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Lesson Plan #6 Title: Place Value through Thousandths

Performance Objective: 6.0 Students will be able to take a number that can go from the

millions place to the hundredths place and write it in standard form, expanded form, and word

form with 80% accuracy in 5 attempts.

Resources or Materials Needed: McGraw-Hill My Math Grade 5 Volume 1

Time: 80 Minutes

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities: I will review the place value chart with the students by

discussing the name and value of digits in a number that I place on the board.

Step 2: Content Presentation: I will begin the presentation by showing the students the Vimeo

video (Vimeo, Inc, 2018) to present the information that we will be covering today. We will then

work together on identifying places of particular digits, how the number would be written in

word, standard, and expanded form.

Step 3: Learner Participation: Students will begin working on their own on writing numbers in

standard, word, and expanded form. I will be circulating about the room and providing assistance

as needed. We will go over the answers together and I will answer any questions or concerns that

the students may have.

Step 4: Assessment: Students will have 5 questions where they have to create a number that can

go from the millions place to the hundredths place and write it in standard form, expanded form,

and word form.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: Students will be able to create numbers to share with

another classmate and have them put it in standard, expanded, and word form.
Lesson Plan Summary: I will show the students how to write a number in standard, word, and

expanded form and then have them replicate the process on their own, which would make it a

cognitivist lesson.

Assessment and Evaluation Method

Lesson #6 Assessment

1. Write 604.392 in word form: ______________________________________________

2. Write 93.456 in expanded form:_____________________________________________

3. Write three hundred twenty two and thirty four thousandths in standard form:______________
1 1
4. Write 2 × 100 + 4 × 1 + (6 × 10) + (7 × 1000) in standard form:_______________________

5. Write 294,013.009 in word form:_________________________________________________


1.) six hundred four and three hundred ninety two thousandths

1 1 1
2.) 9 × 10 + 3 × 1 + (4 × 10) + (5 × 100) + (6 × 1000)

3.) 322.034

4.) 204.607

5.) two hundred ninety four thousand, thirteen and nine thousandths

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