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4 Constrained Maxima and Minima

Question 1: How do you find the relative extrema of a surface when the values of the
variables are constrained?

Question 2: How do you model an optimization problem with several variables subject
to a constraint?

In an earlier chapter, you learned how to optimize functions developed from

applications. These problems were solved by forming a table. The table helped you to
write the function to be maximized or minimized. The function could be optimized using
the first and second derivatives.

Many of these objective functions may be written as multivariable functions with the
variables constrained. In this section, you’ll learn how to apply Lagrange multipliers to
solve these types of optimization problems.

Question 1: How do you find the relative extrema of a surface when the values of the
variables are constrained?

In Section 12.3, you learned how to find the relative maximum or relative minimum on a
surface. Now we will find relative maximum and minimum along a specific portion of the
surface defined by a constraint.

Suppose we want to find the relative maximum of the surface f  x, y   2 x 2  3x 2  15

subject to x  y  4 . This means we want to find points on the surface that are higher
than the other nearby points where the plane x  y  4 intersects the surface.

x y 4

z  2 x 2  3x 2  15

Figure 1 - The plane intersects the surface along the path traced
by the black curve.

The relative maximum is found by defining a new function called F in terms of the
surface and the constraint. If there are any relative extrema along the path, they will
occur at critical points of this new function.

Lagrange Multiplier Method

Suppose a surface is given by z  f  x, y  and that the

surface is subject to a constraint g  x, y   0 . The relative

extrema of the surface on the portion corresponding to the

constraint is found by following the steps below.

1. Define the function F  x, y,    f  x, y    g  x, y  .

2. Set all first partial derivatives of F  x, y,   equal to zero,

Fx  x, y,    0, Fy  x, y,    0, F  x, y,    0

3. Find the critical points of F  x, y,   by solving the resulting

system of equations.

Any relative extrema along the portion of the surface defined

by the constraint is at these critical points. The variable  is
called a Lagrange multiplier.

We have a surface f, but not a constraint matching g. To get g, we need to write the
constraint so that zero appears on one side. Subtract 4 from both sides of the constraint
to give

  x  y  4  0   
 
g  x, y

The other side of the constraint is g. Once the constraint is in the proper format, we
apply the steps above to find the relative maximum.

Example 1 Maximize the Constrained Function

Maximize f  x, y   2 x 2  3 y 2  15 subject to the constraint g  x, y   0

where g  x, y   x  y  4 .

Solution Define the function F using the Lagrange multiplier,

F  x, y,    2 x 2  3 y 2  15    x  y  4 
 
f  x, y  g  x, y

 2 x 2  3 y 2  15   x   y  4

The partial derivatives are

Fx  x, y,    4 x  

Fy  x, y,    6 y  

F  x, y,    x  y  4

The critical points are found by solving the system of equations,

4 x    0
6 y    0
x y40

The first and second equation are easy to solve for  . Solve each for 
and them set them equal to eliminate  ,

4x  6 y

x  64 y Solve for x by dividing both sides by 4

After solving for one of the variables (in this case x), substitute the
resulting equation into the third equation,

4 y y40 Replace x with 6
4 y
Combine like terms
4 y40
4 y4 Add 4 to both sides

y  16
10  1.6 Multiply both sides by 4
10 and simplify.

Since x  64 y , the corresponding x value is

  x  64 1.6   2.4   

The critical point is  2.4,1.6  , but we don’t know whether this point is a

relative maximum or relative minimum. We can decide this by

examining a table of values for the function.

x 1 2 2.4 3 4
y 3 2 1.6 1 0
f  x, y   2 x 2  3 y 2  15 -14 -5 -4.2 -6 -17

In each column, the x and y values satisfy the constraint x  y  4  0 .

The function is largest at the critical point so it must correspond to a
relative maximum. If a graph is available, we can also use it to identify
that the critical point is a maximum.

(2.4, 1.6)

In practice, the most difficult part of the Lagrange Multiplier Method is solving the
system of equations. A good strategy is to solve Fx  x, y,    0 and Fy  x, y,    0 for  .

Setting these equations equal to each other eliminates  from the system. Then we can
use the resulting relationship in F  x, y,    0 to find the critical point.

Example 2 Minimize the Constrained Function

Minimize f  x, y   x 2  y 2 subject to x  2 y  1 .

Solution The constraint must be written in the form g  x, y   0 . If we

move all of the terms to the left hand side, we have

x  2 y 1  0
 
g  x, y

We’ll find the critical points of

  F  x, y,    x 2  y 2    x  2 y  1   
 
f  x, y  g  x, y 

using the partial derivatives

Fx  x, y,    2 x  

Fy  x, y,    2 y  2

F  x, y,    x  2 y  1

Set each partial derivative equal to zero and solve the resulting system
for x and y.

2 x    0    2 x
Solve each equation for  and
 y  2x
2 y  2  0     y then set equal to each other

x  2  2x 1  0 Substitute y  2 x into the third
equation in the system and solve for x
x  4x 1  0
3 x 1  0

3 x  1

x  13

Using y  2 x , the corresponding y value is y  2  13  or 2

3 . The critical

point is  13 , 32  . To determine whether this is a maximum or a minimum,

let’s look at a table of values near the critical point.

x  2 y 1 -3 -1 1
3 1 3

y -1 0 3 1 2

f  x, y   x 2  y 2 8 1  13 0 5

The x and y values in the table must be picked in the table so that they
satisfy the constraint. In this case, values of y are picked near 3 and

then the constraint is used to find the corresponding y value. The lowest
value of the function occurs at the critical point so  13 is the minimum

value of the function. It occurs at  13 , 32  .

Portion of surface
corresponding to constraint

f  x, y   x 2  y 2

 1
, 2

Question 2: How do you model an optimization problem with several variables subject
to a constraint?

In Chapter 12 we developed objective functions for optimization problems. In those

problems, we utilized constraints in the problems to help us identify the function to be
optimized. In this question, we model the optimization problems with several variables
and a constraint. This allows us to apply the Lagrange Multiplier Method to find the
maximum or minimum of the objective function.

Example 3 Minimize Cost of Materials

A farmer is fencing a rectangular area for two equally sized pens. These
pens share a divider that will be constructed from chicken wire costing
$0.60 per foot. The rest of the pen will be built from fencing costing
$1.10 per foot.

All other sides cost $1.10

per foot

Divider cost $0.60 per foot

If the pens should enclose a total of 400 square feet, what overall
dimensions should the pens have to minimize fencing costs?

Solution Identify the variables in the problem. Since the problem asks
us to find the overall dimensions of the pens, define the width of the
enclosure as w and the length as l. These are label on the diagram.


All other sides cost $1.10

l per foot

Divider cost $0.60 per foot

Since we know the cost per foot for each side, we will use that
information to write down the cost in terms of l and w,

C  l , w   2 1.10l  2 1.10 w  
   
cost of left cost of top cost of
and right sides and bottom sides divider

This simplifies to

C  l , w   2.80l  2.20 w

The pens must enclose 400 square feet. In terms of the variables, the
area is lw so we have the constraint

lw  400

In the proper format for the Lagrange Multiplier Method, this becomes

lw  400  0

The Lagrange function is

F  l , w,    2.80l  2.2 w    lw  400 

The partial derivatives of this function are

Fl  l , w,    2.8   w

Fw  l , w,    2.2   l

F  l , w,    lw  400

We’ll find the critical points by solving the system of equations,

2.8   w  0

2.2   l  0

lw  400  0

The first two equations are solved for  to yield

2.8   w  0    
2.2   l  0    

Set the equations equal to each other to eliminate  ,

2.8 2.2
 
w l

You can solve for either variables, but in this case we’ll solve for l to

2.2 w

Substitute this expression into the third equation and solve for w:

 2.2w 
 w  400  0
2.2 w
 Replace l with 2.8
 2.8 
2.2 w2
 400
Isolate w
 2.8 
w2  400  
 2.2 

 2.8 
w   400    Square root both sides of the equation
 2.2 
w  22.56

Only the positive value makes sense as a dimension of the enclosure.

The corresponding length is found from the constraint lw  400 . Solving
for l and sustituting the width gives

lw  400  l 
l  17.73

A table of values formed from the constraint and objective function

verifies that the critical point is a minimum.

l  400
w 40 20 17.73 10
w 10 20 22.56 40
C  l , w   2.80l  2.20 w 134 100 99.28 116

The enclosure that costs the least is approximately 22.56 feet long and
17.73 feet wide and costs $99.28.

Example 4 Maximize Volume

Most airlines charge to check baggage on flights. To avoid these

charges, passengers pack as much as possible into their carry-on bags.
However, airlines also limit the size of these bags. American Airlines

limits the linear dimensions (defined as the sum of the length, width and
height) to 45 inches.

A manufacturer wishes to produce a carry-on bag whose linear

dimensions are 45 inches. The shape of the bag is a rectangular solid,
like the one pictured, below whose ends are squares.

What are the dimensions of the bag if its volume is to be as large as


Solution As in Example 3, start by labeling the dimensions of the bag.

Since the ends are square, the width and height must be the same.
We’ll use the letter w for both of these dimensions and l for the length of
the bag.


In terms of these variables, the volume to be maximized is

V  l , w   l w2

However, we must make sure the the sum of the length, width and
height is 45. This gives the constraint

l  2 w  45

Subtract 45 from each side to put the constraint in the proper format,

l  2 w  45  0

We want to maximize V  l , w   l w2 subject to the constraint

l  2 w  45  0 . The strategy in the Lagrange Multiplier Method indicates

that maximum of the objective function is at the critical point of

F  l , w,    lw2    l  2 w  45 

The partial derivatives are

Fl  l , w,    w2  

Fw  l , w,    2lw  2

F  l , w,    l  2 w  45

The critical points are the solution to the system of equations,

w2    0

2lw  2  0
l  2 w  45  0

Solve each of the first two equations for  :

w2    0     w2
2lw  2  0    lw

Set these equation equal to each other to find a relationship for the

 w2  lw

 w2  lw  0 Add lw to both sides

w  w  l   0 Factor –w from each term

w  0 or w  l Set each factor to zero and solve for w

A width of zero is certainly not going to maximize the volume. We’ll

ignore the critical point corresponding to w  0 . Now let w  l in the
third equation to find the other critical point,

l  2l  45  0
3l  45  0
3l  45

l  15

Since the constraint indicates that l  2 w  45 , the corresponding with

must be

15  2 w  45

2 w  30

w  15

Let’s look at a table to see if this critical point is a maximum.

l  45  2 w 35 25 15 5

w 5 10 15 20

V  l , w   lw2 875 2500 3375 2000

The largest volume is 3375 cubic inches and occurs when the lenghth,
width and height are all 15 inches.

Example 5 Maximize Production

Production in the United States from 1899 through 1922 is described by

the Cobb-Douglas production formula,

Q  C , L   1.01C 0.25 L0.75

where C is the number of units of capital and L is the number of unit of

labor. Maximize production if the total amount of capital and labor is 100

Solution In this problem, we want to maximize Q  C , L   1.01C 0.25 L0.75

subject to C  L  100 . Before we can apply the Lagrange Multiplier

Method, we need to rewrite the constraint as

C  L  100  0

We use this constraint to define the function

F  C , L,    1.01C 0.25 L0.75    C  L  100 

The partial derivatives are

FC  C , L,    1.01 0.25C 0.75 L0.75  

FL  C , L,    1.01 0.75C 0.25 L0.25  

F  C , L,    L  C  100

The solution to the system

1.01  0.25C 0.75 L0.75    0

1.01  0.75C 0.25 L0.25    0

L  C  100  0

gives the critical points of F. Solve the first two equation for  to yield

1.01  0.25C 0.75 L0.75    0    1.01  0.25C 0.75 L0.75

1.01  0.75C 0.25 L0.25    0    1.01  0.75C 0.25 L0.25

Eliminate  by setting the two equations equal to each other,

1.01  0.25C 0.75 L0.75  1.01  0.75C 0.25 L0.25

A few steps of algebra allows us to write L in terms of C:

C 0.75 L0.75  3C 0.25 L0.25 Divide each side by 1.01  0.25

L0.75  3CL0.25 Multiply each side by C

by adding exponents

L  3C
Multiply each side by L by adding exponents

Use this expression in the third equation to eliminate L:

3C  C  100  0 Replace L with 3C

4C  100  0 Simplify and solve for C

4C  100

C  25

Since C  L  100 , the corresponding value of L is 75.

C 75 50 25 0

L 25 50 75 100

Q  C , L   1.01C 0.25 L0.75 33.23 50.5 57.56 0

Based on the table, the critical point at C  25 and L  75 leads to the

highest amount of production at approximately 57.56 units.


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