed. the history. culture. and
162 Ibid .. pp. 90-1. religion of the community may be such that authoritarian regimes come.
163 With regard to his own fellow citizens. Rawls writes: "It is inevitable and as it were. naturally. reftecting a widely shared world view or way of life"
often desirable that citizens have different views as to the most appro- (Walzer. "The Moral Standing of States:' pp. 224-5). Detailed accounts
priate political conception; for the public political culture is bound to are provided in Landes. TIJe Wea!tIJ a/1(!Poreny ol Nations. and in the
contain different fundamental ideas that can be developed in different essays collected in Harrison and Huntington: Cu!ture Mallers. National-
ways. An orderly contest between them over time is a reliable way to ist explanations reverting to societies' natural environments are exempli-
fied in Diamond. GUIIS.Germs. a/1(!Stee!.
find which one. if any. is most reasonable.·· Rawls. Po!itica! Libera!isll1.
p. 227. see also pp. 164 and 241. 170 Other aspects. though less significant. are considerably more obvious
164 Rawls. TIJe [mI' (Il Peop!es. pp. 67-8. and. perhaps tor this reason. currently under attack. One such obvious
165 Ibid .. p. 37. aspect is diplomatic immunity - recently invoked by General Augusto
166 This objection to Rawls's account is presented more fully in Pogge. Pinochet - which shields crimes committed by high officials from pro-
"Rawls on International Justice." secution in other countries. Another such obvious aspect is corporate
167 See text at n. 124 for the appeal to special ties. text at n. 159 for the bribery of foreign officials. which most developed countries have per-
appeal to group autonomy. and the discussion of "decent peoples" in mitted and encouraged until recently. The non-governmental organiza-
Rawls for the appeal to cultural diversity. This last appeal comes in two tion Transparency International (TI) has worked hard to publicize this
variants. Cultural diversity is adduced to justify that we may suspend problem. and its work has contributed to the 1997 COIll'ention on Com-
our moral standards in dealing with foreigners who do not share our bating Bribery (Il Foreign Ojjicia!s in Internationa! Business TransaNions
commitment to these standards (sec Pogge. Rea!dng Rmr!s. pp. 269-70). (cf. n. 243). Even if this COIll'ention were to stamp out international
But why may we then not Iikewise suspend these standards in dealing bribery completely. the deep entrenchment of corruption in many
with compatriots who do not share this commitment'? Cultural diversity ex-colonies would still be traceable (by way of a historical explanation)
is also adduced to argue that. given non-liberal cultures abroad. we may to the extensive bribery they were subjected to. with official encourage-
ment from the afftuent states. during their formative years.
not reform the global economic order in light of liberal notions of fairness
171 See § 5.3. second paragraph.
and equality of opportunity. But why may we then. despite the presence
of non-liberal cultures within the USo realize such liberal notions in the 172 As explicated in Hohfeld. Fundamenta! Lega! Conceptiolls. apower
national economic order'? involves the legally recognized authority to alter the distribution of
168 Rawls offers aversion of this view. suggesting that thc causes of interna- first-order liberties. claims. and duties. Having apower or powers in this
tional inequality are purely domestic: "the causes of the wealth of a sense is distinct from having power (i.e. control over physical force and!
or means of coercion).
people and the forms it takes lie in their political culture and in the
religious. philosophicaL and moral traditions that support the basic struc- 173 For some background. see "Going on down." TIJe Economist. June 8.
ture of their political and social institutions. as weil as in the industri- 1996. pp. 46-8. A later update reports: "Oil revenues [are] paid directly
ousness and cooperative talents of its members. all supported by their to the government at the highest level. ... The head of state has supreme
political virtues .... Crucial also is the country's population policy" power and control of all the cash. He depends on nobody and not hing
(Rawls. TIJe [mI' ol Peop!es. p. 108). If a society does not want to be but oil. Patronage and corruption spread downwards from the top"
poor. it can curb its population growth or industrialize (ibid .. pp. 117-18) (TIJe Econoll1ist. December 12. 1998. p. 19). Despite its huge oil revenues.
Nigeria's real per ('(Jpita GDP has declined by 22 percent between 1977
and. in any case. "if it is not satisfied. it can continue to increase savings.
and 1998 (UN DP. Repon 2000. p. 185).
236 Notes to pp. 114-17 Notes to pp. 120-5 237
174 In June 2001. Nigeria received a score 01' 1.0 out 01' 10 on the Corruption Chapter 5 The Bounds of Nationalism
Perception Index. second from the bottom (
documents/cpi/2001/cpi2001.html). 181 Priority for one's ra ce and its members has fallen out 01' favor after
175 For the 1975-99 period. these countries had long-term average annual being taken to extremes in colonialism. slavery. and Nazi Germany. But
rates 01' change in real GDP per capiw as folIows: Nigeria -0.8 percent. it is also beginning to gain new respectability: a great deal 01' prestige has
Congo/Zaire -4.7* percent. Kenya 0.4 percent. Angola -2.1 * percent. lately come to be attached to commitments to one's "ethnicity." which is
Mozambique 1.3* percent. Brazil 0.8 percent. Venezuela -1.0 per- more complex than ra ce by involving a certain commonality 01' culture
cent. Saudi Arabia -2.2 percent. United Arab Emirates -3.7* percent. over and above commonality 01' descent. And giving priority on the
Oman 2.8* percent. Kuwait -1.5* percent. Bahrain -0.5* percent. basis 01' shared purely biological features (such as race and gender) has
Brunei -2.1 * percent. Indonesia 4.6 percent. the Philippines 0.1 percent also become acceptable. provided the group in question is an underprivi-
(UNDP. Report ]OOl. pp. 178-81: stars indicate that a somewhat differ_ leged minority within the relevant society. (There are subtle variations in
ent period was used due to insufficient data). As a group. the resource. emphasis: some say that blacks should help blacks. others that blacks
rich developing countries thus fell far below the 2.2 percent annual rate should help blacks.)
in real per capiw growth 01' the high-income economies - even while 182 Raz. Practical Rmson (//ul Norms. eh. 1.2.
the developing countries on the whole kept pace (with 2.3 percent) 183 All these phenomena 01' compliance redefined are nicely illustrated in
thanks to rapid growth in China and the rest 01' East and Southeast modern basketball and. especially. soccer.
Asia (ibid .. p. 181). 184 They may take this view with regret: "Too bad that this is what the
176 See n. 262 and surrounding text. sport has come to. but, seeing that others behave in this way. we can
177 I add this caution because coups. civil wars. and oppression may be hardly aflord to forgo these options." I will say more about this defense
encouraged by the prospect 01' mere possession 01' resources. even with-
out the power to confer internationally valid ownership rights. As I have
by appeal to a "sucker exemption" at the end 01' this 5.1. *
185 Note that it is not the parents' opposition to affirmative action that
learned from Josiah Ober. this is elegantly observed already in Thucydides. makes their reasoning offensive. Citizens may reasonably believe that a
The History of the Peloponnesian War. book I. eh. 2. level playing field does not require. or even rules out. affirmative action.
178 Many poor countries are weighed down by large debt service obligations What is offensive is that their political stance is based not on what they
that their unelected rulers incurred for unproductive purposes (including. conscientiously believe to be right and fair to all. but on what they think
most typically. purehases 01' weapons needed for internal repression). In will benefit their own children (as brought out by their thought that they
Nigeria. for instance. the military rulers did not only steal and waste the would strongly support affirmative action if their own children stood to
oil revenues 01' several decades. but also left behind anational debt 01' gain therefrom). The example illustrates. then. a disposition to slant the
$30 billion or 78.8 percent 01' GNP. Debt/GNP ratios for some other social order by tailoring its basic rules. The mother of the previous
count ries are as folIows: Congo/Zaire 232 percent, Kenya 61.5 percent, example. by contrast. slanted the social order by corrupting the admin-
Angola 297.1 percent. Mozambique 223.0 percent. Brazil 30.6 percent. istration 01' its rules. In public Iife as in sports. a level playing field requires
Venezuela 39.6 percent. Indonesia 176.5 percent. the Philippines 70.1 per- both: that the rules be fair and that they be impartially administered.
cent (UNDP. Report 2000. pp. 219-21; for Congo/Zaire, the figure is 186 This general idea has truly become global, as abuse of political authority
from UNDP. Report JlJ99. p. 195). When the burden 01' debt service and power to benefit one's friends and family has begun to provoke
becomes too oppressive. the high-income countries occasionally grant great moral resentment and outrage in numerous developing countries
some debt relief. thereby protecting their own banks from losses and. as 01' Asia. Latin America. and (to a lesser extent) Africa.
a side effect, encouraging further lending to corrupt authoritarian rulers. 187 By accepting this understanding 01' human rights as outer bounds on
179 Ch. 6 outlines areform specifically 01' the international resource and institutional schemes. one is not committed to the UDH R's substantive
borrowing privileges. while chs 7 and 8 offer more general discussions 01' conception. set forth in the preceding articles. 01' what these outer bounds
appropriate global institutional reforms. are.
180 Singer (HFamine. Affluence and Morality") has famously built his case 188 Ambassador David A. Coison. Deputy Assistant Secretary 01' State for
for demanding obligations on an analogy with the situation 01' a healthy Oceans. in testimony before the Subcommittee on Oceanography 01' the
adult chancing upon a drowning infant whom he alone can rescue from Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee 01' the US House 01' Repres-
a shallow pond. Many others have followed his lead. discussing the entatives (April 26. 1994).
question on the basis 01' the tacit assumption that we are not contributing 189 Agreement Relating to the Implementation o.(Part XI o(the United Nations
to the distress we are able to alleviate. Conl'ention on the Lall' (I( the Sea o( IO December 1982. Its Article 2( I)
238 Notes to pp. 125-6 Notes to pp. 126-31 239
says: "In the event of an inconsistency between this agreement and Part poverty does not exhaust the available options. Clinton might weil have
XI. the provisions of this agreement shall prevail." pressed for terms that ensure that the funds raised are spent on effective
190 USOS. US CO/llmclltary 011fhe Lml' ()j' fhc Sca COlll'cllfioll illcll/dillg fhe poverty eradication.
/994 Amclldmcllfs. 3. "The Agreement fully meets the objections of the 199 For a more detailed elaboration of this argument. see ch. 3.
United States and other industrialized states to Part XI" (ibid .. p. 2). "'00 Note that this initiative iso in one sense. more plausible than Clinton's.
These objections were that: "it established a structure for administering - One can argue that. since public benefits are generated at the expense 01'
the seabed mining regime that does not accord the industrialized States those who pay tax es. they alone should be eligible for them. Clinton
influence in the regime commensurate with their interests: it incorpor_ cannot make a parallel argument. because ocean floor resources are not
ated economic principles inconsistent with free market philosophy: and genera ted at anyone's expense. Of course. such resources will be har-
its specific provisions created numerous problems from an economic and vested at the expense of mining firms. But this merely shows that the
commercial policy perspective that would have impeded access by the poor can claim a fair share not of the extracted resources. but only of
US and other industrialized countries to the resources of the deep seabed the resources ill Sifll. The value of these undeveloped resources could
beyond national jurisdiction" (ibid .. pp. 2--3). Cf. easily be determined through auctions in which competing firms would
global/oes/oceans/fs_oceans_los.html bid for the right to mine specific resources in specified regions 01' the
191 "The provisions of Annex IH. article 5. of the Convention shal1 not ocean floor.
apply." S 5(2) of the Annex to the Agrccmcllf. 201 Hume. All EII(juiry COllcel'l1illg fhe Prilleip/cs 0/ MONds. pp. 25-6 (S 3.
192 S 7(1) of the Annex to the Agrcc/IIclIf limits the sharing of profils to part I). Both Hume and Rawls stress rough equality of powers in the
"economic assistance" to "developing countries which suffer serious context 01' seeking to I!xp/aill. not to justify. the exclusion of the very
adverse effects on their export earnings or economies resulting from \veak. See Rawls. A Thcory o( ll/Sfiec. pp. 109-10.
a reduction in the price of an affected mineral or in the volume of exports 202 The original part X [ of the 1982 UN COI1l'Cllfioll on fhc Lml' o( fhc Sca
of that mineral. to the extent that such reduction is caused by [seabed may be seen as a small initiative of this kind. Some more substantial
mining]." S 8(3) halves the application fee for exploration and exploita- reforms toward reducing the problems of undemocratic government.
tion 01' sites to $250.000 and S 8(2) eliminates the S 1.000.000 annual outsized national debts. and domestic poverty and inequality in the poorer
production fee as weil as the profit-related financial contributions (al1 of countries are outlined in chs 6-8.
which were mandated in the COIl\'cllfioll'S Annex 111. Article 13). 203 This huge discrepancy exists in the domain of general theory as weil as
193 Colson. testimony (n. 188). in that 01' more concrete or "applied" work. Compare the amount 01'
194 Germany and Great Britain were especially willing to go along with theorizing about domestic with that about international justice - or the
such a move. moral scrutiny lavished on national affirmative-action legislation with
195 We can easily imagine Clinton saying. in analogy to our fictional parents. that expended on the far more consequential ground rules structuring
that he would of course have strongly favored the sharing of techno- the world economy.
logies and economic benefits. if he had been president of one of the 204 I concede that such conduct usually is morally worse if the victim is
poorer states. Few would have found such aremark morally offensive. one's mother. But this may be not because one ought to be more con-
196 At current metals prices. seabed mining is not expected to become cerned to avoid harming family members than to avoid harming strangers.
commercially viable for another 20 years or so. but because the harm is so much greater: the son is not merely inflicting
197 For an explication and defense of the view that Article 28 requires physical pain without provocation: he is also showing ingratitude to-
our global institutional order. as weil. to satisfy the outer bounds im- ward the person who raised him. deeply hurting her love and trust. and/
posed by basic human rights. see Pogge. "Human Rights and Human or the like. Sam Scheffter holds by contrast that. according to ordinary
Responsibilities." Chs 6-8 wil1 il1ustrate how the global level of human- morality. negative duties to strangers are more easily overridden by posit-
rights fulfillment is causal1y dependent on the structure 01' international ive duties or by considerations of cost to the agent than negative duties
institutions. to associates and family members are. See Scheffter. Boundaries (//ul
198 Vou may respond that any funds Part X [ of the COI1l'cnfion might have Allcgianccs. pp. 52-3.
raised for the least developed countries would have ended up in the 205 Goodin. "What is So Special about Our Fellow Countrymen'?" The list
pockets of their corrupt rulers and bureaucrats. This is indeed where is at pp. 668-9. the quote is from p. 673.
much "development aid" ends up - because our politicians and bureau- 206 My formulation of the two provisos is deliberately vague as there is of
crats need favors from them. not from the poor. But surely. the choice course no agreement on how they should be specified exactly. Neverthe-
01' throwing money at corrupl Third World elites \'crsus ignoring world less. the fact remains that a weakening of negative duties through a
240 Notes to pp. 132-4 Notes to pp. 134-5 241

special relationship such as compatriotism would be found acceptable concerned only with what he implies: that our natural duty ofjustice has
in modern Western moral thinking only if it satisfied two substantial the lesser weight 01' a positive duty.
provisos of the general form I have sketched. 213 Ibid .. p. 99; a parallel passage is on pp. 293-4. See also p. 216: "as far as
207 I hope I have made c1ear enough that this is not presented as a stric!. circumstances permit. we have a natural duty to remove any injustices.
or lexical. hierarchy. It is generally acknowledged that a higher moral beginning with the most grievous as identified by the extent of the devia-
reason can be outweighed by a lower. if more is at stake in the latter. tion from perfect justice:'
Public reaction to the continuing massacres of the 20th century shows. 214 This loss may come from there being slightly less money available for
however. that the "exchange rates" are extreme. Sexual harassment in administering our institutional order and from there being a slightly
a domestic corporation engenders a much more powerful response than greater risk of damage to mutual trust from discovered noncompliance.
a genocidal massacre abroad. It should also be c1ear that this hierarchy I am assuming. quite in the spirit of Rawls. that the duty of justice is an
does not cover the whole domain of moral reasons. It leaves out reasons interpersonal responsibility. a duty owed solely to other persons.
to protect persons from harms that do not involve wrongdoing (e.g. 215 Rawls has extensively discussed the problem of stability and tried to
natural harms) as weil as reasons to benefit others. I would think that solve it by envisioning the citizens of his well-ordered society as having a
these are on a par with moral reasons to protect others from third-party sense of justice that is effective and normally overriding. See e.g. Rawls.
wrongs ((2a)-(2z)). but am content to leave this question open here. Political Liheralism. pp. 141-2. The puzzle is how citizens' strong moral
208 In our effons to stop wrongs in which our society. and therefore we. desire to comply can derive from their allegiance to a moral conception
are materially involved. we mus!. then. generally give priority to greater that recognizes only a weak moral reason to do so.
wrongs inflicted on foreigners over lesser wrongs inflicted on compat- 216 In both cases. it is widely acknowledged that a positive duty can still
riots - "generally:' because such decisions will also have to take account win out when much more is at stake (cr. n. 207): one may usually break
of the degree of our involvement and of the costs and prospects of our a promise. violate a just property regime. or injure an innocent when
rectification efforts. doing so is necessary to save a human life. for example.
209 Many consider it perfectly alright for donors to favor even relatively 217 Kant bases such imposition on the enforceable imperative: "Act outwardly
trivial or well-supplied domestic causes - one's alma mater. the local so that the free employment of your will [Willkiir] can coexist with the
park or museum. one's congregation _. over relatively cheap Iife-saving freedom of everyone according to a universal law." Kant. Metaphysik
efforts in the Third World: it is alright to favor the causes one personally der Sitten. in Kants gesammelte Schr(jien. vol. 6. p. 231.
cares about and good to "give back" to one's community whose im- 218 This line ofargument does notjustify a negative duty to comply with all
provement benefits one's own family as weil. existingjust institutions. Success at exceeding the speed limit. or at breach-
210 They have argued that we should focus our beneficence on the global ing many social conventions and rules 01' etiquette. usually does not
poor because the moral significance of a harm's position in the (2a)-(2z) depend on others being constrained to comply. üne may think that this
hierarchy is less than ordinary moral thinking supposes and/or because line of argument also fails when a noncomplying agent can claim to be
the position of the global poor at the bottom of the list is overcome by in compliance with non-existing just institut ions. He takes more freedom
the much lower cost/benefit ratio involved in helping them. For the price or resources than he is permitted to take under the existing just order.
of enabling one poor local youngster to attend summer camp. we can but does so in accordance with an equally just. albeit nonexisting. scheme
save many foreign children's Iives by giving the money to UNICEF for whose rules everyone could be free to follow. Seeing that we could realize
oral rehydration therapy. Representative examples of such Iines of argu- a just order by complying with the scheme he favors. why should he have
ment are Singer. "Famine. Affluence and Morality"; Rachels. "Killing a negative duty to comply with ours'? I cannot answer this objection fully
and Starving to Death"; Kagan. The Limits ol Mora/itx; Unger. LiI'ing here. But the response must begin with the realization that it is generally
High a/1(1Vtting Die. Two notable exceptions are ü'NeilL "Lifeboat not possible for each to take what he would be entitled to under the just
Earth:' and Nagel. "Poverty and Food:' Both emphasize our active order of his choice. irrespective of what order others are observing -
involvement in the production of poverty. See also Pogge. Reali:ing whereas it is possible for each to take what he is entitled to under the
Rmrls. pp. 32-6 and 276-80. one existing just order.
211 Rawls. A Theory oI lustice. p. 98. 219 The Kantian strategy avoids the claim. suggested by Rawls. that a duty
212 Ibid .. p. 94. Natural duties to mutual aid and to mutual respect are there to comply with institutions can be derived from the mere fact that the
categorized as positive. and natural duties not to injure and not to harm institutions are just and (purport to) apply to uso This claim is convin-
the innocent as negative. Rawls does not make c1ear how he understands cingly criticized in Simmons. Moral Prim'iples a/1(1Politiml Ohligation.
the negative/positive distinction. This does not matter. because I am pp. 147-56. My sketch of how to justify a negatil'e natural duty of
242 Notes to pp. 135-7 Notes to pp. 137-40 243

justice fits with. and can be enriched by. the response to Simmons given 227 Ibid .. S 50.
in Waldron. "Special Ties and Natural Duties'" 228 Ibid .. S 36.
220 1 use "Iegitimacy" here in the sociological sense specified by Max Weber. 229 Ibid .. S 41. see S 37.
It is 01'the essence ofjustice that a majority's consent cannot lend 1II0ra/ 'no On the other hand. one might also obiect that Locke's baseline is not
legitimacy to the mistreatment 01'a minority. The Nazi case exemplifies ~. restrictive enough in another respect: it 'could be irrational to consent to
hanns infticted by state officials. but essentially the same conclusion social institutions under which everyone gains a little relative to the state
holds when the state merely legally sanctions undue harms and protects 01'nature if there are feasible alternative institutions under which every-
and aids those who inftict them. as when slavery was legally authorized one gains more. Locke overlooks this point.
in the US and slaveholder rights were enforced by state offlcials. who 231 Ibid .. S 73. S 121.
helped put down revolts and capture fugitive slaves. 232 But see Rawls. A Theorr (?/ ll/stice. p. 145. making the surprising and
221 This conclusion squares weil with common convictions. for example. unnecessary claim that "the general form 01' the slaveholder's argument
that one has a stronger reason to oppose rules that exclude blacks Or is correct.··
women from a club so long as one is oneself a member 01'it. even if the 233 Brazil affords a suitable comparison: Its PPP gross national income per
very same persons are excluded from other clubs whose rules one could capilil is c10se to that 01' the world at large (World Bank. ReporI200::.
oppose as effectively. pp. 232-3). For a country this wealthy in aggregate. it has a high incid-
222 Oskar Schindler. as depicted in Steven Spielberg's Schind/er·.1 List. ence 01'severe poverty (ibid .. p. 234). And its income inequality is among
compensated for his contributions to the economy 01' Nazi Germanv bv the highest in the world (ibid.). albeit still much lower than that 01' the
protecting some 01' its victims. . • world at large.
223 The difference principle requires that "social and economic inequalities 234 It is sometimes said that such poverty is not avoidable. that high
... are to be to the greatest benefit 01' the least advantaged members 01' inequality is the price for rapid economic growth which. over time. ben-
society" (Rawls. Political LiberalisIll. p. 6). Agiobai difference principle efits all. But the available da ta tell a different story: The high-inequality
is rejected by Rawls himself (Rawls. TI/{' Lmr (~/ Peoples. pp. 116-18). countries (mainly in Latin America and Africa) have consistently shown
though others have argued that his theory commits him to accepting very slow. or even negative growth in per capita GNP. while the devel-
it. See Scanlon. "Rawls' Theory 01' Justice:' p. 202; Barry. The Liberal oping countries with rapid economic growth (mainly in East Asia) have
Theory 0/ ll/stice. pp. 128-33; Beitz. Political Theory amI Inlern(J(ional quintile income inequality ratios below 10: I. similar to those in many
Re!(J(ions. pp. 14976: and Pogge. Reali:ing Rmrls. ch. 6. developed countries (UNDP. Reporl 2001. pp. 178-85). This should
224 The assumption seems particularly dubious when the injustice in ques- not be surprising: when inequalities are very large. those born among
tion appears to have the character 01' an omission. One may agree that the poor often suffer nutritional. medical. or educational deficits or dis-
a legal order in wh ich inter-spousal violence is not prohibited or not advantages that prevent them from effectively competing for the more
effectively deterred is unjust and nevertheless deny that those who im- important positions. More or less by default. these positions then go to
pose such a legal order are harming women unduly (rather than merely persons born among the wealthy and thus altract less talent and effort
failing to protect them from their husbands' wrongdoing). than they would with a more open competition.
225 Locke. "An Essay Concerning the True Original:' § 27 and S 33. Locke 235 Rawls. if he held his theory 01'justice to be applicable to Brazil's social
imposes two further constraints on unilateral appropriations. which need order at all. would be an exception. assigning to the Brazilian elite a
not concern us here: one may take possession 01' any natural resource merely positive duty to furt her just arrangements.
only by "mixing one's labor" with it (ibid .. S 27) and only insofar as 236 See S 4.3.3. esp. n. 145. where I estimate the current global quintile
nothing will spoil in one's possession (ibid .. S 31). We can also leave income inequality ratio to be about 270.
aside how the freedom 01' unilateral appropriation. and the constraints 237 An analogous point plays a major role in debates about the significance
upon this freedom. can be derived from Locke's fundamental "Law 01' 01'genetic vis-a-vis environmental factors: Factors that are quite unim-
Nature" (ibid .• S 6). portant for explaining the observed rarialion 01' a trait (e.g. height. IQ)
226 The Lockean provisos are not subject to majority rule - undue harms in some population may be very important for explaining this traifs
inflicted on a few cannot be justified by the fact that the many want to OI'eralllere! (frequency) in the same population. Suppose that. in some
inftict them (cf. n. 220). It is rather the other way around: majority rule province. the observed variation in female adult height (54-60 inches) is
is itself an institution whose moral legitimacy depends on everyone's almost entirely due to hereditary factors. It is still quite possible that the
rational consent. Locke argues that majority rule satisfies this condition. height differentials among these woman are minor compared to how
while autocracy does not (ibid .. S 93. S 137: see S 20. SS 90-6). much taller they all would be (67-74 inches) if it had not been the case
244 Notes to pp. 141-3 Notes to pp. 143-7 245

that. when they were growing up. food was scarce and boys were pre- rich countries. pressured by the US and Transparency International. to
ferred over girls in its distribution. Or suppose that we can predict quite follow suit with the OECD Conl'ellfion on COlllbating Brihery 0/ Foreign
accurately. on the basis of genetic information. who will get cancer and O//icia!s in Internationa! Business T/'{/nsactions. which requires signatory
who will not. This would not show that the overall incidence of cancer is states to criminalize the bribery of foreign officials. This convention
determined by the human gene pool. For it is still quite possible that. in lOok effect in February 1999 and as of November 2001 has been rati-
a healthier environment. cancer would hardly occur at all. fied by 34 states ( So.
238 This point. illustrated by my analysis of the international resource and the reform proposed in the text is achieved: Most rich states now have
borrowing privileges in ~ 4.9. is frequently overlooked. Rawls. for in- laws that forbid corporations to bribe foreign officials. "But big multi-
stance. attributes the human rights problems in the typical poor country nationais continue to sidestep them with ease" (The Economist. March 2.
exclusively to local factors: "the problem is commonly the nature of the 2002. pp. 63-5).
public political culture and the religious and philosophical traditions 244 See n. 262 and surrounding text.
that underlie its institutions. The great social evils in poorer societies are 245 Cf. eh. 8 for a detailed proposal.
Iikely to be oppressive government and corrupt elites" (Rawls. 'The Law 246 How much should we contribute to such reform and protection efforts?
01' Peoples:' p. 77). This superficial explanation is not so much false as I would think: as much as would be necessary to eradicate the harms
incomplete. As soon as one asks. as Rawls does not. lI'hy so many of if others similarly placed made analogous contributions (regardless
these countries have oppressive governments and corrupt elites. one will of what they actually contribute). Thus. if I percent 01' the collective
unavoidably hit upon global factors - such as the ones discussed in my income of the citizens of the high-income countries were sufficient to
two examples. Local elites can afford to be oppressive and corrupt. eradicate world poverty within a few years (~ 4.3.2). then we citizens
because. with foreign loans and military aid. they can stay in power even of these count ries should prevail upon our governments to contribute
without popular support. And they are so often oppressive and corrupt. I percent of our national income or else should contribute individually
because it isoin light of the prevailing extreme international inequalities. about I percent of our incomes. if we can. or make some equivalent
far more lucrative for them to cater to the interests of foreign govern- non-monetary contribution. The idea that those who. together. ought to
ments and firms rather than to those of their impoverished compatriots. eliminate some scalar harm should each do as much as would be neces-
Examples abound. There are. in the poor countries. plenty of govern- sary to eliminate the harm if the others also did their fair share is sug-
ments that ca me to power and/or stay in power only thanks to foreign gested in Parfit. Reasons am! Persons. p. 31 ("collective consequentialism")
support. And there are plenty 01' politicians and bureauerats who. and greatly elaborated in Murphy. Moral Delllands.
induced or even bribed by foreigners. work against the interests of 247 See Bok. "Acting without Choosing,"
their people: Ior the development of a tourist-friendly sex industry 248 But not unprecedented: many highly independent and progressive think-
(whose forced exploitation of children and women they tolerate and ers of the past saw nothing wrong with what we now regard as paradigm
profit from). Ior the importation of unneeded. obsolete. or overpriced instances of severe injustice (e.g. slavery and the oppression of women).
products at public>r the permission to import hazardous prod-
ucts. wastes. or productive facilities. against laws protecting employees
or the environment. etc. It is perfectly unrealistic to believe that the Chapter 6 Achieving Democracy
corruption and oppression in the poor count ries. wh ich Rawls rightly
deplores. can be abolished without a significant reduction in interna- 249 To complement this brief account. let me mention some important works
tional inequality. on large-scale modern democracy: Schumpeter. Capitalism. Socia!islll.
239 Ibid .. p. 56. am! Democracy: Dahl. APre/ace to Dellloc/'{/tic Theory: Bobbio. The
240 Ibid .• p. 77. Future or Democracy: Lefort. Democracy am! Po!itica! Theory: Elster
241 See e.g. Amnesty International. Human Rights and u.s. Security and Slagstad. eds .. Constitutiona!isll1 and DemoC/'acy: Dahl. Dell1oC/'acy
Assistance. am! its Critics: Beitz. Politica! Equa!ity: Held. Mode!s 01' Dell1ocracy:
242 This proposal is elaborated in ~ 6.4. Copp et al.. eds .. The Ideo 4 Dell1ocrac)': Rawls. Politica! Libera!isll1:
243 The post-Watergate Congress of the US pioneered reform with its 1977 Guinier. The Tyranny (lI' the Majorit)': Habermas. Beflreen Facts am!
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act after the Lockheed Corporation was found Norms: Christiano. The Rule 01' the Many: Gutmann and Thompson.
to have paid - not a modest sum to some minor Third World official. Dell1oc/'(u:1'and Disagreelllent: Manin. Princip!es 0/ Representatil'e GOl'ern-
but rather - a 52 million bribe to Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka of lI1ent: Elster. ed .. De!iheratil'e Dell1oc/'{/cy: Rosenblum. ed .. Obligations
powerful and democratic Japan. It took another 20 years for the other 01' Citi:enship.
246 Notes to pp. 147-61 Notes to pp. 163-4 247

250 This literat ure is vast and still growing very rapidly. Here. and in n. 253 for this COlll'enrion. wh ich thus sets a hopeful precedent (cf. n. 243).
I can list only a few representative sam pies: Herz. ed .. Frolll Dicraror.lhi; Still. one should not overlook that while the suppression of bribery may
ro Delllocracy; Huntmgton. The Third Wem'; Ackerman. The FUlure of weIl be in the eollecrire self-interest 01' the developed states and their
Liberal R('I'olurlOn;Lmz and Stepan. Problellls 0/ Delllocraric Transirion corporations. the Democracy Panel and the Democracy Fund are not.
al/(l Consolidarion; Diamond. Del'elopinf; Dellloeraey. 261 This name alludes to aperiod in Dutch history which began with the
251 Some representative examples are Wallerstein. The Capitalisr If/orld discovery 01' huge natural gas reserves in 1959 which. by the 1970s.
EeonolllY. The Poliries 0/ rhe H'orld-EconoIllY. Ajier LiberalisIll. The produced revenues and import savings 01' about $5 billion-$6 billion
Essellfial Wallersrein; Falk. The End ol World Order; Roberto Unger. annually. Despite this windfall (enhanced by the "oil-shock" increases in
Democracy Reali:ed. energy prices). the Dutch economy suffered stagnation. high unemploy-
252 Regarding this goal. see esp. Höffe. Demokrarie im Zeitalrer der menl. and finally recession - doing considerably worse than its peers
Globalisierllnf;. throughout the 1970s and early 1980s.
253 Important instances 01' such work include Weschler. A ,Hirac!e. a Unil'erse: 262 Lam and Wantchekon. "Dictatorships as a Political Dutch Disease."
Kritz. ed .. Transirional Jllsriee; Nino. Radical El'il on Trial; Malamud_ pp. 35-6. In a later paper. Wantchekon presents data to show that "a
Goti. Gallle lrirhollr End; Pablo de Greift'. "Trial and Punishmenf·· one percent increase in resource dependence as measured by the ratio 01'
Minow. BefH'een Vengeance and Forgil'eness; Crocker. "Reckoning with primary exports to GDP leads to nearly 8 percent increase in the prob-
Past Wrongs"; Hesse and Post. eds.: Human Righrs in Polirical Transi- ability 01' authoritarianism" (Wantchekon. "Why do Resource Depend-
rions; Rotberg and Thompson. eds .. Trurh 1'. Jusrice; Teitel. Transilional ent Countries Have Authoritarian GovernmentsT p. 2). Similar findings
Jusriee; Hayner. Unspeakable Trurhs. are presented in Ross. "Does Resource Wealth Cause Authoritarian
254 See Parfit. Reasons al/(l Persons. § 2. Rule'?"" Cf. also Collier and Hoeffter. "On Economic Causes 01' Civil
255 See ibid .. § 36. War" and. for earlier work on the Dutch Disease. Sachs and Warner.
256 Farer. "The United States as Guarantor" and "A Paradigm 01' Legiti- "Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth:'
mate Intervention"; Hoffmann. "Delusions 01' World Order" and The 263 The value 01' immovable public property abroad is rarely significant. and
Erhics and Polirics ()l HUlllanirarian Inrerl'enrion. I will therefore ignore such property which. in any case. poses problems
257 When a democratically legitimate government has been unconstitution- similar to those posed by movable goods.
ally replaced by an authoritarian junta. for exam pIe. some governments 264 We should remember this point whenever we hear it said that natural
may not want to judge the change unconstitutional because they view the resources are no longer an important part of the global economy. Once
new government as "friendlier" and perhaps even had a hand in bringing we understand why this is true (relating the dollar value ofresource sales
it to power. Other governments may come under pressure from more to that 01' aggregate global income or aggregate international trade). we
powerful states to refrain from such a judgment - pressure they find it also understand why it iso in a deeper sense. false. Natural resources are
hard to resist when doing so would adversely affect their own interests. 01' small significance only lIIodulo eurrenr priee l'eerors. which are heavily
258 Rulers would be greatly weakened by being officially found unconstitu- influenced by the international resource privilege and often also by the
tiOilal by the Democracy Panel. This would undermine their reputation extreme global income inequality it helps cause. (Kenneth Arrow has
and standing at home and abroad. denying them not only the borrowing kindly pointed out that consumption of some natural resources bears a
privilege (and perhaps the resource privilege - cf. § 6.4). but also many roughly linear relation to household income so that aggregate demand is
01' the benefits of normal international diplomatie. fiscaL financiaL and not much affected by variations in income inequality.) So the small fraction
trade cooperation. 01' their national incomes that rich countries spend on imported natural
259 One way to cope would be for this government to offer future resource resources does not reflect the extent to which their economic prosperity
exports as collateral for its debts. Potential authoritarian successors could depends on these resources - just as the small fraction 01' my income
then renege on these debts only by halting such resource exports altogether. spent on water does not reflect the extent 01' my dependence on it. If we
260 As evidence that something like this can happen. consider the 1997 OECD appraise depletable natural resources by their use value for all human
Conl'enrion on COlllbaring Bribery 0/ Foreign O[/icials in Inrernarional beings. present and future. we must judge them grossly undervalued by
Business TransacIions, which ended a long-standing practice under which current market prices. This undervaluation reflects a negative externality
most developed states (though not the US after 1977) permiued their that the corrupt elites of resource-rich developing countries and the heavy
companies to bribe foreign officials and even to deduct such bribes consumers 01' resources together manage to impose upon the populations
from their taxable revenues. Public press ure. genera ted and amplified by of those developing countries as weIl as on future generations. for whom
Transparency International. played a vital role in building momentum such resources will be considerably less plentiful and more expensive.
248 Notes to pp. 164-70 Notes to pp. 170-4 249
265 This reflection begins to show how standard broadly Marxist accounts object of a worldwide overlapping consensus. See ch. I and Pogge.
of global inequality have become inadequate to the real world. Thanks "Human Rights and Human Responsibilities."
to high-tech production methods. the corporations ofthe developed world 271 Interactional cosmopolitanism has been defended in numerous works.
are becoming much less dependent on appropriating the cheap labor A paradigmatic statement is offered in Luban's essay "Just War and
power of poor populations (which is not to deny that they do so, and do Human Rights:' p. 209: "A human right. then, will be a right whose
so profitably). Thanks to the enormous concentration of global buying beneficiaries are all humans and whose obligors are all humans in a
power in the high-income economies. the corporations of the developed position to effect the right." Substantially similar moral positions are
world are becoming much less dependent on opening the developing advanced in Singer. "Famine. Affluence and Morality"; Rachels, "Kill-
world's markets for their products. services. and lending (though they ing and Starving to Death"; Kagan. The Limits 11/ Moralit.\'; Peter Unger,
and their governments are working quite hard to achieve such "penetra- LiI'ing High and Letting Die. Nozick's Anarchy. State. and Utopia -
tion" while protecting their own markets against "unfairly cheap" im- however surprising the rights he singles out as fundamental - is also
ports from the developing countries). The dependence of the developed an instance of interactional cosmopolitanism. For institutional cosmopo-
world on the developing countries has shifted to their natural resources. litanism, see O'Nei11. "Lifeboat Earth"; Nagel, "Poverty and Food";
crude oil first and foremost. This trend entails a shift in its interest in Beitz. Political Theory and International Relations. part 3; Beitz. 'Tos-
their people: The developed world need not be concerned about their mopolitan Ideals and National Sentiment"; and Pogge, Reali:ing Rmrls.
being healthy enough to reproduce their labor power or affluent enough part 3. Shue's influential book Basic Riglus seems to me to waver be-
to buy its products. The fewer and the poorer they are, the less they will tween both variants of moral cosmopolitanism, leaving unclear whether
interfere with foreign appropriation of their resources. Shue means the weight of our duties to protect and to aid the deprived
266 The developed countries also enjoy more lucrative business opportun- to depend on whether we are or are not involved in (imposing upon
ities as a third dubious benefit. Authoritarian rulers, made more frequent them the social institutions that produce) their deprivation. Cf. n. 98.
by the international resource privilege, are more likely to send the proceeds 272 This is done, for example. by Rawls. who asserts both a natural duty to
from resource sales right back to the affluent countries, to pay for high- uphold just social institutions as weil as various other natural duties that
margin weaponry and military advisers. advanced luxury products, real do not presuppose shared social institutions, such as duties to avoid
estate. and financial investments. Democratically responsive supplier injury and cruelty, duties to render mutual aid. and a duty to bring
governments. by contrast, tend to spend more of their resource revenues about just social institutions where none presently exist. See Rawls, A
domestically (stimulating the country's economy) and tend to get beUer Theory ol Justice, pp. 98-9 and 293-4.
value for what they spend on imports. 273 These two limitations are compatible with the belief that we have a duty
to create a comprehensive institutional order. Thus Kant believed that
any persons and groups who cannot avoid affecting one another ought
Chapter 7 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty to enter into a juridical condition. See Kant's Political Writings, pp. 73.
98n .. 137 (Kants Gesammelte Schriften. vol. 8. pp. 289 and 349n.; vol. 6.
267 The differences between these two concepts are not essential to the present p.312).
discussion. 274 The distinction between the established and the engendered effects of
268 There is some debate about the extent to which we should give weight to social institutions as weil as the question of its moral significance are
the interests of future persons and also to those of past ones (whose extensively discussed in Pogge, Reali:ing Rmrls. §§ 2-4. The rejection of
deaths are still recent). I leave this issue aside because it is at right angles purely recipient-oriented modes of assessment (such as that enshrined in
to the debate between cosmopolitanism and its alternatives. Rawls's original position) is of more recent vintage: "Three Problems"
269 One argument for a world state is advanced in Nielsen, "World Gov- and "Gleiche Freiheit für alle?""
ernment, Security, and Global Justice." See also Höffe, Demokratie im 275 This notion is defined in probabilistic terms. perhaps by taking account
Zeitalter der Globalisierung, discussing more modest political reforms. of various personal characteristics. Thus it is quite possible that the
270 I have in mind here a rat her minimal conception of human rights, one human right to physical security is today fulfilled in the US for middle-
that rules out truly severe abuses, deprivations, and inequalities while aged whites or suburbanites but not for black youths or inner-city
still being compatible with a wide range of political. moral, and religious residents.
cultures. The recent development of, and progress within, both govern- 276 The explanatory move urged in this fictitious interjection is common
mental and nongovernmental international organizations supports the among social theorists and philosophers. It is more fully criticized in
hope. I believe, that such a conception might, in our world. become the §§ 4.8. 4.9. and 5.3.
250 Notes to pp. 175-80 Notes to pp. 180-6 251
277 Walzer. Sp!1I!rcsor Justice. p. 31. 287 Ibid.
278 Nozick. Anarchy. Swtc. a/1(/ Utopia. p. 149. 288 Ibid .. pp. 38-9.
279 See ch. 2 and Pogge. "Human Rights and Human Responsibilities.'· 289 Ibid .. p. 39.
280 This means that A has no supervisor with authority to give directives 290 Ibid.
with regard to A's exercise of authority over B. Unsupervised authority 291 Ibid .. pp. 38-9.
in this sense is compatible with judicial review. 292 See § 4.3.1.
281 It is quite possible. and not without historical justification. to define 293 Such areform is proposed in ch. 8. See also Beitz. Po!itica! Theorr.
sovereignty the way I have defined absolute sovereignty. So defined. pp. 136-43. and Barry. "Humanity and Justice in Global Perspective.'·
sovereignty would not survive division (when abroad. B would thus 294 The qualification "Iegitimately" is necessary to rule out claims such as
presumably lack a sovereign). and the expression "distribution of sover- this: "1 should be allowed a vote on the permissibility of homosexuality
eignty" would be an oxymoron. in all parts of the world. because the knowledge that homosexual acts
282 The central organs of the EU constitute a promising exception to this are performed anywhere causes me great distress.'· I cannot enter a
generalization. See Pogge. "Creating Supra-National Institutions Demo- discussion of this proviso here. except to say that the arguments relevant
cratically:' for further discussion. to its specification are by and large analogous to the standard arguments
283 This includes the sentiments of patriotism. if such there must be. Beitz relevant to the specification of MiJrs no-harm principle: "the sole end for
points out two respects in which patriotic allegiance to political units which mankind are warranted. individually or collectively. in interfering
may be desirable. It supports a sense of shared loyalty ("Cosmopolitan with the liberty of action of any of their number is self-protection" (Mill.
Ideals and National Sentiment:' p. 599). And it allows one to see oneself On Liberty. p. 9).
as a significant contributor to a common cultural project: "Just as we 295 I understand opporrunit)' as being impaired only by (social) disadmllt-
can see ourselves as striving to realize in our own lives various forms of ages. such as exclusion from the franchise. not by (natural) halldicaps.
individual perfection. so we can see our countries as striving for various such as a speech impediment. This is plausible only on a narrow construal
forms of social and communal perfection" (ibid .. p. 600). Neither of of "handicap": insofar as natural causes reduce a person's chances only
these considerations entails that Britain. say. must be the sole object of on account of cooperating social causes. this person counts as disadvant-
your patriotic allegiance. rather than some combination of Glasgow. aged rather than as handicapped. Thus. being black and being female
Scotland. Britain. Europe. humankind. and perhaps even such geographic- are genetic features. but they reduce a person's chances to influence political
ally dispersed units as the Anglican Church. the World Trade Union decisions only in certain social settings: in a racist/sexist culture. Here
Movement. PEN. or Amnesty International. blacks and women count as disadvantaged by such a setting rather
284 Many individuals might. of course. identify more with one of their cit- than handicapped by their race or gender. By contrast. those whose lesser
izenships than with the others. But in a multilayered order such promin- ability to participate in public debate is due to their low intelligence
ent identifications would be less frequent and. most important. would are not disadvantaged but handicapped. Provided they had access to
not converge: Even if some residents of Glasgow would see themselves an adequate cducation. they do not count as having a less-than-equal
as primarily British. others would identify more with Europe. with Scot- opportunity.
land. with Glasgow. or with humankind at large. 296 The postulated human right is not a group right. 01' course. the inhabit-
285 This dogma - prefigured in Thomas Aquinas. Dante Alighieri. Marsilius ants 01' a town may appeal to this right to show that it was wrong for the
of Padua. and Jean Bodin - is most fully stated by Hobbes in chs 14.26. national government. say. to impose some political decision that affects
and 29 of LCI'iathan. who also introduces the idea of obligations in färo only them. In such a ca se. the townspeople form a group 01' those having
intcrno. For Kant's statements of it. see Kan!'s Po!itica! Writings. pp. 75. a grievance. But they do not have a grievance as a group. Rather. cach 01'
81. 144-5 (Kants gesal/1l/1c!tcSchriften. vol. 8. pp. 291-2 and 299: vol. 6. them has such a grievance of not having been given her due political
p. 319). The dogma maintained its hold weil into the 20th century. when weight - just the grievanee she would have had. had the decision been
it declined with the Austinian conception of jurisprudence. See Austin. made by other townspeople with her excluded.
Thc Prol'ince ol Jurisprudcncc Dererl/1incd: Marshall. Par!ial/1cllwry 297 In the past dozen years. this thought has been much discussed in Europe
SOl'crcigllt)' a/1(/ the COl/1l/1olllrea!th.part I: Benn and Peters. Socia! under the subsidiarity label.
Prim'ip!cs a/1(/ the Democratic SWtc. chs 3 and 12: and Hart. The COIl- 298 On what folIows. see Höffe. Demokratic im Zeitalter der G!oba!isicrullg.
ccpt 01 Lml'. 299 See § 5.1 for an illustration regarding the development 01' rules for the
286 Walzer. Spheres 0/ Justicc. p. .39. use 01' seabed resourees.
252 Notes to pp. 187-91 Notes to pp. 192-4 253
300 This argument withstands the communitarian claim that we must re- 307 Obviously, this illustration is not meant to reflect the actual situation on
nounce supranational democratic processes for the sake of safeguard- the Indian subcontinent.
ing national self-determination. Such renunciation may indeed enhance 308 While the precise definitions of "nation" and "nationality" are not es-
the national autonomy of the privileged populations of the developed sential to this discussion. I do assume that nationality is not defined
countries. But their gains in autonomy come at the expense of poorer entirely in voluntaristic terms (e.g. "a nation is a group of persons all of
populations who. despite their legal independence. have virtually no con- whom desire to constitute one political unit of which they are the only
trol over the most basic parameters that shape their Jives. In fact. many members"). in which case (a) would become trivial and (b) empty. The
of them are unable to influence even their own internationally powerless definition may still contain significant voluntaristic elements, as in Renan's
governments. which olten face much stranger incentives to cater to foreign proposal: "A nation is a grand solidarity constituted by the sentiment of
interests rat her than to those of their constituents. sacrifices which one has made and those one is disposed to make again.
30 I The contiguity condition needs some relaxing to allow territories con- It supposes a past" (quoted in Barry. "Self-Government Revisited:'
sisting of a smallnumber of internally contiguous areas whose access to p. 136). So long as some nonvoluntaristic element is present. at least
one another is not controlled by other political units. The US would one of the two claims can get off the ground. Those who want to belong
satisfy this relaxed condition through secure access among Puerto Rico. together as one political unit may be prevented from doing so when they
Alaska. Hawaii. and the remaining 48 contiguous states. lack an appropriate history of solidarity and sacrifices.
302 I won't try to be precise about "reasonable shape." The idea is to rule 309 Margalit and Raz. "National Self-Determination:' p. 456.
out territories whose borders are extremely long (relative to the square 3IO However. one should ask how this claim squares with. say. the history
root of their areal or divide towns. integrated networks of economic of the US in the 19th century. Those who enjoyed the rights of citizen-
activity. or the like. Perhaps newly incorporating areas should have some ship were highly heterogeneous in descent and upbringing and became
minimalnumber of inhabitants. But I think the threshold could be quite fellow citizens through voluntary immigration. I do not believe these
low. If a tiny border village wants to belong to the neighboring province. facts significantly reduced the level of solidarity and mutual trust they
why should it not be allowed to switch? enjoyed. compared to the levels enjoyed in the major European states of
303 Wh at if minority groups are geographically dispersed. like the Serbs in that period. A careful study of this case might weil show that people can
Croatia? In such cases. there is no attractive way of accommodating be bound together by a common decision to follow the call of a certain
those opposed to the formation of the new political unit. The second constitution and ideology as weil as the promise of opportunities and
proposed principle would let the preference of the majority within the adventure. If so, this would suggest that the Irill to make a political life
relevant territory prevail nonetheless. This is defensible. I think. so together is possible without unchosen commonalities and sufficient lor
long as human rights are fulfilled. In such cases. when legitimate prefer- solidarity and mutual trust. This result would hardly be surprising, seeing
ences are opposed and some must be frustrated. it seems reasonable to how easily the c10sest friendships we form can do without commonalities
let the majority prevail. in facial features. native language. cultural background, and religious
304 See § 3.5 and Buchanan. Secession, pp. 114-25. convictions.
305 This topic is extensively discussed by Buchanan. He takes the current 311 Margalit and Raz, "National Self-Determination:' pp. 443 and 456.
states system lor gran ted and realistically adjusts his theory of secession 312 For an exam pIe, see Barry, "00 Count ries Have Moral Obligations?,"
to it. Departing from this system. I see yet one more reason for a pp. 27-44.
multilayered global order in the fact that it would allow implementation 313 Rawls makes this point: "we want to account for the social values. for
of a morally more appeaJing theory of secession. A more sustained argu- the intrinsic good of institutional, community, and associative activities.
ment for the moral appeal of this theory in terms of democratic self- by a conception 01' justice that in its theoretical basis is individualistic.
government is provided in Philpott. "In Defense ofSelf-Determination." For reasons of clarity among others. we do not want to ... suppose that
See also Wellman. "A Defense of Secession:' and the early. pioneering society is an organic whole with a Iife of its own distinct from and
contribution by Beran, The Conse/lf Theory oj Political Ohligation. superior to that of all its members in their relations with one another"
306 For example, as European states continue to transfer important govern- (A Theory oIJustice. pp. 233-4).
mental functions to international organizations such as the EU and 314 Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars. p. 53. See also Walzer. 'The Moral Stand-
to subnational political units. the conftict over whether there should be ing ofStates:' p. 219.
one or two states in the present territory of Belgium will become ever 315 Walzer suggests this tack: "citizens of a sovereign state have a right,
less important - for the two cultural groups as weil as for any third insofar as they are to be ravaged and coerced at all. to suffer only at one
parties. another's hands" (Just 0/1(/ Unjust Wars. p. 86).
254 Notes to pp. 196-205 Notes to pp. 207-11 255

Chapter 8 Eradicating Systemic Poverty: Brief for aGIobai Resources comes to $700 billion annually though prices are higher 01' lower at
Dividend times.
135 Alesina and Dollar. "Who Gives Foreign Aid to Whom and WhyT
316 Pogge."An Egalitarian Law of Peoples:' "Eine globale Rohstoffdividende," 336 UNDP, Report 2001. p. 190. Cf. n. 143.
and "AGIobai ResoUl"CesDividend." 337 UNDP. Report 2000. p. 79.
317 ReicheL "Internationaler Handel:' Kesselring, "Weltarmut und Res- 338 Drescher. Capita/islII ([m/ AI/tis/al'ery.
sourcen-Zugang:' Crisp and Jamieson, "Egalitarianism and aGlobai
Resources Tax:'
318 Kreide. "Armut. Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie:' and Mandie, "Globaliz-
ation and Justice:'
319 For details. see § 4.3.1.
320 Extending NageL "Poverty and Food."
311 Suggested in O'NeilL "Lifeboat Earth": NageL "Poverty and Food":
and Pogge. Rea/i:ing Rmr/s. § 24.
322 See §§ 4.8 and 5.3.
323 Arms sold to the developing countries facilitate repression. fuel civil
wars. and divert funds from meeting basic needs. In 2000. the rich coun-
tries spent about $4.650 million on development assistance for meeting
basic needs abroad (text around n. 337) while also selling the developing
countries an estimated $25.438 million in conventional weapons, This
represents 69 percent of the entire international trade in conventional
weapons (valued at $36.861 million). The main seilers of arms are the
USo with over 50 percent of sales. then Russia, France. Germany. and
the UK. with another 37 percent. See Congressional Research Service.
Conl'entiol/a/ Arms Tral1.\j('rsto Del'e/oping Nations.
324 See §§ 6.3. and 6.4.
325 See § 4.3.3.
326 See also Nozick. Anarchy. Stale. al/d Utopia. ch. 4.
327 Locke. "An Essay Concerning the True Original:' § 27 and § 33.
328 Ibid .. § 36.
329 Ibid .. § 41 and § 37.
330 See § 4.3.1.
331 See Nozick. Anarchy. Stale. lind Utopia. p. 231.
332 Aggregate global income was 5>31.171billion in the year 2000.
333 See n. 122. The poverty gap relative to the World Bank's better-known
$I/day (strictly: SI.08 PPP 1993) poverty line is only $44 billion annu-
ally. But this line is too low to define an acceptable goal in a world as
afftuent in aggregate as ours. Even the higher poverty line allows a
family of four to buy only as much each month as can be bought with
$322 in the USo And bringing all human beings up to the higher poverty
line would still leave the average person in the high-income economies
with over 100 times more money and 28 times more purchasing power
(cf. nn. 122. 129. 138. and surrounding texts).
334 Crude oil production is currently about 77 million barrels daily 01' about
28 billion barrels annually. At a typical price of $25 per barrel. this
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Press. 2001. nl1.29, U8. 186.234 assessment. 103. 121, 141. 147. 149.
&st=&sd=2394. African-Americans, 38: see also 180. 190
blacks: race of persons. 6. 94
aggregation functions. 38-9. 43, of quality of human lives. 27-8.
170.11.57 30
268 Index Index 269

assessment (cO/li.) bribery. 22. 123, 142. 199-200. compensation. 50. 67. 70. 136. 144. corruption. 9. 20-2. 24. 110-12,
01' social institutions. 13. 31-3. 11n.170. 238. 243. 260; 148. 199.201-4.11.222 114-16,124. 126. 128. 141.
36-7.39.41. see also corruption competition. 11-12. 17.31. 37. 49, 143. 155. 162-3. 200. 213.
94- 117. Britain see UK 80. 11I. 122. 128. 181. 191. 11n.170, 173-4. 178. 185.
129.170.173-4.176.201. Buchanan. Allen. 1In.304-5 200.207.212. n. 234 198. 238,243. 264: see also
11n.41. 47.79.99. ::74 Burma/Myanmar. 114. 149 compliance. 5-6. 52. 74-5. 80. 105. bribery
holistic. 33 127. 134-5. 137-8. 173. 177. cosmetic changes/reforms. 5. 81.
Austin. John. 11.285 capabilities (Sen). 38. 11.55 182. 184.207-8. 11n.113-14, 83-5,89
authoritarian rule. 22, 61. 114-15. CasaL Paula. 91 215,218-19: see also non- cosmetic differences. 84-5. 87.
128. 147-9. 151. 153-67. Cavallero. Eric. 168 compliance 89
11n.169. Central America. 143 redefined. 121-3. 127. n. 183 cosmopolitanism. 168. n. 268
266 centralization, 178. 182-3. 185-7. conceptions 01' justice, 3. 6. 33. 36. institutionaL 169-7 I. 176-8. 184.
constitutionaL 157 190 80-2.86,89.92. 100. 103, 108, 193-4.11.271
autonomy 01' groups. 34. 36-7. 50. character. 60, 89, 120, 11.224 136. 176. 202. 210. nn. 63. 66. interactionaL 170. n. 271
109.118,169.178.184. 01' persons, 29-30. 71: see also 313: see also justice legal, 169
1In.159. 167.300 ftourishing recipient-oriented. 13. 174. 11.274 moral, 169-70. 178. 193-4.
autonomy. personal. 30-1. 34. 37. charity. 134. 166.214, 11n.6.107 Congo/Zaire. 114.11n. 175.178 n.271
46.48, 194 Chen. Shaohua. nn. 127, 129 consensus, 133-4, nn. 158. 270 counterproductivity see codes
children. 2. 4. 8-9. 19. 2 I. 29-30. consent. 22-4. 131-2. 135. 137-8. coups d'etat. 22. 113-15. 142-3.
bargaining (power). 9. 12.20.86. 46.93.97-8, 122. 126. 142, 185.202. nn. 115.220. 149. 151-5. 159. 163-4.207.
116. 178, 184-5. 187. 191-2 130-1. 133. 144-5. 150-1. 226.230.305 n. 177
Barry. Brian. 11n.223. 293, 308. 312 201. 212, nn. 90. 136. 185. consequentialism, 13.41. 174.201. crimes against humanity. 24-5
Barry. Christian. I. 27. 71. 118. 210 nn. 99, 101.246 Crisp, Roger. 11.317
196 abuse 01'. 43. 177. 195. nn. 135. constitution. 45. 47. 50. 60, 62-3. criterion 01' justice. 31. 34. 36-9.
baseline. 15-16. 130. 137-8. n. 230 238 142, 153-65. 178-9. nn. 72. 41-4.50.95. 101. n11.41. 47.
basic goods, 37-9. 41-3, 46-7. 49. China, 200. nn. 17-18. 128. 142. 249.257-8.310 51. 68; see also justice
nn. 55-6 147. 149, 175 constraints. 13.34.45-6.54.65-7. modest. 37-8.48
Beitz, Charles. I. nn. 223, 249. 271. Christiano. Thomas. n. 249 80-3.89-90.95. 107. 109. public.39
283.293 Clinton. William J.. 125-7. nn. 195, 120. 124-6, 133. 135. 137-8. universal core. 33-4. 36-9.
Belgium. nn. 83, 306 198,200 170-1. 177, 187-8. 190-1. 202. 41-4.47-50. nn. 45,51-2.
Benn. S. L. n. 285 c1othing. I. 17,36.49.51. 67. 91. 213. nn. 115. 117.218.225 66
Bentham. Jeremy. 201. n. 101 138 contextualism. 102-5, 108: see also Crocker. David A .. 196. 11.253
Beran, Harry. n. 305 codes. 71-7. 79. 82. 85. 178. universalism cruelty. 63. 66. 69. 116. 186. n. 272
birth rates. 7. 105 11n.105-8.113 criticaL 104-5 culture. 7.14.21-2.25.33-4.36-7.
Bittner. Rüdiger. 71 counterproductive. 72-3. dogmatic. 103-4. 108 44. 46-8. 50. 54-5. 63--5. 70.
blacks. 38.44,65-6.80-4, 122, nn. 105-6 contractualism. 41.174. 192.201. 73.93. 103. 109. 112. 114.
188. 11n.68.181. 221. 275. ethical, 77, 82. n. 113 nn. 83. 99 118-19. 123-4. 140. 162.
295; see also race legal. 76 Convention on Combating Bribery. 169,171.175.181. 183, 186.
Bobbio. Norberto. n. 249 moral. 72-3, 82, nn. 105, 108 11n.170. 243. 260 189. 192-5. 198-200. 203.
Bok. Hilary. 118, n. 247 penal. 173 Co pp. David, n. 249 213. n11.45. 82-3. 96.163.
borrowing privilege. international. tax. 5. 71. 74-5. 84. 125. 173 corporations. 5. 8. 11, 20. 22. 24, 167-9.181. 238. 270, 283.
22-3, 113-15, 117, 153. 161. Cold War, 8. 19.98. 195. n. 143 58. 76. 84, 92. I 13. 116. 120. 295.306.310
165. nn. 179,238.258 colonialism. 2. 4. 6. 111, 204. 123. 125. 128. 142-3. 152.
BraziL 49-50. 100. 114. 139. 146. 11.181 161. 200. n11.65. 112. 170. Dahl, Robert, 11.249
154.158.11n. 175. 178.233. color see race 200.207.238,243.260.265 Darwin, Charles. 67
235 companies see corporations multinational, 128. 161, 11.243 death penalty. 40
270 Index Index 271
death (premature), 2, 7-8, 10, 12, difference principle (Rawls), 104-8, duties (fOllf.) enlightenment. 3 5. 34
16-21. 24-6, 40-1. 43, 47, 136.11.223 toward animals. 56 environment. 13-14.33,35,73. 112.
61, 68, 82, 88, 98-9, 109. disadvantages, 32. 44, 50. 80- I. 83, toward compatriots, 191 140-2. 184. 186. 193. 198.
119.133,145,176.187,195. 92. 128. 133.207,209. toward self. 56 203, 206, 212.11n. 169.237-8;
213-14. /111.62,210.271: /1//. 118.234.295 duties on imports. 208 see also pollution
see also world poverty discrimination. 80. 93-4.108.117, anti-dumping. 17. 21 equality. 82. 92-3. 102. 1In. 54-5.
decent peoples/societies (Rawls). 188 Dworkin. Ronald. 37, 11.54 123.201.249
106-7, 109,11.167 diseases. 42. 98-9. 175. 195.1111.23. of opportunity. 184-7. 189-90.
decentralization. 178, 182-3, 185, 67.136 East Asia. 1111.175.234 /111.167. 295
188, 190- I. 208 distribution, 5. 9. 23. 32. 43. 48, 63. economic order/regime. 13-14.32. ethics. 4, 6. 28-9. 31-2. 37.48-9.
democracy. 9. 62. 91, 96. 11I. 92.96, 110. 112. 116, 135, 42.69.84-5,95-6. 100-1, 52.71, 75-8. 82, 87-9.
114-15, 126, 128, 131. 141-2. 138.142,164.174-6.191, 104, 107. 109-10. 112. 146, 168. 170. 194. 11n.8. 34.
146-68, 173-4. 179. 182-4. 203-5, 207. /1//.4. 172. 237; 136-40,171, 175-6 38-9,42,83.101.112-14,
187-9, 195,213-14,1111. 118, see also income distribution domestic/national. 94-6. 100- I. 117.151.256
249-51,257,266,282, of sovereign powers, 180-1. 185, 103, 105-10. 116-17. 124. ethnicity, 36. 123. 169. 181, 189.
285.300,305; see also 187. 189, 194,250,11. 281 139.11.167 193, /111.96,181
governments; institutional diversity, 13,28-9.34.36,46,50. global. 4. 11-12, 14-17,20-2, EU (European Union), 116. 172.
order 102. 109. 124, 156. 183. 189, 24-5. 86. 94-6, 100-1, 103. 208.211.1111.
Democracy Fund (International 201,1111. 105, 167 105-12.115-17,125.129,136. Europe. 5, 92. 100, 148, 200, 204,
Democratic Loan Guarantee division of powers, 178-8 I. 11.281 139. 161. 165. 171, 175-6, 1111.83,283-4,297.306.310
Fund). 158-61,11. 260 Dollar. David. 1111.11, 335 182. 187. 197,200-1.204-6. evil. 136. 141. 173,1111. 238. 253
Democracy Panel, 156-8, 161. 164, domestic violence. 2, 42. 11.224 1111.124.150,167.203.251 experience. 4. 29-30, 33, 59, 175.
1111.258, 260 dominance, 3, 5-6. 178-80 economic participation. 36. 49. 51. 189, 198,1111. 4, 102; see also
desires. 4.35,85-6, 121-3,1111.49, dOl1or fatigue, 212 66, 172. 197 flourishing
91,215 Drescher. Seymour. 11.338 economics/economists, 3. 13-15. 19. explanatory nationalism, 15, 2 I.
first-order, 35, 11.49 drunk driving. 40, 11.62 43,71, 91, 117. 139, 141. 49. 112, 114. 116, 139. 141.
fulfillment of. 35, 169, 1111.47·-8 Dutch disease. 114, 163, 11.262 143, 145. 163,200.206,212 143-5. n. 169
satisfaction of, 35, 1111.47-8 duties, 56.64,67.92,123,194,1111. 84, Ecol1omisf (magazine), 17, 1111.25. exploitation of people, 2. 23. 206.
deterrence, 40. 42, 96. 152-3. 156, 100,172.214,271.273 173. 243 n. 238
163, 173. 183.11. 224 associative. 11.115 education/schooling,9, 14,28, 36, exploitation of resources. 21 I. n. 192
developed countries/world see legal, 65, 169 44-6.49.51, 63-4, 80, 86. exports. 8. 17-18, 2 I. 113. 163-4.
high-income economiesl moral, 55, 65-6, 95, 132, 134-5, 91, 98,117.122.143,175. 187, 199,208.1111. 112. 192,
countries 166 177, 180,202,213--14. 259.262
developing countries/world, 5, 8-10, natural (Rawls). 134-5,1111. 212-13. 1111.68-9, 102.234,295 externalities, 15, 151. 183-4, 186,
13-14, 17-19,21-5,70,97. 219,272 basic, 49. 5 I. 11.141 189. 195,212,11. 264
99, 116, 125. 142--3, 153, negative, 13, 64. 66-7. 70, 130-7. elections. 21--2, 86, 88. 93, 113-15,
161-4,166-7, 172,200, 139.144-5, 171-3, 197-9, 126,142,154-6,184.11. 21 fairness, 11-12. 20. 22-3, 8 I. 110,
206-7.212-13,1111. 2. 5.18. 201, 203-4, 210-1 I. 1111.115, electricity/power. 9. 97. 143 1214, 131, 137, 141-2,
30,135.175.186, 192,198, 204.206,218-19 elites, 5, 8. 21-4.98. 110-12, 115, 182-3. 197.201. 205-6, 209.
234,264-5,323 of states. 194 139, 141-2. 164.202-3,213, 211,1111.89,
development aid/assistance, 8, 111. perfect, 135 1111.5.198,235.238,264 Falk. Richard. n. 251
207,212,1111. 30,198,323 positive, 64, 130-5. 137, 139. 141, Elster, Jon. 1111.34. 249 family. I. 61. 76,91, 95. 97, 105,
official (ODA), 8. 18,207.1111. 15, 171-2, 197-8.212,1111. 98, endowments 120-1. 124, 126-7. 130-1.
143 115,204.212,216,235 of countries. 114. 163 143, 169.202. 11n. 186.204.
Diamond, Jared. 11.169 religious, 50. 56 of persons. 44. 11.55 209. 333
Diamond, Larry, 11.250 to reduce poverty, 24. 166,11. 100 of universities. 11.112 Farer. Tom J., 153, n. 256
272 Index Index 273
federalism. 179-80. 188 freedoms. I. 36. 45-9. 5 I. 60. 63-4. global (institutional) order, I. 6. 9. Griffin. James. I/. 34
Feinberg. JoeL I/. 85 67. 70. 124. 126. 135. 137. 12--13. 15-16.22-4.33.37. gross national income. 7. 18. 100.
fictional histories. 85-7 145, 147. 181-2. 184-5. 187. 105-6.108-9.111-13.117. 11f/. 122. 128. 139.233
Finger. Michael. 17. I/. 25 190. 193. 19711/1. 92.217-18. 128-9. 133. 140-1. 144. 147. Grotius. Hugo. I/. 81
firms see corporations 225; see also liberties 169.171-6.181-2,186. Guay. Robert, 71
fixed points (moral). 25. 102 from crueL inhuman. and 193-5.200-1. 205, 207-1 I. Guinier. Lani. /I. 249
ftourishing (human). 27-32. 34-7. degrading treatment. 45. 61. 215.1111.100.197.305 Gutmann. Amy. 52. 71. 11.249
39-43. 48. 50. 111/.47. 79 63. 65-6. 69-70 reform of. I. 144. 147. 168. 173.
components of. 28-9. 36. 38. 48. from hunger. 10 182. 195. I/. 179 Habermas. JÜrgen. 201. 1111.70. 72.
I/. 36 from pain. 38 global poor. 2. 7-8. 12. 15. 19-21. 249
ethical value (character and from torture. 63 23-4. 26. 97, 108-9. 116-17. Haller. R udolf. 196
achievement). 28-32. 37. of action/movement 39. 49 125. 127-9. 133. 136. 138. handicaps. 42. 50. 114. 199.209,
48-9. 11f/.38-9 of appropriation. 137. 202, 144-5. 196. 199-204.207. 111/.91.295
personal value (experience and 111/.218, 225 214,111/. 23.140.210 happiness. 28. 30, 68. 169,201
success). 28-32. 37.48-9. of assembly. 49. 147 Global Resources Dividend see 111/.34. 39. 48
/I. 39 of association. 38. 48 GRD Hardin. Garrett, I/. 8
concept of. 27-9 01' expression. 49.60-1. I/. 95 globalization. 19-20.33. /I. 318 harm, 12-13. 15-16. 18-19.21. 25.
conceptions of. 28. 30-1. 36-7 01' the press/media. 48. 60. 147 GNP (gross national product). 99. 50,56.59.66-7. 76-84, 88,
core notion of. 39 of religion. 47; see also religion 207.1111.143.178.234 92. 130-9, 142. 144-5. 166.
means to. 28. 36. 11.36 Fried. CharIes. I/. 114 Goldstein, Eric. 52 171-2,186,210-12,214,
measures of. 30-1. 50. I/. 79 fulfillment see desires; human rights Goodin. Robert E.. 131-2, I/. 205 1111.204,207.210,212.220,
proxy for. 39. 50 Gosepath. Stefan. 118 224.226,246.294
F0l1esdal. Andreas. 168 Galston. William, I/. 34 Gould. Stephen Jay. I/. 103 Harrison, Lawrence E., I/. 169
F011esdaL Dagfinn. 118 GDP (gross domestic product). 113. governments. 10. 12-14, 18-25. Hart, H. L. A.. 56. 1111. 86, 285
food and drink. 1.7.9-10.38. 164,208,1111.143.173,175. 31. 45. 47.53,57. 59-66. Hayner. Priscilla B.. I/. 253
41- 262 101. 111-17. health care, I. 4. 49.51. 86, 91,
91.97-8. 137-8. 143-4. gender. 1111.91,181.295; see also 119-20. 122. 125-6. 128. 117.177,180.197.111/. 63.
111/.14- 141. sex; women 131-2, 140-1, 143. 146-50, 141
144.210.237,271.320-1; genocide. 2. 6. 2 I. 145. 203, 111/.29, 152-66. 172-3, 177-84, basic. 4, 49.51. 1/.141
see also malnutrition; 207 186-8, 191-3. 195-6,200-1, Held. David, I/. 249
nutrition George. Alexander. 71 203.205-7.211-13.111/. 15, Hertel. Thomas, 17. I/. 25
prices. 7. 9. 99. 199. I/. 144 Germany. 61. 98, 145, 148, 194. 23. 94. 99. 109, 118. 170. Herz. John H .. 11.250
foreign aid. 9. 12. 111/.11. 335; 1111.30.82,147,181.194.222. 173,202,238.246,249.257. Hesse, Carla. I/. 253
see also development aidl 323; see also Nazis 259,,300, high-income economies/countries. 2.
assistance; military aid constitution (Grundgesetz) of. 47, 306; see also authoritarian 4, 7, 9. 11. 15-18,21.24-5,
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 157, I/. 75 rule: self-government; US. 49.92,99-101. 108-9. 111.
I/. 243 Gewirth. Alan. 56. I/. 87 government of; world 116, 119. 125, 127-9. 142,
foreign policy. 129, 147. 153. 166. Gibbard. Alan. I/. 34 government 144. 162-6,200-1. 207.
180 Gini coefficient 111/.4, 57 democratic. 9. 96. 114-15. 126. 111/.15.23.30. 122. 143,145.
France. 193. 111/.30. 147. 323 global economic justice, 91. 100-2. 131,147-56,158-65.179. 170. 175. 178.234.243,246.
Frankel Paul, Ellen. 27 108-9, 182-3 195.111/. 118,257,266 264-6,300.323,333
Frankfurt Harry. /I. 34 global economic order see economic GRD (Global Resources Dividend). historians/history, 3. 8. 13-14. 16,
free markets, 19. 116. 175. I/. 190 order 23. 196-7, 199,201.205-14, 33.81. 85-7, 112. 118-19.
free-riding. 135 global income (aggregate), 2. 99. /I. 316 168. 179. 189. 192-3. 199,
freedom. 46. 67. 70. 135. 137. 193. 205.111/. 27.122.139-40.264, Great Britain see UK 203-4,111/. 7. 169, 177,261.
11/1.217-18 332 Greiff. Pablo de. I/. 253 308.310
274 Index Index 275
Hobbes. Thomas. 54. 178. nn. 81.285 security thresholds. 47-8. 64. incentives (cont.) democratic. 96. 111. 128, 147,
Lel'iathan. nn. 81. 285 68 compliance. 74-6. 80. 173. 152-8. 162-5. 174. 195. 213.
Höffe.Otfried. 146. nn. 252.269.298 threats to. 47-8. 58 nn. 114. 119 I1n.118,300
Hoffmann. Stanley. 153. n. 256 official disrespect 0[, 58-64. 68 inherently regrettable. 76. 78. domesticlnational. 33-4. 37. 50.
Hohfeld. W. N .. nn. 97. 172 realization 0[, 46-9. 51. 53. 62-5. 80.84-5. 87 105. 108. 112. 172. 200
homicide. 12-13. 18-19.21, 25. 40. 69-70 reward. 74-6. 84, 173. n11.109. economic see economic order
56. 59-61. 88-9. 98. 130. record. 60. 64. 68 114 global see global order
145. 155. 175-6. 182. nn. 62. specification 0[, 48. 53 regrettable. 72-6. 78-9. 82.11. 119 integrity. physical. 38.40.42. 47.
99.210 underfulfilled. 47. 49-50.91. 175 income distribution. 9. 23. 92. 112. 49. 68, 174. 11.92
homosexuality. n. 294 responsibility for. 49-50 11.4 integrity. territorial. 194
Honderich. Ted. 196 unfulfilled. 45. 47.91. 129. 140. India. 14.45. 191-2.213. nn. 128. integrity of judiciary, 155
Honduras. 11.94 144. 170-2. 174-5. 177. 188. 147.307 intellectuals. 15. 167; see also
Hong Kong. 14.99 n. 98 individualism.46. 169. 192-4. academia/academics
Horton. Keith. 91 responsibility for. 171 n.313 interdependence. 15. 33.42.48-9.
human flourishing see flourishing Universal Declaration of see inequality. 2. 39. 43. 86. 104-5. 116. 186-7.
human rights. I, 12-13.44-54. UDHR 110-1 I, 117.203.210. nn. 57. interest rates, 14. 32. 116, 154. 187
56-70.91, 99. 124. 138. 153. violations 0[, 47. 57-62. 65. 172. 159.202 interests, 3-4. 11-12. 20-2, 25. 32.
159. 169-77. 184-90. 193-5. 174.182. nn. 99-100 global. 3. 7. 19.107.109-11. 117. 54-6. 74. 76-8. 86. 88. 92.
nn. I. 72-3. 77.87.90-2. Hume. David. 26. 127. nll. 32. 201 186. 199,201, nn. 151, 168. 103, 107, 116. 120-8. 143.
94-5. 97-100. 187. 197.238. hunger. 4. 8. 10. 195. 238.265 165, 167. 178. 183, 193, 197, 206, nn. /6. 104. 136; see also economic. 12-13, 100. 139. 201, 207. 213, nn. 84.91. 109.
concept/understanding 0[, 46-7. starvation nn. 4, 145. 147. 149.233-4. 115,118,
54.57-8. nn. 72. 187 hunger's willing executioners. 24 236. 264: extent 0[, 96. 98-9. 300
institutional. 45. 47. 50. 63-7. Huntington, Samuel, nn. 169,250 101; trend 0[, 96, 99-100. national, 126-8
69-70. 171-2. 174-6. n. 100 hypothetical-contract theories. 41. 11.145 of global poor, 20-2, 61, 92. 111.
interactional. 45. 64-5. 170-2. n. 99 radical. 86, 197-9.201,203-5. 197,1111.238. 300
174. 11.100: maximalist. 64. 209-1 I, 213 international borrowing privilege
66. nn. 98. 100; minimalist. illiteracy, 63. 70. 91, 97 infant mortality, 99.175,177, 195 see borrowing privilege
64.66-7. n. 100 IMF (International Monetary infrastructure. 117 International Democratic Loan
conceptions 0[, 47.50-1.53.70. Fund). 24, 117. 172 injustice. 2. 4, 23-4, 32. 40-4. 50, Guarantee Fund see
170, 174. 193. nn. 97, 270-1 imperialism. 111 59, 66-7, 80-3. 86-7, 89. 96. Democracy Fund
fulfillment of. 20,45. 47. 49, imposition (of social institutions). 100-1, 106-7, 109. 119, 128. international law see law
63-8. 70. 128. 141, 144. 19.21,23-4,46.66-7. 130. 132-6. 139-41. 171-3. international poverty line see World
170-4. 188-9. 194. nn. 100. 94-6. 101. 107. 109-11. 176. 182. 188, 197-9,204. Bank
197,275.303 115. 133. 135-6. 138-9. 208-1 I, n11.67-9. 99. 102. international resource privilege see
responsibility for. 66. 170. 144.147. 165. 170-3. 176. 213,224.248 resource privilege
n. 100 199.201,209.211. nn. 64. compensation 0[, 50, 67. 70. 136. intervention (military). 153, 11.256
juridification 0[, 45. 46. 53, n. 95 224.271 144, 148, n. 222 investment, 9, 32, 43. 74, 89. 113,
moral and legal, 52-3 incentives. 9. 23. 61-2. 72-6, 111. core. 43. 210. n. 66 117, 139. 143-4, 161, 163,
objects of see objects: UDHR 113.115.143-4.149.151-2. institutional orderIscheme, 12. 24. 188. 199, n11.15. 112.266
minimally adequate shares 0[, 154-6. 159. 163. 165. 167. 31-8.41.46,50-1,64-5. ISBA (International Seabed
38.41. 46. 49,51, 68-9. n. 95 173. 181, 206-7. nn. 107. 118. 67, 70, 110, 124, 134, 138. Authority). 125
reasonably secure access to. 300 169-77. 184. 193, 199.
38.41-2,45-6.49-51. 62. concrete. 73-5. n. 119 209-·10. 11n.40. 47. 187.214. Jamieson, Dale. n. 317
64-70. 124.174.nn. 95. ideal (guidance). 73-6. 78-80. 82. 273; see also social Japan, 14,92. 175. n11.5, 123, 147.
99-100 84-5. 87. n. 116 institutions; social order 168,243
276 Index Index 277
journalism/journalists. 3, 17. 20, 25. labor. 3-4. 28. 31. life expectancy. 14, 98-9. 175 massacre. 21, 145.1111.82.207
98. 151: see also media 197.202.1111. 135.225.265 Lin. Maya Ying. 11.137 maximin. 39.43. 170. 11.57
juridification see human rights Lam. Ricky. 163.11.262 Linz. Juan J., 11.250 media. 5. 17. 2 I. 48. 60. 98, 125.
justice. I. 4, 13. 31-44. 59. 7 I. Landes. David. 11.169 Lipton. Michael. 11.18 127. 139. 147. 152: seI! also
80-6. 95-6. 100. 103-8. 119. Larmore. CharIes. 71 loans. 24.47. 126. 139. 141. 143. journalism
127. 129. 133-7. 145. 148. Latin America. 61. 89. 149-50. 153. 154-6. 158. 160. 162-4. 187. medical care see health care
170. 193. 198-9. 203-4. 1111.
147. 186, 234 199.1111.238. 259: see also Mendon9a. Wilson. 146
208-10,1111.34. 36. 64. 89. law. 5. I I. 33.41-2.45.52-3.59-63. borrowing privilege Meyer. Lukas. 11.43
124,151-2,156.212-16. 67,72. 75. 80. 91. 107. 128. lobbying. 11 microlending. 9
218- 135.140. 144, 148. 152. 179. Locke. John. 16.23. 137-9.202-3. Middle East. 114
286: see also conceptions of: 188.1111.62.72. 75.100.105. 1111.
31.225-6.230.327 Milanovic. Branko. 1111. 4. 145
criterion 0[; theories of 159- Lockean proviso. 137. 202-3. military. 6.32. 74. 96, 113-14.
basic. 37-9. 42-4. 47-50. 80-3. 11.226 127-8. 143. 148-9, 153-5,
85.87. 124 international. 46.131. 144. 159. 171 second-order Lockean proviso. 164-5. 181-2. 184. 191. 195.
distributive. 175-6. 19I. 11.158 natural. 54-6. 11.80 137.202 199-200.212-14.1111. 109.
economic. 9. 89. 91. 94-5. 100-2. Law of the Sea Treaty see UN loopholes. 5-6, 71, 75-6. 78-9. 143, 178. 238. 266: see also
106-9. 137. 140. 182-3. 191. Convention on the Law of 82-5. 89. 1111.
117, 119 arms trade: weapons
210 the Sea Luban. David. 71. 171. 1111. 98. 101. military aid, 199, 11.238
global see global economic lawyers, 53, 76-80. 82-9. 94-5, 123. 271 Mill, John Stuart. 11.294
justice 126. 158.206.212,1111. 113-14, luck. 29. 50. 11.34 Miller. David, 91. 102-4.1111.151-2
minimal criteria of. 95. 101. 116 minimally adequate shares see
106-7 least developed count ries. 8. 99. MacIntyre. Alasdair. 11.34 human rights
national see national economic 207. 11.198: see also Mackie. J. L., 11.84 Minow. Martha, 11.253
justice developing countries Malamud-Goti, Jaime. 11.253 moral codes see codes
global. 1.23. 105, 129. 133. 168. Lefort. Claude. 11.249 malnutrition. 10, 18,91. 97, 99-100, moral conceptions. 25. 72, 89. 92-4.
1111.151.269.293,318 leftlleftist. 14, 24. 11.21 175-7.1111.17,136,144 102-4, 171. 1111.83. 111. 117.
international, 86, 102, 194. 196, Leist. Anton, 196 MaIthus, Thomas R., 11.8 156.215
1111.166,203 level playing field. 121-3. 128. MandIe, Jon. 11.318 moral truth, 25. 72
social (of social institutions), 11.185: see also fairness manifesto rights, 67-9. 11.104 morality. I. 4-6, 25, 71-5, 83-5,
7,31-2.35-6.39-40,43. Iiberalism. 106-8. 141,1111.158. 163, Manin. Bernard, 11.249 89-90.94, 102-3, 127, 130.
50, 92, 105. 133, 170. 172. 167.215,223,249-51 Mao Tse Tung, 98 132, 170, 178,1111.19.34,
194 Iibertarianism. 13-14,63-4.66,89, Margalit, Avishai, 192,1111.309. 105-6.151, 180,204.210.
universal, I. 27 172, 196 311 271
simple, 171-2 markets Morgenbesser, Sidney, 71, 196
Kagan, Shelly, 1111. 210, 271 Iiberties, 47-8,54,92. 113. 135, 190, capital, 143, 171, 186 murder, 59,98.176,182: see also
Kant, Immanuel. 135, 137, 178. 1111.54.172.294 financial, 14. 114. 116, 143 homicide
185,1111.37,72,81,83.217. of conscience. 39. 48 free, 19. 116. 175, 11.190 Murphy. Liam, 104.1111.156.246
219,273,285 life. 7, 12. 19.21.25-35.37-8.41. goods, 17-18,22.116,171,186. Myanmar see Burma
Kent. Bonnie. 168 43-4.47-9,62,68, 71. 73-5. 1111.144.265
Kenya. 114.1111.175. 178 78-9,96.98-102.115. 120. labor. 197 Nagel. Thomas, 1111. 34. 210, 271,
Kerala, 14. 117 122-3, 138, 145, 185-9. opening of. 9, 17-19. 11.265 320-1
Kesselring, Thomas, 146. 11.317 193-4. 198,201,214.1111.34, Marshall. Geoffrey. 11.285 nation. 95. 109, 118-20. 125-6.
Koller. Peter. 27, 196 38-9.55,61.79,108,115.169. Marshall Plan, 9 169. 192-4.1111.30,169.308.
Krebs. Angelika, 27 185.209- Martin, Will, 17,11.25 323
Kreide, Regina. 11.318 310, 313: see also ftourishing Marx. Karl. 3. 11.7 national economic justice. 95.
Kritz. Neil J .. 11.253 human right to. 47 Marxism. 11.265 100-2, 106. 108
278 Index Index 279
nationalism. 118-20. 124. 126-9. objects of human rights. 23.46-7. opportunities. 3. 7. 20. 24.44. 63. Pincione. Guido. 118
131 49-5Q 58-9. 62-3. 65-~ 78-9.81. 85. 127. 164. 166. Pinzani. Alessandro. 146
common. 119-20. 124. 127. 68-70. 124. /111.92.95. 169. 175. 181. 184- 7. 189-90. Plato. 28. /111.35-6
129-30. 144 99-100; see lIlso UDHR 199.202.206. /111.69.113. pluralism. 105. 193
conservative. 119 civiL 45.63.67-70.91. 148 Pogge. Thomas. 1111. 13.62-3.7/.
explanatory. 15.21. 49. 112. 114. freedom from crueL inhuman. opportunity costs. 5. 9. 92. 96. 206 73.
116. 139. 141. 143-5. n. 169 and degrading treatment. 45. oppression. 5. 22-4. 36. 92. 112. 111. 158. 160. 166-7.197.
lofty. 119. 129-30. 132. 139. 61. 63. 65-6. 69-70 115. 133. 141. 143-4. 161-3. 210.223.270-1.274.279.
144-5 freedom from torture. 63 166. 168. 182-3. 186.200. 282.316.321
revisionist. I 18-19 freedom of action/movement. 203.207.1111. 177-8.238. police. 38. 40. 47. 60-1. 63. 96. 113.
universalistic. 119 39. 49 248 152-3.173·-4
natural disasters. 8. 98. 199.209 freedom of assembly. 49. 147 Orend. Brian. 27. 118. 196 political participation. 36.48-9.
naturallaw. 54-6. 11.80 freedom of association. 38. 48 Organization of African Unity 51. 66. 70.91. 166. 172.
natural resources see resources. freedom of expression. 49. (OAU).11. 29 175.184-90.197./111. 68.
natural 60-1. 11.95 Organization of American States 295-6
Nazis. 25. 67. 135-6. 145. 148. freedom of religion. 47 (OAS). 153 politics/politicians. 3. 5. 7-8. 10.
/111.82. 181.220.222 Iiberty of conscience. 39. 48 original position (Rawls). 44. 1111.
99. 20. 25. 31. 33. 49. 63. 92.
needs. 8. 111. 125. 133. 164-5. 169. life.47 274 104. 106. 110-1 I. 117-19.
n11. 55. 91.115 physical integrity. 38. 42. 47. overpopulation. 7 122. 129. 142-4. 146-7.
basic. 8. 49-51. 58. 96. 141. 49. 68. 174. 11.92 Oxfam. 144 152. 168. 180. 188. 197.
147.176.178. 197.206-7. rule of law. 33. 148 oxygen. 14. 186. 200 21 I. 213. nll. 21.198.238.
213-14. n/1. 6.30. 91.323 culturaL 64. 70. 11.96 251.256
negotiations. 9. 20-2. 24. 112. 116. political. 148. 166. Pakistan. 191-2.213. /1.128 pollution. 32. 180. 185-6. 195. 197.
125. 128. 184. 187; see also 184-9.11.296 Parfit. Derek. 26. /1n. 33-4. 246. 203.206.212-13. n11. 23. 67:
bargaining (power) social and economic. 49.64-70. 254 see lIlso environment
Neufeld. Jonathan. 27 91 parties (political). 11. 126. 189 Post. Robert. 11.253
New Deal. 9 education (basic). 49.51. 11.141 patents. 11.23; see also TRIPS poverty. 7. 13-
NGOs (non-governmental health care (basic). 4. 49.51. paternalism. 34-6 136. 174-7. 199-201. /1.20
organizations). 9. 206.11. 170 11.141 peace. 33. 96. 101. 162. 179. 181. domestic. 9. 13-15. 22. 100--I.
Nielsen. Kai. 11.269 subsistence. 1-2. 9-10. 33. 36. 183.207. 213-14.n. 100 108. 110-17. 139. 141-4.
Nietzsche. Friedrich. 72 39.45- peace dividend. 205. 11.143 201. 207. n11. 149. 169.202.
Nigeria. 113-14. 142-3. 149. 164--5. 97-8. 143. /111.92. 95. 141 peacekeeping. 20-1 233-4
202. n11. 128. 147. 173-5. 178 ODA (official development PEN (International Association of global see world poverty
Nino. Carlos. 11.253 assistance) see development Poets. Playwrights. Editors. poverty line see World Bank
non-compliance. 121. 127. 134-5. aid Essayists. and Novelists). power. 9. 22-3. 25. 32-3. 54. 67. 96.
208.11. 214; see also OECD (Organization for Economic 11.283 112-15.118.127-8.142-3.
compliance Cooperation and Peters. R. S.. 11.285 146-52. 154. 156-7. 159-60.
nonpaternalism. 34-6 Development). 172. 207 Philippines. 114. /111.175. 178 162-3. 165-6. 168. 172,
norms. 2-6. 46. 71. n/1. 182.249 Convention on Combating philosophy. I. 25. 27. 33. 54-5. 179. 182-3. 200-1. 207. 21I.
avoidance of. 5-6 Bribery. n11. 170.243.260 70-1. 91. 102. 118. 131. 173. 213-14. nn. 172-3. 186.201.
Nozick. Robert. 175-6. 203. /111.34. official disrespect see human rights 193. 199. n/1. 34. 82-3. 168. 238. 257. 300; see also
101.271. 278. 326. 331 oiL crude. 113-14. 142. 164-5.202. 190. 238.276 bargaining (power);
Nussbaum. Martha. /111.34. 55 205. /111.173. 178.261.265. Philpott. DanieL 11.305 electricity/power
nutrition. 33. 36. 39. 41. 45-6. 334 physical integrity. 38.40. 42. 47. 49. powers. legal. 60. 76. 86. 92. 113.
68-70. 197. /111.55. 95.234; O·Neill. Onora. /111.88. 104. 210. 68. 174.11. 92 142. 155. 162. 165-6. 179.
see also food and drink 271.321 physical security. 173-4. n/1. 92. 275 200.213. nn. 54.172.177
280 Index Index 281

primary goods (Rawls). 37. 11.54 Raz. Joseph. 121. 192. /111.34. 84. responsibilities. 10, 12-13.21-5.32. Schuler. Philip. 17. 11.25
priority 182.309.311 36.49-50,, Schumpeter. Joseph. 11.249
for compatriots. 11-12. 119-20. reasoning. 13. 16-17, 26. 122. 127. 76. 78-80. 82-3. 94-5. 102. seabed (ocean floor). 125. 128,
126.129. 131-3.1111.124. 181. 138. 161. 1111.62. /85 110. 115-16. 130. 141. 144. 1111.190. /92. 196.200.299:
208 reasons. 3. 6-8. I I. 14. 25. 28-9. 147. 154. 156. 158. 161-2. see also resources
for near and deal'. 11. 120. 130-2. 34-5. 39. 46. 63. 65. 70. 165-6. 170-4. 178, 184-5. secession. 191. 1111.304-5
11.//5 72-5. 78-9. 82-3. 102-3. 197, 5. second-order decentralization. 178.
property. 21. 31. 57. 77-8.99. 127. 105. 107-10. 128. 137. 143. 21.73.,113. 182-3. 191: see also
135. 137. 139. 142. 163-4. 150-3.159.161. 163. 177. decentralization
166.171. 176. 186. 196.204. 181-5, 195.201. 206. 208. rich countries see high-income self-government. 192. 1111.305. 308
/1/1.95.2/6.263 210.1111.84. 99. 105. 116. /26. economies/countries self-interest. 46. 54. 124. 214. 11.260
intellectual. 17. 117; see also 158.170.305.313 right/rightist. 24 Sen, Amartya K.. 14. 38. 1111.9.55
TRIPS moral. 12, 19.34,40.82. 109. rightholders. 55-6. 68 servants (domestic). 45. 63. 66. 69
protectionism. 17-19. 21 132-3. 197-8.204.212. rights. 56. 59. 61. 64. 76. 86. 112. sex. 87-8. 93. 1111.68, 136, 207:
public spending. 9. 14. 207. 11.266 1111.90.207.2/5.22/ 138. 162, 186. 191-3. 197. see also gender; women
publicity. 3. 21. 144. 182-3.208. exclusionary. 121 1111.43. 84-6. 88. 92.200. sex tourism, 143. 199, nn. 23.238
11./70 recipient-oriented theorizing. 13, 220.310.315; see also sexism. 44. 11.295
purchasing power. 2. 195. 1111.265. 174. 11.274 human rights sharability. 54-6. 195, 11n. 47.83
333 reciprocity. 8. 20. 92. 106. 131-2. animal.56 shelter/housing. I. 9. 36. 49. 51, 63.
parity (PPP). 2. 7. 97. 100. 203. 212 basic. 23,47.213.1111. 98.271 67.91. 97. 138
205.1111. 2.18.126. /28. 145. fair. 131 legal. 45-7. 50. 53, 60. 63. 68. 70. Shue. Henry, 1111.98. 271
233.333 Reddy. Sanjay, 11./3 162, 169. 197. 11n. 72.95 Simmons, A. John. n. 219
puzzles of equivalence. 87-8 redistribution. 7. 12. 176 constitutional. 45. 47, 50,11. 72 Singapore. 14.11. 74
regime. 16. 18-19,24.33,82.84. manifesto. 67-9. 11.104 Singer. Peter, 11n. 19. /80.210.271
quality of life. 41. 44. 48. 11.55: 86. 101. 103. 106-7. 110-1 I. moral. 45,56.67-8.207. 11n. 72,84 Slagstad. Rune. 11.249
see also flourishing 117. 124. 134. 139. 141. natural. 54-6, 58. 1111.80, 86 slavery. 2,4,6,63,66, 138, 171-2,
Quinn. Warren. 71 147-9. 163-5. 175-6. ownership/property, 17. 21-2. 203-4.21 I. 1111.181.220,
quintiles. 2-3. 99-100. 207. 1111.4. 179-80.200.1111.40.51.169. 113. 117. 139, 142. 163-6. 248. 338
/39. /45 190,216 171. 186, 196, 200-2, 11.177 Siote. Michael. 11.34
inequality ratios. 100.1111. 57. 145. Reichel. Richard. 11.3/7 sovereignty. 213 social arrangements. 76, 78-9. 81-4.
/47. 234.236 religion. 32. 36.47. 50. 54-6. 120. to secession. 191 87-9
169, 181. 189, 192-4,213. utilitarianism of. 66, 171, n. 101 social institutions/rules. 14. 21.
race. 38. 44. 80. 82-4. 92-3, 122-3. 1111.68.82-3.168-9.238.270. Roosevelt. Franklin D., 9 24.31-43,45-50.54.66.
169. 188. 191.1111.68. //8. 310 Rorty. Richard, 7-8. 1111.10. 34 71-2.94.96. 104-5. 111-12.
/23. /81. 275. 295 freedom of. 47 Rosenblum. Nancy. 11.249 135-8. 170, 172-4, 186. 194.
Rachels. James. 1111.210. 271 resource privilege. international. Rotberg. Robert. 11.253 199-201. 210, 1111.20. 4/. 50.
racism. 119, 11.295 22-3.113-15.117.162-6. Russia. 1111.30, 323 64.67. 79,99.100-1.168,
rationalization. 4. 108. 110-12. 1111.179. 238. 258. 264. 266 Rwanda. 21, 98. 11.29 230.271-2.274
116-17 resources. natural. 3-5. 16. 22-4. domesticlnational, 46
Rawls. John. 13.21. 31. 37.41. 32. 113-15. 125, 137. 140-3. Sachs. Jeffrey D.. 11.262 international. 46. 11.197
44, 57. 102, 104-8. 127. 163-6. 180. 182-3. 196-7. sanitation. 97, 138. 184. 195. 197. supranational. 33, 213. 11.282
134-6.201. 1111.54-5.89.99. 199,201-7.209.211-12. 11.141 social order. 38. 66-7. 107. 122.
/58-61. /63-4. /66-8.20/. 1111. satisfaction. 35, 169,1111.47-8 124, 135-6. 138. 1111.40.
210-12.214-15.219.223. 264-5 Scanlon, Thomas M., 38. 11n. 34. 54. 99, 102. 185.235; see also seabed (ocean floor). 125. 128. 223 economic order; institutional
274.3/3.321 1111./90. /92. /96.200,299 Schefftel'. Samuel. 11n. //5. 204 order; regime
282 Index Index 283

social primary goods (Rawls). 37. Taiwan. 14 UK (United Kingdom). 164.1111.4. government of. 31. 1111. /5.23.27
11.54 tax codes see codes 30. /47. 194.283.323 USDA (US Department of
social starting positions. 3. 29. 201. taxes. 5. UN (United Nations). 9. 20. 153. Agriculture). 1111.15. 136
203 73-5.84.110-11. 116. 126. 156. 158. 172. 206. 1In.1. 16. USDS (US Department of State).
solidaristic communities. 47. 63. 95. 134-5. 143. 173. 180.200. 29 11.190
100.131. 145. 192. 194. 1111.107. 200. 260 Convention on the Law of the utilitarianism.30. 104.1111.39.83.10/
34. 308. 310 Taylor. CharIes. 11.34 Sea. 125.1111.189-90,202 ofrights.66. 171.11. 101
Somek. A lexander. 196 TeiteL Ruti. 11.253 FAO (UN Food and Agriculture
South Africa. 80. 86. 148. 191. theories of justice. 42-4. 104-5. Organization of the UN). vaccinations. 9. 98
112. 147 1111.54. 10. /1/1.15-/6. 134. 136 value. 55. 72. 181. 192.1111.85.116
South Korea. 14. 149 232.235,272.313; see also ILO (International Labour economic. 128. 137. 165. 183.
Southeast Asia. 46. 11.175 justice Organization). 11./35 196-7.205.211. Im. 30. 200.
sovereign states. 80-1. 86. 180. 19L Third World. 18.22-3.86.90. UNCTAD (UN Conference on 263-4.266. 323
11.315 1111.198. 209. 243 Trade and Developmentl. 17. moral. 56. 82. 89
sovereignty. 168. 177-80. 194-5. Thompson. Dennis. /1/1.249. 253 11.25 of life. 28. 30.48--9. 11.39;
213. 11n.281. 285 Thucydides. 11.177 UNDP (United Nations see also f10urishing
absolute. 177-9. 11.281 TI (Transparency International). Development Programme). values. 34-6. 71. 79.213.1111. 50.
state. 177. 182 113-14. /1/ /1/,143-5. 313
vertical dispersal of, 178-82. 185. Tobin Tax. 12.23. I11 147. enlightenment. 3-5. 34
187. 191. 194 Tong. Ling. I. 71. 91. 118. 168 336-7 moral. 2-4. 72. 90
Soviet Union. 192. n. 149 torture. 60. 63. 142. 173-4. 182 UNICEF (United Nations Western. 34. 11.5
Stalin. 24. 98 trade.9. 15. 17. 19-20.32-3. 117. Children's Fund). 144. veil of ignorance (Rawls). 13. 174
standard of living. I. 6. 38-9. 64. 139. 141. 185. 195. 199-200. 1111.136.210 Venezuela. 114.1111.175.178
91.98. 136. 138.204.210. 208.211. 213. /1/1.23. 30. 258. WHO (World Health Vietnam War Memorial. 98. 11.137
214,n.56 264.283.323 Organization).n. 136 violence. 47. 61. 96, 114. 147. 149.
starvation. 13. 18. 68. 98. 102. 110. in arms. 200. 11.323 undernourishment see malnutrition 151. 153
117, 204. tragedy of the commons, 185.212 Unger. Peter. 196,11n.19.210.271 domestic. 2. 42. 11.224
211-12.214. 11n.210,271; TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Unger. Roberto. 11.251 police. 40
see also hunger Intellectual Property Rights). universalism. moral. 91-5. 101-9.
state of nature. 16, 137-9. 171. 178. 117.11.23 117.11. 150; see also Waldron. Jeremy. n. 219
202. n. 230 Tuck. Richard. 1111. 80-1 contextualism Wallerstein. ImmanueL 11.251
statusquo. 16.41. 50.114.117-18. Tugendhat. Ernst. 11.34 contextualist. 102-5. 108 Walzer. Michael. 175-6. 180-1.
181-2. 195. 199.204.210 Tulodziecki. Dana. 91 monistic. 104. n. 156 194. 11n.169. 277. 286.
Stepan, Alfred. n. 250 universality. 37.48. 169.11. 52 314-/5
Streeten. Paul. 196 UDHR (Universal Declaration of Uruguay Round sce WTO Wantchekon. Leonard. 163.11.262
SubbraziL 100- I Human Rights). I. 45, 53. US (United States). war. 52. 57. 61. 88-9. 98. 128. 140.
subsistence. 2. 49, 80; see also 57-8.60.63- 106. 116. 145.159. 168. 173-4. 177,
clothing; food and drink; 124. 126. 177.1111.1. 187 123. 125-6. 153-4. 164. 175. 182-3.200.1111. 23. 83. 98.
nutrition; shelter Article 3. 69 180. 188. 203. 205. 208. 211. 100. 137. 177.271.314-/5:
Sub-SubbraziL 101. n. 149 Article 5. 45. 63. 69 1111.
2. 4- sce also Cold War
success. 29-30. 32; see also Article 17. 57 108.126. /36-7. 147. 167. civiL22. 113-15. 159. 163.200.
f10urishing Article 19. 60 188. I1n.30. 177. 262. 323
suicide. 38. 175 Article 25. I. 67-9. 91 260,275.30/.3/0.323.333 Warner. Andrew. 11.262
sum-ranking. 39. 170. n. 57; see also Article 28. I. 64. 124. n. 197 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. water. 9. 97-8. 137-8. 143. 197.
aggregation functions Articles 22-7. 64 11.243 1111.141.264
284 Index

wealth, 7, 23, 86, 98-9, 119. 139. 139-45, 166. 168. 176, 186.
163,168. 175,202-3, 11n.54, 195-201. 204-8. 210-15.
141,168-9.262 11n. 5, 15. 100, 122. 127. 130.
wealthy countries see high-income 198.210,246
economies/countries avoidability of. 12.96.99-101,
weapons. 22. 24. 142. 161. 182. 186, 108-1 I, 117. 136. 139. 198.
200,212, 11n.30.112.178, 201. 208,11. 145
266. 323; see also military death toll from. 2. 10. 16, 98-9.
Wellman. Carl. n. 97 133. 145. 176.11. 136
Wellman, Christopher. n. 305 eradication of, 2-4, 7-9. 10, 12.
Wesche, Steffen. 196 23-4.92,99. 111. 113-14.
Weschler. Lawrence. 11.253 116-17.128-9. 139. 196.
West. 3, 5-6, 9, 12,21. 24-5.34. 199,204,206-8.210-12,
46.69.89,92.98. 124. 168. 1111.198, 246
198-9. 210-12. 1111.5. 206 extent of. 2-3. 7. 10,97-100.205.
whites see ra ce 1111.2. 144, 333
Williams. Andrew. 91 persistence of. 2-6. 13, 22, 25, 92.
Williams, Bernard, n. 34 110-12, 115-16, 140, 199.
Wolf. Martin. 11.26 208
Wolf, Susan, 196 relief organizations, 8. 144
Woll heim, Richard, 11.34 research, 14,99.200, 11n. 13. 125
women, 4,7, 19.32,42,44,66, targets (2015), 10,1111.13.15-16.
87-8, 121,1111.69,141, 221. 18
224,237-8,248,295; see also trends. 9-10,96,99, n. 18
gender; sex world views. 25,48, 141, 144, 200
World Bank, 2, 10, 17,20-1,31, 97. n. 169
11I, 117, 172, 205, 1111.18,27. ethical. 48
122. 125, 128, 135, 138, 140, wrongs,4, 11-12,25. 55, 59, 65,
142.144-5,148,233,333 76-8,80.82-7,89, 119, 126,
international poverty line, 2, 7, 129-33,176.186,203,1111. 82,
21, 97. 111,205.1111.2, 13, 113.168.207-8.224,248,
18,122,125,140,142,333 253,296
world economy see economic order. WTO (World Trade Organization),
global 15-19.24,117.141,172,
World Food Summit, 10, n. 15 187
world government. 208, 11.269 Uruguay Round, 17, 116
world poverty, 2-26, 92, 96-101,
108-17. 128, 133, 136, Zaire see Congo

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