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102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan

Nicolette Byron: 17235482


Year: Syllabus section:
Year 9
Geography K-10, Stage 5: Sustainable Biomes (syllabus pp. 94-95)
Unit Name: Sustainable Biomes
Lesson Topic: Human alteration to Biomes, Lesson 6/10. Duration:
Inquiry Question: Do you think humans have altered the physical
characteristics of Biomes? 1hr (60 mins)

Prior knowledge/skills required: Resources (Attach

– Acquiring geographical information classroom ready
• collect, select, record and organise relevant data and students will be using)
geographical information, using ethical protocols, from a
variety of appropriate primary data and secondary information – Workbook
sources (ACHGS064, ACHGS073)
– Processing geographical information – Pens, pencils, etc.

• evaluate multi-variable data and other geographical information

using qualitative and quantitative methods and digital and
spatial technologies as appropriate to make generalisations and
inferences, propose explanations for patterns, trends, – Worksheets (see
relationships and anomalies, and predict outcomes
(ACHGS067, ACHGS076)
• apply geographical concepts to synthesise information from
various sources and draw conclusions based on the analysis of
data and information, taking into account alternative
perspectives (ACHGS068, ACHGS077)
– Communicating geographical information
• reflect on and evaluate the findings of an inquiry to propose
individual and collective action in response to a contemporary
geographical challenge, taking account of environmental,
economic and social considerations; and explain the predicted
outcomes and consequences of their proposal (ACHGS071,

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) - Highlight relevant items

1. Intellectual Quality 2. Quality Learning 3. Significance
1.1 Deep knowledge Environment 3.1 Background knowledge
1.2 Deep understanding 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.2 Cultural knowledge
1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.2 Engagement 3.3 Knowledge integration
1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.3 High Expectations 3.4 Inclusivity
1.5 Metalanguage 2.4 Social Support 3.5 Connectedness
1.6 Substantive communication 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.6 Narrative
2.6 Student direction
102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan
Nicolette Byron: 17235482

How are the Quality Teaching (QT) elements achieved in the lesson?
QT element Indicators of presence in lesson
1.4 Students should be able to use their knowledge of geographical issues
to predict and define Biomes. Also, students utilise analytical thinking
skills and are required to analyse perceptions of human alterations on
their local Biome.

2.2 Students will be physically finding geographical information online

(ICT) throughout lesson. Student learning through the lesson will be
facilitated by the teacher to develop positive student/ teacher

3.4 Students will be involved in individual and small group tasks

throughout the lesson as well as classroom discussion which is to be
guided by the teacher.
102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan
Nicolette Byron: 17235482


Syllabus outcomes:

GE5 -2 explains processes and influences that form and transform places and environments

GE5- 3 analyses the effect of interactions and connections between people, places and environments

GE 5-7 acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant
geographical tools for inquiry.

GE 5-8 communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies.

Students learn to: Students learn about:

Students skim and scan written and Students consider the symbiotic relationship Indigenous people had
visual geographical texts to assess with the Windsor South Creek (site) in previous times. Additionally
human impact on Biomes. students consider the impact white settlement and urbanisation has
Use geographical skills and had on the local Biome, with a particular focus on how water quality
knowledge to assess and collect data has consequently been affected by human alterations to Biomes.
appropriate to investigation.

Timin Lesson content Student activity Teacher activity

Introduction to local Students are ready to learn and are Teacher is prepared for lesson.
5 Biomes/ Australian seated in their allocated seats waiting Teacher greets students at the
Mins Rivers- focus on water for teacher to mark the roll and give door and welcomes students
quality. This lesson instructions. inside then marks the roll.
requires that students Teacher asks students to sit in
assess the impact of their allocated seating plan.
human alterations of the
Biome (South Creek) in
their local area. Students
apply geographical
knowledge learnt in
previous lessons to
complete activities.

Teacher begins class by Students visit the following link: Teacher instructs students to
10 tapping into student’s prior!/media/ visit the website provided to
Mins knowledge of key 524323/hawkesbury-river-tourism- them- teacher reads the URL
concepts such as: place, and-river-health using their BYOD. aloud and also writes the URL
biomes, and environments (WWW) on the white board.
via class discussions.
Prior to students watching the video, Teacher hands out to students a
The following inquiry students: printed copy of graphic
Question formulates the 1. Place their name and the title: organiser- Venn diagram) (see
learning activities found River Health at the top of the attached). Teacher poses the
within this lesson: Venn diagram worksheet. (L) following questions to the
Students watch the video using their students by writing them on the
Do you think humans BYOD. interactive whiteboard:
have altered the physical 1. “What is being discussed
102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan
Nicolette Byron: 17235482

characteristics of Biomes? throughout the video?”

After watching the video students (Key points)
answer the questions that the teacher 2. “How is the information
places on the board (see next column discussed throughout the
for questions). video relevant to the
topic: Water quality at
Students are to answer the questions the Windsor South
using their graphic organiser (L) Creek?”
Students: investigate Students are allowed to discuss with Teacher asks the question: Do
10 environmental challenges to the person next to them their ideas you think humans have
Mins food production for Australia when answering the following altered the physical
and other areas of the world question. characteristics of Biomes?
(Testing prior knowledge).
for example: (ACHGK063) Question: Do you think humans have
altered the physical characteristics of Teacher places student
- description of the impact of Biomes?(L) responses/ ideas on the
water scarcity and pollution interactive whiteboard.
on food production
Teacher facilitates class
discussion based on the
following question: Why do
humans change Biomes? (GE
5- 2).

Mins Students analyse the photo provided Teacher presents students with
by the teacher (see attached activity) an image of human expectation
and consider the symbiotic from natural systems- see
relationship Indigenous people had image attached.
with the Windsor South Creek (site) in
previous times.

(Group Work- 3 people per group) Teacher facilitates students

Students work in groups to complete with appropriate instructions
activity: Responding to changing for activities and help where
biomes. needed.
(Individually) Each student completes
attached: line drawing activity (N)
Teacher keeps track of time.
Students complete activity: Photo This lesson is conducted prior
analysis of Windsor Site (see to lunch break affording
attached). additional time if needed.
Students visit the following link: Teacher writes the following quote on the white board- “The
australia/australian-story/austn- production of food is a
farming-and-agriculture (WWW) necessity for sustaining life.
In the past the relationship
Students take down the following between human and the
notes in their workbook or BYOD: natural environment was
more balanced in that what
As a growing species (increasing naturally existed could
102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan
Nicolette Byron: 17235482

population): our demand for food has sustain”.

increased over time. Our use of the Teacher uses the example of
natural environment has depleted its Nomadic Farming / Aboriginal
viability and/or the natural perspective case study, to
environment is not suitable for intense explain what that means to
growth. Our competing land use has students to stimulate class
increased intensive farming, hence the
capacity for the biome to supply this discussion.
demand has diminished and humans
have resorted to altering. Teacher is available for student
support and offers guidance to
Students visit: students when completing the learning activities.

1. Using the map, identify which

countries have highest water
stress levels (N)

2. Compare this to food

production research (and prior
knowledge of what countries
have high levels of food

3. Students write ONE paragraph

describing how water
availability impacts on food
production (L)

5 Conclude lesson Students ensure they have all of their Teacher reflects on the lesson
Mins equipment with them and are and what the students learnt in
dismissed by the teacher. preparation for next lesson.
Students are dismissed by the


How have outcomes been achieved?
Learning outcome Method of measuring and recording
5.1 By checking student’s worksheets as they complete them, the teacher
can observe that the students are appropriately identifying, gathering
and evaluating geographical information.

5.4 By observing students, as they complete the activities the teacher can
gage if the student is using the geographical tools appropriately and
judge which students need assistance- i.e.: deciding where
differentiation of content is necessary.
Links to next lesson: This lesson forms a strong link to Lesson 7 found within the unit outline- TAS. This
Geography lesson asks that students examine and interpret geographical information using a range of tools/
skills, including: literacy and numeracy. This has been achieved throughout this lesson via use of graphic
organisers such as a Venn diagram and ICT- web quests. Similarly, the TAS lesson requires that students
102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan
Nicolette Byron: 17235482

utilise their literacy skills to support their collection of data via investigation into the Indigenous Australian
peoples tools found in the Windsor area and on display at the Windsor Heritage Museum. In addition, this
Geography lesson looks closely at examination of how humans have altered biomes over an extended period
of time and what changes have occurred to the environment as a result.
AISTL graduate standards and evidence that this lesson achieves this standard.
AITSL Standard Evidence within this lesson
This lesson has been planned in a sequence of lessons all aimed at a specific goal
3.2 Fieldwork. In this lesson students gain experience in employing the skills that
they will have to use whilst undertaking the virtual fieldwork. The fieldwork is
used to build on prior knowledge and to enable students to apply geographical
skills and knowledge to the Aboriginal Site study

4.5 ICT is used in this lesson in a safe and responsible manner. Teaching students
how to read weather maps could have been done through handouts or class
discussions however ICT has been used to teach the students much faster and
Much more effective.

5.1 By observing students as they complete their worksheets and check their
answers to make sure they are on the right track the teacher conducts formative
assessments on the students to gage their learning

WHS considerations

 Students are seated in their chairs safely

 Room is ventilated adequately
 No trip hazards
 Risk assessment for any student that needs one has been carried out
 Individual learning plan has been carried out for aboriginal students or those with additional needs
 Provide adequate lighting in the classroom for student learning
 Students follow school policy
 Fieldtrip excursion notes completed and returned- student allergies noted etc.
 First aid kit carried to site
 Mobile phone charged & ready for use in case of emergency
 Up to date anaphylaxis and CPR training


See worksheets attached below.
102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan
Nicolette Byron: 17235482

Activity: Venn- diagram River Health

Visit this website:!/media/524323/hawkesbury-river-tourism-and-river-health
Your task:
After watching the video, fill in the Venn diagram below by considering the following questions:
1. What is being discussed throughout the video? (Key points discussed)
2. How is the information discussed throughout the video relevant to our topic (water quality) and our
local biome- Windsor South Creek?



102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan
Nicolette Byron: 17235482

Activity: Responding to changing Biomes

1. Why do humans change Biomes? (GE 5- 2).


2. Presented below is an image of human use of biomes.


3. Answer the following questions in small groups (2-3 people): What can you see in this photo?
What is it that humans would have altered to achieve the scene depicted in the photo?




102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan
Nicolette Byron: 17235482

Skills Activity: Line- drawing

What you will need: Pen, Pencil, Paper (workbook).

What is a line drawing?

 In geography, we use field sketches to record information when studying places outside the classroom.

 When drawing line drawings/ field sketches, students should not seek to reproduce every element of

the place (landscape) being observed. Rather, they should highlight the principal geographical features

they observe.

1. At the top of a blank page in your workbook write the title “Line drawing of the Windsor South Creek”

and put the date in the left hand corner of your page.

2. In the blank space provided (next page), complete a line drawing of the photo below. (Image:

Windsor, South Creek or Wianamatta).

102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan
Nicolette Byron: 17235482
102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan
Nicolette Byron: 17235482

Answer the following questions:

1. Using your line drawing, you are to describe what the photo represents to you- be descriptive, think

about your annotations from a geographical context.




2. Make a list of what you see in the photo i.e.: river, grass, soil etc

 _________________________________________________________________________

 _________________________________________________________________________

 _________________________________________________________________________

 _________________________________________________________________________

3. What does this image tell you about how humans have altered natural biomes?




102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan
Nicolette Byron: 17235482

Activity: Photo Analysis- Windsor site

(Images: Windsor South Creek & Windsor Courthouse )
102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan
Nicolette Byron: 17235482

Task: After studying the photos above, answer the following questions. (Note: A table with information on

water quality data has been provided to help you).


1. After looking at these photos can you observe any of the following possible sources that might contribute

to water quality at the Windsor South Creek? List your answers below:

1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________

3. __________________________________________

2. Based on knowledge learnt in class, state whether water temperatures would be higher or lower on

heavily human impacted biomes. In two sentences justify your answer using correct geographical








3. Would you consider the water quality of the Windsor South Creek to have been better or worse when

the Indigenous people occupied the biome? Give reasons for your answer.




102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan
Nicolette Byron: 17235482

Ways to Interpret Water Quality Data

Dissolved oxygen levels below Oxygen levels below level required to  Organic matter, leaves
5mg/L maintain ecological health of waterway
 Sewage

Phosphate level above 0.05 mg/L Nutrient levels above ANZECC  Fertiliser
guidelines for protection of ecological
health of freshwater ecosystems –  Detergents
danger of algal bloom
 Sewage

Turbidity levels above 10 NTU Excess sediment is washing into  Construction sites
 Erosion of soil from cleared land

Biochemical oxygen demand above Excess organic matter in waterway  Excess leaves and other organic
2mg/L matter

 Sewage

 Excess growth of water plants and


Faecal coliform* levels above 600 Water is unsafe for swimming.  Sewage
colonies/100 mL
 Animal droppings

 Dairy and feedlot contamination

Water smells of oil and grease; oily Water is being contaminated by oils  Oil dripping from cars onto roads
'rainbow' slick on the surface of the and greases and driveways
 Oil and grease being tipped into
stormwater drain

 Illegal dumping

Rubbish and litter Rubbish on streets being washed into  Uncovered rubbish bins
stormwater system
 Bad attitudes – people littering
102085 Assignment 2: Geography Lesson Plan
Nicolette Byron: 17235482

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