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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Vlsayas


Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City

June ffi, 2018



To: a:::%?gi5u#sn:e#nts
Division Supervisors/Coordinators
Elementary School Heads

1. Attached is a communication from NORFIL Foundation, lnc., inviting the District

Supervisors, School Principals, and Teachers of the identified schools for a live-in training entitled
"Basic Concept of Disability and Laws and Policies on lnclLlsive Education" which shall be
held from 2017 to 2021.

2,. i=oF `defai+s, TefeF to. the attached.corrmrmnieation ®F you `may `contact Mr. €lenFT Tcking
Mufiez, Training Officer at 340-1170 or 09171142351.

3. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.


ivision Superintenden

TelephoneNunbers: Website .` www.dapedcel]uprovinee`com

Schools Division Supeintendent: (032) 255J5405 E-mail Add : depedccbuprovince@yahoo.corn
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: (032) 414-7457
Acoounting Section: (032) 254-2632
Disbursing Section: (032) 2554401
Admindegal: (032) 253 -7847
-------- _ __-I___i ------- =TT-__

NORFIL Foundation, lnc.

Community-Basec] Inclusive Development Program
for Children and Youth with Disabi!ities

May 21, 2018

Rhea Mar A. Angtud, ED. D.

Schools Division Superintendent Of Cehu Pro.vince
Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City

Thru: Dr. Maria Elena Paras

Division SPED Coordinator

Dear Dr. Angtud,


The NORFIL Foundation, Inc. has extended the implementation Qf its Community-
Based Inclusive Development Program for children and youth with disabilities in the
Munic`rpalities of San Francisco, Poro, and Tudela, Bantayan, Sta. Fe, Madridejos,
Ronda, Alcantara, Moa[boal, and Alegria from 2017-2021.

ASL part of our ongoing partnership in enhancing the knowledge and skills Of public
school principals and t:eachers on disability, rehabilitation, and inclusive education
of learners with disabilities, the Foundation plans to conduct three (3) batches of
Live-in on "Basin Concept of DjsabiJity and Laurs and PoLi_cies Qn
Inclusive Educatiol]"to District Supervisors, Public Elementary School
Principals/Heads, and Teachersof the aforementioned areas.

In relation to this, may we resi5ectfully invitethe Distiict Supervisors,

School Principa.s, and teachers of the identified schoolsfenc/osed f.n th/-s
/e[terjto our trainings.NORFIL will take care of their meals and accommodat:ion.

The objectives of the training are for the part:icipants to:

1. Havei appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes on the correct c,oncept of

disability and habilitat:ion, and rehabilitation;
2. Enrich their skills in assessing and identifying learners with disability;
3. Enhance their capabilities as, implementers of rehabilitation services.; and
4. Further their knowledge on the different laws for children with disability,
inclusive education, and Eclucation for All (EFA).

You may cont:act 340-1170 or 0917.114.2351 for clarifications and look for our
Training Officer Glenn Tek-ingMUFiez.

For the inclusive development of children and youth with djsabilitie5, we remain.



Area Manager
I_ _ I__ __ .----------

NORFIL foundation, lnc.

Communfty-Based Inclusive Development Program
for Children and Youth with Disabilities


Title of Training : Basic Concept of Disability, P`ehabilitation,

and Laws and Policies on Inclusive
Date of Training : June 18-19, 2018
Venue: To be annoLlnced later dul`ing coordination
of NOFtFIL staff to concernecF schools
Districts: Poro, Sam Francisco, Tudela

DistrictSanFrancisco Participants
-One {1} School print:ipal/I+Gad and
oi\e {1} School Teacl\er of the
followiT\g Schools=
1. San Francisco Element:ary School
2. Esperanza Elementary School
3. Cabunga-an Elementary School
4. Campo Elementary School
5. Consue[o Elementary School
6. Mont:ealegre Elementary School
7. Santa Cruz Elementary School
8. Sonog Elementary School
9. Unidos Elementary School

-One {1) School princ:ipal!Head and

one (1) School Teacher Of the
following schools=
1L PQrQ Central Elementary School
2. Altavista Elementary School
-Poro Dist:rictsupervisor`
3. Adela Elementary School
Poro 4. Mercedes Elementary School
5. Cagcagan Elementary School
6. Teguis Elementary School
7. Rizal Elementary School
8. Mabinj Elementary School
9. Esperanza Elementary School

i One {1) Sc:hool principal/Head andl

one (1} School of the
following schools=
1. Tudela Central School
2. Buenavista Elementary School
. TudelaDis`trjctSupervisor
3. Secante Bag-o Elementary School
Tudela 4. Calmante Elementary School
5. Puertobello Elementary School
6. General Elementary School
7. MCArthur Elementary School
8. Villahermosa E[ementary School
NORFIL Foundationg lnG.
Community-Based lncl iisive Developrnem Prcigram
for Children and Youth with Disabilities


Title of Training : Basic Concept of Disability, Rehabilitation,

and Laws and Policies on Inclusive
Date of Training : Jiine 21-22, 2018
Venue: To be announced later during coordination
of NORFIL staff to concerned schools
Districts: Sta[ Fe, Bantayan, Madridejos

District Participants
-One {1) School principal/Head
and one {1} Sol.ool Teacher of-
the following sc:hools=
1. Langub Elementary School
2. Hagdan Elementary School
-Sta. Fe District 3. KinatarcanElemenary school
St:a. Fe
Supervisor 4. Hilantagaan Integrated School
5. Okoy Elementary School
6. Balidbid Elementary School
7. Santa Fe Central Element:ary School
8. Pooc Elementary School

i One (1) School principal/Head

and ot\e {1} Scl-ool Teacher of
the following schools\-
1. Bantayan Central Elementary
2. Botigues Integrated School
-Bantayan District 3. Doong Integrated School
Supervisor 4. Lipayran Integrated School
5. Guiwanon Elementary School
6. Tamiao Element:any School
7] Kangkaibe Elementary School
8. Kabac. Elementary School
9. Sulangan Integrated School

i One {1) School principal/Head

ancL one {1) School Teacher of
the following schools=
1. Madridejos Central Elementary
I MadridejosDistrict 2. San Agustin Elementary School
Supervi-sor 3. Bunakan Ititegrated School-
4. Tugas Elementary School
5. Pill Elementary School
6. Tabagak Elementary School
7. Kodia Integrated School
NORFIL Foundation, lnc.
Community-Based lriclusive Develcipmant Program
for Children and Youth Disabilities


Title of Training : Basic Concept oE Disability, Rehabilitation,

and Laws and Policies on Inclusive
Date of Training : June 25-26, 2018
Venue: Golden Valley Hotel, Cebu City
District:s: Ftonda, A[cantara, Moa]boal, A]egria

Di-stri-ct Partic-rpants
i One (1} Scl®ool principal/Head and
one (1} Scl-oof Teacher Of the
foHowing schools:
I RondaDistrictSupervisor 1. Ronda Central Elementary School
2. Liboo Elementary School
3, Madanglog Elementary School
4. Butong Elementary School
5. Can-abujon Elementary School
6. Sta. CFuz Elementary School

i One (1) School;ipal/Head and

one {1} School Teacher. of the
following sehools=
1. Alcantara Cent:ral Elementary School
I AlcaEt_taraDis 2.. Lawaan Elementary School
Aicantara trfct 3. Palaiias Elemeritary. School
Supervisor 4. Cabacliangan Elementary School
5.. Carrda_bori_g E_lement_a_ry Sc_h.c)ol.
6. Manga Elementary School
7. Polo Elementary School

- One (1} Sch®ol principal/Head and

one {1) School Teact\er of the
following schools=
I MoalboalDist:rictSuperv[sor 1. Agbalanga Elementary School
2. Basdiot Elementary School
3. Bugho Elementary School
4. Moalboal Central Element:ary School
5. Saavedra Elementary School
6. Tuble Elementary School

-One (1} School principal/Head and

one (1} School Teacl\er of the
foI[.owing school-s=
1, Alegria Central Elementary School
- Alegria 2. Madridejos Elementary School
Ale9ria District- 3. Legasp[ Elementary. School
Supervisor 4. Guadalupe Elementary School
5. Lepanto Elementary Schoc>I
6. Valencia Elementary School
7. Montpeller Elementary School

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