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Modification and optimization of a slurry, whether amorphous or crystalline, in the laboratory

can yield significant improvements in filtration rates. By modeling the process in the
laboratory, one can model what is occurring in the plant. It is evident that attention paid in the
laboratory to the factors affecting particle size distribution will save on capital investments
made for separation equipment and downstream process equipment. Specific cake resistance
(a) can be determined in the laboratory over the life of a batch, to evaluate if time in the vessel
and surrounding piping system is degrading the product’s particle size tothe point it impedes
filtration, washing and subsequent drying. Factors such as agitator design, agitation rates,
pumps, slurry lines and other equipment, which can unnecessarily reduce the particle size,
should be taken into consideration. Increasing the particle size in the slurry, and narrowing the
particle size distribution will result in increased flow rates. Large variations in particle size will
increase the compressibility of a cake per unit volume. Since small particles have greater total
cumulative surface areas, they will have higher moisture contents. For example, flour and
water, when filtered with the same pressure or driving force as sand and water, will have a
higher residual moisture level, thereby increasing the downstream dryer size. In the plant, the
type of pump and piping system used to feed the filter are often of great importance, as time
spent on crystallization and improving crystal size and particle size distributions can be quickly
undone through particle damage. Recirculation loops and pumps for slurry uniformity may not
always be necessary. A review of the most commonly used process pumps are discussed
below: Diaphragm pumps. These offer very gentle handling of slurries and are inexpensive and
mobile. However, the pulsating flow can cause feeding and distribution problems in some
types offiltration systems, e.g., conventional basket centrifuges. They can also interfere with
process instrumentation e.g., flowmeters and loadcells. CentriJGgal pumps. Probably the most
common source ofparticle attrition problems is the centrifugal pump. The high shear forces
inherent to these pumps, particularly in the eye of the impeller, make some crystal damage

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