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Calculation of the CIPW Norm Table B.1. Data for normative minerals

In this normative calculation, devised by W. Cross, CHEMICAL FORMULA

J. P. Iddings, L. V. Pirsson, and H. S. Washington,
constituents from the chemical analysis of a rock are Quartz Q SiO2 60.08
allocated in a prescribed sequence to hypothetical nor- Corundum C Al2O3 102.0
mative minerals. These have simple end-member com- Orthoclase Or K2O · Al2O3 · 6SiO2 556.6
positions and all are volatile-free. Albite Ab Na2O · Al2O3 · 6SiO2 524.4
Anorthite An Ca2O · Al2O3 · 2SiO2 278.2
The normative minerals and their abbreviations,
Leucite Lc K2O · Al2O3 · 4SiO2 436.5
chemical formulas, and formula weights are shown in
Nepheline Ne Na2O · Al2O3 · 2SiO2 284.1
Table B.1. Examples of the calculation are shown in Kaliophilite Kp K2O · Al2O3 · 2SiO2 316.3
Tables B.2 and B.3. During the calculation, numbers Acmite Ac Na2O · Fe2O3 · 4SiO2 462.0
should be rounded to four significant digits. Sodium Ns Na2O · SiO2 122.1
The oxidation state of Fe in the chemically analyzed metasilicate
rock can profoundly affect the degree of silica satura- Potassium Ks K2O · SiO2 154.3
tion in the norm. Because this degree of silica satura- metasilicate
tion is one of the primary reasons for making the Wollastonite Wo CaO · SiO2 116.2
calculation, the oxidation state must be standardized in Diopside Di CaO · FeO · 2SiO2 248.1
some way. This is particularly important for hot extru- CaO · MgO · 2SiO2 216.5
Hypersthene Hy FeO · SiO2 131.9
sive rocks that oxidized in the oxygen-rich atmosphere
MgO · SiO2 100.4
or hydrosphere. Cox et al. (1979) suggest using a stan-
Olivine Ol 2FeO · SiO2 203.8
dard molecular ratio of Fe2O3/FeO ! 0.15, which is
2MgO · SiO2 140.7
equivalent to an atomic ratio of Fe3"/Fe2" ! 0.30. The Dicalcium Cs 2CaO · SiO2 172.2
Fe3"/Fe2" ratio of the low-K basaltic andesite in Table silicate
13.6, whose norm is calculated in Table B.2, is stan- Magnetite Mt FeO · Fe2O3 231.5
dardized as follows: Ilmenite Il FeO · TiO2 151.7
Hematite Hm Fe2O3 159.7
Titanite Tn CaO · TiO2 · SiO2 196.0
Rutile Ru TiO2 79.87
Fe2O3 3.47 159.69 0.0217 0.0434 Apatite Ap 3.3 CaO · P2O5 327.0
FeO 7.83 71.846 0.1090 0.1090

* Sum of atomic weights.

** Wt.% oxide divided by formula wt. of oxide. normative fluorite after step 5, Cl is allocated to nor-
mative halite after step 2, ZrO to normative zircon, and
Simultaneous solution of the two equations in atomic Cr (and FeO) to normative chromite before making
amounts normative ilmenite and magnetite.
1. Calculate the formula (molecular) proportions
Fe3"/Fe2" ! 0.30
of the oxides in the chemical analysis by dividing
Fe3" " Fe2" ! 0.1524 their weight percentage (wt.%) by their corre-
sponding formula weight, as was done for Fe2O3
gives Fe2" ! 0.1172 and Fe3" ! 0.0352. As a check, and FeO.
Fe3"/Fe2" ! 0.3003.
2. Add the proportion of MnO to that of FeO.
The standardized formula proportion of FeO !
0.1172 and of Fe2O3 ! 0.0352/2 ! 0.0176. These two 3. Allocate an amount from the formula proportion of
proportions are used in the calculation in Table B.2. CaO equal to 3.3 times that of the formula propor-
The following calculation procedure ignores several tion of P2O5 to make normative apatite (Ap).
constituents seldom found in analyses of common 4. Allocate an amount of FeO equal to that of the pro-
rocks. If the analysis includes NiO, add its formula portion of TiO2 to make normative ilmenite (Il ).
proportion to FeO, add SrO and BaO to CaO, allocate 5. If there is an excess of TiO2 over available FeO,
F to Ap (3P2O5 " 0.33F), and if in excess, to make allocate an amount of CaO equal to the excess to
Table B.2. Calculation of the Normative Composition of the Low-K Basaltic Andesite in Table 13.6

SiO2 53.29 60.08 0.8870 0.0192 0.2136 0.2582 0.0912 0.1625 0.1423
TiO2 0.91 79.87 0.0114 0.0114
Al2O3 17.13 102.0 0.1679 0.0032 0.0356 0.1291
Fe2O3 3.47 159.7 0.0176* 0.0176
FeO 7.83 71.85 0.1172* 0.0114 0.0176 0.0910 0.0199 0.0711
MnO 0.20 70.94 0.0028
MgO 4.72 40.30 0.1171 0.1171 0.0257 0.0914
CaO 9.87 56.08 0.1760 0.0013 0.1291 0.0456 0.0456
Na2O 2.21 62.00 0.0356 0.0356
K2O 0.30 94.20 0.0032 0.0032
P2O5 0.06 141.9 0.0004 0.0004
Wt.% normative mineral 0.13 1.73 1.78 18.67 35.92 4.07 10.50 18.56 8.55

* Proportions adjusted so that the molecular Fe2O3/FeO ratio " 0.15. FeO/MgO " 0.7771 in Rem.
Table B.3. Calculation of the Normative Composition of the Orangeite in Table 13.11
OXIDE WEIGHT PROPORTION Ap Il Or! Ks Ac Mt Rem Di ! Hy ! Ol! Lc Or

SiO2 35.09 60.08 0.5841 0.1500 0.0059 0.0116 0.0928 0.7269 0.3631 0.0784 0.0324
TiO2 1.06 79.87 0.0133 0.0133
Al2O3 2.55 102.0 0.0250 0.0250 0.0196 0.0054
Fe2O3 7.78t 159.7 0.0113* 0.0029 0.0113
FeO 71.85 0.0749* 0.0133 0.0113 0.0524 0.0032 0.0492 0.0493
MnO 0.15 70.94 0.0021
MgO 29.02 40.3 0.7201 0.7201 0.0432 0.6769 0.6768
CaO 3.49 56.08 0.0622 0.0158 0.0464 0.0464
Na2O 0.18 62.00 0.0029 0.0029
K2O 2.91 94.20 0.0309 0.0250 0.0059 0.0196 0.0054
P2O5 0.68 141.9 0.0048 0.0048
Wt.% normative mineral (Step. 30.) 1.57 2.02 0 0.91 1.34 2.62 10.14 0 52.63 8.56 3.01
Step 22. D " 0.4023
23. D # Hy!/2 " 0.7261/2 " 0.3631; Ol! " 0.3631; Hy " 0; D1 " 0.4023 $ 0.3631 " 0.0392
24. D2 " D1 " 0.0392
25. D2 # 4Ab! " 0; Ne " Ab! " 0; D3 " D2 $ 4Ab! " 0.0392
26. D3 % 2Or! " 0.0500; Lc " D3/2 " 0.0392/2 " 0.0196; Or! $ D3/2 " 0.0250 $ 0.0196 " 0.0054

* Proportions adjusted so that the molecular Fe2O3/FeO ratio " 0.15. FeO/MgO " 0.0728 in Rem.
664 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

make provisional titanite (Tn!), but only after the All of the oxides except SiO2 have now been
allocation of CaO to make normative anorthite allocated to actual or provisional normative minerals.
(step 12). In the next steps, SiO2 is distributed to silicate norma-
6. If there is still an excess of TiO2 over available tive minerals. If there is an excess in this distribution,
CaO, this latter excess is used to make normative the rock is silica-oversaturated. If there is a deficiency
rutile (Ru). of SiO2, the rock is silica-undersaturated, and adjust-
ments must be made in the amounts of one or more
7. Allocate an amount of Al2O3 equal to the propor-
provisional normative minerals so that there is suffi-
tion of K2O to make provisional normative ortho- cient SiO2 to go around.
clase (Or!).
20. Allocate the necessary amounts of SiO2 to the sili-
8. If there is an excess of the proportion of K2O over
cate minerals. For example, allocate six times the
that of Al2O3, this excess is made into normative
amount of K2O for Or! , an equal amount to that of
potassium metasilicate (Ks). The rock is peralka-
CaO " FeO " MgO for Di!, and so forth. Let this
line. necessary amount of SiO2 be Y.
9. From any excess of Al2O3 in step 5, an equal 21. If Y is less than the available formula proportion of
amount is allocated to the proportion of Na2O to SiO2 calculated in step 1, the excess is made into
make provisional normative albite (Ab! ). normative quartz (Q). Go to step 30.
10. If there is an excess of Na2O, it is allocated, to- 22. If Y is greater than the available SiO2, the defi-
gether with an equal amount of Fe2O3, to make ciency must be compensated for by reducing the
normative acmite (Ac). The rock is peralkaline. amounts of silica-saturated provisional normative
11. If there is still an excess of Na2O from step 10, it is minerals (feldspars, pyroxenes) and creating new
made into normative sodium metasilicate (Ns). The silica-unsaturated normative minerals (feldspa-
rock is peralkaline. thoids, olivine). Set the deficiency, D, equal to Y
12. If there is an excess of Al2O3 over that used to minus available SiO2.
make provisional normative Or! and Ab! in steps 7 23. If D # Hy!/2 make normative olivine Ol $ D and
and 9, this excess is allocated to an equal amount of make normative hypersthene Hy $ Hy! % 2D. The
CaO to make normative anorthite (An). relative amounts of FeO and MgO in Ol and Hy
13. If there is an excess of Al2O3 over that required for should be in the same ratio in which they occur in
An in step 12, it is made into normative corundum the Rem column. The deficiency in SiO2 should
(C). The rock is peraluminous. now be zero. If D & Hy!/2, make provisional nor-
14. To the proportion of Fe2O3 (or the excess of Fe2O3 mative olivine Ol! $ Hy!/2 and Hy $ 0. Let D1 $
over that used in making Ac in step 10) an equal D % Hy!/2.
amount of FeO is allocated for normative mag- 24. If no Tn! was made in step 5, let D2 $ D1 and go to
netite (Mt). step 25. If Tn! was made in step 5 and D1 # Tn!/2,
make normative titanite, Tn $ Tn! % D1, and make
15. If there is an excess of Fe2O3 over that required for
normative perovskite, Pf $ D1. The deficiency
Mt in step 14 it is made into normative hematite
in SiO2 should now be zero. If D1 & Tn!/2, make
normative perovskite, Pf $ Tn! and Tn $ 0. Let
16. All of the FeO and CaO remaining from the previ- D2 $ D1.
ous allocations, together with the proportion of
25. If D2 # 4Ab!, let normative nepheline Ne $ D2/4
MgO, are entered into a remainder column (Rem).
and normative albite Ab $ Ab!% D2/4. The defi-
Calculate the FeO/MgO ratio.
ciency in SiO2 should now be zero. If D2 & 4Ab! ,
17. Allocate to the remaining CaO an equal amount of let Ne $ Ab! and Ab $ 0. Let D3 $ D2 % 4Ab! .
(FeO " MgO) to make provisional normative diop- 26. If D3 # 2Or!, let normative leucite, Lc $ D3/2,
side (Di!); the relative amounts of FeO and MgO al- and normative orthoclase, Or $ Or! % D3/2.
located must be in the ratio in which they occur in The deficiency in SiO2 should now be zero. If
the Rem column. D3 & 2Or!, let Lc $ Or! and Or $ 0. Let D4 $
18. If there is an excess of CaO required to make Di! in D3 % 2Or!.
step 17, this excess is made into provisional norma- 27. If no Wo! was made in step 18, let D5 $ D4 and go
tive wollastonite (Wo!). to step 28. If Wo! was made in step 18 and D4 #
19. If there is an excess of (FeO " MgO) required to Wo!/2, let normative dicalcium silicate Cs $ D4
make Di! in step 17, this excess is made into provi- and normative wollastonite Wo $ Wo! % 2D4.
sional normative hypersthene (Hy! ). The relative The deficiency in SiO2 should now be zero.
amounts of FeO and MgO so allocated should be If D4 & Wo!/2, let Cs! $ Wo!/2 and Wo $ 0. Let
in the same ratio as in the Rem column. D5 $ D4 % Wo!/2.
Appendix B 665

28. If D5 ! Di", add an amount equal to D5/2 to 30. All of the normative amounts are converted into the
the amounts of Cs" and Ol" already determined weight percentage (wt.%) by multiplying them by
in steps 27 and 23, respectively. Let Di # Di" $ D5. the formula weights of the normative minerals in
The deficiency in SiO2 should now be zero. If Table B.1. For example, the weight percentage of
D5 % Di", add an amount equal to Di"/2 to the Or in the low-K basaltic andesite in Table B.2 is
amounts of Cs and Ol already determined in steps 0.0032 & 556.6 # 1.78; the weight percentage of Di
27 and 23, respectively. Let Di # 0 and D6 # is (0.0257 & 216.5) ' (0.0199 & 248.1) # 5.56 '
D5 $ Di". 4.94 # 10.50. The final weight percentages of nor-
29. Let normative kaliophilite Kp # D6/2 and Lc # mative minerals are rounded to three significant dig-
Lc" $ D6/2. The deficiency in SiO2 should now be its. Rounding in the calculations may cause the nor-
zero. mative total to differ somewhat from the oxide total.

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