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Journal for Nicolette Byron

An Introduction to Stronger Smarter

20 Jul 2016 Self assessment

Self assessment

How much do I currently understand about the philosophy and beliefs of the Stronger
Smarter philosophy and approach?

Rating - Four/Five

How much do I understand and use the common language of Stronger Smarter?

Rating - Five/Five

How aware am I of my own assumptions about Indigenous students, their families and
their education?

Rating - Four/Five

How well do I understand myself as a cultural and unique being?

Rating - Five/Five

How aware am I of enabling and disabling practices at my school?

Rating - Five/Five

How aware am I of my own engagement with enabling or disabling practices?

Rating - Five/Five

How much effort am I putting into changing my own disabling practices?

Rating - Four/Five

How much effort am I putting into changing the disabling practices in my school?

Rating - Three/Five

To what extent do I explicitly engage with data to track Indigenous student performance?

Rating - Four/Five

20 Jul 2016 Compare results

i thought i knew a reasonable amount about aboriginal student, how they learn
and my idea of self and how i viewed aboriginal students and how they learn. i
now know that i did not know very much at all and some of what i did know was
actually not accurate!

20 Jul 2016 Self assessment

Self assessment

How much do I currently understand about the philosophy and beliefs of the Stronger
Smarter philosophy and approach?
Rating - Four/Five

How much do I understand and use the common language of Stronger Smarter?

Rating - Five/Five

How aware am I of my own assumptions about Indigenous students, their families and
their education?

Rating - Four/Five

How well do I understand myself as a cultural and unique being?

Rating - Five/Five

How aware am I of enabling and disabling practices at my school?

Rating - Five/Five

How aware am I of my own engagement with enabling or disabling practices?

Rating - Five/Five

How much effort am I putting into changing my own disabling practices?

Rating - Four/Five

How much effort am I putting into changing the disabling practices in my school?

Rating - Three/Five

To what extent do I explicitly engage with data to track Indigenous student performance?

Rating - Four/Five

20 Jul 2016 National Professional Standards for Teachers

i am grateful for the opportunity to learn more about how i can work with
aboriginal students in my care. this module has also provided me with an
opportunity to further examine the teaching standard and assess what i am doing
and area for improvement

20 Jul 2016 Part 3 Summary - Strategies for change

a simple change that the school i volunteer at could make would be to develop a
aboriginal student representative council . these students would look at ways that
they could promote sense of self and develop leadership capacity for other
aboriginal students

20 Jul 2016 Part 3 Summary - Strategies for change

promoting a positive sense of self
ensuring high expectations
having shared understanding of expectations and involving parents of aboriginal
students is key to greater educational success for these students.

20 Jul 2016 School models

staffing is very important when hiring the right teachers to work with aboriginal
students and their families and community. all teachers should understand how
aboriginal students learn best and it should be a whole school approach. schools
should form relationships with aboriginal students and their families before they
begin school. this strong connection ensures better outcomes ,resilience and
completion of their education.

20 Jul 2016 School models

one size fits all approach to aboriginal education is not appropriate. each setting
must involve all the community in establishing the vision and programs which will
work best for their aboriginal students

20 Jul 2016 Schooling starts at birth

a strong emphasis on pre school programs in some schools helps the little ones
and their parents acclimatise to the formal school setting. it helps with transition
to kindy and buils strong relationships with aboriginal families.

20 Jul 2016 Staffing approaches to address complex challenges

selecting the right staff is paroamount. in the NT new staff are recruited on
qualities like, resilience. ability to relate to others and ability to be innovative and
think on their feet.

20 Jul 2016 Staffing approaches to address complex challenges

students pick up on how productive relationships work via seeing it everday
between their teacher and the indigenous aide.

20 Jul 2016 Staffing approaches to address complex challenges

employing aboriginal teaching aides has a positive effect on aboriginal student
outcomes. . respectful relationships between the aide and teacher is paramount.
it should be viewed as a co- team.

20 Jul 2016 Meaningful connections with community

schools in the Hunter region that have participated in the stronger smarter
leadership program have shown significant improvement due to the creation of a
learning community and willingness of teachers and schools to reflect on data.
more staff are taking on professional learning. there are quality relationships
occurring which makes a huge difference

20 Jul 2016 Meta-strategies 4 and 5: Innovative school models

whilst challenges exist it is important i believe to continue finding new and
innovative ways to engage aboriginal students and their families in their learning
so as to improve outcomes

20 Jul 2016 Summary: High-expectations leadership

the school that i have worked at seem to be very involved in looking at student
data for all students including aboriginal students. particular programs have
been initiated to close the gap that was found in literact. also there is strong
involvement withspecific teaching strategies explicitly aimed at improving literacy
and numeracy for aboriginal students.

20 Jul 2016 Summary: High-expectations leadership

it is important to use data to inform teaching practice. consistent and timely
evaluation of student learning outcomes helps teachers to change the way they
do things or perhaps recognise that they have not been placing enough
emphasis on high expectations for aboriginal students

20 Jul 2016 Supporting Teachers

teaching aboriginal perspectives to all students helps all students to recognise
the value and history of aboriginal students and the community.

20 Jul 2016 Supporting Teachers

the whole school strategy is very important. a teacher induction program helps
with this because it gives the teacher background knowledge of the aboriginal
community and how the school works with the community to best support the
learning needs of the child. staff being employed at schools should make sure
that they are going to recognise their aboriginal students and celebrate how
deadly aboriginal students are

20 Jul 2016 High-expectations relationships

quality relationships are key. equal power and explicit expectations lead to better
aboriginal student outcomes

20 Jul 2016 High-expectations relationships

the high- expectations relationship is both supportive and challenging. you need
to be encouraging but alsofirm in your approach with aboriginal students and
their parents.the dialogue and reflection allows a teacher, child and parent to
find solutions to the problem and move forward

20 Jul 2016 High-expectations classrooms

as a leader having hard conversations with staff and students is important for
school leaders. it is important to help alll staff rethink how they value aboriginal
learners. there needs to be a specific aboriginal ed lense over the teaching and
learning in the school

20 Jul 2016 Meta-strategy 3: High-expectations leadership

as a teacher i really have to examine my sub conscious beliefs about how my
expectations for aboriginal students really is. if i do this i empower the students
and myself to truly have high expectations of the aboriginal students in my class

20 Jul 2016 Summary: Embracing positive Indigenous leadership

the school where i had prac and the school i volunteer at both involved the
aboriginal community in helping the aboriginal students. incusions and
excursions were arranged where aboriginal students had positive role models
within their community to look up to. it would also be an advantage to have some
aboriginal teachers at the school for the same reason. neither school has any
aboriginal teachers.i could talk to the principal or head teacher about this

20 Jul 2016 Working with the community

it is important not to make decisions first and then play lip service to the
community voice when you ask them. school leaders must be inclusive and
collaborative. they must consult and truly listen to the aboriginal parents and
wider community. no change within the school will be effective if this does not

20 Jul 2016 Meta-strategy 2: Embracing positive Indigenous leadership

the school vision and decision making should be made in collaboration with all

20 Jul 2016 Meta-strategy 2: Embracing positive Indigenous leadership

it is important to involve elders and parents in the aboriginal students school. it is
important to work with the community to make sure that the community reinforces
the rules and culture set in the school.

20 Jul 2016 Summary: Positive student identity

A sense of identity for young aboriginal students is vital in helping them achieve
at a standard commensurate with their ability. explicit programs and teaching
techniques which allow students to connect with their aboriginality and take pride
in their identity empower aboriginal students to question stereotypes from the
past and believe that they can achieve

20 Jul 2016 The curriculum

the curriculum can help address sense of identitiy for aboriginal students. it
needs to be a big focus at the school in curriculum. it can be achieved by
involving aboriginal community members in the school curriculum and by explicit
programs like Aboriginal Studies

20 Jul 2016 The curriculum

the curriculum can help address sense of identitiy for aboriginal students. it
needs to be a big focus at the school in curriculum. it can be achieved by
involving aboriginal community members in the school curriculum and by explicit
programs like Aboriginal Studies

20 Jul 2016 The school environment

the school should be stimulating and reflect what the kids are learning. it should
be safe and they should know that people and teachers care about
them.aboriginal students should be encouraged from a young age to have a
sense of identity and worth and know their history. they should be proud of who
they are

19 Jul 2016 Part 3: Strategies for Change

i would like more help with positive student identitiy and indigenous leadership

19 Jul 2016 End of Part 2

A school culture does not need to stay the same for ever and a day. It is
important that the school culture is shared and reached by mutual connection
and collaboration. All individuals and all stakeholders must work together to
share the value. individual teachers need to show students that they believe in
the culture and promote it to the students in their classes. it should be visible and
referred to often. it should be evaluated and adjusted if it is going to make a
change for students in the future

19 Jul 2016 Summary - Understanding school cultures

i would like to take a more active role in my school community when i get there to
promote stronger smarter education. perhaps my colleagues may not be aware
or the culture in the school needs to be re vamped or thought through to make
sure all students benefit. i definitely feel more comfortable and knowledgeable
now to practise stronger smarter principles in my own classroom

19 Jul 2016 Summary - Understanding school cultures

the schools i have worked at and done a prac at do subscribe to the principles of
stronger smarter. all aboriginal students are on an educational plan that is
individualuised. they have goals and mentors and are encourasged. their
teachers have high expectations. sometimes paperwork and chasing up can
impede progress so that is something that needs to be improved but the vision is
strong and students are improving. more parental and community involvement
would help and pl for staff on stronger smarter would also benefit the staff in their
teaching and ultimately student outcomes. i will continue to engage in my
professional community and have high expectations for my aboriginal students. i
will show them i care and include their carers and community where possible

19 Jul 2016 Summary - Understanding school cultures

as an individual i can contribute to a positive school culture where high
expectations and positive self thought apply to all students including aboriginal
kids.the schools where i have had experience have a strong culture of
acceptance and promote positive self talk and high expectations. it is a shared
vision as detailed in the School Plan

19 Jul 2016 Changing deficit conversations

as i mentioned in my previous entry i have witnesses deficit conversatiions in the
workplace. as i am only a prac teacher it is hard to say something to the staff
member. what i do do is walk away and not be involved. i see no point in giving
an audience. when i am in the teaching profession i will politely point out the
strenghts of the student and offer helpful consructive ways to promote positive
relationships and high expectations for all. this is my philosophy

19 Jul 2016 Deficit conversations

As a prac teacher and a teachers aide i have encountered conversations which
are deficit. particularly around particular students who have perhaps been
"problems' in the is sad that these conversations occur however it is my
belief that they stem from the culture which exists within the school. i can
honestly say that when i have heard staff lament like... he cant do it, he is always
away or what do you expect from that family! they are shut down by someone
else who says ... yes they can try this or give him a go or they respond well to
encouragement. this makes the person sit up and think again

19 Jul 2016 Intercultural understanding

as a society and culture pre service teacher i am very aware of the importance of
cultural literacy. i endeavour in all my work at schools i work to make sure that i
know my students and their background and that i teach in a way that is non
judgemental and culturally inclusive.i will often help other prac students if they
ask for help or ideas on how to create lessons which build resilience and cultural
awareness. additionally i continue to build my knowledge by engaging in
professional learning in this area so that my teaching breraks down filters and
misconceptions about how students learn best. realising that an individual
approach is best

19 Jul 2016 School culture

the school where i did my prac and the one where i volunteer where very strict
about attendance. regular checkups and monitoring was in place. rules were
written and verbalised during roll call and assemblies etc. the parents were also
informed and invited to attend the school at parent groups etc. this was a very
good enabling strategy for students because rules were clear and they knew
there were consequences for not attending. year asvisers and the aboriginal
contact liasison officer were very active in building strong relationships with all
stakeholders. one school saw a reduction in non attendance by aboriginal
students and greater course completion as well.sometimes individual teachers
may disable attendance by not following through with a consequence for
truanting. this sends a message that they dont care so i can do what i want

19 Jul 2016 School culture

school culture is important in promoting the principles of Stronger smarter.
raising awareness of values which are present but not recognised is crucial in
changing the way schools do things
19 Jul 2016 End of part 1
it resonates deeply with me that the teacher makes such a difference to the
student and their outcome. all teachers must have high expectations for their
aboriginal students and encourage them to view themselves as proud aboriginals
who can and will achieve. i feel encouraged that i have learnt a few strategies
that i can use in my upcoming pracs and when i am a permanent teacher.

19 Jul 2016 Part 1 Summary - The Stronger Smarter approach

i think the stronger smarter approach involves encouragement and nurturing by
all staff to all aboriginal students. i am proud to say that during my prac and in
my volunteer work i am inclusive and value every student and their contributions.
i realise that i could use the ideas in stronger smarter to improve outcomes for
any aboriginal student i teach in the future

19 Jul 2016 Changing the tide of low expectations

At the school i volunteer in there are 10 aboriginal students. these students each
have an ilp and a mentor. they regularly have elders from there community come
and work with them and their teachers to help the teachers teach in a way yhat
encourages and supporty the students. in the classroom the students are all
treated equally and included. this is good but.. maybe the aboriginal students
need to have more explicit teaching and greater encouragement and discussiona
round their ownership of their aboriginality and the fact that they are as good as
everyone else. there isnt much evidence of this type of talk in the classes i work
in. this lack of explicit teaching could affect sense of worth and ultinately their

19 Jul 2016 Changing the tide of low expectations

it is encouraging to know that whilst i did not have extensive knowledge or
experience with aboriginal education and students that my teaching philosophy
of high expectations and inclusivity was paramount in working with aboriginal

19 Jul 2016 Changing the tide of low expectations

it is encouraging to know that whilst i did not have extensive knowledge or
experience with aboriginal education and students that my teaching philosophy
of high expectations and inclusivity was paramount in working with aboriginal

19 Jul 2016 The Stronger Smarter philosophy

creating teaching and learning programs that are inclusive and accessible for all
students including aboriginal students will improve aboriginal students sense of
worth and identitiy. improved literacy and numeracy results for aboriginal
students and small successes in their education will give them the drive to be
stronger and smarter in the future..teachers should have high expectations of
ALL students. teachers should encourage aboriginal students to believe in
themselves and that they can achieve. i felt how unjust the educational system
has been in the past for aboriginal people and almost guilty that i had not had to
experience such hardship. i will be certain to be aware of how important it is to be
inclusive and encourage and have high expectations for all my students when i

19 Jul 2016 End of Introduction

as a pre service teacher i am very aware of my own unique sense of self. i am
also aware of others around me and the value they have for the whole. however i
am not very aware of the language of of the Stronger smarter approach and am
do not have any real practical experience in its implementation yet

19 Jul 2016 Self assessment

Self assessment

How much do I currently understand about the philosophy and beliefs of the Stronger
Smarter philosophy and approach?

Rating - One/Five

How much do I understand and use the common language of Stronger Smarter?

Rating - One/Five

How aware am I of my own assumptions about Indigenous students, their families and
their education?

Rating - Five/Five

How well do I understand myself as a cultural and unique being?

Rating - Five/Five

How aware am I of enabling and disabling practices at my school?

Rating - Four/Five

How aware am I of my own engagement with enabling or disabling practices?

Rating - Four/Five

How much effort am I putting into changing my own disabling practices?

Rating - Four/Five

How much effort am I putting into changing the disabling practices in my school?

Rating - Three/Five

To what extent do I explicitly engage with data to track Indigenous student performance?

Rating - One/Five

© Stronger Smarter Institute and AITSL

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