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IENS. Nro.

4 “Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz”

Profesorado de inglés.

Tema a exponer: “Comienzo de la

vida humana, desarrollo prenatal”

Espacio Curricular: ESI

(Comprehensive Sexuality

Integrantes: REYNAGA, Rodrigo.

CALIZAYA, Hilda. 23.836.629
SILISQUE, Florencia. 40.726.818
What is fertilization process?
Pregnancy begins at conception with the union of a man’s sperm and a woman’s egg to form a
single-cell embryo. This brand new embryo contains the original copy of a new individual’s
complete genetic code. Gender, eye color, and other traits are determined at conception, also
known as fertilization.

Most significant developmental milestones occur long before birth during the first eight weeks
following conception when most body parts and all body systems appear and begin to function.

Pregnancy is not just a time for growing all the parts of the body. It is also a time of preparation
for survival after birth. Many common daily activities seen in children and adults begin in the
womb, starting more than 30 weeks before birth. These activities include hiccups, touching the
face, breathing motions, urination, right- or left-handedness, thumb sucking, swallowing,
yawning, jaw movement, reflexes, REM sleep, hearing, taste, sensation, and so on.

The First Two Weeks

Shortly after a woman’s period begins, her body begins preparing for the possibility of
Approximately 2 weeks into her cycle, a woman releases an egg from one of her ovaries into her
adjacent fallopian tube. Conception is now possible for the next 24 hours or so and signifies the
beginning of pregnancy.9
The single-cell embryo has a diameter of approximately 4 thousandths of an inch.
2 to 4 Weeks
The cells of the embryo repeatedly divide as the embryo moves through the Fallopian tube into
the woman’s uterus or womb. Implantation, the process whereby the embryo embeds itself into
the wall of the womb, begins by the end of the third week and is completed during the fourth
week of pregnancy. The 4-week embryo is less than 1/100th of an inch long.

4 to 6 Weeks
By 5 weeks, development of the brain, spinal cord, and heart is well underway.
The heart begins beating at 5 weeks and one day14 and is visible by ultrasound almost
By 6 weeks, the heart is pumping the embryo’s own blood to his or her brain and body.16 All
four chambers of the heart are present17 and more than 1 million heartbeats have occurred.18
The head, as well as the chest and abdominal cavities have formed19and the beginnings of the
arms and legs are easily seen. The 6-week embryo measures less than ¼ of an inch long from
head to rump.
Primer mes de embarazo
It is practically impossible to detect exactly when the fertilization that starts the pregnancy
occurs. Therefore, it is usually taken as a reference the day when the last rule fell. Therefore, the
first week of pregnancy would be the last week of menstruation.
The second week gives way to follicular selection, where a set of chosen follicles will begin to
grow, although, finally, only one will be selected. Later, in the third week of the process, the
oocyte leaves the follicle that contained it and travels through the fallopian tubes. This is what
we know as ovulation. Here, it will be fertilized by the sperm and continue its development now
as a zygote (a cell) and, later, as an embryo.

Segundo mes de embarazo

In this second month the spinal cord, brain, heart, intestine and skin originate. Also begin to
form the eyes, ears, nose and upper lip of the mouth. It is a month of great evolution in which
the embryo begins to acquire human form with all that entails.

Tercer mes de embarazo

As of this month, the embryo period ends and it is called a fetus. In the third month of
pregnancy, the future baby has all its organs developed, although, for the moment, they are not
fully formed. They need to mature and finish evolving correctly. Although the genitals will also
be defined, it is still early to be able to determine exactly the sex of the baby.
Cuarto mes de embarazo
In this month, the fetus is covered with lanugo, a very fine hair that covers the skin when the
body does not have enough fat, so it acts as a preservative of body heat. The vocal cords are
formed, although the baby will not use them until birth, therefore, when the children are born,
they cry and even make them cry, to verify that the vocal cords work and that the newborn
responds to the stimuli.

Quinto mes de embarazo

The cardiac cavities are delimited and the heart already beats strongly. Other important changes
also occur in this period, in which the senses develop, like taste, following the development of
the taste buds. In addition, he begins to perceive sounds and lights. By the end of this month, the
baby can reach around 22-25 centimeters.

Sexto mes de embarazo

Regarding the future baby's hair, his eyebrows, hair and eyelashes have already been created.
The muscles are also formed and, thanks to that and the length of the umbilical cord, can move
with more energy than before. In addition, by recognizing sounds clearly, responds perfectly to
stimuli, such as music. If you want to do the test, you will see how the fetus moves when you
put music in response to the sound stimulus you are receiving.

Séptimo mes de embarazo

In this month, the length of the fetus goes from 33 cm to 38 cm approximately, and it can weigh
up to approximately 1,100-1300 grams. Due to this considerable increase in weight and length,
the movements of the baby begin to be more limited. He is more pressed against his bladder, so
he will not only notice it in the movements of the fetus, but also in his frequent desire to urinate.
Octavo mes de embarazo
The baby continues to lose lanugos and increases in weight and size, so it also continues to limit
their movements and, at the same time, does not stop pressing, increasingly, his bladder.
Throughout this month, will reach approximately 50% of the total weight that reaches
throughout the pregnancy. The baby's lungs are almost developed and that also means that they
occupy more space, so, in addition to feeling heavy, you will also notice it when you lie down.

Noveno mes de embarazo

The baby descends to the pelvis and the head starts to get caught in it. The stomach and the
intestine already work.
By the end of this month, the fetus should measure around 43 cm and its weight increases in this
period from around 1,980 to around 2,730 g on average. Now you feel the most abrupt
movements, as if they were kicking, since the baby has very little room to move. The head will
move during these weeks down, preparing for delivery, and you can distinguish perfectly
between a foot, back or hand. The nails have already grown to cover all your fingers.

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