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A. Study and analyze the following sentences! Try to give them suitable codes as Parts of Speech!
1. Many parents were asking for the reduction of the school fee while others were rejecting the

obligatory donation in the school meeting desperately.

2. Most students were attending the opening of the flag ceremony of the Independence Day in our

school when few of them purposely hid themselves.

3. The children ran around their new house yesterday.

4. They waited inside the arena patiently to meet the star of the game, but he went out the other door.
5. They waited inside the arena because the game has not started yet.
6. Come to the meeting room so you will see him there.

7. Kenny thinks that is the way to end his problem.

8. All of us have already waited in the dining room.

9. Mathew hurts himself during sport lesson.

10. Roger Dickinson will have owned those apartments by next ten years.

B. Identify the following words and decide what Parts of Speech they are. After that, use them in

1. complication/complicated/complexity
2. improving/improvement/improvisation
3. modifier/modification/modify
4. dangers/dangerous/dangerously
5. instruction/instructively/instructive
6. examine/examination/examiner.
7. jealously/jealousy/jealous.
8. decoration/decorator/decorative
9. imagination/imaginatively/imaginary.
10. constructive/constructively/construction.

a. Coba beri kode utk semua kata di bagian A; biar tahu Parts of speechnya (semua soal ini akan diujikan!)
b. Yang bagian B, coba cari Parts of speechnya dan lihat dalam kalimat (besok akan diminta pilih salah satu yg
sesuai dengan kalimat!)

will: I will go tomorrow. (verb). He wrote his will and left everything to the dog. (noun)
her: It was her fault I was late. (adjective). The fault is hers. (pronoun).
swimming: Swimming is a good form of exercise (noun). Sharks were swimming in the bay (verb).
Chinese: The Chinese are a hard-working people (noun). Jan loves Chinese food. (adjective)
best: This is my best dress (adjective). Walter dances best when the music is fast. (adverb)
Identify the part of speech: verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, or interjection?
1. The storm loomed over the city. _______________
2. Jerry leisurely ate his lunch, and then took a long nap. ___________
3. Gee whiz, Officer! The robbers are escaping! _______________
4. Griselda combed her long frizzy hair while leering at her captives.
5. When he's told to clean his bedroom, the little boy hides in the tool shed.
6. We saw how badly you did your job last summer, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

7. Priscilla believed that a flying saucer had landed outside her house.
8. Carey likes to sculpt using clay as a medium.
9. Someone painted smiley faces on all the melons in the supermarket.
10. The blue light pulsated with an eerie glow when Gus touched it.
11. French fries and ketchup is a popular American snack.
12. Jacques speaks French, English, and a bit of Chinese.
13. Katy didn’t mind being a hostage for the bank robbers, but she hated to be seen on television with
wrinkled clothes.
14. Watch it, buddy! That’s my foot you're standing on.
15. On the arid planet of Pluto, the sun sank beneath the horizon in a burst of green light.

16. He turned around slowly to confront the alien from outer space.

A. Identify and give the code to the underlined words in the following sentences. (Score 20)

Noun—N Adverb—ADV Pronoun—PRO Preposition—PREP

Verb—V Conjunction—CONJ Adjective—ADJ Interjection—INT

1. __________ Melisa found her new dictionary.

2. __________ Anything they did was for
3. __________We lost our note book and bag.
4. __________ His friend met the woman that lost her pursues last week.
5. __________ This is the T-shirt which he bought in Singapore two weeks ago.
6. __________ The mechanist repaired the car before the driver used it.
7. __________The end of the month has come quickly.
8. __________Those foreign teachers are from Australia.
9. __________ Many visitors have watched orchids and roses in the festival.
10. __________The new principal acts wisely.

B. Identify and underline the following words as the parts of speech based on the information given (score 30).
1. (Preposition) Some parents asked for the school fee reduction.
2. (Verb) My mother fried some meats for our diner yesterday.
3. (Adverb) The teacher has angrily punished some disobedient students.
4. (Noun) We have the famous Ampera Bridge.
5. (Adjective) How did she know that mysterious person?
6. (Pronoun) Can Henry get any information from him about the assignment?
7. (Conjunction) After the rain was over, they returned home.
8. (Interjection) Huh! I’m so tired doing that job.
9. (Verb) Please, stay away young man.
10. (Adjective) They thought most people didn’t know about internet.

C. Indentify and circle the correct words in the parentheses as parts of speech. (Score 50)
11. They can’t operate the new machine easily because of its (complication/complicated/complexity).
12. To become a good student, everybody needs of (improving/improvement/improvisation) in good attitude.
13. The racer has to (modifier/modification/modify) his motorbike quickly if he wants to become the winner.
14. The ship sailed to the sea (dangers/dangerous/dangerously) because its machine was in bad condition.
15. Follow my (instruction/instructively/instructive) and obey, please!
16. Mr. Thomas should (examine/examination/examiner) the case carefully.
17. He always talks (jealously/jealousy/jealous) to his brother.
18. The man has to set the (decoration/decorator/decorative) room for the wedding party.
19. Trust me! What she’s got in her mind is only (imagination/imaginative/imaginary). She is a dreamer.
20. Can you give your critics (constructive/constructively/construction) so nobody will feel offended?

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