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Train the Trainers

Resources & Materials

Table of Contents
UNDERSTANDING THE BASE - Learning ................................................................. 3
More about Communication ........................................................................................ 7
Body Language ........................................................................................................ 7
You can't not communicate ...................................................................................... 8
Listening skills .......................................................................................................... 8
Feedback ................................................................................................................. 9
The Role of a Trainer................................................................................................. 11
Different Ways to Bring the Message ........................................................................ 16
Selecting Instructional Techniques ............................................................................ 21
More on methods… ................................................................................................ 21
Some more tips ...................................................................................................... 22
Moderation................................................................................................................. 23
How to Design a Session .......................................................................................... 27
Use of Tools .............................................................................................................. 29
Visualization .............................................................................................................. 32
How to handle difficult delegates ............................................................................... 39
Tips & Tricks .............................................................................................................. 44
Training & Team Building Bibliography...................................................................... 45
Icebreakers ................................................................................................................ 48

The foundation on which the GLP has been developed

When you join AIESEC you want to know what you will get out of it. What is in it for
me? Learning tracking system through Insight XP and Communities are ways to
visualise this. These ideas allows us to track the learning and development of our
members so that they by the end of their AIESEC career will have a CV stating what
knowledge and experience they have acquired.

This is also something that will allow AIESEC to visualise the achievements of the
members in their Local Committee. This visualisation will be particularly useful for the
organisations we work with, a clear demonstration that we DO develop individuals.

To do this, we need to ask ourselves:

1. How do we define learning? Only when we understand this, can we visualise and
measure it.
2. How can we stimulate and track learning in our activities? And find a natural
incentive for our members to focus on activities, and thereby increase our results.
3. How can this be done at a national level? How does a “system” like that work?

Q1) How we define learning?

According to CELEMI
If this is how we define learning, then we must base all learning on activity. Only when

we have tried to actually do something can we say that we have learned it. You can

understand every intricate detail of how to sell a traineeship, but only when you have

done it you can really say that you have learned how it's done!

The Global Learning Process is based on that very principle – increase the expertise

of our members, through learning processes built into their roles and responsibilities.

Based on this definition of what learning is, we have come to the conclusion that activity

is a crucial part of learning. Without it, no real learning will take place. A focus on

activity is necessary if we are going to increase both the quantity and the quality of

our exchanges.
With that in mind, it is only natural to start looking at the activities, when trying to
define what learning processes we work with. It is not cost effective to train our
members for the sake of training them…

So what training do they need? To identify that we need to look at the exchange
process and identify what a certain member's role and responsibilities are. Create a
job description. Based on these responsibilities (as mapped in the Core Work
Process) we need to look at what kind of competence the member needs, in order to
perform a job effectively.

Let's look at a very simple example…

Attention/motivation: Interest and curiosity: prepare you mentally and make you
You need to be motivated in one way or another if you are
going to bother at all.
E.g: At the opening plenary, somebody makes a very nice roll
call that makes you interested.

Information: New data and information (that fit the motivation) are added.
E.g: You ask him about the steps of the roll call and he teaches
you the dance.

Processing: The brain is searching for new patterns and associations.

(Connection to past
E.g: You try to learn it by taking part in his actions, while
recalling similar dances you've learnt.

Conclusion: AHA! A new gestalt is formed.

E.g: AHA! Four steps to the right, four steps to the left…

Application: You act according to your understanding. The learning is

E.g: At the party you are able to dance it and even teach others
the steps.

Evaluation: Was the learning worth the time and energy spent?
E.g: Then you think: “Am I a good dancer?”, “Did I do it right?”

1. Argyris, Chris: Reasoning, Learning and Action: Individual and Organizational.
San Francisco u. a. 1982.

2. Bandura, Albert: Sozial-kognitive Lerntheorie. Stuttgart 1979.

3. Dastoor, Barbara: The Psychology of Learning: Speaking Their Language. In:

Training & Development Journal. Juni 1993, S. 17ff.

4. Donaldson, Les; Scannell, Edward E.: Human Resource Development, The

New Trainer’s Guide. London u. a. 1978.

5. Goleman, Daniel: Emotional Intelligence

6. Hergenhahn, Baldwin R.: An Introduction to Theories of Learning. Englewood

Cliffs, N. J. (1982).

7. Herzberg, Frederick: One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? In:
Harvard Business Review. 1968, S. 53-62.

8. Kolb, David A.: Experiential Learning: Experiences As the Source of Learning

And Development. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1984.

9. Lefrancois, Guy R.: Psychologie des Lernens. Berlin u. a. 1986.

10. Mandl, Heinz; Reinmann-Rothmeier, Gaby: Auf die Umgebung kommt es an.
In: Management & Seminar Jahrbuch 1997, S. 8-10.

11. Megginson, David; Joy-Matthews, Jennifer; Banfield, Paul: Human Resource

Development. London 1993.

12. Pawlow, Ivan P.: Die bedingten Reflexe. München 1972.

13. Senge, Peter M.: Die fünfte Disziplin. Stuttgart 1996.

14. Skinner, Burrhus F.: The Behavior of Organisms. New York 1938.

15. Staehle, Wolfgang H.: Management: Eine verhaltenswissenschaftliche

Perspektive. München 1994.

16. Steinmann, Horst; Schreyögg, Georg: Management: Grundlagen der

Unternehmensführung. Wiesbaden 1991.

17. Thorndike, Edward L.: The Psychology of Learning, Vol. II. New York 1913.

18. Torrence, David R.: Motivating Trainees To Learn. In: Training & Development
Journal. März 1993, S. 55-58.

19. Vroom, Victor H.: Work and Motivation. New York u. a. 196
More about Communication

Body Language

Body language is key to the success of your role as a facilitator. There are largely four
aspects to body language, which are posture, gestures, movement and eye contact.
As well as ensuring that you use the right body language you need to be able to read
the body language of other people.


There is no formal rule as to whether you should stand or sit when facilitating although
experience demonstrates that standing will give you the authority that you may need
together with the ability to take control as appropriate and it also demonstrates a clear
confidence in yourself. Sitting down may not demonstrate this authority and level of
confidence. You may wish to try a combination of the two. For example, standing when
you need to be in control and sitting when you are looking to encourage discussion
and debate. The main merit of sitting for debate is that people may engage each other
more quickly in conversation rather than trying to maintain eye contact with you as they
are prone to if you are standing. The advice is to do what is most comfortable for you
but to ensure that you are constantly aware of the impact that your position and posture
is having on the workshop participants. In general, your posture will be interpreted as
what you think about yourself and the participants. You need to be seen to 'walk tall',
which means avoiding averted eyes, hunched shoulders and restless hands. You need
to feel comfortable with yourself but at the same time give out an air of authority to the


We all have our own gestures, which are just a part of the way that we are. However
when we are nervous there is a tendency for such gestures to become exaggerated.
Positive gestures are fine and probably the most important of these are to look
enthusiastic which is often demonstrated through smiling. Also the use of
unexaggerated arm movements to make a point or to draw people can also work very

Movement in a facilitator is key and can be used effectively to draw people in to the
discussion and, as appropriate, shut out others. However, do not move the whole time
as people may get dizzy simply watching you!

Eye contact

'When the eyes say one thing and the tongue another, a practiced man relies on the
language of the first'. (Emerson, 1860)

Eye contact is a key tool for a facilitator. You can use it to draw people in and shut
people out. You can also use it to retake control of the situation by ceasing eye contact
with anyone and moving to the front

You can't not communicate

Research has shown that when someone gives a spoken message, the listener's
understanding and judgement of that message come from:

7% WORDS Words are only labels and listeners put their

own interpretation on speakers' words.
38% PARALINGUISTICS The way in which something is said (i.e.
accent, tone, inflection, etc.) is very important to a
listener's understanding.
55% FACIAL EXPRESSIONS What a speaker looks like while delivering a
message affects the listener's understanding most
Research source - Albert Mehrabian

Listening skills
One of the key skills that you need to be an effective facilitator is that of active listening.
This will enable you to assimilate what is being said and to summarise and move the
discussion on.
If you need to work on your listening skills consider asking someone from your
department who attends meetings with you to give honest feedback - make it a two
way process.
Poor Listener Effective Listener
Tends to "wool-gather" with slow Thinks and mentally summarizes,
speakers weighs the evidence, listens between
the lines to tones of voice and evidence
Subject is dry so tunes out speaker Finds what's in it for me
Distracted easily Fights distractions, sees past bad
communication habits, knows how
to concentrate
Takes intensive notes, but the more Has 2-3 ways to take notes and
notes taken, the less value; has only organize important information
one way to take notes

Is over stimulated, tends to seek and Doesn't judge until comprehension is

enter into arguments complete
Inexperienced in listening to difficult Uses "heavier" materials to regularly
material; has usually sought light, exercise the mind
recreational materials
Lets deaf spots or blind words catch his Interpret colour words, and doesn't get
or her attention hung up on them
Shows no energy output Holds eye contact and helps speaker
along by showing an active body state

Judges delivery -- tunes out Judges content, skips over delivery

Listens for facts Listens for central ideas


Giving Feedback

 Focus feedback on behavior rather than on the person. Refer to what a person
does rather than comment on what we imagine he is.
 Focus feedback on observations rather than inferences/interpretations/
conclusions. Describe the impact this observable behavior has on you..
 Focus feedback on description rather than judgment
 Focus feedback on the sharing of ideas and information rather than on giving
advice. Leave the person free to decide for himself whether he wants to
change or not.
 Focus feedback on the value it may have to the recipient, not on the value or
release„ that it provides the person giving the feedback.
 Use „I„ statements.
 If possible ask people for their assessment before providing yours. People
usually appreciate the opportunity to assess themselves first, and are often
more critical of themselves.
 Confirm that people have understood and encourage them to respond.

Receiving Feedback

 I look on feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve.

 I acknowledge my emotions. I avoid letting my emotions either prevent me
from hearing or distort what I am hearing.
 I avoid being defensive, explaining or justifying. I listen, then ask questions
and paraphrase to check my understanding.
 If not clear, I ask about the impact of my behavior. The actual impact of my
behavior may be different from my intent.
 I thank other people for giving me feedback.
The Role of a Trainer

1. What is a good trainer?

A good trainer should possess a whole list of good attributes that qualify him for his
mission. Some fundamental attitudes are:

- friendliness, it signals a positive attitude towards the topic and the participants
- self discipline: give a good example, the trainer should not allow himself moods
- fairness: all are treated equally
- patience: especially weaker delegates need it to be integrated into the group
- eulogy: all good results should be underlined, this can also be done by body

This list can be carried on eternally, thus only some more points:

 flexibility
 well organised
 humorous
 integrates everyone
 excellent special knowledge
 does not keep people at a distance
 motivates
 has social competence
 enthusiastic in his task
 open minded
 directs himself to everybody, especially his delegates
 keeps an overview over the learn- and group-processes
 keeps the run, etc.

But why do trainers have to be such "wonder persons? We as trainers have to

contribute our part so that the delegates enjoy the seminar, because the trainer is
responsible for the fact that the delegates learn something.
1. The role of a trainer

Every trainer should always keep in mind that he has the function of a role model for the
partcipants, because the delegates automatically adjust themselves at him/her. They
expect that he sets a clear frame. That means that the trainer has to be well prepared,
organize and structured. As he is the formal leader of the group, he is expected to
integrate everybody and to direct himself to everyone, especially at the weader delegates
of his group. The trainer must not get involved into conflicts between delegates. The grou
processes under way can only be solved by the delegates themselves, the trainer can
only give his support.

As a trainer you must bear in mind that all reactions and uttering are observed thoroughly
and are judged upon, e.g. how he reacts to questions or interruptions, how he motivates.
Other important points are the structure of his training, how interactive, thrilling it is, how
the connections are, whether he has enough time. That are the points that determine the
quality of a trainer.

A positive behaviour of a trainer shows in the knowledge he has about theories and the
practicing by certain methods. The experiences you make there should be centre of a
self critical reflection from time to time, e.g. about the inner attitude, the realistic
evaluation of situations, the setting of priorities. Only through continuous self-control
the trainer can stay up to date.

We have a variety of kinds of trainers and that is good, because not everybody can work
with everyone. Every trainer has his strengths and weaknesses he should always be
conscious of. This is especially true for his weaknesses, but also for his strengths, that
are often perfectioned through the experience of success, so that new risks and conflicts
can arise.

Here are four questions that every trainer should ask himself about his personal
1. What do I as a trainer see as a success, what gives me satisfaction?
2. How do I get those experiences of success, what behavior and strategies are
important there?
3. What are the advantages of my behaviour in relation to the delegates?
4. What may be the disadvantages?
Surely those questions are not easy to answer, maybe you have to talk to someone who
has experienced you or you ask yourself with what kind of trainer you do not get along
well or which kind you liked very much! Therefore, feedback of the delegates should be
taken very seriously, as they have seen you with their own eyes!! The own style also has
to correspond with the learning experiences and expectations of the different groups of
delegates. Thus the trainer should be flexible and adjust himself to the situation.
Herewith it is important for the delegates that they can orientate themselves at the
trainer, i.e. his behavior should be reliable and transparent.

2. Conflict situations (What happens, when... )

In our trainings there are not only angels. Thus, in every training there will be situations
you would like to avoid. Of course every trainer wishes to act, react or respond in the
right way. You should not have too many illusions about this. Many things can be studied
in theory, but only experiences in practice let you get more routine.

Blackout/ lost the run:

You should always have your notes at hand, also to see where you are, etc. If it does
work after all, stay calm and relax! It is best to make a break. It often helps to repeat or
to summarize the last point. If nothing else helps, honesty towards the delegates will
Errors in words/wrong pronunciation
Keep on talking in a relaxed way, repeat the mispronounced word. Do not let yourself
lose the run!
technical failures
Either refrain from using the device or make a break in order to find a solution.

There are also interruptions that can be caused by single delegates, so that the whole
group may suffer from it. But this resistance will only grow stronger if you try to break it
with “force”

The delegates are talking among themselves:

This can be a signal that the delegates are not challenged enough or that someone does
not dare to speak out loud his feelings and thoughts. Therefore you should seek eye
contact with the participants first. If they do not react to this, make a pause and ask if
you can participate in the conversation.

Can have different causes, like the basic idea of the discussion is not clear. The
delegates are afraid of exposing themselves in front of the group, the delegates are not
challenged enough, and their expectations are not fulfilled. The delegates have to be
challenged in their seminar, the scale is the weakest part of the chain. The trainer should
try to find out the reasons, e.g. through a spontaneous feedback round. If a single
participant is silent, you should direct your words directly to him/her so that he/she will
get into contact with the group again.

Being bored

The delegates are unhappy in any form that they do not want to express. Mostly they
express their anger later, with reproach in front of someone else. For the group this
behavior is little satisfying. They do not develop a "we-feeling", but become in quiet. The
trainer should in any case treat the topic, e.g. by a check of expectations in order to
understand the attitude of the delegate. In this context the feedback rules that have been
established are important. If the delegates know how to use them, they can formulate
their disgut in a constructive way.

Talk too much

If someone holds a monologue, and not only once, but several times, then you should
inhibit after a while and point out that others want to be able to talk as well. Too much
talking, like silence, can be a sign that someone does not like to be confronted with
others. The person feels save in his position in the center of interest as he can now
control what is going on.

1. Feedback oder criticism from the trainer?

If the delegates of a group want to work with each other effectively, they have to inform
themselves about what kind of behavior is expected from each participant. If there are
no reasonable feedback rules, they do not talk problems within the group but complain
outside! The more advanced the delegates are, the easier it is to have feedback. This is
especially true for the trainer. He is not only the leader of the seminar, but is often
attributed special knowledge. Consequently his word weighs double. In feedback we
generally distinguish into three forms:

Evaluative feedback contains an evaluation of the other person, e.g. you are lazy,
etc. This usually causes a reaction of defense in the concerned person, as he
feels attacked personally. The person who gives the feedback does not give tips
in how far the receiver should change.

Expressive feedback only expresses the personal feelings. It only causes a contra
reaction in the receiver and demands a clarification by the sender.

Constructive feedback is the most effective of all feedbacks. Here the concrete
behavior of the receiver is addressed and criticized. The sender also defines
clearly his own resulting feelings. Only by this feelings and demands can be made
explicit without hurting the other.

It is important for the group that the delegates have a well-developed feedback system
in order to treat each other effectively.

What you should take into consideration:

sender of feedback receiver of feedback

- objective, do not become personal - accept it
- directly afterwards, do not wait hours - do not comment
- be open and honest - be ready for it
- do not forget positive things - make an analysis of yourself
- do not exagerate - thank the person for it
- make clear: personal opinion
- talk in the I-form
Different Ways to Bring the Message

Information Receiving
The Lecture
1. One person systematically presents
2. Maximum information is presented in
a limited time; diverse materials and
ideas can be arranged in an orderly
3. This method uses one person’s point of view, one channel of communication,
and no group participation. It is strongly influenced by the personality of the


1. A process is performed before an audience.

2. Processes that illustrate techniques and skills can be visually presented, and
results of particular procedures can be shown.
3. This technique provides for limited participation by group members.

The Debate

1. Two sides of an issue are

presented by speakers under the
direction of a moderator.
2. Issue can be sharpened, questions
can be clarified, and interest can reach a high level.
3. Debates can easily become too emotional and a good moderator should be
present to mediate differences.


1. Two people informally discuss a topic before an audience.

2. Information is provided in an informal setting, which adds interest and emotional
appeal and encourages discussion.
3. A dialog needs careful planning to keep it from becoming disorganized or
dominated by the personalities of the participants.
1. Under the direction of a moderator, several people discuss an issue in front of
an audience, frequently after all members of the panel have made their initial
presentations, a full-panel discussion is held.
2. The different viewpoints stimulate thinking.
3. A skilful moderator is needed to keep the panel on the topic and to keep any of
the members from monopolizing the discussion.

Question-and-Answer Sessions
Responses are solicited by inquiries, which can come either from a leader to a member
of the audience or from a member of the
audience to either a leader of another member
of the audience.

1. Clarification can be provided to answer

specific needs, and this method is easily combined with other techniques.
2. A question-and-answer session can easily become threatening, embarrassing,
dull, too formal, or too informal.

Group Discussions
1. To reach an agreement or gain a better understanding, two or more people
share knowledge, experiences and opinions; build on ideas; clarify; evaluate;
and coordinate.
2. Many needs of group members can be met with this method,
because it provides a high degree of interaction, interest,
and involvement.
3. Group discussions may not provide authoritative information,
nor are they usually helpful when the group is large; they
require time, patience, and capable leadership.
Buzz Groups

1. Large groups are divided into smaller groups (frequently containing five to ten
members) to discuss a particular topic and report back to the large group.
2. An opportunity is provided for a maximum discussion in a limited time, thereby
promoting involvement and enthusiasm.
3. The discussion may be shallow, disorganized, or dominated by one or two


1. Groups identify as many ideas related to a problem or topic as possible without

evaluating quality or practicality of the ideas.
2. This technique can produce excellent audience involvement and it encourages
creativity; it can be done quickly; and a large group can be divided into small
groups for the activity.
3. Creative thinking may be inhibited (and the method fail) unless participants
adhere strictly to the guidelines and refrain from making evaluative comments.


1. Several people with different points of view make presentations; often the
presentations are followed by a question-and-answer session directed by a
2. This method presents several viewpoints on a topic.
3. To work effectively, this technique needs speakers with equal ability and a skilful

Listening Team

1. A team from the audience reacts to a presentation by a resource person in order

to raise questions or clarify and summarize the presentation.
2. The audience becomes involved, helping the resource person to meet the needs
of the group; this method can be helpful when the content is difficult.
3. This technique can be time consuming, and the quality depends on the team
Information finding

A Field Trip or Tour

1. A visit to a place of interest is arranged for direct observation and study.

2. This method, which can be highly interesting to the participants, expands their
understanding and broadens their interest; at least to a degree, it involves every
member of a group.
3. This method is time consuming and requires a great deal of organization;
without adequate discussion prior to and following the visit, the learning may be

Group Project

1. Group members cooperatively work on a project.

2. This technique can provide first-hand information and practical experience; it
can provide interest; and it can provide insights on teamwork
3. Unless sufficient time is allowed for discussing the process, the project tends to
become an end in itself.

Case Study

1. A description of a situation or an event is supplied, often supported by a

handout, and participants are given instructions about dealing with the situation
or finding a solution.
2. This technique requires participants to use higher learning processes and helps
them to apply principles.
3. A case study may be difficult to develop, especially if adequate data are not
available; and it is time consuming for groups to work through the case study
and report their discussions.

Role Playing
1. Roles are assigned, and participants spontaneously act out a situation; usually
the roleplay is followed by analysis and evaluation.
2. This method provides opportunities to “feel” human relations situations and to
experiment with possible solutions or interactions.
3. Unless carefully handled, role-playing can become merely entertaining or too
1. The skit is a short, planned, and usually rehearsed performance to convey a
message or to pretend or interpret a situation.
2. This method is entertaining; it can be used to introduce a topic, or it can be
interspersed to emphasize certain elements of a training session.
3. Effective skits require advance preparation and adequate processing.

Simulation Games

1. Games are fashioned from actual situations in order to explore concepts and to
practice behaviour.
2. These games provide a safe environment for practicing new behaviour; they
encourage active learning; and they can be fun and challenging.

Games may encourage a false sense of confidence in handling a real-life situation, and
they may be expensive to develop.
Selecting Instructional Techniques

There are eight major factors that should be taken into consideration when choosing
instructional techniques:

Learning objectives. Is the focus of the objectives acquiring new knowledge,

enhancing thinking skills, developing psychomotor skills, or changing attitudes, values,
and/or feelings?

Instructors. Are the instructors capable of using the techniques, and do they feel
comfortable in doing so?

Content. Is the content abstract or concrete? What is the level of complexity and
comprehensiveness of the material?

Participants. How many participants will there be? What are the characteristics of
these participants? What expectations do they have in terms of the techniques to be
used – and ate they capable of learning through those techniques?

Characteristics of the teaching techniques themselves. What can be realistically

be done with the techniques?

Time. What time period is available?

Cost. Are the costs, if any, associated with the techniques chosen realistic?

Space, equipment and materials. Are the space, equipment and/or materials
necessary to use the techniques readily available?

More on methods…
Structured talk, supported by visual aids: OHP foils, flipchart & slides
· Suitable for large audiences where  Lively presentation style is needed
participation is not required  Regular change of pace of media
· Allows content & timing to be  Low level of interaction &
planned in detail in advance feedback
 Difficult to assess what has been
The enacting of roles in a ‘safe’ training environment
· Face-to-face situations  Needs a lot of planning to be
· Allow participants to experience a realistic
full range of emotions
· Enable rapid trainer and/or co-  If not managed properly, it can
trainer and/or participant lead to embarrassment for
feedback/coaching participants
· Opportunity to try again
A process where a ‘coach’ through discussion helps a couchee to learn to solve a
problem or complete a task
· Task-oriented approach  Coaching demands high level of
· Used to develop both individuals interpersonal skills
 Results usually take time to be
Free exchange of opinions and information that can be open or controlled. An open
discussion follows the member’s priority. A controlled discussion follows the
prepared agenda of the leader/trainer.
· Can help promote group  Can be very time consuming
development or Cohesion
· Allows for the expressions of ideas
and the development or
adjustment of opinions
Written examination/description of a situation, often based on real life, which
encourage learning by analyzing the case, defining the problem(s) & proposing
· Opportunities of analysis &  Difficult in large group
individual or group discussion on  May oversimplify the true
key points of case and problem complexity of a situation
Enactment of reversed roles by the learners in a simulation so that they can
appreciate the other person’s situation and/or feelings
· Usually face-to-face where it  The same as role plays
enables people to appreciate the
other persons position

Some more tips…Nobody has learnt how to swim reading guidelines “How to swim
effectively” in his/her bed

„I did not know any more what was going on in my workshop, so I concentrated on
(Jochen Mez, exNCVPX, about his workshop on WeastCo ’96 in Bayreuth)

What is moderation...?
When we talk about moderation we generally mean the method of moderation. This
is a special kind of organising working in groups, having the following
 a special behavior of the leader (moderator)

 procedure according to certain rules (methods)

 using certain tools (materials)

A moderation according to this definition is oriented in a certain scheme, the

moderation cycle.


6. step 2. step


5. step 3. step


4. step

The role of the moderator

The moderator of a group is characterised by a very specific attitude. He is assistant

and companion of the group. He dos not say what is right or wrong, what has to be
done or has to be avoided. He helps the group to work responsibly, i.e. finding the
solutions to its questions and problems and solving them itself.
The moderator has the resposability that the group reaches a result. The quality
of the result is the responsibility of the group itself.
Especially three components influence the interdependence between aparition and
work of the moderator: His personality, his methodology and his behavior in or
towards the group.

The methods of moderation

The central method of moderation is the question. Thus the moderator does not
appear as a person who makes statements and gives answers, but asks questions.
Questions make it possible to:
5. integrate all participants
6. make moods transparent
7. make the knowledge of the participants
8. achieve consensus in the group evident
9. coordinate steps of work

The most important kinds of questions are:

• open question • closed question • alternative question

• rhetoric question • contra-question • reciprocting question

Besides the question there are, of course, more methods, which can be aggregated
to the phases of moderation:
b. matrix of getting-to-know ->step 1: introduction/orientation
c. personal description ->step 1: introduction/orientation
d. expectaion check ->step 1: introduction/orientation
e. brainstorming step 2: collect topics or
step 4: work on topic
· questioning with cards step 2: collect topics or according to the
situation in every other step
· questioning through step 2: collect topics or according to the
situation in every step
· one-point-questioning can be used in every step, according to
the situation
· several-points-questioning At the end of step 2: collect topics
At the beginning of step 3: select topic
· topic memory At the end of step 2: collect topics
At the beginning of step 3: select topic
· mind-mapping step 4: work on topic
· peonza step 4: work on topic
· plan of actions step 5: plan actions
· mood barometer can be used at all times
Tools/material for a moderation
The following selection of material is vast, but as we all know you can compensate a
lot by improvisation...

flipchart and paper pinwall and paper markers

tape cards (different formats) scissors
needles point stickers

Preparation of a moderation
The success of a moderation, how could it be different, depends largely on the
preparation. A thorough procedure includes the following points:

prepartion for the target group thoughts about the aims

planning of the methodology prepartion of the visualization
organizational preparation

This summary is based on Seifert/Pattay: Visualisieren-Präsentieren-Moderieren.

1 Seifert, Josef W.; Pattay, Silvia: Visualisieren-Präsentieren-Moderieren. Speyer
2 Sperling, Jan B.: Führungsaufgabe Moderation. 1996.
3 Neuland, Michele: Neuland-Moderation. Eichenzell 1995
4 Klebert, Karin u. a.: Moderationsmethode. Hamburg 1987.
How to Design a Session

BIG STEPS in the designing process:

1. SEX – find out

1. Who?
2. Where?
3. When?
4. How?
5. How long? Etc…

2. Objectives of the session

3. Key messages

4. Techniques that you can use

1. Presentation
2. Brain Storming
3. Working Groups
4. Simulations
5. Show
6. Role-Play
7. Fish Bowl
8. Personal reflection
9. Others…. (Museum, Fair, etc…)

1. Structure of session
1. Approach: Intro – Body – Ending
2. Use the tool called Outline of the session

2. Use logistic – Visuals

1. Flipchart
1. Beamer
2. Overhead Projector
Use of Tools

Of course the aim of each training is that the delegates remember more easily what
was said, so that they can apply when they are preparing and giving presentations.

The human brain stores information. Each of us has a preferred channel of

remembering data. Experiments show that delegates recall 52% of what they saw,
7% of what they hear and 41% of what they feel/experience, taste or smell. So it is
extremely important to use the three aspects in your presentation.

1. Verbal


Strengths builds on diversity

wealth of ideas
watch-outs evaluations of ideas
time consuming
applications collecting new ideas

Full group discussions

strengths Builds on diversity

watch-outs might end without conclusion
strained relations
Applications Develop ideas, process

Sub-group discussions
Strengths everybody has contribution

High learning in subgroup

watch-outs very time consuming
almost no control
applications different aspects of same subject

2. Visual


Strengths high volume of correct knowledge

Watch-outs hand out before or after the presentation
application as reference

Strengths by build up: interactive, controlled,
prepared: correct and organized
watch-outs location, hiding
record input literally
changing papers is sometimes difficult
applications training and presentation in not too big groups

Strengths catches attention
long retention time
watch-outs 6 lines, 6 words, readable at 6 feet
keep it simple
limit the number and put numbers on each slide
applications training and

slides (dia),
keep them simple
sleepy while dark
compatibility you
need dark room
applications presentations for larger

Some Flip-tips :
if you need to build up a very complicated picture you can draw before on the
flipchart in pencil, nobody will notice this
whenever possible prepare the flipcharts in advance (especially when you have a
bad handwriting)
put tab sections (post-it) with heading for easy references or cut corners of the
flipcharts you need quick access to
leave blank sheets of paper if you want people to listen to something you are
going to tell
tape important flipcharts around the room where they can be easily seen and
used as a reference
use abbreviations, but don’t forget to explain them
never talk when writing on the flipchart
do not cover the chart with your body when writing practice writing
important note that you may not forget can be put on the back of the flipchart

Why visualization?:
Herewith I aim at the specialisation of both parts of the brain. While the left part is
specialised in digital thinking, language, logics, mathematics, verbal communication
and thus the memory for words and languages. The right part, on the other hand,
specialises in analogical and visual thinking, emotions and experiences. Thus the right
part of the brain „thinks in pictures and remembers especially emotions.
Because we perceive pictures with our eyes, visual perception stimulates mostly the
right part of the brain. This side is mainly responsible for our creativity. If we want to
reach our delegates on an analytical level as well as on an emotional level to enable
them to have a holistic learning experience, we have to stimulate both parts of the
brain => visualization

How do I use media correctly?:

Well known topic, thus only a few remarks:
flipchart: popular in AIESEC events because of its easy handling, use recommended
for groups of maximally 15 persons

1. transportable
2. Possibility to prepare charts
3. Development can be seen step by step
4. by putting the paper on the wall the result is kept visible

1. Trainer shows back while writing
2. changing the paper is difficult (practise before, like how to cut the paper)
3. result cannot be given directly to the delegates to take them home
4. correcting is difficult and often looks ugly
5. good handwriting is vital

how to use:
1. do speak into the direction of the audience, i.e. never speak and write at the same
2. do not cover chart with your body (practice writing and the side of your body)
3. prepare tape at the chart for hanging up the paper
4. if necessary you can put notes and hints at the back of the flipchart
Pin board with metaplancards: is sufficient for groups up to 10 persons, often used
for the agenda check, group work and brainstorming. In a short time you can collect
the ideas of the group and structure them. It is important to make clear how the
technique is to be used, because within AIESEC the technique is often used in an
incorrect way.
After giving the topic it should be clear to everybody that every card is used for one
argument only with maximally 3-4 words, use well readable handwriting in printed
letters only!
After collecting the cards, all cards are read out loud and clustered at the pin board.
No criticism (form of brainstorming), only clarifying words by the person who has
written the respective card. The writer also decides where the card should be put. All
cards are put up, except for the case that it is a big group. In this case it is easily
possible that you get the same words several times. But you should ask the group
whether it is o.k. that the words that appear double or more times are not put up, using
the explanation that the pin board will be hard to overlook with so many cards. With
the groups you should not work according the principle: less groups are better. When
you use illogical reasons why a card should be put just at that place, you will loose
your credibility for the delegates. If something does not fit in, it does not fit in and cannot
be talked into it. As last step you search headings for the clusters to make the result
easier to overlook.

1. very interactive media
2. integration of all participants is easily possible
3. relatively anonymous in a brainstorming

when carried out correctly it needs a lot of time

how to use:
1. keep a reserve of cards for participants who want to write a lot
2. if short in time use harsh timelimit (nevertheless a form of brainstorming)
3. make clear to every delegate how important the writing is, especially in large
reading and clustering should be done by a member of the group

OHP: can be used up to the sice of an auditorium, only scarcly at disposition in AIESEC
meetings, most of the time you cannot rely on having an OHP, if you really want to use
it, clarify with the OC whether you will have one.

1. direction of you view is the group, you never lose visual contact with the group
2. possibility of preparing beautiful slides (greetings from PPT)
3. by overlaying you can illustrate developments
4. can be copied=> result can be given fast to the group as a handout
5. if using non-permanent markers you can correct the writing
6. slides can be re-used

1. it has to be possible to dim the light in the room
2. too much information on one page
3. own size of writing is hard to calculate
4. a lot of technic, a lot of blackouts

how to use:
1. the standard position of the projector is „OFF“
2. do not use bright colors
3. when pointing in the slide, put a pen on top, otherwise you can see shivering hands
(otherwise use cocktail sticks as pointer)
4. read from the slide and not from the wall
5. Overlay-technic
6. use more than one color
7. do not put more than 3 pieces of information on one slide (better use a larger font
How do I use elements of visualization correctly?
Best only make a short presentation of this topic, because this part seems to be less
interesting for a normal AIESEC-training. Diagrams are hardly used by AIESEC-
trainers and symbols are used automatically by most people, although mostly
standardised symbols.
1. It is a point of discussion whether or not to use only capital letters, but it should be
printed letters.
2. If you tend to „fall“ with your writing when writing from the side of the flipchart, mark
lines on the paper with a pencil or use the paper with the printed lines.
3. The writing should be structured, i.e. use headings and sub-points, making it clear
with colours or underlining,
etc. graphics:
1. to emphasize e.g. writing
2. to make „dry“ topics more „digestible“
1. e.g. frames and clouds
2. are very useful when you want to illustrate the relation of two variables
3. developments can be shown with line-diagrams
4. illustrating amounts you can use „diagramas de barras“

How do I put the visualization into the correct order?

It is important to treat symmetry and order because that is like the usual flow in
AIESEC. Moreover, it shall be made clear that developments from the left bottom
corner to the right top cormer are seen as positive and a development from the left top
corner to the right bottom corner as negative (think about business administration).
Colors should be varied, but do not kill the delegates with too many colors, i.e. not
more than 4 colors per flipchart, slide or poster.

How do I prepare myself?

1. aim: it is not completely clear to most trainers, according to my point of view, what
is actually the aim of the training. They often confuse it with the contents. Aims can
be e.g. excellent knowledge trasfer or motivation of the delegates. To make an
alinement of the whole training towards this aim possible, he has to be clear about
his aims first.
1. topic: the topic, most of the time, is not the problem, because the trainers usually
have a high knowledge in thier speciality and thus know much about their topic.
2. content: To get the content it is useful to ask youself questions like what would have
helped me at the beginning of my time as a member of the EB. On the basis of this
you should collect information in the respective areas, e.g. in your folders, in the
folders of the LC, manuals from the NC or other countries, calling the NC, etc.
Having worked through the material you know what you want to use from that
3. flow: The flow of a presentation will be treated extensively in the context of the
planning of a training. Here you should focus on opening, main part and closing. Do
not make it too long. You can compare it to a pilot. He should prepare the start and
landing very well (e.g. with notes), but the flight itself should be better done by the
autopilot. That means for us: let the delegate work themselves, let them develop
their own ideas and do only interfer if the plane seems to be crashing.
4. preparation: get used to the room. Even if you know the OC, better check you
material. Build up the flipchart or the pinboard or whatever you might need or have.
Make sure that every delegate can see. Put the chairs as you want them to be. In
AIESEC you mostly use a semicircle, open to the trainer, so that the delegates can
see each other and thus can discuss better with each other.

Opening/ Main part/ closing/ follow-up of a presentation:

Although these parts are mentioned individually, I want them to be seen as a
unity. opening: Some possibilities for an opening might be e.g.
a story at the beginning (functions as an icebreaker at the same time) a
visual tool (a video, a slideshow, an expressive slide at the beginning)
a surprising statistic
an unknown statistic
1. promise
2. short introduction of the main argument or the aim of the session.
The sense of the opening is to relax the situation and build up curiosity.
1. main part: The main part should be characterized by a logical structure. This means
you should think in advance whether the flow of your agenda has sense and is
understandable for everyone. Still there should be so much flexibility that you can
react to the needs of your delegates spontaneously.
2. closing: Some possibilities for a closing might be, e.g.
a summary (within AIESEC often useful for a repeated representation of the
treating the main point again
an extract or a poem (but be careful, it should only be used when it really fits
the situation, otherwise it is ridiculous)
an appeal, e.g. for activity (often used within AIESEC, as it also has a
motivational effect)
a visual tool (see
above) follow-up:
Part of the responsible follow-up for an AIESEC-trainer should be to treat the
feedback with responsibility. As feedback in AIESEC meetings is often not given as
extremely as it should be, you should learn to read between the lines and visualize
again in which situations you think of your own performance as good or bad.. The
loss of information is smaller when you introduce your fresh impressions into you
concept directly after the meeting and not with a huge time distance.
How to handle difficult delegates


What is he doing?

Asks questions: Why? How? Etc. - not to get answer, just to make trainer some
troubles; Probably doesn't feel comfortable;

Gets satisfaction from being pain in the

neck; Is aggressive and likes to argue.
It's a type of a person which likes to over fuck training. You can feel aggression in him.

How to deal with him?

Never show him that you're sad or mad at him;

Tell you agree with him and go on if it's

possible; Wait for something concrete and ask
group about it;

Ask him to write on a flipchart, this will give him something to do and can make him
quiet; Use him in some role play or case in front of everybody;
Ask him to wait for you after training for a little conversation;

Try to figure out if he feels comfortable in the group, if they like his behavior - if yes, put them
on sides like in school;

Try to find ripostes for his texts - you have to be bright

and fast; If you feel you can make laugh of him, do it, but
not to hard; Play ping-pong with him or the group with his

If you know that this particular person will act like that during training, talk to him before you
start a training.
Talker / Know All

What is he doing?
Loves to talk, it's very hard to stop him;

Is asexual exhibitionist – likes to be in the center of

attention; Is well informed and likes to show this.

How to deal with him?

Wait when he takes a breath, thank him and go back to the

topic; Interrupt him and ask group to comment it;
Stop him by asking him very hard question;

Ask him to write on a flipchart, this will give him something to do and can make him
quiet; If it occurs he knows something, use his knowledge, e.g. in a case or role-
If he is smarter then you on some topic, ask him to lead the group;

Tell to the group: „Ooh! As you can see we have an expert here, maybe he can share his
knowledge with us?”;
Show his incompetence and lack of knowledge;

Send him to bring you a cup of coffee or coffee break for the
group; The totally last possible option is to ask him to shut up!!!

What is he doing?

Has attitude like: „we can't do this, it's impossible” - only negative
thoughts; Is very annoying;
Will try to make you "kozioł ofiarny".

How to deal with him?

Don't let him put you out of your nerves! Avoid direct confrontation! You have to feel
the situation;
Ask him for facts, ask questions;
Give him your respect (approbation);

Have strong eye contact with him, pay big attention to him but not too much, or give him your
attention before training;

Make him tell to all participants what he wants to change to make situation better;

Show him that one of the conditions of this session is having constructive and positive
attitude; Use step by step influencing on him (from small manipulation to bigger);

If this person makes bored positions - lies down, put legs on chairs, yawns - ask him for
attention and tell his behavior interrupts you in training, you can add reasons why we met on
this training;
Use his statements to make group laugh;
Last possible case: if he is really not interested, ask him to leave the room - give him an
"You will calm down or leave the room!!!".

What is he doing?

Doesn't understand what is going on but tries to explain and make it more clear to
the others; Has inputs and tell stories and makes jokes of your training;

Is bored, nervous, sometimes

critical; He's over fucking trainer.
There is always one of them but has to talk to someone, so he's looking for a pair.

How to deal with him?

Use light-house technique – have eye contact with all the participants of the group including
himself; Stop talking, wait if he notices it and non-verbally ask for permission to continue the
Listen to what he says, he may be right sometimes;
Ask him to share his opinion and thoughts with the group;

Try to involve him into training - play role-play solve case (usually people like him have a lot
of energy);

When you're talking about something, say the name of this person, as he was just a part of
your statement
Say: "I'm very sorry for interrupting but we're having training here...”;
If they are more, put them on sides (whisperer and his pair).
Silent One

Silent One - person which is Bored

What is he doing?
Is always bored and not active at all – you can see he doesn't give even 1/16 of what he could.

How to deal with him?

Smile on him;
Ask him difficult concrete questions;

Talk to him using his name as to a person which knows a lot - ask him to share his experience
with us; let him feel that if he says something it will give benefit to all the group;
Use him as a help with exercises, try to engage him;

Silent One - person which is Lost

What is he doing?

Doesn't feel
safe; Is shy;
Doesn't believe in himself.

How to deal with him?

Ask him simple

questions; Talk to him
using his name;

Make him feel comfortable,

safe; Raise his ego;
Be careful and do not pay all your attention to him - otherwise he will get closed;
Avoid asking group to tell their opinion one after another, some people don't like this;

Make interactions in small groups - it's easier to integrate them and make some
people open; Create pleasant atmosphere in group – beer, talks;
Before training, "break ice" first - talk with the group about something not connected with the
Tips & Tricks

1. Clothes to be comfortable, not to many colors and strange combinations of

colors. Last but not least have decent cloths.
2. You have to take into consideration the level of understanding of the audience
3. Include buffer time in your sessions
4. If there is more than one trainer, have pre-meeting
5. Go to toilet before
6. Blow your nose before
7. Take care what you eat/drink and in what quantities
8. In Working Groups address delegates by names (they all have badges)
9. Interact with delegates during the conferences
10. Be in all the plenary (opening and close)
Training & Team Building Bibliography

Arch, Dave, Tricks for Trainers, Resources for Organizations, Inc., 1993.
57 magic tricks to build into your presentation.
Belknap, Martha, Mind Body Magic: Creative Activities for Any Audience,
Whole Person Associates, Duluth, MN, 1997.
Categories include stretching mind and body, activating energy,
opening up creativity, and relaxing into stillness.
Cassidy, John & Rimbeaux, B.C., Juggling for the Complete Klutz, Klutz
Press, Palo Alto, CA, 1988.
Learn to juggle. Then build it into your training.
Consalvo, Carmine M., Workplay, Organizational Design and
Development, Inc., King of Prussia, PA, 1992.
18 structured activities in a wide range of learning themes. Good for
team building, leadership, decision making, resource management, and
Gardner, Martin, Aha, Scientific American, Inc., New York, 1978.
Puzzles and exercises that make people think. Categories include
combinatorial, geometry, logic, number, procedural and word aha’s.
Jones, Ken, Icebreakers, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, TX, 1997.
A sourcebook of games, exercises, and simulations.
Jones, Ken, Imaginative Events for Training, McGraw-Hill, New York,
Categories include creativity, efficiency, and personal exercises
(communication, relationships, etc.).
Kinlaw, Dennis, Handbook of Leadership Training Activities, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1998.
50 one-hour designs for leadership training.
Kirby, Andy, The Encyclopedia of Games for Trainers, HRD Press,
Amherst, MA, 1992.
Short and long activities in lots of areas: creativity, icebreakers,
communication, people skills, trust, and more.
Kroehnert, Gary, 100 Training Games, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991.
Categories include icebreakers, team building, communication,
facilitator/presentation skills, mid-course energizers, learning, perception,
evaluation, and self-management.
Lefevre, Dale N., New Games for the Whole Family, Putnam Publishing,
New York, 1988.
Active and cooperative games you can adapt for small and large groups
at work.
Naper, Rodney & Gershenfeld, Matti K., Advanced Games for Trainers,
The McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, 1998.
Detailed instructions for interventions for solving team, group, and
organizational problems.
Newstrom, John & Scannell, Edward, The Big Books of Business Games,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997.
Includes games for openers, motivators, creative problem solving,
managing change, surfacing problems, team building, presentation
boosters, and communication.
Pike, Robert, Creative Training Techniques Handbook, Lakewood Books,
Minneapolis, MN, 1990.
The book for every library on how to make training creative in a gazillion
Rohnke, Karl & Butler, Steve, Quicksilver, Kendall/Hunt Publishing,
Dubuque, IA, 1995.
Adventure games, initiative problems, trust activities, and a guide to
effective leadership.
Shortz, Will, ed., Brain Twisters from The First World Puzzle
Championships, B. & P. Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1993.
Puzzles to get people thinking differently.
Sikes, Sam, Executive Marbles, Learning Unlimited Corporation, Tulsa,
OK, 1998.
35 creative games and activities that address issues including trust,
communication, leadership, conflict, problem solving, direction, and
process improvement.
Sikes, Sam, Feeding the Zircon Gorilla and Other Team Building
Activities, Learning Unlimited Corporation, Tulsa, OK, 1995.
38 creative games and activities for small, medium, and large groups.
Silberman, Mel, 101 Ways to Make Training Active, Pfeiffer & Company,
San Diego, 1995.
Includes tips for active training and activities for getting participation,
teaching information, reviewing information, application planning, and
Snow, Harrison, Indoor/Outdoor Team Building Games for Trainers,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997.
Activities from the world of adventure based team building and ropes
Solem, Lynn & Pike, Bob, 50 Creative Training Closers, Jossey-
Bass/Pfeiffer, San Francisco, 1997.
Activities for reviewing content, action planning, celebration, and
Sugar, Steve, Games That Teach: Experiential Activities for Reinforcing
Training, Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, San Francisco, 1998.
26 frame games and a detailed explanation of how to implement
Thiagarajan, Sivasailam, Cash Games, HRD Press, Amherst, MA, 1994.
Instructions and examples of games using cold, hard cash.
Thiagarajan, Sivasailam, Group Grope, HRD Press, Amherst, MA, 1994.
Detailed instructions for using and modifying the "group grope" game – a
small group activity that can be played in 30 minutes.
Thiagarajan, Sivasailam, Triangles, HRD Press, Amherst, MA, 1994.
Detailed instructions for using triangles (also known as tangrams) to
explore group interactions.
VanGundy, Arthur, 101 Great Games & Activities, Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer,
San Francisco, 1998.
Categories include career development, change management,
communication, creativity, diversity, energizers, evaluation, goal setting,
interviewing, leadership, negotiation, problem solving, team building, and
Wakeling, Edward, ed., Lewis Carroll’s Games and Puzzles, Dover
Publications, Inc., New York, 1992.
Lewis Carroll taught mathematics at Oxford University. These are some
of the puzzles he used in his teach


Aim: (1) To provide opportunities to become acquainted

with other members of the group.
(2) To promote feedback and self-disclosure among
participants regarding initial perceptions.

Time: Approx.35-40 minutes.

Materials: (1) 12 blank sticky labels or strips of masking tape for each
1. A copy of the Labeling Category List for each participant. (See
2. Pencils or felt-tipped markers.

Procedure: The group leader distributes a copy of the Labeling Category List to each
participant along with blank name tags.

Each participant must copy each category on a separate blank nametag.

Participants mill around and choose a person who best fits each category. Stick label

onto clothing of the person you select and engage in a one-minute conversation (20


The group leader forms groups of 5-7 members. Each group must discuss their

reactions to being categorized and labeled (or not labeled) by others' first

impressions (15 minutes).

Labeling Category List:

Warm Intelligent
Shy Happy
Fun loving Friendly
Sexy Sincere


To find out the names of other members in the group

To provide low risk activity
To stimulate logical thought


A game to help group members learn each other's names


The group could be sitting on the floor. The teacher enters the group and introduces
the game by saying, "None of us knows any other's name. Let's play a game that will
help us find them out. My name is Tom, I am going on a world trip and I am taking
Tomatoes with me. If you want to come with me you have, to say your first name and
what you want to bring. You have to bring the right thing. The first letter of our first
name must be the first letter of the thing you bring.

The game proceeds until everyone can come.

At the end of the game the teacher asks each student two questions.

"How many names can you

remember?" "Which are they?"


Could take one session

This activity would be best used at the initial meeting of the group.


Materials: Small prizes, such as sweets.(optional)

Aims: Memory training, concentration, building groups, fun.

Procedure: Group is seated, scattered around the room. One person, A goes out.
group moves around, changing places, and one more person, B,1eaves by the other
door, or hides. A returns and has 30 seconds to guess who's missing. If he does he
wins (a small sweet, if you wish to give prizes), if he doesn't B wins.

Variations: Add consequences for the loser


Materials: None

Aims: Positive feedback, good for closing exercise

Procedure: Members mill around. When you see someone you'd like to communicate
with, send them a message via someone else: e.g. 'Tell Joan I said thank you for
helping me yesterday.' Continue until messages run out.

Variations: Do as graffiti on large paper on walls. Do with bits of paper

being delivered. Do at a run, speed up, slow motion, etc.


Materials: One ball for every group of about 15 -16.

Aims: Introduction, memorizing names

Procedure: New group sits in a circle of not more than sixteen. One person is given a
ball. The ball is passed around the circle and each person who receives the ball says
their name very clearly (usually just the first name). When everyone has been named
and the ball is back to the beginning, the person holding the ball throws it to any person.
That person must say the thrower's name. The ball is then thrown to someone else
who must say the next thrower's name. If a person cannot remember the name of the
person who has thrown the ball to him, they must ask and repeat the name before
proceeding with the activity. The game continues until everyone can remember the
names of the people within their group. Group size is usually about sixteen.

Materials: 9 chairs, running space

Aims: Active participation, warm-up, fun

Procedure: At one end of the room, three rows of three chairs each, four feet apart.
Teams: Team 1 is 'Noughts', Team 2 is 'Crosses'; they line up
In corners of the room facing the chairs. When the leader calls 'noughts', the
first naught runs to a chair and sits with arms circled above
head. Runner must sit before Leader counts to 5 slowly. Leader calls 'crosses',
first cross runs and sits with arms crossed on chest. Leader
continues to call them alternately until one team wins (same rules as paper
Noughts and Crosses). Start over, call losing team first. Keep
score (optional).


Materials: Two small different objects, such as a blue felt pen and a red felt pen.

Aims: Breaking the ice, concentration

Procedure: Leader has pen (or other object), passes it to his right, saying: 'This is a
tick'. Player 1 says: 'A what?' Leader repeats: 'A tick'. 1 then passes it on saying, 'This
is a tick'. Player 2 says: 'A what?' to player 1, who says: 'A what?' to the leader. Each
time the 'What?' must pass all the way to the leader, and the 'A tick' must pass all the
way back, before the pen is passed. When this has been practiced a few times, start
over, and at the same time, start another pen to the left, saying: 'This is a tock' etc.
Confusion is encouraged and acceptable. Let the group try, as long as desired, to
return both objects to the leader without losing the flow or concentration.

Materials: Famous names on strips of card or paper, straight pins. Could be
people (Joan of Arc), fictional (Superman), etc.

Aims: Mixing, starting conversation, ice-breaking

Procedure: As people enter, leader pins a name on each person's back.

Each one
must walk around and try to find out who he is by asking yes-or-
no questions of everyone else. When he knows who he is, he pins the paper on his
front and continues to help others.

Variations: Try it non-verbally. Try insisting that everyone must make statements (e.g.
'I am alive'), and no questions allowed.

Introductory Movement Awareness
Relaxation Materials
Large, empty room or space
Learning to follow simple instructions, movement, warm-u for
Drama P Procedure
Leader says: 'Find a place to stand by yourself. Now look at and concentrate on a fixed
spot on the floor, somewhere across the room. Now, move to that spot in a straight line
pacing yourself so as not to have to stop, while avoiding bumping into anyone.'

Leader continues to give similar instructions, allowing time for individuals to (A)

concentrate on each spot, (B) move at their own pace, and (C) settle into the new spot.

Instructions for (B) could include moving to the new

spot: backwards
in as few steps as

possible in as many

steps as possible

travelling in circles
travelling in squares
using as few jumps as
possible with hands on
knees, toes etc.
moving along floor without using

hands using only two out of four


Have group invent more instructions.

Who: Small Group

Where:Inside or outside in roomy area

Aids/Equipment None

Objectives: To assess social skills, ability to communicate, willingness to

To encourage group bonding, relax with each other

Leaders Hints:Observe who is enthusiastic, imaginative with suggestions

Observe who seems confident, shows group spirit, who becomes competitive.

Instructions: 1. The group stands in a circle and tells the story of Mrs O'Grady and
accompanies with actions:
First person: "Did you hear what happened to Mrs
O'Grady?" Second person: " No. What happened?"
First person: "She died."
Second person: "How did she die?"
First person: "She died with her hand on her head" (places
hand on head)
2. The second person puts their hand on their head too, says the

same speech to the third per son and adds another action,

so the person at
the end has all the different actions.

Conclusion This is a silly game intended to relax the group and begin group


Group Size 6 - 8 people is most effective, but slightly smaller or slightly larger would
also work.

Materials A roll of toilet paper per group

When and Where On arrival to an O'Camp or State Conference site where the to
group will be placed in a situation where they may need toilet paper for the next certain
period of time, but do not have access to go and buy any.

Procedure Sit down with designated group and explain to them that in all the rush, we
were not aware that the site does not supply toilet paper. However, each group has
one role of toilet paper until tomorrow when we go to the shop. Each group member is
to then take as much toilet paper as they feel necessary to last them that amount of

Once each member of the group has their toilet paper, the leader explains that
we do actually have toilet paper and that what each member of the group must do is
tell the group one thing about themselves for each piece of paper that they have.


Group Size 2 teams (or more) of at least 4

Materials None
Where and When A fun break in between activities with a group who are familiar with
each other.

Procedure Tell each group that the aim of this game is to make the longest chain. The
chains must be made of only the clothing currently being worn by the people in the

group. The aim is that people have to strip down as far as possible to make the longest


The team with the longest chain of clothing wins.


Group Size 6 and up

Materials Chairs for everyone but one person

Where and When A good game to get to know people or in between sessions when
working with a small to middle sized group. A bonus in some instances as no close
physical contact is involved.

Procedure Seat your group in a circle, but make sure that there is one less chair then

the number of people on the group. You stand in the middle of the circle to begin the


Explain that you are going to call out a sentence and anyone to whom the
sentence applies must get up and change chairs. It is not possible to move to the chair
on either side of their present position. Your aim is to occupy one of the vacant places
before someone else, so that you are no longer the person in the middle.

Then the person who has been caught in the middle must think up a sentence
that will cause others to change chairs, so that he/she can get to a chair first.

Examples of sentences that can be called out - "All those wearing watches." "All
those who had breakfast this morning." "All those with blue eyes." When "scrambled
eggs" is called out, everyone must change chairs.

Group Size Any size

Materials None

Time 5 minutes

Where and When Use to break the workload, to use up excess energy, as a getting
know you activity.

Procedure 1. Ask the participants to spread out around the room so that they have
plenty of space to swing their arms about
Explain that the activity they are about to do is called "Be It" and is involves a bit of
imagination and letting go of your inhibitions.
Then explain that you are going to name a series of objects, and each time they
should try to shape their bodies into the form of that object.

Variations For a group that is more comfortable with each other, ask them to make
a noise
as well as an action.

Suggested Ideas Banana

Vacuum Cleaner
Paper Weight
Food Vending Machine


Who: Small groups (separated into pairs)

Where:Enough room for the group to form a large circle

Objectives: To learn from observation

To communicate non-verbally
To motivate and energise the group

Leaders' Hints: Observe how participants react to the cues

Do those who don’t understand become frustrated, determined or “give up”?

Instructions: 1. The leaders need to decide the criterion for coming to the party.
This can vary and have any degree of difficulty. You may invite:
Those who are wearing clothing ending with a
consonant Those who have their feet crossed when
they are to be invited Those who ask when you have
your feet crossed
Those who ask you addressing you by name

Sit participants in a circle and explain that you are going to hold a party to which they
may or may not be able to come. Invite them to ask if they can come to the party. Use
the criterion agreed upon, start the game.

You can give hints, such as “No you can’t come wearing a bra, but you can come in
suspenders” (!)

When the criterion has been guessed, invite one of the group to be the “party host”.

Conclusion: This is another activity involving learning through observation. By

exercising these skills, we become better at learning from those cues that people give


Who: Small teams of people (say 3-5 in each)
Where:A room large enough for each team to be able to sit in a

Aids A blanket
A number of objects (eg a book, a spoon, a phone etc)
Pen / Paper / Score Sheet

Objectives Simple memory test

Leaders Hints Nil

Instructions Place 10-15 objects under the

blanket Everybody has 5 seconds to
look at them
Then people individually write down what they saw
Next collectively write down the objects (within each
team) Remove blanket and check that all items were
If time remaining replace blanket and ask each team to draw a map of objects as laid
out under than blanket.

Variation If too easy, ask for more details eg title of book, colour of spoon

Conclusion Non-threatening team game for new members


Who: Small groups, no real limit on the total number

Where:A room

Aids Large sheets of paper

An atlas (for the judges)
Pens for each group
Score Sheet

Objectives To informally test people’s general knowledge of world geography

Leaders Hints Nil

Instructions Draw a map of the world, showing the borders of each country and the
location of the capital, but not the names of the countries or the capitals
See how many countries and capitals each group can identify in a given time
period (say 10 minutes)
Award 1 point for each country, 1 point for each capital (accuracy is up to the

Conclusion A good game for breaking a large group up into small teams. Particularly
useful for AIESEC, since at the end of the exercise you can identify which of the
countries are AIESEC Member Countries.


Who: Small groups

Where:Outside on a cement (or other hard) surface

Aids Chalk, Stones

Objectives To have fun

Leaders Hints Be careful to explain the rules carefully

Instructions The whole team must travel up and down the hopscotch “board”. Each
team must do several laps or several games, depending on the time allowed.

Each player uses a flat stone; player tosses the stone into square one, then hops
over it as far as he/she can ie into square 2,3 etc. Player turns and hops back to
square one to retrieve stone, then hops back to square they landed in and throws
stone into next square. Process is repeated until person has travelled up and back.
Each team member takes a turn.
If stone does not land in appropriate square, or player hops into square

containing stone of if player touches the ground with hand of foot they must start again.

Conclusion Good team game, may be used in mini-olympics.


Who: Large groups (approx 20)

Where:Inside or Outside

Aids Nil

Objectives To get people to mix

To have the person in the centre of the circle try to catch

the train
Leaders Hints Appoint your most vocal people as stations and crossings

Instructions Group stands in circle with hands

joined One person stands in the middle of
the circle
The train moves by a squeeze of the hand, so if a person feels a squeeze of the hand
on the left side, they must squeeze the hand of the person on their right side
Appoint a few people around the circle to be crossings (these people shout
“ding-a-ling” as the train passes through them) and stations (these people shout “Toot”
as the train passes through, and they also have the power to change the direction the
train is travelling)
The person in the middle catches the train by pointing at a person who has
received the train on one side but has not passed it on to the other side of them.

Conclusion A good game for groups of people who know each other well enough to
feel comfortable holding hands, or for groups who are beginning to be bonded (eg new
directors at a national conference)


Who: The more the merrier (at least 20)

Where: In a large room or outside

Aids Animal names on slips of paper

Blindfolds if you have them

Objectives To communicate with others without using normal everyday


Leaders Hints Nil

Instructions Each person is given a piece of paper with the name of an animal on it eg
cow, horse, goat, owl, elephant, dog, and turkey. The number of animals you use is
up to you, but you want to use each animal at least 4 or 5 times.
Everyone has to close their eyes (or be blindfolded) and by making the noise of
their animal, find the other cows, horses etc, keeping their eyes closed all the time.

Variations For large groups, just give inform each person of their animal verbally.

Conclusion Sit back and laugh


Who: A group of people (preferably 15 – 25)

Where:Inside a room big enough for everyone to walk around

Objectives To learn from observation

Instructions Everyone sits in a circle and covers their eyes.

You choose a murderer (unknown to others) by tapping them on the head
Everyone uncovers their eyes and starts to walk around so that they frequently
pass each other.
The murderer may kill anyone by winking at him or her. If a person receives a
wink he/she must wait for 5 seconds and then fall to the ground (shouting “aaagh!” on
the way down). That person is now dead and cannot participate in the rest of the game.
If a person spots another person winking at someone, he may accuse that
person of being the murderer, by pointing at the accused & saying, “I think X is the
After the accusation has been made, the accuser must have someone else back
up his or her claim. If not, the accuser must withdraw from the game. The suspect does
not have to comment.
A murderer is caught if he/she is accused correctly by tow people, and a new
If an accuser and a supporter are both wrong, they must both withdraw from the

Conclusion A good game for a group of strangers, or even friends!


Who: Groups of people (approx 20)

Where:Enough room to sit in a circle, inside or outside

Aids Nil

Objectives To test people’s powers of observation

Leaders Hints Nil

Instructions Groups sit in a circle facing inwards, one person per group leaves the
room. The others decide who will be the leader.
The person comes back into the room and stands in the middle.
The leader makes a series of movements eg scratching head, waving arms, lifting leg
up and down, bending forward etc and the others in the group have to copy the
The person in the middle, by carefully watching the change of the movements has to
guess whom the leader is.

Conclusion Good for strangers or friends.



Materials: None

Aims: Role-playing, group decision-making, group interaction.

Procedure: Divide in groups of 8 - 10. Each group member adopts a specific role,
usually an occupation, e.g. a doctor, an athlete, a teacher, movie-star, mother,
housewife, etc. (These can be written out and picked from a hat). Tell groups they are
in an air-raid shelter after an atom bomb has fallen, big enough and with enough air
and food for only six people, therefore they must get rid of several members. Each
group member must argue as to why he should be allowed to survive. A group decision
must be reached as to who goes and stays: no suicides or murder allowed. Set a time
limit for the decision. Later discuss how the group interacted making the decision,
whether each person played an active or passive role, how satisfied each was with his
role, etc.

Variations: Instead of an air-raid shelter, have a life raft or desert island or space ship.
Add incidents, accidents, rituals, funerals, ceremonies.


This exercise is a good one to use early in the semester because it helps to build a

sense of group rapport through the establishment of an environment for self-


Divide the class into pairs. Instruct the students to carry on a normal conversation for
five minutes, each person telling the other as much as possible about himself. Ask the
students to pick those things about themselves that they think are important to share.
After five minutes ask the class to come back together again as one large group
(preferably in a circle). Then ask each student to introduce his partner by stating his
partner's name and the one special thing that impressed him as most important about
that person.
If you like, you can end the discussion by asking the group to talk about what it was
like to talk to the other person and what it was like to be talked about in the group.

Every person needs recognition. It is expressed cogently by the lad who says,
Mother, let's play darts. I'll throw the darts and you say `Wonderful.' "
Educator Handbook of Stories, Quotes, and Humor
M. Dale



Aims: Trust, concentration, group development

Procedure: Group chooses each member in turn and elevates them to a horizontal
position above the heads of the group. The person is held there for a specific period,
and then lowered carefully to the floor. The elevated person must relax and close eyes.
It is often a good idea to have the groups raise and lower in unison. This often avoids
confusion and helps concentration.

Variations: Vary speed and control of lift,- walk, rock, etc.

Have the person involved give instructions to the group.
Combine with Backward fall & catch.


Materials: Circle of over 25 people

Aims: Trust, fun

Procedure: a) Group stands in a close circle, in queue form, with right shoulders
towards the center of the circle.
1. Circle closes so that everyone is touching the person in front and behind them.
2. Participants hold the waist of the person in front d Everyone bends their knees until
they feel themselves supported on the knee of the person behind.
e) If successful (rare first time) the whole group is self supported, each person
sitting on the knee of the person behind.

Note: This can only be successful if the circular shape is maintained throughout and it

is helpful if the group leans slightly towards the center as they are trying to settle down.

Variations After secure sitting position is achieved

1 Everyone leans inwards slightly and raises left leg
2 Try alternate stepping with right and left feet, (very
difficult.) TANGLE

Materials: None

Aims: Group development, trust, warm-up

Procedure: Whole group links hands into a human chain. First person leads chain
through itself, over and under arms, between legs, etc. Extra care must
be taken not to break the chain, to move slowly and to be gentle. Tangle ends when
group is too tightly packed to move. One person then untangles the group, giving them
directions without touching them.


Materials: One chair

Aims: Self-validation, group development

Procedure: A chair is placed in front of the group. Each person has a chance to sit
on the
chair and talk to the group. They can develop any subject
of their choice. It is often better to start out with descriptions of themselves - group
leader setting the pace by going first.
This is very important activity which can become a permanent feature of each drama
lesson, especially if a drama lesson is over 60 minutes long.

Positive developments can result in group discussion and ways of resolving


Variations: Speak on controversial subjects, give views, then discuss, argue, do

values continuum, etc.


Materials: None

Aims: Improvisation, movement

Procedure: Work in pairs or teams: use mime or short improvisations

Compare silence with noise, running with slow motion (really slow,
almost imperceptible).
running and leaping with slow motion, exuberance
with sorrow
old people - young
people tall I people -
short people
big (expansive and extrovert) - small (nervous and
introvert) floating - mud wallowing
sleek and darting - slow and
ponderous slow witted - quick
stiff person - loose
person rich - poor
strong - weak
industrious -
taciturn person - chatterbox

Englishman - Frenchman

pompous person - friendly


serious person - silly

person school teacher -
school child policeman -
angel - devil
motorist -
slow people - quick people

Variations: Development into improvisations: dealing with various situations; people

might be involved in conversation,1etter writing, shopping


Who: Large Group

Where:Walking outside

Aids/Equipment: Blindfolds

Objectives: To develop group and individual trust

To communicate without words

Leaders Hints: Who is willing to trust the person in front of them? (step
Who communicates with the people behind?

Instructions: 1. Everyone lines up in a single row behind the leader.(Group leaders

should be spaced every couple of students to ensure they remain safe)
1. Each person puts on a blindfold.
2. Each person puts their hands on the shoulders of the one ahead of them.
Explain that when they walk outside, if they need to step up the person in front
will tap their right leg, and if they need to step down, the person in front will tap
their left leg. They must do the same to the people behind them and pass the
message along.
1. The leader leads the line outside and around the grounds.

Conclusion This activity can be used after contemplative reflection (Sunday morning)
or towards the end of the camp, when people are more familiar with each other.

Who: Small Group (with presentation to the whole camp)

Where: Individual groups then in large area or hall

Aids/Equipment None

Objectives: To assess emotional expression and adaptability

To motivate and energise students
To provide a variety of activity and have the groups working together

Leaders Hints: Observe who dominates the group, who comes up with ideas,
who stands away or doesn't contribute
Observe who is willing to participate, who keeps everyone
Observe who is shy in front of the main group or is unwilling to be involved

Instructions: 1. Each group is given a proverb/expression and ten minutes to prepare.

The skit is to be quick and similar to charades, where the phrase is spelt or acted out.
The main group has to guess the
2. Leaders can give an example in front of the group
before the
others begin.
Conclusion This activity can be used in place of the usual "skit". By giving each group
a different expression, there is more variety and tests the general knowledge of the

While on exchange, students are often ask or required to do things which are "silly" cr
in front of others. This activity provides some initial experience and tests the willingness
of the students to do things that think make them appear foolish.

Suggestions: "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" "A
rolling stone gathers no moss"
"Once bitten, twice shy"
"A stitch in time save
nine" "Let sleeping dogs
"Good things come in small
bundles" "Too many cook, spoil
the broth"
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

Group Size 7 - 12 (For Larger groups, split up into smaller groups, or use the variation

Materials None

When and Where This is an activity which requires people to make close physical
contact. Not everyone feels comfortable doing this sort of thing, so keep this in mind,
especially with a group who are unfamiliar with each other. Use before, during or after
a session of work, to develop group identity.

Procedure Group meets together in a tight circle with arms outstretched in front and
eyes closed. Each person grasps one hand of someone close and one hand of
someone further away. Each hand should be linked with only one other hand. Make
sure that no two people are holding both of each other's hands.

Now, as a group, attempt to unknot the circle. Hand grips are allowed to be
changed but not broken.

Variation For a group larger than 12: Form a circle and hold hands. Break the circle at
one point and ask one of the end persons to tie the rest of the group into a knot. When
the knot is complete, the person at the other end tries to untangle the knot. Hand grips
cannot be changed or broken.

Who: Small Groups of 5-7

Where:Enough room for each group to have plenty of room around them

Aids/Equipment: Lots of drinking straws

Objectives: To get new participants working as a team

To introduce participants to each other in a non-

threatening way
Leaders' Hints: Observe who talks the most, who is quiet, who just does what
they are

Instructions: “Workers sit together on the floor with a pile of straws in the centre. The
“workers” are instructed to work as a team & use the straws to make a big beautiful
design on the floor.

Conclusion: A simple team building game ideal for groups of strangers. Variations
on this game include giving them teams each 30 rolled up newspapers
and seeing which group can make the tallest construction.


Who: A single group of 5 – 20 people.

Where:A room large enough to hold the entire group, or outside (but not with lots of
people standing around watching, as participants may get a bit embarrassed).

Aids: Nil

Objectives: To use your imagination

To get to know each other

Leaders' Hint: This game rewards the people who are the most imaginative

Instructions: Participants are to become parts of a large imaginary machine. One

person acts out a repetitive motion or sound of a machine part. One by one other arts
are added to the machine until the whole groups is involved. An example would be an
engine with people playing the roles of: Starter
Moving Handle etc

Variation: Breaking the group up, one group becomes a machine and the other group
has to guess what sort of a machine it is, then vice-versa.

Conclusion: This exercise requires a fair amount of imagination, but can also be a lot
of fun if the people really get into the acting.

Who: Teams of up at least 3 people
Where: Indoors

Aids Scrabble Tablets

Score sheet – pen

Objectives To learn to work as a team using non-verbal communication

Leaders Hints Observe those who assume the role of team leader

Instructions Each team member chooses one scrabble table. They must not look at
the tablet. They must stick it to their forehead immediately. No team member is allowed
to inform another team member of what that person’s letter is.
The team must create as many words as possible in the time given. A judge
needs to write down each word as the team forms it. The words must be at least 3
letters, although there may be more people in each group.
The words created must never be said aloud, since this would allow people to
find out their letter too easily.
Award one point for each letter used, with a bonus of 5 points for using all the tablets
in the group.

Variation 1 Make it harder by increasing the minimum number of letters per word.
2 Give everyone a letter, allowing him or her to see it. Shout out words and have people
find other letters and line up as the word as soon as possible. Make it a competition by
eliminating people who don’t become part of a word.

Conclusion A good fun team game.

Who: Groups of 5 – 6

Where:Inside or outside

Objectives To learn to make an argument about the importance of

oneself To learn to negotiate with other people

Leaders Hints Look for those who try to intimidate others

Instructions Groups sit in a fairly small circle, which represents the basket of the
passenger balloon. Each person has to pick an occupation for himself or herself eg
plumber, lawyer, doctor etc. Make sure that people have chosen their occupation
before you explain the scenario to them.
The balloon is slowly losing altitude and in order for some of the people to
survive, one person has to jump out.
Everyone has to put forward their reasons why they shouldn’t have to jump out
and why someone else should. Everyone must agree on who has to jump within 5 mins
or everyone will perish

Conclusion This game is a bit like bomb-shelter. It is quite useful since the people don’t
need to know each other to be able to play it.

Who: Small teams (say 4-5 people)

Aids 2 blindfolds per team (one for walker, one for next person in line), Chalk, 1
Chair per team, 1 Spoon / box of matches / apple per team
Other obstacles (eg bins)

Objective To win by trusting each other

Instructions Draw course on the ground (including circles for pick up / put down points),
One team member is blindfolded
Navigate course with instructions from other team members. Navigate obstacles and
pick up / put down objects (judge to return object to pick up point after it is put down)
Repeat with other team members Fastest Team wins

Commands Stop, Go Left, Right

Forward, Back Down, Up
Pick up, Put down Yes, No
Sit, Stand

Example Course
Sit Down

Put Down Pick up Object

Conclusion Bit of trust involved, so good for people who at least have
met before

Who: Groups of 30-40 people.

Where:Inside a very large room or outside, preferably over a carpet or grass surface.

Aids Nil

Objectives To build people’s trust in each other

To work together as a large team

Leaders' Hints Spread the strong people evenly amongst the two groups

Instructions Form lines of about 30-40

people Line up in pairs, one pair
behind the other
With the help of two strong people at the front and back if needed, life a person, life a
person up an pass them along the top of the line lying flat and supported by the hands
of the people underneath.

Conclusion A good trust, you can also increase the number of people you pass along
so that everyone who feels comfortable can have a go.


Who: Groups of up between 7 – 12 people

Leaders' Hints Look for the innovators who can solve this problem

Instructions Give each group member a number from 1 – 7 (or 10, or 12 etc)
Make sure that no-one else knows what their number is. They then have to line
up in numerical order, but they must close their eyes
and not talk. After an appropriate amount of time, stop the game.
Discuss how they felt about not being able to do it, and see if they can find ways that
may have made it easier eg tapping their numbers on each other’s back.

Group Size Any Size

Materials None

Where and When A good game to play when the group's concentration is fading. It is
quick, gets people's bodies moving, and you can then lead into another session or
carry on where you left off. It is not advisable to use this activity on groups who are
unfamiliar with each other as it can be threatening.

Procedure The leader calls a part of the body and a colour that can e found in the room.
Everybody must then rush and place that part of their body on that colour eg noses on
red. Everyone must stay in that position until another colour has been called.

NOTE: be careful not to let this drag on too long or it will become a de-


Group size: Approx ten

Materials: 1 Blanket for each group

Procedure: Each group has to stand on their blanket and race down to the other end
of the room. They must stay on their blankets at all times. The first
group to reach the end is the winner.


Materials Large open space

When and Where Use to release energy and for lots of fun. Excellent in playfairs.
Procedure Ask the group members to pair off, finding a partner roughly the same size.
Explain that this activity is called "Knight; Mount; Cavalier". There are three positions
that they need to know.

Knight: One person kneels on one knee with their partner sitting on their other
knee. Mount: One person gets down on their hands and knees, the other person
stands over them. Cavalier: One partner picks up the other person
(Demonstrate these positions)

Proceed to call out the different instructions in a random order, giving people just
enough time to get into one position before you call out the next.

NOTE: Don't let this activity drag on - it should be short or people will get sick of it and
drop out.

Variations 1. Make it Competitive: Anyone doing the wrong position is out.

2. Change the roles around so that the person being picked up is then the one
who picks up the partner and so on.


Group Size 10 and up

Materials None

When and Where Great for breaks in between sessions and for use in playfairs.
However, close physical contact is involved and may be intimidating for groups who
are unfamiliar with one another.

Procedure Divide the participants into 5 equal sized groups. Nominate each group with

a part of the sandwich. There must be 2 groups allocated bread, 1 group allocated
meat, 1 group

allocated tomato and 1 group allocated lettuce. The aim is to then make the

sandwiches. There needs to be a piece of bread on the bottom (one person lies down),

a piece of ham (the next person lies on top of the first), the lettuce and ham and then

finally the last piece of bread on the top of the pile. On completion there should be a

pile of five people making the sandwich.

NOTE: This will work most effectively if demonstrated first by people who are
familiar with both the leader and the game.


Group Size 7 people (4 boys and 3 girls), plus as many spectators as you want

Materials None

Procedure Take 5 people (3 boys and 2 girls) outside and keep 2 inside. Bring in a
male, and tell him take the two people inside and "make them friendlier". After he has
finished, get him to swap places with the male. Bring in the next girl. Do the same, and
swap with the girl. On the last male do the same, but get him to swap with the girl,
leaving the two males in a slightly sexual position.


Group Size 10 and up

Materials None

Where and When A good game to begin a session or just generally wake a group up.
Game works most effectively with people who know each other as there is an element
of honesty involved.

Procedure There are four stages to this game: Egg, Chicken, Bird and Superman. The
idea is that participants evolve through the four phases.
Everyone begins walking around the room banging their fists on their foreheads
chanting "egg egg egg egg egg". Participants pair up and have a game of paper;
scissors; rock. The winner of this game evolves to the next stage, the looser stays an

The game continues and the participants who evolved walk around like a chicken,

flapping their arms and squarking, the eggs continue to be eggs. The chickens pair up

with chickens and the eggs pair up with eggs to once again play paper; scissors; rock.

Those who win evolve to the next stage where as those who loose remain where they

are. The game continues with the birds flapping their arms and supermen soaring

around with both arms in the air.

When the game works correctly there should be one egg, chicken and bird left and the
rest of the players are supermen (or superpeople to be politically correct)


Group Size 3 volunteers (but any number of people can watch)

Materials 3 funnels
1. spoons
2. blind folds
3. jugs of

water 1 packet

of jaffas

When and Where Use on a hot day where people have the opportunity to change their
clothes. Also with people who will not kill the demonstrator.

Procedure Get three people up the front. Put the funnel in the front of their pants and the
spoon in their mouth. Put the jaffa on the spoon, count to three and get them to drop it
in the funnel. Easy. Tell them that they will now be blindfolded and will have to do it
again. Blindfold them. Count to three, but on two pour water into the funnel.

Group size: Any size

Materials: None

Procedure: Divide the group into three groups and form a group of three with one
person from each group. Nominate one person as the leader on
the group. This person becomes the Master of the other two people in the group who
are now Slaves. The Master then has one minute
to command the slaves to do anything they say ( within reason of course). Swap the
roles to give every member of the group the
chance to be Master


Group Size Any Size

Materials None

Where and When A trust building, physical boundary breaking activity which can be
great fun for a group who are comfortable with physical contact, but may be awkward
with groups who find physical contact more difficult.

Procedure Have the group lie diagonally across the room on their backs, as close to
one another as possible. The person at one end then proceeds to roll over the top of
the others to reach the other end, where they lie down next to the last person. When
they arrive the next person does the same.

Variations 1. Group lies on their backs on the floor, with every person lying in the
opposite direction to the person next to them. Close everyone up so that their heads
'interlock'. Everyone then stretches their hands above their heads. One member of the
group lies down along the top of the outstretched arms and is passed along the top of
the arms to the other end.
NOTE: It is necessary to have someone, preferably the leader at first, at both
ends to start each person off carefully and catch the head of each person as they finish.

Also, start off with lighter people and gradually build up group confidence in tackling

the heavier members.

. Place a 20 cent piece on the first persons chest. The aim is to pass the 20 cent piece
from one person to another without touching it with anyone's hands or dropping it on
the floor. This variation requires each person to roll only onto the next person and then
back to their original position. The 20 cent piece should make it to the other end of the
NOTE: This can be made competitive by having two teams going at once. The
winning team has the 20 cent piece arrive at the other end of the chain first.


Group size: Three or four groups depending on the size of the group.

Materials: None

Procedure: The groups line up one behind the other, facing the same direction each
person about an arms length behind each other. They spread
their legs apart and join hands, the right hand going under their legs joining with the
persons left hand behind them. The race begins
the first person moving under the tunnel and not breaking the linking hands and the
tunnel moves under itself until all the group has
gone through the tunnel hands always linked.


Group size: Approx 10

Materials: None

Procedure: Each group must form a human pyramid and walk the pyramid forward
towards the other end of the room. The first group to reach the
end wins. The pyramid classically consists of 4 people on
the bottom level, three on the next, then two and one person on the top.

Group size: Any

Materials: Music (that can be stopped and started)

Procedure: The group forms into pairs. The pairs then kneel facing each other with
their hands on each others shoulders, forming an inner and outer circle. When the
music starts the outside circle stands and begins to move clockwise, the inner circle
at the same time works in an anti clockwise direction. When the music stops the circles
must re-pair and kneel with their hands upon each others shoulders. The last pair to
do so is OUT. The game continues until only one pair remains


Group size: Groups of between 2 and 8

Materials: None

Procedure: The group is split into smaller groups of between 2 and 8 people. The
leader then gives an example of a particular structure which the
groups construct by linking themselves together

Examples, Tree, Crane, Modern building, Bridge, Plane /

Helicopter, Car / truck/ Bus, Ship, lighthouse etc


Group size: Approximately six or size to suit Materials-None

Procedure: The teams line up and the race begins. No.1 moves down the line:
Patting No.2 on the head;
Going through No.3's legs;
Linking arms and spinning twice with
No.4; Sitting on No.5's right knee,
Blowing in No.6's ear.
No.1 then joins the line and No.2 goes down the line carrying out the tasks in the
same order, and so on. The list above is only an
example of tasks for each number. Use your imagination


Group size: Any size

Materials: None

Procedure: In pairs sit back to back and link arms. Then try to stand up. Do
same in threes, fours, fives etc until you can do it with the

Group size: Approx ten

Materials: 1 Balloon per Person


Procedure: Distribute 1 balloon and a piece of string to each person.

Instruct each person to blow up their balloon and tie it to their
ankle. Once all balloons are in place, tell the group to burst as many balloons
belonging to other people as possible.
Sit down when your balloon has been

burst. Activity is best if no one is

wearing shoes.


Who: A group of people, between 10 and 20.

Where:Inside a large room

Objectives To coordinate your progress with others

Instructions Participants lie in a circle on the floor as far from the centre of the
as possible with all heads toward the centre.
Group closes eyes, and slowly crawls into the centre, forming a pile, then each
person crosses to the other side of the room.
This should take about 5 minutes.

Conclusion A fun activity for people who know each other relatively well.


Who: Large groups of people (up to 50 in each group)

Where: Inside a large room or outside

Instructions: Form single file lines for each group

Each person faces the back of the person on his or her right.
Bending over, each person places their right hand back between their legs and reaches
their left hand to grab the right hand of the person in front of them.
The last person in the line lies down, and the snake unpeels by the rest of the line
slowly walking backwards, still joined, over the top of that person who has lay down.
One by one each person lies down, still holding hands, with the others passing over
the top of them.
The group who are all lying down first win.


Who: Large groups of people (say at least 30 in each)

Where: Inside a large room or outside.

Objectives To watch a human chain reaction

To test people’s ability not to laugh (in the variation)

Instructions Instruct each group to lie down so that each person’s head is resting on
stomach of the person before them.
Tell the person at the head of the each line a joke, and they will giggle. When the
person with their head on that person’s stomach feels them giggle, they will also giggle
and your chain reaction has started.

Variation Have the first person cough, and then each subsequent person cough, but
no-one is allowed to laugh or giggle.

Materials: None

Aims: Developing imagination, self-validation, sensory awareness, awareness, body


Procedure: Whole group lies on backs, arms on the floor, legs separate, eyes closed.
Leader talks smoothly and steadily and asks the group to
focus their senses within their bodies. Bodies are described as containing blood
vessels with blood pulsing through; lungs exchanging
oxygen for carbon dioxide (good air for used air); stomachs digesting food, etc.
Group is asked to concentrate on one particular
function of the body and the leader asks the group to be aware (even synthetically) of
the existence of the activity, without feeling for
signs with their hands.

Real sensations to
notice heartbeat
perspiration, etc.

Pseudo sensations (to imagine

entirely) hair growing
nails growing
air in the
food passing to muscles acids attacking the teeth, etc.

Variations 1 Concentration through breathing. Take a deep breath. Imagine your ribs
expanding, the air rushing down your throat, filling your lungs, entering your blood and
kicking the old air out. (continue with exhaling.)

Concentration through heartbeat. Blood sucked into one

chamber - expelled into next chamber and then back into vein or artery.

Concentration upon the feeling (in rhythm with the beats) of this expansion and



Materials Large sheet of paper per person and pencil or felt tip

Aims Self-validation

Procedure Each person is asked to make a road map of their life so far.
with birth and extending to the present. Each map should
somehow show the good places (either scenic or open road, etc.) or the bad places
(bumpy spots, etc.), hospital (road works etc.) Also
barriers, detours, and the general direction of their present course.

Compare life's past course with your imagined future, i.e. goals, etc. How will they be
achieved? What has made the good spots?

Variations 1 Extend and project the map into the future. (conjecture or daydream)
2 Construct lists of positive and negative problems and events. Decide on points
systems, i.e., + and -, and evaluate your life.
3 Role-play passing detours, etc.


Who: Pairs of people

Where:Inside a large room.

Aids Obstacles eg chairs and tables

Objectives To learn to trust your partner
To feel what it is like to have no power over your own actions

Leaders Hints Nil

Instructions In each pair, person A is a tin soldier, person B is their Director

Tin soldiers can only move under directions from B. They have no power to think or
make decisions. Tin soldiers walk slowly with stiff legs & arm joints.
B’s job is to guide his/her tin soldier to the other side of the room, by giving
directions to avoid hitting walls, tables, chairs & other tin soldiers.
Now have B’s wind up their tin soldiers & begin giving
directions. After a few minutes, stop and reverse roles.

Conclusion A good fun game for friends or strangers. It may have an interesting
effect on people who like to be in control.

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