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Chromatographia (2014) 77:365–371

DOI 10.1007/s10337-013-2606-4


Stability‑Indicating UPLC Method for the Determination

of Bisoprolol Fumarate and Hydrochlorothiazide:
Application to Dosage Forms and Biological Sample
Sevinc Kurbanoglu · Paula Rodriguez San Miguel ·
Bengi Uslu · Sibel A. Ozkan 

Received: 9 July 2013 / Revised: 11 November 2013 / Accepted: 12 November 2013 / Published online: 4 December 2013
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract  A sensitive, selective and accurate ultra perfor- Keywords  UPLC · Bisoprolol fumarate · UPLC
mance liquid chromatographic method has been developed Hydrochlorothiazide · Urine samples · Pharmaceuticals
and validated for the simultaneous determination of biso-
prolol fumarate and hydrochlorothiazide in their combined
dosage forms and as well as in spiked human urine sam- Introduction
ples. The separation was achieved on an Acquity UPLC
BEH C18 1.7 μm (2.1 × 50 mm) column, at 40 °C with During the past 30 years, high performance liquid chroma-
mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile:phosphate buffer tography (HPLC) has proven to be the predominant tech-
(20 mM) at pH 3.0 with a gradient elution at 225 nm. Biso- nology used in laboratories worldwide. The laboratories
prolol fumarate and hydrochlorothiazide were well sepa- associated with the use of HPLC could not keep pace with
rated in <1.5 min with good resolution and without any the growing demands for analyzing more samples, faster
tailing and interference of excipients. The method was fully and with more reliable results [1–3]. HPLC performance
validated according to ICH guidelines in terms of accuracy, was limiting their effectiveness. For chromatographic
precision, linearity and specificity. A linear response was investigation, researchers used smaller columns, higher
observed over the concentration range 0.5–150 μg mL−1 flow rates, higher working temperatures to increase the
for hydrochlorothiazide and 0.5–250 μg mL−1 for biso- diffusion, but then a pressure problem occurred and some
prolol fumarate. Limit of detection and limit of quantita- limitations were soon reached [3–5]. A completely new
tion for hydrochlorothiazide were calculated as 0.01 and system designed with advanced technology in the pump,
0.03  μg mL−1, respectively, and for bisoprolol fumarate detector, and auto sampler, etc., development called as
were 0.07 and 0.21 μg mL−1, respectively. Moreover, biso- ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC), which
prolol fumarate and hydrochlorothiazide were subjected to involves high performance liquid chromatography. Separa-
degradation conditions such as hydrolytic, oxidative and tion technique is widely used for the sensitive and selec-
thermal stress conditions to evaluate the ability of the pro- tive determination of pharmaceutical active compounds in
posed method for the separation of bisoprolol fumarate and biological samples and their dosage forms [5–8]. UPLC
hydrochlorothiazide from their degradation compounds. is a new category of analytical separation science that
retains the practicality and principles of HPLC while cre-
ating a step function improvement in chromatographic
performance [1–3]. Basically, UPLC improves in three
areas, chromatographic resolution, speed and sensitivity of
S. Kurbanoglu · B. Uslu (*) · S. A. Ozkan 
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, the analysis, using 2 μm or less size particles and mobile
Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey phases at high linear velocities and instrumentation that
e-mail: operates at higher pressure with minimal dispersion than
those used in HPLC. Using fine particles reduces solvent
P. Rodriguez San Miguel 
Faculty of Pharmacy, Madrid Complutense University, consumption and allows shortening the analysis time. The
Madrid, Spain combination of these improvements allows maximizing the

366 S. Kurbanoglu et al.

pharmacological studies require fast and sensitive analyti-

cal techniques to assay the drug in pharmaceutical dosage
forms. Reports indicate that low doses of BIS and HCT
demonstrate synergistic and antihypertensive effects and
provide optimal therapeutic benefits in rats [14–16]. The
antihypertensive effects of these agents are additive; hydro-
chlorothiazide significantly increases the antihypertensive
Fig. 1  Molecular structures of a bisoprolol fumarate, b hydrochloro- effect of bisoprolol fumarate. BIS and HCT have different
thiazide structural and spectral properties, also they have different
polarities and solubilities, spectrophotometric techniques
with limited sensitivities cannot simultaneously measure
benefits of this new material and results in narrower peaks the required limits of the quantitation anticipated for both
and more concentrated [9–11]. Arterial hypertension is HCT and BIS. In the literature, simultaneous determination
a chronic disease characterized by a sustained increase in BIS and HCT was achieved via HPLC methods [17–19].
blood pressure in the arteries. It is associated with morbid- To the best of our knowledge, there is no stability-indi-
ity and mortality rates considerably higher, so it is consid- cating UPLC method for the determination of BIS and HCT
ered one of the most important problems of public health, with its application to biological samples like human urine.
especially in developed countries, affecting nearly a billion The aim of the present work firstly is to develop rapid, sen-
people worldwide [12]. Chronic hypertension is the single sitive, selective, precise and accurate UPLC method for
most important modifiable risk for cardiovascular disease. the simultaneous determination of BIS and HCT in phar-
Combined cardiovascular therapy is necessary [13]. This maceutical dosage forms as well as in spiked human urine
therapy usually involves diuretics and beta blockers, such samples. Moreover, this research aimed to perform stabil-
as those to be treated below, reducing the incidence of ity tests for the developed UPLC method on BIS and HCT
hypertension adverse events [12–14]. according to the guidelines.
Bisoprolol fumarate (BIS), 1-{4-[(2-isopropoxyeth-
oxy)methyl phenoxy}-3-(isopropylamino) propan-2-ol
(Fig. 1a), is a drug belonging to the group of beta blockers, Experimental
a class of drugs used primarily in cardiovascular diseases.
It is a highly selective type β1 adrenergic receptor block- Chemicals and Reagents
ing agent used for the treatment of hypertension and angina
pectoris. Bisoprolol fumarate is a cardioselective adreno- HPLC-grade acetonitrile was obtained from Merck (Darm-
ceptor blocking agent without significant membrane stabi- stadt, Germany). HPLC-grade water Milli-Q® system
lizing or intrinsic sympathomimetic activities in its thera- (Millipore, Milford, MA, USA) was used to prepare all
peutic dose range. At higher doses, bisoprolol fumarate necessary solutions. Hydrogen peroxide and orthophos-
also inhibits beta 2-adreno-receptors located in bronchial phoric acid were purchased from Sigma Aldrich. Sodium
and vascular musculature. To retain relative selectivity, it is hydroxide and hydrochloric acid solutions were analyti-
important to use the lowest effective dose [12–14]. cal grade (Germany). The chromatographic separations
Hydrochlorothiazide (HCT), 6-chloro-1,1-dioxo-3,4-di- were performed using Acquity UPLC BEH C18 1.7 μm
hydro-2H-1,2,4benzothiadiazine-7-sulfonamide (Fig. 1b), (2.1 × 50 mm) (Waters, UK) column at 40 °C. It was used
is a diuretic drug of the thiazide class that acts by inhibiting for the method development and validation studies. Other
the kidneys’ ability to retain water. This reduces the vol- all chemicals and solvents were analytical reagent grade.
ume of the blood, decreasing blood return to the heart and
thus cardiac output and, by other mechanisms, is believed
to lower peripheral vascular resistance. Moreover, it is a Materials and Methods
calcium-sparing diuretic, and hence can help the body get
rid of excess water while still keeping calcium. It is one of The UPLC system consisted of Water Acquity sample man-
the oldest thiazide diuretics, often described in combina- ager system, 2996 photodiode array detector, thermostati-
tion with other drugs such as β-blockers, ACE inhibitors, or cally controlled column apartment and auto sampler was
angiotensin II receptor blockers [14–16]. used. The control of UPLC system and data processing
BIS and HCT have been recently suggested as a were performed using Empower (All Waters, Milford, MA,
combination therapy for the treatment of hyperten- USA). pH measurements were carried out using Thermo
sion and chronic heart failure. The widespread use of Scientific Benchtop pH meter (Orion 3 Star™ Plus,
these combined compounds and the need for clinical and USA). Ultrasonic heating bath with Ultrasons (J.P., S.A.

Stability-Indicating UPLC Method 367

Barcelona) was used for all sample preparation steps. For for approximately 10 min. The solutions were filtered and
spiked human urine solution preparation, a NF 200 Centri- the filtrate was collected into a clean flask. They were diluted
fuge (NUVE, Turkey) was used. with mobile phase to achieve final concentration levels of 10
and 25 μg mL−1 HCT BIS in the final solutions.
Chromatographic Conditions
Validation Studies
Gradient elution was used by changing the flow rate and
mobile phase composition at the same time. Initially The objective of validation of an analytical procedure is to
acetonitrile:phosphate buffer composition was set to 15:85 reveal that it is suitable for its intended purpose. The ana-
with a flow rate of 0.7 min mL−1. In 0.6 min analysis time lytical procedure refers to the way of performing the analy-
the composition of the mobile phase was changed to 20:80 sis including reference standard, generation of calibration
and within 1.4 min analysis time the flow rate reached curve, evaluating specificity, accuracy, precision of the pur-
0.9 min mL−1 with a mobile phase composition of 60:40. At posed method [20–22].
the end of two min, BIS and HCT were eluted from the col-
umn and chromatographic conditions returned to initial con- Specificity: Degradation Studies
ditions of 0.7 min mL−1 flow rate and 15:85 mobile phase.
For all the experiments Acquity UPLC BEH C18 1.7 μm ICH guidelines recommend performing degradation stud-
(2.1  × 50 mm) column was employed as stationary phase ies for establishing stability-indicating nature of the assay
at 40 °C column temperature. In UPLC system, weak and method [23]. Degradation studies consisted of heat in an
strong wash solutions were used to wash the system as 85:15 oven (at 75 °C), acidic, alkaline hydrolysis and oxidation
and 50:50 (v/v) water:acetonitrile, respectively. The total run of the compounds, to evaluate the ability of the proposed
time was 2 min and injection sample volume, 5 μL. method to separate bisoprolol fumarate and hydrochlorothi-
azide from its degradation products. Thermal degradation of
Preparation of Standard and Spike Human Urine Stock BIS and HCT was carried out in their solid state. BIS and
Solutions HCT were placed in a controlled-temperature oven at 75 °C
for 1 h. For acidic and oxidative degradation, BIS and HCT
Accurate 10 mg of BIS and HCT were dissolved in metha- were diluted with 0.1 N HCl and 30 % H2O2 to achieve
nol, and allowed to fully dissolve by 10-min ultrasonica- 100 μg mL−1 BIS and HCT. The solutions were underwent
tion in an ultrasonic bath. The required amount of BIS the described stress conditions for 1 h. Alkaline hydrolysis
and HCT were prepared by diluting the stock solutions of of BIS and HCT was conducted using 0.1 N NaOH for 3 h.
1,000 μg mL−1 BIS and HCT with mobile phase.
Stock samples for spiked human urine samples were Linearity, LOD and LOQ Values
prepared by mixing with 3.6 mL of human urine with
5.4 mL of acetonitrile and 1 mL of 1,000 μg mL−1 BIS and The linearity of the detector response with different con-
HCT from their stock solutions. Stock solutions of urine centrations of BIS and HCT was evaluated. Stock stand-
samples were kept in an ultrasonic bath for 10 min and sub- ard solutions were prepared by dissolving BIS and HCT in
sequently another 20 min in centrifugation program with methanol. Dilution of the standard stock solutions resulted
3,000 rpm. The supernatant was taken and diluted with the in standard mixture solutions containing different concen-
mobile phase to obtain other concentrations of BIS and trations. The solutions were injected in triplicate into the
HCT in urine. Blank solution was also prepared by mixing UPLC system and calibration graphs were obtained by
5.4 mL of acetonitrile, 3.6 mL of human urine and 1 mL of plotting area of the peak versus corresponding concentra-
mobile phase. All the other preparation steps were same as tion. Regression data analysis was performed using least
the spiked urine solutions. squares linear regression statistical analysis. The detection
limit of an individual analytical procedure is the lowest
Analysis of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms amount of the analyte in a sample which can be detected
but not necessarily quantified as an exact value. The quan-
Soprano Plus® Film Tablet (Sandoz) was analyzed using tification limit of an individual analytical procedure is the
the proposed UPLC method. 10 tablets were accurately lowest amount of analyte in a sample which can be quan-
weighed, crushed and finely powdered. An amount of pow- titatively determined with suitable precision and accuracy.
dered mass equivalent to 10 mg of BIS and 25 mg of HCT Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ)
was weighed and transferred into a 10-mL volumetric flask were calculated from the equations of LOD = 3.3 ×  s/m
and then completed to total volume with methanol. To ensure and LOQ = 10 × s/m [28], using the standard deviation of
complete dissolution of the drugs they were ultrasonicated response (s) and the slope of the calibration curve (m).

368 S. Kurbanoglu et al.

Precision: Reproducibility Studies Table 1  Results of hydrolytic, oxidizing and thermal hard stress con-
ditions of HCT and BIS
The precision of an analytical procedure expresses the The response Degraded Degraded
closeness of agreement between a series of measurements stress conditions HCT % BIS %
obtained from multiple sampling of the same homogene- HCl (0.1 N) 42 6.3
ous sample. It is usually expressed as the variance, standard NaOH (0.1 N) 18 19
deviation or coefficient of variation of a series of measure- H2O2 (30 %) 33 19
ments [28]. Precision data were determined by taking five
Heating 75 °C 5 11
measurements of peak areas at 10 μg mL−1 on the same
day and three consecutive days for both standards in mobile Each value is the mean of three experiments
phase and spiked human urine samples.

Accuracy: Recovery from Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms conditions of 0.7 min mL−1 flow rate and 15:85 mobile
and Spiked Human Urine Samples phase at 40 °C column temperature.

The accuracy of the method was evaluated by recovery System Suitability Test
studies. By adding 5 μg mL−1 standard solution of BIS
and HCT to pharmaceutical dosage forms containing System suitability tests are an integral part of a liquid chro-
10 μg mL−1 BIS and 25 μg mL−1 HCT, the recoveries were matographic method. It is mandatory to perform them dur-
calculated and confirmed by Bias % and RSD % values. ing validation of the method, in order to improve the method
For recovery of BIS and HCT form spiked human urine [24–27]. To make the method suitable, resolution (Rs > 2.0),
solutions, 5 μg mL−1 standard solutions of BIS and HCT tailing factor (T ≤ 2), selectivity factor (α > 1) are the main
were added to spiked human urine solutions containing system suitability parameters to take into account [24, 25].
10 μg mL−1 BIS and HCT. Recovery studies were achieved In this system, resolution between BIS and HCT was 6.8
with RSD % and Bias % values of the results. and selective factor was calculated as 4.2 between BIS and
HCT. Tailing factor was calculated as 1.3 for BIS and 1.5
for HCT which are acceptable system suitability results.
Results and Discussions
Validation of the Developed Method
Method Development of BIS and HCT in UPLC
Specificity: Degradation Studies
In order to develop a method within a short analysis time
and reliable peaks that covers system suitability parame- The specificity of the method for BIS and HCT was evalu-
ters, pH and the composition of the mobile phase, flow rate, ated with the degradation products, and stress degradation
temperature of the column, wavelength, etc., conditions studies of the substances can help to identify them. Degra-
should be optimized. Whole-spectrum analysis was per- dation experiments were designed using acidic hydrolysis,
formed for BIS and HCT. 225 nm was found as optimum alkaline hydrolysis, hydrogen peroxide and oven heating.
wavelength for the simultaneous assay of both compounds. Obtained results at different times of the unnatural degra-
Isocratic eluent were tried with different flow rate between dation are in Table 1. Figure 2 shows the chromatograms
0.3 and 1 min mL−1, hence in order to shorten the method, obtained by the response of the samples under these drastic
gradient eluent was chosen. After trying several mobile conditions. Peak purity test results derived for both BIS and
phases with different percentage of acetonitrile, methanol, HCT responses and it is found that responses were success-
different buffers, pH and strength values, the mobile phase fully resolved from degradation products with the proposed
consisting of acetonitrile and phosphate (20 mM H3PO4) method.
at pH 3.0 was found as optimum. The composition and the
flow rate of mobile phase were changed gradiently. Initially Linearity
acetonitrile:phosphate buffer composition was set to 15:85
with a flow rate of 0.7 min mL−1. In 0.6 min analysis time The calibration curve was linear in the range of 0.5–
the composition of the mobile phase was changed to 20:80 250 μg mL−1 for BIS and 0.5–150 μg mL−1 for HCT with
and within 1.4 min analysis time the flow rate reached to a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.99 for both compounds.
0.9 min mL−1 with a mobile phase composition of 60:40. The interval between the upper and lower concentration
At the end of 2 min, BIS and HCT were eluted from the of analyte in the sample demonstrate that the analytical
column and chromatographic conditions returned to initial procedure had a suitable level of precision, accuracy and

Stability-Indicating UPLC Method 369

a b


2 1 2 2
Detector Response

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

c 1 d 1


1 1

2 2

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Time (min)

Fig. 2  Degradation of BIS and HCT a in 30 % H2O2 for 1 h, b 0.1 N HCl for 3 h, c at 75 °C for 1 h, d in 0.1 N NaOH for 1 h (1 without degrada-
tion, 2 under degradation conditions)

Table 2  Statistical evaluation Compounds Standard solution Human urine

of the calibration data by UPLC

Retention time (min) 0.46 1.14 0.46 1.14

Linearity range (μg mL−1) 0.5–150 0.5–250 0.5–10 0.5–30
Slope (mAU μg−1 mL−1) 44,563 9,706.7 49,484 8,926
SE of slope 6.531 × 101 1.195 × 102 2.351 × 102 9.168 × 101
Intercept (mAU) −62,191 −19,291 1,844.7 8,668.9
SE of intercept 4.935 × 104 1.450 × 104 1.200 × 103 1.469 × 103
Correlation coefficient 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
LOD (μg mL−1) 0.01 0.07 0.02 0.07
LOQ (μg mL−1) 0.03 0.21 0.06 0.22
Within-day repeatabilitya (RSD %) 0.01 0.01 0.003 0.002
  Each value is the mean of five Between-day repeatabilitya (RSD %) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.001

linearity. LOD and LOQ values were calculated as 0.07– and LOQ values were calculated as 0.07–0.22 and 0.02–
0.21 μg mL−1; and 0.01–0.03 μg mL−1 for BIS and HCT, 0.06 μg mL−1 for HCT and BIS, respectively, in urine sam-
respectively. Standard error of slope and intercept was also ples. In Fig. 3 different concentrations of BIS and HCT in
calculated and the low standard error values of the slopes standard and human urine are shown.
and intercepts showed also the precision of the method and Moreover, Soprano Plus® Film Tablet was analyzed
are reported in Table 2. using proposed UPLC method. In Fig. 3a inset, chroma-
For spiked human urine studies, the calibration curve togram of Soprano Plus® Film Tablet was shown with
was linear in the range between 0.5 and 10 μg mL−1 reliable results in the presence of excipients. RSD % and
for HCT and 0.5–30 μg mL−1 for BIS, with a correla- Bias % values are shown in Table 3 for the analysis of BIS
tion coefficient (r) of 0.99 for both compounds. LOD and HCT in pharmaceutical dosage forms.

370 S. Kurbanoglu et al.

Fig.  3  a Different concentra-

tions for standard BIS and
HCT, b BIS and HCT in human
urine 1 10 μg mL−1 BIS and
HCT, 2 25 μg mL−1 BIS and
HCT, 3 50 μg mL−1 BIS and
HCT. Inset Chromatogram of
Soprano Plus® Film Tablet
including 25 μg mL−1 HCT and
10 μg mL−1 BIS

Precision: Repeatability Studies and recovered from the tablet sample with good RSD and
Bias values as shown in Table 3.
The parameter of precision considered was repeatability
(within day and between days), summarized in Table 2.
Based on results of Table 2, there was no significant differ- Conclusions
ence between them for the assay of both standard solutions
of BIS and HCT and spiked human urine samples. A selective, sensitive, precise and accurate UPLC method
for the simultaneous determination of bisoprolol fumarate
Accuracy: Recovery Studies and hydrochlorothiazide has been developed, optimized
and validated.
The accuracy of the proposed method was proved by recov- Once the optimized conditions were achieved, calibration
ery studies. 5 μg mL−1 BIS and HCT were added to phar- studies and the overall capabilities of a number of analyti-
maceutical dosage forms containing 10 μg mL−1 BIS and cal procedures in combination were appreciated in order to
25  μg mL−1 HCT. 5 μg mL−1 BIS and HCT were added demonstrate that the procedure is suitable for its intended
purpose. Also the proposed method can be easily applied to
Table 3  Results of the assay and the recovery analysis of BIS and
the stress degradation studies of BIS. Therefore, taking into
HCT in pharmaceutical dosage forms account the results, the developed method appears to be the
first direct stability-indicating method for the simultaneous
Standard solution Human urine
assay of the studied drugs using UPLC. The proposed UPLC
HCT BIS HCT BIS method is a powerful, convenient and useful technique for
Labeled claim (mg) 25 10 – –
the analysis of drugs. For this reason, the stability-indicating
Amount found (mg)a 25.08 9.98 – –
method was applied to analyzing of BIS and HCT in their
RSD (%) 0.002 0.01 – –
pharmaceutical dosage form and in spiked human urine sam-
ple. The suggested method may be used for the routine anal-
Bias (%) −0.33 0.16 – –
ysis of both drugs in differently equipped laboratories.
Added (mg) 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Founda (mg) 4.97 5.01 5.17 4.87
Recovery (%) 99.72 100.12 103.42 99.54 References
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  Each value is the mean of five experiments 21:600–610

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