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‫المشرف هو حلقة الوصل ما بين اإلدارة وبين العمال ( السالمة المهنية)‬

‫وتقع عليه واجبات ومسئوليات كبيره ومهمة مرتبطة مباشره بحياة العمال وسالمة الممتلكات‬
‫وهو مراقب ومنفذ ومشرف على تطبيق إجراءات السالمة واإلبالغ عن أي تقصير ومن‬
‫‪1.‬معرفة القوانين والتشريعات المحلية الخاصة بالسالمة المهنية‬
‫‪2.‬معرفة القوانين الخاصة باشتراطات السالمة بإدارته ومنشاته‬
‫‪3.‬تطبيق توجيهات المسئولين عن األمن والسالمة‬
‫‪4.‬إلمامه والتزامه وتطبيقه لقوانين وتشريعات السالمة‬
‫‪5.‬التبليغ عن أي قصور أو خلل في أنظمة السالمة‬
‫‪6.‬التأكد من توفير معدات وتجهيزات السالمة في العمل‬
‫‪7.‬التأكد من توفير كافة التجهيزات الحماية الشخصية في العمل‬
‫‪8.‬التأكد من تطبيق كافة القوانين والتشريعات السالمة في العمل من قبل العمال‬
‫‪9.‬التأكد من إتمام إجراء تقييم وتخمين وتحليل للمخاطر لكافة مقرات العمل‬
‫‪10.‬التأكد من إتمام إجراء تقييم وتخمين لكل األجهزة واآلالت والمعدات‬
‫‪11.‬إجراء تفتيش دوري إلجراءات السالمة في مقر العمل‬
‫‪12.‬إجراء تفتيش دوري على مخارج الطوارئ ومعدات الحرائق‬
‫‪13.‬التأكد من تنفيذ سياسة السالمة الموضوعة من قبل المنشاة أو المؤسسة‬
‫‪14.‬التأكد من تدريب العمال الجدد على أساسيات السالمة لألعمال المخصصة لهم‬
‫‪15.‬معرفة اشتراطات ووسائل السالمة في مقر عمله وطرق استخدامها وأنواع ووسائل‬
‫السالمة المتوفرة‬
‫‪16.‬دراسة شكاوى العمال بما يخص السالمة المهنية وتقديمها للمسئولين‬
‫‪17.‬معرفة نتائج التحقيق في الحوادث ومعرفة األسباب وتدوينها‬
‫‪18.‬كتابة ومتابعة سجالت السالمة‬
‫‪19.‬عدم االجتهاد في تحديد اشتراطات السالمة‬

‫مهام مسئول السالمة والصحة المهنية‬

‫•إبداء الرأي مع إدارة المنشأة والمختصين في التصميم الخاص باإلنشاءات والمعدات واألجهزة الخاصة باإلنتاج‬
‫والخدمات واألجهزة الخاصة بالتحكم في المخاطر والملوثات والتوسعات التي تطرأ عليها‬
‫•تحديد خدمات السالمة والصحة المهنية وتأمين بيئة العمل بالمنشاة واالشتراك في إعداد الخطط االستثمارية‬
‫الخاصة باحتياجات التنفيذ‬
‫•التعرف علي جميع األنشطة بالمنشأة وجميع العمليات اإلنتاجية الجارية فيها‪:‬‬
‫خامات أولية ‪ /‬مواد وسيطة ‪ /‬منتج نهائي ‪ /‬مواد خطرة ونفايات واتخاذ االحتياطات الالزمة للوقاية من المخاطر‬
‫• التعرف علي المخاطر في بيئة العمل (فيزيائية ‪ /‬ميكانيكية ‪ /‬كهربائية ‪ /‬بيولوجية ‪ /‬كيميائية ‪ /‬وسلبية ) من‬
‫حيث خصائصها ومصادرها وطرق تعرض العاملين لمخاطرها وآثارها علي صحة وسالمة العاملين‬
‫واقتصاديات المنشأة‬
‫•قياس وتقييم الملوثات والمخاطر باستخدام األجهزة الخاصة بالقياسات للتعرف علي نوعية المخاطر ومستويات‬
‫تركيزها وطبيعتها كما ً وكيفا ً وآثارها علي صحة العاملين وسالمة بيئة العمل والتعرف علي نظم التحكم‬
‫والسيطرة علي األخطار والملوثات‬
‫•إبداء الرأي في تحليل وتقويم المخاطر والكوارث والحوادث الصناعية المحتملة وإعداد خطط االستجابة‬
‫لمواجهة الطوارئ واألزمات وتدريب العاملين عليها‬
‫•االشتراك في وضع المواصفات الفنية لمعدات وأجهزة ومهمات الوقاية الشخصية والتحقق من فاعليتها و‬
‫ومالئمتها لطبيعة العمل‬
‫•تحليل البيانات الخاصة بحوادث وإصابات العمل واألمراض المهنية والحوادث الجسيمة واستخالص‬
‫التوصيات الالزمة لمنع الحوادث وإصابات العمل‬
‫•أبداء الرأي في السياسة الخاصة بالتوعية وتثقيف العاملين عن طريق الندوات وورش العمل والملصقات‬
‫•االشتراك مع اإلدارة في تخطيط البرامج التدريبية للفنيين وأعضاء لجنة السالمة والصحة المهنية‬
‫• التفتيش الدوري علي أماكن العمل للتعرف علي المخاطر والملوثات والتزام العاملين بتنفيذ التعليمات‬
‫•إعداد ملف خاص بإدارة خدمات وسياسات السالمة والصحة المهنية وتأمين بيئة العمل‬
‫• إعداد تصاريح العمل قبل البدء في إجراء أي عمليات للصيانة واإلصالحات أ‪ ,‬أي عمليات أخري من المحتمل‬
‫أن تسبب خطورة علي سالمة وصحة العاملين‬
‫•متابعة وإجراء الصيانة الدورية والوقائية لوسائل الوقاية من الحريق واإلنفجارات وكذلك المعدات الخاصة‬
‫باإلسعاف واإلنقاذ‪.‬‬

‫‪Occupational health and safety technicians collect data on the safety and health‬‬
‫‪conditions of the workplace. Technicians work with occupational health and‬‬
‫‪safety specialists in conducting tests and measuring hazards to help prevent‬‬
‫‪harm to workers, property, the environment, and the general public.‬‬

‫‪Occupational health and safety technicians typically do the following:‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Inspect, test, and evaluate workplace environments, equipment, and‬‬

‫‪practices to ensure they follow safety standards and government‬‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Collect samples of potentially toxic materials‬‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Work with occupational health and safety specialists to fix hazardous‬‬
‫‪and potentially hazardous conditions or equipment‬‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Evaluate programs on workplace safety and health‬‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Educate employers and workers about workplace safety‬‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Demonstrate the correct use of safety equipment‬‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Investigate incidents and accidents to identify what caused them and‬‬
‫‪how they might be prevented in the future‬‬

‫‪Technicians conduct tests and collect samples and measurements as part of‬‬
‫‪workplace inspections. For example, they may collect and handle samples of‬‬
‫‪dust, mold, gases, vapors, or other potentially hazardous materials. They‬‬
conduct both routine and special inspections that an occupational health and
safety specialist orders.

They test and identify work areas for potential health and safety hazards.
Technicians may examine and test machinery and equipment such as
scaffolding and lifting devices to be sure that they meet appropriate safety
regulations. They may check that workers are using required protective gear,
such as masks and hardhats. Technicians also check that hazardous materials
are stored correctly.

In addition to working to maintain employee health and safety, technicians work

with specialists to increase worker productivity by reducing the number of
worker absences and equipment downtime. These actions save companies
money by lowering insurance premiums and workers’ compensation payments,
preventing government fines, and improving productivity and product quality.

Although all occupational health and safety technicians work to maintain the
health of workers and the environment, their responsibilities vary by industry,
workplace, and types of hazards affecting employees. For example, a
technician may test the levels of hazards at a waste processing plant or may
inspect the lighting and ventilation in an office setting. Both of these inspections
are focused on maintaining the health of the workers and the environment.

The following are examples of types of occupational health and safety


Health physics technicians work in places that use radiation and radioactive
material. Their goal is to protect people and the environment from hazardous
radiation exposure.

Industrial or occupational hygiene technicians examine the workplace for

health hazards, such as exposure to lead, asbestos, pesticides, or contagious

Mine examiners inspect mines for proper air flow and potential health hazards
such as the buildup of methane or other harmful gases.

Summary Description

Collect data on work environments for analysis by occupational health and safety specialists.
Implement and conduct evaluation of programs designed to limit chemical, physical,
biological, and ergonomic risks to workers.

Sample Job Titles

1. Construction Health and Safety 13. Plant Technical Specialist

14. Project Manager, Senior
2. Construction Safety Consultant
15. Radiation Monitor
3. Consultant
16. Safety Assistant
4. Director of Safety
17. Safety Coordinator
5. Environmental Health Technologist
18. Safety Equipment Testing Specialist
6. Environmental, Health, and Safety EHS
Leader 19. Safety Instructor

7. Ergonomics Technician 20. Safety Person

8. Health and Safety Coordinator 21. Safety Professional, Industrial Hygiene

9. Health and Safety Tech
22. Safety Specialist
10. Mine Patrol
23. Safety Technician
11. Occupational Health and Safety
Technologist 24. Senior Environmental, Health and
Safety Professional
12. Plant Safety Leader

Job Tasks

Test workplaces for environmental hazards, such as exposure to radiation, chemical or

biological hazards, or excessive noise.

 Test facilities for environmental hazards.

Verify availability or monitor use of safety equipment, such as hearing protection or


 Maintain inventory of medical supplies or equipment.

Evaluate situations or make determinations when a worker has refused to work on the
grounds that danger or potential harm exists.

 Inspect work environments to ensure safety.

Supply, operate, or maintain personal protective equipment.

 Protect patients or staff members using safety equipment.

Maintain all required environmental records and documentation.

 Prepare official health documents or records.

Prepare or calibrate equipment used to collect or analyze samples.

 Prepare medical supplies or equipment for use.

 Maintain medical laboratory equipment.

Plan emergency response drills.

 Develop emergency procedures.

Recommend corrective measures to be applied based on results of environmental

contaminant analyses.

 Advise communities or institutions regarding health or safety issues.

Prepare or review specifications or orders for the purchase of safety equipment, ensuring
that proper features are present and that items conform to health and safety standards.

 Verify that medical activities or operations meet standards.

Help direct rescue or firefighting operations in the event of a fire or an explosion.

Conduct worker studies to determine whether specific instances of disease or illness are

 Conduct research to increase knowledge about medical issues.

Train workers in safety procedures related to green jobs, such as the use of fall protection
devices or maintenance of proper ventilation during wind turbine construction.

 Conduct health or safety training programs.

Inspect fire suppression systems or portable fire systems to ensure proper working order.

 Inspect work environments to ensure safety.

Maintain logbooks of daily activities, including areas visited or activities performed.

 Maintain medical facility records.

Review records or reports concerning laboratory results, staffing, floor plans, fire
inspections, or sanitation to gather information for the development or enforcement of
safety activities.

 Monitor medical facility activities to ensure adherence to standards or regulations.

Provide consultation to organizations or agencies on the workplace application of safety
principles, practices, or techniques.

 Advise communities or institutions regarding health or safety issues.

Prepare documents to be used in legal proceedings, testifying in such proceedings when


 Prepare official health documents or records.

Conduct interviews to obtain information or evidence regarding communicable diseases

or violations of health or sanitation regulations.

Test or balance newly installed HVAC systems to determine whether indoor air quality
standards are met.

 Test facilities for environmental hazards.

Collect data related to ecological or human health risks at brownfield sites.

 Conduct research to increase knowledge about medical issues.

Collect data regarding potential hazards from new equipment or products linked to green

 Conduct research to increase knowledge about medical issues.

Perform tests to identify any potential hazards related to recycled products used at green
building sites.

 Test facilities for environmental hazards.

Educate the public about health issues or enforce health legislation to prevent disease, to
promote health, or to help people understand health protection procedures and

 Verify that medical activities or operations meet standards.

 Communicate health and wellness information to the public.

Examine credentials, licenses, or permits to ensure compliance with licensing


 Monitor medical facility activities to ensure adherence to standards or regulations.

Confer with schools, state authorities, or community groups to develop health standards
or programs.
 Design public or employee health programs.

Examine practices at green building sites to determine whether adherence to green

building standards alters risks to workers.

 Test facilities for environmental hazards.

Work Activities

Importance Work Activity

85 Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates —

Providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by
telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person.

82 Documenting/Recording Information — Entering, transcribing,

recording, storing, or maintaining information in written or
electronic/magnetic form.

80 Getting Information — Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining

information from all relevant sources.

Interacting With Computers — Using computers and computer

77 systems (including hardware and software) to program, write software,
set up functions, enter data, or process information.

Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards —

77 Using relevant information and individual judgment to determine whether
events or processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards.

76 Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events — Identifying information by

categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and
detecting changes in circumstances or events.

Monitor Processes, Materials, or Surroundings — Monitoring and

71 reviewing information from materials, events, or the environment, to
detect or assess problems.

Updating and Using Relevant Knowledge — Keeping up-to-date

71 technically and applying new knowledge to your job.

Making Decisions and Solving Problems — Analyzing information and

71 evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems.
Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing Work — Developing specific
71 goals and plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish your work.

70 Inspecting Equipment, Structures, or Material — Inspecting

equipment, structures, or materials to identify the cause of errors or other
problems or defects.

Analyzing Data or Information — Identifying the underlying principles,

69 reasons, or facts of information by breaking down information or data into
separate parts.

Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships —

69 Developing constructive and cooperative working relationships with
others, and maintaining them over time.

Processing Information — Compiling, coding, categorizing, calculating,

69 tabulating, auditing, or verifying information or data.

68 Training and Teaching Others — Identifying the educational needs of

others, developing formal educational or training programs or classes,
and teaching or instructing others.

66 Interpreting the Meaning of Information for Others — Translating or

explaining what information means and how it can be used.

Performing Administrative Activities — Performing day-to-day

63 administrative tasks such as maintaining information files and processing

Provide Consultation and Advice to Others — Providing guidance and

61 expert advice to management or other groups on technical, systems-, or
process-related topics.

60 Thinking Creatively — Developing, designing, or creating new

applications, ideas, relationships, systems, or products, including artistic

Communicating with Persons Outside Organization —

59 Communicating with people outside the organization, representing the
organization to customers, the public, government, and other external
sources. This information can be exchanged in person, in writing, or by
telephone or e-mail.

58 Resolving Conflicts and Negotiating with Others — Handling

complaints, settling disputes, and resolving grievances and conflicts, or
otherwise negotiating with others.

Coaching and Developing Others — Identifying the developmental

57 needs of others and coaching, mentoring, or otherwise helping others to
improve their knowledge or skills.
Developing and Building Teams — Encouraging and building mutual
57 trust, respect, and cooperation among team members.

54 Judging the Qualities of Things, Services, or People — Assessing

the value, importance, or quality of things or people.

54 Scheduling Work and Activities — Scheduling events, programs, and

activities, as well as the work of others.

52 Developing Objectives and Strategies — Establishing long-range

objectives and specifying the strategies and actions to achieve them.

Assisting and Caring for Others — Providing personal assistance,

51 medical attention, emotional support, or other personal care to others
such as coworkers, customers, or patients.

50 Estimating the Quantifiable Characteristics of Products, Events, or

Information — Estimating sizes, distances, and quantities; or
determining time, costs, resources, or materials needed to perform a
work activity.

Coordinating the Work and Activities of Others — Getting members

49 of a group to work together to accomplish tasks.

Monitoring and Controlling Resources — Monitoring and controlling

49 resources and overseeing the spending of money.

Selling or Influencing Others — Convincing others to buy

47 merchandise/goods or to otherwise change their minds or actions.

44 Performing General Physical Activities — Performing physical

activities that require considerable use of your arms and legs and moving
your whole body, such as climbing, lifting, balancing, walking, stooping,
and handling of materials.

Operating Vehicles, Mechanized Devices, or Equipment — Running,

43 maneuvering, navigating, or driving vehicles or mechanized equipment,
such as forklifts, passenger vehicles, aircraft, or water craft.

Guiding, Directing, and Motivating Subordinates — Providing

41 guidance and direction to subordinates, including setting performance
standards and monitoring performance.

40 Controlling Machines and Processes — Using either control

mechanisms or direct physical activity to operate machines or processes
(not including computers or vehicles).
40 Handling and Moving Objects — Using hands and arms in handling,
installing, positioning, and moving materials, and manipulating things.

Drafting, Laying Out, and Specifying Technical Devices, Parts, and

33 Equipment — Providing documentation, detailed instructions, drawings,
or specifications to tell others about how devices, parts, equipment, or
structures are to be fabricated, constructed, assembled, modified,
maintained, or used.

Repairing and Maintaining Electronic Equipment — Servicing,

33 repairing, calibrating, regulating, fine-tuning, or testing machines,
devices, and equipment that operate primarily on the basis of electrical or
electronic (not mechanical) principles.

32 Performing for or Working Directly with the Public — Performing for

people or dealing directly with the public. This includes serving
customers in restaurants and stores, and receiving clients or guests.

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