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The 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Relationship with God

Romans 5:5 The love of God (agape) poured out in our hearts
Agape - Divine love (comes out when we live with the Holy Spirit)
Phileo - brotherly love
Sorge - marriage type
Eros - earthly (sexual) type
Galatians 5:13
I John 4:9-11 We love God and others; We walk in love
Joy - inner quality due to our fellowship with God
Happiness - based on circumstances
Joy - based on fellowship with God
Security and Calmness
Peace with God - Romans 5:1, Salvation
Peace of God - Phil. 4:6-7, God's peace which comes out in our lives
Lord, I trust You...

Relationship with Others

Longsuffering - Being patient with God and people
Because we trust God, we don't treat people badly


Helping others - acts of kindness

Galatians 6:10 Doing good to others; doing what's right
Generosity - giving, doing good
We live for God and others; touching other people's lives

Relationship with Self

Do what you say
Use the gifts, talents, abilities, time and resources that God has given us
for His glory

Meekness - power under control
Humility - not about thinking less of yourself (We are God's creation)
but thinking of yourself less
My life is not to look at me but to look at others
Philippians 2:5 Have the mind of Christ

Opposite of the flesh
Not what I want to do but what God wants me to do
1 Corinthians 9:25 Run in the race, exercise self-control

You're not spiritual by rules. You're spiritual when you are controlled
by the Holy Spirit.

How are we living? What is coming out in our lives? Deed of the flesh
or fruit of the Spirit.
In the flesh - idolatry, immorality, jealousy, anger

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