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SUPPLEMENT TO ~ The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast with Elizabeth Peru
The trusted source since 2003
© 2016 Elizabeth Peru/Deltawaves All Rights Reserved


THE MESSAGES OF YOUR BODY: Completing The Lessons of 2016

by Elizabeth Peru

Hello and Welcome Dear Tip-Off Community,

The final weeks of 2016 are presenting us with a myriad of opportunities to align our
physical body with our energetic body. 2016 is a ‘nine universal year’ for the planet
(2+0+1+6=9) and it is a year in which ‘letting-go of the head control’, trusting in the
unknown and wrapping up all business we began back in 2008, is of major focus.

For 2008 was a ‘one universal year’ for the planet (2+0+0+8=10 and 1+0=1). Life moves in
cycles of nine years, with numbers one to nine representing the entire life-cycle from
inception right through to completion. Just as there are 360° in a circle and 3+6+0 = 9, life
moves in repetitive patterns that can be predicted with great accuracy. I refer you to your
2016 Numerology Guide for further in-depth details about this. Simply download when you
to The Tip-Off access page.

Throughout 2016 we have been energetically maturing and shedding our old and out-
worn habits, which are no longer required, as we move into a new energy decade for the
planet, beginning in January 2017. This growth and ‘lightening up’ of our energy template
and field, must eventually work its changes down to our physical body. For your physical
body is a replica of your energy body and as your energy body morphs, so does
your physical body. Our physical body is the last body (that makes up the entirety of who
we are) to shift, after we have made an energy shift.

In 2016 our solar system has been through an acceleration of vibration, whilst Earth has
been influenced by some rather intense planetary alignments. The Grand Cross of planets
that first occurred in June 2016 (where Venus was a key player) has pushed us to value
our innate worth, with this influence impacting us well into 2017. Think back over 2016 and
you’ll notice that ‘valuing yourself and your needs’ has been a key theme. Yes?

Which brings us to the final weeks 2016, which has been a year that has asked us to
surrender to our higher good. In October, November and December we are cosmically
assisted to clear any lingering toxicity in our body with three Super Full Moons.

A Super Full Moon occurs when the Moon is both full and at its closest approach to Earth
all month. The Moon literally looks larger during a Super Moon and its intensity is amplified,
compared to a normal Full Moon.

In the lead-up to these Super Moons over the final three months of 2016, we are feeling an
internal pressure build-up. You may wish to wipe your slate clean and transmute behaviors
and habits that soul urges you to dissolve and not bring forward into 2017. Likewise, your
physical body will be feeling these flow on effects, as you let go of old patterns from your
physical cells. We can often be attached to our physical aches, pains or negative
emotions and when they are challenged to shift or leave, by our new and enlightened
mindset, they can often put up a fight on the way out. Hence, we have been through
many bouts of colds, flu, viruses and general malaise in 2016.

I bring you this guide to specifically address ‘The Messages’ that your physical body may
be sending you, as we complete the lessons of 2016. After all, we like to know why we feel
a certain way or why we are physically ill. Yes? This supplement is by no means a
‘definitive collection’ of physical messages from your body. It is however, one that covers
what I feel to be the major areas where our physical bodies are transmuting old energy in
2016. I urge you to allow your own inner wisdom to rise and be stimulated, as you read the
interpretations that I offer you in this supplement.

I write from my own experience as a Cosmic and Soul Teacher to thousands worldwide
over the past sixteen years. I also tune into my own soul’s wisdom and interpret what I
hear when reading our body’s messages.

I trust that you enjoy this supplement and that it will serve as a way shower for you to
conduct further investigation into your personal energy and physical shifts of 2016.

Most importantly, I recommend that if your physical body requires medical attention that
you consult your health professional at your earliest opportunity. It is vital that we
address our physical needs along with our energetic ones. Natural remedies can work
beautifully alongside mainstream medicine. I use the two together myself, especially in
2016. Choose how you complement the two and if required, get your physical body looked
at and addressed. It will put your mind at ease to have clarity over physical ailments and
can ensure that you implement a timely healing strategy.

Love and blessings, as you experience your soul…

Elizabeth x

THE MESSAGES OF YOUR BODY: Completing The Lessons of 2016

Let us begin by saying that…

The right hemisphere of your brain controls the left side of your body, from the eye down.
The left hemisphere of your brain controls the right side of your body, from the eye down.


The right hemisphere of your brain focuses on imagination, creativity and femininity.
The left hemisphere of your brain focuses on practicality, logic, analysing and masculinity.


The left side of your body (controlled by the right brain) is your feminine and spiritual side.
Ailments on the left side of your body relate to focusing deeper into your spiritual

The right side of your body (controlled by the left brain) is your masculine and physical
side. Ailments on the right side of your body relate to focusing deeper into your
physical path.


The right side of your body is your ‘giving and doing’ side.
It sends energy and outwardly and is focused on physical pursuits.

The left side of your body is your ‘receiving and passive’ side.
It brings energy inwards and is focused on spiritual connection.

YOUR ARMS and HANDS represent what you ‘do’ in life.

YOUR LEGS and FEET represent your ‘direction’ in life.


To balance the energy between both sides of your body, focus on the heart, which is the
container of ‘soul essence’ in the human body, what I call ‘The Soul Chamber’. Simply
place your hands over your heart (left over right) and focus your awareness and
attention into the heart centre. This simple act directs an even flow of energy around your
body, centering your focus, which in turn brings forth wellness and good health.

BREATHING deeply in and out of your belly several times a day will also move the energy
around your entire body, keeping your focus evenly aligned and centered on soul.


The top of your head can become sore and tight when you are over-thinking and searching
for solutions to problems. This can lead to tension headaches and even migraines if you
over worry and seek to control… consistently.

SOLUTION: I suggest that you use your thumbs to press into any sore spots on your head
and hold until you feel a release of pressure. You can also self-massage the skull, backs of
ears, your face and right down into the neck to release built-up tension. Allow your over-
thinking to soften by trusting instead that you already have the solution in hand to any
issue, which comes your way. Drink lots of filtered water each day (I enjoy it with slices of
lemon for alkalising the body). Exercise out in the fresh air and elements to transmute any
stuck energy in the head, moving it down your body and out through your feet. Walking is
an excellent practice each day to relieve headaches and migraines.

Your eyes may be fuzzy, watering, tired, red or sore at present. If so, there could be some
aspect of your current life situation that you don’t like looking at. What are you refusing to
see? One eye may be bigger than the other, giving a more open or deeper gaze into life.

SOLUTION: Standing in front of a mirror, cover your right eye and look deeply into your left
eye. The left eye is your spiritual eye and sees into your past. What messages does soul
bring forward from your left eye? Then do the same, for your right eye. The right eye is
your physical eye and sees into the future. What messages does soul bring forward from
your right eye?


The pituitary gland is a small pea sized gland that sits behind the centre of our forehead
and in between the eyes. It regulates hormonal release to every major gland of the body. It
is a physical gland.

The pineal gland is a small pine shaped gland that sits in the middle of the brain behind the
pituitary gland. It helps us to see deeply within and to access cosmic consciousness. It is a
spiritual gland.

When the pituitary and pineal gland join forces, we access what is known of as our ‘Third
Eye’. The third eye is a combination of these forces and is like an inner lense into other
worlds. When the third eye is activated, one can see beyond time and communicate with
multi-dimensional beings.

The third eye when activated then also joins forces with the heart, ‘the soul chamber’
forming a pyramid of energy between the three centres of consciousness in our human
body, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland and the heart. This is the ‘holy inner trinity’ of
wisdom and divine knowledge.

When you are reading and working with The Tip-Off Forecast each week, you are
combining the forces of these three centres. For reading and working with spiritually based
material, not only assists in opening your third eye, which sees into multi-dimensional
reality, but also helps to actualise your inner visions, through the vessel of the heart.

During the final months of 2016, many people will be activating their third eye by
accepting that we are spiritual beings experiencing a physical reality. When one meditates
and focuses on opening the imagination, a bridge forms between the pituitary and pineal
glands. This then creates a further bridge to the heart, awakening our sixth and seventh

SOLUTION: If your third eye becomes hazy and your connection to other realms disturbed,
you may get a head cold or your sinuses become blocked. If this is the case, do not worry.
Allow the cold or virus time to run its course and re-set your clear focus within. Once you
are over your illness, you may notice that your connection is stronger and clearer than ever
between the two glands, between the physical and spiritual dimensions. Being out in fresh
air and lots of sleep/rest are good remedies.

Perhaps your nose has become red, sore, blocked or runny recently? This can be because
your third eye connection is clearing, as stated above. Excessive sneezing (apart from
seasonal allergies) can also indicate that you are letting yourself down on some level.
When we sneeze we can be covering up for our own feelings of inadequacy. After a big
sneeze, pause for a moment and consider what you were thinking about just before you
sneezed. Can you see a correlation between the sneeze and a thought that doubted or
undervalued yourself?

SOLUTION: Practice breathing into one nostril at a time. Place your right index finger over
your right nostril, blocking the airflow. Then deeply breathe in and out through your left
nostril eight times. This will clear your right brain and left ear. Then, place your left index
finger over your left nostril, blocking the airflow. Then deeply breathe in and out through
your right nostril eight times. This will clear your left brain and right ear.

Your ears are energetically directly connected to your third eye and also to your heart.
Indeed the word ‘ear’ is contained within the word ‘heart’. Colds and flus can affect our
hearing and connection to soul (the heart) and also block our hearing and interpretations of
both physical and spiritual dimensions. When a general malaise affects you, you may
notice that your connection with spirit is dulled down. If this is the case, do not be
concerned. Throughout 2016, we have been receiving many high vibration
sounds/encoded messages from spirit via our ears. These sounds come in through
one ear at a time and enter as a high-pitched frequency that tunes in slowly, reaches a
crescendo and then slowly tunes out. These sounds happen sporadically. They do not hurt
the ear and they are not tinnitus, which is a constant ringing possibly caused by nerve
damage. When you notice a high frequency entering your ear, simply pause and be still.
You are being downloaded with messages from spirit about your next direction. You will not
be able to consciously decipher the messages as they come through. However, in the days
following such downloads, you will be shown signs and indications of your next moves.

SOLUTION: Keep your ears warm and cup your hands over them gently, sending your life
force energy into the eardrum. Close your eyes and imagine that your hearing extends
deeply within your heart. Then do the same, as you imagine that your hearing extends out
to the furthest reaches of the galaxy.

When we release old patterns of behaviour, we can often find ourselves hanging onto the
past, by clenching our jaw and grinding our teeth. This can be especially prevalent at night
whilst we are asleep and processing messages from spirit. You may also find that your lips
are pursed during the day and you may be biting your bottom lip or folding both of your lips
inwards, if there are words you wish to say, but they are just not coming out.

SOLUTION: Practice wiggling your jaw and making big yawns every hour. Yawning is a
powerful practice. Yawning not only releases tension in the jaw, but it also discharges
spinal fluid from the back of the brain. This can then pass down your spinal column and
into your nervous system, flushing every cell of your body with healing light.

You may find that your neck is particularly tight and/or stiff during the final months of 2016.
Rigidity of the neck can often indicate that we are holding back from change and are
having trouble in letting go of control. Stiff necks can also show your inflexibility. On the left
side, this indicates a resistance to your spiritual path. On the right side, this indicates a
resistance to your physical path. Sore throats are also common in 2016, as is potentially
loosing your voice for a short period. Our voice can seize up when we have been holding
back from what we desire to say for way too long.

SOLUTION: To open the voice I suggest that you write down what it is you wish to say.
Then slowly start saying those words internally. Then when you are ready, start saying the
words out aloud to yourself. I often find it is helpful to do this whilst on a walk in nature, or
driving in your car or in the shower. The next step is to say the words that you need to
express to another. For a sore or stiff neck, I suggest that you take a good look at what
areas of your life you are resisting. Is there some new aspect that wishes to come in, but
you are blocking? Allow yourself to be more spontaneous and to go a day or two without
over-planning every step. Slowly your neck will begin to unwind. Massage and stretching
exercises also help.

The thyroid gland can be particularly over or under-active in those people who work
professionally or privately as Clairvoyants, Mediums and Psychics. If you have a natural
leaning to communicate with spirit and pass on personal messages to others, but are
resisting or shunning this ability, then the thyroid gland can be affected.

SOLUTION: I suggest that you consider what you are saying ‘in the moment’, rather than
backtracking over what you have said in the past and admonishing yourself for it later.
Often times, naturally psychic people can pass on information without filtering it or
considering how it will affect those whom they are passing it on to. Just a little
consideration and choice of the words you use, can make all of the difference between
staying in or out of your integrity. Your thyroid gland, which regulates your metabolism, will
thank you for it.

I often say that, “Our shoulders represent our ‘shoulds’ in life”. We often shrug and say, “I
should do this or I should do that”. Yet, our ‘shoulds’ are often our unfulfilled desires. When
we fail to meet our desires and what we need for growth and personal satisfaction, we can
become stoop necked and round-shouldered. It’s as though we carry the weight of the
world upon our shoulders, much like Atlas of old. The same can be said of sore shoulders.
Muscles can store resentment, hence causing us lingering pain.

SOLUTION: I find the best way to free up your shoulders is to literally notice where you are
looking and where your consciousness is focused. Is it often down at the ground? Or
perhaps your gaze is focused all day at your computer or device? Do your best to look up
or at eye level as much as possible. As you do this, expand your chest so that it is open
and feel your shoulders naturally roll back. They may resist at first, because they are tight.
But, the more that you practice, the more positively minded you will become, as you drop
the shoulds and replace them with the, “I am’s”.

I often speak about our thymus gland and how it becomes ‘activated’ and ‘turns on’ during
heightened periods of cosmic activity. The thymus sits over an energy centre known as the
HIGH HEART, the gateway from the heart chakra to the throat chakra. It vibrates to the
colour turquoise, a mixture of green and blue. As we open up to soul and greater love, this
centre will awaken, as energy passes up on its way to be expressed via our voice. You
may sometimes feel this centre move when you are finding your true voice and speaking
from love. Also, during periods of heightened Earth energy and spiritual awakening, it is
common for our thymus to become activated. The thymus is a butterfly shape gland that
sits in the centre of the chest. The ancients taught us that the thymus is our gland of
‘spiritual awakening’. When we grow spiritually and connect to our source, the thymus
flutters like a butterfly and is actively vibrating, as it transforms us into knowing spiritual
beings. Rather than going into atrophy, as we become older, the thymus awakens and
thrives, the more spiritually aware we become. When your thymus flutters it can be
mistaken for heart palpitations. Of course, if you are having flutters in your chest, get this
checked out by your doctor, to put your mind at ease. I’ve heard from many people who
have had their hearts checked out, to find there were no issues. They were very relived to
discover that the source of their chest fluttering could most likely be the thymus awakening

SOLUTION: You can tap over the thymus gland when it is fluttering to calm it and also to
awaken it when you are feeling flat. Simply use your index and middle fingers together, and
make some gentle taps over the small indent in the centre of your chest, just under your
collarbone. This soothes the rhythm of the thymus and can relax the fluttering.

Our heart is a very special centre of spiritual awareness. Not only is it the key organ in
pumping blood and life force around our body, but also it is what I call our ‘soul chamber’.
The vessel of our heart contains the greatest essence of ‘soul’ in our physical body. It is
the strongest physical organ in the body, working tirelessly to keep our energy at its
optimum level. It is also the centre through which we can access the force of the universe –
LOVE. In many ways our heart has been working overtime in 2016, allowing old and often
painful cellular memories to leave our being. Yet the beauty of this has been that perhaps
never before in the past nine years, has our heart been so open and accessible as it has
been in 2016. You may be feeling what seems like ‘heart palpitations’ at present, as the
cosmic energy shifts our physical vibration. Read my section on ‘the thymus’ if this is the
case. I tend to find that thymus activation is more often than not the cause of that fluttering
feeling in our chest. It is via the heart that we can allow ourselves to be authentic and in our
integrity. The heart knows what you need. It is your answerer. The head knows what
you want and is your questioner. The heart speaks in very simple tones. Perhaps one or
two word answers to your questions. I know the heart as our ‘container of soul’ in the
human body and hence, it is only through the heart that we can access true compassion
and forgiveness.

SOLUTION: If you feel that your heart has become saddened or heavy in 2016, I urge you
to consider the following. In our everyday life we tend to be out of touch with our true
feelings. We can be living out of our head and putting up a shield around us, thinking that
we are ‘protecting our heart’ from being hurt. Yet, what If I told you that when you close off
your heart from the outside world, you actually prevent your own soul’s love, power and
strength from emanating forth and doing the work of ‘protecting or looking after you’. In
other words, you become more vulnerable and weak, the more you shut down your
feelings and your direct access to the heart’s power. I suggest that over the final weeks of
2016 you connect and communicate with your heart. To do this, simply place your left hand
over your heart and your right hand over your left. Close your eyes and focus on breathing
in and out of the heart centre and put all of your attention deep into the heart. Just stay
here for a few minutes and notice how calm and peaceful you become. Then go about your
day as per normal. The more you can practice conscious heart/soul connection, the easier
it will be for you to jump into heart when the need arises in an emergency situation.

Our lungs are like beautiful bellows that fill our body with light and carry the element of air,
change and freshness to all of our cells. I call the lungs ‘our organs of change’ and
therefore, any ailments to do with the lungs or respiratory system can often be related to a
resistance to change and newness. Consider how deeply you breathe in the life force from
moment to moment? Do you breathe deeply into your belly (like a child does) filling up the
entire length of your lungs as you inhale? Or perhaps you shallow breathe (as most of us
do) into the chest and only use 50% or less of the available capacity of the lungs to pump
newness into and carry away toxicity from the cells? Shallow breathing can be caused by
holding on to the status quo and doing our best to control situations in our favour. In the
final weeks of 2016, we are being asked to elegantly let go of any situation that holds us
back from personal freedom and happiness. The lungs being filled with air and dispelling
old energy through exhalation are vital for keeping us internally glowing and able to accept
newness, flexibility and expansion.

SOLUTION: If you find that you are contracting your energy and holding back in 2016, as
your past behaviours are leaving your system, then I suggest that deep breathing into the
belly will assist you to release with greater ease. Simply lie down and place your hands
over your belly. Inhale through your nose, deeply into the belly. Feel your belly rise and
then take this breath up your body. Feel all of your lungs fill with air, right up through the
chest and neck and then release out through the mouth, making the AHHH sound as you
exhale. The ‘Ahh’ is the sound of release and will help your body to let go of tension and
stress, naturally via the breath. You may find that you cough or that your breath gets stuck
when it reaches the top of your lungs. That’s OK. This deep belly breathing takes practice.
I suggest that you start with 5 minutes and then build up to ten minutes or more, once or
twice a day. You will find that the more you deep breathe like this, the more you will enjoy
the process. You will literally start sounding ‘AHH’ with great gusto as you exhale and
release. You may even be able to visualise the aspects of self or past behaviours that are
leaving you with each deep breath. This is a very transformative process.

A healthy liver supports the optimum functioning of every cell and ensures cleanliness of
your entire physical body. Emotions and feelings of anger and fear can store up in the liver
if not regularly addressed and/or released. In a year where we are feeling cosmically
pressured to give up what holds us back, you could be overworking your liver with
unhealthy eating and lifestyle choices. Alcohol and fatty/fried/overly processed foods are
the nemesis of the liver, as they create an acidic environment in your body, overworking
the liver’s ability to remove toxins and making the body more prone to disease.

The final weeks of 2016 are perfect for deciding if you really need to be saturating your
body with toxic foods and drink. If ever there was a time to give up alcohol, caffeine,
smoking and junk food, this is it!

SOLUTION: You can support your liver’s optimum functioning with clean eating and daily
exercise. I like to drink a cup of warm water with fresh lemon slices every morning on an
empty stomach before my outdoors walk. I highly recommend it for alkalising your body
and literally flushing out the digestive system before you begin each day. Dry body
brushing every day before you shower is also an excellent way to move the lymph in your
body, thereby enabling the removal of toxins via your blood stream. You may have a huge
build up of toxins in the final months of 2016, so get that waste removal happening. As you
de-tox this way, you may notice that old emotions, tears and memories rise to the surface
for you to deal with. Be ready for this and see it as part of the necessary cleansing
process. Once you have faced the past and worked through your issues that arise via this
physical cleanse, you will be ready to lay the foundations on the new energy decade
beginning in January 2017.

Your kidneys are responsible for cleaning the blood and sorting out the waste in your body.
Therefore, they play a vital role in your body’s shining health. Kidneys are often affected if
we lack a lust and passion for life. If for example, you are often despondent about your
path and unable or unwilling to seek a direction that would lift your spirits, the kidneys can
take a hit. Our kidneys can store old pent up memories of past failures, or dreams we have
let go of. If we get stuck in our old ways of thinking, the kidneys can also be affected. The
flow on effect is that waste elimination in the body builds up, as we have difficulty ‘letting
go’. In 2016 ‘The Year of Completion’ and letting go, the kidneys need to be considered, as
they are vital in helping you cleanse your body of old painful memories and physical build-
up of the past nine years.

SOLUTION: Unhealthy family/emotionally draining relationships can often affect the

kidneys. Therefore, I suggest that for the remainder of 2016 you look after yourself, and if
that means not subjecting yourself to difficult interactions with family members, then follow
your call. Drink lots of filtered water every day and get plenty of outdoors sunshine and
exercise. Limit sugary drinks, alcohol, caffeine and the like and instead partake of foods
that build up your health and strength. Kidney beans are actually very good for your
kidneys (think ‘the law of similarities’) as are all ‘red’ coloured foods.

Our backbone is incredibly vital in supporting our journey through life. The spinal column
carries our body’s electrical communication system via the nerves, as it influences our
ability to move and flow at will. Back problems have been prevalent for many people in
2016. Issues to do with the cervical spine (top) tend to be ones where you feel you need to
be in control and perhaps are being inflexible. Issues to do with the thoracic spine (middle)
tend to relate to feelings of being stuck and unsure of what to do or where to go. Issues to
do with the lumbar spine (bottom) can often be influenced by feelings of lack or feeling that
you cannot support yourself. If it is the left side of your back that is playing up, then this is
the feminine side of the body and it could be that you are resisting your creative and
spiritual path. Likewise if it is the right side of your back that is giving you problems, then
look into your physical and masculine path. Where are you ‘over doing’ or ‘over-pushing’

SOLUTION: One of the best ways to ensure spine health and the even flow of energy
throughout your body is to stretch your back everyday. Yoga, Pilates and working with
exercise bands etc. are all wonderful ways to keep your spine lengthened and supple. It
also helps to stand and walk more often and sit less. A sedentary lifestyle can see the back
seizing up at just the slightest move. So ensure that you lead a balanced day and one
where you are moving and giving your back a chance to stretch and extend its range.

PART 2 will be online on Monday October 31, 2016.


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