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as da

Sieg —
Gwyn Davies

he dramatic archaeological site of Masada,
perched on an isolated mesa-top in the Judean
desert above the southwest corner of the Dead
Sea, is justifiably one of Israel’s premier visi-
tor attractions. The thousands of tourists who come here
every year to visit the spectacular ruins of the Herodian
fortress-palace exposed by Yigael Yadin’s famous excava-
tion between 1963 and 1965 are treated by their guides
to an equally stirring account of the sustained resistance
mounted here by a band of determined Jewish fighters
against the implacable might of the Roman Empire. Even-
tually, with their defenses breached and defeat inevitable,

the defenders are celebrated for choosing mass suicide

over the ignominy of surrender.
From the

PREVIOUS PAGES: Perched atop an isolated mesa in the new governor of the province, Lucilius Bassus, was
Judean desert, Masada was the site of the final confron- left with only one legion (and some auxiliary regi-
tation between the Jewish rebels and the Roman Empire ments) to deal with the remaining threat.2 “Mop-
at the end of the First Jewish Revolt. The rebels had up” operations in a war that, officially, had already
seized King Herod’s cliff-top palace-fortress during the been “won” were scarcely likely to have earned the
early days of the revolt and were subsequently joined by
commander much glory, and the poverty of our lit-
additional combatants, as well as fleeing civilians, after
the fall of Jerusalem in 70 C.E. The Roman army spent
erary record probably reflects the prevailing view
approximately three months besieging the fortress in that Emperor Vespasian’s son, Titus, had already
order to stamp out the last remnants of the Jewish resis- accomplished the hard task of eliminating the ene-
tance. According to Josephus, when the Romans finally my’s capital.
breached the Jewish defenses, they discovered that the Nonetheless Bassus proceeded in a methodical
Jews had chosen to commit mass suicide rather than sur- manner to reduce the main hostile concentrations
render and be enslaved. holding out at the fortresses of Herodium (south
of Jerusalem) and Machaerus (east of the Dead
This human tragedy derives much of its impact Sea). Thereafter, he surrounded and wiped out a
from the austere landscape in which it was enacted, guerrilla force that had sought refuge in the “For-
as well as the story of death over dishonor and of est of Jardes” (unidentified, but perhaps located in
resistance to external oppression. This chronicle Moabite territory south of Machaerus).
was ready-made to be harnessed in the fashioning As a result of these actions (concluded in 72
of a suitable ideological narrative in the early days C.E.), the last site to offer continuing Jewish resis-
of the new state of Israel. tance was the isolated fortress of Masada.
Although today the tour buses to the Visitors’ Rather than pressing ahead to end matters
Center park under the ramparts of one of the immediately, Bassus turned to the more urgent task
Roman siege camps, and travelers who arrive along of reorganizing the province in line with the direc-
the western approach road make their way to the tives he had received from Vespasian, a policy that
summit along the side of the Roman assault ramp, suggests that the “threat” emanating from Masada
little direct attention is paid to the extensive archae- was not considered particularly pressing. The
ological remains of the military campaign that saw defenders of Masada, whom Josephus describes as
the fall of Masada. This article considers the siege Sicarii,3 often misleadingly referred to as Zealots,
not from the heroic viewpoint of the resistance on had clearly decided to rely on the strength of their
the mesa-top itself but, instead, from the rather position as their best guarantee against any Roman
more prosaic perspective of the Romans below.1 attack. These Sicarii had seized Masada in the first
The Roman operation against the desert fortress days of the Jewish Revolt and, although joined by
of Masada during the late winter/spring of either some refugees who had fled after the fall of Jeru-
72/73 or 73/74 C.E. represented the final act of salem, their numbers were limited. Josephus claims
the First Jewish Revolt against Rome. This rebel- that there were 967 individuals (both combatants
lion, which had begun so calamitously for impe-
rial forces with the rout of Syrian governor Ces- THE ROMAN SIEGE SYSTEM at Masada illustrates the
methodical approach with which the Roman army pur-
tius Gallus’s army at Beth-Horon in 66 C.E., had
sued the remaining Jewish rebels at the end of the First
proved difficult to contain. Extensive and expensive Jewish Revolt against Rome. Led by Flavius Silva, the
military campaigns had been necessary to bring the Legio X Fretensis, a veteran military unit that had been
rebels to heel. And the triumph celebrated at Rome active in Judea since 67 C.E., began the siege operation
in 71 C.E. to commemorate the sack of Jerusalem against the Masada rebels in 72 or 73 C.E. A circumvalla-
in the preceding year amounted to a premature tion wall (red) 2.5 miles long ringed the site. Eight camps
declaration of victory. Our main source for the his- (designated A through H in yellow) laid down around the
tory of the revolt is by a former rebel-commander- wall served as bases and garrison points for the troops.
turned-quisling, Flavius Josephus. He provides The Roman headquarters lies, as marked, northwest of
only limited details of the situation in Judea after Camp F. Fifteen numbered turrets—or towers—lined the
Jerusalem’s fall, but it is apparent that the Roman eastern and northern stretches of the circumvallation
wall (red). An assault ramp (orange) constructed by the
authorities were still left with a significant counter-
Roman troops exploited the natural terrain in order to
insurgency problem. raise a siege tower to the height of the rebels’ defen-
The concentration of legions, auxiliaries and sive wall. The Romans waged literal and psychological
client forces that had been necessary to carry out warfare against the Jews—demonstrating through their
the siege of Jerusalem had been subject to a rapid terrifying siege works the futility of resistance against the
draw-down after 70 C.E. to the extent that the empire.

30 J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 4


General Headquarters



and civilians) still alive within the fortress on the of ignoring the defenders until they starved to death
eve of its fall. risked the prospect of desperate fighters fleeing
Bassus fell ill and died while still in harness. This their bolt-hole and rekindling the rebellion in oth-
meant that the reduction of Masada would be left erwise pacified territories. No matter the difficulties
to his successor, Flavius Silva, who was appointed that a siege might entail, it was essential to bring
to replace him in 72 C.E. Since the exact date of matters to a decisive conclusion while the enemy
Silva’s arrival in Judea cannot be determined with (the Jews) remained concentrated in one place.
certainty, the date of the Roman siege of Masada The Romans were well aware of the exten-
also remains uncertain. Epigraphic evidence sug- sive arsenal holed up within the fortress, lav-
gests that Silva was still in Italy in the spring of ishly stocked with both provisions and arms. The
73, so an operation mounted in late winter/spring capacious cisterns also gave the defenders access
73/74 appears likely. After all, considerable time to ample water supplies. In these circumstances,
must have elapsed to allow for the selection of the a passive siege predicated on the deployment of
new governor, for his travel to Judea, and for prep- a relatively small number of troops positioned in
arations to be made before he could march against blockade camps around the fortress would not have
the desert redoubt.4 been effective. With the defenders capable of sus-
Regardless of the exact date of the operation, it taining themselves for an unknowable duration, the
was clear that Silva would eventually have to tackle Roman besiegers would have required a constant
this enemy stronghold. To allow the Masada reb- resupply in a hostile environment where foodstuffs
els to continue their defiance of Roman imperial and water would have had to be shipped in at
might was unthinkable, and the simple expedient great expense. Once the decision had been taken
to attack Masada, it was necessary to make a single
RAISING THE SIEGE FORT. Silva’s first operational order concerted effort to bring the siege to a close at the
was to construct a circumvallation wall around the site earliest possible opportunity.
to prevent the rebels escaping. More than 5 feet wide Silva pressed ahead with the conquest of Masada
and 10 feet high, the wall was composed of rough stone only after formulating a detailed operational plan.
blocks with a rubble core. This section of the wall has He was not going to risk a hastily improvised
been reconstructed and is located near Wadi Sebbe (see assault at the end of attenuated supply lines.
plan on p. 31), a critical area where the Jews might have Indeed, the Roman governor left little to chance.
attempted a sortie. The circumvallation wall was built
First and foremost was his decision to concentrate
even over difficult terrain where escape would have been
impossible, further demonstrating to the rebels Silva’s
the military resources of the entire province on
determination to bring an end to their resistance. the task at hand. The main strike force that was


32 J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 4

deployed was Legio X Fretensis, a veteran forma-

tion that had been active in Judea since 67 C.E.
onward. The Tenth Legion had participated in
repeated siege operations (including Jerusalem and
most recently at Machaerus) giving unrivaled expe-
rience in the engineering challenges of a siege.
Although the paper strength of the legion may
have approximated 5,500 men, it is unlikely that
its full complement was deployed at Masada, as
some troops must have been held back in super-
visory functions elsewhere in the recently pacified
province. This would have been particularly true
if the operation had taken place in 72/73 rather
than 73/74, as there would also have been less
time for casualties incurred in earlier actions to
have been replenished.
Alongside the citizen soldiers of the legion, Silva

would also have made use of auxiliary cohorts
drawn from provincial garrisons and may also
have had contingents furnished by local client rul-
ers. Although it is impossible to provide an accu-
rate calculation, it is likely that the total man- The Wood at Masada—
power deployed in the Masada operation included
between 7,000 and 10,000 men. It is also likely that
Where Did It Come From?
Silva drafted Jewish corvée laborers to act as por- Where did the Romans get the wood to brace the main body of the stone-and-
ters manning his supply lines. Even indirect par- earth-filled assault ramp at Masada? A well-known study conducted by research-
ticipants in the operation such as these, however, ers from the Weizmann Institute of Science began with the assumption that the
would have increased the logistical demands on the Romans gathered the wood in the immediate area. The researchers analyzed the
besieging force, so they would have been kept to a carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of the ramp’s timber remnants (which
necessary minimum. were primarily Tamarix jordanis) as well as the isotopic composition of modern
Masada is girded by precipitous cliffs and flanked samples of T. jordanis from the Masada region and from sites in the central
by deeply cut ravines. It had been chosen as one of Negev and the Judean foothills.1 Comparing the ancient and modern samples, the
King Herod’s most spectacular fortress-palaces,5 osten- Weizmann researchers concluded that the wood from the first-century ramp came
sibly designed to protect the realm against Cleopa- from an environment that was more humid than what exists in the Judean desert
tra’s overweaning ambitions. Although provided with today and proposed that the region experienced significant climate change over a
a simple casemate wall that ringed the summit, bol- period of two millennia.
stered by occasional towers, the real problem for any A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Haifa,
attacker was overcoming nature itself. however, concludes that the Romans must have imported the wood from else-
Preparatory to storming the fortress, Silva would where.2 Examining the botanical, archaeological and textual evidence, the Haifa
have been required to undertake extensive engi- researchers created models of local wood availability, wood consumption during
neering preliminaries (1) to prevent the escape the occupation of Masada and the timber needs of the Romans to construct the
of any defenders and (2) to enable his troops to siege ramp. The study demonstrated that even if the area around Masada had
mount an attack against the enemy wall. more than a normal amount of timber available, this would not have met the
Modern scholars can be thankful that the iso- needs of the Romans for their large-scale siege. By the time the Romans arrived
lation of the site and the aridity of the environ- at Masada in 72 or 73 C.E., the entire area would have already been denuded
ment allow an unrivaled opportunity to examine of trees due to the massive exploitation of local timber from the time of the
the material remains of Silva’s siege operation and cliff-top’s occupation in 150 B.C.E. up to the time of the Roman siege. The Haifa
to correlate the surviving archaeological record researchers suggest the Romans may have imported the wood from a more
with Josephus’s narrative. Indeed, Masada gives us humid and cooler region, such as from the wadis fed by the Moab Mountains to
our most complete surviving siege system of the the east of the Dead Sea.—R.N.
ancient world. 1 Dan Yakir, Arie Issar et al., “13C and 18O of Wood from the Roman Siege Rampart in Masada, Israel (AD

70–73): Evidence for a Less Arid Climate for the Region,” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58 (1994), pp.
The investigation of the Roman field works at 3535–3539. See also Arie S. Issar and Dan Yakir, “Isotopes from Wood Buried in the Roman Siege Ramp of
Masada has been on a much more limited scale Masada: The Roman Period’s Colder Climate,” The Biblical Archaeologist 60 (1997), pp. 101–106.
2 Simcha Lev-Yadun, D.S. Lucas and Mina Weinstein-Evron, “Modeling the Demands for Wood by the Inhabit-
than the extensive excavations conducted on the ants of Masada and for the Roman Siege,” Journal of Arid Environments 74 (2010), pp. 777–785.
mesa-top itself. In the early 1960s, Shmaria Gutman



investigated (and reconstructed) Camp A in the

Roman siege system while Yadin conducted test-
pitting in Camp F. In 1995 Benny Arubas, Gideon
Foerster, Haim Goldfus and Jodi Magness under-
took the first modern examination of some of the
other Roman structures. Apart from Magness’s
pottery report, however, the results of these exca-
vations have yet to be published.6 Therefore our
understanding of the Roman siege works at Masada
must be derived from combining the account in
Josephus with a field inspection of its surviving
component elements.
Josephus informs us that Silva’s first opera-
tional order after deploying his men in various
garrison posts around Masada was to ensure the
hermetic sealing of the fortress: Silva “threw up
a wall all around the fortress to make it difficult
for any of the besieged to escape, and posted sen-

tinels to guard it.”7 This circumvallation wall, much
of which still survives, extends for more than 2.5
miles and circles the entire site.
This was a standard operating technique of the
Roman army and had been deployed elsewhere in places. It is more than 5 feet wide and prob-
during the Jewish Revolt, most notably at Jerusa- ably had an original height of about 10 feet. Quite
lem, Machaerus and Yotapata. At Masada it com- remarkably, Silva extended it across very difficult
prises a wall of rough stone blocks that retain a terrain, even in sectors where an escape attempt
rubble core. It still stands up to seven courses high would have been next to impossible. The only
gap in the wall lies along the plateau to the south
FIRE POWER. Turret 11 (see plan on p. 31) was one of
15 turrets mounted with catapults positioned along the
where a sheer cliff plunges down to the wadi mak-
northern and eastern stretches of the Roman circumvalla- ing any artificial barrier redundant.
tion wall. Ten of the turrets were placed along a section The relentless pursuit of a monolithic build-
of relatively flat terrain where the Snake Path descends ing scheme even at the expense of strict military
from the eastern side of the summit, the most likely path necessity suggests that the Romans were con-
of a rebel sortie or attempt to escape. sciously adopting a form of psychological warfare by


34 J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 4

ramming home to the rebels the message that they MOUNTING THE ASSAULT. Spread over 5 acres, Camp F,
were now completely isolated without any hope of seen in the middle ground, was one of the two largest
relief or escape. This message might also have served Roman camps at Masada. Positioned at the base of the
as a salutary reminder to any client forces present of western side of the cliff, Camp F probably served as a
the implacable determination of the Roman state to command center. Camp E, discernible to the left of Camp
F, had two gateways through its front defenses, which
pursue rebels to the very ends of the world and to
allowed for rapid reinforcement if the rebels attempted
inflict due retribution for their defiance. a sortie. The great assault ramp on the western slope of
Along the eastern and northern stretches of the the cliff (see pp. 28–29) is the most conspicuous surviv-
circumvallation wall, the besiegers added a series of ing evidence of the Romans’ pursuit of the Jewish rebels.
15 turrets on which could be mounted light cata- Building upon a natural spur that abuts the mountain,
pults. Ten of these turrets are positioned along the the Romans constructed a ramp composed of stone and
circumvallation wall where it runs beside the rela- earth reinforced with timber bracings. The ramp was
tively flat plain at the base of Masada’s eastern cliff. designed to raise the ironclad siege tower into position to
This is the side on which the Snake Path descends fire against the rebels.
from the summit; these turrets would have pro- The 1995 excavations at Camp F recovered a few
vided fire support in the event of a rebel attempt at examples of high-quality pottery and glass largely
a sortie. The remaining turrets seem to have been concentrated in one area, suggesting that Silva’s
positioned to provide flanking fire in the event of personal quarters were located here.
any attempt to break out along the stream-beds of The discrete patterning of the scatter of stones
either the Wadi Nimre or Wadi Sebbe. within the walls of the camp allows us to roughly
Eight camps (designated A though H) to house reconstruct the camp’s internal buildings. Given the
the besieging force are distributed around Masada. temporary nature of the operation and the local
The largest of these, Camps B and F, include nearly scarcity of timber, these Roman buildings would
5 acres each. Presumably these two camps served as have consisted of tent units raised on top of dwarf
the bases for the soldiers of the Tenth Legion, with stone walls designed to increase internal head-
each camp exerting command and control functions room and to improve the circulation of air. Most
over the eastern and western sectors of the cir- of these structures represent the tent lines of the
cumvallation wall.8 Camp B would have been best troops themselves. Some other “buildings” have
suited to act as the main depot for the entire sys- also been identified, for example, a probable hos-
tem (where supplies transported along the Dead Sea pital in Camp B.
could have been stored), while Camp F would have Apart from the main legionary bases (Camps B
acted as Silva’s operational headquarters from which and F), the six other camps in the system (roughly
the assault preparations would have been directed. an acre in size) would likely have served as garrison



points for auxiliary units manning the circumvalla- enjoy a more complex plan, including hallways and
tion wall. Five of these camps butted up directly dining areas, suggesting that they may represent the
against the circumvallation wall, while Camp C, communal mess facilities for these draftees. The rel-
likely the base for a cavalry unit tasked with patrol- atively flimsy nature of most of these remains and
ling the most vulnerable sector, was recessed imme- their exposure to run-off as well as their proxim-
diately behind the encircling circumvallation wall. ity to the modern son-et-lumière complex make it
It seems that each of these smaller camps was also urgent that some of the more vulnerable examples
designed to perform various specialist functions. of these canabae be investigated archaeologically
Camp E, for example, is located behind the Roman before further evidence is lost.
assault ramp; it had two gateways through its front The careful disposition of these camps and ancil-
defenses, presumably to allow for the rapid rein- lary structures evidences the methodical and deliber-
forcement of those working on the ramp in the event ate nature of Silva’s campaign to suppress the rebels
of any serious hostile sortie. Camp H, isolated on on Masada. However necessary these measures may
the scarp edge above the Wadi Sebbe, was primarily have been for isolating the defenders and for making
designed as an observation post enjoying sweeping the besiegers’ task more feasible, the construction of
oversight across the Masada mesa-top. The irregular the circumvallation and its related works were mere
“key-hole” configuration of Camp G suggests that preliminaries to the direct approaches that would
the Romans may have extended this particular base be necessary if Masada itself was to be secured. For
while the siege was in progress, perhaps because that a siege ramp was needed.
its original design did not allow for adequate super- The most striking surviving image of the Roman
vision of the streambed of the Nahal Masada. siege works at Masada is the great assault ramp (or
One other enclosure attached to the back of the agger) that Silva’s men threw up against its western
circumvallation wall, located west of the assault slopes. This was the only flank on which it might
ramp, is usually referred to as “the Engineer- have been constructed, not least because it is the
ing Yard.” It is a leveled platform where traces location of a natural spur (called the Leuke, or
of metal working activities have been detected “white promontory,” by Josephus10) that abuts the
by Ian Richmond in the early 1960s.9 It is likely isolated mountain. The underlying geology certainly
the place where the ironclad Roman siege tower exaggerates the seeming Roman construction of the
was put together. Josephus claims this siege tower ramp; the artificial deposition of material consists
was nearly 100 feet high. This engine, presumably only of about 90 feet above bedrock; in short, much
transported to the site in prefabricated segments, of the ramp consists of bedrock.* The manipula-
would have required a secure site for its assembly, tion of the environment that it entails nevertheless
and it would have made sense to select a place only reminds us of the Roman determination to expunge
a short distance from the point at which it would the last vestiges of the Jewish rebellion.
eventually be deployed. Perhaps appropriately (if The ramp is almost 750 feet long and about
archaeologically unfortunate) the National Park 650 feet wide at its base, narrowing as it climbs to
Authority has chosen to locate its modern works about 150 feet at the top, which is about 240 feet
and storage depot at exactly this site, so there is above its base.11 Oddly enough, this is still 42 feet
little chance of recovering any further details of short of the Masada summit.
this Roman establishment. Josephus notes that the ramp was once crowned
Various other structures, mostly one-to-three- by a stone platform. This stone cap or platform
roomed tent units, can be found scattered along the would have served as a reinforced base for the
hillside in the vicinity of Camps E and F. These are siege tower that housed the Romans’ battering ram
probably canabae, civilian settlements supporting and would have raised this engine to within strik-
the military. The Masada canabae have been vari- ing range of the defenders’ casemate wall. Although
ously interpreted as the premises of camp followers no trace of this platform remains in situ today, the
engaged in providing services for the Roman siege extensive talus (the stone field) on both sides of the
force or, perhaps more likely, as the accommoda- ramp may represent the debris that in time top-
tions for the Jewish corvée. Although most of these pled from this structure. Early visitors to the site
appear to be very simple structures, some units remarked on this feature of the ramp.
The main body of the ramp is composed of
stone and earth reinforced by timber bracing that
C O N T I N U E S O N PA G E 7 0
Visit us online to download the new free eBook Masada:
*See Dan Gill, “It’s a Natural—Masada Ramp Was Not an Engineering
The Dead Sea’s Desert Fortress. Miracle,” BAR, September/October 2001.

36 J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 4
Roman Siege Works serve as an approach path for the siege Although recent accounts have been
continued from page 36 equipment to be deployed directly against published suggesting that the assault ramp
the defenders’ casemate wall. The angle had not been completed by the time that
still projects in places above the surface. of the ramp had to be carefully calculated Masada fell to Silva,12 this hypothesis
These timbers of tamarisk and other arid- to ensure that the siege tower could be seems very unlikely. To begin with, if
environment tree species seem to have raised into position. The siege tower was the ramp was incomplete, it is not clear
formed a box-revetment filled with com- an ironclad structure nearly a hundred how the Romans would have succeeded
pacted earth and small stones. Presumably feet tall, according to Josephus. It was in breaching the enemy defenses which
this revetment would have been situated designed to resist incendiary attack by the they clearly did. Secondly, it is surely not
on a series of ascending parallel steps that rebels. The siege tower contained the ram coincidental that the location of the breach
the Roman engineers would have hacked housing, artillery for clearing the defend- in the defenders’ casemate wall lies imme-
out of the bedrock as they proceeded ers from their parapets and extensible diately above the modern summit of the
to “bench” each side of the spur, much gangways to allow the storming party ramp. Thirdly, the distribution of stone
as modern engineers sometimes scarp access to the enemy defenses. Once the ballista projectiles recovered from an arc of
the sides of highway cuttings today. The ramp had been completed and a timber loci within the fortress suggests the field of
resulting double flight of steps ascending track laid on its surface, the siege tower fire that would have come from catapults
the slope would then have accommodated would have been elevated with a winch in mounted on a siege tower; the siege tower
the box-revetment. With the flanks of the short incremental steps. If the defenders would not have been raised into position
spur now stabilized, the intervening space made no serious attempt at a disruptive had the ramp not been completed.
between the timber revetments would be sortie (and Josephus does not mention Despite the impressive scale of these
filled with dumped material that was then any), the tower’s elevation from the base Roman works at Masada, there is little
consolidated by ramming. of the ramp to its summit may have taken reason to suppose that the siege would
The entire point of this ramp was to only a few hours. have taken much more than three months
to bring to a conclusion.
Josephus states how Masada’s pri-
AUTHORS mary defenses were first overthrown
by ram-strikes. Then the rebels’ hastily
Gwyn Davies Emanuel Tov extemporized secondary defenses were
(“The Masada (“Original Bible,” consumed in an incendiary attack. That
Siege,” p. 28) is p. 48) is J.L. Magnes night, with further resistance now impos-
associate professor Professor of Bible sible, Josephus relates how the defenders,
of history at Flor- Emeritus at the encouraged by their leader Eleazar Ben-
ida International Hebrew University Yair, entered into a suicide pact rather
University and of Jerusalem, Israel. than face the inevitability of retribution
codirector of the He served as editor- when Roman forces entered the for-
Davies Yotvata Roman Tov in-chief of the offi- tress at dawn. When the Roman troops
Fort Project. Spe- cial International entered, they met only silence. a
cializing in Roman field works, he has Dead Sea Scroll Publication for nearly 20 1  For a more detailed account of the Roman
published numerous articles on the years, during which 32 volumes of Dead siege system employed at Masada, see Gwyn
topic as well as the book Roman Siege Sea Scrolls were published. Professor Tov Davies, “Under Siege: The Roman Field Works
at Masada,” Bulletin of the American Schools of
Works (Stroud: Tempus, 2006). has recently published a revised and Oriental Research 362 (2011), pp. 65–83.
expanded third edition of his Textual Crit- 2 It seems that after the fall of Jerusalem, Judea

Theodore Feder icism of the Hebrew Bible (Fortress, 2011). was organized in an unusual way so that the
(“Parsing ‘The provincial governor was also, simultaneously, the
commander (or “legate”) of its one legion garrison.
Parting’ Painting,” Patricia Smith 3 A violent sect who engaged in the assassination
p. 42) is an art (“Infants Sacri- of their many political enemies in the pursuit of
historian and ficed?” p. 54) is their messianic goals.
4  The alternate view of 72/73 is largely based
president and director at the Lab- on the discovery of a fragmentary papyrus from
founder of Art oratory of Bio- the Masada summit (presumably attributable
Resource, the anthropology and to the Roman garrison left in place after the fall
world’s largest Ancient DNA, Fac- of the fortress) addressed to one Julius Lupus,
Feder possibly the same individual appointed as Pre-
photo archive of ulties of Medicine fect of Egypt in February 73, implying that the
fine art, as well as president of the Smith and Dentistry, fortress must already have fallen to the Romans
Artists Rights Society, both in New Hadassah-Ein by that date. However, it is equally possible that
this was a copy of a letter (or even an original
York City. He is author of Great Karem, and Joel Wilbush Professor that was never sent) written by an author who
Treasures of Pompeii and Herculaneum Emeritus of Medical Anthropology at belonged to the post-conquest Masada garrison.
(New York: Abbeville Press, 1978). The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. For more details see Hannah M. Cotton and

70 J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 4
Joseph Geiger, Masada II: The Yigael Yadin would actually qualify as a city-state. (4) Fin- Burke Endnotes
Excavations 1963–1965, Final Reports: The Latin kelstein claims that there are dozens, even hun-
1  While Finkelstein acknowledges that Hazor,
and Greek Documents (Jerusalem: Israel Explo- dreds, of carbon-14 dates supporting the “low
ration Society, 1989), pp. 21–23. chronology” (p. 33); in the latest Megiddo report a major site in his analysis of the Iron Age
5 See Amnon Ben-Tor, Back to Masada (Megiddo IV), there are three published for the northern kingdom, was “probably the most
(Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 2009) pivotal Stratum VA/IVB, and if anything they important city-state in the north” (p. 21),
for a lively summary of the eight volumes of support the conventional chronology. (5) Finkel- neither its Late Bronze Age nor Iron I phases
reports that have so far been published from stein claims that Jerusalem in the tenth century are discussed, presumably because it would
Yadin’s excavations. B.C.E. was a poor village with no monumental complicate the highland-centered interpretive
6 Jodi Magness, “The Pottery from the 1995 architecture (p. 43). Even Finkelstein’s colleague framework he offers. The weakness of this
Excavations in Camp F at Masada,” Bulletin of Nadav Na’aman disagrees with him, as nearly analysis is the mistaken assumption that chap-
the American Schools of Oriental Research 353 all archaeologists do. (6) Finkelstein radically ter one establishes a Braudelian longue durée
(2009), pp. 75–107. challenges conventional dates by putting the perspective (as explicitly stated but only in the
7 Josephus, The Jewish War, VII.276, H. St. John Iron I/IIA transition in the second half of the concluding chapter), when in fact this analysis
Thackeray, ed. and trans., Loeb Classical Library tenth century B.C.E. (p. 64). That’s scarcely later does not meet those criteria.
2  For example, at the start of one particular
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1927). than most, and even earlier than Amihai Mazar’s
8 The steep escarpment edge of the rift valley “modified” conventional chronology. Finkelstein paragraph we are told that the transition from
would have provided a natural delimitation claims that Hazor X was destroyed in the late Iron I to Iron IIA “should probably be fixed
between the two operational sectors, although ninth century (840–800 B.C.E.), as confirmed by ... in the beginning of the second half of the
a carefully engineered zigzag track exiting from carbon-14 dates (pp. 75, 122). But no evidence is tenth” century (i.e., 950 B.C.E.; p. 63). This is,
Camp D served as a link between the two zones. cited for this, and excavator Amnon Ben-Tor dis- however, substantially later than Finkelstein’s
9 Ian A. Richmond, “The Roman Siege-Works agrees. (8) Finkelstein claims that those scholars low chronology start date of 920 B.C.E. by 30
of Masada, Israel,” Journal of Roman Studies 52 who see Jerusalem as an early state capital are years, or it is half the distance between the
(1962), p. 154. “desperate,” Bible-based people (p. 80). That start date for Iron IIA in the so-called Low
10 Josephus, Jewish War VII.305. tells us who is really desperate. (9) For the Chronology date (920 B.C.E.) and that of
11 Josephus seriously overstates the dimensions of view that the Field III city gate at Gezer dates the Modified Conventional Chronology (980
Silva’s agger. See Josephus, Jewish War VII.307. to the ninth century B.C.E., Finkelstein cites B.C.E.). (Keep in mind that such seemingly
12 For the most accessible version of this argu- me (William G. Dever et al., “Further Excava- small decadal shifts in the chronology is what
ment, see Benjamin Arubas and Haim Goldfus, tions at Gezer, 1967–1971,” Biblical Archaeologist we are fundamentally talking about, whether
“Masada. The Roman Siege Works,” in Ephraim 34 [1971], p. 103). I never said anything of the in connection with the shortening of David
Stern, ed., The New Encyclopedia of Archaeo- sort—quite the opposite. (10) Finkelstein says and Solomon’s reigns as raised by the Bibli-
logical Excavations in the Holy Land, vol. 5 that Megiddo in the ninth century B.C.E. was cal tradition—to less than the 40 years each
(Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 2008), “set aside for breeding and training horses” assigned to them—or in the shifting of the start
pp. 1937–1940. for chariotry (pp. 113; 133–135). Some of his dates of Iron IIA later.) However, at the end
own staff members (and others) dispute the of the same paragraph we are asked to accept
famous “stables” in Megiddo IV. (11) Finkelstein that Finkelstein would place the transition
claims that Tel Masos near Beersheba was the between 940/930 B.C.E. (a figure seemingly
Forgotten Kingdom center of a far-flung “desert polity” in the tenth grabbed out of thin air), conceding 10 to 20
century B.C.E. (p. 126). But the relevant Stratum years on the 920 date for no explicitly stated
continued from page 41
II follows a massive destruction of the walled reason (p. 94). Attentive readers will wonder
town, and the scant remains consist of only a what they are missing, given that three differ-
“Archaeology, Urbanism and the Rise of the few tattered houses. There hardly seems any ent dates are suggested for the start of the Iron
Israelite State,” in Walter E. Aufrecht, Neil point in continuing. Finkelstein simply does not IIA (i.e., 950, 940/930 and 920). The answer
A. Mirau and Steven W. Gauley, eds., Aspects care much about facts, as many have long since would be a litany of relevant publications that
of Urbanism in Antiquity, From Mesopotamia concluded. are not discussed.
to Crete (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press,
1997), pp. 172–193; Lawrence E. Stager, “The
Patrimonial Kingdom of Solomon,” in William
G. Dever and Seymour Gitin, eds., Symbiosis,
Symbolism and the Power of the Past: Canaan,
Ancient Israel and Their Neighbors from the
Late Bronze Age Through Roman Palaestina
(Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2003), pp.
63–74; Raz Kletter, “Chronology and United
Monarchy: A Methodological Review,”
Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina-Vereins
120 (2004), pp. 13–54; Amihai Mazar, “The
Spade and the Text: The Interaction Between
Archaeology and Israelite History,” in H.G.M.
Williamson, ed., Understanding the History
of Ancient Israel (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press,
2007), pp. 143–171.
3 Among the book’s many other distortions, I can
list here only a few: (1) Finkelstein claims car-
bon-14 dates have corrected the dates of Ramses
III (p. 24). Actually they are exactly the same.
(2) Finkelstein claims Shechem was destroyed
at the end of the Late Bronze Age (p. 22). The
excavators have emphasized that it was not. (3)
Finkelstein claims that Tell Keisan, Tel Kinrot,
Tel Re ov, Yokneam and Dor were all “Canaan-
ite city-states” (p. 30). But “city-state” is never
defined, and at least two that are so claimed are
Phoenician, one is probably Aramaic, and none


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