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IIT Maths Sample Paper 1


1. Let x be a real number with 0<x<. Prove that, for all natural numbers n,
the sum sinx + sin3x/3 + sin5x/5 + ... + sin(2n-1)x/(2n-1) is positive.
2. Use combinatorial argument to prove the identity:

 n-r+1
Cd . r-1Cd-1 = nCr

3. ,  are roots of x2+ax+b=0, ,  are roots of x2-ax+b-2=0. Given 1/ + 1/

+ 1/ + 1/ =5/12 and  = 24, find the value of the coefficient ‘a’.
4. x + y + z = 15 and xy + yz + zx = 72, prove that 3  x  7.
5. Let ,   R, find all the set of all values of  for which the set of linear
equations has a non-trivial solution.
x + (sin ) y + (cos ) z = 0
x + (cos ) y + (sin ) z = 0
-x + (sin ) y - (cos ) z = 0
If  = 1, find all values of .
6. Prove that for each posive integer 'm' the smallest integer which exceeds
(3 + 1)2m is divisible by 2m+1.
7. Prove that, for every natural k, the number (k3)! is divisible by (k!)k2+k+1.
8. Prove that the inequality: n=1r { m=1r aman/(m+n)}  0. ai is any real
9. Prove the following inequality: k=1n [nCk]  [n(2n-1)]
10. A sequence {Un, n  0} is defined by U0=U1=1 and Un+2=Un+1+Un.Let A and
B be natural numbers such that A19 divides B93 and B19 divides A93.Prove by
mathematical induction, or otherwise, that the number (A 4+B8)Un+1 is
divisible by (AB)Un for n  1.
11. The real numbers ,  satisfy the equations: 3 + 32 + 5 - 17 = 0, 3 -
32 + 5 + 11 = 0. Find +.
12. Given 6 numbers which satisfy the relations:
y2 + yz + z2 = a2
z2 + zx + x2 = b2
x2 + xy + y2 = c2
Determine the sum x+y+z in terms of a, b, c. Give geometrical
interpretation if the numbers are all positive.
13. Solve: 4x2/{1-(1+2x2)}2 < 2x+9
14. Find all real roots of: (x2-p) + 2(x2-1) = x
15. The solutions , ,  of the equation x3+ax+a=0, where 'a' is real and a0,
satisfy 2/ + 2/ + 2/ = -8. Find , , .
16. If a, b, c are real numbers such that a2+b2+c2=1, prove the inequalities:
-1/2  ab+bc+ca  1.
17. Show that, if the real numbers a, b, c, A, B, C satisfy: aC-2bB+cA=0 and
ac-b2>0 then AC-B20.
18. When 0<x<1, find the sum of the infinite series: 1/(1-x)(1-x 3) + x2/(1-x3)(1-
x5) + x4/(1-x5)(1-x7) + ....
19. Solve for x, y, z:
yz = a(y+z) + r
zx = a(z+x) + s
xy = a(x+y) + t
20. Solve for x, n, r > 1
x n-1 n-1
Cr Cr Cr-1
x+1 n n
Cr Cr Cr-1 =0
x+2 n+2 n+2
Cr Cr Cr-1
21. Let p be a prime and m a positive integer. By mathematical induction on
m, or otherwise, prove that whenever r is an integer such that p does not
divide r, p divides mpCr.
22. Let a and b be real numbers for which the equation x 4 + ax3 + bx2 + ax + 1
= 0 has at least 1 real solution. For all such pairs (a,b), find the minimum
value of a2+b2.
23. Prove that:
2/(x2 - 1) + 4/(x2 - 4) + 6/(x2 - 9) + ... + 20/(x2 - 100) =
11/((x - 1)(x + 10)) + 11/((x - 2)(x + 9)) + ... + 11/((x - 10)(x + 1))
24. Find all real p, q, a, b such that we have (2x-1) 20 - (ax+b)20 = (x2+px+q)10
for all x.

IIT Maths Sample Paper 2


1. Simplify the expression (a > 0, a  0) : (a-x/ 5)[2a2x-ax(2ax-1)] {1-(5ax/2ax-1)-2}-

 [(ax+2)2-5]-(a2x+4)[a2x+4(1-ax)]-1/2+4ax[1+(ax+2)(a2x-4ax+4)-1/2]{ax+2+(a2x-
4ax+4)1/2}-1 and determine for which values of x this expression is equal to 1.
2. Prve that log418 is an irrational number.
3. Determine all such integers a and b for which one of the roots of
3x3+ax2+bx+12=0 is equal to 1 + 3.
4. Solve in terms of complex numbers: z3 + (7)*=0; z5.11 = 1. (* indicates
5. Prove that if a > 0, b > 0 then for any x and y the following inequality holds true:
a.2x+b.3y+1  (4x+9y+1)(a2+b2+1)
6. Prove the inequality nn+1 > (n+1)n, n  3, n  N.
7. Prove that
(b+c)2 a2 a2
b2 (c+a)2 b2 = 2abc(a+b+c)3
c2 c2 (a+b)2
8. (Without expanding)
9. Sum the series: 1 + 4x + 9x2 + ...
10. The eqns ax2 + bx + c=0 and x3=k have a common root. Prove that
a b c
b c ak =0
c ak bk
11. If  is a root of x4=1 then Show that a + b + c2 + d3 is a factor of
a b c d
b c d a
c d a b
d a b c
12. Hence Show that the det is equal to -(a+b+c+d)(a-b+c-d){(a-c)2+(b-d)2}.
13. Find the coefficient of x4 in (1 + 2x + 3x2)5.
14. The sum of squares of 3 terms of a GP is S2. If their sum is S, Prove that 2 
(1/3,1)  (1,3).
15. Find the sum to n terms: 0!/5! + 1!/6! + 2!/7! + ...
16. If f(x)=ax/(ax + a) (a > 0), evaluate r=12n-1 f(r/2n).

IIT Chemistry Sample Paper 1


1. An aq soln of a gas X gives the fol reactions:

i. It decolorizes an acidified soln of K2Cr2O7
ii. On boiling it with H2O2, cooling it and then adding an aq soln of BaCl2 a
ppt insoluble in dil HCl is obtained.
iii. On passing H2S a white turbidity is obtained.

Identify X and give all reactions taking place.

2. The gas liberated on heating a mix of 2 salts with NaOH gives a reddish brown
ppt with an alk soln K2HgI4. The soln (aq) of the mix on treatment with BaCl2
gives a white pt which is sparingly solution in conc HCl. On heating the mix with
K2Cr2O7 and conc H2SO4 red vap of A are produced. The aq soln of the mix gives
a deep blue coloration B with pot ferricyanide soln. Identify the radicals and write
balanced eqns for formation of A and B?
3. A black colored compd A on reaction with dil H2SO4 gives a gas B which on
passing in a soln of an acid C gives a white turbidity D. Gas B when passed thro
acidified soln of E gives a ppt F solution in dil HNO3. After boiling this soln when
an excess of ammonium hydroxide is added a blue colored compd G is formed. To
this soln on addn of acetic acid and aq pot ferrocyanide a chocolate ppt H is
obtained. On addn of an aq soln of E a white ppt insol in HNO3 is obtained.
Identify A to H.
4. A mix of 2 salts were treated as follows:
i. The mix was heated with manganese dioxide and conc H2SO4 when
yellowish green gas was obtained.
ii. The mix on heating with sod hydroxide soln gave a gas, which turned red
litmus blue.
iii. Its soln in water gave blue ppt with pot ferricyanide and red coloration
with amm thiocyanate.
iv. The mix was boiled with pot hydroxide and the liberated gas was bubbled
thro an alk soln of K2HgI4 to give brown pt.

Identify the 2 salts. Give ionic reactions for the tests (i) to (iii).

5. A certain inorganic compd A on heating loses its water of crystallization. On

further heating a blackish powder B and 2 oxides of S - C and D are obtained, the
powder B on boiling with HCl gives a yellow soln E. When H2S is passed thro E a
white turbidity F and apple green soln G are obtained. The soln E on treatment
with thiocyanate ions gives a blood red color compd H. Identify A to H.
6. A green colored metallic chloride A when treated with sod hydroxide and H2O2
gives a yellow soln due to the formation of compd B. The color of this soln
changes to orange when dil H2SO4 is added to it. It is due to the formation of
compd C. When KCl is heated along with C in presence of conc H2SO4 a red
volatile liq D is formed. The compd C when treated with amm chloride forms
compd E which decomposes on heating giving a colorless gas F water and green
residue G. When Mg is burnt in the presence of F a white solid H is formed. The
latter on hydrolysis forms a gas I which gives white fumes with HCl. Identify A to
I giving involved eqns.
7. Your are given a white material which could be any of the following :
ZnO, ZnCO3, Zn(OH)2, ZnS, Zn(NH3)4Cl2.
What tests would you perform to identify the compd? Be specific. Tell what
reagents you could use and what observations you could make.
8. A white amorphous powder A on heating yields a non-combustible gas B and a
solid C. The latter compd assumes a yellow color on heating and changes to white
on cooling. C dissolves in dil acids and the resultant soln gives a white ppt on
adding K[Fe(CN)4] soln. A dissolves in dil HCl with the evolution of a gas which
is identical in all respects with B. The gas B turns lime water milky which
disappears on continuous passage of it. The soln of A as obtained above gives a
white ppt D on addn of excess of NH4OH and passing H2S. Anther portion of the
soln gives initially a white ppt E on addn of NaOH soln which dissolves on
further addn of base. Identify A-E.
9. A colorless solid A on heating gives a white solid B and a gas C; B gives off
reddish brown fumes on treatment with dil acids. On heating with NH4Cl, B gives
a colorless gas D and a residue E. The compd A also gives colorless gas F on
heating with ammonium sulphate and white residue G. Both E and G impart
yellow color to the Bunsen flame. C forms white powder with strongly heated Mg
metal. The white powder forms Mg(OH)2 with H2O. The gas D on the other hand
is observed by heated Ca which gives off ammonia on hydrolysis. Identify the
substance A to G and give reactions for the changes involved.
10. A mix of 3 gases A, B, C is passed first into acidified dichromate solution when A
is absorbed turning the soln green. The remainder of the gas is passed through
excess of lime water which turns milky resulting in the absorption of B. The
residual gas C is absorbed by alk pyrogallol soln. However the original mix does
not turn lead acetate paper black. Identify A, B, C.

IIT Physics Sample Paper 1

Rotational Kinematics & Dynamics

1. A uniform thin rod AB of mass 3m and length 2a is free to rotate in a horizontal

plane about a smooth fixed vertical axis which passes through the midpoint O of
the rod. Two small smooth rings each of mass m are free to slide on the rod. At
time t=0 the rings are on the opposite side of O and are at a distance a/2 from O.
The rod is then given an initial angular velocity 2g/a, the rings being initially at
rest relative to the rod.
i. Show that when the rings are about to slip off the rod its angular velocity
is g/a.
ii. Find the speed of either ring at this instant.
iii. If the point O is at a height a above the horizontal plane show that the
distance between the points where the ring strikes the plane is 2a(6 +
2. Two particles m1 and m2 are connected by a light elastic string of natural length lo
and are placed on a smooth horizontal table with separation between m1 and m2 as
lo. m2 is projected with a velocity vo along the table at right angles to the string.
Show that the max length l of the particle is given by: l2(l-
lo)=m1m2vo2(l+lo)/k(m1+m2) where k is force const of string
3. Two equal particles are attached to the end of a light
rod and a 3rd equal particle is connected by an
inextensible string to a point on the rod at distance a
and b from its ends. The latter particle is projected at
right angles to the rod with a velocity vo. Show that
when the string becomes taut the velocity of the particle is changed to
v1=vo(a2+b2)/2(a2+ab+b2) and that the rod begins to turn with angular velocity (a-

4. A rod of length 2a and mass M is in motion in a horizontal plane with speed u at

right angle to its length when it collides with a small elastic sphere of equal mass
whose center lies in the same plane. If the sphere is free to move, Prove that
angular velocity acquired by the rod cannot exceed (1+e)u6/4a.
5. A cube rests on a rough plane of inclination  (< /4) with 2 of its upper and two
of its lower edges horizontal. A rope is attached to the midpoint of its upper most
edge and is pulled parallel to the greatest slope of the plane. Show that it will be
impossible to drag the cube without upsetting it if the coefficient of friction
exceeds (1-tan )/2
6. A uniform rod of length 2a, mass m is set in motion by a
sudden blow J acting at A and inclined at  to rod as shown.
Find velocity of A of rod immediately after the impact and
Prove that energy communicated is J2(1+3sin2)/2m.

7. A small block of mass m is placed inside a hollow cone rotating

about a vertical axis with angular velocity  as in the figure. The
semivertical angle of the cone is  and the coefficient of friction
between the cone and the block is . If the block is to remain at a
constant height h above the apex of the cone, what are the
maximum and minimum values of ?

8. The
shown arrangement
is in a horizontal
plane. The particle with
mass m is restricted to
move in an elliptical
orbit with shown
dimension. The particle has velocity v at the shown position towards right. Length
of rod is 2l. The coefficient of restitution between the particle and the rod is 1/3.
The moment of inertia of rod is I, about O.
i. Find the locus of mid-point of spring of force constant K3.
ii. Find the frequency of the rod.
iii. What would be the maximum angular displacement of the oscillating

(Assume only one collision)

9. The system shown is initially at
rest. Find the acceleration of the
bobbins A and mass m. Assume
that A can roll without slipping
along the incline. Given that the MI
about instantaneous axis of rotation
of bobbins A,B,C is IA, IB, IC.
Assume their masses to be mA, mB,
mc and internal and external radii to
be r and R.

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